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Putu Emilia Dewi 1902511028
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Praise to the Almighty God for His blessings, so the author can fulfill the
student project assignment in the Endocrine Block entitled "Mayo Diet" on time.
This student project might not have been completed properly without the help of
various parties, for that the authors would like to thank:
1. Head of the Endocrine Block, Dr. dr. Gde Ngurah Indraguna Pinatih,
M.Sc, Sp.GK for arranging and guidance throughout the block.
2. Our Facilitator, dr. Nila Wahyuni, M.Fis for all of the direction, input, and
motivation in making this student project.
3. Our colleagues in the Undergraduate Medicine and Medical Profession
Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, for all of the
4. All parties that the author cannot mention one by one who participated in
helping in the completion of this student project.

The author hopes that this student project will be useful, inspire future
research, and increase the treasury of science in Indonesia.

Denpasar, 26th of May 2021



TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................iii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...................................................................1
1.1 Background....................................................................................1
1.2 Research Questions........................................................................2
1.3 The Purposes of Writing................................................................2
1.4 The Benefits of Writing.................................................................2
CHAPTER II CONTENTS............................................................................3
2.1 Definition and Description of Mayo Diet......................................3
2.2 Epidemiology of Mayo Diet...........................................................3
2.3 Purpose and Benefit of Mayo Diet.................................................6
2.3.1 Purpose of Mayo Diet........................................................6
2.3.2 Benefit of Mayo Diet.........................................................7
2.4 Hazardous Consideration and Side Effect of Mayo Diet................9
2.5 Special Precautions of Mayo Diet...................................................10
2.6 Suggestions to People Applying Mayo Diet...................................
CHAPTER III SAMPLE OF MENU............................................................
CHAPTER IV SUMMARY...........................................................................11


1.1. Background
Mayo Clinic Diet is a weight-loss program to gain a healthy weight created
by Mayo Clinic. The program emphasizes on changing lifestyle and habits to be
healthier, including diet and physical activity, which are divided into 2 phases:
Lose it! and Live it!. The diet can be specialized to fit individual's needs and
special conditions, such as diabetes, vegetarians, gluten-free diet. Therefore, it
will give the maximum benefit according to each person's condition. Reducing
weight healthily also reduces the risks of diseases correlated with overweight,
such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes, thus Mayo Clinic Diet has a long
term benefit that is not limited to weight-loss only (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2019).
Applicants of Mayo Clinic Diet are encouraged to eat more food from the
base and less from the top of Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid, a pyramid of
food designed by Mayo Clinic that categorizes foods according to their number of
calories. The base of the pyramid contains low-energy-dense foods, mainly
vegetable and fruits. Other than vegetable and fruits, applicants are also
encouraged to eat whole grains in moderate amounts, lean proteins in lesser
amounts than carbohydrates, and healthy fats in lesser amount than proteins.
Sweets, that are placed on the fifth tier or top-most of the pyramid, are limited to
75 calories per day and only during the Live it! phase (Hensrud, 2018).
However, is this diet plan truly balanced and suitable for any person with
special condition? Is the Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid in accordance to
ideal dietary pyramid? The diet plan itself doesn't focus on precise counting of
calories consumed per day, hence how to make sure that the diet plan suits the
calories needed by each individual? What are the advantages of applying Mayo
Clinic Diet rather than other diet plans? This report is aimed to review Mayo
Clinic Diet, including its definition, advantages, hazardous considerations or side
effects (if present), precautions, and suggestions to the applicants. It is hoped that
through this report, people who plan to apply or have applied Mayo Clinic Diet
may be able to decide whether the diet is suitable for them and be aware of the

side effects and special precautions. It is also hoped that the applicants will be
able to better understand the Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid and wisely
plan their food choices according to the pyramid.

1.2. Research Questions

The research questions of this writing include:
1. What is Mayo Clinic Diet?

2. How is the epidemiology of Mayo Clinic Diet (who, when, where)?

3. How are the purposes and benefits of Mayo Clinic Diet?

4. How are the hazardous considerations and/or side effects of Mayo Clinic

5. What are the special precautions in applying Mayo Clinic Diet?

6. Is there any suggestion to the people applying Mayo Clinic Diet?

1.3. Purposes of the Writing

Hence, the purposes of this writing are:
1. To understand what Mayo Clinic Diet is;
2. To understand how Mayo Clinic Diet epidemiology is;

3. To enhance the knowledge about the purposes and benefits;

4. To enhance the knowledge about the hazardous considerations and/or side

effects of Mayo Clinic Diet;

5. To understand the special precautions in applying Mayo Clinic Diet;

6. To give suitable suggestions to the people applying Mayo Clinic Diet.

1.4. Benefits of the Writing

The benefits to be achieved from this writing are:
1. Medical community can further understand about Mayo Clinic Diet,
including its definition and description, epidemiology, purposes and benefits,
hazardous considerations and/or side effects, and special precautions of the
diet, hence will be able to give suggestions to the people applying or will
apply the diet;
2. Applicants or future applicants of Mayo Clinic Diet will be able to
understand the purposes and benefits of the diet, as well as its hazardous
considerations and/or side effects, thus may be able to weigh and decide
whether or not they will apply the diet;
3. Applicants or future applicants of Mayo Clinic Diet will be able to know
the special precautions of the diet and get suggestions suitable for themselves;

4. Authors can enhance their knowledge about Mayo Clinic Diet;

5. Authors can fulfill the Student Project assignment in the Clinical Nutrition
and Disorders Block of the Undergraduate Medicine and Medical Profession
Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University.

2.1. Definition and Description of Mayo Diet

Mayo Clinic Diet is a long haul weight controlled program which was
established by Mayo Clinic’s diet experts. Mayo Clinic Diet is created to promote
a better lifestyle by using advanced healthy routine and abandon old lifestyles that
could manage healthy weight for a long time. It does not demand patient to count
precise calories of fats. However, Mayo Clinic Diet Healthy Weight Pyramid
provides creating smart eating variety of foods. The base of pyramid aim at small-
scale of calories but in immense amount of foods, especially in vegetables and
fruits. It focuses on consuming low dynamism dense food which made people full
on lower calories. The rest of pyramid could be made up by spare sources of
protein (fish, legumes, low-fat diaries) and whole-grain carbohydrates.
Mayo Clinic Diet has two essential programs:
1. Lose it!
This is a two-week program which focus on weight loss, up to 2.7 to 4.5
kilograms in a healthy manner. Additionally, patient gain five new healthy
routines and leave five unhealthy routines.
2. Live it!
In this part, patient understand about good food choices, quantity, size,
workout, menu planning, and maintain healthy manner. Patient may
proceed to have a stable weight loss up to 1 to 2 pounds a week until they
attain their target weight.

2.2. Epidemiology of Mayo Diet

2.3. Purpose and Benefit of Mayo Diet

2.3.1 Purpose of Mayo Diet
Mayo Clinic Diet has 2 main purpose, the first one is to lose excess
weight, and the other is to find the diet that people can use for lifetime. Mayo
clinic diet works by changing daily routine, it is done by adding new routine like
exercise or removing bad habit like eating while watching TV. There are multiple
reason people interested in Mayo Clinic Diet, such as: (Mayo Clinic, 2019)
1. Want to use diet that has been tested and approved by medical professional
2. Learning which habit must be removed and which is beneficial for health
3. Improving overall health by using healthier lifestyle and reducing health
4. Using diet routine that can be applied for lifetime, making plan to exercise
and what to eat will become easier if we have proper guideline
2.3.2 Benefit of Mayo Diet
1. Weight Loss
The main benefit of Mayo Clinic Diet is to constantly have ideal
weight for their lifetime. For people who overweight, they must reach
the weight goal first. For the first two weeks, participant is expected to
lose 2,7 - 4,5 kg, then they continue to lose 0,5 – 1 kg every week
until they reach the goal. After that the diet will help them to maintain
those weight. (Mayo Clinic, 2019)
2. Other Health Benefit
By losing weight with healthy and nutritious diet, it can improve
overall health by reducing health problem that related with person
weight, this problem includes high blood pressure, heart disease, and
diabetes. Mayo clinic diet provide health and sustainable lifestyle so
the participant can enjoy life with lot of health benefits. (Mayo Clinic,

2.4. Hazardous Consideration and Side Effect of Mayo Diet

The Mayo Clinic Diet is generally safe for adults, but there are some side
effects that can occur with the Mayo Clinic Diet. The first side effect is that
patients may experience digestive problems such as intestinal gas when applying
this diet. In implementing the Mayo Clinic Diet, patients are required to prioritize
the consumption of fruits and vegetables. The digestion period that occurs can be
a compensation for the body to the dietary changes made during the application of
this diet. Some people may experience minor risks in digestion system according
to the adaptation of new eating style. The second side effect is the risk of
increasing blood sugar. The application of the Mayo Clinic Diet can provide a risk
of increasing blood sugar because basically all fruits that are consumed contain
different sugar levels. The sugar in every fruit consumed during this diet can
certainly pose a risk of increasing blood sugar. The natural glucose from the fruit
affect carbohydrate intake, mainly when they consume a lot of fruit. This habit
may tentatively increase blood sugar or certain blood fats. This condition will be
dangerous for patients with comorbid diabetes. For some diabetic people, they are
recommended to consultation with the nutritionist to adjust the mayo clinic diet
for their situation. The third side effect is dehydration. Decreasing salt intake in
the Mayo Clinic Diet can pose a risk of dehydration to patients because the
physiology of salt also controls fluid homeostasis in the body. The fourth side
effect is fatigue. According to the Mayo Clinic Diet pyramid, vegetables and fruit
have a major role in this type of diet, so that the consumption of carbohydrates,
protein, and fat which are the source of macro energy in the body will decrease.
This condition will result in decreased energy reserves in the body so that patients
can feel tired more easily after a fairly heavy activity (Mayo Clinic, 2019;
Healthline, 2020).

2.5. Special Precautions of Mayo Diet

Before taking a mayo diet, things that must be known are the changes in
diet and exercise can lead to some symptoms. It can be fatigue, dizziness, or
sometimes it needs to change medication. Beside that, it will be better to consult
the doctor first, if the patient consumes some medications (Hensrud D.D.,2018).
Another condition that must be highlighted is the concentration of blood sugar.
Monitoring blood sugar is still necessary to know the effect of the eating
principles of the Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid. Also, if there are some
foods that can cause an allergic reaction, they can be replaced with other foods
(Hensrud D.D.,2018).

2.6. Suggestions to The People Applying Mayo Diet

The Mayo Diet is well known to be divided into two phases such as:
1. “Lose it!”: Which is the first two weeks phase that designed to jump-start or
help to lose weight up to 2.7 to 4.5. This phase of the diet focused on 15 habit
which include five healthy habit, break five unhealthy habits, and adopt five
bonus healthy habits kilograms (Mayo Clinic Diet, 2021). Explanation as
a. Encouraged to do the following to break certain habits:
1) Avoid eating added sugar such as processed foods
2) Refrain from snacking (except for fruits and vegetables)
3) Do not eat too much meat and full-fat dairy
4) Avoid eating while watching television
5) Avoid eating out (unless the food follows the diet’s rules)
6) Avoid drinking alcohol
b. Advised to develop these habits:
1) Eat a healthy breakfast
2) Consume at least four servings of vegetables and fruit per day
3) Eat whole grains (brown rice) and barley
4) Focus on healthy fats (olive oil) and limit saturated fats (bacon,
sausages, cheese) and best to avoid trans fats (frozen pizza, fried
foods, baked goods, refrigerated dough)
5) Walk or exercise for 30 minutes or more everyday
c. Bonus habit such as keeping food and activity journals, exercising for 60
minutes or more per day, and avoiding processed foods (Goldman and
Lynn Grieger, 2020).
2. “Live it!”: Which is a lifelong phase to help maintaining goal weight
permanently. This phase focus on food choices, portion sizes, menu planning,
physical activity, exercise and sticking to healthy habits. It helps to achieve
steady weight loss of 0.5 to 1 kilogram a week until reaching the goal weight
kilograms (Mayo Clinic Diet, 2021). Following the traditional dietary
guidelines from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, it is needed to eat more:
a. Vegetables
b. Fruits
c. Whole grains carbohydrates
d. Lean protein dairy (legumes, fish)
e. Less of sweets with an aim to reduce the intake to a maximum of 75
calories per day (Goldman and Lynn Grieger, 2020).
It’s important to take note that Mayo Diet was designed for general weight
loss. For people who have specific condition such as diabetes, heart disease,
kidney disease should work with healthcare team to acquire the specific dietary
requirements. For example, people with diabetes should aim more vegetables for
snack rather than fruits. Also, it is important to know for people who aren’t used
to having fibres (fruit and vegetables) may experience minor temporary changes
digestion such as intestinal gas as the body trying to adjust this new way of eating
(Mayo Clinic Diet, 2021).

Below are the mayo clinic diet’s sample of menu for a day.
1. Breakfast
1 cup skim milk (about 240 mL)
¾ cup flake cereal (about 30 gram)
Calorie-free drink
1 banana, sliced
2. Lunch
Tuna salad pita
1 cup grapes (about 100 gram)
Calorie-free drink
3. Dinner
Chicken parmesan
½ cup cooked whole grain pasta and 1/3 cup marinara sauce
1 ½ cup cubed watermelon
½ grilled zucchini drizzled with 1 tsp. olive oil
Calorie-free drink
4. Snack
1 cup veggie of choice
3 tbsp. fat-free ranch dressing

Below are the recipe for chicken parmesan and tuna salad pita (Hensrud,
1. Chicken Parmesan
a. 4 (each is 3 oz) chicken breast
b. 2 egg white
c. 1 cup breadcrumb
d. ½ grated Parmesan cheese
e. 2 tsp dry basil
f. 2 tsp dry oregano
g. 1 tsp garlic powder
h. 1 tsp onion powder
i. 2 cup marinara
j. ¼ cup part-skim mozzarella cheese
How to make:
a. Heat the oven to 375 F
b. Pound the chicken breast to ¼ thickness and set aside
c. Put egg whites in a small bowl
d. Place breadcrumbs, parmesan cheese, basil, oregano, garlic powder,
and onion powder in food processor. Process and pour mixture in
another bowl
e. Coat a baking sheet with cooking spray. Dip each chicken in the egg
whites, dredge in the breading mixture and place on the sheet. Bake
about 15 to 20 minutes until golden brown
f. Top with marinara and mozzarella cheese. Place back in the oven
until the cheese melts
2. Tuna salad pita
a. 2 of 6 oz cans of tuna packed in water
b. ½ cup diced celery
c. tsp lemon juice
d. ¼ cup of low-fat mayonnaise
How to make:
Place ¼ recipe in ½ whole wheat pita. Top with lettuce leaf, cucumber
slices, and a tomato slice.

Mayo Clinic Diet is a long haul weight controlled program which was
established by Mayo Clinic’s diet experts. Mayo Clinic Diet is created to promote
a better lifestyle by using advanced healthy routine and abandon old lifestyles that
could manage healthy weight for a long time. This diet type has two essential
programs: Lose It! and Live it! Mayo Clinic Diet has 2 main purpose, the first one
is to lose excess weight, and the other is to find the diet that people can use for
lifetime. This diet type also may help people losing their weight and having other
health benefit. Otherwise, Mayo Clinic Diet also may reveal some side effects like
digestive problems, high blood sugar, dehydration, and fatigue. Therefore, people
applying this diet have to concern some healthy diet advice and sample menu to
gain an optimal result.

Hensrud, D. D. (2018) The Mayo Clinic Diet. 2nd edn. Edited by P. P. Good. New
York: Rosetta Books.
Mayo Clinic Staff. (2019) The Mayo Clinic Diet: A weight-loss program for life.
[online] Available at: <
loss/in-depth/mayo-clinic-diet/art-20045460> [Accessed 24 May 2021].
Goldman, R. and Lynn Grieger, C., 2020. The Mayo Clinic Diet: How It Works
and What to Know | Everyday Health. [online]
Available at: <
diet.aspx> [Accessed 24 May 2021].
Healthline (2020) The Mayo Clinic Diet Review: Does It Work for Weight Loss?
Available at:
diet#bottom-line (Accessed: 24 May 2021).

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