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Reprinted from Tablets & Capsules January 2007 www.tabletscapsules.


Recent advances in granulation theory, Dilip M. Parikh
modeling, and process control DPharma Group

Courtesy of Glatt Air Techniques, Ramsey, NJ

A better understanding of granule formation mechanisms, model-

ranulation is an important unit operation in the phar-
ing, and process control is turning the “art” of granulation into a maceutical industry, and over the last 25 years we’ve seen
many advances in our understanding of the process. This
science. This article provides an overview of these advances, high-
new knowledge is helping process engineers and others
lights the research underlying them, and discusses how they are to design efficient commercial manufacturing operations
transforming the granulation process. The article focuses on the and, in some cases, is prompting a shift from batch pro-
batch processes most widely used in pharmaceutical operations. cessing to continuous roll compaction, melt granulation,
and spray drying. This article describes the research that particles before they’re agglomerated is sometimes also
is advancing our understanding of granule growth, critical to rearranging them in a way that permits densifi-
process modeling, process control, and other key aspects cation of the agglomerate and development of an
of the process. agglomerate structure that suits end-use requirements.

The role of granulation Advances in granulation theory

The main objectives of granulation are to improve the Many researchers have used empirical methods to
flow characteristics of a powder mixture, decrease dusti- study how the material properties of the granulating
ness, and prevent components of the mixture from segre- powder and how the process conditions influence the
gating. In short, granulation is particle design, and the granulation process. Recent studies, however, emphasize
properties that the particles acquire after granulation the influence of material properties and the particle wet-
depend on their size and on the physico-chemical prop- ting mechanism. Iveson et al. presented an excellent
erties of the drug substance and binder. Making a granule review of the wet granulation process [1]. Other re-
that has the intended attributes requires controlling the searchers have added to our understanding of the tradi-
formulation components and the process. tional granulation process [2] and proposed a more mod-
There are two major types of granulation methods: ern approach [3].
wet and dry. Iveson and his co-authors advanced the understanding
of the granulation process by identifying three funda-
Dry granulation methods mental sets of rate processes within the granulation
The primary advantages of dry granulation are its sim- process that are important in determining wet granulation
plicity and low cost. There are three common methods. behavior:
Direct compression. This method simply combines 1. Wetting and nucleation
the drug-substance powder with the excipient powders in 2. Consolidation and growth
a blender. The blend then moves directly to a tablet press 3. Breakage and attrition
or capsule filling machine. According to this view, understanding these processes
Slugging. In this method, poor-flowing blends are enables you to predict how formulation properties, equip-
compressed using a rotary tablet press fitted with a die ment type, and operating conditions affect granulation
much larger than the die used to make the final tablet, behavior, so long as you can adequately characterize them.
forming “slugs.” Slugs are typically 1 inch in diameter or Iveson and co-authors also cited other work that describes
larger, and there is little attention paid to weight varia- the current thinking about granule growth [4, 5, 6, 7].
tion or compression properties. Instead, the objective is In the wetting and nucleation stage, the powder is
to make the slug as hard as possible. Next, the slugs pass strongly influenced by the spray rate or distribution of
through a mill, join additional excipients in a blender, the binding fluid and by the properties of the powders. In
and are transferred to a tablet press or capsule filling the consolidation and growth stage, partially wetted par-
machine. Occasionally, products require double slugging ticles and large nuclei coalesce to form granules and
to densify the mixture enough to obtain the desired flow develop internal voidage, also known as granule porosity.
properties. In the breakage and attrition stage, the granules that are
Roller compaction. In this method, typically used with inherently weak or that developed flaws during drying
moisture-sensitive drug substances and formulations with are particularly susceptible to attrition. Schaefer and
poor flow characteristics, the material flows between two Mathiesen proposed two different mechanisms that cause
rollers that compact it. The rollers come in a variety of nucleation in a high-shear mixer: distribution and immer-
designs so the formulator can produce compacts of the sion [8]. See Figure 1.
correct hardness. The compacts are subsequently milled,
blended, and made into tablets or filled into capsules. In
addition to its ability to process poor-flowing and mois- Figure 1
ture-sensitive materials, roller compaction entails low Nuclei formation mechanisms (adapted from Schaefer
labor costs and can be adapted for continuous production. and Mathiesen [8])

Wet granulation methods Distribution mechanism

Wet granulation methods introduce a fluid onto a
shearing mass of fine powders contained in a vessel. Wet ⫹
granulation equipment includes low-shear and high-shear
Solid Binder Distribution Coalescence
mixers, fluid-bed processors, rotating drums, and pan
Immersion mechanism
mixers. Successfully agglomerating primary particles
requires controlling the adhesional forces between parti-
cles. It’s these forces that encourage agglomerates to form ⫹
and grow and that determine whether the agglomerates Solid Binder Immersion
have sufficient mechanical strength. The rheology of the
Distribution mechanism. This occurs in cases where suring, analyzing, optimizing, controlling, and modeling
the binder droplets are small. They coat the primary par- the granulation process. In its draft guidance for industry
ticles, and the wetted particles coalesce to form initial [11], the FDA categorized these tools:
granules. Low-viscosity binders and high-speed impellers 1. Multi-variate data acquisition and analysis tools
promote the occurrence of this mechanism. 2. Modern process analyzers or process analytical
Immersion mechanism. This occurs when binder chemistry tools
droplets engulf the primary particles. It commonly occurs 3. Process monitoring, control, and end-point identifi-
when binder viscosity is high and impeller speed is low. cation tools
Ennis proposed a model to describe the influence of Granulation modeling is an area of growing impor-
viscosity on granule growth when wet-surface granules tance, and particle size distribution of the granules has
coalesce [9]. In this model, when two granules collide, a primary importance because it relates directly to product
viscous liquid layer surrounding the granules dissipates quality. There are a variety of techniques to investigate,
the impact energy. If the impact energy is high and the model, and control the evolution of granule size distribu-
viscous liquid layer cannot dissipate all the energy, the tions. There are also several approaches to modeling
granule rebounds instead of adhering. If all the energy is process systems. At one end is mechanistic modeling,
absorbed, however, the granules stick together. This which seeks to apply fundamental physics and chemistry.
explains why granules formed in a high-shear mixer are At the other end is empirical modeling, which tries to fit
denser than those formed in a fluid-bed granulator: The an arbitrary function into the input-output data. Cameron
granules deform during processing in proportion to the and Wang provide an excellent review of granulation
intensity of bed agitation. Where large granule deforma- modeling [12].
tion occurs during granule collisions, granule growth and Mechanistic modeling. This approach uses the princi-
consolidation follows [10]. See Figure 2. Rather than ples of mass, energy, momentum, and population bal-
“sticking” together as often occurs in the low-deformabil- ances to track particle size distributions as various partic-
ity environment of fluid beds, high-shear mixers “smash” ulate phenomena take place. This type of modeling is
the granules together. In short, high-agitation, high- very time consuming and costly compared to empirical
deformation processes generally produce denser granules modeling.
than low-agitation, low-deformation processes. Empirical modeling. This approach is based on actual
The breakage mechanism is strongly influenced by plant data and is used when the granulation process has
material properties and bond strength, and any granule not yet been selected. Typically, input-output data is
breakage mechanism that causes a continuous exchange gathered at fixed intervals, and the structural form of the
of primary particles promotes granule homogeneity. model and the parameter values normally have no physi-
Breakage in a high-shear mixer is of significant impor- cal significance. The application of empirical modeling is
tance. There are various forms of breakage, including limited, and extrapolation of data is not advisable.
cleavage of parti- Multi-variate
cles and particle- Figure 2 analysis. Multi-
surface attrition, variate analysis
The rate processes of agitative granulation, which include powder wetting,
in which granules deals with data
granule growth and consolidation, and granule attrition, combine to control
are chipped when granule size and porosity. These rate processes may be influenced by changes that contains mea-
they collide with to the formulation or the granulation process (adapted from Ennis [10]). surements of more
other particles, than one variable
vessel walls, or for a number of
the impeller. objects. It searches
for interdepen-
Granulation Growth Wetting dence among all
process modeling the process vari-
Granulation, ables identified
like most other during develop-
solids processing ment. Multi-vari-
operations, is still ate methods use
not well under- latent variables,
stood. But there which are linear
are a variety of combinations of
tools available to the original vari-
increase under- ables. Latent vari-
standing and to ables in the data
provide an inte- are directions that
grated systems Consolidation cannot be mea-
approach to mea- sured directly, but
are principle properties that explain most of the variation processes (coalescence, breakage, and surface growth).
between the objects. This applies whether they are gas-phase nano-particles,
Also known as statistical modeling or statistical analy- liquid droplets in liquid-liquid dispersions, or solid pow-
sis, it’s an approach that describes the granulation process der agglomerates.
using experimental results instead of theories based on Models based on PBEs are crucial in the field of partic-
fundamental principles. Models must be based on a clear ulate process analysis because they allow us to calculate
understanding of the process from a systems-engineering size distribution and to identify the controlling granula-
standpoint. In the granulation process of a pharmaceuti- tion mechanisms. PBEs are particularly useful in process
cal product, for example, the “difficult-to-measure” vari- control when used with sensitivity analysis because they
ables are the settings of the process variables, the proper- enable you to determine how changes to input conditions
ties of the produced granules, and the subsequent dosage affect product quality. Pouw et al. proposed a multi-
forms. These parameters are hard to measure because dimensional PBE that uses volume as the intrinsic para-
there is very little of the new product available for con- meter [14]. This volume-based model tracks the evolu-
ducting a series of experiments. tion of the volume of solids, volume of liquid, and volume
Artificial neural network. An artificial neural network of air of a nucleated granule at each time step.
(ANN) predicts events or information based on learned In 2005, Ndamba et al. presented a paper investigating
pattern recognition. An ANN is a computer system that the effects of relative humidity and temperature on adhe-
mimics the operations of the human brain by mathemati- sion and granulation of powder particles [15]. They
cally modeling its neural-physiological structure (its developed a model to predict the optimal end point of
nerve cells and the network of interconnections between wet granulation based on the powder’s rheological prop-
them). In an ANN, computational units called “neurons” erties. The model takes into consideration several mate-
replace the nerve cells, and the strengths of the intercon- rial properties, including particle surface morphology,
nections are called “weights.” contact area deformation, and force applied.
Scientists use ANNs as an alternative to statistical Solving a PBE can be a formidable task. In a mathe-
analysis to optimize formulations because they are simple matical model of wet granulation, Rajniak et al. con-
to use and can provide detailed information. An ANN cluded that combining (a) population balancing of
builds a model of the data space that allows you to ask, growth and breakage of different granules, (b) a hydrody-
“What if?” In this way, it simulates some of the ability of namic model of the gas-solid mixture flow, (c) a calcula-
the brain, such as learning and drawing conclusions from tion of physically based coalescence mechanism based on
experience. Using the process control system, quality the kinetic theory of granular flow, and (d) a meso-scale
assurance results, or energy use data, an ANN develops model of granule formation offers a promising tool for
supervisory set points. There are several software prod- analyzing and designing high-shear or fluid-bed granula-
ucts available on the market that deal with these method- tion processes [16].
ologies. However, in order to apply ANN models to on- Other recent approaches. In an abstract submitted by
line monitoring, many researchers develop specialized, Stepanek et al., the authors discussed modeling multi-
in-house software. component granule formation in a wet granulation
Population balance equation. Particulate solids are process [17]. They focused specifically on the problem of
characterized by a number of properties, such as size, finding the relationship between granule composition
shape, liquid and gas content, porosity, composition, and (porosity, binder-solids ratio, and drug substance-excipi-
age. Size is one of the primary characteristics, but ent ratio) and the probability of coalescence between two
because no two particles are exactly the same size, mate- granules of different composition or between a granule
rial is characterized by particle size distribution. In cases and primary particle. They evaluated the probability of
where size is insufficient to characterize the particulate wet contact over a statistically large number of simulated
system, multi-variate distribution functions are devel- collisions using computational experiments and found
oped. These distribution functions can be predicted that the probability was a non-linear function of the func-
through numerical simulations using a population balance tional surface coverage. The obtained dependence of
equation (PBE). It is a widely used tool in engineering, coalescence probability on granule composition was then
with applications in crystallization, pharmaceutical manu- supplied as an input to a multi-dimensional PBE to pre-
facture, and related operations [13]. dict the composition distribution across size classes.
The PBE is much like mass and energy balance equa- They then compared the result with experimental data
tions, except here the balance represents the number of from a pilot-scale fluid-bed granulator.
particles of a given size. Particles of a given size may Iveson described a mathematical model for granule
break, decreasing their number (population). Particles coalescence during granulation [18]. His report noted
may also aggregate with other particles, which also that current models had one of two limitations: Either
changes the population of a given particle size. When- they considered only whether a bond that formed on
ever you study the interaction of a large number of parti- impact is strong enough to survive subsequent impacts or
cles, you must solve the PBE to determine the properties they failed to consider the possibility that the bond
of the resulting product and its dependence on rate would rupture after formation. His model accounts for
both the effects of bond strengthening with time and for What follows is a summary of process control
the distribution of impact forces within the granulator. approaches and the current research related to the most
However, his model requires data on the rate at which common batch granulation processes, including roller
granule bonds strengthen and data on the distribution of compaction and high-shear and fluid-bed granulation.
impact forces within a granulator, but neither of these Process control in roller compaction. Miller investi-
data sets exists at the moment. gated near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy in the static mode
Ceylan et al. proposed a theoretical model to describe to map roller compaction unit operations [21].
the system characteristics that affect particle size distribu- Researchers at Purdue University evaluated roller com-
tion during granu- paction using
lation [19]. They Figure 3 NIR in the
found that the dynamic mode
drop size of the A typical power-consumption profile obtained from a high-shear granulator [22]. The team
(adapted from Leuenberger [29])
binder liquid had monitored varia-
an effect on the Stages tions in com-
degree of granula- pacted ribbon
tion achieved, as I II III IV V
strength and
Power consumption (watts)

did powder parti- how the varia-

cle size, residence tions could
time, and operat- adversely affect
ing conditions. particle size and
the size distribu-
Process control tion of granules
of granulation obtained after
In the tradi- milling com-
tional approach to pacted ribbons.
pharmaceutical O t h e r
manufacturing, Granulating liquid (% or kg) or Time researchers also
developers vary showed how NIR
the operating was useful for
ranges of critical process parameters (processing time, monitoring roller compaction [23].
temperature, moisture, equipment-specific operating Process control in high-shear granulation. The gran-
parameters, etc.), and critical quality attributes are mea- ule properties of a given formulation are a function of the
sured in the finished product through sampling and labo- process parameters, such as impeller speed, amount of
ratory analysis. granulating fluid, and process time. Determining the end
But a more suitable system would entail measuring point of a granulation process is critical, and several com-
product quality attributes in real time and adjusting the panies offer methods to predict it using either indirect or
process parameters in response to changes observed in direct methods. The photo on page 36 shows a bottom-
the product. Indeed, increasing automation is central to driven high-shear granulator.
optimizing production. To develop a functional automa- With indirect measurements, sensors monitor the elec-
tion system, however, we need new measuring techniques trical and mechanical parameters of the granulator’s mo-
and new in-line measuring devices. tor. This approach is based on the idea that these parame-
Solid-water (solid-solvent) interactions are one of the ters relate to changes in the consistency of the mixture in
fundamental issues in the pharmaceutical industry. The the wet granulation process. Power consumption, for
state of water or solvent in solid material can be charac- instance, has been linked to the level of liquid saturation
terized using X-ray diffraction, microscopic methods, of the moist agglomerates [24], densification of the wet
thermal analysis, vibrational spectroscopy, and nuclear mass [25, 26, 27], and granule growth [28]. Leunberger
magnetic resonance spectroscopy [20]. Using process proposed that the amount of liquid required for granula-
analytical technology (PAT) during process development tion corresponds to the plateau in the power consumption
enables researchers to determine critical process parame- profile [29]. Figure 3 shows a typical power-consumption
ters and their acceptable ranges. Multiple sensing tech- profile.
nologies can be applied so that they simultaneously The drawback to using power consumption as an indi-
collect data on the process during development. By cator is that the signal is affected by a number of factors,
examining this data using multi-variate techniques, we such as the formulation, the equipment, and other process
can identify critical interactions. In fact, this large variables. Furthermore, power consumption monitoring
amount of real-time data, if properly processed, should relies on both the motor’s current draw and the voltage.
increase process understanding. As a result, our ability to Since high-shear granulators use induction motors that
model and predict process events should lead to better use AC electricity, the current lags behind voltage. An
process reliability and less risk. alternative is to measure the motor’s torque.
Direct measurements rely on probes, such as the in-line process monitoring was keeping the probe prop-
Disona-Boots probe, which was one of the first to market. erly positioned and blowing heated air continuously over
It monitored the consistency, or strength, of the wet the sight glass.
mass, and the value of its results depended on the They also reported that wetting and particle growth
specifics of the product, so it’s rarely used today. Acoustic change the reflection and refraction properties of the
emission monitoring is a more recent development. This granules in a complex manner, depending not only on the
method detects and analyzes the sound produced in the wavelength, but also on the absorption properties of the
process vessel to determine the end point by correlating powder matrix and the binder type. Calibration of in-line
changes in the physical properties of the powder mixture NIR moisture measurements, even with the fixed-wave-
with an acoustic emission signal. The technique is non- length setup, therefore requires understanding and con-
invasive, sensitive, and relatively inexpensive. sideration of the factors affecting NIR signals.
Yet another method monitors the granulation process See Vazquez for a comprehensive review of applying
according to the particle size of the granules. Developed Fourier Transform (FT)-NIR to measure fluid-bed drying
by Watano et al., the system uses an image-processing end points [40]. (FT-NIR is fast and the instruments are easy
system connected to a probe that comprises a CCD cam- to use. Measurement accuracy is the same as that of NIR.)
era, a lighting unit, and an air purge [30, 31]. In tests, the Rantanen et al. used NIR to monitor moisture and air-
researchers used the system to measure granule size and flow [41, 42]. Using an in-line multi-channel NIR multi-
product yield of various size ranges during high-shear variate process, they collected data and analyzed it using
granulation. These on-line measurements compared principal component analysis (PCA). The authors showed
favorably with off-line sieve analysis of the granules. Talu that a robust process control and measurement system,
et al. took a different approach, using a method that combined with reliable historical data storage, could be
resembled torque measurements [32]. But instead of using used to analyze the fluid-bed granulation process. PCA
average stresses as the information input, they used stress modeling proved to be a promising tool to handle the
fluctuations. multi-dimensional data collected and to reduce the dimen-
Process control in fluid-bed granulation. Traditionally, sionality of the process data. FT-NIR spectra gave infor-
controlling fluid-bed granulation relied on indirect mea- mation useful for understanding the granule growth and
surements, typically applying the properties of process air simultaneous drying phenomenon during granulation. The
as described by Schaefer and Worts [33]. This is an authors used NIR to study moisture measurement com-
example of monitoring process parameters, but several bined with temperature and humidity measurements.
direct approaches have been developed to measure prod- They also investigated the effect of particle size, particle
uct parameters (i.e., moisture) and to determine the end composition, and binder type on NIR moisture monitor-
point and consequently the in-process particle size. The ing using a full-range off-line FT-NIR spectrometer [43].
most promising approach, however, appears to be NIR The study revealed that wetting and particle growth
spectroscopy, which has been widely used to measure changed the reflection and refraction properties of the
water in a variety of applications [34]. granules in a complex manner that depended not only on
NIR can be applied to both quantitative analysis of the wavelength, but also on the absorption properties of
water and to determining the state of water in solid mate- the powder matrix and binder type.
rial. Thus it’s a tool for understanding the physico-chemi- The non-invasive and multi-variate character of NIR
cal phenomena during manufacture of the granulation. techniques provides an interesting platform for pharma-
Usually, for a solid sample, reflected light is the parame- ceutical process monitoring. Reich provides an excellent
ter that NIR spectroscopy measures. The incident beam review of NIR spectroscopy [44].
of light is divided into two parts, the transmitted light
and reflected light. The reflected light generally consists Additional methods of process control
of two components, the specular and the diffuse. The What follows is a summary of process control methods
specular, or mirror-like, component occurs at the inter- with the potential for application in a variety of granula-
face and it contains only a little information about the tion processes.
chemical composition of the sample. That’s why NIR Self-organizing maps. On-line process data is usually
spectroscopy relies more on the diffused component of multi-dimensional and is difficult to study with traditional
the reflected light, which is sensitive to particle size and trend and scatter plots. Rantanen et al. suggested using a
shape distributions, bulk density, surface characteristics, new tool, called a self-organizing map (SOM), to reduce
and temperature [35, 36]. data dimensionality and to monitor the state of the
Frake et al. demonstrated how NIR performed in-line process [45]. As a batch process, granulation traverses
analysis of moisture content in pellets 0.05 to 0.07 mil- through a number of process states, and an SOM visual-
limeter in diameter during spray granulation in a fluid- izes these as a two-dimensional map. An SOM also
bed processor [37]. Rantanen et al. described a similar enables researchers to study the differences between
approach for measuring moisture content using a granulation batches.
rationing of three or four selected wavelengths [38, 39]. At-line measurement. Laitinen et al. presented a paper
He and his co-authors reported that the critical part of on using an at-line optical technique to study particle size
[46]. Using a CCD camera with optics and illumination of this sensor make it an ideal online monitoring tool for
units and with stabilized collimated light beams, the many processes. Effusivity can be measured directly. One
authors took two images of 36 granule samples, alter- method involves an interfacial device that places a sensor
nately illuminating the samples. Two digital images with in direct contact with the sample to measure heat flow.
matrices of their gray scale values were obtained and the The rate of heat transfer from the instrument’s heating
differences between the two matrices were calculated. element is function of the thermal effusivity of the sample
This method provided very rapid (1 minute per sample) material. Wet material, for example, absorbs more heat
measurement of particle size with a very small sample than dry material. Thus, this multi-variate approach to
size (less than 0.5 gram). examining the properties of a material is a function of
Focused-beam reflectance measurement. This density, particle size, particle size distribution, lubricant
method uses a focused beam of laser light that scans, in a level, morphology, composition and moisture content.
circular path, across a particle or particle structure passing Because effusivity measurements take only a few seconds,
a window. The particle scatters the light in all directions, operators can employ online monitoring to get real-time
and the light scattered toward the probe is used to mea- feedback on the status of the process. Effusivity is used in
sure the chord length or the length between any two powder blending operations and is finding application in
points on a particle. Devices using this method are avail- wet granulation processes as well.
able commercially and the suppliers claim they can pro- Using interfacial reflectance to measure thermal prop-
vide online monitoring and measurement of particle sizes erties, effusivity sensors rapidly detect consistency, unifor-
in fluid-bed granulation processes. mity, and homogeneity of a broad range of materials, from
Artificial neural network. In addition to its role in solids and powders to liquids and pastes. Figure 4 shows
process modeling, an ANN can be combined with a one company’s effusivity sensor, which uses a modified
process control system to form a product control system. “hot-wire” technique. This means that the sensor supplies
Product control occurs when a system measures defined the heat (approximately 2° to 3°C) and uses the same
product attributes in real time and uses the information to metallic filament to measure heat reflected back by the sam-
adjust the control system. While the process control sys- ple. As a result, testing is completed in a matter of seconds
tem runs the process (fans, motors, heaters, etc.), the and does not damage or affect the sample.
ANN controls the product (moisture, consistency, etc.).
A process control system for a fluidized-bed processor Summary
would include an operator interface, sensing elements, Our understanding of the granulation processes used to
and final control elements such as process airflow, tem- manufacture pharmaceutical dosage forms has increased
perature, and inlet air dewpoint. The inputs in that case over the last 25 years because we have increased our basic
would be inlet air temperature, outlet air temperature, air- theoretical understanding of particle wetting, granule for-
flow rate, and energy consumption. Additional contribut- mation, granule breakage, and agglomeration mecha-
ing factors would be the fouling coefficient of the dryer nisms. This understanding has provided researchers the
filter bags, quantity of product in the processor, and the basis to model the granulation process.
type of product and its unique characteristics. This progress offers us PAT tools to monitor and con-
Watano et al. described a practical method for con- trol processes. In fact, it has become easier to control
trolling moisture during fluid-bed granulation using an granulation processes, whether the process involves roller
ANN [47]. They wet-granulated a pharmaceutical pow- compactors, high-shear mixers, or fluid-bed processors.
der using an agitation-type fluidized bed, and continu- Each can be subjected to one or more of the new tools or
ously measured moisture content with an infrared mois- techniques, such as NIR, ANN, power and torque mea-
ture sensor. They also developed an ANN for moisture surements, and effusivity. These are in addition to tradi-
control that used moisture content and its changing rate tional process controls for temperature, airflow, and mois-
as input variables. They then used the ANN to investi- ture. As the technologies and their application becomes
gate moisture control characteristics based on back-prop- more user-friendly, other granulation techniques can be
agation learning. Adopting the developed system pro- enhanced with these tools.
duced good response and stability without overshoot. There is more work to be done to address the varia-
The system also maintained its stability under various tions in powder characteristics and process equipment
operating conditions. and the difficulties of scale-up. But research continues in
Effusivity. One PAT tool is thermal effusivity, the these areas, and that work will lead to robust process
property that dictates the interfacial temperature when development that will enable researchers to scale up pre-
two semi-infinite bodies meet. It’s sometimes called ther- dictably. In fact, today’s efforts may be a prelude to rou-
mal inertia. It is present in all materials and all formats: tine implementation of continuous granulation processes
solid, liquid, powder, and gas. Effusivity combines ther- in the pharmaceutical industry. T&C
mal conductivity, density, and heat capacity into one
value. Effusivity sensors work in the same way your hand References
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