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Version 2

Additional set of rules for the game TANKS offered by the

You Tube Wargame Miniatures Tuto channel.This suite of
rules and the associated vehicle cards are not official and
cannot be offered for sale. This document is offered free of
charge by Wargame Miniature Tuto to its subscribers who
are free to share it. Any modification of the document must
be submitted to the author's prior approval. Subscribers can,
if they wish, help the development of the channel and the
creation of this type of content by using the affiliate links
proposed in the description of the videos or by directly
tipping the creator via the PayPal link also appearing in the
description. These incentives are not mandatory and are
reserved for adults.Thanks to the Wargame Miniature Tuto
community, without which the writing of these rules would
not have been possible.
Grounds and their battle impact. Some of them can bring a tactical
advantage while others on the contrary are hostile. Movements
are also impacted by the type of terrain. Here is a list of the
different terrains you may encounter:
Plain: no impact

Hill/dune: go up or down a hill/dune impacting the movements,

remove a displacement arrow with a minimum of 1 movement
remaining for the tanks. Tanks at the top of a hill/dune benefit
from +1 in shooting initiative. A vehicle located behind a hill is
considered as non-visible (the base of the scenery is proof).

Cliffs: impassable

Marshes: impassable

Rivers, rivers, lakes, ponds: only passable by a bridge or a lookout.

Amphibious vehicles can cross these waterways but their
movement will be limited to a single travel boom. A vehicle in the
process of crossing cannot shoot.

Stream: A stream is no more than 4 cm wide. Any unit may cross a

creek but will be limited to 1 arrow movement.

Roads: Roads allow wheeled vehicles to benefit from additional

travel provided that the entire travel is only over this type of

Sand/Snow: Tracked vehicles operating in sand/snow powder

areas have their travel reduced to 1 and their initiative reduced by
1 point, including reconnaissance or fast vehicles.
Forest/woods: vehicles crossing or operating on this type of terrain
have their movement reduced by one arrow. Units inside a
wood/forest receiving fire from other units in the same wood/forest
receive a cover bonus.

Camouflage: Units inside a wood/forest benefit from the keyword

"camouflage" and can only be targeted after they have fired.
All under cover! Cutlery can be very varied and offer different
degrees of protection.

Only vehicles with at least 50% of the body hidden by this cover
are covered. For example, a Hetzer will easily be covered while a
Mauss will not.
Walls, walls, dragon teeths: Units behind a wall/wall receive a
cover bonus. The bonuses can be added up according to the
number of walls/murts the attacker's fire must pass through. A
unit can only be targeted if part of the vehicle protrudes
beyond the wall/mmuret. A tank can only fire over this cover
when its gun protrudes beyond the scenery element (the
figurine is proof). A vehicle located just behind a wall/murret
will benefit from the cover but its target will not benefit from
the malus normally applicable to this cover.

Ruins: Units located in or behind ruins are covered (same rules

as for walls/murets). The base of the scenery will be taken into

Hedges : Units behind a hedge benefit from the keyword

"camouflage" and can only be targeted after they have fired or
have been revealed by an allied unit. Units behind a hedge can
only see and fire at their targets when their gun is in direct
contact with the hedge. A hedge cannot be crossed by a (fast)
reconnaissance tank. A hedge has no cover. The shooting is
possible whatever the height of the gun.

Wooden heap/wooden hut: cover provided during the first

shot. Beyond the woodpile is considered to be destroyed and
no longer offers any cover, remove the decoration to avoid any

Stone heap, stone elements: same rules as for ruins.

Ditches, trenches, buried or semi-buried firing posts: the unit
benefits from two covers instead of one. Firing from firing posts
is only possible for units whose gun protrudes beyond the
scenery element.

Destroyed vehicle/ vehicle carcass (including civilian): shooting

is not possible through these elements, whatever the position
or height of the gun. Flames and smoke make shooting
The rules of the basic book are often subject to interpretation
and sometimes lack realism. Here are some adjustments and new
rules to help you make your games more exciting.
Tank rotation: any tank rotation greater than 90° is considered a

Lateral displacement: "crab" displacements are not allowed, a

tank can only go in the direction of its tracks. If it moves
sideways it must first perform a rotation (see rule on rotations).

Wheeled Vehicle: the vehicle loses an arrow of movement when

it goes out of the type of terrain. Examples: from road to plain,
from wood to road...

Flank shot/back shot: shots to the rear of vehicles obey the

same rules as flank shots. All shots on a target that is not directly
in front are valid. We will estimate this position from the tip of
the attacking gun to the body part closest to the defender.

Artillery: Vehicles that benefit from this skill can fire at any unit
that has cover not exceeding their height. If the height is
exceeded the fire is not possible (strafing or parabolic fire). The
target must be visible (or revealed by an ally, including from the
air) by the shooter in order to be aimed. For more realism and in
order to simulate the action of adjustment of the coordinates of
shooting the artillery can either move or shoot on a turn but will
not be able to carry out the two actions.

Blitzkrieg (German army): for clarification of the rule, German

vehicles can benefit from this additional movement during the
command phase even if they have no repairs to make.
Tough (French army): each French vehicle (beginning or end of
war) can decide to re-roll 1de of defense per turn of the game.
The defender will choose whether or not to take advantage of
this option when attacked. He will be able to do so after having
thrown his defense dice. Only the second result will be taken into

Gung Ho. It is considered that the shooter makes one less

movement than in reality. If the shooter has not moved, he does
not benefit from this skill.

Farewell fire: disappearance of this rule, as a destroyed tank can

logically no longer fire.
If tank combat remains the DNA of the game, nothing prevents
the introduction of a few units that can spice up the game.
Tow truck: Each team can benefit from a tow truck that will cost
5 points regardless of the model and nationality. A tow truck may
not pull and moves a maximum of two moves only during the
command phase. It can only repair vehicles with which it is in
direct contact. Any vehicle in contact with a tow truck can make
another failed repair roll.
Like other vehicles, the tow truck may be destroyed. The tow
truck is not affected by critical "hardware" damage.

Here is a typical card for tow trucks:

Initiative: NC
Attack : 0
Defense: 1
VP: 5
Cost : 5 points

Aerial reconnaissance: each team can benefit from an aerial

reconnaissance which will cost 8 points regardless of the model
or nationality. The aerial reconnaissance is not necessarily
represented by a miniature and can only be activated during one
turn in the game. The air unit can spot enemies normally
invisible to ground units. At the end of the Movement Phase and
before the Fire Phase, the player holding this card declares to his
opponent that he chooses to do air recon. The card will be
discarded and cannot be used again. The aircraft then flies over
the battlefield and tries to spot hidden units. For each
camouflaged enemy unit (woods, hedgerows, etc.) the aircraft
rolls a d6. On a result of 4 to 6 the unit is spotted, on a result of 1
to 3 the unit was not detected.
Any unit spotted may be targeted in the Fire Phase by units with
a clear line of fire. Of course this detection is temporary and the
detected units will be able to hide again as of the following turn
provided that they carry out at least one movement (except tank

Minefields :
Each team can decide to use a minefield. After choosing sides,
the minefield must not be placed on the game table at the
beginning of the game, but must be noted on a battlefield map,
even if only briefly drawn. Its location must appear clearly and
unambiguously on the map. A minefield may only be laid on
open ground of the plain/field type.
The location of the minefield can only be revealed when a unit
passes over it during its movement phase (also during the
command phase). The player owning the minefield must present
his battlefield map to his victim to avoid any misunderstanding.
A unit passing over a minefield is immediately stopped and fired
5 shots. The now visible minefield will remain active throughout
the game. It is represented by a 15cmx10cm square.
If the vehicle hit by a minefield survives it will be able to move
normally from the next turn on (except for critical damage which
stipulates the opposite).
Somua S35 13 B1 Bis 16

tough tough, assault gun, heavy tank

4 4 1 4 3 4 2 6
Heavy tank: Do not susbtract
Tough: This tank can roll one any defence dice when this tank
failed defense die per turn. is the traget of a side shot.
Assault gun: for the targets in
front of it, this tank wins +1

Renault R35/40 8 Panhard 178 12

tough tough, recon, wheeled, fast

2 3 1 3 7 3 0 3
Fast : Tank may make up to
three moves,.
Tough: This tank can roll one Reconnaissance : +1 while
failed defense die per turn. gaining the cover bonus.
Wheeled : When moving into or
from terrain you may only make
a single move.

Hotchkiss H35/39 10 FCM 36 9

tough tough

3 3 0 3 3 3 0 3
Tough: This tank can roll one Tough: This tank can roll one
failed defense die per turn. failed defense die per turn.
Somua Sau 40 13

tough, assault gun

3 5 1 4 Aerial Reconnaissance 8
At the end of the Movement Phase, the
player holding this card declares to his
Tough: This tank can roll one opponent that he chooses to conduct
failed defense die per turn. aerial reconnaissance. The card will be
discarded and can no longer be used.
The airplane tries to spot hidden units.
For each concealed enemy unit, the
aircraft rolls a d6. On a result of 4 to 6
the unit is spotted.

Pierre Billotte 10 Paul de Langlade 8

+2 , +1 +2
This tank can roll a die during the This tank can give an ally +1
repair phase. if they attack the same target.
The tanks of the Paul de
Pierre Billotte destroyed 13 Langlade group destroyed 69
German tanks and received 140 panzers at Dompaire while they
fire impacts during the battle of were half as many.

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