2015 - MPM - Bandara&Soga - Coupling of Soil Deformation and Pore Fluid Flow Using Material Point

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Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 199–214

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Computers and Geotechnics

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Coupling of soil deformation and pore fluid flow using material point
Samila Bandara ⇑, Kenichi Soga
Cambridge University, Department of Engineering, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1PZ, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents the formulation and implementation of a numerical procedure based on material
Received 21 March 2014 point method (MPM) to solve fully coupled dynamic problems that undergo large deformations in satu-
Received in revised form 21 August 2014 rated soils. The key aspect of this formulation is that it considers two sets of Lagrangian material points to
Accepted 27 September 2014
represent soil skeleton and pore water layers. The accuracy of the method is tested by comparing the
results to some analytical solutions of consolidation theory. The developed method has been applied
to model progressive failure of river levees to illustrate the practical applications. The numerical results
show the robustness of the proposed method with regard to large deformations that undergo rapid fail-
Material point method
Saturated soil
ure mechanisms.
Large deformations Ó 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Dynamic coupled analysis (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/).
Meshfree methods
River levees

1. Introduction be difficult to determine these hydrodynamics parameters from

typical geotechnical investigation.
Large deformation problems in fluid-saturated granular med- The recent advances in particle methods (or meshfree methods)
ium are of great interest in areas such as geophysics, engineering that can be derived in continuum mechanics framework allow us
applications and industrial processes. In particular, geophysical to model large deformation behaviour using conventional geotech-
and gravity driven flows such as fast catastrophic landslides, flow- nical constitutive models. Wide range of meshfree methods are
slides, avalanches, and debris flows cause much damages in many available in the literature and these include smoothed particle
parts of the world due to large travel distances. Similarly failures of hydrodynamics (SPH) method [2,3], material point method
man-made structures (i.e. levees, dikes, and embankments) that (MPM) [4], finite point method [5], element free Galerkin method
occur mainly due to intense rainfall and flooding can also results [6], particle in cell method [7]. Many of these meshfree methods
in severe damages due to seepage flows. have been mainly applied to fluid dynamics problems. Only
In problems such as landslides and flowslides, it is important to recently they have been applied to study solid mechanics prob-
predict the travel distances and to identify the post-failure mech- lems, and SPH and MPM have been popular choices.
anism. Generally it is difficult to use classical mesh based methods SPH method is a fully Lagrangian, particle method, in which a
such as the finite element method (FEM) to model the behaviour continuum material is divided into a set of particles with constant
that involves large deformations due to severe mesh distortion mass and each particle is assigned a spatial distance called a
errors. Most of the continuum techniques that have been used to smoothing length in which the physical properties of each particle
model large deformations in granular soils (for instance rapid is smoothed using a kernel function (i.e. cubic spline kernel func-
landslides with long travel distances) often consider soil as a tion) [8]. Although SPH method is widely used in the research com-
visco-plastic fluid (i.e. Bingham fluid) and fluid-mechanics based munity it has certain disadvantages for geotechnical problems.
hydrodynamics equations have been used [1]. However, it may Many geotechnical problems involve boundary interfaces (soil-
structure interaction) and its accuracy near the boundaries is less
due to insufficient neighbouring particles and thus resulting in loss
⇑ Corresponding author at: Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Swiss Federal Institute
of consistency, which is a widely investigated topic in the SPH
of Technology (EPFL), EPFL-ENAC-LMS Station 18, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland.
Tel.: +41 21 693 2353. research community. Furthermore, numerical oscillations of parti-
E-mail addresses: samila.bandara@cantab.net (S. Bandara), ks207@cam.ac.uk cles occur since SPH does not require the velocity field to be single
(K. Soga). valued (i.e. allows particle penetration). Different stabilisation

0266-352X/Ó 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/).
200 S. Bandara, K. Soga / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 199–214

techniques are being used to minimise this issue (i.e. artificial vis- undergo incompressibility [23]. Also, the internal force at nodes
cosity criterion, average velocity criterion [9,10]). were calculated using Gauss integration considering the total vol-
This study adopts MPM [4,11], in which Lagrangian point ume of cells when a cell volume is filled 90% by material points and
masses, or material points, are moved through an Eulerian back- using averaged stress in cells that is determined by volume averag-
ground mesh (usually a rectangular mesh). Although there is a ing of particle stresses (i.e. same stress for Gauss points inside
mesh, it is only used to solve governing equations and purely cho- same cell). However, this approach may not conserve energy (i.e.
sen for computational convenience. All the properties of the con- mass conservation is violated due to the use of cell volumes that
tinuum are assigned to the material points and all the does not represent true material point volumes).
information is carried out by these material points while the mesh In reality pore water can move relative to solid skeleton, thus
does not carry permanent information. The major advantage of this resulting soil material point to have different water velocity than
method compared to other methods is that application of bound- the velocity computed using the above method. When using the
ary conditions are straightforward due to the presence of back- inertia terms, the coupled problem is of hyperbolic type and it is
ground grid, since the boundary conditions can be directly necessary consider the motion of the water phase and this can
applied to grid nodes as in the FEM. Also particle penetrations be achieved from considering either the true water velocity field
are avoided since the particles move in a single valued velocity or relative water velocity with respect to the solid skeleton [24].
field (i.e. particle velocities are interpolated from the nodal veloc- Shin [20] and Mackenzie-Helnwein et al. [21] modelled solid–fluid
ities). MPM has many similarities to FEM and therefore has the mixtures using MPM by representing solid and fluid particles as
advantage of using advanced features that are well established in Lagrangian particles (i.e. two layers of material points). Mixture
the FEM. theory approach was considered in this study and the momentum
The single phase MPM and its extension generalised interpola- balance equation for the mixture was solved using Eulerian
tion material point (GIMP) method [12] has been applied to several approach. Solid particles were considered as individual particles
geotechnical problems that involve large deformations [13–15]. (i.e. not considering as a solid skeleton as in soil mechanics) with-
MPM has also been applied to study problems in saturated soil out considering the effective stress concept that is available in soil
by several researchers [16–20]. It is common in geotechnical engi- mechanics. Volume fractions and equilibrium pressures have to be
neering to use multi-phase numerical techniques that couples soil calculated at each time step while using mass balance equation for
deformation and pore fluid flow so that the entire time dependent the mixture for each Eulerian mesh. This formulation faces difficul-
process of initial undrained behaviour followed by a consolidating ties since the mixture material would not exactly fill the cell. That
behaviour can be modelled. Since MPM is capable of modelling is, mass would not properly conserve in these methods due to the
large deformations, it is only required to propose a coupled formu- calculation method that is used when evaluating volume fraction
lation to model large deformations. and pressure of each phase.
A fully coupled MPM model still requires further development Abe et al. [18] were the first to model coupled hydromechanical
for refinement. Zhang et al. [19], Jassim et al. [17] and Alonso problems in saturated soil using two layers of material points to
and Zabala [16] use a single layer of material points to model represent solid skeleton layer and pore fluid layer based on Biot’s
two phase soil-pore fluid behaviour, whereas Shin [20], mixture theory. In this formulation, the velocity of water material
Mackenzie-Helnwein et al. [21] and Abe et al. [18] use two points were evaluated at each time step using the generalised
layers of material points (one for solid skeleton phase and the Darcy’s law while neglecting the relative acceleration of water
other for pore fluid phase). with respect to the solid skeleton. This may limit the applicability
Zhang et al. [19] proposed a coupling MPM based on the u–p to extremely rapid motions due to the numerical limitations [25]
form governing equations of saturated soil. In this study, a simple and also the direct calculation of water velocity in each time step
contact algorithm was developed using Coulomb friction law and may lead to errors when dealing with large deformations. They
the results were compared against FEM results. The authors solved have applied this method to simulate the deformation of a river
problems with dynamic responses of saturated soil under compact/ embankment due to seepage failure while using Mohr–Coulomb
impact with solid bodies and did not apply it to model large defor- soil model to represent effective stress behaviour and compara-
mations. Alonso and Zabala [16] used MPM to simulate progressive tively good results were achieved with respect to the results from
failure of Aznalcollar dam in saturated soil condition. The brittle a large scale experiment.
foundation clay was modelled using strain-softening Mohr– The main object of this study was to develop a MPM methodol-
Coulomb elasto-plastic model. In this study, each material point ogy that addresses some of the issues described above so that it
was represented by saturated soil with constant mass (i.e. porosity becomes possible to study large deformation problems in both
is constant). Internal forces and pressure increments at nodes were dry and saturated granular soils. A fully coupled MPM formulation
calculated using the shape function gradients evaluated at cell cen- was derived using a mixture theory based approach (i.e. consider-
tres to avoid issues due to incompressibility (due to the usage of ing the recent versions of Theory of Porous Media that use the
very low permeability), and this approach would be difficult to Lagrangian description for the solid skeleton and where the theory
use with large deformations since it will lead to zero energy modes is based on the concept of superimposed continua with internal
as observed in FEM with low order elements [22]. Additionally, the interactions and individual states of motion [26]) and then adapt-
Rayleigh damping method was used to reduce numerical oscilla- ing the MPM formulation proposed by [11]. The key aspect of this
tions. Similarly, Jassim et al. [17] proposed a coupled dynamic, formulation is that it considers two sets of Lagrangian material
two-phase MPM formulation via velocity formulation (i.e. consider points to represent soil and water. Use of Lagrangian particles con-
both solid and fluid phase accelerations) with a single layer of serves mass and allows history dependent material models to be
material points and used the method to model the pore pressure used. Also, the discrete equations for the momentum balances
development under wave attack on sea dike that does not undergo are obtained on the background grid similar to the finite element
large deformations. The velocities of both soil and water were method with an updated Lagrangian formulation. The proposed
stored at single material point and updated using the computed coupled MPM formulation was implemented into a numerical code
nodal accelerations of soil and water at each step. They used and the performance was validated by comparing the results to
enhanced (averaged) volumetric strains to mitigate spurious pres- some analytical solutions of consolidation theory. It was also
sure fields and locking as observed in FEM, although this method used to simulate progressive failure of a river levees to illustrate
do not guarantee oscillation-free results for saturated soils that a practical application of the code.
S. Bandara, K. Soga / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 199–214 201

2. Governing equations In this formulation the momentum balance equations are

solved to obtain the accelerations of the solid skeleton and the fluid
Saturated soil is considered to be comprised of two constitu- phase. Momentum exchange term (or interaction force) is consid-
ents: solid skeleton and water phase, and the kinematics of each ered in fluid momentum balance equation. This approach is suit-
constituent is described with Lagrangian coordinates. Similar to able for rapid failure problems.
mixture theory based approaches (i.e. theory of porous media), it The following assumptions are made for the coupled MPM
is assumed that the two constituents can occupy the same position formulation:
at the same time. However, the main difference between the pro-
posed MPM approach and traditional FE approaches that are based (i) Solid skeleton and water phases are described in a Lagrang-
on theory of porous media or Biot’s theory [27,26,25] is such that ian formulation assuming each constituents can be repre-
the water phase is also described using Lagrangian coordinates sented as a continuous medium (Fig. 2).
instead of using Eulerian coordinates. This allows us to: (a) con- (ii) Solid grains are incompressible.
serve mass of water in the system which is very important for (iii) Terzaghi’s effective stress concept is assumed to be valid.
applications such as modelling of advective chemical transport in Solid skeleton is modelled using an effective stress model.
nuclear waste systems; (b) model erosion problems where the (iv) Isothermal conditions.
water layer can carry the eroded soil mass content which is impor- (v) No mass exchange between solid and water constituents.
tant in applications such as sand production and erosion in water (vi) Variation of water density (qw ) is negligible.
retaining structures; and (c) model interaction problems of satu- (vii) Variation of porosity, permeability and volume of solid skel-
rated soil and water in an easier way. Some of these applications eton with time is considered.
will be published in future papers.
In this section, first, we list the basic assumptions in the pro- 2.2. Kinematics of porous media
posed approach. Second, we include the basic balance laws and
constitutive equations that describe the mechanics of saturated The initial reference (material) positions of the solid skeleton
soil. Then we formulate the full governing equations that are to phase and the water phase are denoted by X0s ¼ Xs ð0Þ  R3 and
be used with MPM. X0w ¼ Xw ð0Þ  R3 , and their material point coordinates are labelled
as Xs and Xw . The spatial (current) positions of the solid skeleton
2.1. Basic assumptions phase and the water phase are denoted by Xks ¼ Xs ðtÞ  R3 and
Xkw ¼ Xw ðtÞ  R3 , and their material point coordinates are labelled
The balance laws are applied for each constituent separately as xs and xw . The current positions of solid and water material
(i.e. solid skeleton, water phase). Soil is assumed as a multi-phase points (or particles) are written as xs ¼ us ðXs ; tÞ and xw ¼
medium and the governing equations are implemented in the uw ðXw ; tÞ, with us ðXs ; 0Þ ¼ Xs and us ðXw ; 0Þ ¼ Xw , where u
current configuration. Each material point (i.e. solid skeleton denotes the motion of a material point.
and water) has their individual motion which is followed in time The velocity of material points of each phase (i.e. v a where
due to the Lagrangian description. The solid skeleton and water a ¼ s; w represent soil and water) is written as:
material points that are located at the current configuration a
(Xk ) might have located at different locations in the reference D ua ðXa ; tÞ
va ¼ : ð1Þ
configuration (X0 ). This is described in Fig. 1. Since an Updated Dt
Lagrangian formulation is used in this study, the last equilibrium Then the acceleration of each phase (aa ) is written using the
configuration at time t can be considered as the reference a
configuration at the beginning of each time step. The solid material time derivative D =Dt as:
skeleton-water medium can be viewed as the superposition of a
two continuous media (i.e. a solid skeleton and a fluid phase) D va
aa ¼ : ð2Þ
in the current configuration. Dt

Fig. 1. Movement of solid skeleton and water phases.

202 S. Bandara, K. Soga / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 199–214

Fig. 2. Continuum assumption of porous medium.

2.3. Balance laws and the formulation of governing equations and water continua) and the water phase are considered. The
momentum balance equation for the mixture is considered
Using the mixture theory, the momentum balance equation for because it uses the total stress, which is a measurable quantity
the solid skeleton can be written as: in the laboratory. It is also possible to consider the momentum bal-
ance equations for the solid skeleton to calculate the acceleration
ð1  nÞqs as ¼ r  r ^ s þ ð1  nÞqs b
s þ p ð3Þ
of the solid skeleton, although it is not considered in this research.
where qs is the density of solid grains, n is the porosity, and b is the The mass balance equation for the solid skeleton can be used to
body force. r
 s is the partial stress tensor based on the mixture the- update the porosity as follows:
ory which can be written as: s s
Dðms Þ Dðð1  nÞqs V s Þ
r s ¼ r0  ð1  nÞmpw ð4Þ ¼
Dt Dt
where r0 is Terzaghi’s effective stress, pw is the water pressure, and s s s
Dð1  nÞ D qs D Vs
m is the Kronecker delta vector (½1 1 1 0 0 0T ). p^ s is the fluid-cou- ¼ qs V s þ ð1  nÞV s þ ð1  nÞqs ¼0
pled momentum interaction term which is defined as:
Dt Dt Dt
where ms is the mass of the solid skeleton, and V s is the volume of
n2 qw g
^s ¼
p  ðv w  v s Þ  pw rnw ð5Þ the solid skeleton. Dividing by V s :
s s
where k is the soil permeability. The second term in (5) is called the Dð1  nÞ D qs
qs þ ð1  nÞ þ ð1  nÞqs r  v s ¼ 0
‘buoyancy term’ in mixture theories and this term must be consid- Dt Dt
ered for immiscible mixtures such as fluid saturated porous solid
and neglecting the second term due to the assumption of incom-
pressible solid grains, the material time derivative of the porosity
Using (3)–(5), the final version of the momentum balance equa-
can be written as:
tion for the solid skeleton can be written as:
n2 qw g Dn
ð1  nÞqs as ¼ r  r0  ð1  nÞrpw þ  ðv w  v s Þ ¼ ð1  nÞr  v s : ð12Þ
k Dt
þ ð1  nÞqs b: ð6Þ
This equation can be used to obtain the porosity of the soil at the
The momentum balance equation for the water phase can be current configuration.
written as: The mass balance equation for the water phase can be used to
derive the equation of state as follows:
nqw aw ¼ r  r ^ w þ nqw b
w þ p ð7Þ
w w w w
where qw is the density of water, p ^ w is equal and opposite to p
^ s , and Dðmw Þ Dn D qw D Vw
¼ qw V w þ nV w þ nqw ¼0 ð13Þ
r w is the partial stress tensor of water, which is written as: Dt Dt Dt Dt

r w ¼ nmpw : ð8Þ where mw is the mass of water, and V w represents the phase aver-
aged volume of the water. Dividing by V w and assuming the water
The final version of the momentum balance equation for the flow is barotropic:
water phase can be written as:
w w
n2 qw g 1 D qw 1 D pw
nqw aw ¼ nrpw   ðv w  v s Þ þ nqw b: ð9Þ ¼ ð14Þ
k qw Dt K w Dt
The momentum balance equation for the entire mixture can be (13) can be written as:
written as: w w
Dn n D pw
ð1  nÞqs as þ nqw aw ¼ r  r þ ð1  nÞqs b þ nqw b: ð10Þ þ þ nr  v w ¼ 0:
Dt K w Dt
where r is the total stress of the mixture which can be defined as:
Applying (12) into the above equation (this is possible due to
r ¼ r0  mp ð11Þ the fact that the term r  v s is calculated in the same cell where
the material point of water is located), the equation of state for
where p is the effective water pressure. This is equal to pw for fully
the water phase can be written as:
saturated condition and this equation is the classical effective stress
based momentum equation used in soil mechanics. w
D pw Kw
For the coupled MPM formulation developed in this study, the ¼ ½nr  v w þ ð1  nÞr  v s : ð15Þ
momentum balance equations for the mixture (this is possible in
Dt n
the coupled MPM since the equation is solved in the background It should be noted that this equation is applied to the water
grid nodes and the components can be obtained from both soil material point and not to the mixture.
S. Bandara, K. Soga / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 199–214 203

3. Coupled MPM formulation volume associated with the solid skeleton material point (Xsp ðtÞ)
and the current phase averaged density at the solid skeleton mate-
In the proposed formulation, the solid skeleton layer and the rial point location can be obtained using the Jacobian of the defor-
seepage water layer are represented by two layers of material mation gradient as follows:
points (i.e. solid skeleton phase and water phase) that are followed
Xsp ðtÞ ¼ JðXsp ; tÞXsp ð0Þ ð19aÞ
in a Lagrangian sense throughout the computation. Fig. 3 shows a
basic description of the coupled MPM formulation.
q s ðXsp ; 0Þ
q s ðXsp ; tÞ ¼ : ð19bÞ
The initial regions X0s and X0w for solid and water are divided JðXsp ; tÞ
into N sp and N wp disjoint subdomains, with X0s ¼ sp¼1 Xsp ð0Þ and The current soil porosity at the solid particle location can be
SNwp written as:
X0w ¼ wp¼1 Xwp ð0Þ. The centroids of Xsp ð0Þ and Xwp ð0Þ are repre-
sented by Xsp and Xwp . The position, mass, and volume of each ½1  nðXsp ; 0Þ
nðXsp ; tÞ ¼ 1  : ð20Þ
material point initially located at the centroid of each subdomain JðXsp ; tÞ
are tracked in time. The initial mass of solid skeleton and water
material points can be written as: A similar approach can be used to calculate the current volume
Z Z (Xwp ðtÞ) and the phase averaged density (q  w ðXwp ; tÞ) associated
with the water particle using the Jacobian of the deformation gra-
m0sp ¼ q 0s ðXÞdV  q 0s ðXsp ÞXsp ð0Þ
Xsp ð0Þ Xsp ð0Þ dient of the water phase. It is also possible to calculate Xwp ðtÞ and
 w ðXwp ; tÞ while using the current soil porosity value at the water
¼ ½1  n0 ðXsp Þq0s ðXsp ÞXsp ð0Þ ð16aÞ particle location as follows:
Xsp ð0Þ
m0wp ¼ q 0w ðXÞdV  q 0w ðXwp ÞXwp ð0Þ Xwp ðtÞ ¼ Xwp ð0ÞnðXwp ; 0Þ=nðXwp ; tÞ ð21aÞ
Xwp ð0Þ Xwp ð0Þ
Z q w ðXwp ; tÞ ¼ nðXwp ; tÞqw ðXwp ; 0Þ ð21bÞ
¼ n0 ðXwp Þq0w ðXwp ÞXwp ð0Þ ð16bÞ
Xwp ð0Þ
and the latter method is considered in this study.
where q 0s ðXÞ and q
 0w ðXÞ represent the original phase averaged mass
densities of the solid skeleton phase and the water phase, and are
related to the intrinsic densities of each phase (i.e. q0s ðXÞ & q0w ðXÞ) 3.1. Weak form of the governing equations
The main component in the MPM is the spatial discretisation of
q 0s ðXÞ ¼ ½1  n0 ðXÞq0s ðXÞ ð17aÞ momentum equations. For coupled MPM formulation, the finite
q 0w ðXÞ ¼ n0 ðXÞq0w ðXÞ ð17bÞ element method with an updated Lagrangian formulation is
adopted to obtain discrete equations for the momentum balance
where n0 ðXÞ is the initial soil porosity. The intrinsic density of the on the background grid. A single background grid is used for the
solid phase represents the density of solid grains. The total mass coupled MPM formulation. This grid is subdivided into isoparamet-
of each phase is conserved during the computations, since the mass ric quadrilateral elements Xe ; e ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; N e in two-dimensions
of the material points are constant in time. The density and volume with mesh nodes xI ; I ¼ 1; 2; 3; . . . ; N n . Following the finite element
of each material point can change during the computation. method, the functions (i.e. displacement, velocity, and accelera-
The deformation gradient for the solid skeleton phase is defined tion) are approximated by interpolating from the nodal values
as the derivative of the current position with respect to the original using shape functions (i.e. tensor product of piecewise linear basis
position as: functions). The locations of the solid (xs ¼ us ðXs ; tÞ) and the water
(xw ¼ uw ðXw ; tÞ) phases can be approximated using the global
@ us ðX; tÞ shape functions (N I ðxs Þ; N I ðxw Þ) as:
Fs ðX; tÞ ¼ ¼ Grad us ð18Þ
and the Jacobian of the transformation from the original to current xha ¼ xaI NI ðxa Þ ða ¼ s; wÞ ð22Þ
coordinates can be written as Js ðX; tÞ ¼ detðFs ðX; tÞÞ > 0. The current I¼1

Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of the computational grid and material points for the coupled MPM: (a) at initial reference configuration; (b) at current configuration.
204 S. Bandara, K. Soga / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 199–214

where the superscript h is used to denote finite element approxima- The components of the test functions, wsI and wwI are arbitrary
tions to the corresponding continuum quantity. except at constrained nodes on the boundaries where the compo-
Then the discrete displacement field can be defined based on nents of displacement are prescribed. The spatial discretisation is
the nodal positions as: further carried out considering material points as quadrature
Nn points and the integrals become sums over material points. The
uha ðxa ; tÞ ¼ xha  Xa ¼ ðxaI ðtÞ  XaI ÞNI ðxa Þ inertial terms can be discretised using the consistent mass
I¼1 matrix:
¼ uaI ðtÞNI ðxa Þ ða ¼ s; wÞ: ð23Þ
MaIJ ðtÞ ¼ q a ðxa ; tÞNI ðxa ÞNJ ðxa Þ dv
Xa ðtÞ
The velocity field can be approximated as: Nap
Nn X
 q a ðxap ðtÞ; tÞNI ðxap ðtÞÞNJ ðxap ðtÞÞXap ðtÞ
v ha ðxa ; tÞ ¼ u_ ha ðxa ; tÞ ¼ u_ aI ðtÞNI ðxa Þ ¼ vaI ðtÞNI ðxa Þ ða ¼ s; wÞ ap¼1
I¼1 I¼1
ð24Þ ¼ map ðtÞNI ðxap ÞNJ ðxap Þ ða ¼ s; wÞ ð29Þ
and the acceleration field can be approximated as: ap¼1

Nn X
aha ðxa ; tÞ ¼ v_ ha ðxa ; tÞ ¼ v_ aI ðtÞNI ðxa Þ ¼ aaI ðtÞNI ðxa Þ ða ¼ s; wÞ: where the current material point mass of each phase is the same as
I¼1 I¼1 its initial mass (i.e. msp ðtÞ ¼ msp ð0Þ  msp and mwp ðtÞ ¼ mwp ð0Þ 
ð25Þ mwp ).
The nodal values of the internal forces can be written as:
The weak form of the momentum balance equation for the
N sp
X N wp
solid-water mixture is derived by multiplying (10) by a test func-
tion wh and then integrating over the current configurations Xks & Fint
sI ðtÞ   GIsp  r0sp ðtÞXsp ðtÞ þ GIwp  mpwp ðtÞXwp ðtÞ ð30Þ
sp¼1 wp¼1
Xkw . The term involving the stress is integrated by parts and the
divergence theorem is also applied. where simpler notations have been introduced for the gradient of
the shape function (i.e. GIsp ¼ rNI ðxs Þjxs ¼xsp and GIwp ¼ rNI ðxw Þ
q s w h
ahs dv þ q w w  h
ahw dv
Xs ðtÞ Xw ðtÞ jxw ¼xwp ), for the effective stress (r0sp ðtÞ ¼ r0 ðxsp ðtÞ; tÞ), and for the pore
water pressure (pwp ðtÞ ¼ pw ðxwp ðtÞ; tÞ), respectively.
¼ rwh : r0 dv þ wh  ss ds
Xs ðtÞ @ Xs ðtÞ The nodal values of the external forces (i.e. body forces and
applied traction) can be written as:
þ rwh : pw dv  wh  p
 w ds
Xw ðtÞ @ Xp ðtÞ Nsp
X Nwp
sI ðtÞ  msp ðtÞbsp ðtÞN I ðxsp Þ þ mwp ðtÞbwp ðtÞNI ðxwp Þ
þ q s wh  b dv þ q w wh  b dv ð26Þ sp¼1 wp¼1
Xs ðtÞ Xw ðtÞ Z Z
where ss ¼ r0  n is the prescribed traction that acts on the part of þ ss ðxs ; tÞNI ðxs Þ ds   w ðxw ; tÞNI ðxw Þ ds
p ð31Þ
@ Xs ðtÞ @ Xp ðtÞ
the solid skeleton phase boundary @ Xs ðtÞ; n is the unit normal to
the boundary, ds represents surface elements, and p  w ¼ mpw  n is where simpler notations have been introduced for the body force
the prescribed pore pressure that acts on the part of the water (i.e. bsp ðtÞ ¼ bðxsp ðtÞ; tÞ).
phase boundary @ Xp ðtÞ. It is assumed that the test function is zero The semidiscrete momentum balance equation for the mixture
where the displacement boundary conditions for solid and water can be obtained as:
phases (@ Xus and @ Xuw ) are prescribed.
Nn X
The test function is defined similar to the other fields as: MsIJ ðtÞasJ ðtÞ þ MwIJ ðtÞawJ ðtÞ ¼ Fint ext
sI ðtÞ þ FsI ðtÞ: ð32Þ
Nn J¼1 J¼1
wh ðxa Þ ¼ waI NI ðxa Þ ða ¼ s; wÞ: ð27Þ
I¼1 This equation is solved for the solid skeleton phase
acceleration at unconstrained nodes while using the water
Substituting (24), (25), and (27) into each component of (26):
phase acceleration, which can be obtained by solving the
Nn X
Nn X
Nn X
wsI  MsIJ ðtÞasJ ðtÞ þ wwI  MwIJ ðtÞawJ ðtÞ momentum balance equation for the water phase. This is
I¼1 J¼1 I¼1 J¼1 shown below.
Nn Z The weak form of the momentum balance equation for the
¼  wsI  rNI ðxs Þ  r0 ðxs ; tÞ dv water phase is derived by multiplying (9) by a test function wh
I¼1 Xs ðtÞ and then integrating over the current configuration Xkw as:
Nn Z
þ wwI  rNI ðxw Þ  mpw ðxw ; tÞ dv Z Z Z
I¼1 Xw ðtÞ q w wh  ahw dv ¼ nrwh : pw dv  wh  p
 w ds
Nn Z Xw ðtÞ Xw ðtÞ @ Xp ðtÞ
þ wsI  ss ðxs ; tÞN I ðxs Þ ds n2 qw gwh
@ Xs ðtÞ   ðv hw  v hs Þ dv
Xw ðtÞ k
Nn Z Z
 wwI   w ðxw ; tÞNI ðxw Þ ds
p þ q w wh  b dv : ð33Þ
I¼1 @ Xp ðtÞ Xw ðtÞ

Nn Z
The semidiscrete momentum balance equation for the water
þ wsI  q s ðxs ; tÞbðxs ; tÞNI ðxs Þ dv
I¼1 Xs ðtÞ phase can be obtained by considering the components of the test
Nn Z function, wwI are arbitrary except where the components of
þ wwI  q w ðxw ; tÞbðxw ; tÞNI ðxw Þ dv ð28Þ displacement and pressure are prescribed:
I¼1 Xw ðtÞ
S. Bandara, K. Soga / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 199–214 205

Nn Nwp
X where Q kwIJ can be obtained from:
MwIJ ðtÞawJ ðtÞ ¼ nwp ðtÞGIwp  mpwp ðtÞXwp ðtÞ
J¼1 wp¼1 mkwp nkwp g
Z Q kwIJ ¼ k
NI ðxkwp ÞNJ ðxkwp Þ: ð40Þ
  w ðxw ; tÞNI ðxw Þ ds
p wp¼1 kwp
@ Xp ðtÞ
N wp
þ mwp ðtÞbwp ðtÞNI ðxwp Þ 3.2.2. Solving for solid skeleton phase acceleration as
wp¼1 The momentum balance equation for the solid-water mixture
Nn can then be solved for aksI with using the solution akwI . Therefore
 Q wIJ ðtÞðv wJ ðtÞ  v sJ ðtÞÞ ð34Þ Eq. (32) can be written for an explicit scheme as:
where the matrix Q wIJ ðtÞ is derived by considering the material MksI aksI ¼ Fk;int
I þ Fk;ext
I  MkwIJ akwJ ð41Þ
points as quadrature points, which can be written as: J¼1

Z where MksI is computed using:

nðxw ; tÞ2 qw ðxw ; tÞg
Q wIJ ðtÞ ¼ NI ðxw ÞNJ ðxw Þ dv
Xw ðtÞ kðxw ; tÞ N sp
N wp MksI ¼ msp NI ðxksp Þ: ð42Þ
X nðxwp ðtÞ; tÞq
 w ðxwp ðtÞ; tÞg sp¼1
 NI ðxwp ÞNJ ðxwp ÞXwp ðtÞ
kðx wp ðtÞ; tÞ
It should be noted that the consistent matrices should be con-
XN wp
mwp ðtÞnwp ðtÞg sidered (i.e. Q kwIJ and MkwIJ ) in the right hand side of Eqs. (39) and
¼ NI ðxwp ÞNJ ðxwp Þ: ð35Þ (43).
kwp ðtÞ
Eq. (41) can be expanded as:
X N wp
3.2. Time integration MksI aksI ¼  GkIsp  r0k k
sp Xsp þ GkIwp  mpkwp Xkwp
sp¼1 wp¼1
The numerical solution of each momentum balance equation is N sp
X N wp
k k
obtained at a discrete set of times, t k ; k ¼ 1; . . . ; K. A discrete þ mksp bsp NI ðxksp Þ þ mkwp bwp NI ðxkwp Þ
approximation at time tk is indicated by a superscript k. In the sp¼1 wp¼1
MPM formulation derived in this study, the background computa-
þ ss ðxs ; tÞNI ðxs Þ ds   w ðxw ; tÞNI ðxw Þ ds
tional grid is used as a finite element mesh with updated Lagrang- @ Xs ðtÞ @ Xp ðtÞ
ian frame with explicit time integration. A superscript L is used to X
represent the solution on the nodes at the end of the Lagrangian  MkwIJ akwJ : ð43Þ
step. Due to the usage of isoparametric elements in the updated J¼1
Lagrangian frame, it is not necessary to recompute the shape func-
tions during the timestep (i.e. N I ðxksp Þ ¼ N I ðxLsp Þ).
3.2.3. Solving for water and solid velocities and displacements
The nodal velocities at the beginning of the time step (i.e. v ksI &
3.2.1. Solving for water phase acceleration aw
The momentum balance equation for the water phase is solved
vkwI ) are needed for an explicit time integration of the nodal veloc-
ity. These velocities can be obtained by considering the momen-
for akwJ while considering a lumped mass matrix which is generally
tum at a node on the current background mesh from the
used in the explicit finite element methods. The computational
material points as:
time can be significantly reduced due to the use of lumped mass
matrix since it avoids matrix inversion at each time step. The N ap
lumped mass matrix is diagonal whose entries are the correspond- MkaI v kaI ¼ mkap v kap NI ðxkap Þ ða ¼ s; wÞ: ð44Þ
ing row sum of the consistent mass matrix. The lumped mass ap¼1

matrix for each phase can be derived as: The nodal velocities at the end of the Lagrangian step can be
Z N ap
X obtained as:
MaI ðtÞ ¼ q a ðxa ;tÞNaI ðxa Þdv  map NI ðxap Þ ða ¼ s;wÞ: ð36Þ
Xa ðtÞ ap¼1
vLaI ¼ v kaI þ Dt akaI ða ¼ s; wÞ ð45Þ

Using the above definition, Eq. (34) becomes: where Dt is the current time increment, Dt ¼ t kþ1  t k . Due to the
assumption of the Lagrangian grid, it is possible to consider that
MkwI akwI ¼ Fk;int k;ext
wI þ FwI þ Fk;mom
wI ð37Þ the grid nodes move in the computed velocity field and the material
points also move in this flow. Hence the movement of the material
where the lumped mass matrix for the water phase at a node at
points can be written as:
time t k can be computed using:
N wp X
X xkþ1 k
v LaI NI ðxkap Þ ða ¼ s; wÞ;
MkwI ¼ mwp NI ðxkwp Þ: ð38Þ ap ¼ xap þ Dt ð46aÞ

Eq. (37) can be expanded as: vkþ1

ap ¼ v ap þ Dt
akaI NI ðxkap Þ ða ¼ s; wÞ: ð46bÞ
MkwI akwI ¼ nkwp GkIwp  mpkwp Xkwp   w ðxw ; tÞNI ðxw Þ ds
wp¼1 @ Xp ðtÞ 3.2.4. Computing solid skeleton’s porosity and permeability
Nn In the case of large deformations, the volume of solid skele-
þ mkwp bwp NI ðxkwp Þ  Q kwIJ ðv kwJ  v ksJ Þ; ð39Þ ton material points can be updated using the determinant (J)
wp¼1 J¼1 of the deformation gradient Fsp (see Eq. (19a)) and can be
shown as:
206 S. Bandara, K. Soga / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 199–214

Xsp ¼ J X0sp : ð47Þ 3.2.6. Effective stress calculation
The effective stress at solid skeleton material point in the case
The deformation gradient can be calculated using: of small deformations is updated using:
r0kþ1 ¼ r0k
Fsp I þ Dt GkIsp v LsI Fksp ¼ DFkþ1 k sp þ T : Desp ð57Þ
¼ sp Fsp ð48Þ sp

where T is the tangent modulus tensor. Any type of history depen-
where DFkþ1
sp is the increment of deformation gradient. v LsI is re- dent soil model can be used in the MPM formulation due to its
calculated using v kþ1
ap in a similar method as shown in (44) for Lagrangian nature. In the case of finite deformations T : Desp does
enhanced stability, without directly using the value obtained from not represent an objective stress rate. In order to achieve stress
(45). r r
kþ1 objectivity (i.e. r0 sp ¼ T : Desp where r0 is an objective stress rate),
The porosity of solid skeleton material point nsp can be sp

updated using J as: the Jaumann rate can be used to update the effective stress of solid
skeleton material points as:
nsp ¼ 1  ð1  n0sp Þ=J: ð49Þ  
k k
sp ¼ r0k 0k 0k
sp þ Dt rsp  Wsp  Wsp  rsp þ T : Desp ð58Þ
It is also necessary to compute the soil porosity at the location of
water material point (see Eq. (51b)). The volume of water material where Wksp is the vorticity which is defined as:
point at current time step (Xkwp ) can be obtained using the current
Nn h
X i
soil porosity value at the water material point location (nkwp ) as: T
Wksp ¼ GkIsp v LsI  ðGkIsp v LsI Þ : ð59Þ
Xkwp ¼ ðn0wp X0wp Þ=nkwp ð50Þ I¼1

where nkwp can be evaluated by adopting a weighted least squares

3.3. Soil model
approach as follows:
N sp
X Mohr–Coulomb model with strain hardening/softening is used
nksI ¼ mksp nksp NI ðxksp Þ=MksI ð51aÞ in this study. Following yield and potential functions are
nkwp ¼ nksI NI ðxkwp Þ: ð51bÞ 1 0 1
Fs ¼ ðr  r03 Þ  ðr01 þ r03 Þ sin /0 þ c0 cos /0 ð60aÞ
I¼1 2 1 2
The coefficient of soil permeability at water particle location s 1 0 1
G ¼ ðr1  r3 Þ  ðr01 þ r03 Þ sin w þ C
k k
(kwp ) can be calculated using ksp , similar to the nkwp calculation. 2 2
s s
The coefficient of soil permeability is generally dependent on sev- where F s is the yield function, G is the potential function (G corre-
eral factors: grain size distribution, grain shape, void ratio, and sponds to an non-associated flow rule), /0 is the internal friction
roughness of grains. In large deformation analysis, the variation angle of soil, w is the dilation angle of soil, c0 is the cohesion, and
of void ratio results in changes in the soil permeability. The C is a constant. r01 ; r02 ; r03 are the principal stresses where
Kozeny–Carman formula [29] can be used to modify the soil r01 6 r02 6 r03 relation is considered since compressive stresses are
permeability. The soil permeability (nksp ) can be written in terms assumed as negative.
of the current porosity as follows: In reality friction, dilation, and cohesion are dependent on den-
3 sity and mean pressure of soil (e.g. [30]). This study considers
k ðnksp Þ strain hardening/softening by varying the mobilised values of
ksp ¼ C 1 2
ð1  nksp Þ /0 ; w, and c0 with respect to the total plastic deviatoric strain after
the onset of plastic yield. These values are varied in a piecewise-
where C 1 is a parameter that is determined experimentally. linear manner as shown in Fig. 4 with respect to the total plastic
deviatoric strain, which can be shown as follows for plane-strain
3.2.5. Pore pressure calculation conditions:
The pore pressure increment at water particle location is rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
derived using (15) and can be shown as: 2 3
cdev ;pl ¼ e2x;pl þ e2y;pl  ex;pl ey;pl þ e2xy;pl : ð61Þ
Kw h i 3 4
Dpwp ¼ Dt k nkwp e_ vs;wp þ ð1  nkwp Þe_ vw;wp ð53Þ
nwp In Fig. 4, a represents /0 ; w, or c0 . The values /0peak ; wpeak , and c0peak
represent peak values of friction angle, dilation angle and cohesion.
where e_ vs;wp is the volumetric strain rate of solid skeleton phase eval- /0crit , wcrit , and c0crit represent critical state values of friction angle,
uated at the water particle location and is calculated using:
! dilation angle and cohesion. cpeak
dev ;pl represents the plastic deviatoric
Nn h
X i
T strain at peak, and ccrit represents the plastic deviatoric strain
e_ vs;wp ¼ trðe_ s;wp Þ ¼ tr GkIwp v LsI þ ðGkIwp v LsI Þ ð54Þ dev ;pl

I¼1 when the softening or hardening is completed.

and e_ vw;wp is the volumetric strain rate of the water phase evaluated
3.4. Coupled MPM algorithm
at the water particle location and can be defined as:
Nn h
X i The coupled MPM algorithm is summarised in Fig. 5.
e_ vw;wp ¼ trðe_ w;wp Þ ¼ tr GkIwp v L
wI þ ðGkIwp v L
wI Þ : ð55Þ
(i) The Information carried by the material points is projected
The pore water pressure is updated using (53) at the water on to the background mesh. The nodal mass for each phase
material point location as: is calculated using (42) and (38).
(ii) The soil porosity at the water material point location is
pwp ¼ pkwp þ Dpwp : ð56Þ obtained using (51b). A similar set of equations as in
the nkwp calculation can be adopted to obtain the soil
S. Bandara, K. Soga / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 199–214 207

(viii) At the end of the step, material points carry all the informa-
tion about the solution. The computational grid is initialised
for the next step.

3.5. Boundary conditions

The solid skeleton phase boundary is divided into two disjoint

pieces @ Xs ¼ @ Xus [ @ Xs where @ Xus \ @ Xs – 0 holds and the water
phase boundary is divided into two disjoint pieces @ Xw ¼ @ Xuw [
@ Xp where @ Xuw \ @ Xp – 0 holds.

3.5.1. Displacement boundary condition

The prescribed displacement boundaries @ Xus and @ Xuw , can be
applied using prescribed velocities at background nodes since the
displacements are related to the velocities (i.e. u_ s ¼ v sI for soil
and u_ w ¼ v wI for water). Hence the prescribed displacement
Fig. 4. Variation of mobilised friction angle, dilation angle, and cohesion with
(or velocity) boundaries can be defined for the solid skeleton phase
plastic deviatoric shear strain.

vksI ¼ v sI ð62Þ
permeability at water material point location. The volume of and for the water phase as:
water material point is calculated using (50). The momen-
tum balance equation for the water phase is solved in the vkwI ¼ v wI ð63Þ
background mesh using (39). The boundary conditions for
In the case of complex boundary geometries, it is advisable to use a
akwI are applied if it is necessary.
background mesh with triangular elements, which is generally eas-
(iii) The momentum balance equation for the solid skeleton
ier to align with nodal boundaries. A mesh that moves with the
phase is solved using (43). The boundary conditions for aksI
boundary would be useful to represent complex moving boundaries
are applied if necessary.
as discussed in Jassim et al. [31].
(iv) The nodal velocities at the end of Lagrangian step are calcu-
A friction boundary condition is adopted in this study [32] for
lated using (45). The boundary conditions for the nodal
planar boundaries using Coulomb’s friction criterion. The friction
velocities are applied if it is necessary. The material point
boundary condition is applied on the mesh nodes by controlling
velocities and the material point positions are updated for
the nodal acceleration tangential to the planar boundary. Both sta-
both phases using (46a) and (46b).
tic and kinetic friction conditions are considered, and the friction is
(v) The strain increment Desp is calculated for the solid skeleton
applied only when the material points are in contact with the
phase and then the effective stress is updated using either
boundary (i.e. force or acceleration that is perpendicular to the
(57) or (58).
boundary surface should be negative).
(vi) The volumetric strain rates e_ vs;wp and e_ vw;wp are calculated at
the water material point locations and then the pore water
3.5.2. Prescribed traction and pressure boundary conditions
pressure increment is calculated using (53). The pore water
The prescribed traction on a moving boundary @ Xs is enforced
pressure of water material points is updated using (56).
in the solid skeleton phase using the concept of boundary layer
(vii) Solid skeleton material point volumes are updated using
that was proposed by [33]. The term related to the traction in
(47). The soil porosity and soil permeability are updated
(43) is therefore re-written as:
using (49) and (52) respectively.

Fig. 5. Coupled MPM algorithm.

208 S. Bandara, K. Soga / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 199–214

Z N sp
X is required when using a coarser mesh (in order to achieve better
ss ðxs ; tÞNI ðxs Þ ds  sksp h1 NI ðxksp ÞXksp ð64Þ results with less computing time) or when the problem involves
@ Xs ðtÞ sp¼1
large deformations that occur very rapidly.
where h is the thickness of the boundary layer. The boundary layer
is comprised of a layer of material points along the specific bound- 4. Stability of the numerical solution
ary section where the traction has to be applied. These material
points are assigned with sksp at each time step while using constant In order to obtain a stable solution from the coupled MPM algo-
h that is equal to initial material point thickness. However, for com- rithm, it is important to consider techniques to improve the
plex traction boundary geometries, more accurate results could be numerical stability. Following sections discuss some of the impor-
obtained by using a thin element layer along the boundary surface tant concepts.
of the mesh that aligns with the boundary material points. This was
not considered in this study due to mesh complexities. 4.1. Critical time step criterion
Application of the prescribed pressure boundary condition
requires special procedure since it is not possible to directly The Courant-Friedrichs-Levy condition (CFL) [34] is considered to
impose pore pressure on @ Xp as p  w . This is due to the fact that obtain the critical time interval in order to achieve a stable solution
the pore pressure increment and pressure are computed at mate- in the explicit time integration of the couple MPM formulation. The
rial point locations at each time step and hence the most straight- time increment is chosen to be less than the critical time increment
forward method of prescribing pore pressure at nodes cannot be (Dtcrit ) which is obtained using:
applied. In this study, a boundary layer is considered to prescribe Dcrit ¼ L=c ð65Þ
pore pressure on the boundary. This boundary layer is comprised
of boundary cells that are located in the boundary of the contin- where L is the background cell length, and c is the pressure wave
uum configuration of the water phase, and the pore pressure of velocity of the soil–water mixture which is defined as:

each material point inside those cells is assigned with correspond- u 1
) in each time step. During u n þ 1n þ3G 4
ing boundary pressures (i.e. pwp ¼ p t Kw Ks
large deformations, different material points and different cells c¼ ð66Þ
ð1  nÞqs þ nqw
can be identified as boundary points and cells. Application of this
boundary for horizontal and vertical surfaces are straightforward. where K w is the bulk modulus of water, K s is the bulk modulus of
If the geometry of the water phase boundary changes with time, solid grains, and G is the shear modulus of solid skeleton.
an additional algorithm is considered to identify the boundary cells
and boundary material points that are located in the boundary of 4.2. Incompressibility constraint
the continuum configuration of the water phase in each time step.
In the case of constant volume conditions, the above mentioned
coupled MPM formulation can exhibit numerical instability due to
3.5.3. Inflow and outflow boundary condition
pressure oscillations. This type of pressure instability is widely
Special boundary treatments are needed for inflow and outflow
reported in the FE literature and the methods to overcome these
boundary conditions (i.e. when water flows into and out from the
instabilities in the FEM can be also applied to MPM due to their
solid skeleton) due to the use of separate water material point
similarities. Incompressibility of material can occur: (a) in satu-
layer. As an example for inflow boundary, if there is a static pressure
rated soil with low water compressibility and low soil permeabil-
head applied to the boundary (i.e. seepage boundary), the water
ity, (b) when the loading rate is fast such that it creates an
material points will move away from that boundary due to the pres-
undrained behaviour, and (c) in soils that undergo plastic deforma-
sure gradient, leaving the cells with soil material points only. Hence
tions under constant volume or with quasi-incompressible elasticity.
it is required to feed water material points for boundaries where
Numerical stability in saturated soil is generally tested using the so-
there can be any water inflow. In this study, additional water mate-
called patch test for mixed formulations by Zienkiewicz et al. [35,36]
rial points have been fed into corresponding cells while assigning
and the stability condition Ladyzhenskaya–Babuska–Brezzi (LBB or
same properties as the remaining material points in each cell.
inf-sup test) [37]. As suggested by Mira et al. [38], the satisfaction
An outflow boundary is needed to remove the water material
of the first condition is a necessary but not a sufficient condition
points that comes out from the soil body. This boundary is applied
for stability, but the second condition is a sufficient condition for sta-
when the water flow outside the soil body is not important in the
bility. These conditions can be fulfilled by selecting displacement
analysis. Additional algorithm is needed to specially treat the inter-
interpolation to be one order higher than the pressure interpolation
face between the pore water and free water [32] and this is not
(i.e. Taylor–hood elements). Numerical stability under plastic soil
included in this paper.
deformations can be achieved by methods that remove volumetric
locking (i.e. selective reduced integration for low order elements
3.6. Initial conditions with elastic material, B-bar approach [39,22] for elasto-plastic mate-
rial, Simo-Rifai enhanced strain element [40]).
The initial conditions for stresses (i.e. effective stress and pore In this study, a simple B-bar approach is applied to the solid
water pressure) for solid and water phases has to be applied at skeleton phase in simulations that involve plastic deformations.
the start of the computational cycle. It is advisable to start the sim- The strain increments at material point locations and the internal
ulation with correct initial values for stresses since it can take addi- forces at nodes are calculated by replacing the general B-matrix
tional simulation time to reach stable values if the initial values are (67) with the B-bar matrix (68) (plane strain configuration is
incompatible or sometimes it can lead to erroneous results. selected for simplicity).
The initial number of material points (for soil and water) per
cell has to be selected according to the problem type (i.e. presence 2 @NI ðxsp Þ 3
of large deformations or not), required accuracy [18], and the com- 6 @N I ðxsp Þ 7
puting time. Based on authors’ experiences [18], 4 material points BIsp ¼6
4 0 @y
5 ð67Þ
per cell for each phase was selected in the numerical examples in @N I ðxsp Þ @N I ðxsp Þ
@y @x
this paper. However, a higher number material points (i.e. 9 or 16)
S. Bandara, K. Soga / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 199–214 209

2    3
1 @N ðx Þ
I sp
þ @NI@xðxsc Þ 1 @NI ðxsc Þ

@N I ðxsp Þ the momentum balance equation of the water phase (see Eq. (9)),
6 2  @x 

@y @y
7 the pressure gradient term is written as nrpw where n is the soil
6 7
B ¼6
1 @N I ðxsc Þ
@N ðx Þ
 I@x sp 1
@NI ðxsp Þ
þ @NI ðxsc Þ 7
@y 7 ð68Þ porosity. This term should be used for immiscible mixtures and
4 5 to avoid fluid flow for homogeneous fluid pressure (in contrary
@N I ðxsp Þ @N I ðxsp Þ
@y @x the term rðnpw Þ results in fluid flow for homogeneous fluid pres-
In Eq. (68), @N I ðxsc Þ=@x is the gradient of shape function evalu- sure which is not valid for pore water) [28].
ated at the centre of the cell for x direction. Reduced integration When considering the weak form of the momentum balance
method is not considered in this study since it creates a similar equation in the MPM formulation, the term nrpw is written as:
situation as in the FEM when all the gradients are calculated at Nwp
element centre that represents single Gauss point approach in Fint
wI ¼ GIwp  mpwp ðtÞX00
wp ð70Þ
the FEM, and this mechanism leads to hourglassing or zero energy wp¼1
mode in low order elements. For elastic material, selective reduced
integration method can be used to avoid volumetric locking. where X00wp is the intrinsic volume of a water material point. If there

When considering the water phase, the interpolation order for is an imbalance of total intrinsic water volumes in adjacent cells, Eq.
pressure is reduced by replacing GIwp with gradients of shape func- (70) will result in water flow for homogeneous fluid pressure. This
tions evaluated at the centre of the cell (i.e. GIwp;c ¼ rN I ðxw Þjxw ¼xc , represents a similar situation that occurs due to the term rðnpw Þ
where subscript c represents the centre of cell in which the water and it is purely due to the nature of the discretised form.
material point is located). Hence the strain increments and pore In order to avoid errors that occur due to volume imbalances,
water pressure increment are calculated using GIwp;c . This approach the term rpw should be calculated without considering the effect
is quite similar to the use of Q 1  P 0 quadrilateral element for the of different water volumes in cells. In this study, a simple approach
Stokes equations, where a continuous piecewise bilinear approxi- is implemented by first calculating the term rpw considering the
mation for the velocity and discontinuous piecewise constant total cell volume as:
approximation for the pressure are assumed. Although this ele- N cell
ment is widely used in practise, it is an unstable element that Fint
cellI ¼ GIcell;c  mpw;cell ðtÞX0cell ð71Þ
sometimes undergoes spurious pressure modes that are mesh cell¼1
dependent [41,42]. However, in the current MPM formulation this
where Ncell represents the number of cells, GIcell;c represents the gra-
approach has given stable pressure distributions for large deforma-
dients of shape functions evaluated at the centre of the cell, pw;cell ðtÞ
tion problems, apart from the cases of completely undrained con-
represents the averaged water pressure at each cell (i.e. dividing the
ditions [32]. For fully incompressible problems other stabilisation
total pore water pressure from all the water material points by the
methods that are generally used in FEM can be adopted with an
total number of water material points in each cell), and X0cell repre-
additional computational cost. Most of these techniques have been
sents the volume of a cell. Fint
cellI avoids the errors associated with dif-
proposed for equal order interpolation for both displacement and
ferent volumes of water in adjacent cells. Eq. (71) is then multiplied
pressure for low order elements [43,23]. As future study, some of
by a factor (awI ) that is defined at nodes to consider the term n,
the important formulations such as fractional step algorithms
since Fint
cellI only provides the term rpw . awI is computed as the ratio
[44,45] and characteristic-based split algorithms [46] can be
of nodal interpolated intrinsic water volume and the nodal interpo-
extended to the present MPM formulations considering water
lated components of the cell volumes that contain water material
material point locations as integration points.
points, which is shown as:

4.3. Numerical damping

NI ðxkwp ÞX00
awI ¼ PNcell wp¼1 ð72Þ
cell¼1 N I ðxcell;c Þð X0cell =4Þ
In the case of dynamic problems in soils, the damping intro-
duced by the plastic behaviour of the material and the viscous
where NI ðxkcell;c Þ represents the shape function of cell centre. Finally
effects of the fluid flow are sufficient to damp out any non-physical
the corrected Fint wI is obtained as:
or numerical oscillation [25]. However, if the problem consists of
very small plastic behaviour of soil in the low-strain region, or if Fint int
wI ¼ awI FcellI : ð73Þ
the material behaviour is assumed to be purely elastic when there
is a sudden load application, damping is helpful to remove the ini-
tial oscillations. In these circumstances, a damping term is consid- 5. Numerical examples
ered in the momentum equilibrium equation of the mixture as
follows: In this section, the developed coupled MPM code is evaluated
using a number of examples. First, the formulation is verified using
qas þ Cvs ¼ r  r þ qb ð69Þ
analytical solutions that exist in the literature: one-dimensional
where C is the damping constant. consolidation test to check the Terzaghi’s theory and two-dimen-
sional consolidation with Cryer’s sphere to check Mandel–Cryer
4.4. Treatment of pore pressure gradient theory. Finally, the developed method is applied to model levee
failure simulation to demonstrate the practical application of the
Pore pressure oscillations have been observed during this study method.
when modelling large deformation problems if there is a spatial
variation of soil porosity and when there is an imbalance of volume 5.1. One dimensional consolidation
of water in adjacent cells (when water material points cross cell
boundaries). Terzaghi’s one dimensional consolidation theory [47] is used to
This problem mainly occurs when solving the momentum bal- validate the coupled code to check the behaviour under consolida-
ance equation of the water phase. The method of calculation of tion. The theory is valid for a soil layer composed of an isotropic,
the pressure gradient has a certain effect on giving erroneous homogeneous and fully saturated elastic material under small
results in MPM formulation when soil porosities vary spatially. In strain conditions.
210 S. Bandara, K. Soga / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 199–214

The one dimensional consolidation test was numerically simu- analysis based on the axisymmetric solid phase MPM formulation
lated using the coupled MPM for a plane strain model which is that was proposed by Sulsky and Schreyer [50].
shown in Fig. 6(a). A 1.0 m high and 0.06 m width soil column, fully In the Cryer’s sphere problem, a fully saturated, isotropic poro-
saturated with water is considered with 600 soil material points elastic sphere is subjected to an uniform normal traction P0 at the
and 600 water material points. The background grid consists of surface. The pore fluid can drain freely from the surface of the
cells with 0.02 m in length and 4 material points per each cell. Soil sphere. The pore pressure at the centre of the sphere first attains
behaviour is modelled using isotropic linear elastic material and P0 , and then continues to rise to a peak before gradually decaying
the following material properties are considered: Young’s modu- to zero. When the fluid drains out of the surface of the sphere, a lar-
lus, E ¼ 1:0  107 Pa; Poisson’s ratio, m ¼ 0:3; solid grain density, ger portion of the applied load is transferred towards effectively
qs ¼ 2650 kg/m3; initial porosity n0 ¼ 0:3; initial permeability stiffer central region of the sphere by the contraction around the
k ¼ 1:0  103 m/s; water density, qw ¼ 1000 kg/m3; bulk modu- surface causing pore pressure rise in the centre of the sphere
lus of water K w ¼ 2:2 GPa. The simulation is carried out using a [51]. Cryer [49] presented the solution for the pore pressure for dif-
time increment, Dt ¼ 1:0  107 s for a total time duration of ferent Poisson’s ratios. Mason et al. [52] further derived the analyt-
ttot ¼ 2:5 s. Zero initial pore pressure and zero effective stresses ical solution for the strain tensor, total stress tensor, and the
are assigned as the initial values and the simulation is carried effective stress tensor.
out considering zero gravitational acceleration. The consolidation The numerical solution to the Cryer’s sphere problem is
test is simulated by applying a 10 kPa traction to the top most obtained using the coupled axisymmetric MPM formulation for
material point layer (i.e. traction boundary layer) while allowing the model shown in Fig. 7(a). Using symmetry, only half of the
drainage to occur from the top surface (i.e. set zero pore pressure sphere is modelled in the cylindrical coordinate system with coor-
for water material points in the top layer of the column). dinates (r; h; z), while considering h ¼ 1 radian and radius,
The numerical results from the consolidation test are compared R ¼ 0:5 m. The initial pore pressure of the sphere is set to zero
with the analytical solution in Fig. 6(b) in which the pore pressure and then a sudden normal traction of 10 kPa is applied to the sur-
variation with height at different time factors (i.e. T v ¼ cv t=d face material points of the sphere, while allowing drainage to occur
where cv is the coefficient of consolidation and d is the soil layer from the outer surface. An impermeable boundary condition is pro-
thickness) are plotted. The results from the coupled MPM matches vided along the symmetry line of the sphere. Four case studies
very well with the analytical solution. were performed for Poisson’s ratios = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.45 while
assuming zero gravity. The simulation was carried out using 988
soil material points and 988 water material points with a
5.2. Cryer’s problem background grid of 4 material points per cell and 0.04 m cell
length. Isotropic linear elastic material is considered for soil behav-
The Mandel–Cryer problem [48,49] is used to verify the accu- iour. Material properties of the simulation are as follows:
racy of the coupled MPM code in two-dimension. The Mandel– 0
E ¼ 1:0  107 Pa, qs ¼ 2143 kg=m3 ; n0 ¼ 0:3; k ¼ 1:0  103 m/s,
Cryer effect captures the non-monotonic pore pressure behaviour 3
qw ¼ 1000 kg/m , and K w ¼ 2:2 GPa. The time increment of the
that can be only achieved using a coupled solution such as three- simulation is 1:0  107 s and the total time is 0.2 s.
dimensional Biot’s theory, and not from an uncoupled solution Results from the coupled MPM analysis were obtained using
such as Terzaghi’s one-dimensional consolidation theory. The the- selective reduced integration for the solid skeleton phase and using
ory was first described by Mandel [48] for a fully saturated, isotro- cell centre integration for water phase. Some numerical damping
pic poroelastic specimen of infinitely long rectangular plate was also considered to avoid pressure oscillations in the beginning
sandwiched between two rigid, impermeable plates. Later, Cryer of the simulations due to the existence of purely elastic behaviour
[49] presented the theory for an isotropic poroelastic sphere con- in the small strain region and the sudden application of the load.
solidating under hydrostatic pressure. Both formulations show that Fig. 7(b) shows the variation of pore pressure inside the sphere
the induced pore pressure at the centre of the specimen becomes when t ¼ 0:01 s (or dimensionless time T ¼ 0:234, where
higher than the applied pressure in the saturated sample. The T ¼ cv t=R2 ) during which the pore pressure in the centre of the
Cryer’s sphere problem is selected to check the accuracy of the cou- sphere rises above the applied pressure of 10 kPa. Fig. 7(c) com-
pled MPM formulation in this section. An axisymmetric coupled pares the pore pressure variation from the coupled MPM simula-
MPM code was developed to simulate the sphere problem. The tions with Cryer’s analytical solution for different Poisson’s ratios
axisymmetric MPM formulation was derived to solve coupled and the results are in good agreement with the analytical results.
However, some discrepancies in the pore pressure were noticed
closer to the surface of the sphere during the initial stage of the
simulation and this may be due to the close proximity to the drain-
age boundary and the loading surface. This behaviour may be over-
come by locally refining the mesh specially near the draining
boundary [23] or by using a sophisticated stabilisation technique
as discussed in Section 4.2.

5.3. Failure of a levee

In this example, two simulations of levee failure were per-

formed to demonstrate the robustness of the proposed numerical
method for practical geotechnical problems. The schematic dia-
gram of the model is shown in Fig. 8. The simulations were per-
formed using the Mohr–Coulomb material model (Section 3.3). In
the first simulation, the soil is assumed as dry above the phreatic
surface since the proposed formulation can represent only the
Fig. 6. One-dimensional consolidation test: (a) schematic diagram of the test; (b) dry and the fully saturated regions using material point layers.
comparison of pore pressure profiles from coupled MPM with Terzaghi’s solution. However, in reality there exists an unsaturated region above the
S. Bandara, K. Soga / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 199–214 211

Fig. 7. Cryer’s sphere problem: (a) numerical model details; (b) pressure variation inside the sphere at T = 0.234 for m ¼ 0:3; and (c) comparison of dimensionless pore
pressure time histories at centre of sphere for different Poisson’s ratios.

phreatic surface and this region can have a higher strength due to considered along the predefined phreatic surface for the water
matric suction. Additionally, this unsaturated region can consist of layer. However, it is necessary to consider the unsaturated perme-
a capillary cohesion which exists due to the suction induced hard- ability and matric suction variations above the phreatic surface in
ening occurring at the microscopic particle contact level and its order to capture the unsaturated seepage characteristics including
sudden removal due to wetting (sudden reduction of void ratio the location of the phreatic surface, and this was not considered in
due to wetting that occurs as a result of reduction of suction or this study. The friction coefficient of the bottom boundary is equal
removal of capillary bonds) can results in collapsible behaviour to 0.3.
in soil. Different types of techniques are available in the literature The first simulation was performed using the following con-
to capture the collapsible behaviour in the constitutive equations stant values for mobilised internal friction angle, dilation angle
[53,54]. Although, this behaviour cannot be directly modelled and cohesion: /0mob ¼ 30:8 , w0mob ¼ 0 ; c0mob ¼ 0 Pa. The failure pat-
using the present formulation, a simple approach is considered to tern and the profiles of pore water pressures and vertical effective
roughly capture this behaviour and to show this method has the stresses for the first simulation with dry soil above the phreatic
capability of modelling different mechanisms related large defor- surface are shown in Fig. 9. When considering the failure mecha-
mation that are generally difficult to model with FEM. Hence an nisms, a shear band develops at shallow location from the slope
additional simulation was carried out considering the soil material surface with a circular shape and then propagates into the levee.
points that are located above the phreatic surface are unsaturated The levee undergoes a smoother soil movement with smoother
and with some capillary cohesion. This will be discussed further in changes of pore water pressures and effective stresses and this
the remaining part of this section. shows the capability of the method to simulate moderate
Both simulations were performed using 7200 soil material deformations.
points and 4974 water material points with a background grid of The second simulation was carried out to demonstrate the capa-
4 material points per cell and 0.1 m cell length. The time increment bility of the proposed method to handle complicated mechanisms.
of both simulations is 1:0  105 s. Material properties for water In this simulation, an unsaturated region is considered above the
are qw ¼ 1000 kg/m3, and K w ¼ 1:0 GPa. Mohr–Coulomb material phreatic surface with a saturation ratio (Sw ) of 0.82 with a matric
model with following common material properties is considered suction (s) value of 2.7 kPa. A simple methodology is adopted in
for both simulations: E ¼ 1:0  107 Pa, m ¼ 0:3; qs ¼ 2700 kg=m3 ; the coupled MPM formulation to model the unsaturated soil
n0 ¼ 0:46, k ¼ 5:0  104 m/s, and classical cohesion c0 ¼ 0 Pa. behaviour using the Bishop’s effective stress concept. The material
For soil layer, vertical movement is constrained at bottom bound- points that lie above the phreatic surface are considered as par-
ary and horizontal movement is constrained at left hand side tially saturated instead of dry by considering: (1) the total stress
boundary where there is an inflow boundary. For water layer, in the momentum balance equation of the mixture (only soil mate-
bottom boundary is an impermeable boundary (i.e. water velocity rial points are contributing above the phreatic surface) as
normal to the bottom boundary is zero) and left hand side bound- r ¼ r0 þ Sw sm, where each soil material point knows their r0 ; Sw ,
ary is an inflow boundary (i.e. feeding water material points) with and s values; (2) an increased mass due to water (msp;u ¼ msp þ
a constant static pressure head. A Zero pressure boundary layer is n0 Sw qw X0sp ). When a partially saturated soil material point
becomes fully saturated due to seepage flow (i.e. cell is occupied
with water material points), s and Sw are set to zero and the dry
mass is considered afterwords. The initial effective stresses in the
unsaturated region are obtained considering the effect due to mat-
ric suction. In the unsaturated region, capillary cohesion (c0u ) is
considered in addition to c0 (considered as zero) to represent the
effect of suction-induced hardening occurring at the microscopic
particle contact level [55] with the following values: peak value
of capillary cohesion c0peak u ¼ 2 kPa when total plastic deviatoric
strain (cdev ;pl ) is less than cpeak
dev ;pl ¼ 0:01, linear variation of capillary

Fig. 8. Schematic of the MPM model for levee failure problem. cohesion from c0peak u to critical state capillary cohesion c0crit
u ¼ 0 kPa
212 S. Bandara, K. Soga / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 199–214

Fig. 9. Failure of initially dry levee: (a) deviatoric shear strain variation; (b) pore water pressure variation (Pa); and (c) vertical effective stress variation (Pa).

Fig. 10. Levee failure with very large deformations: (a) deviatoric shear strain variation; (b) pore water pressure variation (Pa); and (c) vertical effective stress variation (Pa).

when cdev ;pl varies between cpeak crit

dev ;pl and cdev ;pl ¼ 0:2. cu is set to zero
Fig. 10 shows the shear strain, pore pressure and vertical effec-
in soil material points when its cell is occupied with water material tive stress profiles for the second simulation. Initial shear failure
points. A higher value for c0peak
u is considered to create discontinu- has resulted in generating very high excess pore water pressures
ities and to check the effectiveness of the method with discontinu- along the shear bands, thus resulting in nearly zero mean effective
ities (tension cracks). Additionally, a negative dilation angle (w) is stresses in the saturated region. Initial shear band develops at a
considered to model contractile soil since this will allow us to deep location from the slope surface and more shear bands develop
model very large deformations because the associated reduction with time and spread towards the levee thus resulting in a rapid
of volumetric strains of soil in the saturated region will generate progressive failure. The unsaturated soil that lies above the satu-
very high excess pore pressures (i.e. if the soil is unable to drain rated region undergoes discontinuous failure mechanisms and
when its volume attempts to contract, excess pore pressure devel- the resulting soil blocks tend to flow above the saturated region
ops) and this will result in reduction of mean effective stress (soil thus resulting in higher excess pore pressures and more instabili-
state reaches an instability where the shear strength can suddenly ties. After the rapid movement finished, the excess pore pressures
reduces to zero), which is quite similar to the behaviour as in the tend to dissipate and the effective stresses slowly increase as
cases of static liquefaction and instability in loose granular soil that shown in Fig. 10 at t ¼ 5 s, which represents the consolidation
tend to contract upon shearing and this behaviour can happen stage. This simulation has shown the capability of the current for-
during the movement [56,57]. As similar to the variation of c0u , mulation to capture the failure, post-failure, and deposition stages
the values for w are selected as follows: wpeak ¼ 5 and wcrit ¼ 0 . when modelling large deformations that includes discontinuities.
S. Bandara, K. Soga / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 199–214 213

Better results for the soil behaviour could be obtained by using Conflict of interest
more advanced soil constitutive models. Although the inclusion of
advanced soil models into MPM is straightforward, it will reduce There is no conflict of interest.
the computational efficiency due to high computing time that
requires when solving advanced soil models at each time step Acknowledgement
when using explicit time integration of MPM. Additionally, the
results could be improved by using a basis function that is C 1 con- The first author would like to thank the Cambridge Common-
tinuous at cell boundaries as in GIMP method [12], in order to wealth Trust for the financial support to pursue this research.
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