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B. Inggris
Nama :
Kelas : III (tiga) As-Salam
Sekolah : SD Islam Terpadu Alhusniyah

Read the text then answer question ! (Baca teksnya lalu jawab pertanyaannya!)

I have a friend. Her name is Nadia. She is beautiful. She has long black hair.
She has pointed nose. She also has thin lips. She is healthy. Every morning,
she always goes jogging. She also drinks milk twice a day. That's why, she has
a healthy body.

Saya punya teman. Namanya Nadia. Dia cantik. Dia memiliki rambut
hitam panjang. Dia memiliki hidung yang lancip. Dia juga memiliki
bibir tipis. Dia sehat. Setiap pagi, dia selalu jogging. Dia juga
minum susu dua kali sehari. Karena itulah, dia memiliki tubuh yang

1. Who is Nadia ? (siapakah Nadia?)

Answer : ...............................................................

2. How is Nadia's hair ? (bagaimana dengan rambut Nadia?)

Answer : ...............................................................

3. Is Nadia's nose flat ? (apakah hidung Nadia pesek?)

Answer : ...............................................................

4. What does she do in the morning ? (apa yang dilakukan diwaktu pagi?)

Answer : ...............................................................

5. Does Nadia drink milk ? (apakah Nadia Minum susu?)

Answer : ...............................................................
Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d !

1. We use eyes for .... (kita menggunakan mata untuk …..)

a. seeing
b. speaking
c. eating
d. walking
2. Boby has short black .... (Boby mempunyai …..hitam pendek)
a. lips
b. hair
c. hand
d. nose
3. We use .... for walking. (Kita menggunakan….untuk berjalan)
a. nose
b. legs
c. hands
d. head
4. We hang our bag on our .... (kita enggantungkan tas kita di ..)
a. shoulder
b. stomach
c. neck
d. chess

5. Nino wears a hat on his ....(Kita memakai topi di …..)

a. nose
b. elbow
c. ear
d. head
6. Nando .... to music with his ears. (Nando …music di telinganya)
a. watches
b. listens
c. looks
d. touches
7. There is a car in the .... (ada sebuah mobil di …..)
a. verandah
b. kitchen
c. living room
d. garage
8. We should meet our guest in the .... (Kita bertemu tamu kita di …..)
a. bedroom
b. dining room
c. living room
d. warehouse
9. Mother cooks in the .... (Ibu memasak di …….)
a. bathroom
b. bedroom
c. living room
d. kitchen
10. Nikita is .... in the bedroom. (Nikita ……di kamar )
a. taking a bath
b. cooking
c. sleeping
d. playing
11. Is this a fence ? (apakah ini sebuah pagar?)
a. Yes, it does
b. No, it does not
c. Yes, it is
d. No, it is not

12. It is very hot. Turn on the .... please ! (sangat panas. Hidupkan ….)
a. television
b. radio
c. fan
d. stove

13. My sister is sweeping the .... (Saudara perempuanku sedang menyapu …..)
a. floor
b. window
c. door
d. roof

14. My mother is going to cook. She needs .... (Ibuku pergi untuk memasak. Dia membutuhkan….)
a. vase
b. ashtray
c. stove
d. sofa

15. Father is .... on the chair. (Ayah …. di kursi)

a. standing
b. sitting
c. walking
d. running

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