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95 & 20 6 1 0 4 1 1 1 34

90-94 11 23 21 11 19 4 9 14 112

85-89 0 1 8 15 7 14 16 10 71

80-84 0 0 0 4 0 10 5 5 24

75-79 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

74 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL 31 30 30 30 30 29 31 31 242



Table 1. Grade 7 Student Achievement Report

The table above shows the summarized report of Grade 7 with 8 sections in English. For
OLHR with 31 total number of students, most of the students got 95 and above, for OLIC with
30 total number of students, most of the students got 90-94; for OLA with 30 total number of
students, most of the students got 90-94; for OLF with 30 total number of students, most of the
students got 85-89; for OLL with 30 total number of students, most of the students got 90-94; for
OLN with 29 total number of students, most of the students got 85-89; for OLMC with 31 total
number of students, most of the students got 85-89, and for OLP with 31 total number of
students, most of the students got 90-94.
It shows that a large number of Grade 7 students got a grade of 90-94. We can therefore
conclude that most of the students are performing well in English; implying that they have a
good grasp of the concepts in the said subject.
Range St. St. St. St. St. St. St. TOTAL
Lorenzo Pedro Maximillian Paul Peter Lawrence Sebastian

95 & 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 7

90-94 26 26 11 12 31 8 25 139

85-89 0 0 16 10 7 16 13 62

80-84 0 0 10 11 3 13 0 37

75-79 0 0 1 6 0 0 0 7

74 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL 29 28 39 40 41 37 38 252

Table 2. Grade 8 Student Achievement Report

The table above shows the summarized report of Grade 8 with 7 sections in English. For
St. Lorenzo with 29 total number of students, most of the students got 90-94; for St. Pedro with
28 total number of students, majority of the students got a grade of 90-94; for St. Maximilian
with a total number of 39 students, most of them got 85-89; for St. Paul with a total number of 40
students, most of the scores are distributed in the 90-94, 85-89, and 80-84 ranges; for St. Peter
Baptist with a total number of 41 students, majority of the class got a grade of 90-94; for St.
Lawrence with a total number of 37 students, most of the students got a grade of 85-89; and for
St. Sebastian with a total number of 38 students, majority of the class got 90-94.
This shows that more than half of the population of Grade 8 students got a grade of 90-
94; implying that they understand the subject and have performed the tasks and activities
required of the subject matter well, falling under the descriptive rating of Advanced.
Range St. St. St. St. St. St. St. TOTAL
Thomas Augustine Albert Bonaventure Charles Francis Teresa

95 & 10 10 0 0 0 4 0 24

90-94 22 21 9 9 8 20 13 102
85-89 0 1 23 6 33 17 25 105
80-84 1 0 10 12 5 0 7 35
75-79 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 17
74 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL 33 32 42 44 46 41 45 283

Table 3. Grade 9 Student Achievement Report

The table above shows the summarized report of Grade 9 with 7 sections in MAPEH. For
St. Thomas with 33 total number of students, most of the students got 90-94; for St. Augustine
with 32 total number of students, most of the students got 90-94; for St. Albert with 42 total
number of students, most of the students got 85-89; for St. Bonaventure with 44 total number of
students, most of the students got 75-79; for St. Charles with 46 total number of students, almost
all of the students got 85-89; for St. Francis with 41 total number of students, almost half of the
total number of the students got 90-94; and for St. Teresa with 45 total number of students,
majority of the students got 85-89.
It may be interpreted that most of the students are proficient with the English subject and
that they met the standards of the subject, having a grade of 85-89. Following by a close margin,
however, a large number of students have also been shown excelling in the subject, getting a
grade of 90-94 – implying that they have been able to perform their tasks well.
Range St. St. St. St. St. St. Leo St. TOTAL
Peter Nicholas Fabian Gregory John Pontian

95 & 5 14 1 2 1 0 1 24

90-94 20 13 16 11 9 6 18 93
85-89 0 0 17 11 18 21 17 84
80-84 0 0 10 16 14 15 7 62
75-79 0 0 1 3 2 2 3 11
74 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL 25 27 45 43 44 44 46 274

Table 4. Grade 10 Student Achievement Report

The table above shows the summarized report of Grade 10 with 7 sections in MAPEH.
For St. Peter with 25 total number of students, majority of the students got 90-94; for St.
Nicholas with 27 total number of students, most of the students got 95 and above, for St. Fabian
with 45 total number of students, most of the students got 85-89 and 90-94; for St. Gregory with
43 total number of students, most of the total number of the students got 80-84, for St. John Paul
II with 44 total number of students, most of the students got 85-89; for St. Leo with 44 total
number of students, most of the students got 85-89, and for St. Pontian with 46 total number of
students, most of the students got 90-94.
It can be interpreted that most of the students in Grade 10 got the average grades of 90-94
that fall under the descriptive rating of Advanced, implying that they understand the concepts
and the lessons well and can perform the tasks excellently; also, a large number of students from
the Grade 10 got an average grade of 85-89, meaning that they met the standards of the subject.
Range Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 TOTAL
95 & above 34 7 24 24 89

90-94 112 139 102 93 446

85-89 71 62 105 84 322
80-84 24 37 35 62 158
75-79 1 7 17 11 36
74 & below 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL 242 252 283 274 1051

Table 5. Grade 7-10 Student Achievement Report

The table above shows the summarized report of the JHS in English. For Grade 7 with
242 total number of students, most of the students got 90-94, for Grade 8 with 252 total number
of students, most of the students got 90-94, for Grade 9 with 283 total number of students, almost
most of the students got 85-89, for St. Grade 10 with 274 total number of students, most of the
students got 90-94.
To sum up the given data, it can be interpreted that most of the students in Junior High
School (JHS) got the average grade of 90-94 that fall under the descriptive rating of Advanced.
Despite the many difficulties that the students are facing, most of them excel in the English
subject and have performed well. It can also be implied that even with the different approaches
used in instruction, the students still have a good grasp of the lesson and are able to apply the
concepts introduced to them in the lesson.

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