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Paillier's encryption: Implementation and cloud applications

Conference Paper · October 2015

DOI: 10.1109/ARCSE.2015.7338149

21 3,653

3 authors:

Mohamed Nassar Abdelkarim Erradi

American University of Beirut Qatar University


Qutaibah M. Malluhi
Qatar University


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Paillier’s Encryption: Implementation and Cloud
Mohamed Nassar, Abdelkarim Erradi, Qutaibah M. Malluhi
KINDI Center for Computing Research
Qatar University
Doha, Qatar
Emails: — —

Abstract—Paillier’s additive homomorphic encryption is in- impossible, but he didn’t have a practicable real-world imple-
creasingly used in recent research in the field of cloud secure mentation of the concept [4].
outsourcing and privacy-preserving computation in addition to
other cryptographic tools such as garbled circuits. In this paper, Since then, IBM just released an open source software
we review Paillier’s encryption and its application to privacy- package called HELib. Although it doesn’t sound terribly
preserving computation outsourcing and secure online voting. We practical, HELib is actually an interesting and important mile-
present a new implementation of Paillier’s cryptosystem using stone in cryptography. HElib is currently available as an im-
Python as for interface language and fast GMP C-routines for plementation of the Brakerski-Gentry-Vaikuntanathan (BGV)
arithmetic operations.
Index Terms—Security and privacy, Privacy-preserving proto- scheme, along with many optimizations to make homomorphic
cols, Paillier’s cryptosystem, Cloud Computing. evaluation runs faster, focusing mostly on effective use of
the Smart-Vercauteren ciphertext packing techniques and the
I. I NTRODUCTION Gentry-Halevi-Smart optimizations. At its present state, this
Cloud computing unlocks unpreceded opportunities for out- library is mostly meant for researchers working on HE and its
sourcing of storage and computation. It offers flexibility and uses. Also currently it is fairly low-level, and is best thought
cost saving, but the risk of being exposed to privacy and of as ”assembly language for HE”. That is, it provides low-
security issues retains a lot of customers from risking their level routines (set, add, multiply, shift, etc.), with as much
sensitive data to the cloud. Recent research focuses on lever- access to optimizations as possible. The authors do not have
aging cryptographic techniques to enable privacy-preserving an implementation of bootstrapping, hence so far they can
in the cloud settings. In this paper we review homomorphic only support ”leveled” HE, where the parameters must be set
encryption and present an efficient implementation of the large enough to evaluate the desired functionality. The library
Paillier’s additive homomorphic encryption. We then review is written in C++ and uses the NTL mathematical library. It is
promising cloud applications that may get enabled by these distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
techniques. (GPL) [3].
A. Fully homomorphic encryption
A cryptosystem which supports both addition and multipli- B. Can homomorphic encryption be practical?
cation (thereby preserving the ring structure of the plaintexts)
is known as Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE). FHE Somewhat homomorphic encryption schemes, which sup-
effectively allows the construction of programs which may be port a limited number of homomorphic operations, can be
run on encryptions of their inputs to produce an encryption of much faster, and more compact than fully homomorphic
their output. Since such a program never decrypts its input, it encryption schemes. For example, Boneh-Goh-Nissim scheme
can be run by an untrusted party without revealing its inputs [10] supports unlimited number of addition operations but at
and internal state. This would have great practical implications most one multiplication. For some applications, it is enough
in the outsourcing of private computations, for instance, in the to consider an implementation of a ”somewhat homomorphic
context of cloud computing. encrytion” (SHE) scheme, namely, one which allows a fixed
In 2009 an IBM cryptographer named Craig Gentry wrote number of multiplications of ciphertexts. For these functions, it
a PhD dissertation describing a solution to homomorphic suffices to have a somewhat homomorphic encryption system
encryption based on Lattice cryptography. Unfortunately it had which computes many additions and a small number of mul-
a drawback, Gentry estimates that performing a Google search tiplications on ciphertexts: for example, averages require no
with encrypted keywords - a perfectly reasonable simple multiplications, standard deviation requires one multiplication,
application of this algorithm - would increase the amount of and predictive analysis such as logistical regression requires
computing time by about a factor of trillion [5]. a few multiplications (depending on the required precision).
Gentry had what amounted to an existence proof, showing The authors in [17] propose a SHE scheme and provide an
that homomorphic encryption could no longer be considered implementation based on the Magma library.
C. Partially homomorphic encryption equivalence and not equality. The key generation scheme can
Partially homomorphic encryption schemes are simpler and be summarized as follows:
support only one kind of computation. However they are more • Choose two large prime numbers p and q such that

practical and have a wide range of applications ranging from gcd(p.q, (p − 1).(q − 1)) = 1. This property is assured if
secure voting and collision resistant hash functions to private p and q are of equal bit length s.
information retrieval and secure computation on the cloud. • Compute n = p.q and λ = lcm(p − 1, q − 1)

Some of these systems are: • Select random integer g from Zn2
• Ensure n divides the order of g by checking the ex-
• Unpadded RSA: In an RSA schema with modulus m and
exponent e: E[x] = xe mod m istence of the following modular multiplicative inverse:
µ = (L(g mod n2 ))−1 mod n where L(u) is the quotient
E[x].E[y] = xe .y e mod m = (xy)e mod m = E[x.y] of the Euclidean division of (u − 1)/n. (The order of g
is a where g a = 1 mod n2 )
• ElGamal encryption [13] • The public encryption key is g and n
• Goldwasser-Micali [14] • The private encryption key is µ and λ
• Benaloh [7]
The message encryption can then be performed using the
• Paillier: In a Paillier schema with modulus m and base g,
following operations:
the encryption of a message x using a random number r
• Let m be a message to be encrypted from Zn
is: E[x] = g x .rm mod m2 ∗
• Select random r from Zn
m n 2
E[x].E[y] = (g x .r1m mod m2 ).(g y .r2m mod m2 ) • Compute ciphertext as: E[m] = c = g .r mod n
The decryption is essentially one exponentiation modulo n2 :
= g (x+y) .(r1.r2)m mod m2 = E[x + y] λ 2
• m = L(c mod n ).µ mod n
In this paper we mainly focus on Paillier’s cryptosystem.
The decryption is based on the fact that some discrete loga-
D. CryptDB rithms can be computed easily, for example if g is chosen as
Another approach proposed by MIT is to avoid full ho- g = n + 1 then L(g x )mod n2 = x mod n. A proof can be
momorphic encryption, and instead piece together existing obtained using the binomial theorem.
partial homomorphic encryption schemes that get the job done.
The RSA scheme, for instance, lets you multiply encrypted
numbers, and the Paillier scheme lets you add them [2]. Their We implemented a Python Library for Paillier’s Encryption
system CryptDB is able to switch between crypto systems on using gmpy2 for arithmetic operations. Gmpy2 is a C-coded
the fly depending on the operation. The data in the database is Python extension module that supports GMP and MPIR for
encrypted in multiple layers of different encryption, what the multiple-precision integer and rational arithmetic. We used a
researchers call an ”onion” of encryption. Every layer allows special case of Paillier’s cryptosystem where:
different kinds of computation and has a different key. ”You • p and q are two primes of equivalent bit length,
just strip off the levels of the onion until you reach the level • n = p.q
that allows a certain operation” [1]. • g =n+1
• λ = φ(n)
E. Paillier’s cryptosystem (−1)
• µ = φ(n) mod n, where φ(n) = (p − 1).(q − 1).
Paillier’s homomorphic encryption [18] possesses the fol- The code is available at:
lowing properties:
1) It’s a public key scheme, which means encryption can be The main functions of the library are the following:
performed by anyone who knows the public key, while • generate prime(bits): generate an integer of bits bits that
decryption can only be done by the matching private is prime.
key, known only to a trusted party. • generate key pair(bits): generate a key pair (pub, priv).
2) It is probabilistic. In other words it is impossible for an • encrypt(pub, plain): encrypts a plain text into a cipher
adversary to tell whether two ciphertexts are encryptions text.
of the same plaintext or not. • e add (pub, a, b): adds cipher text a to cipher text b to
3) It possesses the homomorphic properties for addition, in get equivalent to E[a+b]
particular: • e add const(pub, a, k): adds constant k to cipher text a
to get equivalent to E[a+k]
Epk [(m1 + m2 )]mod N = Epk [m1 ].Epk [m2 ]mod N 2 • e mult const(pub, a, k): multiplies cipher text a by a
constant k to get equivalent to E(k.a)
Epk [(a.m1 )]mod N = Epk [m1 ]a mod N 2
• decrypt (priv, pub, cipher): decrypts a cipher text.
Where m is the modulus of the encryption and a part of The Table I compares our implementation to two other publicly
the public key. Note that the sign ”=” above stands for available implementations: the first one is purely implemented
in Python by Ivanov1 . The second one belongs to the project Encrypting y...
Charmcrypto 2 . Each operation is run 100 times over random cy = 97081544093390150728869885586228545
operands and averaged timing is recorded. Results for key bit 1369841827765551150500391490377035465968
size of 1024 show that our implementation clearly wins in 0482316733311049884205539922689705215385
terms of performance. 0374589969365200477564944053786519437515
We noticed a bug in the CharmCrypto implementation when 3749359600359144008233141421535464414707
it comes to add a cipher and a small constant which makes 1815970116090881180961224654076376680013
this operation very slow. Ivanov’s implementation is slower 7512053539938269744248820484024639256671
even for smaller key sizes (256 bits). One reason is that it 08081220622126132163963751881776
implements in Python the Rabin Miller tests for probabilistic Computing cx + cy...
primality. The same tests (in addition to other probabilistic cz = 39039445660199142413184535700706829
primality tests) are more efficiently implemented in gmpy2. 7556570600927385126694898607888402209218
It also has a pitfall in the encrypt function since it selects 9351376124217180113025079327259288493388
r as prime whereas r should be simply any random number. 8020323565051677520139318593495764796946
We also tested the implementation in Java at (http://www.csee. 2432729685233299717545665037769518500640∼kunliu1/research/Paillier.html) which uses efficient 1429720334205811061674374581417289168145
BigInteger operations. Yet our implementation is still faster. 3746218869117226676399668935521560747011
A snapshot demonstration of the tool is shown next: 552846909584834583418805159174803
print "Generating keypair... %d bits" % 512
Decrypting cz...
priv, pub = generate_keypair(512) z = 8
x = 3 Computing decrypt((cz + 2) * 3) ...
print "x =", x result = 30
print "Encrypting x..."
cx = encrypt(pub, x) III. S ELECTED A PPLICATIONS
print "cx =", cx
A. Secure voting and homomorphic counters
y = 5 Secure online voting has many practical constraints. It
print "y =", y must ensure the verification of the results (also known as
print "Encrypting y..."
the integrity property) and in the same time deny any match
cy = encrypt(pub, y)
print "cy =", cy between the votes and the corresponding voters (also known
as the ballot secrecy property). In addition it must prevent
print "Computing cx + cy..." cheating from the voters such as double voting or pretend-
cz = e_add(pub, cx, cy) ing a vote without actually casting it. All these constraints
print "cz =", cz
make secure online voting a difficult task to tackle if not an
print "Decrypting cz..." impossible one. Actually many researchers argue that relying
z = decrypt(priv, pub, cz) solely on technological solutions (either online or offline)
print "z =", z without physical redundancy such as tally papers would be
risky and unreliable [11]. However, much research work strives
print "Computing decrypt((cz + 2) * 3) ..."
for anonymous and scalable voting system based on additive
print "result =", decrypt(priv, pub,
e_mul_const(pub, e_add_const(pub, cz, 2), 3))) homomorphic encryption and other cryptographic tools such as
mix nets (e.g. [6], [15]). This research resulted in many online
An example of the console output is shown next: systems offering verifiable online elections such as Helios
Generating keypair... 512 bits ( Researchers have also shown
x = 3 that many online voting systems are vulnerable [23].
Encrypting x... B. DNA profile matching
cx = 24148460559965448239440010474169876
In [12] the authors address a multitude of DNA tests such
as identity, ancestry and paternity tests based on Short Tandem
Repeat (STR) profiles. An STR profile is composed of a
number of loci and for each locus the number of repetitions
for a given repeat structure. The authors translate each test
into an algebraic expression and provide an additive homomor-
phic encryption scheme allowing two semi-honest parties to
compare their stored profiles in a semantically secure manner.
y = 5
The proposed approach allows to obtain exact or approximate
1 matches within a small error interval as practically required
2 by the tests.

Time paillier-gmpy2 (1024) paillier-Ivanov (256) paillier-Charm (1024)

(ms) (Our tool)
key generation 34.00 152.00 585.00
encryption 1602.00 48744.00 7917.00
decryption 1567.00 193.00 7290.00
add ciphers 2.00 1.00 9.00
add cipher and constant 56.00 6.00 7755.00
multiply cipher and constant 53.00 29.00 136.00

Kantarcioglu et. al. [16] consider a framework where Single demonstrate that shape-based image feature extraction, a par-
Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) sequences coming from sev- ticularly computationally intensive task, can be carried out by
eral hospitals are encrypted and stored at a data storage site, presenting two schemes for doing so, and demonstrating their
and biomedical researchers are able to submit queries to this viability by experimentally evaluating them.
site. The query processing must deal with encrypted data. The
authors propose a protocol for aggregate counting queries over E. Matrix algebra
the encrypted database which is particularly interesting for
Benjamin and Atallah have proposed a secure outsourcing
privacy-preserving statistical analysis. Their scheme is based
framework for matrix multiplication using two servers and
on a binary storage scheme where each SNP letter has a binary
homomorphic encryption on the servers [8].
representation over two bits and each bit is encrypted using
In [20] the authors address the outsourcing of Linear Pro-
Paillier’s encryption. For example the letter ’A’ is encoded in
gramming (LP) problems in terms of input/output privacy,
binary as two bits 0b00. Similarly the query is translated to
cheating resilience, and efficiency. The authors propose a
binary encoding. For example finding the letter ’A’ at position
random affine transformation to the variables and matrices of
4 is equivalent to finding an encryption of 0 at position 8
the LP problem and bear the solving of the new problem to the
and an encryption of 0 at position 9 in the encoded sequence.
cloud. The currently practical algorithms for solving LP have
The authors propose an algebraic expression that evaluates to
a complexity superior to O(n3 ). The proposed scheme incurs
an encryption of 0 for each encrypted record in the database
at the client a cost inferior to the LP solving complexity.
matching the query. In other words the result of the query
In [21], harnessing the cloud for solving large-size systems
is the count of 0s among the evaluation results of all the
of linear equations have been proposed and evaluated. They
records. The server sends a permutation of the encrypted
propose two solutions: a basic batch solution and a more
results. The client decrypts and counts the zeros to obtain
secure iterative solution based on additive homomorphic en-
the actual result of the query. The paper announces a query
cryption. The problem of solving Ax = b is represented as
response time of approximately 25 min for a database of 5000
φ = (A, b) and has complexity O(np ) where 2 < p ≤ 3. The
records and a query that consists of 10 SNPs. Using our tool,
basic solution is to hide x using a random vector r and to hide
our experiments show that under the same setting the query
A by multiplying by a random matrix Q. This approach is not
response time is less than one minute.
attractive because the problem transformation requires matrix
C. Privacy-preserving biometric identification multiplication which is computationally as costly as solving
the linear system itself, especially for large matrices. The
Privacy is particularly important for biometric identification
iterative solution is to repeatedly compute: x(k+1) = T.x(k) +c
data, we cannot change our fingerprint or our iris scan the
where A is decomposed into two matrices: A = D + R.
same way we change passwords once they get compromised.
T is computed as: T = −D(−1) .R and c = D(−1) .b. The
Biometric data is noisy and varies from one measurement to
transformed problem is φ = (T, c) of complexity O(L.n2 )
another, which means that even when two biometric measure-
where L is the number of iterations assuming the convergence
ments come from the same person, comparing their crypto-
of the solution. The client hides x by adding a random number:
graphic functions will certainly result in a mis-match. In pri-
y = x + r, encrypts T in O(n2 ) and sends it to the server. The
vacy preserving biometric authentication the server carries out
encryption is costly but it is done one time and is amortizable
the comparison without revealing any biometric information
through the iterations of the protocol. The server computes
that can later be used to impersonate the client. Researchers
E[T.y (k) ] at each iteration and sends it to the client. The client
propose mixing homomorphic encryption with garbled circuits
decrypts this vector and computes y (k+1) at each iteration in
in order to tackle these challenges [19], [9].
O(n) time. The algorithm stops when ky (k+1) − y (k) k < .
D. Image processing
Image template matching tries to answer one of the most
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31st International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, pages
This publication was made possible by a grant from the 549–558. IEEE, June 2011.
Qatar National Research Fund; award number NPRP 09-622- [22] S. Wang, M. Nassar, M. Atallah, and Q. Malluhi. Secure and Private
1-090. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors Outsourcing of Shape-Based Feature Extraction. In Information and
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