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Actividad de Ingles

2. Vocabulary:

a. Which things and people can you find in the photos?

Singer: Cantante se encuentra en las 3 imágenes.

Decks: No se encuentra en ninguna imagenen

Drums: se encuentra en la 3era imagen

Guitar: Guitarra se encuentra en la 1era imagen

Stage: El escenario se encuentra en la 3era imagen

Spotligth: Se encuentra en el fondo de la imagen

Microphone: 3era imagen lo sostienen el vocalista.

Speakers: Si se trata de los oradores (Cantantes) se encuentran en dos

imágenes la 1era y la 3ra, ahora si es de Altavoz es decir Speaker entonces no
se encuentra en ninguna.
Dancers: En la primera imagen al fondo

b. Match the words with the definition. Then add or remove suffles
to make similar words.

1. An article about a book, Play or concert: album

2. To practice before giving a performance: Rehearse
3. A piece of music or speech on a digital file: Recording
4. A performance in front of an audience: Live show
5. The person who directs the musician in a orchesta: Conductor
6. A transmission of an event on the internet, television or Radio:
7. Someone who acts or plays music in front of an audience:
8. A digital file (or CD) with several songs or pieces of music:

3. Grammar review:

a. Look at the examples and answer the questions.

Sam said that he wanted to go out on his birthday: “i want

to go out on my birthday” Said sam.
Lucia told me she had bought cheap tickets and she couldn’t
see the band: “I bought cheap tickets and i couldn’t see the
band. Said Lucia.

1. Which sentences are direct Speech and which are reported


R/: “Sam said that he wanted to go out on his birthday”.

Esta es Reported Speech.
“i want to go out on my birthday” Said sam. Esta es Direct

Lucia told me she had bought cheap tickets and she couldn’t
see the band. Reported Speech.

“I bought cheap tickets and i couldn’t see the band. Said

Lucia. Esta es Direct Speech.

2. Is “that” Essentials in reported speech?

R/: No, la palabra “that” es opcional.
3. What’s the difference between say and tell?
R/: Say se usa para decir algo en pocas palabras, en cambio
tell se usa para expresar una oracion mas larga y Cuando hay
un complemento indirecto (la persona a quién se le dice
algo) empleamos tell y, cuando no indicamos a quién, el
verbo que usamos es say

4. How do verbs change from direct to reported speech?

R/: Si es presente la oracion se cambia a pasado y por eso a
verbos que son regulares se les agrega ed ejemplo: Change
seria changed, en cambio un verbo irregular seria: Say a

b. Report what sam says about the girl’s invitation to

the concert

that’s fantastic, but there’s one problem. I don’t know if my

parents can give me a ride to the stadium. I¨ll ask them

R/: Sam told me that he didn’t knew if your parents could

give him a ride to the stadium.

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