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Work Immersion is part of Senior High School Curriculum that aims to train
and orient students about the work and their future career. It is a type of skill
development where a worker learns how to do work through hands-on experience.
Work Immersion is one method by which students are exposed with different work
situation design to give students a opportunity to experience and a chance to apply
the theories and computation that they learn from the school. it also help the
students to acquire relevant knowledge and skills by performing to actual work

Work Immersion is very important not only to teach students regarding their
chosen career but also to show students the reality about working. The students
exposed to actual work related to the course that they are taking. It also allows
those with no experience to work and learn at the same time. Work Immersion helps
the students to learn more about his or her chosen field and practice what he or she
has learned from school. It helps in the building up of the student’s competence. Of
course, when a students is competent enough, he will be able to do things
successfully. This training develops one’s professionalism in dealing with people.
After training, the students will be able to handle situations properly and be able to
know to socialize well with his or her colleagues. he or she will also be able to work
well with everyone and have a good teamwork. Work immersion enhances the
critical thinking abilities and discipline of the student conducting his or her training in
a company. His or her ability to make sound decision and evaluate pertinent factors
will be improved. Having a proper training helps in the preparation of future
professionals for their future job. What the students learned in their Work Immersion,
even the little things, can be applied in real-life situation.

Student will be trained not only academically but socially as well. The way
they work and communicate with others will not be a problem for them anymore.
Aside from work experience, work immersion allows the students to got acquired
with the real professionals and to most people having different position in the
company, either high or low. The students will be able to know hoe to adjust to other
people’s personalities and attitudes.

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Work Immersion requires effort and seriousness. Student should take the
work immersion seriously as it can be powerful toll for a person in preparing for the
next chapter of life as a professional. It can be possibly be a source of
recommendation when they take that big lift from being a student to career
professionals someday.

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Objectives of Work Immersion

One of the goals of the K-12 Basic Education Program is to develop in

learners the competencies, work ethic, and values relevant to pursuing further
education and/or joining the world of work. To achieve greater congruence between
basic education and the Nation’s development targets. Work Immersion, a required
subject, has been incorporated into the curriculum. This subject will provide learners
with opportunities.

1. Too become familiar with the work place;

2. For employment simulation; and

3. To apply their competencies in areas of specialization/applied subjects

unauthentic work environments.

To achieve the above objectives, Work Immersion is thus a requirement for

graduation from secondary education. Learners are immersed in actual work
environments such as workshops offices and laboratories in which their prior training
is relevant. Work Immersion will help develop among the learner’s life and career
skills, and will prepare them to make decisions on post-secondary education or
employment. Though partnership building, DepEd hopes that the Partnership
Institutions will provide learners with work immersion opportunities, workplace or
hands-on experience, and additional learning resources. It aims to make the

1. Appreciate the importance and application of the principles and theories

learned in school;
2. Enhance their technical knowledge and skills;

3. Enrich their skills in communication and human relation; and

4. Develop good work habits, attitudes, appreciation and respect for work.

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By the time learners reach Senior High School, they would have already
acquired almost all the competencies and skills that would prepare them for the
curriculum exits (higher education, employment, middle-skills development, and
entrepreneurship). Work Immersion provides them with an avenue to test them and
apply what they have learned in a non-school scenario. In work immersion, Learners
are not only able to apply their previous training but are also to experience the social
interactions in a work environment. Their experiences during work immersion will
develop many skills and values that they would help them as they transition from
high-school to real life.

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Municipality of Luisiana Profile

Municipality of Luisiana

Luisiana is one the fifteen towns of the Province of Laguna in the Philippines.
Lusiana occupies 7,500 hectares comprising of fifteen barrios: Santo Domingo, San
Pablo, San Roque, San Antonio, San Isdro, San Juan, san Pedro, San Salvador,
San Buenaventura, San Jose, San Luis, San Rafael, and Santo Tomas.

Pandan plants and Coconut palm trees are grown in Luisiana. They provide
the major source of income in the area. Pandan leaves are used to make hats,
mats, and baskets or “balulang”. Coconut palm is one of the most useful trees. Its
wood is used to build houses and bridges. The leaves are used to make roofs. The
sap of the trees blossom is made into sweet drink called “tuba”. This sap is also
used to make sugar, vinegar, and an alcoholic beverage called “lambanog”. The
crisp, juicy chunks of fresh young coconut, the fruit are sold as is. Shredded and
dried coconut meat are made into candy bars or “bukayo” and other foods.

Copra (solid, dried coconut meat) contains valuable oil that is used for
cooking and to make margarine and soap. Coconut husks are made into mats,
ropes and brooms. Most Luisianans are farmers. a few are landowners. To those
who don’t own their land rent their land or pay the owner a share of the crop. Many
others work as laborers on coconut plantations. But despite their earnings, they
barely have enough money to support their family. So the best way to alleviate their
livelihood is to immigrate to foreign countries like Japan, Hongkong, Singapore,
Italy, Germany, London, Saudi Arabia and other countries. But the bulk the
immigrants, Luisianans or Filipinos on general are in the United State

History of Luisiana
Narrative Report on Work Immersion Page 5
During the 17th century, there was an area of land in Laguna known as
Terinio de Nasunog ( lupain ng mga nasunog in tagalog). In 1678, Terreno de
Nasunog was divided into three parts: Nasunog de Calamba, Nasunog de Cavinti,
and Nasunog de Majayjay

In 1825, Don Luis Bernardo, one of the Nasunog de Majayjay principles,

initiated the move to establish it as a town and parish and separate and independent
from Majayjay. However, it was only 1832 when the Nasunog de Majayjay was
elevated to a visita.

It was only on April 3 1854 that ecclesiastical independence was granted to

Nasonog by the Governor-General (the Marques de Novaliches) with the
corresponding approval from the Archbishop of Manila having Don Marcus
Bartolome as its first interim parish priest. Thus, the visita Luisiana was born taking
the name which for a long time was already adopted in honor of the “father of the
town”, Don Luis Bernardo and his wife Doña Ana ( Luis y Ana; later change to
“Luisiana” ).

In 1948, Visita de Luisiana gained Civil Independence from Majayjay.

In 1903, the town of Cavinti and Luisiana work combined, Pedro Villanueva
of Cavinti was elected Mayor, it wq during his term that the Aglipay church was
founded in Aril 1904. The Romana Family funded the construction of a couple of
Protestant churches. However, on November 12th, 1907 under the leadership of Don
Blas Oracion, through the Civil Commission, Cavinti and Luisiana became
independent towns.

Vision of the Municipality of Luisiana

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Luisiana is a peaceful, safe and progressive highland agro-ecological center

advancing inclusive growth, living in sustainable ecosystems, evolved through God-
loving knowledgeable, and skilled citizenry and sustained buy culturally-sensitive
and resilient institutions providing secured, adequate and healthy life substance for

Local Youth Development Profile

Narrative Report on Work Immersion Page 7

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Laguna
Municipality of Luisiana


Department of Local Youth Office:

Local Youth Development Office, as mandated by law, provides a platform for the
youth at the local levels to participate and play an active role in the
conceptualization, planning, implementation, evaluation and monitoring of youth
development programs.

Local Youth Development Office – The youth development office shall have the
following functions: (1) In accordance with Section 24 (d) of these rules, register and
verify youth and youth-serving organizations ( Subject to the revitalized Youth
Organizations’ Registration Program (YORP) guidelines).

Program and Services of Local Youth Development Office:

The Local Youth Development Program consist of youth activities from nine (9)
areas concern for the SK namely;

 Health
 Education
 Economic Empowerment
 Social Inclusion and Equality
 Peace Building and Security
 Governance
 Active Citizenship
 Environment and
 Global Mobility

This shall be implemented.

Narrative Report on Work Immersion Page 8
Sa dakong timog silanganan
May isang bayan Luisiana ang ngalan
Bawat tao ay nagsisikap
Tungo sa kaunlaran

Ang bayan ay di nagpapahuli

sa mga kabihasnan
Lahat ay pawing masisigla
Sumunod sa bagong lipunan

Mabuhay ang baying luisiana

Tanging bayan sa Laguna
Sagana sa kabuhayan
Marami ang industriya

Bawat tao ay masisipag

Kabuhaya’y maunlad
Buo ang pag-asa
Matagumpay lahat sila

Sa dakong timog silanganan

May isang bayan Luisiana ang ngalan
Bawat tao ay nagsisikap
Tungo sa kaunlaran

Ang bayan ay di nagpapahuli

sa mga kabihasnan
Lahat ay pawing masisigla
Sumunod sa bagong lipunan

Lahat ay pawing masisigla

Sumunod sa bagong lipunan

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The training I had in the Local Youth Development Office of our municipality
was a really good start to experience how it feels to be in the workplace.

During my ten (10) of Work Immersion, I learned new things, First is

punctuality, it is important because in this simple way, you can show how serious
you are to your job. Second is patience, even if I am just sitting there most of the
time I learned to become more patient and wait for my superior to give me a task to
do. Third is showing a positive attitude to your work, it will help you to do your job
easier. Fourth is being approachable to all of the employees of our municipal show a
respect to them all of the time. Also I learned to apply all of the learning’s that I learn
from school to our work immersion. I learned to become more sociable and to
always obey my superior and do not afraid to ask questions because it will help me
to improve my communication skills.

I will not forget my Work Immersion Supervisor who teach and guide me to
my work immersion in our municipal. He is a kind person who wants everything to
be done easily and correctly. He is willing to share of his experiences and learning’s
that he have. He never pressured me when it comes to the task but he guide to do
my task correctly. I am very thankful to my superior and to all of the employees
because they inspire me and they left a piece of advice that I will surely keep in my
mind and heart for the rest of my lives.

After the Work Immersion, I realized that Work Immersion in not just a
requirement to be completed but it is an opportunity to show what skills, knowledge
and talents that we have and also an opportunity to experience the feeling of being a
professional already.

I really had a memorable work immersion at Local Youth Development Office

of our municipal. Though I already finished working there as a trainee, I am looking
forward to working with them, not as a trainee anymore, but a professional person

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Nothing beats experience as the learning tool. This work Immersion served
as a preparation for our future career. This training gave an inspiration to be more
serious and focused in studying. I encouraged doing more efforts in studies. Since I
were given some ideas about the work of a teacher in the company where I had in
our training. I am inspired to be like them someday.

Despite of the short period of Work Immersion, it was still a very meaningful
one. The work Immersion enriched my confidence and created a foundation of being
a good employee someday. It caused a very huge effect to us as General Academic
Strand student. I am really renewed, I learned a lot in Work Immersion.

This Work Immersion made me realize that it is really good to know what
you’re doing and to love it. As students, what students, what we can do for now is to
earn whatever we can in school, be inspired, love the path we are taking, and do the
best in everything we do with positive outlook in mind, I realized that we should be
more focused I school and do everything heartily and with all that we can.

It is also very warm to the heart to know that I have accomplished and even
warmer when there are people who are so proud of what you have done and I felt
this feeling during Work Immersion. It inspires me to be more determined and
competitive in everything that we do in our daily life as students today and as
professionals someday.

Work Immersion is very helpful and will be very helpful as we continue to

take our journey and Work Immersion really gave us a taste of the real world.

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Picture with Caption

Narrative Report on Work Immersion Page 13

Arranging the papers alphabetically about the minutes of the
meeting of all the barangay of our town

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Receiving the copy of the minutes of the meeting and signing

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Helping my superior to put the Christmas decor in the
window of our department.

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Taking a photo together with my superior to have

Republic of the Philippines


Narrative Report on Work Immersion Page 17

Schools Division of Laguna
District of Luisiana


Luisiana, Laguna


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Purok 2 Banahaw St.

Narrative Report on Work Immersion Page 19

San Buenaventura
Luisiana, Laguna

November 25, 2019

Hon. Nestor A. Rondilla

Mayor of Luisiana, Laguna
Municipality of Luisiana

Dear Sir:

Good Day!

I am Grade 12 student taking General Academic Strand (GAS) in San Buenaventura

Integrated National High School (MAIN) Campus. I am required to have 80 hours/10 days of
Work Immersion as a partial fulfillment of this course.

I have recently corned my certificate in Junior High School, and trained in my Senior High
school level for this said service to be rendered in our municipality.

I am very much willing to work hard in this office and hone my abilities and skills as I work
with you.

I would like to give a heartfelt gratitude for your most precious time lender to me as we
discuss my background and skills for qualification.

Thank you very much for your generous consideration.




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Address: Brgy.San Buenaventura, Luisiana, Laguna
Contact Number: 0938-910-8424

 To attend a job training where I can improve my knowledge that will uplift my self-
confidence and learnings that I will use while working in the Local Youth
Development Office.


Age: 18 years old Citizenship: Filipino

Sex: Female Religion: Roman Catholic
Height: 157 cm. Date of Birth: November 24,2001
Weight: 45 kg. Place of Birth: Luisiana, Laguna
Civil Status: Single Language Spoken: Tagalog and

 Hardworking
 Willing to learn New Things

 Senior High School, San Buenaventura Integrated National High School – MAIN
Brgy. San Buenaventura Luisiana, Laguna
2018 up to present
 Junior High School, San Buenaventura Integrated National High School – MAIN
Brgy. San Buenaventura Luisiana, Laguna
Year Graduated: April 5, 2018 (With Honors)
 San Buenaventura Elementary School
Brgy. San Buenaventura Luisiana, Laguna
Year Graduated: 2014

Hon. Deohdarius Taguilaso Rosauro S. Piedra
SHS Coordinator, SBINHS – Main SHS Coordinator, SBINHS
– Main
Brgy. San Antonio Luisiana, Laguna Brgy. San Antonio
Luisiana, Laguna
09499857460 09499857460

Madelyn Grace B. Patron

Adviser, Grade 12-Acacia
Majayjay, Laguna

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct.


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Republic of the Philippines
Schools Division of Laguna
District of Luisiana


Luisiana, Laguna

Daily Time Record


11-25-19 7:00 5:00 9

11-26-19 7:30 5:00 8:30

11-27-19 7:15 5:00 8:45

11-28-19 7:15 5:00 8:45

12-2-19 7:10 5:00 8: 40

12-9-19 7:30 5:00 8:30

12-10-19 7:30 5:00 8:30

12-11-19 7:30 5:00 8:30

12-12-19 7:30 5:00 8:30

12-13-19 7:10 5:00 8:40

Narrative Report on Work Immersion Page 24

Republic of the Philippines
Schools Division of Laguna
District of Luisiana


Luisiana, Laguna

Daily Accomplishment Report

Date Accomplishment

We attended a flag ceremony. My superior asks me to

11-25-19 arrange the papers alphabetically about the minutes of
the meeting of all the barangay in our town.

I compile the minutes of the meeting of barangay San

11-26-19 Luis, Zone v, and San Isidro. We put the Christmas
décor to the window of our department

We attended Moral Recovery Program. I went to MPDC

11-27-19 office to ask for Engr. Mario Baldovino’s signature for
the authority to travel of my superior.

11-28-19 I help an old man to paste his picture on the form for

I went to accounting office to ask for ma’am Judith

12-2-19 Dayapera if the papers are ready about the general
assembly of kababaihan.

I went to treasury office to ask for ma’am Carmelita

12-9-19 Magano’s signature about the general assembly of

Narrative Report on Work Immersion Page 25

I help my co-immersionist to arrange the t-shirt of the
12-10-19 employees of our municipal that will be using for team

12-11-19 I help my co-immersionist to count the food that will be

distributed to all of the employees of our municipal.

12-12-18 I cut and alminate the id’s of the participant in the seminar
in Graceland Tayabas, Quezon.

We distributed the snacks to the people who attended the

12-13-19 seminar about violence against women.

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