Intercourse With The Holy Spirit.

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Understanding Communion with the Holy Spirit from the

understanding of Sexual Intercourse.

It will awesome if we understand, that whatever system God has created here on
earth has a spiritual connotation and have eternal imprint. I may sound explicit in
this short note but please that’s for the purposes of driving home my point and
for clear understanding.
Ref. Scriptures luke1:27-35 and 1cor13:14.
Paul in His benediction and conclusion of His Epistle to the Corinthian Church,
admonished them to embrace and cherish three Fundamental elements which
are the three basic ingredients and components of our Faith. So if the Church will
survive and will make impact in this hostile world, this three are very vital and not
negotiable to be got, have and be sustained in us as believers.
This three components of our Faith according to 1cor13:14 includes;
 The Grace our Lord Jesus Christ
 The Love of God.
 The communion of the Holy Spirit.
This three must be our experiences and a continuous one indeed inorder to affirm
our Faith in God. In this short note I will focus on the COMMUNION OF THE HOLY
SPIRIT trying to understand it in the light our Biological knowledge of Sexual
Before I go ahead, Brethren, I will love you to comprehend that why we have the
‘love of God’ in the middle or as the second is that it mediates between the other
two. This means that until you experience the love of God, you can’t experience
the Grace that comes from and through Christ and as well you can’t experience
the Communion with the Holy spirit. The Love of God is what begins the journey
and that ends it as well. The sustainence of the supply Of Grace in your life and
the continuous yearning to commune with Him, is possible by the Love of God
spread abroad in your Heart. His love is what will keep constraining you even
when your will seems to say otherwise. His love is what connects you to His Grace
and its supply and then connects you also to the Communion with the the eternal
Spirit. Let me stop here on this matter for now.
Now back to main matter on Discuss;
Before I continue, let’s understand what ‘COMMUNION’ is literally;
According to Webster, it’s defined as ‘intimate fellowship or rapport’.
One word that defines both Communion and Sex in similitude is the word
In levels of relationship, Intimacy is the peak. Intimacy is the point that everything
about the partners involved becomes Naked. There is no secrecy at this level of
relationship, everything is laid open at the feet of both partners involved. This is
the level that none of the both partners involved never take any decisions or take
any action without involving each other, no matter how personal it is to them
both. THIS they do by simply NEGOTIATING and or robbing minds/body together
in a positive way to yield positive results, though one may have to submit to
another based on Will in humility to see it’s success. This was the point that
Abraham got to, in His relationship and walk with God that He was called a Friend
of God. This is same too with Moses and some of our Fathers of Faith. Am striving
towards this, are you?
The scripture says in luke1:31 “And behold, thou shall conceive in thy womb and
bring forth a son and shall call His name JESUS.
Verse 35 says “ …….the HOLY GHOST will come up one thee and the power of the
Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also the holy thing which shall be born
of thee shall be called the Son of God.
I will love you reading this now to understand this Scriptural verses beyond the
mere narratives of Christ’s Birth. It has more narratives to do with you and your
destiny in Christ.
As we continue, note that God was dealing with Mary with readiness to use her as
Virgin. Virgin here defines ‘those that have Christ as lord and savior in their
lives'. Have it at the back and front of your mind that God cannot use any man
outside Christ for any profitable kingdom Business.
Furthermore, our position as Church maritally to Christ is as His ‘Bride’ and as His
‘beloved’. This means that in each and everyone of us both male and female,
there is a Womb we are carrying just as Mary had womb. This womb is for
birthing Godly impact and influence here on earth before we finally get to be
married to our Bridegroom.
Knowing this should gladden your heart that you’re not called into Christ to be
impotent and unfruitful fellow yet, if this will be possible then there is a pathway
for our conception that we must follow to be able to conceive those ideas,
visions, programs, goals etc that will cause us to be earthly impactful and give
birth to Sons in the kingdom of God where we belong. If we are going to win souls
to the kingdom, this pathway must be followed. This pathway is Our INTIMACY
The characteristics we see in a marriage: the longing to be desired, the
passionate need to be together, the vulnerability, the selfless giving of oneself,
they are all a reflection of this incredible picture of God and his bride, us.
For further understanding, please take note:
1). Sex should and must be involved in by two partners (male & female) who are
legally in marriage union with each other, in the context of this discussion, we
are legally united to Christ by our knowledge of Him through faith and therefore
the consummation of this union is our communion with the Holy Spirit. The Holy
Spirit is the one who affirms our relationship with Christ that we can relate with
God through Him (Christ) without shame or doubt. Through Him as the Brides of
Christ, Christ (His teachings, instructions, his will etc) becomes Naked to us and
we as well become naked to Him. This point out the reason we can’t pray
effectively without Him. He perfects our relationship with Jesus Christ. Paul in Eph
1:13 pointed that “….we were sealed with Him” meaning that We are God’s brand
because we can commune with Him ( the Holy Spirit). Remember that the Holy
Spirit is the Spirit of Christ.
2). Just as in Sexual Intercourse, the Holy Spirit comes upon us and this is what
creates the possibility of Conception of the greatness we are meant to birth in our
Generation. Until the Holy Spirit ‘comes upon’ you, His work and power can never
be evident in your life. To ‘Come Upon’ means that He have been given access to
be in control with your humility and submission. It means that he has taken
charge over your life to teach, guide, instruct, show the deep things of God, show
you His will, show you God’s purposes for your life etc. For Mary, that was a
prerequisite for Her to be able to birth Christ, who is the author of our Salvation.
Luke1:35b….. Says “therefore also that the ‘HOLY’ thing which shall be born of
shall be called the Son of God”, notice that this came after the coming upon and
over-shadowing by the Spirit, Beloved, we cannot give birth to any Holy thing be it
character, vision, idea, program, purpose, etc until we are overshadowed by the
Holy Spirit, until, He has come upon us.
3). Just as in Intercourse, He is the one that transfers the fertilizing power of
God’s graces in our lives both in character and in deed. Yes through our
communion with the Holy Spirit, we experience Freedom. Those potentials that
lie dormant in our lives comes to limelight as we keep communing with Him. The
deeper we grow in this intimacy, the more discoveries we make and more
liberated we are.
4). Our relationship with God is sustained by our consistent communion with the
Holy Spirit. You may be experiencing difficulties but by exposure to His Presence
by Intercourse, your negativities can be forgotten. There are times the Holy Spirit
arouses you to cry while communing, there is still times He cause our heart to be
full of Joy. Just as emotions are involved in normal sexual Intercourse, Emotions
are also expressed in intimacy with the Holy Spirit.
5). Our nakedness (our weaknesses, our defects& deficiencies, Sins etc.) are laid
open to God in Christ through our Intercourse with the Spirit for His grace to be
made available for us.

6). There are phases in our communion with the Spirit, the more you press
deeper, the more of Him you get. Again the more you press deeper, the more the
consciousness of time and sensual calculations is silenced. Why we worry is
because and are anxious about a lot of things, is because we have not created
time to spend enough with the Holy Spirit.
7). He Births the life of Christ in us i.e. the fruit of the Spirit. Equally He activates
the gifts of God in our lives to be well functional and occupy till our Bridegroom
comes. The Holy Spirit is so sweet in communion with Him and adds sweetness
in/to lives that are intimate with Him.
8). The deeper you grow and go in your intimacy with Him, the more enlightening
and knowledgeable of Him you become. God by His Spirit unveils Himself to you
as you go deeper in your relationship with Him and the result is that His glory
radiates in you. You move from glory to another in your Intimacy with Him.
9). Where lust and self dies is in the place of our communion with God through
the Spirit. Partners in marriage relationship that satisfies themselves well sexually
does give in to infidelity. This is applicable to our intimate relationship with the
Spirit of God.

What is the demand for our Intercourse with the Holy Spirit.
There are some demand necessarily needful/required for us to be able to grow
into intimacy with Holy Spirit. On this I will be brief.
1) You need to be in union with Christ Jesus as His Bride.
2) There must be this insatiable Hunger to commune with The Holy Spirit.
3) You must create enough quality time to be with Him.
4) You must Discipline yourself towards the relationship.
5) There must be readiness as the Bride to be Humbled toward Every
obedience that comes as Demand.


 You need a consistent Bible study life One that does not fluctuate.
 You need a consistent Prayer life. Don’t be too quick to break the prayer.
Most atimes it is at the point the break to the prayers is experienced that
the Holy Spirit is calling you deeper. Know when He is calling you deeper.
 Pray in the Spirit all the times and be very attentive while you pray.
 Find what takes you in and sustains you in God’s Presence; it can be
worship songs, short messages etc. Utilize them effectively. I pray into
depth with worship songs, it may not work for you so, find what works for
 Fellowship with other brethren for iron sharpens another iron. The place of
cooperate anointing is not negotiable on attaining communion with the
If you do these things or keep doing it, you will keep growing into Intimacy with
the Holy Spirit.
Remember that you will experience attacks and hitches to attaining this, it may be
coming from distractions around and other sources, be alert, sensitive and self
controlled. Don’t give room to the devil.
The benefits of our communion with the Holy Spirit is uncountable. As you begin
to practice, you will begin to experience your own benefits.
Your’s Brother,

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