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University of Basrah

Collage of Engineering
Petroleum Department

Drilling Engineering

Name: Murtadha Jameel Mashloosh

N.O student: 41
Stage: 4
Q1/ directional well is to be drilled from an offshore platform to intersect a target
whose horizontal displacement is 3500 ft at a depth of 10,500 ft (TVD). A Type
I profile (build and hold) is to be used with a KOP = 1600 ft and a build-up rate
of 1.5° per 100 ft. Calculate:
(a) The inclination at the end of the build section.
(b) The horizontal displacement and TVD at the end of the build section.
(c) The total measured depth to the target.
18000 18000
R= ⇒ R= ⇒ R= 3819.718 ft
𝜋∗𝐵𝑈𝑅 𝜋∗1.5

𝐻𝑡−𝑅 3500−3819.718
X= 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 ( ) ⇒ X= 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 ( )⇒ X= −2.075°
𝑇𝑉𝐷−𝐷𝑘𝑜𝑝 10500−1600

𝑅∗cos⁡(𝑥) 3819.718∗cos⁡(−2.075)
y== 𝑠𝑖𝑛−1 ( ) y= 𝑠𝑖𝑛−1 ( )⇒ y= 25.398°
𝑇𝑉𝐷−𝐷𝑘𝑜𝑝 10500−1600

𝛼= x+y ⇒ 𝛼= -2.075+ 25.398 ⇒ 23.341°


Hc= R(1-cos(𝛼))⇒ Hc= 3819.718(1-cos(23.341))⇒ Hc= 312.593 ft

Vc = Vb +R*sin(α) ⇒ Vc = 1600 +3819.718*sin(23.341) ⇒ Vc=3113.383 ft


100∗𝛼 100∗23.341
LOA= ⇒ LOA= ⇒ LOA=1556.066 ft
𝐵𝑈𝑅 1.5

MDc= MDb+ LOA ⇒ MDc= 1600+ 1556.066 ⇒ MDc=3156.066 ft

𝑇𝑉𝐷−𝑉𝑐 10500−3113.382
MDt= MDc+ ⇒ MDt= 3156.066+ ⇒ MDt=11201.001 ft
cos⁡(𝛼) cos⁡(23.341)

Q/2 a Type III profile is planned for the following well: Vt = 6000 ft, Ht = 1800
ft, build rate = 2.5° per 100 ft. Calculate the KOP, the final inclination, and the
total depth of the well.


18000 18000
R= ⇒ R= ⇒ R= 2291.831 ft
𝜋∗𝐵𝑈𝑅 𝜋∗2.5

@dx=1800⇒ idx = i

𝑑𝑥 1800
i= 𝑐𝑜𝑠 −1 (1- ) ⇒ i= 𝑐𝑜𝑠 −1 (1-⁡ ) ⇒ i= 77.607°
𝑅 2291.831

KOP=TVD- R*sin(i)⇒ KOP=6000- 2291.831*sin(77.607)⇒ KOP=3761.572

2∗𝜋∗𝑅∗𝑖 2∗𝜋∗2291.831∗77.607
MDt= MDb + ⇒ MDt= 3761.572 +
360 360

MDt=6865.851 ft

Q/3. A discovery well is drilled in the offshore GOM and the first deviated
production well has to be planned for this field. The production well is planned
from the center of the production platform to 2500ft N and 1500ft E. The target
TVD is 7000 ft and KOP is 3800 ft and rate of build is 2.
(a) horizontal departure.
(b) final inclination.
(c) total length of well.

Ht=√∆𝑁 2 + ∆𝐸 2 ⇒ Ht=√(2500 − 0)2 + (1500 − 0)2 ⇒ Ht=2915.475 ft
18000 18000
R=⁡ ⇒ R= ⇒ R = 2864.788 ft
𝜋∗𝐵𝑈𝑅 𝜋∗2

𝐻𝑡−𝑅 2915.475−2864.788
x= 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 ( ) ⇒ x= 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 ( ) ⇒ x= 0.907°
𝑇𝑉𝐷−𝐷𝐾𝑂𝑃 7000−3800
𝑅∗cos⁡(𝑥) 2864.788∗cos⁡(0.907)
y= 𝑠𝑖𝑛−1 (( )⇒ y= 𝑠𝑖𝑛−1( ) ⇒ y= 63.525°
𝑇𝑉𝐷−𝐷𝐾𝑂𝑃 7000−3800

𝛼=x+y ⇒ α=0.907+63.525 ⇒ α= 64.432°

Hc=R(1-cos(α) ⇒ Hc=R(1-cos(α) ⇒ Hc=2864.788(1-cos(64.432° ) ⇒

Hc=1628.397 ft
BE= vertical distance between Kop and point C
BE= R*sin(α) ⇒ BE= 2864.788*sin(64.432) ⇒BE= 2584.249 ft
Vc= Kop +BE⇒ Vc= 3800 +2584.249 ⇒ Vc=6384.249 ft
2∗𝜋∗𝑅∗𝛼 2∗𝜋∗2864.788∗64.432
Loa= ⇒ Loa= ⇒ Loa=3221.598 ft
360 360
𝑇𝑉𝐷−𝑉𝑐 7000−6384.249
CT= ⇒ CT= ⇒ CT=1426.730 ft
cos(α)⁡ cos(64.432)⁡

MDt= Dkop + Loa +CT⇒ MDt= 3800 + 3221.598 +1426.730⇒ MDt=8448.328

Q/5. A special type I well (build and hold) is a well with a horizontal hold
section (final inclination is 90°). Derive the required equations to determine a
type I well when the following information is given:
(a) Surface coordinates
(b) target coordinates.
(c) true vertical depth of target.
(d) kick off point.

From the figure of horizontal well
Ht=√∆𝑁 2 + ∆𝐸 2 …………(1)
R= TVD- Dkop…………..(2)
LoA= ……….....(3)
BUR= ……………..(4)

Substitute length of arc in eq (4)

𝛼∗100 18000
BUR= 2∗𝜋∗𝑅∗𝛼 ⇒ BUR= …………………...(5)

MDc= Vb+ LoA ……………………………………....(6)

Vc= TVD because the well is horizontal
R= Hc because the arc is quadrant
MDc= Vb+ LoA ………………………………………(7)
MDt= MDc + (Ht-Hc) …………………………………(8)
MDt= MDc + (Ht – R) ………………………………...(9)

Q/6. For the well in in Q5 evaluate a horizontal production well from the center
of the production platform to 2500ft N and 1500ft E. The target TVD is 7000 ft
and KOP is 3800 ft. Calculate:
(a) horizontal departure.
(b) build up rate.
(c) total length of the well.
Ht=√∆𝑁 2 + ∆𝐸 2 ⇒ Ht=√(3000 − 0)2 + (2000 − 0)2 ⇒Ht= 3605.551 ft
R= TVD – Dkop ⇒ R= 7000-3800 ⇒ R= 3200 ft

18000 18000
BUR = ⇒ BUR = ⁡⇒ BUR =1.79° per 100 ft
𝜋∗𝑅 𝜋∗3200
2∗𝜋∗𝑅∗𝛼 2∗𝜋∗3200∗90
LoA= ⇒ LoA= ⇒ LoA= 5026.548 ft
360 360
MDc= Vb+ LoA ⇒ MDc= 3800+ 5026.548 ⇒ MDc= 8826.548 ft
MDt= MDc + (Ht – R) ⇒ MDt= 8826.548 + (3605.551 – 3200) = 9232.099 ft

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