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Operations Research for Health Care 18 (2018) 99–111

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Optimal control of intervention strategies and cost effectiveness

analysis for a Zika virus model
Abdulfatai A. Momoh a , Armin Fügenschuh b, *
Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria
Helmut Schmidt Universität, Hamburg, Germany

article info a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper presents an optimal control strategy and a cost effectiveness analysis for the Zika virus disease.
Received 1 October 2016 A mathematical model for the transmission of the Zika virus is considered with four preventive measures
Accepted 29 August 2017 as control, namely: the use of treated bednets, the use of condoms, a medical treatment of infected
Available online 12 September 2017
persons, and the use of indoor residual spray (IRS). We obtain the reproduction number R0 for the disease
and carry out a stability analysis. We observe that the disease’s free equilibrium state is stable when
MSC 2010:
R0 < 1 but unstable when R0 > 1, which leads to a spread of the disease. We examine the implementation
93A30 of various combinations of the possible control strategies in order to determine the most cost-effective
93C15 one. Based on the computational results, we conclude that a strategy that consists of treated bednets,
treatment of symptomatic infected humans and indoor residual spray is the most cost effective strategy.
Keywords: © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
Vector-Borne disease license (
Zika virus
Optimal control
Cost effectiveness analysis
Reproduction number

1. Introduction been observed that the Zika virus can be transmitted through
sexual contact. It was reported infected that an infected male had
Zika is a viral infection that is usually spread by the bite of an infected a female by having vaginal sexual intercourse, even before
infected mosquito. It can sometimes be spread by having sex with the onset of symptoms [15]. After the confirmation of the first
an infected human. The Zika virus is a flavivirus and is related case of sexually transmitted Zika virus in Dallas County by the
to other arboviruses such as the yellow fever virus, the Japanese CDC on February 2, 2016 [16], six more confirmed and probable
Encephalitis Virus, the Dengue Virus and the West Nile Virus [1]. In cases of a sexual transmission of the Zika virus in the US were
1947, the Zika virus was originally isolated from a febrile sentinel reported by the CDC on February 26, 2016 [17], and Europe’s first
rhesus monkey and from a pool of Aedes Africanus mosquitoes case of a sexually transmitted Zika virus was diagnosed in France
in the Zika forest in Uganda during a yellow fever study [2]. The in February 2016 [18]. Education about the Zika virus’ mode of
Zika virus was first detected in humans five years later in 1952 transmission and ways of preventing transmission are essential
using neutralizing antibody testing in sera from East Africa [2–4], in order to halt mosquito growth and thus Zika spread among a
and it was first isolated in a human in Uganda [5]. It has been community or population, at regional, national, and global levels.
estimated that about 80% of infected persons with the Zika virus are Control measures available are limited and include the use of
asymptomatic [6,7] and it is known that those with clinical man- insect repellents to protect humans against mosquito bites and
ifestations present Dengue-like symptoms that include arthral- sex protection while engage in sexual activities [6,8,19]. In this
gia, particularly swelling, mild fever, lymphadonopathy, skin rash, paper, we present optimal control strategies and cost effectiveness
headaches, retro or bital pain and conjunctivitis which normally analysis to better understand ways to control the transmission of
last for 2–7 days [7–9]. The epidemic capacity of the Zika virus the Zika virus with respect to cost/benefit to the population.
was revealed in an outbreak in Micronesia in 2007 and affected The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we present a
approximately 5000 people [10]. Zika has been detected in serum, mathematical model for the Zika virus transmission with four con-
saliva, urine, and semen [11–13]. It has also been detected in urine trol functions. In Section 3 we carry out our mathematical analysis
and semen even after it disappears from blood [14]. It has also of this Zika virus model. In Section 4 we economically assess the
control strategies involved in the optimal control problem. In Sec-
tion 5 we propose an optimal control problem for the minimization
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Fügenschuh). of the number of asymptomatic infected humans, symptomatic
2211-6923/© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
100 A.A. Momoh, A. Fügenschuh / Operations Research for Health Care 18 (2018) 99–111

Table 1 dIV
State variables descriptions of the zika virus model.
= αV EV − µV IV − θ u4 IV (1g)
Symbol Description of variable dNH
= ΛH − δH IH − µH NH (1h)
SH Number of susceptible humans at time t dt
AH Number of asymptomatic infected humans at time t dNV
IH Number of symptomatic infected humans at time t = ΛV − (µV + θ u4 )NV (1i)
RH Number of recovered humans at time t dt
SV Number of susceptible mosquitoes at time t The number of susceptible humans, SH (t) increases due to a
EV Number of exposed mosquitoes at time t
recruitment at a rate ΛH , a loss of immunity from the recovered
IV Number of infectious mosquitoes at time t
NH Total number of human at time t class at a rate ϕH and recovered humans without immunity at a
NV Total number of mosquitoes at time t rate (1 − ν ). The number of susceptible humans reduces by
β1 ερ (1 − u1 )IV SH βa c(1 − u2 )AH SH βs κ (1 − u2 )IH SH
Table 2 + +
Control variables and descriptions of the zika virus model. NH NH NH
Symbol Description of control as a result of a contact with an infectious mosquitoes and a sexual
u1 (t) Control measure through the use of treated bednets contact with symptomatic and asymptomatic infected humans and
u2 (t) Control measure through the use of condoms a natural death at a rate µH . We emphasize that also asymptomatic
u3 (t) Control measure through treatment of infected humans infected humans carry the Zika virus but do not show symptoms
u4 (t) Control measure through use of indoor residual spray
yet are able to distribute the virus through sexual contacts. The
asymptomatic infected humans increases by force of infection
and reduces due to a transition of individuals from the class of
infected humans and total mosquito population while taking note asymptomatic infected to the symptomatic infected class at a rate
the cost of control interventions. Finally, in Section 6 the numerical of αH and a natural death at a rate of µH . The symptomatic infected
results are analyzed and interpreted from an epidemiological point
humans may recover with temporary immunity at a rate ν and
of view and cost effectiveness analysis was implemented for the
progress to recovered class while the remaining proportion recov-
various strategies considered in this work.
ers without immunity and become susceptible at a rate (1 − ν ).
The symptomatic infected human recover as a result of treatment
2. Derivation of the model
at a rate τ u3 (t), where u3 (t) ∈ [0, 1] is the control measure on
treatment and φ is the proportion of humans who recovered spon-
A deterministic Zika virus transmission dynamics model with
intervention strategies is propose to investigate the optimal con- taneously (i.e., the body recovers naturally without treatments).
trol strategy against the Zika virus. A schematic overview of the full The symptomatic infected human population reduces by natural
model is shown in Fig. 1. An overview of the notation of the model death and disease induced death at rates µH and δH respectively.
is given in Tables 1–3. The recovered human population reduces by natural death at a rate
The total population for human hosts at time t is de- µH and loss of immunity at a rate ϕH . The susceptible mosquito
noted by NH (t). The total population of vectors (mosquitoes) is population increases due to recruitment at a rate ΛV , reduces by
NV (t). They are sub-divided into (SH (t), AH (t), IH (t), RH (t)) and β2 ερ (1 − u1 )IH SV
(SV (t), EV (t), IV (t)), respectively, with the following meaning: The NH
human host population consist of a susceptible human pop-
ulation SH (t), asymptomatic infected human population AH (t), upon contact with symptomatic infected human, where β2 is the
symptomatic infected human population IH (t) and recovered hu- transmission probability per contact by an symptomatic infected
man population RH (t). The vector population consist of suscep- human, natural death at a rate µV and death due to use of indoor
tible mosquitoes SV (t), exposed mosquitoes EV (t) and infected residual spray θ u4 (t), where θ > 0 is the rate constant when indoor
mosquitoes IV (t). In the Zika virus model, we incorporate four time residual spray is used and u4 (t) ∈ [0, 1] is the control measure
dependent control measures, namely, the use of treated bednets by use of indoor residual spray. The exposed mosquito population
u1 (t), the use of condoms u2 (t), the treatment u3 (t) and the use of increases by force of infection for mosquitoes and reduces by pro-
indoor residual spray u4 (t). gression into infectious class at the rate αV , natural death at a rate
Using these notations, we then obtain the following system of µV and control measure by indoor residual spray at a rate θ u4 (t).
differential equations (c.f. Fig. 1): The infectious mosquito population increases due to progression
dSH β1 ερ (1 − u1 )IV SH from exposed class at a rate αV and reduces due to natural death
= ΛH + (φ + τ u3 )(1 − ν )IH + ϕ RH − at a rate µV and control measure by indoor residual spray at a
dt NH
rate θ u4 (t). we assumed that the rate of contact of susceptible
βa c(1 − u2 )AH SH βs κ (1 − u2 )IH SH
− − − µH SH (1a) with symptomatic infected individuals is less than asymptomatic
NH NH infected individuals (κ < c). This is so because on becoming
dEH β1 ερ (1 − u1 )IV SH βa c(1 − u2 )AH SH symptomatic,the infected persons may choose to use preventive
= +
dt NH NH measures and change their behavior.
βs κ (1 − u2 )IH SH
+ − αH AH − µH AH (1b)
NH 3. Mathematical analysis of the Zika virus model
= αH AH − (φ + τ u3 )IH − µH IH − δH IH (1c) We analyze the theoretical properties of our model (1), c.f. [20].
= (φ + τ u3 )ν IH − ϕH RH − µH RH (1d)
3.1. Positivity of solution and invariant region
dSV β2 ερ (1 − u1 )IH SV
= ΛV − − µV SV − θ u4 SV (1e) A general property of the system (1) with non-negative initial
dt NH
dEV β2 ερ (1 − u1 )IH SV conditions is to maintain non-negative solutions, which is the
= − αV EV − µV EV − θ u4 EV (1f) content of the following theorem.
dt NH
A.A. Momoh, A. Fügenschuh / Operations Research for Health Care 18 (2018) 99–111 101

Fig. 1. A schematic view on the Zika virus transmission model. The upper half shows the S-A-I-R cycle of the humans, the lower half shows the S-E-I dynamics of the

Table 3
Parameters descriptions of the zika virus model.
Symbol Description of parameter
ΛH Recruitment rate of humans into susceptible population
µH Natural death rate of humans
ϕH Recovered humans loss of immunity
φ Spontaneous individual recovery
ν Rate of recovery with temporary immunity
αH Breakthrough rate of humans from exposed to infected
δH Disease induced death rate
c Relative human–human contact rate of asymptomatic infected
κ Relative human–human contact rate of symptomatic infected
βa Probability of disease transmission per contact by asymptomatic
infected through sexual activity
βs Probability of disease transmission per contact by symptomatic
infected through sexual activity
β1 Probability of disease transmission per contact by an infectious
β2 Probability of disease transmission per contact by an infected human
ε Per capital biting rate of mosquitoes
ρ Contact rate of mosquito per human per unit time
ΛV Recruitment rate of mosquitoes
µV Natural death of mosquitoes
αV Breakthrough rate of mosquitoes from exposed to infectious
θ Rate constant due to use of indoor residual spray
τ Rate constant due to treatment effort

Theorem 1. Let SH (0), AH (0), IH (0), RH (0), SV (0), EV (0), IV (0) be and
non-negative, then the solutions (SH (t), AH (t), IH (t), RH (t), SV (t), ΛV
{ }
EV (t), IV (t)) of the system (1) are non-negative for all t > 0. ΩV := (SV , EV , IV ) ∈ R3+ | NV ≤ .
(µV + θ u4 )
Then, Ω is positively invariant and attracting with respect to the flow
A proof of this theorem follows the approach of [21], and will
described by system (1).
be omitted here.

Proof. Adding the expression in the right hand sides of the

Theorem 2. Let (SH , AH , IH , RH , SV , EV , IV ) be the solution of the Eqs. (1a)–(1g) in system (1) gives system (1h)–(1i). The number of
system (1) with initial conditions and the biological feasible region infected humans is bounded by the total population, i.e., 0 ≤ IH ≤
Ω := ΩH × ΩV with Λ
NH . From NH ≤ µ H (in the definition of ΩH ) and Eq. (1h) it follows

{ }
ΩH := (SH , AH , IH , RH ) ∈ R+ | NH ≤
≤ ΛH − µH NH
µH dt
102 A.A. Momoh, A. Fügenschuh / Operations Research for Health Care 18 (2018) 99–111

Similarly, from NV ≤ (µ +θ V
u4 )
(in the definition of ΩV ) and Eq. (1i) residual spray (IRS). Moreover, since Zika also spreads from one
it follows human to another by sexual contact, the use of condoms is on our
dNV intervention list. Finally, informing the public and trying to change
:= ΛV − (µV + θ u4 )NV . their behavior is in our catalogue of measures. By a cost-effective
combination of these four, we seek to arrive at R0 < 1.
By a standard comparison theorem [22], it follows that
ΛH Lemma 1. The disease-free equilibrium E0 of the Zika virus model is
0 ≤ NH (t) ≤ NH (0)e−µH t + (1 − e−µH t ) locally asymptotically stable whenever R0 < 1 and unstable when
R0 > 1.
NV (t) := NV (0)e−(µV +θ u4 )t + (1 − e−(µV +θ u4 )t ). 4. Economic assessment of the Zika virus model
(µV + θ u4 )
Hence, the set Ω is positively invariant. Thus for t → ∞ we have In this section, in line with what is obtain in [24], we economi-
that 0 ≤ NH ≤ µ H and NV := (µ +θ u4 )
, hence Ω is an attracting cally assess the intervention strategies through the use of optimal
set. □ control and a cost effectiveness analysis. This is to enable us make
informed decision as to the most cost effective strategy among the
interventions under consideration. The cost objective function [25]
3.2. Zika virus free equilibrium
that we aim to minimize in the variables (u1 , u2 , u3 , u4 ) is given by
∫ T
In order to study the behavior of the Zika virus model at its
Cf (T ) = [(m1 u1 (t) + m2 u2 (t))(SH (t) + AH (t))
equilibrium, we set the right hand side of all the equations in
system (1) to zero. Thus at this disease free state, A∗H = IH∗ =
+ m3 τ u3 (t)IH (t) + m4 θ u4 (t)NV (t)]e−ηt dt , (8)
R∗H = EV∗ = IV∗ = 0, and the Zika virus model has a disease free
equilibrium point given at subject to the differential equations of model (1a)–(1g). Here m1
is the per unit cost of treated bednets, m2 is the per unit cost
E0 = (SH , AH , IH , RH , SV , EV , IV )
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
of condoms, m3 is the cost of treatment of symptomatic infected
( )
humans and m4 is the per unit area cost of indoor residual spray.
= , 0, 0, 0, , 0, 0 . (2)
µH (µV + θ u4 ) η is a discount rate [25], typically between 3% and 5%. u1 , u2 ,
represent the fraction of susceptible individuals and asymptomatic
infected individuals who make use of ITNs and condoms as a means
3.3. Basic reproduction number
of minimizing or eliminating mosquito to human contacts and
human to human contact through sex. The control u3 represents
In this section, we assume a constant controls and the matrices
the control effort on treatment of symptomatic infectious individ-
F and V (defined and derived as in [23]) for the new infection
uals. The control u4 , the use of IRS, affects the whole mosquito
terms and remaining transfer terms at disease free equilibrium
population by increasing its mortality rate.
respectively are given by
When denoting by λSH , λAH , λIH , λRH , λSV , λEV , and λIV the
βa c(1 − u2 ) βs κ (1 − u2 ) β1 ερ (1 − u1 ) shadow prices associated with their respective classes, the Hamil-
⎡ ⎤
⎢ 0 0 0 0 ⎥ tonian equation for the cost function is given as
F = ⎢
⎢ β2 ερ (1 − u1 )ΛV µH ⎥,

0 0 0 H Cf = [(m1 u1 (t) + m2 u2 (t))(SH (t) + AH (t))
ΛH (µV + θ u4 )
⎣ ⎦
0 0 0 0 + m3 τ u3 (t)IH (t) + m4 θ u4 (t)NV (t)]e−ηt

K1 0 0 0
⎤ dSH dAH dIH dRH (9)
+ λSH + λAH + λIH + λRH
⎢−αH K2 0 0⎥ dt dt dt dt
V = ⎣ , dSV dEV dIV
0 0 K3 0⎦
+ λSV
+ λE + λI .
0 0 −αV K4 dt dt dt
respectively. Thus, the basic reproduction number (also defined as We now substitute Eq. (1) into Eq. (9) to get the corresponding
in [23]) is given by Hamiltonian and applying Pontryagin’s maximum principle [24]
√ we obtain
A1 A21 ΛH K3 K42 + 4K1 K2 αH αV (β1 ερ (1 − u1 ))2 ΛV µH dλSH
R0 = + . − = −m1 u1 e−ηt − m2 u2 e−ηt
2K1 K2 4ΛH K12 K22 K3 K42 dt
β1 ερ (1 − u1 )IV βa c(1 − u2 )AH
with + (λSH − λAH ) +
A1 = (αH βs κ + βa cK1 )(1 − u2 ) (3) βs κ (1 − u2 )IH
+ + µH λSH ,
K1 = (αH + µH ) (4) NH
d λ AH βa c(1 − u2 )SH
K2 = (ψ + σ u3 + µH + δH ) (5) − = −m1 u1 e−ηt − m2 u2 e−ηt + (λSH − λAH )
dt NH
K3 = (αV + µV + θ u4 ) (6) + (λAH − λIH )αH + µH λAH ,
K4 = (µV + θ u4 ) (7) dλIH βs κ (1 − u2 )SH
− = −m3 τ u3 e−ηt + (λSH − λAH )
dt NH
We seek for an optimal combination of control strategies that
β2 ερ (1 − u1 )SV
would lead to R0 < 1, which would guarantee that no new Zika + (λSV − λEV )
infection takes place, as was shown in [20]. Typical cost-effective NV
interventions used in other mosquito related diseases and their − (φ + τ u3 )νλRH − (φ + τ u3 )(1 − ν )λSH
endemic areas include insecticides-treated nets (ITNs) and indoor + (φ + τ u3 + µH + δH )λIH ,
A.A. Momoh, A. Fügenschuh / Operations Research for Health Care 18 (2018) 99–111 103

dλRH The implication of this is that a Zika virus prevention by the use of
− = (λRH − λSH )ϕH + µH λRH ,
dt treated bednets will attain its optimum when the marginal benefit
dλSV β2 ερ (1 − u1 )IH is greater than the marginal cost for the use of treated bednets.
− = −m4 θ u4 e−ηt + (λSV − λEV )
dt NH Therefore, all susceptible and asymptomatic infected humans are
+ (µV + θ u4 )λSV , encouraged to use treated bednets in the quest to combat the
dλEV scourge. The effective use of treated bednets will increase the num-
− = −m4 θ u4 e−ηt + (λEV − λIV )αV + (µV + θ u4 )λEV , ber of susceptible humans and uninfected mosquitoes since the
dt treated bednets serve as a barrier between human and mosquitoes.
dλIV β2 ερ (1 − u1 )SH
− = −m4 θ u4 e−ηt + (λSV − λEV )
dt NH 4.2. An economic assessment of condoms
+ (µV + θ u4 )λIV ,
Differentiating HCf with respect to the use of condoms u2 we
dλSH ∂ HCf ∂ HCf
= , = m2 e−ηt (SH + AH )
dt ∂ SH ∂ u2
dλAH ∂ HCf
βa cIH SH β s κ IH S H
[ ]
= , + (λSH − λAH ) + (λSH − λAH ) ,
dt ∂ AH NH NH
dλIH ∂ HCf
= , where
dt ∂ IH
dλRH ∂ HCf m2 e−ηt (SH + AH )
= ,
dt ∂ RH is the marginal cost of acquiring condoms and
dλSV ∂ HCf βa cIH SH βs κ IH SH
= , (λSH − λAH ) + (λAH − λSH )
dt ∂ SV NH NH
dλEV ∂ HCf
= , is the marginal benefit. The optimal policy is attained when the
dt ∂ EH marginal cost for using condoms is equal to marginal benefit from
dλIV ∂ HCf the use of condoms. From (11) we have the following bounds:
= .
dt ∂ IH β cIH SH
u2 (t) = 0 if m2 e−ηt (SH + AH ) > (λAH − λSH )
4.1. An economic assessment of treated bednets βκ IH SH
+ (λAH − λSH ) ,
Differentiating the Hamiltonian HCf with respect to the use of β cIH SH
treated bednets u1 we obtain u2 (t) ∈ (0, 1) if m2 e−ηt (SH + AH ) = (λAH − λSH )
∂ HCf −ηt βκ IH SH
= m1 e (SH + AH ) + (λAH − λSH ) ,
∂ u1 NH
β1 ερ IV SH β1 ερ IH SV β cIH SH
[ ]
+ (λSH − λAH ) + (λSV − λEV ) , u2 (t) = 1 if m2 e−ηt (SH + AH ) < (λAH − λSH )
(10) βκ IH SH
+ (λAH − λSH ) .
where NH
The implication of this is that a Zika virus prevention by the use
m1 e−ηt (SH + AH )
of condoms will attain optimality when the marginal benefit is
is the marginal cost of using treated bednets, and greater than the marginal cost using the condoms. Therefore, all
susceptible and asymptomatic infected humans are encouraged to
β1 ερ IV SH β1 ερ IH SV
(λSH − λAH ) + (λSV − λEV ) use condoms in the quest to combat the scourge. The effective use
NH NH of condoms will increase the number of susceptible humans.
is the marginal benefit from the use of treated bednets. The optimal
policy is attained when the marginal cost of using treated bednets 4.3. An economic assessment of treatment
is equal to marginal benefit as a result of the use of treated bednets.
From (10) we have the following bounds: Differentiating HCf with respect to the treatment u3 we obtain
β1 ερ IV SH ∂ HCf
u1 (t) = 0 if m1 e−ηt (SH + AH ) > (λAH − λSH ) = m3 e−ηt τ IH − τ λIH + ν (λSH − λRH ) − λSH IH ,
[ ]
NH ∂ u3
β1 ερ IH SV
+ (λEV − λSV ) , where
β1 ερ IV SH m3 e−ηt τ IH
u1 (t) ∈ (0, 1) if m1 e−ηt (SH + AH ) = (λAH − λSH )
NH is the marginal cost of treatment and
β1 ερ IH SV
τ λIH + ν (λSH − λRH ) − λSH IH
[ ]
+ (λEV − λSV ) ,
β1 ερ IV SH is the marginal benefit. The optimal policy is attained when the
u1 (t) = 1 if m1 e −ηt
(SH + AH ) < (λAH − λSH ) marginal cost of a treatment is equal to marginal benefit from a
treatment. From (12) we have the following bounds:
β1 ερ IH SV
+ (λEV − λSV ) . u3 (t) = 0 if m3 e−ηt τ IH > τ λIH + ν (λSH − λRH ) − λSH IH ,
[ ]
104 A.A. Momoh, A. Fügenschuh / Operations Research for Health Care 18 (2018) 99–111

u3 (t) ∈ (0, 1) if m3 e−ηt τ IH = τ λIH + ν (λSH − λRH ) − λSH IH ,

[ ]
u2 (t), u3 (t) and u4 (t). We seek an optimal control u∗1 , u∗2 , u∗3 and u∗4
such that
u3 (t) = 1 if m3 e−ηt τ IH < τ λIH + ν (λSH − λRH ) − λSH IH .
[ ]

If the marginal benefit of a treatment is higher than the marginal (u∗1 , u∗2 , u∗3 , u∗4 ) = min{J(u1 , u2 , u3 , u4 ), (u1 , u2 , u3 , u4 ) ∈ U }, (16)
cost for being treated then all symptomatic infected humans will where U is the set of measurable functions defined from [0, Tf ]
pursue full treatment. If not, then only few symptomatic infected onto [0, 1]. We use Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle to solve the
humans will pursue treatment. optimal control problem and the derivation of necessary condi-
4.4. Economic assessment of indoor residual spray The Hamiltonian H from the objective function (14) subject to
(1) and cost function (15) is
Differentiating HCf with respect to the use of indoor residual
H = [A1 AH + A2 IH + A3 NV
spray u4 we obtain
∂ HCf + (C1 u21 + C2 u22 + C3 u23 + C4 u24 )]e−ηt (17a)
= m4 θ e−ηt NV − θ (SV λSV + EV λEV + IV λIV ), (13) 2 [
∂ u4
+ λSH ΛH + (φ + τ u3 )(1 − ν )IH + ϕH RH
β1 ερ (1 − u1 )IV SH
m4 e−ηt θ NV −
is the marginal cost of acquiring indoor residual spray and βa c(1 − u2 )AH SH βs κ (1 − u2 )IH SH
− − − µ H SH (17b)
θ (SV λSV + EV λEV + IV λIV ) NH NH
β1 ερ (1 − u1 )IV SH βa c(1 − u2 )AH SH
is the marginal benefit. The optimal policy is attained when the + λ AH +
marginal cost for using an indoor residual spray is equal to the
βa c(1 − u2 )IH SH
marginal benefit as a result of the use of indoor residual spray.
+ − αH AH − µH AH (17c)
From (13) we obtain bounds on the optimal policy as NH

u4 (t) = 0 if m4 θ e−ηt NV > θ (SV λSV + EV λEV + IV λIV ), + λIH [αH AH − (φ + τ u3 )IH − µH IH − δH IH ] (17d)
u4 (t) ∈ (0, 1) if m4 θ e−ηt NV = θ (SV λSV + EV λEV + IV λIV ),
+ λRH [(φ + τ u3 )ν IH − ϕH RH − µH RH ] (17e)
u4 (t) = 1 if m4 θ e−ηt NV < θ (SV λSV + EV λEV + IV λIV ). [
β2 ερ (1 − u1 )IH SV
+ λSV ΛV − − (µV + θ u4 )SV (17f)
If the marginal benefit for the spray of insecticides against NH
mosquitoes is less than the marginal cost of this spray, then the β2 ερ (1 − u1 )IH SV
[ ]
spray of insecticides is not reasonable. If the marginal cost of spray + λEV − αV EV − (µV + θ u4 )EV (17g)
of insecticides is less than the marginal benefits, then it is optimal
to spray insecticides against the mosquitoes. + λIV [αV IV − (µV + θ u4 )IV ] (17h)

5. Analysis of optimal control of the zika virus model

+ λCf [((m1 u1 + m2 u2 )(SH + AH )) + m3 τ u3 IH
+ m4 θ u4 NV ], (17i)
To investigate the optimal efforts needed to control the Zika where λSH , λAH , λIH , λRH , λSV , λEV , and λIV are the co-state variables
virus, we consider the objective functional given by the system
Tf dλSH
∫ [
J(u1 , u2 , u3 , u4 ) = A1 AH + A2 IH + A3 NV = (λSH − λAH )
β1 ερ (1 − u1 )IV βa c(1 − u2 )AH βs κ (1 − u2 )IH
] [ ]
1 × + +
+ (C1 u21 + C2 u22 + C3 u23 + C4 u24 ) e−ηt dt , (14) NV NH NH
+ µH λSH − (m1 u1 + m2 u2 )λCf (18a)
subject to the equations of the model (1) and additionally the total
dλAH βa c(1 − u2 )SH
cost at time T , given by = (λSH − λAH ) + µ H λ AH
∫ T
dt NH
Cf (T ) = [(m1 u1 + m2 u2 )(SH + AH ) + m3 τ u3 IH + (λAH − λIH ) − (m1 u1 + m2 u2 )λCf − A1 (18b)
0 dλIH βs κ (1 − u2 )SH
+ m4 θ u4 NV ]dt , (15) = (λSH − λAH )
dt NH
where A1 and A2 represent the weight constants of the asymp- β2 ερ (1 − u1 )SV
+ (λSH − λAH )
tomatic and symptomatic infected human population, respec- NV
tively, and A3 represents the weight constant of the total mosquito + (φ + τ u3 )νλRH − (φ + τ u3 )(1 − ν )λSH
population. C1 , C2 , C3 and C4 are weight constants for use of treated + (φ + µH + τ u3 + δH )λIH − m3 τ u3 λCf − A2 (18c)
bednets, condoms, treatment and indoor residual spray. Keeping in
line with what is in other literature on cost of control of epidemics, = (λRH − λSH )ϕH + µH λRH (18d)
we assume that there is no linear relationship between the cov- dt
erage of these interventions and their corresponding costs, hence dλSV β2 ερ (1 − u1 )IH
= (λSV − λEV )
we choose a quadratic cost on the controls [25–28]. Our goal with dt NV
the given objective function is to minimize the number of symp- + (µV + θ u4 )λSV − m4 θ u4 λCf − A3 (18e)
tomatic infected humans, asymptomatic infected humans and total dλEV
mosquito population, while minimizing the cost of control u1 (t), = (λEV − λIV )αV + (µV + θ u4 )λEV − m4 θ u4 λCf − A3 (18f)
A.A. Momoh, A. Fügenschuh / Operations Research for Health Care 18 (2018) 99–111 105

dλIV β1 ερ (1 − u1 )SH 0, ifuc4 ≤ 0,

= (λSV − λEV )
dt NV u∗4 = uc4 , if 0 < uc4 < 1,
+ (µV + θ u4 )λIV − m4 θ u4 λCf − A3 (18g) 1, if uc4 ≥ 1.
dλCf Due to the a priori boundedness of the state system, adjoint system,
=0 (18h) and the resulting Lipschitz structure of the ODEs, we obtain the
uniqueness of the optimal control for small Tf . The uniqueness of
By applying Pontryagin’s maximum principle [24] and an exis-
the optimal control follows from the uniqueness of the optimality
tence result for an optimal control (see [29]), we obtain
system, which consists of (18) and (20), with characterization (19).
There is a restriction on the length of the time interval in order to
Theorem 3. An optimal control (u∗1 , u∗2 , u∗3 , u∗4 ) that minimizes
guarantee the uniqueness of the optimality system. This smallness
J(u1 , u2 , u3 , u4 ) is given by (see the equation in Box I).
restriction of the length on the time is due to the opposite time
where λSH , λAH , λIH , λRH , λSV , λEV , and λIV are the adjoint variables
orientations of (18) and (20); the state problem has initial values,
satisfying (18) and the following transversality conditions:
and the adjoint problem has terminal values. We remark that this
λSH (Tf ) = λAH (Tf ) = λIH (Tf ) = λRH (Tf ) = λSV (Tf ) restriction is common in control problems, see [25,27,28]. □
= λEV (Tf ) = λIV (Tf ) = λCf (T ) = 0. (20)
6. Numerical solution and cost effectiveness analysis
Proof. From [29], the existence of an optimal control is a conse-
quence of the convexity of the integrand of J with respect to u1 , In this section, we examine the Zika virus model and study
u2 , u3 , and u4 , a priori boundedness of the state variables, and the effects of combined strategies on the transmission dynamics
the Lipschitz property of the state system with respect to the of the disease. The optimal control set is obtained by solving the
state variables. The differential equations governing the adjoint optimality system, consisting of the state and adjoint systems. An
variables are obtained by differentiating the Hamiltonian function, iterative scheme is used for solving the optimality system. We start
evaluated at the optimal control. Then the adjoint system can be to solve the state equations with a guess for the controls over
written as: the simulated time using the fourth order Runge–Kutta scheme.
∂H β1 ερ IV∗ SH∗ Because of the transversality conditions (20), the adjoint equations
0 = = u1 C1 e + (λSH − λAH )
c −ηt
are solved by a backward fourth order Runge–Kutta scheme using
∂ u1 NH
the current iterations’ solutions of the state equation. Then the con-
β2 ερ IH∗ SV∗
+ (λSV − λEV ) + m1 λCf (SH∗ + A∗H ) (21a) trols are updated by using a convex combination of the previous
NH controls and the value from the characterizations (19). This process
∂H βa cEH∗ SH∗ is repeated and iterations are stopped if the values of the unknowns
0 = = u2 C2 e + (λSH − λAH )
c −ηt
at the previous iteration are very close to the ones at the present
∂ u2 NH
iteration (see [28]). We chose the following set as weight factors:
βs κ IH∗ SH∗
+ (λSH − λAH ) + m2 λCf (SH∗ + A∗H ) (21b) A1 = 60, A2 = 500, A3 = 60, C1 = 25, C2 = 20, C3 = 30, C4 = 40.
∂H These weight values are selected based on the efforts required
0 =
∂ u3 to provide the strategies under consideration. The factors Ai are
= uc3 C3 e−ηt τ (λIH + ν (λSH − λRH ) − λSH )IH∗ + m3 λCf IH∗
[ ]
(21c) higher than the Cj factors, because we want to emphasize in our
optimization on the size of the groups that should be as small
∂H as possible. Among the three groups AH (asymptomatic infected
= uc4 C4 e−ηt − θ (SV∗ λSV + EV∗ λEH + IV∗ λIH )
0 =
∂ u4 humans), IH (symptomatic infected humans), NV (vector popula-
+ m4 λCf (SV∗ + EV∗ + IV∗ )
(21d) tion, the size of the symptomatic infected humans is considered
as the most critical one, hence the highest attention (resulting in
From (21), we obtain A2 = 500) is paid to them. The cost for controlling the spread of the
β1 ερ IV∗ SH∗ β2 ερ IH∗ SV∗
[ ]
(λAH − λSH ) NH
+ (λEV − λSV ) NH
− m1 λCf (SH∗ + A∗H ) disease is comparatively smaller but still significant, which results
uc1 = in values for Cj for j = 1, 2, 3, 4 between 20 and 40. For example,
C1 creating awareness and advertising condoms is the cheapest C2 =
βa cA∗H SH∗ βs κ IH∗ SH∗
[ ]
(λAH − λSH ) NH
+ (λAH − λSH ) NH
− m2 λCf (SH∗ + A∗H ) 20, whereas indoor residual spray is more expensive, hence C4 =
uc2 = 40. These values are of course adjustable and may differ from
country to country, region to region.
τ (λIH + ν (λSH − λRH ) − λSH )IH∗ − m3 λCf IH∗
[ ]
As initial state variables we set
uc3 =
SH (0) = 750, AH (0) = 250, IH (0) = 10, RH (0) = 20,
θ (SV∗ λSV + EV∗ λAH + IV∗ λIH ) − m4 λCf (SV∗ + EV∗ + IV∗ )
uc4 = . SV (0) = 10000, EV (0) = 500, IV (0) = 100.
Thus, by standard control arguments involving the bounds on the These values represent a small community with around 1000 in-
controls, we conclude that habitants. The Zika outbreak began some time before. Still, most of
the inhabitants (three quarter) are susceptible, while one quarter
0, if uc1 ≤ 0,
are asymptomatic. There is only a small group of symptomatic

u1 = uc1 , if 0 < uc1 < 1,
infected (about 1%), and also a small group of recovered inhabitants
1, if uc1 ≥ 1,
(3%). The mosquito population outnumbered the human popula-
0, if uc2 ≤ 0,
tion by a factor of 10, but we assume also here that only about 1%

u2 = uc2 , if 0 < uc2 < 1, of them are actually infected.
1, if uc2 ≥ 1, Using these sets of values we illustrate the effect of different
0, if uc3 ≤ 0, optimal control strategies on the transmission of Zika virus in a

u3 = uc3 , if 0 < uc3 < 1, population. All numerical simulations were carried out using the
1, if uc3 ≥ 1, parameter values shown in Table 4.
106 A.A. Momoh, A. Fügenschuh / Operations Research for Health Care 18 (2018) 99–111

β1 ερ IV∗ SH∗ β2 ερ IH∗ SV∗

⎧ ⎛ [ ⎞⎫ ]
⎨ (λAH − λSH ) NH
+ (λEV − λSV ) NH
⎬ + m1 λCf (SH∗ + A∗H )
u∗1 = max 0, min ⎝1, eη t ⎠ (19a)
⎩ C1 ⎭
βa cA∗ S ∗ βs κ A∗ S ∗
⎧ ⎛ [ ] ⎞⎫
⎨ (λAH − λSH ) N H H + (λAH − λSH ) N H H + m2 λCf (SH∗ + A∗H ) ⎬
eη t ⎠
u∗2 = max 0, min ⎝1, (19b)
⎩ C2 ⎭
{ ( [ ] )}
τ (λIH + ν (λSH − λRH ) − λSH )IH∗ + m3 λCf IH∗ ηt
u3 = max 0, min 1,

e (19c)
{ ( )}
θ (SV λSV + EV∗ λEH + IV∗ λIH ) + m4 λCf (SV∗ + EV∗ + IV∗ )
[ ∗ ]
u4 = max 0, min 1,

e , (19d)

Box I.

(a) Symptomatic infected humans. (b) Asymptomatic infected humans. (c) Infected mosquitoes.

Fig. 2. Varying the per capital bite rate of the mosquitoes ε between 0.0 and 1.0.

(a) Susceptible humans. (b) Symptomatic infected humans. (c) Asymptomatic infected humans.

Fig. 3. Varying the human–human contact rate of asymptomatic infected c between 0.0 and 0.1.

(a) Susceptible humans. (b) Symptomatic infected humans. (c) Asymptomatic infected humans.

Fig. 4. Varying the human–human contact rate of symptomatic infected κ between 0.0 and 0.1.
A.A. Momoh, A. Fügenschuh / Operations Research for Health Care 18 (2018) 99–111 107

(a) Symptomatic infected humans (red), in compari- (b) Asymptomatic infected humans (red), in compar- (c) Infected mosquitoes (red), in comparison to a
son to a base run with no control (blue). ison to a base run with no control (blue). base run with no control (blue).

(d) Dynamic of controls. (e) Dynamic of cost.

Fig. 5. The effects of the strategy ‘‘treated bednets, condoms, and treatment’’ on the transmission of the Zika virus. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Table 4 parameter and analyzed the behavior of the variables. As examples

Parameter values used for the model simulations. for this part of our study, we show the results for three parameters
Parameter Range Value Source (ε, c, and κ ) for three variables each, see Fig. 2, Fig. 3, and Fig. 4, re-
ε 0.3 − 1 0.5 [30] spectively. An arrow in each Figure indicates the general direction
β1 0.1–0.75 0.4 [30] of the quantitative behavior. It turns out that the quantity of the
β2 0.3–0.75 0.5 [31] result changes, sometimes by a factor of 2 in the number of humans
2–7 5 [32] or mosquitoes on a particular day. The qualitative behavior, that
8–12 10 [30,33] is, the shape of the curvature of the solution, is very similar. From
4–35 14 [30,31] this we conclude that small deviations in each of the parameters
µH 1
[25] (for example, by misjudging such parameter from empirical data)
βa 0–1 0.6 [34] leads also to small deviations in the output results, and does not
βs 0–1 0.3 [34] render the results completely useless.
c 0.001–0.10 0.05 [34] We investigate and compare numerical results in the following
κ 0.001–0.10 0.05 [34]
ΛH 0.000011 [25]
ΛV 0.071 [35] Strategy A: Treated bednets+condoms+treatment.
δH 0.0003 Assumed
Strategy B: Treated bednets+indoor residual spray+treatment.
η 3
− 5
% [25]
365 365
Strategy C: Condoms+indoor residual spray+treatment.
ρ 0.1 Assumed
Strategy D: Treated bednets+condoms+indoor residual spray.
ϕH 0.02 Assumed
φ 0.05 Assumed Strategy E: Treated bednets+condoms+indoor residual spray+
ν 0.023 Assumed treatment.
m1 $2.5 − 5.0 [25]
m2 $0.24 [36]
m3 $2.00 [25] 6.1. Strategy A: Treated bednets, condoms, and treatment
m4 $1.50 [25]
θ 0.75 Assumed In this strategy, controls u1 , u2 , and u3 were used to optimize
τ 0.15 Assumed the objective function while we set control u4 to zero. In Figs. 5(a)
and 5(b) it is observed that there is a significant drop in the number
of symptomatic resp. asymptomatic infected humans when there
For some parameters in Table 4 there are singular values given, is control compared to situation when there is no control. More-
for others there are intervals, from which we chose a particular over, a slight change only occurs in the mosquito population, see
singular value each in order to set up or models. This approach Fig. 5(c). Figs. 5(d) and 5(e) represent the control profiles and cost
raises the question how sensitive the results are to perturbations for implementing the strategy. The total cost when the strategy is
of these input values. Thus before discussing strategies on dealing implemented throughout the simulated time horizon is $83,304.
with the Zika virus, we take a look into the sensitivity of the The control profile for u1 and u2 are both at their respective upper
results depending on the actual choice of input values. For a ‘‘mixed bound throughout the time horizon, whereas u3 is at its upper
strategy’’ with u1 (t) = · · · = u4 (t) = 0.5 for all t we varied a single bound for 53 days before dropping to its lower bound.
108 A.A. Momoh, A. Fügenschuh / Operations Research for Health Care 18 (2018) 99–111

(a) Symptomatic infected humans (red), in compari- (b) Asymptomatic infected humans (red), in compar- (c) Infected mosquitoes (red), in comparison to a base
son to a base run with no control (blue). ison to a base run with no control (blue). run with no control (blue).

(d) Dynamic of controls. (e) Dynamic of cost.

Fig. 6. The effects of the strategy ‘‘treated bednets, indoor residual spray, and treatment’’ on the transmission of the Zika virus. (For interpretation of the references to colour
in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

6.2. Strategy B: Treated bednets, indoor residual spray, and treatment Table 5
Incremental cost effectiveness for the strategies.

In this strategy, we used controls u1 , u3 , and u4 to optimize the Strategy Total infection averted Cost($) ICER
objective function while we set control u2 to zero. In Figs. 6(a), B 414.1392 36,208 87.4295
6(b) and 6(c) it is observed that there is a significant drop in both D 432.4993 100,350 3493.5540
C 434.7281 46,261 −24268.2161
the number of symptomatic and asymptomatic infected humans,
A 434.7377 83,304 4026413.0435
and the mosquito population, respectively, when there is control E 434.7377 104,560 ∞
compared to situation when there is no control. Figs. 6(d) and 6(e)
represent the control profile and cost for implementing strategy B.
The total cost when the strategy is implemented throughout the both number of symptomatic and asymptomatic infected humans,
time horizon is $36,208. The control profiles for u1 and u4 are both
and mosquito population, respectively, when there is control com-
at their respective upper bound for 25 and 23 days, respectively,
pared to situation when there is no control. Figs. 8(d) and 8(e)
before dropping to their lower bound. Control function u3 is at its
represent the control profile and cost for implementing strategy
lower bound for 55 days before jumping to its upper bound.
D. The total cost when the strategy is implemented throughout the
6.3. Strategy C: Condoms, indoor residual spray, and treatment study period is $100,350. The control profiles for u1 and u2 are at
their upper bound throughout the time horizon while u4 is at its
In this strategy, we used controls u2 , u3 , and u4 to optimize the upper bound for 53 days before dropping to its lower bound.
objective function, while we set control u1 to zero. In Fig. 7(a),
Fig. 7(b) and Fig. 7(c), it is observed that there is a significant drop
in both the number of symptomatic and asymptomatic infected 6.5. Strategy E: Treated bednets, condoms, indoor residual spray, and
humans, and the mosquito population, respectively, when there is treatment
control compared to situation when there is no control. Figs. 7(d)
and 7(e) represent the control profile and cost for implement- In this strategy, we used all the controls to optimize the ob-
ing strategy C. The total cost when the strategy is implemented jective function. In Fig. 9(a), Fig. 9(b) and Fig. 9(c), it is observed
throughout the time horizon is $46,261. The control profile for u2
that there is a significant drop in both number of symptomatic and
is at its upper bound throughout the time horizon, whereas u2 and
asymptomatic infected humans, and mosquito population, respec-
u4 are both at their respective upper bound for 65 and 87 days,
tively, when there is control compared to situation when there is
respectively, before dropping to their lower bounds.
no control. Figs. 9(d) and 9(e) represent the control profile and cost
6.4. Strategy D: Treated bednets, condoms, and indoor residual spray for implementing strategy E. The total cost when the strategy is
implemented throughout the time horizon is $104,560. The control
In this strategy, we used controls u1 , u2 and u4 to optimize the profiles for u1 and u2 are at their upper bounds throughout the
objective function while we set control u3 to zero. In Fig. 8(a), study period while u3 and u4 is at their upper bound for 53 and
Fig. 8(b) and Fig. 8(c), it is observed that there is a significant drop in 88 days, respectively, before dropping to their lower bounds.
A.A. Momoh, A. Fügenschuh / Operations Research for Health Care 18 (2018) 99–111 109

(a) Symptomatic infected humans (red), in compar- (b) Asymptomatic infected humans (red), in com- (c) Infected mosquitoes (red), in comparison to a base
ison to a base run with no control (blue). parison to a base run with no control (blue). run with no control (blue).

(d) Dynamic of controls. (e) Dynamic of cost.

Fig. 7. The effects of the strategy ‘‘condoms, indoor residual spray and treatment’’ on the transmission of the Zika virus. (For interpretation of the references to colour in
this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

(a) Symptomatic infected humans (red), in compar- (b) Asymptomatic infected humans (red), in com- (c) Infected mosquitoes (red), in comparison to a base
ison to a base run with no control (blue). parison to a base run with no control (blue). run with no control (blue).

(d) Dynamic of controls. (e) Dynamic of cost.

Fig. 8. The effects of the strategy ‘‘treated bednets, condoms and indoor residual spray’’ on the transmission of the Zika virus. (For interpretation of the references to colour
in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

6.6. Cost effectiveness analysis the differences in intervention costs, averted disease costs, costs
of prevented cases and averted productivity losses if applicable.
We consider the Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio (ICER)
While, ICER’s denominator is the difference in health outcomes
in this study. In ICER, when comparing two competing interven-
tion strategies incrementally, one intervention is compared with (e.g., the total number of infection averted, the number of suscep-
the next less-effective alternative. The ICER numerator includes tibility cases prevented) [25].
110 A.A. Momoh, A. Fügenschuh / Operations Research for Health Care 18 (2018) 99–111

(a) Symptomatic infected humans (red), in compari- (b) Asymptomatic infected humans (red), in compar- (c) Infected mosquitoes (red), in comparison to a base
son to a base run with no control (blue). ison to a base run with no control (blue). run with no control (blue).

(d) Dynamic of controls. (e) Dynamic of cost.

Fig. 9. The effects of the strategy ‘‘treated bednets, condoms, indoor residual spray, and treatment’’ on the transmission of Zika virus. (For interpretation of the references
to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Table 6 Table 7
Exclusion of strategy D. Exclusion of strategy C.
Strategy Total infection averted Cost($) ICER Strategy Total infection averted Cost($) ICER
B 414.1392 36,208 87.4295 B 414.1392 36,208 87.4295
C 434.7281 46,261 488.2728 A 434.7377 83,304 22286.3801
A 434.7377 83,304 4026413.0435 E 434.7377 104,560 ∞
E 434.7377 104,560 ∞
Table 8
Exclusion of strategy A.
From our model simulation results, we present the strategies in Strategy Total infection averted Cost($) ICER
order of increasing effectiveness in Table 5. B 414.1392 36,208 87.4295
We obtain the ICER in Table 5 using the formula (see the equa- E 434.7377 104,560 3318.2999
tion in Box II).
36, 208 Comparing strategy B and strategy A, the lower ICER for strategy
ICER(B) = = 87.4295, B suggests that strategy A is strongly dominant over strategy B
which means that strategy A is more costly and less effective
100, 350 − 36, 208
ICER(D) = = 3493.5540, compared to strategy B. We exclude strategy A and recompute ICER
432.4993 − 414.1392 for the remaining strategies, see Table 8.
46, 261 − 100, 350 Based on the computed results above, strategy B is less costly
ICER(C ) = = −24268.21608,
434.7281 − 432.4993 and more effective when compared to strategy E. Thus, we con-
83, 304 − 46, 261 clude that strategy B which is the combination of treated bednets,
ICER(A) = = 4026413.0435,
434.7373 − 434.7281 indoor residual spray and treatment of symptomatic infected hu-
104, 560 − 83, 304 mans is the most cost effective of all the strategies for the control
ICER(E) = = ∞. of the Zika virus considered in this work.
434.7373 − 434.7373
Comparing strategy B and strategy D, the lower ICER for strategy B 7. Conclusion
suggests that strategy D is strongly dominant over strategy B which
means that strategy D is more costly and less effective compared We derived and analyzed a mathematical model for the trans-
to strategy B. We exclude strategy D and recompute ICER for the mission of the Zika virus disease taking into consideration four pre-
remaining strategies, see Table 6. ventive measures as controls, namely, the use of treated bednets,
Comparing strategy B and strategy C, the lower ICER for strategy the use of condoms, the treatment of infected patients, and the use
B suggests that strategy C is strongly dominant over strategy B of an indoor residual spray. We obtained the reproduction number
which means that strategy C is more costly and less effective for the model and carried out a stability analysis. It was observed
compared to strategy B. We exclude strategy C and recompute ICER that the disease free equilibrium state is stable when R0 < 1 but
for the remaining strategies, see Table 7. unstable when R0 > 1 which leads to a spread of the disease. We
A.A. Momoh, A. Fügenschuh / Operations Research for Health Care 18 (2018) 99–111 111

CostOfStrategyP − CostOfStrategyQ
ICER = .
TotalNumberOfInfectionsAvertedUsingP − TotalNumberOfInfectionsAvertedUsingQ

Box II.

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