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BHM 354: Hots! Engineering Course Objectives This course aims 9 make students able to understand theoretical knowledge and practidel Skill of hotel maintenance and activities of hotel engineering department Comionts introduction to hotel engingering department, hotet mainteriance, slectrical system, water, ahd waste water system, integrated heating, ventiation, air conditioning and refrigeration’ eystem, Tod Service refigarmion system, ighting system, fre prevention and protection systems, fuels dd enero) Consumption ina het a Detailed Course Unit 4: Introduction to hotel engineering department ‘+ Physical plant and building operation + Organization and staffing of engineering deperiment, organizational chart Duties ane! responsibilities of statt >> Relationship with other department of hotel “ > Managerial espect of maintenance Unit 2: Hotel Maintenance LVS and Practical’s 4 Types of maintenance (Routine / planned / preventive) ‘Scheduled maintenance / emergency / breakdown maintenance % Guastroom maintenance Contract maintenance + Maintonanca of equipment of building 4 Types of pant fr interior and oxterior surface Unit 3: Electrical system LH 4and Practical 2 + Fundamentals and terminology * Sources and use of electric Distribution and supply in property Calculation Safety precaution Water and Waste Water Management GH 2 and Practical 2 ‘Common water problem Potable and non-potable watar Hardness ard softening method Color, teste, order and its significans: Poll Hot and! cola water supply system in & % Plumbing technology and how to deal wath it Unit 6: Integraind HVAC and Ref system Lita and Practica! 2 ah HVAC and Re’ 4 Basic principles 4 Types of ret. system end rei. used “Types of effect of ref, used 4 Window, spl, package and central 1ypes Modern HVAG application General maintenance of HVACR sysiem Exhaust system, its location and its importance | ret Unit 6: Food Service Ref. System Theory and description of oration 13 Components + Co-efficient of performance ke System design Load calculation + Lighting System Light level Light sources and types Lighting system maintenan Energy conservation opportunities ca Unit 6: Fire Prevention and Protection System Class of fire ‘Types of extinguishers and its spplication Flame / Smoke / Heat detecte: Fire alarm system Fire prevention system Fire dril and its importance Unit 9: Fuels © Types. & Calorific value Comparative study of fuels used Calculation of amount of fuel required and used Unit 10; Energy Conservation in Hotel ‘© Waste management % Energy conservation |“ Water conservation Importance of conservation Suiceass stories Tutorials: 8 Hours Note: Practical session and lect LH 3 and Practic LH 4 and Practical 2 LH 4 and Practical 2 LH 4and Practical 4 LH'4 and Practical 2 nay vary 3 flotd visit may comprise of three class.hours,

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