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NAME : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DATE : _ _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ _

I. Put the letters in brackets in the right order to find the words that match these definitions.

1. Something available to explode and use. _____________________ (ESCRORUSE)

2. Timetable for activities. _____________________ (CSEHDLUE)
3. News on how something ios progressing. _____________________ (UTEPAD)
4. Money spendign plan. _____________________ (BDTUGE)
5. The last day for finishing a piece of work or a project. _____________________ (ADENDELI)
6. Working together. _____________________ (EAWKTMRO)
7. Practical abilities. _____________________ (LSIKLS)

II. Match 1 -8 to a – h.

1. It’s always difficult to allocate …

a. resources – skilled staff are short supply.
2. You need to learn how to delegate …
b. behind schedule, so we all need to work this
3. What I like about my boss, is she always lets me get …
4. We’re falling …
c. update on how the project is progressing.
5. It’s difficult to stay within …
d. tasks – you can’t possibly do everything yourself.
6. If we continue like this we should meet …
e. up – there are more three more weeks left.
7. Hi, Melinda, it´s Hanna, I need to get an …
f. on with my work on my own.
8. I’m sure we’ll be able to catch …
g. budget - we always overspend.
h. the deadline without too much trouble.
1 _______ 2 _______ 3 _______ 4 _______ 5 _______ 6 _______ 7 _______ 8 _______

III. Complete the e-mail with the correct form of a suitable word from exercise II above.

Dear Jean
I’m afraid it looks like we are not goging to be able to meet the 1. ____________________ next Friday. We’ve
fallen behinf 2. ___________________ because we were not 3. ____________________ sufficient 4.
________________. We need more 5. __________________ with the appropiate skills to be put on the project
inmediately. Of course, this does mean that we won’t be able to stay with our 6. _________________ either. I
will send you an 7. __________________ after our team meeting this afternoon to let you know what is decided.
Very best wishes

IV. Ludo is calling a printer about some brochures. Put the words in the correct order.

Kevin : Express Printers, this Kevin speaking

Ludo: Hi Kevin, it’s Ludo here. things / are / going / our / how / with / brochures
Kevin: far / good / so / so 2_________________________. Basically, according / everything / going / plan / to
/ is 3__________________________________. They are almost finished.
Ludo : Great, so track / everything / on / is 4 ________________________________
Kevin : Yes, except we still to / need / somebody 5___________________________ deliver them.
Ludo : Well, don’t / why / I 6_______________________ come and get them? Give me a call when they are
Kevin : OK. No problem.

V. Put the conversation in order. Henry is organizing the official opening of a building. He is talking about the

_____ a. Martin :You’re welcome.

_____ b. Ralph : Yes, leave it with me, Henry. I have some useful media contacts.
_____ c. Rebecca :
Yes, I’ll do that. I’ll ring them individually over the next two days.
_____ d. Henry : Oh really! What’s happening with them?
_____ e. Henry : Thanks, Rebecca. Now we need someone to brief the media. Can you do that
_____ f. Henry : Good, so to recap, Melinda is dealing with the caterers, Rebecca is handling
the invitations, Martin is handling the hire car firm and Ralph has volunteered to
deal with the media.
_____ g. Henry : Right, accommodation has been organized. What’s next on the list? Ah yes, before I
forget, Melinda, can you contact the car hire people for the VIPs?
_____ h. Melinda : I’d prefer not to if that’s OK. I’m afraid I’m really busy with caterers.
_____ i. Henry : And where are we with replies to invitations, Rebecca?
_____ j. Henry : Good man, Martin, thanks.
_____ k. Melinda : The usual problems with the menu changes – which is why I can’t take anything else
_____ l. Henry : That many? Can you check if they’re coming?
_____ m. Martin : As Melinda’s busy. I can handle the hire firm if you want, Henry.
_____ n. Rebecca : I’m dealing with them right now. We still haven’t heard from 70 people though.

VI. Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Carlos usually _______________ (sit) in the main office, but today he __________________ (work) at home.
2. What time _______________________________ (you / have to) leave home to get to work?
3. Look at the woman over there. Why _____________________________ (she / sit) at John’s desk?
4. What __________________________ (you / work on) at the moment? Anythign interesting?
5. What __________________________ (Nadia / think) about her new boss?
6. You seem so quiet today. _____________________________ (you / think) about your presentation?
7. How much _____________________________ (a successful person / earn) each year?
8. Hey, what __________________________ (you / do) in this room? This is for staff only.
9. Whose is this briefcase? I __________________ (think) it __________________ (belong) to one of our visitors.
10. They _____________________ (have) huge problems with the new lifts these days.

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