Lecture 8-1 - Logic - The Conditional and Circuits

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Chapter 3

to Logic

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Chapter 3: Introduction to Logic

3.1 Statements and Quantifiers

3.2 Truth Tables and Equivalent Statements
3.3 The Conditional and Circuits
3.4 More on the Conditional
3.5 Analyzing Arguments with Euler Diagrams
3.6 Analyzing Arguments with Truth Tables

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Chapter 1

Section 3-3
The Conditional and Circuits

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The Conditional and Circuits

• Conditionals
• Negation of a Conditional
• Circuits

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A conditional statement is a compound

statement that uses the connective if…then.
The conditional is written with an arrow,
so “if p then q” is symbolized
p → q.
We read the above as “p implies q” or “if p
then q.” The statement p is the antecedent,
while q is the consequent.
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Truth Table for The Conditional,
If p, then q

If p, then q
p q p→q

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Special Characteristics of Conditional

1. p → q is false only when the antecedent is

true and the consequent is false.
2. If the antecedent is false, then p → q is
automatically true.
3. If the consequent is true, then p → q is
automatically true.

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Example: Determining Whether a
Conditional Is True or False
Decide whether each statement is True or
False (T represents a true statement, F a false
a) T → (4 < 2) b) (8 = 1) → F

a) False
b) True

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A statement that is always true, no matter

what the truth values of the components, is
called a tautology. They may be checked
by forming truth tables.

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Negation of a Conditional p → q

The negation of p → q is p ∧ q.

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Writing a Conditional as an “or”

p → q is equivalent to p ∨ q.

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Example: Determining Negations

Determine the negation of each statement.

a) If you ask him, he will come.
b) All dogs love bones.
a) You ask him and he will not come.
b) It is a dog and it does not love bones.

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Logic can be used to design electrical circuits.

p q
Series circuit q

Parallel circuit

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Equivalent Statements Used to
Simplify Circuits
p ∨ (q ∧ r ) ≡ ( p ∨ q) ∧ ( p ∨ r )
p ∧ (q ∨ r ) ≡ ( p ∧ q) ∨ ( p ∧ r )
p→q≡ q→ p
p →q ≡ p∨q
p∨ p ≡ p p∧ p ≡ p
( p ∧ q) ≡ p∨ q
( p ∨ q) ≡ p∧ q
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Equivalent Statements Used to
Simplify Circuits
If T represents any true statement and F
represents any false statement, then
p∨T ≡T
p∨ p ≡ T
p ∧ p ≡ F.

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Example: Drawing a Circuit for a
Conditional Statement

Draw a circuit for p → ( q ∧ r ).

p → ( q∧ r ) ≡ p ∨ ( q∧ r)


q ~r

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