Updated Indian History Mcqs For All Competative Exams 2019

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I will develop this draft from time to time

First printing, March 2019
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I Part One
Ancient India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2 Mediaval India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

3 Modern India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

II Part 2

4 Correct and incorrect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225


5 Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229

6 The first one . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245

7 Harrapan civilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273

8 Jainism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281

9 Famous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289

10 Buddhism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297

11 Chola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
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12 Chandragupta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321

13 Muslim League . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325

14 Sangam Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329

15 Gupta period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335

16 Rig Vedic period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343

17 Battle and war . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349


Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357

19 Established . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363

20 Vijaynagar empire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369

written . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371

Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
23 Leader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393

24 Indian National Congress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399

25 The Mughal Kings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405


26 Renaissance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415

27 Freedom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417

28 Indus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421

29 Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427

III Part 3

30 Miscellenous questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437

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The aim of this book is twofold: first for the students of competitive examination seeking
admission to PhD program or for lecturer job through examinations like NET and SET. Second, It
will also be helpful for those taking other examinations like IAS/UPSC/CSAT Civil services Exam
etc. It contains more than 7500+ questions from the core area of Indian History. The questions are
grouped chapter wise.
The overwhelming response to the first edition of this book has inspired me to bring out this
second edition which is a thoroughly revised and updated version of the first.
Every effort has been made to make this book error-free. l welcome all constructive criticism
of the book. I will upload 10000 MCQ’s on Indian History soon as online quiz. Keep visiting our
website https://www.gatecseit.in/.


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Part One


1 Ancient India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2 Mediaval India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

3 Modern India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

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1. Ancient India

Unit 1

1. Which of the following Indus Valley sites C. Guptas

is presently in Pakistan? D. Greeks
A. Kalibangan 5. The cult of Krishna is primarily exhibited
B. Harappa through the
A. Ancient art

C. Alamgirpur
D. Lethal B. Rajasthani school of art
2. The term “Tirthankaras” is associated with C. Mughal school of art

A. Hinduism D. Bengal school of art

6. The earliest evidence of silver in India is
B. Jainism

found in the
C. Buddhism

A. Harappan culture
D. Zoroastrianism B. Chalcolitchic cultures of western India
3. The Vedic Aryans first settled in the region
C. Vedic Texts
D. Silver punchmarked coins
A. Central India
7. Buddha delivered his first sermon at
B. Gangetic Doab
A. Sanchi
C. Saptasindhu
B. Sarnath
D. Kashmir and Punjab
C. Kapilvastu
4. Gandhara School of art is related to which
of the following dynasties? D. Vaisali
8. In which of the following Buddhist coun-
A. Shakas cils, the Buddhism was divided into Sthavi-
B. Kushanas ravada and second Mahasamghikas?
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10 Chapter 1. Ancient India

A. First Budhdist Council A. Rigveda

B. Second Budhdist Council B. Yajurveda
C. Third Budhdist Council C. Grihyasutras
D. Fouth Budhdist Council D. Upanishad
9. Who among the following annexed Anga to 15. In Greek texts, who among the following
Magadha? has been mentioned as Amitrochates?
A. Chandragupta Maurya A. Bimbisara

B. Bimbisara B. Bindusara
C. Ashoka C. Kautilya

D. Samudragupta D. Asoka
10. Who among the following is known for 16. The first ruler of the Satavahanas was
his work on medicine during the Gupta Pe-
riod? A. Simuka

A. Saumilla B. Govinda

B. Sudraka C. Sri Satakarni

C. Shaunaka D. Nahapana
D. Susruta 17. Which of the following works credits
‘Pushyabhuti’ as the founder of the Vard-
11. Who wrote ‘Kiratarjuniyam’?
hana dynasty?
A. Bhasa
A. Harshacharita
B. Bhartruhari
B. Banskhera Inscription of Harsha
C. Bhavabhuthi

C. Yuan-Chwang
D. Bharavi
D. Kadambari

12. The Sanskrit drama Which triumph over the

Nanda is 18. Jatakas are the stories of

A. Mrichhakatika A. Buddha’s life

B. Mudrarakshasa B. Buddha’s previous lives

C. Devichandragupta C. The lives of the future Buddhas


D. Prabodhchadrodaya D. Great saints of Buddhism

13. On which of the following systems of 19. Which among the following is correct about
Hindu Philosophy, Shankaracharya wrote Bhaddasala?

commentary in 9th century AD? A. He was a poet in the court of Chan-

A. Sankhya dragupta Maurya
B. Vaisheshika B. He was the general of the Nanda Army
C. Yoga C. He was an ambassador of Ceylon King
sent to Asoka’s court
D. Uttarmimansa
14. The Hindu social sacraments such as mar- D. He was a playwright in the Gupta Era
riage etc. are performed on the basis of the 20. Who among the following was known to
rituals described in the have worked in Medicine?
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A. Saumilla D. Bodh Gaya

B. Sudraka 23. The famous poet Kalidasa lived in the court
C. Shaunaka
A. Chandragupta
D. Susruta
B. Chandragupta-II
21. The greatest claim to fame of the Satava-
hanas is on account of C. Samudragupta
A. Pursuing a tolerant religious policy and D. Kumaragupta
giving common patronage to Buddhism and 24. The temple of Konark was built by
Brahmanism Narasimha of the:
B. Adoption of Prakrit as their court lan- A. Maratha Dynasty
guage in preference to Sanskrit
B. Chola Dynasty

C. Great economic prosperity and brisk in-
land and foreign trade C. Ganga Dynasty

D. Great contribution to Indian art as evi- D. Vijaynagar Empire

dent from the art of Amravati and Nagarju- 25. The greatest Buddhist commentator of the
nakonda Buddhist canonical literature has been
22. The fourth Buddhist Council was held
eR A. Nagarjuna
B. Ashvaghosha
A. Pataliputra
C. Vasumitra
B. Vaisali
D. Buddhaghosha
C. Kundalavana


1. B 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. B 8. B 9. B 10. D 11. D 12. B 13. D 14. C

15. B 16. A 17. A 18. B 19. B 20. D 21. C 22. C 23. B 24. C 25. B

Unit 2

1. Madurai had been the capital of the A. The Nagas


A. Cholas B. The Britishers

B. Pallavas C. Samudragupta
C. Rashtrakuta D. The Hindu Shahi Dynasty
4. The first astronomical observatory of Harap-
D. Pandyas
pan Civilization has been found at which
2. What was the name of the silver coins is- among the following ancient Indian sites?
sued by Guptas?
A. Chanhudaro
A. Karshapana
B. Ropar
B. Rupaka
C. Daimabad
C. Dinara
D. Dholavira
D. Pana 5. Ayodhya temples are located on the banks
3. The Kushan rule was brought to an end by of which of the following rivers?
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12 Chapter 1. Ancient India

A. Sarayu A. Mahaprajapati
B. Ganga B. Mayadevi
C. Yamuna C. Kundavi
D. Gomti D. Sangamitra
6. Whom was Ashvaghosha a contemporary 12. The worship of images (of Buddha) in India
of? began during the period
A. Menander A. Mauryan

B. Harsha B. Sunga
C. Kanishka
C. Kushana
D. Ashoka

D. Gupta
7. During the reign of Kanishka, Buddhism
for the first time went to China and from 13. Whose general was Appolodotus?
China it went to A. Euthydemus

A. Burma and Tibet B. Demetrius
B. Thailand and Cambodia C. Diodotus
C. Korea and Japan D. Antichos
D. Indonesia and Vietnam 14. The Ramayana narrates events believed to
8. Who among the following wrote have taken place in the Yuga or age.
A. Sat
A. Prabhakarvardhana
B. Dwapar
B. Banabhatta
C. Kal

C. Harshavardhana
D. Treta
D. Yashovardhana

15. Which of the following Chinese pilgrim

9. In 1837, James Princep deciphered an In- gives account of the First Gupta Ruler?
scription in Brahmi script referring to a king

called ‘Devanamapiya Piyadassi’. The cele- A. Fa Hien

brated monarch known by this epithet was B. Huen Tsang
C. Itsing

A. Ashoka
D. None of the above
B. Akbar
16. The monolithic image of Jain Saint ‘Goma-
C. Kanishka tiswara’ is at

D. Chandragupta Vikramaditya A. Mount Abu

10. Buddhism was first propagated outside In-
B. Saravanabelgola
dia In
A. China C. Kusinagara

B. Cambodia D. Kalinga

C. Thailand 17. What was the most prominent reason of

arrival of Indo-Aryans from central Asia,
D. Ceylon possibly from the south of the Urals and
11. Gautama Buddha was brought up by East of Caspian Sea?
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A. They were in search of arable land 22. Which of the following is not an important
B. They were of Nomadic Culture work of Kalidasa?

C. They were defeated by their Indo Euro- A. Shakuntala

pean neighbors B. Kumarasambhava
D. They were aware of prosperity of India C. Gita Govinda
18. The Svetambaras and Digambaras refer to
two sects of D. Meghadoot

A. Saivism 23. The Buddhist Doctrines were written in

B. Buddhism A. Sanskrit
C. Vaishnavism B. Pali
D. Jainism C. Tibetan

19. Among the four works mentioned below
D. Not written in any language but orally
Which one is encyclopaedic in nature?
A. Mamarakosa
24. The single most important factor responsi-
B. Siddhantasiromani ble for the transformation of Ancient Indian
C. Ashtangahridaya
D. Brihat Samhita
20. Which of the following are essentially
eR society into medieval society was the
A. practice of land grants
B. decline of trade
books of rituals?
C. proliferation of castes
A. The Vedas
D. rigidity of the caste system
B. The Upanishads
25. During Kanishka’s reign, the centre of po-
C. The Aranyakas
litical activity shifted from Magadha to
D. The Brahmanas

A. Delhi
21. Mudra Rakahasa was written by
B. Ayodhya
A. Kalidasa
B. Visakadatta C. Kannauj

C. Bana D. Purushapura (Peshawar)


D. Bharavi


1. D 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. D 11. A 12. C 13. B 14. D

15. C 16. B 17. C 18. D 19. D 20. D 21. B 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. D

Unit 3

1. The ancient, medical treatise, Charaka C. Ashoka

Samhita is attributed to Charaka, who was
D. Samudragupta
a contemporary of
2. Which of the following is the oldest seat of
A. Kanishka learning?
B. Chandragupta Maurya A. Nalanda
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14 Chapter 1. Ancient India

B. Vikramshila A. 993 AD
C. Taxila B. 1093 AD
D. Ujjain C. 1193 AD

3. The mother of Vardhamana Mahavira was D. 1293 AD

a 9. Fourth Buddhist Council was held at?
A. Lichavi Princess A. Kapilvastu
B. Maurya Princess B. Kashmir

C. Saka Princess C. Sarnath

D. Not a member of the royal family D. Bodhgaya

10. Of all the states in northern India in 6th
4. Which among the following was the most
century BC Which of the following states
famous learning centre during maurya Pe-
emerged as the most powerful?
A. Anga
A. Ujjain

B. Magadha
B. Taxila
C. Kashi
C. Nalanda
D. Kosala
D. Vikramsila 11. Who among the following assumed the ti-
5. Who among the following were also known tles of sakayavanpallavanidusana (destroyer
as Tocharians? of saka, yavana and pallavas) and Trisamu-
drapittoyvahana (one whose horses had
A. Kushanas drunk waters from 3 oceans)?
B. Hunas A. Gautami Putra satkarni

C. Greeks B. Simuka

D. Shakas C. Rudra daman I

6. Which of the following was the main port D. Vijaya

for the Indus people? 12. The Gupta king who is known in the Indian
A. Lothal legends as Vikramaditya was
A. Chandragupta I
B. Harappa

B. Samudragupta
C. Kalibangan
C. Chandragupta II
D. Mohenjodaro
D. Skandagupta

7. In Jainism, ‘perfect knowledge’ is referred

to as 13. Two highest,gods in the Vedic religion
A. Jina
A. Agni and Savitri
B. Ratna B. Vishnu and Mitra
C. Kaivalya C. Indra and Varuna
D. Nirvana D. Surya and Pushan
8. In which year, Nalanda University was fi- 14. What was the job of Rupadarshaka in Mau-
nally destroyed? ryan Era as per Arthashashtra of Kautilya?
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A. Royal examiner of minted coins 20. Which of the following was not one of
the ruling dynasties of South India in the
B. Royal Superintendent of Courtesans
Sangam Age?
C. Manager of the Stage
A. Chola
D. Police
B. Chera
15. Division of the Vedic society into four
classes is clearly mentioned in the C. Pandya

A. Yajurveda D. Pallava
21. Which of the following was not an Indus
B. Purusa-sukta of Rigveda
Valley site?
C. Upanishads
A. Pataliputra
D. Shatapatha Brahmana
B. Rangpur

16. The first metal to be extensively used by the
people in India was C. Sukatagendor

A. Bronze D. Lothal
22. In Jainism the aim of life is to attain Nirvana
B. Copper
or Moksha for Which one has to
C. Iron
D. Tin
17. The Indus Valley Civilization has not been
eR A. follow three jewels and five vows
B. practice, non-violence and non-injury to
all living beings
deciphered yet. Consider the following rea-
sons: C. renounce the world and attain right
1. No knowledge about their language
2. Small length of inscriptions D. believe in the Jains and absolute non-
3. Absence of bilingual texts violence
Which among the above is/ are correct rea- 23. Kalinga was took place in the year

sons? A. 263 BC
A. Only 1 B. 240 BC
B. 1& 2 C. 261 BC
C. 1& 3 D. 232 BC

D. 1, 2& 3 24. Establishment of Svetambara as a separate


18. Which of the following religious text is writ- sect within Jainism was resulted at ?
ten in the form of questions and answers? A. Rajgriha
A. Vinaya Pitaka B. Vallabhi
B. Sutta Pitaka C. Ujjaini
C. Abhidhamma Pitaka D. Sanchi
D. Prakirnas 25. What was the extent of Harsha’s empire?
19. Megasthanes was the Ambassador of A. The entire Indian subcontinent
A. Selukos Nikator B. The whole of India
B. Alexander C. The entire Deccan region
C. Darius D. A part of northern India
D. The Persians
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16 Chapter 1. Ancient India


1. A 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. B 11. A 12. C 13. C 14. A

15. B 16. B 17. D 18. C 19. A 20. D 21. A 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. D

Unit 4

1. The harappan economy was primarily A. Jains

in nature. B. Hindus

A. Rural C. Buddhists
B. Industrial D. Sikhs

C. Urban 7. In which was the following texts of Kali-
dasa, Sati system has been mentioned?
D. Capitalist
A. Raghuvamsa
2. Who is the author of Kadambari, from
among the following? B. Kumarasambhava

A. Kalidas C. Ritusamhara

B. Panini D. Meghaduta
8. Which among the following correctly ex-
C. Kautilya
plains Bhikkhuni Patimokkha of Bud-
D. Bana dhism?
3. Of the four main Chalukya dynasties of A. Buddhist monks under whose supervi-
early medieval India Pulkesin II, who de- sion Buddhist nuns were to live
feated Harsha, belonged to Chalukya dy- B. Special places which were used by Bud-
nasty of dhist nuns for worship

A. Anhilwad (Gujarat) C. Special code of conduct for female Bud-

dhist monks or Buddhist nuns

B. Badami or Vatapi
C. Vengi D. Special book which narrates Jataka

story of Buddha
D. Kalyani 9. In the early Vedic-period, Varna system was
4. Which of the following temples has ac- based on
quired the name of the Black Pagoda?
A. Education

A. Sun Temple B. Birth

B. Lingaraj Temple C. Occupation

C. Bhuvaneshwari Temple D. Talen

D. Jagannathdeva Temple 10. Who among the following is not associated
with medicine In ancient India?
5. Bhasa was the author of
A. Dhanvantri
A. Mahavamsa
B. Susruta
B. Svapnavasavadatta
C. Bhaskaracharya
C. Sakunthala
D. Charaka
D. Buddha Charita 11. The Mauryan sculptors had attained the
6. The caves of Ajanta and EIlora belonged to highest perfection in the carving of
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A. floral designs 17. By whom had the stupa at Sanchi in Mad-

hya Pradesh been built?
B. pillars
A. Ashoka
C. animal figures
B. Harshavardhana
D. yaksha figures
C. Kanishka
12. The most important Pahlava ruler
was D. Chandragupta
A. Mues 18. Which among the following pairs is NOT
correctly matched? (Traveler - During reign
B. Gondophemes of King)
C. Menander A. Megasthenes - Chandragupta Maurya
D. Darius B. Deimachos - Asoka

13. Who was referred to as Amitraghata by the C. Hsuan -Tsang - Harshavardhana
D. Fa-Hien - Chandragupta II
A. Chandragupta Maurya
19. The Monk whom Chandragupta Maurya ac-
B. Bimbisara companied to South India was
C. Bindusara
D. Vasudeva
eR A. Asvaghosa
B. Vasumitra
14. During whose reign among the following C. Upagupta
the Mahayan emerged?
D. Bhadrabahu
A. Ashoka 20. The Nanda dynasty was established by
B. Kanishka A. Vasudeva
C. Bimbisara B. Kharavela

D. Harsha C. Mahapadma
15. The archaeologist to initially discover the D. Pushyamitra
Mohenjo-Daro site of the Indus Valley Civ-
ilization was 21. In whose coins was the wheel round?

A. Sir John Marshall A. Menander


B. Demetrius

B. Daya Ram Sahni

C. Kanishka
C. Sir Martimir Wheeler
D. Nahapana
D. Rakhal Das Banerji
22. Which of the following is regarded by his-
16. The moat important current(a) in the social
torians as a crucial stage In describing the
life of early medieval India was/were
progress of civilization?
A. assimilation of foreigners into the Hindu
A. Writing
society as Rajputs
B. The discovery of fire
B. rigidity of the caste system
C. Agriculture
C. birth, occupation or profession and
place of residence as new determinants of D. The use of internet
caste 23. The first image of the Buddha-was carved
out during the reign of
D. All the above
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18 Chapter 1. Ancient India

A. Ashoka C. Patanjali
B. Pusyamitra Shunga D. Manu
C. Kanishka I 25. When Alexander invaded India, Magadha
was being ruled by the
D. Menander
A. Haryankas
24. Who is credited with having written the
immortal classic treatise Raja Yoga Sutras B. Sisunagas
(Aphorisms on Meditation)? C. Nandas

A. Panini D. Mauryas
B. Kapila


1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. C 11. C 12. B 13. C 14. B

15. D 16. D 17. A 18. B 19. D 20. C 21. A 22. C 23. C 24. C 25. C

Unit 5

1. Saka Year is how many years behind the 5. The greatest conqueror among the Gupta
Christian Era? rulers was
A. 50 A. Samudragupta
B. 75 B. Chandragupta II
C. 78 C. Kumargupta
D. 100 D. Skandagupta

2. “Niska ” was used as a medium of exchange, 6. Which of the following events happened in
in which of the following periods? AD Era?

A. Vedic period A. First Buddhist Council

B. Maurya Period B. Second Buddhist Council

C. Gupta Period C. Coronation of Bidusara

D. Sangam Period D. Beginning of Saka Era
3. There are similarities between the seals 7. The temples of Khajuraho built by Chan-

found at Mohenjo-Daro and dela kings in the 11th century are?

A. Egypt A. Shaiva temples
B. China B. Jain temples

C. Sumeria C. Both A and B above

D. Afghanistan D. Buddhist, Jain and Shaiva temples
4. Which among the following was the earliest 8. Megasthanes was succeeded by as
drama of Kalidasa? ambassador?
A. Vikramorvishiyam A. Darius
B. Malvikagnimitram B. Demetrios
C. Abhijnanshakuntalam C. Deimachos
D. Kumarasambhava D. Philip
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9. When did the best productions of Gandhara 15. Of the following scholars who was the first
sculpture appear? to discover the traces of the Harappan Civil-
A. Mauryan Period
A. Sir John Marshall
B. Gupta Period
B. RD Banerji
C. Kushana Period
C. A Cunningham
D. Harsha Period
D. Daya Ram Sahani
10. What was “Halivakara” in the Gupta Era?
16. Bhagwati sutra is related to which of the
A. A kind of Tax following religions?
B. A kind of Play A. Buddhism
C. A kind of Instrument B. Jainism

D. A kind of Tribe C. Hinduism
11. The Arab conquest of Sind in 712 AD had D. Sikhism
taken place under the leadership of
17. The famous Indo-Greek king to embrace
A. Mohammed of Ghazni Buddhism was
B. Mohammed-bin-Qasim
C. Mohammed of Ghori
eR A. Alexander
B. Strato I
D. None of the above C. Menander
12. The Gupta artists had attained the highest D. Democritus
perfection in 18. Where was Mahavira born?
A. architecture A. Sravasti
B. sculpture B. Vaishali

C. terracotas C. Rajagriha
D. painting D. Pataliputra
13. Which of the following city was known as 19. Which among the following sites of Indus
Avanti in ancient India? Valley Civilization marks the “Absence of
Mother goddess figurines”?

A. Varanasi
A. Lothal

B. Ujjain
B. Kalibangan
C. Patna
C. Rangpur
D. Alwar
D. Harappa
14. That the Rig Vedic Aryana were a pastoral
20. Which among the following is the theme of
people is borne out by the fact that
“Katyayana Srauta sutra”?
A. there are many references to the cow in
A. Cooking in vedic eras
the Rig Veda
B. Geometry
B. Most of the wars were fought for the
sake of cows C. Rules of vedic sacrifices
C. Gifts made to priests were usually cows D. Astrology
and not land 21. The Cresco paintings of Ajanta caves illus-
trate the art of the
D. All of the above
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20 Chapter 1. Ancient India

A. Guptas 24. Which among the following Buddhist work

B. Mauryas is written in Sanskrit?

C. Kushanas A. Mahavamsha

D. Rashtrakutas B. Deepavamsha
22. Aihole Inscription is ascribed to which of C. Divyadan
the following rulers?
D. Milinda Panho
A. Pulkeshin II 25. Arrange the following Magadhan dynasties

B. Rudradaman in chronological order:
C. Kharvela I. Nandas
D. Ashoka II. Sisunagas

III. Mauryas
23. What is the first discourse that the Buddha
IV. Haryankas
had delivered at the Deer Park in Sarnath
called? A. IV, II, III and I
A. Mahaparinirvana B. II, I, IV and III

B. Mahamastabhisheka C. IV, II, I and III
C. Mahabhiniskraman D. III, I, IV and II
D. Dharmachakrapravartan

1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. C 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. B 13. B 14. D

15. D 16. B 17. C 18. B 19. C 20. C 21. A 22. A 23. D 24. C 25. C

Unit 6

1. Harsha was defeated by D. uniformity of workmanship


A. Sasanka 4. The Sunga ruler Bhaga erected a monolithic


‘Garuda’ at
B. King of Valabhi
C. Bhaskarvarman A. Varanasi

D. Pulkesin II B. Besnagar

2. A temple for ‘Patini devi’ was constructed C. Rajagriha

D. Pataliputra
A. Karikala 5. ‘Abhijnanasakuntalam’ has been reckoned

B. Paranar as a masterpiece of
C. Senguttuvan A. Bhasa
D. Udiyanjeral B. Kalidasa
3. The most striking feature of the Ashokan C. Asvaghosha
pillars is their
D. Sudraka
A. monolithic structure
6. Who among the following is famous for sav-
B. carving ing the empire from the Huna tribe, which
C. polish had overran Asia and Europe.
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A. Samudra Gupta A. Kalinga

B. Chandra Gupta II B. Vidisa

C. Skandagupta C. Berar

D. None of the above D. Bharhut

13. Which social evil was conspicuously absent
7. Which sage or scholar had recast the origi- in ancient India?
nal single Veda into four distinct Vedas?
A. Polygamy
A. Patanjali
B. Sati system
B. Kapila
C. Devadasi system
C. Vyasa D. Purdah system
D. Shankaracharya 14. Which among the following Vedic Texts

gives a systematic exposition of the ‘theory
8. Allahabad Pillar Inscription gives a detailed
of rebirth’ for the first time?
account of the reign of which of the follow-
ing? A. Chhandogya Upanishad
A. Kanishka B. Mundaka Upanishad

B. Samudra gupta
C. Kumaragupta
eR C. Satapatha Brahmana
D. Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
15. Match the location of the following Harap-
D. Ashoka pan sites:
9. ‘Prince of Pilgrims’ was the name attributed
List-1 (Sites) List-2 (States)
A. Ropar (i) Uttar Pradesh
A. Fa-Hien B. Alamgirpur (ii) Punjab
B. I-tsing C. Kalibangan (iii) Gujarat

D. Dholavira (iv) Rajasthan

C. Hiuen Tsang E. Banawali (v) Haryana
D. Megasthenese
10. The family of the Rig Vedic Aryans was A. A − ii, B − i,C − iv, D − iii, E − v

A. Patrilineal B. A − i, B − ii,C − iii, D − iv, E − v


C. A − ii, B − i,C − iii, D − iv, E − v


B. Patriarchal
D. A − ii, B − iii,C − i, D − v, E − iv
C. Matriarchal
16. St Thomas died a martyr at
D. Matrilineal
A. Madras
11. Dharmamahamatras were during the
B. Bombay
C. Goa
A. Officials
D. Surat
B. Buddhist Monks 17. ‘Ayurveda’ has its origin in
C. Jain Monks A. Rig Veda
D. Soldiers B. Sama Veda
12. What is said to be the original home of the C. Yajur Veda
D. Atharva Veda
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22 Chapter 1. Ancient India

18. Which of the following metals was not A. Dhammaghosa

known to the Indus valley people?
B. Buddhaghosa
A. gold
C. Dhammapada
B. silver
D. Abhidhamma
C. copper
23. Which Gupta ruler had led a campaign to
D. iron the south, besides being an accomplished
19. Who was the founder of the Pala Dynasty veena player?
of Bengal?

A. Skandagupta
A. Dharmapala
B. Samudragupta
B. Gopala

C. Chandragupta I
C. Mahendrapala
D. Mahipala D. Chandragupta Vikramaditya
20. Banabhatta, a great scholar, lived during the 24. “The greatest law giver ” of ancient India
reign of was who among the following?

A. Ashoka A. Banabhatta
B. Harsha B. Kautilya
C. Kanishka C. Manu
D. Chandragupta II
D. Chanukya
21. The year of accession of Kanishka to throne
was 25. The last Nanda ruler of Magadha who was
overthrown by Chandragupta Maurya with
A. 108 AD the help of Chanakya was
B. 58 AD
A. Mahapadmananda

C. 128 AD
B. Dhanananda
D. 78 AD

C. Navananda
22. Which among the following Buddhist Text

is considered to have been recorded by Bud- D. Not known

dha himself?


1. D 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. B 11. A 12. B 13. D 14. A

15. A 16. A 17. D 18. D 19. B 20. B 21. D 22. C 23. B 24. C 25. B

Unit 7

1. Two most important acts and rituals as- D. Marriage Vows

sociated with the Vedic marriage system
2. Consider the following matches:
1. Kena Upanishad : Sam Veda
A. Pani-Grahana 2. Katha Upanishad: Krishna yajurveda
3. Prasna Upanishad : Samveda
B. Sapta-Padi 4. Mandukya Upanishad: atharvaveda
C. Both A and B above Which among the above is / are correct?
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A. 1, 2, 3, A. Parsvanatha
B. 1, 2, 4 B. Rishabha
C. 2, 3, 4 C. Mahavira
D. all are correct D. Manisubruta
3. The earlier Buddhist sculptures had shied 9. What was the original name of Euthy-
away from depicting the image of the Bud- demia?
dha, except through such symbols as A. Gondhara
A. Footprints B. Sakala
B. The Bodhi Tree C. Kapisa
C. Stupas D. Purushapura

D. All of the above 10. The one most important feature of the Mau-
ryan Administration was
4. Of the following who has been considered
as a grammarian? A. wide powers enjoyed by the provincial
A. Kautilya
B. the presence of a ‘council of ministers’
B. Megasthanes
C. Patanjali
eR C. the presence of vast, numerous powers
of the bureaucracy
D. Kanishka D. an extensive network of spy-system
5. Partha was the name of which of the follow- 11. The Indus Valley Civilisation type was
ing character in Mahabharta? found in
A. Arjuna A. Sumer
B. Bhima B. Egypt

C. Krishna C. China
D. Yudhisthara D. All the three
6. The temples known as the Seven Pagodas 12. The ritualistic precepts pertaining to the
had been built by the hymns of the Vedas are known as the
A. Samhitas

A. Pallavas
B. Aranyakas

B. Cholas
C. Brahmanas
C. Hoysalas
D. Upanishads
D. Chalukyas
13. Which one of the following ports handled
7. Buddhism was divided into Mahayana and the north Indian trade during the Gupta pe-
Hinayana during the reign of riod?
A. Asoka A. Kalyan
B. Kanishka B. Cambay
C. Menander C. Tamralipti
D. Harsha D. Broach
8. The last in the succession of Jaina 14. Most of the large Harappan towns had for
Tirthankaras was fortifications Which served the purpose of
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24 Chapter 1. Ancient India

A. safety from robbers 20. Alexander the great, was obliged to go back
B. protection against cattle raiders
A. he fell ill
C. protection against floods
B. he suffered defeat in India
D. All the above
C. his forces refused to go further
15. Who among the following erected Gan-
gaikonda Cholapuram? D. he did not like India
A. Rajraja Chola 21. The Shrimad Bhagvata Gita contains

chapters and Sanskrit slokas or cou-
B. Rajendra Chola I plets.
C. Mahendravarman I A. 14,500

D. Gonka I B. 16,600
16. This Vedic God was “a breaker of the forts” C. 18,700
and also a ‘war god’
D. 20,800
A. Indra

22. Which of the following pala ruler founded
B. Yama the University of Vikramsila?
C. Marut A. Devapala,
D. Varuna B. Mahipala I
17. Srikakulam was the capital of C. Dharamapala
A. Sakas D. Gopala
B. Pahlavas 23. The Indo-Greek Kingdom set up in north
Afghanistan in the beginning of the second
C. Andhras century BC was

D. Ashoka A. Scythia
18. A village Porunthal came into the news

B. Zedrasia
as archeological excavations have estab-
lished it one of the largest glass bead- C. Bactria

manufacturing site in southern India dating D. Aria

back to 2nd century BC to 1st century AD.
24. Ashoka’s prime claim to greatness lay in
In which state Porunthal is located?
A. His extensive conquests

A. Karnataka
B. The promotion of people’s welfare by
B. Tamil Nadu him
C. Kerala

C. His marathon army

D. Andhra Pradesh D. His exclusive patronage of Buddhism
19. Which among the following was used to 25. Match the following:
create sculptures in the Mathura school of
art that flourished around 1st century AD? List-I List-II
A. Marble A. Kautilya 1. Magadha King
B. Megasthanes 2. Ashoka
B. State stone C. Bimbisara 3. Arthasastra
C. Granite D. Upagupta 4. Ambassador

D. Red sandstone
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A. A − 3, B − 4,C − 1, D − 2 C. A − 1, B − 2,C − 3, D − 4
D. A − 4, B − 3,C − 2, D − 1
B. A − 2, B − 1,C − 4, D − 3


1. C 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. C 11. D 12. C 13. C 14. D

15. B 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. D 20. C 21. C 22. C 23. A 24. B 25. A

Unit 8

1. The worship of images in India began dur- C. agriculture and cattle rearing
ing the period.

D. all the above
A. Mauryan
5. Kautilya (also known as Vishnugupta and
B. Sunga Chanakya) is the author of Arthasastra
C. Kusana Which has been compared with

D. Gupta A. Plato’s State

2. The greatest Kushana ruler whose contribu-
tion to Buddhism was even greater than that
of Ashoka, was
eR B. Machiavelli’s Prince
C. Karl Marx’s Das Kapital
D. Hitler’s Mein Kampf
A. Kadphises
6. Which of the following Sanskrit language?
B. Kanishka I
C. Vasishka A. Kushanas

D. Huvishka B. Mauryas

3. The age of Guptas in the Indian History is C. Guptas

described as Golden Age of Indian History.
D. Indo-Greeks
Which among the following options is not
a valid reason behind this? 7. The later Vedic Age means the age of the
compilation of
A. The age is known for extensive achieve-

ments in science, technology, engineering, A. Samhitas


art, dialectic, literature, logic, mathematics,

B. Brahmanas
astronomy, religion and philosophy
B. This age crystallized the common ele- C. Aranyakas
ments of Hindu Culture D. All the above
C. The age gave birth to eminent people 8. The town planning in the Harappan Civili-
like Kalidasa, Varahmihira, Vatsyana, Arya sation was inspired by a regard for
Bhatta, Vishnu sharma, Gautama, Patanjali
etc. A. beauty and utility

D. All are valid reasons B. uniformity

4. The Vedic economy was based on C. sanitation and public health
A. trade and commerce D. demographic factor
B. crafts and industries 9. Who wrote Mrichchhakatika (Clay Cart)?
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26 Chapter 1. Ancient India

A. Akbar A. Pulakesin-I
B. Kalidas B. Pulakesin-Il
C. Sudraka C. Vikramaditya-I
D. Dandin D. Vikramaditya-II
10. The last great ruling dynasty of Magadha 16. The earliest surviving extant, i.e. still stand-
was ing, temples date from the period?
A. Sunga A. Gupta

B. Kanva B. Sunga
C. Kusana C. Vedic

D. Gupta D. Maurya
11. Which of the following is known as the Jain 17. Hemis festival is dedicated to Lord Pad-
Temple City? masambhava (Gur Rimpoche) venerated as
the representative reincarnate of Buddha. In
A. Girnar

which part of India it is held every year?
B. Allahabad
A. Himachal Pradesh
C. Rajagriha
B. Assam
D. Varanasi
C. Ladakh
12. Which among the following is not a correct
pair? D. Orissa
18. After the partition of India, the largest num-
A. Ellora Caves - Rastrakuta Rulers
ber of Harappan towns and settlements have
B. Mahabalipuram - Pallava Rulers been found In

C. Khajuraho - Chandellas A. Punjab

D. Elephanta Caves - Mauyra Era B. Haryana

13. During the Gupta period, the village affairs C. Gujarat


were managed by the village headman with

the assistance of the D. Uttar Pradesh
19. Who worte "Kiratarjuniyam"?
A. Amatya
A. Bhas
B. Mahattara

B. Bhavabhuti
C. Vishyapati
C. Bhartruhari
D. Gopa

14. Which of the following era / communities D. Bharavi

represent Jorwe culture? 20. Which among the following is not a Jain
A. Vedic Era
A. Acganarang Sutta
B. Chalcolithic Era
B. Bhagwati Sutta
C. Palaeolithic Era
C. Utar Puran
D. Later vedic Era
15. Emperor Harsha’s southward march was D. Manjushri Moolkalpa
stopped on the Narmada river by 21. The famous Gayatrimantra is addressed to
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A. Indra C. Mahabharata
B. Varuna D. Puranas
C. Pashupati 24. The duties of Dharmamahamatras are ex-
D. Savita plained in the Minor Rock Edict No
22. The Chola ruler who had subdued the A. X
Ganges and obtained the title ‘Gangai B. IV
Konda Cholan’ was
A. Rajaraja Chola
D. V
B. Rajendra Chola I
25. Which of the following works of Kalidasa
C. Rajadhiraja Chola
gives information about the Andhras?
D. Kulattunga

A. Sakuntala
23. In which among the following, the first
description about the Bhils, a tribe of Ra- B. Malavikagnimitra
jasthan was found? C. Meghaduta
A. Vedas D. Kumarasambhava
B. Brahmanas eR

1. C 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. C 9. C 10. D 11. A 12. D 13. C 14. B

15. B 16. A 17. C 18. C 19. D 20. D 21. D 22. B 23. B 24. D 25. B
Unit 9

1. Which of the following Chinise rulers built C. Kandhar inscription


the great wall of China?

D. Bhabru edict
A. Pan Chao
4. The ancient Chola kingdom existed in the
B. Pu Yi delta of the river
C. Wang Hsu Tsi A. Tungabhadra

D. Qin Shi Huangv B. Cauvery


2. Of the following Kushan Kings who as-

C. Krishna
sumed the title "the Lord of the Whole
World"? D. Godavari
A. Kadphises I 5. Who among the following is referred to as
the ‘Sadhu from the west’?
B. Kadphises II
C. Kanishka A. Thomas of Cannan

D. Huvishka B. St Thomas
3. Ashoka expresses his faith in the Buddhist C. St Bartholomew
creed in the
D. None of the above
A. Rummindei inscription
6. The Sunga dynasty had made the
B. Schism edict official religion of their kingdom.
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28 Chapter 1. Ancient India

A. Buddhism A. Rishbha
B. The Ajivika Sect B. Neminath
C. Jainism C. Parsvanatha
D. Brahmanism D. Vardhaman Mahavira
7. During whose reign Gandharan style of art 13. Four mattas in the four corners of India
flourished? were founded by ?

A. Guptas A. Shankaracharya

B. Ramanujacharya
B. Hunas
C. Bhaskaracharya
C. Satavahanas
D. Madhavacharya

D. Kushans
14. The Sunga period saw the growth of one of
8. In Which script were the Ashokan inscrip- the following religions. Identify.
tion were written in North West Frontier
Province? A. Brahmanism

A. Prakrit B. Saivism

B. Brahmi C. Buddhism
D. Nature worship
C. Sanskrit
15. The new element of Gopurm had been en-
D. Kharoshti couraged in temples of southern India by
9. Which among the following river is most the
described in Rig-Veda?
A. Chalukyas
A. Sindhu B. Pallavas

B. Chenab C. Cholas
C. Saraswati D. Pandyas

D. Ganga 16. Which of the following Gods lost his impor-

tance as the first deity during the later Vedic

10. The dynasty that excelled itself as a naval

power was that of the period?

A. Hoysalas A. Varuna
B. Agni
B. Cheras

C. Vishnu
C. Cholas
D. Rudra
D. Pallavas

17. Which of the following statements about

11. Of the five vows (Panch Anuvratas) of Jain- the Gupta Empire under Samudragupta is
ism, four existed before Mahavira. The one NOT correct?
Which he added was
A. Prayaga Prashasti of Samudragupta
A. not to kill (non-injury) composed by his court poet Harisena is en-
B. not to steal graved on an Ashokan pillar at Allahabad.

C. non-attachment to worldly things

B. Samudragupta was the first Gupta ruler
D. celibacy to have exercised direct administrative con-
12. The founder of Jainism was trol over western and Southern India.
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C. Samudragupta carved out an extensive C. Pushyamitra

empire which is evident from the fact that
D. Agnimitra
he had performed an Asvamedha sacrifice.
22. The moat important official post with vast
D. None of the above responsibilities created by Asoka was
18. The Aryans succeeded in their conflicts A. Rajuka
with the pre-Aryans because
B. Yukta
A. they used chariots driven by horses
C. Dharamamahamatya
B. they were from an advanced urban cul-
ture D. Prativedaka
23. During whose reign did Buddhism become
C. they were taller and stronger
the state religion?
D. they used elephants on a large scale
A. Chandragupta Maurya

19. The Yueh-Chi were driven out from western
China by the B. Skandagupta I

A. Hunas C. Samudragupta

B. Rashtrika D. Ashoka

C. Mangols
D. Bhojakas
24. Which one of the following was initially the
most powerful city state of India in the 6th
century BC?
20. Two popular Assemblies of the Vedic pe- A. Gandhar
riod were
B. Kamboj
A. Sabha and Mahasabha
C. Kashi
B. Mahasabha and Ganasabha
D. Magadh
C. Sabha and Samiti 25. The city of Pataliputra was founded at the

D. Ur and Kula junction of the Ganges and the

21. Of the following who was the hero of a A. Sone
famous drama Malvlkagnimitra written by B. Brahmaputra
C. Yamuna
A. Vasumitra

D. Gomati
B. Vajramitra


1. D 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. D 7. D 8. D 9. A 10. C 11. D 12. C 13. A 14. A

15. D 16. A 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. C 21. D 22. C 23. D 24. C 25. A

Unit 10

1. Buddha has been described as ‘an ocean of C. Buddhacharita

wisdom and compassion’ In
D. Jatak Tales
A. The Light of Asia 2. Which of the following two towns of Indus
valley Civilization were located on the bank
B. Amarakosa of Ghagghar River?
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30 Chapter 1. Ancient India

A. Harappa& Rojari A. R. Shamasastry

B. Harappa& Mohen jo Dero B. C. Sivarama Murti

C. Kalibanga and Banwali C. K. S. Neelakantan Unni

D. Rangpur and Surkotda D. Veturi Prabhakara Sastri

8. Which of the following was the God of An-
3. We have read that the writing in the In- imal during the later Vedic period?
dus valley Civilization was Boustrophedon.
This means that ? A. Indra

A. It was written left to right B. Rudra
C. Vishnu
B. It was written right to left
D. Prajapatbi

C. It was written left to right and right to
9. Most of the rock-cut caves, chaityas, monas-
left in alternate lines
teries, temples, etc. at Ajanta and Ellora
D. It was written up to down were built during the period of
4. Which of the following was common to A. Chalukyas of Badami

both the Harappan society and the Rigvedic B. Rastrakutas of Manyakheda
C. Both A and B above
A. Horse
D. Imperial Guptas
B. Female deities 10. After the decline of the Guptas, Which of
C. Urban centres the following cities of North India emerged
as the centre of political gravity of North
D. Iron implements India?
5. Which of the following is the single most A. Ajmer
important source of the history of Ashoka?

B. Kannauj
A. Sri Lankan chronicles Dipavamsa and
C. Dhara

D. Delhi
B. Buddhist works Divyavadana and

11. Who among the following rulers conquered

the Anga Mahajanpada and merged it with
C. Inscriptions of Ashoka Magadha?
D. Archaeological Sources and the Puranas A. Chandragupta Maurya

B. Asoka
6. Alexander was the son of Philip II of C. Bimbisara
A. Sparta

D. Ajatshatru
B. Athens 12. Mahavira was

C. Macedonia A. the 20th Tirthankara

B. the 21st Tirthankara
D. Carthage
C. the 23rd Tirthankara
7. Who among the following was behind the
“epoch making” discovery of Arthashastra D. the 24th Tirthankara
that altered the false perception of the Eu- 13. The Indus or Harappan Civilisation is distin-
ropean scholars that Ancient Indians learnt guished from the other contemporary civili-
the art of administration from the Greeks? sations by its
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A. town planning A. Right Resolve

B. underground drainage system B. Right Views
C. uniformity of weights and measures C. Right Speech
D. large agricultural surplus D. Right Table Manners
14. Megasthanes, the ambassador of Selucus at 20. The first Persian ruler who occupied part of
the Mauryan court in Pataliputra, wrote an Indian territory was
account of the period in his book
A. Cyrus
A. Travels of Megasthanes
B. Cambyses
B. Indika
C. Darius
C. Indicoplecusts
D. Xerxes

D. Both B and (c)
21. Who among the following first postulated
15. The Buddha attained nirvana at that ” All objects in the Physical Universe
A. Bodh Gaya are reducible to a finite number of atoms”?

B. Sarnath A. Maharishi Kapil

C. Sanchi
D. Kusinagara
16. One of the founder kings of a ruling dynasty
eR B. Maharishi Kanaad
C. Maharish Vyas
D. Maharishi Patanjali
of North India elected by the people was 22. Bhagwati Sutra gives the valuable informa-
A. Chandradeva of the Gahadavala dynasty tion about the life of which of the follow-
B. Gopala of the Pala dynasty A. Buddha

C. Ajayaraj of the Chauhan dynasty B. Mahavira

D. Jeja or Jejja of the Chandeka dynasty C. Ajatshatru
17. Dhravya guna shastra, which deals with sev- D. Meander
eral species of medicinal plants is a part of
23. The Indus Valley Civilization has been as-
which among the following?
signed the period 2500-1800 BC on the ba-

A. Sushruta Samhita sis of


B. Charak Samhita A. Mystical insight by modern seers

C. Ayruveda B. Markings on seals
D. Ashtanga Hridaya C. Radio carbon dating
18. The famous Mehrauli Iron Pillar inscription D. Travellers written accounts
describes the conquest of
24. In Which region was the first metallic coin
A. Samudragupta used In India?
B. Chandragupta II A. The Indo-Gangetic plain of central India
C. Chandragupta Maurya
D. Chandra of Indraprastha B. The Himalayas
19. The Buddha’s Eight Fold Path did not in- C. Bihar and Eastern Uttar Pradesh
D. The Deccan Plateau
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32 Chapter 1. Ancient India

25. Which of the following rivers does not find C. Brahmaputra

frequent mention in Rigvedic Hymns?
D. Saraswati
A. Ganges
B. Sindhu


1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. B 11. C 12. D 13. B 14. B

15. D 16. B 17. C 18. B 19. D 20. A 21. B 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. C

Unit 11

1. Which of the following is not the name of 6. The Upanishads are a series of books de-
Kautilya? voted to
A. Chanakya A. Yoga

B. Vishnugupta B. Social law
C. Dramindacharya C. Religious rituals
D. Devaputra D. Philosophy
2. Architectural developments In India mani-
7. Who were Manu, Yajnavalkya, Narada and
fested themselves In their full glory during
the period of the
A. Law givers of ancient India
A. Guptas
B. Nandas B. Gods of Vedic religion

C. Mauryas C. Buddhist scholars and logicians


D. Cholas D. Celebrated mathematicians and as-

3. The two colossal images of the Buddha at tronomers of ancient India

Bamiyan are an instance of the art? 8. The Sangam Age in the history of South
India represents

A. Early Mathura
B. Maurya A. The period of Aryanisation of South In-
C. Gupta
B. A period when an assembly of a college

D. Gandhara
of Tamil poets was held at Madurai
4. The Saka era started from the year
C. A literary-cultural phase of the Tamil-
A. 124 BC ham during the first three centuries of the

B. 78 BC Christian era
C. 78 AD D. Both (b) and (c) above
D. 124 AD 9. What is the present name of Dwara Samu-
5. The great Hindu law giver was dra, the ancient capital of the Hoysalas?
A. Manu A. Mathura
B. Banabhatta B. Halebid
C. Kapil C. Raourkela
D. Kautilya D. Belur
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10. In which of the following modern area 16. The most common animal figure found at
“Amri Culture” developed? all the Harappan sites is
A. North East States of India A. unihorn bull
B. Sindh and Balochistan of Pakistan B. cow
C. Eastern Iraq C. bull
D. South India D. tiger
11. During the period of Hiuen Tsang’s visit, 17. We find the coins of a very less known
the city most famous for the production of prince called Kacha. Kacha is considered
cotton cloth was to have been from which of the following
A. Benaras
A. Vakataka
B. Pataliptura

B. Satavahna
C. Mathura
C. Gupta
D. Ujjain
D. Kushans
12. Which of the following is not a category
18. Which of the following was the centre of
into Which Ashoka’s monuments may be
eR inland trade of the Satavahanas?
A. Nasik
A. Stupas
B. Srikakulam
B. Pillars
C. Tagara
C. Viharas
D. Surat
D. Caves
19. In the Rigvedic period, after the king the
13. The original Buddhist religious texts had next most Important functionary of the State
been written in was the

A. Brahmi A. Senani
B. Sanskrit B. Revenue collector
C. Pali C. Magician-doctor
D. Magadhi D. Purohita
14. Which among the ancient Indian Play has

20. The Chinese traveller Fa-hien visited India

referred to the defeat of Yavanas on the bank and left a detailed account of the reign of

of River Sindhu in the hands of Vasumitra?

A. Samudragupta
A. Raghuvamsa
B. Chandragupta II
B. Malvikagnimitram
C. Kumargupta I
C. Vikramorvashiyam
D. Skandagupta
D. Dasakumarcharita 21. In ancient India, the area around which
15. Gathas are most sacred of the texts of which among the following modern areas was
of the following faiths? known as “Golden Chersonese”?
A. Zoroastrianism A. Kashmir, Hindukush, Afghanistan
B. Jainism B. Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Burma
C. Confucianism C. Australia, New Zealand
D. Buddhism D. Iran, Iraq and Persian Gulf
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34 Chapter 1. Ancient India

22. In Which century did the first movement 24. The ramous Vedic river Which had long
against vedic ritualistic practices start? ago become extinct and now supposed to
be flowing underground In Rajasthan is
A. 19th century BC
A. Sindhu
B. 14th century BC
B. Sabastu
C. 5th century AD
C. Shatudri
D. 600 BC D. Saraswati

23. The chief impact of vedic culture on Indian 25. Vaishnavism, a later development of Bhaga-
history has been vatism, advocates the worship of
A. The growth of Sanskrit A. Vishnu

B. The rise of an other-worldly outlook B. Ram and Krishna
C. Vishnu and his incarnations
C. The progress of philosophy
D. Vishnu and Lakshmi
D. The consolidation of the caste system


1. D 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. B 11. C 12. C 13. C 14. B
15. A 16. A 17. C 18. C 19. D 20. B 21. B 22. D 23. D 24. D 25. C

Unit 12

1. Preservation of the genealogies of the gods, 4. What is the name of the preaching mudra
Risis and famous kings, is the duty of the of gesture, in Which the Buddha is depicted

Sutas or bards. Which among the following delivering his first sermon, In the Gandhara
says this? Sculptures?

A. Vishnu Puran A. Abhaya


B. Vayu Puran B. Dharmachakra

C. Skand Puran C. Dhyana
D. Skand Puran D. Bhumisparsha

2. What is the number of Richas in Rigveda? 5. The most commonly used coin during the
Mauryan period was
A. 1810
A. Karashopana
B. 731

B. Nishka
C. 10580
C. Suvarna
D. 5839
3. Which among the following Second Bud- D. Kakini
dhist Council was held? 6. Gautam Buddha as a prince was known as
A. Satparni A. Gautam
B. Vaishali B. Siddhartha
C. Patliputra C. Rahul
D. Kundal Vana D. Suddhodhana
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7. The Palaeomagnetic results obtained from 13. During the Sangam Age brisk and nourish-
India indicated that in the past Indian Land- ing foreign trade was conducted from the
mass Moved to ? south Indian ports of Muziris, Kaveripat-
tnam or Poom-Puhar and Arikamedu to
A. Southwards
A. West Asia
B. Northwards
B. South East Asia
C. Westwards
C. Roman World
D. Southwards
D. Central Europe
8. In whose reign did the visit of Saint Thomas
take place? 14. The Indus Civilisation is noted for its
A. Art
A. Maues
B. Scientific Advance
B. Gondophernes

C. Town Planning
C. Kanishka
D. Military Organisation
D. Menander
15. Which among the following best suits to
9. Who among the following was the founder Vajrasana?
of the Nanda dynasty? eR A. The place where Buddha got enlight-
A. Mahapadma Nanda ment
B. Ashoka Nanda B. The Place where First Buddhist Council
C. Dhana Nanda was held

D. None of the above C. The capital of one of the clans of

10. Which Jain Tirthankar is considered as fe-
male by Shwetambar sect of the Jainism? D. The site where a Mauryan Palace has
been excavated
A. 16th

16. Which of the following explains the duties

B. 18th of Dharmamahamatras?
C. 19th A. The Minor Rock Edicts
D. 20th B. The two Kalinga Edicts
11. In ancient India, Nalanda University repre- C. Arthasastra

sented a great centre for the study of D. Indica


A. Mahayana Buddhism 17. The word Jina from Which the Jain(ism)
has originated stands for
B. Hinduism
A. great
C. Hinayana Buddhism
B. detached
D. Jainism
C. non-violence
12. The fourth Buddhist council had compiled
an encyclopaedia of Buddhist philosophy, D. conqueror (of senses)
called 18. The Rig Veda consists of
A. Sutralankara A. 1000 hymns
B. Madhyamika Sutra B. 1028 hymns
C. Jatakas C. 500 hymns
D. Mahavibhasha Sutra D. 2000 hymns
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36 Chapter 1. Ancient India

19. Which of the following was an Indian sage C. He was moved by the violence, slaugh-
cum Guru and is said to have transmitted ter and sufferings to the combatants and
Tantric Buddhism to Bhutan and Tibet in non- combatants in the war
the 8th century?
D. Shortly after the war he adopted Bud-
A. Asanga dhism Which was opposed to violence
B. Nagarjuna 23. The “Siddhimatrika” script was one of the
forms of writing Sanskrit in ancient India.
C. Padmasambhava This script, which made Sanskrit works
known in China and Japan was developed

D. Mahavir
during the times of
20. The Indus Valley civilisation was discov-
ered in the year A. Kanishka

A. 1917 B. Harsha
B. 1921 C. Meander
C. 1927 D. Chandragupta Vikramaditya
24. Alexander the Great died at

D. 1932
21. The concept of Anuvrata was advocated by A. Susa
A. Mahayana Buddhism B. Babylon
B. Jainism C. Macedonia

C. Lokayata School D. Kabul

25. Name the later Gupta ruler who had per-
D. Hinayana Buddhism
formed the Ashvaghosha Yajna (Horse Sac-
22. After the Kalinga War, Ashoka decided rifice) and assumed the Imperial title of Ma-
never to wage any war because? harajadhiraj?

A. After the conquest of Kalinga the po- A. Kamarupa

litical unity of Mauryan India had been

achieved B. Mahasena Gupta

B. Ashoka felt apologetic about the de- C. Adityasen


struction of men and material on both sides D. Kumaragupta III

in the war


1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. C 11. A 12. D 13. C 14. C

15. A 16. A 17. D 18. B 19. C 20. B 21. B 22. C 23. B 24. B 25. C

Unit 13

1. Which one of the following was not a char- 2. Ashoka was much influenced by Buddhist
acteristic of society in Mauryan times? monk called
A. Slavery A. Upagupta
B. Rigidity of Caste B. Vasubandhu
C. Prostitution C. Ambhi

D. Widow remarriage D. Asvagosha

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3. Chandragupta Maurya with the help of 9. The first one, among the following, to deal
Chanakya decided to overthrow the Nan- with music was
das because
A. Rig Veda
A. Chanakya had been humiliated by the
B. Yajur Veda
B. the Nandas were low-born C. Sama Veda

C. the Nandas had accumulated a great deal D. Atharva Veda

of wealth by extortion and oppression of the 10. Which one of the following vedas contains
people sacrificial formulae?
D. Chanakya wanted to restore the ideal of A. Sama Veda
Kshatriya rule
4. Under Mauryas each province was placed B. Yajur Veda

under a C. Rig Veda
A. Prince D. Athrva Veda
B. Commander 11. The chief feature(s) of the Chola architec-
C. Council ture was/were
D. Minister
5. Which important industry show signs of
having thrived in Lothal?
eR A. replacement of bricks by stone structure

B. massive vimanas or towers

A. Pottery
C. temples became vast complexes
B. Shipbuilding
D. spacious courtyards
C. Terracota toys
12. Kautilya hailed from
D. Aircraft manufacture
A. Taxila
6. Who had converted Kanishka to Bud-

dhism? B. Srinagar
A. Parsva C. Pataliputra
B. Nagarjuna D. Nepal
C. Asvaghosha 13. The Indus Valley civilisation can be said to

D. Vasumitra belong to the


7. Pushyamitra Sunga was a staunch A. Paleolithic age

A. Buddhist
B. Primitive age
B. Jain
C. Neolithic age
C. Hindu
D. Bronze age
D. Atheist
14. The ancient city of Raj Griha which is mod-
8. The ‘Saptanga Theory of State’ (Theory of
ern Rajgir near Patna was built by which of
Seven Limbs of the State) was propounded
the following kings?
by :
A. Kautilya in Arthashastra A. Bimbisara

B. Manu in Manusmriti B. Ajatshatru

C. Kalhana in Rajatarangini C. Prasenjit
D. Banabhatta in Harshacharita D. Ashoka
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38 Chapter 1. Ancient India

15. The author of Ashtadhyayai is 21. Most of the Hindu colonies in South East
Asia had been found during the reign of the
A. Charaka
A. Mauryas
B. Panini
B. Rajputas
C. AIyabhatta
C. Guptas
D. Chanakya
16. An important part of the eastern court dur- D. Cholas
ing the Gupta period was 22. The Capital of Kanishka Empire was

A. Kalyan A. Pataliputra
B. Tamralipti B. Peshawar

C. Broach C. Kabul
D. Sopara D. Taxila
17. The Svetambara Jains were 23. Painted Grey ware” was used in which of
the following era?
A. clad in white

A. Early Vedic Era
B. clad in black
B. Later Vedic Era
C. clad in red
C. Harappan Era
D. saffron clad
18. Which of the following periods is referred D. None of the above
to as the period of Hindu revival or renais- 24. Consider the following statements:
sance? 1. Both Nalanda University and
A. Period of Harsha Vikramshila University Flourished
during Pala Dynasty
B. Kushan Period

2. Both Nalanada University and

C. Gupta Period Vikramshila University were de-
stroyed by Khilji rulers

D. Mauryan Period
19. Who among the following are credited with Which among the above statements hold

having built the famous Ellora Caves? correct?

A. The Cholas A. 1 only

B. The Satavahanas B. 2 only


C. The Rashtrakutas C. Both 1& 2

D. The Cheras D. Neither 1 nor 2

20. Of the following books and their respective 25. The most important craftsman in the Vedic

fields, Which of the combinations is incor- period was the

rect? A. blacksmith
A. Charaka Samhita - Architecture B. goldsmith
B. Malavikagnimitra - Drama C. carpenter
C. Surya Siddhanta - Astronomy D. barber
D. Mitakshara - Law

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1. D 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. B 11. B 12. A 13. D 14. A

15. B 16. B 17. A 18. C 19. C 20. A 21. D 22. B 23. B 24. A 25. C

Unit 14

1. The Pallava king who adopted the epithet 6. What did the Devadana type of a land tenure
of Vichitrachitta of curious minded was signify?
A. Mahendravarman I A. Villages donated to Brahmins
B. Narasimhavarman I B. Villages donated to the King
C. Narasimhavarman II C. Villages donated to the gods
D. Simhavishnu D. Villages not normally lived in

2. The famous Indo-Greek Kin, who em- 7. Which of the following civilisations is net
braced Buddhism was associated with the Harappan Civilisation?
A. Strato I A. Mesopotamian
B. Menander B. Egyptian
C. Demetrios eR C. Sumerian
D. Alexander D. Chinese
3. Consider the following statements: 8. Which among the following deals with the
1. The central theme of Kathopnishad is love story of a man called Charudatta and a
immortality nagarvadhu called “Vasanthasena”?
2. The central theme of Mandukya Up- A. Daskumarcharita
nishad is Aum
B. Mrichhakatika
Which among the above statements is / are
C. Satakatraya

D. None of them
A. 1 only
9. In which of the following Buddhist Coun-
B. 2 only cils, the compilation of Dhamma Pitaka and
C. Both 1& 2 Sutta Pitaka took Place?
D. Neither 1 nor 2 A. 1st

4. The name of the Indian Astronomer (who B. 2nd


knew five astronomical systems), who lived

C. 3rd
in the 6th century was
D. 4th
A. Varahamihira
10. Which of the following sets of books and
B. Bhandarkar authors has been incorrectly matched?
C. Pujyapada A. Kadambari - Banabhatta
D. Prasastapada B. Arthasastra - Kalhana
5. Which of the following state is the home to
C. Uttarramcharita - Bhavabhuti
Bharat Dynasty?
D. Mudrarakshasa - Vishakhadatta
A. Punjab
11. Jainism was divided into two sects - Swe-
B. Haryana tambaras (White-clad) and Digambaras
C. Gujarath (Sky- clad or naked) - During the reign of
D. Uttar Pradesh
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40 Chapter 1. Ancient India

A. Nandas C. Kumarasambhavam and Ritusamhara

are his two epic works.
B. Mauryas
D. His plays and poetry are primarily based
C. Kusanas
on Hindu Puranas and philosophy
D. Shungas
17. Ashoka’s claim to be one of the greatest
12. The worship of idols started in India in the rulers in world history life in the fact that
A. his aims covered both the religious and
A. Pre-Aryan secular aspects of life

B. Gupta B. he worked for the material moral and
C. Maurya spiritual uplift of the people

D. Kushan C. after a single conquest he dedicated him-

self completely to the cause of peace
13. Match the following:
D. he attempted to unify the people of dif-
List-1 List-2 ferent castes and communities into a bound
A.Sama Veda 1. Kali Age of common moral ideal

B.Atharva Veda 2. Philosophical Trea- 18. The largest urban centre in ancient India
tises had been
C.Puranas 3. Musically rendered
D.Upanishads 4. Magic and spells A. Pataliputra
B. Kausambi
A. A − 3, B − 4,C − 1, D − 2 C. Taxila
B. A − 2, B − 1,C − 4, D − 3 D. Kannauj
C. A − 1, B − 2,C − 3, D − 4 19. The Mahajanapada that acquired promi-
nence to become an empire was that of
D. A − 4, B − 3,C − 2, D − 1

A. Magadha
14. In whose court did Asvaghosa live?
B. Kasi

A. Harsha
C. Kosala
B. Samudra Gupta

D. Avanti
C. Kanishka
20. Megasthanese was a Greek Ambassador
D. Ashoka sent to the court of
15. Which among the following is not correctly

A. Ashoka
B. Chandragupta Maurya
A. Yogsutra - Patanjali
C. Kanishka

B. Ashtadhyayi - Panini
D. Porus
C. Bhashya- Shankara
21. The most powerful ruler of the Cheras was
D. Hitopadesha- Vishnu Sharma
A. Udiyanjeral
16. Select the statement which is NOT correct
regarding Kalidasa: B. Nedunjeraladan

A. Kalidasa was a renowned Sanskrit poet C. Senguttuvan

and dramatist of Gupta period. D. Sengannan
B. He was one of the nine gems in the court 22. The sage who is considered to have
of Chandragupta I. Aryanised southern India was
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A. Vasishta A. Mudrarakshas
B. Vishwamitra B. Devichandragupta
C. Agastya C. Malavikagnimitram
D. Yagnavalkya D. Mrichhakatika
23. During the pre-Gupta age the foreign trade
was most extensive with 25. India’s earliest contact with Islam was es-
tablished through
A. South East Asian Countries
A. Turkish invasions of the 11th-12th cen-
B. China turies
C. Central Asia
B. Arab invasion of Sindh in the 7th cen-
D. Roman Empire tury
24. The decline of the Nandas at the hands

C. Sufi saints and Arab travellers
of Kautilya and Chandragupta Maurya has
been vividly portrayed in the Sanakrit play D. Arab merchants of Malabar coast
written by Kalidasa

1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. B 11. B 12. B 13. A 14. C
15. D 16. B 17. C 18. D 19. A 20. B 21. C 22. C 23. D 24. C 25. D

Unit 15
1. Which of the following forms of land tenure 4. The ninth incarnation (Avtar) of Vishnu
denoted an entire village being donated to was
A. Parasurama

A. Jagir
B. Buddha
B. Zamindari
C. Krishna
C. Brahmadeya
D. Rama
D. Devadana
5. The 13th Rock edict of Asoka which is
2. The rulers of a dynasty of the Deccan

longest among all the rock edicts describes

who were supposed to be Brahmanas and which of the following?

staunch supporters of Brahmanism were

A. Policy of Dhamma
A. Satavahanas
B. Kalinga war
B. Vakatakas
C. Toleration among sects
C. Rashtrakutas
D. Purpose of rock edicts
D. Chalukyas
6. Which of the following is the correct
3. Nalanda University was founded by which
chronological sequence of the ruling dynas-
of the following?
ties of northern India, from the decline of
A. Kumaragupta the Mauryas to the rise of the imperial Gup-
B. Skandagupta tas?

C. Samudragupta A. Sungas, Indo-Greeks, Kushans, Sakas

and Guptas
D. None of the above
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42 Chapter 1. Ancient India

B. Sungas, Kushans, Parthians, Sakas and A. Harsha

Guptas B. Chandragupta II
C. Sungas, Kanvas, Indo-Greeks, Sakas, C. Dharampala
Parthians and Guptas
D. Devapala
D. Kanvas, Sungas, Indo-Greeks, Sakas, 13. According to tradition, a mighty king In In-
Parthians and Guptas dia in the fourth century BC had been raised
7. Which among the following is also called to power by a Taxila brahmin, named
encyclopedia of Buddhism?
A. Chanakya

A. Buddhacharita B. Patanjali
B. Mahavibhasa C. Pushyamitra

C. Milinda Panho D. Manu
D. Vinayapitaka 14. Which among the following dynasty is cred-
8. Agnimitra was the hero of Kalidas’s ited for establishing peace in the country
after the decline of maurya Empire?
A. Sakuntala

A. Pallavas
B. Malavikagnimitra
B. Cholas
C. Megadutta
C. Saatvahanas
D. Mrichhakatikam
D. Vakatakas
9. “Tamso Ma Jyotirgamaya” ” Lead us from 15. Which among the following was the capital
Darkness to Light”, this comes from which of Vatsa Mahajanapada?
among the following Upanishadas?
A. Mathura
A. Chandogya
B. Bairath
B. Mandukya

C. Kausambi
C. Mukdaka D. Kashi

D. Brahadaranyaka 16. The most famous Indo-Greek ruler of In-

10. In the sixth century BC northern India was dia, famous for his sense of Justice and di-

divided into alogues with a Buddhist monk Nagasena

(as described in the Buddhist work Milinda
A. sixteen great states
Panho) was
B. eight republican states A. Demetrius

C. both A and B above B. Menander

D. Anga and Magadha C. Eukratises
11. Which pillar edict of Asoka is longest of all

D. Heliocles
17. Chashtana was the Satraps of
A. 2nd A. Gujarat
B. 5th B. Malwa
C. 6th C. Kathiawar
D. 7th D. Kashmir
12. The Chinese traveller Hiuen Tsang, called 18. The Camoua ruler of ancient India who is
the Prince of Pilgrims visited India during said to have been converted to Jainism, to-
the reign of wards the end of his life, is
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A. Bindusara A. Karikala
B. Samudragupta B. Senguttuvan
C. Chandragupta C. Nedum Cheralathan
D. Ashoka D. Elkara
19. What was the name of the judges and judi- 23. The ‘Three Jewels’ (Triratnas) of Jainism
cial officers in Satvahana Dynasty? are
A. Amatya A. right faith or intentions, right knowledge
and right conduct
B. Rajukas
B. right action, right livelihood and right
C. Bhoja effort
D. Gamika C. right thoughts, non-violence and non-

20. Who among the following was the Russia attachment
born Buddhist Monk in Tibet was a study
D. right speech, right thinking and right
partner and close associate of the 13th Dalai
24. The painting In the Ajanta Caves shows an
A. Dashi-Dorzho Itigilov Indian king receiving an embassy from the
B. Agvan Dorzhiev
C. Anton Batagov
eR king or Persia. The king receiving the em-
bassy has been identified with
A. Pulakesin I
D. Tingdzin Dokshit
B. Pulakesin II
21. Who was the founder of the Sankhya
School of philosophy? C. Rajendra Chola
A. Ramanuja D. Dhruva IV
B. Manu 25. The only Veda to have been rendered musi-

cally is
C. Swami Vivekananda
A. The Rig Veda
D. Kapila
B. The Sama Veda
22. Which among the following Chera King is
famous for the legends surrounding Kan- C. The Yajur Veda

nagi ( he built a temple dedicated to Kan- D. The Atharva Veda

nagi) and is also known as ” Red Cherra”?


1. C 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. D 10. C 11. D 12. A 13. A 14. C

15. C 16. B 17. B 18. C 19. B 20. B 21. D 22. B 23. A 24. D 25. B

Unit 16

1. The term used to denote a group of families C. Grama

in the vedic society was D. Gotra
A. Vish 2. The Harappan town considered to be a town
of the artists and craftsmen was
B. Jana A. Mohenjo-Daro
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44 Chapter 1. Ancient India

B. Chanhudaro A. Kottam
C. Harappa B. Mandalam
D. Lothalmenials C. Kurram

3. The principles of Ashoka’s Dharma D. Valanadu

(Dhamma) were taken from 9. Extensive burning of the forest marks which
of the following era?
A. Buddhism
A. Copper Phase
B. Jainism

B. Early Vedic Era
C. Brahmanism
C. Later Vedic Era
D. The moral virtues of all Indian religions D. Chalcolithic Era

of that period
10. Cereal(s) grown by the people of the Harap-
4. After the death of Harsha, a tripartite strug- pan Civilisation was/were
gle ensued between the three contempo-
A. Wheat
rary powers for the supremacy of Kannauj.
B. Rice

Which of the following was not a party in
the struggle? C. Millet
A. Gurjar Partiharas D. All the above
B. Rastrakutas 11. “The Indica" was written by
A. Kautilya
C. Palas
B. Patanjali
D. Paramaras
C. Megasthanes
5. The Vedic deity Indra was the god of
D. Panini
A. Fire 12. The Chahamana (or Chauhan) king who

B. Rain and Thunder founded the city of Ajmer and made it his
capital was

C. Eternity
A. Ajayaraj
D. Wind

B. Vigraharaj IV
6. The last Mauryan king was
C. Vigraharaj III
A. Pushyamitra Sunga
D. Prithviraj III
B. Ashoka 13. The Harappas had commercial relations

C. Harsha with
A. China
D. Brihadratha

B. Jawa
7. The term Aryan, Indo-Aryan or Indo-
European denotes a concept? C. Mesopotamia

A. Linguistic D. Burma (Now, Myanmar)

14. Which among the following was referred to
B. Racial as Buvan Chakshu in Early vedic era?
C. Religious A. Earth
D. Cultural B. Fire
8. The lowest unit of Chola administration was C. Water
D. Moon
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15. What is Ettuthokai? A. Manusmriti

A. A dynasty during sangam era B. Parashara Smriti
B. A collection of poems C. Yajnavalkya Smriti
C. A series of sports plays during Sangam D. Vyasa Smriti
Era 21. The main occupation of the Aryans was
D. A writing tool during sangam Era A. Weaving
16. Which of the following was another name B. Agriculture
of Pataliputra?
C. Trade
A. Purushapura
D. Seafaring
B. Kusinagara
22. Which one of the following sculptures in-

C. Kusumapura variably used green schist as the medium?
D. Huvishkapura A. Maurya sculptures
17. The evidences of ‘pit-dwelling’ have been B. Mathura sculptures
discovered from which of the following an-
cient Indian sites? C. Bharhut sculptures

A. Lothal and Kalibangan

B. Burzahom and Gufkaral
eR D. Gandhara sculptures
23. At Which of the following Harappan sites
has a supposed dockyard been found?
C. Ropar and Rangpur A. Kalibangan
D. Kalibangan and Surkotada B. Lothal
18. Which of the following deities were associ-
C. Suktagendor
ated with the ‘Rig Vedic Period’?
D. Sotka Koli
1. Purandara

2. Varuna 24. The god whose worship had not gained

3. Savitri ground in the Rlgvedic period was
4. Usha A. Marut
Choose the correct option: B. Lord Shiva
A. 1 and 2 C. Agni

B. 1, 2 and 3 D. Indra

C. 1, 3 and 4 25. The correct chronological order of the four

D. 1, 2, 3 and 4 Buddhist councils held Is

19. The salient feature of the Rig Vedic religion A. Rajagriha, Kashmir or Jullandhar, Patal-
was worship of iputra, Vaishali

A. Nature B. Vaishali, Rajagriha, Kashmir or Julland-

har, Pataliputra
B. Pasupatbi
C. Rajagriha, Vaishali, Pataliputra, Kash-
C. Trimurti mir or Jullandhar
D. Mother Goddess D. Pataliputra, Rajagriha, Kashmir or Jul-
20. Which among the following is considered landhar, Vaishali
to be the official law book of the Guptas?
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46 Chapter 1. Ancient India


1. B 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. D 11. C 12. A 13. C 14. B

15. B 16. C 17. B 18. D 19. A 20. C 21. B 22. C 23. B 24. B 25. C

Unit 17

1. The first great empire to the south of the A. Stone

Vindhayas was of the B. Brics

A. Cholas C. Wood
B. Cheras D. Bamboo

C. Pandyas 7. Which among the following is a ritualistic
D. Satavahanas
A. Rigveda
2. Vardhamana Mahavira the 24th Tirthankar
of Jainism was born at and died B. Yajurveda

at C. Samaveda
A. Vaishali and Rajagriha D. Atharvaveda
B. Kusinara and Pava 8. Who wrote Ashtadhyayi?
A. Panini
C. Kundagrama and Pava
B. Katyayana
D. Kashi and Champa
C. Jayadeva
3. Two great Buddhist universities of Nalanda
and Vikramshila were patronised by the D. Bharatha
9. Which among the following is related to
A. Palas

history of Kashmir?
B. Paramaras A. Rajatarangini

C. Chandelas B. Ashokavadana

D. All the above C. Vikramorvashiyam

4. Bhagavatiam refers to worship of D. Arthashastra
A. Vasudeva Krishna 10. The Atharva Veda does not discuss the ideal

B. Brahma
A. Karma
C. Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva
B. Jnana
D. Durga as Shakti
C. Upasana

5. Which of the following was not the port of

D. Moksha
the Satavahanas?
11. Where in India have traces of megalithic
A. Barukkacha culture predominantly been found?
B. Kalyan A. Southern India
C. Sopra B. Northeastern India
D. Puhar C. Central India
6. Which of the following was used in house D. Northern India
making in Indus Valley Civilization? 12. The Indus people were worshippers of
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A. Mothers Goddess A. No. XIII

B. Indra B. No. X
C. Rudra C. No. XI
D. Varuna D. No. XII
13. The oldest Jain scriptures are regarded to 19. The philosophy propounded in the Upan-
be the ishads is known as
A. Fourteen Purvas A. Advaita
B. Twelve Upangas B. Vedanta
C. Twelve Angas C. Yoga
D. Fourteen Uparvas D. Samkhya

14. The achievements of Samudragupta have 20. Kanishka is associated with an era Which
been chronicled in the is known as
A. Hathigumpha inscription A. Vikram era
B. Sarnath inscription B. Saka-Shalivahan era
C. Girnar inscription
D. Allahabad pillar inscription
15. According to Ancient Indian legendary
eR C. Saka era
D. Gupta era
21. The great exponent of Mahayana Buddhism
sources, Surabhi was a/an
A. wish-fulfilling tree
A. Ashvaghosa
B. treasure in the form of a cow, churned
B. Vasubandhu
from the cosmic ocean
C. Nagarjuna

C. medicine prepared by Dhanvantri

D. intoxicating drink consumed during re- D. Nagasena
ligious ceremonies in ancient times 22. Who among the following are not men-
16. Mauryan Dynasty was founded by tioned in Asokan Inscriptions?

A. Ashoka A. Cholas

B. Chandragupta Maurya B. Satyaputras


C. Pushyamitra C. Cheras

D. Ajatasatru D. Pallavas
17. The religious movements of Buddhism and 23. The word ‘Veda’ has been derived from the
Jainism were led by root word ‘Vid’ Which means
A. Sudras A. Divinity
B. Kshatriya Princes B. Sacredness
C. Vaisyas C. Doctrine
D. Brahmins D. Knowledge
18. Which of the following Minor Rock Edicts 24. In context with Vedic culture, in which
of Ashoka describes the Conquest of of the following categories will be kept
Kalinga by Ashoka? Gopath?
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48 Chapter 1. Ancient India

A. Upveda A. Agnimitra
B. Brahman B. Sujyestha
C. Aranyaka
C. Vajramitra
D. Upnishada
25. Who among the following succeeded D. Devbhuti
Pushyamitra Shunga?


1. D 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. D 11. A 12. A 13. C 14. D
15. B 16. B 17. B 18. A 19. B 20. C 21. C 22. D 23. D 24. B 25. A

Unit 18

1. Who among the following was commander 5. Which of the following dynasties was
in chief of Brihadratha? founded by Mayur Sarman?

A. Agnimitra A. Gang
B. Pushyamitra Sunga B. Pallava
C. Vasumitra C. Kadamba
D. Muladeva D. Chalukya
2. Consider the following: 6. The Gandhara-Mathura School of Art,
1. Persian Deities Which flourished during the Kushana pe-
2. Greek Deities riod and the foreign influence of
3. Indian Deities A. Greece

Which among the above were engraved in B. Rome

the Kushana coins

C. Both A and B above

A. 1& 2
D. China

B. 2& 3
7. Who had got the Konark Sun Temple con-
C. 1& 3 structed?
D. all 1, 2, 3, A. Kanishka

3. Bimbisara was succeeded by

B. Ashoka
A. Ashoka
C. Narasimha Deva II
B. Ajatasatru

D. Rajendra Chola
C. Vesudeva
8. The Chola king, who after successfully raid-
D. Chandragupta Maurya ing Bengal took the title of Gangaikonda
4. The foundation of the Dravidian style of and also founded a new capital (Gan-
architecture in South India was laid by gaikonda Cholapuram) was
A. Pandyas A. Rajaraja-I
B. Pallavas B. Rajendra-I
C. Cholas C. Rajadhiraj-I
D. Chalukyas of Kalyani D. Rajendra-II
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9. Identify the temple, from among the Col- 15. Which of the following pairs of various eras
lowing, that was built by the Rashtrakutas? and the respective years they commenced
from, is wrong?
A. The Kailash temple, Mahabalipuram
A. Saka Era; 78AD
B. The Surya Temple, Konark
B. Gupta Era; 320 AD
C. The Channakeshava temple, Batur
C. Vikram Era; 58 AD
D. The Shiva Temple, Ellora
10. Which of the following Vedas was compiled D. Kali Era; 3102 BC
first? 16. Which is the oldest Indian linguistic text?
A. Rigveda A. Nirukta
B. Samaveda B. Mahabhashya

C. Yajurveda C. Ashtadhyayi
D. Atharvaveda D. Kasikavritti
11. Which among the following work was orig- 17. Which among the following scripts of mod-
inally called as Jaya Kavya? ern India have descended from the Sarda
A. Ramayan eR 1. Gurmukhi
B. Mahabharata 2. Dogri
C. Aitreya Brahaman 3. Sindhi
D. Manu Smriti A. Only 1
12. The Buddhist sect Mahayana formally came B. Only 1& 2
into existence during the reign of
C. Only 2& 3
A. Ajatashatru
D. 1, 2& 3
B. Ashoka 18. At which of the following harappan sites,

C. Dharmapala an Inkpot has been discovered

D. Kanishka A. Harappa
13. Which of the following was the first metal B. Lothal
to be discovered and used as tools by hu-
C. Kalibangan

D. Chanhudaro
A. Iron

19. The Digambaras and Shvetambaras differ

B. Gold primarily with regard to their
C. Tin A. Choice of god
D. Copper B. Philosophical doctrines
14. The most Important cause of the downfall
C. Dress
of the Gupta empire was/were
D. Rituals
A. Muslim invasions
20. Chandragupta Maurya was
B. The pacifist influence of the Buddha’s
teachings A. A benevolent despot

C. Frequent wars of succession B. Autocrat

D. Revolt and declaration of independence C. Democrat

by principal chiefs D. A pious ruler
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50 Chapter 1. Ancient India

21. The Upanishads are separated from the A. (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
Brahmanas by treatises called
B. (ii) and (iii)
A. Vedas
C. (i), (ii) and (iii)
B. Aranyakas
D. (ii), (iii) and (iv)
C. Epics 24. Who was not among the scholars patronized
D. Puranas by Kanishka?
22. Who was the author of Amuktamalyada? A. Parsva

A. Bhoja B. Birbal
B. Harshavardhana C. Ashvaghosha
C. Krishnadeva Roya

D. Nagarjuna
D. Amoghavarsha 25. A ‘Sabha’ in the Vedic period was a/an
23. Which of the following are beliefs of Bud- A. Institution of professional men in vil-
dhism? lages

i) The world is full of sorrows. B. Royal Court
ii) People suffer on account of desire.
iii) If desires are conquered, nirvana will C. Mantri Parishad
be attained. D. National Assembly of all Citizens of the
iv) The existence of God and soul must State.
be recognised.


1. B 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. A 11. B 12. D 13. D 14. D

15. C 16. C 17. D 18. D 19. C 20. A 21. B 22. C 23. C 24. B 25. D

Unit 19

1. Who among the following granted permis- 3. Of the following who is called India’s

sion to Buddhist King of Ceylon Meghavar- Machiavelli?

man to build a Monastery at Bodh Gaya?
A. Asvaghosha
A. Chandra gupta Virkramaditya
B. Patanjali

B. Samudra Gupta
C. Kautilya
C. Skand Gupta D. Bana

D. Kumara Gupta 4. Outside India, Buddhism was first accepted

2. The ancient Indian text Panchasiddhantika in
deals with the 5 principles of which among A. China
the following?
B. Japan
A. Vedic Rituals
C. Sri Lanka
B. Philosophy
D. Tibet
C. Astronomy
5. Who among the following started the prac-
D. Medicine tice of military governships in India, by
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leaving the military governors called “Strat- A. Ashoka

egos” in India?
B. Harshvardhana
A. Greeks
C. Kanishka
B. Shakas
D. Chandragupta Vikramaditya
C. kushans 12. Kanva dynasty was established by
D. Parthians A. Rudradaman
6. Who erected the Garuda pillar at Besna-
B. Vasudeva
A. Bhagabhadra C. Nagarjuna

B. Heliodorus D. Kadphises
13. Coins made of metal first appeared in
C. Menander

A. Harappan Civilisation
D. Antialkidas
7. The name of the state Bihar comes from B. Later Vedic Age
an old name which denotes which of the C. Age of the Buddha
eR D. Age of the Mauryas
A. A Buddhist monastery
14. Alexander sent back home a portion of his
B. A forest army under an admiral called
C. A Temple A. Ptolemy
D. An ancient empire B. Nearchos
8. The concept of Eight-Cold Path forms the
C. Menander
theme of
D. Porus
A. Dipavamsa
15. Ajivikas were

B. Divyavadana
A. A monastic sect
C. Mahaparinibban Sutta
B. A sect to Barbarians
D. Dharmachakrapravartana Sutta
C. Soldiers
9. Who was the court poet of Harsha-
vardhana? D. Spies

A. Bhani 16. Who among the following rulers had em-


braced Jainism?
B. Ravi Kirti
A. Chandragupta Maurya
C. Bana
B. Bindusara
D. Vishnu Sharma
10. who among the following had written “Ra- C. Ajatashatru
javalipataka”? D. Pulakesin
A. Kalhana 17. The reverential title of ‘The Liberator’ had
been earned by
B. Pandit Jonaraja
A. Alexander
C. Pandit Shrivara
D. Pandit Prajabhatta B. Chandragupta Maurya
11. Who among the following used to hold a re- C. Ashoka
ligious assembly at Prayag every five year? D. Chandragupta Vikramaditya
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52 Chapter 1. Ancient India

18. An elaborate system of municipal adminis- 22. Which among the following sites of In-
tration had been established by dus Valley era is considered as the oldest
“Ploughed field” in the world?
A. Skanda Gupta
A. Harappa
B. Chandragupta Maurya
B. Kalibangan
C. Kanishka
C. Lothal
D. Harshavardhana
19. Which among the following sites has given D. Rangpur

the evidence of an earliest recorded “Earth- 23. India had a brisk foreign trade with the Ro-
quake”? man world during the period
A. Kalibangan A. Sangam

B. Lothal B. Pallava
C. Surkotda C. Chola
D. Harappa D. Vijayanagar

20. Which Chola ruler had conquered the north- 24. Megasthanes visited India during the period
ern part of Sri Lanka and made it a province of
of his empire? A. Chandragupta II
A. Rajindra Chola I B. Ashoka
B. Adhirajindra Chola C. Chandragupta Maurya
C. Parantaka Chola I D. Harsha
D. Rajaraja Chola I 25. The successors of the Satavahanas in the
21. The Modi script had been employed in the Deccan were the
documents of the

A. Vakatakas
A. Hoysalas B. Kadambas

B. Zamorins C. Rashtrakutas

C. Marathas D. Chalukyas of Badami

D. Wodeyaras


1. B 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. D 11. B 12. B 13. C 14. B

15. A 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. D 21. C 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. A

Unit 20

1. Which of the following was not one of the D. Economic and financial crisis
actual cause for the decline of the Mauryan 2. Which among the following is not correctly
empire? matched? (Maurya Kings and contempo-
rary Travelers/ Ambassadors )
A. Ashoka’s pacifist policies
A. Chandra Gupta Maurya - Megasthenes
B. Division of the empire after Ashoka
B. Bindusara - Deimakos
C. Foreign aggressions particularly Greek C. Harshavardhana - Hiuen Tsang
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D. All are correct A. clay

3. The Great Bath of Indus Valley civilisation B. copper
is found at
C. bronze
A. Harappa
D. brass
B. Mohenjo-Daro
10. Earlier mathematicians (i.e. those who
C. Ropar came before medieval Indian mathemati-
D. Kalibangan cians) had taught that ; who among the fol-
lowing proved that it was infinity?
4. The coins of Which of the following reveal
their love for music? A. Aryabhatta
A. Maurya B. Bhaskara
B. Nandas

C. Brahmagupta
C. Guptas D. Mahavira
D. Cholas 11. Porus was defeated by Alexander at the bat-
5. The language Which contributed to the tle of
spread of Buddhism was A. Herat
A. Sanskrit
B. Pali
eR B. Kabul
C. Hydaspes
C. Tamil
D. Arbela
D. Greek 12. The first Grammarian of the Sanakrit lan-
6. Who had established the four Mathas or guage was
Monastic seats in the four corners of India?
A. Kalhana
A. Madhavacharya

B. Panini
B. Shankaracharya
C. Maitreyi
C. Bhaskaracharya
D. Kalidasa
D. Ramanujacharya
13. Of the following dynasties, only the dynasty
7. Mohenjo-Daro is situated in
was not a patron of temple architecture?

A. Montgomery district
A. Paramar

B. Larkana district
B. Yadava
C. Chandigarh area
C. Chalukya
D. Gujarat
D. Chandella
8. The economy of the Indus Valley people
was based on? 14. The ‘Brahmanas’ deals with

A. Agriculture A. The Bhakti Theory

B. Trade and Commerce B. Yoga

C. Crafts C. Ritualism
D. All the above D. Meditation
9. The utensils of the Indus Valley people were 15. How the hero of Malvikagnimitra of Kali-
mainly made of dasa was related to Pushyamitra Sunga?
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54 Chapter 1. Ancient India

A. His son 21. According to the Mimansa School of Phi-

B. His grandson losophy, liberation is possible through

C. His father A. Yoga

D. His brother B. Bhakti
16. Which of the following statements about C. Karma
Arthasastra is not true?
D. Jnana
A. It prescribes the duty of a king
22. The proud title of ‘Vikramaditya’ had been

B. It describes the then economic life of
the country assumed by

C. It lays down the principles of politics A. Harsha

D. It highlights the need for financial re- B. Chandragupta II
C. Kanishka
17. What is the meaning of a Prasati?
D. Samudragupta
A. It was an inscription

B. It was a copper Plate 23. The Vedic religion along with its Later
(Vedic) developments is actually known as
C. It was a Royal Charter on metal plate
A. Hinduism
D. It was a Eulogy of a King
18. Kavi Vatsal was a title assumed by a king B. Brahmanism
belonging to which of the following dynas- C. Bhagavatism
D. Vedic Dharma
A. Pushyabhuti
B. Pallava 24. In Rigveda the rivers Ganga& Yamuna are
mentioned as below

C. Maurya
A. Yamuna Once, Ganga Thrice
D. Satavahana

19. The proceedings of the Third Buddhist B. Yamuna Thrice, Ganga Once
Council led to the issue of Edict?

C. Ganga Twice, Yamuna Once

A. Sanchi
D. Yamuna Thrice, Ganga Twice
B. Sarnath
25. Harshacharita the biography of Harsha, was
C. Bhabra written by

D. Kalinga
A. Banabhatta
20. The name Buddha means
B. Sudraka
A. enlightened

B. learned C. Sri Harsha

C. divine D. Gunadhva
D. sacred

1. A 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. B 11. C 12. B 13. B 14. C

15. A 16. D 17. D 18. D 19. B 20. A 21. C 22. B 23. B 24. B 25. A
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Unit 21

1. The institution of varna appeared in the A. Mughals

A. Rigvedic period B. Mauryas
B. Later vedic period C. Chalukyas
C. Period of the Manava Dharm Shastra D. Guptas
D. Period of consolidation of text of the 7. Twang is an area in Arunanchal Pradesh in
Mahabharata India, recently in news papers. It is world
famous for which of the following?
2. According to Strabo, the Tamil kingdom to
first send emissaries to meet Augustin in A. India China Nathula Pass
Athens in 20 BC, was B. India’s largest Buddhist monastery

A. Pallava C. Tibetan Museum
B. Chola D. School for Buddhist Studies
C. Pandya 8. Who among the following belonged to
D. Chera Sakya clan of Kshatriyas?

3. The people from which of the following

ancient places were called as Vrishnis?
eR A. Gautam Buddha
B. Mahavir jain
A. Mathura C. Chandragupta Maurya
B. Dwarka D. Rishabhnath
C. Ayodhya 9. Sudarsana lake was reconstructed by
D. Gandhar A. Nahapana

4. Which among the following is not consid- B. Chashtana

ered to be a Noble Truth as per the Buddhist
C. Rudradaman I
D. Harsha
A. Dukha
10. In Vedic Era, Akhyani is the goddess of
B. Dukha Samudaya which of the following?

C. Dukha Bhanjana A. Peace


D. Dukha Nirodha gaminipatha B. Sacrifice

5. Who of the following was the personal C. Forests
physician of Kanishka and also the author
of a famous treatise on the Indian system of D. Rivers
medicine? 11. The most important reason(s) for the de-
A. Charaka cline of the Gupta empire was/were

B. Susruta A. invasions of the Hunas

C. Nagarjuna B. weak later Gupta rulers

C. independence of the later Gupta rulers
D. Jevaka
6. The Ajanta cave paintings mostly belong to D. (a) (b) and (c) above
the period of the 12. Alexander was trained by
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56 Chapter 1. Ancient India

A. Socrates A. Pandyas
B. Aristotle B. Cholas
C. Plato C. Pallavas
D. Homer D. Chalukyas
19. The founder of the Achaemenian Empire
13. According to the most widely accepted
view, the Aryans originally came from
A. Cyrus
A. India

B. Darius
B. Central Asia
C. Xerxes
C. Central Europe
D. Cambyses

D. Steppes of Russia 20. During the 4th century AD the Western
14. The foremost astronomer and mathemati- Satraps were conquered by
cian of the Gupta period was
A. Sassanian rulers
A. Aryabhatta B. Afghan rulers

B. Varahamihira C. Satavahanas
C. Brahmagupta D. Kadambas
D. Vanabhata 21. In the context of ancient Indian society,
Which one of the following terms does not
15. Which of the following dynasty was ruling
belong to the category of the other three?
in India, when Alexander invaded India?
A. Kula
A. Nanda Dynasty
B. Vamsa
B. Shunga Dynasty
C. Kosa
C. Maurya Dynasty

D. Gotra
D. Shishunaga Dynasty 22. During the period of Sungas there was a

16. Who among the following had popularized revival of

the theory of the Arctic region as the origi- A. Jainism

nal home of the Aryans?

B. Buddhism
A. BG Tilak
C. Brahminism
B. Max Muller
D. Zoroastrianism

C. GK Gokhale 23. The Phrsae the ‘Light of Asia’ is applied to

D. Dr S Radhakrishnan A. Alexander
17. The official language of the Mauryan Court

B. Chandragupta Maurya
C. Mahavira
A. Magadhi
D. The Buddha
B. Prakrit 24. Which Avtar of Vishnu tricked Mahabali
C. Mythili and claimed earth and heaven from him?

D. Sanskrit A. Vaman

18. Which among the following kingdom in B. Narasimha

South India was known for an excellent C. Matsya
D. Kurma
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25. Bimbisara was succeeded by C. Vasudeva

A. Ashoka D. Chandragupta Maurya
B. Ajatasatru


1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. C 11. D 12. B 13. B 14. A

15. A 16. A 17. A 18. B 19. A 20. A 21. C 22. C 23. D 24. A 25. B

Unit 22

1. Ashoka has been particularly Influenced by 6. The greatest Saka ruler of India, who was a
the Buddhist monk great conqueror, is said to have gained fame

A. Ambhi by being well-versed in grammar, polity,
logic, music etc. and had taken a vow not
B. Upagupta to kill men except in battle. Who was he?
C. Asvaghosha A. Chastana
D. Vasubandhu eR B. Nahapana
2. The Harappan Civilisation declined as a re-
sult of C. Rudrasimha

A. Aryan invasion D. Rudradaman

B. Decline in foreign trade 7. The Practice of Polyandry was common in
which of the following in ancient India?
C. Ecological factors
A. Kushanas
D. Not definitely known factors
3. Which of the following contains the famous B. Hunas

Gayatrimantra? C. Shakas
A. Rigveda D. Greeks
B. Samaveda 8. Satavahana rule was extended to the Coro-
C. Kathopanishad mandal Coast by
D. Aitareya Brahmana

A. Sri Yajna Satakarni

4. Which one of the Chola Kings conquered

B. Pulumayi II
C. Sri Satakarni
A. Aditya I
D. Simuka
B. Rajendra
9. Which of the following objects was not wor-
C. Rajaraja I
shipped by the Indus valley people
D. Vijayalaya
A. Mother Goddess
5. Name the ruler whose patronage had been
enjoyed by Jainism. B. Pashupati Shiva
A. Kanishka C. Trees such as Peepal and Acacia
B. Kharavela D. Trimurti
C. Pushyamitra Sunga 10. Which of the following was not the work of
D. Samudragupta Kalidasa?
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58 Chapter 1. Ancient India

A. Raghuvamsa A. the Vedic Aryans

B. SakunUtiam B. Alexander
C. Kumarasambhavam C. the Guptas

D. Kadambari D. the Mauryas

17. With what subject does the Mitakshara
11. The Pallava king responsible for carving the
Rathas of Mahaballpuram was
A. Law
A. Simhavarma

B. Grammar
B. Mahendravarman-I
C. Medicine
C. Nandivaraman-II
D. Theology

D. Narsimhavarman 18. Who possibly ruled the Indus people?
12. The masterpiece of Chola sculpture is the A. an assembly of elders
famous Nataraja or the Dancing Shiva im-
B. merchants
age at

C. kings
A. Thanjavur
D. priests
B. Chidambaram
19. Aryabhatta and Varahamihira lived during
C. Kalahasti the
D. Sri Sailam A. Maurya Period
13. A dominant majority of the images at B. Gupta Period
Ajanta are those of C. Nanda Period
A. Lord Shiva D. Sunga Period
20. What was Chandragupta-II also known as?

B. The Buddha
C. Hanuman A. Samudragupta

D. Parvati B. Vikramaditya
C. Skandagupta

14. The Harappans did not know the use of

A. Copper D. Raanagupta
21. Who among the following established
B. Bronze Mewar Kingdom in Rajasthan?

C. Gold A. Nagaditya
D. Iron B. Shiladitya
15. The bronze coins of Natraja or Dancing C. Bappa Rawal

Shiva during the Chola period invariably

D. Mahdenra II
depicted the deity with arms.
22. The Pallava kings were the makers of the
A. Eight rock-cut temples at
B. Six A. Thanjavur
C. Four B. Mahabalipuram
D. Two C. Khajuraho
16. A well-organised State machinery was In- D. Rameswaram
troduced for the first time by 23. The Rigvedic Aryans were governed by a
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A. Tribal republic C. Bengal

B. Form of democracy D. Gujarat

C. Monarchical government 25. When Alexander invaded India, Taxila was

ruled by
D. Rule by elders
A. Ambhi
24. Kalhana’s Rajatarangini is a work on the
B. Porus
history of
C. Ashoka
A. Kashmir
D. Bimbisara
B. Malwa


1. B 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. B 7. B 8. B 9. D 10. D 11. D 12. B 13. B 14. D
15. B 16. D 17. A 18. B 19. B 20. B 21. C 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. A

Unit 23

1. Which among the following sites of Indus

Valley Civilization is located on the banks
of River Indus in Larkana District of Pak-
eR A. Khajuraho, Mahoba (or Mahotsvanagar)
and Kalanjar
B. Dhara, Kalanjar, and Chhatarpur
C. Tripuri, Kalanjar and Khajuraho
A. Harappa
D. Mahoba, Banda and Chhatarpur
B. Mohen Jo Dero
5. Which of the following is one of the great-
C. Mehrgarh est classics of the Sangam literature?

D. Suktagendor A. Tikappiyam
2. The port of Tamralipti in the Gupta Era was B. Kural
located in which of the following parts of
C. Pattuppattu
D. Silapadikaram or Manimekalai
A. North India

6. At which of the following places Aphsad

B. South India

inscription has been found which gives ac-

C. Western India count of later Guptas?

D. Eastern India A. Bhagalpur

3. The beat specimens of Mauryan art are rep- B. Gaya

resented by their C. Bhubneshwar
A. Stupas D. Alwar
B. Pillars 7. The aim of Ashoka’s Dhamma was
C. Chaityas A. Subtle conquest

D. Caves B. Religious domination

4. Three most important cities associated with C. A casteless society

the Chandelas were D. Non-violence and peace
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60 Chapter 1. Ancient India

8. Who among the following was not among C. Story of a young Arya Man and a Court
the 9 gems (Navratna) of the Vikrama- Dancer
ditya’s court? D. Intrigues at the time of accession of
A. Vetalbhatt Chandragupta Maurya
B. Amar Simha 14. Which among the following emperors intro-
duced the two laws of Vyavahar Samta and
C. Kaalidasa
Danda Samata?
D. Aryabhatta
A. Chandragupta Maurya

9. The Bijak Inscription is related to which
among the following kings? B. Asoka

A. Samudra Gupta C. Chandragupta Vikramaditya

B. Ashoka D. Samudragupta
15. Which among the following Mahajanpada
C. Pulkesin II
was located south most comparing to other
D. Chandra Gupta Mahajanpadas?

10. Which of the following does not represent A. Magadha
an important source material for the Mau-
ryan period? B. Avanati

A. Literary works C. Assaka

B. Foreign accounts D. Kamboj
16. Mahabharata was also known as
C. Numismatic evidence
A. Brihat Katha
D. Epigraphic sources
11. The Harappan site that had a dock is B. Jaya Samhita

A. Alamgirpur C. Rajatarangini

B. Harappa D. Purana
17. To perform which among the following

C. Lothal
functions, Rajukas were appointed by
D. Mohenjo-Daro Asoka?

12. Which of the following was the cause of the A. Revenue Functions
decline of Buddhism?
B. Judicial Functions
A. Buddhism was founded by a prince
C. Religious Functions

B. Corruption crept into Buddhist monas-

teries D. Military Functions
18. Which of the following is not famous for
C. Buddha and Mahavira were contempo-

temples marked by erotic sculptures?

A. Khajuraho
D. Buddha preached non-violence
13. Which among the following correctly de- B. madhurai
scribed the plot of the Indian Play Mudra C. Halebid
D. Konark
A. Conflicts between Demons (Rakshasha) 19. “Manas Khand” which is mentioned in var-
and Gods (Deva) ious ancient hindu scriptures belongs to
B. Romantic Love story of a demon and a /refers to which of the following modern
princess states of India?
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A. Gujarath 23. After the decline of the Chalukya kingdom

of Kalyani at the close of the 12th and of the
B. Punjab
Chola kingdom at the beginning of the 13th
C. Himachal Pradesh century, the new kingdoms Which arose in
South India were
D. Uttrakhand
A. Yadavas of Devagiri and Kakatiyas of
20. Which of the following Vedas deals with
magic spells and witchcraft?
B. Hoysalas of Dwarsamudra and Pandyas
A. Rigveda of Madurai
B. Samaveda C. Both A and B above
C. Yajurveda D. Vijayanagar and Bahamani kingdoms
D. Atharvaveda 24. Who among the following anticipated New-

ton by affirming that all things tended to
21. In the Rigveda the term Dasas and Dasyus
gravitate to the earth?
refers to
A. Aryabhatta
A. robbers
B. Brahmagupta
B. tribals
C. non-Aryans
D. menials
eR C. Varahamihira
D. Buddhagupta
25. In his inscriptions Ashoka called himself
22. Vardhamana Mahavira was born at A. Devanampriya Priyadarshi King
A. Bodh-Gaya
B. Ashoka Priyadarshi
B. Kundagrama C. Dhammasoka (Dharmasoka)
C. Samath D. Daivaputra

D. Benaras

1. B 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. D 8. D 9. B 10. C 11. C 12. B 13. D 14. B

15. C 16. C 17. B 18. C 19. D 20. D 21. C 22. B 23. C 24. B 25. A

Unit 24

1. To whom is the introduction of Buddhism B. Persian

into China traditionally attributed?
C. Sanskrit
A. Nagarjuna
D. Undecipherable
B. Samprati
3. Naganib was a Queen.
C. Vasubandhu
A. Gupta
D. Kashyapa Matanga
B. Andhra
2. The script of the Indus Valley Civilization
was C. Saka
A. Dravidian D. Pallava
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62 Chapter 1. Ancient India

4. Who among the following erected a A. As an export commodity.

monastery stupa at Peshawar? B. As a medium of exchange in place of
A. Asoka coins.
B. Kanishka C. As amulets and charms to ward off evil
C. Bimbisara
D. For marking their goods and property.
D. Sri Gupta
10. The Mauryan administration was highly
5. The language adopted for preaching In Ma-

hayana Buddhism was A. Decentralized
B. Bureaucratic
A. Pali
C. Centralized
B. Brahmi

D. Despotic
C. Sanskrit
11. In Buddhism, Patimonkha deals with which
D. Prakrit among the following?
6. A lion to the Huna Deer, A burning fever A. Education

to the king of Sindhu, A troubler of the
sleep of the Gurjara King, A bilious fever B. Propaganda
to that scent elephant, the lord of Gand- C. Discipline
hara, Destroyer of Skills of Latas, An axe D. All the above
to the Creeper, which is goddess to fortune
of Malwa” Banabhatta has given these 6 12. Who was the Greek ambassador in the court
attributes to ? of Chandragupta Maurya?
A. Megasthanes
A. Rajyavardhana
B. Seleucos
B. Harshavardhana

C. Menander
C. Prabhakarvardhana
D. Demetrias
D. Krishna

13. Gandhara School of Art was deeply influ-

7. Which of the following animals was not enced by

known to the people of Indus Valley Civili-

sation? A. Chinese (Mongolian) art
B. Hellenic art
A. Horse
C. Ranion (Persian) art
B. Cow

D. Local (Indian) art

C. Goat
14. Most of the Greeks, Kushanas& Shakas
D. Elephant embraced Buddhism rather than Hinduism.

8. The Vishnu Purana, gives an account This was because of the fact that ?
of A. Buddhism has risen and it eclipsed Hin-
A. Mauryan Dynasty duism

B. The Andhras B. A policy of war and violence was to be

renounced before embracing Buddhism
C. The Vardhanas
C. Hinduism was caste ridden and was not
D. Life in Indus Valley able to attract them
9. The harappans used intaglio seals, made D. It was easy to access to Indian society
mostly of carved and fired steatite : by embracing Buddhism
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15. During the Mauryan period was In the 21. A contemporary rival dynasty of the Cholas
hands of in South India was
A. three boards A. Chalukyas of Vengi
B. four boards B. Pandyas of Madurai
C. five boards C. Chalukyas of Kalyani
D. six boards D. Cheras
16. Which of the following rulers had reigned 22. Which among the following is NOT a cor-
in the third century BC? rect statement in context with the Gupta
A. Jehangir
A. Gupta era is known for extensive
B. Ashoka
achievements in science, technology, en-

C. Samudragupta gineering, art, dialectic, literature, logic,
D. Akbar mathematics, astronomy, religion and phi-
17. The author of ‘Sivaje-Chinthamani’ consid-
ered to be a Tamil epic was a B. Gupta era crystallized the common ele-
ments of Hindu Culture
A. Buddhist eR C. Maximum number of Gold Coins were
B. Hindu
issued in Gupta Era
C. Jaina
D. The Gold Content of Gupta Era coins
D. Muslim was maximum in comparison to previous
18. Pravarasena-I is said to have performed major dynasties
all the seven sacrifices, viz. Agnistoma, 23. Harsha was the last great royal patron of
Aptoryama, Vajapeya, Jyotishtoma, Bri-
A. Jainism
haspatisava, Sadyaska and Ashvamedha.
From which of the following dynasties, B. Buddhism

Pravarsena-I belonged to? C. Shaivism

A. Abhira D. Bhagavatism
B. Kalachuri 24. The famous vedic saying "war begins in the
C. Vaktaka minds of men " is contained in the

D. Maitraka A. Mundakopanishad

19. The term ‘Aryan’ denotes B. Mahabharata

A. a speech group C. Rig Veda

B. an ethnic group D. Atharva Veda

C. a nomadic group 25. Bring out the only wrong statement:

A. Kalibangan were among the world’s ear-
D. a supporter race
liest known ploughn fields.
20. The capital of the king Kharavela of
Kalinga was B. Mahavamsa describes the atrocities of
Chola Rulers during conquest of Sri Lanka
A. Taxila
C. Agattiyam is a first grammar book of
B. Pataliputra Sangam Age& first Tamil grammar book
C. Kalinganagara D. All are correct
D. Pushpapura
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64 Chapter 1. Ancient India


1. D 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. C 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. D

15. D 16. B 17. C 18. C 19. A 20. C 21. C 22. D 23. B 24. D 25. D

Unit 25

1. What does the Yajur Veda contain? 6. Match the events of the Buddha’s life with
the place a of their occurrence:

A. Only hymns
B. Spells and charms List-1 List-2
A. Birth (i) Kusinagar
C. Hymns and rituals

B. Attainment of (ii) Sarnath
D. Commentaries on society knowledge
C. First Sermon (iii) Bodh-Gaya
2. The first Buddhist Council was held at
D. Death (iv) Lumbini
Rajagriha ?

A. Shortly after Budhha’s Death
A. A − i, B − ii,C − iii, D − iv
B. Shortly before Buddha’s Death
B. A − ii, B − i,C − iv, D − iii
C. A century After Buddha’s Death C. A − iii, B − ii,C − i, D − iv
D. A century After Buddha’s Death D. A − iv, B − iii,C − ii, D − i
3. Name the ruler whose reign was a witness 7. Which of the following rulers did not enter
to both Vardhaman Mahavira and the Bud- the Buddhist Cold?
dha preaching their respective doctrines?
A. Harsha
A. Udayin

B. Samudragupta
B. Bimbisara C. Kanishka

C. Ajatashatru D. Ashoka
8. The Buddha

D. Harshvardhana
4. River Chenab was known is ancient times A. rejected the theory of Karma
as B. was non-committal on the theory of
A. Parushni Karma

B. Satudri C. believed in the theory of Karma

D. suggested an alternative to the theory of
C. Himadri

D. Asikru 9. Which among the following dynasty was

5. Who among the following Buddhist founded by Vindyashakti?
Philosophers persuaded the Indo Greek A. Vakataka
King Meander to Accept Buddhism?
B. Satvahana
A. Asanga
C. Hoysala
B. Nagasena D. Kadamaba
C. Dharmakirti 10. Kailasa Temple, one of the largest mono-
lithic structures, is in
D. Jambuka
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A. Ajanta Caves 16. Ashtadhyayi, Mahabhasya& Nirkuta are re-

B. Elephanta Caves lated to which of the following?
A. Music
C. Ellora Caves
B. Grammar
D. Nalanda Caves
11. Who, among the following rulers, organised C. Philosophy
the Second Buddhist Assembly? D. Music
A. Ajatashatru 17. The Jatakas are a collection of stories
B. Kalasoka A. Meant for children
C. Ashoka B. Based on pet Hindu myths
D. Ananda C. About Jains saints

12. Consider the following statements: D. Pertaining to several different earlier
1. Entire Smriti literature is Post Vedic births of the Buddha
Literature 18. The date of the Harappan Civilisation
2. Entire Shruti Literature is Vedic Liter- (2300-1750 BC) has been fixed on the basis
ature of
Which among the above statements is / are
A. 1 only
eR A. Pottery design
B. Stratification
C. Aryan invasion
B. 2 only
D. Radio Carbon-14 dating
C. Both 1& 2 19. To whom did the term ‘Macedonia’s
D. Neither 1 nor 2 madaman’ refer?
13. The normal form of government during the A. Alexander
Vedic period was

B. Xersus
A. democracy
C. Darius
B. republics
D. Phillip II
C. oligarchy 20. The Harappan Civilisation achieved far
D. monarchy greater advancement than Sumer, Elam etc.

14. The caves and rock cut temples at Ellora on account of its

pertain to A. town planning

A. Hinduism B. metal working
B. Buddhism C. weights and measures
C. Jainism D. seals and figures
D. All of the above 21. Which of the following subjects is not dealt
with in the Puranas?
15. The Kadamba Dynasty was founded by
whom among the following? A. Primary creation
A. Ishwarsena B. Secondary creation
B. Jayasimha C. Genealogies of gods
C. Mayursharman D. Arithmetic
D. Krishanraja 22. Kanlshka was the follower of
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66 Chapter 1. Ancient India

A. Hinduism A. Chandragupta Maurya

B. Jainism B. Kanishka
C. Hinayanism C. Harsha
D. Mahayanism D. Ajatasatru
23. Who, from among the following rulers, had 25. Who among the following presided over the
ruled over the largest part of India? Buddhist council held during the reign of
A. Kanishka Kanishka at Kashmir?

B. Chandragupta I A. Parsva
C. Chandragupta Maurya B. Vasumitra
D. Ashoka C. Nagarjuna

24. Whom can we call the first national ruler of D. Sudraka


1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. C 11. B 12. A 13. D 14. D
15. C 16. B 17. D 18. D 19. A 20. A 21. D 22. D 23. C 24. A 25. B
Unit 26

1. Among the following four works, Which A. Worship of Nature

one is encyclopaedic in nature?
B. Worship of Mother Goddess
A. Amarakosa
C. Worship of Murugan
B. Ashtangahrudaya

D. Worship of Sun
C. Brihat Samhita
5. Mudra Rakshas is a work of Vishakhadutta.

D. Siddhanta Siromani This work was depicted which of the fol-

2. Milindapanho is a lowing?

A. History of a dynasty A. Chadragupta Maurya& Dhruva Devi

B. Prakrit drama B. Mauryas& Nandas
C. Sanskrit play

C. Campaigns of Chandragupta Maurya

D. Religious conversation D. Campaigns of Ashoka
3. Which among the following Kavya of San-
6. Which among the following was not af-

skrit, deal with court intrigues& access to

fected by the invasion of the Persians on
power of Chandragupta Maurya?
A. Mrichhakatika
A. Script in the North-West
B. Ritusamhara
B. Coinage
C. Kumarasambhava
C. Court Ceremonies
D. Mudrarakshahsa
4. Which of the following was the character- D. Sculpture
istic feature of the religion of the ancient 7. Rigveda Samhita denotes one-fourth of its
Tamils? hymns to:
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A. Rudra A. Pavapuri
B. Marut B. Kundagrama
C. Agni C. Pataliputra

D. Indra D. Taxila
8. Foreigners were absorbed in a large number 14. Who among the following has been called
in the Indian society during the period? the ‘Napoleon of India’?

A. Rajput A. Samudragupta
B. Harshavardhana
B. Gupta
C. Chandragupta Maurya
C. Mauryan
D. Ashoka
D. Kushan

15. As per the ancient Indian Texts, the land
9. Who among the following professed Sud- between which among the following two
dhadvaita philosophy? rivers has been called “Brahamavarta”?
A. Swami Krishnananda A. Saraswati river and Drsadvati River
B. Ramanada eR B. Saraswati river and Saryu River
C. Vallabha Acharya C. Sutudri (Satluj) River and Vipas (Beas)
D. Guru Jambheshwar
10. The Golden age of the “Gupta Literary Re- D. Ganga River and Yamuna River
naissance” is said to be the reign of whom 16. The Aryans did not practise the craftsman-
among the following? ship of

A. Chandragupta I A. Blacksmithry

B. Chandragupta II B. Pottery

C. Kumaragupta C. Jewellery

D. Skandgupta D. Carpentry
17. After the growth of the Vedic religion the
11. Nakulin or Lakulin is considered to be a
most important development in the history
founder of which of the following sects?
of the so-called Hinduism was the develop-

A. Pashupat ment of

B. Saiva A. Shaivism
C. Kapalika B. Saktism

D. Kalamukhas C. Bhagavatism

12. Which of the following Vedas is rendered D. Tantricism

musically? 18. Name the temple in Indonesia where scenes
from Ramayana and Mahabharata are de-
A. Rig Veda
B. Yajur Veda
A. Brihadeshwara
C. Sama Veda
B. Angkor Wat
D. Atharva Veda C. Kailashnath
13. Vardhamana Mahavira died at
D. Borobudur
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68 Chapter 1. Ancient India

19. Which of the following was a common way C. Yashovardhana

of Chola kings Raj raja-1 and Rajendra 1 to
D. Grahavarman.
commemorate their victories?
23. Which of the following Indian playwright
A. Erecting Pillars was imitated by Ceylon King Kumaradasa,
B. Erecting Temples the author of Janakiharana?
C. Erecting inscriptions A. Bharavi
D. issuing coins B. Kalidasa

20. The Saka Era was founded by C. Bhatti
A. Kadphises I D. Vagbhatta
B. Kanishka 24. The earliest stratum of the history of the

Tamils is known as
C. Alexander
A. Chola Age
D. Menander
21. The Buddha has been eulogized as an ocean B. Pandyan Age

of wisdom and compassion in C. Sangam Age
A. Buddha-Charita D. Pallava Age
B. Jataka tales 25. Which among the following site has given
an evidence that the people of Indus Valley
C. Amarakosa
Civilization were aware of tides?
D. The Light of Aisa
A. Suktagendor
22. Who among the following has been men-
tioned as Maharajadhiraja and a Lion to the B. Surkotda
Huna Deer by Banabhatta? C. Lothal
A. Harshavarshana

D. Kalibangan
B. Prabhakarvardhana


1. C 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. D 8. C 9. C 10. B 11. A 12. C 13. A 14. A

15. A 16. C 17. C 18. D 19. B 20. B 21. C 22. B 23. B 24. C 25. C

Unit 27

1. Which among the following is/ are consid- A. Π

ered to be the first tangible evidence of ex- √
B. 2

pansion of Buddhism? √
C. 3
A. Statues of Buddha
D. all of them
B. Edicts of Ashoka
3. Which among the following statements is
C. Mahavibhasa incorrect regarding Ajanta Caves?
D. Jataka Tales A. Paintings of Padmapani and Vajrapani
have been found in Ajanta
2. The sulbasutras of ancient Indian Scholar
“Baudhayan” have reached to a most correct B. These caves are part of UNESCO World
value of which among the following? Heritage Sites since 1983
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C. These paintings are Buddhist, Jain and 10. Ashoka’s conquest of Kalinga has been de-
Hinduism religious art scribed in the minor rock edict numbered
D. They were rediscovered in 1819 A. I
4. Who usurped power from the Mauryas after B. IV
killing the last Mauryan ruler Brihadratha?
A. Pushyamitra Sunga
B. Agnimitra
11. A Gupta king has been called an Indian
C. Vasumitra
Napoleon and he was also an accomplished
D. Jyesthamitra poet and musician (player of Veena) who
5. During end of which of the following pe- was he?
riod the urban centers of Gangetic planes A. Samudragupta

B. Kumargupta
A. Maurya Period
C. Chandragupta II
B. Gupta Period
D. Skandagupta
C. Mahjnapadas
12. The philosophical essence, "The world is
D. Magadh Empire
6. Which among the following Brahaman gave
an account of agricultural operations for a
eR but God manifest and God is my own soul"
may be traced to the
A. Vedas
A. Aitreya B. Upanishadas
B. Satpatha C. Puranas
C. kaushitaki D. Manusmriti
D. Panchvimsh 13. Which of the following is not included in

7. Which of the following is the oldest of the triratna of Jainism?

Vedas? A. Right Knowledge
A. Sama Veda B. Right Conduct
B. Atharva Veda
C. Right Faith
C. Yajur Veda

D. Creator
D. Rig Veda

14. The Eight-fold path was enunciated by

8. The first Buddhist Council was held at
A. The Buddha
A. Lumbini
B. Mahavira
B. Kapilavastu
C. Nehru
C. Rajagriha
D. Mahatma Gandhi
D. Avanti
9. The concluding portions of the Brahmanas 15. Which among the following has been used
are called the in the sculptures of Mathura school of Art?

A. Vedas A. Redsand stone

B. Agamas B. Marble
C. Tantras C. Granite
D. Satpathas D. Clay
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70 Chapter 1. Ancient India

16. Kapilavasthu is associated with 21. There is only one Rock Edict in which
A. Emperor Ashoka Asoka talks about taxation. Which among
the following is that edict?
B. Sri Krishnadeva Roya
A. Bhabru Inscription
C. Lord Mahavira
B. Nigalisagar Pillar Inscription
D. Lord Buddha
17. Karikala was the centre of many legends C. Rummindei Pillar Inscription
found in D. Barabar Cave Inscription

A. Manimekalai
22. In Which of the following caves have 28
B. Silappadhikaram new caves been further discovered?
C. Purananuru A. Ajanta Caves

D. Kuruntokai B. Ellora Caves
18. The deep transforming effect that the
Kalinga War had on Ashoka has been de- C. Elephanta Caves
scribed in D. None of the above

A. Archaeological excavations 23. Kharavela of Kalinga was a follower of
B. Rock edicts A. Jainism
C. Coins
B. Buddhism
D. Pillar edicts
C. Hinduism
19. The fourth and the last Buddhist Council
was convened by D. Confuciounism
A. Ashoka 24. The Greeks were driven out of India by
B. Menander A. Bindusara

C. Kanishka B. Ashoka
D. Huvishka

C. Chandragupta Vikramaditya
20. The Cholas were the only known rulers in
the history of India to have undertaken suc- D. Chandragupta Maurya

cessful overseas naval expeditions. Who 25. In Sanskrit plays written during the Gupta
of the following Chola rulers successfully period, women and Sudras speak
invaded Laccadives, Maldives, Sri Lanka
A. Sanskrit
and Sumatra?

A. Parantaka-I B. Pali

B. Rajaraja-I C. Prakrit

C. Rajendra-I D. Sauraseni
D. Both B and C above

1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. D 11. A 12. B 13. D 14. A

15. A 16. D 17. B 18. B 19. C 20. C 21. C 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. C

Unit 28
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1. One of them was not conquered by Kani- 6. The original teachings of Mahavira are con-
ahka from China Identify. tained in the
A. Khotan A. Jatakas
B. Yarkand B. Tripitakas
C. Kashgar C. Purvas
D. Kapisa D. Angas
2. Match the following rulers/ruling dynas- 7. Bring out the only incorrect statement:
ties of North India with the centres of their
A. Lothal was a port city
B. Shikaripura Ranganatha Rao discovered
List-I List-II many harappan sites in India
A. Maukharis (i) Thaneshvar

C. Yajurveda is a collection of sacrificial
B. Pusyabhuti or Vard- (ii] Kannauj
C. Sasanka (iii) Valabhi Gujarat D. Yajurveda mentions the battle of ten
D. Maitrakas (iv) Bengal Gauda kings
8. The Harappan or Indus Valley Civilisation
eR flourished during the age.
A. A − i, B − ii,C − iii, D − iv
A. Megalithic
B. A − ii, B − i,C − iv, D − iii
B. Paleolithic
C. A − i, B − iii,C − ii, D − iv
C. Neolithic
D. A − iv, B − iii,C − ii, D − i
3. The doctrine of ‘Vyuhavada’ is associated D. Chalcolithic
with which among the following Sects (or) 9. Bagh caves near Gwalior represent the
cults of India? paintings of which of the following era?

A. Shaivism A. Maurya Era

B. Vaishnavism B. Gupta Era
C. Buddhism C. Kushana Era
D. Jainism D. Rajput Era

4. Who is said to have both been born and 10. was the mother of Vardhamana Ma-

shed his body on the Vaishakha Purnima havira.

A. Yasodhara
A. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
B. Kundhavi
B. Mahavira
C. Trisala
C. Shankaracharya
D. Mayadevi
D. The Buddha
11. Under which of the following trees, Buddha
5. The capital of the Pallavas was got enlightment?
A. Madurai A. Ficus benghalensis
B. Mahabalipuram B. Ficus religiosa
C. Kanchi or Conjeevaram C. Ficus microcarpa
D. Thanjavur D. Ficus elastica
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72 Chapter 1. Ancient India

12. Vajasneya belongs to the following Veda? C. Yajurveda

A. Rigveda D. Atharvaveda
B. Sama Veda


1. D 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. C 7. D 8. D 9. B 10. C 11. B 12. C

a n
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2. Mediaval India

Unit 1

1. Which among the following travelers 4. Hazi Ibrahim Sarhindi is known to be a Per-
has recorded his experiences in “Kitab-i- sian Writer during the reign of Akbar was
Rehla”? translated the following Sanskrit work in
A. Amir Khusro
A. Ramayana
B. Ibn Battuta

B. Mahabharata
C. Malik Murtaza
C. Atharva Veda
D. Al-Bayhaqi D. Rigveda
2. Many details regarding the village adminis- 5. In the Mughal administration, military re-
tration under the Cholas is provided by the cruitment had been looked after by the

inscriptions at A. Kotwal

A. Kanchipuram B. Bakhshi
B. Thanjavur C. Wazir
C. Uttiramerur D. Diwan
6. Match List-1 with List-2 and select the cor-
D. Woriyur rect answer using the codes given below
3. Which among the following is the modern
location of ” Battle of Gogunda”? List-1 (Name) List-2 (Work)
A. Abdul Hamid 1. Akbar Nama
A. Gujarat B. Abul Fazl 2. Muntakhabut
B. Madhya Pradesh Tawarikh
C. Badauni 3. Tabaqat-i-Akbari
C. Rajasthan D. Nizamuddin Ahmad 4. Badshahnama
D. Harayana
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74 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

A. A − 4, B − 1,C − 3, D − 2 A. 1778
B. A − 1, B − 4,C − 2, D − 3 B. 1764
C. A − 1, B − 4,C − 3, D − 2 C. 1757
D. A − 4, B − 1,C − 2, D − 3 D. 1426
7. Shah Jahan was kept in prison by Au- 13. The rulers of the Lodhi dynasty were
rangzeb at
A. Turks settled in Afghanistan
A. Ajmer
B. Pure Turks

B. Agra
C. Pure Afghan
C. Delhi
D. Timurid Turks
D. Daulatabad

8. The revenue system initiated by Sher Shah 14. The earnings of the kings in the Medieval
influenced the revenue system of age were mostly derived from

A. Alauddin Khalji A. Offerings made at the temples

B. Babar B. Trade

C. Akbar C. Land revenue

D. Aurangzeb D. Industrial production
9. The diary of Athanasius (Afanasi) Nikitin, 15. Who among the following was considered
the first Russian traveller to India, is enti- as the “mixture of opposites”.?
A. Firuz Tughlaq
A. A passage to India
B. Mohammed bin Tughlaq
B. The land of miracles
C. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq

C. The journey beyond the three seas

D. Kaiqubad
D. Travel to the land of honey and gold

16. Which among the following sentence is IN-

10. Sultanates of Delhi have taken Which of CORRECT?
the following in their buildings from the

ancient architecture? A. Sikandar Lodhi founded Agra

A. Mehrab B. Harihar I founded the Vijaynagar Dy-

nasty of South
B. Arched openings

C. Balban completed the construction of

C. Decoration figures
Qutub Minar
D. Gumbaj
D. All are correct

11. The Sultan of the Sultanate of Delhi, who

transferred his capital from Delhi to Agra, 17. The first Indian ruler to organise Haj Pil-
was grimage at State expense was

A. Khizr Khan A. Aurangzeb

B. Bahlul Lodi B. Akbar

C. Sikandar Lodi C. Firuz Shah Tughluq

D. Ibrahim Lodi D. Alauddin Khalji
12. In Which year was the Battle of PIassey 18. Sher Shah’s mausoleum is at Sahaaaram in
fought? Blhar but he died at
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A. Delhi A. Izra system

B. Agra B. Iqta System
C. Chunar C. devsirme system
D. Kalanjar D. Chahalgami
19. Humayun Nama was written by which of 23. Guru Gobind Singh was assassinated by a
the following authors?
A. Mughal
A. Humayun
B. Hindu
B. Khwand Amir
C. Afghan Pathan
C. Gulbadan Beghum
D. Sikh
D. Abu Faza; 24. Silapaddikaram’ and ‘Manimekalai’ are the

20. Under Shivajl’s rule of the produce were to immortal epic works belonging to which of
be given by the peasant to the state. the following period?
A. Three-fifths A. Pre-Mauryan Age
B. Two-fifths B. Sangam Age
C. One-fifth
D. Four-fifths
21. Kalachuri Empire is related to which of the
eR C. Gupta Age
D. Early Medieval Age
25. The most important political gain to the
following modern area? Mughals during the reign of Shah Jahan
A. Karnataka was
B. Madhya Pradesh A. annexation of Ahmadnagar

C. Andhra Pradesh B. treaties with Bijapur and Golcunda

D. Tamil Nadu C. both A and B above


22. Which among the following was called as D. expulsion of the Portuguese from
the Central Pillar of the administrative sys- Hughli
tem of Delhi sultanate?


1. B 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. B 11. C 12. C 13. C 14. C


15. B 16. C 17. B 18. D 19. C 20. B 21. B 22. B 23. C 24. B 25. C

Unit 2

1. Ayagara in Vijayanagar were A. Patil

A. Adiministrators of Nadus B. Deshmukh
B. Governors of Provinces C. Nayak
C. Administrators of Kottams D. Rajuka
D. Village functionaries 3. Guru Nanak was born at
2. The Zamindars were known by several
A. Talwandi
names in different parts of India, Which
did not include being called a B. Purandhar
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76 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

C. Amritsar 10. Akbar saw the sea for the first time in his
D. Poona life at
4. Fawazil in the Sultanate period meant A. Calcutta
A. Extra payment made to the nobles B. Surat
B. Revenue assigned in lieu of salary C. Cambay
C. Excess amount paid to the exchequer by D. Madras
the iqtadars 11. Hemu, whom Akbar defeated In the Second

D. Illegal exactions extracted from the Battle of Panipat (1556), was
peasants A. Minister of Sikandar Shah Suri
5. The greatest ruler in the history of Vijayana-
B. Minister of Muhammad Adil Shah

gar was?
A. Deva Raya II C. Ruler of Rewari

B. Saluva Narsimha D. Prime Minister of Rana Udai Singh of

C. Krishnadeva Raya

12. Shivaji’s administration owed its origin to
D. Achyutdeva Raya the principles laid down by
6. The Sultan of Delhi who transferred two
A. Kautilya
monolithic Mauryan pillars to Delhi to beau-
tify his capital, was B. Sher Shah
A. Iltutmish C. Akbar
B. Alauddin Khalji D. Adi Granth
C. Firuz Tughluq 13. Under the Mughals the cotton goods were
exported to
D. Muhammad-bin-Tughluq

7. The first capital of the Bahamani Kingdom A. Africa

was B. Sumatra

A. Gulbarga C. Japan
B. Bidar

D. England
C. Daulatabad 14. Who among the following Sultana wall ad-
D. Golcunda vised by Qazi Mughiauddin to act accord-
8. Shivaji attacked Shayista Khan in the night ing to the laws of Shariat, but the Sultan

at rejected his advice?

A. Agra A. Jalaluddin Khalji

B. Konkan B. Alauddin Khalji


C. Bijapur C. Muhammad-bin-Tughluq
D. Poona D. Firuz Tughluq
9. Surdas was a disciple of which among the 15. Which of the following was defended by
following? Chand Bibi against the Mughals?
A. Ramanujacharya A. Bijapur
B. Ramananda B. Berar
C. Vallabhacharya C. Ahmednagar
D. Gyaneshwar D. Bedar
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16. Who was the famous Deccan Hindu king 21. Shershah Suri introduced the coins made
whose fleet crossed the Bay of Bengal with of ?
an army and conquered a number of states
A. Silver& Copper Only
in Sumatra, Java and Malaysia?
B. Gold& Silver Only
A. Rajendra Chola
C. Gold, Silver& Copper
B. Rajaraja I
D. Gold& Copper
C. Pulakesin
22. Timur’s invasion has taken place during the
D. Mahipala II
reign of
17. During Shivaji’s rule the Council of the
State consisted of A. Abu Bakr Tughluq

A. Eight Ministers B. Ghiyasuddin Tughluq

B. Eighteen Ministers C. Muhammad-Bin-Tughluq
C. Twelve Ministers D. Nasiruddin Mahmud Tughluq
D. Fifteen Ministers 23. Which Sultan had been named Lakh Baksh,
18. The first Muslim ruler to introduce the sys- or the giver of lakhs, for his unbounded gen-
tem of price control was
A. Alauddin Khalji
B. Jalaluddin Khalji
eR A. Balban
B. Qutub-ud-din Aibak

C. Balban C. Iltutmish
D. Muhammad-bin-Tughluq D. Nasiruddin Mahmud
19. Mzal Khan who fought with Shivaji was the 24. Who is the author of Padmawat?
ruler of A. Faizi
A. Bijapur

B. Abul Fazl
B. Mewar
C. Malik Mohammad Jaysai
C. Gujarat
D. Amir Khusrau
D. Bengal
25. The Sikh Guru who had been killed at the
20. Ustad Isa is related to the design and archi- instance of Aurangzeb was

tecture of which of the following Buildings

in Mughal Era? A. Guru Atjan Dev

A. Taj Mahal B. Guru Hargobind

B. Buland Darwaza C. Guru Tegh Bahadur

C. Red fort D. Guru Gobind Singh
D. Itimad-ud-daula’s tomb

1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. C 11. B 12. A 13. A 14. B

15. C 16. A 17. A 18. A 19. A 20. A 21. C 22. D 23. B 24. C 25. C

Unit 3
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78 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

1. The liberal religion preached by the saints 7. Guru Gobind Singh had sent Banda Ba-
of Maharashtra and rigidly followed by hadur to Punjab
Shivaji is known as A. To propagate the Sikh religion
A. Desh Dharma B. To show off his strength and valour
B. Maharashtra Dharma C. To crush the enemies of Khalsa
C. Rashtra Dharma D. To establish a Sikh empire
D. Hindu Dharma 8. Who built the tomb of itmad ud daula?

2. The most important feature of the Mughal A. Jahanagir
building was the B. Nur Jahan
A. Dome C. Shershah

B. Arch D. Akbar
C. The narrow columns 9. Which among the following was a gold coin
issued in vijayanagar empire of south In-
D. Corbel brackets

3. Under the Mughala the Governor was pop-
A. Tara
ularly known as
B. Varaha
A. Subahdar
C. Kakini
B. Wazir
D. None of the above
C. Vakil
10. During the Mughal rule in India tobacco
D. Faujdar was first cultivated in
4. Between whom among the following had A. Madras
the battle of Kanwah been fought?
B. Gujarat

A. Babar and Hemu C. Delhi

B. Akbar and Rana Pratap

D. Calcutta
C. Babar and Rana Sanga 11. Who among the following conspired against

D. Akbar and Rana Shngram Singh Ibrahim Lodi and invited Babur to invade
5. Which was the language adopted by the
Bhakti saints to preach their ideas to the A. Bahlol Lodi
masses? B. Daulat Khan Lodi

A. Hindi C. Sikandar Lodi

B. Sanskrit D. None of the above

C. Ardh-Magadhi 12. Ahmad Shah Abdali invaded India for the

first time during the reign of which among
D. Regional vernacular languages the following Mughal Emperors?
6. In the year 1528, Akbar took the momen- A. Muhammad Shah
tous step of
B. Ahmad Shah
A. Banning Sati
C. Shah Alam-II
B. Removing Jaziya
D. Akbar-II
C. Forming an army of jackals 13. Astapradan was a council of Minister of
D. Propounding a new religion Din-i-Ilahi which among the following?
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A. Gupta Administration 20. Who among the following had shifted the
B. Chola Administration capital of the Mughal empire from Agra to
C. Maratha Administration
A. Shah Jahan
D. Rajput administration
B. Aurangzeb
14. Which among the following was prevalent
in the Indian Society before the Muslim C. Jahangir
conquest? D. Humayun
A. Purdah System 21. Which among the following terms precisely
B. Child Marriage defines the loans given to cultivators for
seeds, farm implements etc. in the Sultanate
C. Sati System and Mughal period?
D. Slavery A. Dams

15. Goa was captured by
B. Dahsala
A. Albuquerque
C. Taqqavi
B. d’Almedia
D. Nasaq
C. Cabral 22. The second founder of the Maratha King-
D. Mildenhall
16. Which of the following Sultanate Rulers
made Delhi as capital in place of Lahore?
eR dom was
A. Tarabai
B. Peshwa Balaji Vishwanath
A. Qutubuddin Aibak
C. Peshwa Bajirao
B. Iltutmish
D. Shahu
C. Razia Sultana 23. Muhammad Ghori laid the foundation of
D. Akbar the Turkish Empire in India by defeating
17. The authoritative treatise on Hindu law, Mi-

A. Prithviraj Chauhan in Second Battle of

takshara, was written by Tarain
A. Manu B. Jayachanda in the Battle of Chandawar
B. Jimutavahana C. The Chandelas
C. Vigneswara D. Both A and B above

D. Hemadri 24. Balram Khan was murdered at


18. What does the Sangam age owe its name A. Sirhind
B. Anhilvad
A. Village assembly
C. Panipat
B. Jain Influence
D. Chausa
C. Confluence of rivers 25. The Jat king of Bharatpur who is known
D. A literary guild as the ‘Plato of the Jat tribe’ and the ‘Jat
19. Which among the following religion is re- Ulysses’ was
lated to Dilwada temples at Mount Abu? A. Churaman
A. Vaishnav sect of Hindus B. Gokula
B. Shaiv Sect of Hindus C. Badan Singh
C. Jainism D. Suraj Mal
D. Buddhism
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80 Chapter 2. Mediaval India


1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. B 11. B 12. A 13. C 14. D

15. A 16. B 17. C 18. D 19. C 20. A 21. C 22. B 23. D 24. B 25. D

Unit 4

1. What was the bone of contention between A. Ahmad Shah

Vijayanagar and the Bahmani Kingdoms?
B. Muhammad Shah

A. Krishna Delta C. Bahadur Shah
B. Raichur Doab D. Shah Alam

C. Godavari Delta 7. Who among the following is the Persian
D. Telangana mathematician and poet composer of the
world famous Rubbayat?
2. According to Guru Nanak Salvation could
be obtained A. Omar Khayyám

B. Muhammad Iqbal
A. In the service of God
C. Sultan Bahu
B. Taking the Brahmans and Mullahs as
their guides D. Mirza Ghalib
C. In fighting for the country 8. Under the Mughal rule the main occupation
of the people was
D. In fighting against Islam
A. Sea faring
3. Chauth and Sardeshmukhi were paid by
B. Agriculture
A. Mughlai
C. Working in mines

B. Pilgrims
D. Service in the army

C. Foreign visitors 9. The early Muslim invaders (Ghori, Slaves,

D. Mansabdars Khalji, Tughlaq, Sayyid& Lodi) were not

able to establish a stable and efficient gov-

4. The Char Minar had been constructed by
ernment in India. This was because :
A. Ali Adil Shah 1. They had very limited resources at
B. Kanishka their disposal

2. They could not establish cooperation

C. Quli Qutb Shah
with Hindus
D. Jahangir 3. None of these could focus on estab-

lishing a firm rule

5. Who among the following was the founder
4. Hindu Rulers were strong enough to
of Rastrakuta dynasty?
keep them unstable.
A. Dantidurga
Which among the above statements hold
B. Krishna -I correct?
C. Indra - II A. 1 only
D. Govinda -I B. 1& 2 only
6. At the time, when Nadir Shah attacked C. 1, 2& 3 only
Delhi, the Mughal Emperor was D. all 1, 2, 3,& 4
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10. The Khajuraho shrines built by the Chan- A. Battle of Kannauj

della rulers are dedicated to B. Battle of Chandawar
A. Brahma and Vishnu C. Battle of Tarain III
B. Vishnu and Laxmi D. Battle of Talikota
C. Shiva and Surya 17. Original name of Mumtaj Mahal was
D. Shiva and Parvati A. Mihr-un-Nisa
11. The Mongols under Chengez Khan invaded B. Jagat Gosami
India during the reign of
C. Arzumand Banu
A. Balban
D. Man Bai
B. Firuz Tughluq 18. The Maratha dominion of Shivaji was
known as

C. Iltutmish
D. Muhammad-bin-Tughluq A. Swaraj
12. Persian horses were obtained by Vijaya- B. Mulk-i-qadim
nagar with the help of C. Maharajya
A. Dutch eR D. Maratha Rastra
B. Portuguese 19. During the last 25 years of his reign, Au-
rangzeb was mainly involved in long-drawn
C. Mughals
wars against
D. English
A. Bijapur
13. Sankardeva was a great bhakti saint of
B. Golcunda
A. Bengal
C. Marathas
B. Maharashtra
D. All the above

C. Gujarat 20. During the reign of Krishnadev Raya which

D. Assam of the following famous temples were built
in Vijaynagar empire?
14. What was the religion of Malik Kafur be-
fore he entered the service of Alauddin? A. Hampi
A. Zoroastrianism B. Hazura

B. Hinduism C. Belgaum

C. Buddhism D. None of them

21. The first Sultan of Delhi who had intro-
D. Jainism
duced the Practice of Sijda was
15. Aurangzeb appointed his uncle Shayista
Khan as Governor of A. Balban

A. Kashmir B. Alauddin Khalji

C. Iltutmish
B. Bengal
D. Muhammad-bin-Tughluq
C. Punjab
22. The rulers of Bahmani kingdom encouraged
D. Deccan the development of art and architecture in
16. In which among the following bat- the form of cities, buildings, mosques and
tles,Jaichandra was defeated and killed by fortresses. The incorrect statement in this
Mohammad Ghori? context is:
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82 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

A. The city of Hyderabad was founded by 24. To Which race did Mahmud of Ghazni be-
Ibrahim Adil Shah of Bijapur. long?
B. Gol Gumbaz of Bijapur, the mausoleum A. Arab
of Mohammad Adil Shah is the largest
dome. B. Afghan

C. The Char Minar of Hyderabad was C. Mongol

built by Mohammad Quli Qutb Shah of D. Turk
25. The Pallava ruler who built the famous

D. Mahmud Gawan built a college at Bidar. Kailash temple at Kanchi and the Shore
temple at Mahabalipuram was
23. Sambaji plundered the Mughal territories
A. Narsimhavarman II

A. Deccan B. Parmesvarvarman I
B. Gujarat C. Mahendra Varman I
C. Punjab D. Narsimhavarman

D. Bengal

1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. D 11. C 12. C 13. D 14. B
15. D 16. B 17. C 18. A 19. C 20. B 21. A 22. A 23. A 24. B 25. A

Unit 5

1. Of the following sons or Aurangzeb who A. Chegiz khan


rebelled against Aurangzeb? B. Khijr Khan

A. Akbar

C. Timur
B. Kam Baksh D. Babur

4. The main outlet for foreign trade during

C. Muazzam
Akbar’s reign was the port of
D. Azam A. Karachi
2. The Battle of Chandawar was fought in

B. Calcutta
last decade of 12th century between which
among the following rulers? C. Surat
D. Bombay
A. Mohammad Ghori& Prithviraj Chauhan

5. The fortress of Asirgarh was under the rule

of when Akbar besieged it
B. Mohammad Ghori and Jaichand A. Mansingh
C. Jaichand and Prithviraj Chauhan B. Raja Bhagvan Das
D. Prithviraj Chauhan and Bhimdev C. Bahadur Shah
Solanki D. Hemu
3. Who invaded India in 1398 AD during the 6. Octagonal’ shape of mausoleums is the dis-
reign of Nasiruddin Mahmud of Tughlaq tinctive feature of which of the following
Dynasty? dynasties of Medieval India?
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A. Khalji A. Sant Kabir

B. Tughlaq B. Surdas

C. Sayyid C. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

D. Lodi D. Tulsidas
13. The Mughal architecture attained unrivalled
7. Rana Kumbha built the famous ‘Tower of magnificence during the reign of
Victory’ or Kirtistambha at Chittoor in com-
memoration of his victory against A. Babar
B. Akbar
A. Gujarat
C. Jahangir
B. Malwa
D. Shah Jahan
C. Marwarj
14. Who among the following scholars of Ak-

D. Nagaur bar’s Court translated Atharva veda into
8. The independent kingdom of Awadh was
founded by A. Haji Ibrahim Sarhindi
A. Saadat Khan B. Abdul Qadir Badayuni

B. Safdar Jang
C. Shuja-ud-Daulah
eR C. Naqib khan
D. None of the above
15. Which one of the following was the cause
D. Asaf-ud-Daulah of disintegration of the Mughal Empire?
9. Name the religious personality who exer- A. War of succession among sons of Au-
cised a great influence over Shivaji rangzeb
A. Tukaram B. Attacks of Nadir Shah and Ahmad Shah
B. Guru Nanak Dev

C. Revolts of various communities like

C. Mirabai Jats, Sikhs, Rajputs etc.
D. Guru Ram Das D. All of the above mentioned factors con-
10. Who completed the Qutub Minar? tributed to the downfall of the Mughal Em-
A. Rajiya

16. After the death of Aurangzeb, which of the


B. Qutub-ud-din-Aibak following Mughals abolished jazia tax for

the first time?
C. Iltutmish
A. Jahandar Shah
D. Babar
B. Rafi Ul Darjat
11. Of the following who did not revolt against
Aurangzeb? C. Mohammad Shah Rangila
D. Farrukhsiyar
A. Jats
17. The founder of the Pala dynasty of Bengal
B. Satnamis was
C. Prince Akbar A. Gopala
D. Shayista Khan B. Dharmapala
12. Who among the following was known as a C. Devapala
Nirguna saint and reformer? D. Mahipala
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84 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

18. Todar Mal hailed from A. Sri Ramanuja

A. Kabul B. Swami Chinmayananda
B. Bengal C. Adi Sankara
C. Berar D. Swami Tejomayananda
D. Oudh 23. Token currency had been introduced for the
19. The word coromandal cost has been derived first time in India by
from the kingdom of which of the follow- A. Ghiyasuddin Tughluq

B. Firuz Shah Tughluq
A. Cheras
C. Alauddin Khalji
B. Cholas

D. Muhammad-bin-Tughluq
C. Chalukyas
24. Who were called the New Muslims?
D. Pandyas
A. Hindu converts to Islam
20. Who has written the compilation of po-
ems,Prithviraj Raso? B. Mongol converts to Islam

A. Prithvi Raj III C. Turkish converts to Islam
B. Chand Bardai D. Persian converts to Islam
C. Purandara Dasa 25. What is meant by "The Forty" or "Chal-
D. Kabir
A. The cream of Afghan nobles
21. Baz Bahadur was a in the court of Akbar
A. Musician B. The pick of the intellectuals among the
B. Painter
C. The select body of the Turkish Aristoc-

C. Architect racy
D. Soldier D. The ulema or the Muslim divines

22. "Manisha Panchakam" was composed by



1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. C 11. D 12. A 13. D 14. A

15. D 16. A 17. A 18. D 19. B 20. B 21. A 22. C 23. D 24. B 25. C

Unit 6

1. In which of the following forts Jahanagir B. Calicut

Mahal is located?
C. Bombay
A. Lahore Fort D. Kolaba
B. Agra Fort 3. Akbar had got constructed the Buland Dar-
C. Red Fort waza to commemorate his victory of

D. Golconda Fort A. Gujarat

2. Shivaji maintained a fleet at B. Delhi
A. Surat C. Bengal
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D. Odisha A. Only 1
4. The buildings in Fatehpur sikri are built by B. Only 1& 2
using mostly which of the following?
C. Only 2& 3
A. Fired bricks
D. 1, 2& 3
B. red stone
10. Who among the following are known as
C. Marble King Makers in Indian History?
D. sand stone A. Sayyid Brothers
5. Kabir was contemporary of
B. Hussain Brothers
A. Guru Nanak
C. Hassan Family
B. Sultan Sikandar Lodhi
D. Tardi Begh

C. Both A and B above
11. Which Rajput dynasty had not surrendered
D. Babar to Akbar?
6. Which Mughal Emperor had put a ban on A. Pratihara
killing of animals in certain days?
B. Sisodiya
A. Shahjahan
B. Akbar
C. Darashikoh
eR C. Rathor
D. Parmar
12. “He can be attributed for the firm establish-
D. Jahangir ment of Mughal rule in India in the later
7. Of the so-called ‘Nine Gems of the Court part of 16th century”. Who was he?
of Akbar’ the one who was a reputed poet
A. Ali Quli Khan
of Hindi, was
B. Bairam Khan
A. Abul Fazl

C. Mir Jafar
B. Faizi
D. None of these
C. Abdur Rahim Khan-i-Khana
13. Akbar’s nurse-in-chief was
D. Birbal
8. Udai Singh was ruler of A. Mumtaj

A. Bijapur B. Hamida Begum


B. Golkonda C. Jahanara

C. Mewar D. Maham Anaga

D. Malwa 14. What was the important reason for fall of
Vijayanagar Empire?
9. Consider the following:
1. Region between the rivers Krishna A. Unity among the Muslim rulers
and Tungabhadra B. Internal instability and weakness of
2. The Krishna Godavari Delta Princes
3. Marathawada country
C. Moplah’s rebellion
A conflict over which among the above are
considered to be the reasons of struggle D. Economic bankruptcy
between Vijayanagar and Bahamani king- 15. Vljayanagar was founded on the southern
doms? bank of the river
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86 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

A. Godavari A. Pearl Mosque

B. Krishna B. Jama Masjid
C. Narmada C. Taj Mahal
D. Tungabhadra D. The Palace at Kabul
16. Two women who, while conducting the af- 22. The Treaty of Purandar was signed on June
fairs of their states faced Akbar’s wars of 11, 1665 between Mughals and Maratha
conquest were Rani Durgawati and Chand Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Who repre-
Bibi (or Sultana), respectively of sented Mughals in this treaty?

A. Jaisalmer and Khandesh A. Jai Singh I
B. Malwa and Gujarat B. Man Singh I

C. Gondwana and Ahmadnagar C. Ram Singh II
D. Ranathambhor and Khandesh
D. Jai Singh III
17. Sher Shah was succeeded by
23. The founder of the independent state of Ben-
A. Sikandar

gal was
B. Islam Shah A. Murshid Quli Khan
C. Alam Shah B. Alivardi Khan
D. Hasan
C. Shuja-ud-Din
18. Who of the following Portuguese Is re-
D. Sarfaraz Khan
garded as a ‘monster in human disguise’
and the one who had no bowels of compas- 24. Consider the following statements: In the
sion? reign of Jahangir, Kandahar could not be
recaptured due to
A. Vasco da Gama
1. Inefficiency of Mughal Army

B. Albuquerque 2. Refusal of Khurram to proceed to that

C. Almeida place

D. Joao de Castro 3. Difficulties in organising an expedi-


19. ‘Sufi Sect’ originated and developed in

4. Severe cold in Afghanistan
A. Islam Which of these statements are correct?
B. Christianity
A. 1, 2, and 3

C. Hinduism
B. 2, 3 and 4
D. Zoroastrianism
C. 1 and 4
20. In Which year did Mahmud of Ghaznavi

perform the infamous plunder of the Som- D. 1, 2, 3 and 4

nath temple? 25. Which of the following battles helped Sher-
A. 1008 shah to establish Suri Dynasty?

B. 1017 A. Battle of Kanauj 1540

C. 1022 B. Battle of Chausa 1539

D. 1026 C. Battle of Duhariya 1532

21. built by Shah Jahan is one of the un- D. Battle of Chandewar
rivalled beauties of the world.
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1. B 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. A 11. B 12. B 13. D 14. A

15. D 16. C 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. D 21. C 22. A 23. A 24. B 25. B

Unit 7

1. The first woman ruler of India was A. Bihari

A. Rani of Jhansi B. Surdas

B. Razia Sultan C. Raskhan

C. Indira Gandhi D. Kabir

7. The first martyrdom in Sikh history in the

D. Noorjahan reign of Jahangir was of
2. Humayun lost the Mughal Empire to Sher A. Guru Ram Das
Shah Suri finally In the battle of
B. Guru Tegh Bahadur
A. Chunar
C. Guru Angad
B. Chausa
C. Ghagra
eR D. Guru Arjan
8. Two Sayid brothers Sayid Abdullah Khan
and Sayid Hussan Ali Khan (who rose to
D. Kannauj
become the king makers during the later
3. The Jizya was Mughal period) met their downfall during
the reign of
A. A customs duty
A. Farrukhsiyar
B. Tax on silk products
B. Rafi-ud-DaIjat
C. Poll-tax

C. Rafi-ud-Daula
D. Tax on salt
D. Muhammad Shah
4. Assuming the title of Alamgir, Aurangzeb
9. Rajatarangini by Kalhan is a history of
crowned himself as Emperor on July 21,
1658 at A. Harsha’s reign

A. Agra B. Delhi

C. Chandragupta’s reign
B. Aurangabad
D. Kashmir
C. Fatehpur Sikri
10. The Vijayanagar and the Bahamani King-
D. Delhi doms fought relentlessly throughout the pe-
5. Minhaj-ua-Siraj was a riod of their existence for the possession
A. poet
A. Goa
B. musician
B. Goa, Dabhol and Chaul
C. historian C. Telengana
D. merchant D. Raichur Doab
6. Prem Vatika, poems on the life of Krishna, 11. During the Mughal rule the finance minister
was composed by was known as
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88 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

A. Vakil A. Timur from paternal line and Chengiz

Khan from Maternal Line
B. Diwan
B. Chengiz Khan from Paternal Line and
C. Kotwal
Timur from Maternal line
D. Amin C. Chagatai Turks from paternal and ma-
12. Who among the following was the last ruler ternal side.
of Slave Dynasty?
D. Mongoloids from paternal and Maternal
A. Aram Shah side

B. Kaiqubad 18. In whose reign had Islam been abolished as
the state religion?
C. Khusrau
A. Balban

D. None of the above
B. Ibrahim Lodi
13. The Sultan who had truly mixed religion
with politics by calling himself Naib-i- C. Akbar
Khudai or ‘the deputy of God’ was D. Firuz Shah Tughluq

A. Ghiyasuddin Tughluq 19. In the reign of Firuz Shah Tughalq which
of the following tax was 1/6 of the booty
B. Balban captured during war?
C. Alauddin Khalji A. Kharaz
D. Iltutmish B. Khams
14. During whose reign Changez Khan invaded C. Jaqat
D. Zaziya
A. Balban 20. The Portuguese gained a stronghold in In-
dia after defeating the Zamorln of Calicut.

B. Iltutmish
The word Zamorin stands for
C. Razia

A. King
D. Alauddin Khilji
B. Warlord

15. Which among the following was not an In-

dependent Kingdom? C. Sealord

A. Bahamani Kingdom D. Admiral

21. Shivaji sacked and secured a large
B. Vijayanagar Empire

C. Madurai Sultanate A. Bijapur
D. Qutub Shahi of Golconda B. Poona

16. Who among the following was defeated by C. Konkan

Mohammed Ghori in battle of Chandawar?
D. Surat
A. Prthviraj Chauhan
22. Hakim Mirza, the younger brother of Akbar
B. Mularaja was the viceroy of
C. Jaichandra A. Kabul
D. Jaypala B. Herat
17. Babur, the founder of the mighty Mughal C. Agra
Empire traced his lineage from : D. Bengal
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23. The troops provided by the Mansabdars was C. Surat

D. Chittor
A. cavalry 25. The discriminatory Jizya tax was abolished
B. infantry by
C. artillery A. Akbar
D. navy B. Babar
24. Sher Shah’s last campaign was against C. Sher Shah
A. Mount Abu D. Muhammad-bin-Tughluq
B. Kalinjar


1. B 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. C 7. D 8. D 9. D 10. D 11. B 12. B 13. B 14. B
15. D 16. C 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. C 21. D 22. A 23. A 24. B 25. A

Unit 8

1. Zafarnama was letter written to a Mughal

emperor by Which of the following Sikh
eR A. Palas
B. Gurjar Pratiharas
C. Paramaras
A. Hari Rai
D. Senas
B. Arjan Dev
5. At which among the following places,
C. Tegh Bahadur Gokal Jat revolted against mughals in the
D. Gobind Singh 17th century?

2. Who among the following laid the founda- A. Hisar

tion of Shalimar& Nishaat Garden in Kash-
B. Mathura
C. Ujain
A. Akbar
D. Bundelkhand
B. Jahangir

6. The huge wealth of the Mughals Cell into

C. Shahjahan the hands of after the capture of

D. Nur Jahan Delhi in 1739.

3. Who of the following Portuguese Viceroys A. Nadir Shah
in India captured Goa (1510) from the Adil
B. The English
Shahi Sultan of Bijapur and made it the
headquarters of the Protuguese government C. The French
in India? D. The Portuguese
A. Albuquerque 7. The Sufi Saint, contemporary of Prithviraj
B. Almeida Chauhan, was
C. Joao De Castro A. Khwaja Muinuddin Chisti
D. Dom Luiz De Atayde B. Sheikh Salim Chisti
4. The last great royal patrons of Buddhism in C. Sheikh Nizamuddin Auliya
India were the
D. Baba Farid
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90 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

8. Etti, Kavidi and Eradi are names of which 14. The Lilavati was a treatise on
among the following in sangam age?
A. Arithmetic
A. taxes
B. Astronomy
B. Titles
C. Philosophy
C. Places
D. Medicine
D. crops
15. Consider the following:
9. Sri Perumbudur, a temple town in southern

India, is the birthplace of 1. Tughluqabad Fort
2. Lodhi Garden
A. Ramanuja 3. Qutub Minar
B. Adi Shankaracharya 4. Fatehpur Sikri The correct chronolog-

ical order in
C. Vidyaranya
Which they were built is:
D. Madhavacharya
A. 3, 1, 4, 2
10. The Mughal ruler, Bahadur Shah II had

been exiled by the British and sent to B. 3, 1, 2, 4
A. Andman and Nicobar C. 1, 3, 2, 4
B. Fatehpur Sikri D. 1, 3, 4, 2
C. Mandalay 16. Goa had been first colonized by the
D. Rangoon A. British
11. Which one of the following pairs is cor- B. Dutch
rectly matched?
C. Portuguese
A. Ziauddin Barni - Tarikh-i-Muhammadi

D. French
B. Amir Khusrao - Tabqt-i-Nasiri
17. Who among the following composed

C. Ibn Batuta - Fatwa-i-Jahandari

D. Shams-i-Siraj Afif - Tarikh-i-Feroze

A. Kabir
12. The great religious thinker and philosopher B. Gyaneshwar
Shankaracharya was born in Kerala at C. Tukaram

A. Keladi D. Raidasa
B. Quilon 18. Match the respective cities founded by the
C. Trivandrum following Sultan of Delhi:

D. Calicut List-I (Sultans) List-II (Cities)

13. The Battle of Haldighati (1576) was a fight A. Alauddin Khalji 1. Firuzabad
between Rajput and Mughal forces. Who B. Ghiyasuddin Tugh- 2. Jaunpur
led the Mughal forces? luq
C. Muhammad-bin- 3. Tughluqabad
A. Man Singh
B. Jai Singh D. Firuz Tughluq 4. Daulatabad
C. Khurram 5. Siri

D. Akbar
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A. A − 5, B − 3,C − 4, D − 1&2 A. Humayun

B. A − 2, B − 1,C − 3, D − 4&5 B. Akbar
C. A − 2, B − 3,C − 1, D − 4&5 C. Shershah Suri
D. A − 5, B − 2,C − 3, D − 1&4 D. Babur
19. Maharaja Jaswant Singh died at 23. What is the correct chronological sequence
A. Jaunpur of the later Mughal emperors?
B. Behrampur 1. Bahadur Shah-I
C. Jamrud 2. Farrukhsiyar
3. Muhammad Shah
D. Ajmer 4. Jahandar Shah Choose the correct an-
20. In whose times the Mughal Empire reached swer from the codes given below:
its territorial climax?

A. 1, 2, 3, 4
A. Akbar
B. 1, 4, 2, 3
B. Shah Jahan
C. 1, 3, 4, 2
C. Aurangzeb
D. 4, 1, 2, 3
D. Bahadur Shah I eR
21. Who is the only women historian to have 24. Akbar defeated Durgawati and captured
written a historical account of Mughal Pe- A. Bijapur
B. Jhansi
A. Noorjahan Begum
C. Gondwana
B. Zebun-nissa Begum
D. Surat
C. Gulbadan Begum
25. Sher Shah defeated Humayun at
D. Jahanara Begum
A. Gaur

22. Raja Todar Mal introduced standard

weights and measures, a land survey and B. Chunar
settlement system, revenue districts and of-
C. Chausa
ficers during Akbar’s reign. In whose reign
as a finance minister Raja Todarmal devel- D. Agra
oped his expertise?


1. D 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. D 11. D 12. A 13. D 14. A

15. B 16. C 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. C 21. C 22. C 23. B 24. C 25. C

Unit 9

1. During the Aurangzeb’s reign, Which of the D. All of these

following were not included in his govern-
2. Nur Jehan is associated with the construc-
tion of
A. Rajputs
A. Her husband’s tomb at Shahdara (La-
B. Marathas hore)
C. Pathans B. Her father ltimad-ud-Daulah’s tomb at
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92 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

Agra 9. The first known ruler to introduce canal ir-

rigation in India was
C. Akbar’s tomb at Sikandra (Agra)
A. Krishnadevaraya
D. Both A and B
3. Two major crops introduced in India during B. Firuz Tughluq
the Mughal period were C. Akbar
A. Millet and Groundnut D. Tipu Sultan
B. Potato and Mustard 10. The ryotwari system which was instituted in
some parts of British India, was one of the

C. Tobacco and Maize two main systems used to collect revenues
D. Indigo and Maize from the cultivators of agricultural land. It
was originally introduced by ?
4. Who was the founder of Srivaishnava sect?

A. Akbar
A. Nathamuni
B. Shershah Suri
B. Uyyakondar
C. Jahanagir
C. Yamunacharya

D. Humayun
D. Ramanuja
11. The medieval Indian Muslim poet, historian
5. What was the capital of Shivaji’s King- and musician who called himself ‘a parrot
dom? of India’ was
A. Pune A. Mulla Daud
B. Raigarh B. Malik Muhammad Jayasi
C. Karwar C. Tansen
D. Purandhar D. Amir Khusrau
6. Malik Amber, Commander of forces of Ah- 12. Consider the following statements regard-

madnagar was a/an ing the Vijayanagar empire:

A. Iranian 1. It was named after the city of Vi-

B. Abyssinian 2. Krishnadeva Raya was the greatest of

C. Afghan all the Vijayanagar rulers.

3. Kings of Vijayanagar ruled on behalf
D. Persian
of Shaivite deity Virupaksha.
7. Which Mughal emperor is credited with 4. Vijayanagar empire successfully re-

having composed secular Hindi songs? sisted the march of the Delhi Sultans
A. Jahangir to the south.
B. Shah Jahan Which of these statements are correct?

C. Humayun A. 1 and 3

D. Babar B. 1, 2 and 3
8. After consolidating his power, Balban as- C. 1, 2 and 4
sumed the grand title of D. 2, 3 and 4
A. Tuti-e-Hind 13. ‘Padshah-nama’ (Chronicle of the Emperor)
written by Abdul Hamid Lahori, is the of-
B. Kaiser-i-Hind
ficial visual history giving a detailed ac-
C. Zil-i-IIahi count of the reign of which of the following
Mughal Emperor?
D. Din-i-IIahi
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A. Babur 20. The stone railing Which Aurangzeb ordered

B. Jahanagir to remove was presented to Keshav Rai
Temple by
C. Shah Jahan
A. Shah Jahan
D. Aurangzeb
B. Shivaji
14. Shivaji submitted to Jai Singh and signed
the treaty of C. Dara Shukoh
A. Poona D. Dadaji
B. Purandhar 21. During the reign of which among the fol-
lowing rulers, Malik Muhammad Jaisi com-
C. Konkan
pleted his epic work ‘Padmavat’?
D. Surat
A. Shershah
15. Who among the following assumed the title

of Islam Shah Suri,? B. Akbar
A. Shershah Suri C. Jahangir
B. Jalal Khan D. Shahjahan
C. Firuz Shah Suri 22. With the help of Baghnuk (Tiger-claws)
eR Shivaji killed
D. Ibrahim Khan Suri
A. Afzalkhan
16. Mir Jumla was a/an
A. Soldier B. Shayistakhan

B. Amir C. Muhamad Khan

C. Diamond Merchant D. Aurangzeb

23. Where had Qutub-ud-din Aibak eot cona-
D. Prince
tructed the Adhai-din-ka Jhonpra (Hut of
17. The Mughal government can be described Two-and-a-half- Days)?
as an/a

A. Agra
A. Autocracy
B. Ajmer
B. Liberal monarchy
C. Delhi
C. Centralised despotism
D. Fatehpur Sikri
D. Absolute monarchy

24. Akbar married a bride from

18. Who was the first Indian Ruler who could

bring Kabul and Kandhar under Indian Em- A. Bikaner

pire only after Kushanas? B. Jaisalmer
A. Alauddin Khilji C. Jaipur
B. Ibrahim Lodi D. Udaipur
C. Babur 25. The sculpture with the three faces of
D. Akbar Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh known as
19. Shayista Khan was succeeded by as "Trimurti" appears in
Governor of Deccan. A. Ajanta Caves
A. Prince Muazzam B. Elephanta Caves
B. Prince Akbar C. Ellora Caves
C. Mir Jumla D. Kalva Caves
D. Asaf Khan
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94 Chapter 2. Mediaval India


1. B 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. B 11. D 12. B 13. C 14. B

15. B 16. C 17. C 18. C 19. B 20. C 21. A 22. A 23. B 24. D 25. B

Unit 10

1. "Mansabdars" in Mughal period were A. Poona

B. Konkan

A. Landlords and zamindars
B. Officials of the state C. Bijapur

C. Those who had to give revenue D. Rajgarh

7. Mahzarnama was declared by ?
D. Revenue collectors
A. Babur
2. The area around which among the follow-
ing modern cities of India, a Hindu Silhara B. Humayun

dynasty ruled from 9th to 13th century AD? C. Akbar
A. Mumbai D. Shahjahan
B. Chennai 8. The medieval Indian Sultan who has been
called the “Prince of Moneyera” is
C. Kolkata
A. Akbar
D. Hyderabad
B. Sher Shah Suri
3. Who was the patron deity of Vijayanagar?
C. Muhammad-bin-Tughluq
A. Virupaksha D. Alauddin Khalji

B. Narasimha 9. To whom does the Lingayat Movement owe

its origin?
C. Vittalaswamy

A. Vidyaranya
D. Venugoplal swamy
B. Meerabai

4. “Muazzama” was the title of which of the

following Mughal Emperors? C. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

A. Shah Alam II D. Basava

10. Shayista Khan escaped with the loss of

B. Mohammad Shah three fingers from

C. Bahadur Shah Zafar A. Aurangzeb
D. Jahandar Shah

B. Shivaji
5. In Sangam age, the term ” Pillai” was used C. Afzalkhan
for which among the following?
D. Sambhaji
A. lenders 11. Which of the following is correctly
B. farmers matched?
A. Krishandevaraya : Samaranganasutrad-
C. labours
D. students
B. Mahendravarman : Mattavilasapra-
6. Shivaji crowned himself at hasana
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C. Bhojadeva : Manasollasa A. Gheyas Beg

D. Somesvara : Amuktyamalyada B. Abul Hasan
12. Sundar Vilas is the work of a famous Bhakti C. Sher Afghan
Saint D. Daniyal
A. Ramananda 18. The Mongols attacked India, for the first
time, during the period of
B. Guru Nanak
A. Balban
C. Dadu
B. Iltutmish
D. Tukaram
C. Qutub-ud-din Aibak
13. The Vijayanagar king who wrote a work
D. Alauddin
‘Amuktamalayada’ on the lines of kautilya’s
19. Who among the following was the religious

Arthashastra, was
guru of Shivaji?
A. Deva Raya II
A. Tukaram
B. Vira Narsimha
B. Eknath
C. Sri Ranga II C. Jnaneshwar
D. Krishnadeva Raya
14. During the reign of which among the fol-
lowing Mughal rulers, maximum number
eR D. Ram Das
20. Manyakheta (modern Malkhed) on the
banks of Kagina River in Gulbarga district,
of books on classical music were written? Karnataka state was the capital of ?
A. Akbar A. Satvahanas
B. Jahanagir B. Rastrakutas

C. Shahjahan C. Hoysalas

D. Kakatiyas
D. Aurangzeb
21. Who among the following built the mosque
15. Krishna I, who was a king of Rashtrakuta Quwal-ul-lslam at Delhi?
dynasty is related to which of the follow-
ing? A. Alauddin Khilji
B. Iltutmish
A. Shiva Temples of Ellora

C. Qutubuddin Aiabak

B. Ajanata Caves
D. Babur
C. Khajuraho Temples
22. Babarnama was written by
D. Ellora caves A. Humayun
16. Which Mugal emperor was a great musi- B. Babar
cian, a great patron of Hindustani Music
and was popularly known as Rangila? C. Abul Fazl

A. Bahdur Shah I D. Akbar

23. Tobacco was introduced in India by the
B. Bahadur Shah II
A. French
C. Muhammad Shah
B. Portuguese
D. Ahmad Shah
C. English
17. Mumtaj Mahal was the daughter of
D. Arabs
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96 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

24. A hearty welcome was extended to the En- 25. Alberuni came to India along with
glish captain Hawkins by the Mughal Em-
A. Mahmud Ghazni
A. Babar B. Muhammad-bin-Qasim

B. Humayun C. Muhammad Ghuri

C. Akbar D. Timur
D. Jahangir


1. A 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. B 11. B 12. C 13. D 14. D

15. A 16. C 17. B 18. B 19. D 20. B 21. C 22. B 23. B 24. D 25. A

Unit 11

1. Who was the spiritual leader associated 5. The main aim of the attacks of Muhammad-

with the founding of the Vijayanagara King- bin-Tughluq in south India was
A. extension of the empire
A. Ramdas B. plunder of wealth
B. Vidyaranya C. propagation of the Muslim culture in
C. Purandaradas South India
D. Appayya Dikshitar D. to compel the rulers of South India to ac-
cept the sovereignty of the Delhi Sultanate
2. Under Shivaji’s rule, the head of a unit of
25 in the Cavalry was known as

6. Which of the following features are asso-

A. Jumadar ciated with the architecture of Tughluq pe-

B. Havaldar riod? Select the correct answer using the

codes given below the features.
C. Faujdar

1. Sloping walls
D. Hazari 2. Deliberate attempt to combine the
3. Chandradeva, was the founder of which of principles of the arch, the lintel and
the following dynasty? the beam in the buildings.

3. Placing the buildings especially the

A. Chauhans tombs on a high platform.
B. Gahadwalas A. 1 only

C. Chalukyas B. 1 and 2
D. Chandellas C. 1 and 3
4. Vaikuntaperumal Temple at kanchipuram D. 2 and 3
was built by ?
7. The oldest specimens of poetry in the Pun-
A. Narsimhavarman II jabi language are devotional compositions
attributed to
B. Nandivarman II
A. Guru Nanak
C. Parmesvaravarman II
B. Baba Farid
D. Parmesvaravarman I
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C. Guru Angad A. Jahangir

D. Guru Tegh Bahadur B. Bahadur Shah Zafar
8. Timur invaded India and ordered a general C. Aurangzeb
massacre of the people of Delhi during the
D. None of the above
reign of
14. The only Hindu noble at the court of Akbar
A. Nasir-ud-din Mahmud to accept the Din-illahi was
B. Ghiyasuddin II A. Man Singh
C. Abu Bakr B. Todar Mal
D. Alauddin Sikandar C. Birbal
9. Which of the following Mughal emperors D. Bhagwan Das

was famous as Shah-i-Bekhabar?
15. The Mughal empire reached its maximum
A. Shah Alam territorial extent during the reign of
B. Jahangir A. Akbar
C. Shahjahan B. Shah Jahan
D. Bahadur Shah I
10. Maldeva was the ruler of
eR C. Aurangzeb
D. Bahadur Shah I
A. Jodhpur 16. Who is the author of the famous book Gita
B. Jaunpur
A. Kalidas
C. Udaipur
B. Jaydev
D. Kannauj
C. Mirabai

11. During the Mughal rule, the police duties in

the districts were entrusted to the officials D. Kautilya
known as? 17. Mirza Ghalib was a contemporary of which
A. Faujdar among the following Mughal Emperors?

B. Mansabdar A. Alamgir II

C. Kotwal B. Muhammad Shah


D. Amin C. Bahadur Shah Zafar

12. The Buddhist universities of Nalanda and D. Farrukhsiyar

Vikramshila in Bihar were destroyed during 18. The first Mughal Garden in India had been
the invasions of laid out by
A. Mahmud of Ghazni A. Babur
B. Muhammad Ghori B. Shah Jahan
C. Bakhtiyar Khalji C. Akbar
D. All Mardan Khalji D. Jahangir
13. Bibi Ka Maqbara was erected by at 19. The greatest historian of the reign of Akbar,
Aurangabad and is a replica of the Taj Ma- who wrote Akbarnama and Ain-i-Akbari,
hal. was
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98 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

A. Nizamuddin Ahmad D. Krori

B. Abdur Qadir Badauni 23. Dadaji was the guardian of
C. Abul Fazl A. Shivaji
D. Abdas Khan Arwani B. Shaji Bhonsle
20. The Mughals imported fruits from C. Sambaji
A. Samarkand D. Shahu
B. Arabia 24. During the reign of Aurangzeb, Rajaram

C. Kabul was a
D. Portugal A. Jat Leader

21. Sri Harsha was a court poet of which among B. Mughal Leader
the following Gahadwala Kings?
C. Maratha Leader
A. Govindchandra
D. Sikh Leader
B. Jayachandra
25. The city of Vijayanagar (Now known as

C. Chandradev Hampi) was situated on the northern bank
D. Virachandra of the river
22. In the Mughal period the registers of the A. Krishna
agricultural lands were maintained by B. Tungabhadra
A. Kotwal C. Kaveri
B. Qanungo
D. Godavari
C. Amin


1. B 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. A 11. A 12. C 13. C 14. C


15. C 16. B 17. C 18. A 19. C 20. A 21. B 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. B

Unit 12

1. Who had preached "Rama and Rahim are 3. The Mughal General, who decisively de-
two different names of the same God"? feated Shivaji and forced him to conclude

the Treaty of Purandar, was

A. Chaitanya
A. Shaista Khan
B. Sant Kabir

B. Mirza Raja Jai Singh

C. Ramanuja
C. Prince Muazzam
D. Ramananda
D. Dilir Khan
2. Who is the author of the famous literary
work Tahqiq-i-Hind? 4. Muhammad-bin Tughluq transferred his
capital from Delhi to Devagiri ( Which he
A. Dandin named Daulatabad) because
B. Badauni A. Delhi was insecure on account of Mon-
C. Bhavabhuti gol invasions
B. Devagiri was more centrally located
D. Alberuni
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C. from Devagiri he wanted to complete A. Bahadur Shah Zafar

the conquest of the South
B. Shah Aalam II
D. All the above
C. Muhammad shah
5. Which of the following Mughal Emper-
D. Aurangzeb
ors shifted his imperial court and residence
from Agra to Sikri, later renamed as Fateh- 10. Which among the following dynasty is
pur Sikri? known to have constructed the temples at
A. Akbar
A. Chandelas
B. Jahangir
B. Chauhans
C. Shahjahan
C. Pratiharas
D. Aurangzeb

D. Rastrakutas
6. Which Mughal ruler’s reign has been de-
scribed as the golden age of medieval art 11. There were jewelled steps leading to the
and architecture? Emperor’s seat, in the Peacock Throne.

A. Jahangir’s A. Four

B. Babar’s
C. Humayun’s
eR B. Three
C. Two
D. Six
D. Shah Jahan’s
12. A standing army had been introduced by
7. Match List-I with List-II and select the cor-
rect answer using the codes given below A. Firuz Tughluq
B. Iltutmish
List-I (Bhakti Saint) List-II (Profession)
A. Namdev 1. Barber C. Alauddin Khalji

B. Kabir 2. Weaver D. Balban

C. Ravidas 3. Tailor
13. Which among the following dynasties gave
D. Sena 4. Cobbler
rise to a worship of Satya Pir, a common
God which was very much equivalent to
A. A − 2, B − 3,C − 1, D − 4 Satyanarayan among Hindus?

B. A − 3, B − 2,C − 4, D − 1 A. Lodi Dynasty


C. A − 3, B − 2,C − 1, D − 4 B. Hussein Shahi dynasty

D. A − 2, B − 3,C − 4, D − 1 C. Sayyid dynasty

8. Permission to the British to establish their D. Samma Dynasty
trading centre at Surat had been given by 14. Who was the Mughal Prince who was well-
the Mughal emperor versed in Arabic, Persian and Sanakrit?
A. Babar A. Prince Akbar
B. Akbar B. Prince Salim
C. Jahangir C. Prince Sulaiman Shukoh
D. Humayun D. Prince Dara Shukoh
9. Which among the following Mughal Em- 15. The Sikh guru who had fought the Mughals
peror was also known as “Ali Gauhar”? was
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100 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

A. Guru Nanak Dev 21. In whose reign did the Mughal painting
B. Guru Hargobind reach its zenith?

C. Guru Tegh Bahadur A. Jahangir

D. Guru Gobind Singh B. Akbar
16. The only Sultan of Delhi to conquer Chittor,
C. Shah Jahan
the capital of Mewar was
A. Iltutmish D. Humayun

B. Balban 22. Sambhaji was the successor of
C. Alauddin Khalji A. Shaji Bhonsle
D. Sikandar Lodhi B. Shahu

17. Razia Sultan acceded to the throne of Delhi
in ? C. Shivaji

A. 1220 A.D D. Dadaji

B. 1226 A.D

23. To whom had Mohammad Ghuri assigned
C. 1236 A.D the first Iqta in India?
D. 1235 A.D A. Qutub-ud-din Aibak
18. 1526 AD is significant in India’s History B. Shamsuddin Iltutmish
because of
A. Foundation of Mughal empire in North C. Nasiruddin Qubacha
India D. Tajuddin Yalduz
B. Arrival of Ibn batuta 24. Who among the following was the first ruler
C. Arrival of Vasco Di Gama of sen dynasty?

D. Establishment of East India Company A. Ballal Sen

19. Who among the following is said to be the

pioneer of guerilla warfare in the Deccan B. Hemant Sen

region? C. Vijay sen

A. Shivaji D. Lakshaman Sen

B. Shah ji Bhosle
25. For which of the following Shershah Suri is
C. Malik Ambar not known?

D. Maloji Bhosale
A. Organization of the system of Civil Ad-
20. Out of the battles fought between contem- ministration
porary rulers and Babur, which among the

following resulted in the firm establishment B. Issuing first Rupiya which was in use
of Babur’s rule in North India? till 20th century
A. Battle of Panipat C. Introducing the system of irrigation by
B. Battle of Khanva canals

C. Battle of Ghagra D. All are intiatives of shershah suri

D. Second Battle of Panipat
1. B 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. A 11. B 12. B 13. B 14. D
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15. D 16. C 17. C 18. A 19. C 20. B 21. A 22. C 23. A 24. B 25. C

Unit 13

1. The Portuguese under the leadership of A. Hoysala Empire

Vasco da Gama in 1498 first landed at B. Kakatiya dynasty
A. Cochin C. Vijaynagar Empire
B. Calicut D. Pandyan Empire
C. Quilon 7. Fort of Allahabad was built by ?
D. Pulicut A. Akbar
2. The largest standing army of the Delhi Sul- B. Shershah Suri

tanate directly paid by the State was created
C. Humayun
D. Babur
A. Balban
8. Rajasekhara, the eminent Sanskrit poet,
B. Iltutmish dramatist and critic, who is best known for
C. Muhammad-bin-Tughluq
D. Alauddin Khalji
3. The Indian ruler who had issued a royal
eR his work Kavyamimamsa was a court poet
of which among the following kings of Gur-
jara Pratiharas?
A. Bhoj II
edict forbidding anyone to laugh in his court
was B. Mihirbhoja I
A. Balban C. Mahendrapala I
D. Mahipala I
B. Aurangzeb
9. What do you consider to be the least im-
C. Iltutmish

portant cause for Alauddin’s south Indian

D. Muhammad-bin-Tughluq campaigns?
4. Rana Sanga was the ruler of A. Political condition of South India
A. Bijapur B. Imperialism
B. Mewar C. Fabulous wealth

C. Marwar D. Religion

10. The Mughal Emperor who caused the mur-

D. Punjab
der of Guru Arjan was
5. Faujdar and Amalguzar were the chief of-
ficials of the ‘Sarkars’ (administrative divi- A. Babar
sions) in Mughal Period. Amalguzar was re- B. Akbar
lated to which of the following operations? C. Shah Jahan
A. Law& Order D. Jahangir
B. Revenue 11. Under Shivaji each province was under a
C. Defence A. Viceroy
D. Audit and Accounts B. Governor
6. Sayana, a very important commentator of C. Diwan
Vedas flourished in which of the following?
D. Zamindar
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102 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

12. Who among the following wrote Astan- A. Large estate owners
gasangraha.? B. Officials of state who were given jagir
A. Banabhatta in place of cash pay
B. Vagabhatta C. Revenue collectors
C. Aryabhatta D. Autonomous rulers under Akbar
19. The silver coin which was introduced by
D. Kalhana
Sher Shah and continued by the Mughals
13. Which of the following rulers built the Gujri was :

Mahal in Hissar, Haryana?
A. Rupaya
A. Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
B. Dinar
B. Feroz Shah Tughlaq

C. Asharfi
C. Ala ud din Khilji D. Muhar
D. Qutub ud din Mubarak Shah 20. When Nader Shah invaded India, who
14. Who among the following founded the prin- among the following was emperor at

cipality of Ghazani in AD 962? Delhi?

A. Mahmood Ghazani A. Muhammad Shah

B. Subuktgeen B. Alamgir I
C. Alamgir II
C. Alptigin
D. Farrukhsiyar
D. Shah Mahmoud
21. Which among the following foreign trav-
15. The king was freed from his people and ellers is not correctly paired with their re-
they from their king. On whose death did spective period of visit in India?
Badauni comment thus?

A. Fa Hien - Gupta Period

A. Balban
B. Hiuen Tsang - Post Gupta Period

B. Alauddin Khalji
C. Al Beruni - Early Medieval Period
C. Muhammand-bin-Tughluq
D. Ibn Batutta - Mughal Period

D. Firuz Shah Tughluq 22. The famous Mughal General who con-
16. To bring Hindu-Muslim unity, Akbar quered Assam, Chittagong, etc. in the north-
east was
A. encouraged cow-killing

A. Shaista Khan
B. prohibited cow-killing
B. Mir Jumla
C. taxed cow-killing
C. Mirza Raja Jai Singh

D. remained silent to cow-killing

D. Jaswant Singh
17. Who is known as the "Slave of a slave"?
23. How many years Humayun spent in exile
A. MUhammad-bin-Qasim after he lost his kingdom in Hindustan?
B. Mahmud of Ghazni A. 10 years
C. Iltutmish B. 12 years

D. Qutub-ud-din-Aibak C. 15 years
18. Who were ‘Jagirdars’ during the reign of D. 20 years
Akbar? 24. The Ahoms were of origin.
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A. Afghan ruled by Hindu Rajas.

B. Mongol A. Nobles
C. Assam B. Poor
D. Nepal C. Middle Class
25. During the Mughal period there was con- D. Foreign residents
tinuous emigration of the to places


1. B 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. D 11. A 12. B 13. B 14. C

15. C 16. B 17. C 18. A 19. A 20. A 21. D 22. B 23. C 24. B 25. B

Unit 14

1. What was the most important cause of the A. Mir Jumla

invasion of Ghazni Mahmud?
B. Prince Akbar
A. To destroy idolatory eR C. Shayista Khan
B. To gain possession of the wealth of In-
dia D. Jai Singh

C. To spread Islam into India 6. In Mansabdari system the Commander-in-

Chief of the Army was
D. To establish a Muslim state in India
A. Mansabdar
2. Akbar’a son and successor Salim, on be-
coming the emperor, assumed the name of B. Emperor
A. Jahangir C. Prince

B. Jahangir Alampanah D. Dah Hazari

C. Jahangir Alamgir 7. The Sultan who completed the conquest of
D. Nuruddin Muhammad Jahangir the South and broke the political barriers
3. The Sultanate of Delhi reached the height between the North and the South was
of its power during the reign of A. Alauddin Khalji

A. Balban

B. Ghiyasuddin Tughluq
B. Alauddin Khalji
C. Muhammad-bin-Tughluq
C. Firuz Tughluq
D. Firuz Tughluq
D. Raziya
8. The Peshwa’s Secretariat at Pune (Poona),
4. Who among the following are considered to the pivot of the Maratha government was
be the first owners of Koh-i-noor diamond? known as
A. Kakatiyas
A. Huzur Daftar
B. Khiljis
B. El Beriz Daftar
C. Tughlaqs
C. Chalte Dafter
D. Mughals
5. On behalf of Aurangzeb Cooch Behar was D. Peshwa Dafter
seized by 9. Jammi Mosque was built at
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104 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

A. Sambhal A. Muin-ud-din Chishti

B. Delhi B. Baba Farid
C. Agra C. Saiyid Muhammad Gesudaraz

D. Lahore D. Shah Alam Bukhari

16. Shivaji started his public career at the age
10. In medieval India the state derived the high-
est income from?
A. 18
A. Jeziah

B. 21
B. Land Revenue
C. 23
C. Trade and Transit Duties
D. 24

D. War Booty 17. In which among the following battles, ar-
11. Different Sufi schools or orders in India tillery was used for the first time?
were known as A. First Battle of Panipat
A. Khangahs B. Third Battle of Tarain

B. Qalandars C. First Battle of Khanwa
C. Silsilahs D. Second Battle of Panipat
18. The medieval Hindu ruler who was a con-
D. Darveshs
temporary of Akbar, and took the title of
12. Who among the following introduced Kab- Vikramaditya was
uliyat and Patta?
A. Rana Pratap (of Mewar)
A. Babur B. Sadasiva Raya (of Vijayanagar)
B. Shershah C. Raja Man Singh (of Amber)

C. Akbar D. Hemachandra (Hemu)

D. Shahjahan 19. Who was the founder of Aravidu dynasty

of the Vijayanagar Empire?

13. Vasco-da-Gama arrived at in 1498.
A. Tirumala

A. Surat
B. Sadasiva Raya
B. Madras
C. Rama Raya
C. Calicut D. Bukka

D. Bombay 20. Shivaji crowned himself as King in the year

14. After the attack of Mahmud of Ghazanavi, A. 1664
who among the following reconstructed the

B. 1674
Somnath Temple?
C. 1670
A. Bhimraja -I
D. 1660
B. Bhimdev 21. Which of the following Sultans is known to
C. Mularaj I have laid the foundation of Agra City?

D. Jay Singh Siddharaaj A. Bahlol Lodi

15. The sun saint who maintained that devo- B. Sikandar Lodi
tional music was one way of coming close C. Ibrahim Lodi
to God was
D. Shershah Suri
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22. The first time in India that land was divided 24. The first Sultan to adopt the principle of
into different categories for the purpose of measurement of cultivable land for deter-
revenue, taking into account the quality of mining the land revenue was
land and its productive capacity, was during
A. Ghiyasuddin Tughluq
the reign of
B. Iltutmish
A. Alauddin Khalji
B. Sher Shah Suri C. Alauddin Khalji

C. Firuz Shah Tughluq D. Balban

D. Akbar 25. Koh-i-noor diamond was presented to Au-

rangzeb by
23. The Hindu painting was closely connected
with pictorial art of the A. Mirkasim

A. Buddhist priests B. Mir Jumla
B. Jain monks C. Shivaji
C. Artistic schools of the Far East D. Shah Jahan
D. The Mughal school

1. B 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. B 11. C 12. B 13. C 14. B

15. A 16. A 17. A 18. D 19. A 20. B 21. B 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. B

Unit 15
1. The Brahmin minister of Shambhaji (Son C. Farrukh Beg
and Successor of Shivaji) upon whom he
D. Ustad Mansur

invested the title of ‘Pinnacle of Poets’ was

4. What was the capital of Bahmani King-
A. Kavi Kalash dom?
B. Kavindra Acharya A. Warangal
C. Kavi Bhusan B. Gulbarga

D. Kavi Martanda C. Devagiri


2. What was the term used in the medieval In-

D. Ellichpur
dia for the land directly ruled by the Central
Government? 5. Under the Mughala, in urban area the judi-
cial powers were exercised by
A. Muqtis
A. Kazis
B. Khalisa
B. Faujdar
C. Inam
C. Kotwal
D. Inam
3. Which among the following Mughal D. Wazir
painters is credited for painting Siberian 6. Who among the following is called Zinda
Crane and the Dodo for the first time? Peer?
A. Abu al-Hasan A. Babur
B. Bishandas B. Akbar
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106 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

C. Aurangzeb A. Merta
D. Humayun B. Kumbhalgarh
7. The Sultan of Delhi who is reputed to have C. Mandalgarh
built the biggest network of canals in India D. Udaipur
was 13. The term apabhramsa was used in medieval
A. Iltutmish Sanskrit texts to denote
B. Ghiyasuddin Tughluq A. outcastes among the Rajputas

C. Firuz Shah Tughluq B. deviations from Vedic rituals
C. early forms of some of the modern In-
D. Sikandar Lodhi
dian languages
8. Hindi poet Jagannath Pandit Raj was the

D. non-Sanskrit verse metres
most favorite poet of which of the follow-
ing Emperors? 14. The English and the Dutch were firmly es-
tablished in all the parts of the Coast from
A. Jahangir Sind to Bengal by the middle of the

B. Shahjahan A. 17th Century
C. Akbar B. 18th Century
D. Humayun C. 16th Century
9. Who among the following forbade the in- D. 15th Century
scription of kalma on Coins? 15. Jujhar Singh, who was a Bundela Chief had
revolted against:
A. Akbar
A. Jahanagir
B. Shahjahan
B. Shahjahan
C. Aurangzeb

C. Aurangzeb
D. Jahangir
D. Akbar

10. The glorious works in which among the fol- 16. Which among the following was the most
lowing can be best credited for calling the appropriate cause for the failure of Raziya?

Shahjahan’s reign as ” Glorious Epoch ” in

the history of Mughal Empire? A. Her sex
B. Her intention to be the ruler not only in
A. Trade& Commerce
name but also in fact
B. Architecture

C. Her unpopularity with the people of

C. Music Delhi
D. Dance D. Her incompetence

11. Under the Mughals was administered 17. As recorded by Abulfazl, Akbar, the great
as a department of the household. used to play which among the following
music instruments?
A. infantry
A. Dholak
B. cavalry
B. Tabla
C. artillery C. Nakkara
D. navy D. Mridang
12. After the Call of Chittor, the city Which 18. Karkota Dynasty was confined to which of
became the capital of Mewar was the following areas?
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A. Kannuj 22. The Nawab of Awadh who permanently

transferred his capital from Faizabad to Luc-
B. Kashmir
know was
C. Deccan
A. Safdar Jang
D. Gujarat B. Shuja-ud-Daula
19. The. voluminous compositions attributed to C. Asaf-ud-Daula
Guru Gobind Singh (the last Sikh Guru) are
collectively known as D. Saadat Khan
23. The Sikh Guru who was executed by Au-
A. Dasam (Padshah Ka) Granth
rangzeb was
B. Apni Katha
A. Guru Nanak
C. Baichitra Natak
B. Guru Arjan

D. Gyan Prabodh C. Guru Gobind
20. Under the Mughals one of the main imports D. Guru Tegh Bahadur
24. Akbar had constructed several forts, Which
A. pepper did not include the one of
B. raw silk
C. cotton
eR A. Lahore
B. Agra
D. opium C. Allahabad
21. During the course of his numerous inva- D. Delhi Red Fort
sions, Muhammad Ghori (Before his con- 25. The second Battle of Panipat was fought
quest in the Second Battle of Tarain) was between Hemu and
defeated by
A. Babar

A. Chalukya king Bhima II of Gujarat

B. Humayun
B. Prithviraja Chauhan III of Ajmer
C. Akbar
C. Both A and B above D. Ibrahim Lodhi
D. and the Chandela king Paramardi


1. A 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. B 11. C 12. D 13. C 14. A

15. B 16. B 17. C 18. B 19. C 20. B 21. C 22. C 23. D 24. D 25. C

Unit 16

1. Mumtaj Mahal died at A. 1760

A. Agra B. 1764
B. Delhi C. 1707
C. Ajmer D. 1700
D. Burhanpur 3. The Peacock throne was bunt by
2. Aurangzeb died in the year A. Babar
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108 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

B. Humayun 10. The Purana Qila (at Delhi) was constructed

in the reign of
C. Akbar
A. Akbar
D. Shah Jahan
4. What are the sculptures of the Mathura B. Humayun
School of Art made out of? C. Sher Shah
A. Marble D. Jahangir
B. Wood 11. The eighth-century tripartite power struggle
was among which of the following?

C. Granite
A. Cholas, Rastrakutas and Yadavas,
D. Red Sandstone
B. Chalukyas, Pallavas and Pandyas
5. Babar came to India originally from

C. Cholas, Pandyas and Chalukyas
A. Khiva
D. Cholas, Pandyas and Chalukyas
B. Ferghana
12. Which legendary Sufi saint of Chishti order
C. Khorasan was popularly known as ‘Chirag-e-Dehlavi

D. Seistan (Chirag of Delhi)’?
6. Amir Khusrau’s name is associated with the A. Nizamuddin Auliya
invention of the B. Shaikh Nasiruddin Mahmud
A. Sarod C. Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki
B. Sitar D. None of the above
C. Shehnai 13. The medieval ruler who was the first to es-
tablish a ministry of agriculture was
D. Tabla
7. Who among the following written Manmaul A. Alatiddin Khalji

Bahrain? B. Mohammad-bin Tughluq

A. Aurangzeb C. Sher Shah

B. Akbar D. Akbar

C. Darashikoh 14. Which among the following is not a work

of Amir Khusrau?
D. Abu Fazal
A. Khazyan-ul-Futuh
8. ”Loom ” was a central technological inno-
B. Tughluq Nama

vation in which of the following era?

A. Sultanate Era C. Tarik-i-Alai

B. Rajput Era D. Tabqat-i-Naisiri


15. Humayun died in the year

C. Mughal Era
A. 1536
D. None of the above
B. 1546
9. ‘Gita Govinda’ as written in the 12th cen-
tury by C. 1556
A. Bana D. 1566
16. The most learned medieval Muslim ruler
B. Bhartruhari
who was well versed in various, branches
C. Jayadeva of learning including astronomy, mathemat-
D. Ramanuja ics and medicine was
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A. Sikandar Lodhi 21. After the devastation of the city of Vljayana-

B. IItutmish gar In 1565, the capital of the empire was
shifted to
C. Muhammad-bin-Tughluq
A. Penukonda
D. Alauddin Khalji
B. Chandragiri
17. Mokhadaji Gohil, a Gohil Rajput ruler of
Ghogha, near Bhavnagar was a contempo- C. Mysore
rary of which of the following Sultans? D. Gingee
A. Ghiyas ud din Tughluq Shah I 22. Akbar granted the present site of Amritsar
B. Muhammad bin Tughluq to the Sikh Guru

C. Qutubudin Aibak A. Amar Das

D. Illtumish B. Angad
18. During which of the following events Indi- C. Ram Das

ans got the earliest contact with Islam? D. Arjan
A. Arab invasion of Sindh in 7th Century 23. The term Iqta means
B. Turkish Invasion in 11th century A. assignments of land as reward of pen-
C. Arab merchants at the Malabar Coast sion
D. None of the above B. revenue assignment of a particular area
in lieu of cash salary
19. An ambassador of the British King James
I, who secured favourable privileges for C. an administrative grant or relief
the East India Company from Emperor Ja-
D. a unit of local government
hangir, was
24. Akbar suppressed the rebellion of Abdullah
A. Hawkins Khan, the Governor of
B. Henry Middleton A. Mewar

C. Thomas Roe B. Malwa

D. Josiah Child C. Meerut
20. Who among the following were famous ju-
D. Mankat
rists of medieval India?
25. Aurangzeb, in his attempt to annex Marwar
1. Vijanesvara
to the Mughal empire, was involved in a 30-

2. Hemadri
year war. During these long years the most
3. Rajasekhara

valiant struggle from the aide of Marwar

4. Jiroutavahana Choose the correct an-
was fought by
swer from the codes given below:
Codes: A. Ajit Singh
A. 1, 2 and 3 B. Durgadas
B. 2, 3 and 4 C. Hadas of Bundi
C. 1, 2 and 4 D. Indra Singh
D. 1 and 4

1. D 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. C 11. B 12. B 13. C 14. D

15. C 16. C 17. B 18. C 19. C 20. C 21. A 22. A 23. B 24. B 25. B
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110 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

Unit 17

1. Mughal painting reached its zenith during 7. Who among the following Mughal rulers
the reign of took measures against the practice of
A. Akbar “Sati”?

B. Jahangir A. Jahanagir

C. Both (a) and (b) above B. Akbar

D. Shah Jahan C. Shahjahan

2. Ramanuja taught in which of the following D. Humayun
8. The most important poet at the court of
A. Madurai Mahmud of Ghazni, who wrote Shahnama

B. Mamallapuram and is regarded as the "Immortal Homer of
the East" was
C. Srirangam
D. Tirumala A. Utbi

3. The longest road built by Sher Shah, known B. Firdausi
as Sarak-I-Azam (currently known as GT
C. Alberuni
Road or Sher Shah Suri Road) ran from the
Indus in the North-West to D. Baihaqi
A. Calcutta 9. Identify, among the following, the saint who
had preached non-sectarianism in Medieval
B. Dacca
C. Malda
A. Tukaram
D. Sonargaon
B. Ramananda
4. The city of Azimabad, which was aban-

doned since 7th century AD was revived C. Dadu

by Shershah Suri and thus he founded the
D. Raghunandan

modern ?
10. Which among the following was a unit of
A. Shergarh (Pakistan )

Mughal Empire for the purpose of Admin-

B. Patna istration and Revenue Collection?
C. Sasaram A. Paraganas
D. Lothal B. Subahs

5. Jama Masjid at Delhi was bunt by

C. Parautis
A. Humayun
D. Grama

B. Sher Shah
11. Shivaji founded the Maratha kingdom by
C. Shah Jahan annexing the territories of
D. Aurangzeb
A. Bijapur
6. In the Battle of Haldighati the Mughal
troops were commanded by B. Mughals
A. Asaf khan C. Both A and B above
B. Raja Man Singh of Amber D. Bijapur, Golcunda and the Mughals
C. Qazi Khan 12. Slaves who were in great demand under the
Mughals were
D. Todar Mal
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A. Abyssinians A. Raziya
B. Persians B. Balban
C. Africans C. Iltutmish
D. Afghans D. Qutub-ud-din Aibak
13. The art of painting in the Mughal age 19. Who among the following was the founder
was in origin. of Gahadvala Dynasty?
A. Persian A. Chandradev
B. Hindu B. Govindchandra
C. French C. Madanpala
D. Afghan D. Jayachandra

14. The Administrative Council of Shivaji was 20. Akbar founded the Din-i-Ilahi primarily to
known as,
A. Establish a national religion Which
A. Parishad would be acceptable to the Muslims and
the Hindus
B. Mantriparishad
C. Ashtapradhan
D. Rajyaparishad
eR B. Ensure racial and communal harmony
C. Found a religious institution

15. The Chandella’s Kingdom was annexed by D. Put an end to differences between Hin-
which of the following rulers? dus and Muslims
21. Shivaji’s Agra Adventure was planned by
A. Mohammed Ghori
A. Afzal Khan
B. Qutubuddin Aibak
B. Shayista Khan
C. Iltutmish

C. Jai Singh
D. Alauddin Khilji
16. Guru Arjan Dev transferred the headquar- D. Mir Jumla
ters to 22. Todarmal is associated with the revenue sys-
tem known as
A. Agra

A. Kankut
B. Amritsar

B. Ghalla Bakshi
C. Karachi
C. Zabti or Zabt
D. Allahabad
17. Which among the following rulers of Delhi D. Nasaq
Sultanate declared himself as Sikandar-I- 23. Which among the following place is the
Sani? birth place of Humayun?
A. Balban A. Agra
B. Kaiqubad B. Kabul
C. Alauddin Khilji C. Badakhashan
D. Firoz Tughlaq D. Sasaram
18. The Mongols appeared for the first time on 24. The Jagirdars during the Muhgal period
the banks of the Indus during the rule of were
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112 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

A. Mansabdars A. Dutch
B. Zamindars B. Portuguese
C. All assignees of Jagirs
C. Danish
D. All the above
25. The island of Bombay had been given to the D. French
British Prince Charles II as dowry by the


1. B 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. B 11. C 12. A 13. A 14. C
15. D 16. B 17. C 18. C 19. A 20. A 21. C 22. C 23. B 24. C 25. B

Unit 18

1. The city of Ajmer was founded by A. Ala-ud-din Khilji

A. Sindhuraja B. Malik Kafur
B. Ajayaraja C. Bakhtiar Khilji,

C. Bhoja D. Mohmmad bin Tuglaq

6. Sufism the liberal and mystic movement of
D. Vigraharaja
Islam, reached India in the century?
2. Akbar was enthroned in a garden at
A. 11th
A. Kalanaur
B. 12th
B. Ajmer
C. 14th

C. Gaur
D. 13th
D. Kabul 7. Akbar’s teacher was

3. In India artillery was first used in the battle A. Abul Fazl


B. Bairam Khan
A. Panipat in 1526
C. Abdul Latif
B. Talikot
D. Kabir

C. Sialkot 8. Under the Mughal rule the judicial service

D. Khanwa was formed by
4. Under the Mughals, the Police duties in A. Vakil

urban areas were entrusted to the officers B. Diwan

known as
C. Kazis
A. Kotwal
D. Mansabdars
B. Kazi
9. "Nitivakymitra" (nectar of Aphorisms on
C. Vakil Politics) was written by a Jains writer of the
10th century His name?
D. Amin
A. Charudutta
5. Who among the following led a campaign
against Warangal in 1309? B. Sukra
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C. Kamandaka 16. Dwarasamudra was the capital of which of

the following dynasties?
D. Somadeva Suri
10. The real founder of the Sultanate of Delhi A. Hoysala
and its first dynasty was B. Satavahana
A. Muhammad Ghuri C. Pandyas
B. Qutub-ud-din-Aibak
D. Cholas
C. Iltutmish
17. Humayunnama was written by
D. Balban
A. Princess Gulbadan Begum
11. In Which town is the mausoleum of Sher
Shah located? B. Salima Sultan
C. Jahangir

A. Lahore
B. Fatehpur Sikri D. Jahanara Begum
C. Sahasaram 18. Which of the following measures of Sher
Shah Suri greatly helped in the promotion
D. Agra
of trade and commerce?
12. The well-known painting showing the ar-
rival at the Mughal Court of the great singer
Tansen exhibits
eR A. He got many important roads built
B. The roads were very safe
A. The Persian Style C. He abolished all internal duties and
B. Gandhara Style taxes were levied only at the points of im-
port and sales
C. Hindu Style
D. He built several sarais on the highways
D. The fusion of the Mughal and Hindu
Styles 19. Which among the following rulers is related

to ” market regulatory measures ” in me-

13. Jizya was abolished by the Mughal ruler
dieval India?
A. Babar
A. Alauddin Khilji
B. Humayun
B. Balban
C. Akbar
C. Babur

D. Aurangzeb

D. Humayun
14. Whom did the Lingayats worship?
20. Vasucharita is a work of which of the fol-
A. Ganesha
B. Surya
A. Ram raja
C. Vishnu
B. Krishndev rai
D. Shiva
C. Vitthalantha
15. Deogiri was first of all subjugated by which
Muslim invader? D. Kalidasa
A. Ala-ud-din Khilji 21. In context with the Ashta Pradhan, that
helped with the administration of the
B. Jalal-ud-din Firoz
Maratha empire of Shivaji, who among the
C. Malik Kafur following was in charge of General Admin-
D. Qutubudin Aibak istration?
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114 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

A. Moro Trimbak Pingale A. Akbar

B. Ramchandra Neelkanth Mujumdar B. Samudra Gupta
C. Annaji Datto C. Alauddin Khalji
D. Dattaji Trimbak Waknis D. Chandra Gupta II
22. Which among the following was NOT a 24. Ghazi Malik was the founder and first ruler
landmark of Alauddin Khilji’s Reign? of which among the following dynasties?

A. Introduction of Rationing system A. Khilji Dynasty

B. Introduction of New Market regulation B. Mamluk Dynasty
to provide essential commodities at reason- C. Tughlaq Dynasty
able rates

D. Slave Dynasty
C. Introduction of Fixed price market by 25. Chand Bibi was the ruler of
appointment of Diwan-I-Riyasat& Shahan-
i-mandi A. Bijapur
B. Kashmir

D. Creation of Agricultural department
called Diwan-i-kohi C. Ahmadnagar
23. Which monarch called himself as the sec- D. Mewar
ond Alexander?

1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. C 11. C 12. D 13. C 14. D

15. A 16. A 17. A 18. C 19. A 20. A 21. A 22. D 23. C 24. C 25. C

Unit 19

1. The estate of Shivaji’s father was C. Pulkesin V


A. Konkan D. Vikramaditya I

B. Poona 4. When Babar invaded India in 1525, Hu-

mayun was the Governor of
C. Torna
A. Kabul
D. Rajgarh
B. Fargana

2. Defeated Humayun in the Battle of Kannauj

(1540) also constructed the Purana Qila of C. Badakhshan
New Delhi D. Herat

A. Adil Shah 5. During his second voyage, Vasco-da-Gama

strengthened the defence of
B. Malik Kafur
A. Calicut
C. Bin-Kasim
B. Cochin
D. Sher Shah Suri
C. Surat
3. The following Chalukya king performed an
ashwamedha yajna? D. Connanore
6. Vikrampura and Vijaypuri were two cap-
A. Pulkesin I
itals of which among the following Sen
B. Pulkesin II kings?
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A. Ballal Sen 13. Which among the following states of In-

B. Vijay Sen dia was ruled by the Ahom Dynasty in Sul-
tanate and Mughal era?
C. Samnta Sen
A. Kerala
D. Hemanta Sen
B. South Tamil Nadu
7. Defeat in the Battle of Talikota saw the
downfall of Which empire C. Assam
A. Ahmednagar D. Kashmir
B. Vijaynagar 14. The Zamorin’s neet was destroyed by the
Protuguese Viceroy
C. Chola
A. Albuquerque
D. Rashtrakuta
B. Cabral

8. Who among the following was known as a
“Nirguna” reformer? C. d’Almeida
A. Chaitanya D. Vasco-da-Gama
B. Surdas 15. During the Mughal period the main source
of Imperial revenue was
C. Kabir eR A. Agriculture
D. Tulsidas
9. In which year Arabs invaded Sindh? B. Customs duties

A. 700 A.D C. Industry

B. 710 A.D D. Foreign trade

16. Which among the following rulers belonged
C. 712 A.D
to Mamulak Dynasty?
D. 715 A.D
A. Alauddin Khilji
10. Shahu defeated Tara Bai at in 1707.

B. Ibrahim Lodhi
A. Malvan
C. Balban
B. Khed
D. Mohammed Ghori
C. Kolhapur
17. The famous poet Amir Khusrau, known as
D. Agra the ‘parrot of India’ was a contemporary of

11. Indo-Persian style of architecture attained all of the following with the exception of

its supreme beauty in the reign of

A. Iltutmish
A. Babar
B. Alauddin Khalji
B. Akbar
C. Ghiyasuddin Balban
C. Jahangir
D. Ghiyasuddin Tughluq
D. Shah Jahan 18. Which Indian ruler had requested Napoleon
12. The Mughal emperor who had died owing for help in driving the British away from
to a sudden call from the staircase was India?
A. Babar A. Shivaji
B. Shah Jahan B. Jai Singh
C. Humayun C. Tipu Sultan
D. Aurangzeb D. Rani of Jhansi
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116 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

19. Which among the following was not a Land- A. Balban

mark of the Iltutmish’s rule?
B. Razia
A. Introduction of silver tanka& Copper C. Muizzudin Bahram Shah
D. Iltumish
B. introduction of iqtadari System
23. The title of Alamgir was assumed by
C. Organization of Chalisa
A. Akbar
D. Putting forward the’ Divine Right The- B. Sher Shah

C. Jahangir
20. The only known ruler in the history of India
to have fixed the prices of different com- D. Aurangzeb

modities, rigidly enforced quality control 24. The Mansabdari system introduced by Ak-
and ensured easy availability of essential bar was borrowed from the system prevalent
commodities was in
A. Iltutmish A. Persia

B. Alauddin Khalji B. Mongolia
C. Raziya C. Afghanistan

D. Ghiyasuddin Tughluq D. Turkey

21. Under the Mughals the Commander-in- 25. The exhaustive codification of Islamic laws
Chief of the Army was in the name of ‘Fatwa-i-Alamgiri’ was done
at the behest of which among the following
A. The crown prince rulers of Medieval India?
B. Mansabdar A. Alauddin Khalji

C. Emperor B. Sher Shah Suri

D. Zamindar C. Akbar

22. who among the following succeded D. Aurangzeb

Ruknuddin Feroz?


1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. B 11. D 12. C 13. C 14. C


15. A 16. C 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. B 21. C 22. B 23. D 24. B 25. D

Unit 20

1. The two principal monuments of Alauddin 2. Which literary figure of the Gupta period is
Khalji reign - the Alai Darwaza and Jama referred to as the Indian Shakespeare?
at Khana Masjid - were constructed at A. Vishakhadatta
A. Agra B. Harisena
B. Delhi C. Kalidasa

C. Fatehpur Sikri D. None of the above

3. Out of Capital of Akbar’s Kingdom, Bu-
D. Gulbarga land Darwaja, Panch Mahal and Akbar’s
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Mausoleum, which are located at the same 9. On the wall of Which building built by Shah
place? Jahan, is the following Persian couplet in-
A. Panch Mahal and Akbar’s Mausoleum scribed "if there is paradise on earth, it is
this, it is this, it is this"?
B. Buland Darwaja, Panch Mahal and Ak-
bar’s Mausoleum A. Jasmine Palace

C. Capital of Akbar’s Kingdom, Buland B. Moti Masjid

Darwaja, Panch Mahal C. Diwan-i-Aam, Delhi
D. Capital of Akbar’s Kingdom and Ak- D. Diwan-i-Khas, Delhi
bar’s Mausoleum 10. In 1206 AD Muhammad of Ghuri was
4. The Gandhara School of Art had been es- killed at
tablished in India.
A. Kabul

A. Central
B. Damayak
B. North-eastern
C. Ajmer
C. Southern
D. Tarain
D. North-western 11. The Mughal queen, whose name was in-
5. Who among the following was the first to eR scribed on the coins and on all royal far-
adopt the new religion propounded by Ak- mans as well as attached to the imperial
bar called Din-i-Ilahi? signature was
A. Abul Fazal A. Jodha Bai
B. Faizi B. Nur Jahan
C. Birbal C. Mumtaz Mahal
D. Raja Todarmal D. Ladli Begum
6. The architectural structures constructed by 12. The firat Sultan of Delhi to cross the Nar-

Shah Jahan did not include mada and move to the south was
A. Jama Masjid in Delhi A. Iltutmish
B. Jahangir’s mausoleum in Lahore B. Balban
C. Moti Masjid in Agra C. Alauddin Khalji
D. Red Fort in Delhi

D. Muhammad-bin-Tughluq
7. Who among the following shifted the pillars

13. From the point of view of the Turkish rule,

from Topra and Meerut to New Delhi? the most important contribution of IItutmish
A. Ghayasuddin Tughlaq was
B. Muhammad Bin Tughlaq A. Establishment of dynastic rule
C. Ferozshah Tughlag B. He was the first Muslim ruler in India to
issue coins
D. None of them
8. The peacock throne was constructed by the C. He made Delhi the capital of the Sul-
Mughal Emperor tanate

A. Akbar D. He organised the Iqta System

14. Though endowed with extraordinary intel-
B. Shah Jahan
lect and industry, he lacked practical judge-
C. Jahangir ment and common sense. Who is referred
D. Aurangzeb to in the above statement.
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118 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

A. Babar 20. The scholar who had accompanied Mo-

B. Muhammad-bin-Tughluq hammed of Ghazni to India was

C. Ibrahim Lodi A. Al-Raza

D. Balban B. Ibn-Batuta
15. In the light of events which occurred during C. Al-Beruni
the reign of Shahjahan, select the statement
D. Al-Firdausi
which is NOT correct:
21. When Aurangzeb proceeded against Gol-
A. The capital of the mughal empire was

cunda it was ruled by
shifted from Agra to Delhi.
A. Sikandar
B. Monthly scale was introduced in Mans-
abdari system. B. Durga Devi

C. Foreign travelers Bernier, Travernier C. Abul Hasan
and Manucci visited the Mughal court. D. Afzal Khan
D. Jats and Satnamis raised the banner of 22. The leader of the Yusufzai Pathans was

A. Bhagu
16. Battle of Talikota” resulted in the end of
which of the following? B. Khan Jahan
A. Deccan Sultanates C. Farid
B. Madurai Sultanate D. Chingis Khan
C. Pandya Empire 23. First Portuguese factory was established in
D. Vijayanagar Empire A. Goa
17. Hemu was captured and brought before Ak- B. Mangalore
bar by

C. Calicut
A. Bairam Khan
D. Calcutta

B. Salim
24. Dhrupad Dhamar style of singing was
C. Shah Qulihan Mehran
started by

D. Farid
A. Vishnu Digambar Paluskar
18. The title of Mahakavi Rai was given by
Shah Jahan to B. Tansen

A. Todar Mal C. Amir Khusrau

B. Birbal D. Raja Man Singh Tomar
C. Jagannath 25. Who among the following came to India at

the instance of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni?

D. Tansen
19. The Pearl Mosque was built by A. Al-Masudi

A. Shah Jahan B. Al-Beruni

B. Aurangzeb C. SuIaiman
C. Humayun D. Abdul Haq
D. Akbar

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1. B 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. B 11. B 12. C 13. D 14. B

15. D 16. D 17. C 18. C 19. A 20. B 21. C 22. A 23. C 24. A 25. B

Unit 21

1. Nastaliq was A. 1940

A. a Persian script used in Medieval India B. 1942
B. a raga composed by Tansen C. 1945
C. a cess levied by the Mughal rulers D. 1947
D. a manual of code of conduct for the Ule- 7. Alauddin Khalji’s commander who led the
mas campaign to South India was
A. Alpkhan

2. Which Sultan of Delhi died while playing
the chaugon (Polo)? B. Ulugh Khan
A. Qutub-ud-din Aibak C. Nusarat Khan
B. Ghiyasuddin Balban D. Malik Kafur
C. Samsuddin Iltutmish 8. The Peacock Throne of Shah Jahan was
eR made of
D. Nasiruddin Mahmood
A. Pure Silver
3. The Mughal School of Painting was inter-
ested in portraying B. Pure Gold and Pure Silver
A. Mughal court C. Pure Gold studded with gems
B. Domestic subjects D. Silver, copper and gold
9. Which Sultan’s reign witnessed as much as
C. Scenes from the Indian classics
half of the produce being charged as rev-
D. The scenes of their motherland enue from certain provinces?

4. Akbar had incorporated some principles of A. Muhammad-bin-Tughluq

social reforms in the Din-i-illahi. Which of
the following social reforms did not form B. Ghiyasuddin Tughluq
part of Din-i- illahi? C. Alauddin Khalji
A. Remarriage of widows D. Firuz Shah Tughluq

B. Prohibition of child marriage 10. What was the main responsibility of Mir

Bakshi during the Mughal Era?

C. Monogamy
A. All incomes and expenditures
D. Rejection of seclusion of women
B. Military department
5. The founder of the Bahamani Kingdom
was C. Revenue department

A. Alauddin Hasan Bahaman Shah D. Royal correspondence

11. Babar was originally the ruler of
B. Mohammad Shah I
A. Kabul
C. Ahmad Shah
B. Persia
D. Firuz Shah
C. Fargana
6. Pakistan Resolution or Lahore Resolution
was a formal political statement adopted by D. Khandahar
the Muslim League in which year? 12. Fatehpur Sikri had been founded by
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120 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

A. Akbar A. Alauddin Khalji

B. Jahangir B. Ghiyasuddin Tughluq
C. Babar C. Muhammad-bin-Tughluq
D. Humayun D. Firuz Tughluq
13. Jai Singh of Amber died at 19. In 1542 Akbar was born at
A. Agra A. Agra

B. Burhanpur B. Herat

C. Delhi C. Amarkot

D. Amber D. Kabul
20. Kondana was renamed Singarh by

14. The world’s greatest traveller of pre-modern
times, believed to have put behind him a A. Shaji
distance of over 73000 miles and visited ter- B. Jijabai
ritories the equivalent of about 44 modern
countries, is C. Shivaji

A. Marco Polo D. Sambaji
21. The famous literary work Tahqiq-i-Hind
B. Fahien
was written by
C. Ibn-Batuta
A. Alberuni
D. Hiuen Tsang B. Zia-ud-din Barni
15. Sakambhari near Ajmer is a place related
C. Balban
to emergence of which of the following dy-
nasties? D. Raziya Sultan
A. Gahadwals 22. was the first Mughal Emperor to ac-

quire Koh-i-noor diamond

B. Parmaras
A. Humayun

C. Pratiharas
B. Akbar
D. Chauhanas

C. Jahangir
16. Under Sher Shah the largest administrative
unit was administered by a Chief namely D. Shah Jahan
23. Who among the following translated Babur-
A. Shikadar
nama from chagtai to Persian

B. Mansabdar A. Abdul Rahim Khan-I-Khana

C. Kasi B. Abul Fazal
D. Faujdar

C. Khawaja Reazuddin Atash

17. Which of the following invaders is wrongly
D. Humayun
paired with the year of his invasion?
24. Name the Rajput General who bravely
A. Timurlane, 1398 AD fought the Battle of Khanwa before losing
B. Mahmud of Ghaznavi, 1000 AD to Babar.
C. Ahmad Shah Abdali, 1716 AD A. Rana Man Singh

D. Nadir Shah, 1738 AD B. Raja Jai Singh

18. The state-promoted canal irrigation system C. Rana Sanga
was initiated by D. Rana Pratap
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25. Vasco-da-Gama came to India in and C. 1498, Calicut

landed at
D. 1492, Goa
A. 1498, Cochin
B. 1496, Goa


1. A 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. A 7. D 8. C 9. C 10. B 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. A

15. D 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. C 20. C 21. A 22. A 23. A 24. C 25. C

Unit 22

1. The most important saint of the Bhakti C. eight great scholars of Telugu literature

Movement in Maharashtra who was born at D. eight great Nayaks of the Empire of Vi-
Satara and is said to have died in Punjab, jayanagar
6. Khan Khanan rendered Babur’s Memoires
A. Jnanesvar into
B. Namadeva
C. Tukaram
D. Guru Ramdas
eR A. Sanskrit
B. Persian
C. Urdu
2. Which of the following Mughal emperor D. Hindi
was known as Prince Khurram? 7. The word “Hindu” with reference to the
A. Jahanagir People of India was first used by which
among the following?
B. Aurangazeb
A. Greeks
C. Shahjahan

B. Romans
D. Shah Alam
3. What did Ramanuja preach? C. Afghans

A. The nearing apocalypse D. Arabs

8. The largest administrative division in the
B. Gyan Marga Vijayanagar empire was

C. The Bhakti Cult A. Nadu


D. Ahimsa B. Mandalam
4. Aurangzeb sent Mukarrab Khan against
C. Rajya
A. Shaji Bhonsle
D. Kottam
B. Shivaji 9. The Mughal troops were largely drawn
C. Sambaji from
D. Shahu A. The Rajput Chiefs
5. The Ashtadiggajas at the court of Krish- B. Tributary Chiefs
nadeva Raya were C. Mansabdars
A. eight great ministers like the Maratha D. Central Contingents
Astapradhans 10. The Upanishadas were translated into Per-
B. eight great musicians sian by
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122 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

A. Prince Shuja 16. Who among the following introduced the

famous Persian festival of NAUROJ in In-
B. Prince Murad
C. Prince Dara Shukoh
A. Balban
D. Prince Khusru
B. Iltutmish
11. Name the famous Sufi saint whose mau-
soleum was erected at Fatehpur Sikri. C. Firuz Tughluq

A. Nizamuddin Auliya D. Alauddin Khalji

17. The Adi Granth was compiled by
B. Sheikh Muin-ud-din Chisti
A. Guru Arjan Dev
C. Baba Farid-ud-din
B. Guru Gobind Singh

D. Sheikh Salim Chisti
12. Haziya (the daughter of IItutmish) the only C. Guru Harkishan
woman ruler in the history of Medieval In- D. Guru Tegh Bahadur
dia ascended the throne with the support 18. The son of Shah Jahan, who studied the

New Testament, the writings of the Muslim
A. the army suns, the Vedanta philosophy, Upaniahadas,
etc. and sought to find a meeting point be-
B. the nobility
tween Hinduism and Islam, was
C. the people of Delhi
A. Dara Shukoh
D. All the above
B. Murad
13. The architectural raw material generally
used in Akbar’s period was C. Aurangzeb

A. Marble D. Shuja
19. Two marble masterpieces of the reign of

B. Brick
Shah Jahan were
C. Limestone
A. Diwan-i-Khas and Musamman BuIj

D. Redstone (Jasmine Palace at Agra)


14. Sir Thomas Roe came to India with a letter B. Pearl Mosque (Moti Masjid) and Taj
from the British Monarch Mahal (at Agra)
A. Queen Mary C. Diwan-i-Aam and Shish Mahal (at
B. Queen Elizabeth Agra)

C. James I D. Jami Masjid and Diwan-i-Khas (Shah-

jahanabad, Delhi)
D. Queen Anne
20. It is said that Muhammad-bin-Bakhtiyar

15. Which of the following are true about Shiv- Khalji, one of the commanders of Muham-
aji? mad Ghuri, conquered Nadia (one of the
I. He was a disciple of Ramdas Samarth. capitals of Bengal) with only 18 horsemen.
II. He levied Chauth and Sardeshmukhi. The king of Bengal who then fled barefoot
III. He became the Peshwa. from his palace was
A. I, II and III A. Samantasena
B. II and III B. Hemantasena
C. I and II C. Ballalasena
D. III and I D. Lakshamanasena
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21. Babar summoned the pupils of the famous A. Dadu

architect Sinan from
B. Kabir
A. Constantinople
C. Ramananda
B. Kabul
D. Tulsidas
C. Syria
25. Of the following Which was not built by
D. Egypt Shah Jahan?
22. During whose reign had the Mongols in-
truded into India for the first time? A. Moti Masjid

A. Balban B. Jami Masjid

B. Alauddin Khalji C. Taj Mahal

C. Firuz Shah Tughluq D. Fatehpur Sikri

D. Iltutmish 26. Babar’s autobiography, called Tuzuk-i-
23. The battle between Babar and Rana Sanga Baburi or Baburnaman, Which is reckoned
was fought at among “the most enthralling and romantic
works in the literature of all times" is writ-
A. Panipat ten in
B. Chunar
C. Khanwa
eR A. Arabic
B. Persian
D. Jaunpur
C. Turki
24. Who among the following was the first
Bhakti saint to use Hindi for the propaga- D. Urdu
tion of his message?


1. B 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. C 11. D 12. D 13. D 14. C

15. C 16. A 17. A 18. A 19. B 20. D 21. A 22. D 23. C 24. C 25. D 26. C

Unit 23

1. Match List-I with List-II and select the cor- C. A − 2, B − 4,C − 5, D − 1


rect answer using the codes given below D. A − 3, B − 5,C − 1, D − 4

List-I List-II 2. Prince Dara Shukoh was the son of
A. Ibadatkhana 1. Kutub-ud-din Aibak A. Humayun
B. Jama Masjid of 2. Rana Kumbha
B. Akbar
C. Adhai Din Ka Jhom- 3. Shah Jahan C. Jahangir
pada D. Shah Jahan
D. Vijay Stambha of 4. Mehmud Begda Ak- 3. The original name of Tansen, the greatest
Chittor bar musician of the court of Akbar, was
A. Makaranda Pandey
A. A − 5, B − 3,C − 1, D − 2 B. Ramatanu Pande
B. A − 5, B − 3,C − 4, D − 2 C. Haridas
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124 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

D. Lal Kalawant 1. To capture Padmini

4. During the Mughal rule in the field of agri- 2. To make a stronghold for further cam-
culture Parauti was the land paigns to Gujarat
3. To make it a capital for his son
A. annually cultivated
Which among the above hold most correct?
B. left fallow
A. 1 only
C. uncultivated
B. 1& 2 only
D. barren land
C. 1& 3 only

5. Bagh-e Babur” where Babur is buried is
located at? D. all of them
A. Tashkent 11. Mansabdari System was founded by Akbar.
The Mansabdars were

B. Karachi
A. military commanders
C. Lahore
B. provincial governors
D. Kabul
C. high civil and military officers

6. Which among the following empire was
known as “Mulk-e-Khadim”? D. all of the above
12. Under the Mughal rule the Chief Minister
A. Mysore Sultanate
was known as
B. Madurai Sultanate
A. Diwan
C. Maratha Kingdom
B. Vakil
D. Bijapur Kingdom
C. Kazi
7. Who among the following founded the city
of Ahmedabad? D. Mansabdar
13. Who among the following was the father of
A. Muzaffar Shah II

B. Ahmad Shah
A. Prabhakarvardhana

C. Qutub-ud-din Ahmad Shah

B. Rajyvardhana
D. Muhammad I Begarha

C. Grahavarman
8. When Mahmud was Ghazni invaded Som-
D. Ashoka
nath, the ruler of Gujarata was
14. Who among the following was the Sultan
A. Mularaja of Delhi, when the Mongols appeared for

B. Bhima I the first time in India’s soil?

C. Jayasimha Siddharaja A. Balban
D. Bhima II B. Iltutmish

9. Which among the following represents in- C. Jalal-ud Din Firoz

correct founder of a dynasty?
D. Razia
A. Parmar Dynasty - Upendra Raja 15. The Portuguese naval monopoly In the In-
B. Chandela Dynasty - Nannuka dian waters was shattered by the
C. Kalachuri Dynasty - Gangeyadev A. Dutch
D. Solanki Dynasty - Mularaja I B. English
10. The motive behind Alauddin Khilji’s Chit- C. French
tor Campaign was :
D. Both A and B above
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16. Which Mughal King sat on the throne with A. Mewar

title of ” Padshah Gazi”?
B. Malwa
A. Jahangir
C. Mankat
B. Shah Jahan D. Meerut
C. Aurangzeb 22. Which art did Jahangir patronise in particu-
D. Mohammad Shah lar?
17. The Sikh Guru executed by Aurangzeb after A. Architecture
cruel torture was B. Painting
A. Har Rai C. Music
B. Har Krishan D. Sculpture

C. Hargobind 23. Ibaadat Khana which was constructed by
D. Tegh Bahadur Akbar at fatehpur Sikri was basically for
the purpose of ?
18. The later Mughal King, popularly known as
Shah-i-Bekhabar (the Heedless King), was A. Discuss matters related to propagation
of Islam
A. Bahadur Shah eR B. Discuss matters related to expansion of
B. Jahandar Shah
C. Muhammad Shah
C. Discuss matters related to all religions
D. Shah Alam I
D. Discuss matters related to Hinduism
19. The special feature of the financial system
24. Ghazni was a small principality in
of Vijayanagara was
A. Mongolia
A. Land Tax
B. Turkey
B. Currency System

C. Persia
C. Surplus Revenue
D. Afghanistan
D. Revenue from Seaports
25. The Dutch first established their hold in In-
20. The original name of Sher Shah was dia in the year 1605 at
A. Sikandar A. Masulipatanam

B. Akbar

B. Surat
C. Farid C. Bombay
D. Tahmasp D. Goa
21. Amar Singh was ruler of


1. A 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. B 11. D 12. B 13. A 14. B

15. A 16. A 17. D 18. A 19. D 20. C 21. A 22. B 23. C 24. D 25. A

Unit 24
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126 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

1. During the Mughal period Polaj was the 7. In India artillery was first used by
A. land annually cultivated A. Balban
B. land left fallow B. Babar
C. land uncultivated C. Humayun
D. barren land D. Akbar
2. Akbar had adopted the ‘Ray’ System of rev- 8. Which of the following Mughal emperor is
enue assessment which he had abolished famous for his golden chain of justice?

later on as part of his land revenue reforms.
A. Akbar
Who among the following had introduced
the ray system? B. Shahjahan

A. Alauddin Khilji C. Jahanagir
B. Balban D. Babur
C. Iltutmish 9. Who was the author of Kitab-ul-Hind?

D. Sher Shah Suri A. Abu Said
3. The Nobility of the Delhi Sultanate was B. Abul Fazl
largely composed of
C. Firadausi
A. Afghans
D. AI-Beruni
B. Arabs
10. The ruler of Gujarat, who formed an al-
C. Turks liance with Egypt and Turkey against the
Portuguese in India, was
D. Composite elements
4. Which among the following Mughal emper- A. Ahmad Shah I

ors prohibited the use of tobacco? B. Mahmud (Shah I) Begarha

A. Aurangzeb C. Muzaffar Shah II

B. Jahnagir D. Bahadur Shah


C. Akbar 11. Who from among the following was the

D. Babur founder of Bahmani kingdom in the Dec-
5. The mausoleum of Jahangir had been built
by at A. Mahmud Gawan

A. Shah Jahan : Delhi B. Hasan Gangu

B. Noorjahan : Lahore C. Sikandar Shah


C. Shah Jahan : Fatehpur Sikri D. Malik Ambar

D. NooIjahan : Agra 12. All the early Mughal Emperors

except were great builders
6. Which statement about Amir Khusrao is not
true? A. Babar
A. He was a great poet. B. Humayun
B. He was a great historian. C. Jahangir
C. He wrote poetry in Hindi and Urdu. D. Aurangzeb
D. He worked for the Hindu-Muslim unity 13. When was Guru Nanak Dev born?
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A. 20 October 1469 A. The price controls were regulated on al-

most the entire market
B. 20 October 1569
B. They vanished immediately after the
C. 20 October 11779
death of the sultan
D. 20 October 1669
C. The price controls were regulated on al-
14. ‘Mattavllasa-Pradhasana’ was written by most the entire market
A. Mahendra Varman I D. All are correct
B. Narasimha Varman I 20. The most decisive battle between the forces
C. Narasimha Varman II of Dara and Aurangzeb (in the war of Suc-
cession) was fought at
D. Simhavishnu
A. Dharmat
15. During whose reign did William Hawkins

visit the Mughal court to secure a right. to B. Samugarh
trade in Mughal ports? C. Deorai
A. Aurangzeb D. Khajwa
B. Shah Jahan 21. Match the following:
C. Akbar
D. Jahangir
16. Mir Bakshi was the officer in Akbar’s reign
A. Polaj
1. Uncultivated
B. Parauti 2. Left fallow for 3 or
with which of the following responsibili- 4 years
ties? C. Chachar 3. Left fallow to re-
A. Revenue Collection cover strength
D. Banjar 4. Annually cultivated
B. Payment of salaries

C. Head of the military administration

A. A − 1, B − 2,C − 3, D − 4
D. Head of Nobility
B. A − 3, B − 4,C − 1, D − 2
17. During the period 1000-1026 AD, how
many plundering raids did Mahmud of C. A − 4, B − 3,C − 2, D − 1
Ghaznavi carry out in India? D. A − 2, B − 1,C − 4, D − 3

A. 8 22. Tower of Victory ” or Vijay stambh in Ra-


jasthan is located in
B. 12
A. Ajmer
C. 17
B. Chittorgarh
D. 26
18. Guru Gobind Singh was the son of C. Jaipur

A. Tegh Bahadur D. Udaipur

B. Arjan Dev 23. Who among the following is considered to

be the teacher of Amir Khusro?
C. Har Gobind
A. Moinuddin Chishti
D. Nanak
B. Baba Farid
19. Which among the following is a incorrect
statement regarding market regulations by C. Nizamuddin Auliya
Ala-ud-din Khilji? D. Bakhtiyar Kaki
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128 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

24. “Sur Sagar “, a treatise on music was writ- 25. When Humayun was in exile Koh-i-noor
ten during the reign of which of the follow- Diamond was with
ing Mughal emperors?
A. The Raja Bikramajid
A. Humayun B. Shah Tahmasp of Persia
B. Akbar C. Sultan of Bijapur
C. Jahanagir D. Sher Shah
D. Shahjahan


1. A 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. B 11. B 12. D 13. A 14. A

15. D 16. C 17. C 18. A 19. D 20. B 21. C 22. B 23. C 24. B 25. B

Unit 25

1. Who among the following was the author A. 900 A.D
of “Jaisalmer ka Gundaraj”?
B. 935 A.D
A. Hari Singh Burdak
C. 1025 A.D
B. Sagarmal Gopa
D. 810 A.D
C. Kesari Singh Barahath 6. On behalf of Aurangzeb Shivaji attacked
D. Arjun Singh Gurjar A. Gujarat
2. The original name of Balban was
B. Konkan
A. Zia-ud-Din
C. Surat

B. Ala-ud-Din
D. Poena
C. Muhammad 7. Of the following, with whom Akbar did not

D. Ulugh Khan come into contact?

3. Moti Masjid was built in Red Fort by which

A. Jains
of the following Mughal Emperor?
B. Parsis
A. Shahjahan
C. Buddhists
B. Aurangazeb

D. Christians
C. Shah Aalam II 8. Match the following:
D. Akbar
List-1 List-II

4. Srinagar was captured in 1586 by the Gen-

eral A. Qutub Minar 1. Muhammad Adil
A. Raja Bhagvan Das B. Gol Gumbj 2. Iltutmish
B. Khan Khanan C. Buland Darwaja 3. Aurangzeb
D. Moti Masjid 4. Jahangir
C. Raja Man Singh
D. Malik Amber
5. In which year, after defeating Jaypala, Mah-
A. A − 5, B − 1,C − 3, D − 4
mud of Ghazni proceeded to Gujarat where
he destroyed the temple of Somnath? B. A − 2, B − 4,C − 5, D − 1
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C. A − 4, B − 3,C − 2, D − 1 A. Mir Taqi Mir

D. A − 2, B − 1,C − 5, D − 3 B. Dushyant
9. Hamim Humam who was the chief of Royal C. Mirza Ghalib
School (Pathshala) adorned the court of
D. Amir Khusrow
which Mughal Emperor?
15. Prince Khurram was given the title of
A. Akbar
A. Sher Khan
B. Jahanagir
B. Sher Afghan
C. Humayun
C. Shah Jahan
D. Shahjahan
D. Kavi Rai
10. The Maratha Kingdom under the Peshwas
16. In his early days Shivaji moved with

A. a loose federation A. Jat leaders

B. a military State B. Mawali leaders

C. Santhals
C. a confederacy (Mandala or Sangha)
D. a regency of the Peshwa
11. Who among the following was the first
writer to use Urdu as a medium of poetic
eR D. Bhils
17. Who were the Yaminis?
A. Khaljis
B. Ghurids
A. Amir Khusaru
C. Ghaznavids
B. Mirza Ghalib D. Tughluqs
C. Bahadur Shah Zafar 18. Tarabai, who conducted the affairs of the

D. Faiz Maratha government from 1700 to 1707

AD, was the widow of the Maratha King
12. The first writer to use Urdu as the medium
of poetic expression was A. Shambhaji

A. Amir Khusrau B. Shivaji II


B. Mirza Ghalib C. Raja Ram


C. Bahadur Shah Zafar D. Shivaji III

19. The most important aspect of Sultan Flruz
D. Faiz
Tughluq’s constructive policy was
13. The Apostolate of the Sikhs consisted of
leaders. A. opening of a large number of Karkhanas

A. Eighteen
B. the digging of canals and wells
B. Ten
C. foundation of cities and construction of
C. Only Two colleges, mosques, hospitals, etc.
D. Seven D. promotion of horticulture
14. Who among the following poets used to 20. Who, among the following Muslim schol-
write the Urdu Ghazals with the pen name ars, contributed most significantly to Hindi
“Asad”? Literature?
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130 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

A. Abul Fazl A. Delhi

B. Faizi Namaz B. Farghana
C. Abdur-Rahim Khan-i-Khanah C. Kabul
D. Abdul Qadir Bandaoni D. Samarkand
21. The Mughala aubdued the Pathans by fol- 24. Which of the following statements correctly
lowing the policy of describes the real spirit of Din-i-illahi?
A. Annexation
A. It was an attempt towards founding a

B. Association universal religion
C. Divide and rule B. It possessed the excellence of all the ex-
D. Co-existence isting creeds but defects of none

22. Harihara and Bukka, the founders of the C. It was a concept of common citizenship
empire of Vijayanagar, named their dynasty of the people of common faith
D. It was founded to instil intense loyalty
A. Sangama to the emperor

B. Saluva 25. A ruling dynasty established in India at the
C. Tuluva instance of Timur was

D. Aravidu A. Saiyad
23. Babar died on 26th December 1530 and B. Lodi
was laid to rest at Arambagh in Agra. After-
C. Shahmir
wards, his body was taken to and buried at
which among the following places (During D. Khalji
the times of Sher Shah)?


1. B 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. C 11. A 12. A 13. B 14. C


15. C 16. B 17. C 18. C 19. B 20. C 21. C 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. A

Unit 26

1. The purpose of Mahmud Ghaznavi’s attack 3. In which year Akbar built the Buland Dar-
on India was waja ?

A. to plunder the wealth of India A. 1590

B. to spread Islam in India B. 1600


C. to rule over the territories of India C. 1601

D. 1605
D. None of these
4. The famous Sikh leader Banda Bahadur was
2. The leader of the Afridis clan was captured and executed during the reign of
A. Bhagu the Mughal emperor?

B. Ajmal Khan A. Aurangzeb

C. Sher Khan B. Bahadur Shah I

C. Jahandar Shah
D. Afzul Khan
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D. Farrukhsiyar 11. The Shahnama had been written by

5. When Chittor was captured by Akbar A. Alberuni
(1558), the Rana of Mewar was
B. Amir Khusrao
A. Rana Udai Singh
C. Firdausi
B. Rana Pratap
D. Abul Fazl
C. Rana Kumbha
12. Nadir Shah attacked India, at the time of
D. Rana Amar Singh which among the following later Mughals?
6. Who was the ruler of Chittor, when Alaud-
A. Jahandar Shah
din Khalji attacked and conquered it in 1303
AD? B. Shah Alam
A. Rana Kumbha C. Akbar II

B. Rana Ratan Singh D. Mohammad Shah
C. Rana Hammir 13. The Marathas first served the rulers of
D. Rana Sanga A. Muhammadan kingdoms of the south
7. During Mughal rule, excellent cotton goods eR B. Mughal empire
were woven in Which one of the following
centres? C. Vijayanagar

A. Agra D. Afghanistan

B. Surat 14. The Mughals have been made immortal by

their achievements in the field.
C. Delhi
A. Political
D. Calcutta
B. Architectural
8. Maritime power was a distinct character of

which of the following dynasties? C. Military

A. Chalukyas D. Social
B. Cholas 15. In the Indian History which period is called
as “Golden Age of Architecture”?
C. Pandyas
A. Mughal Period

D. Rasthrakutas

9. Tansen was originally in the service of B. Sultanate Period

A. Raja of Rewa C. British period

B. Krishnadeva Raya D. Gupta period

C. Akbar 16. Rihla” was a work of which of the follow-

D. Sher Shah
A. Mir Hasan Dehlvi
10. Who among the following changed the
name of Tanna Mishra to Tansen? B. Ibn Battuta
A. Akbar C. Malik Murtaza
B. Raja Vikramjit of Gwalior D. Muhammad al-Idrisi
C. Raja Mansingh Tomar 17. Who among the following was known as
Lakha Baksh?
D. Swami Haridas
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132 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

A. Mohammed Ghori C. Babar and Alam Khan

B. Qutubuddin Aibak D. Babar and Rana Sanga
C. Iltutmish 22. Who among the following had got the Up-
anishads translated into Persian?
D. Balban
18. Alauddin Khalji rigidly enforced ‘market A. Akbar
control’ or economic regulations for B. Abul Fazl
A. building up a large and contented army C. Jahangir

with small salaries
D. Dara Shukoh
B. the general welfare of the people
23. Malik Muhammad Jayasi has written an
C. both A and B above epic, Padmavat, relating to king Ratan

D. curbing dishonest merchants and traders Singh and his queen Padmini of
A. Marwar
19. For which of the following purpose, Alaud-
B. Malwa
din Khilji created “Diwan-i-Riyasat”?

C. Ranathambhor
A. Revenue Collection
D. Mewar
B. Civil court
24. Market control had been first introduced in
C. Tax Control
Medieval India by
D. Market control
A. Iltutmish
20. Who, among the following is remembered
to this day by the Rajputas as a model of B. Ghiyasuddin Balban
chivalry and courage and is he hero of many C. Alauddin Khalji
folk ballads?
D. Firuz Shah Tughluq

A. Jaichand
25. Who was the first Sultan of Delhi to issue
B. Prithviraj regular currency and to declare Delhi as the

C. Vidyadhara capital of his empire?


D. Parmal A. Balban
21. The First Battle of Panipat (1526) was B. Aram Shah
fought between
C. Nasiruddin Mahmood

A. Babar and Daulat Khan

D. Iltutmish
B. Babar and Ibrahim Lodi


1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. B 11. C 12. D 13. A 14. B

15. D 16. B 17. B 18. C 19. D 20. B 21. B 22. D 23. D 24. C 25. D

Unit 27

1. In which year Akbar’s reign ended? C. 1610

A. 1600 D. 1615
B. 1605 2. Who among the following died in conse-
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quence of falling from his horse playing A. Sikandar

B. Shah Mir Samsuddin
A. Humayun
C. Zain-ul-Abidin
B. Qutub Ud Din Aibak D. Saifuddin
C. Mohd Ghori 8. In which of the following years, Akbar had
D. Alludin Khilji centralized the control and functioning of
various mints?
3. During the second decade of the 18th cen-
tury numerous independent dynasties were A. 1570
founded in different parts of India. The dy- B. 1572
nasty founded by Chin Qulich Khan (popu-
larly known as Nizam-u1-mulk) in the Dec- C. 1576

can was known as D. 1578
A. Qutb Shahi 9. The first medieval ruler to propound the di-
vine theory of Kingship was
B. Asafjahi
A. Iltutmish
C. Adil Shahi
D. Muhajamjahi
4. The designation ‘amil’ during Akbar’s reign
denoted a
eR B. Raziya
C. Balban
D. Alauddin Khalji
A. Policeman 10. The first Muslim ruler to conquer southern
India was
B. Retail trader
A. Babar
C. Postman
B. Mohammad Ghuri
D. Revenue official

C. Aurangzeb
5. Which among the following Mughal em-
peror had prohibited smoking use of to- D. Alaudd’in Khalji
bacco in 1617 AD? 11. Which of the following was not introduced
A. Akbar by the Portuguese to India

B. Jahanagir A. Tobacco

C. Shahjahan B. Potato

D. Aurangzeb C. Maize
6. The Pandharpur Movement is associated D. Cashew
with the Bhakti Movement of 12. which among the following Muslim writers
A. Assam has written the famous Hindi work “Padma-
B. Maharashtra
A. Malik Muhammad Jayasi
C. Bengal
B. Abdul Rahim Khan-I-Khana
D. Both (a) and (c)
C. Amir Khusro
7. The Akbar of Kashmir who reconstructed
and rehabilitated all the temples and asked D. Bulleh Shah
Jonaraja to continue further Kalhana’s Ra- 13. Which among the following is incorrect re-
jatarangini was garding Buland darwaja?
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134 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

A. It was built by Akbar in 1602 A. Ziauddin Barni

B. It was built in Fatehpur Sikri B. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
C. It was built to commemorate Akbar’s C. Abul Fazal
victory on Gujarat only
D. Firoz Tughlaq
D. All are correct
19. Consider the following Mughal Emperors:
14. Who is the saint to have written the famous
Bijak? 1. Babur
2. Humayun

A. Sant Kabir
3. Akbar
B. Kalidasa 4. Jahangir
C. Harisena Who among the above had written their bi-

D. Tulsidas ographies?
15. Consider the following events: A. Only 1& 2
1. Reign of Krishna Deva Raya of Vi- B. Only 1& 3

C. Only 3& 4
2. Construction of Qutub Minar
3. Arrival of Portugese in India D. Only 1& 4
4. Death of Firuz Tughluq The cor-
20. In the council of 8 Ministers of Shivaji
rect chronological sequence of these
which was called as Ashtapradhan, who
events is:
was known as chief Minister and was re-
A. 2, 4, 3, 1 sponsible for General Administration?
B. 2, 4, 1, 3 A. Peshwa
C. 4, 2, 1, 3 B. Amatya
D. 4, 2, 3, 1

C. Sachiv or Shuru Navis

16. The famous Moorish (from Morocco) trav-
D. Majumdar
eller Ibn Batuta, who visited India recorded

his experiences in a book entitled Safar- 21. Of the following European nations, only
the did not attempt to establish trad-

nama or Rehla, was appointed Qazi of Delhi

by Sultan ing centres in India.
A. Mubarak Shah Khalji A. Britishers
B. Ghiyasuddin Tughluq B. Dutch

C. Mohammad-bin-Tughluq C. French
D. Firuz Tughluq D. Italians

17. Who among the following is said to have

22. The construction of Taj Mahal was directed
witnessed the reigns of eight Delhi Sul-
A. Ustad Isa
A. Ziauddin Barani
B. Shams-I-Siraj Afif B. Asaf Khan

C. Minhaj-us-Siraj C. Dara

D. Amir Khusrau D. Aurangzeb

18. Who among the following was the writer of 23. Under the Mughals the jizya was collected
Tarikh-i-Firozshahi? from
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A. Persians D. harmony and peace to all

B. Muhammadans 25. Amoghavarsha I was a famous king
C. Hindus of ?
D. Foreign visitors A. Rashtrakuta Dynasty
24. Akbar’s concept of Sulh-i-kul (or Qul)
B. Pratihara Dynasty
A. friendship and goodwill to all C. Chalukya Dynasty
B. common brotherhood D. Solanki Dynasty
C. fraternity and friendship


1. B 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. D 11. D 12. A 13. D 14. A
15. A 16. C 17. D 18. A 19. D 20. A 21. D 22. A 23. C 24. D 25. A

Unit 28

1. Maharaja Jaswant Singh was the ruler of

A. Marwar
eR 5. Dantidurga also known as Dantivarman was
the founder of which of the following dy-
B. Mewar
A. Rasthrakutas
C. Golcunda
B. Pallavas
D. Malwa
2. Which of the following buildings at Fateh- C. Cholas
pur Sikri is known as Ibadatkhana where D. Cheras

Akbar used to hold religious discussions?

6. That part of land granted by the sultan to
A. Diwan-i-Aam military chiefs for maintenance of a given
B. Diwan-i-Khas number of troopers called?

C. Panch Mahal A. Muahatsib

D. Jami Masjid B. Iqta


3. The Sikh Guru who fought in the Mughal C. Nazir


ranks during the reign of Aurangazeb was

D. Usharaf
A. Tegh Bahadur
7. Before the rise of Ranjit Singh to power, the
B. Har Rai Punjab was under the control of various
C. Amar Das A. Chiefs of Abmad Shah Abdali
D. Angad B. Sikh Misls (military brotherhoods)
4. The East India Company was founded in
C. Maratha commanders
India during the reign of
D. Sikh Sardars
A. Shah Jahan
8. The Jahangir Mahal at Agra was bunt by
B. Jahangir
A. Jahangir
C. Akbar
D. Aurangzeb B. Shah Jahan
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136 Chapter 2. Mediaval India

C. Akbar 11. During whose reign did Malik Mohammad

Jaisi complete the notable work in Hindi,
D. Aurangzeb
9. The earliest Sufi order to arrive in India was
A. Babar
A. Chisti B. Sher Shah
B. Suhrawardy C. Humayun
C. Qadiri D. Akbar

D. Naqshbandi 12. In which among the following territories,
Marco Polo had travels in the last decade of
10. The rockcut temples of Mahabalipuram 13th century in India?
were built under the patronage of the

A. Chola
A. Chola Kings
B. Pandya
B. Pallava Kings
C. Madurai Sultanate
C. Pandya Kings

D. Cheras
D. Satavahana Kings

1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. B 11. B 12. B
a n
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3. Modern India

Unit 1

1. What was the name of the English weekly 4. In which of the following years, first com-
edited by Mahatma Gandhi? mercial civil aviation flight took place in
India between Allahabad and Naini?
A. Young India
A. 1910
B. Kesari
B. 1911

C. Bombay Chronicle
C. 1912
D. Resurgent India
D. 1915
2. Name the Mughal emperor occupying the
throne of Delhi when the revolt of 1857 5. The famine in Bihar and Bengal in 1873-74
took place was averted by the timely action of

A. Minto
A. Shah Alam II

B. Morley
B. Jahandar Shah
C. Northbrook
C. Bahadur Shah Zafar
D. Hastings
D. Humayun
6. As a result of the partition of Bengal an-
3. Which of the following upheavals took nounced by Lord Curzon in 1905, Bengal
place In Bengal Immediately after the re- was partitioned into two provinces of
volt of 1857?
A. East Bengal and West Bengal
A. Santhal rebellion
B. Bengal and Eastern Bengal& Assam
B. Indigo disturbances
C. Bengal and Assam
C. Sanyasi rebellion
D. Bengal and Odisha and East Bengal and
D. Pabna disturbances Assam
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138 Chapter 3. Modern India

7. The doctrine of lapse had been put to much 13. Montagu who toured In India in 1918 was
use by a
A. Lord Dalhousie A. Member of Privy Council
B. Lord Bentick B. Member of Viceroy’s Council
C. Lord Curzon C. Secretary of State for India
D. Lord Ripon D. Viceroy of India
8. Arrange the following events in the order
14. The socialist group in the INC during, the
of their chronology:

1930s had been led by
1. August Offer
A. Bipin Chandra Pal
2. Poona Pact
3. Third Round Table Conference B. Rajendra Prasad

A. 1-2-3 C. Lala Lajpat Rai
B. 2-3-1 D. Subhas Chandra Bose
C. 2-1-3 15. By the Act of 1858, India was to be gov-

D. 2-1-3 erned
9. The Jakarta History Museum located in old A. By the Company
Jakarta, Indonesia was once used as the
B. In the name of the Crown
headquarters of which of the following?
C. By a Board of Directors
A. British East India Company
B. Dutch East India Company D. In the name of Governor-General of In-
C. Portuguese East India Company
16. The Muslim League demanded creation of
D. Danish East India Company Pakistan (Pakistan Resolution) in its session

10. When the East India Company was estab- held on March 24, 1940 at
lished India was ruled by
A. Karachi

A. a Mughal Emperor
B. Lahore
B. a Gupta Emperor

C. Islamabad
C. a Mauryan Emperor
D. Aligarh
D. a Sunga Emperor
17. As per the Act of 1919 Which of the follow-
11. The office of the Secretary of State for India
ing was not a Transferred subject?

was created by the Act of

A. Education
A. 1853
B. Museum
B. 1858

C. 1861 C. Medical Relief

D. 1892 D. Land Revenue

12. Narain Malhar Joshi founded 18. Consider the following facts about a pioneer
social reformer of Maharastra:
A. the Social Service League in Bombay in
1911 1. He is widely considered to be the first
journalist and editor in Marathi Lan-
B. All India Trade Union Congress 1920
C. Both A and B above 2. He started a weekly Bombay Darpan
D. The Deccan Education Society 1884 in 1832 and Digdarshan in 1840
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3. His many works include the books in A. Rani Lakshmi Bai

history& math for children
B. Sarojini Naidu
Identify this personality from the given
C. Madam Bhikaji Cama
D. Priti Lata Waddedar
A. Jagannath Sheth
22. The Charter for the establishment of the
B. Vishnu Shastri Bapat
East India Company was granted by
C. Krishna Shahstri Chaplunkar
A. Queen Elizabeth I
D. Balashastri Jambhekar
B. Queen Anbolin
19. Who played Socrates to the first generation
of the English educated young men of Ben- C. Queen Mary
gal D. Queen Victoria

A. Swami Vivekananda 23. The Act constituting the first legislative in-
B. Rai Narain Bose terference by the British Parliament in the
affairs of India was the
C. Henry Vivian Derozio
A. Fox’s India Act, 1783
D. Drinkwater Bethun
20. Match the following social reformers of eR B. Pitt’s India Act, 1784
modern India with the institutions they C. Regulating Act, 1773
founded (including year of their founda-
D. Declaratory Act, 1781
24. Arrange the following events in their cor-
List-I List-II rect chronological order:
A. Vivekananda (i) Theosophical Soci-
1. August Offer
ety (1882) 2. Cripps India Mission
B. H P Blavatsky (ii) Ramakrishna Mis- 3. Bombay Mutiny
sion (1887) 4. Quit India Movement

C. Sir Syed Ahmad (iii) Ahmadiya Move-

Khan ment (1891) A. 1,2,3,4
D. Mirza Ghulam Ah- (iv) Aligarh Movement B. 1,2.4,3
mad (1875)
C. 1,4,2,3
E. Annie Besant (v) Central Hindu Col-
lege, Varanasi (1898) D. 3,1,4,2

25. Rowlatt after whom Rowlatt Act was named


was a
A. A − v, B − ii,C − iii, D − iv, E − i
B. A − ii, B − i,C − iv, D − iii, E − v A. Justice

C. A − ii, B − v,C − iii, D − iv, E − i B. General

D. A − v, B − ii,C − iv, D − iii, E − i C. Member of Parliament

21. Who is regarded as ‘the Mother of the In- D. Secretary of State for India
dian Revolution’?


1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. A 11. B 12. C 13. C 14. D

15. B 16. B 17. D 18. D 19. C 20. B 21. C 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. A
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140 Chapter 3. Modern India

Unit 2

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1. Of the following who was not the leader of A. Ripon

the Extremists?
B. Bentinck
A. Lokamanya Tilak C. Curzon
B. Aurobindo Ghose D. Mayo
C. Lala Lajpat Rai 6. After the failure of the Civil Disobedience
Movement, Gandhiji laid emphasis on
D. Hume
A. compromise with the British
2. Socio-religious reform movements in west-
ern India were led by some very illustrious B. limited use of Violence
personalities, the incorrect statement in this C. constructive programme
context is:
D. None of the above
A. Gopal Hari Deshmukh was one of the

7. Who had set up the Anti-Untouchability
earliest religious reformers who rationally League for the eradication of the evil of
attacked hindu orthodox beliefs. untouchability?
B. Bal Gangadhar was a great Indian na- A. Jagjivan Ram
tionalist who revived the faith of Indians in
B. Dr BR Ambedkar
their rich cultural heritage by celebration of
Shivaji and Ganesh festival in Maharashtra.
eR C. Acharya Kripalani
D. Mahatma Gandhi
C. Dr Atmaram Pandurang and Justice 8. Who among the following repealed the Ver-
Ranade, founded the Prarthana Samaj in nacular Press Act?
Maharashtra, inspired by the Brahmo Samaj
and espousing principles of enlightened the- A. Lord Lytton
ism based on the ancient Vedas. B. Lord Ripon
D. Justice Ranade and Pandita Ramabai C. Lord Dufferin

were pioneers of women’s education in In- D. Lord Lansdowne

9. In the Cabinet Mission Plan, provision was
3. The All India Muslim League was formed made for the Commissioner’s Provinces to
in 1906 at represent by members in the Con-
A. Lucknow stituent Assembly.

A. 14
B. Dacca

B. 10
C. Lahore
C. 8
D. Aligarh
D. 4
4. The first President of the Ghadar Party-
10. In Which year was the partition of Bengal
founded in 1913 in USA-was
A. Lata Hardayal
A. 1908
B. Sohan Singh Bhakna B. 1911
C. Bhai Parmanand C. 1923
D. Sardar Ajit Singh D. 1931
5. Lord is regarded to have been the father of 11. ‘We do not seek our independence out of
local self- government in India. Britain’s ruin’ said
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142 Chapter 3. Modern India

A. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru 17. The Alipore conspiracy case was launched
B. Mahatma Gandhi against the revolutionary activities of

C. Gokhale A. Anusilan Samiti

D. Rabindranath Tagore B. Abhinava Bharat
12. The last of the Charter Act concerning India C. Abhinava Bharat Society
was the Act of
D. Ghadar Party of India
A. 1773
18. Ruler of which among the following for the

B. 1813
fist time signed “Subsidiary Alliance Treaty”
C. 1853 with the British in which the Company kept
D. 1793 its army inside the border of protected state

13. Which of the following was not contained and got some territories in return?
in the Cripps Offer? A. Hyderabad
A. Dominion Status to India
B. Awadh
B. Constituent Assembly

C. Poona
C. Control of Defence of India by the In-
dian National Government D. Mysore
D. Right to take part in highest Counsels 19. On February 18, 1911, the first commercial
14. Consider the following: plane flew in India between which among
the following cities?
1. Public Service Commission (Charles
Aitchison) A. Mumbai& Pune
2. Royal Commission on Public Service
B. Allahabad& Naini
(Lord Isling)
3. Royal Commission on Superior Civil C. Agra and Delhi

Services (Lord Viscount Lee)

D. Mumbai and Nasik
A. 1, 2, 3

20. Hindu-Muslim unity had been particularly

B. 2, 1, 3 reflected in the Movement.

C. 3, 2, 1
A. Swadeshi
D. 1, 3, 2
B. Quit India
15. Nana Sahib the adopted son of Peshwa Baji
Rao II had become a great enemy of the C. Khilafat

British because
D. Civil Disobedience
A. The Queen had humiliated him
21. Aligarh Muslim University was founded by

B. He had lost his title

A. Jinnah
C. The British had stopped his pension
D. His estate had been snatched from him B. Syed Ahmed Khan
16. The President of the Constituent Assembly C. Abul Kalam Azad
D. Bhutto
A. Dr BR Ambedkar
22. At which among the following conferences,
B. Dr Rajendra Prasad a 34 point resolution was passed by which
C. Jawahar Lal Nehru the Indian National Army was made subor-
dinate to the Indian Independence League?
D. Vallabhbhai Patel
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A. Bangkok Conference Muslims?

B. Tokyo Conference A. 1942
C. Singapore Conference B. 1940
D. Penang Conference C. 1929
23. The objective(s) of the Kuka Movement in
D. 1919
the Punjab was/were
25. The first weekly paper published by the INC
A. To purify Sikh religion of its abuses and
(in 1889) was
A. Young India
B. The revival of Sikh sovereignty
C. Both A and B above B. India

D. The revival of the Khalsa C. Indian People

24. From Which year did the Muslim League D. Voice India
start demanding a separate nation for the

1. D 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. B 9. D 10. B 11. B 12. C 13. C 14. A
15. C 16. B 17. A 18. B 19. B 20. C 21. B 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. B

Unit 3

1. The Civil Disobedience Movement had 4. After Tilak’s deportation Which of the fol-
been led in the North-West Frontier lowing extremist leaders was not similarly
Province (NWFP) by deported to Mandalay prison in Burma?
A. Sheikh Mohammed Tyabji A. Lala Lajpat Rai

B. Dr M A Ansari B. Bipin Chandra Pal

C. Badruddin Tyabji
C. Aswini Kumar Datta
D. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
D. CR Das
2. Who among the following founded the De-

pressed Classes Mission of India? 5. The Ilbert Bill introduced In Lord Ripon’s

A. Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar reign is significant because

B. Vitthal Ramji Shinde A. it limited the Britishers political author-

C. Annabhau Sathe
D. Shantabai Kamble B. it put restrictions on the vernacular press
3. On account of severe British repression the
Civil Disobedience movement was again C. it debarred Indians from entering the
suspended In July 1933 and people were civil services
asked to offer Satyagraha
D. it removed racial discrimination from
A. individually the judicial services
B. in groups
6. When King George-V and Queen of India
C. locally visited India, a magnificent Durbar was held
D. against liquor shops at
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144 Chapter 3. Modern India

A. Calcutta 11. A Royal Commission on the Public Service

B. Delhi was appointed in the year

C. Bombay A. 1912

D. Madras B. 1915
7. Commissioners for the Affairs of India were C. 1910
known as D. 1918
A. Court of Directors 12. In the wake of the partition of Bengal in

B. Board of Directors 1905, Bengal saw some new movements
such as boycott, Swadeshi, National Edu-
C. Board of Control cation etc. Out of them, the “boycott” was
D. Board of Merchants inspired by most probably which among the

8. The Revolt of 1857 in Awadh and Lucknow following contemporary events?
was led by A. Boycott of all foreign goods by Ma-
A. Wajid Ali Shah hatma Gandhi in South Africa
B. Boycott of American goods by Chinese

B. Begum Hazrat Mahal
C. Asaf-ud-daula C. Boycott of some English Land Agents
by the Irish people
D. Begum Zeenat Mahal
9. Consider the following events: D. Boycott of Japanese products in China
1. First Round Table Conference 13. Lalita Mahal that was specially built as a
2. Pakistan Declaration residence of Viceroy of British India is lo-
3. Poona Pact cated in which of the following city?
4. Gandhi Irwin Pact A. Mysore
Which among the following represents the B. Hyderabad

correct chronological order of the above

C. Chennai
D. Kolkata

A. 1, 2, 3, 4
14. The revolutionary organisation ‘Abhinav
B. 1, 4, 3, 2,

Bharat Society’ was founded in 1904 by:

C. 4, 3, 2, 1
A. Bhagat Singh
D. 3, 4, 2, 1
B. Vinayak Damodar Savarkar
10. The Simla Conference called by Viceroy

Lord Wavell (to discuss the so-called C. Barindra Kumar Ghosh

Wavell Plan) in June 1945 failed on account D. Pulin Behari Das
of 15. During the freedom struggle a parallel

A. Jinnah’s demand that the Muslim movement launched in the Indian states (in
League alone would nominate Muslim the states ruled by the Indian rulers such as
members to the Executive Council Kashmir, Nizam’s Hyderabad, Travancore,
etc.) was/were
B. the demand of the Congress to include
the members of all communities in their A. State People’s Movement
quota to the Executive Council B. Praja Mandal Movement
C. the demand of the Scheduled Castes to C. Both A and B above
reserved seats in the Executive Council in
Proportion to their population D. Swaraj Movement
16. Consider the following:
D. All the above
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1. Botanical Survey of India 21. Who of the following was associated with
2. Zoological Survey of India the publication of a large number of week-
3. Archeological Survey of India lies and dailies such as Hindustan, Indian
4. Anthropological Survey of India Union, Leader, Maryada, Kissan, Abhu-
Which among the following represents the daya etc.?
correct chronological arrangement of their A. Motilal Nehru
B. Jawaharlal Nehru
A. 1 3 2 4
C. Madan Mohan Malaviya
B. 3 1 2 4 D. Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi
C. 1 2 3 4

22. Which of the following was not one of the
D. 3 1 4 2 techniques of ‘Satyagraha’ advocated by
Mahatama Gandhi?
17. The most Important cause for the outbreak
of the Ghadar revolution was the A. Ahimsa

A. Commencement of World War I B. Fasting

B. Hanging of Kartar Singh Sarabha C. Civil Disobedience

C. Komagata Maru Incident D. Non-Cooperation

23. Bicameral Legislature was first provided to
D. Arrest of Lala Hardayal
India by the
18. The first Famine Commission was consti-
tuted under A. Pitt’s India Act

A. Sir Richard Strachey B. Government of India Act of 1935

C. Government of India Act of 1919
B. Sir John Strachey
D. Council Act of 1861
C. Roberts
24. The Nehru Report of 1928 with propos-
D. Chamberlain als for constitutional reforms had been pre-

19. Rani Laxmi Bai died fighting the British in pared by

the Battle of
A. Motilal Nehru
A. Jhansi
B. Jawaharlal Nehru
B. Kanpur C. Kamla Nehru
C. Gwalior

D. All of the above


D. Kalpi 25. The Cabinet Mission Plan ruled out the pos-
20. The Interim Government Which took office sibility of the formation of
on September 2, 1946 was headed by A. Union of India
A. Rajendra Prasad B. Pakistan
B. Jawaharlal Nehru C. Constituent Assembly
C. Vallabhbhai Patel D. Groups by Provinces
D. C Rajagopalachari

1. D 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. D 11. A 12. B 13. A 14. B

15. C 16. B 17. C 18. A 19. C 20. B 21. D 22. A 23. C 24. A 25. B
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146 Chapter 3. Modern India

Unit 4

1. The Communist Party of India was founded A. Bertrand Russell

in 1921 by
B. Marshal Tito
A. Hiren Mukherjee C. Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan
B. SM Joshi D. All of the above
C. MN Roy 7. “Vanguard” was the daily publication of
which among the following political parties

D. RC Dutt
/ organizations?
2. Agreeing to the Fiscal autonomy to India,
A. Indian Independence league
in which of the following years, the British

Government established an Indian Fiscal B. Communist Party of India
Commission in the pre-independence Era? C. Radical Democratic Party
A. 1919 D. Swaraj Party
B. 1920 8. After the 1935 elections, the only two

provinces out of eleven Which had non-
C. 1925
Congress ministries were
D. 1930
A. Bengal and Punjab
3. Bal Gangadhar Tilak earned the epithet of
B. Assam and Kerala
Lokamanya during
C. Bengal and Assam
A. his trial in 1907-08
D. Punjab and Kerala
B. the Lucknow pact of 1916
9. Wavell Plan was announced in the year
C. the Home Rule Movement
A. 1945

D. the Congress Session in 1917 B. 1942

4. Provision was made in the Act of 1919, for

C. 1946
the appointment of a Commission in
to investigate the working of the Constitu- D. 1940

tion, 10. Jawaharlal Nehru had helped to start the

A. 1930
A. Pioneer
B. 1929

B. National Herald
C. 1939
C. Kesari
D. 1925
D. Patriot

5. In 1946, the Interim Government was

11. The English who twice served as President
formed under
of the Indian National Congress was
A. Patel
A. George Yule
B. Gandhiji B. Sir William Wedderburn
C. Rajaji C. AO Hume
D. Jawaharlal Nehru D. Mrs Annie Besant
6. Among the numerous followers of Gandhi’s 12. Who among the following said that “The
‘philosophy’ was, were Rowlatt Act is a Preventive Murder“?
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A. Mahatma Gandhi the partition of India in spite of his per-

sonal, life- long outspoken disapproval of
B. Lala Lajpat Rai
C. Edwin Samuel Montagu
A. There was no other go after he was pre-
D. Jawahar Lal Nehru sented with a fait accompli
13. In which year, Liaquat–Nehru Pact was B. Jawaharlal Nehru convinced him about
signed? the justification in favour of it
A. 1947 C. To prevent the loss of prestige of the
B. 1949 Congress Ministers who had agreed to the
C. 1950
D. The problem at home were far too press-
D. 1955 ing to carp about a minor concession being

14. Which of the following statements about conceded to the Muslim League
Mahatma Gandhi’s views on Satyagraha is 18. The Indians were allowed to frame their
not correct? Constitution by
A. It denotes assertion of the power of the A. The Council Act of 1909
human soul against social, political and eco-
nomic dominance
B. It is the exercise of the purest soul force
against all injustice, oppression and ex-
eR B. Montford Reforms
C. August Offer
D. The Government of India Act of 1935
ploitation 19. Who among the following formed a
C. It is the best weapon of the weak against government-in-exile, the Aarzi Hukumat or
the strong a temporary government in Junagarh?
D. Mahatma Gandhi’s theory of Sataya- A. Ramdas Gandhi
graha was based on the acceptance of the B. Samaldas Gandhi

concept of self-suffering
C. Ramchandra Gandhi
15. Lord Cornwallis had introduced the
land tenure system. D. Harilal Gandhi
A. Zamindari 20. Who had founded the Deccan Educational
B. Ryotwari

A. Dadabhai Naoroji

C. Mahalwari
B. CR Das
D. Inamdari
C. Swami Vivekananda
16. The term “Bleeding Madras” is related to
which among the following? D. Mahadeva Govind Ranade

A. An event during the First war of Inde- 21. With whom is the slogan "Do or Die" asso-
pendence ciated?

B. A Newspaper published in British Era A. Subhas Chandra Bose

C. A type of Cloth B. Lala Lajpat Rai

D. A type of Plant C. Bal Gangadhar Tilak

17. Why did Mahatma Gandhi ultimately lend D. Mahatma Gandhi

his support to the resolution passed by the 22. Gandhi gave the call to reject all foreign
Congress Working Committee agreeing to goods during the Movement.
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148 Chapter 3. Modern India

A. Khilafat 2. Zamindari Association merged with

B. Non-cooperation the British Indian Association within
a decade of its formation.
C. Swadeshi 3. British Indian Association was estab-
D. Civil Disobedience lished by Dada Bhai Naoroji
23. Match the following A. Only 1 and 2 are correct
List-I List-II B. Only 2& 3 are correct
A. Kesari 1. 1921
C. Only 1& 3 are correct

B. Maharatta 2. 1893
C. Ganapathi Festival 3. English Journal D. All are correct
D. Moplah Rebellion 4. Marathi Journal
25. Who among the following was appointed as

the secretary of Education for India in 1917
A. A − 4, B − 3,C − 2, D − 1 by British and was the first Muslim to get
B. A − 1, B − 2,C − 3, D − 4 this appointment in India?
C. A − 2, B − 3,C − 4, D − 1 A. Azimulah Khan

D. A − 3, B − 4,C − 1, D − 2 B. Allamama Mashriqi
24. Consider the following statements:
C. Mukhtar Ahamed Ansari
1. Zaminadari Association was founded
D. Liaqut Ali Khan
in 1837 and was later known as Land-
holders Society


1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. B 11. B 12. C 13. C 14. C

15. A 16. C 17. C 18. C 19. B 20. D 21. D 22. C 23. A 24. A 25. B

Unit 5

1. Under which of the following INA com- A. Gandhi


rades, Officers’ Training School for INA

officers was opened in 1943? B. Patel

A. Lt. Col. M.Z. Kiani. C. Jawaharlal Nehru


B. Habib ur Rahman D. Gokhale

C. Mohan Singh
4. A letter to the Mughal emperor Jahangir

D. Lt. Col J.K. Bhonsle from King James I had been presented by
2. The first Governor General of Bengal was A. Lord Clive
A. Warren Hastings
B. Sir Thomas Roe
B. Clive
C. Lord Curzon
C. Canning
D. Captain Hawkins
D. Minto
3. was primarily responsible for mak- 5. Match the following popular movements
ing India a secular State. with the regions where they took place:
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List-I List-II 10. The actual name of Dayanand Saraawati,

A. Wahabi (i) Punjab the founder of the Arya Samaj was
B. Kuka (ii) North-West Fron-
A. Daya Shankar
tier Province
C. Moplah (iii) Maharashtra B. Mula Shankar
D. Phadke (iv) Kerala (Malabar) C. Virjanand
D. Mool Chandra
A. A − i, B − ii,C − iii, D − iv 11. Who among the following is called the fa-
ther of Nationalism in India?
B. A − ii, B − i,C − iv, D − iii
A. Raja Rammohun Roy
C. A − iv, B − iii,C − ii, D − i
B. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
D. A − i, B − ii,C − iv, D − iii
C. Mahatma Gandhi

6. After independence, from which year, India
brought its distinctive coins? D. Dadabhai Naoroji
A. 1947 12. Who was the first Indian civil servant?
A. Motilal Nehru
B. 1949
eR B. S N Banerjee
C. 1950
C. C R Das
D. 1955
D. Bhagat Singh
7. The English rounded Calcutta after obtain-
ing the zamindari of three villages, viz Su- 13. Who said that the constant ‘drain of wealth’
tanuti, Kalikata and Govindpur, from the from India was responsible for Indla’s eco-
nomic miseries?
Mughal Viceroy of Bengal in 1698. The
nucleus of the British settlement in Calcutta A. BC Pal
B. BP Wadia

A. San Thome C. Dadabhai Naoroji

B. Victoria Memeorial D. GS Arundale
C. Fort William 14. A resolution declaring ‘Purna Swaraj’ was
passed in the Congress Session held at
D. Howrah Port
A. Lahore

8. “NEW LAMPS FOR OLD” was written


B. Calcutta
A. Bipin Chandra Pal C. Gaya
B. Aurobindo Ghosh D. Haripura
C. Bal Gangadhar Tilak 15. Before the passing of the Act of 1773, each
of the three English Settlement in India was
D. Ashwani Kumar governed by
9. The first Indian to enter the Indian Civil A. Viceroy
Service was
B. President
A. Gokhale
C. Secretary
B. Satyendra Nath Tagore
D. Director
C. Ramanuja 16. In the Battle of Buxar the English army was
D. Rabindranath Tagore commanded by
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150 Chapter 3. Modern India

A. Major Munro A. Gandhi

B. Clive B. Jinnah
C. Rojer Drake C. Mohammed Iqbal
D. Boughton D. Patel

17. Who of the following has the distinction of 22. Mahatma Gandhi launched the Civil Dis-

having Authored the National Anthems of obedience Movement on March 12, 1930
two countries of the world? by
A. TS Eliot A. asking the Viceroy through a letter con-
B. WB Yeats taining Eleven Points Programme to remove
the evils of the British rule
C. Rabindranath Tagore

B. Dandi March to break the Salt Laws
D. Mohammad Iqbal
C. asking the people to take Poorna Swaraj
18. The Tokyo Conference Which passed a res- Pledge
olution to form an Indian National Army or
Azad Hind Fauj was a conference of D. launching the non-payment of taxes
A. different associations of Indians living
in South-East Asia
B. Indians living in Tokyo
C. Indian prisoners of war in Japanese cus-
23. Which among the following is called Mag-
nacarta of English education?
A. Wood’s Despatch
B. Hartog Committee Report
D. Indian revolutionaries living outside In- C. Minute on Indian Education by Lord
dia Macauley
19. Which nationalist had stoutly preached "Be D. None of above
proud that you are an Indian, proudly claim 24. In which year, India Office of the Secretary

I am an Indian"? of State for India and Burma came to an

A. MK Gandhi end?

B. Lala Lajpat Rai A. 1943

C. Swami Vivekanand B. 1945


D. Jawaharlal Nehru C. 1947

20. Ram Prasad Bismil had been associated D. 1950
with the case? 25. What was Jagat Seth’s claim to fame in Ben-
A. Alipore bomb gal? He was the
A. Diwan of Siraj-ud-Daulah

B. Kanpur conspiracy
C. Kokori bomb B. Leading popular poet

D. Meerut conspiracy C. Biggest banker in Bengal

21. Of the following who was a poet and politi- D. Commander of the Nawab’s troops

cal thinker?


1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. B 11. A 12. B 13. C 14. A

15. B 16. A 17. D 18. A 19. C 20. C 21. C 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. C
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Unit 6

1. The Indian naval mutiny against the British 7. Which among the following event led the
took place in the year British government of Lord North to un-
dertake a legislation to meet the situation
A. 1857
and provide some form of legal government
B. 1919 for the Indian possessions of the East India
C. 1946 Company, which resulted in Regulating Act
of 1773?
D. 1947
A. The Officers of East India Company
2. To Which personality Gandhiji gave the ti-
were indulged in all sorts of corruption
tle "Deen Bandhu"?
B. East India Company was facing fierce
A. Sri Aurobindo resistance from the Native princes of India

B. CF Andrews C. The competition with the French East
C. Vinoba Bhave India Company had almost finished the busi-
ness of British East India Company
D. CR Das
3. The Province of Bengal Constituted by D. East India Company had become almost
the Act of 1935 would cease to exist as eR insolvent
per 8. The Regulation XVII, passed by the British
Government was related to which among
A. The Cabinet Mission Plan the following?
B. Wavell’s Plan A. Abolition of Sati
C. The Indian Independence Act of 1947 B. Abolition of Provincial Courts of Ap-
D. The Dikie Bird Plan peal
4. The Act of had introduced the system C. Suppression of Thugs
of separate electorates.

D. Abolition of Slavery
A. 1874 9. The death of millions of Indiana In frequent
B. 1893 famines Which visited India during the 19th
century, were mainly due to
C. 1909
A. overall shortage of food and its im-
D. 1926 proper distribution

5. As per ‘August Offer 1940’ the Constitution B. commercialisation of agriculture


of India would be drawn by

C. poor purchasing power of the people
A. House of Commons due to their extreme poverty and rise in
B. House of Lords prices

C. Princely States D. unremunerative agriculture and fall in

agricultural production
D. Indians
10. Which of the following writers did not have
6. The first strategically placed factory that the a profound influence on the thinking of Ma-
Britishers had fortified was at hatma Gandhi?
A. Surat A. Tolstoy
B. Bombay B. Thoreau
C. Masulipatnam C. Ruskin
D. Madras D. Marx
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152 Chapter 3. Modern India

11. The famous Lalbagh Garden of the Ban- 3. The movement failed in terms of
galore was commissioned by which of the achieving immediate objective
following rulers?
A. Only 1
A. Hyder Ali
B. Only 2
B. Tipu Sultan
C. Both 1 and 3
C. Krishnaraja Wodeyar III
D. 1, 2 and 3
D. Krishnaraja Wodeyar II
17. In Which year did the Indian National

12. ‘Anthology of the Bomb’ was written by Congress hold its first meeting in Bombay?
A. Tilak
A. 1832
B. Bipin Chandra Pal
B. 1844

C. Gokhale
C. 1885
D. Annie Besant
D. 1890
13. When the Congress Ministries were formed
in the provinces in June 1937, the Viceroy 18. A 19th century social reformer who is re-

of India was garded as the bridge between the past and
the future is
A. Lord Willingdon
A. Keshab Chandra Sen
B. Lord Irwin
B. Devendra Nath Tagore
C. Lord Linlithgow
C. Ishwar chandra
D. Viscount Wavell
14. Who of the following was for the first time D. Raja Ram Mohun Roy
designated as the Governor of India 19. In which year the British Government
A. Clive signed the Hague Opium Convention?

B. Comwallis A. 1910

C. Warren Hastings B. 1911


D. Wellesley C. 1912

15. The privileges of free trade granted to the D. 1913

English East India Company were con-
20. The last constitutional provision (covering
firmed in 1717 by Emperor
undivided India) passed by the House of
A. Bahadur Shah Commons was

B. Farrukh-Siyar A. Government of India Act 1935

C. Muhammad Shah B. Cabinet Mission Plan

D. Aurangzeb C. Mountabatten (or June 3) Plan

16. Which of the following statement(s) is/are
D. Indian Independence Bill
correct regarding the Quit India Movement?
21. Who founded the ‘All India Harijan Samaj’
1. It was a leaderless movement, with the
in 1932?
reigns of the movement in the hands
of the masses. A. B R Ambedkar
2. It was also characterized by the out- B. Acharya Narendra Dev
break of violence though Gandhi had
given a call for a determined, but pas- C. Mahatma Gandhi
sive resistance, ‘do or die’. D. Jagjivan Ram
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22. What was the main objective of the Wahabi C. Munda Rebellion in Ranchi (1899)
movement Which during 1852-70 was par-
D. Santhal Rebellion in Bihar (1855-56)
ticularly active in the Punjab, Bengal, Bihar
and the NWFP? 24. Which among the following was the apex
A. To oust the British from India court in of India during the British Era?

B. To overthrow the Sikhs in the Punjab A. Federal Court

and the British in Bengal and to restore
B. Presidency Supreme Court
Muslim power in India
C. To eradicate religious corruption from C. Privy Council
Muslim society D. Supreme Court of England
D. To organise the Muslims into a nation-
25. In which of the following session of Indian
alist community
National Congress Dadabhai Naoroji was

23. In Which of the following tribal rebellions elected president for the first time?
did two tribal brothers, Kanhu and Sidhu,
proclaim the end of the Company’s rule in A. Bombay
their region, and to supress their rebellion
B. Calcutta
the government had to use military force?
A. Khasi Rebellion in Assam (1855) eR C. Lucknow

B. Naika Tribal Uprising in Gujarat (1868) D. Karachi

1. C 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. D 11. A 12. B 13. C 14. C
15. B 16. D 17. C 18. D 19. C 20. A 21. C 22. B 23. D 24. C 25. B

Unit 7

1. Mahatma Gandhi broke his epic fast unto D. August 15, 1947
death on September 26, 1932 after the 3. As per Indian Independence Act, the
Poona Pact, Which provided for Suzerainty of His Majesty over the Indian
A. common electorate for all Hindus State would come to an end on

A. 15 August, 1947

B. reservation of 48 seats for the depressed

classes in different provincial legislatures B. 14 August, 1947
C. reservation of 18 per cent of the seats in C. 15 August, 1950
the Central Legislature D. 26 January, 1950
D. All the above 4. When Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed, the
2. After the elections to the Constituent As- Secretary of State for India was
sembly were held in July 1946, the Con- A. Salisbury
stituent Assembly met for the first time in
New Delhi on B. Curzon
C. Wedgwood Benn
A. December 9, 1946
D. Montagu
B. January 15, 1947
5. Dyer was by the Government of
C. February 10, 1947 Britain.
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154 Chapter 3. Modern India

A. sentenced for life A. A − 1, B − 3,C − 4, D − 2

B. sentenced to death B. A − 1, B − 3,C − 2, D − 4
C. rewarded with honour C. A − 3, B − 1,C − 2, D − 4
D. relieved of his service D. A − 3, B − 1,C − 4, D − 2
6. “Never before was perpetrated an act of In- 10. The main founder (s) of the Swaraj Party
justice as flagrant as readjustment of the was/were
cotton duties in favour of Lancashire”. The
above reaction against the imposition of Tar- A. CR Das

iff and Cotton Duties Act of 1894 and 1896 B. Motilal Nehru
was given by which among the following
C. Madan Mohan Malaviya

D. Only A and B above
A. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
11. Provision was made in the Act of 1773, for
B. Lala Lajpat Rai
the office of a Governor-General of
C. Gopal Krishan Gokhle
A. India

D. Bipin Chandra Pal
B. Fort William
7. Lord Mountbatten had replaced Lord
as the viceroy of India in 1947. C. Madras
A. Wavell D. Bombay
B. Lytton 12. Till the end of the 17th Century the growth
of the executive and legislative powers of
C. Linlithgow the East india Company depended on
D. Cornwallis
A. Governor
8. The Khilafat Movement of the Indian Mus-
lims related to B. Governor-General

A. provision of separate electorate for the C. Parliament


Muslims in the Act of 1919 D. Crown

B. restoration of territories to Turkey cap- 13. Who among the following had established

tured by Britain in the First World War a branch of Muslim League in London?
C. restoration of the Sultan of Turkey who A. Aga Khan
was Caliph of the Muslim World
B. Amir Ali

D. lifting of martial law in Punjab

C. Mohammad Ali Jinnah
9. Match List-I with List-II and select the cor-
rect answer using the codes given below D. Chaudhary Liaqat Ali
14. By the Act of 1773, Parliament granted a

List-I List-II loan of to the East India Company.

A. Dadabhai Naoroji 1. Home Rule
B. Annie Besant 2. Servants of India So- A. Rs 480,000
ciety B. Rs 400,000
C. Gopalakrishna 3. Thrice President
C. Rs 500,000
Gokhale of Indian Na-
tional Congress D. Rs 300,000
D. Sri Aurobindo 4. Extremist Turned 15. Who was in command or the nationalist
Spiritualist movement before Gandhi had assumed lead-
ership of the Congress?
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A. C R Das 21. The Bardoli Satyagraha was led by

B. Motilal Nehru A. Rajendra Prasad
C. Lala Lajpat Rai B. Mahatma Gandhi
D. Lokmanya Tilak C. Vallabhbhai Patel
16. The Governor-General was given power to D. Morarji Desai
issue ordinances by the act of
22. In Which of the following provinces the
A. 1858 Congress Ministry was not formed in June
B. 1861
A. United Provinces
C. 1860
B. Central Provinces
D. 1871

17. The resolutions on Fundamental Rights and C. Madras
National Economic Policy were passed in D. Assam
which of the following sessions of the In-
23. Match the following:
dian National Congress?
A. Belgaum,1934 List-I List-II
B. Lahore,1929
C. Karachi,1931
A. Montford Reforms
B. Morley Minto Re-
1. 1909
2. 1919

D. Faizpur,1936 C. Independence Act 3. 1946

D. Cabinet Mission 4. 1947
18. Who founded the association ‘ Naujawan
Bharat Sabha’ to help foster revolution
against the British Raj by gathering together A. A − 2, B − 1,C − 4, D − 3
worker and peasant youth in 1928?
B. A − 4, B − 3,C − 2, D − 1
A. Chandra Shekhar Azad

C. A − 3, B − 4,C − 1, D − 2
B. Surya Sen
D. A − 1, B − 2,C − 3, D − 4
C. Bhagat Singh 24. Of the following who did not find a place
D. V.D.Savarkar in the Legislative Council as per the Act of
19. The revolutionary who died of a 64 days’ 1853?

hunger strike was A. The Governor-General


A. Sukh Dev B. Additional Members

B. Batukeshwar Dutt C. The Commander-in-Chief
C. Jatin Das D. The Lieutenant Governor
D. Raj Guru 25. Which of the following periods is consid-
20. The only session of Indian National ered as the revolutionary era in Indian his-
Congress which was presided by Mahatma tory?
Gandhi was held at: A. 1857-60
A. Belgaum B. 1857-1947
B. Faizpur C. 1857-90
C. Allahabad D. 1845-1947
D. Karachi
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156 Chapter 3. Modern India


1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. D 11. B 12. D 13. B 14. B

15. D 16. B 17. C 18. C 19. C 20. A 21. C 22. D 23. A 24. D 25. C

Unit 8

1. The Charter Act of 1793 Renewed the Com- A. The English attempts to strengthen their
pany’s monopoly for years. fortifications at Fort William.

A. 20 years B. The English support and asylum to the
political rivals of Nawab Siraj-ud-Daulah
B. 10 years

C. Misuse of Dastaks (passes for free trade)
C. 30 years
by the Company and its officials
D. 15 years
D. Siraj-ud-Daulah’s attack on Fort
2. The strategy of ‘divide and rule’ had been William and capture of Calcutta (Alina-
actually practised by

A. Lord Curzon 7. The All India Muslim League was founded
B. Lord Wellesley in December 1906 at
A. Karachi
C. Lord Minto
D. Lord Dufferin B. Dacca

3. The Woods Despatch of 1854 resulted in C. Calcutta

the D. Aligarh
A. Founding of several Indian universities 8. Consider the following recommendations

B. Introduction of the postal system of a committee in pre-independence era:

1. Short term measure: 1 Primary health

C. Establishment of the education system

center per 40,000 population, 30
D. Abolition of child marriage beds,3 Sub centers and 2 medical offi-

4. Tilak started his career as a cers

2. Long term programme:Primary health
A. Writer units with a 75 bedded hospital per
B. Professor 10,000 -20,000 population;secondary

health units with 650 bedded hospital,

C. Journalist Regional Health units with 2,500 beds
D. Lawyer This committee had triggered the public

5. Who among the following brought the first health reforms in India. Identify the name
Printing Machine in India? of this committee from the given options:
A. Portuguese A. Jackson Committee
B. French B. Bering Committee
C. Dutch C. Bhore Committee
D. British D. None of them
6. The immediate cause of the Battle of 9. Who opened the First Round Table Confer-
Plassey was ence?
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A. King George V A. Abdul Kalam Azad

B. MK Gandhi B. Jawaharlal Nehru
C. Lord Irwin C. Pattabhi Sitaramayya

D. Ramsay McDonald D. Vallabhbhai Patel

15. On Which date was the announcement for-
10. Who among the following leaders unsuc-
mally made that India and Pakistan would
cessfully introduced a Bill in the Imperial
be made free?
legislative Council to make compulsory pri-
mary education for children of 6-10 years A. May 2, 1947
in the British Era? B. June 3, 1947
A. Womesh Chandra Banerjee C. July 4, 1947
B. Gopal Krishna Gokhle D. August 5, 1957

C. Mahadev Govind Ranade 16. The Indian Civil Service Act was passed
during the Viceroyalty of
D. Madan Mohan Malviya
A. Elgin
11. The Indian National Congress had been
B. Canning
formed with the knowledge and approval
of Lord
A. Dufferin
eR C. Minto
D. Lytton
17. As per the Act of 1919 Which of the follow-
B. Mountbatten
ing statements was not correct?
C. Ripon A. British India must remain an integral
D. Curzon part of the British Empire.
12. Who had observed that "Good govern- B. Responsible Government would be re-
ment was never a good substitute for self- alised only by the progressive stages.

government"? C. Provincial subjects were classified into

A. Swami Vivekananda Reserved subjects and Transferred subjects.

B. Ramakrishna Paramahansa
D. The salary of the Secretary of State for
C. Swami Dayananda India was not to be paid by Parliament.

D. Aurobindo Ghose 18. The Servants of India Society was founded


in 1905 by
13. The Muslim League passed a resolution de-
manding the partition of India in the A. BG Tilak
session held in 1940. B. Lala Lajpat Rai
A. Lahore C. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
B. Allahabad D. Aurobindo Ghosh
C. Karachi 19. On Which day had premier Attlee conceded
that the British would quit India by June,
D. Dacca 1948?
14. At the historic Tripuri Session of the A. January 26, 1947
Congress (March 1939) Subhas Bose de-
B. August 15, 1947
feated Mahatma Gandhi’s official candidate
for the Presidentship of the Congress. Who C. January 26, 1948
was Gandhiji’s nominee? D. February 20, 1947
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158 Chapter 3. Modern India

20. "India for the Indiana" was the political mes- 23. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar was a great
sage of 19th Century Social Reformer who waged a
A. D E Wacha struggle for/against which of the following
social cause?
B. Vivekanand
A. Education of Women
C. Dayanand
B. Widow Remarriage
D. Hume
C. Abolition of Sati
21. The Ghadar Party took the name Ghadar

from D. Untouchability
A. the Revolt of 1857 24. ‘A day of deliverance and thanks giving’
was celebrated in 1939 by
B. its objective to wage another revolt

A. Congress Party
C. a weekly paper Ghadar published in
commemoration of the Revolt of 1857 B. Muslim League
D. All the above C. Forward Bloc

22. During the integration and merger of states D. Communist Party
after India’s independence, the firman of
25. Of the following who are not given reserved
which of the following rulers was rejected
seats in the Indian legislature?
by the Government of India terming it a
“legalistic claim of doubtful validity”? A. Scheduled Caste
A. Raja of Kashmir B. Scheduled Tribes
B. Nizam of Hyderabad C. Anglo-Indian
C. Ruler of Travancore D. Landed Gentry
D. Nawab of Junagarh


1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. B 11. A 12. C 13. A 14. C

15. B 16. B 17. D 18. C 19. D 20. C 21. C 22. B 23. B 24. B 25. D

Unit 9

1. On October 16, 1905, when the partition B. China


of Bengal was enforced, the great poet Ra- C. Tibet

bindranath Tagore, to emphasise the unity
of Bengal, Suggested the programme of D. Afghanistan

3. Which among the following was the imme-

A. singing Bande Mataram
diate cause of Quit India Movement?
B. tying of Rakhi on each other’s wrists
A. Withdrawal of British from South East
C. composing of patriotic songs Asia
D. establishing national educational insti- B. Failure of Cripps Mission
tutions C. Failure of August Offer
2. Tashkent Agreement was signed between D. Arrest of Mahatma Gandhi
India and
4. With whom was the seven-year rule of mis-
A. Pakistan sions, omissions and commissions associ-
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ated? List-I List-II

A. Publication of the 1. March 23, 1931
A. Lord Dalhousie Simon-Commission
B. Lord Curzon
B. First Round Ta- 2. March 5, 1931
C. Lord Lytton ble Conference inaugu-
D. Lord Mayo C. Signing of the 3. November 12, 1930
Gandhi-Irwin Pact
5. Subhash Bose established the Provisional
D. Execution of Bhagat 4. June 7, 1930
Government of Free India at
Singh, Sukh Dev and
A. Berlin Raj Guru

B. Bangkok

A. A − 1, B − 2,C − 3, D − 4
C. Singapore
B. A − 4, B − 3,C − 1, D − 2
D. Tokyo C. A − 4, B − 3,C − 2, D − 1
6. Whom would you associate with the Cen- D. A − 2, B − 1,C − 4, D − 3
sorship of the Press Act 1794?

A. Charles Metcalfe
10. As per the Cabinet Mission Plan, the power
would be first transferred to
A. The Indian National Congress
B. Andrew Frazer
B. The Interim Government
C. Lord Wellesly
C. The Viceroy
D. Lord Auckland D. The Princes of the States
11. All India State’s Peoples Conference
7. Upon whom was the title ‘Punjab Kesari’

formed in 1927 launched popular move-

ments in
A. Bhagat Singh A. Princely States
B. Sardar Baldev Singh B. British Provinces
C. Hill Regions

C. Lala Lajpat Rai

D. Tribal Areas

D. Ranjit Singh
12. The Indian National Congress was founded
8. The Hindustan Republican Association, in the year
subsequently styled as the Hindustan So- A. 1958
cialist Republican Association (HSRA) was
founded in 1924 by B. 1977
C. 1885
A. Bhagat Singh
D. 1909
B. Chandra Shekhar Azad
13. The Swaraj Party was divided into factions
C. Jogesh Chandra Chatterji after the death of C.R.Das and its ‘Respon-
sivists’ faction worked for/by:
D. Sachindra Sanyal
A. Safeguarding the hindu interests by co-
9. Match the dates of the following events: operating with the British Government.
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160 Chapter 3. Modern India

B. Creating obstacles in legislative process A. JB Kripalani

by acting as dissenters.
B. Rajendra Prasad
C. Cooperating with the No-Changers of
C. Jayaprakash Narayan
the Congress in the favour of constructive
programme of Gandhi. D. Vinoba Bhave
D. Maintaining a separate identity of the 20. In 1930, Mahatma Gandhi started the Civil
Party within the Congress. Disobedience Movement from

14. The capital of British India was transferred A. Wardha

from Calcutta to Delhi in the year B. Sevagram
A. 1911 C. Sabarmati
B. 1912

D. Dandi
C. 1920 21. Lytton was selected as Viceroy to India
D. 1925 to fulfill the ambitious plans of Disraeli
15. The Bhoodan Movement had been started

by A. Awadh

A. M K Gandhi B. Afghanistan

B. Acharya Kripalani C. Bengal

C. Jayaprakash Narayan D. Burma
22. The immediate cause for the Mutiny was
D. Vinoba Bhave
16. The word Pakistan was coined by A. Doctrine of Lapse

A. Mohammed Iqbal B. The Social Legislation of 1856

C. The Episode of the Greased Cartridges

B. Jinnah
C. Abul Kalam Azad D. The fear of me Indians that they would

be converted to Christianity
D. Rahmat Ali
23. Gandhi wanted the students to spend their

17. The Non-Cooperation Movement was sus- vacations in

pended in February 1922 on account of
A. Studies
A. the Chauri Chaura incident
B. Social service

B. Hindu Muslim riots

C. Games
C. arrest of Gandhiji and his imprisonment
D. Rebellious deeds
for six years
24. The Sepoy Mutiny broke out on May 10,

D. all the above 1857 at

18. The Pakistan panacea was sponsored by
A. Meerut
A. Azad Kalam
B. Gwalior
B. Jinnah
C. Jhansi
C. Md Iqbal
D. Agra
D. Liyakat All Khan 25. In the 18th Century the Royal prerogative in
19. Who among the following had authored the the affairs of the East India Company was
book, ‘At the Feet of Mahatma Gandhi’? controlled by
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A. The Viceroy’s Council C. The Parliament in England

D. The Secretary of State
B. The Indian Legislature


1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. B 11. A 12. C 13. A 14. A

15. D 16. D 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. C 21. B 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. C

Unit 10

1. The first Congress and nationalist leader to A. The Parliament of Britain

face repeated imprisonment was B. The English Merchants in India

A. Pheroze Shah Mehta C. The Indian Merchants
B. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
D. Princely States
C. Dadabhai Naoroji 5. Who had conceived and founded the Ra-
D. BG Tilak makrishna Mission?
2. Match the following:

List-I List-II
eR A. Swami Muktananda
B. Annie Besant
A. Swaraj is my birth 1. Moderates C. CR Das
D. Swami Vivekananda
B. It is not reforms but 2. Lajpat Rai
6. The Treaty of Bessein (1802) was signed
C. A subject people has 3. BC Pal
no soul A. The British and the Peshwa

D. Policy of petitions, 4. Tilak B. The British and the Nizam

prayers and protests
C. The British and Sikh

Choose the correct answer from the codes D. The British and Nawab of Arcot
given below: 7. Who is regarded as the father and founder
of the Indian National Congress?

A. A − 1, B − 2,C − 3, D − 4
A. Dadabhai Naoroji

B. A − 4, B − 3,C − 2, D − 1
B. SN Banerjee
C. A − 3, B − 4,C − 2, D − 1
C. AO Hume
D. A − 2, B − 1,C − 3, D − 4
3. Tashkent Agreement was signed between D. Pheroze Shah Mehta
India and Pakistan in the year 8. The efforts of which among the following
leaders were successful passing of the Bom-
A. 1960
bay Primary Education Act?
B. 1966
A. Ganesh Vasudev Mavalanka
C. 1970
B. R. K. Shanmukham Chetty
D. 1950
C. Vitthal Bhai Patel
4. Pitt’s India Act brought the com-
pany in direct subordination to a body D. Govind Ballabh Pant
representing 9. Whom had Gandhi named as Mira Behn?
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162 Chapter 3. Modern India

A. Annie Besant 1. The Ilbert Bill (1884) Controversy

caused the greatest racial cleavage in
B. Kamla Devi
India prior to establishment of the In-
C. Indira Gandhi dian National Congress.
D. Madeline Slade 2. Viceroy Ripon actually desired to
abolish the racial prejudice from the
10. Who gave the slogan ‘Inquilab Zindabad’? Indian Penal Code while introducing
A. Bhagat Singh this bill

B. Subhash Chandra Bose Which among the above statement is / are

C. Md Iqbal
A. Only 1 is correct
D. Chandra Shekhar Azad

B. Only 2 is correct
11. ‘Confessions of Thug’ was written by
C. Both 1& 2 are correct
A. Burke
D. Neither 1 nor 2 is correct
B. Meadows Taylor
16. The first Indian Governor of a British

C. Havell Province (Bihar) in India was
D. Moreland A. Sir SP Sinha
12. Which great war was fought between the B. Sir Shaukat Hayat
years 1914 and 1918?
C. Sir Hari Singh Gaur
A. The Battle of Tarain
D. VJ Patel
B. The First World War 17. Which of the following was not included in
C. The Battle of Plassey Pakistan by the Independence Act?

D. The Second World War A. East Bengal


13. Which of the following statements is not B. The West Punjab


correct? The materials for the Government C. Sind

of India Act of 1935 were drawn from
D. West Bengal

A. The Simon Commission Report

18. Which among the following was the first
B. The Nehru Committee Report European nation which broke through the
Portuguese monopoly in the east?
C. The White Paper issued by the British

Government A. France
D. Morley-Minto Reforms B. Netherlands
14. Who presided over the Karachi Session of C. Britan

Indian National Congress where the resolu-

D. Sweden
tions on Fundamental Rights and National
Economic Policy were passed? 19. The Muslim League withdrew its accep-
tance of the Cabinet Minion Plan and de-
A. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad cided to resort to Direct Action Day on
B. Jawahar Lal Nehru A. August 16, 1946
C. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel B. September 2, 1946
D. Subhash Chandra Bose C. October 15, 1946
15. Consider the following statements: D. July 29, 1946
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20. Consider the following: A. 1& 2

1. Indigo B. 2& 3
2. Opium
C. 3& 4
3. Cotton
D. 1& 4
For which among the above commodities,
the peasants were forced to grow in India, 23. Mahatma Gandhi compared Pherozeshah
making the British more and more rich? Mehta with the Himalayas, Tilak with the
Ocean and Gokhale with
A. 1& 2 only
A. the Sky
B. 1 only
B. the Ganges
C. 2& 3 only
C. the Gangotri
D. All of them

D. the Mansarovar Lake
21. Which of the following was not a common
24. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was a Scholar
social reform attempted by all the Hindu
social reformers of the 19th century
A. Persian
A. emancipation of women
eR B. Arabic
B. monogamy
C. Sanskrit
C. female education
D. French
D. untouchability
25. The Constituent Assembly was formed on
22. Consider the following: the recommendations of the
1. French
A. Government of India Act, 1935
2. British
3. Portuguese B. Cabinet Mission Plan
4. Dutch C. Cripps Mission

The Battle of Swally Hole of 1615 was D. Mountbatten Plan

fought between which among the above?


1. D 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. A 11. B 12. B 13. D 14. C


15. C 16. A 17. D 18. B 19. A 20. A 21. D 22. B 23. B 24. B 25. B

Unit 11

1. The first session of Indian National A. Delhi and Awadh

Congress was held in B. Hyderabad and Carnatic
A. Surat C. Travancore
B. Calcutta D. Vijayanagar and Ahmednagar
C. Bombay 3. Which of the following songs was so dear
D. Lahore to Gandhiji’s heart, that he wrote: ‘That one
2. To establish French political influence in song is enough to sustain me, even if I were
Sothern India, Dupleix had an opportunity to forget the Bhagwad Gita’.
in the disputed succession to the thrones of A. Hare Ram
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164 Chapter 3. Modern India

B. Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram A. India House

C. Vaishnava Jana To Tene Kahiye B. Kaiser House
D. Ishwar Allah Tero Nam C. Singh Sabha Building
4. The Governor of the East India Company D. Dadabhai Naoroji’s House
was 9. Which among the following cities saw the
A. appointed by the monarch of England first instance of Satyagraha in India?

B. appointed by the British Parliament A. Surat

B. Kheda
C. elected by the members of the East India
Company C. Champaran
D. nominated by the Mughal Emperor D. Ahemdabad

5. Who was the first Indian ruler to apply the 10. Sindhia’s troops were defeated by General
western methods to his administration? Wellesley at

A. Haider Ali A. Bessein

B. Tipu Sultan B. Assaye
C. Tanjore
C. Murshid Quli Khan
D. Poona
D. Malhar Rao Holkar
11. Har Bilas Sarda was Instrumental in the
6. What did the Rowlatt Act, 1919 empower passage of the famous Sarda Act of 1930,
the British government to do Which provided for
A. Foment class and caste strife A. enforcing monogamy
B. Shut down any industrial unit at will B. removal of restrictions on intercaste
C. Extend the period of imprisonment for marriages

Indians C. penalisation of parties to a marriage in

D. Detain a person for any duration without Which the girl was below 14 or the boy was

a trial below 18 years of age

7. Consider the following statements: D. civil marriages

1. Holders of the Bharat Ratna decora- 12. The Communal Award, Which was subse-
tion find a place higher than Judges of quently changed following Gandhi’s fast
Supreme Court of India in the Indian unto death in a jail at Poona, had been given

order of precedence
2. First person to get Bharat Ratna A. Ramsay Mcdonald
posthumously was Lal Bahadur Shas- B. Lloyd George

C. Stanley Baldwin
Which among the above statements is / are
correct? D. A V Alexander
13. The Ancestors of Maharaja Ranjit Singh
A. Only 1 is true
were from which among the following Mis-
B. Only 2 is true als?
C. Both are True A. The Karora Singh Misal
D. Both are untrue B. The Shahid and Nishang Misal
8. A focal point of all revolutionary activities C. The Phulikian Misal
in London was
D. The Shukarchakia Misal
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14. Which of the following was not one of the A. Turkish

cardinal principles of Mahatma Gandhiji B. Afghan
doctrine of Satyacraha?
C. British
A. Truthfulness
D. Chinese
B. Non-Violence
20. Shree Narayan Guru was a great socio-
C. Fearlessness religious reformer of
D. Abstinence A. Kerala
15. Madam Bhikajl Cama unfolded the Na- B. Tamil Nadu
tional Flag of India in 1907 at C. Andhra Pradesh
A. India House, London D. Karnataka

B. International Socialist Congress 21. Which reforms Act had created the office
Stuttgart of the secretary of state for India?
C. Vande Mataram Office at San Francisco A. Montague-Chelmsford Reforms
B. The Government of India Act, 1858
D. Indian Workers Meet Vancouver eR C. The Indian Councils Act, 1861
16. Despite holding a monopoly, the East In- D. Minto-Morley Reforms, 1908
dia Company had faced competition from 22. Match the years In Which the following so-
what it had termed as the ‘interlopers’ rep- cial legislations were passed
resented by the
A. Portuguese List-I List-II
A. Abolition of Sati (i) 1843
B. Indigenous merchants B. Legalisation of re- (ii) 1804
C. British free merchants marriage of widows

C. Prohibition of fe- (iii) 1829-30

D. Dutch male infanticide
17. The name of which of the following women D. Abolition of slavery (iv) 1856
is known for working in close association
with Chadra Shekhar Aazad in the famous
A. A − i, B − ii,C − iii, D − iv
Kakori train dacoity?

B. A − ii, B − i,C − iv, D − iii

A. Raj Kumari Gupta

C. A − iii, B − iv,C − ii, D − i

B. Kusum Agraval
D. A − iii, B − iv,C − i, D − ii
C. Prakashvati Yakshapal
23. Jyotiba Phule, popularly known as Baba
D. Basanti Devi Phule, was a social reformer in Maharash-
tra. Which of the Coli owing Is not true
18. Queen Victoria became the Empress of In-
about him
dia according to the Act of
A. He was the first to raise his voice against
A. 1858
Brahmans in Maharashtra in the 1870s
B. 1861 B. Phule through his book Ghulamagiri
C. 1876 (1872) and his organization Satyashodhak
Mandal, proclaimed the need to save the
D. 1909 lower castes from the hypocritical Brah-
19. Rohelas were of origin. mans and their scriptures
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166 Chapter 3. Modern India

C. His Satyashodhak Mandal contained D. Roshan Singh

both an elite based conservative trend and a 25. The Lucknow Session of INC and the Luc-
genuine mass-based radicalism know Pact (1916) were significant on ac-
D. The urban educated Marathas were his count of
most ardent followers A. unity between the Moderates and the
24. Who among the following assassinated Lt. Extremists with the return of the Extremists
Colonial Sir William Curzon Wiley, Politi- to the Congress
cal ADC to the Secretary of State for India
B. the pact between the Congress and Mus-
in 1909, as one of the first acts of revolution

lim League
in the Indian independence movement?
C. Both A and B above
A. Madan Lal Dhingra
D. the beginning of the tide of Indian Na-

B. Har Dayal
C. Udham Singh


1. C 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. B 11. C 12. A 13. D 14. D
15. B 16. C 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. A 21. B 22. C 23. D 24. A 25. C
Unit 12

1. Match the national leaders with the epithets List-I List-II

by Which they were known: A. Raja Ram Mohun (i) Tatvabodhini Sabha
Roy (1839)
B. Devendra Nath (ii) Brahmo Samaj of
List-I List-II
Tagore India (1860)

A. Lala Lajpat Rai (i) Grand old man of In-

C. Keshav Chandra (iii) Brahmo Samaj
Sen (1828)

B. BG Tilak (ii) Iron Man of India

D. MG Ranade (iv) Arya Samaj (1875)
C. CF Andrews (iii) Deenabandhu
E. Dayanand Saraswati (v) Prarthana Samaj

D. Vallabhbhai Patel (iv) Lokmanya (1867)

E. Dadabhai Naoroji (v) Lion of Punjab

A. A − ii, B − i,C − ii, D − v, E − iv


B. A − iii, B − i,C − ii, D − v, E − iv

A. A − i, B − ii,C − iii, D − iv, E − v
C. A − iii, B − ii,C − i, D − iv, E − v
B. A − v, B − iv,C − i, D − ii, E − iii D. A − ii, B − i,C − iii, D − v, E − iv

3. “A body like the Congress which represents

C. A − v, B − iv,C − iii, D − ii, E − i not the mass of the population, but a sin-
gle and very limited class, could not be
D. A − v, B − iv,C − ii, D − iii, E − i called national”The above statement in con-
text with the Indian National Congress was
given by which among the following per-
2. Match the following social reforms of mod- sonalities?
ern India with the reform organisations
founded by them and the year of their foun- A. Nabagopal Mitra
dation: B. Arubindo Ghose
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C. Lala Lajpat Rai 10. The first plans for an Indian railway system
D. Bal Gangadhar Tilak was made by
4. As per Act of 1919 the lower house of the A. Minto
Central Legislature was known as
B. Amherst
A. Legislative Council
C. Hardinge
B. Legislative Assembly
D. Cornwallis
C. House of Representatives
11. The new proletariat class Which emerged
D. House of Commons
in India on account of the British economic
5. Who among the following famous personal- policies, consisted of
ities had started a magazine called “Lisan-
ul-Sidq”’? A. money lenders

A. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad B. landlords
B. APJ Abdul Kalam C. traders
C. Dr. Zakir Hussain D. All the above
D. Dr. Hamid Ansari
6. The Ancient Monuments Preservation Act
was passed during the viceroyalty of
A. Ripon
eR12. Who among the following is best known
for defending three Indian National Army
soldiers accused of treason during World
War II?
B. Curzon A. Asaf Al
C. Hastings
B. Bhulabhai Desai
D. Dalhousie C. Subhash Chandra Bose
7. As per the Regulating Act, a Governor-
D. C Rajgopalachari

General and four Councilors were ap-

pointed for 13. Mahabandula was killed at
A. Bengal
A. Rangoon
B. Bombay
B. Tenesserin
C. Madras

C. Danubyu
D. Surat

8. The ‘Hero of Plassey’ was D. Prome

A. Warren Hastings 14. Who among the following was the head of
the Arbital Tribunal set up at the time of
B. Dupleix
India’s independence?
C. Clive
A. C Radcliffe
D. Shuja-ud-Daulah
B. William Patrick Spens
9. Communal Representation was for the first
time given in the interest of Muslims by C. Edward Percy Smith
A. The Indian Council Act of 1909 D. William Lloyd Roots
B. The Government of India Act of 1919 15. The peasant movements, revolts, riots,
C. The Government of India Act of 1935 struggles, etc. in 19th century, India re-
mained mainly localised because
D. The Act of 1858
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168 Chapter 3. Modern India

A. they were mainly directed against en- A. AD Hume

hancement in rent, evictions, usurious prac-
B. Dadabhai Naoroji
tices of moneylenders, etc.
C. GK Gokhale
B. the peasants had no leadership and or-
ganisation D. BG Tilak
21. Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed on 15th
C. they grew out of local grievances
D. the big landlords were allies of the
A. 1928

B. 1930
16. Jinnah gave his opposition to Wavell’s Plan
in the Conference held at C. 1931
D. 1935

A. Delhi
B. Shimla 22. Match the following social reformers with
the pioneering reforms they introduced:
C. Calcutta
List-I List-II

D. Madras
A. Raja Ram Mohun (i) opposed untoucha-
17. The revolutionary who was an accused in Roy bility
Lahore Conspiracy Case and who died in B. Keshab Chandra (ii) widow remarriage
Jail after 64 days fast was Sen
A. Jatin Das C. Dayanand Saraswati (iii) abolition of purdah
and child marriages
B. Sukh Dev D. Vivekananda (iv) female education
C. Raj Guru E. Ishwar Chandra (v) socal service and
Vidyasagar service to humanity
D. Both (a) and (b) above
F. D K Karve (vi) abolition of Sati

18. Who said that the exploitative nature of

British rule was ‘Bleeding India White’?
A. A − ii, B − iv,C − iii, D − v, E − i, F − vi

A. Tilak
B. A − vi, B − iii,C − i, D − v, E − iv, F − ii
B. Dadabhai Naoroji

C. A − vi, B − iii,C − i, D − v, E − ii, F − iv

C. Hume
D. Annie Besant D. A − iii, B − iv,C − i, D − v, E − ii, F − iv

19. Which of the following was the most con- 23. In the name of which among the following
troversial measure of Lord Mountbatten? Mughal emperors, the East India Company
struck the first coins in India?
A. Partitioning of Punjab and Bengal
A. Jahangir

B. Holding of a referendum in the North

West Frontier Province (NWFP) B. Farrukhsiyar

C. Setting up of an Executive Council com- C. Muhammad Shah

prising of Indians alone D. Jahandar Shah
D. Advancing the date of transfer of power 24. In May 1933, Mahatma Gandhi began a fast
from June 1948 to August 15,1947 of 21 days
20. At the Calcutta session of the Indian Na- A. to appeal to the Hindus to throw open
tional Congress (INC) held in 1906 the flag the temples and public wells to the Harijans
of Swaraj for India was unfuried by
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B. to launch a campaign against untoucha- between

A. Sweden and Russia
C. for his own purification and that of his
B. France and Germany
associates for greater commitment to the
cause of the Harijans C. France and England
D. For all the above D. Germany and Russia
25. In 1942, Europe had witnessed a great war


1. C 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. C 11. D 12. B 13. C 14. B

15. C 16. B 17. A 18. B 19. D 20. B 21. C 22. C 23. B 24. C 25. D

Unit 13

1. The Cabinet Mission Which arrived Delhi B. Jallianwala Bagh tragedy

in 1946 was headed by
C. Rawlatt Acts
A. Lord Pethrick Lawrence eR D. All the above
B. Sir Stafford Cripps 5. Consider the following statements in con-
C. A V Alexander text with the Kuka Movement:
D. Lord Attlee 1. Kuka refers to a tribe of the North
west Frontier Province of present Pak-
2. What benefits did the Poona Pact offer to
the depressed classes?
2. This movement originated mainly to
A. 44 seats in the central legislature seek purification of the Sikhism
B. 20% reservation in the provincial legis- 3. Jawar Mal and Ram Singh were two

lature leaders of this movement

C. 18% seats in the central legislature and A. Only 1& 2

148 seats in the provincial legislature B. Only 2& 3
D. 50% reservation in the ICS C. Only 2

3. Who among the following founded a Na- D. All of them


tional Press, National Paper, National So-

ciety, National School, National Theatre, 6. Who was the first to use the term ‘Adivasi’
National Store, National Gymnasium and to refer to the tribal people?
National Circus making the term “National” A. Jyotiba Phule
popular in British India?
B. Thakkar Bappa
A. Devendra Nath Tagore
C. M N Srinivas
B. Jyotindra Nath Tagore
D. B R Ambedkar
C. Nabagopal Mitra
7. In what session did Congress declared com-
D. Rajnarayan Basu plete Independence (Poorna Swaraj) as its
4. Rabindranath Tagore surrendered his goal?
knighthood in protest against A. Lahore session held in 1929
A. Martial law in the Punjab B. Madras session held in 1927
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170 Chapter 3. Modern India

C. Ahmadabad session held in 1921 12. Motilal presided over the Congress Session
of 1919 held at
D. Gaya session held in 1922
A. Lahore
8. Khilafat Movement was organised to
protest against the injustice done to B. Amritsar
A. Persia C. Calcutta

B. Turkey D. Bombay
13. According to Gandhi, ahimsa could not be
C. Arabia
construed to mean

D. Egypt A. truth
9. Bandung Conference which was an impor- B. a positive state of law
tant step toward the crystallization of the

Non-Aligned Movement was organized by C. tolerance of the wrong and unjust
Asian and African states, most of which D. doing good even to the evildoers
were newly independent. Which among the 14. As per the Regulating Act a Supreme Court
following participant of the Bandung Con- was established in

ference in 1955, was not an independent
state at that time? A. Bengal
B. Bombay
A. Ceylon
C. Delhi
B. Cyprus
D. Madras
C. Laos
15. Purna Swaraj was declared as the goal of
D. Liberia the Congress in the Congress session held
10. In the light of events that occurred after the at Lahore under the Presidentship of
General Elections of 1937 and the subse- A. Jawaharala Nehru

quent formation of Indian ministries in vari-

B. CR Das
ous provinces, identify the statement which
is incorrect: C. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

A. Congress was highly successful and D. Gokhale


Muslim League failed miserably. 16. During the Second World War Churchill
replaced as Prime Minister of Eng-
B. Congress emerged as the largest party
in NWFP.
A. Chamberlain

C. Unionist Party and Krishak Praja Party

formed Governments in Punjab and Bengal B. Attlee
respectively. C. Disraeli

D. Pirpur Report was prepared by Jinnah D. Asquith

to highlight the atrocities and misrule of the 17. In 1831 Bentinck signed a treaty with Ranjit
Congress ministries Singh to protect the British territories from
11. Who among the following led the rebels A. Russian menace
during the “Siege of Cawnpore”?
B. Pindari menace
A. Nana Sahib
C. Rohelas
B. Bajirao II D. Attack by Burmese
C. Raghunathrao 18. The most famous woman disciple of
Vivekananda was
D. None of them
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A. Madam Blavatsky A. Mahatma Gandhi

B. Annie Besant B. Subhas Bose
C. Sister Nivedita C. Jawaharlal Nehru
D. Sarojini Naidu D. Motilal Nehru
19. Which of the following statements is not
23. Infanticide was completely banned by the
correct? Provision was made In the Act of
1935 for A. Bengal Regulation Act XVII of 1829
A. The Central Subjects B. Sharda Act, 1930
B. Provincial Subjects C. Bengal Regulation Act XXI of 1795
C. Concurrent Lists D. Minto-Morley reforms
D. A List of Subjects for Princely States 24. Who among the following was the President

20. After the year 1853, a substantial amount of Indian National Congress at the time of
of British capital had been invested in Independence?
A. Tea Plantations A. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
B. The Railways B. J B Kriplani
C. Coal Mining
D. Jute Mills
21. Provision was made by the Charter Act
eR C. Dr. Bhimrao Amedkar
D. Jawahar Lal Nehru
of 1813 for the establishment of a Church 25. Till which of the following years, the ap-
at pointments of the Civil Services were ex-
clusively done by the Directors of the East
A. Madras India Company?
B. Bombay
A. 1833
C. Calcutta

B. 1853
D. Pondicherry
C. 1857
22. At midnight on December 31, 1929 who
unfuried the tricolor flag on Indian Indepen- D. 1858
dence on the banks of the Ravi at Lahore?


1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. D 11. A 12. B 13. C 14. A

15. A 16. A 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. B 21. C 22. C 23. C 24. B 25. B

Unit 14

1. The Treaty of Segauli defined the relations 2. The Arya Samaj Movement had been
of the British India with which among the started by
following neighbors? A. Swami Dayanand
A. Bhutan B. Devendranath Tagore
B. Burma C. Swami Vivekananda
C. China D. Keshub Chandra Sen
D. Nepal 3. The famous resolution on Non-Cooperation
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172 Chapter 3. Modern India

under the inspiration of Mahatma Gandhi A. Crown

was adopted in a special session of B. Parliament
Congress held at Calcutta in
C. Viceroy
A. September 1920
D. Secretary of State
B. December 1922 9. The President of the Congress Sessions of
C. October 1924 1898 and 1902 was
A. Hume
D. November 1925

B. Tilak
4. Mahatma Ghandhi’s remarks, “A Post-
dated cheque on a crumbling bank” was C. Dadabhai Naoroji
regarding the proposals of which of the fol- D. S N Banerjee

lowing? 10. When the Governor-General was away
A. Government of India Act 1935 from Bengal a Vice- President appointed
by would Act for him.
B. Wavel Plan
A. Crown

C. Cripps Mission B. Parliament
D. Simon Commission C. Board of Control
5. In which year, Congress recognized the D. Governor-General
Muslim League as the political party repre- 11. The revolutionary leader who had organized
senting the Muslims for the first time? an attack on the armoury of Chittagong was
A. 1912 A. Surya Sen
B. 1914 B. Jatin Das
C. Chandra Shekhar Azad
C. 1916

D. CR Das
D. 1923
12. Who had stated with regard to the forma-

6. In December 1885, when the Indian Na- tion and raison d’etre of the Indian National
tional Congress was founded, AO Hume Congress, "A safety valve for the escape of

acted as its great and growing forces generated by our

own action was urgently needed"?
A. President
A. Lord Curzon
B. Vice-President

B. M A Jinnah
C. General Secretary
C. Annie Beasnt
D. Member of the Working Committee D. A O Hume

7. The reformer from Maharashtra popularly 13. Ahalyabai, the saintly queen of Mahesh-
known as ‘Lokhitavadi’ (For the well of war (Central India) belonged to which
others) was dynasty?-
A. MG Ranade A. Scindhya dynasty

B. Gopal Hari Deshmukh B. Peshwa dynasty

C. Holkar dynasty
C. Pt Ramabai
D. Rajput dynasty
D. GK Gokhale
14. In Bengal, the East India Company’s head-
8. ‘August Offer’ was issued by quarters were located at
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A. Fort St George A. First Dutch Factory

B. Fort william B. First Portuguese Factory
C. Fort St David C. First French Factory
D. Shantiniketan D. First British Factory
15. Which of the following statements is not 20. The pioneer of Communism in India was:
correct? According to Pitt’s India Act the A. S.A.Dange
Board of Control would consist of
B. M.R.Jayakar
A. The Chancellor of the Exchequer
C. M.N.Roy
B. Secretary of State for India
D. Nalin Gupta
C. Four Privy Councillors 21. The triumphant saying of “Attock to Cut-

D. The Governor-General tack” was most closely related to which of
the following?
16. During the Anglo-French struggle in the
Carnatic, the French were finally defeated A. Mughals
by the English in the battle of B. Marathas
A. Trichinopoly
B. Arcot
eR C. Scindhias
D. Rajputs
C. Wandiwash 22. Who had, while fasting in the prison, writ-
D. Pondicherry ten to the British governor, "The individual
must die so that the nation may live. Today,
17. Which among the following was the work I must die so that India may win freedom
field of Jibanananda Das, a Bengal Icon? and glory"?
A. Social Service A. Jatin Das

B. Literature B. Lala Lajpat Rai

C. Science and Technology C. MK Gandhi
D. Journalism D. SC Bose
18. There were three people in the Indian Na- 23. Mahatma Gandhi had been present at the

tional Congress whose influence and persua- Round Table Conference(s) held in Lon-

sion led to a sort of agreement between the don.

INC and British, which led to talks between A. Third
Gandhi and Lord Irwin, commonly known
as Gandhi Irwin Pact. Who among the fol- B. Second
lowing 4 given options was not among these C. First
D. All of the above
A. Tej Bahadur Sapru
24. Of the following who died as political pris-
B. M R Jayakar oner in Lahore prison?
C. V S Srinivasa Shastri A. Bhagat Singh
D. Purshottam Das Tandon B. Batukeshwar Dutt
19. Pipali in Bengal is best known for which of C. Jatin Das
the following?
D. Sukh Dev
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174 Chapter 3. Modern India

25. The first definite and forceful expression of B. Rahmat Ali

the concept of a separate homeland for the
C. MA Jinnah
Muslims came from (or the Cather of the
idea of Pakistan was) D. Liaqat Ali
A. Sir Mohammad Iqbal


1. D 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. D 11. A 12. D 13. C 14. B

15. D 16. C 17. B 18. D 19. A 20. C 21. B 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. A

Unit 15

1. Which of the following brought Aurobindo A. 5 years
Ghose into the fold of the Indian National B. 4 years
C. 6 years

A. The famines of 1896-97 and 1899-1900
D. 3 years
6. The Asiatic Society had been established in
B. The partition of Bengal
Calcutta by
C. The Surat Split
A. TB Macaulay
D. The Jallianwala Bagh episode
B. Sir William Jones
2. With Which of the following would you
C. GK Gokhale
associate Jyotiba Phule?
D. Annie Besant
A. Satya Shodhak Mandal
7. Who played an important role in bringing

B. Theosophical Society all the States In the Independent India Into

C. Tattvabodhini Samaj the country’s unity?

D. Dharma Sabha A. Sardar Patel


3. The Permanent settlement Introduced by B. Hume

Cornwallis is in Bengal is known as C. Subhash Chandra Bose
A. Roytwari System D. Dr Rajendra Prasad

B. Mahalwari System 8. Nawab Siraj-ud-Daulah or Bengal was de-

feated by the English in the battle of Plassey,
C. Zamindari System
D. Iqtadari System
A. because the English forces were much

4. The Tata Iron and Steel Works was com- stronger than those of the Nawab
pleted with the aid of
B. because of Clive’s conspiracy with the
A. Japanese experts Nawab’s Commander- in- Chief Mir Jafar
B. Russian experts and rich bankers of Bengal
C. because of Siraj-ud-Daulah’s retirement
C. American experts
from the battlefield
D. French experts
D. because of the capture of a band of
5. According to the Regulating Act, Directors Frenchmen under the Nawab’s service by
were to be elected for a period of the English
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9. Consider the following: 14. What was the charge against Bal Gangad-
1. Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose har Tilak, for Which he was sentenced to
Botanical Garden six years’ transportation in July 1908?
2. Asiatic Society of Bengal A. for being the chief exponent of the cult
3. Kolkata Alipur Zoological Gardens of extremism
Which among the following correctly repre- B. for insiting violence during the Surat
sents the correct chronological order of the session of the INC
establishment of the above?
C. for seditious writings in his paper Kesari
A. 1,2,3
B. 2,1,3 D. for being instrumental in the murder of
C. 3,1,2 the British Plaque commissioner in Poona.
15. Lord Mountbatten had held detailed discus-

D. 2,3,1
sions on the approaching partition of India
10. Who did Mahatma Gandhi recognise as his with
political Guru?
A. Mohammed Ali Jinnah
A. Pheroze Shah Mehta
B. Jawaharlal Nehru
B. BG Tilak
C. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
D. Dadabhai Naoroji
eR C. Mahatma Gandhi
D. All of the above
16. The idea of starting a Home Rule League
11. An emigre (a person or thing who/ Which in 1915 was first propounded by
has emigrated) communist journal brought A. B G Tilak
out by M N Roy was
B. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
A. Anushilan
C. Annie Besant
B. The Worker

D. Both A and B above

C. Kisan Sabha
17. India Home Rule Society, founded in Lon-
D. Vanguard don in February 1905, was one of the ear-
12. The Charter Act of 1813 allotted liest revolutionary societies set up outside
Rupees annually for Indian learn- India. This society was founded by

ing and spread of Scientific knowledge. A. Lala Har Dayal


A. One lakh B. VD Savarkar

B. Two lakhs C. Shyamji Krishnavarma
C. £ 1000 D. Madan Lal Dhingra
D. £ 500 18. Which of the following was not one of the
13. Who among the following was the president recommendations of the Cabinet Minion
of the British Indian Association that was (1946) about the Constitution of India?
founded in 1851? A. There should be a Union of India em-
bracing both British India and the States
A. Radhakant Deb
B. Debendranath Tagore
B. The Muslim majority provinces should
C. Prasanna Kumar be separately constituted into a Union of
D. Dwarakanath Tagore Pakistan
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176 Chapter 3. Modern India

C. The provinces should enjoy autonomy A. M G Ranade

for all subjects and should be free to form
B. Jyotiba Phule
D. Three basic Groups proposed by the C. Dayanand Saraswati
Mission were Group A (Hindumajority D. Atmaram Panduranga
Provinces) Group B (Muslim-majority
23. The First authoritative exposition of the Ex-
Provinces) and Group C (Bengal and As-
tremist ideological position within the In-
dian National Congress was penned down
19. At which of the following sessions, the In-

by which among the following as a series
dian National Congress adopted a signif-
of articles titled ” New Lamps for old” in a
icant resolution against the use of Indian
Bombay Newspaper?
troops in China, Mesopotamia and Persia?

A. 1920 Calcutta Session A. Bal Gangadhar Tilak

B. 1923 New Delhi Session B. Arubindo Ghose

C. 1927 Madras Session C. Bipin Chandra Pal

D. 1931 Karachi Session D. Lala Lajpat Rai
20. The Working Committee of the Congress 24. India was partitioned as a consequence of
passed the Quit India resolution on the formula contained in
A. July 14, 1942
A. Cabinet Mission Plan
B. August 10, 1942
B. Attlee’s Declaration
C. August 8, 1942
C. June 3 Plan or Mountbatten Plan
D. June 30, 1942
21. Which among the following was first estab- D. Both (b) and (c) above
lished in India? 25. Who said, "The Congress is tottering to its

A. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research fall and one of my greatest ambitions while
in India is to assist it to a peaceful demise"?

B. Sangeet Natak Akademi

C. Sindri Fertilizer Factory A. Lord Dufferin

D. The National News Print Ltd B. Lord Curzon

22. This social reformer most ardently worked C. Lord Lansdowne
for the removal of untouchability and uplift
the depressed classes before Gandhiji came D. Lord Elgin

on the scene


1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. C 11. D 12. A 13. A 14. C

15. D 16. C 17. C 18. B 19. C 20. A 21. C 22. B 23. B 24. C 25. B

Unit 16

1. Satya Shodhak Samaj” was founded by B. Sant Tukaram

whom among the following?
C. Mahatma Jyotiba Phule
A. Raja Rammohan Roy D. None of them
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2. The Objective of Non-alignment of India’s 8. What had the Sir Charles Wood Despatch
foreign policy means of 1854 primarily dealt with?
A. To stand in isolation from world affairs A. Social reforms
B. To judge every international issue on its B. Administrative reforms
own merit
C. Educational reforms
C. To interfere in the internal matters of a
country D. Political consolidation

D. Not to help any country 9. who among the following published lead-
ers Sambad Kaumudi”?
3. The were the first Europeans to start
a Joint stock company trade with India? A. Raja Rammohan Roy
A. French B. Dayanand Saraswati

B. Portuguese C. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
C. Danish D. Ganga Kishore Bhattacharya
D. Dutch 10. The founder-president of India idependence
4. Who founded the Ramakrishna Mission in League was
1896 to carry on humanitarian relief and eR A. Rash Behari Bose
social work?
A. Ramakrishna Paramahansa B. Subhas Chandra Bose

B. Swami Dayananda Saraswati C. MK Gandhi

C. Swami Vivekananda D. Motilal Nehru
D. Blavatsky and Olcott 11. On the Direct Action Day unprecedented
5. Who was the Congress President at the time bloodshed took place (as a result of Hindu-
when India become free? Muslim riots) in

A. Jawaharlal Nehru A. Dacca

B. V L Pandit B. Calcutta
C. Sardar Patel C. Delhi
D. J B Kripalani D. Meerut and Karachi

6. Who had succeeded Mir Jafar to the 12. The Act of 1833 concentrated the legislative

powers in the hands of

A. Haider Ali A. Parliament
B. Chandra Sahib
B. Governor-General in Council
C. Tipu Sultan
C. Board of Control
D. Mir Kasim
D. Crown
7. The Second Round Table Conference failed
over the question of 13. In Which year was the title of Governor
general chanced to that of the Viceroy?
A. communal representation
A. 1858
B. suspension of Civil Disobedience Move-
ment B. 1861
C. grant of dominion status C. 1878
D. date of transfer of power D. 1885
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178 Chapter 3. Modern India

14. In which of the following sessions, the con- 19. Rabindranath Tagore had renounced his
cession was given by the congress to Mus- knighthood because
lim League in acceptance of separate elec-
A. He wanted to join the Congress
torates in 1916?
A. Calcutta B. Of a sense of solidarity with the Indian
royalty robbed of its power and honour
B. Lucknow
C. Of the Jallianwala Bagh tragedy
C. Allahabad
D. Lahore D. He was given to occasional eccentric

15. The High Commissioner for India in
the United Kingdom must be appointed 20. The East India Company had taken Bombay
by from

A. Secretary of State for India A. The Dutch
B. The Government of India B. Charles I
C. Parliament of England
C. Charles II

D. By Indian National Congress
D. The Portuguese
16. The INC for the first time passed the res-
olutions on Swaraj, Boycott and National 21. Who among the following was elected the
Education at its annual session held at president of the Naval Central Strike com-
mittee of the Royal Indian Navy prior to the
A. Banaras (1905)
RIN Mutiny of 1946?
B. Calcutta (1906)
A. M.S Khan
C. Surat (1907)
B. General Shah Nawaz Khan
D. Madras (1908)
17. The Non-Cooperation movement had been C. Colonel Prem Sehgal

launched by Gandhi in the year D. Colonel Gurbaksh Singh Dhillon

A. 1916

22. Under which among the following acts,

B. 1919 Civil Services started in India?

C. 1920 A. Charter Act 1813

D. 1923
B. Charter Act 1833
18. Consider the following reason of arresting
C. Charter Act 1853

and sending Bal Gangadhar Tilak to Man-

dalay Jail a few months after the Surat Split D. Charter Act 1793
of 1907?
23. Who among the following is considered to
1. Tilak supported the acts of the revo-

be the first Finance Minister in British India,

lutionaries by writing in Kesari that
who also founded The Economist magazine
there was excess of patriotism at the
and the Standard Chartered Bank?
root of Bomb in Bengal.
2. Tilak had induced the factory workers A. James Wilson
in Bombay to declare a strike
B. Alexander Hamilton
A. Only 1 is correct
C. Henry Baillie
B. Only 2 is correct
D. Thomas Wyse
C. Both 1& 2 are correct
24. Who had scrapped the partition of Bengal?
D. Neither 1 nor 2 is correct
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A. Lord Hardinge A. Rampur

B. Lord Mountbatten B. Arcot
C. Lord Lytton C. Awadh
D. Lord Wellesley D. Surat
25. Shuja-ud-Daulah was the Nawab of


1. C 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. A 11. B 12. B 13. A 14. B

15. B 16. B 17. C 18. A 19. C 20. C 21. A 22. B 23. A 24. A 25. C

Unit 17

1. To whom is the statement "Cowardice and 5. During the Second World War the British
ahimsa do not go together any more than forces were defeated at
water and fire" attributed?
A. London
A. Acharya Narendra Dev B. Dunkirk
B. M K Gandhi
C. Swami Vivekananda
eR C. Paris
D. Liverpool
D. Jayaprakash Narayan 6. Various Cooperative societies of the agri-
2. When the August Offer 1940 was offered culturists and Agricultural Banks were es-
tablished during the time of Lord Curzon.
to India the Prime Minister of England was
What was the most appropriate reason for
A. Chamberlain this?
B. Baldwin A. Lord Curzon wanted to improve the con-

C. Chruchill dition of agriculture in India

B. The money lenders had refused to ad-
D. Asquith
vance loans to peasants
3. Which of the following Sikh Guru is know
to have completed the Harmandir Sahib? C. India was plagued with several famines

D. Lord Curzon was given a mandate to

A. Guru Arjun Dev

work for the welfare of peasants

B. Guru Ram Das 7. Where did Gandhi call the Congress Work-
C. Guru Har Gobind ing Committee to announce the suspension
of Non-Cooperation movement?
D. Guru Amar Das
A. Bardoli
4. The exclusive right of trading
between was granted to the East B. Poona
India Company. C. Calcutta
A. North America and South America D. Madras
B. Red Sea and Caspian Sea 8. The main cause for the Instant popularity
of the Arya Samaj was that
C. The Cape of Good Hope and the Straits
of Magellan A. It represented the purified form of Hin-
D. France and Poland
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180 Chapter 3. Modern India

B. It supported and worded for the cause A. Nehru

of western education
B. Jinnah
C. It combined the opposition to the evil C. Gandhi
practices of Hinduism with an aggressive
assertion of the superiority of the Vedic reli- D. Rajaji
gion and Indian thought over all other faiths 14. Who had founded the Indian Home Rule
D. It gave a call to its followers to go back A. Madan Lal Dhingra

to the Vedas B. V D Savarkar
9. The slogan of ‘Bande Matram’ was first C. Lala Hardayal
adopted during the Movements?

D. Shyamji Krishna Varma
A. Non-cooperation
15. Who among the following was impeached
B. Civil Disobedience in the UK for his actions in India?
C. Swadeshi A. Lord Wavell

D. Quit India B. Lord Ripon

10. What did Raja Ram Mohan Roy actively C. Lord Hastings
seek reforms in? D. Lord Cornwallis
A. Promoting intercaste marriages 16. After which among the following events,
the Cabinet Mission plan was thought to
B. Teaching the Vedas in schools have become defunct?
C. Ending the practice of Sati A. Call for a Direct Action Day by Muslim
D. Building more temples League

11. The Pitt’s India Act empowered the B. Boycott of the Muslim Legue of the
Governor-General with Constituent assembly

C. The formation of the Interim Govern-

A. Power of vote

B. A casting vote
D. Atlee’s Declaration
C. The power to dismiss the council 17. The Rowlatt Act was passed in the year
D. The power to add more members to the A. 1919

B. 1925
12. “There was only one genuine extremist in
C. 1927
India and that was Mr. Tilak”Who among

the following had made this remark in con- D. 1930

text with Bal Gangadhar Tilak? 18. The Battle of Buxar was fought between the
A. Mahatma Gandhi combined armies (of the Nawab of Awadh,
the Mughal Emperor and Mir Kasim II) and
B. Moti Lal Nehru the
C. Edwin Montague A. French
D. Lord Hardinge B. Dutch
13. The Cripps Offer was regarded as a ‘post C. Portuguese
dated cheque’ by D. English
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19. Consider the following: A. Apartheid

1. She is the first person of Indian ori- B. Blacks’ Registration
gin to be canonized as a saint by the
C. cl Asiatic Registration
Catholic Church
2. A commemorative coin was issued by D. Subcitizens’ Licence
the Government of India in her mem- 23. PIassey is located near
ory in 2009.
3. She is only the second Indian to be A. Murshidabad in West Bengal
elevated to sainthood after the 16th B. Rajashahi in Bangladesh
century martyr, Gonsalo Garcia, who
C. Calcutta
was canonized in 1862
Who among the following fits in the above D. Monghyr in Bihar
three criteria? 24. An effect of the 1857 revolt was that

A. Mother Teresa A. The spirit of rebellion in Indian was
B. Saint Alphonsa crushed

C. Saint Paulina B. The British became totally demoralized

D. Gemma Galgani C. The British abandoned their repressive

20. Eminent Tamil Poet C Subramania Bharati
was associated with Which of the follow-
ing movements oC the Indian National
eR policies
D. Unity was forged between the Hindus
and Muslims
Congress? 25. Who among the following gave the safety
A. Extremist valve theory for Indian National Congress?
B. Non-Cooperation A. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
C. Civil Disobedience B. Lala Lajpat Rai
D. Quit India C. Bipinchandra Pal

21. Who contemptuously referred to Mahatma

D. MN Roy
Gandhi as a half- naked fakir?
26. The single biggest item of British capital
A. Lord Wavell
investment in India was
B. Lord Irwin
A. railways
C. Lord Willingdon

B. plantations and mines


D. Winston Churchill
C. banking and insurance
22. Gandhi had been provoked into crusading
for the lot of the Asians in South Africa by D. shipping
the British law called the Act.


1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. C 11. B 12. C 13. C 14. D

15. C 16. D 17. A 18. D 19. B 20. A 21. D 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. B 26. A

Unit 18
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182 Chapter 3. Modern India

1. Which of the following is not among the A. consolidate Khadi programme

regions where the Britishers had first set up B. work for harijan welfare
trading posts?
C. cl do penance for Chauri-Chaura vio-
A. Bengal lence
B. Goa D. write his autobiography
C. Coromandel Coast 8. The main exponent of the theory of Drain
D. Gujarat of Wealth was

2. Who among the following was the leader of A. RC Dutt
Mahagujarat Movement? B. Dadabhai Naoroji
A. Sardar Patel C. DR Gadoil

B. Indulal Yagnik D. Karl Mane
C. Savjibhai Korat 9. In which year, Land Holder’s society was
D. Vinubhai Patel established in India?
A. 1806

3. The Deccan Riots of 1874-75 in Maharash-
tra were directed against B. 1828
A. Big landlords C. 1838
B. Moneylenders D. 1850
C. Revenue collectors 10. Swarajist Party was organised by
D. British opium planters A. Motilal Nehru
4. Both the processes of transfer of power and B. Subash Chandra Bose
the partition of India were hurried through
C. Annie Besant
in days.

D. Gokhale
A. 68
11. The Civil Disobedience Movement was sus-
B. 70

pended after the Gandhi-Irwin Pact. Why

C. 72 did the Congress decide to resume the move-

ment In January 1932?

D. 85
A. Failure of the Second Round Table Con-
5. The use of the mother tongue in India in the
law Court was permitted by
B. Repudiation of the Gandhi-Irwin Pact

A. Lord Hastings
by the British Government
B. Cornwallis
C. British policies of repression
C. Lord Dalhousie

D. All the above

D. Bentinck 12. The Charter Act of 1813 left intact the Com-
6. The Diwani Adalat was presided over by pany’s monopoly of trade.
A. Collector A. China
B. Governor B. Jawa
C. Resident C. Ceylon
D. Nawabs D. Japan
7. Mahatma Gandhi spent a year of complete 13. The Indian Independence Act was passed
silence in 1926 to in
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A. July 1947 A. Rast Goftar

B. August 1947 B. Neel Darpan
C. June 1947 C. Shome Prakash
D. September 1947 D. None of the above
14. Aliah University is the First Muslim Uni- 19. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was the author
versity of which of the following states? of
A. Gujarat A. India Wins Freedom
B. West Bengal B. New India
C. Tamil Nadu C. Gita Rahasya
D. Uttar Pradesh

D. Discovery of India
15. The Congress ministries cave up office in
20. Which of the following was the most impor-
October 1939 over the issue of
tant feature of the Montague-Chelmsford
A. constant interference by Governors in reforms?
day-to-day administration
A. Self-government
B. propaganda of the Muslim League
against the Congress
C. India having been unwillingly dragged
eR B. The Factory Act
C. System of Dyarchy
into the Second World War D. Transfer of Power of Congress
D. failure of the British to define their war 21. Which among the following Viceroys was
aims associated with the ‘Ilbert Bill Contro-
16. Govind Dhondu Pant, popularly known was versy’?
Nanasaheb, and one of the principal leaders A. Lord Curzon

of the Revolt of 1857, was the adopted heir

and successor of B. Lord Lytton

A. Peshwa Baji Rao II C. Lord Ripon

B. King of Jhansi D. Lord Hardinge
C. Madhav Rao Sindhia 22. Who had rounded the first women’s univer-

sity in India?

D. Malhar Rao Holkar

A. Rani Ahilya Devi
17. The Indian National Congress had adopted
the famous Poorna Swaraj (Complete In- B. Ishwar Chandra Vidayasagar
dependence) resolution at its session held
at C. Rani of Thomi

A. Karachi D. Dhondo Keshav Karve

B. Allahabad 23. Identify the revolutionary among the fol-

lowing who was not active in London?
C. Lahore
A. Shyamji Krishna Varma
D. Calcutta
B. Ashfaqullah
18. The first Bengali Drama, written to high-
light the brutality of the British indigo C. Lala Hardayal
planters, was
D. V D Savarkar
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184 Chapter 3. Modern India

24. Match the following: 25. After the revolt of 1857, via the Govern-
ment of India Act 1858, the Crown had as-
List-I List-II sumed the direct responsibility for the Gov-
A. Moplah 1. Turkey ernment of India. By this act, all legislative,
B. Akali Movement 2. Education administrative and Financial Powers came
C. Kashi Vidya Peeth 3. Punjab to be concentrated in which among the fol-
D. Khilafat Movement 4. Malabar lowing?
A. Viceroy and Governor General

A. A − 4, B − 3,C − 2, D − 1 B. Viceroy’s and his council

B. A − 1, B − 2,C − 3, D − 4 C. Secretary of State for India and his coun-

C. A − 3, B − 2,C − 1, D − 4

D. Viceroy’s Council
D. A − 2, B − 1,C − 3, D − 4


1. B 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. A 11. D 12. A 13. A 14. B
15. D 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. C 21. C 22. D 23. B 24. A 25. C
Unit 19

1. The system of civil services had been intro- D. of INA’s initial success on India’s east-
duced into India by ern borders
A. Lord Ripon 4. Who among the following was the founder
of the Paris Indian Society?
B. Lord Dalhousie

A. S R Rana
C. Lord Bentick
B. Bhikaji Kama

D. Lord Hastings
C. Taraknath
2. The office of Governor-General of India

D. Lala Hardayal
was created by the
5. The Home Rule Society, popularly called
A. Government of India Act, 1833 ‘India House’, had been established in Lon-
B. Government of India Act, 1858 don to promote the cause of Indian indepen-

dence, by
C. Charter Act, 1833
A. Lala Hardayal
D. Charter Act, 1813
B. Madan Lal Dhingra

3. In March 1942, British Prime Minister Win-

C. Shyamji Krishna Varma
ston Churchill appointed the Cripps Mis-
sion to resolve Indian political crisis be- D. V D Savarkar
cause 6. Why did the Cabinet Mission of 1946 re-
A. he was under pressure from the US Pres- jected the Muslim League’s demand for a
ident Roosevelt separate state for Pakistan?
A. The Cabinet Mission felt that Congress
B. of the gravity of the Japanese war men-
represents the Indian people and thus Mus-
ace on India’s borders
lim league could not make favorable inroads
C. both A and B above
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B. The Muslim League had a renewed de- A. wider employment of Indians in higher
mand of a weak centre and grouping of public services
Muslim provinces, which was accepted by B. establishment of representative institu-
Cabinet Mission tions
C. The Cabinet Mission felt that a sepa- C. self-government to India
rate state would contain larger proportion
of Non-Muslim population and a sizable D. Only A and B above
population of Muslims will be left in India, 12. Which of the following influenced the mak-
if two states are declared. ers of Indian Constitution?
D. The Cabinet Mission was given a Man- A. The Constitution of China
date from London to preserve the unity of B. The Constitution of USSR
C. The Constitution of USA
7. Which of the following leaders died as

a result of Injuries sustained during a D. The Constitution of Japan
protest demonstration against Simon Com- 13. The first Swarajist Conference was held at
A. Ahmedabad
A. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
B. Allahabad
B. Dadabhai Naoroji
C. Goplakrishna Gokhale
D. LaIa Lajpat Rai
eR C. Madras
D. Bardoli
14. The main objectives of the Non-
8. SNDT Women’s University, the first women Cooperation Movement were
university was established at which of the
A. restoration of the old status of the
following places?
Caliph (Khilafat Demand) and attainment
A. Mumbai of Swaraj for India
B. Pune B. protest against the Punjab wrongs and

C. Thane withdrawal of the Rowlatt Acts

D. Nasik C. lifting of martial law from Punjab and

withdrawal of repressive laws
9. Who said that he had not become His
Majesty’s first Minister to preside over the D. None of the above
liquidation of the British Empire? 15. The master stroke of Lord Wellesley to es-

A. Attlee tablish British paramountcy in India was


B. Churchill A. Doctrine of Lapse

C. Disraeli B. Subsidiary Alliance

D. Loyd George C. Mediatisation

10. In Which year was the All India Muslim D. Annexation of Indian States
League founded? 16. The leader of the Anuslian Samiti was
A. 1903 A. Barindra Kumar Ghosh
B. 1906 B. Pulin Das
C. 1909 C. Kanai Lal Dutta
D. 1912 D. Prafulla Chaki
11. From 1885 to 1905 (the moderate phase of 17. The ruler of Mysore who secured the rendi-
the INC) the object before the INC was tion of Mysore was
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186 Chapter 3. Modern India

A. Tippu A. Hyder Ali

B. Hyder B. Tipu Sultan
C. Krishnaraja III C. Chin Quilich Khan
D. Rajendra Wodiar D. Murshid Quli Khan
18. Which of the following was not of the 22. The INA was largely composed of
achievements of the Exteremist Group in
A. Indian Revolutionaries
the Congress?
B. Overseas Indians

A. The partition of Bengal was annulled in
1911 C. Indian Prisoners of war under the
B. The Calcutta Corporation Act and the Japanese

Indian Universities Act were taken off the D. Deserters from the British Indian Army
statute book 23. The social reformer of Maharashtra who be-
C. Nationalism took root among the pro- came famous by his pen name lokhitwadi
gressive sections of society was

D. The Extremists taught people self- A. Atmaram Panduranga
confidence and self- reliance and prepared B. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
the social base of the nationalist movement
19. On what charge was Khudiram Bose, a C. Gopal Hari Deshmukh
boy of 18, sentenced to death on April 30, D. KS Chaplunkar
1908? 24. Who had strongly advocated the policy of
A. for being an active member of the abolishing princely states m free India?
Anushilan Samiti, the first revolutionary or- A. Mahatma Gandhi
ganisation in Bengal
B. Jawaharlal Nehru

B. for participating in the Alipur Conspir-

acy C. C Rajagopalachari

C. for murdering one Kennedy in Muzaf- D. Vallabhbhai Patel

farpur 25. Consider the following statements:

D. for attempting to murder Kingsfords, 1. American Civil War (1861-1865)

the Chief Presidency Magistrate at Muzaf- boosted the demand of Indian Cotton
farpur, who had ordered severe flogging to 2. The boost in the demand of Indian cot-
some young men for minor offences. ton ultimately led to failure of Bank

20. ‘My strongest bulwark is gone’ lamented of Bombay in 1866

Gandhiji on the death of Which among the above statements is / are
A. Gopalakrishna Gokhale correct?

B. Motilal Nehru A. 1 only

C. Pheroze Shah Mehta B. 2 only
D. Bal Gangadhar Tilak C. Both 1& 2
21. Who planted the ‘Tree of Liberty’ at Sriran- D. Neither 1 nor 2


1. C 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. B 11. D 12. C 13. B 14. A

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15. B 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. D 20. D 21. B 22. C 23. C 24. C 25. C

Unit 20

1. The Special Congress Session held in 1920 A. Dadabhai Naoroji

at Calcutta was presided over by
B. Jawaharlal Nehru
A. Nehru
C. Sarojini Naidu
B. LaIa Lajpat Rai
D. Mahatma Gandhi
C. Bose 6. Servants of India Society was founded in
D. Gandhi A. England
2. On February 3, 1882, the British Govern-

B. India
ment of India appointed an Indian Edu-
cation Commission 1882, with a view to C. America
enquire into the working of the existing D. Burma
System of Public Instruction and further
extension of that system on popular basis. 7. The day (December 22, 1939) the Congress
Who among the following was the chairman
of this commission?
A. H P Jacob
eR Ministries resigned in the Provinces the,
Muslim League observed
A. Deliverance Day

B. C Pearson B. Direct Action Day

C. G E Ward C. Victory Day

D. W.W. Hunter D. Alliance Day

3. On Cabinet Mission, observed, "the 8. Arrange the following in chronological or-


proposals preserve the essential unity of In-

dia Which la threatened by the dispute be- I. Viceroy Lytton
tween two major communities". II. Viceroy Mayo
A. Lord Wavell III. Viceroy Lansdowne
IV. Viceroy Linlithgow
B. Nehru

C. Patel

D. Mahatma Gandhi
4. To do something for the Indigo Planters,
who among the following persuaded Ma- D. III, IV, I, II
hatma Gandhi to come to Champaran? 9. In the Carnatic, the English supported the
claims of
A. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
A. Anwaruddin
B. Rajkumar Shukla
B. Chanda Sahib
C. Brij Kishore
C. Nasir Jang
D. Mahadev Desai
5. Who had propounded the Theory of Eco- D. Muzaffar Jang
nomic Drain of India during British Imperi- 10. According to the Mutiny was a popu-
alism? lar rebellion.
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188 Chapter 3. Modern India

A. V D Sarkar A. British repression of the satyagrahis

B. V A Smith B. Violation of the Gandhi-Irwin pact
C. L Mukherjee C. Communal Award of Ramsay McDon-
D. Chabbra
D. All the above
11. The Cripps Mission visited India in the
17. Which among the following great revolu-
tionaries was the brain behind the ‘Chit-
A. 1940 tagong Armoury Raid’?

B. 1942 A. Ganesh Ghosh
C. 1945 B. Chandrashekhar Azad

D. 1946 C. Surya Sen
12. Who among the following was the first Non- D. Lala Hardayal
Congress chief minister of India? 18. Who declared that he would talk of reli-
gion only when he succeeded in removing
A. Indulal Yagnik

poverty and misery from the country, for
B. NG Ranga religion could not appease hunger?
C. EMS Naboodiripad A. Swami Vivekananda
B. Mahatma Gandhi
D. Shankar Dayal Sharma
13. Mrs Annie Besant became the first woman C. Jawaharlal Nehru
President of the INC in D. Dadabhai Naoroji
A. 1916 19. During the first hundred years of the British
rule In India, people’s resentment and Oppo-
B. 1917 sition to the British policies mainly surfaced

C. 1918 In the form of

D. 1920 A. Tribal uprisings

14. In the Provinces were allowed to form B. Peasant uprisings


groups with common executives and leg- C. Civil uprisings

D. Both A and B above
A. Wavell Plan 20. The youngest President of the Indian Na-
B. Dikie Bird Plan tional Congress, who held that office at the

age of 35, was

C. Cabinet Mission Plan
A. Jawaharlal Nehru
D. Mountbatten Plan
B. Subhash Chandra Bose

15. Dandi March started on 1930.

C. Annie Besant
A. 12th March
D. Abul Kalam Azad
B. 12th April 21. Who was the first to raise the slogan ‘In-
C. 12th February quilab zindabad’?

D. 12th May A. Bhagat Singh

16. On September 20, 1932 Mahatma Gandhi B. M Kelappan

began a fast unto death in Yeravada Jail C. Veer Savarkar
D. Shankaran Nair
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22. The revolt of 1857 had its beginnings in C. British mercantile industrial capitalist
A. Meerut
D. Zamindars and big landlords
B. Plassey
25. Which of the following is not one of the
C. Madras reasons why Mahatma Gandhi is known Ra
D. Bombay the Father of Nation?
23. Who was the first European to translate the A. He was universally adored, admired and
Bhapad Gita into English? respected by all castes, communities and
A. Alexander Cunningham
B. Starting with opposition to the Rowlatt
B. William Jones Acts, till the Quit India Movement he was
C. James Prinsep the supreme leader and the main spirit be-

hind the national movement
D. Charles Wilkins
C. His social political, economic and reli-
24. After 1893, when complete ban was im-
gious ideologies were based on Indian val-
posed on all commercial activities of the
ues with a very strong moral and ethical
Company. India was left open to exploita-
tion by eR D. He was the founder President of the In-
A. British officers in India
dian National Congress
B. Planters

1. B 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. B 11. B 12. C 13. B 14. C
15. A 16. D 17. C 18. A 19. D 20. D 21. A 22. A 23. D 24. C 25. A

Unit 21

1. Sardar Patel brought all the Indian States A. 1860

into the Country’s unity
B. 1862
A. By a bloody revolution
C. 1865

B. By using armed forces


D. 1880
C. By a bloodless revolution
4. Who among the following shared the simi-
D. With the help of the English lar ideology?
2. The Shivaji Festival was inaugurated in A. Gopal Krishna Gokhle and Bal Gangad-
1895 by har Tilak
A. Hume B. Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Dada Bhai
B. Morley Naoroji

C. Tilak C. Chitranjan Das and Moti Lal Nehru

D. Gokhale D. Subhash Chandra Bose and Dr.Pattabhi
3. In which year, Submarine Telegraphy Sys- Sitaramayya
tem was opened between India and Eu- 5. Which among the following provisions was
rope? not provided by the Charter Act of 1833?
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190 Chapter 3. Modern India

A. Governor General of Bengal was made 10. Which of the following Gurudwara in India
the Governor General of India is the site where the ninth Sikh Guru, Guru
Tegh Bahadur was beheaded on the orders
B. Government of Bombay and Madras
of the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb in 1675
were deprived of their legislative powers
A. Gurdwara Moti Bagh Sahib
C. The activities of East India Company as
a commercial entity ended B. Gurdwara Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib
D. The Portfolio system was given a statu-

tory Recognition C. Gurudwara Sis Ganj Sahib
6. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose had pro- D. Gurdwara Rakab Ganj Sahib
claimed the formation of the Provisional

11. Who among the following had observed,
Government of Independent India (Azad
upon Gandhi’s assassination. “None will
Hind I in 1943 in
believe that a man like this body and soul
A. Vienna ever walked on this earth”?

B. Rangoon A. Bertrand Russel
C. Tokyo B. Nelson Mandela
D. Singapore C. Albert Einstein
7. In the Interim Government formed in 1946, D. Leo Tolstoy
the Minister for Education was
12. RESPONSIVIST Class of Leaders be-
A. Patel longed to?
B. Rajaji A. Gandhians
C. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad B. No Changers

D. Annie Besant C. Muslim League


8. To avenge the brutal lathi charge on Lala D. Swarajists

Lajpat Rai (October 30, 1928), Which was
13. The United East India Company refers to

believed to have caused his death subse-

the company in India formed by the
quently, who murdered Saunders, the Assis-
tant Superintendent of Police, Lahore? A. Portuguese
A. Batukeshwar Dutt B. Dutch

B. Bhagat Singh C. French

C. Chandra Shekhar Azad D. British

D. Sachindra Sanyal 14. China invaded Indian frontiers in the

9. The Dandi March undertaken by Gandhi
was A. 1956

A. A routine March B. 1960

B. A part of the Quit India Movement C. 1962

C. A part of the Civil Disobedience Move- D. 1965

ment 15. The East India Company was established in
D. A demonstration of Congress power the year
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A. 1607 AD 19. Who was the moving spirit behind the oga-
nization of the Ghadar Party?
B. 1600 AD
A. Lala Hardayal
C. 1700 AD
B. V D Savarkar
D. 1669 AD
C. Mahatma Gandhi
16. The term of office fixed by Regulating Act
for Governor General was D. Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose
20. The maximum number of additional mem-
A. 4 years bers for the council of Bengal was raised
B. 5 years from 20 to
C. 3 years A. 60

D. 2 years B. 50

17. Gandhi called for an all India Hartal (strike) C. 70
to protest against Rowlatt Act on 6th D. 25
April 21. The Swaraj Party was organised by
A. 1918 A. Lala Lajapat Rai and Feroze Shah
eR Mehta
B. 1919
B. Sarojini Naidu and Annie Besant
C. 1926
C. CR Das and Motilal Nehru
D. 1925
D. C Rajagopalachari and CY Chintamani
18. Match the persons/leaders of the Revolt of
22. The leader who quit politics, retired to
1857 and the places and events with Which
Pondicherry and set up an ashram there,
they were associated:
List-I List-II A. Lokmanya TiIak
A. Mangal Pandey (i) proclaimed him-self

B. Dadabhai Naoroji
Peshwa at Kanpur and
C. Bhikaji Cama
was joined by his able
General Tatya Tope D. Sri Aurobindo Ghose
B. Bahadur Shah II (ii) proclaimed the 23. Who was the British Prime Minister who
ruler at Jhansi convened the First Round Table Conference

C. Nana Saheb (iii) at Barrackpore, in London?

he refused to use the

A. Churchill
greased cartridges and
killed the Adjutant B. Ramsay McDonald
D. Rani Lakshmi Bai (iv) declared the C. Chamberlain
Nawab of Awadh D. Disraeli
E. Birjis Kader (v) proclaimed the 24. Who had introduced the Indian Universities
King emperor of India Act 1904?
in Delhi
A. Lord Ripon
B. Lord Hardinge
A. A − ii, B − v,C − i, D − iii, E − iv
C. Lord Curzon
B. A − i, B − v,C − ii, D − iii, E − iv
D. Lord Auckland
C. A − iii, B − v,C − i, D − ii, E − iv 25. The Government of India Act of 1935 bor-
D. A − iii, B − ii,C − iv, D − v, E − i rowed its preamble from
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192 Chapter 3. Modern India

A. The Constitution of the USA 1919

B. The Constitution of Australia D. From Pitt’s India Act
C. From the Government of India Act of


1. C 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. C 11. C 12. D 13. B 14. C

15. B 16. B 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. B 21. C 22. D 23. B 24. C 25. C

Unit 22

1. “Congress is in reality a Civil war without A. Sevagram Ashram

arms”Who among the following made the
B. Ramakrishna Mission
above remarks in regard to Congress?
C. Phoenix Ashram
A. Lord Dufferin
D. Sabarmati Ashram

B. Mohammad Ali Jinnah
6. The number of members in the Simon
C. Syed Ahamad Khan
D. Lord Curzon
A. 10
2. The first national leader to decry the salt tax
in the Indian legislature was B. 20
A. G K Gokhale C. 7
B. M K Gandhi D. 12
C. J L Nehru 7. The Frontier Gandhi actively participated

D. Netaji S C Bose
3. After the permanent settlement, what frac- A. Khilafat Movement

tion of the revenue derived by the Zamin- B. Non-Cooperation Movement

dars to the Company was to be remitted?

C. Civil Disobedience Movement

A. 50%
D. All the above
B. 65%
8. After the Hindustan Republican Associa-
C. 76% tion was renamed as Hindustan Socialist

D. 89% Republic Association, a central committee

4. Who among the following did not vehe- was formed. Who among the following was
mently protested the withdrawal of the Non- from Bihar in this central Committee?

Cooperation Movement after the Chauri- A. Sukhdev

Chaura Incident?
B. Kundanlal
A. Jawahar Lal Nehru
C. P N Ghosh
B. Subhash Chandra Bose
D. Shiv Sharma
C. C R Das
9. Which of the following was not one of the
D. Motilal Nehru points stressed by Mahatma Gandhi while
5. Which of the following institutions was not exhorting the people to join the Quit India
founded by Gandhi? Movement?
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A. Forget the differences between the Hin- A. Marathas

dus and Muslims and think of yourselves as
B. Sikhs
Indians only.
C. Nepalese
B. our quarrel is not with British people,
we fight their imperialism and we must D. Burmese
purge ourselves of hatred. 15. The Treaty of Lahore was signed between
C. Feel from today that you are a free man the Sikhs and the British in India in the year
and pot a dependent. Do or die. Either free A. 1836
India or die in the the attempt.
B. 1846
D. Freedom of India is an end that will pu-
rify all means employed to achieve it. C. 1856

10. Which of the following was not included D. 1866

in the early three English Settlements in 16. The Viceroy who wanted to train Indian in
India? the art of self- government was
A. Madras A. Mountbatten
B. The Punjab B. Ripon
C. Bombay
D. Calcutta
eR C. Northbrook
D. Curzon
11. Which among the following two El Niño 17. As per the Act of 1919, the Council of In-
Years led to the disastrous Chhappania Akal dia would consist of a minimum of 8 and a
in India? maximum of members.
A. 1896& 1897 A. 15
B. 1896& 1899 B. 12

C. 1900& 1902 C. 10
D. 1895& 1897 D. 20
12. The sole representative of the Congress in 18. The capital of Tipu Sultan, where he died
the Second Round Table Conference was while fighting the Fourth Anglo-Mysore
war in 1799, was

A. Subhas Chandra Bose

A. Bangalore

B. Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru

C. Mahatma Gandhi B. Mysore
C. Seringapatam
D. Jawaharlal Nehru
13. The State, from among the following, D. Hellebid or Halebid
Which was not annexed by the ‘doctrine 19. Where had civil rebellions against the
of lapse’ is British initially started?
A. Baghat A. Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh
B. Gwalior B. Bengal and Bihar
C. Sambalpur C. Odisha
D. Satara D. Madras and Calcutta
14. Mahabandula was the great General of the 20. The Revolt of 1857 failed mainly because
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194 Chapter 3. Modern India

A. of superior resources of the British em- for his war services (during the First World
pire War)
B. it was poorly organised and the rebels A. in protest against the Jallianwala Bagh
had no common ideal tragedy
C. it had very little nationalist sentiment B. during the Non-Cooperation Movement
D. it was localised, restricted and scattered
C. in support of the Khilafat demand when
21. Arrange the following events/movements in the Central Khilafat Committee organised a

the correct order of their chronology: general all-India hartal on August 1, 1920
1. Rowlatt Act Satyagraha D. during the Champaran Satyagraha
2. Civil Disobedience Movement

24. The Congressmen who wanted to contest
3. Boycott of Simon Commission
the elections under the Act of 1919 and en-
4. Quit India Movement
ter the legislature, formed a party (1923)
A. 1-2-3-4 called
B. 1-3-2-4

A. Swaraj Party
C. 2-3-4-1 B. Congress Swarajya Party
D. 2-3-4-1 C. Nationalist Party
22. The Secretary of State for India was given
D. Liberal Party
powers by
25. The first interim government during the
A. The Act of 1909
British rule in India was formed in
B. The Act of 1919
A. September, 1945
C. The Act of 1858
B. November, 1945

D. The Act of 1861

C. September, 1946
23. Mahatma Gandhi gave up the title of Kaiser-
D. January, 1947

i-Hind and returned all the war medals

Which were awarded to him by the British


1. C 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. B 11. B 12. C 13. B 14. D

15. B 16. B 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. B 21. B 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. C

Unit 23

1. Who among the following had been a high D. Dadabhai Naoroji

court judge, an economist, a social reformer, 2. The Regulating Act was passed in the year
among the founders or the INC, besides be-
ing regarded by A O Hume as his political A. 1793
guru? B. 1773
A. Surendranath Banerjee C. 1763
D. 1783
B. Pheroze Shah Mehta
3. The earliest nationalist to commit political
C. Mahadev Gobind Ranade dacoities (a feature of the later revolution-
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ary movements) was C. India offered to sign Free Trade Agree-

ments with its smaller neighbors and was
A. Jyotiba Phule
successful in signing such an agreement
B. Chapekar brothers with Sri Lanka
C. Vasudev Balwant Phadke D. India offered unilateral concessions and
D. Yatindra Das benefits to all its neighbors, without expect-
ing them to make reciprocal gestures to In-
4. When the Simon Commission visited India
the Viceroy was
9. The writers of the East India Company had
A. Lloyd George their training in the college at in Eng-
B. Lord Irwin land.

C. Lord Reading A. London

D. Lord Ripon B. Manchester
5. The immediate forerunner of the Indian Na- C. Liverpool
tional congress was D. Haileybury
A. Indian Association of Calcutta 10. Who was the first leader to preside over the
B. Indian National Conference
A. Ananda Charlu
C. British India association
B. S Subramanya Iyer
D. Indian Union
6. After failure of which among the following C. WC Banerji
movements, the Swaraj Party was formed? D. Surendranath Bannerjee
A. Quit India Movement 11. As per Wavell’s Plan the external affairs
would be under the charge of
B. Non-cooperation Movement
A. Viceroy

C. Civil disobedience Movement

B. Parliament
D. Swadeshi Movement
C. An Indian Member of the Executive
7. Tilak was sentenced and transported to
A. Mandalay D. Secretary of State
B. Malaya

12. As per Cabinet Mission Plan, the strength

of the Constituent Assembly would be

C. Australia
D. Andaman A. 389
8. One of our Prime Ministers, Mr. IK Gujral B. 289
had propounded a doctrine in early nineties C. 250
which has come to be known as “Gujral
Doctrine”. Which among the following D. 350
statements gives an economic essence of 13. The Constitution drawn by the Constituent
Gujral Doctrine? Assembly (provided in the Cabinet Mission
Plan) would be implemented by
A. India viewed the South Asian Region as
one economic entity and emphasizes on the A. Parliament
multilateral trade concessions B. The British Government
B. India offered to create a South Asia Free C. Viceroy
Trade Region with this doctrine
D. Indian National Congress
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196 Chapter 3. Modern India

14. Madame HP Blavatsky had laid the foun- A. The Nawab of Awadh
dation of the Theosophical Society in the
B. The French
C. The Portuguese
A. 1853
D. The Sikhs
B. 1864
21. Gandhi had given out the stirring call of
C. 1875
‘Do or Die’ during the Movement.
D. 1886
A. Non-cooperation
15. As per ‘August Offer’ the British objective

for India was B. Khilafat
A. Dominion Status C. Civil Disobedience

B. Puma Swaraj D. Quit India
C. Responsible Government 22. The Shimla Conference Which was con-
vened as per Wavell’s Plan ended in failure
D. Provincial Authority
because of the stiff opposition of
16. The first Carnatic War in India was an ex-

tension of the Anglo-French War in A. Gandhi
A. Canada B. Jawaharlal Nehru
B. Europe C. Jinnah
C. Africa D. Rajaji
D. America 23. The Rajiv Gandhi action plan, put forward
17. Loamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak hailed by the late Leader in 1988 is related to
form which among the following?
A. Bengal A. Environment Protection

B. Kashmir B. Nuclear Disarmament

C. Maharashtra C. Information Technology

D. Tamil Nadu D. Multilateral Trade


18. The Non-Cooperation Movement was with- 24. Kandaghat, a heritage railway station made
drawn in 1920 because of entirely of wood and built by the British
A. Gandhi’s ill health in 1903 was destroyed in the fire.In which
state this Railway Station was located?
B. The Congress’ extremist policies

C. A fervent appeal by the government to A. Gujarat

do so B. Maharastra

D. Violence erupting at Chauri Chaura C. Himachal Pradesh

19. Who had formulated and perfected the use
D. Jammu& Kashmir
of the subsidiary alliance system?
25. The Hindu College was started in 1817 at
A. Lord Mayo
A. Calcutta
B. Lord Curzon
B. Bombay
C. Lord Dalhousie
D. Lord Wellesley C. Madras
20. To face the Maratha Army the Rohelas chief D. Pondicherry
entered into a pact with
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1. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. B 8. D 9. D 10. C 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. C

15. A 16. B 17. C 18. D 19. D 20. A 21. D 22. C 23. B 24. C 25. A

Unit 24

1. A manifesto known as “Philosophy of the 6. In Which year was the Indian Home Rule
Bomb”, was brought out by which among Society founded?
the following organizations?
A. 1905
A. Ghadar Party
B. 1908
B. Hindustan Republic Association
C. 1911

C. Hindustan Socialist Republic Associa-
D. 1914
7. The term of office of member of the Council
D. Jugantar of India as per the act of 1919 was
2. Who had observed that "Political freedom
A. 5 years
is the life-breath of a nation"?
A. BG Tilak
B. Annie Besant
eR B. 4 years
C. 2 years
D. 6 years
C. Sri Aurobindo Ghose
8. Which among the following was the source
D. Rabindranath Tagore of money for “Clive Fund“?
3. Which among the following is India’s first
A. His salary and emoluments in the East
ministry to have an account on twitter?
India Company
A. Ministry of Commerce and Industry
B. Money earned by him as gifts and bribes

B. Ministry of External Affairs from the Indians

C. Ministry of Finance C. Money left by Mir Jafar for him as Gift
D. Home Ministry D. Money confiscated from the Beghum of
4. The name of the periodical published by Nawab of Awadh
Gandhi during his stay in South Africa was

9. The Home Rule League was formed during


A. Navjivan
B. India Gazette A. First World War
C. Afrikaner B. Partition of Bengal
D. Indian Opinion C. Struggle following the Jallianwala Bagh
5. The Government of India Act of 1919 made Massacre
provision for the appointment of a/an D. Implementation of Minto-Morley Re-
for India in the United Kingdom. forms
A. Ambassador 10. The song Jan-Gana-Mana composed by Ra-
bindranath Tagore was first published in
B. Counsul
January 1912 under the title of
C. High Commissioner
A. Tatva Bodhini
D. Indian Member in the parliament of
B. Morning Song of India
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198 Chapter 3. Modern India

C. Bharat Vidhata A. the Act of 1919

D. Rashtra Jagrati B. the Act of 1935
11. The inaugural issue of Bombay Darpan, a C. Indian Independence Bill
Marathi weekly, was published on Novem-
D. Cabinet Mission Plan
ber 12, 1832 started by a publisher- re-
former named 17. SN Banerjee was appointed Professor in
English in the Metropolitan Institute at
A. Jagannath Shankar
A. Bombay

B. Vishnu Shastri
B. Madras
C. Bal Shastri
C. Calcutta
D. Krishna Shastri

D. Bangalore
12. The first elected Indian President of the Leg- 18. The author of ‘A Nation in the Making’ was
islative Assembly was
A. SN Banerjee
A. Motilal Nehru
B. Mahatma Gandhi

B. Rangachariar
C. Hume
C. CR Das
D. Tilak
D. VJ Patel
19. In which country Indian Independence
13. The first Indian to contest an election to the Committee was formed during British Era?
British House of Commons was
A. France
A. Dadabhai Naoroji B. UK
B. Womesh Chandra Bannerjee C. Germany

C. Surendranath Banerjee D. USA

D. Pheroze Shah Mehta 20. Who had given out the political message or

14. The members of the Board of Control must ‘India for the Indians’?
be paid from A. P A Charlu

A. The Consolidated Fund of England B. Dayananda Saraswati

B. Indian Revenues C. A O Hume

C. Funds Voted by Parliament D. Swami Vivekananda

D. The revenues of Princely States 21. Which of the following commissions ap-
pointed by the British Government abol-
15. Who had first sought the legalisation of ished the statutory civil service and recom-

widow remarriage in India? mended a Provincial Civil Service in 1888?

A. Raja Ram Mohan Roy A. Islington Commission
B. Badruddin Tyabji B. Aitchison Commission
C. Ishwar Chandra Vidayasagar C. Royal commission on the Superior Civil
D. Swami Dayanand Saraswati Services in India

16. The first constitutional measure Introduced D. Charles Freer Andrews Commission
by the British in India Which worked till 22. By whom among the following was the
the framing of the Indian Constitution was Paramdham Ashram established?
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A. Acharya Kripalani A. Bengali Artisans

B. Swami Vivekananda B. Indigo Planters
C. Acharya Vinoba Bhave C. Landless Labourers
D. Ramakrishna Paramhansa D. All of the above
23. Where did the revolutionaries have their de-
liberations, Which led to the formation of 25. During the tenure of which among
the Hindustan Republican Association? the following Governors, annexation of
Coorg took place?
A. Calcutta
A. Lord William Bentinck
B. Kanpur
B. The Lord Auckland
C. Madras
D. Allahabad C. The Lord Ellenborough

24. Neel-Darpan’ by Din Bandhu Mitra por- D. The Lord Cornwallis
trays the plight of :


1. C 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. C 11. C 12. D 13. B 14. B

15. C 16. B 17. C 18. A 19. C 20. B 21. B 22. C 23. B 24. B 25. A

Unit 25

1. The Asian empire of Portuguese was di- B. As the Home Minister of free India he
vided into three independent presidencies. brought about the integration of 600-odd
Identify the correct set of these presidencies Indian States with the Indian Republic
from the given options: C. He was the leading light of Mahatma

A. Goa, Mozambique, Malacca Gandhi’s Non- Cooperation and Civil Dis-

obedience Movements
B. Goa, Madagascar, Mauritius
D. As President of the Indian National
C. Goa, Mozambique, Mauritius Congress he engineered the passing of the
Quit India Resolution
D. Goa, Reunion, Malacca
4. Who among the following had pioneered

2. As a result of the elections held in early the Khilafat Movement?


1937 under the Act of 1935 the Congress

A. The Ali brothers
formed ministries in provinces.
B. MA Jinnah
A. 7
C. Syed Ahmed Khan
B. 9
D. RM Sayani
C. 10 5. Which of the following literary personali-
ties made the greatest contribution in arous-
D. 8
ing patriotism in the 19th century?
3. What was the single most significant contri-
A. Dinbandhu Mitra’s exposure of Indigo
bution of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel to Indian
planters in Nil Darpana
B. Bankim Chandra with his historical nov-
A. he was responsible for the acceptance els culminating with Ananda Math (1882)
of the Mountbatten Plan by the Congress
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200 Chapter 3. Modern India

C. Vishnu Krishna Chiplunkar’s Journal 11. Who among the following had attended all
Nibandhamaka (1874- 81) the three Round Table Conferences in Lon-
D. Bharatendu Harishchandra (1850-85)
through his plays, poems and journals advo- A. M K Gandhi
cating use of Swadeshi articles and use of B. B R Ambedkar
Hindi in courts
C. J L Nehru
6. Who among the following rulers of Bengal
had issued a coin named Zurbe Murshed- D. M M Malaviya

abad? 12. Swami Dayananda had translated the
into Hindi.
A. Mir Jafar
A. Rig Veda ad Yajur Veda
B. Mir Qasim

B. Four Vedas
C. Murshid Quli Khan
C. Sama Veda and Atharva Veda
D. Shuja-ud-Din Muhammad Khan
D. Sama Veda and Yajur Veda
7. The problem that exercised and evoked the 13. By the Charter Act of 1813 the Indian trade

reformists in the 19th century to the greatest except in was thrown open to all
extent related to British subjects.
A. Education A. Tea
B. Caste restrictions B. Spices
C. Religious revivalism C. Coffee
D. Women’s issues D. Cotton
8. Shuja-ud-Daulah wanted to acquire the ter- 14. From which of the following places Koma-
ritory of gata Maru started its journey?

A. Rohelas A. Singapore
B. Japan

B. Marathas
C. Kolkata
C. Sikhs

D. Honkong
D. Tamils
15. ”Faith is a Battle” is the biographical work
9. The British colonial policies in India proved on which of the following personalities?
moat ruinous for Indian
A. Mohammad Ali Jinnah

A. agriculture
B. Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan
B. trade C. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

C. industry D. None of them

D. handicrafts 16. At which among the following places,
Jayaprakash Narayan had convened the first
10. Kasturba Gandhi died in detention (in 1944)
All India Congress Socialists Conference in
A. Yeravada Jail
A. Lucknow
B. Ahmedabad Prison B. Patna
C. Aga Khan Palace C. Gaya
D. Ahmednagar Fort D. Kolkata
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17. The most important feature of the Govern- C. On 26th January 1935
ment of India Act of 1935 was
D. On 26th January 1930
A. proposed All India Federation
22. Which of the following Viceroys of India
B. Bicameral Legislature used to write poems with the Pen name of
C. Provincial Autonomy “Owen Meredith”?

D. Communal representation A. Lord Northbrook

18. The programme of Swadeshi and Boycott B. Lord Lytton
against the partition of Bengal was visu-
alised by C. Lord Ripon

A. Surendra Nath Bennerjee D. Lord Dufferin

B. BC Pal 23. Of the following who did not oppose the

Non-cooperation resolution?
C. Aurobindo Ghose
A. C R Das
D. Rash Behari Bose
19. The Universities of Calcutta, Bombay and B. Madan Mohan Malaviya
Madras were established as the outcome of C. Mrs Besant
which among the following? Hartog Com-
A. Hunter Commission Report
eR D. Nehru
24. The Treaty of Amiens finally made Ceylon
as ?
B. Sir Charleswood’s dispatch
A. A Dutch colony
C. Indian Universities Act
B. A French Colony
D. Hartog Committee
20. The first truly revolutionary organisation in C. A British Colony
Bengal was

D. A Portuguese Colony
A. Anusilan Samiti 25. During the Dandi March the song ‘Raghu-
B. Yugantar pati Raghav Raja Ram ’ had been
sung by the renowned musician
C. Abhinava Bharata
D. Abhinava Bharat Society A. Digambar Vishnu Paluskar

21. When was the first Independence day unof- B. Onkar Nath Thakur

ficially celebrated before Independence?

C. Mallikarjun Mansur
A. On 26th January 1929
D. Krishna Rao Shankar Pandit
B. On 26th January 1931


1. A 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. D 10. C 11. B 12. A 13. A 14. D

15. B 16. B 17. B 18. C 19. B 20. A 21. D 22. B 23. D 24. C 25. A

Unit 26
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202 Chapter 3. Modern India

1. Wahabis were fanatics. A. Khilafat Movement

A. Hindu B. Non-Cooperation Movement

B. Muslim C. Civil Disobedience Movement

C. Christian D. Quit India Movement

7. Which of the following is one of the causes
D. Sikh
for the passing of the Act of 1773?
2. From which of the following, East India A. Failure of Double Government
Company aquired Bombay on a lease on 27

March 1668? B. Success of Double Government

A. British Empire C. Agitation in India

B. Spain D. Desire of the Indian Merchants
8. In the absence of Gandhi, the Quit India
C. Portugal Movement had been led by
D. France A. Jawaharlal Nehru

3. At which among the following places, Na- B. Sarojini Naidu
tional Flag was hoisted for the First time in
India.? C. Aruna Asaf Ali
D. Dadabhai Naoroji
A. Lucknow
9. The Battle of Plassey is a particularly im-
B. Nagpur portant event in Indian history because
C. Kolkata A. The Nawab of Bengal lost in it
D. Delhi B. It enabled the British to have power in
4. British Prime Minister Attlee made the his- Bengal

toric announcement of the end of British C. It laid the foundation for British rule in
rule in India (and transfer of power to re- India

sponsible Indian hands by a date not later

D. It enabled the British to reap higher
than June1948) on
trade profits

A. May 16, 1946 10. When did the Cripps Mission, Which had
B. February 20, 1947 practically repeated the August Offer 1940
visit India?
C. March 10, 1946

A. 1941
D. December 31, 1946
B. 1942
5. The famous Quit India Resolution was
C. 1943

passed on
D. 1944
A. August 8, 1942
11. Mahatma Gandhi had been joined m the
B. August 28, 1942 Champaran struggle by
C. April 4, 1928 A. Vallabhbhai Patel and Vinoba Bhave
D. April 24, 1928 B. Rajendra Prasad and Anugraha Narayan
6. Which Indian mass movement began with
the famous ‘Dandi March’ of Mahatma C. Mahadev Desai and Maniben Patel
Gandhi? D. Rajendra Prasad and Jawaharlal Nehru
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12. After the ruin of India’s trade, Industries A. Burdwan

and handicrafts, the burden of taxation in
B. Midnapur
India had to be mainly borne by
C. Chittagong
A. Zamindars
D. Monghyr
B. Peasantry
17. The Prarthana Samaj had been established
C. Income-tax payers by
D. All the above A. Raja Ram Mohan Roy

13. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan had started a re- B. Keshub Chandra Sen
form movement among the Muslim, called C. Swami Vivekananda
the Movement.
D. MN Roy
A. Sufi

18. Subhash Chandra Bose was re-elected the
B. Aligarh President of INC at the Tripuri Session in
1939 by defeating Gandhiji’s candidate :
C. Jaipur
A. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
D. Wahabi
B. J.B.Kriplani
14. Who among these is thought of as a Pioneer
of Economic Nationalism?
A. Madan Mohan Malviya
eR C. Pattabhi Sitaramaiyya
D. Nellie Sengupta
19. Two socio-religious reform movements
B. R.C. Dutt founded in India in 1875 were
C. Bipin Chandra Pal A. Brahmo Samaj and Prarthana Samaj
D. G.K. Gokhale B. Arya Samaj and Ramakrishna Mission
15. Consider the following policies followed by C. Theosophical Society and Arya Samaj

the Governor Generals for the expansion of D. Aligarh Movement and Servants of In-
their dominions and consolidation of their dian Society
rule during the 3 stages of the process of
the growth of British Paramountcy in India: 20. The Headquarters of the Ramakrishna Math
and Mission established by Vivekananda in
1. Subordinate Isolation 1898 are at

2. Policy of Ring Fence

A. Kanyakumari
3. Policy of Subordinate Union

B. Belur
Which of the following is the correct se-
quence of their adoption in the course of C. Hyderabad
the establishment of British rule in India? D. Murshidabad
A. 1-3-2 21. Vivian Derozio had been associated with
the movement.
B. 2-1-3
A. Swadeshi
C. 1-2-3
B. Back to the Vedas
D. 3-2-1
C. Young Bengal
16. Which of the following was not to be ceded
by Mir Kasim to the Company as per the D. Young India
treaty signed between Mir Kasim and Cal- 22. Which among the following was not a Pre-
cutta Council? Indian National Congress Organization?
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204 Chapter 3. Modern India

A. Poona Sarvajanik Sabha A. Prime Minister Pitt

B. Servants of India Society B. Governor-General of India
C. National Indian Association C. Senior Merchants
D. Indian National Association D. East India Company
23. To campaign for Home Rule, Mrs Annie
25. Whom had the rebels of 1857 enthroned as
Besant published the newspaper (s)
the emperor/emperess of India?
A. New India and Commonweal
A. Rani Laxmi Bai of Jhansi

B. Young India and Home Rule News
B. Tantia Tope
C. Mahratta and Kesari
C. Bahadur Shah Zafar
D. Home Rule Courier

24. Pitt’s India Bill was introduced by in D. Faqir-ud-din


1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. B 11. D 12. B 13. B 14. B
15. B 16. D 17. B 18. C 19. C 20. B 21. C 22. B 23. A 24. A 25. C
Unit 27

1. ‘AI Hilal’ was a newspaper launched for A. signing the Gandhi-Irwin Pact of March
propagating nationalism by 1931
A. Syed Ahmed Khan B. refusing to hold direct talks with the
Muslim League

B. Mahatma Gandhi
C. being permitted by the Congress
C. Abul Kalam Azad

D. receiving assurance that independence

D. DE Wacha was fast coming

2. Who composed the song "Sare Jahan Se 5. As per Cabinet Mission Plan, the Princely
Achha Hindostan Hamara"? States would be represented by mem-
A. Mohammed Iqbal bers in the Constituent Assembly.

B. Josh Malihabadi A. 90

C. Bhagat Singh B. 93
C. 103
D. Chandra Shekhar Azad

D. 100
3. The English established their first factory in
Bengal in 1651 at 6. No Indian could have started the Indian Na-
tional Congress. . . if an Indian had come
A. Hugli forward to start such a movement embrac-
B. Kassimbazar ing all Indians, the officials in India would
not have allowed the movement to come
C. Patna
into existence”The above famous statement
D. Calcutta was given by which among the following
4. Mahatma Gandhi participated In the Second leaders?
Round Table conference after A. Jawahar Lal Nehru
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B. Bal Gangadhar Tilak A. Treaty of Bassein

C. Dada Bhai Naoroji B. Treaty of Salbai
D. Gopal Krishna Gokhle C. Treaty of Poona
7. What was PEPSU, after India’s indepen- D. Treaty of Madras
dence? 13. The first vernacular paper, Samachar
A. Part A state Darpan, was published during the tenure
B. Part B state of

C. Part C state A. Lord Hastings

D. Part D state B. Lord Minto

8. The momentous decision to transfer the cap- C. Lord metcalfe
ital from Calcutta to Delhi, to annul the par- D. Lord Macaulay

tition of Bengal and to abolish Indian inden- 14. Which of the following was the ‘Newspa-
tured labour were taken during the Viceroy- per’ of Annie Besant?
alty of Lord
A. The Hindu
A. Hardinge
B. Indian Express
B. Minto
C. Chelmsford
D. Reading
eR C. The Times of India
D. New India
15. Who committed the most daring murder of
9. The idea of incorporating, safeguards In the Sir Curzen Wyllie in 1907 in a public meet-
Indian Constitution was inspired by the ing in London?
A. Third Round Table Conference A. B.N. Dutta
B. Gandhi-Irwin Pact B. M.L. Dhingra
C. Visit of Simon Commission

C. Sardar Ajit Singh

D. Poona Pact D. S.C. Chatterjee
10. The Mutiny was brought to an end with the 16. On July 31, 1937, Gandhi had published an
fall of into the hands of the British in article in the Harijan. Based upon this arti-
India. cle, an all India National Education Confer-
A. Meerut ence was held on October 22 and 23, 1937,

which was called the Wardha Educational


B. Awadh
Conference. All of the following resolu-
C. Gwalior tions were taken at the Wardha Educational
D. Rohilkhand Conference except one. Identify that from
11. During the Viceroyalty of Sir John the given options:
Lawrence the bone of contention between A. Free and compulsory education to be
India and Bhutan was provided for 7 years at a nationwide scale.
A. Duars B. Mother tongue should be the medium of
B. Jalpaiguri instruction

C. Goalpara C. Through out this period of 7 years, the

education should be focused around India’s
D. Cooch Behar rich culture, heritage and proud history
12. Which among the following Treaty left
D. This system would generate the remu-
Raghunath Rao retire on Pension?
neration of the teachers.
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206 Chapter 3. Modern India

17. The immediate cause of split In the INC at C. Growing tide of Indian Nationalism
its Surat Session was
D. All of the above
A. election of the President of the INC
22. Queen Victoria’s famous proclamation,
B. expulsion of Tilak from the INC transferring authority from the East India
C. demand of Swaraj as the goal of the INC Company to the Crown, was made from
A. London
D. resolutions on Swaraj, Swadeshi, Boy- B. Calcutta
cott and National Education

C. Delhi
18. Who among the following is known for the
famous quote “an uncontrolled pen serves D. Allahabad
but to destroy”.? 23. India is in favour of in the economic

A. Jawahar Lal Nehru field.

B. Mahatma Gandhi A. Public Sector

C. Leo Tolstoy B. Private Sector

D. Rabindranath Tagore C. Mixed Economy
19. Which of the following Act(s) was/were D. Capitalistic Economy
passed in 1856?
24. The Golden Jubilee of the Indian Rational
A. The Religious Disabilities Act Congress (1885- 1935) fell in 1935, Which
B. The Hindu Widow Remarriage Act was observed during the session held at

C. Both the above A. Karachi

D. None of the above B. Lucknow

20. The Ghadar Party was founded (November C. Faizpur

1913) at San Francisco USA by

D. Nowhere
A. Madam Bhikaji Cama

25. The British Governor General and Viceroy

B. Lala Har Dayal who served for the longest period in India

C. Shyamji Krishana Verma was

D. Both (a) and (b) above A. Lord Irwin

21. The British attitude towards granting India B. Lord Dalhousie

independence changed partly owing to the

C. Lord Curzon
A. Change in the government of the UK
D. Lord Linlithgow
B. Impact of World War II


1. C 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. C 11. A 12. B 13. A 14. D

15. B 16. C 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. B 21. D 22. D 23. C 24. D 25. B

Unit 28
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1. Who was not among the three revolutionar- 7. Match the national leaders with papers pub-
ies who were hanged on March 23, 1931? lished by them
A. Bhagat Singh
List-I List-II
B. Azad A. The Maharatta and (i) Annie Besant
C. Rajguru Kesri
B. Bande Matram and (ii) B G Tilak
D. Sukhdev
The People
2. The All India Muslim League was founded
C. Young India (iii) Lala Lajpat Rai
in 1906 primarily to promote among Indian
D. New India (iv) Mahatma Gandhi
A. mutual unity and goodwill
A. A − iv, B − iii,C − ii, D − i
B. political consciousness

B. A − ii, B − i,C − iv, D − iii
C. feeling of loyalty to the British Govern-
ment C. A − i, B − ii,C − iii, D − iv
D. hatred for the Congress D. A − ii, B − iii,C − iv, D − i
3. The first Indian national leader who began 8. Khilafat Movement was organised by
building, organizing and promoting the free-
dom struggle was
A. Dadabhai Naoroji
eR A. Jinnah
B. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
B. Lala Lajpat Rai C. Ali Brothers
C. Bal Gangadhar Tilak D. Agha Khan
D. Gopal Krishna Gokhale 9. On account of his differences with Gandhiji,
4. Who is the author of Vande Mataram? Sub has Bose resigned the Presidentship of
the Congress (April 1939) and organised a
A. Mahatma Gandhi
new party called

B. Rabindranath Tagore
A. Congress Socialist Party
C. Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
B. Azad Hind Fauz
D. Sarat Chandra Chatterjee
5. The famous ‘Ratings Mutiny’ (Revolt of C. Congress Liberal party
a section of Indian soldiers serving In the D. Forward Block

Royal Indian Navy) in Bombay in Febru-

10. Which of the following statements is not

ary 1946 was calmed down largely by the

correct? As per the Act of 1935, the Fed-
efforts of
eral Court would have jurisdiction to decide
A. Mahatma Gandhi disputes between
B. C Rajagopalachari A. The Fderating Units
C. Jawahar Lal Nehru B. The Frderating Units and the Federal
D. Vallabhbhai Patel Government
6. The first Indian to be elected as a member C. The Federal Government and a Federat-
of the British House of Commons was ing Units
A. Dadabhai Naoroji D. The Secretary of State and the Viceroy’s
B. Surendra Nath Banerjee Council
C. Dr BR Ambedkar 11. The Government of India Act of 1935 had
divided India into provinces.
D. C R Das
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208 Chapter 3. Modern India

A. 5 A. Bhagat Singh
B. 8 B. Batukeshwar Dutt
C. 11 C. Raj Guru
D. 14 D. Both A and B above
12. August Offer 1940 was made by the 17. The Gandhi-lrwin Pact (1931) was vehe-
Viceroy mently criticised and opposed by the people
on the ground that
A. Willingdon

A. the Civil Disobedience Movement was
B. Linlithgow suspended
C. Minto B. the sufferings of thousands of people

D. Lytton in the Civil Disobedience Movement were
13. “Only mad men outside lunatic asylums
could think or talk of independence” Who C. It was contrary to the pledge of the
among the following had made this remark Congress for Poorna Swaraj

in context with the budding idea of Swara- D. Gandhi did nothing to save the lives of
jya? Bhagat Singh, Sukh Dev and Raj Guru who
A. Lord Hardinge had been awarded the death sentence
18. The Prime causes of the 1857 mutiny did
B. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
not include
C. Gopal Krishan Gokhle A. The new system of education
D. Pheroz Shah Mehta B. The Widow Remarriage Act
14. The Mayo College was started at C. The despatch of Indian Sepoys to

A. Delhi
B. Calcutta D. Laws forbidding intermarriages be-

tween Indians and the British

C. Agra
19. Chandra Shekhar Azad was of the

D. Ajmer Hinduatan Socialist Republican Army.

15. Who among the following attended all the A. President
three Round Table Conferences held in Lon-
B. Secretary

1. Mahatma Gandhi C. Commander-in-Chief

2. Dr. B.R.Ambedkar D. Field Marshal
3. Tez Bahadur Sapru 20. In the tenure of which Governor-General an

4. Chittaranjan Das attempt was made for the first time to codify
A. 2 and 3 Hindu and Muslim customary laws?

B. 2 and 4 A. Lord Cornwallis

C. 2, 3 and 4 B. Warren Hastings

D. All of them C. William Bentinck

16. Who threw two bombs on the Door of the D. Charles Metcalfe
Central Assembly in New Delhi on April 8, 21. Azad Hind Fauz or the Indian National
1929? Army (IRA) was founded by
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A. Subhash Bose A. Bal Gangadhar Tilak

B. Rash Behari Bose B. Sri Arubindo
C. General Mohan Singh C. Lala Lajpat Rai
D. Shah Nawaz D. Dada Bhai Naoroji
22. Lord Lytton had lowered the age limit for 24. The roots of the 1857 revolt lay in
Indiana for the ICS from 21 year to A. Blatantly discriminatory policies
A. 20 years B. Exploitative land revenue policy
B. 19 years C. The policy of greased cartridges
C. 18 years D. All of the above
D. 17 years 25. Who among the following had translated

the famous drama Neel Darpan in English?
23. Before Mahatma Gandhi, who among the
following had devised the Doctrine of Pas- A. Madhusudan Datta
sive Resistance by leading a “No-rent Cam- B. Dinabandu Mitra
paign” the form of non-payment of the taxes
as it would breach the legal obligation and C. Harish Chandra Mukerjee
will be a direct defiance of the administra-
tive authority?
eR D. Sisir Kumar Ghose


1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. D 11. C 12. B 13. C 14. D

15. A 16. D 17. D 18. D 19. C 20. B 21. C 22. B 23. A 24. D 25. A

Unit 29

1. Swatantrata Sainik Samman Pension otwari System, Peasants were made

Scheme was started for which among the proprietors
following? 3. Zamindari System made the zamindar
responsible for paying land revenue
A. Ex-Andaman political prisoners, free-
to state while in the Ryotwari System,
dom fighters and their dependents

all the Ryots of a particular area were


B. Freedom fighters under Goa Liberation made jointly responsible for paying
Movement the land revenue to the state.
C. Strugglers for merger of erstwhile A. Only 1& 2 are correct
Nizam State of Hyderabad with Union of
B. Only 1& 3 are correct
C. All are correct
D. All the above
D. Only 2& 3 are correct
2. Consider the following statements:
3. At Jallianwaia Bagh meeting ordered
1. The Zaminadari settlement was made
the troops to open fire.
with the Zamindars while the Ryot-
wari settlement was made with the A. Benn
Cultivators B. Irwin
2. Zamindari settlement made the Za-
mindars as proprietors, while in Ry- C. Dyer
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210 Chapter 3. Modern India

D. Montagu A. Bihar
4. According to the provisions of the Regulat- B. Sind
ing Act the Supreme Court in Bengal con-
C. Madras
sisted of the Chief Justice and
D. Bombay
A. Five Judges
10. Indian handicrafts rapidly declined due to
B. Two Judges
A. lack of patronage
C. Six Judges
B. growing craze for imported goods

D. Three Judges C. stiff competition from the machine-
5. As per the Act of 1853 the Governor- made goods of England
General’s Council was enlarged for the pur-

D. All the above
pose of
11. Where did Mahatma Gandhi first apply his
A. Defence technique of Satyagraha?
B. Legislation A. Dandi

C. Finance B. Noakhali

D. Security C. England

6. Who among the following was popularly D. South Africa

known as the ‘Frontier Gandhi’? 12. As per Pitt’s India Act the Committee of
Secrecy would consist of three members
A. Hasrat Mohani
B. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
A. The Board of Control
C. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan B. The Court of Directors

D. Iqbal Khan C. The House of Commons

7. The upliftment or the backward classes had D. The House of Lords

been the prime concern of the

13. Of the following, Which did not influence

A. Arya Samaj the fathers of Indian Constitution? The Con-

stitution of
B. Prarthana Samaj
A. The USA
C. Satyashodhak Samaj

D. Ramakrishna Mission
C. Canada
8. The Shuddhi Movement, involving the con-
version of non- Hindus to Hinduism, was D. Ireland

started by 14. In 1921, Mahatma Gandhi resolved to wear

only a loin cloth to propagate home spun
A. Swami Vivekanand
cotton to signify
B. Raja Ram Mohan Roy
A. the poverty of the Indian people
C. Swami Dayanand Saraswati B. the ruin of India’s handloom textiles
D. Aurobindo Ghosh C. his identification with the Indian people
9. The Mountbatten plan did not envisage the
inclusion of the province in the In- D. his resolve to wear tailored clothes only
dian dominion. when India became independent
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15. The Presidents of early English Settlements A. 1889

(Madras, Bombay and Calcutta) were re- B. 1899
sponsible to
C. 1890
A. The House of Common
D. 1855
B. The House of Lords
21. The main brain behind hurling a bomb at
C. The Home Government of the Company Lord Hardinge, while he was making his
state entry into Delhi was
D. The Council of Senior Merchants A. Ras Behari Bose
16. In which year after independence, India be- B. Bhagat Singh
came a party to the International Wheat
C. Sachindra Sanyal
Agreement for a four-year period?
D. Jatin Das

A. 1947
22. By the Act of 1858, the powers of the Board
B. 1949 of Control and the Court of Directors were
C. 1950 transferred to
D. 1955 A. The Secretary of State
17. One of the best known tribal rebellions In
Bihar, known as Ulgulan (meaning Great
Tumult), was launched by the Mundas un-
der the leadership of
eR B. Parliament
C. Viceroy
D. Commander-in-Chief
23. The Company’s monopoly of Trade was
A. Kanhu
abolished by the Act of
B. Sidhu
A. 1793
C. Birsa Munda
B. 1813
D. Rampa Munda
C. 1833

18. Of the following who transferred the capital

D. Pitt’s India Act
from Murshidabad to Monghyr?
24. Who among the following made a statement
A. Mir Kasim of end of strike after the famous RIN mutiny
B. Mir Jaffar of 1946 at Kolkata?
C. Siraj-ud-Daulah A. Liaqat Ali Khan

D. Mir Mudan B. Sardar Patel


19. The main cause of the tribal uprisings of the C. Dr. Ambedkar
19th century was
D. Mohammad Ali Jinnah
A. the British land settlements and land 25. In which of the following cases, VD
laws had created tension in the tribal so- Savarkar was sentenced to transportation
ciety for life to the infamous Cellular Jail in the
B. Christian Missionary activities in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands (Kala Pani)
tribal areas in 1911?

C. the British Forest Laws A. Alipore Bomb Case

D. new excise regulations and police exac- B. Nasik Conspiracy Case

tions C. Delhi conspiracy case
20. The Hindu of Madras started in 1868 as a D. Lahore Conspiracy Case
weekly, became a Daily in
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212 Chapter 3. Modern India


1. D 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. D 11. D 12. B 13. B 14. C

15. C 16. B 17. C 18. A 19. C 20. A 21. A 22. A 23. C 24. D 25. B

Unit 30

1. The Government of India Act of 1935 con- C. Annie Besant

sists of sections and 10 schedules.
D. Lala Lajpat Rai

A. 300 6. In the famous Kakori Conspiracy Case (Au-
B. 330 gust 1925) Which of the following revolu-
tionaries was not hanged?

C. 321
A. Ram Prasad Bismil
D. 331
2. According to the Mutiny was a B. Asafaqulla Khan
purely military outbreak. C. Snehlata

A. VD Sarkar D. Suhasini Sarkar
B. VA Smith 7. The process of the introduction of educa-
tion in English had been initiated in India
C. Sir John Lawrence
by Lord
D. Roberts
A. Curzon
3. After the initial success of the Revolt of
1857, the objective for Which the leaders of B. Bentick
the Revolt worked was C. Hastings
A. to restore the former glory to the D. Macaulay

Mughal empire 8. Consider the following matches:

B. to form a Federation of Indian States 1. Ashtapradan : Maratha Empire

under the aegis of Bhadur Shah II 2. AshtaDiggaja : Vijaynagar Empire

C. elimination of foreign rule and return of 3. Navaratna : Chandra Gupta I

the old order 4. Dahasala : Administration of Akbar

D. each leader wanted to establish his own Which among the above are matched cor-
power in his respective region rectly?

4. The majority of the moderate leaders of In- A. Only 1

dia’s freedom struggle may be traced to hail
B. Only 1& 2
C. Only 1, 2, 3,

A. Bengal
D. Only 1, 2, 4
B. Rural areas
9. Which among the following organizations
C. Urban areas was established and led by Latika Ghosh,
D. Both rurals as well as urban parts during freedom struggle of India?
5. ‘New India’ and ‘Commonweal’ newspa- A. Mahila Rashtriya Sangha
pers were started by:
B. Rashtriya Stree Sabha
A. Madan Mohan Malviya
C. Nari Satyagraha Samiti
B. S.Subramaniyam Iyer
D. Women’s association of Bengal
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10. The “Chai Taret Khuntakpa” is a period A. SA Dange

ranging from 1817-1826, which the Ma-
B. SS Joshi
nipuris remember it as 7 years of devasta-
tion. In this context consider the following C. MN Roy
statements: D. PC Joshi
1. During this period, the rule of Assam 15. In Which of the following Satyagraha cam-
and Manipur had gone into hands of paigns, Gandhiji did not participate di-
the Burmese. rectly?
2. The “Chai Taret Khuntakpa” ended
A. Rajkot Satyagraha
with the Treaty of Yandabu
Which among the above statements is / are B. Non-Cooperation Movement
correct? C. Kheda Satyagraha
A. Only 1 is correct

D. Vaikom Satyagraha
B. Only 2 is correct 16. The Sikhs were defeated by the English
at in 1856.
C. Both 1& 2 are correct
A. Sobraon
D. Neither 1 nor 2 is correct
11. The decisive battle of the third Carnatic B. Amritsar
War was waged between the French and
the British at
eR C. Lahore
D. Kashmir
A. Arcot
17. When was the First Round Table Confer-
B. Jhansi ence held?
C. Plassey
A. 1933
D. Wandiwash B. 1931
12. The Treaty between Ranjit Singh and the C. 1930

British was signed at

D. 1903
A. Allahabad
18. The Non-Cooperation Movement under
B. Amritsar Gandhi was in full swing during the
C. Kashmir Viceroyalty of
D. Agra A. Chelmsford

13. Which of the following personalities were B. Irwin


the founders of the ‘Home Rule Move-

C. Reading
1. Bal Gangadhar Tilak D. Hardinge
2. Annie Besant 19. The 1857 revolt did not acquire much inten-
3. Mohammad Ali Jinnah sity in
4. Mahatma Gandhi A. Delhi
A. 1 and 2 B. Awadh
B. 1, 2 and 3 C. Bombay
C. 1, 3 and 4 D. The Chambal Region
D. 1, 2, 3 and 4 20. ‘The Times of India’ Which celebrated its
14. The first Indian who was elected to the lead- 150th anniversary in 1988, was first pub-
ership of the Communist International was lished in 1838 as
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214 Chapter 3. Modern India

A. Bombay Chronicle C. British Indian Association

B. Bombay Times D. Madras Native Association
C. Indian Times 24. What was the name of the first newspaper
D. National Times to announce the partition of Bengal on July
6th 1905?
21. Who was the founder of the Boy Scouts and
Civil Guides Movement in India? A. Swaraj
A. Richard Temple B. Sanjivani

B. Baden Powell C. Kalantar
C. Charles Andrew D. Anandabazar Patrika
D. Robert Montgomery 25. In 1934 Mahatma Gandhi withdrew from

22. One of the earliest and the best known mu- active politics and even resigned his mem-
tinies before the Revolt of 1857 was bership of the Congress because

A. the Native Infantry Mutiny (1824) A. of the failure of the Civil Disobedience

B. Indian Soldiers Mutiny at Vellore (1806)
B. the political climate of India was unsuit-
able for any political movement
C. Sholapur Mutiny (1838)
C. he wanted to devote himself fully to con-
D. Assam Soldiers Mutiny (1824)
structive programme and Harijan welfare
23. The first political association of India
founded in 1891 was the D. of his opposition to the desire of con-
gressmen to enter legislatures under the
A. Landholders Society of Calcutta
Government of India Act of 1935
B. Indian Association


1. C 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. D 8. D 9. A 10. C 11. D 12. B 13. A 14. C

15. A 16. A 17. C 18. C 19. C 20. B 21. B 22. B 23. A 24. B 25. C

Unit 31

1. In Which year was Burma separated from 3. AI Hilal was a


A. Mosque
A. 1863
B. Journal
B. 1902

C. Madrasah
C. 1937
D. Garden
D. 1947
2. In 1908, Bal Gangadhar Tilak was impris- 4. Who among the following formed the
oned for six years and sent to group” Brothers of India”?

A. Mandalay A. Annie Besant

B. Delhi B. George Feuerstein

C. Singapore C. H.S. Olcott
D. Andaman and Nicobar Island D. Alan Watts
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5. The National Liberal Federation was 11. Which of the following acts first time ex-
founded by plicitly defined the constitutional position
of the British territories in India?
A. S N BanneIjee
A. The Regulating Act of 1773
B. Motilal Nehru
B. The Charter Act of 1813
C. Abul Kalam Azad
C. The Charter Act of 1833
D. Mrs Annie Besant
D. Act of 1858
6. How many volunteers had accompanied
12. Match the following:
Gandhi on the famous Dandi March of
March 12, 1930? List-I List-II
A. 13 A. Irish Home Rule 1. Annie Besant

B. 44 B. Home Rule Move- 2. Red Mond
C. 78 ment in India
C. Ferguson College 3. Motilal Nehru
D. 108
D. Kashmir 4. Gokhale
7. Identify the body among the following that
was not founded by Dr B R Ambedkar?
A. Samaj Samato Sangh
B. People’s Education Society
eR A. A − 2, B − 1,C − 4, D − 3
B. A − 4, B − 3,C − 2, D − 1
C. A − 3, B − 4,C − 1, D − 2
C. Deccan Education Society D. A − 1, B − 2,C − 3, D − 4
D. Depressed Classes Institute 13. As per the Indian Independence Act of
8. The landmarks or Dalhousie’s administra- 1947, Which of the following did not form
tion did not include a part of Pakistan?
A. East Bengal and the West Punjab

A. Indian Railways
B. Sind and British Baluchistan
B. English as the medium of instruction
C. The North West Frontier
C. Public works department
D. Assam
D. Telegraph
14. Who had paned the Vernacular Press Act

9. Satyagraha Sabha was formed by Gandhi into law?


A. Lord Mayo
A. Bombay B. Lord Hardinge
B. Calcutta C. Lord Dalhousie
C. Gujarat D. Lord Lytton
D. Poona 15. As per the Act of Indian Independence, the
boundaries of East Bengal, West Bengal
10. Muslim communalism was lent an impetus
and Assam would be determined by
by the activities of
A. The National Congress
A. Ashfaqullah
B. The Muslim League
B. Liaqat Hussain
C. The Award of a Boundary Commission
C. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
D. The People living in those boundary ar-
D. Sayyid Ahmad Khan eas
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216 Chapter 3. Modern India

16. Who has been called the ‘Heroine’ of the 21. The first British ‘Presidency’ in India was
1942 Quit India Movement? established at :
A. Annie Besant A. Surat
B. Sucheta Kripalarti B. Madras
C. Sarojini Naidu C. Bengal
D. Aruna Asaf Ali D. Bombay
17. Who among the following had during his 22. What was the name of the Sabha started by

reign introduced a new calendar, a new sys- Debendranath Tagore?
tem or coinage, and new scales or weights A. Arya Samaj
and measures?
B. Dharma Sabha

A. Tipu Sultan
C. Tattvabodhini Sabha
B. Murshid Quli Khan
D. Tattvabodhini Samaj
C. Raghunath Rao
23. The Indian Civil Service Examination was

D. Lord Cornwallis thrown open to all by the Act of
18. About which of the following books, Ma- A. 1853
hatma Gandhi has said that “it brought
B. 1858
about an instaneous and practical transfor-
mation in my life”? C. 1813
A. Anna Karenina D. 1784
B. War& Peace 24. A resolution declaring Purna Swaraj (com-
plete Independence as Indian’s political
C. Kingdom of God is within You goal was passed in the Congress of
D. Unto this last 1929.

19. All the following announcements were A. Shimla

made at the Delhi Durbar in 1911 except

B. Lahore
one. Identify that one:
C. Madras

A. Transfer of Capital from Calcutta to

Delhi D. Calcutta
25. Which among the following was/were
B. Annulment of Partition of Bengal
related to Governor-General William

C. Separation of Bihar, Orissa and Bentinck:

Chhotanagpur from Bengal’s Jurisdiction
1. Regulation XVII
D. Election of Indians to the various leg- 2. Committee of Public Instruction

islative councils in India 3. Macaulay’s Minute

20. The Dyarchy Which was introduced on 4. Presidency of Agra
1921 In province a was in force till the year A. Only 1
A. 1927 B. Only 3
B. 1935 C. 1 and 3
C. 1937 D. 1, 2, 3 and 4
D. 1947

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1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. D 11. B 12. A 13. D 14. D

15. C 16. D 17. A 18. D 19. D 20. C 21. A 22. C 23. B 24. B 25. D

Unit 32

1. In which of the following countries “Sub- C. Lord Mountbatten

hash Chandra Bose” organized the ” Tiger
D. Sir Stafford Cripps
6. which among the following Viceroy’s
A. Singapore tenure, Simon Commission was appointed?
B. Germany A. Lord Wellington
C. Japan B. Lord Irwin
D. Italy

C. Lord Reading
2. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, better known as
D. Lord Chelmsford
Frontier Gandhi, organised the Red Shirt
Movement in the North- West Frontier 7. Madras was returned by the French to the
Province (NWFP) for British in 1748 by the Treaty of

A. countering the communal propaganda eR A. Paris

of the Muslim League B. Delhi
B. establishing separate Pakhtoonistan C. London
C. social and religious reforms D. Aix-la-Chapelle
D. All the above 8. Which among the following was the only
3. Who had been the first to emphasise the in- session in which Mahatma Gandhi elected
struction in literature and science through as Congress President?
the English Language was essential for A. Lucknow

building a modern India?

B. Belgaum
A. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
C. Mumbai
B. GK Gokhale
D. Karachi
C. Raj Ram Mohun Roy 9. Which among the following was the most
D. MM Malaviya important reason behind the increased debt

4. Who among the following did not attend burden in India in the last 100 years of the

the First Round Table Conference? British Rule?

A. MK Gandhi A. Introduction of Guaranteed Railways

B. Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru B. Introduction of Industries

C. Dr Ambedkar C. British Capital Investment

D. C V Chintamani D. Unjust Fiscal policies

5. ” India after the war will become a running 10. The Rohelas helped the Afghan invaders in
sore which will sap the strength of British 1761 in the Battle of
Empire” Who among the following had ex- A. Bauxar
pressed this thought?
B. Plassey
A. Lord Wavell
C. Arcot
B. Lord Linlithgow
D. Panipat
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218 Chapter 3. Modern India

11. During the first Carnatic War, the French 17. Before the Regulating Act was passed in
Governor-General of Pondicherry was 1773, there was at home to, adminis-
ter the East India Company.
A. La Bourdonnais
A. A Committee of 24
B. Captain Paradise
C. Dupleix B. A Secretary

D. Count-de-Lally C. A Council of Lords

12. In which year, Imperial Records Depart- D. A Board of Revenue

ment (IRD) was established, which is now 18. Who among the following is also known as
known as National Archives of India? “Gandhi of Bihar”?
A. 1885 A. Dr. Rajendra Prasad

B. 1887 B. Babu Kunwar Singh
C. 1889 C. Jayaprakash Narayan
D. 1891 D. Sheel Bhadra Yagee

13. Which of the following was the main part 19. Indirect election was introduced in India by
of Aurobindo’s programme to achieve inde- the Act of
A. 1853
A. Organisation of secret societies
B. 1858
B. Passive resistance
C. 1892
C. Constitutional agitation
D. 1833
D. Terrorism 20. Champaran, the site of Gandhi’s first exper-
14. The Woods dispatch of 1854 is related to iment in Satyagraha, is located in the state
which of the following? of

A. Setting up of some universities in India A. Bihar


B. Introduction of the India Post B. Kerala

C. Abolition of the Sati C. Gujarat

D. Establishment of Administration Ser- D. Punjab

vices in India
21. Which of the following was not one of the
15. The historic fait by Gandhi came to an end historic decisions of the Lahore Session

as a result of the (1929) of the Indian National Congress?

A. Poona Pact A. Decision to launch a programme of civil
B. Issue of White Paper disobedience

C. Gandhi-Irwin Pact B. Complete independence (Poorna

Swaraj) as the goal of the Indian National
D. Arrival of Simon Commission Congress
16. The enquiry Committee on Jallianwaia
C. Decision to observe Januazy 26 as the
Bagh incident was headed by
Poorna Swaraj Day
A. Dyer
D. To treat the communal problem as a na-
B. Irwin tional issue
C. Hunter 22. Which among the following was the First
Revolutionary organization of Bengal?
D. Simon
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A. Hindustan Socialist Party collective suicides in the belief of being

called Shahids (martyrs)
B. Anushilan Samiti
24. Tilak called him the ‘Diamond of India’
C. India House
the jewel of Maharashtra and the Prince of
D. Jugantar Party Workers’. Who is referred in these words
23. The Moplahs of Malabar (Kerala) who were A. Lajpat Rai
largely Muslim leaseholders and cultivators,
Indulged in a series of rebellions in Kerala B. Shivaji
between 1836-1919. Which of the follow- C. Gokhale
ing regarding these Moplah uprisings is not
D. Madhava Rao
25. Who designated the administrative head of
A. They were mainly directed against the
the district as Collector?

upper caste Hindu landlords
A. Warren Hastings
B. These uprisings were a peculiar form of
rural terrorism B. Cornwallis
C. Most of the Moplah martyrs were poor C. Macpherson
peasants of landless lobourers
D. A small band of Moplahs committed
D. Clive

1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. D 11. C 12. D 13. B 14. A

15. A 16. C 17. A 18. A 19. B 20. A 21. D 22. B 23. D 24. C 25. C
Unit 33

1. Who had become the first Governor- C. Western Ghat

General of India after independence?
D. Palghat
A. Dr Rajendra Prasad
4. Which of the following was not included in
B. Jawaharlal Nehru the Treaty to be negotiated as provided in
the Cabinet Mission Plan?

C. Lord Pethick Lawrence


D. Lord Mountbatten A. The Indian Union

2. With Which of the following was Annie B. Constituent Assembly
Besant Associated?
C. Indian National Congress
A. Ramakrishna Mission
D. The United Kingdom
B. Arya Samaj
5. Narendra MandaI was inaugurated by Duke
C. ISKCON (International Society for Kr-
of Connaught in the year
ishna Consciousness)
D. Theosophical Society A. 1920

3. The Wahabis operated from B. 1921

A. Hindukush C. 1931
B. Khyber Pass D. 1910
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220 Chapter 3. Modern India

6. Which among the following organizations 11. The members of Khan Abdul Ghaffar
published the journal called Indian Sociolo- Khan’s Red Shirt Movement were known
gists? as:
A. India House A. Khidmatgars (Servants)
B. Ghadar Party B. Insan-i-Khidmatgar (Servants of the
C. British Indian Association
C. Khuda-i-Khidamatgar (Servants of God)
D. Berlin Committee

7. Who among the following had been the D. Angels of Freedom
leader of a number of anti-British revolts in
Sambalpur? 12. A Federal Railway Authority was estab-
lished by the Act of

A. Kattabomman
A. 1909
B. Surendra Sai
B. 1919
C. Utirat Singh
C. 1935

D. Sayyid Ahmad Barelvi D. 1861
8. Who among the following had gone to Eng- 13. Two great socio-religious reformers of the
land to plead the cause of the Mughal em- 19th century who provided Inspiration to
peror Akbar II, with an ambassador of the the Indian National Movement were
A. Dayanand Saraswati and Vivekananda
A. Azimullah Khan
B. Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Debendra
B. Raja Ram Mohan Roy Nath Tagore
C. Maharaja Tejchandra Ray C. MG Ranade and DK Karve

D. Raja Radhakanta Deb D. Keshab Chandra Sen and Ishwar Chan-

dra Vidyasagar
9. The passage of the Rowlatt Act had been

almost immediately followed by the 14. Subhash Bose selected the best soldiers
from the three existing brigades (named af-
A. Minto-Morley Reforms

ter Gandhi, Azad and Nehru) and organ-

B. Khilafat Movement ised a new brigade Which the soldiers them-
selves called
C. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
A. Himalayan Brigade

D. Chauri-Chaura Incident
B. Swatantra Bharat Brigade
10. Consider the following statements:
C. Bhagat Singh Brigade
1. In the Ryotwari System, the Govern-

ment retained the right to resume the D. Subhash Brigade

land at will 15. The Home Rule Movement was aimed at
2. In the Ryotwari System, the Govern-
A. complete independence for India
ment retained the right to enhance the
land revenue at will B. complete autonomy to India

A. Only statement 1 is correct C. self-government for India within the

British Commonwealth
B. Only statement 2 is correct
D. larger participation of Indians in India’s
C. Both statements are correct administration
D. Both statements are incorrect
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1. D 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. B 11. C 12. C 13. A 14. D

15. C

i Sh
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a n
4 Correct and incorrect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
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5 Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229

6 The first one . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245

7 Part 2
Harrapan civilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273

8 Jainism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281

9 Famous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289

10 Buddhism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297

11 Chola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313

12 Chandragupta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321

13 Muslim League . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325

14 Sangam Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329

eR Gupta period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335

16 Rig Vedic period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343

Battle and war . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349

18 Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357

19 Established . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363

20 Vijaynagar empire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369

21 written . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371

22 Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379

23 Leader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393

24 Indian National Congress . . . . . . . . . . . 399

25 The Mughal Kings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405

26 Renaissance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415

27 Freedom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417

28 Indus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421

29 Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
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a n
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4. Correct and incorrect

1. Which of the following is incorrect? 3. Which of the following statements about the
revenue system of the Mughals is incorrect?
A. Clive was the first European who initi-
ated the policy of taking part in the internal 1. Land revenue was collected as a fixed
quarrels of the Indian princes to acquire ter- share varying from 1/3 rd to 1/2 of the
ritory and power in India. total produce.
2. Ryots were evicted from their holding
B. Warren Hastings was the first European

for default of payment.

who took part in the internal quarrels of 3. Akbar followed Sher Shah’s land rev-
the Indian princes to acquire territory and enue system.
power. 4. Patta system was started to control the
C. Duplex was the first European who initi- cheatings of taxes by peasants.
ated the policy of taking part in the internal Which of the above is/are not correct?

quarrels of the Indian princes to acquire ter-

A. 1, 3 and 4

ritory and power.

D. Albuquerque was the first European B. 2 only
who took part in the internal quarrels of C. 2 and 3
the Indian princes to acquire territory and
D. 4 only
4. Which of the following is/are an incorrect
2. Which of the following pair of author& statement(s) about Bhakti movement?
book is incorrectly matched?
1. Originated out of devotion of a single
A. Dinabandhu Mitra: Nil Darpan soul to a personal god
B. Dadabhai Naoroji: Poverty and the 2. There is an influence of folk elements
British rule in India in its origin
3. Offshoots Shaivism, Vaishnavism,
C. Rabindra Nath Tagore: Gora Shaktism had no link with orthodox
D. R.C Dutt: History of India Brahminism
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226 Chapter 4. Correct and incorrect

4. Sects of Bhakti developed mutually 3. Concentration on utility factor than an

exclusively with Jainism and Bud- artistic factor.
dhism in the country Select the correct answer using the codes
Select the correct answer using the codes are given below
given below A. 1 only
A. 2 and 4 only B. 1 and 2 only
B. 1, 2 and 3 only C. 2 and 3 only
C. 3 and 4 only

D. All the above
D. 2, 3 and 4 only 9. Which of the following statements is incor-
5. Which of the following is incorrectly rect regarding pre-historic art?

matched (in Gupta administration)? A. Many birds, animals, and human beings
A. Vithika city are painted.
B. Bhukti province B. Paleolithic and Mesolithic people prac-
ticed painting.
C. Gram village

C. The paintings depict the religious be-
D. Vishya tate
liefs of the people.
6. Which of the following statement is incor-
rect about the Act of 1919? D. Pre-historic art appears at several places,
but Bhimbetka is the most striking site with
A. British India must an integral part of the 500 painted rock shelters.
British Empire.
10. Choose the Incorrect pair:
B. Provincial subjects were classified into
A. Yoga darshan -Patanjali
reserved subjects& transferred subjects.
B. Mimansa -Jaimini
C. Responsible government would be re-

alised only by progressive stages. C. Vedant - Badarayana

D. The salary of the Secretary of State for D. Nyaya Darshana - Kapila


India was drawn out of the revenues of the 11. Which one of the following statements re-
Indian government. garding the stupa is incorrect?

7. Consider the following statement (s) related A. It has a fence surrounding it

to the Mughal Architecture
B. It has a sanctum sanctorum
I. Mussaman Burj is situated inside the
Fatehpur Sikri Fort C. It has a circumambulatory path (Pradak-

II. Aurangzeb built Moti Masjid inside shinapatha)

Agra Fort D. It has an umbrella at the top
Which is/ are an incorrect statement (s)? 12. With reference to the period of colonial rule

in India, “Home Charges” formed an impor-

A. Both I and II are correct
tant part of the drain of wealth from India.
B. Both I and II are incorrect Which of the following funds constituted
C. Only I is correct “Home Charges”?
1. Funds used to support the India Office
D. Only II is correct
in London.
8. Which of the following statements are in- 2. Funds used to pay salaries and pen-
correct about Indus valley civilization? sion of British personnel
1. Integral use of sculpture in their art. 3. Funds used for waging wars outside
2. Absence of external influence. India by the British.
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Select the Correct answer using the codes 3. Lachman Rao-Jhansi

given below: 4. Kunwar Singh-Gorakhpur
A. 2 and 3 only A. 1 and 4
B. 1 and 2 only B. 3 and 4
C. 1 only C. 4 only
D. 1, 2 and 3 D. 1 and 3
13. Select the incorrect statement (s) about 17. The meeting of Indian and British political
Bhakti Saint Ramananda leaders during 1930-32 in London has often
I. He advocated prabattimarga or path been referred to as the First, Second and
of self-surrender to God. Third Round Table Conferences. It would
II. He propagated ‘Dvaita or dualism of be incorrect to refer to them as such be-

Jivatma and Paramatma’.
Which is/are correct statement (s)? A. the British Labour Party had withdrawn
from the conference thereby making the pro-
A. Only I ceeding of the conference partisan
B. Only II B. Indian parties other than the Indian Na-
C. Both I& II
D. Neither I nor II
14. Pick out the incorrect statement?
eR tional Congress, participating in the confer-
ence represented sectional interests and not
the whole of India
C. the Indian National Congress did not
A. After the conquest of Gujarat, Guptas take part in two of them
issued a good number of silver coins.
D. It was an instance of a conference held
B. Guptas issued more copper coins than in three session and not that of three sepa-
the Kushanas. rate conference
C. Guptas had good trade contacts with 18. Identify the incorrect combination among

Eastern Roman (Byzantine) empire. the following

D. In ancient India, Guptas issued the A. Dholavira and single citadel
largest number of gold coins.
B. Mohen-jo-daro and the great bath
15. Which of the following statements about
the Chalukyas is incorrect? C. Harappa and Grenary

A. The Chalukyas were brahmanical hin- D. Lothal and Dockyard


dus. 19. Pick out the incorrect statement about Town

B. The army of the Chalukyas consisted of planning in Indus Civilization?
a small standing army, but helped by feudal A. There was a fortified citadel on the west-
lords. ern site and a lower town on the eastern side.
C. The Chalukyas developed the Deccan
or Vesara style in the building of structural B. There was systematic town planning on
temples the lines of grid system.
D. The Buddhists and Jains were not al- C. The windows of the houses opened onto
lowed to build temples. the main streets.
16. Bring out the incorrect matching D. There was remarkable and well devel-
1. Khan Bahadur-Bareilly oped underground drainage system.
2. Birjis Qadir-Lucknow
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228 Chapter 4. Correct and incorrect


1. D 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. D 11. B 12. D 13. D 14. B

15. D 16. C 17. D 18. A 19. C

a n
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5. Capital

1. The ancient kingdom of Avanti had its capi- 5. Chronologically arrange the accomplish-
tal at ments of Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq
A. Ayodhya 1. Quarachil Expedition
B. Vaishali 2. Token currency
3. Transfer of capital
C. Ujjain 4. Revenue reforms

D. Pataliputra
A. 1, 4, 3, 2
2. The capital of Umayyad dynasty was:
B. 4, 2, 3, 1
A. Khusran
B. Damascus C. 3, 2, 1, 4
C. Baghdad D. 3, 1, 4, 2

D. Cairo

6. Which was first capital of Magdha?

3. After 1099, the capital of Vietnam (Hoa-la)
A. Girivarja ( Rajgriha)
was moved to the site of present-day:
A. Hanoi. B. Pataliputra

B. Tran. C. Champa
C. Beijing. D. Vaishali
D. Dehli. 7. Four major provinces of the Mauryan em-
4. Sarnath’s Lion Capital is attributed to pire were the Northern, Eastern, Western
A. Kanishka and Southern provinces, each under the
vice-royalty of a prince or a member of
B. Chandragupta the royal family. Which of the following
C. Ashoka provincial capitals of the Mauryan empire
was the capital of the Northern province?
D. Harshavardhana
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230 Chapter 5. Capital

A. Taxila 13. Which among the following was the capital

of Shivaji?
B. Suvarnagiri
A. Poona
C. Ujjain
B. Panhala
D. Tosali
8. The capital of Kakatiya dynasty was C. Raigarh

A. Warangal D. Singhagarh
14. Kanishka’s capital was at
B. Hampi

A. Peshawar
C. Madurai
B. Amravati
D. Dwarasamudra

9. The first capital of Abbasid Caliphate was C. Mathura
D. Kanauj
A. Al-Hashmiyah
15. Champa was the capital of which one of
B. Samrah
the following Mahajanapadas in Ancient

C. Baghdad India?
D. None of these A. Anga
10. The planning of the capital in the Arthashas- B. Vajji
tra indicates that the industrial and commer-
C. Kasi
cial classes were
D. Magadha
A. Not given any consideration
16. “So complete was the ruin that not a cat
B. Provided specific quarters in the town- or dog was left among the buildings of the
ship city, in its palace or its suburbs.” The above

C. Allotted space outside the township statement about the transfer of capital by
Sultan Muhammad bin Tughluq was made
D. Allotted space inside and outside the

11. The capital of the kingdom of Maharaja A. Ibn Batuta

Ranjit Singh was- B. Isami

A. Kapurthala C. Amir Khusrau
B. Amritsar D. Ziauddin Barni

C. Lahore 17. What was the capital of Gurjara Pratiharas?

D. Patiala A. Rangapur

12. Why did Mohammad-bin Tughlaq shift his B. Bhinmal

capital from Delhi to Deogiri?
C. Khajuraho
A. Because the new capital occupied a cen-
D. Manda
tral and strategic location.
18. Which of the following statements about
B. Because he wanted to extend his empire Mughal Empire is/are correct?
to the south.
1. Mughal emperors had a close relation-
C. As a punishment for the people of Delhi. ship with Sufis.
2. The capital cities of Mughal Emperors
D. Because he was fed up with Delhi. shifted frequently.
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3. Mughal Kings celebrated Iranian new A. Somesvara I Ahavamalla

year B. Vikramaditya VI
Select the correct answer using the codes C. Perma Jagadekamalla II
given below
D. Tailappa III
A. 1, 2 and 3 23. Kanchi was the capital of
B. 2 and 3 only A. Pallavas
C. 1 and 2 only B. Rashtrakutas
D. 1 and 3 only C. Chalukyas
19. What was the name of the capital of Anga D. Cholas
(a mahajanpada)? 24. An Indian ruler of the 18th century who
planted “the Tree of liberty” at his capi-

A. Viratnagar tal, enrolled himself as a member of the
B. Kaushambi Jacobin club of France and loved himself to
be called ‘Citizen’, was
C. Champa
A. Haider Ali
D. Varanasi
20. Gangaikonda Cholapuram was built during
medieval India and was erected as the capi-
tal of the Cholas by?
eR B. Mir Jafar
C. Banda Bahadur
D. Tipu Sultan
25. Which one of the following was the capital
A. Rajendra Chola I
of Kosala?
B. Gajendra Chola
A. Shuktimati
C. Rajendra Chola III B. Indraprastha
D. Vikram Chola C. Sravasti

21. Arrange in proper chronological order D. Kaushambi

of the experiments of Muhammad-bin- 26. The capital of Magadha was shifted from
Tughlaq, Rajgriha to
1. Introduction of token currency A. Ujjaini
2. Transfer of capital from Delhi to
B. Patliputra


3. Enhancement of land revenue to 50% C. Varanasi

in the Doab area D. Kannauj
4. Establish of a separate department of 27. Foreign capitalists were attracted by Indian
agriculture industry for a variety of reasons. Which
5. Appointment of a new set of revenue one of the following reasons was not one of
officers them?
A. 4, 5, 2, 3, 1 A. For many Indian products there was a
B. 5, 3, 2, 1, 4 ready demand the world over
B. Raw materials were readily and cheaply
C. 2, 4, 1, 3, 5
D. 2, 1, 3, 4, 5 C. Labour was extremely cheap
22. The Chalukya capital was shifted from D. Indian capitalist class wars well devel-
Manyakheta to Kalyani by oped but unable to compete
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232 Chapter 5. Capital

28. In ancient India, the earliest capital of Mag- A. Cordava

adha kingdom was at?
B. Toledo
A. Varanasi
C. Garnada
B. Pataliputra
D. None of these
C. Vaishali 34. By which ruler Pataliputra was chosen for
D. Rajgir the first time as a capital?
29. The Second Capital of Gupta ruler Chan- A. Kalasok

dragupta II was?
B. Ajatasatru
A. Malwa
C. Udayin
B. Saurashtra
D. Kanishka

C. Ujjain 35. What was the capital of Paramaras?
D. Mehrauli A. Kannauj
30. Arrange the following programmes of Mo-
B. Manda

hammad bin Tughlaq in their chronological
order. C. Dhara
1. Transfer of capital D. Khajuraho
2. Increase of Taxation in Doab 36. The Capital of Kanishka Empire was
3. Promulgation of Token Currency
4. Khurasan Expedition
A. Kabul
Select the correct answer from the codes
given below: B. Taxila

A. 2, 1, 3 and 4 C. Peshawar
D. Pataliputra

B. 1, 2, 3 and 4
37. What city served as the capital of the Byzan-
C. 2, 3, 1 and 4
tine Empire?

D. 3, 2, 1 and 4
A. Nicodemia
31. Which Nawab of Bengal shifted his capital

from Murshidabad to Monghyr? B. Constantinople

A. Siraj-ud-daulah C. Ankara

B. Mir Jafar D. Adrianople


38. Consider the following statements regard-

C. Mir Qasim
ing Magadha?
D. Shuja-ud-din
1. It became the most prominent Maha-

32. Who among the following Indian freedom janapada owing to its large standing
fighters made an attempt to estimate the per army and walled city.
capital income of India? 2. The capital was initially Rajagriha and
A. Gopal Krishna Gokhale then shifted to Pataliputra.
B. Feroze Shah Mehta Which of the above statements is/are true?
C. Surendranath Banerjee A. 1 only
D. Dadabhai Naorji B. 2 only
33. During muslim rule was the capital of C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 and 2
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39. with the emergence of Abbasids the Capital 45. Which of the following caused by the suc-
was transfer from Syria to cess of Magadh?
A. Iran 1. Magadha enjoyed an advantageous ge-
B. Bagdad ographical position in the iron age
as most of the deposits were located
C. Egypt
D. Iraq 2. The rulers of this state had the very
40. In sixth century BC, Suktimati was the cap- good weapon.
ital of 3. The capitals of Magadha were situated
A. Chedi at strategic positions.
4. No other power at that time dared to
B. Kuru attack it
C. Avanti

A. 1, 2 and 3
D. Panchala
41. What was the capital of Chandelas? B. 2 and 4
A. Ajmer C. 1 and 4
B. Bhinmal
eR D. 1 and 2
C. Khajuraho
46. The capital of Gupta Empire was
D. Kannauj
42. Who was the viceroy of India when British A. Pataliputra
Indias capital was shifted from Culcutta to
Delhi? B. Kannauj
A. Lord Hardinge C. Peshawar
B. Lord William Bentinck D. Dhanyakatakam
C. Lord Curzon

47. Consider the following passage : “His

D. Lord Dalhousie
records proclaim him as a feudatory of the
43. Madurai was the capital of emperor Somesvara III. He was his capitals
A. Cholas at Talakad in the South and Bankpura in
the North. It was in A. D. 1137 that he per-
B. Pallavas
formed the great ceremony of Tulapurusha.”

C. Pandyas The above passage refers to


D. Rashtrakutas
A. Yayati Mahashivgupta-I
44. Gangaikondacholapuram became the capi-
tal of the Chola empire from the time of B. Vishnuvardhana
A. Kulottunga I
C. Mayursarman
B. Parantaka I
D. Ananta Varman Chodaganga
C. Rajendra I
D. Vikrama Chola

1. C 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. B 11. C 12. A 13. C 14. B

15. A 16. D 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. A 21. D 22. A 23. A 24. D 25. C 26. B
27. D 28. D 29. C 30. A 31. C 32. D 33. C 34. C 35. C 36. C 37. C 38. B
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234 Chapter 5. Capital

39. C 40. A 41. C 42. A 43. C 44. C 45. A 46. A 47. B

a n
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1. Atala Masjid which was built by Sultan 1. He made no treaty with the British.
Ibrahim is located at? 2. He had no quarrel with the Marathas.
3. He sought French alliance.
A. Jaunpur
4. He fell fighting against the British.
B. Kanpur
Of these statements
C. Agra
A. 3 and 4 are correct

D. Mysore B. 2, 3 and 4 are correct

2. Who among the following Governor Gener-
C. 1 and 4 are correct
als formed the Triple Alliance against Tipu
Sultan? D. 1, 2and3arecorrect
A. Warren Hastings 5. Tipu Sultan was ahead of his contempo-

raries in many respect because

B. Lord Cornwallis

A. He understood the threat posed by En-

C. Lord Wellesley glish to the Indian powers
D. Lord William Bentinck B. He understood the importance of strong
3. Name of the Bengali poet who was con- economic base for the military power
ferred with the title of Gunraj Khan in the C. He understood the importance of mod-
Sultanate period? ern trade and industry
A. Chaitanya D. All of the above
B. Rahim 6. What was the main objective of Sultan Mah-
mud’s Indian conquests?
C. Maladhar Basu
A. Propagation of Religion
D. Jaydeva
4. Consider the following statements about B. Extension of Empire
Tipu Sultan C. Acquisition of Wealth
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236 Chapter 5. Capital

D. None of these 12. The Sayyid dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate

7. Who was the Governor of Kara-Manikpur is called so because..?
to have revolted against Sultan Jalaluddin A. Its founder was a scholar of Islamic the-
Firoz Khilji? ology
A. Arkali Khan B. Its founder and his successors were de-
scendant of the prophet Muhammad
B. Jawna Khan
C. Its founder and his successors adopted
C. Malik Chajju
the title Sayyid

D. Almas Beg D. Its founder and his successors belonged
8. Who among the following was the coun- to the Sayyid tribe of eastern Turkistan
terpart of Tipu Sultan during the Treaty of 13. Which sultan of Delhi made a rule that, in

Seringapatnam? any given year, the land revenue can be in-
A. Warren Hastings creased only nominally, viz. one-tenth or
one-eleventh of the fixed revenue?
B. Robert Clive
A. Alauddin Khilji

C. Cornwallis
B. Balban
D. Dalhousie
C. Firozshah Tughlaq
9. Which of the following Sultans assumed
D. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
the title of Caliph himself?
14. Who among the following Sultans received
A. Balban the title of ‘Syed-us-Salatin’ from the
B. Alauddin Khalji Caliph?

C. Mohammad bin Tughlaq A. Alauddin Khilji

D. Qutbuddin Mubarak Shah Khalji B. Balban


10. Which of the following is not true about C. Firoz Shah Tughlaq
Tipu Sultan? D. Iltutmish

A. He laid the foundation of Krishnaraj 15. The office of the Wakil-us sultanate was

Sagar Dam on Cauvery. held during the first four years of Akbar’s
reign by
B. His autobiography was Tarikh-i-Khudai
A. Tardi Beg

C. He was a Great admirer of Jagadguru B. Munim Khan


Shankaracharya of Sringeri. C. Shamsuddin Atka

D. He died during the fourth Anglo- D. Bairam Khan
Mysore war.

16. General policy of the Delhi Sultanate to-

11. Qismat-i- khote in the Delhi Sultanate was ward the native religions of India became:
A. A cash payment made by the State to A. indecisive.
the village headman B. disinterested.
B. A village assigned to a khot C. increasingly repressive.
C. A small cess collected by the village D. increasingly tolerant.
headman from the peasants 17. Who among the following Delhi Sultans
D. The revenue assessed on the land culti- was known for introducing market control
vated by the khots and Muqaddams mechanism?
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A. Iltutmish 23. The Iqta under the Delhi Sultans was a ter-
ritorial assignment, and its holder was des-
B. Firoz Tughlaq
ignated muqti who
C. Alauddin Khilji
A. Was the owner of the Iqta Land
D. Balban
B. Was entitled to claim forced labor from
18. Who among the following foreign histori- the cultivators
ans is considered an authority on the history
C. Had no claims on the peasant other than
of the Delhi Sultanate?
the due land tax
A. Richard Fox D. Had to claim on the person and property
B. Peter Jackson of the peasants
C. Aden Southall 24. Tipu Sultan was defeated and killed in the
Fourth Anglo- Mysore War (1799). Who of

D. Chris Bayly the following did not give a share in Tipu’s
19. Tipu Sultan was a man of complex char- territories?
acter. He was an innovator, which of the A. The Nizam
following was not one of his innovations?
B. The Marathas
A. A new system of coinage eR C. The English
B. A new calendar
D. The Hindu dynasty of Mysore
C. A new method of survey and settlement 25. With which Sultan of Delhi do you asso-
ciate the compilation of Kingship theory
D. New scales of weights and measures and principles of administration called ‘Vas-
20. Which one of the followin sufi saint refused
to meet sultan alauddin Khalji? A. Balban
A. Baba barid Ganj-e-shakar B. Alauddin Khilji

B. Moinuddin chisti C. Firoz Shah Tughlaq

C. Qutubuddin Bakhiar Kaki D. Iltutmish

26. How many ruling dynasties were there in
D. Nizamudding Auliya
the Delhi Sultanate?
21. Who among the following built the largest
A. 3

number of irrigation canals in the Sultanate


period? B. 2
A. Ghiyasuddin Balban C. 4

B. Nasiruddin Mahmud D. 5
27. Which one of the following sultans is cred-
C. Firuz Shah Tughlaq
ited with the appointment of ‘Amir - Sadah’
D. Ibrahim Lodi in the provinces?
22. Which language was the State language dur- A. Bahlol Lodi
ing the Sultanate period?
B. Muhammad Tughlaq
A. Persian C. Alaudding Khilji
B. Turkish D. Firoz Tughlaq
C. Arabic 28. The first invasion of India by Sultan Mah-
mud Ghazni was in
D. Urdu
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238 Chapter 5. Capital

A. 999 (AD) 1. Potato

2. Barley
B. 1004 (AD)
3. Sesame
C. 1000 (AD) 4. Maize
D. 1001 (AD) Select your answer using the codes given
29. Which one of the following Sultans, was below:
not an off spring of Iltutmish, but was the A. 1, 4
last successor of his dynasty?
B. 1, 2, 3

A. Rukn-ud-din Firoz
C. 3, 4
B. Razia
D. 1, 2
C. Nasiruddin Mahmud 35. With reference to Delhi Sultanate, who was

D. Muizuddin Bahram Shah the founder of Sayyid Dynasty?
30. Which Sultan of Delhi categorized the A. Khizr Khan
Ulema into ‘Ulmai- Akhiral’ and ‘Ulma- B. Muhammad Shah
i-Duniya’ and praised the former?

C. Alauddin Alam Shah
A. Balban
D. Mubarak Shah
B. Alauddin Khilji 36. In whose reign did the sultanate reach its
C. Qutubuddin Aibak farthest extent?
D. Iltutmish A. Qutub-ud-din Aibak
31. According to historian Ziauddin Barani, the B. Ghiyasuddin Balban
ideal Sultan of Delhi was C. Muhammad Tughlaq
A. Firoz Shah Tughlaq D. Raziya
B. Alauddin Khilji 37. What was Iqta in sultanate period?

C. Balban A. Territories of land


D. Bahlol Lodi B. A tax

32. Tipu Sultan of Mysore was killed in a C. A form of military

bloody engagement in
D. None of these
A. The fourth Mysore War 38. Sultan Ala-ud-din Khalji:
B. The first Mysore War A. conquered all of southern India.

C. The third Mysore War B. defeated the Mongols.

D. The second Mysore War C. took Islam into Southeast Asia.

33. Who among the Sultans is credited with D. forbade Islamic law in north India.
having introduced a purely Arabic currency 39. Which Delhi Sultan styled himself
of gold and silver? Sikandar-i-sani (the second Alexander)?
A. Iltutmish A. Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq
B. Muhammed-bin-Tughluq B. Alauddin Khalji
C. Alauddin Khilji C. Sikandar Lodi
D. Balban D. Balban
34. Which crops were not cultivated in India 40. Which sultan had a dispute with Sufi Saint
during the Sultanate period? Nizamuddin Auliya?
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A. Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq 46. Which Sultan introduced the practices of

Sijda, Paibos and Nawroz in the Delhi Sul-
B. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
C. Jalaluddin Khilji
A. Firoz Shah Tughlaq
D. Feroz Shah Tughlaq
B. Iltutmish
41. Who defeated Sultan Ibrahim Lodi in the
C. Balban
First Battle of Panipat in 1526? Add Ques-
tion to Review List? D. Razia Sultana
A. Humayun 47. Who among the following Sultans of Delhi
introduced the token currency?
B. Babur
A. Alauddin Khalji
C. Jehangir
B. Balban

D. Akbar
C. Firuz Tughlaq
42. The Bahmani Sultanate came into being dur-
ing the reign of which Sultan? D. Muhammad bin Tughlaq
48. The first Turkish Sultan to cross Vindhy-
A. Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq
achal ranges was?
B. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
C. Ibrahim Lodhi
D. Feroz Shah Tughlaq
eR A. Balban
B. Iltutmish
C. Firoz Shah Tughlaq
43. Which British military officer defeated Tipu
D. Alauddin Khilji
Sultan in India, Napolean Bonaparte in Eu-
rope and eventually, became the Duke of 49. Which of the dynasties ruled for the short-
Wellington? est period of time during of course of the
Delhi Sultanate?
A. Richard Wellesley

A. Slave dynasty
B. Robert Clive
B. Sayyid dynasty
C. Warren Hastings
C. Lodhi dynasty
D. Arthur Wellesley
D. Khilji dynasty
44. Who was the noble serving Sultan Nasirud-
50. Who among the following Sultans of Delhi

din Mahmud who lost the top post due to

was the first to have paid to his soldiers in

the machinations of Balban?

A. Amir Yaqut A. Alauddin Khilji
B. Tughril Beg B. Muhammad bin Tughlaq
C. Zafar Khan C. Iltutmish
D. Imaduddin Raihan D. Feroz Tughlaq
45. The Sultan Ganj Buddha Statue in Bronze 51. Which Sultan declared himself as Sikandar-
belongs to i-Sani, the second Alexander?
A. Harsha A. Balban
B. Guptas B. Alauddin Khalji
C. Kanishka C. Iltutmish
D. Mauryas D. Kaiqubad
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240 Chapter 5. Capital

52. Who among the following Amirs was the 58. Name the Delhi Sultans born of Hindu
one publicly flogged by the orders of Sultan mothers:
Balban? 1. Firuz Tughlaq
A. Haibat Khan 2. Sikandar Lodi
B. Malik Baqbaq 3. Nasiruddin Khusrau
4. Balban
C. Imaduddin Raihan 5. Alauddin Khilji
D. Sher Khan 6. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq

53. Who was the only converted Indian muslim A. 2, 4, 5
to become the head of the Delhi Sultanate?
B. 1, 2, 3, 6
A. Nasiruddin Khusrau Shah
C. 1, 2, 4

B. Masud Shah
D. 3, 4, 5, 6
C. Qaimurs
59. Which one of the following Sultans ex-
D. Kaikubad tended agricultural loans called sondhars
54. Who among the following officers held to the poor peasants for promoting cultiva-

highest stature in the central government tion?
of the Sultanate?
A. Alauddin Khalji
A. Head of the Majlis-i-Khalawat
B. Firoze Tughlaq
B. Wazir
C. Mohd. Bin Tughlaq
C. Qazi-ul-Mulk
D. Balban
D. Naib-i-Mulk
60. In the Delhi Sultanate an administrative unit
55. Tax on plunder during war in the Sultanate
called Pargana was headed by
period was known as

A. Amin
A. Zakat
B. Kharaj B. Ariz

C. Jizya C. Shiqdar

D. Khums D. Barid
56. Which Sultan was the first to proclaim that 61. Which of the Sultans measured the land for
the state in India of the Delhi Sultanate can- fixing land revenue?
not be a truly Islamic state? 1. Alauddin Khilji

A. Alauddin Khilji 2. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq

3. Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
B. Jalaluddin Khilji
4. Sikandar Lodi

C. Behram Shah
Select the correct answer from using the
D. Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah codes given below:
57. concerning Delhi Sultanate who of the fol-
A. 1 and 3 only
lowing created the ‘Diwani-Amir’ Koh (De-
partment of agriculture)? B. 1, 2 and 3 only
A. Muhammad bin Tugluq C. 1 and 2 only
B. Firoj Shah Tughluq D. 1, 2, 3 and 4
C. Alauddin Khalji 62. Which of the Sultans of Delhi abolished the
‘Zakat’ on grain?
D. Shamsu d-din lltutmish
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A. Sikandar Lodi A. Third Anglo-Mysore war

B. Firoz Shah Tughlaq B. Battle of Wandiwash
C. Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq C. Battle of Buxar
D. Alauddin Khilji D. Carnatic war
63. Which sultan of Delhi refused to read 69. “Every pearl in the Royal Crown is but the
‘Khutba’ in the name of Khalifa for the first crystallized drop of blood fallen from the
time? tearful eyes of the poor peasant.” The above
remark about the poverty of the Indian peas-
A. Alauddin Khalji
ant during the Delhi sultanate was made
B. Sikandar Lodi by
C. Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq A. Ziauddin Barani

D. Ibrahim Lodi B. Minhajuddin Siraj
64. Which of these books was authored by Sul- C. Amir Khusrau
tan Feroz Shah Tughlaq himself?
D. Ibn Battuta
A. Tughlaqnama
70. Sultan Balban was devoted to
B. Fatawa-i-Jahandari
C. Fautuhat-i-Ferozshahi
eR A. Khwaja Muin-uddin chisti
B. Kaki
D. Tarikh-i-Ferozshahi
C. Shaikh aulia
65. Who of the following Sultans of Delhi had
abolished the tax on grain (also called Zakat D. Baba Farid
on grain)? 71. Which one of the following iqtas was held
A. Firoz Shah Tughlaq by Sultan Iltutmish as its Muqta immedi-
ately before his accession?

B. Alauddin Khilji
A. Kalinjar
C. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
B. Badaun
D. Sikandar Lodi
C. Lakhanauti
66. Which Sultan called himself ‘Naib-i-
Khudai’? D. Kalpi

A. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq 72. The Delhi Sultanate reached its maxi-


mum geographical limits during the reign

B. Iltutmish of
C. Alauddin Khalji A. Firuz Tughlaq
D. Balban B. Alauddin Khalji
67. Which dynasty rules for the longest period C. Qutbuddin Mubarak Shah Khalji
of time in the Delhi sultanate?
D. Muhammad bin Tughlaq
A. Khilji dynasty
73. Lord Cornwallis has been criticised for
B. Slave dynasty not destroying Tipu Sultan when he had
C. Tughlaq dynasty the chance to do so after the third Anglo-
Mysore war. Which one of the following
D. Lodhi dynasty consideration was not a factor taken into ac-
68. Tipu Sultan was defeated by the British in count by Cornwallis in taking his decision?
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242 Chapter 5. Capital

A. Sickness spread among the English A. Firoz Tughlaq

B. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
B. War with France, and the consequent
C. Mohammad Tughlaq
alliance between Tipu and the French, were
apprehended D. Alauddin Khilji
C. The territory was too large to be admin- 77. Who among the following was the author
istered with any of Tarikh-i- Alai, which contains the details
of the first few years of Sultan Alauddin
D. Cornwallis was ill-disposed towards the

court of Directors who were advising full
annexation A. Shams Siraj Afif
74. Consider the following statements : B. Ziauddin Barani

1. By passing the role of the Caliph, Bal- C. Amir Khusrau
ban called himself the ‘Shadow of
God’ and removed the Caliph’s name D. Yahiya Bin Ahmad
from the Khutba and Sikka. 78. The term ’Khalisa’ in the Sultanate and

2. To pacify the ulema, Mohammad-bin- Mughal periods was used for
Tughlaq secured an investiture from
the Abbasid Taliph. A. lands revenue which was directly de-
3. Firoz Tughlaq secured the investiture posited in the imperial treasury
twice from the caliph. B. lands owned by the Sufi establishment
4. Iltutmish was the first of the Sultans
to procure a manour of ‘letter of in- C. crown lands
vestiture’ from the caliph. D. land revenue which was assigned to the
Which of these statements are correct? nobles for maintaining troops
79. Bring out the correct statements about

A. All of these
Raziya Sultana.
B. 1, 2 and 3

1. She was murdered by some bandits

C. 1, 3 and 4 at Khaital after being deposed by the

D. 2, 3 and 4 nobles
2. Iltutmish nominated her as his succes-
75. Select the correct statement (s) is/are related sor
to the Kabir. 3. She was successful in coming to the
throne immediately after her father’s

I. He was the disciple of Ramananda

and the most liberal among medieval death
Indian reformers. 4. She was the only daughter to be pre-
II. He was possibly a contemporary ferred to sons by any ruler of India

of Sultan Muhammad Bin Tughlaq 5. Her fondness for the Abyssinian slave
(1489-1517). Yaqub turned the nobles against her

A. I only A. 1, 2, 3
B. II only B. 2, 3, 4
C. Both I and II C. 3, 4, 5
D. Neither I nor II D. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
76. Which Delhi Sultan levied the irrigation tax 80. Who among the following witnessed the
on the farmers for the first time? reigns of eight Delhi Sultans?
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A. Amir Khusrau B. Baba Farid-ud-din Chishti

B. Ziauddin Barani C. Shaikh Nizamuddin Chishti
C. Minhaj-us-siraj D. Nasiruddin ‘Chiragh’ Delhvi
D. Shams-i-siraj Afif 83. What is the descending order of the ranks
81. The title Sultan-us-Sharq was assumed by of nobility under Delhi Sultanate?
the ruler of 1. Khan
A. Bengal 2. Malik
3. Amir
B. Assam
4. Sar-i-Khail
C. Orissa
A. 3, 2, 4, 1
D. Jaunpur
B. 1, 2, 3, 4

82. Which one of the following Sufi Saints saw
the rule of seven Sultans but visited the C. 2, 1, 4, 3
court of none? D. 1, 2, 4, 3
A. Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki

1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D
15. D 16. D 17. C 18. D
6. C
19. C

7. C 8. C 9. D 10. D 11. C
20. D 21. C 22. A 23. C
12. B
24. B
13. D
25. A
14. B
26. D
27. B 28. C 29. C 30. A 31. A 32. A 33. A 34. A 35. A 36. C 37. A 38. B
39. B 40. B 41. B 42. A 43. B 44. D 45. B 46. C 47. D 48. D 49. D 50. A
51. B 52. B 53. A 54. D 55. D 56. B 57. A 58. B 59. C 60. A 61. B 62. A
63. A 64. C 65. D 66. D 67. C 68. A 69. C 70. D 71. B 72. D 73. D 74. D
75. A 76. A 77. C 78. D 79. D 80. A 81. D 82. C 83. B
i Sh
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a n
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6. The first one

Unit 1
1. The first Indian Elected to the parliament of 4. Where did British first open their facto-ries
Great Britain was? in Eastern part of India?
A. Lal mohan ghosh A. Sikim
B. Dadabhai Naoroji B. Bihar

C. Ramesh Chandra Dutt C. Assam

D. Firoz shah mehta D. Orissa
2. Ring wells are identified for the first time 5. Who proclaimed the First Crusade?
in? A. Alexios I Komnenos
A. Later Vedic age B. Pope Urban II

B. Pre-Mauryan age C. Peter the Hermit

C. Mauryan period D. Pope Gregory VII
D. Post-Mauryan 6. The stone Age people had the first domestic
3. Which of the following did not influence A. Dogs
the growth of nationalist sentiments against B. Horses
the British rule in the first few years of the
twentieth century? C. Sheep

A. British reverses in the Boer War D. Asses

7. When did Mahatma Phule established first
B. Japanese defeat of Russia
girls school in Poona?
C. Italy’s defeat by Ethopia
A. 1864
D. The establishment of the Kerensky Gov-
B. 1857
ernment in Russia
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246 Chapter 6. The first one

C. 1872 1. The Champaran Satyagraha marked

Mahatma Gandhi’s first appearance
D. 1848
in Indian politics as a leader of the
8. Who among the following presided over the masses.
first Buddhist council held in Rajgriha? 2. Young nationalists like Rajendra
A. Maha kassapa Prasad and J.B. Kriplani and worked
with Mahatma Gandhi at Champaran.
B. Sabbakami
3. It was during this movement that Ma-
C. Buddaghosha hatma Gandhi formulated his philoso-

D. Moggaliputta Tissa phy of Satyagraha.

9. First Governor-General of India? Which of the statements given above is/are

A. Sir Charles Metcalfe

A. 3 only
B. Lord Amherst
B. 1 and 3
C. Lord William Bentinck
C. 2 and 3
D. Robert Clive

D. 1 and 2
10. Who among the following is considered as 14. The first tribal leader who was inspired by
the first national ruler of India? Mahatma Gandhi and his ideology was
A. Chandragupta I A. Alluri Sitaram Raju
B. Chandragupta Maurya B. Jadonang
C. Ashoka C. Jhabkar Bapa
D. Kanishka D. Rani Gaidinliu
11. Which of the following statement is/are cor- 15. Which one of following event occur first?
rect? A. Khilafat movement

I. Pulakesn I was the first ruler of the B. Lucknow pack

Chalukya dynasty?

C. Shifting of capital to Delhi

II. Harshavardhana attacked the
Chalukya territory during 608-642 D. Swadeshi Movement

AD? 16. Who established first Islamic empire in In-

III. Vikramaditya I died in 608 AD dia?
A. All are correct A. Muhammad Ghazni

B. Only I B. Muhammad Ghor

C. Only II, III C. Hizzaz

D. Muhammad-Bin-Quasim
D. Only I, III

17. Which among the following marks Ma-

12. Who was the first Portuguese Viceroy of
hatma Gandhi’s first fast unto death?
A. Kheda Satyagraha
A. Duarte Pacheo
B. Champaran Satyagraha
B. Vasco-da-Gama
C. Ahmedabad Mill Strike
C. Da Almeida
D. Jallianwala Bagh tragedy
D. Albuquerque 18. Who among the following were the Indian
13. Consider the following statements about liberals who attended the first session of the
Champaran Satyagraha (1917) Roundtable Conference?
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1. Tej Bahadur Sapru A. Gupta

2. V.S. Srinivasa Shastri
B. Licchhavi
3. M.R. Jayakar
4. C.Y. Chintamani C. Maurya
Choose the correct answer from the codes D. Nand
given below: 22. was the first Mughal Emperor to ac-
A. 2, 3 and 4 quire Koh-i-Noor diamond
B. 2, 3 and 4 A. Jahangir
C. 1, 2 and 3 B. Humayun
D. l, 2 and 4 C. Shah Jahan
19. The first Danish Settlement of trade at Tran- D. Akbar
quebar was established in the year

23. Who among the following was the first
A. 1616 leader to organize labour movement in In-
B. 1630 dia?

C. 1660 A. B. P. Wadia

D. 1620 eR B. N. G. Ranga
20. Consider the following statements with ref- C. N. M. Lokhandy
erence to the history of Press in India: D. Lala Lajpat Rai
1. First law to curb press was Censorship 24. Which among the following was the first
of Press Act, 1799. investigated pillar of Ashoka?
2. James Augustus Hicky began publica-
tion of Bengal Gazette on January 29, A. Sarnath
1780. B. Barabar cave
3. Charles Metcalfe lifted of restrictions
C. Delhi Meerut Pillar

from the press. Thus he is termed as

‘liberator of the press in India’. D. Dhauli
Which of the statements given above is/are 25. The first missionary to successfully be ac-
correct? cepted by the Chinese Ming court was the
A. 1 and 2 only
A. Francis Xavier.

B. 2 and 3 only

C. 1 and 3 only B. Siguenze y Gongora.

D. 1, 2 and 3 C. Matteo Ricci.

21. By whom, the first republic of the world D. Ignatius Loyola.
was established in Vaishali?


1. B 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. B 11. B 12. C 13. D 14. B

15. D 16. B 17. C 18. B 19. D 20. D 21. B 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. C

Unit 2
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248 Chapter 6. The first one

1. The first president of the Republic of In-dia 7. Which metal was first used by the Indus
was? people?
A. Dr.Radhakrishnan A. Gold
B. Dr.Rajendra Prasad B. Silver
C. V.V.Giri C. Tin
D. Zakir Hussain D. Carolinian
2. The first monarch of Magadh kingdom in 8. Who among the following was the first Gov-
the sixth century B.C. was

ernor General of India?
A. Prasenajit A. Lord Amherst
B. Bimbisara B. Lord William Bentinck

C. Jarasandha C. Robert Clive
D. Ajatashatru D. Sir Charles Metcalfe
3. India first encountered Islamic armies in the 9. The First President of Muslim League was

A. Hidayat Hussain Khan
A. seventh
B. Mohammad Ali Jinnah
B. eighth
C. Mian Abdul Aziz
C. eleventh
D. Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulk Mustaq Hussain
D. twelfth
10. The Author who described the Revolt of
4. Who was the first Indian ruler who had ter-
1857 as the ‘First War of Indepen4ence’
ritory outside India?
A. Chandragupta Maurya
A. Ashok Mehta
B. Ashoka

B. R. C. Majumdar
C. Huvishka
C. S. N. Sen

D. Kanishka
D. V. D. Savarkar
5. Where French established their first fac-
11. In the Gandhara sculptures, the preaching

mudra associated with the Buddha’s first
A. Masaulipatam sermon at Sarnath is
B. Surat A. Dharmachakra

C. Cochin B. Dhyana
D. Pulicat C. Bhumisparsa
6. Arrange the following in correct chronolog-
D. Abhaya

ical order
12. Who was the first Governor General of the
1. Third Carnatic War new Indian Dominion?
2. First Burmese War
3. First Mysore War A. Rajendra Prasad
4. Second Afghan War B. Vallabhbhai Patel
A. 2, 4, 1, 3 C. Rajagopalachari
B. 3, 1, 2, 4 D. Lord Mountbatten
C. 1, 4, 3, 2 13. Which of the following leader did not attend
D. 1, 3, 2, 4 the First Round Table Conference?
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A. Dr Ambedkar A. R. C. Mazumdar
B. Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru B. B. G. Tilak
C. Y. Chintamani C. S. N. Sen
D. M. K. Gandhi D. V. D. Savarkar
14. Ashokan inscriptions were first deciphered 19. The first to establish regular trade with India
by was?
A. Dutch
A. Codrington
B. Portuguese
B. Buhler
C. English
C. Robert Sewell
D. French
D. James Prinsep
20. Which of the following statement regarding

15. Consider the following statements- Henry Vivian Derozio are correct?
1. Battle of Khanwa was fought between I. He is an Anglo-Indian
Akbar and Rana Sanga. II. Was called first nationalist poet of
2. Battle of Khanwa was fought between modern India
Babur and Rana Sanga in 1527 AD, III. He taught at Hindu college and was
3. Humayun lived in exile about 15
4. First battle of chunar was the land-
eR later removed because of his radical-
A. Only I
marks for Humayun’s military expedi-
tion B. Only I and II
C. Only II and III
Which of the above is/are correct?
A. 1 and 2 D. All the above
21. The Bhakti Movement was first organized
B. 2 and 3

C. 3 and 4
A. Ramananda
D. 1 and 4 B. Nanak
16. Who was selected as the first satyagrahi by
C. Kabir
Mahatma Gandhi to begin the individual
satyagraha in 1940? D. Ramanuja

22. What is the correct chronological order of


A. C. Rajagopalachari
setting up of the following Commissions?
B. Vallabhbhai Patel 1. Macdonell Commission
C. J.B. Kripalani 2. First Industrial Commission
3. First Fiscal Commission
D. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
Select the correct answer from the code
17. The year of first Maratha was
given below-
A. 1777 - 1782 A. 1, 3, 2
B. 1775 - 1782 B. 2, 1, 3
C. 1774 - 1782 C. 2, 3, 1
D. 1776 - 1783 D. 1, 2, 3
18. The Uprising of 1857 was described as the 23. The first ruler of India who defeated
first-Indian war of independence by Muhammad of Ghor was
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250 Chapter 6. The first one

A. Parmaldeva of Bundelkhand D. capitalism

B. Jayachandra of Kannauj 25. Who was the first person to make an
C. Prithviraj Chauhan of Delhi economc analysis of british rule in India?

D. Mularaja II of Gujarat A. Ganesh Vasudev Joshi

24. Karl Marx was the first man to introduce B. Justice MG Rande
A. scientific socialism C. Dinabandu Mitra
B. Marxian socialism D. Dadabhai Naoroji

C. democracy


1. B 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. D 7. B 8. B 9. D 10. D 11. B 12. D 13. D 14. D
15. B 16. B 17. B 18. D 19. B 20. D 21. D 22. D 23. B 24. A 25. D

Unit 3

1. Who among the following has issued the

coin rupee for the first time?

5. The first dockyard in the world was exca-
vated in
A. Akbar A. Harappa
B. Sher Shah B. Lothal
C. Ala-ud-din Khilji C. Mohanjodaro
D. Muhammad bin Tughluq D. Ropar
2. The British established their first trading 6. Who among the following cultures were the

centre at first to paint their pottery?

A. Calcutta A. Mesolithic

B. Surat B. Neolithic

C. Iron age
C. Madras
D. Chalcolithic
D. Bombay
7. The first railway engine designed. by
3. Where was the first Presidency of English
George Stephenson was put on rails in Eng-

East India Company in India?

land in
A. Masulipattam
A. 1814
B. Hugli B. 1815

C. Surat C. 1813
D. Chennai (Madras) D. 1816
4. Who is believed by the Jainas to be the first 8. Which was the first newspaper to be pub-
Tirthankar? lished in India?
A. Rishabhadeva A. Bengal Chronicle
B. Neminath B. Bombay Samachar
C. Mahavira C. Bengal Gazette
D. Parshvanath D. The Hindu
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9. Consider the following statements in regard 14. The Aryans at first settled in
to the parallel government emerged during
A. Gujarat
the Quit India Movement.
B. Sindh
1. The first such government emerged in
Satara. C. Punjab
2. The government which emerged in
D. Kashmir
Tamluk was known as ‘Jatiya Sarkar’.
3. The longest lasting and effective par- 15. The first political organisation established
allel government was in Satara. in India in 1838 was known as-
Which of the statements given above are A. Settlers Association
correct? B. Bengal British India Society
A. 2 and 3 only C. British India Society

B. 1, 2 and 3 D. Zamindary Association
C. 1 and 2 only 16. Consider the following statement (s) related
D. 1 and 3 only to the Noncooperation Movement
10. Gautam Buddha delivered his first sermon I. It aimed to resist British rule in India
at which one of the following places? eR through nonviolent means. Protestors
A. Sarnath would refuse to buy British goods,
adopt the use of local handicrafts and
B. Kushinagar picket liquor shops.
C. Lumbini II. The ideas of Ahimsa and nonviolence,
and Gandhi’s ability to rally hundreds
D. Bodh Gaya
of thousands of common citizens to-
11. Which one of the following Bengali writ- wards the cause of Indian indepen-
ers was the first to suggest the adoption of dence, were first seen on a large scale
Hindi as India’s National Language? in this movement through summer

A. Bhudeva Mukherjee 1920, they feared that the movement

might lead to popular violence
B. Kali Prasanna Sinha
Which of the above statement(s) is/are cor-
C. Madhusudan Datta
D. Dinbandhu Mitra
A. Only I

12. The word ‘Hindu’ as reference to the people

of Hind (India) was first used by- B. Only II

A. The Arabs C. Both I& II

B. The Romans D. Neither I nor II
C. The Chinese 17. Who among the following Mughal Emperor
became the first pensioner of the East India
D. The Greeks
13. In which of the following movements, did
Mahatma Gandhi make the first use of A. Muhammed Shah
hunger strike as a weapon? B. Akbar II
A. Rowlatt Satyagraha C. Ahmed Shah
B. Ahmedabad Strike D. Bahadur Shah
C. Non-cooperation Movement 18. The social ideals of Mahatma Gandhi were
D. Bardoli Satyagraha first put forth in
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252 Chapter 6. The first one

A. An Autobiography-The Story of My Ex- 21. Which state was the first victim of “The
periments with Truth Subsidiary Alliance System”?
B. History of the Satyagraha in South A. Mysore
B. Satara
C. The Bhagavad Geeta According to
C. Awadh
D. Hyderabad
D. Hind Swaraj
22. Who among the following first used the
19. Select the correct chronological sequence

word ‘Swarajya’ in its political sense and
of the following events?
accepted Hindi as the national language of
I. Appointment of the Simon Commis- India?

A. Swami Vivekananda
II. Formation of the first Labour Govern-
ment in Britain. B. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
III. Submission of the Nehru report. C. Rammohan Roy
IV. Inauguration of the First Round Table
D. Mahatma Gandhi

Select the correct answer from the codes 23. Who was the first Indian woman to preside
given below: over the Indian National Congress?

A. I, II, IV& III A. Rajkumari Amrit Kaur

B. I, III, IV& II B. Aruna Asaf Ali

C. II, IV, I& III C. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit

D. I, III, II& IV D. Sarojini Naidu

20. Who was the first ancestor of Bhosle family 24. Which is first manmade port in the world.
in Maharashtra?

A. Quilon
A. Tanaji B. Lothal

B. Bhosawant C. Muzris
C. Shahji

D. None of these
D. Vithoji


1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. A 11. A 12. D 13. B 14. C

15. D 16. C 17. B 18. B 19. D 20. B 21. D 22. B 23. D 24. B

Unit 4

1. For the first time in Indian History, the de- D. Shunga Period
scription of the State Administration was
2. ‘Dyarchy’ was first introduced in India un-
found for which among the following peri-
A. Gupta Period A. Morley-Minto reforms

B. Saatvahana Period B. Simon Commision plan

C. Maurya Period C. Government of India Act, 1935
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D. Montford reforms A. Cotton

3. Who was the first Indian woman to become B. Indigo
president of Indian national congress?
C. Pepper
A. Aruna asaf ali D. Saltpetre
B. Sarojani Naidu 9. Who was the first President of the Indian
C. Sucheta Kriplani Home Rule League established in April
D. Vijayalakshmi Pandit
A. N.C. Kelkar
4. Who first expounded the theory of ‘eco-
nomic drain’ of India during the British B. B.G. Tilak
rule? C. Joseph Bapista
A. Ramesh Chanda Dutt D. Annie Besant

10. Who first translated Bhagvad Gita to Eng-
B. Dadabhai Naoroji
C. Surendra Nath Banerjee
A. William Jones
D. Raja Ram Mohan Roy B. Charles Wilkins
5. On the first Cloth Mill started at eR C. Alexander Cunningham
D. John Marshall
A. 1870
11. The following are connected with the First
B. 1857 Anglo- Maratha War 1779-82:
C. 1890 1. Convention of Wadgaon
2. Treaty of Purandar
D. 1851
3. Treaty of Surat
6. Consider the following statements- 4. Treaty of Salbai
1. Nagabhata I was the first great ruler Their arrangement in the correct chronolog-

of Gurjara Prathi hara dynasty. ical order is

2. Bhoja I was another prominent ruler
A. 3-2-1-4
of this dynasty.
3. Mahendrapala I was the son of Boja I B. 2-1-3-4
Which of the above is/are correct? C. 4-2-1-3

A. Only 1 and 2 D. 1-4-3-2


12. The Sufis first settled in

B. 1, 2 and 3
A. Sindh
C. Only 2 and 3
B. Gujarat
D. Only 1
C. Punjab
7. The slogan of ‘Bande Mataram’ was first
adopted during the Movements? D. Both (A) and (B)
13. Who among the following was the first Sa-
A. Non-cooperation
tavahana King to introduce the ruler’s head
B. Civil Disobedience on the coins?
C. Swadeshi A. Satakarni I
D. Quit India B. Yajna Satakarni
8. The first article in which the English started C. Gautamiputra Satakarni
trading was D. Vasishthiputra Pulumavi
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254 Chapter 6. The first one

14. Writing had first developed in 20. With whose permission did the English set
A. Assyria up their first factory in Surat?

B. Akkad A. Jahangir
C. Iran B. Aurangzeb
D. Sumer C. Shahjahan
15. What was the most important reason for the
First Anglo- Sikh War (1845-46)? D. Akbar
21. The first national news agency of India was

A. The attempts of the English Company
to interfere with the internal matters of the A. The Free Press of India
Lahore state
B. The Indian Review

B. To divert the energies of ungovernable
Khalsa army C. The Hindustan Review
C. The war-like preparations of the English D. The Associated Press of India
across the Sutlej
22. The first Tamil Sangam is said to have been

D. The agreement entered into the Dogra instituted by
Chief, Gulab Singh, by the English to sell
Kashmir to the former A. Tiruvalluvar
16. The first battle of the American War of In- B. Parshurama
dependence took place in the year
C. Mamulanar
A. 1776, 28 July
B. 1789, 14 July D. Agastya

C. 1778, 14 August 23. The first native state to introduce military

training on the European model was
D. 1776, 4 July

17. The were the first Europeans to start A. Kashmir

a Joint-stock company trade with India? B. Mysore

A. Dutch
C. Golcanda

B. Danish
D. Oudh
C. Portuguese
24. The first tri-colour flag was hoisted on
D. French
18. The first Muslim expedition to India took A. 3lstJanauary, 1928

place in
B. 15th August, 1947
A. 720 A.D.
C. 26th January, 1950

B. 718 A.D.
D. 31st December, 1929
C. 712 A.D.
D. 716 A.D. 25. Balwant Singh was the first Raja of
19. The first Indian leader to undergo impris- A. Mewar
B. Jaisalmer
A. Bipin Chandra Pal
C. Banaras
B. C Vijaraghavachari
C. Dadabhai Noroji D. Kanpur

D. B G Tilak
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1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. B 11. A 12. D 13. A 14. D

15. B 16. D 17. C 18. C 19. B 20. A 21. D 22. D 23. B 24. D 25. C

Unit 5

1. Europeans were first interested in A. Partition of Bengal, 1905.

A. Silk B. The Indian Council Act, 1892.
B. Leather goods C. Seditious Meetings Act, 1907.
C. Indigo D. Official Secrets Act, 1904.

D. Spices 7. Who did not participate in the First Round
2. Which of the following was started first by Table Conference?
Mahatma Gandhi? A. The Hindu Mahasabha
A. Civil Disobedience B. The Indian National Congress
B. Quit India Movement eR C. The Muslim League
C. Champaran
D. All of these
D. Non-cooperation
8. Which book described the Arab invasion of
3. Who was the first prominent ruler of Prathi- Sindh for the very first time?
hara dynasty?
A. Shahnama
A. Chandradeva
B. Chachnama
B. Bhoja I
C. Akbarnama
C. Jayapala

D. Baburnama
D. Nagabhatta
9. Shivaji conqurred many forts. Which was
4. In which of the following places Hindu Ma- first-?
hasabha was for the first time organised in
1915? A. Berar

A. Haridwar B. Purendar

B. Allahabad C. Khandesh
C. Varanasi D. Raigarh
D. None of the above 10. The first Maratha war took place during the
5. Mohammad Ghori was first defeated by Governor Generalship of
which of the following rulers? A. Wellesley
A. Vidyadhara Chandella B. Warren Hastings
B. Jayachandra C. Lord Amherst
C. Prithviraja Chauhan D. Sir Robert Clive
D. Bhima II 11. The basis, on which the chronology or pe-
6. The large-scale expression of the Militant riod of the Sangam literature is fixed be-
nationalism for the first time, was against tween the first to third century A.D., is:
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256 Chapter 6. The first one

A. King Gajabahu I of Sri Lanka was con- A. bronze

temporary of the Chera monarch Senagut-
B. stone
C. copper
B. Striking similarity between the Sangam
poems and the Greco-Roman accounts on D. iron
trade 17. The first Christian missionaries came into
C. Both A and B India in the?

D. Reference to the Chola-Chera-Pandya’ A. 1st century B.C.

kingdoms in Ashokan edicts B. IInd century A.D.
12. Which one of the following powers was the
C. 1st century A.D.
first to establish trade links with India?

D. III century A.D.
A. English
18. Egyptians were the first people in the world
B. French to build
C. Dutch A. Temples

D. Portuguese B. Palaces
13. Consider the following statements regard-
C. Pyramids with mummies
ing August offer:
1. For the first time it recognized the ex- D. Megaliths
clusive rights of Indians to frame their 19. Mahatma Gandhi used for the first time
own constitution. hunger strike as a weapon during
2. It made Indians a majority in the A. Kheda Satyagraha
Viceroy’s executive council.
B. Champaran Satyagraha
Which of the above statements is/are true?
C. Ahmedabad Strike

A. 1 only
D. Bardoli Satyagraha
B. 2 only

20. Which of the following ages the Homo Sapi-

C. Both 1 and 2 ens the human being for the first time ap-

D. Neither 1 nor 2 peared?

14. Name the Pala ruler who was the first to A. In the middle Palaeolithic age
plunge into the tripartite struggle.
B. In the Mesolithic age
A. Gopala

C. In the upper Palaeolithic age

B. Devapala
D. In the lower Palaeolithic age
C. Mahipala
21. Who was the first leader of Kalinga in I

D. Dharmapala century A.D

15. The first Indian ruler to organize Haj pil- A. Chola Raja
grimage at the expense of the state was-
B. Karikala
A. Feroz Tughlaq
C. Kharauel
B. Alauddin Khilji
D. Charaka
C. Akbar
22. The valleys of Indus, Ganga and Jamuna
D. Aurangzeb were brought together for the first time un-
16. The first metal to be used by man was der one political authority by
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A. Prithvi Raj Chan ban A. Bhrigu

B. Chandragupta Maurya B. Katyayan
C. Ashoka C. Patanjali
D. Chandragupta I D. Panini
23. Where did Mahatma Gandhi first try the 25. The First English Captain to disembark at
weapon of Satyagraha? Surat and who also visited the court of Em-
peror Jahangir at Agra was
A. Dandi
A. Thomas Stephens
B. Bardoli
B. Hawkins
C. Champaran
C. Ralph Fitch
D. South Africa

D. Jon Mildenhall
24. Who wrote the first textbook on Jyotish?


1. C 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. D 10. B 11. C 12. D 13. B 14. A

15. C 16. C 17. C 18. C 19. C 20. B 21. B 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. B

Unit 6

1. The First census in India was held in A. Churchill

A. 1891 B. Disraeli
B. 1861 C. Ramsay McDonald
C. 1881 D. Chamberlain

D. 1871 5. Who among the following Kushan Em-

perors was the first to introduce the gold
2. The first Tarian war took place in
coinage in India?
A. 1193 A.D.
A. Vima Taktu
B. 1195 A.D.

B. Vasishka
C. 1191 A.D.

C. Vima Kadphises
D. 1197 A.D.
D. Kujula Kadphises
3. In which of the following periods did ring
6. As per the Cabinet Mission Plan, the power
wells come into prevalence for the first
would be first transferred to
A. The Interim Government
A. Gupta
B. The Princes of the States
B. Kushan
C. The Viceroy
C. Mauryan
D. The Indian National Congress
D. Sunga
7. By which Act the Public Service Commis-
4. Which of the following British Prime Min- sion was first established in India?
ister headed the First Round Table Confer-
ence in London? A. The Government of India Act, 1935
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258 Chapter 6. The first one

B. The Act of 1909 Select the correct answer using the code
given below.
C. The Indian Council Act, 1892
D. The Government of India Act, 1919 A. 2, 3 and 4 only
8. The credit of the discovery of the first Palae- B. 1 and 2 only
olithic in India which opened the field of
C. 1, 3 and 4 only
prehistoric studies in the country goes to
D. 1, 2, 3 and 4
A. De Terra and Paterson
13. Who was the first Gupta ruler who assumed

B. H D Sankalia
the title of Maharajadhiraja?
C. Robert Bruce Foote
A. Skandhgupta
D. Burkitt

B. Chandragupta II
9. Which of the following acts first introduced
an element of election for memberships to C. Kumar Gupta
Imperial Legislative Councils?
D. Chandragupta I
A. Indian Councils Act 1909

14. The first Rashtrakuta-ruler who success-
B. The Government of India Act 1858 fully invaded North India was
C. Indian Councils Act 1861 A. Govinda Ill
D. Indian Councils Act 1892 B. Govinda II
10. The Indus valley civilization was the first
C. Krishna II
A. Urban civilization ‘
D. Dhruva
B. Semi-urban
15. What is the correct order (first to last) of
C. Semi rural as Heading states annexed under the policy of “Doc-

D. Rural civilization trine of Lapse”?

11. Which one among the following was the A. Jaipur -> Satara -> Sambhalpur-> Bahat

result of the First Anglo-Maratha War of

B. Satara -> Jaipur -> Sambhalpur-> Bahat

A. There was no victory for either side

B. The Marathas won the war C. Satara -> Jaipur -> Bahat-> Sambhalpur-
C. The British won the war >

D. It helped Haider Ali to gather strength D. Bahat ->Satara -> Jaipur -> Sambhalpur-
because the British and Marathas were en- >
gaged in a mutual war 16. In which of the following Major Rock

12. Identify the correctly matched pair from the Edicts does Ashoka introduce the institution
below: of dhamma-mahamatta for the first time?
1. Champaran Satyagraha A. First Civil A. Rock Edict V
Disobedience Movement
2. Rowlatt Satyagraha B. First mass B. Rock Edict IV
strike C. Rock Edict II
3. Kheda Satyagraha C. First Non-
cooperation movement D. Rock Edict III
4. Ahmedabad Mill strike D. First 17. The Buddha delivered his first sermon,
Hunger strike known as ‘Turning of the wheel of law’ at
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A. Sarnath A. 1, 2 and 3
B. Bodh Gaya B. 1 only
C. Sravasti C. 3 only

D. Sanchi D. 1 and 3 only

22. Who among the following Indian cracks the
18. The English established their first factory in
British Indian Civil Services Examination
Bengal in 1651 at
in the first time in Indian History?
A. Patna
A. Satyendranath Tagore
B. Calcutta B. R. N. Dutt
C. Kassimbazar C. Behari Lal Gupta
D. Hugli

D. Surendranath Banerjee
19. The first venture of Gandhi in all-India pol- 23. Consider the following statement (s) related
itics was the: to Hawkins
A. Champaran Movement I. Hawkins was the first Englishman to
visit Jahangir’s court
B. Dandi March eR II. Hawkins was called by the name of
C. Non-Cooperation Movement Inglish Khan, by Jahangir

D. Rowlatt Satyagraha A. Both I and II are correct

20. Which among the following Mudra is the B. Both I and II are incorrect
gesture of Buddha as depicted in his first C. Only I is correct
D. Only II is correct
A. Dharmachakra Mudra 24. Which is first Indus Site
B. Dhyana Mudra

A. Harappa
C. Bhumisparsa Mudra B. Banavali
D. Abhaya Mudra C. Mohanjedaro
21. Consider the following statements : (1) The D. Lothal
Ain-i Akbari is the third book in the Akbar- 25. Babar enteredIndia for the first time

nama written during the reign of the Mughal through


Emperor, Akbar. (2) Abul Fazl was was the

author of the first two books of the Akbar- A. Kashmir
nama while Akbar was the author of the B. Sind
third. (3) The best known accounts of illus-
C. Rajasthan
trated Mughal official reports are the Ak-
barnama and the Babarnama. Which of the D. Punjab
statements given above is/are correct?


1. C 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. A 11. A 12. D 13. D 14. D

15. B 16. A 17. A 18. D 19. D 20. A 21. A 22. A 23. A 24. A 25. D

Unit 7
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260 Chapter 6. The first one

1. First Governor-General of Bengal? 6. Who was the first Muslim writer to make
A. William Bentinck use of Hindi words and adopt Indian poetic
imagery and themes?
B. Robert Clive
A. Hasan Nizami
C. Wellesley
B. Abul Fazal
D. Warren Hastings
2. The first city of Siri was built by C. Amir Khusaro

A. Iltutmish D. Abdul Qadir Badauni

B. Jalal-ud-Din Khalji 7. Consider the following statements-

C. Mohd. Bin Tughlaq 1. The supremacy over Kannauj was

a major source of struggle between

D. Ala-ud-Din Khalji Pratiharas, the Palas, the Rashtrakutas
3. Who among the following were the Indian 2. The theory that Rajputs were descen-
Liberals who attended the first session of dants of Agnikula was first put for-
the Round Table Conference? ward by colonel Todd.

1. Tej Bahadur Sapru 3. It is after Yanasakti that the chandella
2. V. S. Srimvasa Sati kingdom was called Tejabhukti.
3. M.R.Jayakar 4. During the Arab rule over sindh in the
4. C. Y. Chintamani 6th and 7th centuries A.D., Zimmis
were those exempted from Jaziya pay-
Choose the correct answer from the codes
given below
Which of the above is/are not correct?
A. l, 2and3
A. 2 and 4
B. 2, 3 and 4
B. 1 and 3
C. 1, 2, 3 and 4

D. l, 2and4 C. 1, 2 and 3
4. For the first time Abdul Malik issued purely D. 1, 3 and 4

Muslim Coinage Know as: 8. The sea borne trade between India and
Rome received great impetus during the

A. Pound
first-second century A.D. on account of the
B. Ruppe
discovery of:
C. Dirham
A. Large gold mines in the Roman Empire

D. Deenar
B. Monsoon winds blowing regularly
5. How did Portuguese firstly affect Indian
across the Indian Ocean
trade and industry?
C. Direct sea-route between India and Italy

A. By forcing Gujarat and Calicut to aban-

don construction of ships or even armed
rowing boats D. New navigational techniques
B. By monopolising port-toport trade on 9. Who was the last Governor General and
the Malabar coast and the trade from Indian First Viceroy of India?
to Persian coast A. Lord Canning
C. In both (A) and (B) ways above
B. Lord Mayo
D. By dictating the prices of horses im-
C. Lord Lytton
ported by native Indian powers after ousting
Arabs D. Lord Lawrence
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10. That Bhagavatism first grew up around the C. Surat

Yamuna in Mathura district is evident from D. Bombay
the account of
15. The first effort at drafting a Dominion Sta-
A. Arian tus Constitution for India was made in re-
B. Justin sponse to the

C. Megasthenese A. First Round Table Conference

B. Montague-Chelmsford reforms
D. Strabo
11. Consider the statements regarding Indus val- C. Simon Commission
ley civilization: D. Minto-Morley reforms
1. Harappan architecture was character- 16. The first law giver of the world was
ized by the absence of stone buildings. A. Nannr

2. IVC is called as the first urban civi-
B. So1onon
lization because all the sites exhibit
the features of urban planning and C. Sheba
lifestyle. D. Hamurabi
3. Indus valley people had the knowl-
17. Which among the following was the most
edge for construction of canals for ir- eR immediate factor for the spread of Swadeshi
and boycott of foreign goods during the first
Which of the above statements is/are true? decade of the last century?
A. 1, 2 and 3 A. Curzon’s plan to curb the growing pop-
ularity of the Indian National Congress
B. 1 and 2 only
B. Curzon’s partition of Bengal
C. 1 and 3 only
C. Curzon’s design to curtail the sphere of
D. 1 only
local self-government
12. Which Gupta emperor’s inscription at Eran

D. Curzon’s attempt to control the univer-

dated 510 AD gives the first inscriptional
evidence of Sati?
18. When did Gandhiji go to fast unto death for
A. Narasimhagupta the first time?
B. Skandagupta A. At the time of Communal award

C. Kumaragupta B. At the time of riots in Kolkatta (Cal-


D. Bhanugupta cutta)
13. Who was the first victory of the protughese C. At the time of riots in Delhi
in the East? D. At the time of Jallianwala Bagh tragedy
A. Vasco da Gamma
19. The first Buddhist Council was held in the
B. Pedro Alvaraz carbol
reign of
C. Francisco d’Almeda
A. Ajatashatru
D. Albuquerque B. Bimbisara
14. Where did Britishers establish their first
C. Ashoka
trade centre?
D. Kanishka
A. Calcutta
20. Lord Dalhousie introduced the first tele-
B. Karnatak graph line in 1853, which ran between:
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262 Chapter 6. The first one

A. Agra and Madras time among the Gupta (4) Samudragupta

B. Calcutta and Bombay coins are known for their purity. Select the
correct answer from the codes given below:
C. Bombay and Thana
A. 1, 2 and 3
D. Calcutta and Agra
21. The first revelation came to Prophet B. 2, 3 and 4
(p.b.u.h) in: C. 1 and 2
A. Hira D. 1, 2, 3 and 4

B. Thaur 24. Where Dutch does found their first factory
C. Dar-e-Arqam in India?
D. none A. Cochin

22. Who was the first European to designate B. Pulicat
‘Aryans’ as a race?
C. Masaulipatam
A. H. H. Wilson
B. General Cunningham D. Nagapatam

C. Max Muller 25. The first to establish trade contacts with the
Roman empire were:
D. Sir William Jones
23. Which of the following statements are true A. Kushanas
about Gupta coinage? (1) The Guptas is- B. Sakas
sued the largest number of gold coins in
C. Indo Greeks
the Gupta period. (2) Chandragupta I is-
sued Kaumaradevi type of coins (3) Chan- D. Tamils
dragupta II issued silver coins for the first


1. D 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. C 11. C 12. D 13. C 14. C


15. C 16. B 17. B 18. D 19. A 20. D 21. A 22. C 23. A 24. C 25. D

Unit 8

1. The first to start a joint stock company to 3. The first ruler of Pala dynasty was

trade with India werethe

A. Gopala
A. Danish
B. Dharmapala
B. Portuguese

C. Bhaskaravarman
C. French
D. None of these
D. Dutch
2. Who among the following rulers was first 4. The first English factors India was estab-
to embrace Buddhism? lished at

A. Bindusara A. Bombay
B. Ashoka B. Surat
C. Bimbisara C. Hooghly
D. Ajatsatru D. Calcutta
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5. the the the the later later later later Vedic 11. Who was the first Englishmen to preside
Vedic Vedic Vedic age age age age ih over a Congress session?
women enjoyed the right to upanayana cere-
A. George Yule
mony there was no polygamy among aryans
women were allowed to attend political as- B. Dufferin
semblies the system of sati did not exist 36. C. W. Wedderburn
The Rigvedic Aryans first used
D. None of these
A. Maize
12. During the Mughal period, which one of
B. Rice (Vribhi)
the following trades were the first to come
C. Wheat (Godhuma) to India?
D. Barley (Vajra) A. English
6. Islamic culture was first introduced to early

B. Portuguese
India from:
C. Danish
A. Baghdad.
B. Arabia. D. Dutch

C. Persia. 13. Who was the first Viceroy of India?

D. Afghanistan.
7. Which of the following treaty ended the
First Carnatic War?
eR A. Lord Mountbatten
B. Lord Canning
C. Lord Dalhousie
A. Bassein
D. Lord Nelson
B. Salbai
14. The four varnas are mentioned for the first
C. Paris time in the
D. Aix-Ia-Chapelle A. Purusha sukta
8. The first major inscription in classical San-

skrit is that of B. Prithvi sukta

A. Kanishka I C. Vajasaneyi Samhita

B. Samudragupta D. Taittiriya Samhita

C. Rudradaman 15. The founder of the first Afghan rule in India

D. Chandragupta Vikramaditya

9. The Dutch established their first settlement A. Sher Shan Suri

in Bengal at B. Ibrahim Lodi
A. Balasore C. Bahlul Lodi
B. Serampur D. Sikandar Lodi
C. Chinsura 16. The first international introduced
D. Calcutta
A. socialism
10. The first Indonesian state of which we have
detailed knowledge is: B. dictatorship
A. Srivijaya. C. democracy
B. Funan. D. communalism
C. Java. 17. Which of the following Indian Kings de-
feated Mohammad Ghori first?
D. Hoabinhian.
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264 Chapter 6. The first one

A. Jayachandra A. 1639 A.D.

B. Vidyadhara Chandella B. 1613 A.D.
C. Prithviraja Chauhan C. 1663 A.D.

D. Bhima II D. 1632 A.D.

18. The first architectural achievement of Ja- 22. Who was the first President of the All India
hangir’s reign in India was the construction Trade Union Congress?
of his father’s mausoleum. Where was it A. V.V.Giri

B. Lala Lajpat Rai
A. Surat
C. Jawahar Lal Nehru
B. Shikohabad

D. S.A.Dange
C. Lahore 23. Which was the first book to deal with Mu-
D. Sikandara sic?

19. The first Indian ruler to be shown in images A. Atharvaveda

as wearing a dress akin to trousers is B. Yajurveda
A. Samudragupta C. Samaveda
B. Kanishka D. Rigveda
C. Chandragupta 24. Who of the following laid the first rail-road
in India?
D. Ashoka
A. Lord Dalhousie
20. When Lord Mountbatten became the first
Governor- General of India, who among the B. Lord Curzon
following became the Governor-General for C. Lord Rippon

D. Lord Wavell
A. Lord Mountbatten 25. Who used iron for the first time in India

B. Muhammad Ali Jinnah A. Dravidens


C. Shaukat Ali B. Aryans

D. Liaquat Ali Khan C. Portughese
21. In which year were Factories opened for the D. None of these

first time in Orissa.


1. D 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. A 11. A 12. B 13. B 14. A

15. C 16. A 17. D 18. D 19. B 20. B 21. C 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. B

Unit 9

1. The first Indian ruler who joined the sub- C. Peshwa Baji Rao II
sidiary Alliance was- D. The Nizam of Hyderabad
A. The king of Travancore 2. Which was the first metal used by man?
B. The Nawab of Oudh A. Bronze
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B. Copper 8. The first Muslim President of Indian Na-

tional Congress was
C. Silver
A. Hakim Azmal Khan
D. Brass
B. Badruddin Taiyabji
3. Arrange the following in chronological or-
der C. Rafi Ahmad Kidwai
1. Partition of Bengal D. Abul Kalam Azad
2. Chauri-Chaura Incident 9. Who among these was not a part of triple
3. First Round Table Conference alliance on the eve of first Anglo-Mysore
A. 3, 2, 1 war of 1767-69?

B. 1, 2, 3 A. The English
B. The Marathas

C. 2, 1, 3
C. Raja of Travancore
D. 1, 3, 2
D. Nizam of Hyderabad
4. The title of ‘Viceroy’ was added to the cen-
tre office of the Governor-General of India 10. The term ‘Pre-history’ was first used by
for the first-time in A. Tournal
A. 1858 A.D.
B. 1848 A.D.
eR B. Henry Christy
C. Lewis Henry Morgan
C. 1856 A.D. D. William Robertson
D. 1862 A.D. 11. Which country was first to start a joint stock
company to trade with India?
5. Where did Gautam Buddha give his first
sermon? A. Portugese

A. Rajgriha B. Danish

B. Sanchi C. Dutch

C. Sarnath D. French
12. Which of the following leader was not
D. Gaya present in the very first meeting of Indian
6. Which of the following place where the National Congress?

first meeting/session of the Indian National

A. Dadabhai Naoroji,

Congress was held?

B. Kashinath Trimbak Telang
A. Calcutta
C. Surendranath Banerjee
B. Bombay
D. Pherozeshah Mehta
C. Madras
13. Who was the first king to conquer Malwa,
D. Allahabad Gujarat and Maharashtra?
7. The first English base established in India A. Samudragupta
was at:
B. Skandagupta
A. Goa. C. Chandragupta Maurya
B. Surat. D. Harshavardhana
C. Madras. 14. Which one of the following traders first
came to India during the Mughal period?
D. Karachi.
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266 Chapter 6. The first one

A. British 20. First Anglo Sikh War fought

B. Danish between

C. Portuguese A. The English& French

D. Dutch B. The English& Portuguese

15. Where in India, did the Protuguese build C. The English& king Dalip Singh
their first fortress? D. None of the above
A. Anjidiv 21. First Indian to used the word ‘Swarajya’?

B. Cochin A. Raja Rammohan Rai
C. Goa B. Swami Vivekanand
D. Cannanore C. Mahtma Gandhi

16. Mesopotamian were the first to make D. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
A. Copper 22. When was First Anglo Sikh War fought?
B. Bronze items A. 1816 AD

C. Iron B. 1846 AD
D. Gold C. 1826 AD
17. Consider the following passage and iden- D. 1725 AD
tify the three tribal principalities referred
23. The first serious blow inflicted by the En-
to therein using the code given below. In
glish on India’s handloom industry was
the early history of the far South in India,
three tribal principalities are mentioned in A. Duty imposed on the looms
Ashokan inscriptions of the third century B. Infiltration of cash crops like indigo and
BC and Kharavela inscription of the third opium in the cotton growing area
century BC and Kharavela inscription of the

first century BC. C. Compulsion of weavers to sell their

goods on dictated prices

A. Vakatakas, Cholas and Satvahanas

D. Shortage of cotton due to export of raw-
B. Cholas, Pandyas and Cheras cotton

C. Ikshvakus, Vakatakas and Pandyas 24. Which are the first cereals grown by Indi-
D. Pallavas, Cholas and Pandyas ans
18. A Provisional Government of India with A. Race

Raja Mahendra Pratap as its president was B. Sugarcane

established during the First World War in
C. Wheat and barly
A. Turkey

D. None of these
B. Singapore
25. The statement that the revolt of 1857 was
C. Afghanistan “neither the first, nor national, nor war of
D. Germany independence” was made by?
19. The first Muslims invaded India were A. V. D. Savarkar
A. Arabs B. R. C. Majumdar
B. Turks C. S. N. Sen
C. Afghans D. Benjamin Disraeli
D. Persians
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1. D 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. A 11. C 12. C 13. C 14. C

15. B 16. B 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. C 21. D 22. B 23. C 24. C 25. B

Unit 10

1. Who was the first Gupta ruler? 6. What was the date of first coronation of
A. SriGupta Shivaji?

B. SamudraGupta A. 5 Jan. 1674

C. SkandaGupta B. 6 June 1674

D. Chandragupta I C. 15 August 1674

2. Who was the first to decipher the inscrip- D. 1 May 1674
tions of Ashoka and the Brahmi script?
7. Who is the author of the book “The First
A. Alexander Cunningham Indian War of Independence- 1857-59”?
B. James Princep A. R Mazumdar
C. Mortimer Wheeler
D. Max Muller
eR B. Syed Ahmad Khan
C. S. N. Sen
3. The first Westerners to arrive in India were
D. Karl Marx
8. Buddha delivered his first sermon at
A. Portuguese.
B. French. A. Kapilvastu

C. Dutch. B. Sanchi

D. British. C. Sarnath
4. According to the theory of double invasion D. Vaisali
of India by the Aryans, the first group in-
9. Which one of the following had for the first
habited the Punjab, and the second group
time accepted that British victory at Plassey
pushed its way through Gilgit and Chitral
was the victory of breach of faith?

and settled in the midland country. Who put

forward this theory? A. Lord Clive

A. Dr. Giles B. Vansittort

B. Dr. Hoernle C. Hector Munro
C. C.V. Vaidya D. None of the above
D. Sir George Grierson 10. Robert Bruce Foote, who discovered first
5. The first detailed reports of Vedic culture Palaeolithic tool in India, was originally a
came from: A. Archaeologist
A. Egyptian merchants.
B. Palaeobotanist
B. the Greeks of Alexander the Great’s
C. Geologist
C. Chinese historians. D. Historian
11. Lord Buddha made his first sermon at
D. Herodotus.
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268 Chapter 6. The first one

A. Kapilavasthu 17. Which of the following ruler was the first

B. Sarnath Indian native ruler to accept the system of
Subsidiary Alliance?
C. Lumbini Gardens
A. Scindia of Gwalior
D. Pataliputra
B. Dalip Singh of Punjab
12. The first women’s university in India was
founded by: C. Nizam of Hyderabad
A. Rani Ahilya Devi D. Gaikwad of Baroda

B. J.C. Kumarappa 18. Which one of the following nations was the
first to start sea trade with India?
C. Dhondo Keshave Karve
A. Netherland
D. Gandhiji

13. Which of the following is not true about B. France
First Anglo-Mysore War? C. Portugal
A. First Anglo-Mysore War fought in AD D. England
1767-69. 19. Which Chola king is credited with the first

B. Hyder Ali defeated the English in the conquest of Maldives?
First Anglo-Mysore War A. Rajendra I
C. Treaty of Madras was the result of First B. Rajendra II
Anglo-Mysore War
C. Rajadhiraja
D. All of the above are incorrect
D. Rajaraja
14. Who among the following was first initiated
disciple of Akbar’s Din-i-Ilahi? 20. Which is the first Harappan site to be exca-
A. Birbal
A. Mohenjodaro

B. Mansingh
B. Harappa
C. Todarmal
C. Chanhudaro

D. Tansen
15. In the ’individual Satyagraha’, Vinoba D. Sutkagendor

Bhave was chosen as the first Satyagrahi. 21. The first lawful Hindu widow remarriage
Who was the second? among upper castes in our country was cel-
ebrated under which of the following re-
A. Dr. Rajendra Prasadh

B. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

A. Keshub Chandra Sen
C. C. Rajagopalachari
B. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
D. Sardar Vallabhabhai Patel

C. Raja Rammohan Roy

16. British colonialism in India saw the emer-
gence of new cities. Calcutta, now Kolkata, D. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
was one of the first cities. Which of the fol- 22. Which one among the following states was
lowing villages were, amalgamated to form first annexed by Lord Dalhousie under the
the city of Calcutta? Doctrine of Lapse?
A. Midnapur, Thakurgaon, A. Jhansi
B. Midnapur, Chittagong, Burdwan B. Nagpur
C. 24-Parganas, Kalikata, Thakurgaon C. Satara
D. Sutanuti, Kalikata, Gobindapur D. Sambalpur
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23. Which was the first State to be created on 25. The Chola inscriptions are found in the fol-
linguistic basis? lowing languages
A. Gujarat 1. Sanskrit
2. Telugu
B. Andhra Pradesh
3. Tamil
C. Madras 4. Kannada
D. Bombay Their correct sequence in terms of the ex-
24. The first serious Islamic attack on India tent to which they were used (most frequent
came when the Turks attacked repeatedly first, least frequent last) is
under the leadership of: A. 3, 1, 4, 2
A. Omar the Great. B. 1, 3, 2, 4
B. Mahmud of Ghazni. C. 1, 3, 4, 2

C. Abu Bekr. D. 3, 1, 2, 4
D. Ali Pasha.
1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. C 11. B 12. C 13. D 14. A
15. B 16. D 17. C 18. C 19. D 20. B 21. B 22. C 23. B 24. B 25. D

Unit 11

1. Consider the following statements on Ne-

C. 1000 A.D.
olithic settlements in South India. D. 500 BC
1. Lapidary art and domestication of an- 3. The first translator of Mahabharata into
imals are the remarkable features of

Tamil was
the first phase of the South Indian Ne-
A. Kamban
olithic settlements.
2. The red coloured pottery were discov- B. Bharavi
ered in the Neolithic settlements. C. Perundevanar
3. Millet was the main crop harvested by
D. Sundaramurthi

Neolithic farmers of south India.

4. Crop rotation technique was started in 4. Who of the following was the first Indian to

the field of agriculture. write English verse?

Which of the above is / are not correct? A. Kashi Prasad Ghosh
A. 1 and 2 B. Hariharanand

B. 2, 3 and 4 C. Krishna Mohan Banerjee

C. 1, 2 and 3 D. Ramchandra Vidyavagish

5. Who among the following introduced the
D. 3 and 4 dahasala system of land revenue collection
2. The first wave of Aryan immigration into for the first time?
India began in A. Akbar
A. 1000BC B. Babur
B. 1500 BC C. Humayun
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270 Chapter 6. The first one

D. Shahjahan 12. The First British officer to be informed of

6. Which of the following native states was Mangal Pandey firing at the sergeant major
first to conclude Subsidiary Alliance with was
East India Company? A. General Hearsay
A. Avadh B. Col. Smith
B. Mysore
C. Col. Mitchell
C. Mewar
D. Lieutenant Baugh

D. Hyderabad
13. When was the Cooperative Societies Act
7. The term ‘Brahmadeya’ occurs for the first first passed in India?
time in
A. 1900

A. Early Vedic texts
B. 1904
B. Pre-Gupta inscription
C. 1906
C. Post-Gupta inscription
D. 1902
D. Early Buddhist texts

8. The Valangai (right hand) and Idangai (left 14. Who among the following foreigners was
hand) division of South Indian society is the first to visit India?
first noticed in the A. Fahien
A. Sangam period B. Hiuen-Tsang
B. Pallava period C. I Ching
C. Chola period D. Megasthenese
D. Nayaka period 15. Where was the seat of the first Republic of
9. The number of delegates who attended the world in 6th century BC?

the first session of the Indian National

A. Sparta
Congress, was
B. Patliputra

A. 75
B. 750 C. Athens

C. 720 D. Vaishali

D. 72 16. The word Adivasi was used for the first time
to refer to the tribal people by:
10. The British Government introduced Portfo-

lio system for the first time in A. B.R. Ambedkar

A. 1858 B. Thakkar Bappa
B. 1892 C. Mahatma Gandhi

C. 1853 D. Jyotiba Phule

D. 1861 17. Who among the following could not at-
11. The first statue of the Guru was conceived tend the First meeting of Indian National
by . Congress?
A. Tavaroli, A. Surendra Nath Banerjee
B. Gokahale B. Dadabhai Nauroji
C. Bodhananda Swamikal, C. Badruddin Tyabji
D. Moorkoth Kumaran, D. R.C.Dutt
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18. The Portuguese established their first busi- 21. The first cereals that early men grown were
ness centre at
A. barley and rice.
A. Calicut
B. barley and maize
B. Goa
C. wheat and barley
C. Surat
D. wheat and rice
D. Cochin
22. Who was the first Indo-Greek king, who
19. Between which stations was the first rail- became Buddhist?
way line opened in India?
A. Apollodotus I
A. Bombay to Thane
B. Antiochus II
B. Calcutta to Jamshedpur
C. Apollodotus II

C. Bombay to Pune
D. Menander II
D. Calcutta to Raniganj
23. In 1857 the first shot from a rebels gun was
20. Which one of the following European trad- fired in?
ing groups first established its factory at
Surat? A. Ambala

A. The French
B. The ‘English
eR B. Delhi
C. Meerut
C. The Portuguese D. Barrackpore
D. The Dutch

1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. D 7. B 8. B 9. D 10. D 11. D 12. D 13. B 14. D

15. D 16. B 17. A 18. A 19. A 20. B 21. C 22. D 23. D
i Sh
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a n
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7. Harrapan civilization

Unit 1

1. The polity of the Harappan people, as de- A. 2 and 3

rived from the material evidence, was
B. 1, 2, 3 and 4
A. secular-federalist
C. 1, 2 and 4
B. oligarchic D. 1 and 2

C. theocratic-unitary 4. Which of the following Harappan towns is

D. theocratic-federalist divided into three parts?
2. A circular button shaped seal called the Per- A. Kalibanga
sian gulf seal has been obtained from which B. Dholavira
Harappan site?
C. Chanhudaro

A. Kalibangan

D. Lothal
B. Lothal
5. A bronze chariot of Harappan times yoked
C. Banwali to a pair of bullocks& driven by a nude hu-
D. Mohenjodaro man figure has been discovered at

3. Which of the following were common fea- A. Kunal

tures of both Harappan and Mohenjodaro? B. Daimabad
1. Citadel mounds with a retaining wall C. Rojadi’
2. Public Baths
3. Rows of granaries D. Sanghol
4. Rows of circular blocks for pounding 6. Consider the following statements regard-
grains. ing Indus Culture -
Choose the correct answer from the codes 1. It arose in the north-western part of
given below : the Indian subcontinent.
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274 Chapter 7. Harrapan civilization

2. It is older than the chalcolithic cul- Which of the above is/are correct?
tures. A. 1 only
3. No other cultural zone in the third and
second century BC was as large as the B. 2 only
Harappan. C. Both 1 and 2
4. It was not as advanced as the chalcol-
D. Neither 1 nor 2
ithic cultures.
10. The Harappan site, where the citadel and
Which of the above is/are correct?
the lower town, both are fortified separately

A. 4 only is-
B. 1 and 2 A. Harappa
C. 2 and 4 B. Mohenjodaro

D. 1 only C. Kalibanga
7. Who is the archeologist, Harappan Site was D. None of the above
discovered 11. The Harappas had commercial relations

A. R.D Banarjee with

B. D. R Sanhi A. China
B. Mesopotamia
C. T.K Taper
C. Burma (Now, Myanmar)
D. None of these
8. With reference to the Harappan civilization, D. Jawa
consider the following statements : 12. The Granary at Harappa was made of
1. The city of Dholavira was in the form A. bricks only
of a parallelogram guarded by a forti- B. bricks and timber

2. A ploughed field, showing a grid of C. bricks and stones

furrows, located outside the town wall D. None of these

has been discovered at Kalibangan. 13. Which one of the following is a site of
the Harappan civilization wherein a Persian

Which of the statements given above is/are

correct? Gulf seal has been unearthed?,
A. 1 only A. Kalibanga

B. 2 only B. Dholavira

C. Both 1 and 2 C. Mohenjodaro

D. Neither 1 nor 2 D. Lothal


14. Which one of the following is not one of

9. What are the evidence found regarding the
the Harapan sites related to the maritime
decline of Harappan civilization? Consider
activities of the Harappan people?
the statements :
1. Silt is there is Harappa because of A. Lothal
wind section which brought sand and B. Balakot
slit. Houses and streets covered by C. Patliputra.
slit deposits up to 30 ft above ground
level. D. Sokta Kob
2. Human skeletons have been found ly- 15. Button size seals of Harappan civilization
ing on the streets. have the symbols of .
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A. fish A. Daya ram Sahni

B. swastik B. K. Thapar
C. srivatsa C. Mackey
D. none of the above D. Rakhal das Bannerji
16. The Harappan people worshiped which 22. Consider the following statements regard-
God? ing the identification with Siva, of a figure
represented on Harappan seals
A. Vishnu
1. It is shown in the form of a linga
B. Lord-Shiva 2. It is shown seated in yogic posture
C. Indra 3. It is surrounded by animals
4. It is shown with a female figure iden-
D. Varuna tifiable with Parvati

17. A harappan site is characterised by the dis- Which of the above are correct reasons for
covery of a perpendicular ploughed fields, identifying the figure with Siva?
which among the following fits the descrip-
tion? A. 2& 4

A. Lothal B. 1& 4

B. Mohenjodaro
C. Sutkagendor
eR C. 3& 4
D. 2& 3
23. Consider the following statements :
D. Kalibangan
1. The Harappan economy was based on
18. Which Harappan site is not found in Gu-
agriculture, cattle rearing and crafts.
2. The Indus valley people had an elabo-
A. Sutkagendor rate drainage system.
3. In kotDiji pre-Harappan settlement
B. Sockhoh

has not been found.

C. Dhaulvira 4. Sugarcane was not grown in Indus civ-
D. Lothal ilization.
19. Which one of the following is the largest Which of the above is/are correct?
burnt-brick structure built in the entire A. 3, and 4
range of the Harappa culture?

B. 1, 3 and 4

A. The Greatest Bath

C. 2 only
B. Granary
D. 1 only
C. Assembly Hall 24. Which is the correct chronology of the exca-
D. Lothal Dockyard vation of the site in the Indus civilization?
20. Which of the following was not worshipped I. Mohenjo-Daro
by the Harappans? II. Chanhudaro
III. Harappa
A. Peepal IV. Lothal Select the correct
B. Vishnu A. I, III, II& IV
C. Mother Goddess B. II, I, III& IV
D. Shiva C. III, IV, II& I
21. Who is the excavator of Harappa site? D. III, I, II& IV
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276 Chapter 7. Harrapan civilization

25. Which one among the following is not the areas and toilets
characteristic feature of the Harappan set-
tlement? C. The citadel was walled but the lower
town was not walled
A. Doorways and windows generally faced
the side lanes and rarely opened onto the D. Drains and water chutes from the sec-
main streets ond storey were often built inside the wall
B. Houses generally had separate bathing


1. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. C 11. B 12. A 13. B 14. C
15. B 16. B 17. D 18. A 19. B 20. B 21. A 22. D 23. C 24. D 25. B

Unit 2

1. Which of the following was not a major in- A. Rice

dustrial town of the Harappan civilization? B. Barley
A. Kalibangan C. Cotton
B. Chanhudaro D. Ragi
C. Harappa 6. Which Harappan sites are situated on bank
of river sindhu?
D. Lothal
A. Chanhudaro, Kotdiji, Harappa
2. Which metal was not known to Harappan
people? B. Mohenjodaro, Chanhudaro, Kotdiji
A. Tin C. Harappa, Mohenjodaro, Chanhudaro

B. Iron D. Kotdiji, Harappa, Mohenjodaro

7. Harappa was located on the river
C. Copper

A. Sindhu
D. Gold and Silver

B. Ganga
3. Two most important Harappan crops were
C. Ravi
A. Cottom and Sugarcane
D. None of these
B. Rice and peas
8. The most common type of Harappan sales

C. Wheat and barley is

D. Sesamum and mustard A. Square
4. In which year the Harappan Site was exca-

B. Oval
C. Cylindrical
A. 1923 D. Round
B. 1920 9. Rice cultivation is associated with the
C. 1921 Harappan site of

D. 1922 A. Harappa

5. The crop which does not seem to have been B. Mohenjodaro

known to the people of the Harappan cul- C. Kalibangan
ture is
D. Lothal
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10. What was the time period of Indus Civiliza- A. ritualistic and religious
tion / Harappan Civilization?
B. Commercial
A. 2400 BC - 1750 BC
C. Both A and B above
B. 2500 BC - 1750 BC D. Symbolic
C. 2500 BC - 1700 BC 16. The area under Harappan Civilisation was
D. 2400 BC - 1700 BC .

11. In the Harappan buildings mostly burnt A. Circular

bricks were used, not stones, because B. Rectangular
A. Without iron tools stone-cutting was dif- C. Triangular
D. Square

B. Bricks provided better flood defence
17. Cylindrical seals of Mesopotamia have been
C. Bricks were ideally suited for the moist recovered from which two Harappan site?
A. Mohenjodaro and Kalibangan
D. Stone was not readily available
B. Ropar and Rojdi
12. The site of Harappa is located on the bank
of river
A. Ravi
eR C. Lothal and Kalibangan
D. Lothal and Rangpur
18. One of the Harappan deities not represented
B. Beas in later Hindu religion is
C. Saraswati A. Unicorn
D. Indus B. Compound creatures
13. Horse remains are found at which of the C. Pashupati Siva

following Harappan sites?

D. Seven mothers (Sapta mariksa)
A. Kalibangan, Manda and Surkotada
19. Which one of the following statements re-
B. Surkotada and Kalibangan garding Harappan civilisation is correct?
C. Surkotada, Dholavira and Manda A. The inhabitants of Harappa had neither
knowledge of copper nor bronze

D. Surkotada, Kalibangan and Dholavira


B. The standard Harappan seals were made

14. Excavations at which one of the following
of clay
sites give evidence of continuous habitation
and cultural evolution from the Stone Age C. The inhabitants of Harappan grew and
to the Harappan culture? used cotton
A. Kalibangan D. The Harrapan civilisation was rural
B. Mehargarh
20. An anthropomorphic figure of copper has
C. Dholavira been reported from the Harappan levels at
D. Allahdino A. Rojadi
15. From a large number of seals dis- B. Lothal
covered from almost all the Harappan
sites, it appears that they were used C. Harrappa
for purposes. D. Kalibanga
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278 Chapter 7. Harrapan civilization

21. Which of the following Harappan crops are A. Kalibangan

believed to have diffused from West Asia?
B. Rakhigarhi
1. Wheat C. Bankwali
2. Rice
3. Cotton D. Rangpur
4. Barley 24. Almost all Harappan towns had large gra-
naries because
Choose the correct answer form the& codes
given below A. Taxes were paid in kind, and therefore,

granaries acted as a sort of public treasuries
A. 1, 3& 4
B. 1, 2& 4 B. Surplus produce of the countryside was

C. 1& 4 stored in the towns

D. 2& 3 C. Food-grains were stored for the purpose

of trade
22. The people of Harappa and Mohanjodaro
culture belongs to the? D. All of the above

25. Which one of the following Harappan sites
A. Chalcolithic Age had a dock?
B. Copper age A. Alamgirpur
C. Iron age B. Lothal
D. New stone age C. Mohenjodaro
23. which Harappan site is situated in Ra- D. Harappa


1. D 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. B 11. D 12. A 13. B 14. B


15. C 16. C 17. A 18. A 19. D 20. C 21. C 22. A 23. A 24. D 25. B

Unit 3

1. On the basis of available evidence, the C. Square

Harappan civilization contributed two im-

D. Semi-circular
portant things to mankind which were
3. The Scale found from Harappa is made of.
A. Growing wheat and cotton
A. Shell

B. Copper and bronze smelting technology

B. Ivory

C. Making soak-pits and earthen pipes C. Bronze

D. Knowledge of mathematics and decimal D. Wood

system 4. Harappan site of Banwali is situated in.
2. The Harappan towns and cities were di- A. Rajasthan
vided into large blocks B. Haryana
A. Rectangular
C. Eastern U.P
B. Circular
D. Western U.P
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5. Harappa is situated on the bank of which 10. Which one of the following was the most
river? westerly outpost of the Harappan culture?
A. Sindhu A. Rangpur
B. Ghagger B. Sutkagen Dor
C. Bias C. Manda
D. Ravi D. Lothal
6. Consider the following statements :
11. Consider the statements regarding the ef-
1. The inhabitants of Harappa grew and fects of Harappan civilization in modern
used cotton. era :
2. The inhabitants of Harappa had no
knowledge of copper and bronze. 1. House plans, disposition of water sup-
ply and attention to bathing have sur-

3. The standard Harappan seals were
made of clay. vived till today.
2. The techniques of making a potter’s
Which of the statements given above is / are wheel is similar to those used by the
correct? Harappans.
A. 1 and 2 3. The election system of recent time is
B. 2 and 3
C. 1, 2 and 3
eR borrowed from Harappan political sys-
Which of the above is / are correct?
D. 1 only
A. 3 only
7. The credit for Harappa excavation goes to
. B. 2 only
A. D.R. Sahni C. 2 and 3
B. N.G. Mazumdar D. 1 and 2

C. O. Stein 12. In which of the following respects the vari-

D. R.D. Banerji ous Harappan sites a marked uniformity?
8. Two terracotta models of Egyptian mum- A. Agricultural Practices
mies have been recovered from which
B. Crafts
Harappan site?
C. Town Planning

A. Lothal

B. Chanhudaro D. None of the above

C. Kalibangan 13. Which of the following features of modern

Hinduism is not derived from the Harappan
D. Dholavira cults?
9. From the scattered skeletal remains of the
A. Dedication of temples to a particular de-
Harappans found at different sites, the most
appropriate conclusion to be drawn would
be that there was B. Shakti worship
A. Mass execution or human sacrifice C. Worship of Siva as Pashupati
B. Malaria or any other pathogenic condi- D. Worship of Siva-linga in the form of
tion conical and cylindrical stones
C. Casual burial of human bodies 14. Harappan people had a common burial sys-
D. Some kind of military assault tem, which is proved by
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280 Chapter 7. Harrapan civilization

A. The earth burials with the head of the 16. The terra-cotta plough of the Harappan civ-
dead normally laid towards the north ilization was found at
B. The burial of commonly used items with A. Kalibangan
the dead B. Lothal
C. Both A and B above C. Mohenjo-Daro
D. The burial of the dead body in the sitting D. Banawali
posture 17. The Predominant funerary practice at

15. The Harappa had trade relations with a num- Harappa was
ber of countries such as A. Extended burial of the body along with
A. Rome, China pottery

B. Making a memorial to mark the site
B. Greece, Turkey
C. Burying ash kept in an urn
C. China, Japan
D. Cremation
D. Persia and Afghanistan

1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B

5. C 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. B 11. D 12. A 13. A 14. C
15. D 16. D 17. A
a n
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8. Jainism

Unit 1

1. With what name the Jainism referred to be- B. Vaishali

fore the coming of Mahavir?
C. Ballabhi
A. Tirthankaras D. Vatapi
B. Jina 5. Which one of the following Mauryan rulers
was Jaina?

C. Kevalin
D. Nirgranthas A. Samprati

2. Which one of the following is not true of B. Dasharatha

both Buddhism and Jainism? C. Jalauk
A. They were welcomed by the Vaisyas D. Kunal

B. They advocated ahimsa 6. The Gupta ruler who finally defeated the

Shakas of Ujjain is?

C. They believed in rigorous asceticism
A. Skandagupta
D. They were atheists
B. Samudragupta
3. Which one of the following philosophies is
associated with Jainism? C. Chandragupta I
A. Madhyamika D. Kumaragupta I

B. Syadvada 7. Which of the following Jain doctrines is

considered as the origin of Mahavira?
C. Yogachara
A. Non-stealing
D. Sunyavada
B. Sexual continence (BRAHMACHARYA)
4. Jain works were compiled in
A. Ujjain C. Truth
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282 Chapter 8. Jainism

D. Non-Violence 1. Guru Nanak was interested in all the

8. Which of the following hills is/are sacred major forms of contemporary reli-
to the Jainas? gious beliefs and practices whether
‘Hindu’ or ‘Muslim’.
1. Arbudagiri 2. Guru Nanak was soft on the Jain
2. Satrunjayagiri monks.
3. Chandragiri 3. He considered ritual reading of scrip-
4. Urjayantagiri tures as waste of time.
Choose the correct answer from the codes 4. During the last fifteen years of his life

given below: Guru Nanak settled at Kiratpur.
A. 1, 23 and 4 Which of the above statements are not cor-
B. 1 only

A. 1 and 2
C. 2 and 4
B. 1 and 4
D. 1 and 3 C. 2 and 4
9. Buddhism& Jainism were totally against

D. 2 and 3
A. Good old rituals 13. What was the name of Jain saint with whom
Muhammad Tughlaq held discussions?
B. Supremacy of Brahmins
A. Rishabadeva
C. The caste system
B. Hemchandra
D. The Vedas
C. Jinasena Suri
10. Which Jain saint was patronised by
Mohammed-bin- Tughluq? D. Jinaprabha Suri
14. The twenty thrid Jain Tirthankar was asso-
A. Hemachandra Suri ciated with

B. Jinaprabha Suri A. Sravasti

C. Dasturji Mebarji B. Vaishali

D. None C. Varanasi

11. Which of the following was not one of the D. Kausambi

points of religious difference between Bud- 15. With reference to the ancient India, which
dhism and Jainism? of the following was / were common to both
A. Unlike Buddhism, Jainism did not alto- Buddhism and Jainism?

gether dispense with the worship of the old 1. Avoidance to extremities of penance
deities or the servies of the Brahmins and enjoyment
2. Indifference to the authority of the
B. While Buddhism acknowledges a per-

manent entity or an immortal soul, Jainism
3. Denial of efficacy of rituals
does not
Select the correct answers :
C. Whereas Jainism believed in rigorous
asceticism, Buddhism considered rigid A. 1 only
penance to be useless B. 2 and 3
D. Compared to Jainism, Buddhism was C. Both 1 and 2
modereate in its stress on the doctrine of D. 1, 2 and 3
ahimsa 16. Which of t he following was not a similarity
12. Consider the following statements: between Buddhism and Jainism?
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A. Both were agnostic and rejected the A. Parsvanatha

Vedic thoughts B. Mahavira
B. Both had equal faith in Ahinsa C. Bhadrabahu
C. Both accepted followers without any D. Adinatha
casts distinction 22. The mercantile community was most at-
D. Both believed in the Law of Doctrine of tracted to Jainism because:
Karma A. The peace and non-violence of Jainism
17. Among the following, who is given the was conducive to the development of trade
credit of carrying Jainism in South India? and commerce
A. Sudharmana B. The Vedic rituals and sacrifices were
hindrances to its vocation
B. Indrabhuti

C. It could follow the religion without any
C. Sthulabhadra
hindrance to its economic activities
D. Bhadrabahu
D. The doctrine of Kama of Jainism greatly
18. The Jainas believe that Jainism is the out- impressed the merchants and traders
come of the teachings of 24 tirthankaras. In 23. With reference to Jainism which one of the
the light of this statement, which one among eR following statements is correct?
the following is correct of Vardhamana Ma-
1. Jainism enjoyed the patronage of the
kalinga king Kharavela in the 1st cen-
A. He was the first tirthankara and the tury BC.
founder of Jainism 2. In the initial stage of Jainism, the
B. He was not one of the 24 tirthankaras Jainas worshipped images unlike Bud-
C. He was the 23rd tirthankara, the first 22
tirthankaras being considered legendary A. 1 only

D. He was the last and 24th tirthankara, B. 2 only


who was not considered as the founder of C. Both 1 and 2

the new faith but as a reformer of the exist- D. Neither 1 nor 2
ing religious sect 24. Who of the following is known as a Jain
19. Jainism was divided into two sects known scholar?
A. Dharmakirti

A. Svetambara and Digambara

B. Asvaghose

B. Kapalika and Kalamukha C. Diwakaramitra

C. Mahayana and Hinayana D. Hemchandra
D. Ajivika and Nyaya Vaisesika 25. Which of the following kings of ancient
20. The word ‘Jaina’ was derived from the India were patrons of Jainism?
word 1. Srenika Bimbisara
A. Jeena 2. Chandragupta Maurya
3. Kharavela
B. Jyna
A. 1, 2 and 3
C. Jina
B. 1 and 3
D. Jana
C. 2 and 3
21. The jain saint credited with the spread of
D. 1 and 2
Jainism in Karnataka is?
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284 Chapter 8. Jainism


1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. B 11. B 12. B 13. D 14. C

15. B 16. B 17. D 18. D 19. A 20. C 21. C 22. A 23. A 24. D 25. C

Unit 2

1. Which of the following are true of Jainism? C. Whether or not the monks should wear
1. It has an affinity with the Vedanta sys-

tem of Philosophy. D. Idol worship
2. It has an affinity with the Sankhya sys- 4. Svetambara Agama was finally edited at the
tem of Philosophy. Jain council of

3. It completely rejected the concept of
A. Vaishali
the soul.
4. According to it the world consists of B. Vallabhi
two eternal categories, viz: conscious C. Pawa

(Jiva) and unconscious (Ajiva).
D. Vidarbha
A. 2 and 3 5. Which one of the following hills is/are sa-
B. 3and 4 cred to the Jainas?
C. 2and 4 1. Satrunjauyagiri
2. Urjayantogiri
D. 1 and3 3. Arbudagiri
2. Which of the following are true of Jainism? 4. Chandragiri
1. It has an affinity with the Vedanta sys- A. 1 only
tem of philosophy. B. 1, 2, 3, and 4

2. It has an affinity with the Samkhya

C. 1 and 3
system of philosophy.

3. It completely rejected the concept of D. 2 and 4

the 6. Which indian freedom fighter coined the

4. According to it the world consists of slogan Jain Hind?

two eternal categories, viz, conscious
A. SC Bose
(jiva) and unconscious (ajiva).
B. BG Tilak
A. 1& 3

C. JL Nehru
B. 2& 3
D. Sardar patel
C. 3& 4
7. Which of the following believed in the wor-

D. 2& 4 ship of the Yakshas and, Yakshinis?

3. What was the nature of difference between 1. Brahmanism
Bhadrabahu and his followers, which led to 2. The Kalamukha sect
the split of Jainism into two sects, namely 3. Buddhism
Digambaras and Svetambaras? 4. Jainism

A. Interpretation of certain philosophical A. 1, 2& 3

canons B. l, 2& 4
B. Compilation of the teachings of Ma- C. 2, 3& 4
havira D. 1, 3& 4
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8. Who became the chief of Jain Sangh after Select the correct answer using the codes
the death of Mahavira? given below.
A. Sudharma A. 1, 2 and 3
B. Indrabhuti B. 1 only
C. Sthulbhadra C. 1 and 3 only
D. Jambu D. 2 and 3 only
9. Which among the following was not a cause 13. Which of the following statements are true
of the decline of Jainism? about Sangam age?
A. Lack of religious preaches 1. Society was harmonious, but there
B. The division of Jainism in two strong was friction between local and Vedic

2. Buddhism and Jainism were
C. Attack of foreigners widespread in the Sangam era.
D. Absence of royal patronage Select the correct answer using the codes
10. The Jain Tirthankara Mahavira has been are given below
mentioned in the early Buddhist literature eR A. 1 only
B. 2 only
A. Nigantha Nataputta
B. Videhaputta C. Both 1 and 2

C. Vardhamana D. None of these

D. Vesaliya 14. Which of the following were common to
both Buddhism and Jainism?
11. Consider the following statement:
1. Avoidance of extremities of penance
1. Jainism in ancient India condemned

and enjoyment.
the varna system. 2. Indifference to the authority of the
2. Jain religious literature was written in vedas.
Ardhamgadhi 3. Denial of efficiency of rituals
3. Mahavira admitted women into the or- 4. Non - injury to animal life.
der of his follows.
Which of the above is / are correct?

Which of these statement is/are correct?


A. 1, 3 and 4
A. all of the above
B. 1, 2, 3 and 4
B. 2 and 3
C. 1 and 3 C. 2, 3 and 4

D. only 3 D. 1 and 2

12. Which of the following statements is/are 15. Which of the following kings of ancient
applicable to Jain doctrine? India embraced Jainism and became a
1. The surest way of annihilating Karma
is to practice penance. A. Pushyamitra
2. Every object, even the smallest parti- B. Bimbisara
cle has a soul.
3. Karma is the bane of the soul and must C. Chandra Gupta Maurya
be ended.
D. Harsha
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286 Chapter 8. Jainism

16. Statement I: There was a great exodus C. Attitude of non-injury towards all be-
of Jaina monks under the leadership of ings
Bhadrabahu to the Deccan following a se-
D. Rejection of both e xtreme pleasure a
vere famine in the Ganga valley towards the
nd selfmortification
end of Chandragupta’s reign. Statement II:
Chandragupta Maurya joined the Jaina 20. The Jain text which describes that Chan-
dragupta embraced Jainism towards the end
A. Both the statements are true, and State- of his life, is:
ment II is the correct explanation of State-
ment I A. Parishisthaparvan

B. Both the statements are true, but State- B. Jayadhavala
ment II is not the correct explanation of C. Dravya-samgraha
Statement I

D. Ratnamalika
C. Statement I is true, but Statement II is
false 21. In which of the following Council Jainism
was divided into two?
D. Statement I is false, but Statement II is

true A. Fourth Jain Council

17. Which of the following was not one of B. Third Jain Council
the reasons for the rapid spread of Jainism C. Second Jain Council
amongst the trading community?
D. First Jain Council
A. The Jain temples received generous do-
nations from rich merchants 22. Consider the following statements

B. The trading community could observe 1. The Buddhists in Deccan excavated

the vow of non-injury without any difficulty rock-cut Chaityas and the Vaishnavas,
Shaivas and Jainas imitated these in
later centuries.

C. The s trict l imitation of pri vate prope 2. The Vaishnavas, Shaivas and Jainas
rty w as interpreted to mean landed property excavated temples at sites far distant

and not the wealth earned from trade and from rock-cut Chaityas.
Which of the statements given above is/are

D. The encouragement of frugality in Jain- correct?

ism coincided with a similar sentiment in-
A. 1 only
commercial activity
B. 2 only

18. Biographies of Jaina Tirthankaras are found

in C. Both 1 and 2
A. Kalpa Sutra D. Neither 1 nor 2

B. Niryavali Sutra 23. The Jaina system of thought closely re sem-

C. Bhagavati Sutra
A. Vedanta
D. Uvasagadasao
19. Which one of the following characteristics B. Vaisheshik
of Buddhism distinguishes it from Jainism? C. Sankhya
A. Belief in efficacy of action D. Yogachar
B. Non acceptance of the authority of the 24. According to a late tradition, the spread of
Vedas Jainism in Karnataka is attributed to
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A. Parashavanath A. Sutrakritanga
B. Ashoka B. Acaranga sutra
C. Mahavira
C. Brihat kalpasutra
D. Chandragupta Maurya
25. Which one of the following is not a part of D. Therigatha
early Jains literature?


1. C 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. A 13. D 14. C

15. C 16. A 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. A 21. D 22. A 23. C 24. D 25. D

Unit 3

1. Which of the following are true of Jainism? 4. Which of the following was not one of the
1. It has affinity with the Sankhya sys- reasons for the gradual decline of Jainism?
tem of philosophy. A. The extremism of its ethical code and
2. It completely rejected the concept of
the soul.
3. It has affinity with the Vedanta system
of philosophy.
eR religious discipline
B. The influence and popularity of Shaiva
and Vaishnava saints in the South
4. According to it the world consists of C. The destruction of t heir temples by t he
two eternal categories, viz., conscious foreign invaders and others
Jiva and unconscious (Ajiva).
D. The assimilative power of Hinduism
Choose the correct answer from the codes
given below. 5. Jain Sacred texts are called

A. 2 and 4 A. Sungas
B. 3 and 4
B. Angas
C. 2 and 3
C. Hymns
D. 1 and 3
D. None of these

2. The monolithic image of Jain Saint ‘Goma-

tiswara’ is at 6. Consider the following statements

A. Kalinga 1. Shah Jahan discontinued Jharokha

B. Kusinagara darshan and Tula Dana.
2. Shah Jahan refused to grant land to
C. Saravanabelgola Shanti Das, the leading Jain Jeweller
D. Mount Abu and banker of Ahmedabad to build a
3. Excepting two Jaina Tirthankaras, all the resting place for Jain saints.
others mentioned in tradition are mythical. 3. Shah Jahan banned mixed marriages
The two exceptions include between Hindus and Muslims in Kash-
A. Shantinatha and Adinath 4. Shah Jahan exempted the theologians
B. Shantinatha and Vardhamana from offering Sijda.
C. Parsvanath and Vardhamana Which of the above statements are not cor-
D. Parsvanath and Adinath
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288 Chapter 8. Jainism

A. 1 and 2 B. Hindus treat ascetics as Godmen

B. 2 and 4 whereas Jains don’t

C. 2 and 3 C. Jains respect them while Hindus wor-

ship them
D. 1 and 4
7. The Jaina temples known for the finest mar- D. To Hindus ascetic were escapists be
ble carvings in India are situated at listed to

A. Kiradu 10. Consider the following statements relating

to Jain literature :

B. Gwalior
1. The sacred books of the Jainas are
C. Modhera known as Siddhanta or Agama.
D. Dilwara 2. The language of the earliest Jain texts

8. Consider the following statements is eastern dialect of Pali known as
Ardha Magadhi.
1. The Jains believed that Mahavira had
twenty-three predecessors. Which of the statements given above is/are
2. Parshvanatha was twenty-third correct?

Tirthankara. A. 1 only
3. Rishava was immediate successor of
Mahavira. B. 2 only
Which of the statements given above is/are C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
A. Only 2
11. Vardhamana Mahavira the 24th Tirthankar
B. Only 3 of Jainism was born at and died at
C. 2 and 3
D. 1 and 2 A. Kusinara and Pava

9. The main differ ence between Jainas and B. Vaishali and Rajagriha
Hindus in treating the ascetics is:

C. Kashi and Champa

A. An acsetic is outside the society to Hin-

dus, while Jaina ascetic kept a relationship D. Kundagrama and Pava

with the society.


1. A 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. D 9. A 10. A 11. D
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9. Famous

1. Al-Idrisi was a famous B. Arrian
A. Musician C. Justin
B. poet D. Herodotus
C. Geographer 5. Who authored ‘Rajtarangini’ the famous
history of kashmir?
D. None of these

2. Which famous social reformer wrote the A. Bilhan

books ‘Jnana Yoga’, ‘Karma Yoga’ and ‘Raj B. kalhan
C. Jaganik
A. M. G. Ranade
D. Atharvana veda

B. Ramkrishna Paramhansa
6. The famous historical monument, Atala

C. Raja Ram Mohan Roy Mosque, is associated with the

D. Swami Vivekanand A. Rohilla rulers
3. Which among the following is the most fa- B. Sultans of Delhi
mous Bronze Image of Chola Period?
C. Mughal rulers
A. Murugan
D. Sharqi rulers
B. Vishnu
7. The famous Indo-Greek Kin, who em-
C. Nataraja braced Buddhism was
D. Venkateshwar A. Strato I
4. Who has Written the Famous work “ His- B. Alexander
torica ”?
C. Menander
A. Shylak
D. Demetrios
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290 Chapter 9. Famous

8. The Romans were famous for fights be- A. Nataraja

tween man-man and man-animal which
B. Murugan
took place in
C. Vishnu
A. Amphy theatres
B. Stadiums D. Venkateshwar
13. The famous commentator of Vedic litera-
C. Arenas
ture, associated with the Paramaras was
D. Open areas
A. Uvata

9. With reference to the Indian history of art
and culture, consider the following pairs : B. Kshirasvamin
Famous work of Sculpture Site C. Apararka
1. A grand image of Buddha’s : Ajanta

D. Soyana
Mahaparinirvana with numerous ce-
lestial musicians above and the sor- 14. Nearly one third of soldiers of the famous
rowful figures of his followers below Bengal Army had their homes in-
2. . A huge image of Varaha : Mount A. Maharashtra

Abu Avatar (boar incarnation) of
Vishnu, as he rescues Goddess Earth B. Punjab
from the deep and chaotic waters, C. Bengal
sculpted on rock
3. “Arjuna’s Penance”/ : Mamallapuram D. Avadh
“Descent of Ganga” sculpted on the 15. The famous king of the Kushana dynasty
surface of huge boulders was
Which of the pairs given above is/are cor- A. Kanishka
rectly matched?
B. Harisha Vardhana
A. 3 only

C. Kuvishka
B. 1, 2 and 3
D. Pushya

C. 1 and 3 only
16. Bishandas a famous portrait painter resided
D. 1 and 2 only

in the court of?

10. Who was the infamous Qazi Fazihat or Qazi
Fazilat during the reign of Sher Shah? A. Jahangir

A. Qazi of Bengal B. Humayun


B. Qazi-i-lashkar C. Babur

C. Governor of Bengal D. Aurangzeb

D. Qazi-ul-Qazzat 17. With which Sufi saint of Delhi is associ-

ated the famous saying ‘Hanooz Dilli Door

11. The famous 3rd June Plan is also known
A. Wavell Plan A. Nizamuddin Aulia

B. Mountbatten Plan B. Mohammad Ghaus

C. Rajagopalachari Formula C. Bhakhtiyaruddin Kaki

D. Cabinet mission plan D. Sheikh Salim Chisti
12. The most famous bronze image of the Chola 18. In the age of Cholas Uraiyur was famous
period belongs to for
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A. Ship building A. Sarnath

B. Spices B. Taxila
C. Cotton C. Varanasi
D. Pearls D. Nalanda
19. Taxila was a famous site of 24. Who among the following leader made the
famous ’Objectives Resolution’, in the Con-
A. Mauryan Art stituent Assembly?
B. Gupta Art A. Vallabhbhai Patel
C. Early Vedic Art B. C. Rajagopalachari
D. Gandhara Art C. Jawaharlal Nehru

20. The main cause of the tribal wars among D. Dr John Mathai
the early Aryan settlers, the most famous of 25. The famous conversation between uddalka
Which is mentioned in Rigveda as “Battle Aruni& his son Svetaketu regarding the
of Ten King”, was: identity of the Brahman& the Atman fig-
A. Intrigues of the leaders ures in the

B. Foreign invasions
C. Cattle and land disputes
eR A. Svetasvatra upnishad
B. Mandukya Upanishad
C. Mundak Upanishad
D. Showing supremacy
21. The most famous Saka ruler in India was D. Chhandogya Upanishad
26. Which Sanskrit poet wrote famous book,
A. Kadphises II
Geet Govinda?
B. Rudradaman I A. Jayadeva
C. Gautarniputra Satakarni

B. Kalidas
D. Ivienander C. Panini
22. With reference to Buddhist history, tradition D. None of the above
and culture in India, consider the following
27. The Viceregal Lodge at Shimla is a well-
pairs : Famous shrine Location
known ancient monument. Which of the

1. Tabo monastery and : Spiti Valley following statements about the monument

temple complex are correct?

2. Lhotsava Lhakhang : Zanskar Valley
1. The Lodge was built by 17th Viceroy,
temple, Nako
Earl Dufferin.
3. Alchi temple complex : Ladakh
2. The present shape of the building was
Which of the pairs given above is/are cor- given by Earl of Marquis of Lans-
rectly matched? downe.
3. It is famous for holding three meet-
A. 1 only
ings before Independence of India in-
B. 1, 2 and 3 cluding the Cabinet Mission.
C. 2 and 3 only Select the correct answer using the codes
given below
D. 1 and 3 only
A. 1 and 2
23. Which one of the following places was fa-
mous as a seat of Mahayana learning? B. 1 and 3
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292 Chapter 9. Famous

C. 1, 2 and 3 A. Chera
D. 2 and 3 B. Chola
28. Which edict of Ashoka contains the famous C. Pandya
pronouncement: “at all times, whether I am D. Pallava
eating, or I am in the women’s apartments,
34. Who introduced the famous Persian festival
or in my inner apartments, or at the cattle
of Nauroz?
shed, or in my carriage, or in my gardens-
wherever I may be-my mahamatta should A. Alauddin Khalji

keep me in touch with public business”? B. IItutmish
A. Rock Edict VI C. Balban
B. Rock Edict VIII D. Firuz Tughlaq

C. Rock Edict IV 35. Who built the famous Charminar of Hyder-
D. Rock Edict II
A. Krishndev Rai
29. Who was the author of famous Persian se-
B. Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah

ries of 52 stories Tutinama?
C. Aurangzeb
A. Abul Fazl
D. Nadir Shah
B. Hasan Nizami
36. Who built the famous temples at Khaju-
C. Amir Khusrau raho?
D. Nakhshabi A. Chandelas
30. Famous mosque Adhai Din Ka Jhonpra was B. Senas
built by which of the following ruler? C. Palas
A. Qutub-ud-Din-Aibak D. Gahadvalas

B. Muhammad Bin Tughlaq 37. The famous temple of Kailasa, hewn out of
the rock, is at
C. Alauddin Khilji

A. Elephanta
D. None of the above

B. Mahabalipuram
31. Who built the famous Shalimar bagh of Sri-
nagar? C. Ellora
A. Humayun D. Badami
38. Akbar’s buildings at Fatehpur Sikri are fa-

B. Akbar
mous for
C. Shahjahan A. Construction of the first bulbous dome
D. Jahangir in India

32. Who wrote famous book Kitab-ul-hind? B. Frequent employment of pietra dura
A. Al Biruni C. The use of marble on an extensive scale
B. Firdausi
D. Synthesis of trabeate and accurate styles
C. Amir Khusrau
D. Abul Fazl 39. Arrange the following events of Jahangir’s
33. To which of the following dynasties did reign in the chronological order?
Karikala, the famous king of this period, 1. Captain Hawkin’s visit to Jahangir’s
belong? court.
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2. Sir Thomas Aoe’s arrival at Jahangir’s 44. Which of the following locations have been
court. famous ancient centers for higher educa-
3. Mahabat Khan’s revolt and capture of tion?
Jahangir. 1. Nalanda in Bihar
4. Prince Khurram’s revolt against his 2. Takshashila
father. 3. Valabhi, in Gujarat
5. Jahangir’s marriage with Nur Jahan. 4. Kanchipuram, in Tamil Nadu
6. Issue of 12 famous ordinances.
Select the correct answer using the code
Choose the correct answer from the codes
given below.
A. 1, 2 and 3 only
A. 1, 2, 5, 6, 3 and 4
B. 1 and 2 only
B. 2, 4, 3, 5, 6 and 1

C. 1, 2, 3 and 4
C. 6, 5, 1, 2, 4 and 3
D. 2, 3 and 4 only
D. 6, 1, 5, 2, 4 and 3
45. Consider the following statements:
40. Who brought the famous Persian painter
named Khwaja Abdus Samad to India? i) Jehangir was the ruler of India when
A. Akbar
B. Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
eR the East India company was set up.
ii) The famous queen Chand Bibi be-
longed to Ahmednagar kingdom.
C. Humayun Choose the right option:
D. Alauddin Khilji A. Both i and ii are correct
41. Which one of the following sites is famous B. Neither i nor ii is correct
for prehistoric paintings?
C. Only i is correct
A. Amrawati
D. Only ii is correct

B. Bagh 46. Which of the following governor general

C. Ajanta was responsible for passing the famous Reg-
ulation XVII of 1829 which declared sati
D. Bhimbetka
illegal and punishable by courts?
42. The Chandela ruler who built famous tem-
A. Amherst

ple at Khajurao?

A. Jayadeva B. William Bentinck

B. Chandradeva C. Auckland

C. Dhanga D. John Adam

47. The famous astronomer who wrote Brihat
D. Bhimadeva
43. In the Gupta age, Varahamihira wrote the
famous book, ‘Brihat Samhita.’ It was a A. Pliny
treatise on B. Varahamithra
A. astronomy C. Parrin
B. ayurvedic system of medicine. D. None of these
C. economics 48. To which Sufi did the famous saint of Bihar,
Makhdum Shrouding Maneri belong?
D. statecraft
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294 Chapter 9. Famous

A. Kubrawi 52. The famous Vedic saying, “War begins in

B. Chisti the minds of men”, is stated in the:

C. Suhrawardi A. Yajurveda

D. Firdausi B. Upanishad
49. In which of the following inscriptions C. Samaveda
Ashoka made his famous declaration, ‘All
D. Atharvaveda
men are my children’?
53. Sayana, the famous commentator of the

A. Pillar Edict VII
Vedic texts, was patronised by :
B. Lumbini Pillar Edict
A. Satvahana rulers
C. Separate Kaling Rock Edict I
B. Vijaynagar rulers

D. Minor Rock Edict (Ahraura)
C. Vakataka rulers
50. Consider the following statements relating
to the famous Muzaffarpur murders (1908) D. Parmara rulers
1. The bomb, which was hurled at 54. Ibn Batuta, the famous traveller of 14th Cen-

their carriage of Mrs Pringle and her tury, lived in?
daughter was actually intended for A. Geneva
Mr Kingsford, the District Judge of
Muzaffarpur. B. North Africa
2. The revolutionaries wanted to kill Mr C. Spain.
Kingsford, because he had inflicted
severe punishments on Swadeshi ac- D. Venice
tivists. 55. Which one of the following kings controlled
3. Khudiram and Prafulla Chaki had to the famous silk-route of Central Asia?
pay the penalty for their action by
A. Chandragupta-II

Which of the statements given above is/are B. Ashoka

correct? C. Kanishka
A. Only 1 D. Harsha

B. Only 2 56. Which Pala ruler founded the famous Vikra-

C. 2 and 3 mashila University for the Buddhists’?

D. All of these A. Devapala


51. With reference to Yadava period, which of B. Mahipala

the following statement is not true?
C. Dharmapala
1. The family of the famous astronomers

and mathematicians belonged to the D. Gopala

Yadava period. 57. Who was the author of famous Ayurvedic
2. Anantadeva established a college text Ashtanghriday?
of astronomy Khandesh during
A. Dhanvantari
Simhara’s rule.
B. Nagarjuna
A. 1 only
C. Vagbhatta
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 and 2 D. Charaka
58. Who has written famous book Padmavat?
D. Neither 1 nor 2
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A. Al Biruni A. Gladstone
B. Nakhshabi B. Palmerstone
C. Malik Muhammad Jayasi C. Disraeli
D. Hasan Nizami D. Canning
59. Panini was a famous scholar of? 64. Which famous painter among the following
A. Ayurveda did not remain in the court of Akbar?

B. Astronomy A. Dasawanth

C. Biology B. Basawan

D. Language and grammar C. Aga Reza

60. Who among the following built the famous D. Farrukh Beg

Alai Darwaza? 65. In which century, did the famous Chinese
A. Allaudin Khilji pilgrim Fa-hien visit India?

B. Babur A. 7th century AD

C. Ibrahim Lodi B. 6th century AD

D. Shahjahan
61. Which Pratihara ruler had the famous poet,
Rajasekhara, at his court?
eR C. 4th century AD
D. 5th century AD
66. The most famous Indo-Greek ruler to rule
A. Mahipala over India, noted for his justice and popu-
larity with his subjects, was
B. Nagahhatta-II
A. Menander
C. Mihira Bhoja
B. Demetrios
D. Vatsaraja
C. Eukratides

62. The famous dialogue between Nachiketa

and Yama is mentioned in the: D. Rudradaman
A. Kenopanishad 67. Who was famously known as the Tuti-e-
B. Mundakopnishad
A. Amir Khusarau
C. Chhandogyopanishad

B. Nakhshabi
D. Kathopanishad

63. According to which famous political leader C. Utbi

of Britain the revolt of 1857 is described as D. Tansen
a ‘National Rising’?


1. A 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. C 9. C 10. C 11. B 12. A 13. A 14. A

15. A 16. A 17. A 18. B 19. D 20. C 21. B 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. D 26. A
27. B 28. A 29. D 30. A 31. D 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. B 36. A 37. C 38. D
39. D 40. C 41. D 42. C 43. A 44. C 45. A 46. B 47. B 48. D 49. C 50. D
51. B 52. A 53. B 54. C 55. C 56. C 57. C 58. C 59. D 60. A 61. A 62. D
63. C 64. D 65. D 66. A 67. A
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a n
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10. Buddhism

1. Who patronized the third Buddhist council C. Sidhartha
held at Pataliputra?
D. None of these
A. Kalasoka
5. Which one of the following is the most
B. Kanishka fundamental difference between Mahayana
Buddhism and Hinayana Buddhism?
C. Ashoka
A. Casteless society

D. Ajatashatru
B. Worship of gods and goddesses
2. The early images of the Buddha were made
almost simultaneously at C. Emphasis on ahimsa
A. Gandhara and Ajanta D. Worship of stupa
B. Ajanta& Amaravati 6. The themes of the murals of the Ajanta

Caves are

C. Mathura& Gandhara
1. Decorative designs which include a
D. Mathura and Amaravati variety of animals, trees and flowers.
3. The Fourth Buddhist Council was held in 2. Portraits of various Buddhas and Bod-
Kashmir under the leadership of hisattvas.
A. Ashoka 3. Narrative scenes portraying Jataka sto-
B. Bindusara
Select the correct answer using the code
C. Kanishka given below:
D. Kunal A. 1 and 3 only
4. Buddhas original name was B. 1, 2 and 3
A. Manu C. 1 and 2 only
B. Subhodana D. 2 and 3 only
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298 Chapter 10. Buddhism

7. Which one of the following describes best 2. Emphasis on the role of the individual
the concept of Nirvana in Buddhism? 3. Belief in the categories of Jiva and
A. The extinction of the flame of desire
4. Choose of Prakriti and Purusha
B. The complete annihilation of self
Choose the correct answer from the codes
C. A state of bliss and rest given below:
D. A mental stage beyond all comprehen- A. 2 and 3
B. 1,3 and 4

8. Ceylon became a stronghold of which
among the following branches of Bud- C. 3 and 4
dhism? D. 1 and 2

A. Theravada 13. Buddha is depicted on the coins of
B. Hinayana A. Kanishka
C. Mahayana B. Wima Kadphises
D. Mahendra C. Budhgupta

9. The reign of the Kushana monarch Kan- D. Nahapana
ishka was a turning point in the history of 14. The fourth Buddhist council held under the
Buddhism, because: patronage of emperor Kanishka in Kashmir
A. It witnessed the rise of Mahayanism was presided over by
B. Buddhism was introduced in China and A. Vasumitra
Central Asia in his time B. Nagarjuna
C. Both A and B C. Asanga
D. The images of Buddha and Bodhisattvas D. Aryadeva

began to be carved out during this period

15. In the Mahayana Buddhism, the Bod-
10. The Srivijaya ruler, who completed the con- hisattva Avalokitesvara was also known as

struction of the Buddhist Vihara started by

his father at Nagapattana during the reign A. Manjusri

of Rajaraja I, was B. Padmapani

A. Trailokyaraja C. Maitreya
B. Balaputradeva D. Vajrapani

C. Samaragravira 16. Which of the following was/were not re-

lated to Buddha’s life?
D. Maravijayottunga Varman
11. Kushinagar, where Buddha died was then a 1. Kanthaka

part of which Kingdom 2. Alara Kalama

3. Channa
A. Hill kingdom 4. Goshala Maskariputra
B. Ajatshatru’s empire Select the correct answer using the codes
C. Kamarupa kingdom given below

D. Licchhavi kingdom A. 1 and 2

12. Which of the following are characteristics B. Only 4
ascribed to Buddhism? C. Only 1
1. Rejection of the authority of the Vedas
D. 3 and 4
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17. The fourth Buddhist Council was held at A. Simhalese tradion-Mahavamsa and Di-
A. Vaisali B. Tibetan tradition of historian Taranath

B. Pataliputra C. Indian Buddhist texts-Ashokavadan and

C. Kundalavana
D. Chinese tradition-Cantonese records
D. Bodh Gaya
23. In spite of his conversion to Buddhism and
18. Where did Buddha die? the concept of dhamma-vijaya, Ashoka was
not a total pacifist. Which of the following
A. Pavapuri
does not confirm this view?
B. Magadha A. After the conquest of Kalinga, Ashoka
consolidated his southern conquests

C. Kusinagara
D. Lumbini B. He felt sorry for the suffering caused by
Kalinga War, but did not give up the con-
19. Buddha preached acceptance of existence quered territory
of four noble truths (Aryasatyas) which
were? C. In dealing with the troublesome forest

A. Right speech, right action, right exer-

tion, right-mindedness
eR tribes he clearly recognized the possibility
of the use of force
D. He did not abolish capital punishment
B. Right meditation, right resolution, right and granted only a brief reprieve to the con-
view& right means livelihood demned prisoners
C. Dukham (Misery) Dukh samudaya 24. Why did Buddhism start declining in India
(thirst, attachment etc.) Nirodha (end of in the early medieval times?
worldly existence)& Marga (Patha) 1. Buddha was at that time considered as
one of the incarnations of Vishnu and

D. All of above
this became a part of Vaishanavism.
20. The great Indian king who helped spreading 2. The invading tribes from Central Asia
Buddhism in Asia was till the time of last Gupta king adopted
A. Chandra Gupta I Hinduism and persecuted Buddhists.
3. The kings of Gupta dynasty were
B. Chandra Gupta Maurya

strongly opposed to Buddhism.


C. Ashoka, the Great Which of the above is/are correct?

D. Harsha Vardhan A. 2 and 3
21. Who was the founder of Mahayan sect of B. 1, 2 and 3
Buddhism? C. 1 only
A. Ghoshak D. 1 and 3
B. Asanga 25. Which two of the four kings listed below
were on friendly term equally with Vard-
C. Dharmtrat
hamana Mahavir and Gautama Buddha?
D. Buddhadeva 1. Bibisara of Magadha
22. On the basis of which of the following tra- 2. Ajatasatru of Magadha
ditional records have the dates of Lord Bud- 3. Prasenjit of Kosala
dha ’s birth and death been fixed? 4. Pradyota of Avanti
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300 Chapter 10. Buddhism

A. 3 and 4 A. He got thousands of dissenter monks

expelled from the Ashokarama monastery
B. 2 and 3
B. He erected a commemorative pillar at
C. 1 and 3 the place where the Buddha was said to
D. 1 and 4 have been born
26. Who of the following was a contemporary C. Lumbini was made free of religious cess
of Gautama Buddha? and revenue was reduced to only one-eighth
share (of the produce)
A. Vardhaman Mahavir

D. He tooka a great deal of personal inter-
B. Kalashok est in the welfare of the monks and the nuns
C. Bhadrabahu

31. Buddhism became widely accepted and
D. Parsvanath spread throughout Asia after the conversion
27. Which of the following wr iters was the of Emperor:
founder of Buddhist logic and has been A. Harasha.
called the Father of Medieval Nyaya?

B. Ashoka.
A. Dharmakirti
C. Porus.
B. Dignaga
D. Chandragupta.
C. Bhavaviveka 32. Milinda Panho is in the form of a dialogue
D. Budhhapalita between the king Menander and Buddhist
28. Some Buddhist rock-cut caves are called
A. Nagabhatta
Chaityas, while the others are called Viha-
ras. What is the difference between the B. Nagarjuna

C. Nagasena
A. Vihara is a place of worship, while D. Kumarilbhatta

Chaitya is the dwelling place of the monks 33. Which one of the following Buddhist sects
B. Chaitya is a place of worship, while Vi- insist on the ‘necessity of the monastic life,

hara is the dwelling place of the monks worship of the relics of Lord Buddha, at-
tainment of-salvation by one-self alone and
C. Chaitya is the stupa at the far end of the in the belief that Lord Buddha will no more
cave, while Vihara is the hall axial to it be born?

D. There is no material difference between A. Hinayan4

the two
B. Vajrayana
29. The language of discourses of Gautama

Buddha was? C. Lamaism

D. Mahayana
A. Sanskrit
34. Who among the following was King of Ma-
B. Pali gadha, at the time of Mahaparinirvana of
C. Magadhi Gautam Buddha?
A. Chandragupta Maurya
D. Bhojpuri
B. Ajatshatru
30. Which of the following steps was not taken
by Ashoka to promote and patronise Bud- C. Bimbisara
dhism? D. Udayi
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35. Who was the greatest Buddhist commenta- 41. Which of the following is/are true regarding
tor of the Buddhist canonical literature? Buddhism?
A. Ashvaghosha 1. It did not reject Varna& Jati
2. It challenged highest social ranking of
B. Vasumitra
Brahmana Varna.
C. Euddhaghosha 3. It regarded certain crafts as low
D. Nagaijuna Choose the correct answer from the codes
36. Under which of the following set of ruler given below
were organised the 1st three Buddhist coun- A. 1& 2
B. 2& 3
A. Bimbisara, Ashoka, Dasarath
C. 1, 2& 3
B. Ashoka, Kanishka, Harsha

D. None
C. Prasenjit, Bimbisara, Ajatshatru
42. Who built the Buddha Vihar at Nagapatti-
D. Ajatshatru, Kalashok, Ashok nam?
37. Theravada Buddhism believes that salva-
A. Srivijay
tion: eR B. Illango Adigal
A. comes from good works.
C. Prasenjit
B. is a product of the Buddha’s grace.
D. Gayabahu of Sri Lanka
C. comes from ritual devotion.
43. When did China receive Buddhism?
D. is impossible.
38. The earliest Buddhist literature which deals A. Third century B .C.
with the stories of the various birth of Bud- B. First century A.D.
dha are
C. First century B.C.

A. Abhidamma pitakas
D. Third Century AD.
B. Sutta pitakas
44. Consider the following statements:
C. Vinaya pitakas
1. Satavahana rulers persecuted the Bud-
D. Jatakas dhists.

39. In Buddhism, what does Patimokkha stand 2. Pushyamitra Sunga patronised the

for? Buddhists.
3. Shashanka cut off the Bodhi tree at
A. The rules of the Sangha Bodha Gaya.
B. A description of Mahayana Buddhism Which of these statements is/are correct?
C. A description of Hinayana Buddhism A. 1 only
D. The questions of king Menander B. 3 only
40. Which of the following Sangam works tries
C. 1 and 3
to expound the excellence of Buddhism?
D. 2 and 3
A. Silappadikaram
45. Which of the following Buddhist Philoso-
B. Manimekalai
pher is said to have visited Nepal in the
C. Tokappiyam fourth century A.D. in order to propagate
his own doctrine?
D. Kurla
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302 Chapter 10. Buddhism

A. Acarya Kamalashila A. Schism Edict

B. Acharya Vasubandhu B. Kandahar Inscription
C. Acharya Atisha C. Bhabru Edict
D. Acharya Shatarakshita D. Rummindei Inscription
46. Lord Buddha was born in 52. Which of the following are characteristic
ascribed to Buddhism? Choose the correct
A. Vaishali answer given below:

B. Bodh Gaya 1. Theory of Prakrit and Purusha
C. Pataliputra 2. Rejection of the authority of the Vedas
3. Emphasis on the role of the individual
D. Lumbini 4. Beliefs in the categories of Jiva and

47. Who of the following Gupta kings granted Ajiva
permission to Meghverma, the ruler of Sri A. 1, 3 and 4
Lanka to build a Buddhist temple at Gaya?
B. 3 and 4

A. Chandragupta I
C. 1 and 2
B. Samudragupta
D. 1 and 3
C. Chandragupta II
53. Whom did Ashoka send for the propaga-
D. Skandgupta tions of Buddhism to foreign countries
48. Who was the President of 3rd Buddhist As- A. Menandra
B. Mogaliputta Tissa
A. Mahakassap C. Sanghmitra
B. Vasumitra D. None of these

C. Moggaliputta Tissa 54. Which one of the following was a Buddhist


D. Ashvaghosha seat which held that constituents of phenom-

ena were not wholly momentary, but existed
49. Mahayana Buddhism is generally found in:

forever in a latent form?

A. Japan and Burma. A. Sarvastivadin
B. Bali and Cambodia. B. Sthviravadin

C. China and Korea. C. Sautrantilca

D. Tibet and Vietnam. D. Saitiihitiya
50. Which of the following was not responsible 55. What is the greatest debt owed by the Bud-

for the spread of Buddhism? dhist world to Sri Lanka?

A. No caste barriers A. The preservation of Buddha’s relics and
sacred Bodhi tree
B. Too much stress on morality
B. The propagation of Buddhism in South-
C. Language of the people was used
East Asian countries
D. Non-existence of sound C. The reservation of the Pali canon in its
51. In which of the following edicts/inscriptions entirety
does Ashoka express his faith in the Bud-
D. The development of Buddhism through
dhist creed?
Simhalese commentaries of Buddhist texts
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56. Which of the following statements is/ are B. To put an end to the dissensions in the
correct? Church (Sangha)
1. Early Buddhist literature is generally C. To prepare a complete and authentic col-
composed of the canonical text. lection of the teachings of Lord Buddha
2. The Buddhist schools classify their
canonical literature as only the D. to establish the purity of the canon
Pitakas. which had been imperiled by the rise of
different sects
Select the correct answer using. the code
given below: 61. An account of Gupta emperors from Bud-
dhist angle is given.
A. 1 only
A. MOOL Sutra
B. 2 only
B. Chhed Sutra
C. Both 1 and 2

C. Nandi Sutra
D. Neither 1 nor 2
57. To which of the following castes did Gau- D. Arya Manjushri Moolkalpa
tam Buddha belong? 62. Buddhist scriptures were written in
A. Brahmana A. Pali
B. Kshatriya
C. Vaisya
eR B. Kharosthi
C. Marathi
D. None of these
D. Sanskrit
58. Which one of the following ancient cities is
not related to the life of Gautam Buddha? 63. How many cities were in existence during
Buddha’s time?
A. Kosambi
A. 10
B. Saketa

B. 8
C. Pataliputra
D. Champa C. 4
59. The merchants were attracted to a sect of D. 6
Buddhism because: 64. Consider the following statement: In the
A. They found it suitable for their vocation. second Buddhist Council held at Vaishali,

Buddhism was divided into


B. They were not granted a social status 1. Sthaviravadins

that was in resonance with economic pros- 2. Mahasanghikas
perity. 3. Vajrayana
4. Kalachakrayana
C. They felt that the new materialistic con-
ditions were corrupting society. Of these statement
D. Brahamanical rituals were becoming ex- A. 1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct
pensive for them.
B. 1 and 2 are correct
60. What was the occasion of the Second Bud-
dhist Council? C. 1, 3and4arecorrect

A. To settle the controversy arising from D. 2, 3 and 4 are correct

the adoption of certain practices by the Va- 65. The largest number of discourses delivered
jjian monks of Vaishali by Buddha were at
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304 Chapter 10. Buddhism

A. Kausambi A. Right conduct

B. Rajgriha B. Right speech
C. Sravasti C. Right desire
D. Somnath D. Right contemplation
66. The major contribution of the Third Bud- 71. Which of the following is not a Buddhist
dhist Council convened by Ashoka was: Concept?
A. It purged the Buddhist sangha of its dis- A. Sambhogakaya

B. Dharmakaya
B. At this conference kathavatthu was com-
C. Astik-aya
piled by its President Moggaliputta Tissa

D. Nirmanakaya
C. It decided to dispatch Buddhist missions 72. Which of the following Kingdoms were as-
to various parts of India and foreign coun- sociated with the life of the Buddha?
tries 1. Avanti

D. All the above 2. Gandhara
3. Kosala
67. The points of similarity between Buddhism 4. Magadha
and Hinduism is
Select the correct answer using the code
A. The missionary spirit given below.
B. The pantheon of Gods in Hinduism A. 3 and 4 only
C. Acceptance of the laws of Karma and B. 2 and 4.
the Hindu theories of re-birth
C. 1, 3 and 4
D. None of the above.

D. 1, 2 and 3
68. Where has the world’s largest monolithic
statue of Buddha been installed? 73. The Fourth Buddhist Council was held by

A. Lhasa A. Kanishka

B. Hyderabad B. Harashavardhana

C. Bamiyan C. Ashoka

D. Kandy D. Chandragupta
74. Who among the following kings was a con-

69. Which of the following is the correct state-

ment regarding the Buddha’s attitude on the temporary of both Mahavira and Buddha?
subject of entry of women into the Bud- A. Bimbisara
dhist Sangha?

B. Nandivardhana
A. He was indifferent on this subject
C. Ajatshatru
B. He gladly accepted women into the
D. Ashoka
75. Who was the founder of Buddhism
C. He did not allow women into the Sangha
A. Chatrapati shivaji
D. None of these B. Gautama Buddha
70. Which one of the following is not included C. Vikramaditya II
in the eightfold path of Buddhism?
D. None of these
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76. Some hold the view that Buddhism was mer 81. Ashvaghosha, who has written the mar-
ely a phase of Hinduism. Which of the fol- velous work “Buddhacharita” was a court
lowing was not one of the concepts and poet of which among the following kings?
practices borrowed by Budhhism from Hin- A. Kanishka
B. Ashoka
A. The emphasis on purity of body and
right conduct C. Samudragupta

B. The idea of monastic order D. Ajatshatru

82. concerning food-discipline of the Buddhists
C. The concept of Nirvana
Sramanas, the Buddhist monks, were per-
D. Belief in Samsara and Karma mitted to
77. Which of the following statements about 1. Beg

the conversion of Ashoka to Buddhism is 2. Accept the invitation for meals
generally believed to be correct? 3. Accept offerings sent to the monastery
4. Express their wish for any particular
A. His conversion to Buddhism was a grad-
kind of food
ual process
Which of the above statements are correct?
B. Ashoka was never converted to Bud-
dhism; he only borrowed some if its ideas
to propound his doctrine of dhamma
C. He became a convert to Buddhism under
eR A. 1, 2& 3
B. 3& 4
C. l& 2
the influence of Upagupta
D. 1, 2& 4
D. It took place as a dramatic event soon 83. The Buddha did not talk about spiritual as-
after the Kalinga War pects such as God, soul, life after death, etc.
78. Who called Sree Narayana Guru as ‘The because:
Second Buddha’? A. He considered such speculations unnec-

A. Moorkoth Kumaran essary

B. G. Sankara Kurup, B. He was only concerned with the ethical
aspects of life
C. Bodhananda Swamikal,
C. He wanted to resolve the practical prob-
D. Swami Vivekananda, lems of life

79. Jivaka mentioned in the early Buddhist lit-

D. He did not intend to establish a formal

erature was a
A. Boddhisatva 84. The two colossal images of the Buddha at
B. Merchant Bamiyan are an instance of the art?

C. Physician A. Early Mathura

D. Kirg B. Gupta

80. The Palas patronized which form of Bud- C. Maurya

dhism? D. Gandhara
A. Hinayana 85. The importance of Nagarjunakonda stupe is
because of its beautiful panels which illus-
B. Mahayana
trate episodes from the life of the Buddha.
C. Sarvastavadin Which of the following is not the character-
istic of the scenes depicted?
D. All of these
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306 Chapter 10. Buddhism

1. Gods praying to the Boddhisathva to 89. Mother of Gautam Buddha belonged to

take birth on earth. which dynasty?
2. Buddha’s entry into the womb in the A. Maya dynasty
form of a white elephant.
3. Birth of the Buddha under a flowering B. Koliyan dynasty
teak tree etc. C. Shakya dynasty
4. Unique representation of the forest an-
D. Lichchavi dynasty
imals is a manner which looks as if
the entire animal world turned out to 90. Which of the following statements correctly

worship the Buddha describe the difference between different
schools of sculpturing in ancient India?
Which of the above is/are correct?
1. Gandhara school of art was heavily
A. 1 and 3 influenced by Hellenistic sculpturing

B. 2 and 4 whereas Mathura school was more or
less indigenously developed.
C. 4 only 2. The theme of Gandhara school
D. None was mainly inspired from Buddhism

whereas Mathura school was influ-
86. Which of the following pairs indicating the enced by all the major religions in the
contents of the sacred Buddhist Pitakas is Indian subcontinent at that time.
not correctly matched? 3. Sculptures of Gandhara were made
A. Suttra Pitaka- Stories of the Buddha’s initially on stone and later on Stucco,
previous births (Jataka stories) both grey in colours but Mathura
model sculptures were made on
B. Vinaya Pitaka- rules of monastic disci-
White-spotted red stones.
Select the correct answer using the code
C. Abhidhamma Pitaka- philosophical de- given below.

velopment of the Buddha’s teachings

A. 1, 2 and 3
D. Dhammapada- The original sermon of
B. 1 and 2 only

the Buddha of Sarnath

C. 1 and 3 only
87. The King Kanishka held a great Buddhist

Council under whose presidentship? D. 2 and 3 only

A. Nagasena 91. Which tradition has most importance for
deciding the dates of birth and death of lord
B. Vasumitra Buddha?

C. Asvaghosha A. Indian Buddhist literature-Avadana lit-

D. Sanghraksha erature
B. Ceylones Tradition-Mahavansa and

88. Which of the features given below was not

an aspect of Buddhism? Deepavansa

A. Divine intervention was necessary for C. Chinese Tradition-Canton

the process of obtaining salvation. D. Tibetan Tradition-Historian Taranath
B. It challenged the superiority of the Brah- 92. Zen Buddhism, introduced in the twelfth
manas. century A.D., found its adher ents mainly
among the war riors and influenced
C. It denied the predominance assigned to Japanese culture considerabley. The key to
vedic texts enlightenment, according to Zen Buddhism,
D. It was practical and simple is:
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A. Meditation A. predestination
B. Recollection B. the justification for social and economic
inequalities in life
C. Piety
C. the deeds of a person determine the state
D. Virtuous life of his life
93. Consider the following statement (s) is/are
D. doing one’s duty without bothering
related to the impact of Bhakti Movement:
about the result
I. Bhakti Movement resulted in a 97. Who impressed upon Harsha to incline to-
surge in Hindu literature in re- wards Buddhism?
gional/vernacular languages mainly in
the form of devotional poems and mu- A. Diwakarmitra
sic. B. Bhikshu Mahakashyapa

II. Bhakti Movement resulted in a surge C. Hiuen-Tsang
in Buddhist text in regional/vernacular
languages mainly in the form of devo- D. Thera Nagasen
tional poems and music. 98. The most important event on the death cen-
tenary (parinivrana) of the Buddha was the:
Which of the above statement (s) is/are cor-
rect? eR A. Despatch of the Buddhist mission to Sri
A. Only I
B. Calling of the second Buddhist Council
B. Only II
C. Compilation of the teachings of the Bud-
C. Both I& II dha
D. Neither I nor II D. Division of Buddhism into Mahayana
94. Where did Buddha attain Parinirvana? and Hinayana sects
99. Buddha’s Birth Place now is known as
A. Bodh Gaya

A. Nepal
B. Vaisali
B. Buttan
C. Kushinagara
C. Prinla
D. Rajgriha
D. None of these
95. The finest specimens of Buddhist paintings
100. Consider the following statements regard-
are found in the caves at Bagh and Ajanta.

ing Greek’s influence of Indian Culture.

How do the Buddhist paintings at Bagh dif-

fer from those found at Ajanta? 1. The Indo-Greek king, mahendra was
convertd to Buddhism by Buddhist
A. They are mostly depictions of Jataka monk and philosopher, nagasena.
stories 2. Indian astrology was influenced by
B. They contain representations of scenes Greek ideas with the term Horastra
from the Buddha’s life from conception to used for astrology in Sanskrit.
the attainment of Nirvana 3. Greeks introduced into Indian as-
tronomy the methods of calculating
C. They are basically secular in character,
eclipses, the notion of methods of cal-
and significantly reflect contemporary life
culating eclipses, the notion of paral-
D. The style of the paintings reveals great lax and methods of calculating it.
delicacy and depth of feeling 4. Greeks introduced the use of curtain
96. The Doctrine of Karma in Buddhism in Indian theatre.
means: Which of the above is/are correct?
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308 Chapter 10. Buddhism

A. 1, 3 and 4 A. Malla
B. 2, 3 and 4 B. Deva
C. 1, 2 and 3 C. Shakya
D. All of above D. Koliya
101. Birth place of Buddha is 106. The four virtues which Buddha empha-
sized for practicing were
A. Patna
A. Truth, non-violence, compassion and
B. Sarnath toleration

C. Bodh-Gaya B. Truth, compassion, toleration and love
D. Lumbini C. Truth, love, sacrifice and generosity

102. What were the ‘Four Great Signs’ that ac- D. Love, compassion, elation at others suc-
cording to Buddhist tradition led Gautama cess and equanimity towards all beings
to renounce the world?
107. Which of the statements given below are
A. Love, compassion, non-injury, purity correct about the age of Harshavardhana?

B. Old age, diseased person, dead body, an 1. Most of the understanding about the
ascetic age is from Hiuen Tsang’s work
2. Forced labour was a common practice
C. That the world is full of suffering, de-
3. Harsha gave grants to both Hindus and
sire and carve for existence, renunciation of
Buddhists but later became more in-
desire, cycle of births and re-birth
clined towards Buddhism
D. None of the above.
Select the correct answer using the codes
103. Which of the following statements is/are given below.
A. 1 and 2 only
1. Tantric rituals, in medieval India were

B. 1 and 3 only
followed by lower caste only
2. Tantric practitioners were influenced C. 1, 2 and 3

by Shaivism and Buddhism D. 2 and 3 only

3. Practitioners of tantric practice ig-
108. What were the impacts of Buddhism in

nored authority of Vedas

Indian culture?
Select the correct answer using the codes
1. The religious indifference between
given below
women and shudras were removed by
A. 1 and 3 only

B. 1, 2 and 3 2. Sanskrit developed as a literary lan-
C. 1 and 2 only 3. In Sanchi, Bharhut, Bodhgaya, Amra-

D. 2 and 3 only vati art and paintings were flourished.

4. It popularized idol worship.
104. Buddhism originated in
5. Concept of residential universities be-
A. 6th C.BC came popular.
B. 3rd C.BC Which of the above is/are correct?
C. 5th C.BC A. 1 and 4
D. 7th and 8th C.BC B. 2 and 3
105. Which one is related with Mahatma Bud- C. All of above
D. None
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109. Gautam Buddha was the founder of A. A man reaps what he sows
A. Sikhism B. Every individual is the maker of his own
B. Hinduism
C. Prayers to a God or Gods alone cannot
C. Jainism change the destiny of man
D. Buddhism D. All of the above
110. Buddhist doctrines are contained in 115. Which of the following sect of Buddhism
A. Jatakas was primarily responsible for the spread of
Buddhism outside the frontiers of India?
B. Satapathas
A. Vajrayana
C. Upanishadas
B. Mahayana

D. Dhammapada C. Hinyana
111. concerning the Jambudvipa, consider the
D. None of these
116. Who is supposed to be the future Buddha
1. Bharatvarsha was also called Jambud- in Mahayana Buddhism?
2. Early Buddhist evidence suggests that eR A. Krakuchanda
Jambudvipa was a territorial designa- B. Amitabha
tion from the third century BC. C. Kanak Muni
Which of the above is/are correct? D. Maitreya
A. 1 only 117. Buddhism was founded by:
B. 2 only A. Shankara.
C. Both 1 and 2 B. Vishnu.
C. Siddartha.

D. Neither 1 nor 2
112. What was the purpose of the Chaityas dur- D. Ramakrishna.
ing the early phase of Buddhism? 118. The earliest epigraphic evidence mention-
ing the birth place of Sakyamuni Buddha is
A. They served the purpose of temples
obtained from
B. They were meditation halls

A. Sarnath
C. They were used for religious assemblies

B. Rummindei
and prayers
C. Sravasti
D. They were used for holding social func-
tions D. Kausambi
119. How many Pitakas are in Buddhist litera-
113. Which of the following cultures does NOT
practice Theravada Buddhism?
A. 2
A. Laos
B. 4
B. Burma
C. 3
C. Sri Lanka
D. 1
D. Korea 120. The majority of the Buddhist vases in In-
114. The Buddhist Law of Doctrine of Karma dia are found in Western Maharashtra be-
meant: cause:
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310 Chapter 10. Buddhism

A. Many of the royal dynasties of Western C. The patronage of the reigning dynas-
India were patrons of Buddhism ties in China (e.g. Wei dynasty) helped the
B. The Sahyadri mountain in western Ma- cause of Buddhism
harashtra with its hard trap was best suited D. There were no rival religions at the time
for rock-cut architecture of introduction of Buddhism in China
C. The caves in this region provided a safe 124. From the point of view of places of Bud-
sanctuary away from foreign invaders dhist pilgrimage/interest, which of the fol-
D. There was a long-standing tradition in lowing is the latest archaeological discov-

this region of royal patronage to rock-cut ery?
architecture A. Discovery and identification of
121. Consider the following statements In the Kapilavastu with Piprahawa, a vi llage i

second Buddhist council held at Vaishali, n Ba sti di strict of Ut tar Pradesh
Buddhism was divided into
B. Sanghol-a Kushana Buddhist site
1. Sthaviravadins
2. Mahasanghikas C. Discovery of a Pillar indicating the ac-
3. Vajrayana tual birth place of the Buddha, at Lumbini

4. Kalachakrayana
Of these statements D. Discovery of the Buddha’s tooth relic at
Bharhut in M.P.
A. 1, 3& 4 are correct
125. Which among the following is the sacred
B. 2, 3& 4 are correct
book of the Buddhists?
C. 1& 2 are correct
A. Tripitaka
D. l, 2, 3& 4 are correct
B. Vedas
122. The Buddhist Sangha was divided into two
sects-the Hinayana and the Mahayana dur- C. Agams

ing the reign of?

D. Upanishad
A. Harsha 126. Which of the following statements is/are

B. Dharampala true regarding Karma Kagyu School?


C. Ashoka 1. It is one of the four main schools of

D. Kanishka Tibetan Buddhism.
2. This school belongs to the Hinayana
123. Which of the following was not one of the
reasons for the popularity of Buddhism in

China? Select the correct answer using the code

given below.
A. The life of purity followed by the im-
migrant Indian Buddhists and their Chi- A. 1 only

nese Disciples attracted the Chinese to Bud-

B. 2 only
C. Both 1 and 2
B. The writing of such people as Mou-tseu
created confidence in the minds of the edu- D. Neither 1 and 2
cated chinese


1. C 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. D 11. D 12. D 13. A 14. A

15. B 16. B 17. C 18. C 19. C 20. C 21. B 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. D 26. A
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27. B 28. B 29. B 30. D 31. B 32. C 33. A 34. B 35. A 36. D 37. A 38. D
39. A 40. B 41. A 42. A 43. B 44. B 45. B 46. D 47. B 48. C 49. C 50. B
51. D 52. B 53. C 54. A 55. B 56. C 57. B 58. C 59. B 60. A 61. D 62. A
63. C 64. B 65. C 66. D 67. C 68. C 69. B 70. C 71. C 72. A 73. A 74. A
75. B 76. B 77. A 78. B 79. C 80. B 81. A 82. A 83. D 84. B 85. C 86. D
87. B 88. A 89. B 90. A 91. B 92. A 93. A 94. C 95. C 96. C 97. A 98. B
99. C 100. D 101. D 102. B 103. D 104. A 105. C 106. D 107. B 108. C 109. D
110. D 111. C 112. C 113. D 114. D 115. B 116. D 117. C 118. B 119. C 120. B
121. C 122. D 123. D 124. B 125. A 126. A

i Sh
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a n
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11. Chola

1. The Chola rulers were generally B. Kulothunga II
A. Worshippers of Kartikeya C. Rajaraja I
D. Kulothunga I
B. Saivites
5. Cholas were known from the time of
C. Worshippers of Mother-goddess
A. Rajendra
D. Vaisnavites

B. Raja-Raja
2. The Chola empire reached its zenith under
C. Parantaka
A. Raja raja
D. Vijayalaya
B. Rajendra Chola II 6. The most important feature of the Chola
C. Rajendra Chola I administration was?

D. Parantakal 1 A. Sabha

3. Chola Empire was divided into: B. The local self Government

A. Mandalams, Nadu, Kurram& Malkhand C. Variams

D. The nagarapalikas
B. Mandalams, Nadu, Kurram& Valanadu 7. Karikala, the Chola king, made a grand
anicut on the Kaveri, the water of which
C. Mandalams, Nadu, Malkhand& Avanti nowadays drawn off through a new chan-
D. Mandalams, Bhoomi, Avanti&Valanadu nel called Vennar. Which of the following
regions of Tamil Nadu does it irrigate?
4. Which one of the following Chola rulers A. West Madurai
had persecuted Ramanuja and ousted him B. South Arcot
from his Kingdom?
C. South Thanjavur
A. Adhirajendra
D. Chingleput
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314 Chapter 11. Chola

8. Which of the following was the lowest unit 12. On the ruins of which one of the follow-
of Chola administration? ing dynasties was the Chola empire estab-
A. Mandalam lished?

B. Kurram A. Chalukyas of Venge

C. Kottam B. Pallavas of Kanchi

D. Valanadu C. Pandyas of Madurai

9. Which of the following is/are matched D. Chalukyas of Kalyani

13. Which chola ruler completed the conquest
1. Narsimhavarman II - Kailashnatha of Sri Lanka?
temple at Kanchi. A. Rajendra I
2. Nandivarman - Vaikunlh Perumal tem-

ple at Kanchi. B. Parantaka I
3. Mahendravarman I- Brihadeswara C. Raja Raja I
temple at Thanjauvr. D. Vijayalaya I
4. Rajaraja Chola - Rathas of Maha-
14. The chief feature of the temples constructed

by the Cholas was their
A. 2 and 3
A. Gopurams or gateways
B. 1 and 4
B. Vimanas or Towers
C. 1, 2 and 3
C. Assembly-halls for the devotees
D. 3 and 4
D. Massive pillars
10. Which of the following statements are true
about Rajendra Chola I? 15. Consider the following statements about Su-
1. He assured the title of Gangaikon-
dachola after his victory over the 1. The Sufism were critical of the dog-

Gangetic valley. matic definitions and scholastic meth-

2. He conquered the islands of Andaman ods of interpreting the Quran and

and Nicobar. Sunna (traditions of the prophet)

3. He commemorated his victories by adopted by the theologianc.

constructing temples. 2. The Sufis sought an interpretation of

4. He is regarded as the real founder of the Quran on the basis of their per-
the Chola empire. sonal experience.
Which of the above statements are correct? Which of the statement(s) given above is/are

A. 1 and 2
A. Only 1
B. 3 and 4
B. Only 2

C. 1, 2 and 3
C. Both 1 and 2
D. 1, 2 and 4
11. Which of the following represents the town D. Neither 1 nor 2
inhabited by merchants and traders in Chola 16. Scholar officials in Iron age of China were
period? known as
A. Nagaram A. Philosophers
B. Nadu B. Students
C. Sabha C. Officers
D. Ur D. Mandarins
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17. Chola power was based on all of the follow- 1. Elections constituted an essential part
ing EXCEPT: of the local administration.
A. control of maritime trade. 2. Big towns had their own independent
institutions known as Tar - Kurrams.
B. its large army. 3. Elections were held within the presists
C. scientific advances. of the local temples.
4. Very little autonomy was given to the
D. control of the Deccan plateau.
local institutions.
18. An example of Chola architecture cab be
seen at A. 1 and 3

A. Ellora B. 1, 2 and 3

B. Tanjore C. 2 and 4

C. Mahabalipuram D. 1 and 2

24. The ‘Razmanama’ which was compiled by
D. Kanchipuram
several Persian scholars was a translation
19. Chola rulers were followers of? of
A. Vaishnavism A. Rigveda
B. Shaktism eR B. Panchatantra
C. Shaivism
C. Mahabharata
D. Jainism
D. Ramayana
20. What was the name of the Chola king
25. An Important character of the Chola empire
who made conquests in Sumatra and Malay
A. Conquered the whole of cyclon
A. Vira Rajendra I
B. Trade with S. E. Asia
B. Rajaraja I

C. Rajadhiraja I C. Elected monarchs

D. Rajendra I D. Local self-government

21. In 1901 the State Census Manual of 26. During the reign of which ruler was Sri
recorded Sree Narayana as a revered "Guru" Lanka lost to the Cholas
and an erudite Sanskrit scholar. A. Rajendra I

A. Travancore, B. Rajendra III


B. Kottayam C. Kullotunga
C. Cochi, D. Rajendra II
D. Malabar, 27. Which of the following Bhakti Cult
22. The number of provinces or mandalams in preached under the Pallavas, Pandyas and
the Chola Empire was Cholas?
A. ten A. Saivaite Nayanmars
B. twelve B. Vashnavaite Alwars
C. six C. Both A& B
D. eight D. Advaita
23. Which of the following are true with regard 28. Which one of the following was a temple
to the Chola administration of Cholas? built by the Chola Kings?
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316 Chapter 11. Chola

A. Brihadiswara Temple, Tanjavur 34. Which was the main seaport of Cholas
B. Meenakshi Temple, Madurai A. Korkai
C. Srirangam Temple, Thiruchirapalli B. Muzaris
D. Durga Temple, Aihole C. Vanchi
29. Find out the wrongly matched one/ones
D. Kaveripattanam
1. Lytton-Lee Commission
35. It is said that in Chola territory, watered
2. Mayo-Scholarship scheme
by Kaveri, the space in which an elephant
3. Ripon-Repeal of Vernacular Press Act

could lie down produced enough to feed
4. Canning-Queen Victoria’s Proclama-
seven persons. What does this statement
A. 2, 3, 4

A. There was a large agricultural surplus
B. 1 and 2
B. The lands were very fertile with enough
C. 4 only irrigation facilities
D. 2 and 4 C. The economy was mainly agricultural

30. In the Chola kingdom, a very large village
D. The elephants were rated very highly
administered as a single unit was called:
among the domesticated animals
A. Nadu
36. Which among the following was not the
B. Kurram cause of continuous war between Cholas
C. Kottram and Chalukyas of Kalyan?

D. All the above A. The geo-political factors

31. Which of the following is true about Chola B. The economic factors
C. Rivalry between the Chalukyas of

A. Four fold varna system was absent Kalyan and Chalukyas of Vengi
B. Untouchability existed D. Rivalry to capture south India’s foreign

C. Slavery was Prevalent trade with China and South-eastern Asia.


D. All of the above 37. Evidence regarding Chola paintings has

been found at
32. Aryabhatta believed to have been born in
the 5th century AD, was a most renowned A. Kanchipuram
scholar of
B. Thanjaur

A. Biology
C. Puhar
B. Medicine
D. Uraiyur

C. Astronomy
38. Who built the Brihadeshwara temple at Gan-
D. Physiology gai kondacholapuram
33. The Cholas, the Pandyas, the Kealaputras
A. Raja-Raja Chola
and the Satyaputras are mentioned as his
neighboring powers by Ashoka in B. Rajendra Chola
A. Rock Edict II C. Vijayalaya
B. Minor Rock Edicts D. None of the above
C. Pillar Edict VII 39. Who said that “the Chola artists conceived
like grants and finished like jewellers.?”
D. Rock Edict XIII
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A. Pujarti 45. Which one of the following temples does

not belong to the Cholas?
B. Furguson
A. Airavateshwar
C. Percy Brawn
B. Koranganatha
D. Dr. A. K. Mathas
C. Kailashanatha
40. The Chola administrative system the Sabha
was D. Brihadishwara
46. The Chola ruler who wrested tondaiman-
A. The village court of justice
dalam from the Rashtrakutas was
B. An assembly of adult men in agraharas
A. Parantaka I
C. A Committee of People from all castes
B. Kulottunga I
D. A Committee of nattars C. Sundrachola

41. Which, among the following Scholarly
D. Raja Raja I
works, was not written by Bhavbhuti?
47. Who was the ‘Mandala mudali’ in the Chola
A. Venisamhara administrative set up?
B. Maltimadhava A. Head of Judiciary
C. Uttar Ramcharita
D. Mahaveercharita
42. Which of the following pairs of dynasties
eR B. District head
C. Provincial governor
D. Intelligence head
and cognomens used by them is/are cor- 48. Consider the following statements about the
rectly matched? temples built by cholas -
1. Cholas: Rajkesari and Parakesari 1. The earliest chola temple dating from
2. Pandyas: Satyavakya and Nitimarga 10th century is the one at Dadapuram
3. Western Gangas: Marvarman and in South Arcot.
Chadaiyavarman 2. The huge chola temples of Tanjore

and Gangaikonda - Cholapuram are

A. 2 and 3
marked by their lofty towers.
B. l and 3 3. The later chola temples have mighty
C. 1 only gopurans or gateways

D. 2 only Which of the above is/are correct?


43. Brihadeeshwara Temple which was built by A. 1 and 2


Raja Raja Chola I is dedicated to? B. 2 and 3

A. Vishnu C. 1, 2 and 3
B. Shiva D. None
49. An enormous Nandi, the second largest in
C. Brahma
India is a feature of which Chola temple?
D. None of the above
A. Nataraja temple at Chidambaram
44. During whose regime did Albaruni, a
scholar of Central Asia visited India? B. Gangaikonda cholapuram temple
C. Raja Rajeswara temple at Tanjore
A. Mahmud Ghaznavi
D. Lepakshi temple
B. Iltutmish
50. Which one of the following assemblies pro-
C. Mohammed Ghori tected the interests of traders under the
D. Qutub-ud-din Aibak Chola administration?
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318 Chapter 11. Chola

A. Perunguri A. Bimbisara
B. Kuri B. Ariean
C. Mahasabha C. Amarsimba
D. Nagaram D. None of these
51. Which one of the following was the primary 56. Consider the following statements
assembly in the Chola village administra- 1. Naval expeditions of Rajaraja I oc-
tion? cupied parts of Burma, Malaya and

A. Ur
2. Rajendra I conquered Ceylon.
B. Mahasabha
3. The Cholas held northern Ceylon un-
C. Sabha til they were expelled by Vijayababu

D. Nadu I.
4. The Cholas fell in the 13th century
52. There was an administrative unit under the
when their territory was shared by the
Cholas named Kurram. What did it sig-
Hoysalas and Pandyas.

Which of the above statements is/ are cor-
A. A province rect?
B. A district A. 4 only
C. A group of villages B. 3 and 4
D. A village C. 1, 2 and 3
53. Which one of the following statements is
D. 2, 3 and 4
not correct about the members of the vari-
ous bodies responsible for Chola local self- 57. The chola who launched and expedition into
government? Bengal upto the Ganga river was,
A. Kulottanga I

A. No person convicted for theft could be-

come a member B. Rajendra I

B. They were elected by voting C. Raja Raja I

C. They were chosen by lot D. Rajendra III

D. They must fulfil certain conditions to 58. Which noted scholar wrote Vikramankade-
become members vacharita?
54. Arrange the following into sequential or- A. Kalidas

der and select the correct answer using the

B. Kalhan
codes given below.
C. Jaydeva
1. Rajaraja Chola I

2. Aditya Chola D. Bilhana

3. Rajendra Chola 59. Under Cholas village administration the
4. Parantaka Chola I land revenue was collected by
A. 1, 2, 4, 3 A. Ur
B. 2, 1, 3, 4 B. Mahasabha
C. 1, 2, 3, 4 C. A Special Dal
D. 2, 4, 1, 3 D. Uparika
55. Who is the Sanskrit Scholar in the court of 60. The Sabha during the Chola period com-
Chandragupta prised of
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A. Brahmana C. Sudras
D. All of these
B. Village Elders


1. B 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. C 11. A 12. B 13. A 14. B

15. C 16. D 17. C 18. B 19. C 20. D 21. A 22. D 23. B 24. C 25. D 26. A
27. C 28. A 29. B 30. C 31. D 32. C 33. A 34. D 35. B 36. D 37. B 38. A
39. B 40. B 41. A 42. B 43. B 44. A 45. C 46. A 47. C 48. A 49. C 50. D
51. A 52. C 53. B 54. D 55. C 56. D 57. B 58. D 59. C 60. B

i Sh
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12. Chandragupta

1. Arrange the following Gupta emperors in C. Seleucus
the chronological order
D. Shylak
1. Samudragupta 4. Chandragupta II fought war with the
2. Chandragupta-I
3. Skandagupta A. Kushans
4. Chandragupta-II B. Huns

Select the correct answer from the code C. Sakas

given below:
D. Parthians
A. 4 3 1 2 5. Kings Queens
B. 2 1 4 3 1. Chandragupta-I Kumaradevi
2. Samudragupta Dattadevi

C. 1 2 3 4
3. Chandragupta-II Dhruvadevi

D. 3214 4. Kumargupta-I Kuberanaga

2. Chandragupta Maurya’s empire extended in Select the correct answer from the codes
the north -west upto given below:
A. Indus A. 1, 2 and 3
B. Ravi B. 2 and 3
C. Sutlej C. 1, 2 and 4
D. Hindukush D. 2 and 4
3. ’Indica’a reliable source for the history of 6. Chandragupta Maurya spent his last days
Chandragupta Maurya was written by. at
A. Megasthanes A. Ujjain
B. Plutarch B. Nalanda
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322 Chapter 12. Chandragupta

C. Sravanabelagola A. 1 only
D. Patna B. 2 only
7. Which one of the following statements C. Both 1 and 2
about Chandragupta II is not correct?
D. Neither 1 nor 2
A. Kalidas and Amarsingh were famous 12. Which one of the statements is controver-
scholars in his court sial in the context of the treaty of 303 B.C.
B. He expanded his empire both through between Chandragupta and Seleucus?

matrimonial alliances and conquests A. Seleucus surrendered his large territo-
C. He married a Naga princess, named Ku- ries to Chandragupta
bera Naga B. Seleucus gave his daughter in marriage

D. He married his daughter Prabhawati to to Chandragupta
an Ahom prince C. Megasthenes was sent as a Greek envoy
8. Which Gupta ruler repaired the Sudarshana to the court of Chandragupta
lake constructed by Chandragupta Mau- D. Chandragupta made a gift of 500 ele-

rya? phants to Seleucus
A. Kumaragupta I 13. Who among the following classical writ-
B. Samudragupta ers said that Chandragupta Maurya overran
the whole of India with an army of six lac
C. Bhangupta soldiers?
D. Sakandagupta A. Pliny
9. Chandragupta figures prominently in a work B. Ptolemy
C. Plutarch
A. Bhasa

D. Herodotus
B. Bhavabhuti
14. At which among the following places,

C. Visakhadatta Chandragupta Maurya spent his last days?


D. Asvaghosa A. Ujjain
10. The official credited with the construction B. Nalanda
of the Sudarshana lake in Saurashtra during
C. Kashi
the reign of Chandragupta Maurya was

D. Shravana Belgola
A. Yavanaraga Tusaspha
15. regarding the history of Indian rock-cut
B. Parnadatta architecture, consider the following state-

C. Pallava suviakha ments:

D. Vaisya Pushya Gupta 1. The caves at Badami are the oldest
surviving rock-cut caves in India.
11. regarding Chandragupta I, consider the fol-
2. The Barabar rock-cut caves were orig-
lowing statement-
inally made for Ajivikas by Emperor
1. He married a Licchavi princess and as- Chandragupta Maurya.
cended the throne in about 320 A.D. 3. At Ellora, caves were made for differ-
2. Chandragupta I ruled over Saketa, ent faiths.
Prayag, and Magadha. Which of the statements given above is/are
Which of the above is/are correct? correct?
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A. 1, 2 and 3 19. The governor under Chandragupta Maurya

who constructed the Sudarshana Lake is?
B. 1 only
A. Parnadatta
C. 3 only
D. 2 and 3 only B. Tusaspa

16. Which of the following is regarded to be a C. Pushagupta

controversial part of the treaty of 303 (BC) D. Chakrapalita
between Chandragupta and Seleucus?
20. Arrange in Chronological order
A. A Greek envoy (Megasthenes) was ac- 1. Harshavardhana
credited to the Mauryan court at Pataliputra 2. Chandragupta Vikramaditya
3. Samudragupta
B. Seleucus surrendered his large territo- 4. Chandragupta Maurya

ries to Chandragupta A. 3, 4, 2, 1
C. Chandragupta made a gift of 500 ele- B. 4, 3, 2, 1
phants to Seleucus
C. 4, 2, 1, 3
D. Seleucus gave his daughter in marriage
to Chandragupta D. 1, 2, 4, 3
17. Who identified ‘Sandra Kottus’ of the
Greco-Roman literature with Chandragupta
21. The Monk whom Chandragupta Maurya ac-
companied to South India was
A. Asvaghosa
A. William Jones B. Bhadrabahu
B. Alexander Cunningham C. Vasumitra
C. R. P. Chanda D. Upagupta
D. D. R. Bhandarkar 22. Which of the following text refers Chan-

18. Chandragupta Maurya overthrew the power dragupta Maurya as ‘Vrishal’?

of Nandas at A. Indica
A. Sravana Belgola B. Mahavai
B. Magadha C. Mudrarakshasa
C. Taxila D. Arthashastra

D. Ujjain


1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. D 11. C 12. B 13. C 14. B

15. D 16. D 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. B 21. B 22. C
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13. Muslim League

1. In 1906 the All India Muslim League was 4. Which of the following reason compel the
founded under the leadership of the leaders of Muslim League to enter in the
A. Aga Khan Interim Government?
B. Nawab of Dhaka A. The Congress accepted their demand
that it would not nominate a non-Muslim
C. Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk League Muslim to the Interim Government.

D. All the above

2. Arrange the following in chronological B. The Viceroy accepted its stand that it
order- would not join the Constituent Assembly.
I. Surat split C. The Viceroy had accepted its stand that
II. Partition of Bengal it would not take steps to rescind the League

III. Foundation of Muslim League Council’s resolution of July 29.

IV. Congress session drafts its constitu-

tion D. The Muslim League wanted to get a

foothold to fight for the cherished goal of
A. II, III, I, IV Pakistan.
B. IV, II, III, I 5. In the beginning the political activities of
C. II, IV, III, I the Muslim League were directed against
D. III, II, I, IV A. The British Government
3. Direct Action Day was observed by Muslim B. The landlords and the zamindars
League on
C. The Hindus and the Indian National
A. 18th August 1946 Congress
B. 17th August 1946 D. The liberal socio-religious reformers
C. 15th August 1946 6. The Muslim League advocated a separate
D. 16th August 1946 Muslim State?
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326 Chapter 13. Muslim League

A. During the Khilafat Movement 11. Who among the following was not one of
the founding fathers of the All India Muslim
B. At the Lahore Session of 1940
C. In 1930, when it opposed the Civil Dis-
A. Aga Khan
obedience Movement
B. Nawab Moshin-ul-Mulk
D. At its birth in 1906
7. Put the following events in chronological C. Maulana Abul KalamAzad
order and choose your answer with the help D. Nawab Salimullah of Dacca
of given codes:

12. Statement I Annie Besant worked together
1. Formation of an interim government. with the Congress and the Muslim League
2. The arrival of the Cabinet Mission. during the Home Rule Movement. State-
3. Muslim League Launches Direct Ac- ment II Annie Besant felt that this was nec-

tion. essary to get the support of the masses for
4. Jinnah’s Wrecking of the Shimla Con- the Home Rule Movement.
A. Both the statements are true and State-
A. 1, 2, 4, 3

ment II is the correct explanation of State-
B. 4, 2, 3, 1 ment I

C. 4, 2, 1, 3 B. Both the statements are true, but State-

ment II is not the correct explanation of
D. 2, 4, 3, 1
Statment I
8. Who was elected as the permanent Presi-
C. Statement I is true, but Statement II is
dent of the Muslim League in 1908?
A. Nawab Salimullah
D. Statement II is false, but Statement II is
B. Aga Khan true

C. Syed Amir Ali 13. The Constituent Assembly of India was

chosen on the basis of the provincial elec-
D. Syed Ahmad Khan
tions of 1946. With the withdrawal of the

9. Write the correct chronological order of the Muslim League from the Constituent As-
following :

sembly, it turned out that majority of the

1. Foundation of Swaraj Party assembly members were also members of
2. Jallianwalla Bagh Tragedy the Congress. Under that circumstance,
3. Congress-Muslim League Pact how was the Constituent Assembly given a
4. Chauri-Chaura incident broader social basis?

A. 2, 3, 1, 4 A. By nominating independent members

from various minority groups
B. 3, 2, 1, 4

B. By nominating independent members

C. 2, 3, 4, 1
of different castes, religious groups and
D. 3, 2, 4, 1 women and also by taking in representa-
10. Under whose leadership was the all India tives of the princely states and asking for
Muslim League set up? written submission from the public at large

A. Mohammed Ali Jinnah C. By nominating independent members

from various caste and religious groups
B. Sayyid Ahmed Khan
D. By taking in representatives of the
C. Aga Khan princely states and asking for written sub-
D. All of the above mission from the public at large
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14. The Muslim League passed a resolution de- 16. In which of the following Sessions of Mus-
manding the partition of India in the lim League Two- Nation Theory was pro-
session held in 1940. pounded?
A. Lahore A. Bombay Session, 1915

B. Allahabad B. Calcutta Session, 1917

C. Delhi Session, 1918
C. Karachi
D. Lahore Session, 1940
D. Dacca
17. During which of the following period the
15. Consider the following statements regard- Congress had best of relationship with the
ing communalism. Muslim League?
1. The rivalry for jobs, trade and industry A. 1916 - 1922

between the two communities resulted B. 1922 - 1928
in the spread of communalism.
2. Modern political consciousness C. 1928 - 1934
emerged late in Muslim community D. 1906 - 1916
3. The activities of Muslim League and 18. Which of the following Muslim Leaders
Hindu Mahasabha. eR was not one of the founding fathers of the
Which of the above statements is/are true? All India Muslim League?

A. 1 and 2 A. Maulana Abul KalamAzad

B. Aga Khan
B. 1 and 3
C. Nawab Salimullah of Dacca
C. 2 and 3
D. Nawab Moshin-ul-Mulk
D. All the above


1. D 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. B 9. D 10. C 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. A

15. D 16. D 17. A 18. A
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14. Sangam Age

1. Monuments (Hero stones) for the dead C. Both A and B
soldiers bearing their names, which were D. The tree was symbolic dynastic growth
erected and worshiped during the Sangam
4. The term ‘Variyam’ during the Sangam Age
Age, were known as:
signified the:
A. Nadukul
A. Unit of revenue yielding territory
B. Virakkal

B. Managing committee of the village as-

C. Both A and B semblies
D. Mahavirakkal C. Officer-in-charge collecting the land rev-
2. The richest and biggest land-owning class enue
during the Sangam Age were: D. Revenue-free villages granted to Brah-

A. Nayaks manas

5. Which of the following was not one of the

B. Brahmanas
methods of disposal of the dead practiced
C. Ulavar in the Sangam Age?
D. Velas A. Urn burial
3. During the Sangam Age a tutelary tree B. Cremation
called Kadimaram or Kavalmaram was
C. Simple burial
planted by the rulers at a central place in
the town and they took great care to protect D. Giving watery grave to the dead
the tree because: 6. The provinces during the Sangam Age were
A. It was believed that the tree had power known as Mandalams and Mandalams were
to protect the town further subdivided into:

B. The destruction of the tree was symbolic A. Kottam

of the defeat of the ruler B. Nadu
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330 Chapter 14. Sangam Age

C. Ur C. Kural or Tirukural
D. Kurram D. Silappadikaram
7. Which of the following was not one of the 12. The word ‘Sangam’ is associated in Tamil
popular beliefs and customs prevalent dur- history with:
ing the Sangam Age? A. The literature produced during the reign
A. Rites were performed to avert the mis- of the great Pallava dynasty of Kanchi
chief of demons B. The poems written in praise of the
B. There was much faith in omens and as- Pandyan kings of the early Christian era

C. A woman with dishevelled hair was a C. The court poetry of Chola kings who
bad omen were famous for patronizing artists

D. A college or assembly (literary
D. Eclipses were believed to be the result
academy) of Tamil scholars held under
of Rahu and Ketu eating up the sun and the
the royal patronage of Pandyan kings at

8. A good contemporary account of the trade
13. Which of the following was not one of the
between the Tamil States of the Sangam
popular deities of the Sangam Age?
Age and Greece and Rome has been given
in : A. Indra and Murugan
A. The Sangam work Pattinapalai B. Ganesha

B. Periplus of the Erythrean Sea C. Krishna and Balaram

C. Das Wurfelspiel in alten Indien D. Siva and Vishnu

14. Sangam age literature is in language
D. Ptolemy’s Geography
A. Hindi
9. Sangam literature formed a very important

source for the reconstruction of the history B. Kannada

of South India. It was written in C. Tamil

A. Malayalam D. Telugu

B. Tamil 15. Which of the following dynasties were con-

stantly at war with the Chaeras during the
C. Telugu
later Sangam Age?
D. Kannada A. Chola

10. Which of the following institutions did not

B. Pandaya
exist during the Sangam Age?
C. Ikshvaku
A. Ritualistic marriage

D. Pallava
B. Slavery
16. The most favourite God of the Tamils dur-
C. Courtesans ing the Sangam Age was:
D. Sati A. Indra
11. Which of the following works provides a B. Murugan
beautiful account of Madurai during the
C. Varuna
Sangam Age?
D. Tirumal
A. Pattupattu
17. During the Sangam age the northern bound-
B. Manimekalai ary of the Tamil country extended upto
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A. Vengadam 22. Which of the following non-Aryan social

beliefs has been continuing in Tamil Nadu
B. Kudoor
since the Sangam Age?
C. Yerragudi
A. Children wearing an ornament on which
D. Kanchipuram the five weapons of Tirumala are punched
18. In the Sangam age, Uraiyur was important B. Wearing of Tali by bride or married
for woman
A. it’s being a great centre of spice trade. C. Shaving the head of the widows
B. It’s being a great center of indigenous D. Offering a ball of cooked rice to the de-
trade. parted soul
C. It’s being a great center of cotton trade. 23. Which of the following characterized the

D. it’s being a great emporium of foreign Tamil Society of Sangam Age?
trade. 1. Complex caste system.
19. Which of the following statements about 2. Prohibition of intermarriage between
the position of women in the Sangam Age the kings and the villas.
is not correct? 3. Vegetarianism among the Brahmanas.

A. Women were employed as guards to at-

tend on the king in the military camps
eR 4. Gradual Aryanisation. Select the cor-
rect answer using the codes given be-
B. The women performing sati used to earn A. 1 alone
B. 2and3
C. Women do not seem to have owned
property C. 4 alone

D. Higher class women officiated as priests D. l and 2


24. The term Nadukal mentioned in the Sangam

20. Sangam literature is : literature

A. Sanskrit works of Puranic nature deal- A. Means memorial stone

ing with the sanctity of the place where B. Was an item of export in Indo-Roman
there is confluence of rivers in Prayaga trade

B. Classical Sanskrit literature patronised C. Is a reference to a velir chief


by the Guptas
D. Was a tax on nadus
C. Early Tamil literature attributed to the
first three centuries of the Christian Era 25. Which of the following does not testify to
the impact of Aryan culture on the Sangam
D. Pali literature dealing with the history Age?
of the Buddhist Samghas
A. The worship of the forest tree and ani-
21. The Greco-Roman merchants visiting
mal deities
South India during the Sangam Age were
referred to in the Tamil literature as B. Incorporation of Sanskrit ideas into
Sangam literature
A. Ayyavanas
C. The anxiety to connect the local dynas-
B. Yauvanas
ties with the events of Mahabharata
C. Pahalvlas
D. The concept of marriage as a sacrament
D. Yavanas attended with rituals
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332 Chapter 14. Sangam Age

26. Which of the following was not one of the A. Pursued social and ethical values
royal dynasties of the Tamil country during
B. Promoted agriculture and trade
the Sangam Age?
C. Maintained social solidarity
A. Pandya
D. Provided correct, quick and straight jus-
B. Pallava tice
C. Chera 32. The current Tamil designation of the minis-
ters during the Sangam Age was:
D. Chola

A. Mantri
27. Which of the following are correct about
the Sangam or Sangam Literature? B. Surram
A. Sangam was held under royal patronage C. Amatya

at Madurai. D. Amaichchan or Amaichchar
B. The didactic works of Sangam Litera- 33. Which of the following was not one of the
ture are called Kilkanakku ideas of Sanskrit literature incorporated into

Sangam literature?
C. The narrative texts of Sangam Literature
are called Melkannakku A. Uttar-Kuru (northern country) as a land
of perpetual enjoyment
D. None of these
B. The concept of three-fold debt (rina-
28. The spies during the Sangam Age were
traya) of man
known as:
C. Worship of Indra as the principal deity
A. Sanjayans
D. Arundhati as the ideal of chastity
B. Spasas
34. Consider the following statements regard-
C. Orrars ing Sangam age:

D. Dutas 1. Hereditary monarchy was the form of

government during the Sangam period

29. The Goddess Kannagi, whose many tem- 2. Both internal and foreign trade was
ples were erected during the Sangam Age, well organized and briskly carried on

was the Goddess of: in the Sangam Age.

A. Learning Which of the above statements is/are true?
B. Wisdom A. 1 only

C. Prowess B. 2 only
D. Chastity C. Both 1 and 2

30. The last anthology or group of Sangam lit- D. Neither 1 nor 2

erature, known as ‘Ten Idylls’, is : 35. With regards to Sangam age history the
A. Pattupattu terms Kurinji, Mullai, Marudam, Neydal
and Palai refers to:
B. Kural
A. Flowering plants having religious sig-
C. Manimekalai nificance.
D. Tolkappiyam B. Popular mensuration units used.
31. A righteous government to the Sangam C. Popular tamil poetry of the age.
Tamils meant one which:
D. The five-fold division of lands.
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36. At Puhar or Kaveripumpattinam a great fes- 1. The three literary academics of

tival, described vividly by the Sangam Epic, Sangam literature were at Madurai
was held in honour of Lord: 2. The akam genre of Tamil poetics dealt
with the praise of kings.
A. Indra
3. The poems of the Puran genre had
B. Murugan their own tinais and turais.
C. Svamimalai 4. Each akam poem had to follow the na-
tion of turai which had its own deity,
D. Venkateswara biological organisms, subsistence pat-
37. Which of the following statements about tern, musical instruments and songs.
the social structure of the Sangam Age is Which of these statements is/are correct?
not correct?
A. 1 and 3
A. The difference in the status and eco-

nomic conditions was well accepted and B. 2 and 4
rarely challenged by the people C. 1, 2 and 3
B. Sangam literature mentions three regu- D. 3 and 4
lar varnas, namely, Brahmins, Kshatriyas 42. Which of the following products of the
and Vaisyas Sangam Age is considered to be the greatest
C. There were four castes, namely,
Tudiyan, Panan, Paraiyan and Kadamban
D. People were organized in professional
eR monument of ancient Tamil literature?
A. Padienenkilkanakku
B. Tolkappiyam
social groups living apart from one-another
C. Pattupattu
38. In whichlanguage were the Sangam classics D. Ettutogai
written? 43. Which one of the following was not a front
during the Sangam age?
A. Malayalam

A. Uraiyar
B. Tamil
B. Karkai
C. Telugu
C. Arikamedu
D. Kannada
D. Alangulam
39. Sangam is meant for?
44. One of the religious beliefs of the Sangam

A. Assemblies of Tamil Scholars people, which was primitive in nature, was:


B. Ancient name of South India A. Worship of the Gods and Goddess of the
C. Tamil religious literature hill-side
B. Worship of totemic symbols
D. Dynasty of South India
40. Which of the following was not one of the C. Worship of stars and planets
better known agricultural products of the D. Ancestor worship
Sangam Age? 45. The Third Tamil Sangam was held at
A. Turmeric A. Madurai
B. Rice B. Tanjore
C. Sugar-cane C. Kanjeevaram
D. Wheat D. Mahabalipuram
41. Consider the following statements 46. The date of Sangam age is
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334 Chapter 14. Sangam Age

A. 400 A.D. to 500 A.D. 49. During the Sangam Age, war was usually
B. 5th century& 6th century B .C. declared or provoked by:

C. 600AD.to700AD. A. Lifting the cattle of the enemy

D. 300 B.C. B. Cutting the tutelary tree of the enemy

47. Small village Assemblies during the C. Besieging the enemy’s fort
Sangam Age were known as:
D. Crushing the crops of the enemy’s terri-
A. Avai tory under the feet of elephants

B. Manaram 50. The Sangam text Tolkappiyam is a work on
C. Podiyil A. Medicine
D. Ambalam B. Grammar

48. Which of the following is not one of
the sources from which evidence of Indo- C. Music
Roman trade during the Sangam Age is de- D. Astronomy
51. The centre of Sangam literature and the pa-

A. Sangam literature trons of Sangam poets were:
B. The accounts of Chinese and Roman A. The Cheras of Vanji
B. The Cholas of Uraiyur
C. The Roman coins of silver and gold
found on the South Indian coast C. The Pandyas of Madurai

D. Discovery of a Roman hoard at D. All of the above

Arikamedu, near Pondicherry


1. C 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. A 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. B 11. B 12. D 13. B 14. C

15. B 16. B 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. C 21. D 22. B 23. C 24. C 25. A 26. B

27. D 28. C 29. D 30. A 31. D 32. D 33. C 34. C 35. D 36. A 37. B 38. B
39. A 40. D 41. A 42. D 43. A 44. B 45. A 46. A 47. A 48. B 49. A 50. B

51. C
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15. Gupta period

1. Consider the statements regarding Gupta 3. The officer responsible for the safe custody
period. of land records during the Gupta period was
1. The period was characterised by the known as
revivalism of Hinduism A. Shaulkika
2. Jati panchayats got strengthened in
B. Samaharta
this period.

C. Karanika
Which of the above statements is/are not
true? D. Dhruvadhikarana
A. 1 only 4. Gupta ruler revived one of the following
B. 2 only
A. Bhagvatism

C. Both 1 and 2
B. Vedic

D. Neither 1 and 2
C. Jainism
2. Which of the following terms were used to
refer to rural landholders in Eastern India D. Buddhism
during the Gupta period? 5. The medium of exchange in gold during the
Gupta period was known as the
1. Agraharin
2. Kutumbin A. Dinara
3. Mahaltara
B. Karshapana
4. Bhogika
C. Dramma
A. 3, 4
D. Suvarna
B. 1, 2
6. The Gupta period is considered as the
C. 1, 4 ‘Golden Age of India’ which of the follow-
D. 2, 3 ing statement is true regarding this-
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336 Chapter 15. Gupta period

1. The Gupta age was progressive in for- 3. The maintenance of public records
eign trade. was the salient feature of Harsha’s ad-
2. There was peace and prosperity. ministration
3. There was a tremendous development Select the correct answer using the code
in the field of science. given below.
Which of the above is/are correct?
A. 2 and 3 only
A. 1 and 3
B. 1, 2 and 3
B. 2 and 4
C. 1 and 3 only

C. 1, 2 and 3
D. 1 and 2 only
D. All of above 11. The University of Nalanda was set-up by

7. The Gupta ruler who repaired Sudarsana which Gupta ruler?
Lake for the second time
A. Chandragupta II
A. Samudra Gupta
B. Samudragupta
B. Vishnu Gupta
C. Kumaragupta I

C. Rama Gupta
D. Kumaragupta II
D. Skanda Gupta
12. The Gupta gold and silver issues were ini-
8. Consider the following leaders tially based on the coins of the
1. Balwant Rai Mehta A. Romans and Kushanas
2. J. N. Sen Gupta
3. Sardool SinghKaveshar B. Romans and the Saka Kshatrapas
4. SudhakarRao C. Kushanas and Yaudheyas
Who among these were Not the Chief con- D. Kushanas and Saka Kshatrapas
veners of the All India State’s People Con-

13. Who was son of Chandra Gupta II?

ference (AISPC)?
A. VishnuGupta
A. 1, 3and4

B. SkandaGupta
B. 2, 3and4

C. Kumar Gupta
C. 2and3
D. Budha Gupta
D. 1, 2and4
14. The gold coins of Gupta period were called-
9. What was the period of Chandra Gupta

Maurya? 1. Dinara
2. Dramma
A. 320-289 BC
3. Rupaka
B. 314-287 BC 4. Suvarna

C. 310-299 BC Indicate the correct answer from the codes

D. 324-300 BC given below

10. Consider the following statements regard- A. 4 only

ing emperor Harsha’s regime: B. 2, 3
1. When compared to Gupta era, the C. 1, 4
trade and commerce had declined dur-
ing Harsha’s period. D. 1, 2, 3, 4
2. Fourfold varna system was not rigid 15. Who was the founder of the Gupta Dynas-
during his regime. ty?
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A. Maharaja Sri Gupta A. Kotwal

B. Chandragupta B. Gramika and Bhojak
C. Samudragupta C. Uparika
D. Kumaragupta D. Vishaypati
16. Which of the following is not a known rea- 21. The last ruler of Gupta dynasty was
son for the decline of Gupta empire?
A. Srigupta
A. Invasion by Turkish invaders from the
Middle east. B. Kumaragupta

B. Competition from the Vakatakas and the C. Budhagupta

rise of Yashodharman in Malwa. D. Vishnugupta

C. Lose of imperial authority caused by the 22. Who among the following Gupta kings as-
rise of feudal lords. cended the throne in the year 56 of Gupta
D. Invasion by the Huna peoples from Cen-
tral Asia. A. Chandragupta II
17. Which one of the following is not related B. Skandgupta
to the feudal formation in the Gupta and
post-Gupta times.
A. Growth of a class of subject peasantry.
eR C. Samudragupta
D. Kumargupta

B. Localised village economy developed 23. Which Gupta emperor is said to have
with little scope for functioning of the mar- founded Nalanda University?
ket system. A. Buddhagupta
C. Emergence of strong centralised politi- B. Skandagupta
cal authority.

C. Kumaragupta I
D. Emergence of landed intermediaries.
D. Purugupta
18. Which inscription of the Gupta period gives
details regarding the sale of land? 24. Which of the following is the false state-
ment regarding Gupta’s administration?
A. Bhitari pillar inscription
1. The king did not impose any restric-

B. Junagarh inscription tions on the movement of his subjects.


C. Damodarpur copper plate 2. The governors of the provinces were

D. Begram copper plane 3. The lowest unit of administration was
19. Which one among the following cities was the village.
the best producer of silk cloth under Gupta 4. The Gupta kings had direct control
reign? over military.
A. Murshidabad A. 2 and 4
B. Ghazipur B. 1 and 3
C. Varanasi C. 2 only
D. Pataliputra D. 4 only
20. The officers of the village during the Gupta 25. The gold coins during Gupta Period were
period were called
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338 Chapter 15. Gupta period

A. Pana A. Public and personal morality had

reached a very low point
B. Niska
B. The caste system was liberalised
C. Tanka
C. The living standard of the common peo-
D. Rupaka
ple was simple but the town life was glam-
26. During the Gupta age, the caste system was orous and sophisticated
A. Made further rigid D. The system of devadasis was in vogue
B. As usual during this period

32. Chandra Gupta Maura was the follower of?
C. Further liberalised
A. Jainism
D. none of these
B. Hinduism

27. The Gupta king who has the title of ‘Ma-
hendraditya’? C. Aynika
A. Budha Gupta D. Buddhism
B. RamaGupta 33. Which of the following are marked by the

agrarian structure in the Post - Gupta pe-
C. VishnuGupta riod?
D. Kumar Gupta 1. Large-scale grants of land in different
28. In the Gupta administration, who was Pur- parts of India.
pala? 2. Undermining of communal rights over
A. Administrator of capital
3. Subjection of peasants
B. Administrator of conquered territories
A. 1 and 2
C. Administrator of town B. 2 and 3
D. Administrator of village

C. 1, 2 and 3
29. Which one of the following was the official
D. 1 and 3
language of Gupta period?

34. Who among the Gupta emperors in his Bhi-

A. Prakrit tari and Junagarh inscriptions claimed vic-

B. Magadhi tory over the Hunas?

C. Sanskrit A. Skandagupta

D. Pali B. Kumaragupta

30. There are only two known examples of cave C. Narasimhagupta

paintings of the Gupta period in ancient In- D. Bhanugupta
dia. One of these is paintings of Ajanta 35. Which of the following Gupta emperors is

caves. Where is the other surviving exam- represented on his coins as playing the flute
ple of Gupta paintings? or Veena?
A. Lomas Rishi cave A. Chandragupta II
B. Nasik caves B. Samudragupta
C. Ellora caves C. Chandragupta I
D. Bagh caves D. Skandagupta
31. Which of the following statements is false 36. Which of the following was an important
with regard to the social conditions in the port of the eastern coast during the Gupta
Gupta period? period?
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A. Sopara A. Naradsmriti
B. Kalyan B. Manusmriti
C. Tamralipti C. Develsmriti
D. Broach D. Arthashatra
37. The silver coins of the Gupta period were 43. The court poet of Samudra Gupta was
known as? A. Veerasena
A. Satamana B. Mahasena
B. Karshapana C. Harisena
C. Dinar D. Ravikeerthi
D. Rupyaka 44. The Gupta emperor who undertook South-

em Campgian was:
38. Which Gupta ruler had led a campaign
to the south and was an expert ‘Veena’ A. Samudra Gupta
player? B. Vishnu Gupta
A. Chandra Gupta Vikramaditya C. Chandra Gupta
B. Skanda Gupta
C. Samudragupta
D. Chandra Gupta I
eR D. Skanda Gupta
45. Who started Gupta Era?
A. Chandragupta II
39. The Gupta king who was good player of B. SkandaGupta
Veena? C. Chandragupta I
A. Chandra Gupta D. SamudraGupta
B. Vikramaditya 46. Kumara Gupta I was succeeded by

C. Samudra Gupta A. Samundra Gupta

D. Kumara Gupta B. Budha Gupta
40. Among the precious stones, the most exten- C. Chandra Gupta II
sive foreign trade during the Gupta age was
D. Skanda Gupta
that of
47. Which of the following literary works did

A. pearl not belong to the Gupta period?


B. sapphire A. Charaka Samhita

C. diamonds B. Mrichhakatikam
D. ruby C. Amarakosa
41. Gupta Empire declined in the fifth century D. Abhigyanashakuntalam
AD as a consequence of 48. Majority of the Gupta emperors patronised
A. Chalukya raids A. Buddhism
B. Greek invasion B. Vaishnavism
C. Hun invasion C. Shaivism
D. Pallava raids D. Jainism
42. Which is the rich source of information 49. Which book is considered as the Gupta
about Gupta age? equivalent of Kautilya’s Arthasastra?
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340 Chapter 15. Gupta period

A. Malavikagnimitra 55. Which new route was added for foreign

trade during Gupta period?
B. Nitisara
A. Overland route to North Russia
C. Amarakosa
D. Mudrarakshasa B. Overseas route to South Africa

50. In the Gupta inscription who has been C. Overseas route to Alexandria
called “Lichchhavi Dauhitra”? D. Overland route to China
A. Chandragupta I 56. The book Navanitakam of the Gupta period

B. Skandgupta belongs to

C. Samudragupta A. Agriculture

D. Chandragupta II B. Astronamy
51. During the Gupta Empire, the term C. Medicine
“UPARIKARA” was used for D. Administration
A. An extra tax levied on all subjects.

57. The Vengi king who was defeated by Samu-
B. Periodic supplies of fruits, firewood, dra Gupta
flowers etc. A. Hastivarma
C. It was a voluntary offering by people to B. Gunaga Vijayaditya
the king.
C. Danarnava
D. King’s customary share of the produc-
tion normally amounting to 1/6th of the pro- D. Vimaladitya
duction. 58. Gupta Era was started in
52. Chandra Gupta Maura defeated Nandas
A. 320 A. D.
with the help of?

B. 340 A. D.
A. Aswaghosa

C. 330 A. D.
B. Harisena
D. 350 A. D.

C. Jayasimha
59. Gupta kings ruled North India for a period
D. Chanakya
53. The brain trust of Chandra Gupta Maurya
A. 430

A. Megasthanes B. 330

B. Kautilya C. 230

C. Fahien D. 130
60. Which Gupta emperor has been called
D. Nandagopala
54. During whose reign did the Hunas start pos-
ing a threat to the Gupta empire? A. Chandragupta I

A. Skandagupta B. Samudragupta

B. Bhanugupta C. Shrigupta

C. Kumaragupta I D. Chandragupta II

D. Vishnugupta 61. The Gupta king who destroyed Sakas?

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A. Chandra Gupta II A. Skandagupta

B. SamudraGupta B. Kumaragupta I
C. Kumar Gupta C. Chandragupta II
D. Chandragupta I D. None Of these
62. The Gupta feudatories who became strong 64. Who amongst the rulers of southern India
and independent in Gujarat were known as were the contemporaries of kings of the
A. Yaudheyas Gupta empire?
B. Vardhanas A. Satavahanas
C. Vakatakas B. Rashtrakutas
D. Maitrakas C. Cholas

63. Who was the last great ruler of Gupta dy- D. Vakatakas


1. D 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. D 7. D 8. B 9. D 10. C 11. C 12. D 13. C 14. C

15. B 16. A 17. C 18. C
27. D 28. B 29. A 30. D
39. C 40. B 41. C 42. A
19. A
31. A
43. C
20. B 21. D 22. A 23. C
32. A 33. C 34. A 35. B
44. A 45. C 46. D 47. B
24. D
36. C
48. B
25. D
37. D
49. B
26. C
38. D
50. C
51. A 52. D 53. B 54. C 55. D 56. C 57. A 58. A 59. B 60. A 61. A 62. D
63. A 64. A
i Sh
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a n
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16. Rig Vedic period

1. Like the Vedic Aryans the custom of sacri- 5. Who among the following artisan classes
ficial fire was also followed by the ancient were entitled to wear the sacred thread in
A. Romans the Vedic period?
B. Greeks A. Blacksmiths

C. Iranians B. Goldsmiths
C. Chariot-makers

D. All the above

2. The language of the Vedic period was: D. Weavers
A. Sanskrit. 6. The term ‘nishka’ which meant an orna-
ment in the Vedic period was used in later
B. Tamil. times to denote a/an-
C. Hindi.

A. Coin
D. Dravidian.

B. Weapon
3. In Rig Vedic period, the most important
C. Agricultural implement
functionary after the king was
D. Script
A. Senani
7. Which of the following was not one of the
B. Purohita distinguished tribes of the later Vedic pe-
C. Law Officer riod?’
D. Tax Collector A. Kurus
4. Vedic term ‘Sita’ denoted B. Videhas
A. Battle field C. Bharatas
B. Paddy field D. Panchalas
C. Ploughed field 8. There was no regular tax from land in the
early Vedic period, because
D. None of these
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344 Chapter 16. Rig Vedic period

A. The expenditure of the government was 14. Which book of the later Vedic age divides
low the country into five parts?
B. The people were not settled permanently A. Atharva Veda
in one locality
B. Isa Upanishad
C. The people were not accustomed to pay-
ing land tax C. Aitreya Brahmana

D. The king was not considered as the pro- D. Satapatha Brahmana

prietor of the land 15. The conceusces among historians that the

9. The river Chenab was known during the vedic age began earliest in
Vedic period by the name : A. 1000 BC.
A. Parushni

B. 1200-1000 B.C.
B. Askini
C. 2500-800 B.C.
C. Vitasta
D. 2500 B.C.
D. Shutudri
16. Consider the following statements regard-

10. Vedic Math was highly developed and had ing Rig Vedic era:
the knowledge of an important theorem
1. Tax collected in the form of coins was
A. Pythagoras theorem the major source of income for the
B. Algebra monarch.
2. The king used to maintain a standing
C. Arithmetic
army to protect his kingdom.
D. Tables
Which of the above statements is/are true?
11. In post Vedic period, the republics were
known as A. 1 only

A. Jana B. 2 only
B. Sabha C. Both 1 and 2

C. Ur D. Neither 1 nor 2

D. Samiti 17. The word “Godhume” used in the vedic pe-

12. Which work provider detail information riod denoted
about political, social and family life in later A. Rice
vedic period?
B. Wheat

A. Upanishads
C. Cereals
B. Brahman
D. None of these
C. Atharvana veda

18. During the early Vedic period, the society

D. All the three mentioned was based on
13. Which of the following statements regard-
A. Religion
ing Vedic woman is not correct?
A. Woman attended assemblies B. Occupation

B. Woman participated in sacrifices C. Birth

C. Woman was allowed to have Vedic edu- D. Wealth

cation 19. Codes of conduct of the Vedic Society are
D. The family was matriarchal laid down in
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A. Puranas A. 1 and 2
B. Vedas B. 3 and 4
C. Smritis C. 2 and 3
D. Brahmanas D. All of these
20. An inscription of 1400 B.C. which de- 25. Which of the following statements about
scribes the Vedic Gods was found in Asia the system of taxation and revenue admin-
Minor at istration in the Later Vedic period is not
A. Boghaz-Koi
A. Settled life, and stable agriculture led to
B. Hitti
the production of surplus which could be
C. Euphratide collected by the king in the form of taxes

D. Cilicia B. The king received regular contributions
21. Which of the following was the center of from the people in the shape of Bali and
Aryan activity in the later Vedic period? shulka

A. From the Yamuna to the western border C. One-sixth of the produce of the land was
of Bengal payable to the king

B. The Aryavarta
C. The Punjab and Delhi region
eR D. An official called bhagadugha collected
the royal share of the produce
26. concerning the early Vedic age, consider
D. Uttarapatha the following statements:
22. Who among the following Vedic deities 1. In Rig Veda, there are 20 mandalas of
bears resemblance with Avestan God ‘Ahur- which book I to X are the oldest and
mazda’? relate to early Vedic Age.
A. Varuna 2. The total numbers of hymns is 1028.
3. Book VIII of Rigveda ascribed to Kan-

B. Vishnu vas and Angirases.

C. Indra 4. Samaveda, Yajurveda and Athar-
vaveda are composed during the early
D. Rudra vedic age.
23. The tax which the kings used to collect from Which of the above is/are correct

the people in the Vedic period was called

A. 2, 3 and 4

A. Varman
B. 2 and 3
B. Kara
C. 1 and 4
C. Vidatha
D. 1, 2 and 3
D. Bali
27. With regard to the position of woman dur-
24. Regarding women in the Vedic period, ing the Vedic age, which one of the follow-
which of the following are correct? ing statements is not true?
1. They were allowed to study A. Women enjoyed an honorable position
2. They held good positions
3. They did not practice Purdah system B. The birth of the girl was looked down
4. They attended Sabha and Samiti upon during the early Vedic period

Which of the given above statements are C. Women took part in religious delibera-
correct? tion during the early Vedic period
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346 Chapter 16. Rig Vedic period

D. The practice of ‘Sati’ was unknown dur- 32. Which of the following statements about
ing the early Vedic period the administrative system of the Early Vedic
28. With which of the following vedic sacrifices period is not correct?
was the drink of Sura associated? A. Forts and strongholds were under pura-
A. Sautramani
B. The king was assisted by a number of
B. Agnistoma functionaries of whom the two most impor-
C. Rajasuya tant were purohita and the senani

D. Vajapeya C. To provide organization in society
29. Which of the following descriptions of the D. Gramani was the head of the village
Later Vedic officials is not correct? only for civic purposes

33. The river most mentioned in early Vedic
A. Kshttri-Chamberlain
literature is?
B. Akshavapa-Superintendent of gambling A. Ganga
B. Sarasvati

C. Adhikari-Suuperintendent of Police
C. Sindhu
D. Bhagadugha-Collector of taxes
D. Sutudri
30. Consider the following statement (s) related 34. The theory of the origin of the state not
to the social impact of Bhakti Movement in mentioned in the Vedic literature is
Indian Society.
A. The divine theory
I. The Bhakti movement was a de-
votional transformation of medieval B. The force theory
Hindu society, wherein Vedic rituals C. The evolutionary theory
or alternatively ascetic monk-like a
D. The contract theory

lifestyle for moksha gave way to an in-

dividualistic loving relationship with 35. Consider the following statements regard-
ing sabha and samiti:

a personally defined god.

II. Bhakti movement provided women 1. Sabha performed judicial functions,

and members of the Shudra and un- which the Samiti did not.
touchable communities an inclusive 2. During early Vedic times women were
path to spiritual salvation. allowed to take part in Sabhas.
Which is/are a correct statement (s)? Which of the above statements is/are true?

A. Only I A. 1 only

B. Only II B. 2 only

C. Both 1 and 2
C. Both I& II
D. Neither 1 nor 2
D. Neither I nor II
36. Which of the following characteristic(s) de-
31. The religion of early Vedic Aryans was pri- scribes the nature of religion according to
marily of the Rig Veda?
A. worship of nature and Yajnas 1. Rig Vedic religion can be described a
naturalistic polytheism.
B. image worship and Yajnas
2. There are striking similarities between
C. worship of nature and Bhakti the Rig Vedic religion and the ideas in
the Iranian Avesta.
D. Bhakti
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3. Vedic sacrifices were conducted in the 41. The “Dharma” and “Rita” depict a central
house of the priest who was called ya- idea of the ancient Vedic civilization of In-
jaman. dia. In this context, consider the following
4. Vedic sacrifices were of two kind - statements:
those conducted by the household and 1. Dharma was a conception of obliga-
those that required rituals specialists. tions and the discharge of one’s duties
Select the correct answer using the code to oneself and others.
given below: 2. Rita was the fundamental moral law
A. 1, 2, 3 and 4 governing the functioning of the uni-
verse and all it contained.
B. 3 only
Which of the statements given above is/are
C. 1, 2 and 4 only correct?
D. 1 and 2 only

A. 1 only
37. The Vedic Aryans did not worship
B. 2 only
A. Maruta
C. Both 1 and 2
B. Agni
C. Kartikeya D. Neither 1 nor 2

D. Indra
38. Who among the following was worshipped
during Early Vedic Civilization?
42. The term used to refer to barren land in the
Vedic text is
A. Kulya
A. Varuna B. Vraja
B. Indra C. Suyavas
C. Surya D. Khiva
D. All the above 43. What was the main difference between the

39. In the Vedic age, who was the head of Indus Valley Civilization and Vedic Civi-
“Grama”? lization?
A. Kulapa A. Indus Valley Civilization was urban,
B. Gopati while the Vedic Civilization was rural.
C. Gramini B. “Pipal” tree was worshiped in Indus Val-

ley Civilization, while “Burgad” tree was

D. Vispati

worshiped in Vedic Civilization.

40. Which of the following was not one of the
reasons for the gradual weakening of the C. The main emphasis in Indus Valley Civ-
tribal assemblies in the Later Vedic Period? ilization was on trade while in the Vedic
Age was on religion.
A. Increase in the royal power
D. Indus Valley Civilization believed in
B. In large territorial states ordinary peo-
non-violence while Vedic Civilization had
ple could not travel long distances to attend
no hard and fast rules about violence.
their meetings
44. Which of the following are reasons for the
C. The assemblies acquired an aristocratic
identification of the reflected in the later
character which took away most of their
Vedic texts with the painted grey ware cul-
ture? Select the correct answer
D. They also surrendered some of their ac-
1. Material culture of the two corre-
tivities to the new officials called ratnins
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348 Chapter 16. Rig Vedic period

2. Geographical distribution of the two 46. The staple food of the Vedic Aryan was
A. vegetables and fruits
3. Chronological span of the two corre-
sponds B. milk and its products
4. Both evolved locally C. rice and pulses
A. 2,3 and 4 D. Barley and rice
B. 1, 2, and 4 47. During the later Vedic age the centre of
C. 1, 2, and 3 Aryan civilization was

D. 1,3 and 4 A. The territory between the rivers
45. Which of the following statements are true Saraswati& Ganga
about the Social life of Rig Vedic Aryans? B. Maharashtra

1. Family was patriarchal and was the C. Afghanistan
joint family type.
D. Rajasthan
2. Women had access to education but
not free to choose a partner. 48. Nilalohita, a type of earthenware mentioned

in the Vedic texts, may be identified with
Select the correct answer using the codes
are given below A. Redware
A. 1 only B. Painted grey ware
B. 2 only C. Northern Black polished ware
C. Both 1 and 2 D. Black& Redware
D. None of these

1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. A 11. A 12. C 13. D 14. C

15. A 16. D 17. B 18. B 19. C 20. A 21. D 22. C 23. D 24. D 25. C 26. B
27. B 28. A 29. B 30. C 31. A 32. D 33. C 34. C 35. C 36. A 37. C 38. D

39. C 40. A 41. C 42. A 43. A 44. D 45. A 46. B 47. A 48. B
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17. Battle and war

1. Give the location of the decisive battle of D. I& III
the second Anglo- Sikh war? 3. The Battle of Buxar fought between
A. Ramnagar
A. Akbar II, the Nawab of Bengal and the
B. Gujarat Marathas
C. Buddewal B. The English, the Nawab of Bengal and

the French
D. Chilianwala
2. Consider the following statement (s) related C. Akbar II, the Nawab of Bengal and
to the Bengal Politics during 18th-century Nawab of Oudh

I. Bengal Nawab was captured and put D. Mir Kasim, the Nawab of Bengal,
to death by Mir Jafar in the Battle of Nawab of Oudh and Shah Alam II, The

Plassey, 1757. Mughal Emperor


II. After Mir Qasim, Nizam-ud-daula 4. Mahabharata war took place in

was made the Nawab of Bengal.
III. The same person acted as deputy De- A. 1200 BC
wan on behalf of the East Indian Com- B. 900 BC
pany and as Deputy Subedar on behalf
C. 1000 BC
of the Bengal Nawab.
IV. In 1767, British Government ordered D. 500 AD
the East India Company to pay£400, 5. At the battle of Biddera the English crushed
000 per year. the power of
Which of these statements is/are correct?
A. Portuguese
B. French
C. Danes
C. I& II
D. Dutch
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350 Chapter 17. Battle and war

6. This site was granted to French East-India A. His neutrality was violated
Company in 1674 by Shaista Khan, a gover- B. The English had abused him
nor under the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb,
During the Seven Years” War (1756-63) this C. The English had conspired against him
town was captured (1757) by the John Com- D. None of the above
pany but later (1763) restored to the French. 11. Sudas, the victor of the battle of Ten kings
Recaptured by the English in 1778, after belonged to the tribe of the
the outbreak of the American war of In-
dependence (1776-84) it was restored to A. Bharatas

the French by the Treaty of Pairs ‘1785). B. Anus
Wrested again by the British in 1793, on
C. Sivis
the outbreak of the revolutionary wars in
Europe, it was finally restored to the French D. Druhyus

in I15 and remained part of their overseas 12. Between whom was the Battle of Khanwa
empire until its transfer to the Indian repub- (1527) fought?
lic in 1951”. The reference here is to A. Ibrahim Lodi and Rana Sanga
A. Chandernagore

B. Humayun and Sher Khan
B. Pondicherry C. Humayun and Nusrat Shah
C. Karaikkal D. Babar and Rana Sanga
13. When was the second Anglo-Mysore War
D. Mahe
7. Porus was defeated by Alexander at the bat-
A. 1784-88
tle of
B. 1780-84
A. Hydaspes
C. 1788-89
B. Herat

D. 1770-74
C. Arbela 14. Which of the following war decided the En-

D. Kabul glish as the ultimate rulers of India?

8. Which is known as 18 days of Battle A. Third Battle of Panipat

A. Battle of Kurukshetra B. Battle of Buxar

C. Revolt of 1857
B. Battle of Hidaspus
D. First battle of Mysore
C. Battle of Paniput

15. The second Tarian war took place in

D. None of these
A. 1192 A.D.
9. Throughout the late 1970s and early 1980s,
B. 1199 A.D.

Afghanistan was at war with

C. 1198 A.D.
A. the Soviet Union.
D. 1193 A.D.
B. Iran. 16. The Ashokan inscription which gives an ac-
C. Pakistan. count of the Kalinga war and its effects is

D. China. A. Minor Rock Edict IV

10. Haider Ali declared war on English, thereby B. Minor Rock Edict XIII
starting the second Anglo-Mysore war on C. Minor Rock Edict III
the ground that
D. Girnar Rock Edict
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17. The Kalinga War conquered by Ashoka is A. Jan. 1824

described in?
B. October 1764
A. Rock Edict I
C. October 1754
B. Pillar Edict VII
D. Sept. 1564
C. Rock Edict V
23. V.D. Savarkar published his book the ‘In-
D. Rock Edict XIII dian War of Independence’ in London in
18. Who said, “The Congress is in reality a civil A. 1907
war without arms”?
B. 1909
A. W. Digby
C. 1908
B. W. Wedderburn
D. 1910

C. D.W. Bethune
24. Who led the Maratha forces in the 3rd Bat-
D. Lord Dufferin tle of Panipat in 1761?
19. What was/ were the cause(s) of war of suc- A. Sadashiva Rao
cession between the son of Shah Jahan?
eR B. Vishwanath Rao
A. Removal of Mir Mumla, a confident of
C. Dattaji Scindia
Aurangzeb, from the office of wazir
D. Madhava Rao
B. Unfounded rumor of Shah Jaha’s death
and the succession of Dara Shikoh to the 25. Consider the following statement(s) related
throne. to Mughal’s decline.
C. Shah Jahan’s special affection for Dara I. Mughal’s noble were well known for
Shikoh, leading to the rivalry between Dara their loyalty but a war of successor
Shikoh and Aurangzeb. degenerated the nobility led to the de-

cline of Mughal.
D. Both B and C II. Mughal Empire declined due to
20. During the Second World War Churchill over decentralization of administra-
replaced as Prime Minister of Eng- tion. Which statement (s) is/are cor-
land. rect?
A. Attlee A. Only I

B. Chamberlain B. Only II
C. Asquith C. Both I and II
D. Disraeli D. Neither I and II
21. Who among the following was not a party 26. ‘The Battle of Ten Kings’ was fought on
to the coalition that fought against the En- the land
glish in the Battle of Buxar?
A. Both the sides of Yamuna
A. Mir Jafar
B. The land between 3anga& Yamuna
B. Mir Kasim
C. Eastern Uttar Pradesh
C. Shuja-ud-daulah
D. Punjab
D. Shah Alam II 27. The War of Independence of 1857 failed
22. When was the battle of Buxar fought? because
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352 Chapter 17. Battle and war

A. The revolution was not well-organized 1. Treaty of Amritsar

2. Fourth Anglo-Mysore War
B. It was not supported by public
3. Treaty of Lahore
C. There were differences of opinions 4. East India Company’s alliance with
D. All of these Mewar.
28. Who was the author of the Book, the Indian A. 4, 1, 3, 2
War of Independence, 1857? B. 2, 1, 4, 3
A. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan C. 3, 4, 2, 1

B. R.N. Majumdar D. 1, 2, 3, 4
C. V.D. Savarkar 34. Which one of the following statements re-
lated to the Boston Tea Party on December

D. R.S Sharma 16, 1773 during the American War of Inde-
29. The Battle of Wandiwash was fought be- pendence is correct?
A. The revolutionaries stealthily entered
A. The Nizam of Hyderabad and the into the ships and threw all the chests of

French tea into the water
B. The Nawab of Carnatic and the English B. The revolutionaries hosted a Tea Party
in the honour of Charles Townshend, the
C. The English and the French
British Chancellor of the Exchequer in or-
D. The English and Hyder Ali der to place their grievances before him
30. In which year of Asoka’s coronation did the C. It marked a celebration when Lord
Kalinga war take place? North, the successor of Townshend, re-
A. Thirteenth pealed some of the duties imposed by Town-
B. Fifth

D. It was a protest against the Quebec Act

C. Eighth 35. The Seven Years’ War (1756-1763) resulted

D. First in the defeat of the forces.

31. In 1576, the Mughal army fought the battle A. British,

of Haldighati with B. Russian

A. Maharana Pratap C. French,
B. Man Singh D. American,

C. Udai Singh 36. Arrange the following battles of the Mughal

period in chronological order
D. Prithvi Raj Chauhan
1. Battle of Ghagara
32. Who resigned as Defense minister in wake

2. Battle of Kanauj
of India-China war in 1962?
3. Battle of Chausa
A. Swaran singh 4. Battle of Khanwa
B. VK Krishna Menon Select the answer from the codes given be-
C. YB Chawan
A. 4, 1, 3, 2
D. Badev singh
B. 4, 3, 1, 2
33. Find out the correct chronological order of
the following events from the code given C. 4, 2, 3, 1
below- D. 4, 1, 2, 3
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37. Consider the following statement (s) related C. Akbar and Hemu
to the provision of the Treaty of Seringapat- D. Babur and Ibrahim Lodi
nam, signed between Tipu and Cornwallis
41. The main effect of the American War of
I. Surrender of almost half of Tipu’s Independence was
territories, which were to be shared
A. capitalism
among the English, the Nizam and the
Marathas. B. socialism
II. Payment of a war indemnity of about C. democracy
Rs.3 crore by Tipu
D. establishment of a republic
III. Stationing of British resident at
Seringapatnam 42. Who called the 1857 revolt “a planned war
IV. Sending two of his sons by Tipu as of National Independence”?
hostages to the British camp. A. Benjamin Disraeli

Select the correct answer using the codes B. V.D. Savarkar
given below:
C. S.N. Sen
A. I, II& IV
D. Sir John Seeley
B. I, III& IV 43. The writer of “Indian War of Independence,
D. I& II
38. In the Battle of Wandiwash, the English de-
eR 1857” is
A. S.N. Sen
B. V.D. Savarkar
feated? C. S.B. Chaudhary
A. The Dutch D. R.C Majumdar
B. The French 44. Aurangzeb came to power after winning the
war of succession and by defeating his three
C. The Portuguese

D. None of these
A. Shuja
39. Consider the following statements: Hemu,
B. Dara
who was defeated at the Second Battle of
Panipat by Akbar’s army, was a C. Askari
1. minister and general of Adil Shah D. Murad
2. trader or Baniya by birth 45. Consider the following statements:

3. governor of Agra

1. A war of succession started among the

4. general of Sikandar Shah four sons of the Emperor Shahjahan
Which of the above statement (s) is/are cor- in 1657 A.D.
rect? 2. There was no codified Law of Succes-
A. 1 alone sion for the Mughal dynasty.
Which of the statements given above is/are
B. 2 and 4
C. 1, 2 and 3
A. 1 only
D. 1 and 2
B. 2 only
40. The battle of Chausa is fought between
C. Both 1 and 2
whom among the following?
D. Neither 1 nor 2
A. Balban and Mangols
46. Who among the following were the allies of
B. Sher Shah and Humayun Mir Qasim in the battle of Buxar in 1764?
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354 Chapter 17. Battle and war

A. Shah Alam II and Muhammad Ali Select the correct answer using the codes
are given below
B. Shuja-ud-Daulah and Shah Alam II
C. Shuja-ud-Daulah and Muhammad Ali A. 1 only

D. Muzaffar Jung and Muhammad Khan B. 2 only

Bangash C. Both 1 and 2
47. Which one among the following pairs of D. Neither 1 nor 2
battle is correctly matched?
51. Indian war of Independence 1857 was writ-

A. The 2nd battle of Tarain: Defeat of Jaic- ten by
hand of Kannauj by Muhammad Ghori
A. S. B. Choudhuri
B. The first battle of Panipat: Defeat of

Sikander Lodi by Babur B. V.D.Savarkar
C. The battle of Chausa: Defeat of Hu- C. R. C. Majurndar
mayun by SherShah D. S.N.Sen
D. The battle of Khanwa: Defeat of Rana 52. During the Second World War the British

Pratap by Akbar forces were defeated at
48. In fourth Anglo Mysore war (1799), Tipu
A. London
was defeated and killed, who of the follow-
ing did not get share in tipu’s territories? B. Liverpool
A. The English C. Paris
B. The Marathas D. Dunkirk
C. The Nizam 53. In which of the following battles with the
D. None of the above Sikhs did the Partisans of the holy war
suffer a terrible defeat in which Sayyaid

49. Among other nations it is usual, in the con- Ahamed lost his life?
tests of war to ravage the soil; among In-

dians, the tillers of soil, even when battle A. The Battle of Amritsar
is raging in their neighbourhood, are undis- B. The Battle of Attack

turbed by any sense of danger and remain

unmolested. This statement was made by C. The Battle of Charsadda

A. Huien Tsang D. The Battle of Balakot

B. Herodotus 54. Tipu was defeated in the Anglo-Maratha

war by the British.

C. Fa Hien
A. Fourth
D. Megasthenese

50. Why victory of Bengal in Battle of Plassey B. First,

was important to British? C. Second,
1. It raised their prestige immensely and D. Third,
presented them as a strong contender
in India. 55. What is the correct sequence of the follow-
2. Bengal was one of the richest ing events?
provinces sat that time and it helped 1. Third Maratha war
British to amass huge wealth from 2. Third Battle of Panipat
its exploitation and maintain a large 3. Third Mysore War
army. 4. Third Burmese War
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A. 2-4-3-1 A. Maharaja Ganga Singh

B. 3-1-2-4 B. Maharaja Fateh Singh
C. 3-4-2-1 C. Maharaja Sumer Singh
D. 2-1-3-4 D. Maharaja Jai Singh
56. At the Battle of Hastings in 1066, William 62. Which of the following statements about
of Normandy conquered Fourth Anglo- Mysore War are correct?
1. The Madras Council suggested a pol-
A. Italy.
icy of rigorous and intense attack on
B. Jerusalem. Mysore.
C. Germany. 2. Lord Wellesley tried to revive the
triple alliance.
D. England. 3. Tipu sent emissaries to Arabia, Ver-

57. Which two Europeans were involved in the sailles, Mauritius and Kabul enlisting
Battle of Wandiwash in 1760? support against the English.
A. Dutch and British 4. The war was of a very short duration
though decisive.
B. Portuguese and British
Select the correct answer using the codes
C. French and British
D. Portuguese and Spanish
58. In the third battle of Panipat Marathas were
eR given below
A. 2 and 4
B. 2, 3 and 4
defeated by
C. 1 and 3
A. Afghans
D. 1, 3 and 4
B. Rohillas 63. In the war of succession who had supported
C. Mughals Aurangzeb?
D. Britishers A. Jintunisha

59. What was the significance of the Battle of B. Jahanara

Tours in 732? C. Roshanara
A. Muslims gained control of Spain D. Zebunisha
B. Charlemagne converted many Muslims 64. The year of Battle of Plassey.

to Christianity A. 1750 june 13


C. It stopped the Muslim advance into Eu- B. 1756 June 13

C. 1758 June 16
D. Charles Martel became King of France
D. 1757 June 13
60. When did Babu Kunwar Singh fight his last 65. Between whom was the Battle of Chausa
battle against the British? fought?
A. September 1857 A. Bahadur Shah of Gujarat and Humayun
B. February 1858
C. November 1857 B. Jehangir and Rana Amar Singh
D. April 1858 C. Akbar and Rana Pratap
61. Who among the following was awarded the D. Humayun and Sher Khan
China Medal for taking part in China war 66. The edicts of Ashoka which reveal his inner
of 1900? sorrow on account of war and violence are:
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356 Chapter 17. Battle and war

A. Shahbazgarhi and Sopara A. Only 1

B. Maski and Bhabra B. Only 2
C. Dhauli and Jaugada C. Both 1 and 2
D. Mansehra and Girnar D. Neither 1 nor 2
67. Consider the following statements
68. Who was the priest of the Bharatas in the
1. Battle of Buxar provided the key to battle of Ten Kings?
the English to establish their rule in
India. A. Atri

2. The Treaty of Allahabad, concluded B. Vasishtha
in 1765, enabled the British to estab-
lish their rule in Bengal. C. Visvamitra

Which of the statements given above is/are D. Bhrigu


1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. A 10. B 11. A 12. D 13. B 14. B
15. A 16. B 17. D 18. A 19. D 20. B 21. A 22. B 23. B 24. A 25. A 26. B
27. D 28. C 29. C 30. C 31. A 32. B 33. B 34. A 35. C 36. A 37. C 38. B
39. D 40. B 41. D 42. B 43. B 44. C 45. C 46. B 47. C 48. B 49. A 50. C
51. B 52. D 53. D 54. D 55. D 56. A 57. C 58. A 59. C 60. D 61. A 62. B
63. C 64. B 65. D 66. C 67. C 68. B
a n
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18. Society

1. Who among the following exposed evils of A. Sriharsa
the contemporary society by his satirical
B. Ksemendra
C. Pravarsena
A. Vishakhadatta
D. Visakhadutta
B. Kshemendra
5. The historical reason for Sufi saints isolat-

C. Kalhana
ing themselves from society was that:
D. Banabhatta
A. Their mystical doctrine of union with
2. Ancient Indian society was God through love was regarded as heretical
and attacked by orthodox Islam.
A. Matriarchal
B. They preached escapism and worldly

B. Patriarcha1

C. Narrow
C. They found a congenial atmosphere for
D. Rigid naurturing their ideas in India, away from
3. The Mesopotamian society was divided social surroundings.
into D. Their views were unacceptable to the
A. Four groups general masses.

B. Three groups 6. a judge of the Supreme Court founded the

Asiatic society of Bengal in 1784 A.D.
C. Six groups
A. Raja Ram Mohan Roy,
D. Five groups
B. Lord Macaulay
4. Who among the following authors is known
for his satires exposing the evils of contem- C. Warren Hastings,
porary society? D. Sir William Jones,
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358 Chapter 18. Society

7. Swami Vivekananda’s contribution to soci- C. An agricultural society dominated by

ety and educating masses is through follow- warriors.
ing ways: D. A society made up largely of nomads
I. Condemned caste system and current and merchants.
rituals and superstitions 12. Ulama and qadis were important in Islamic
II. Criticized for having lost touch with society because they
rest of world and for becoming stag-
nant and mummified A. Developed public policies and heard
III. Subscribed to Vedanta which he con- cases in accordance with the Quran and the

sidered fully rational system sharia.

A. Only I B. Were learned priests in the roles of mag-

istrates and judges

B. Only II
C. Was part of the military arm of Islam,
C. Only III responsible for its expansion?
D. All the above D. None of the above
8. Sathya Shodak Samaj also called truth seek- 13. Which of these factors did NOT shape the

ers society was started by which of the fol- evolution of society in Western Europe dur-
lowing reformers? ing the early medieval period?
A. Jyotiba Phule A. Roman heritage
B. Dayananda Saraswathi B. Roman Catholic Church
C. Gopal Krishna Gokhale C. Eastern Orthodox Church
D. Shiv Narain Agnihotri D. Customs of barbarian tribes
9. Who among the following recognized im- 14. In palaeolithic society all men and women
portant role played by women in family and were
society in his preaching’s?

A. treated as of equal importance

A. Saint Ravidas
B. men were higher status than women

B. Saint Tukaram
C. women were higher status than men

C. Guru Nanak
D. none
D. Saint Gyaneshwar
15. Theosophical society was started by whom
10. The Red Crescent Society was concerned and where initially?

A. Mahatma Gandhi in South Africa

A. Revolutionary activities in Punjab
B. A.O Hume in India
B. Providing medical help to the Turkish
troops in the Balkan War C. M.G Ranade in India

C. Getting a separate state for Muslims D. Blavatsky and Olcott in united states
even through blood shed 16. The central feature of Indian society during
800 to 1200 A.D. was?
D. Communists
11. The nature of the society into which the A. Egalitarianism
prophet Muhammad was born was B. Liberalism
A. An urban-based culture with small man- C. Republic
D. Feudalism
B. A strictly disciplined military society. 17. Annie Besant was
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1. responsible for starting the Home A. Their caste names referred directly to
Rule Movement their profession or work
2. the founder of the Theosophical Soci-
B. They accepted the position of social os-
3. once the President of the Indian Na-
tional Congress C. They lived together with their families
outside the towns
Select the correct statement/statements us-
ing the codes given below? D. They were not allowed to perform any
A. 2 and 3 only
21. Which of the following were the ideas pop-
B. 1, 2 and 3
ularized through theosophical society
C. 1 and 3 only I. Doctrine of transmigration of souls

D. 1 only II. Universal brotherhood of man
III. Reincarnation and Karma, and drew
18. Consider the following statement (s) with inspiration from philosophy of Up-
reference to the reformers& leaders of In- anishads and Samkhya, yoga and
dia’s Struggle for Independence Vedanta school
I. Raja Ram Mohan Roy established the eR IV. Against foreign rule
“Calcutta Unitarian Committee".
A. Only III
II. Social Service League was estab-
lished by Mahadeo Govind Ranade. B. Only I and III
III. Deccan Education Society was C. I, II and III
founded by Gopal Krishna Gokhale.
IV. Annie Besant started the Central D. All the following
Hindu School. 22. Find out the contributions of Bhakti Move-
Which of the following statement(s) is/are ment in India:

I. Surge in vernacular Literature

A. II& III II. Development of Philosophies
III. Devotional transformation of society
B. III Only and Inclusiveness
C. I& IV IV. New forms of Worship
A. I, II,& IV

D. I, II& IV

19. The transformation of the ancient Indian B. I, II, III& IV

Society into Medieval society was brought C. Both I& IV
about mainly by-
D. Only IV
A. the increase in the religious activities
23. Who among the following founded Theo-
B. the system of land-grants sophical Society in USA?
C. the decline in the position of upper caste A. Tilak and Gokhale
B. A. O. Hume
D. the decrease in surplus food production
C. Dr. Annie Besant
20. The lowest order in the social scale of Mau-
ryan society was not a slave but the outcaste. D. Madam Blavatsky and Olcott
Which of the following statements about the 24. ‘Abinava Bharat’ a secret society of revolu-
outcastes is not correct? tionaries was organised by:
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360 Chapter 18. Society

A. V.D. Savarkar C. Both the above statement

B. Khudiram Bose D. Reorganization of Indian society on ra-
C. Prafulla Chaki tional principles
29. Who among the following is the head of
D. Bhagat Singh
Theosophical society in India
25. The French society was divided into
A. Madan Mohan Malaviya
A. four groups
B. Did not come to India
B. two groups

C. Annie Besant
C. Three groups
D. Blavatsky
D. one group
30. Consider the following statement (s) related

26. Feudal society was characterized by
to the Vallabhacharya:
A. A hierarchical system of relationships
I. His doctrine came to be known as
and obligations.
“Pushti Marga” for his successors laid
B. The absence of hostility between neigh- stress on the physical side of Kr-

boring fiefs. ishna’s sports.
C. Increasing consolidation of power by II. He is the founder of the International
Frankish kings. Society for Krishna Consciousness or
ISKCON, commonly called the “Hare
D. The rule of a strong government. Krishnas”
27. Consider the following statements: Select the correct statement (s)
I. The theosophical society preached the
A. Only I
Aryan philosophy and religion
II. It laid great emphasis on the Vedas B. Only II
and Upanishad. C. Both I& II

III. It considered Hinduism to be the best

religion and the only means to attain D. Neither I nor II

salvation. 31. The Theosophical Society was founded in

IV. It called for universal brotherhood. the U.S.A. by

V. The Upanishads revealed the essence

A. A. O. Hume
of life.
Which among the above stated is/ are not B. Madam Blavatsky and Olcott
correct? C. Tilak and Gokhale

A. I and III. D. Dr. Annie Besant

B. II, II AND V 32. The theosophical society was marked by
the close understanding of the cosmos and

C. Only III.
the mundane life. Which among the listed
D. I, III AND V options is not a part of their curriculum?
28. The Servants of Indian Society started by
A. Divinity.
Gopal Krishna Gokhale was set up with
which of the following objectives? B. Mystic superstition.
A. Prepare masses for selfless cause of C. Salvation.
country and devote their lives if needed D. Means of enlightenment.
B. Train national missionaries for the ser- 33. Who was leader of a society popularly
vice of country known as RED SHIRTS?
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A. Muzaffar ahmed C. Mohd. ali jinnah

D. Maulana Abul kalam azad
B. Khan abdul ghaffar khan


1. A 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. B 11. A 12. D 13. A 14. A

15. D 16. B 17. C 18. C 19. B 20. D 21. C 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. C 26. A
27. C 28. C 29. C 30. A 31. B 32. B 33. B

i Sh
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a n
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19. Established

1. Who established an independent Rashtraku- C. Prithviraj
tas dynasty? D. Siyaka II
A. Danti-durg 5. Which of the following Indian cities was
B. Prithviraja NOT established by the British?

C. Rajendra Chola A. Delhi


D. None of these B. Madras

2. Bait-al-Hikmah was established by C. Calcutta
A. Babar D. Bombay
6. The concept of ‘Gotra’ become established
B. Akber
in which period?

C. Harun al-Rashid
A. Rig Vedic age

D. None of these
B. Later Vedic age
3. The monk who established strict rules for
monastic life was named C. Pre Mauryan Period

A. Gregory. D. Mauryan period

7. The Civil services in India was established
B. Patrick.
C. Charlemagne. A. Lord Rippon
D. Benedict. B. Lord Dalhousie
4. Who established independent Paramara dy-
C. Lord William Bentick
D. LordCornwallis
A. Vishaladeva
8. Haider Ali established his authority over the
B. Rajasekara Mysore state by overthrowing
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364 Chapter 19. Established

A. Krishna Raj 13. The Gandhara School of Art had been es-
tablished in India.
B. Kaviraja
A. Southern
C. Nanjaraj
B. North-eastern
D. Devraj
9. Consider the following statements: C. Central

1. The term Swaraj means self-rule, self- D. North-western

government 14. The British established their trading centre

2. Swaraj Party was established by Moti- in the following order
lal Nehru and C.R. Das.
A. Surat, Madras, Calcutta, Bombay
3. Lahore session of the Congress de-

mand for Poorna Swaraj (Complete B. Surat, Calcutta, Bombay, Madras
Independence) in its resolution on 26
C. Madras, Calcutta, Bombay, Surat
January, 1930.
D. Calcutta, Madras, Surat, Bombay
Which of the statements given above is/are
correct? 15. In 1857 Bombay Calcutta and Uni-

versity established
A. 2 only
A. Lahor
B. only 1 and 2
B. Karachi
C. 1, 2 and 3
C. Madras
D. 1 only
D. Delhi
10. Akbar established Ibadat Khana at
16. Who established Prarthana Samaj?
A. Delhi
A. David Hare
B. Lahore

B. Ishwar Chandra Vidya Sagar

C. Agra
C. Athmaram Panduranga with the help of

D. Fatehpur Sikri
Keshav Chandra Sen
11. The bill to cancel the exemption given to the

European community from the jurisdiction D. Derozio

of the Magistrates and the Criminal Courts 17. What was NOT a problem facing the British
established by the East-India Company was East India Co. as it fought to establish a
proposed in base in India?

A. 1861 A. fighting the French

B. 1879 B. Hindu opposition

C. 1882 C. dealing with Mughal rulers

D. 1849 D. civil unrest
12. Vikramshila University was established 18. In October 1943, Subhash Chandra Bose
by? established the Arzee Humimati Hind at
A. Narayanapal A. Japan
B. Mahipal B. Singapore
C. Dharmapal C. Germany
D. Devapal D. Rangoon
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19. Consider the following statements and iden- A. 1 and 2 only

tify the person referred to therein with the
B. 1 and 3 only
help of the codes given below During his
stay in England, he endeavoured to edu- C. 2 and 3 only
cate the British people about their respon- D. All are correct
sibilities as rulers of India. He delivered
speeches and published articles to support 24. Jaunpur was established by?
his opposition to the unjust and oppres- A. Firoz Shah Tughlaq
sive regime of the British Raj. In 1867,
he helped to establish the East India Asso- B. Balban
ciation of which he became the Honorary C. Mohammed-bin-Tughlaq
D. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
A. Mary Carpenter
25. A modern arsenal was established in 1765

B. Anand Mohan Bose with French assistance at
C. Fierozeshah Mehta A. Bidnur
D. Dadabhai Naoroji B. Sera
20. Who among the Pala rulers established the
eR C. Sunda
University of Vikramsila?
A. Dharmapala D. Dindigul
26. Of the following European nations, only the
B. Devapala
did not attempt to establish trading
C. Narayan Pala centers in India.
D. Mahipala I
A. French
21. Who established Chishti order in India?
B. Dutch
A. Al biruni
C. Italians

B. Moinuddin Chishti
D. Britishers
C. Nizamuddin Aulia
27. In 1922 “Bhil Seva Mandal” was estab-
D. Baba Farid lished by
22. Haidar Ali established a modem arsenal at
A. Jyotiba Phule

A. Arcot
B. Baba Amte

B. Dindigal
C. Amritlal Vitthaldas Thakkar
C. Srirangpattnam
D. Narain Malhar Joshi
D. Mysore
28. In collaboration with Dravid hare and
23. Which of the following statements are cor-
Alexander Duff, who of the following es-
rect about Mahajanapadas?
tablished Hindu College at Calcutta?
1. Bali was land tax, and Bhaga was pro-
A. Raja Rammohan Roy
duce tax.
2. Anirudha and Munda were kings of B. Henry Louis Vivian Derozio
Haryanka dynasty.
C. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
3. Nanda dynasty was established by
Ugrasena. D. Keshab Chandra Sen
Select the correct answer using the codes 29. When did separate electorate system was
given below established for Muslims?
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366 Chapter 19. Established

A. 1911 36. What made Jahangir to issue a farman in

1613 A.D. to the English to establish a fac-
B. 1909
tory at Surat?
C. 1908
A. Reconciliation between the English and
D. 1910 Portuguese
30. Company Government established Board of
B. A heavy dose of bribe to Nur Jahan
Education at
C. The defeat of Portuguese naval
A. 1891
squadrons by the English

B. 1840
D. A secret offer of naval help to the
C. 1841 Mughal emperor to oust the Portuguese

D. 1899 37. The Paramara ruler who established a uni-
31. Who established the Mughal Dynasty? versity at Dhara?
A. Akbar A. Bhoja
B. Bahadur Shah

B. Mahadeva
C. Babur C. Nagabhatta
D. Humayun
D. Simhavishnu
32. Who established Diwan-i-Mustakharaj?
38. Raja Rammohan Roy’s contribution to edu-
A. Alauddin Khilji cation is:
B. Balban I. Assisted David Hare in setting Hindu
C. Razia Sultana college
II. English school at Calcutta was main-
D. Qutubuddin Aibak tained at his own cost

33. Who established Grant Medical College in III. Established Vedanta College which
Bombay? taught only western social and physi-

A. Agarkar cal sciences

A. Only III

B. Bhau Daji laud

C. Nana Shankar Sheth B. Both II and III
D. Shahu C. Only I and II

34. Depressed Class Mission established in D. All the above

Bombay at
39. The High Courts at Calcutta, Bombay and
A. 1906 Madras to replace the Sadar Courts of Di-

B. 1919 wali and Nizamat were established in the

C. 1921
A. 1865
D. None
35. The Danish established a factory in 1620 at B. 1793

A. Tranquebar C. 1833
B. Pondicherry D. 1831
C. Calicut 40. Which of the following universities was not
established by Lord Dalhousie?
D. Goa
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A. Bombay C. Sen dynasty

B. Madras D. Pala dynasty
C. Delhi 43. The Supreme Court at Calcutta was estab-
lished by
D. Calcutta
A. Charter Act of 1813
41. Who established the ‘Vedanta Society’?
B. Pitt’s India Act of 1784
A. Keshav Chandra Sen
C. Charter Act of 1793
B. Devendra Nath Tagore
D. North’s Regulating Act of 1773
C. Ram Mohan Roy
44. Who established the city of Pattalyputhra?
D. Vivekanand A. Ajatasantru
42. Vikramshila Mahavihar was established by

B. Ajastru
the ruler of
C. Bimbisara
A. Barman dynasty
D. None of these
B. Pushyabhuti dynasty

1. A 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. A

6. B 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. D 11. C 12. C 13. D 14. A

15. C 16. C 17. B 18. D 19. D 20. D 21. B 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. D 26. C
27. C 28. A 29. B 30. B 31. C 32. A 33. B 34. A 35. A 36. C 37. A 38. C
39. A 40. C 41. D 42. D 43. D 44. A
i Sh
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a n
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20. Vijaynagar empire

1. During the reign of which of the following 3. With reference to the Vijaynagar adminis-
did Vijaynagar Empire come into existence tration, consider the following statement :
A. Mohammed-bin-Tughlaq 1. The tradition of village self govern-
ment was discarded.
B. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
2. The kingdom was divided into ra-
C. Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah jyas or mandalams below which nadu,

D. Firoze Shah Tughlaq sthala and grama.

2. Which foreign traveller visited Vijaynagar Which of the above is/are correct?
Empire during 1420? A. 1 only
A. Alhanasius Nikitin B. 2 only
B. Nicolo-de-Conti C. Both 1 and 2

C. Farishta

D. Neither 1 nor 2
D. Abdur Razzaq


1. A 2. B 3. B
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a n
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21. written

1. Who is the writer of ‘Tabqat-i-Akbari’? Which of the above is/are correct?
A. Abul Fazl A. 1 only
B. Khwaja Nizamuddin Ahmad
B. 2 only
C. Badauni C. Both 1 and 2
D. Khwand Mir D. Neither 1 nor 2

2. Panchantra was written by 5. Which of the following books were written

A. Banabhatta by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru?
B. Tulsidas I. Discovery of India
C. Kaladisa II. Outline of History
III. Glimpses of World History

D. Vishnu Sharma IV. A Study of History

3. DARBAR-I-AKBARI was written by?

Select the correct answer using the codes

A. Malik Mohd. Jayasi given below:
B. Abul Fazi A. I& III
C. Muhammad Hussain B. I& IV
D. Amir Khusrau C. II& IV
4. Which of the following are true concerning
Pulakesin II?
6. ‘Bijak’ was written by
1. His brother Kubja-Vishnuvardhana
founded the kingdom of Chalukyas A. Kabir
of Vengi. B. Guru Nanak
2. The Aihole inscription in Sanskrit is
a eulogy written for him by the poet C. Dadu
Ravikirti. D. Chaitanya
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372 Chapter 21. written

7. Which of the following Upnishads is writ- A. Nationalist

ten in prose?
B. Marxist
A. Brihadaranyaka C. Imperialist
B. Isa D. (A)& (B) Both
C. Svetasvatara 14. The well known literature of Iran was writ-
D. Katha ten by

8. Who had written the book “poverty and un- A. Cyrus

British rule in India”? B. Hamurabi
A. S.C Bose C. Ziathustra

B. R.D.Das D. Scylax
C. Dada Bhai Naoroji 15. Which one of the following scripts of an-
cient India was written from right to left?
D. R.N. Dutta
A. Brahmi

9. Nitisara was written by
B. Sharada
A. Kamandaka
C. Nandnagari
B. Sudraka
D. Kharoshti
C. Vajjika
16. Ramayan in Tamil was written by
D. Vishaka Datta
A. Kamban
10. ‘Dipavamsa’ was written in
B. Kulhan
A. Arabic
C. Jayangondur
B. Prakrit

D. Kalladanor
C. Pali 17. Mrichchhakatikam, written by Shudraka

D. Sanskrit deals with

11. The earliest inscriptions were written in 1. The love affair of a rich merchant with

which language? the daughter of a courtesan.

2. The military expedition of Samu-
A. Tamil dragupta.
B. Pali Which of the above is correct?

C. Sanskrit A. 1 only
D. Prakrit B. 2 only

12. Rajatarangini was written by C. Both 1 and 2

A. Devadatta D. Neither 1 nor 2
B. Bharavi 18. Dramas were written in India by 2nd cen-
tury AD by the greatest poets of India
C. Kalhana
A. Kamban
D. Dhandi
B. Kalidasa
13. Which writer (s) blame Gandhiji for par-
alyzing and demoralizing the Non-co- C. Ashvagosha
operation Movement?
D. Bhasa
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19. Al-Qanun - Fil tib was written by; A. Sunga age

A. Ibn-ishq B. Gupta age
B. al- yaqubi C. Mauryan Age

C. Almasudi D. Later vedic period

26. The Surya Siddhanta is written by
D. Ibn Sina
A. Vishnusarma
20. The medieval Indian literary work ’Darbar-
i- Akbari’ was written by B. Visakhadatta
C. Varahamihira
A. Malik Muhammad Jayasi
D. Aryabhata
B. Abul Fazl
27. In which of the following languages the
C. Muhammad Hussain book entitled ‘Hind Swaraj’ was written?

D. Amir Khusrau A. Gujarati
21. Kamasutra was written by B. Urdu
A. Vajjika C. Hindi

B. Kalhana eR D. English
28. Rig Veda is believed by the historians to
C. Vatsyayana have been written when it was
D. Vishakadatta1 A. Beginning of IronAge
22. The Abhidhamma treatise Kathavatthu was B. Bronze Age
written by
C. Copper Age
A. Milinda
D. Stone Age
B. Mah-a kassapa 29. Shakuntalum was written by

C. Mahinda A. Ka1idasa
D. Moggaliputta Tissa B. Kamban
23. Who had written the book “Tuzuk-i- C. Ashvagosha
jahangiri”? D. Bhasa
A. Mulla Daud 30. Who has written about India at the time of

Mahmud’s invasion?

B. Abul fazal
A. Alberuni
C. Abdul Haq
B. Taranath
D. Jahangir
C. Ibnbatuta
24. The contents of Allahabad Pillar inscription
D. Sulaiman
of Samudragupta were written by
31. The biographical memoir of A. O. Hume
A. Virasen was written by .?
B. Harisena A. W. Wederbirn
C. Vishakhadatta B. Lord Dufferin
D. Kalidas C. J. Charles
25. Manu Smriti is standard work written dur- D. None of the above
ing. 32. HUMAYUNAMA was written by?
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374 Chapter 21. written

A. Gulbadan Begum A. Mauryan empire

B. Bairam Khan B. Vijayanagar empire
C. Mirza Kamran C. Mughal empire
D. Humayun D. Kushan empire
33. Who is the writer of ‘Kitab-ur-Rehla’? 39. Who was the writer of Rukmini
Swayamwar Hastamalak, which was com-
A. Khwaja Abdullah Malik Isami prised 764 owees and based on a 14-shlok
Sanskrit hymn with the same name by

B. Amir Timur
C. Ibn-i-Batuta
A. Mirabai
D. Maulana Sharafuddin Ali Yazid

B. Tukaram
34. Ashokan inscriptions of Mansehra and
Shahbazgadhi are written in C. Ramananda
D. Eknath
A. Prakrit-Aramaic language, Brahmi

script 40. The account of the local Administration was
written in
B. Prakrit language, Kharoshthi script
A. Arthashastra
C. Aramaic language, Kharoshthi script
B. Mudrarakshasa
D. Prakrit language, Brahmi script
C. Account of Magasthanese
35. Kaumudi Mahotsava was written by
D. Vishnu Purana
A. Sudraka
41. Who among the following had written a
B. Vajjika play ‘Neel Darpan’ in 1860?

C. Vishaka Dutta A. Sharat Chand Chatopadhya

D. Kamandaka B. Dinbandhu Mitra

36. Brihath Samhita was written by C. Rabindra Nath Tagore


A. Shudraka D. Bankim Chandra Chatterji

B. Vatsyayana 42. The medieval Indian writer who refers to
the discovery of America is :
C. Varahamihira
A. Abul Fazl

D. Aryabhatta
B. Raskhan
37. The historian Sewell has written a book en-
titled ‘A Forgotten Empire’. What was the C. Amir Khusrau

name of empire? D. Malik Muhammad Jayasi

A. Mauryan Empire 43. In which year Mahatma Gandhi’s famour
work HIND SWARAJ written?
B. Mughal Empire
A. 1907
C. Maratha Empire
B. 1909
D. Vijayanagar Empire
C. 1934
38. ‘A Forgotten Empire’, written by the
renowned historian Robert Sewell is about D. 1915
which one of the following empires? 44. Harivamsa Purana was written by
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A. Vishaka Datta 51. Who wrote Futuhat-i-Ferozshahi?

B. Kamandaka A. Utbi
C. Sudraka B. Ibn Batuta
D. Jinasena Suri C. Alberuni
45. Who wrote Charaka Samhitha
D. Firoz Shah Tughlaq
A. Kautiliya 52. Who wrote Gita Govinda
B. Charaka A. Tuka Ram
C. Aryabatta
B. Purandava Das
D. None of these
C. Tulsi Das
46. Who wrote a book ‘Return of the Aryans’?
D. Jayadeva

A. Bhagavan Das Gidvani
53. Who wrote ‘Aryabhattiyam’ Suryasid-
B. L.D. Kalla dhanta’?
C. Avinash Chandra Das A. Baskara
D. D.S. Trivedi B. Varahamihira
47. The Greek historian who wrote about
Alexander’s Indian invasion
A. Socrates
eR C. Brahma Gupta
D. Aryabhatta
54. Who wrote Poverty and UnBritish Rule in
B. Arien
C. Ajastru
A. R.C Datt
D. None of these
B. M.N Roy
48. Who wrote the book called Kitab-i-
Nauras? C. Charlies Wood

A. Ala-ud-din Bahmani D. Dadabai Navaroji

B. Badauni 55. Consider the following statements about Dr
Ram Manohar Lohia
C. Ibrahim Adil Shah II
1. He believed the Satyagraha without
D. Amir Khusro
constructive work is like a sentence

49. Which of the following saint wrote Sri- without a verb.


2. He wrote his PhD thesis paper on

A. Ramanuja the topic of Salt Satyagraha, focusing
on Mahatma Gandhi’s socioeconomic
B. Vallabh
C. Tukaram 3. He recognised that caste, more than
D. Eknath class, was the huge stumbling block
50. Who among the following ladies wrote a to India’s progress.
historical account during the Mughal pe- Which of the statements give above is/are
riod? correct?
A. Noorjahan Begum A. Only 1
B. Gulbadan Begum B. 2 and 3
C. Jahanara Begum C. 1 and 3
D. Zebun-nissah Begum D. All of these
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376 Chapter 21. written

56. Who wrote Arthasasthra A. Vatsyayana

A. Kautiliya B. Bhasa
B. Birbal C. Vishakha Dutta
C. Kambar D. Amar Singh
D. None of these 62. Who wrote the history of Aurangzeb’s reign
in total secrecy because of the emperor’s op-
57. Who wrote the book’ A Gift to monothe- position to it and what was the name of that
ists’? historical work?

A. Mahadev Govind Ranade A. Mirza Muhammad Kazim’s Alamgir
B. Ramkrishna Bhandarkar Nama

C. David Hare B. Muhammad Saqi’s Masir-i-Alamgiri
D. Raja Ram Mohan Roy C. Khafi Khan’s Muntakhab-ul-Lubab
58. Which two of the following plays did D. Aquil Khan Razi’s Zafar Nama-i-
Kalidasa wrote before writing Abhi- Alamgir

gyanashakuntalam? 63. Name the person who wrote the history of
1. Vikramorvashiyam Aurangzeb in total secrecy. What was the
2. Malavikagnimitram name of the work?
3. Swapnavasavadattam A. Mirza Muhammad Kazim’s Alamgir na-
4. Kadambari ham
A. 1 and 3 B. Khafi Khan’s Munta Khab-ul-Lubar
B. 1 and 2 C. Aquil Khan Razi’s Zafar Namah-i-
C. 3 and 4 Alamgiri
D. Muhammad Saqi’s Masir-i-Alamgiri

D. 1 and 4
64. Who wrote ‘Devi Chandra Guptam’?
59. Who wrote Dasa Sloki, which deals with

three realities (tri-tattava)Brahma (Krishna), A. Sudraka

soul (Chit) and matter (Achit)? B. Vajjika

A. Nimbarka C. Kamandaka
B. Ramanuja D. Visakha Datta
C. Madhva 65. Who wrote Tamil Ramayana

D. Vallabhacharya A. Kambar
60. Several nationalist leaders in India wrote B. Karikala
commentaries on the Bhagavad Geeta to ar-

C. Seikkilas
gue the case for an ethical foundation to
Indian nationalism, who among the follow- D. Kalidas
ing is an exception to it? 66. Who wrote the book Babuvivah
A. Mahatma Gandhi A. Raja Rammohan Rai
B. Sri Aurobindo B. Rabindranath Tagore
C. Bal Gangadhar Tilak C. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
D. Ram Manohar Lohia D. Pandit Rambai
61. Who wrote ‘Amarakosha’? 67. Who wrote Tughlaqnama?
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A. Hasan Nizami 74. Who wrote Khanda-Khadyaka?

B. Abul Fazl A. Varahamihira
C. Abu Nasr Utbi B. Brahma Gupta
D. Amir Khusrau C. Aryabhatta
68. Who wrote ‘Siddhanta Siromani’? D. Baskara
A. Bhaskaracharya 75. Who wrote the biography of Chaitanya?
B. Aryabhatta A. Krishnadasa Kaviraja
C. Brahma Gupta B. Namadeva
D. Varahamihira C. Shankar Dev
69. Who wrote Tarikh-ul-Hind?
D. Both A& B

A. Minhajuddin-bin-Sirajuddin 76. Who wrote the Book entitled ‘Ghulam-
B. Hasan-un-Nizami giri’?
C. Al-uthi A. Jyotiba Phule
D. Alberuni eR B. Narayan Guru
70. Who wrote “Raja Tharangini” C. B. R. Ambedkar
A. Kambar D. M. P. Pillai
B. Kalidas 77. Which Muslim poet of Hindi literature in
C. Karikala medieval period wrote poetry essentially on
Hindu mythological heroes?
D. None of these
A. Qutban
71. Who wrote Prithviraj Raso?
B. Rasakhan
A. Kalhana

C. Amir Khusrau
B. Rajasekara
D. Mulla Daud
C. Chandbaradai
78. Who wrote Vedanta-Parijatasourabha, a
D. Vishakadatta
commentary on the Brahma Sutra, in simple
72. Which Tamil poet wrote Ramayana in the language?

Tamil language?

A. Nimbarka
A. Kapilar
B. Ramanuja
B. Perumal Rasu
C. Madhva
C. Pulamaipithan
D. Vallabhacharya
D. Kamban
79. Who wrote a commentary on Bhagavad
73. Who wrote a commentary on the Brahma Gita called Gnaneswari?
sutras refuted Shari Kara and offered an in-
terpretation based on the theistic ideas? A. Gnandeva

A. Nimbarka B. Namadev

B. Ramanuja C. Ekanath
C. Madhva D. Both A& B
D. Vallabhacharya 80. Who wrote ‘Vasavadatta’?
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378 Chapter 21. written

A. Kalidas A. Avvayar
B. Bhas B. Thiruvallur
C. Subandhu C. Nakkinar
D. Dandin D. Tolkappier
81. “There was little sympathy in spite of loud 85. Who wrote Shiksha Ashtak which was
professions of loyalty. Moderate and Ex- called as the cream of the Shastras?
tremist alike learnt with satisfaction of Ger-
man victories. There was no love for Ger- A. Tulsidas

many of course. Only the desire to see our B. Chaitanya
rulers humbled.” Who among the following
wrote this? C. Kabir

A. Gandhi D. Mirabai
86. In which language did Babar wrote his Au-
B. Rabindranath Tagore
C. Jawaharlal Nehru
A. Farsee

D. ’ C.R. Das
B. Arabi
82. Who among the following leaders of the
Revolt of 1857 wrote to the French emperor C. Turki
“The acts of injustice and perjury of the En- D. None of these
glish Government blaze on all sides like the
rays of the sun? 87. Homer, the great poet wrote

A. Birjis Qadr A. Electra

B. Tatyana Tope B. Odefus rex

C. Bahadur Shah C. Illiad

D. Nana Sahib D. Odyssey

83. Who wrote Vasavdatta-Nalyadhara? 88. Who wrote the “Kumara Sambavam”

A. Bhasa A. Kambar

B. Subaudhu B. Seikkilas
C. Vakpati C. Kalidas
D. Vatsyayan D. None of these

84. Who wrote Thirukural


1. B 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. C 11. D 12. C 13. D 14. C

15. D 16. A 17. A 18. B 19. B 20. C 21. C 22. D 23. D 24. B 25. A 26. D
27. A 28. A 29. A 30. A 31. A 32. A 33. C 34. C 35. B 36. C 37. D 38. B
39. D 40. C 41. B 42. A 43. B 44. D 45. B 46. A 47. B 48. C 49. A 50. B
51. D 52. D 53. D 54. D 55. D 56. A 57. D 58. B 59. A 60. C 61. D 62. C
63. D 64. D 65. A 66. C 67. D 68. A 69. D 70. D 71. C 72. D 73. B 74. B
75. A 76. A 77. B 78. A 79. A 80. B 81. C 82. D 83. B 84. B 85. B 86. C
87. B 88. C
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22. Movement

1. When was the non-cooperation movement C. Spreading education among Muslim
started by M.K Gandhi? women
A. After Rowlatt Act D. Encouraging to give up puradh system
B. Chauri-Chaura incident 4. Which of the following statements regard-
ing the Nath Panthi movement is/are cor-
C. Jalliawalabagh Massacre rect?

D. None of the above 1. It was essentially confined to Western

2. What is the correct chronological order of India
Gandhian Movements? 2. It challenged the superiority of the
1. Rowlatt Acts Movement
3. It advocated Hindu-Muslim unity.
2. Khera Movement

3. Champaran Movement Select the answer from the codes given be-

4. Ahmedabad Mill strike low

A. 2, 3, 4, 1 A. 2 only

B. 3, 2, 4, 1 B. 2, 3

C. 3, 4, 2, 1 C. 1, 3

D. 2, 3, 1, 4 D. 1, 2
5. In which month Quit India Movement of
3. Which of the following are the reasons for
1942 started?
which Wahabi / Walliullah movement was
started? A. January
A. Propagating Quran as the only source B. July
B. Reviving Muslim principles in response C. December
to western influences D. August
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380 Chapter 22. Movement

6. The founder of Boy Scouts and Girl Guides A. the reduction of the share of the land-
movement was? lords from one-half of the crop to one-third
A. Robert Montgomery
B. the grant of ownership of land to peas-
B. Baden Powell ants as they were the actual cultivators of
C. Richard Temple the land

D. Charles Andrews C. the uprooting of Zamindari system and

the end of serfdom
7. Which young woman leader was symbol of

defiance and resistance during Quit India D. writing off all peasant debts
Movement? 11. Consider the following statements about the
Non- Cooperation Movement
A. Sarojini Naidu

1. The movement was a mixture of na-
B. Sucheta Kriplani tionalism, middle class politics, reli-
C. Aruna Asaf Ali gion, feudalism, agrarian discontent
and working-class agitation.

D. Kalpana Dutt Joshi 2. The movement was much greater in
8. Consider the following individuals- intensity than any other political agi-
tation which came before it.
1. N. M. Joshi 3. The movement helped to foster Hindu-
2. Dewan Chamanlal Muslim unity.
3. Shiva Rao
Which of the statements given above is/are
4. V. V. Gin
Which movement amongst the following
A. Only 2
were all of the above associated with?
B. Only 3
A. Kisan Sabha Movement

C. 2 and 3
B. Communist Movement
D. 1 and 3

C. State People’s Movement 12. Gandhiji led the Indian Nationalist Move-
D. Trade Union Movement ment from the front and his leadership was

motivated by a wider philosophy, he nur-

9. Which of the following movements drew
tured throughout the course of the move-
women out from the seclusion of home?
ment. Which one among the following was
1. Swadeshi Movement a continuous movement based on this phi-

2. Home Rule Movement losophy and not a specific movement?

3. Non-Cooperation Movement A. Quit India Movement
4. Civil Disobedience Movement
B. Non-Cooperation Movement

Select the correct answer from the codes

given below: C. Swadeshi Movement

A. 1, 2, 3 and 4 D. Civil Disobedience Movement

13. Faraizi Movement which aimed at remov-
B. 3 and 4 only ing social reforms in Muslims started in
C. 2 and 4 only which of the following regions?

D. 1 and 3 only A. Kerala

10. The demand for the Tebhaga Peasant Move- B. Delhi

ment in Bengal was for C. Madhya Pradesh
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D. East Bengal 19. Statement I: In North-Western India, the

Civil Disobedience Movement took a mass
14. The only Indian prince who actively par-
character under the leadership of Khan Ab-
ticipated in the Revolutionary Movement
dul Ghaffar Khan. Statement II : The Nehru
within and outside India was
Report (1928) had argued that the ‘next im-
A. Raja Aridaman Singh mediate step’ for India must be dominion
B. Raja Hari Singh
C. Raja Kumar Singh A. Both the statements are true and State-
ment II is the correct explanation of State-
D. Raja Mahendra Pratap ment I
15. Who among the following were associated B. Both the statements are true, but State-
with Trade Union Movement in India? ment II is not the correct explanation of

1. B. P. Wadia Statment I
2. N.M.Joshi C. Statement I is true, but Statement II is
3. Dhundiraj Thengdi false
4. K. Kamaraj
5. Vitthal Bhai Patel D. Statement II is false, but Statement II is
eR true
Choose the correct answer from the codes
given below 20. The Indian Muslims, in general, were not at-
tracted to the Extremist movement because
A. l, 3 and 4
of :
B. l, 2 and 3
A. influence of Sir Sayed Ahmed Khan
C. 1 and 2 only
B. anti-Muslim attitude of Extremist lead-
D. 3, 4 and 5 ers
16. Which one of the following leaders was not C. indifference shown to Muslim aspira-

a part of Non cooperation movement? tions

A. M. A. Ansari D. extremists policy of harping on Hindu
B. M. A. Zinnah aspect

C. Hakim Ajmal Khan 21. Which among the following was the reason
for the resurgence of Revolutionary move-

D. Abul Kalam Azad ment post-1920.


17. Jiatrang Movement started in 1. Influence of Russian revolution and

A. Manipur Marxist ideas.
2. Sudden withdrawal of non-
B. Mijoram cooperation movement by Gandhiji
C. Nagaland 3. Increase in activism by working class.

D. Tripura Select the correct answer using the code

given below.
18. Swadeshi Movement started after
A. 1 and 2 only
A. Dandi March
B. 2 and 3 only
B. Civil Disobedience Movement
C. 1, 2 and 3
C. Non-co-operation Movement
D. 3 only
D. Partition of Bengal
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382 Chapter 22. Movement

22. Aravippuram movement which is consid- 26. Arrange the following events in chronolog-
ered as a precursor to all south Indian socio- ical order and choose the correct answer
religious reform movement started in which using the codes given below:
of the following places? A) Amritsar Incident
A. Karnataka B) Chauri Chaura Incident
C) Champaran Movement
B. Tamil Nadu
D) Moplah Revolt
C. Kerala
A. C, A, D, B
D. Andra Pradesh

B. A, B, C, D
23. The most fervent supporter of Gandhi’s
proposal for an all-out campaign of civil C. B, A, C, D
diso-bedience during Quit India Movement

D. C, A, B, D
27. The Swadeshi movement was started be-
A. Ram Manohar Lohia cause
B. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
A. the British massacred innocent people

C. Subhash Chandra Bose at Jallianwala Bagh
D. Jai Prakash Narayan B. the British government did not grant re-
24. Consider the following events sponsible government in India
1. Girni Kamgar Union C. Lord Curzon divided Bengal
2. Surma valley peasant movement
D. of de-industrialisation in India
3. Tuticorin strikes
4. Guruvayur temple entry jatha 28. Zeliongrong Movement was organized in
5. Jaito Morcha A. Tripura
The correct chronological order of these
B. Nagaland

events is
C. Mizorm
A. 5, 3, 1, 4, 2

D. Manipur
B. 3, 5, 1, 4, 2
29. Which of the following statements about

C. 3, 5, 4, 2, 1
the Theosophical Movement are correct?
D. 5, 3, 2, 4, 1
1. The movement was founded in India
25. Which of the following are correctly by Annie Besant.
matched? 2. The movement glorified Indian reli-

1. Chittoo Pandey : Quit India Move- gious and philosophical traditions.

ment 3. The movement was revivalist in na-
2. Lakshmi Swaminathan : INA ture and lacked a positive programme.

3. Sasibhushan Ray Chaudhry : Non- Select the correct answer using the codes
cooperation Movement are given below
4. Gurdit Singh : Anushilan Party
A. 1 and 2 only
Choose the correct answer from the codes
given below B. 1, 2 and 3
A. 1 and 2 C. 1 and 3 only
B. 2 and 4 D. 2 and 3 only
C. 3 and 4 30. The novelty which Kabir added to the
Bhakti movement was
D. 1 and 3
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A. Emphasis on Bhakti to Rama 35. Give the correct sequence of the following
events by using the codes given below:
B. Tradition of family saints
1. Hunter Report
C. Neglect of Sanskrit language
2. Home Rule Movement
D. Efforts to bring about unity among the 3. Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre
Hindus and the Muslims 4. Rowlatt Act
31. Which of the following are correctly A. 2, 4, 3, 1
B. 2, 1, 3, 4
1. Chittoo Pandey : Quit India Move-
C. 1, 2, 3, 4
2. Lakshmi Swami Nathan : INA D. 2, 3, 4, 1
3. Sasibhushan Ray : Non-co-operation 36. Which of the following statements is not

true of the Home Rule Movement?
4. Gurdit Singh : Anushilan Party
I. The demand was for self-government
Choose the correct answer the codes given and not complete independence.
below: II. The movement included promoting
A. 3 and 4 political education to build a base for
eR self-government
B. 1 and 3 III. It did not achieve much impact or pop-
C. 2 and 4 ularity.
IV. The movement was the part of the
D. 1 and 2
Congress activity.
32. Henry Vivian Derozio started young Ben-
A. IV and I
gal movement with the inspiration of which
revolutionary ideas? B. I and II
A. French revolution C. III and IV

B. Marxian theory D. II and III

C. Industrial revolution 37. The leader of the movement for
Bangladesh’s independence from Pakistan
D. American Revolution was:
33. Which of the following concept the Bhakti A. Ayub Khan.
movement of Hinduism saw two ways of

imaging the nature of the divine (Brah- B. Sheik Mujib.


man)? C. Benazir Bhutto.

A. Jainism D. Ali Pasha.
B. Nirguna and Saguna 38. When was the Non-Cooperation Movement
got momentum under the leadership of
C. Shaivism
Mahatma Gandhi and the Indian National
D. Sikkhism Congress?
34. The Kuka Movement started in the mid- A. 1920-1922
nineteenth century is -
B. 1922-1924
A. Bengal
C. 1987-1989
B. Maharashtra
D. 1990-1992
C. Madhya Bharat 39. Which of the following statements regard-
D. Western Punjab ing Quit India Movement is/are correct?
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384 Chapter 22. Movement

1. Quit India Movement was a civil 1. It was founded by Jyotiba Phule.

disobedience movement launched by 2. The movement aimed at the complete
Gandhi demanding an end to British abolition of the caste system.
Rule in India. 3. The movement aimed to spread edu-
2. Gandhi asked Govt. servants and sol- cation among women and lower caste
diers to resign from their posts. people.
3. Quit India movement was the major
Select the correct answer using the codes
reason behind the occurrence of the
are given below
Royal Indian Navy mutiny.

A. 1 and 3 only
Select the correct answer using the code
given below. B. 2 and 3 only
A. 1 and 3 only C. 2 only

B. 2 and 3 only D. 1, 2 and 3
C. 1 only 44. Sufism the liberal and mystic movement of
D. 1 and 2 only Islam, reached India in the century?

40. As part of the Civil Disobedience Move- A. 12th
ment there was defiance of forest laws in
B. 14th
A. The Madras Presidency and Orissa
C. 11th
B. Bengal and Orissa
D. 13th
C. Maharashtra, Karnataka and the Central
Provinces 45. What prompted the British Government to
arrest Gandhi and get him convicted af-
D. Kerala, Gujarat and Assam ter the suspension of the Non-cooperation
41. How did the Non-cooperation Movement movement?

affect the Congress?

A. It wanted to save Gandhi from public
A. It became the leader of the masses in disgrace for suspending the movement

the nationalist struggle to win freedom from

British rule B. It wanted to ensure that there was no
resurgence of the movement

B. Once again the control shifted from

moderates to extremists C. It wanted to create terror in the hearts of
other nationalists
C. From constitutional agitation it changed
its method to passive resistance D. It took advantage of the division among

the nationalist forces caused by the suspen-

D. It became a more business like body sion of the Noncooperation Movement.
with a Working Committee and Constitu-
tion 46. The title given by the British Government to

Mahatma Gandhi which he surrendered dur-

42. The Non-co-operation Movement remained
ing the non-cooperation movement was?
relatively weak in
A. Andhrapradesh A. Rt. Honorable

B. Maharashtra B. Rai Bahadur

C. Punjab C. Kaiser-e-Hind

D. Gujrat D. Hind Keasri

43. Which of the following statements about 47. Temple entry movement started mainly in
the Satya Sodhak Samaj are correct? Kerala aimed at which of the following
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A. Allowing untouchables to Hindu tem- A. The theme song of Swadeshi Movement

ples and roads in Bengal was Ravindranath’s “Amar Sonar
B. Keeping the monopoly of temples to
Brahmin class B. Syed Haider Raza led the Swadeshi
Movement in India
C. Allowing women to enter temple
C. The Ganapati and Shivaji festival be-
D. Sanskrit lessons to be imparted only to
came a medium of the movement
Brahmin family members and others to be
devoid of it in order to preserve its purity. D. The Surat split in 1907 weakened the
Swadeshi Movement
48. Which one among the following statements
about Civil Disobedience Movement is cor- 51. Which of the following were included in
rect? Gandhi Irwin Pact?
1. Invitation to Congress to participate

A. Under Gandhi-Irwin agreement
Congress agreed to give up Civil Disobedi- in the Round Table Conference
ence Movement 2. Withdrawal of ordinances promul-
gated in connection with the Civil Dis-
B. There was no violence during the move- obedience Movement
ment 3. Acceptance of Gandhi’s suggestion
C. The British Government was quite soft
towards the movement from the beginning
D. It started with Gandhiji’s march to
eR for inquiry into police excesses
4. Release of only those prisoners who
were not charged with violence
Select the correct answer from the Codes
given below
49. Consider the following statements:
A. 1, 3 and 4
I. Alvars and Nayanars initiated a move-
ment of protest against the caste sys- B. 1, 2 and 3
tem and the dominance of Brahmanas C. 2, 3 and 4

or at least attempted to reform the sys-

D. 1, 2 and 4
II. Alvars and Nayanars always sup- 52. Which Bhakti Saints writings influenced
ported the caste system in the society. Hinduism’s Bhakti movement and his
III. The importance of the traditions of verses are found in Sikhism’s scripture Adi
the Alvars and Nayanars was some- Granth?

times indicated by the claim that their A. Ramananda


compositions were as important as the

B. Kabir
Which of the following statement(s) is/are C. Mirabai
correct about the attitudes of Alvars and D. Tukaram
Nayanars towards caste system? 53. Select the correct statement related to the
A. Only I Bhakti Movement in Medieval History in
B. I and II
A. To the theistic devotional trend that
C. I and III emerged in medieval Hinduism and later
D. All of the above revolutionised in Buddhism.
50. With reference to the Swadeshi Movement B. To the theistic devotional trend that
during the Indian Freedom Struggle, which emerged in medieval Hinduism and later
of the following statement is not correct? revolutionised in Jainism.
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386 Chapter 22. Movement

C. To the theistic devotional trend that A. Caste Division

emerged in medieval Hinduism and later B. Untouchability
revolutionised in Sikhism.
C. Ritualism
D. None of the above
D. All of the above
54. Consider the following statement(s) regard- 58. Which operation was started by the British
ing Khilafat Movement: Government to arrest the leaders of Quit
I. The Amritsar Session of the INC gave India Movement?
a great fillip to the Khilafat agitation. A. Operation Blue Star

II. Khilafat conference held in Calcutta
under Presidentship of Jinnah. B. Operation Zero Hour
III. Khilafat Movement was started to sup- C. Operation Reander Paste

port Ottoman Empire.
D. Operation Thunderbolt
Which of the above statement (s) is/are cor- 59. The main cause behind the rise of the
rect? Faraizi Movement was that
A. Only I A. the Hindu money-lenders oppressed the

B. Both I and II Muslim community.
B. the Hindu domination was to be eradi-
C. Both I and III
D. I, II and III
C. the Muslim tenants were oppressed by
55. Theosophical movement though not very the East India Company.
successful helped in contributing to devel-
D. the Christian missionaries attacked the
opments in society. Which of the following
Islamic religion.
are those developments?
60. The quit India movement was started in the
I. Women upliftment and recognized year

their importance
A. 1945
II. Provided self-respect needed to fight
B. 1942

British colonial rule

III. Did not provide any contribution as C. 1939

they realized that they were giving

false sense of pride D. 1943
61. The Hindustan Socialist Republican Asso-
A. Only I ciation Movement ended with the death of
B. Only II A. Bhagat Singh

C. Only III B. Chandra Shekhar Azad

D. All the above C. Ramprasad Bismil

56. Who inspired the young Bengal Movement D. Surya Sen

in the 19th century? 62. The immediate cause which led to the
A. Piyare Chand Mitra launching of the Non-co-operation Move-
ment was the
B. Rasik Kumar Malik
A. Khilafat wrong
C. Ram Tanu Lahiri
B. Rawlatt Act
D. Henry Vivian Dorozev C. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
57. Which of the following causes Bhakti D. Dissatisfaction with the Government of
Movement in India? India Act, 1919
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63. Non Cooperation Movement started in: A. I only

A. 1942 B. II only
B. 1920 C. Both I and II
C. 1921 D. Neither I nor II
D. 1870 69. Which one of the following observations is
64. The movement started with and not true about the Quit India Movement of

A. the Saiva Nayanars A. It was led by Mahatma Gandhi

B. the Vaisnava Alvars B. It was a non-violent movement

C. Nirguna Saints C. It was a spontaneous movement

D. Both A& B D. It did not attract the labour class in gen-
65. Among the following Presidents of India,
who was also the Secretary General of Non- 70. Who started the Ahmadia Movement in
Aligned Movement for some period? 1889?

A. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan A. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

B. Varahagiri Venkatagiri
C. Giani Zail Singh
eR B. Altaf Hussain
C. Nazir Ahmad

D. Dr. Shanker Dayal Sharma D. Shibli Mohani

66. With which one of the following did the 71. Which of the four linguistic regions in
South India remained unaffected by the
Civil Disobedience Movement in India com-
merce? Non-Cooperation Movement (1921-22)?

A. The unfurling of the National flag by A. Tamil Nadu


B. Kerala
B. Mahatma Gandhi’s going on fast C. Andhra Pradesh
C. No Tax campaign by Sardar Patel D. Karnataka
D. The Dandi March 72. Bijauliya Movement was related to
67. With which event did the Civil Disobedi- A. Kerala

ence Movement started?

B. Assam

A. Boycotting foreign clothes

C. Orissa
B. Breaking salt law
D. Rajasthan
C. Protesting high land Revenue 73. Which association sprang us in Bengal dur-
D. Prohibition of wine ing the Swadeshi Movement?
68. Consider the following statement (s) is/are A. Krantikari Samiti
related to the features of Bhakti Movement
B. Jugantar Samiti
I. Condemnation of rituals, ceremonies
and blind faith C. Swadeshi Samiti
II. Rejection of idol worship by many D. Anushilan Samiti
saints 74. Which one among the following was the pri-
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are mary reason behind the failure of the Young
correct? Bengal Movement in Bengal?
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388 Chapter 22. Movement

A. It did not have good leaders A. Only I

B. Its economic programme was not popu- B. Only II
C. Both I and II
C. It did not appeal to educated people
D. None of the above stated
D. It was too radical
75. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan had started a reform 80. Which among the following are the reasons
movement among the Muslim, called the for the resurgence of Nationalist movement
Movement. post-1919?

A. Jaipur 1. Paris peace conference
2. Russian revolution.
B. Sufi
3. Failure of Moderates.

C. Wahabi
Select the correct answer using the code
D. Aligarh given below.
76. The key leaders of Khilafat Movement
were A. 2 only

A. Muhammad Iqbal and Salimullah Khan B. 2 and 3 only
C. 1 and 2 only
B. Syed Ahmad Khan and Agha khan
D. 1, 2 and 3
C. Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Sikandar
Hayat Khan 81. Which of the following aspect of Bhakti
Movement was common with Sufism?
D. Mohammad Ali and Shaukat Ali
77. “Din-i-Ilahi’ was a movement of Akbar’s A. Monotheism or belief in one God
folly, not of his wisdom.” Who made this B. Equality and brotherhood of man

C. Rejection of rituals and class Division

A. R.P. Tripathi
D. All of the Above
B. A.L. Srivastava

C. V.A. Smith 82. Which of the following statements about


Annie Besant are correct?

D. S.R. Sharma
1. She founded the Central Hindu Col-
78. The earliest movement which took up the
lege at Benaras.
cause of lower caste against Brahmana dom-
2. She organised the Home Rule League.
ination was

3. She introduced the Theosophical

A. Satya Shodak Society Movement in India.
B. Mahajan Sangam Select the correct answer using the codes

C. Vokkaliga Sangha given below

D. Nair Service Society A. 1 and 3
79. Wahabi movement aimed to organize Mus-
B. 2 and 3
lims around two-fold ideas, which of the fol-
lowing forms the ideas among them? I. Har- C. 1, 2 and 3
mony among 4 schools of Muslim which
D. 1 and 2
was divided at that time II. Recognition of
the role of individual conscience in religion 83. Which of the following was the achieved
as conflicting interpretations was derived milestone of the Non-Cooperation Move-
from Quran and other practices Options are ment of 1921?
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A. The Hindus and the Muslims came A. N Mudaliar

closer in political pursuit B. T.M Nair
B. It avenged the Punjab atrocities C. P. Tyagaraja
A. Only A
C. Indian obtains some political rights
B. Only B
D. It stopped the injustice done to the Khi-
lafat C. By both A and B
84. Consider the following statements: D. All the three
1. The Gandhi-Irwin Pact 1931, placed 88. Which of the following statements relating
the Indian National Congress on an to the Non- Alignment Movement is/are not
equal footing with the British Indian correct?
Government. 1. Non-alignment came to symbolise the
2. The participation of Muslims in the

struggle of India and other newly
Civil Disobedience Movement was independent nations to retain and
less than that of the Non-Cooperation strengthen their independence from
Movement. colonialism and imperialism.
Which of the statements given above is/are 2. Non-alignment advanced the process
correct? of democratisation of international re-
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
eR lations.
3. Military alliances formed a major part
of nonalignment.
C. Both 1 and 2 Select the correct answer using the codes
D. Neither 1 nor 2 given below
85. The Anti-Partition movement was initiated A. Only 1
on B. Only 3
A. 7 Aug. 1904 C. 2 and 3

B. 7 Aug. 1905 D. 1 and 2

C. 7 Aug. 1907 89. Which one of the following books is asso-
D. 7 Aug. 1906 ciated with rise of National Movement in
86. Which of the following statements regard-
ing Ahmadiyya Movement is/are correct? A. Satyagrah Prakash

B. Gitanjali

I. Founded by Mirza Ghulam Ahmed

II. It described itself as standard bearer C. Anand Math
of Mohammedan Renaissance
III. Based itself on the principles of D. Gita Rahasya
Brahmo Samaj 90. Consider the following pairs:
IV. Opposed jihad and worked for spread- 1. Khond Uprising - Orissa.
ing western liberal education among 2. Santhal Rebellion - Bengal
Indian Muslims 3. Kuki Movement - Nagaland
A. Only I and II Which of the pairs given above are correct?
B. Only I and IV A. 1 and 3 only
C. Only I,II and IV B. 2 and 3 only
D. All the above are correct C. 1, 2 and 3
87. Justice movement was started by? D. 1 and 2 only
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390 Chapter 22. Movement

91. Titu mir’s movement considered one of the 95. Why was the Khilafat Movement started?
Muslim reform movement mainly aimed
A. To protest against the injustice done to
at eradicating which of the following sys-
B. To protest against the injustice done to
A. Easy divorce
B. Polygamy
C. To protest against the injustice done to
C. Working against Indian national move- Persia

D. To protest against the injustice done to
D. Against Hindu landlords and British in- Arabia
digo planters 96. The leader of the Young Bengal Movement
92. Why did the Europeans in India start a vig- was

orous movement for the repeal of the Ilbert
A. Chandrashekhar Deb
B. Dwarkanath Tagore
A. For excluding Indians form Viceroy’s
council. C. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar

B. They wanted to be exempted from the ju- D. Henry Vivian Derozio
risdiction of Indian Judges and magistrates. 97. Consider the following events in correct se-
quence of Indian National Movement
C. For monopolizing the higher judicial I. Foundation of Indian National
posts for Europeans. Congress
D. All of the above. II. Simon Commission
III. Home Rule Movement
93. Consider the following with reference to
IV. Cabinet Mission
the Indian freedom struggle
Select the correct answer using the codes

I. Passing of ’Indian Press Act’

given below:
II. Surat Split of Congress
III. Launch of NonCooperation Move- A. I, III, II, IV

ment B. I, IV, III, II

IV. Passing of ‘Rowlatt Act’

Which one of the following is the correct
chronological order of the above events? D. I, II, IV, III

A. II, I, IV, III 98. Aligarh Movement towards the end pre-

vented its followers from joining the na-

B. I, II, IV, III tional movement. Which of the following
C. II, I, III, IV reasons made it to take this decision though
it initially propagated for unity?

A. It felt that immediate political progress
94. The boycott of foreign cloth during the Non-
was not possible and British Government
cooperation Movement
couldn’t be easily dislodged
A. Was not agreeable to the masses
B. Indians are educationally forward so in
B. Caused a striking fall in the value of order to suppress them their activities need
imports of foreign cloth in 1921-22 to discouraged
C. Had little impact on the economy C. Gain support of British officials
D. Made the government relax controls on D. National movement is waste of time so
exports of Indian goods should concentrate on other works
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99. Who was the founder of the Bhakti Move- A. Discontent of the peasants
ment in Maharashtra in 13th Century?
B. Partition of Bengal
A. Ekanatha
C. Rising unemployement
B. Gnanadeva
D. Rise in prices of essential commodities
C. Tukaram 102. What was NOT a result of the Orientalist
D. Namadev movement in India?
100. Who among the following associated with A. the Hindu Renaissance
Trade Union Movement in India?
B. British rejection of Indian culture
1. B.P. Wedia
2. N.M. Joshi C. the creation of a literate middle class in
3. Dhundiraj Thengdi India

4. K. Kamaraj D. the discovery of much of India’s “for-
5. Vithalbhai Patel gotten” past
Choose the correct answer from the codes 103. Indian National Movement was influenced
given below by-in the early twentieth century
A. 1 and 2 only A. The Russian Revolution, 1917
B. l, 2 and 3
C. 1, 3 and 4
eR B. The outbreak of the First World War,
C. Boer War, 1899
D. 3, 4 and 5
101. The immediate cause of the swadeshi D. The Russian-Japanese War, 1904-5
Movement was?

1. C 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. A 11. C 12. C 13. D 14. D


15. B 16. B 17. A 18. D 19. B 20. D 21. C 22. C 23. B 24. B 25. A 26. A
27. C 28. C 29. D 30. D 31. D 32. A 33. B 34. D 35. A 36. C 37. B 38. A
39. C 40. A 41. A 42. B 43. D 44. C 45. D 46. C 47. A 48. A 49. C 50. C
51. D 52. B 53. C 54. C 55. B 56. D 57. D 58. D 59. C 60. B 61. B 62. A
63. B 64. D 65. C 66. D 67. B 68. C 69. D 70. A 71. D 72. D 73. B 74. D

75. D 76. D 77. C 78. A 79. C 80. C 81. D 82. C 83. C 84. A 85. B 86. D
87. C 88. B 89. C 90. A 91. D 92. B 93. A 94. B 95. A 96. D 97. A 98. A

99. B 100. B 101. B 102. B 103. D

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23. Leader

1. Which of the following reason that compels 3. The leader of revolt of 1857 in Lucknow
the Congress leader not to attend the Round was .?
Table Conference?
A. Begum Hazrat Mahal
A. The British government was not in
B. Maulvi Ahmadullah Shah
favour of M. K. Gandhi’s participation in it.
C. Birjis Qadir

B. Fazl-i-Hussain who was suspected of D. Tatya Tope

dislike towards the Muslims with leanings 4. Sir Huge Rose described whom as ‘the best
towards the Congress was to guide the and bravest military leader of the rebel’?
British government in the choice of Muslim
delegates to the conference. A. Rani Laxmi Bai

C. The British government wanted to give B. Kuar Singh


representation to communal organisations. C. Begum Hazrat Mahal

D. The British government did not give D. Bahadur Shah Zafar
any assurance to the effect that the discus-
sions would proceed on the basis of grant- 5. The leader of the revolt of 1857 in Bihar
ing Poorna Swaraj. was

2. Which of the following leader was not as- A. Tantia Tope

sociated with the extremist leadership of B. Kunwar Singh
Indian National Congress?
C. Mangal Pandey
A. A. O. Hume
D. Nana Saheb
B. Lokmanya Tilak
6. Which of the following leader said that
C. Lala Lajpat Rai the Act of 1935 provided ’a machine with
strong brakes but no engine’?
D. Aurobindo Ghosh
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394 Chapter 23. Leader

A. Jawaharlal Nehru 12. Who among the following was a leader of

Wahabi Movement?
B. Rajendra Prasad
A. Syed Ahmad
C. Mahatma Gandhi
B. M. A. Ansari
D. Vallabhbhai Patel
C. Mohammed Ali
7. Which of the following leader given the
term ‘insenate waste’ on the burning of the D. Ajmal Khan
foreign clothes during the Non-Cooperation 13. Which of the following leader associated
Movement? with Barout in Uttar Pradesh during 1857

A. Motilal Nehru
A. Tatya Tope
B. Rabindra Nath Tagore

B. Maulavi Ahamadullah Shah
C. Mohammad Ali
C. Veer Kuwar Singh
D. Lord Reading
D. Shah Mal
8. Which of the following leader who presided
14. Which of the following leader is not cor-
All India Congress Committee session on

rectly matched with their association/party/
9th August?
books/ newspaper?
A. Aruna Asif Ali A. M. K. Gandhi: Gitanjali
B. Annie Besant B. Rabindranath Tagore: Patrika
C. Mahatma Gandhi C. Devendranath Tagore: Young India
D. Jawaharlal Nehru D. B.G. Tilak: Kesari
9. The most fearless and bold woman leader 15. Which of the following pair leader associ-
of the peasant movement, who sacrificed ated with the Revolt of 1857 is not correctly
her life to protect peasants’ rights, was: matched?

A. Preeti Lata Wadekar A. Kunwar Singh: Bihar

B. Khan Bahadur Khan: Bareilly

B. Snehlata Wadekar
C. Veera Gunnamma C. Bakht Khan: Delhi

D. Ambika Chakraborty D. Hazrat Mahal: Kanpur

16. Simon Bolivar was a great leader of the
10. Who gave the title of Rani to the Naga
woman leader Gaidinliu? A. Latin American Revolution

A. Jawahar Lal Nehru B. Central American Revolution

B. Mahatma Gandhi C. American War of Independence

D. French Revolution
C. C.R. Das

17. Which of the following Congress leader re-

D. Sardar Patel jected the ’August Offer’ of 1940?
11. The tribal leader who was regarded as an A. Sir George Stanley
incarnation of God and father of the world
was B. Lord Wavell
C. Lord Linlithgow
A. Nanak Bhil
D. Lord Willingdon
B. Siddhu Santha
18. Who among the following was selected by
C. Birsa Munda Gandhiji to be the Ist leader to offer Indi-
D. Jagia Bhagat vidual Civil Disobedience in 1940?
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A. Vinoba Bhave 24. The Huna leader Mihirgula was defeated

B. Acharya Kriplani
A. Chandragupta
C. Jawahar Lal Nehru
B. Rajyavardhana
D. Sundar Lal Bahuguna
C. Yashodharman
19. Which of the following leader was associ-
ated with the Home Rule League? D. Buddhagupta
25. Which of the following leader organised the
A. M. K. Gandhi Swaraj Party?
B. B. G. Tilak A. Sarojini Naidu and Annie Besant
C. G. K. Gokhale B. Lala Lajpat Rai and Feroz Shah Mehta
D. M. G. Ranade C. C.Rajagopalachari and Y. Chintamani

20. Who among the following leader presided D. R. Das and Motilal Nehru
the historic 1916 Lucknow Session of the 26. Which of the following leader gave the
Congress? safety valve theory for Indian National
A. Madan Mohan Malviya Congress and said that it was the brainchild
of Lord Dufferin?
B. Subhas Chandra Bose
C. Ambika Charan Majumdar
eR A. Lala Lajpat Rai
B. Dadabhai Nairoji
D. Annie Besant C. M N Roy
21. Who was the founder leader of ‘Muslim
D. Motilal Nehru
27. Who among the following leader headed
A. Tipu the interim Government of 1946?
B. Majnun Shah A. M.K Gandhi

C. Chirag Ali Shah B. C. Rajagopalachari

D. Dadu Mian C. Jawaharlal Nehru
22. Banda Bahadur, a Sikh leader who led a D. Dr Rajendra Prasad
revolt against the Mughals after the assassi- 28. Consider the following statements regard-
nation of Guru Gobind Singh, was captured ing Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan:

and executed during the reign of 1. He was a political and spiritual leader

A. Bahadur Shah known for his nonviolent opposition

to the British Raj.
B. Farrukh Siyar 2. He strongly opposed the All-India
C. Jahandar Shah Muslim League’s demand for the par-
tition of India.
D. Aurangzeb 3. He became the Congress president in
23. Which of the following leader was asso- 1931 following insistence of Gandhi
ciated with the formation of the Congress Select the correct answer using the code
Socialist Party? given below.
A. Subhas Chandra Bose A. 1 and 3 only
B. Acharya Narendra Dev B. 1 and 2 only
C. Ram Manohar Lohia C. 1, 2 and 3
D. P Joshi D. 2 and 3 only
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396 Chapter 23. Leader

29. Rani Gaidilineu a rebel leader against the 34. Which one of the following events helped
British, was from Gandhi who had returned from South Africa
A. Tripura in 1915 more directly to emerge as the
undisputed leader of the Indian National
B. Manipur Congress?
C. Nagaland A. B. G. Tilak departed for England in
D. Assam September 1918 to fight a libel suit against
30. Consider the following statement (s) related Valentine Cherol
to the Revolt of the Bhils?

B. The British Raj passed the Rowlett Act
I. The Bhils revolted in 1818 due to the on 18 March, 1919 to suppress the revolu-
occupation of their territory by the tionary movements against it

C. Annie Besant became almost overnight
II. They defied British authority for 50 a pro-Raj supporter after Montagu’s
years from 1818. promise of responsible government in In-
III. Their revolt was finally ended by the dia
British through military operations as

well as conciliatory measures. D. Edwin Montagu’s announcement on 20
IV. The leader of the Bhil revolt was Ram August, 1917 in the House of Commons
Charan. that the policy of the British Government
would be the gradual development of self
Which of the above statement (s) is/are cor-
governing institutions with a view to the
progressive realization of responsible gov-
A. I& II ernment in India
B. I& III 35. Which of the following leader was one
C. II& IV of the founding members of the Muslim

31. Which of the following leader was not mod- A. Muhammad Ali Jinnah
erate? B. Nawab Salimullah

A. Madan Mohan Malviya C. Aga Khan


B. Bipin Chandra Pal D. Shaukat Ali

C. Dada Bhai Naoroji 36. Which of the following pairs connected
D. Anand Charlu with the Revolution of 1857 is correctly
matched? Place of Revolt: Leader of Re-
32. Who among the following leader draws his

inspiration from M.K Gandhi?
A. Lucknow: Begum Hazrat Mahal
A. Jayaprakash Narayan
B. Kanpur: Rani Lakshmibai

B. Jawaharlal Nehru
C. Abdul Ghaffar Khan C. Jhansi: Nana Saheb

D. Subhas Chandra Bose D. Delhi: Tantiya Tope

33. Who was called by the British rulers as ‘the 37. Who was the prominent leader in Lucknow
leader of Indian unrest’? during the Revolt of 1857?
A. Subhas Chandra Bose A. Rani Laxmi Bai
B. Gopal Krishna Gokhale B. Begum Hazrat Mahal
C. Bal Gangadhar Tilak C. Kuar Singh
D. M. K. Gandhi D. Bahadur Shah Zafar
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38. The Mughal leader Babur originally in- D. Rajendra Prasad

vaded northern India 40. The spiritual leader associated with the
A. To defeat his longstanding enemy, the founding of Vijayanagara kingdom was
sultan of Delhi.
A. Vidyaranya
B. Because he was unable to achieve his
B. Purandaradas
ambitious goals in central Asia.
C. To creates a Shiite Muslim state. C. Ramdas

D. To control the trade routes into South- D. Appayya Dikshitar

east Asia. 41. The leader of the 1857 Revolt in Delhi was
39. The leader who contacted Mahatma Gandhi
A. Bakht Khan
in connection with the Peasant Unrest in Bi-
har at the Lucknow Congress of 1916 was B. Bahadur Shah Zafar

A. Ras Bihari Bose C. Khan Bahadur Khan
B. Raj Kumar Shukla D. Begum Zinat Mahal
C. Pt. Nehru

1. D
15. D

2. A 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. A 11. C 12. A 13. D 14. D

16. A 17. C 18. A 19. B 20. C 21. B 22. B 23. B 24. C 25. D 26. A
27. C 28. B 29. B 30. D 31. B 32. C 33. C 34. B 35. B 36. A 37. B 38. B
39. B 40. A 41. B
i Sh
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24. Indian National Congress

1. Which of the following may be consid- C. Jawaharlal Nehru
ered drawbacks of the early phase of the
D. Subhash Chandra Bose
Congress activities?
3. Which Session of Indian National Congress
I. Preservation of caste and commu-
was presided by Subhash chandra Bose?
nal considerations presenting mass in-
volvement. A. Nagpur

II. It was confined to the educated middle

B. Delhi
III. No proper understanding of the ex- C. Lahore
ploitative nature of British economic
D. Haripura
IV. Misplaced faith in the benevolence 4. Arrange the following events in chronologi-

and fairmindedness of the British cal order on the basis of codes given below

rulers. :

A. I and II 1. The Surat Congress

2. March from Sabarmati Ashram to
B. I and IV Dandi
C. III and IV 3. Rowlatt Act
4. Gandhi-Irwin Pact.
D. II and III
A. 2, 1, 3, 4
2. Who had given the slogan of ’Do or
Die’during All India Congress Committee B. 1, 2, 4, 3
in Bombay and ratified the ’Quit India’ res- C. 1, 3, 2, 4
D. 3, 2, 1, 4
A. Mahatma Gandhi
5. Who among the following were official
B. Jayaprakash Narayan Congress negotiators with Cripps Mission?
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400 Chapter 24. Indian National Congress

A. Dr. Rajendra Prasad and Rafi Ahmed A. Lord Curzon

B. Lord Dufferin
B. Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Patel C. Lord Minto
C. Pandit Nehru and Maulana Azad D. None of these
D. Acharya J. B. Kripalani and C. Ra- 11. Where was Mahatma Gandhi when a raid
jagopalachari was made by Congress Volunteers on
Dharsana Salt Depot?
6. Which of the following pair of Congress

Session is not correctly matched? A. In Yervada Jail
A. Calcutta Session 1928: Return of B. In Ahmednagar Fort Jail
Gandhi to active politics after six years C. In Sabarmati Jail

B. Madras Session 1927: Independence D. In Agha Khan Palace Poona
Resolution passed for the first time at the 12. Who among the following was not a mem-
instance of Jawaharlal Nehru ber of the Congress Socialist Party although
C. Lahore Session 1929: Resolution on he encouraged and blessed its formation?

Fundamental Rights and National Eco- A. Jawaharlal Nehru
nomic Policy
B. Jayaprakash Narayana
D. Nagpur Session 1920: Changes in the
C. Achyuta Patwardhan
Constitution of the Congress
D. Acharya Narendra Dev
7. In which Session, Congress demanded
‘Poorna Swaraj’? 13. Who was the President of Indian National
Congress at the time of independence?
A. Kanpur Session 1925
A. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
B. Lahore Session 1929
B. J. B. Kripalani

C. Calcutta Session 1917

C. Dr. Rajendra Prasad

D. Lucknow Session 1916 D. Jawahar Lal Nehru

8. Subhash Chand Bose was elected President 14. Under which Viceroy’s tenure Indian Na-

of the Indian National Congress in tional Congress was formed?

A. 1937 A. Lord Ripon
B. 1938 B. Lord Curzon

C. 1939 C. Lord Lansdowne

D. Both (B)& (C) D. Lord Dufferin


15. President of Indian National Congress at

9. After the Surat split, the Congress
the time of independence was..?
A. Was temporarily disbanded
A. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
B. Was banned by the British Government B. Jawahar Lal Nehru
C. Went to the Extremists C. J. B. Kripalani
D. Remained under the control of the Mod- D. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
16. Who was the Governor General of India
10. Who told that Indian National Congress rep- when the Indian National Congress was
resents only microscopic minorities? formed?
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A. Lord Chelmsford 21. In which of the following session of In-

B. Lord Dalhousie dian National Congress the resolution of
Swadeshi was adopted?
C. Lord Dufferin
A. Bombay session of 1904
D. None of these
B. Calcutta session of 1906
17. In which of the following Sessions of the
Indian National Congress the ‘drain theory’ C. Benaras session of 1905
was formally accepted? D. Madras session of 1903
A. Benaras session, 1905 22. The 1885 Congress session was held at
B. Calcutta session, 1906 A. Gokuldas Tejpal Sankrit Pathsala Had
C. Surat session, 1907 B. Gowalia tank

D. None of the above C. Victoria Hall
18. Consider the following statement (s) is/are
related to the aims of the Indian National D. Brabooousne Satadium
Congress in the early phases 23. The Congress ministries in the seven
I. Eradication of all possible race, creed provinces of British India resigned in Octo-
or provincial prejudices among all eR ber 1939 because
lovers of India. A. Linlithgow declared emergency in India
II. Promotion of personal intimacy at the outbreak of the Second World War on
among all the earnest workers in the 3 September, 1939
cause of India.
B. Gandhi did not want involvement of In-
III. Formulation of popular demands.
dia with the violence of war
IV. Organisation of a violent struggle for
the political emancipation of India. C. India as a British colony was automati-
Which of the above statement(s) is/are cor- cally committed to belligerency by Linlith-
rect? gow without bothering to consult the provin-

cial congress Ministries or any Indian leader

B. I, II& III D. The Congress Working Committee
C. I, II& III which met immediately after the outbreak
of the war failed to elicit a satisfactory re-

ply from Linlithgow about the war aims of

19. The Indian National Congress was founded

Britain and how these were going to affect

by India during and after the war
A. O.Hume 24. Who said that Indian National Congress is
B. Annie Besant a ‘begging institute’?

C. Mahatma Gandhi A. Mahatma Gandhi

D. W.C.Bannerji B. Bipin Chandra Pal
20. Who among the following never became C. Aurobindo Ghosh
President of the Indian National Congress?
D. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
A. G.K. Gokhale
25. Which of the following statements about
B. Annie Besant the Indian Councils Mt of 1892 are correct?
C. B. G. Tilak 1. It raised the number of additional
members to a Maximum of 16 for the
D. S.C. Bose
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402 Chapter 24. Indian National Congress

Supreme Council, 20 for the Legisla- 29. The differences between the Moderates and
tive Council of Bombay, Madras, and the Extremists led to a split in Congress at
Bengal and 15 for the North-Western its session held in 1907 at
Provinces and Qudh.
A. Madras
2. It conceded the Congress demand of
principle of direct election to the Leg- B. Nagpur
islative Councils. C. Calcutta
3. It conceded the Members of the Leg-
islative Councils the right of dis- D. Surat

cussing the Budget. 30. When was Congress split?
4. It allowed the Members of the Leg- A. At Surat session in 1906
islative Councils on matters of public
interest. B. At Benares session in 1905

Choose the answer from the codes given C. At Lahore in1909
below: D. At Madras in1908
A. 1, 3 and 4 31. The President of the Indian National

B. 1, 2 and 4 Congress at the time of Indian Indepen-
dence was
C. 2, 3 and 4
A. Jawahar1a1 Nehru
D. 1, 2 and 3
B. J. B. Kripalani
26. Which session of the Indian National
Congress approved ‘Gandhi-Irwin Pact’? C. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

A. Tripura Session D. Rajendra Prasad

32. The special feature of the All India
B. Lthore Session
Congress session at Surat was that
C. Calcutta Session

A. The Extremists and Moderates com-

D. Karachi Session peted for getting their own man elected as
27. Who founded Indian National Congress on the President of the session

1885? B. The Moderate attempted to repudiate


A. J. L. Nehru the resolutions of the Calcutta session

B. A.O. Hume C. Session ended in confusion
C. Willaim Wedderburn D. All of these are valid

D. J.R.D. Tata 33. Mahatma Gandhi was the President of In-

dian National Congress only once at
28. Arrange the following in a chronological
order of their establishment: A. Allahabad

1. Ghadar Party B. Guwahati

2. Communist Party of India C. Belgaun
3. Congress Socialist Party
4. Hindustan Socialist Republican Asso- D. Kakinada
ciation 34. Write the correct chronological order of the
A. 3, 4, 2, 1 following -
1. Foundation of swaraj party
B. 1, 2, 4, 3
2. Jallianwalabagh tragedy
C. 2, 1, 3, 4 3. Congress league pact
D. 4, 3, 1, 2 4. Chauri-chaura incident
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A. 2, 3, 4 and 1 39. On what ground the second split in

B. 3, 2, 1 and 4 Congress took place in 1918?

C. 3, 2, 4 and 1 A. Lucknow Pact

D. 2, 3, 1 and 4 B. Montague Declaration

35. Consider the following statement (s) related C. Election of Mrs. Annie Besant as the
to the Indian National Congress President of the Congress in 1917
I. The Poorna Swarajya resolution was D. Both (B) and (C) above
passed in Lahore session of the
40. The split between the ’Extremists’ and the
Congress held in December
’Moderators’ came up in the open at the
II. The Congress Working Committee,
Surat Congress Session in the year
which met on January 2, 1930, de-
cided that January 26, 1930, should A. 1910

be observed as the PoornaSwarajya B. 1907
C. 1905
Which of the above statement (s) is/are cor-
rect? D. 1906
A. Only I 41. Who among the following was the President
B. Only II
C. Both I and II
eR of All India Trade Union Congress held at
A. Krishna Menon
D. Neither I nor II
B. Chaman Lal
36. Who was president of Indian National
Congress at the time of partition of India? C. Jawaharlal Nehru
A. Jawahlal nehru D. N. M. Joshi
B. Vallabhbhai patel 42. Which Congress President said. ‘I am a

C. Maulana abul kalam azad

A. J.L.Nehru
D. Acharya JB Kriplani
37. Which one of the following had supported B. Subhash Chandra Bose
the Noncooperation Resolution of Mahatma C. M.N.Roy
Gandhi in the special session of the Indian
D. Motilal Nehru

National Congress at Calcutta in 1920?

43. The Congress Nationalist Party was formed

A. Moti Lal Nehru

act as a powerful pressure group within the
B. C.R. Das Congress by
C. Madan Mohan Malviya A. Madan Mohan Malaviya and M.S. Aney
D. B.C. Pal
38. Before Quit India movement, the British B. Mrs Annie Besant and C.P. Ramaswami
government made a plan to imprison Iyer
Gandhi and other Congress leaders. The
C. Motilal Nehru and Tej Bahadur Sapru
plan was known as-
D. Surendranath Banerjee and C.R. Das
A. Operation Desert
44. The younger sections of congress vehe-
B. Operation Seashore
mently criticized the Nehru report mainly
C. Operation Blue Star on account of which of the following rea-
D. Operation Zero Hour sons?
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404 Chapter 24. Indian National Congress

A. Provision for separate electorates for mi- C. 1 and 2 only

D. 1, 2 and 3
B. Federal structure of governance 47. In which one of the following sessions was
C. Formation of linguistic states. the Indian National Congress split into mod-
erates and extremists?
D. Demand for dominion status.
45. Read the following events connected with A. Nagpur
Indian freedom struggle and find the correct B. Allahabad
chronological order of the events from the

C. Surat
codes given below:
D. Calcutta
1. Muslim Deliverance Day
2. Direct Action Day 48. An association which merged with the

3. Resignation of Congress Ministries Congress in 1886 was the
4. Individual Satyagraha A. Indian League
A. 4, 3, 2, 1 B. British Indian Association
B. 3, 1, 4, 2

C. Indian National Conference
C. 1, 2, 3, 4 D. East Indian Association
D. 1, 3, 2, 4 49. What was the reason for the rejection of
46. Which of the following women Became the Government of India Act, 1935 by the
president of Indian National Congress Be- Congress?
fore independence of India? A. The Indians were not consulted
1. Annie Besant B. It was stalling the establishment of peo-
2. Sarojini Naidu ple’s government
3. Aruna Asaf Ali
C. The provisions made in the name provin-

Select the correct answer using the codes

cial autonomy were violative of democratic
given below

A. 2 and 3 only
D. All of the above
B. 1 and 3 only


1. A 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. D 10. B 11. A 12. A 13. B 14. D


15. C 16. C 17. D 18. C 19. A 20. A 21. B 22. A 23. C 24. C 25. A 26. D
27. B 28. B 29. D 30. A 31. B 32. D 33. C 34. B 35. C 36. D 37. A 38. D
39. B 40. B 41. D 42. A 43. A 44. D 45. B 46. C 47. C 48. C 49. D
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25. The Mughal Kings

1. In Mughal paintings one notices the adop- 4. Who among the following Mughal rulers
tion of the principles of foreshortening has been called as the ‘Prince of Builders?’
whereby near and distant people and things A. Jehangir
could be placed in perspective. This was
due to the influence of the- B. Akbar

A. Dutch C. Shahjehan

D. Babar
B. British
5. Which Mughal emperor prohibited the use
C. Portuguese of tobacco?
D. Danish A. Babur
2. What do the terms ‘Elchi’ or ‘Safir’ denote B. Muhammad Shah

in the sixteenth century Mughal administra-

tive vocabulary? C. Aurangzeb

D. Jahangir
A. Governors
6. Who was proclaimed as Mughal emperor
B. Rebels by Asaf Khan on Jahangir’s death to ensure
C. Ambassadors Khurram’s (Shahjahan’s) enthronement?

D. Spies A. Shahryar

3. Among the following, which Mughal em- B. Tahmurs

peror introduced the policy of Sulah-i-Kul? C. Hoshang
A. Akbar D. Dawar Baksh
B. Jahangir 7. Which one among the following is not a
function of Mir Bakshi, the Head of the Mil-
C. Humayun itary Department as well as of the nobility
D. Aurangzeb under Mughal rule?
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406 Chapter 25. The Mughal Kings

A. He made recommendations for appoint- A. 1, 2 and 3

ment to Mansabs to the emperor B. 1 and 4
B. He collected reports of intelligence and C. 3 and 4
information agencies of the empire and pre-
sented them to the emperor at the court D. 1, 3 and 4
12. Which Mughal emperor abolished the old
C. He was responsible for all incomes and
custom of Sizda?
expenditures and held control over Khalisa,
Jagir and Inam lands A. Aurangzeb

D. He was responsible for the security of B. Shahjahan
foreign travellers on the highways of the C. Bahadurshah
D. Akbar

8. How did the Mughal Emperor Jahandar-
shah’s reign, come to an early end? 13. Consider the following statements about the
Treaty of Chittor
A. He died of sickness due to drinking
1. Mewar, including Chittor were re-
B. He was defeated by his nephew in a bat- stored to the Rana.

tle 2. Rana had to be personally present at
C. He died due to a slip while climbing the Mughal Court.
down the steps 3. Rana could not repair or re-fortify
D. He was deposed by his Wazir
9. Which Mughal Emperor increased more Which of the above statements is/are cor-
number of Rajput and Maratha Mansabdars rect?
in his reign? A. 1 and 3 only
A. Akbar B. 1, 2 and 3
B. Aurangzeb C. 1 and 2 only

C. Shajahan D. 1 only
14. During the Mughal period, what was Narnal

D. Jahangir
10. The offsprings of which Mughal emperor or light artillery?

were born in a Sufi’s Khanqah instead of A. One carried on elephant back

the Mughal haram? B. One carried on camel back
A. Aurangzeb C. One carried by man
B. Humayun

D. None of these
C. Shahjahan 15. From which Mughal Emperor did John Mid-
D. Akbar denhall tried to obtain a farman for trade in

11. Consider the following professions:

1. Spinning A. Akbar
2. Weaving B. Jahangir
3. Weeding and transplanting
C. Aurangzeb
4. Rubble making and carrying bricks
and plaster materials D. None of these
Which of the above professions were largely 16. Which of the following factors were respon-
carried on by women workers in Mughal sible for the decline of Mughal empire?
India as is evident from the Mughal minia- 1. Depletion of military and financial re-
tures and Glossaries? sources in wars.
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2. Growing power of Mansabdars. 22. Who among the following was named as
3. Peasant and zamindari rebellion.s Zinda Pir or Living Saint in Mughal pe-
Select the correct answer using the codes riod?
given below. A. Aurangzeb
A. 1 and 3 only B. Babur
B. 2 and 3 only
C. Jahangir
C. 1 and 2 only
D. Akbar
D. 1, 2 and 3
23. Which of the following was NOT a charac-
17. The author of “Parties and Politics in
teristic feature of Mughal architecture?
Mughal Court” is?
A. Satish Chandra A. walled forts

B. Nurul Hasan B. gardens
C. Irfan Habib C. stupas
D. Athar Ali D. monumental buildings
18. The art of painting in the Mughal age was 24. Who among the following Mughal princess
in origin.
A. French
B. Afghan
eR produced a ‘diwan’ (collection of poems)
with the name ‘Makhi’?
A. Aurangzeb’s daughter Zibunnisa
C. Hindu B. Humayun’s sister Gulbadan Begum
D. Persian
C. Shah Jahan’s daughter Jahanara
19. Which Mughal Emperor’s tomb was not in
India D. Shah Jahan’s daughter Roshanara

A. Shajahan 25. Which one of the following indicates the


correct chronological order of the Later

B. Jahangir Mughal Emperors?
C. Humayun
A. Farrukh Siyar, Bahadur Shah-I, Jahan-
D. Akbar dar Shah, Muhammad Shah
20. The Mughal Emperor, who built the Pea-
B. Bahadur Shah-I, Farrukh Siyar, Jahan-

cock Throne?
dar Shah, Muhammad Shah

A. Akbar
C. Bahadur Shah-l, Jahandar Shah, Farrukh
B. Nadirshah Siyar, Muhammad Shah
C. Shah Jahan D. Jahandar Shah, Bahadur Shah-l,
D. Aurangazeb Muhammad Shah, Farrukh Siyar
21. Who among the following Mughal Emper- 26. Which of the following style or features
ors, granted permission to trade of tax in is/are incorporated while constructing New
the territories of Bengal. Hyderabad and Delhi?
Gujarat to the British?
1. Classical Greek.
A. Muhammad Shah 2. Stupa at Sanchi
B. Farrukh-siyar 3. Mughal architecture
C. Aurangzeb Select the correct answer using the codes
are given below
D. Bahadur Shah
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408 Chapter 25. The Mughal Kings

A. 1 and 3 only A. Mohammed Shah

B. 1, 2 and 3 B. Bahadur Shah I
C. 1 and 2 only C. Jahandar Shaha
D. 3 only D. Faurkh Siyyar
27. Which one among the following books was 33. Who was the last Mughal emperor?
authored by a lady of the Mughal Royal A. Shah Alam-II
B. Ahmad Shah

A. Akbar Nama
C. Bahadur Shah-II
B. Babur Nama
D. Akbar-II
C. Humayun Nama

34. Which one among the following depicts the
D. Badshah Nama correct meaning of the term Tins-i-Kamil
concerning crops in Mughal India?
28. During the Mughal rule the Qazi-ul-Quzat
was A. Cash crop

A. Head of the Finance department B. Crop grown, in the arid
B. Incharge of charities C. Paddy crop

C. Chief judge of the empire D. Coarse crop

35. The greatest literary achievement of the
D. Censor of Public morals
Mughal period can be said to be
29. Bhakta Tukaram was a contemporary of
1. preserving of official records in a sys-
which Mughal ruler?
tematic manner.
A. Akbar 2. the replacement of religious bias by
B. Shahjahan secular attitude among the men of let-

ters and their patrons.

C. Jahangir 3. adoption of a common language to un-
derstand the thinking of the common

D. Babur
30. Who among the following Mughal Emper-

4. they expressed their intellectual

ors was half Rajput?
knowledge through the paintings and
A. Shah Jahan& Jahangir sculptures.
B. Akbar Jahan& Jahangir A. 3 and 4

C. Jahangir& Humayun B. 2 only

D. Shah Jahan& Aurangzeb C. 2 and 4
31. Which of the following schools of paint- D. 1 and 2

ings developed independently during the 36. The Zamindari in Mughal India was not
Mughal Period?
A. Mortgageable
A. The Kangra School
B. Hereditary
B. The Bijapur School
C. A saleable right
C. The Golconda School
D. Ownership of land
D. the Rajput School 37. Who among the foreign travellers describes
32. Which Mughal emperor enrolled Guru how the ‘Ganges water’ was carried in cop-
Govind Singh into Mughal service? per vessels for Mughal Emperors to drink?
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A. Sir Thomas Roe C. Aurangzeb

B. Thomas Coryat D. Humayun
C. Ralph Fitch 42. Who gave the Kitab of Mirza Raja to Jais-
D. Edward Terry ingh in Mughal Empire?
38. The founder of the Mughal Empire was: A. Jahangir
A. Jahan. B. Aurangzeb
B. Babur. C. Shahjahan
C. Lodi.
D. Akbar
D. Akbar.
43. Tobacco cultivation was introduced in the
39. With reference to the Mughal administra- Deccan by the Portuguese during the 16th

tion, which one of the following statements century. Tobacco smoking reached the
is NOT correct? Mughal Court because of which one of the
A. The censorship of public morals was following?
under the charge of Muhtasib
A. The Mughal ambassador to Bijapur,
B. The Mughal artillery was under the eR Mirza Asad baig introduced it to Akbar
charge of Mir-i- Atish
B. The soldiers of the Deccan spread this
C. The imperial household was under the among the Mughal nobility
charge of Mir Manzil
C. The Portuguese missionaries introduced
D. Supervision over the lands granted by it into the Mughal Court
the Emperors or princes to pious men, schol-
ars, and monks was under the charge of the D. The farmers who took tobacco cultiva-
chief Sadr tion introduced this to the Mughal Court
40. Which of the following is/are correct about

Mughal Empire? 44. Who among the following Mughal kings

1. The eldest son inherited his father’s had sent Raja Ram Mohan Roy as his envoy
estate. to London?
2. Afghans were an immediate threat to A. Shah Alam II
Mughal authority.
3. Peasant revolts were absent in the B. Bahadur Shah II

Mughal Empire

C. Alamgir II
Select the correct answer using the codes
are given below D. Akbar II

A. 1 and 2 only 45. Which Mughal emperor stopped the prac-

tice of Forceful conversion of prisoners of
B. 2 only war?
C. 1 only
A. Aurangzeb
D. 1 and 3
B. Jahangir
41. Which Mughal ruler constructed A new city
called as Din Panah on the bank of Yamuna C. Akbar
D. Shah Jahan
A. Jahangir
46. Which of the statements given below about
B. Babur the Mughal rule in India is false?
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410 Chapter 25. The Mughal Kings

A. Peasant communities were a united and II. Painting was at its climax during his
homogeneous group reign.
B. Most regions produced two crops in a Which of the above statements is/are cor-
year rect?
C. The State encouraged these crops that A. Only I
brought in more revenue
B. Only II
D. There was an abundance of food grain
C. Both I and II
47. Which jeweller foreign traveller of the

Mughal period has left a detailed account D. None of the above
of Takht-i-Taus (Peacock throne)? 52. Consider the following statements about Ba-
A. ‘Omrah’ Danishmand Khan hadur Shah Zafar

B. Geronimo Verroneo 1. He was the last Mughal ruler
2. He was killed in the 1857 revolt
C. Austin of Bordeaux
Which of the statements given above is/are
D. Travernier

48. During the Mughal period there was con-
tinuous emigration of the to places A. 1 only
ruled by Hindu Rajas. B. 2 only
A. Foreign residents
C. Both 1 and 2
B. Middle Class
D. Neither 1 nor 2
C. Nobles
53. Who was the last Mughal emperor to sit on
D. Poor the peacock throne?
49. Which of the following statement is related A. Muhammad Shah
to the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb?

B. Bahadur Shah Zafar

A. Replaced many Hindu temples with

mosques. C. Jahandar Shah

B. Converted to Hinduism. D. Shah Alam-I

C. Presided over an era of religious har- 54. Mughal culture came mainly from:
A. Arabia.
D. Promoted religious toleration.
B. Central Asia.

50. In the Mughal administration, Muhtasib

was C. China.
A. A military officer D. Persia.

B. An officer incharge of public morals 55. The major region of copper mines during
the Mughal period was..?
C. The head of the department of corre-
spondence A. Bengal
D. None of the above. B. Rajasthan
51. Consider the following statement (s) related
C. Agra
to Mughal Emperor Jahangir
I. Jahangir claimed that he could distin- D. Bihar
guish the work of different artists in a 56. All the early Mughal Emperors except
single picture. were great builders
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A. Babar 61. The contemporary source that provides sat-

B. Jahangir isfitical data immensely valuable to the
study of economy of the Mughal Empire
C. Humayun is the
D. Aurangzeb A. Tuhfah-i-Akbarshahi
57. Consider the following Mughal rulers after B. Tabaqat-i-Akbari
C. Badshahnama
1. Alamgir-II
2. Farrukh Siyar D. Ain-i-Akbari
3. Jahandar Shah 62. Consider the following statements: In
4. Shah Alam-II 1560’s Akbar began to patronize the forma-
tion of the Mughal school of painting with
The correct chronological sequence of these
the illustration of Dastani- Amir Hamza,
rulers is

A. 2,3,4, 1
1. Akbar inherited Humayun’s taste for
B. 3,2, 1,4 painting.
C. 2,3, 1,4 2. Akbar was especially interested in
book illustration.
D. 3,2,4, 1
58. Why did reign of Shahjahan considered as
the ‘golden period’ of Mughal empire?
eR 3. Akbar was persuaded to take an inter-
est in painting by Abdul Fazl.
Of these statements:
1. Trade and commerce flourished.
A. 1 and 3 are correct
2. The was no external threat to India.
The country was safe and sound. B. 2 and 3 are correct
3. The territorial expansion was at its C. 1 and 2 are correct
D. 1, 2 and 3 are correct
4. Financially the state was comfortable.
63. The last Mughal Emperor was

A. 1, 2 and 4
A. Akbar
B. 1, 3 and 4
B. Noor Jehan
C. 2 and 3
C. Babur
D. 2, 3 and 4
D. Bahadur Shah

59. Which Mughal Ruler’s permitted collect-

64. The Mughal fireman of free trade in Bengal
ing Chauth and Sardesh Mukhi on Maratha

was granted to the English in

land to Peshwa Balaji Vishwanath?
A. 1696
A. Farrukhsiyar
B. 1756
B. Rafi-ud-Daula
C. 1650
C. Muhammed Shah
D. 1717
D. Rafi-ud-Darajat
65. Which contemporary Mughal historian of
60. The Mughal Empire reached its zenith of the age of Akbar had prepared a list of
expansion under charges calling him an enemy of Islam?
A. Aurangazeb A. Niamtullah
B. Shahjehan B. Badauni
C. Akbar C. Nizamuddin Ahmad
D. Humayun D. Abbas Khan Sarwani
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412 Chapter 25. The Mughal Kings

66. Who of the Mughal rulers understood the A. Akbar

significance of Rajputs and tried to win B. Shahjahan
C. Aurangzeb
A. Aurangzeb
D. Jahangir
B. Jahangir 71. Which of the following Mughal emperors
C. Shahjahan dismissed the chief ‘Sadra’ of the empire?
1. Akbar
D. Akbar 2. Jahangir

67. The Mughal emperor who issued a firman 3. Shahjahan
to the English East-India Company in 1717 4. Aurangzeb
to trade freely in Bengal was Select the correct answer from the codes

A. Bahadur Shah given below:
A. 1 and 4
B. Farrukh Siyar
B. 1 and 2
C. Jahandar Shah

C. 1 and 3
D. Shah Alam
D. 2 and 3
68. The rulers of which of the following was/ 72. Which mughal Emperor introduced
were called tarafdar by the Mughal Monar- “Duaspa-Sihaspa” method in Mansabdari
chs? System?
A. Gujarat A. Akbar
B. Golconda B. Aurangzeb

C. Bijapur and Golconda C. Shahjahan

D. Jabangir
D. Ahmadnagar

73. Which mughal emperor was a good veena

69. Which of the following were the main fea- player?

tures of the imperial Mughal land revenue

A. Akbar

B. Shahjahan
1. It varied according to the crop grown.
2. It varied from region to region. C. Aurangazeb
3. It varied according to farming bids re- D. Jahangir
ceived. 74. Which among the following titles was/were

4. It varied according to individual con- not assumed by the Mughal Emperor, Ak-
tracts with village headmen. bar?
Select the correct answer by using the codes 1. Caliph

given below: 2. Ghazi

3. Imam
A. 2, 3 and 4
4. Mujahid
B. 1 and 2 A. 2, 3
C. 1 and 4 B. 1, 2, 3
D. 1 and 3 C. Only 1
70. Which of the following Mughal emperors D. Only 2
spent a greater part of his reign to overthrow 75. Early English trade with Mughal India was
the Deccan Kingdoms? blocked by the influence of the:
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A. Muslim clergy. 81. Which Mughal officer helped Humayun

B. Portuguese Jesuits. capture the fort of Chunargarh from Sher
C. Dutch.
A. Dilwar Khan
D. Spanish.
76. Mughal paintings were reached its zenith of B. Mahabat Khan
progress during the reign of? C. Rumi Khan
A. Babur D. Hindal
B. Aurangazeb
82. Which of the following statements about
C. Jahangir Aurangzeb is true?
D. Shahjahan 1. He was the greatest Mughal emperor.
77. Khalsa in Mughal rule meant 2. He worked for the glory of the Mughal

A. The Land belonging to Emperor
3. He dismissed tradition of music in his
B. All royal system court.
C. Land from where revenue was collected 4. His biggest enemy was Marathas.
for royal treasure Which of the above is/are correct?
D. Religious Land grant
78. Which of the following Mughal King reign
eR A. 1, 3 and 4
B. 2, 3 and 4
during the large-scale famine in Gujarat and
Deccan? C. 1 and 2
A. Jahangir D. 3 and 4
B. Shahjahan 83. Which of the following Mughal ruler who
C. Akbar tried to create an affinity between Sikh
and Maratha by granted the right to collect

D. Aurangzeb
Sardesh Mukhi of Deccan but not Chauth
79. What was the reasons for the decline of
to the Marathas?
Mughal empire?
1. Aurangzeb’s religious and political A. Muazzam
policy B. Jahander Shah
2. Peasants became stronger

3. Zamidars became rebellion C. Akbar


4. Administration was centralized D. Farukhsiyar

Which of the above is/are correct? 84. Identify the name of the wife of the Mughal
A. 1 and 4 Emperor who is believed to have sabotaged
the work of the rebels by acting as an in-
B. 1, 3 and 4
former to the British.
C. 2, 3 and 4
A. Fatima Begum
D. 2 and 3
80. In Mughal period Zamindars were B. Mumtaz Mahal

A. Jagirdars C. Zeenat Mahal

B. Revenue plunders D. Hazrat Mahal
C. Land owners 85. Which was the chief or main region of cop-
per mines in Mughal period?
D. Labourers
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414 Chapter 25. The Mughal Kings

A. Rajasthan A. Bahadur Shah-II

B. Bengal B. Shah Alam-II
C. Agra
C. Shah Alam-I
D. Bihar
86. Who was the Mughal emperor at the time D. Bahadur Shah-I
of Ahmad Shah Abdali’s invasion of India?


1. C 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. C 11. A 12. B 13. A 14. C
15. A 16. D 17. A 18. D 19. B 20. C 21. B 22. A 23. C 24. A 25. C 26. B
27. C 28. C 29. C 30. A 31. B 32. B 33. C 34. A 35. B 36. C 37. D 38. B

39. C 40. B 41. D 42. C 43. B 44. A 45. C 46. A 47. D 48. D 49. A 50. B
51. C 52. A 53. A 54. D 55. B 56. D 57. C 58. A 59. A 60. A 61. D 62. C
63. D 64. D 65. B 66. D 67. B 68. C 69. B 70. C 71. A 72. D 73. C 74. D
75. B 76. C 77. A 78. B 79. B 80. C 81. C 82. D 83. A 84. C 85. A 86. C

a n
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26. Renaissance

1. Kumaran Asan is associated with the Social C. Mirza Ghulam Ahmed
Renaissance of
D. Abdul Latif
A. Kerala 4. The Father of Muslim Renaissance in Ben-
B. Tamilnadu gal was
C. Andhra Pradesh A. Nawab Samiullah Khan

D. None of the above B. Ameer Ali

2. Raja Rammohan Roy and Brahma Samaj C. Syed Ahmad Khan
which of the following statements regarding
D. Nawab Abdul Latif Khan
Raja Rammohan Roy are correct?
5. Who is known as the “Father of Muslim
I. Considered as father of Indian renais-
Renaissance in Bengal”?

II. Started Brahmo Samaj A. Muhammad Qasim

III. Set up Atmiya Sabha in Calcutta B. Rashid Ahmed Gangohi

IV. Translated Vedas and five Upanishads
to Bengali language C. Abdul Latif

A. Only II and III D. Mirza Ghulam Ahmed

B. I, II, III 6. A striking characteristic of Indian cultural

Renaissance was:
C. I, II and IV
A. Research oriented study of the past his-
D. All of the above tory and antiquities of India.
3. Who is considered the “Father of Muslim
B. Growth of new schools of philosophy.
Renaissance in Bengal” in Bengal?
C. Birth of new regional languages.
A. Rashid Ahmed Gangohi
D. Growth of novel at the expense of other
B. Muhammad Qasim
forms of writing.
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416 Chapter 26. Renaissance

7. Whose reign is referred to as Renaissance C. Aurangzeb

in Persian, Arabic and Hindi literature?
D. Jahangir
A. Shah Jahan
B. Akbar


1. A 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. B

a n
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27. Freedom

1. Which of the following newspapers advo- C. Both 1 and 2
cated revolutionary terrorism during the D. Neither 1 nor 2
freedom struggle?
3. Which of the following text introduces
1. The Sandhya bhakti marga (the path of faith/devotion)
2. The Yugantar as one of three ways to spiritual freedom
3. The Kal and release?

Select the correct answer from the codes A. Brahamans

given below:
B. Vedas
A. 2 and 3
C. Vedanta
B. 1 and 3
D. Bhagwat Gita
C. 1, 2 and 3

4. Which one of the following is the correct


D. 1 and 2 chronological sequence of events during In-

2. Consider the following statements regard- dian freedom struggle?
ing Swarajya Party: A. Appointment of Simon Commission -
1. They believed in the use of constitu- Moplah Rebellion - Irwin-Gandhi Pact.
tional methods for achieving freedom B. Moplah Rebellion - Appointment of Si-
for the country. mon Commission - Irwin-Gandhi Pact.
2. Though initially opposed to Swara-
C. Moplah Rebellion - Irwin-Gandhi Pact -
jist methodologies, Gandhi later rec-
Appointment of Simon Commission
onciled with them and expressed soli-
darity for council entry. D. Appointment of Simon Commission -
Which of the above statements is/are true? Irwin-Gandhi Pact - Moplah Rebellion
5. Which of the following statements is not
A. 1 only
correct with reference to the Indian Free-
B. 2 only dom Struggle?
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418 Chapter 27. Freedom

A. The Rowlatt Act aroused a wave popular A. the Union of Pakhtun tribal areas in
indignation and led to the JalianwallaBagh north-west with the Afghanistan
B. the adoption of terrorist tactics and
B. Subhash Chandra Bose formed the For- methods for terrorising and finally ousting
ward Bloc the colonial rulers
C. Bhagat Singh was one of the founders C. the adoption of communist revolution
of Hindustan Republican Socialist Associa- ideology for political and social reform
D. the Pathan regional nationalist unity and

D. In 1931, the Congress Session at a struggle against colonialism.
Karachi opposed Gandhi-Irwin Pact
9. The Indian freedom fighter Ashfaqulla
6. Which one of the following is the correct Khan and ramprasad Bismil were hanged

chronological order of the freedom move- due to their involvement in which one of
ments of India? the following?
A. Quit India Movement, Non-Cooperation A. Chittagon armoury raid
Movement, Civil Disobedience Movement

B. Kakori Conspiracy case
B. Quit India Movement, Civil Disobedi-
ence Movement, Non, Cooperation Move- C. Meeru Conspiracy case
ment D. Kanpur Conspiracy case
C. Non-Cooperation Movement-Quit India 10. With whom did Raja Ranjit Singh conclude
Movement- Civil Disobedience Movement the treaty of Lahore in 1806 which gave
him the freedom to expand north of Sutlej?
D. Non-cooperation Movement, Civil Dis-
obedience Movement, Quit India Move- A. Peshwa Bajirao II
B. Scindia of Gwalior
7. During Indian freedom struggle, the Na-

tional Social Conference was formed. What C. Holkar of Indore

was the reason for its formation? D. East India Company

A. Different social reform groups or orga- 11. Consider the following events related to In-
nizations of Bengal region united to form a dia’s freedom struggle and find their correct

single body to discuss the issues of larger chronological order from the codes given
interest and to prepare appropriate peti- below the events:
tions/representations to the government
1. Bomb-hurling at the Central Legisla-

B. Indian National Congress did not want tive Assembly Hall in Delhi.
to include social reforms in its deliberations 2. Martyrdom of Jatin Das.
and decided to form a separate body for 3. Martyrdom of Bhagat Singh.
such a purpose 4. Karachi session of the Indian National

C. Behramji Malabari and M. G. Ranade
decided to bring together all the social re- A. 1, 2, 3, and 4
form groups of the country under one orga-
B. 4, 3, 2, and 1
C. 2, 1, 3, and 4
D. None of the statements A, B and C given
above is correct in this context D. 3, 4, 1 and 2
8. During the Indian freedom struggle, the 12. Who among the following freedom fighter
Khudai Khidmatgars, also known as Red opposes the Annie Besant’s idea of launch-
Shirts called for: ing Home Rule Movement?
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A. Mahatma Gandhi B. Civil Disobedience Movement

B. Aurobindo Ghosh C. Swadeshi Movement
C. B. G. Tilak D. Non-Cooperation Movement
D. G. K. Gokhale 15. Which of the following trio leaders referred
13. Who said “I therefore want freedom im- to as Lal, Bal and Pal during the freedom
mediately, this very night, before dawn if it movement?
can be had”?
A. Lala Lajpat Rai, Bal Gangadhar Tilak
A. Annie Besant and Bipin Chandra Pal
B. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru B. Lal Bahadur Shastri, Bal Gangadhar
C. Mahatma Gandhi Tilak and Bipin Chandra Pal
C. Lal Bahadur Shastri, Bal Gangadhar

D. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
14. During the freedom struggle, Aruna Asaf Tilak and Gopala Krishna Gokhale
Ali was a major woman organizer of under- D. Lala Lajpat Rai, Bal Gangadhar Tilak
ground activity in: and C. Rajagopalachari
A. Quit India Movement

1. C 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. D 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. D 11. D 12. D 13. C 14. A

15. A
i Sh
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a n
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28. Indus

1. The Indus valley civilization is called non - 4. The script of Indus valley has been
Aryan because A. About to be deciphered
1. Indus people worshipped mother God-
B. Not deciphered
2. It is a pictographic script. C. Difficult to be deciphered
Which of the above statement is/are true? D. Deciphered (translated)

A. 1 only 5. The entry port for trade between the Indus

trading centers and Mesopotamia was:
B. 2 only
A. Elam
C. 1 and 2
B. Oman
D. None of these
C. Bahrain

2. Which metal was unknown to Indus Valley

Civilization? D. None of the above

A. Copper 6. Which one of the following statements

about the Indus culture is the least possi-
B. Gold
C. Silver
A. The Indus culture originated from the
D. Iron peasant cultures of sind& Baluchistan
3. Which one of the following Indus Valley B. The Indus culture originated from the
Civilization sites gives evidence of a dock- Kalibanga I culture
C. The Indus culture is an expression of
A. Dholavira Sothi culture
B. Harappa D. The Indus culture sprang directly as an
C. Lothal urban culture
D. Mohenjodaro 7. Rabi crops of the Indus Valley are
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422 Chapter 28. Indus

A. Barley and rice A. Discovery of a number of articles which

were not produced or found in the country
B. Wheat and Barley
B. Commercial links of the Harappans with
C. Rice and wheat
the West Asian countries
D. Wheat and cotton C. The drawing of a ship on a seal
8. Which one of the following sites of the In- D. The discovery of a dockyard at Lothal
dus Valley Civilization had an ancient dock-
14. How the Indus valley civilization declined?
Give correct reasons contributed to the de-

A. Lothal cline of civilization.
B. Rangpur 1. Due to fall in foreign trade continu-

C. Harappa 2. Due to changing monsoon, the
D. Kalibangan scarcity of rains.
3. Due to ruling of weak foreign powers.
9. The chief Indus food crop was:
4. Due to the animals used the pastures
A. rice. in excess.

B. barley. Which of the above is / are correct
C. wheat. A. 1 and 4
B. 2 and 3
D. millet.
10. The Indus people imported lead from. C. 1, 2 and 4
D. 2, 3 and 4
A. Central Asia
15. What is true about Lothal ancient site?
B. Maharashtra
I. Lothal was an ancient port of Indus
C. Saurashtra civilization.

D. South India II. It was excavated by the S.R. Rao

III. Currently it is situated in the Pakistan.

11. Almost all the people of Indus Valley Civi-

lization were: A. Only I, II

B. Only I, III
A. Proto-Austroloid
B. Nordic
D. All of the above
C. Mediterranean
16. Indus Valley Civilisation became known

D. Nigroid from excavations at

12. Which of the following toilet and cosmetic A. Mohanjodaro
objects were not perhaps known to Indus

B. Ropar
Valley people?
C. Harappa
A. Copper mirrors
D. None of these
B. Hair-dyes 17. What led to the end of Indus Valley Civi-
C. Antimony rods lization?

D. Ivory combs A. Invasion of Aryans

13. Which of the following is not one of the B. Recurrent Floods

proofs of maritime activities of the Indus C. Earthquakes
Valley people?
D. All the above
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18. Which one of the following was the port A. Wheeler

city of the Indus Valley Civilisation? B. Dayaram Sahni
A. Kalibangan C. R.D. Banerji
B. Harappa D. Cunningham
C. Lothal 24. Which of the following statements regard-
ing the Indus Valley Civilization is not
D. Mohenjodara
19. Which of the following was not one of the
A. The excavations at Harappa are at-
tools and implements used by Indus Valley
tributed to R.B. Daya Ram Sahni
B. The Assembly Hall was discovered at
A. Grindings stones for flouring wheat, pes- Mohenjo-Daro
tles and querns

C. The open courtyard was the basic fea-
B. Sickles and plough ture of house planning
C. Needles and razors D. The Indus Valley people were not ac-
D. Forks and spoons quainted with the art of spinning and weav-
20. Which of the following is not a feature of
the religious life of the Indus civilization?
A. Pipal and Acacia trees were regarded as
25. Which of the following statements are cor-
rect with regard to the Indus valley civilisa-
celestial plants 1. The people of this civilisation were
B. The tree of life figures with great fre- the earliest to make use of cotton.
2. They did not cremate their dead.
quency on the seals
3. A grid system was followed in city
C. The people had faith in amulets and planning.
charms, which shows that they were afraid 4. Stone was the chief building material.

of demons
A. 1 and 4
D. The Indus deities, like the Vedic deities,
B. 1, 2, 3 and 4
were predominantly male
C. 1 and 3
21. Which is the only Indus site with a dock-
yard? D. 2 and 3

A. Surkotda 26. The Indus Valley houses werebuilt of


A. Stone
B. Lothal
B. Bamboos
C. Amri
C. Wood
D. Kalibanga
D. Bricks
22. Brahmani bull for Indus valley people was
27. Indus valley civilization is an example of
A. Unknown animal
A. Proto-history
B. Sacrificial animal B. History
C. Well known animal C. Pre-history
D. Sacred animal D. Continuous story
23. Indus Valley Civilization was discovered 28. Indus valley civilization might have been
by: destroyedby
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424 Chapter 28. Indus

A. Mughals 35. The Indus valley civilization ended in

B. Dravidians A. 1200 BC
C. Mongols B. 1500 BC
D. Aryans C. 1000 BC
29. Indus valley did not maintain trade relation
D. 1300 BC
36. The Indus valley civilization flourisheddur-
A. Afghanistan

B. Romans
A. 5000 - 3500 B.C
C. Rajasthan
B. 3000 - 1500 B.C
D. Iran

C. 2500 - 1750 B.C
30. Who was the main male God worshipped
by Indus people? D. 1500 - 500 B.C
A. Lord Vishnu 37. Garments of Indus valley people were of

B. Indra A. Cotton& silk
C. Brahma B. Cotton only
D. Vishnu C. Cotton, wool& silk
31. Which of the following is the most common
D. Cotton& wool
motif of the Indus Seals?
38. Manda, the northern-most site of Indus Civ-
A. Rhinoceros ilization in Jammu and Kashmir is located
B. Elephant on the banks of which river?
C. Unicorn A. Zaskar

D. Bull B. Chenab
32. Indus Valley civilization traded with:
C. Jhelum

A. Bengal.
D. Sutlej
B. Crete.

39. The Indus Valley Civillisation reached its

C. Sumer. zenith in BC:
D. China. A. 1700
33. The striking feature of the Indus Valley Civ-

B. 500
ilization was
C. 2500
A. Sea transport
D. 3500
B. Industries

40. Which one of the following was not an In-

C. Civic organization
dus Valley Civilization site?
D. Rural settlement
A. Patliputra
34. Which of the following sites is the largest
of all Indus settlements excavated? B. Lothal
A. Mohenjodaro C. Suktagendor
B. Kalibangan D. Rangpur
C. Lothal 41. The Indus Valley Civilization belongs to
D. Dholavira
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A. NeolithicAge 47. The Indus valley civilization was discov-

ered in
B. Mesolithic Age
A. 1922
C. Chalcolithic Age
B. 1902
D. Palaeolithic Age
C. 1921
42. The primary purpose of a seal in the Indus
Valley Civilization was probably D. 1932
A. to signify royally 48. The main occupation of the people of the
Indus valley civilization was
B. as a medium of exchange in trade
A. hunting
C. to signify ownership of property
B. agriculture
D. to indicate social status

C. cattle rearing
43. The word ‘Sindhan’ used by the Indus peo-
ple denoted D. trade
49. The use of lime and costly burnt bricks, in-
A. Cotton stead of sundried bricks, by the Indus Valley
B. Copper people for construction purposes is a proof
C. Silk
D. Iron
eR of
A. A moist climate on account of the close
proximity of the civilization to the river val-
44. Evidence of mixed cropping is seen from leys
which site of Indus Civilization?
B. Advanced technology
A. Kalibangan
C. Better planning
B. Lothal D. Knowledge of the manufacture of lime
C. Dholavira 50. Which of the following animals as figures

D. Chanhudaro surround the male deity in the Indus Valley

45. The Indus people did not have trade rela-
tions with. 1. Elephant
2. Tiger
A. China 3. Rhinoceros

B. Iraq 4. Buffalo

5. Deer
C. Afganistan
Select the correct answer from the codes
D. Central Asia given below:
46. In Indus Valley Civilization, the script was: A. 1, 2, 3 and 4
A. Kharosthi B. 2, 3 and 4
B. Brahmi C. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
C. Boustrophedon D. 1, 3 and 5
D. None of these

1. C 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. D 11. C 12. B 13. C 14. C

15. A 16. C 17. D 18. C 19. D 20. D 21. B 22. D 23. B 24. C 25. C 26. D
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426 Chapter 28. Indus

27. A 28. D 29. D 30. A 31. C 32. C 33. A 34. D 35. B 36. C 37. D 38. B
39. C 40. A 41. A 42. C 43. A 44. A 45. A 46. C 47. C 48. B 49. A 50. C

a n
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29. Act

1. Which of the following provisions are A. June 1857
included under female infanticide act of B. January 1858
C. December 1857
I. Declared female infanticide illegal
equivalent to murder D. August 2, 1858
II. Parents to register the birth of all ba- 4. Which Government of India Act/charter Act

bies compulsorily. generated the post of Governor-General of

III. Verification of female children after India?
some years of birth particularly in ar-
A. Charter Act-1833
eas where the custom is still prevalent.
B. Charter Act-1813
A. Only I
C. Government of India Act -1858

B. All the above statement

D. Charter Act-1853

C. Only II and III

5. The Government of India Act of 1935 had
D. Only I and II divided India into provinces.
2. As per Pitt’s India Act the Committee of A. 11
Secrecy would consist of three members of
B. 8

A. The Board of Control C. 14

B. The House of Lords D. 5

6. The Vernacular Press Act was passed in .
C. The Court of Directors
A. 1878,
D. The House of Commons
B. 1898
3. When was The Government of India Act
1858 passed by the Parliament of the United C. 1888,
Kingdom? D. 1881,
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428 Chapter 29. Act

7. The Province of Bengal Constituted by the 12. Who among the following Dharmasastra
Act of 1935 would cease to exist as per writers disapproved the custom of Sati
declaring it as an act of suicide?
A. Wavell’s Plan A. Usana
B. The Cabinet Mission Plan B. Angiras

C. The Indian Independence Act of 1947 C. Visnu

D. Medhatithi
D. The Dikie Bird Plan
13. The Act of had introduced the sys-

8. Pitt’s India Act brought the company in di- tem of separate electorates.
rect subordination to a body representing
A. 1926

A. The Indian Merchants B. 1874
C. 1909
B. The English Merchants in India
D. 1893
C. Princely States
14. The Govt. of India Act which ave eparate

D. The Parliament of Britain representation to the Muslims was the act
9. Which of the following Government of In- of?
dia Act/Indian Council Act brought three A. 1947
separate presidencies (Madras, Bombay and
B. 1919
Bengal) into a common system?
C. 1935
A. Government of India Act, 1935
D. 1909
B. Government of India Act, 1919 15. What is the correct chronological sequence
C. Indian Council Act of 1861 of the following Acts?
1. Indian Trade Union Act

D. Indian Council Act of 1909

2. Indian Factories Act
10. The Charter Act of 1813 left intact the Com- 3. The Trade Disputes Act

pany’s monopoly of trade. 4. Indian Mines Act

A. Japan Select the correct answer, from The codes

B. Jawa given below

C. China A. 4, 2, 3, 1
B. 1, 3, 2, 4
D. Ceylon

C. 3, 1, 4, 2
11. Consider the following statements: The
government of India Act 1935 provided for D. 2, 4, 1, 3
16. The Government of India Act of 1919

1. The provincial autonomy.

2. The establishment of Federal Court. clearly defined the
3. All India Federation at the centre. A. Powers of the Secretary of State for In-
Which of the statements given above are dia and the Viceroy
correct? B. Jurisdiction of the central and provincial
A. 1, 2 and 3
C. Separation of power between the judi-
B. 1 and 2 ciary and the legislature
C. 2 and 3 D. Jurisdiction of the Viceroy and the Gov-
D. 1 and 3 ernors of the provinces
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17. Which of the following statements about A. Governor-General

the Government of India Act of 1935 is not
B. Board of Control
C. Crown
A. The federal legislature was to be bicam-
eral. D. Parliament
23. As per the Act of 1919, the Council of In-
B. Diarchy was established in the
dia would consist of a minimum of 8 and a
maximum of members.
C. The Viceroy was given special powers.
A. 20
D. The federal executive was to consist of
B. 15
the Viceroy, councillors and the ministers.
C. 12
18. Which one of the following Act strength-

ened the unitary character of the Govern- D. 10
ment of India by establishing a general 24. Which act is known as the black Act?
control over the finances of India by the
Governor- General? A. Rowaltt Act
B. filbert Bill
A. The Charter Act of 1833
B. The Charter Act of 1813
C. Pitt’s India Act of 14
eR C. Hunter Act
D. Act of 1909
25. The Bengal Regulation Act of 1829 dealt
D. The regulating Act of 1773 with which of the following issues primar-
19. Which of the Act made the governor of Ben- ily:
gal as Governor General of India? A. Female infanticide
A. Pitt’s India Act, AD 1784 B. Child marriages
B. Charter Act, 1793 AD C. Abolition of sati

C. The Regulating Act, AD 1773 D. Dowry prohibition

D. The charter Act, 1813 AD 26. Identify the Acts passed by the British Gov-
ernment in 1856. (i) Religious disabilities
20. Indian Navy Act was passed on?
Act (ii) General Service Enlistment Act (iii)
A. 1925 Hindu Widow Remarriage Act (iv) Aboli-

tion of the Sati (Regulation XVII)


B. 1930
A. i, ii, iii
C. 1927
B. i, iii, iv
D. 1921
C. ii, iii, iv
21. Vernacular Press Act passed in?
D. All of them
A. 1877
27. Provision was made by the Charter Act of
B. 1878 1813 for the establishment of a Church at
C. 1880
A. Calcutta
D. 1879
B. Bombay
22. When the Governor-General was away from
Bengal a Vice- President appointed by C. Pondicherry
would Act for him.
D. Madras
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430 Chapter 29. Act

28. Which of the following charter act ended The correct chronological sequence of these
the monopoly of the trade of East India events is
Company with China and sea route also? A. 2, 1, 3
A. The charter Act, 1813 AD B. 1, 2, 3
B. Pitt’s India Act, AD 1784 C. 3, 2, 1
C. Charter Act, 1833 AD D. 2, 3, 1
D. The Regulating Act, AD 1773 34. Who was the Viceroy of India when the

29. When was M.K Gandhi suspend after the Rowlatt Act was Passed
violent act of peasants at Police station of A. Lord Irwin
Chauri Chaura, near Gorakhpur in UP?
B. Lord Reading

A. Jan 1920
C. Lord Wavell
B. Feb 1920
D. Lord Chelmsford
C. Mar 1922
35. Which of the following act was the revision
D. Feb 1922

of Vernacular Act?
30. Gandhi called for an all India Hartal (strike) A. Indian Press act, 1910
to protest against Rowlatt Act on 6th April
B. Newspaper Act, 1908
C. Both A& B
A. 1918
D. None of the above
B. 1925
36. The Charter Act of 1813 allotted Rupees
C. 1919 annually for Indian learning and
D. 1926 spread of Scientific knowledge.
31. Which one of the following had drafted the A. £500

Hindu Widows Remarriage Act?

B. Two lakhs
A. Lord Canning

C. £1000
B. Lord Dalhousie
D. One lakh

C. Lord Hardinge 37. By the Charter Act of 1813 the Indian trade
D. None of the above except in was thrown open to all
32. Which of the following provision is a part British subjects.

of the Government of India Act of 1919? A. Spices

A. Remodelling of the Central legislature B. Tea
B. Doing away with the distinction be- C. Coffee

tween the regulation and non-regulation D. Cotton

38. The suppression of Indian language news-
C. The enlargement of the Viceroy’s Exec- papers under the Vernacular Press Act of
utive Council 1878 was caused by the criticism of
D. Transfer of power to the Indians A. inhuman approach of English officials
33. Consider the following events towards the victims of the famine of 1876-
1. Cornwallis Code 77
2. North’s Regulating Act B. ill-treatment given to Indigo workers by
3. Pitt’s India Act their English masters
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C. misuse of religious places of India by 43. As per Act of 1919 the lower house of the
English officials Central Legislature was known as
D. lavish lifestyle of the English officials A. Legislative Assembly
39. Which of the following committee and Act B. Legislative Council
is associated with the Sedition Act?
C. House of Commons
A. Rowlatt Committee
D. House of Representatives
B. Muddiman Committee 44. The Factory Act of 1881 was passed with a
C. Butler Committee view to

D. Both A& B A. Prohibit the employment of children be-

low the age of 7 in any factory
40. By which clause, did the Charter Act of
B. Allow the workers to trade unions

1833 accepted educational qualifications for
Indian Civil Service appointment? C. Fix the wages of industrial workers
A. Clause 87 D. Reduce the working hours for women
B. Clause 82 employees
45. The States Reorganisation Act was passed
C. Clause 76
D. Clause 86
41. The Government of India Act of 1935 con-
eR in
A. 1956 A.D.

sists of sections and 10 schedules. B. 1950 A.D.

C. 1954 A.D.
A. 321
D. 1908 A.D.
B. 330
46. The Charter Act of 1793 Renewed the Com-
C. 300 pany’s monopoly for years.

D. 331 A. 30 years
42. Consider the following statement (s) related B. 15 years
to the Charter Act of 1793
C. 20 years
I. Renewed the Charter of the Company
for 20 more years. D. 10 years

II. Regulated the finances of the Com- 47. What is the correct sequence of the follow-

ing events?
III. Lay down that the salaries of the
1. Rowlatt Act
Board of Control and their staffs were
2. Gandhi-Irwin Pact
to be paid from the British revenues.
3. Morley-Minto Reforms
IV. Prohibited the CommanderinChief
4. Illbert Bill
from being a member of the Gover-
nor General’s Council. Select the correct answer using the codes
given below
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below: A. 4, 3, 1, 2
A. II& III B. 4, 1, 3, 2

B. I, II& IV C. 3, 4, 1, 2

C. I, II& III D. 1, 2, 4, 3
48. The Hindu Widows’ Remarriage Act .
D. I& II
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432 Chapter 29. Act

A. 1946 54. Monopoly of the East India Company to

trade with China was abolished by the Char-
B. 1865,
ter Act of
C. 1858,
A. 1793
D. 1856,
B. 1813
49. Which of the following is not the provision
C. 1833
of The Act of 1892?
D. 1853
A. A simultaneous examination of ICS to
55. The Widow Remarriage Act was passed by

be held in England and India
A. Lord Auckland
B. Reforms of the legislative council and
adoption of the principle of election in place B. Lord Canning

of nomination C. Lord Dalhousie
C. Reduction in the Military expenditure D. Lord Wavell
D. support of the annexation of Upper 56. Which of the following statement is related
Burma to the provision of the Charter Act of 1833?

50. Who was the Chairman of Boundary Com- A. Allowed the Company’s monopoly of
mission to define the boundaries of the do- tea trade and trade with China
minions under the Indian Independence Act B. Put an end to the Company’s tea trade
of 1947?
and trade with China
A. Lord Mountbatten C. Has not interfered with Company’s tea
B. Stafford Cripps trade and trade with China

C. Lord Wavell D. Allowed the Company’s monopoly of

tea trade and trade with China for ten years
D. Cyril Radcliffe
57. Which of the following Government of In-

51. Who among the following did not act as a dia Act introduced the diarchy system in
tax farmer? the provinces of India?

A. Governor A. Government of India Act, 1909


B. Tributary chief B. Government of India Act, 1919

C. Patwari C. Government of India Act, 1935
D. Village headman D. None of these
58. Who among the following Governors-

52. By the Act of 1773, Parliament granted a

loan of to the East India Company. General repealed the Vernacular Press Act
of Lytton?
A. Rs 500,000
A. Ripon

B. Rs 300,000
B. Dufferin
C. Rs 400,000
C. Elgin-II
D. Rs 480,000
D. Northbrook
53. Rowlatt Act was passed in? 59. When passed the Act of Vernacular Act?
A. 1917 A. 1857
B. 1916 B. 1850
C. 1918 C. 1878
D. 1919 D. 1884
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60. Which of the following Government of In- C. Parliament

dia Act gave separate representation to the
D. The Secretary of State
63. Which of the following act led to the intro-
A. Act of 1947
duction of a dual system of government in
B. Act of 1909 India?
C. Act of 1919 A. Charter Act, 1793 AD
D. Act of 1935 B. Pitt’s India Act, AD 1784
61. Which of the following statements is/are
C. Charter Act, 1813 AD
true regarding Govt. of India Act 1919?
1. The Act introduced dyarchy in both D. The Regulating Act, AD 1773
central and provincial legislative coun- 64. Consider the following statements regard-
ing Rowlatt Act.

2. At the centre, the legislature had no 1. It enabled the government to suspend
control over viceroy and his executive all writs excluding habeas corpus.
council. 2. The act empowered government to im-
3. Women were given the right to vote prison person without any trail.
in provincial legislative councils.
4. A bicameral legislature was intro-
duced in central level.
Select the correct answer using the code
eR Which of the above statements is/are true?
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
given below.
C. Both 1 and 2
A. 1, 2 and 3 only
D. Neither 1 and 2
B. 2, 3 and 4 only
65. Which of the following act of India ensured
C. 1, 3 and 4 only
the partition of India?
D. 2 and 3 only

A. Government of India Act, 1909

62. By the Act of 1858, the powers of the Board
of Control and the Court of Directors were B. Government of India Act, 1919
transferred to C. Government of India Act, 1935
A. Commander-in-Chief D. None of these

B. Viceroy


1. B 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. C 11. A 12. D 13. C 14. D

15. D 16. B 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. C 21. B 22. A 23. C 24. A 25. C 26. A
27. A 28. C 29. D 30. C 31. B 32. D 33. D 34. D 35. A 36. D 37. B 38. B
39. A 40. A 41. A 42. B 43. A 44. A 45. A 46. C 47. A 48. D 49. D 50. D
51. B 52. C 53. D 54. C 55. C 56. B 57. B 58. D 59. C 60. B 61. B 62. D
63. B 64. B 65. B
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Part 3


30 Miscellenous questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437

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30. Miscellenous questions

Unit 1

1. During whose Peshwaship was the second D. Sri Vaishnavism

and third Anglo-Maratha fought resulting 4. Statement I: Mahavira initially joined a
in the abolition of the Peshawaship by the group of ascetics called Nirgranthas. State-
English? ment II: The sect was founded 200 years
A. Raghunath Rao earlier by Parsva.

B. Narayan Rao A. Both the statements are true and State-

ment II is the correct explanation of State-
C. Baji Rao II ment I
D. Madhav Rao I B. Both the statements are true, but State-
2. The Sufi concept of Anal Haq was inspired ment II is not the correct explanation of
by the following concept of Vedanta Statement I

C. Statement I is true, but Statement II is


A. Tat Twam Asi (that thou art)

B. Ekam Advaitam (one without the sec-
ond) D. Statement I is false, but Statement II is
C. Aham Brahmasmi (I am the supreme
5. Which one of the following Sufi orders laid
great stress on practicing mystic music?
D. All of the above
3. Sri Ramanuja Acharya was an Indian A. Naqshbandi C. Suharawardi
philosopher and is recognized as the most B. Qadiri D. Chisti
important saint of——–
6. When was the August Kranti pulled back?
A. Sikkhism
B. Nirguna A. 1942 C. 1943
C. Sri Vaishnavism B. 1947 D. 1945
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438 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

7. The Chinese calendar was 14. Religion-wise the sculptures found at

Kankali Tila in Mathura are
A. Lunar C. Gregorian
A. Jama C. Shakta
B. Solar D. solar-lunar
B. Vaishnava D. Buddhist
8. Harsha’s military expansion in the Deccan
was checked by 15. Consider the following statements regard-
ing the duty of the Muhatsibs.
A. Mahendravarman
1. Check gambling dens and prostitu-

B. Dantidurga
C. Pulkesin II 2. Check and interfere in the private life
D. Rajendra of the citizens.

3. Check weights and measures.
9. Who among the following was a Jahangiri
4. See that intoxicants were not con-
sumed in public places.
A. Daswant
Which of the above statements regarding

B. Abdus Samad the duty of Muhatsibs are correct?
C. Mir Sayyid Ali A. 1 and 2 only
D. Abul Hasan B. 1, 2, 3 and 4
10. The magnificient temple at Halebid was es-
C. 1, 3 and 4 only
D. 3 and 4 only
A. Pandyas C. Hosysalas 16. Who was the founder president of Hari-
B. Cholas D. Naickers jan Sevak Samgha founded by Mahatma
11. was primarily responsible for mak- A. Amrit Lal Thakkar

ing India a secular State.

B. G. D. Birla
A. Gandhi

C. B. R. Ambedkar
B. Patel
D. Mahadev Desai

C. Jawaharlal Nehru 17. The Mansabdari system of the Mughals was

D. Gokhale a complex system. Its efficient functioning
12. Who among these devotional saints was a depended upon:
cobler? 1. The practice of offering the title of

‘Mansabdar’ to military personnel

A. Tulsidas C. Raidas only.
B. Malukdas D. Surdas 2. Proper functioning of the dagh (brand-

ing) system.
13. The Rigvedic king did not maintain an ad- 3. Proper functioning of the Jagirdari
ministrative machinery because system.
A. The Rigvedic economy was not suitable Select the correct answer from the codes
to it given below:

B. The social structure was not in accor- A. 2 and 3 only

dance B. 1 only
C. The kingship was not hereditary C. 1 and 3 only
D. The king did not wish to have so D. 1, 2 and 3
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18. Harsha had assumed the title A. Warren Hastings

A. Parama-Adityabhah B. Lord Wellesley

B. Parama-Bhagavata C. Lord William Bentick

D. Lord Dalhousie
C. Parama-Mahesvara
25. Under the emperors after Justinian, the
D. Parama-Saugata chief concern of the Byzantine state was
19. What is the correct meaning of Khanqah? A. Religious heresy and controversy.
A. A form of music B. The defense against Slavs, Russians,
and The Arabs
B. A form of veena
C. The over taxation of the peasants and
C. The place where Sufi Mystics lived
frequent peasant rebellions.

D. None of the above D. The conversion of the Slavs to Chris-
20. What was the original name of Dayananda tianity.
Saraswati? 26. Mahmud Gawan was a Prime Minister of
the kingdom.
A. Dadu
B. Mul Shankara
C. Malku das
eR A. Vijaynagar
B. Mughal
C. Bahmani
D. Sultanate

D. Narendra 27. Where did the Mahasamghika school arise?

21. Who among the following is known to have A. Rajagriha C. Sravasti
regulated the course of Vitasta in Kashmir
by his engineering operations? B. Bodhagaya D. Vaishali

A. Damodargupta 28. Hunter commission is associated to?


B. Vajraditya A. Chauri Chaura incident

C. Suyya B. Demolition of Kanpur mosque

D. Sura C. Jallianwala Bagh tregedy

22. The ottoman dynasty fell in: D. Kakori train dacoity incident
29. Consider the following statements:

A. 1940 C. 1857 I. In the course of the evolution of


forms of worship, in many instances,

B. 1926 D. 1924
poet-saints emerged as leaders around
whom there developed a community
23. The ‘Wedding Hymn’ describing the oldest of devotees.
marriage ritual is found in the II. Brahmanas remained important inter-
A. Grihyasutras mediaries between gods and devotees
in several forms of bhakti
B. Yajurveda III. At a different level, historians of reli-
C. Rigveda gion often classify bhakti traditions
into two broad categories: saguna
D. Samveda (with attributes) and nirguna (without
24. The British Governor General, who formu- attributes).
lated the policy of Subsidiary Alliance with Which of the following statement(s) is/are
regard to Indian powers was correct about the early traditions of Bhakti?
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440 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Only I 35. Identify the social reformers of Maha-

B. I and II rashtra who adopted the pen name of
C. I and III
A. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
D. All of the above
30. What is the most significant difference in B. Gopal Hari Deshmukh
the message of the pillar Edicts as compared C. Atmaram Panduranga
to the Rock Edicts?
D. Krishna Shastri Chaplunkar
A. Rock Edicts are addressed to common

people and Pillar Edicts to the Buddhist or- 36. The Crusades contributed to the breakdown
der of feudalism because.

B. There is a hint of fanaticism about A. Muslims captured the property of feudal

dhamma and of megalomania in the Pillar landholders.
Edicts B. The authority of kings increased while
C. The Pillar Edicts are mainly devoted to many nobles were financially weakened.
the moral aspects of dhamma and Ashoka’s

C. Many peasants converted to Islam.
attachment to Buddhism
D. All of the above
D. The main stress in the Pillar Edicts is on
social welfare measure 37. Which of the following Sikh Guru compiled
the Adi Granth?
31. The concept of Avataravad is associated
with? A. Guru Har Rai

A. Shaivism C. Vaishnavism B. Guru Arjan Dev

B. Tantricism D. Hinayana C. Guru Govind Singh
D. Guru Nanak
32. Jinnah gave his opposition to Wavell’s Plan

in the Conference held at 38. Who was the author of Mandasore inscrip-

A. Delhi C. Madras
B. Calcutta D. Shimla A. Harisena C. Veersena

B. Banabhatta D. Vatsabhatta
33. According to which of the following
sources, did Ashoka in his old age abdi-
cate the throne in favour of his grandson 39. Bhasa was the author of

Samprati? A. Mahavamsa
A. Mahavamsa B. Sakunthala
B. Divyavadana

C. Buddha Charita
C. Gargi-Samhita
D. Svapnavasavadatta
D. Ashokavadana
40. Which one of the following cities was most
34. Who among the following was not an expo- extensive in area?
nent of Bhakti movement?
A. Nanak A. Mohenjodaro C. Dholavira
B. Ramanada B. Kalibanga D. Harrappa
C. Shankaracharya
41. Aryans lived in
D. Kabir
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A. Maharashtra 46. The Dhamma propagated by Ashoka was

B. South India A. a mixture of the philosophies of
Ajivikas and Charvakas
C. Central India
B. a system of morals consistent with the
D. Gangetic Valley
tenets of most of the sects of the time
42. Which of the following types of burial is
C. the tenets of Buddhism
not observed at Mohenjodaro?
A. Fractional burial D. the religious policy of the state
47. Hammurabi was the greatest king of
B. Double burial
A. Iran
C. Post-cremation burial C. Babylon

D. Complete burial B. Akkad D. Agade

43. What is the correct chronological sequence
48. Why Mahatma Gandhi launched individual
of the following?
satyagrahas in 1940:
1. The founding of the Ghadar Party
A. To protest against British decision to
2. The Chauri-Chaura incident
make India join second world war.
3. The execution of Khudiram Bose
4. Moplah RebellionB.in To

given below
Choose the correct answer from the codes
prepare masses for quit India move-

C. As a reaction against the failure of Au-

gust Offer.
A. 3, 4, 1, 2 C. 2,
D. To1,affirm
4, 3 the right of speech for Indians.
B. 1, 3, 2, 4 D. 3, 1, 4, 2
49. Austria, Russia and Prussia formed an al-
44. Which of the followingliance
was/were the main
feature (s) of the Government of India Act,
A. the revolutionary alliance

B. triple alliance
1. Introduction of separate electorates
for Muslims. C. holy alliance
2. Devolution of legislative authority
D. triple entente by
the centre to the
50. provinces.
Rabindra Nath Tagore renounced his knight-
3. Expansion and reconstitution of cen-

hood for which reason?

tral and provincial legislatures.

A. Jallianwalla Bagh Tragedy

Select the correct answer using the codes
given below B. Cruel suppression of Civil Disobedience
A. Only 3 C. Bhagat
C. Only 2 Singh was hanged
B. 2 and 3 D. Chauri-Chaura
D. 1 and 3 incident
51. Which of the following is the oldest dynas-
45. The Delhi Madarasa known
ty? as ‘Khairul
Manazil’ was built by
A. Gulbadan Begum A. Nanda C. Maurya
B. Chola
B. Hamida Bano Begum D. Chalukya

C. Shah Begum 52. Who was the architect of Communal

D. Maham Angah Award?
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442 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Ramsay Macdonald A. W. Wederbirn

B. Lord Linlithgow B. Lord Dufferin
C. Lord Reading C. J. Charles
D. Lord Irwin D. None of the above
53. Kautilya hailed from 60. Alexander was the son of Philip II of

A. Pataliputra C. Nepal A. Carthage C. Macedonia

B. Taxila D. Srinagar B. Athens D. Sparta

61. The head of which of the following was sup-

54. Who was considered the lord of Vedas

posed to be known as ganapati or jyeshtha?
A. Surya
A. Tribe
B. Varuna
B. Tribal republic
C. Indra] C. Sabha

D. None of these D. Family
55. What was the rate of land revenue as given 62. Name the woman revolutionary who shot
in the dharma shastras? the Governor of Bengal while receiving her
degree at the convocation of the university
A. 3-Jan C. 6-Jan of Calcutta?
B. 8-Jan D. 4-Jan A. Kalpana Ganguly
B. Bina Das
56. Gadar-Dal was founded at
C. Lila Datta

A. Berlin
D. Preeti Lata Wadekar
B. Washington

63. Which of the following are the three land-

C. San Francisco marks of Dalhousie’s administration?

D. Tokyo 1. Indian Railways

2. Public Works Department
57. The Palas of Bengal patronised
3. English as a medium of instruction
A. Hinayana Buddhism 4. Telegraph

B. Jainism
A. 2, 3,4 C. 1,2,4
C. Hinduism B. 1,3,4 D. 1,2,3

D. Tantrika Buddhism
58. Which one of the following proved to be 64. Depth and width of main drain in mohenjo-
Dalhousie’s worst political blunder? daro is.

A. Abolition of the ‘Doctrine of Lapse’ A. 12’x 10’ C. 10’x 9’

B. Occupation of lower Burma B. 12’x 9’ D. 10’x 5’
C. Annexation of Oudh
65. The Central Hindu Schoo1 Banaras which
D. Annexation of Punjab served as a nucleus of the Banaras Hindu
59. Who was the biographer of A.O. Hume? University was establisl1ed by
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A. Bhagawan Das 71. Who among the following was the painter
who was given the title Nadir-uz-Zaman by
B. Madan Mohan Malaviya
C. Mrs. Annie Besant
A. Bichitr C. Abul Hasan
D. Swami Shradhananda
B. Bishandas D. Mansur
66. The cultural and linguistic heritages of
Burma and Siam can be traced to: 72. Aurangzeb face toughest opposition from
A. Vietnam.
A. Sultanates C. Marathas
B. India and China.
B. Rajputs D. Jats
C. China.
73. ‘Yava’ denoted
D. India, China, and Vietnam.

A. Wheat
67. Which among the following ancient authors
has complained of the drain of gold to India B. Rice
(due to trade hegemony of ancient India)? C. Barley

A. Nero C. Ptolemy D. None of these

B. Pliny D. Strabo
74. Which of the following Samhitas of Ya-
jurveda contains only hymns and no prose?
A. Maitrayaviya
68. Consider the following statements related
to the Aurangzeb B. Katha
C. Taittriya
I. Aurangzeb abolished Rahdari, Pan-
dari and Pilgrim tax D. Vajasaneyi
II. Aurangzeb discontinued the practice 75. The Saivaite Nayanmars and Vashanavaite
of inscribing the Kalima on the coins Alwar preached the Bhakti Cult under

Choose the correct answer: which of the following rulers?

A. Only I A. Pallavas, Pandyas and Cholas

B. Pallavas, Cheras and Rashtrakutas
B. Only II
C. Pallavas, Vijaynagar and Bahmani King-
C. Both I and II

D. Neither I nor II

D. Cheras& Pandavas
69. Do or Die slogan is associated with 76. Who said that “My ultimate aim is to wipe
A. Nethaji every tear from every eye”?
A. Mahatma Gandhi
B. Bala Gangadhara Tilak
B. Jawahar Lal Nehru
C. Jawaharlal Nehru
C. Lord Curzon
D. Mahatma Gandhi
D. Daya Nand Saraswati
70. When did Akbar abolish the slavery and
77. Yahiya Sirhindi, the author of Tarikh-i-
protected human rights?
Mubarakshahi, lived during the period of
A. 1585 C. 1582 A. Khaljis C. Saiyadas
B. 1584 D. 1583 B. Tughlaqs D. Lodis
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444 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

78. Who among the following is said to have 85. Fakir Azizuddin and Dewan Dina Nath
hatched the Delhi Conspiracy 1912? were minister under
A. Rasbehari Bose A. Ranjit Singh
B. Sachindranath Sanyal B. Muhammad Khan Bangash
C. Sohan Lal Pathak C. Suraj Mal
D. Bhai Paramanand D. Muhammad Shah
79. In which court was a Chinese embassy sent 86. Who among the following Bhakti Saints
scored a triumph over the Saivas in public

by T’ang emperor?
debate at the court of Krishna Deva Raya of
A. Prantaka I
B. Rajaraja I
A. Guru Nanak

C. Rajendra I
B. Chaitanya Maha Prabhu
D. Harshavardhana
C. Shankaracharya
80. Gandhara School of art came into existence
D. Vallabhacharya

A. Independence Ajivikas
87. Who among the following were Saints of
B. Hinayana sect Varkari sect?
C. Mahayana sect 1. Chakradhar
2. Jnanesvar
D. Jainism
3. Namadev
81. Which was not one of the storm-centres of
4. Ramdas
the Revolt of 1857?
Indicate the correct answer form the codes
A. Arrah (Bihar) given below-
B. Jhansi
A. 1, 2 C. 2, 3

C. Bareilly
B. 1, 2, 3, 4 D. 3, 4
D. Madras

82. Which one of the following was an impor- 88. Who among the following is the author of
tant seaport in the Kakatiya kingdom? the novel, Coolle?

A. Dharanikota A. Pallathu Rao

B. Mottuppalli B. Mulak Raj Anand
C. Machilipattanam C. R.K. Narayan

D. Nelluru D. Bhabani Bhattacharya

83. Kalidas worte (dramas) 89. Consider the following statements regard-
ing Ashoka’s Dhamma is not correct?

A. Vikramorvasiyam
1. Major Rock Edict XIII is of
B. Abhijnana Sakuntalam
paramount importance in understand-
C. Malavikagnimitram ing the Ashokan policy of Dhamma.
D. All the above 2. The Policy of Dhamma was an at-
tempt at founding a new religion.
84. During the period of which of the following
3. Major Rock Edict III relates to social
was ‘Panchtantra’ written?
welfare measures like medical centers
A. Guptas C. Mauryas for animals as well as men, road con-
struction and planting of medicinal
B. Sungas D. Nandas herbs.
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4. Pillar Edict I states that through the 95. Which one among the following statements
king’s care and love of Dhamma it regarding Bal Gangadhar Tilak is not cor-
had grown and that it was the king’s rect?
principle to administer affairs.
A. He supported the Age of Consent Bill
A. 1 and 4
B. He propounded the theory of the Arctic
B. 2 and 3 Home of the Aryans
C. 2 and 4 C. He set-up the Home Rule League at
D. None of these Poona
90. Which group made up the largest part of the D. He founded the Anti-Cow Killing Soci-
population in feudal society? ety
96. built by Shah Jahan is one of the un-
A. peasants C. vassals

rivaled beauties of the world.
B. knights D. lords
A. Pearl Mosque
91. Shashgani was a small silver coin equal to B. The Palace at Kabul

A. 10 Jitals C. 8 Jitals C. Taj Mahal

B. 6 Jitals D. 4 Jitals
eR D. Jama Masjid
97. Consider the following inscriptions of Har-
92. What is the literal meaning of Bhakti? sha
A. Salvation 1. Nalanda
2. Gaya
B. Prayer
3. Banskheda
C. Offer words of praise 4. Damodar
D. None of the above The inscription which record Harsha’s land

93. Indicate the importance of the treaty of Am- grants to religious institutions would in-
ritsar (1809) signed between Ranjit Singh clude
and the English?
A. 2& 3 C. 1, 2& 4
A. It marked the beginning of an era of
peace and prosperity in the Punjab B. 2& 4 D. 1& 3

B. It helped Ranjit Singh in realising his


ambition of conquering Multan, Kashmir, 98. In social matters Ashoka’s most revolution-
Ladakh and Peshawar ary concept was:
C. It recognised the power of the British as A. Proper behaviour to slaves, servants, el-
the political limit of Ranjit Singh’s policy ders etc.
of expansion
B. His opposition to wasteful social rituals
D. It made him the undisputed master of and ceremonies at marriages, births, jour-
all the Sikhs neys etc.
94. Dots on Arabic letter was introduced by C. His opposition to social entertainments,
A. Hajjaj such as the samajas
B. Yahya Barmaki D. All the above
C. Hassan Basri 99. Who was the President of the ‘Flag Com-
D. None of these
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446 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. B. R. Ambedkar A. Syed Ahmad Khan

B. K. M. Munshi B. Abul Kalam Azad
C. D. P. Khetan
C. Muhammed Ali Jinnah
D. J. B. Kriplani
100. Who among the following was the real D. Nawab Salimullah
founder of the Aligarh Muslim University?


1. C 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. C 11. C 12. C 13. A 14. A
15. C 16. A 17. D 18. C 19. C 20. B 21. C 22. D 23. D 24. B 25. A 26. C
27. D 28. C 29. D 30. B 31. C 32. D 33. B 34. C 35. B 36. B 37. B 38. C

39. D 40. A 41. D 42. B 43. D 44. B 45. D 46. C 47. B 48. D 49. C 50. A
51. A 52. A 53. B 54. B 55. C 56. C 57. D 58. C 59. A 60. C 61. B 62. B
63. C 64. D 65. C 66. B 67. B 68. B 69. D 70. C 71. C 72. B 73. C 74. D
75. A 76. B 77. C 78. A 79. D 80. C 81. D 82. D 83. D 84. A 85. A 86. D

87. B 88. B 89. B 90. A 91. B 92. A 93. C 94. C 95. A 96. C 97. C 98. B
99. D 100. A

Unit 2
1. Which Maratha saint is A.most
known for social reform, national regenera-
B. Levalloisean technique
tion and the rise of Maratha power?
C. Stratigraphy technique
A. Vaman Pandit
D. Tool types technique

B. Samartha Ramdas
4. During the period of Harshavardhana the
C. Eknath fields were watered by the pots of the

D. Tukaram Ghatiyantra.” This is known from the writ-

ings ofTilak sought
2. Statement I : Bal Gangadhar

to diffuse the spirit of nationalism among

A. Dandin C. Bana
the masses. Statement II : Tilak organised
a corps of volunteers B. Subandhu
to help the famine- D. Hiuen-Tsang
stricken people in the Deccan.

5. Consider the following according to the cor-

A. Both the statements are true and State-
rect chronological order of the Governors-
ment II is the correct explanation of State-
General during British India
ment I

I. Wellesley
B. Both the statements are true, but State-
II. Marquess of Hastings
ment II is not the correct explanation of
III. Amherst
Statement I
IV. Bentinck
C. Statement I is true,Select
but Statement II isanswer from the codes
the correct
false given below:
D. Statement I is false, but Statement II is
3. Which Technique was B. I, III,asII&
known IV
core technique? C. I, II, III& IV
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D. III, I, II& IV 11. The great lawgiver of ancient time was :

6. The Kailasha Temple is located in the caves A. Vatsyayana C. Panini
B. Manu D. Ashoka
A. Elephanta C. Ajanta
12. When was the Hindu College, Calcutta es-
B. Ellora D. Karla tablished?

7. Who were the Major Participants in the re- A. 1817 C. 1829

volt from Orissa& Chhota Nagpur? B. 1858 D. 1853
A. Land owners
13. The name by which Ashoka is generally
B. Aboriginal tribes referred to in his inscriptions is-

C. Former rulers
A. Dharmakirti C. Chakravarti
D. All of the above B. Dharmadeva D. Priyadarsi
8. Who among the following were associated
with the starting of the Rahnumai Maz- 14. Which one of the following was a cause for
dayasan? eR the decline of the textile industry in Bengal
during the 18th century?
1. Nauroji Furdoonji
2. Dadabhai Nauroji A. Non-availability of craftsman
3. S. S. Bangali B. Non-availability of raw material
Choose the correct answer from the codes C. Decline in the quality of production
given below
D. High tariff rates on export to Britain
A. land2 C. 2 and 3 15. Consider the following historical places:

B. land3 D. 1, 2 and 3 1. Ajanta Caves


2. Lepakshi Temple
3. Sanchi Stupa
9. Which of the following Act, ensured the es-
tablishment of the supreme court in India? Which of the above places is/are also known
for mural paintings?
A. Pitt’s India Act, AD 1784
A. 1 only

B. Charter Act, 1793 AD

B. 1 and 2 only

C. Charter Act, 1813 AD C. 1, 2 and 3

D. The Regulating Act, AD 1773 D. None
10. Who of the following founded a new city on 16. ‘Shankara’ was a saint.
the south bank of a tributary to river Krishna
and undertook to rule his new kingdom as A. Buddhist C. Sufi
the agent of a deity to whom all the land B. Jaina D. Bhakti
south of the river Krishna was supposed to
belong? [CSAT 2015-I] 17. Sri Lanka is beset by ethnic conflict be-
A. Amoghavarsha I tween the Sinhalese majority and the
B. Ballala II
A. Tamil C. Hindi
C. Harihara I
B. Hmong D. Muslim
D. Prataparudra II
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448 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

18. Who said, “God knows man’s virtues and A. The Cape of Good Hope and the Straits
inquires not his caste; in the next world of Magellan
there is no caste”? B. Red Sea and Caspian Sea

A. Kabir C. Chaitanya C. North America and South America

B. Ramananda D. Guru Nanak D. France and Poland

25. In Neolithic age, the image of an animal or
a plant as a symbol of a clan, or group of
19. Shivaji sacked and secured a large families living together was called?

A. Totem C. Jhum
A. Surat C. Poona B. Microliths D. Megalithic

B. Bijapur D. Konkan
26. Bimbisara was the ruler of

20. Sarnath inscription highlights the achieve- A. Magadh C. Avadh

ments of which Kushana ruler?
B. Gandhara D. Kamboja

A. Kajula Kadphises
27. Which of the following statement is not cor-
B. Kadphises II rect about Portuguese?
C. Huvushka A. They established a first printing press in
D. Kanishka India at Goa in AD 1556.

21. Where was Ambar Palace situvated B. They spread Catholicism in the western
and eastern coast of India.
A. Sikim C. Thripura C. They brought tobacco cultivation in In-
B. Hariyana D. Rajastan

D. ‘The Indian Medicinal Plants’ was the

first scientific work which was published at
22. The ruins of the Vijayanagara at Hampi

Andhra Pradesh in 1563.

were brought to light in 1800 by
28. The British paramountcy in India was com-

A. Colonel Colin Mackenzie pleted in 1856 with

B. Sir John Shore A. Annexation of Carnatic
C. Andrew Fraser B. Annexation of Sind

D. John Marshall C. Annexation of Awadh

23. Which of the following national leaders did D. Annexation of Punjab

defended soldiers of the Indian National 29. The increased commercial intercourse be-

Army in 1945 case dealing with the trial? tween India and Rome led to the writing
of large number of books by the western
A. Bhula Bhai Desai authors on India and on Indian
B. Rajagopalachari A. Economy
C. Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru B. Social life
D. Jawaharlal Nehru C. Geography
24. The exclusive right of trading between D. All of the above
was granted to the East India Com- 30. In traditional Asian societies, the best way
pany. to improve one’s social status was through:
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A. business investment. A. Bhabra Edict

B. education. B. Kandahar Inscription
C. state lobbying. C. Nigalisagar Inscription
D. establishing a military career. D. Schism Edict
31. The main contribution of Ishwar Chandra 37. According to the Mutiny was a
Vidya Sagar to education and in particular purely military outbreak.
to women education are: A. Roberts
A. Break priestly monopoly of scriptural B. Sir John Lawrence
knowledge(Sanskrit) and opening to non- C. VD Sarkar
D. VA Smith
B. Charles wood dispatch on education, in-
38. The subject matter of “Tolkappiam” is

fluenced it towards female education
C. Lady Hardinge medical college at Delhi A. Drama C. Battle
B. Epic story D. Grammar
D. Both A and B
39. Who was the ruler of the kingdom between
32. Syadvad is a doctrine of

A. Jainism C. Shaivism
eR the rivers Jhelum and Chenab?
A. Chandragupta Maurya

B. Vaishnavism D. Buddhism B. Alexander the Great

C. Darius III
33. The royal seal of the Guptas bore the em-
D. King Porus
blem of
40. Who guided the establishment of Prarthana
Samaj in Maharashtra?
A. Tiger C. Garuda

A. Debendranath Tagore
B. Lion D. Nandi
B. Shibnath Shastri
34. Which Bhakti Saint did not believe in the C. Keshub Chunder Sen
qualified monism of Ramanuja and empha- D. Lokhitwadi
sised the doctrine of duality, based mainly
41. Which one of the following statements cor-

upon the Bhagavata Purana?

rectly describes the Dual Government ar-

A. Madhava rangement made by the East-India Com-

pany in Bengal?
B. Ramananda
A. The new arrangement was made to en-
C. Vallabhacharya
courage agriculture
D. Chaitanya
B. Revenue collection was entrusted to the
35. Umm-ul- Banin was a remarkable – women Deputy Nawab, while military affairs were
retained by the Company
A. Egyptian C. European
C. Executive and judicial authority were
B. Spanish D. Arab separated
D. Revenue administration and the admin-
36. Which of the following edicts/inscriptions istration of criminal justice were separated
does not belong to the category directed to and were with the British and the Nawab
the sangha? respectively
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450 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

42. Which of the following are true about Samu- 47. Which of the following terms denote monas-
dragupta? tic establishments of different religious af-
1. He is also known as ‘Kaviraja’ filiations?
2. He is known as “Lichchhavi Dauhitra’ 1. Vihara
3. He built most extensive empire after 2. Matha
Ashoka. 3. Basadi
4. Mandapa
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are
correct? Choose the correct answer from the codes
given below

A. 3 only C. 1 and 3
A. 3& 4 only C. 1& 2 only
B. 1, 2 and 3 D. 1 and 2
B. 2& 3 only D. 1, 2& 3

43. Dandi March Started from in 1930. 48. Which of the following is true about Ne-
A. Surat olithic sites in India?

B. Sabarmati Ashram 1. Neolithic period is from present to 10,

000 years ago and is characterized by
C. Delhi Durbar Hall microliths.
D. Vedaranyan 2. Burzahom in Kashmir is a Neolithic
site where cooking hearths were found
44. The Vallabhi era is identical with only inside the house.
A. The Vikrama era 3. There is no evidence of Neolithic site
in north east India.
B. The Gupta era
Select the correct answer using the codes
C. The Harsha era given below.
D. None of the above A. 1 only

45. Which of the following was not one of the B. 2 only

contributions of Ashoka to India polity and

culture? C. 1 and 3 only

D. None of the above

A. Political and cultural unification of the

country 49. Rajputas are mentioned as Agnikula Ksha-
triyas in
B. Religious toleration and promotion of
communal harmony A. Dasakumara Charita

B. Rajataragini
C. A non-agressive foreign policy based on
equality between the big and small states C. Prithviraj Raso
D. Vikramankadeva Charita

D. Reform in criminal justice and revolu-

tionary changes in the social system 50. The venue of holding this Second Round
46. Amongst the following, who cooperated Table Conference in London was-
with Raja Ram Mohan Roy in the imple- A. 10, Downing Street
mentation of his educational programmes?
B. Buckingham Palace
A. Dwarkanath Tagore
C. Kingsley Palace
B. David Hare D. St. James Palace
C. William Jones 51. October 26, 1947 is an important date in the
Indian history, because of
D. Henri Derozio
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A. Maharaja Hari Singh’s signing

A. Sadar on In-
strument of Accession B. Provincial Court
B. declaration of war C.
over India
Sadar by Pak-
D. Circuit Court
C. ceasefire with Pakistan
57. Porus:
D. merger of Sind A. stopped Alexander’s advance into India.
52. Who defended Aurbindo Ghosh in the
Alipur bomb case? B. founded the Mauryan Dynasty.
A. Motilal Nehru C. conquered the Deccan.
B. Chittaranjan Das D. became a Greek ally.

C. B.G. Tilak 58. In Ashoka’s administration, Rajukas looked
D. Surendra Nath Banerjee
A. administration of justice
53. China invaded Indian frontiers in the year
B. religious matters

A. 1960
B. 1962
C. 1965
C. collection of taxes
D. municipal administration
D. 1956
59. Which one of the following Bengali drama
was directed against Polygamy?
54. The commercial rivalryA.between the Dutch
Kulin Kulasarvasva
and the English in India came to an end
B. Vidhva Vivaha
A. Following issuance of orders granting
C. British
monopoly in favour of the Bhanumati Chittavikas
East India
Company by the Pope D. Nava Natak

B. As a result of an60. Who among

agreement betweenthethe
following composed the
Hindi version of
trading stations at Government of Britain Ramayana?
and Holland in 1609.
A. Tulsidas C. Kabir
C. With the defeat of the Dutch at the battle
of Bedara in 1759 B. Ramananda D. Valmiki

D. As a result of61.
‘Massacre at Am-
one of the following Rashtrakuta
boyna’ kings defeated Pratihara ruler Nagabhatta
I? the Brahmanas
55. During the period of sutras,
were allowed to marry
A. Govmda III C. Bhoja I
A. Brahman& Kshatriya girls
B. Gopala I D. Krishna III
B. Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaisya& Shudra
girls 62. Patanjali is well known for the compilation
C. Brahman, Kshatriya& of Vaisya girls

D. Only Brahman girlsA. Ayurveda

B. Brahma
56. Which court was considered as the Sutra
criminal court of appeal
C.during East India
Yoga Sutra
D. Panchatantra
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452 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

63. Work on the Grand Trunk Road from Cal- C. It was specially consulted in times of
cutta to Delhi was begun by the company emergency
in D. It may have acted as a political check
on the king
A. 1843 C. 1836
69. Which of the following is credited to
B. 1839 D. 1840 Charlemagne?

64. UNESCO uplifted the Abu Simbel Temple A. the development of banking
in the year B. the defeat of the Muslims at the Battle

of Tours
A. 1950 C. 1940
C. the revival of Latin learning
B. 1960 D. 1930

D. the development of feudalism
65. Which one of the following districts was 70. The admission of which of the following to
not included in the Zamindari granted to the Sangha, at the instance of Ananda (the
the East India Company by Mir Qasim? personal attendant of the Master), marked
the beginning of an order of nuns i n India?

A. Midnapore C. Chittagong A. Yashodhara, the wife of the Buddha
B. Burdwan D. Muzaffarpur B. Sujata, the merchant’s daughter who of-
fered a bowl of milk to the Buddha after he
66. The Rigvedic god of thunder was had decided to give up austerities
A. Indra C. Varuna C. Gautami, the widowed stepmother of
the Buddha
B. Marut D. Dyaus
D. Ghositaramma monastery at Piparhawa
67. Which one of the following statements re- 71. Which of the following event was a probe

garding the Revolt of 1857 is not correct? by the Hunter Commission?

A. The revolt was supported whole heart- A. Chauri Chaura incident

edly by the educated, elite Indian every- B. Demolition of Kanpur mosque


C. Jalianwalla Bagh massacre

B. The role of Hindu-Muslim unity in the
revolt was acknowledged by many, includ- D. Kakori train dacoity incident
ing British officials 72. The word Vishti means
C. The revolt did not spread to South India A. Rights of slaves

B. Property of women
D. The diverse elements which took part C. Forced labour
in the revolt were united by their hatred of

British rule D. Irrigation tax

68. Which of the following statements about 73. Which one of the following statements
the Mauryan Council of Ministers (mantri- about Subhaschandra Bose is not correct?
Parishad) is not correct? A. He appeared in the I.C.S. examination
A. The members of the council were per- in 1920 and stood 4th in order of Merit.
sonally selected by the king B. He was president of Indian National
B. The number of members of the council Congress in the year of 1938 and 1939.
was fixed and it consisted of three council- C. He had spent his incarcerated life in
lors and a Chief Minister Mandalay Jail.
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D. He took part in the Quit India Move- A. Mahatma Gandhi

B. Vinoba Bhave
74. Which of the following is not considered an
C. Sardar Patel
Indo-Aryan language?
D. Mohanlal Pandya
A. Persian C. Arabic
80. What is the correct chronological order of
B. Avesta D. English the following British officials in India?
1. Sir John Shore
75. A very important source far the political 2. Marquis Cornwallis
structure and social condition of Gujarat 3. Earl of Minto
from the 9th to 13th centuries is the text 4. Marquess of Wellesley
known as
Select the correct answer using the codes

A. Sukraniti given below:
B. Panchtantra A. 1, 2, 4 and 3
C. Rajatarangini B. 2, 1, 3 and 4
D. Lekhapaddhati C. 1, 2, 3 and 4
76. Pushyamitra Sunga, who killed the last
Mauryan ruler Brihadratha and founded the
Sunga dynasty, was a:
eR D. 2, 1, 4 and 3
81. Which of the following statements about
the Mauryan relations with Sri Lanka is not
A. Prime Minister of the Mauryas correct?
B. General of the Mauryas A. Tisas, the Sinhalese king, accepted Bud-
C. Both A and B above dhism and appears to have made it the state
D. Feudatory ruler
B. The coming of Mahendra and Sanghmi-

77. The use of half-dome portal is the charac- tra to Sri Lanka was the First official contact
teristic of which one of the following dynas- between the two countries
C. The king of Sri Lanka, Tissa, adopted
A. Lodi Dynasty the title of Devanampirya and appears to
B. Mughal Dynasty have modelled himself on Ashoka

C. Slave Dynasty D. There were frequent exchanges of gifts


and envoys
D. Tughlaq Dynasty
82. Which of the following would be the most
78. Who among the following historians has accurate description of the Mauryan monar-
remarked that the Government of Bengal chy under Ashoka?
between the period 1765- 1772 was a rob-
ber state? A. Centralised autocracy
A. G. W. Forrest B. Guided democracy
B. K. M. Panikkar C. Enlightened despotism
C. Nand Lal Chatterji D. Paternal despotism
D. Lord Macaulay 83. Pushyamitra Shunga:
79. Who among the following initiated the A. Defended the Magadhan empire against
Kheda Satyagraha? the Bactrian Greeks
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454 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

B. Is said to have performed Asvamedha A. Athens C. Byzantium

B. Sarajevo D. Istanbul
C. Was persecutor of Buddhism according
to the Divyavadana 89. According to the estimate of W.H. More-
land the Population of India m A. D. 1600
D. Did all the above
84. Which one of the following parts of India
does not have the signs of Palaeolithic age? A. 125 million C. 120 million
A. North-Western India

B. 80 million D. 100 million
B. North-Eastern India
90. Which one of the following is included in
C. The Deccan Plateau the rights of serfs?

D. Indo-Gangetic plan A. The right to work on certain land and
85. Which of the statements given below about pass the lands to their heirs
Vivekananda are correct? B. The right to move from one manor to

1. He believed that Vedanta was fully ra-
tional. C. The right to marry whomever they
2. He criticised his countrymen for hav- wanted to marry
ing lost touch with the outside world.
3. He condemned the caste system. D. All the above
4. He considered the Veda to be infalli- 91. Who was the Viceroy when the Jallianwala
ble. Bagh Massacre took place?
Select the correct answer using the codes A. Reading C. Irwin
given below
B. Hardinge-II D. Chelmsford
A. 1, 3 and 4 C. 1 and 2

92. Who built “Brihadeshwara Temple”

B. 2, 3 and 4 D. 1, 2 and 3
A. Ashok

86. Who founded the faith on a ritual-free, sim- B. Raja Raja I


ple “Sat Shri Akal” or the worship of God C. Rajendra Chola

and truth?
D. None of these
A. Guru Govind Singh
93. Which one among the following statements

B. Dadu Dayal appropriately defines the term ‘Drain The-

C. Guru Nanak ory’ as propounded by Dadabhai Naoroji in
his work ‘Poverty and Un-British Rule in
D. Sri Chaitanya India’?

87. Who was the representative of Shivaji to- A. That the resources of India were being
wards Mirza Raja Jaisingh? utilised in the interest of Britain
A. Raghunath Pandir B. That a part of India’s national wealth
B. Anand Pandit or total annual product was being exported
to Britain for which India got no material
C. Jivandas returns
D. Krishna Thorat C. That the British industrialists were be-
88. The city of Constantinople is now called ing given a opportunity to invest in India
under the protection of the imperial power
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D. That the British goods were being im- A. Mysore, the Marathas, the Rohilas and
ported to India making the country poorer Berar
day by day
B. The Marathas, Mysore, Berar and
94. Which of the following statement is not re- Nizam
lated to the Akbar’s reign?
C. Nizam, Berar the Rohilas and the
A. Religious toleration for Hindus and Marathas
D. Nizam, Mysore, Berar and Marwar
B. A syncretic religion, called "divine
98. Which of the following pair(s) are/is cor-
faith," which stressed loyalty to the emperor.
rectly matched?
1. Charasada- Pushkalavati
C. A centralized administrative struc-
2. Sirkap- Takshila
ture with ministers appointed to regional
3. Nagarjunakonda- Vijaypuri

4. Ter- Tamralipti
D. Education and basic rights for Indian
Choose the correct answer from the codes
given below:
95. The chief centre or meeting point of the
Indo-Roman trade was: A. 2, 3 and 4 C. 2 and 4
A. Muziris
B. Madurai
C. Alexandria
D. Arikamedu
eR B. 1, 2 and 4 D. 1, 2 and 3

99. Until the late nineteenth century, literacy in

Asia was:
96. Arrange the following in chronological or-
der : - A. confined to the upper class.
1. Lingaraja temple B. very low.
2. Brihadisvara temple
C. higher than in the West.
3. Sun temple at Konark

4. Hoyasalesvara temple D. about the same as in the West.

A. 2, 3, 1 and 4 100. Who among the following Chinese trav-
elers visited the Kingdoms of Harsrhavard-
B. 2, 4, 1 and 3
hana and Kumar Bhaskar Varma?
C. 1, 2, 3 and 4
A. I-Tsing C. Sun Shuyun

D. 4, 3, 2 and 1
B. Hiuen Tsang D. Fa-Hien

97. Which one of the following sets of powers

constituted the anti-British front in 1780?


1. B 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. C 11. B 12. A 13. D 14. D

15. B 16. D 17. A 18. A 19. A 20. D 21. D 22. A 23. B 24. A 25. A 26. A
27. D 28. C 29. C 30. B 31. D 32. A 33. C 34. A 35. C 36. B 37. B 38. C
39. D 40. C 41. B 42. B 43. B 44. B 45. D 46. B 47. D 48. D 49. C 50. D
51. A 52. A 53. B 54. C 55. B 56. C 57. D 58. A 59. A 60. A 61. A 62. C
63. B 64. C 65. D 66. A 67. A 68. B 69. D 70. C 71. C 72. C 73. D 74. C
75. D 76. B 77. B 78. B 79. D 80. D 81. B 82. D 83. C 84. D 85. D 86. C
87. A 88. C 89. A 90. D 91. D 92. B 93. B 94. D 95. C 96. B 97. D 98. D
99. C 100. B
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456 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

Unit 3

1. Which of the following was the court lan- 1. Mauryan administration exhibited
guage during the reign of Akbar? strong feudal characteristics.
2. Mauryan rulers often relied on the
A. Persian C. Arabic principle of the divine right to king-
B. Urdu D. Hindi ship to legitimize their position.
Which of the above statements is/are true?
2. When was the Treaty of Alinagar signed? A. 1 only

A. September 1756 B. 2 only
B. February 1757 C. Both 1 and 2

C. April 1757 D. Neither 1 nor 2
D. February 1756 8. When did Aurangzeb arrive in Deccan fi-
3. Whose painting style was an immediate in- nally to quell the revolt of Marathas?
spiration at the time of Babur’s conquest of

Delhi? A. 1689 C. 1700
B. 1681 D. 1682
A. Mansur C. Sayyid Ali
B. Miskin D. Bihzad
9. The founder of Portuguese power in India
4. Rani Jhansi Regiment is related with? A. Salsette
A. Azad Hind Fauj B. Vasco-da-gama
B. Nehru Brigade
C. Danes

C. Gandhi Brigade
D. Albuquerque
D. Azad Brigade 10. Mira-Bai, the most popular female saint of

5. Who among the following is remembered medieval India, believed in the worship of
for the annulment of the Partition of Ben-

gal? A. Shiva C. Krishna

A. Lord Hardinge B. Ram D. Vishnu
B. Lord Minto
11. Which of the following is wrongly

C. Lord Chelmsford matched?

D. Lord Curzon A. Dhai din ka Jhonpara- Ibrahim Lodi
6. Who among the following foreign travellers

B. Red Palace- Balban

did not visit Vijayanagar during the time of
Krishnadeo Raya? C. Qutab Minar- Aibak and Iltutmish
A. Nicolo Conti D. Alai Darwaja- Alauddin Khilji
B. Duarte Barbosa 12. What is the correct chronological order in
which the following kings ruled in India?
C. Domingo Paes
1. Bimbisara
D. Fernao Nuniz 2. Mahapadma Nanda
7. Consider the following statements regard- 3. Kanishka I
ing Mauryan Administration: 4. Skandagupta
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Select the correct answer using the code A. He added nothing to the theories of
given below: Hobbes and Locke beyond combining their
A. 1-2-3- 4 C. 4-3-2-1
B. He perfected the theory of Social Con-
B. 2-3-4-1 D. 3-1-4-2 tract
C. He repudiated the theory of Contract al-
13. The flood Legend in which a divine fish has together
been described as rescuing Manu occurs in
D. He transformed the theory of Contract
detail in:
into an idealist mode of political discourse
A. Aitareya Brahmana 19. Prathihara dynasty came to end in
B. Rigveda Samhita
A. 1018 A.D C. 1213 A.D
C. Vajasaneyi Samhita

B. 1001 A.D D. 1214 A.D
D. Satapatha Brahmana
20. Which of the following state was not the vic-
14. Boghazkai Inscription refers to
tim of “The Subsidiary Alliance System”?
A. Indra, Varuna& Mitra
A. Mysore C. Awadh
B. Indra& Varuna
C. Indra& Mitra
D. Indra, Varuna, Mitra, Nats
eR B. Hyderabad D. Satara

21. Which one of the following Vijayanagar

rulers was the author of Amuktamalyada?
15. Which one of the following was a Por-
tuguese coin that was in circulation in the A. Harihara II
western coastal areas of the Vijayanagar B. Bukka I
C. Krishna Deva Raya
A. Dinar C. Guzado D. Deva Raya II

B. Florin D. Ducat 22. The Theosophists advocated the revival and

strengthening of

16. Who among the following kings formed a A. Hinduism, Zoroastrianism and Bud-
confederacy of Hindu kings against Mah- dhism
mud of Ghazni? B. Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism

A. Jaipala C. Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam

B. Anandapala D. Hinduism and Buddhism only
C. Both Jaipala and Anandpala 23. Where was Sambhaji during the Karnataka
campaign of Shivaji?
D. Anangapala
17. Forward Block Party was formed by? A. Sangmeshwar C. Raigad
B. Panhala D. Shringarpur
A. CR Das
B. MN Roy 24. The city of Athens gave the world
C. Subhash chandra bose A. Autocracy
D. Rasbihari Bose B. Democracy
18. Which one of the following statements C. Oligarchy
about Rousseau is correct? D. Dictatorship
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458 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

25. Ajanta Paintings are related with? 32. “Malacca cannot live without Cambay, or
Cambay without Malacca, if they are to be
A. Buddhism C. Shaktism very rich and very prosperous.” This com-
B. Brahmanism D. Jainism ment was made in the context of Asian trade

26. a notable disciple of Sree Narayana Guru A. Barbosa C. Tome Pires

introduced Guru’s visions and ideals to the
B. Linschoten D. Varthemea
western world.

A. Kumaranasan, 33. Which of the following provision was not
B. K.Madhavan included in the Nehru Report?
A. India must be given Dominion status
C. Nataraja Guru,

B. The Governor-General must be only the
D. Chattambi Swamikal,
constitutional head
27. The most important Pahlava ruler was
C. There was to be no separate electorate

D. Diarchy should be introduced both at
A. Gondophemes C. Menander the centre as well as provinces
B. Mues D. Darius 34. An important reason for social and religious
reforms in nineteenth century was
28. Who buld Kirtistambha in Chittor? A. Western education and awakening
A. Rana ratan singh B. Industrial revolution

B. Rana kumba C. Influence of Newspapers

C. Rana sanga D. Scientific inventions

35. Who among the following named Jamshed-

D. Rana sangram singh

pur after Jamsedji Nusserwanji Tata?
29. The geographical knowledge of the early
A. Lord hardinge

Aryans did not extend beyond

B. Lord Irwin

A. Indus C. Ganga C. Lord chelmsford

B. Ghaggar D. Yamuna D. Lord ripon
36. Evidence of Roman trade with South India
30. The images in the temple of Ankorvat are

is available from the excavations at

those of
A. Arikamedu and Kanyakumari
A. Buddha
B. Alagangulam, Arikamedu and Kodun-

B. Hindu deities gallur

C. Cambodian Kings C. Arikamedu and Alangangulam
D. Tirthankaras D. Kanyakumari and Kodungallur
31. Ajivikas were 37. Ashoka carved out rock-cut caves at
Barabar and Nagarjun hills in Bihar for one
A. A monastic sect of the following:
B. Spies
A. Hinayana C. Digambara
C. Soldiers
B. Mahayana D. Ajivika
D. A sect to Barbarians
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38. General Windham was defeated by the rebel 44. Who among the following laid down pun-
forces in 1857 near ishment for a person becoming mendicant
without making adequate provision for de-
A. Kanpur C. Bhopal pendent wife and children?
B. Gwalior D. Agra
A. Narada C. Yajnavalkya
B. Manu D. Kautilya
39. The only inscribed stone portrait of Em-
peror Ashoka has been found at
45. Which one of the following buildings is
A. Sanchi
NOT located in Fatehpur Sikri?
B. Amaravati
A. Panch Mahal
C. Kanaganahalli
B. Buland Darwaza

D. Ajanta
C. Qila-i-Kuhna mosque
40. The plot of Ancient Indian play Mudrarak-
D. Anup Talao
shasa of Visakhadutt is-
46. Which of the following stands for ‘Iqta’?
A. The court intrigues at the time of Chan-
dragupta Maurya.
B. A story of the power struggle between
Aryans and lower caste people.
eR A. The grant of revenue from a territory in
lieu of salary
B. Law of primogeniture

C. Story of asura king Ravana. C. State’s share in the war booty

D. Fight between demon bhasmasura and D. Crown land donated to army officers
lord siva. 47. The founder of the autonomous kingdom of
41. The Hindus believe that good and evil: Avadh was
A. Saadat Khan Burhan-ul-Mulk

A. are separate forces forever in conflict.

B. are contained in all things, even the gods. B. Safdarjung
C. Ahmed Shah Abdali
C. contend for control of men’s lives. D. Zulfiqar Khan
D. are limited only to things of this world. 48. Adigranth is the religious book of

42. In ‘ Bhadrabahu charit ‘ are described the


event of regime of . A. Buddhists C. Hindus

A. Bimbisara B. Sikhs D. Parsis

B. Bindusara
49. The name of the committee to enquire Jal-
C. Chandragupta Maurya lianwala Bagh Massacre was?
D. Ashoka A. Linlithgo Commission
43. During Mauryan age„Avantipath was? B. Simon Commission
A. Southern Province C. Hunter Commission
B. Western Province D. Raymond Commission
C. Eastern Province 50. During the Mauryan period Lakshanadhyak-
sha was
D. Northern Province
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460 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. An official in charge of mint 57. Which of the following measures were

B. An official in charge of road marks taken by Balban for re-establishing the pres-
tige and power of the crown?
C. A professional astrologer
1. He claimed his descent from the myth-
D. An officer possessing knowledge of the ical hero Afrasiyab.
characteristics of animals 2. He copied the court etiquettes of the
51. Which among the following excavated sites Iranian Court.
is related to Malwa culture? 3. He instituted rigid formalities in the

A. Navadatoli C. Nagda 4. He reorganised the boundaries of
B. Azadnagar D. Eran provinces of the kingdom.
Select the correct answer by using the codes

52. Which of the following books mention given below:
Bindusara as an anointed Kshatriya?
A. Dipavamsa A. 1 and 2 C. 2 and 3
B. Mahavamsa B. 2 and 4 D. 3 and 4

C. Divyavadana
D. None of these 58. Which one of the following is an octagonal
53. Who compared the Dandi March to
Napoleon’s March to Paris on his return A. Tomb of Firoz Shah Tughlaq
from Elba? B. Tomb of Sikandar Lodi
A. B.G. Tilak
C. Tomb of Balban
B. Subhash Chandra Bose
D. Tomb of Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
C. Lala Lajpat Rai
59. Awadh was annexed by Lord Dalhousie in

D. Dadabhai Naoroji 1856. Which one of the following state-

54. In medieval India, Mansabdari system was ments about Nawab Wajid Ali Shah, the

introduced for: last Nawab of Awadh, is not correct?

A. effecting clean administration

A. He was a great patron of Indian music

B. making recruitment to the army and dance

C. facilitating revenue collection B. He had good command over Persian and

Urdu languages and wrote several books
D. ensuring religious harmony

55. Who was the founder of Jaimism C. The prolonged period of peace and pros-
perity during his rule resulted in the growth
A. Swami Vivekananda of a distinct Lucknow culture around the

B. Kirthi Varman Oudh court

C. Vardhamana Mahavira D. He is regarded as the father of modern
D. None of these Urdu stage
56. Which among the following dynasties is 60. Zen is a Japanese sect of:
known to have given the largest grant of A. Vendanta.
villages to the temples and Brahamans?
B. Theravada Buddhism.
A. Saatvahana C. Gupta
C. Chavaka Hinduism.
B. Pala D. Pratihara
D. Mahayana Buddhism.
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61. The Sunga ruler Bhaga erected a monolithic A. 20,000 years ago.
‘Garuda’ at
B. about 10,000 years ago.

A. Pataliputra C. Besnagar C. 150,000 years ago.

B. Rajagriha D. Varanasi D. 3000 years ago.
68. The head of a district (Ahara), the principal
62. Which of the following Bhakti Reformers coordinator of the revenue and the officer
influenced by the preaching of Sufi teach- incharge of general and military functions
ers? in his jurisdiction during Mauryan empire
was known as
A. Ramananda
A. Rajuka C. Chirastadar
B. Kabir
B. Krori D. Foujdar

C. Nanak
D. All of the above 69. The grant of ‘Diwani’ in Bengal, Bihar and
63. The Besnagar inscription of Heliodorus re- Orissa was given to the English East India
fer to Company by the Treaty in 1765 with?

A. Samkarshana& Vasudeva
B. Samkarshana, pradyumna& Vasudeva
eR A. Siraj-ud-daula
B. Shah Alam II
C. Francis Joseph Dupleix
C. Vasudeva only
D. Mir Qasim
D. All the panchviras
70. The decimal numeral system, including the
64. The ‘Bombay Triumvirate’ consisted of all concept of zero was invented in India during
the following except which one of the following dynasty?
A. Dadabhai Nauroji
A. Pala C. Saka

B. Pherozeshah Mehta
B. Chola D. Gupta
C. K.T. Telang
D. Badruddin Tyabji 71. Roshan Akhtar was another name of
65. is the description of the love story of A. Ahmed Shah

Kovalan and Kannaki B. Jahandar Shah


A. Pathittupath C. Shah Alam

B. Manusmrithi D. Muhammad Shah
C. Silapatigaram 72. Golden Temple was situated in
D. Akamnannuru A. Amritsar
66. Khuddak Nikay belongs to. B. Gurudwara
A. Jatak C. Thripura

B. Vinay Pitak D. None of these

73. Which of the following were among the
C. Abhidharmrna Pitak
objects of terracotta fashioned by the Har-
D. Sulta Pitak rapans?
67. The Neolithic Revolution began: 1. Bullal
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462 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

2. Toys A. Midnapore
3. Votive animals
B. Singapore
4. Axe heads
5. Human forms C. Mandalay
6. Pipal leaves D. Kuala Lumpur
79. Which one of the following places on the
A. 1, 2& 4 C. 2, 3& 5
Western Coast of India had an English fac-
B. 4, 5& 6 D. 3, 4& 6 tory?

A. Tellicherry C. Cochin
74. The statement, “on bended knees I asked
for bread and received stone instead” is as- B. Calicut D. Cannanore
sociated with

A. Khilafat Movement 80. Among the four dynasties listed below
which ones minted coins made of lead?
B. Quit India Movement
1. Mauryas
C. Dandi March 2. Satavahanas

3. Western Kshatrapas
D. Non-Cooperation Movement
4. Guptas
75. Consider the following statements:
A. 2, 3, 4 C. 1, 2
i) Ahmednagar was ruled by
Nizamshahi dynasty. B. 3, 4 D. 1, 2, 4
ii) Bijapur was ruled by Adil Shahi dy-
nasty 81. When Shahu come back to Maharashtra?
Choose the right option:
A. 1704 C. 1708
A. Both i and ii are correct

B. 1705 D. 1707
B. Only i is correct

C. Only ii is correct 82. Which one of the following is true regarding

‘apad-dharma’ mentioned in the smritis?

D. Neither i nor ii is correct

A. It meant duties permitted to different
76. Sravanabelgola is associated with? ‘varnas’ at times of distress
A. Dasharath B. It meant dereliction of duty

B. Vihnugupta C. It was permitted only to the Kshatriyas

C. Ashok D. It meant special sacrifices done Brah-
manas for kings
D. Chandragupta Maurya

83. The chief ideas of worship during the Ra-

77. In which book did, Dadabhai Nauroji
jput age were
presents his ‘Drain of wealth theory’?
A. Brahma and Ganesha
A. Poverty and un-British rule in India
B. Ram and Krishna
B. Economic problems of India ‘
C. Brahma and Sun
C. British Rule and its consequences
D. Vishnu and Shiva
D. None of these
84. What change in education developed in the
78. Azad Hind Fauj was founded in 1943 in? middle Ages?
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A. Large universities with permanent build- 90. Aurangzeb ordered the arrest of all English-
ings came into being. men and the seizure of all English factories
B. Women began to attend universities. throughout his dominion, because

C. Students with very little training could A. The English had refused to pay local
qualify to be a teacher. duties in Bengal

D. The first universities evolved. B. The English had attacked the Mughal
ships on the western coast
C. The English were fortifying their trad-
85. ing stations
86. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was an ascetic D. All of the above
Hindu monk and social reformer in 16th
century was from 91. Arrange the following Mahajanpadas mov-

ing from west to east in the correct order:
A. Assam C. Bengal 1. Avanti
B. Orissa D. Bihar 2. Magadha
3. Matsya
87. Who amongst the following kings defeated 4. Kosala
Harsha’ s army on the bank of river Nar-
A. Krishnadeva Raya
eR A. 1 3 2 4
B. 1 2 3 4
C. 1 4 3 2
D. 1 3 4 2
B. Rajendra Chola
C. Pulakesin II 92. The highly polished monolithic Ashokan
Pillars were carved out of single pieces of
D. Rajendra I
a buff-coloured sandstone, usually mined
88. Which of the following was not the result from the quarries of
of the Kalinga War?

A. Chunar near Mirzapur

A. The number of casualties of combatants
and noncombatants is stated to have been B. Udayagiri near Bhubaneshwar
around four lakhs C. Sarnath near Varanasi
B. The strength of the Mauryan army was
D. Lauriya in Nandangarh

93. Bal Gangadhar Tilak was given the epithet


C. The cruel consequences of war revolu-

of ‘Lokmanya’ during
tionized the personality and public policies
of Ashoka A. Surat Split
D. He wages no wars after the Kalinga War B. Swadeshi Movement
C. Home Rule Movement
89. “We have how an open conspiracy to free
the country from foreign rule and you. Com- D. His imprisonment in 1908
rades, and all our countrymen and country-
94. Which of the following temples were de-
women are invited to join it.
stroyed by Aurangzeb?
A. Subhash Chaudray Bose
I. Somnath temple
B. M.N.Roy II. Vishwanath temple
C. Jayaprakash Narayan III. Keshavrai temple
IV. Meenakshi temple
D. Jawahar La! Nehru
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464 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. I, II and III D. Its founder, Allan Octavian Hume, was

B. I, II and IV a retired British professor in India.

C. II, III and IV 98. was the real founder of the Abbasid
D. All the above
95. Which one of the following leaders did not A. Muhammad musa
support the ‘Khilafat Movement’? B. Abdullah
A. Swami Shraddhanand C. Abu jafar

B. Mohammad Ali Jinnah
D. Al-Safah
C. Madan Mohan Malviya
99. Which one among the following is the old-
D. Jawahar Lal Nehru est Stupa?

96. Which Veda is lyrical composition?
A. Stupa of Amaravati
A. Rig Veda
B. Stupa of Sanchi
B. Sam Veda
C. Stupa of Piprawah

C. Athervana Veda
D. Yajur Veda D. Stupa of Bharahut
97. Which of the following statement is not true 100. Who among the following had the title
about the Indian National Congress? ‘Parama-Saugata’?
A. It was formed in 1885 A. Rajya Vardhana
B. W.C. Bannerjee was the first president B. Harsha
of Congress.
C. Shashanka
C. It was formed when 72 delegates from
all the presidencies and provinces of India D. Bhaskar Varman

met at Bombay.


1. A 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. D 8. A 9. D 10. C 11. A 12. A 13. D 14. A

15. C 16. C 17. C 18. D 19. A 20. D 21. C 22. D 23. D 24. B 25. A 26. C
27. A 28. B 29. D 30. B 31. A 32. C 33. D 34. A 35. C 36. B 37. D 38. D
39. C 40. A 41. B 42. C 43. B 44. D 45. C 46. D 47. A 48. B 49. C 50. A
51. A 52. C 53. B 54. A 55. C 56. C 57. A 58. B 59. C 60. D 61. C 62. D

63. C 64. A 65. C 66. C 67. B 68. A 69. B 70. D 71. D 72. A 73. C 74. C
75. A 76. D 77. A 78. B 79. D 80. A 81. D 82. A 83. D 84. C 86. C 87. C
88. B 89. C 90. D 91. D 92. A 93. C 94. A 95. B 96. B 97. D 98. D 99. C

100. B

Unit 4

1. The title "Sparrow" is given to D. Porus

2. The ‘Kirti Stambha’ (Tower of Victory) at
A. Sardar Vallabhai patel
Chittor was built by
B. Rajinder Singh A. Rana Kumbha C. Rana Pratap
C. Nelson Mandela B. Rana Sanga D. Bappa Raval
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3. Which one of the following languages was A. ) Sultanate architecture

known as "REKHTA"?
B. Jain architecture
A. Urdu C. Hindi C. Mughal architecture
B. Brij Bhasha D. Prakrit D. Buddhist architecture
11. Bhakti teachers emphasised that the
4. The term Nirgrantha is associated with
1. Relationship between man and man
A. Charvakas C. Jainas should be based on brotherhood
2. Relationship between man and God
B. Ajivikas D. Pashupatas should be based on love
3. Relationship between man and God
5. During Akbar’s reign the biggest gold coin should be based on love

was called? 4. Cow shold be worshipped as a symbol
of God
A. Jalali C. Ilahi
A. Only 1 and 2
B. Dam D. Shamsab
B. Only 2 and 3

6. Who said, “The Hindus believed that there

is no country like theirs, no nation like
theirs, no king like theirs, no religion like
eR C. 1, 2, 3 and 4
D. Only 1, 2 and 3
12. The Aryans came to India from
theirs, no science like theirs.”
A. South East Asia
A. Alberuni C. Firdausi
B. Eastern Europe
B. Utbi D. Farishta
C. Central Asia

7. Ashoka conqueredKalinga in the year D. None of the above


13. Rand was killed by the militant nationalist

A. 231 AD C. 327 BC
A. Damodar Chapekar
B. 261 BC D. 127 AD
B. Barindra Ghosh
8. Whichone of the following newspaper was C. Jatindranath Banerjee

launched by Motilal Nehru?


D. Prafulla Chaki
A. Leader
14. Vasco de Gama:
B. National Herald
A. discovered Brazil.
C. The Independent
B. began Portuguese trade with China.
D. Hindustan Times
C. conquered India for Portugal.
9. Who abolished Iqta system?
D. discovered a sea route to India.
A. Qutubuddin Aibak
15. The Telugu version of the Mahabharata was
B. Alauddin Khilji completed in the thirteenth century by
C. Iltutmish
A. Kambana C. Pampa
D. Balban
B. Nanniah D. Tikkanna
10. Dilwara Temple is the example of?
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466 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

16. After Ashoka’s death, the Mauryan Dynasty A. Golkunda

was replaced by that of the:
B. Ahmednagar
A. Guptas. C. Sakas. C. Bijapur
B. Chen. D. Kushans. D. None of these
22. Which of the following valleys is known
17. Who among the following was the Viceroy
for having a continuous succession of palae-
of India at the time of the formation of In-
olithic paintings of different periods?
dian National Congress?

A. Buharbulang valley
A. Lord Dufferin
B. Bhimbetka
B. Lord Mayo

C. Lord Ripon C. Sohan valley

D. Lord Lansdowne D. Bhader valley

18. Consider the following issues related to the 23. Which of the following is one of the social

Raja Rammohan Roy? reasons for 1857 revolt?
I. Abolition of Sati A. The English could not establish any so-
II. Abolition of Child marriage cial relationship with the Indians.
III. Widow Remarriage
B. The racial arrogance of the British cre-
Select the correct answer using the codes ated a difference between the rulers and the
given below: ruled.
A. I and II C. Both A& B
B. I Only D. The company’s trade policy destroyed
C. II and III Indian handicrafts.

D. I, II and III 24. Rajatarangini describes the history of


19. Which of the following ideas propagated

through Ramakrishna Mission? A. Bengal C. Kashmir

I. Social and religious reform B. Maiwa D. Gujarat

II. Women education
III. Doctrine of service 25. Which one of the following sculptures does
IV. Service of jiva and worship of Shiva not belong to the Mauryan period?

A. Both I and II A. Rampurva bull

B. II, III and IV
B. Dhauli elephant

C. III and IV
C. Sarnath lion capital
D. I, III and IV
D. Standing Buddha from Mathura
20. During the Mauryan age ‘bhaga’ was
26. Chinese script was
A. Hiranya C. Land Tax A. Phonetic
B. Water Tax D. House Tax
B. Hieroglyphic

21. Which among the following became an in- C. Ideographic

tegral part of Shahjahan’s empire? D. Pictographic
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27. Which one of the following important trade 33. When did Shivaji made the fort Rajgad?
centers of ancient India was on the trade
route connecting Kalyana with Vengi? A. Raygad C. Purandar
B. Sinhgad D. Rajgad
A. Tripuri C. Tamralipti
B. Tagara D. Sripura 34. Statement I: The economy of India in the
19th century came to a state of ruin under
28. Babur was buried after his death in which English East India Company. Statement II:
one of the following cities? English East India Company’s acquisition
of Diwani right led to the miseries of the
A. Kabul C. Kolkata peasants and those associated with the tra-
B. Peshawar D. Patna ditional handicrafts industry of India.

A. Both the statements are true and State-
29. Hamza-nama paintings were produced dur- ment II is the correct explanation of State-
ing the reign of? ment I
B. Both the statements are true, but State-
A. Akbar C. Humayun ment II is not the correct explanation of
B. Shahjahan D. Jahangir

30. The Vijayanagar king who employed

eR Statement I
C. Statement I is true, but Statement II is
skilled archers of the Turkish clan and
D. Statement I is false, but Statement II is
raised the fighting capacity of his bowmen
35. The Babmani Kingdom was founded by
A. Devaraya I
A. Malilc Kafur
B. Krishnadevaraya
B. Zain-ul-Abidin

C. Ramaraya
C. Hasan
D. Bukka I
D. Timur
31. With which period do we associate the ‘Me-
galiths’? 36. The Chera king who is said to have gone
to North India to get a Himalayan stone to
A. Pleistocene

make the image of Goddess Kannagi was:


B. Neolithic A. Nedumcheral Adan

C. Chalcolithic B. Kuttvancheral
D. Mesolithic C. Imayavaramban
32. Which of the following is not true about
D. Senaguttuvan
37. Dahasala system was introduced by Akbar
A. They comprised the ruling and warrior in?
B. Their rise was an important social phe- A. 1580 C. 1602
nomenon of the early medieval period. B. 1575 D. 1590
C. They were a landed aristocracy
38. Who is considered as Timurti (Trinity) of
D. The medals were denied entry to their
Carnatic Music?
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468 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Muthuswainiflikshitar A. Third Anglo-Mysore war

B. Thyagaraja B. Second Anglo-Mysore war

C. Swati Thininal C. First Anglo-Mysore war

D. Fourth Anglo-Mysore wait
D. Purandaradasa
45. The Doctrines of ‘Non-Violence’ and ‘Civil
39. Who introduce English as official lan- Disobedience’ associated with Mahatma
guage? Gandhi was influenced by the works of
A. Lord William Bentick A. Thoreau-Humen-Shaw

B. Sir Charles Wood B. Churchill-Irwin-Tolstoy
C. Dalhousie C. Cripps-Tolstov-Howes

D. Allan Octawain Hume D. Ruskin-Tolstoy-Thoreau
46. The three methods of land revenue
40. Who attended the imperial durbar of 1877 assessment-batai, khet batai and long batai-
dressed in hand-spun khadi? were related to

A. Rabindra Nath Tagore A. Ghallabakshi
B. Hakim Ajmal Khan B. Masaq
C. M.G. Ranade C. Kankut
D. Ganesh Vasudev Joshi D. Zabt
47. Who was the most trusted Advisor of Em-
41. The Polygars were
peror Bahaudur Shah during the Revolt of
A. Chiefs subordinate to the nayakas the 1857?
Vijaynagar kingdoms A. Prince Zawan Bakht
B. House-traders from Afghanistan during B. Prince Bakht Khan

the Mughal period

C. Haqim Ahsanulla
C. Agents of the European companies for

D. Queen Zeenat Mahal

purchase of silk and Muslin in Bengal
48. Why did the Gurjara Pratihara dynasty de-

D. A famous caste of Bankers of Marwars clined?

42. There was an unprecedented increase in the A. invasions of Muhammad Bin Quasim
number of mansabdars during the reign of: B. invasions of Hunas

C. invasions of Muhammad Ghazini

A. Akbar C. Jahangir
D. invasions of Muhammmad Ghori
B. Aurangzeb D. Shahjahan
49. ’Acharang Sutra’ describes .

A. Sermons of Lord Mahavir

43. Who were the immediate successors of the
Mauryas in Magadha? B. Code of conduct for Jain monks
C. Code of conduct for Buddhiest monks
A. Sungas C. Kushanas
D. Sermons of Gautam Buddha
B. Satvahanas D. Pandyas 50. Upanishads, also known as the Vedanta, are
in number.
44. Mangalore, Parambakkam, and Porto Navo A. 105 C. 112
were places where Major battles took place
during the B. 108 D. 96
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51. From where the Mansabdari system was II. It was signed by Pt Madan Mohan
borrowed? Malviya and B. R. Ambedkar and
some Dalit leaders to break the fast
A. Mongolia C. Afghanistan unto death undertaken by Gandhi in
B. Persia D. Turkey Yerwada prison to annul the Macdon-
ald Award giving separate electorates
52. Which of the following was/were steps to Dalits for electing members of state
taken by Sher Shah to promote trade and legislative assemblies in British India.
commerce? Select the correct answer from the codes
1. Making travel safe for trader. given below:
2. Building a new highway between
A. Only I
Delhi and Warangal.
3. Abolishing internal duties and levying B. Only II

taxes only at the points of import and
C. Both I and II
4. Building sarais along roadways. D. Neither I nor II
A. 2 and 3 57. Vasco-da-Gama arrived at in 1498.
B. 1, 2 and 3
C. 1, 2, 3 and 4
D. 1, 3 and 4
eR A. Madras
B. Bombay
C. Surat
D. Calicut

53. Who among the following had constructed

58. Which of the following was not one of the
the Red Fort in Delhi?
important articles of export?
A. Jahangir C. Akbar A. Sugar
B. Aurangzeb D. Shah-Jahan B. Fine textiles
54. Which of the following was not hanged C. Jewels

in connection with the Kakori Conspiracy D. Spice and perfumes

59. Who was the social reformer King of Kol-
A. Bhagat Singh hapur?
B. Ashfaqullah Khan
A. Baroda C. Sayajirao

C. Roshan Singh

D. Rajendra Lahiri B. Babaji D. Shahu

55. Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed on 15th
March 60. With reference to medieval Indian rulers,
which one of the following statement is cor-
A. 1935 C. 1928 rect?
B. 1931 D. 1930 A. Balban introduced the branding of
horses in his military.
56. Consider the following statement (s) regard-
ing Poona Pact (1932) B. Muhammad Bin Tughlaq was succeeded
by his uncle to the military.
I. It refers to an agreement between
Babasaheb Ambedkar and Mahatma C. Alauddin Khilji first set up a separate
Gandhi signed on 24 September 1932 ariz’s department.
at Yerwada Central Jail in Pune (now
D. Firoz Tughlaq set up a separate depart-
in Maharashtra), India.
ment of slaves.
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470 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

61. In the end, Pala supremacy in Bengal was C. The profits made from duty free inland
destroyed by trade and the surplus from Diwani revenue
D. The borrowed money from Indian
A. 1027 A.D. C. 1017 A.D.
money lenders for purchases in India
B. 1025 A.D. D. 1020 A.D 68. Hughly was used as a base for piracy in the
Bay of Bengal by
62. The earliest available work Tamils is
A. The British
A. Tirumurugarruppadai
B. The Portuguese

B. Maduraikanchi
C. The French
C. Tolkappiyam
D. The Danish
D. Pattinappalai

69. Malik Kafur was whose General?
63. Who among the following had set up an
A. Muhammad bin Tughluq
association called Mitra Mela?
B. Firoz Shah Tughluq
A. Barindra Kumar Ghosh
C. Ala-ud-din khilji

B. P. Mitra
D. Balban
C. V.D. Savarkar
70. The main purpose of Brahmo Samaj for
D. Chapekar Brothers which it was set up are
64. The number of Vedas is
A. Purify Hinduism and to preach monothe-
A. Ten C. Eight
B. Criticize social evils, oppose idolatry
B. Two D. Four
and emphasize human dignity
65. The national motto of India, ‘Satyameva C. Both A and B

Jayate’ inscribed below the Emblem of In- D. None of the above

dia is taken from
71. In which of the following is the Brahman

A. Aitareya Upanishad the Central Theme?

B. Katha Upanishad

A. Upanishads C. Brahmanas
C. Mundaka Upanishad
B. Vedas D. Sutras
D. Chandogya Upanishad
66. One of the notable early writers of Hindi 72. Negrito race is the earliest people of India;

was this race now survives in the people of

A. Amir Khusrau A. Andaman Islands

B. Chhota Nagpur Plateau

B. Chandabardai
C. Namadeva C. Nagaland region

D. Nanak D. None of the above

67. The East India Company began to use the 73. The Great public bath at Mohenjodaro has
term ‘investments in India’ for dimentions of .

A. The loot from Buxar for purchasing In- A. 38’ x 23’ x 9’

dian goods B. 39’ x 23’ x 9’
B. Their bullion imports to purchase Indian C. 39 x 23’ x 8’
D. 38 x 23’ x 8’
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74. Name of the Mahajanapada, which was a 79. On what condition Wellesly agreed to help
confederacy of eight republican clans? Peshwa Bajirao II?
A. His agreeing to the abolition of the of-
A. Vatsa C. Vajji
fice of the Peshwa after his death
B. Magadha D. Malla
B. An underhand transaction of Rs. 15 lakh

75. Which among the following Vedas is partly

C. His consent to the subsidiary alliance
in prose?
D. His agreeing to dispossess Scindia from
A. Yajurveda C. Atharvaveda his fief
B. Rigveda D. Samaveda 80. King Ashvapati of the Upanishadic Age
was the ruler of

76. Consider the following statements A. Matsya C. Sursena
1. At the time of independence, the Gov- B. Panchala D. Kekaya
ernment of India followed the calen-
dar based on Saka era.
81. In the Pasupata religion Siva is said to be
2. The National Calendar commenced
eR Lord of Pasu. Which one among the follow-
on Chaitra 1 Saka, 1879 correspond-
ing stands for Pasu?
ing to March 22, 1957 AD.
Which of the statements given above is/are A. Jiva C. Parvati
correct? B. Lion D. Bull
A. Only 1
82. Coins are the most important source for the
B. Only 2
history of.
C. Both 1 and 2
A. Indo-Greek rulers

D. Neither 1 nor 2 B. cholas

77. English naval power won acceptance in In-
C. Mauryas
dia by defeating the Portuguese near:
D. Satvahans
A. Madras. C. Bombay. 83. Which of the following became the most
important city of northern India under Har-

B. Surat. D. Goa.

78. Which of the following statements about A. Ujjain C. Pataliputra

the officers designated as mahamattas in
Mauryan administration is correct? B. Kanauj D. Thaneswar

A. The term was used for any senior offi- 84. Who called British Economic policy as
cial irrespective of the duties assigned to ‘Colonial Economy’?
A. Mahatma Gandhi
B. These officers were charged with the
responsibility of propagating Buddhism B. Jawaharlal Nehru
C. Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
C. They were appointed as viceroys of var-
ious provinces D. Madan Mohan Malaviya
D. It is a Prakrit expression for the Sanskrit 85. The Vijayanagar rulers are remembered for
word amatya promoting agriculture by
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472 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Reducing tax on cultivated land A. V. S. Srinivasa Sastri

B. Purchasing food grains for the army B. Tej Bahadur Sapru
C. Building dams, tanks, wells, etc. C. M.R.Jayakar
D. Providing market facilities for agricul- D. M.S.Aney
tural products 92. Which one of the following methods of rev-
86. Theravada school is associated with enue assessment is related to the Vijayana-
gara Empire?
A. Lingayatas C. Jams A. Ryotwari

B. Bhagavata D. Buddhist B. Rae Rekho
C. Chauth

87. What was the name of mother of Sambhaji?
D. Sardeshmukhi
A. Putalabai C. Saibai 93. What is the correct sequence of the follow-
ing events?
B. Kashibai D. Yesubai
1. Bardoli Satyagraha

2. Rajkot Satyagraha
88. Who among the following leaders escaped
3. Champaran Satyagraha
from the prison and organised underground
4. Nagpur Satyagraha
activities during the Quit Indian Move-
A. 3, 4, 1, 2 C. 1, 2, 4, 3
A. Ram Manohar Lohia B. 3, 1, 4, 2 D. 4, 3, 1, 2
B. Jayaprakash Narayan
94. “Swaraj is my birth right.” Who said?
C. Achyut Patwardhan
A. Dadabhai Naoroji
D. J.B. Kriplani

B. Bal Gangadhar Tilak

89. The ceremonies of rajasuya and vajpeya are
mentioned in which text? C. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose

A. Atharva Veda D. BhagatSingh

95. Which of the following sect is emphasised

B. Sama Veda
on nirguni Bhakti – devotion to a divine
C. Rig Veda without Gunas (qualities or form), but it ac-
cepts both nirguni and saguni forms of the
D. Yajur Veda

90. Which one of the following correctly de-

scribe the function of the Amatya in the A. Sikhism
Ashtapradhan System’? B. Shaivism

A. The Prime Minister C. Vaishanvism

B. The Finance Minister D. All of the above
C. The minister who preserved a daily 96. A Pala ruler who was raised to the throne
record of the king’s acts and the proceed- by different sections of people
ings of his court A. Gopala C. Mahipala
D. None of athe above B. Devapala D. Dharmapala
91. In the committee which prepared the Nehru
Report (1928) the Liberal Federation was 97. Which of the following religions got spread
by in different parts of Asia?
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A. Buddhism A. Lord Wavell

B. Jainism B. Lord Irwin
C. Hinduism C. Lord Chelmsford
D. None of these D. Lord Reading
98. Lytton was selected as Viceroy to India to 100. The Luck now Pact of 1916 was made be-
fulfill the ambitious plans of Disraeli in tween
A. the Hindus and the Muslims
A. Awadh C. Burma B. The moderates and extremists
B. Bengal D. Afghanistan C. The British and the Indians
99. Who was the Governor General of India D. The Congress and the Muslim League

during the Civil Disobedience Movement?


1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. B 11. C 12. C 13. A 14. D

15. D 16. D 17. A 18. B 19. D 20. A 21. B 22. B 23. C 24. C 25. D 26. C
27. D 28. A 29. A 30. A
39. B 40. D 41. A 42. B
51. A 52. D 53. D 54. A
31. B
43. A
55. B
32. D 33. D 34. A
44. B 45. D 46. A
56. C 57. D 58. A
35. C
47. C
59. D
36. D
48. C
60. D
37. A
49. B
61. A
38. A
50. B
62. C
63. B 64. D 65. C 66. B 67. C 68. B 69. C 70. C 71. A 72. A 73. C 74. C
75. A 76. B 77. B 78. A 79. C 80. D 81. A 82. A 83. B 84. D 85. C 86. D
87. C 88. B 89. D 90. B 91. B 92. D 93. A 94. B 95. A 96. A 97. A 98. D
99. B 100. D

Unit 5

1. The British East India Company ceased to A. Herding and weaving.

be a trading Company via which among the B. Farming and self-sufficiency.
following legislation?
C. Metalworking.
A. Pitts India Act of 1784
D. Trade among many villages.

B. Government of India Act 1858 4. Who among the following had joined Ak-

C. Charter Act of 1833 bar’s Din-i-Ilahi?

D. Charter Act of 1813 A. Bhagwan Das C. Surjan Rai
2. Which of the following are the innovative B. Man Singh D. Birbal
means used by Ishwar Chandra Vidya Sagar
to bring Sanskrit education to all? 5. Which one of the following denoted a series
A. Devised new Bengali primer of coins?

B. Brought new prose style A. Gajasataka C. Katisama

C. Both A& B B. Hiranaydama D. Gadhiya
D. Continued the same method without any 6. “Brahmanical reaction was responsible for
new innovation the downfall of the Mauryan Empire.” Who
3. The manor economy was based on said?
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474 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. D. D. Koshambi 12. The game of ‘dice’ was part of the ritual of

B. U. N. Ghoshal
A. Vajapeya C. Agnistoma
C. Romila Thapar
B. Rajasuya D. Aswamedha
D. Harprasad Shastri
7. Robert Clive, the Governor General of the . 13. When was the ’Quit India Movement’
Launched by Mohandas Karamchand
A. Portuguese C. British, Gandhi?

B. Dutch, D. French,
A. 1946 C. 1939
B. 1942 D. 1940
8. Which of the following pairs are correctly

matched? V
14. Who among the following was the
1. Rabbeting: Shipbuilding
Governor-General of India immediately pre-
2. Flintlock: Gun-making
ceding Chakravarthi Raja gopalachari?
3. ‘Wootz’: Textile

4. Filatures: Metallurgy A. The Marquess of Linlithgow
Choose the correct answer from the codes B. Lord Mountbatten
given below
C. Lord Chelmsford
A. 2 and4 C. l and 2 D. Lord Wavell
B. 1 and 3 D. 3and4 15. Which of the following is the correct
chronological order of in modern Indian
9. What was the original name of Shahu Ma-
haraj? A. Morley-Minto Reforms, Gandhi-Irwin

Pact, August Offer, Jallianwala Bagh Mas-

A. Shivaji C. Sambhaji sacre

B. Yashwantrao D. Rajaram B. August Offer, Morley-Minto Reforms,

Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, Gandhi-Irwin

10. Which one of the following regions did not
constitute a separate suba (province) under C. Morley-Minto Reforms, Jallianwala
Akbar? Bagh Massacre, Gandhi-Irwin Pact, August

A. Bengal C. Awadh D. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, Gandhi-

B. Bihar D. Orissa Irwin Pact, August Offer, Morley-Minto

11. Who among the following Englishmen was 16. “No one is allowed to marry outside his
well versed in the Turkish language, re- caste, or to exchange one profession of trade
ceived a Mansab of 400 and the title of for another or to follow more than one busi-
‘English Khan’ or Firangi Khan? ness.” This observation was made by
A. Fitch A. Fa-Hien

B. Mildenhall B. Hiuen-Tsang

C. Hawkins C. Ai-Biruni

D. Sir Thomas Roe D. Megasthenese

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17. Who is the archelogist of Kalibagan 22. Agam Siddhant is the religious literature
A. A. Ghosh C. T.K Tapper
A. Brahmanism C. Jainism
B. S.R Roa D. Y.D Sharma
B. Veda D. Buddhism.
18. Which of the following British policies un-
dermined the caste system? 23. Which one of the following indicates the
correct chronological order in which the
1. Introduction of modern industries and four give important forts were captured by
railways Emperor Akbar?
2. Free sale of land
3. Reforms in education system A. Asirgarh-Ranthambhor-Kalinjar-Merta
4. Entrance into administrative services B. Merta-Kalinjar-Ranthambhor-Asirgarh

Select the correct answer using the codes C. Merta-Ranthambhor-Kalinjar-Asirgarh
given below
D. Asirgarh-Kalinjar-Ranthambhor-Merta
A. 2, 3 and 4 only 24. The term ‘Congress’ was derived from
B. 1, 2 and 4 only A. Irish history
C. 1, 2, 3 and 4
D. 1, 3 and 4 only
eR B. The history of North America
C. British Commonwealth
19. Greek invesion of North India is described D. The name of the American Parliament
25. Which of these is not one of the titles
A. Gaudvaho adopted by Aurangzeb?
B. Harshacharit A. Padshah
C. Milindapanho B. Ghazi

D. Gargisamhita C. Alamgir
20. Who of the following deciphered the D. Sultan Sulaiman
Brahmi script? 26. Sankara was a saint.
A. William Jones
A. Bhakti C. Jaina

B. James Princep
B. Sufi D. Buddhist

C. John Marshall
D. EJH Mackay 27. The Partition of Bengal made by Lord Cur-
zon in 1905 lasted until
21. Being Muslim as a Southeast Asian mer-
chant: A. Movement
A. was against the law in most trading B.
cities. C. the Partition of India in 1947 when East
B. entitled the merchant to better interest Bengal became East Pakistan
rates when doing business in Muslim Asia. D. the First World War when Indian troops
C. was compulsory in order to do business were needed by the British and the partition
in Malaka. was ended
28. Which one among the following is a Tamil
D. was often an advantage when dealing
grammatical treatise?
with Muslim Indian traders.
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476 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Ettutogai A. Surplus production of several commodi-

ties which were in great demand in foreign
B. Silappadikaram
C. Tolkappiam
B. There was a direct trade route between
D. Pattupattu Tamil land and Arabia, Egypt and Rome
29. Alberuni states that the antyajas, who were C. Because the Yavanas (i.e. the Romans,
not reckoned amongst any of the four var- The Greeks and The Egyptians) had colo-
nas, were composed of eight groups or nized certain parts of South India

guilds of craftsman or professionals. Which D. Tamils had a great reputation as seafar-
one of the following did not belong to any ers
of the eight guilds?
35. With some exceptions, Europe between the

A.D. 400s and 1100s is characterized by
A. Blacksmith C. Shoemaker
A. Powerful religious authorities.
B. Fisherman D. Weaver
B. Wars between rival feudal lords.
C. The absence of strong monarchs.

30. In the elections of 1937 the Muslim
League’s electoral Performance in the Mus- D. Stratified social hierarchies.
lim Majority provinces such as Sindh. Pun-
36. Who is known as the Hindu Luther of North-
jab and North West Frontier had been
ern India during 19th century was?
A. Very good
A. Dayanand Saraswati
B. Extremely good B. Radhakant Dev
C. Good C. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
D. Very poor D. Keshav Chandra Sen
31. Who propounded the Saptanga Theory? 37. The founder of French East India Company

for trade in India was

A. Manu C. Tulsidas

A. Francois Martin
B. Charaka D. Kautilya B. Francois Caron

C. De La Haye
32. Sugandhadevi who issued coins with the
figure of seated Lakshmi was a Queen of D. Colbert
38. Who was the king to organize Asht Prad-

A. Orissa C. Saurashtra han?

B. Kashmir D. Karnataka A. Akbar
B. Tipu Sultan

33. What were the ahdis of Akbar’s time? C. Krishnadeva Ray

A. Village level money-lenders D. Shivaji
B. Foot-soldiers in the army 39. Jonaraja in his Rajatarangini, continued the
narration of Kalhana upto
C. Cashiers working in diwani
A. Sultan Sikandar
D. Village guards
B. Muhammad Shah
34. Which of the following was the most im-
portant factor responsible for the extensive C. Sultan Zainul Abidin
growth of foreign trade? D. Jaya Singh
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40. Which of the following was not the saint of 46. As per ‘August Offer’ the British objective
Varkari sect? for India was

A. Tukaram C. Eknath A. Dominion Status

B. Namdev D. Kabir B. Provincial Authority

C. Puma Swaraj
41. Krishnadevaraya was the ruler of
D. Responsible Government
A. Chota C. Pallava 47. Ibn Khaldun was an:
B. Babmani D. Vijayanagar A. Architect
B. Historian
42. Which of the following was not one of the
Raja Rammohan Roy’s suggestions for or- C. Muhaddith

ganising the Company’s government on a D. None of these
more rational basis? 48. How did Akbar get rid of the authority of
A. Constitutional reforms must be guaran- the Ulemas?
teed A. He founded Din-i-Ilahi
B. Civil liberties and individual rights must B. He appointed Hindus to the highest
be guaranteed
C. The rule of law ought to be supreme
D. The absolute ownership of property by
eR posts in the empire
C. He invited the representatives of all re-
ligions for religious debates at the Ibadat
the individual must be recognised Khana
43. What was the role of Tatia Tope in 1857 D. He issued an infallibility decree in 1579
I. He was commander-in-chief of the 49. The land rival that caused the Chinese the
army of Nana Saheb most concern was:

II. He organized Bhils of Panchamahal

region against the British A. Russia. C. England.
III. He helped Begum Hazrat Mahal to B. India. D. Vietnam.
capture Awadh.
A. II only 50. Who was the most prominent ruler of the
Chandela dynasty?

B. I and II only

C. II and III only A. Bhoja C. Krishna

D. All of the above B. Jayachandra D. Dhanga
44. Which one of the following places was a
mint centre of the Yaudheyas? 51. Towards health care, the most important
measures taken by Ashoka was/were:
A. Bayana C. Bareilly
A. He opened dispensaries for the treat-
B. Mathura D. Rohtak ment of both human beings and animals

45. Which sufl saint’s dargah is at Ajmer?

B. He got the herbs and plants, needed for
A. Muinudclin Chishti medical purposes, cultivated
B. Baba Farid C. Both A and B above
C. Salim Chishti D. He made arrangements for safe drinking
D. Hazrat Nizamuddin water in the whole of his empire
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478 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

52. Which one of the following territories was C. Remove untouchability.

not affected by the revolt of 1857? D. Force the temple authorities to appoint
non-brahmins as priests.
A. Jagdishpur C. Jhansi
58. Which of the following is the Journal pub-
B. Lucknow D. Chittor lished in Britain by the Committee of the
Indian National Congress?
53. Charaka and Susruta are the Ayurvedic
books flourished in . period A. Calcutta Gazette
B. Bengal Tribune

A. Satavahana C. Nanda
C. Calcutta Tribune
B. Gupta D. None
D. India

54. The custom ‘Santhara’ is related to which 59. What is the correct chronological sequence
of the following sects? of the following rulers of Bengal?
1. Suja-ud-din
A. Jain C. Sakta 2. Murshid Quli Khan

B. Vaishnava D. Saiva 3. Sarfaraz Khan
4. Ali Vardi Khan
55. Consider the following statement (s) related
to the Nehru Report? A. 2, 1, 3, 4 C. 1, 2, 4, 3
I. It favoured Dominion Status. B. 2, 1, 4, 3 D. 1, 2, 3, 4
II. It favoured a federal system.
III. It rejected the system of Communal 60. The dhamma mahamattas (dharma mahama-
Electorate. tras) appointed by Ashoka were entrusted
IV. It was against the setting up of a with the job of:
Supreme Court. A. Checking the abuses in the administra-

Which of the above statement(s) is/are cor- tion of justice

rect? B. The moral uplift of the people through

A. I, II& III propagation of dhamma

B. I& III C. Management of the welfare activities of

the state
D. All the above
D. I& IV
61. Who among the following was/were in a
56. Whose court was poet Ravikriti associated

group known as ‘responsivists’?

A. Kumara Devi A. Lala Lajpat Rai
B. Madan Mohan Malavia

B. Xuan Zang
C. Pulakeshin II C. N.C. Kelkar

D. Harshavardhana D. All of these

57. What was the objective of Vaikom Satya- 62. The earliest example of a landgrant is pro-
graha launched in Kerala? vided by an inscription

A. Open the temples for the entry of the A. the guptas

lower castes avarnas. B. the mahameghavahanas
B. Ban the institution of Devadasis for tem- C. the mauryas
ple service.
D. the satavahanas
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63. Who among the following Bhakti Saint cre- A. North-Western Provinces
ated Vinaya-Patrika and Kavitavali?
B. Bengal

A. Chaitanya C. Tulsidas C. Madras

B. Narasi D. Shankar Dev D. Bombay

69. The French made their advent through

64. Which part of India was most affected by A. Mahe C. Karaikal

the Revolution of 1857?
B. Yenam D. Pondicherry
A. Madras C. Maharashtra
70. A Chalukya inscription is dated in the year
B. Punjab D. Avadh 556 of the Saka era. Its equivalent is to

A. 499 AD C. 478 AD
65. What was the immediate reaction of the
government to the Salt Satyagraha and the B. 634 AD D. 613 AD
Dandi March?
71. Humayun restored the Indian Kingdom
A. The Congress was banned
eR with the help of the rular of?
B. It took measures to prevent the mischief
from spreading A. Persia C. Turkey

C. The government resorted to repressive B. Arabia D. Kabul

72. 6. Which one of the following works deals
D. It did not take it seriously
with the history of Kashmir?
66. Which one of the following statements A. Harshacharita
about untouchability is not correct?
B. Rajatarangini

A. It was widely practiced in the Indus val-

C. Gaudavaha
ley civilization
D. Vikramankadevacharita
B. The Rigveda does not show any ac
quaintance with it 73. The Upanishads are separated from the
Brahmanas by treatises called
C. It is cleared referred to in the Buddhist

Jatakas A. Epics C. Aranyakas


D. It come to be applied to several castes B. Vedas D. Puranas

only in the post Gupta period
74. The religion patronized and propagated by
67. The statue of Gomateshwara at Sravan-
abelagola was built by-
A. Kharvela A. Bhagavata C. Hinduism

B. Amoghavarsha B. Buddhism D. Jainism

C. Chandragupta Maurya 75. The Pallava king who was defeated by

D. Chamundaraya Samudra Gupta?

68. In which of the following regions Mahal- A. Simhavarma C. Simhavishnu

wari System of Revenue Settlement was in-
B. Karikala D. Vishnugopa
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480 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

76. Where did fight the two campaigns of Samb- A. Doctrine of Lapse
haji and Dilerkhan in Maharashtra?
B. Alleged misgovernment
A. Purandar C. Bhupalgad C. Failure to pay subsidy
B. Pune. D. Shirval D. Maintenance of relations with foreign
77. Who had appointed Parnadatta as the 82. What was the main cause of conflict be-
Provincial Governor of Saurashtra? tween Mir Qasim and the East India Com-

A. Chandragupta Maurya
A. Mir Qasim’s alliance with the Mughal
B. Skandagupta Emperor and the Nawab of Oudh

C. Chandragupta II B. Abuse of Dastaks by the English
D. Rudradaman C. Mir Qasim’s conspiracy with the French
78. Consider the following pairs: [CSAT 2015-
I] Medieval Indian State Present Region

D. Mir Jafar’s conspiracy with the East In-
1. Champaka : Central India dia Company
2. Durgara : Jammu 83. Russian revolutionary, who founded the
3. Kuluta : Malabar Communist Party was
Which of the above pairs is / are correctly
matched? A. Karl Marx C. Stalin
B. Trotsky D. Lenin
A. 1 and 3 Only
B. 2 only
84. The Mountbatten plan did not envisage the
C. 1 and 3 inclusion of the province in the In-

dian dominion.
D. 1 and 2

79. Which among the following combinations A. Madras C. Bombay

is correct? B. Sind D. Bihar

A. Pushyamitra Shunga-Patanjali
B. Menander-Ashvaghosh 85. The Quit India Resolution (1942) proposed
the starting of a Non-violent Mass Struggle
C. Chandragupta I-Harishena

on the widest possible scale. The Mantra

D. Kanishka-Thera Nagasena ‘Do or Die’ was given by

80. The Sun Temple of Konark was built by A. Subhash Chandra Bose

Narasimhadeva I. To which dynasty did he B. Mahatma Gandhi

belong to?
C. Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
A. Suryavansi Gajapti dynasty
D. Jawahar Lal Nehru
B. Bhoi dynasty
86. Sakhi, Sabad and Ramaini were the notable
C. Imperial Ganga dynasty work of?
D. Somavamsi dynasty
A. Tansen C. Rahim
81. On what ground was Avadh annexed into
B. Tulsidas D. Kabir
British Empire?
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87. Harihara and Bukka, the founders of the Vi- A. Mohd. Ghori
jayanagara kingdom shaped the course of
B. Jaipal
their conduct on the advice of
C. Mahmud Ghaznavi
A. Ranidas C. Tukarain
D. None of these
B. Vidyaranya D. Tulsidas
93. On what evidence is South Russia/Central
Asia regarded as the original home of the
88. With reference to Great Bath of Mohenjo- Aryans?
daro, consider the following statements -
A. Philological
1. It was built by baked bricks.
2. The length of the Bath is 12 metres, B. Anthropological
breadth 7 meters and depth is around C. Racial
2.5 metres.

3. The outer walls of the Bath are plas- D. Archaeological
tered by on inch thick plaster of Paris. 94. Under whom did Tulsidas write Ramcharit-
4. By the side of the Bath there were manasa
residence of priests who use to come
down for bath on special occasions. A. Shah-Jahana C. Jahangir
Which of the above is/are correct?

A. 1 and 4 C. 2 and 3
eR B. Akbar D. Aurangazb

95. The greatest Chinese teacher philosopher

B. 1, 2 and 4 D. 1 and 2 was
89. The maximum number of additional mem- A. Fa Hem C. Confucius
bers of the council of Bengal was raised B. Huien Tsang D. LaoTse
from 20 to

A. 60 C. 50 96. Who exhorted people to give up selfishness,

falsehood and hypocrisy and to lead a life
B. 70 D. 25 of truth, honesty and kindness?
A. Vallabhacharya
90. What renowned church was built by Em-
peror Justinian in the sixth century? B. Guru Nanak

A. St. Sophia C. Kabir

B. Notre Dame D. Nimbarka
C. Canterbury Cathedral 97. What was the percentage (of the total rev-
enue charged) of the extra tax charged by
D. St. Peter’s Basilica
Sher Shah for the use of general welfare in
91. Vasco da Gama a sailor belongs to calamities and emergencies?
A. Portuguese
A. 2.5% C. 7.5%
B. American
B. 1.5% D. 5.0%
C. South American
D. German 98. Under feudalism, lords granted land to vas-
92. Firdausi was the Poet laureate at the court sals in exchange for which of the follow-
of ing?
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482 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. food A. 520 AD C. 500 A.D.

B. 570 A.D. D. 590 A.D.
B. housing

C. military service 100. Who said that the religion was highly prac-
tical and sternly ethical?
D. farm labor
A. Kabir C. Namadeva

99. Hazrat Mohammad was born in Mecca in B. Guru Nanak D. Chaitanya

Arabia in


1. C 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. D 6. D 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. C 11. C 12. B 13. B 14. B
15. C 16. D 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. B 21. D 22. C 23. C 24. B 25. D 26. A
27. A 28. C 29. C 30. D 31. D 32. B 33. D 34. A 35. C 36. C 37. D 38. D
39. C 40. D 41. D 42. A 43. B 44. D 45. A 46. A 47. C 48. D 49. A 50. D

51. C 52. D 53. B 54. A 55. A 56. C 57. A 58. D 59. A 60. D 61. D 62. D
63. C 64. D 65. D 66. A 67. D 68. A 69. D 70. C 71. A 72. B 73. C 74. C
75. D 76. C 77. B 78. B 79. B 80. C 81. B 82. B 83. D 84. B 85. B 86. D
87. B 88. B 89. C 90. D 91. A 92. C 93. A 94. B 95. C 96. B 97. A 98. D
99. B 100. B

Unit 6

1. Who was the court poet of Samudragupta? A. Upanishads

B. Mahabharata

A. Nagarjuna C. Harisena
C. Vedas
B. Virasena D. Aryabhatta

D. Bhagavad Gita
2. The beautiful wooden railings in the sanchi 5. Which saint and reformer of Bengal who

stupa were made during the reign of? popularized the Krishna Cult?
A. Vallabhacharya
A. Harsha C. Ashoka
B. Madhava

B. Satavahanas D. Guptas
C. Chaitanya

3. The largest grant of villages to temples and D. Nimbarka


brahmana was given by the ruling dynasty 6. Who of the following propounded the the-
known as ory of the Arctic region as the home land of
A. The Guptas the Aryan speaking people?

B. The Palas A. Bal Gangadhar Tilak

B. Edward Meyer
C. Rashtrakutas
C. Max Muller
D. Pratiharas
4. Which of the following is NOT one of the D. Herzefeld
sacred texts of Hinduism? 7. Decimal system was introduced by
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A. Aryabhatta 13. Who may be the founder of Pratihara dy-

B. Brahmagupta
C. Bhaskara A. Gopala C. Dharmapala
D. None of these B. Bhoja D. Pratihara
8. Pushyamitra Shunga, who was originally a
Senapati of the Mauryan empire and assassi- 14. The Second International declared 1st May
nated the last Mauryan Emperor Brihadrath as
in 185 BC was a A. socialist day
B. liberation day
A. Vaishya C. Kshatriya
C. capitalist day
B. Shudra D. Brahaman

D. workers day
9. Who was the author of Allahabad pillar in- 15. Which of the following correctly describes
scription? the land of the Seven Rivers (Sapta Sindhu)
where the initial Aryan settlements were
A. Aswaghosha C. Veerasena located?

B. Ravekeerthi D. Harisena

10. “The interests of Mohammad Ghori were

eR A. The Indus Valley region
B. The Punjab and Delhi region
C. The region from Eastern Afghanistan to
not however confined to India.” Who said the upper valley of the Ganges
D. The land of the Indus and its principal
A. Moreland tributaries
B. Dr. V.A. Smith 16. In which of the following areas was the Ma-
halwari system introduced by the English?

C. Dr. Ishwari Prasad

A. North-west provinces
D. Dr. Tarachand
B. The Gangetic valley
11. The High Commissioner for India in the
United Kingdom must be appointed by C. The parts of central India and Punjab
D. All of the above

A. The Government of India 17. Who introduced English in India?


B. Parliament of England A. Lord Dalhousie

C. Secretary of State for India B. Lord Canning

D. By Indian National Congress C. Lord William Bentick

12. Uposatha was practiced D. Lord Rippon

18. Indian influence in Southeast Asia dates
A. By the Kapalikas as symbolic renuncia-
from the time of:
tion of pleasure in external objects
B. By widows of the Brahmanical religion A. Porus. C. Buddha.
through periodic fasting B. Harsha. D. Ashoka.
C. By Buddhist monks in an assembly
19. What is the correct chronological sequence
D. By the Tantrilcs as part of their worship
of the following saints?
of shakti
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484 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

1. Shankaracharya A. Evil of all evils

2. Ramanuja
B. A continuous fleecing
3. Shankaradeva
4. Dadu C. A continuous British invasion
D. None of these
A. 1, 2, 3, 4 C. 2, 1, 3, 4
26. Who advocated the concept of one caste,
B. 4, 3, 2, 1 D. 3, 1, 4, 2 one religion and one God’ for all?

20. Atala Mosque is associated with? A. Narayan Guru

A. Sharqi rular B. Swami Vivekananda

B. Sultans of delhi C. Mahatma Gandhi

C. Mughal D. Periyar
27. Who among the following was not a mem-
D. Rohilla Rural
ber of the Constituent Assembly?
21. Which of the following personality is re-
lated with the “Deepavali Declaration"? A. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

A. Subhas Chandra Bose in 1941 B. Acharya JB Kriplani
B. Lord Linlithgow in 1940 C. Lok Nayak Jayprakash
C. Lord Irwin in 1929 D. K M Munshi
D. Gandhiji in 1930 28. Mahatma Gandhi was profoundly influ-
enced by
22. Perhaps the worst famine in Indian history
till 1880 occurred in A. Bernard Shaw
B. Leo Tolstoy
A. 1876-78 C. 1865-66
C. Lenin

B. 1868-70 D. 1860-61
D. Karl Marx
23. Which among the following wars Muham-

29. Who among the following founded the Hin-

mad Ghori did not participate himself in dustan Republican Army (or Association)

in 1924?
A. Against Chalukyas of Anhilawada in A. V. D. Savarkar
B. Surya Sen
B. Battle against Kannauj in 1194

C. Batukeshwar Dutta
C. Battle of Tarain in 1191
D. Sachindra Nath Sanyal
D. Against Khokharas in 1205
30. Consider the following events:

24. The leaders of 1857 Mutineers who was

caught& hanged was 1. Annexation of Udaipur
2. Annexation of Jhansi
A. Tantya Tope 3. Annexation of Punjab
B. Nana Saheb 4. Annexation of Oudh
C. Kunwar Singh The correct chronological sequence of these
event is:
D. Rani Laxmibai of Jhansi
25. Dadabhai Nauroji, the greatest exponent of A. 2-1-3-4 C. 3-4-2-1
the theory of ‘Drain of wealth’ called the
B. 3-1-2-4 D. 2-4-3-1
economic exploitation of India
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31. In the adminstration of the ummayads the 38. Which of the following groups dominated
court language was: the economic and political life of towns dur-
ing the High Middle Ages?
A. French C. Arabics
A. knights
B. German D. Persian
B. merchant guilds
32. Who was the founder of ‘Satya Shodhak C. the clergy
D. nobles
A. Atmaram Pandurang
39. The Satnamis who rebelled in the time of
B. Gopal Hari Deshmukh Aurangazeb and occupied the town of Nar-
C. Jyotiba Phule naul were followers of
D. M. G. Ranade

A. Dadu C. Kabir
33. Which of the following is not associated
with growth of cave art? B. Guru Nanak D. Ravidas

A. Mahabalipuram
40. About the 5th century B. C. the Indian
B. Bagh satrapy was paying an annual tribute of 320
C. Karle
D. Amaranth
eR talent of gold to

A. China C. Bactria
34. How many incarnations of Vishnu accord-
B. Persia D. Greece
ing to Bhagvatism?
A. 10 C. 6 41. During the reign of which ruler Moroccan
B. 12 D. 8 traveller Ibn Battuta visited India?
A. Aurangazeb

35. During the Mughals, change in the architec-

tural style is known as? B. Muhammad Bin Tughlaq

A. Hindu Islamic style C. Alauddin Khilji

B. Persian style D. Akbar

C. Islamic style 42. Lord Mountbatten had replaced Lord


as the viceroy of India in 1947.

D. Goethic style

36. What was Arghatta? A. Wavell C. Linlithgow

A. A device to lift water B. Lytton D. Cornwallis
B. An irrigation canal
C. A machine to break forts 43. Who had succeeded Mir Jumla as governor
of Bengal in the reign of Aurangzeb?
D. A type of cloth
A. Shaista Khan
37. The chief gain to Shivaji from his raids of
Surat in 1664 and 1670 was B. Shah Shuja
A. Immense increase in his prestige C. Siphr Sukoh
B. Capture of the English factory D. Izid Bakhsh
C. A lot of booty 44. Who of the following was responsible for
D. Demoralisation of the Mughal forces the murder of his father?
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486 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Alauddin Khilji 50. Which of the following incarnations of

B. Balban Vishnu is represented in art as raising the
Earth from the Ocean?
C. Mohammad Bin Tughlaq
D. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq A. Kurma C. Nrisingha
45. Which revolutionary said the following, B. Matsya D. Varaha
“We shall be born again, shall meet again
and shall jointly fight once again for the 51. Rajashekhara, the author of ‘Karpurman-
cause of the motherland as comrades-in- jari’, was the teacher of

A. Narsimhavarma II
A. Chandra Shekhar Azad
B. Bhoja Marmara
B. Ramprasad Bismil

C. Rajendra Lahiri C. Mahendrapala I

D. Ashfaquallah Khan D. Yuvarajadeva II

46. Which one of the following usages was a 52. Who among the following was responsible

post-Vedic development? for making "Sikhism’ a militant force?
A. Dharma-Artha-Kama-Moksha A. Guru Teg Bahadur
B. Brahmana-Kshatriya-Vaishya-Shudra B. Guru Govind Singh
C. Brahmacharya-Grihasthashrama- C. Guru Arjun Singh
D. Guru Har Govind Singh
D. Indra-Surya-Rudra-Marut
53. According to the periplus, sea, voyages
47. The Sardeshmukhi of the Marathas was to India were undertaken in the month of
A. A capitation levy r Epiphi or

B. Village lands set aside for the desh-

mukhs A. October C. July
B. June D. December

C. A share in revenue collected by other


54. Which of the following were the main

D. A tax levied deshmukhs
sources of revenue of the company govern-
48. Who was the author of the book Kitab-i-
ment in India?
1. Land revenue
A. Firdausi

2. Monopoly of salt and opium trade

B. Abu Nasr Utbi 3. Freight charges
C. Abul Fazl 4. Commutation bond
5. Sair (i.e. customs, tolls, excise duties-

D. Amir Khusro etc.)

49. Which of the following causes was not re-
Choose the correct answer from the codes
sponsible for the downfall of Tipu?
given below
A. He was not helped by any Indian rulers
B. He persecuted the Hindus A. l, 2 and 5 C. 1, 2 and 3
C. He was inferior in financial resources to B. 2, 3 and 4 D. 1, 3 and 5
the English
D. He was inferior in Man-power to the. 55. What was the historical name of Ancient
English India?
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A. India 60. Which of the following cannot be consid-

ered a cause for the rise of Extremism?
B. Bharatvarsha
A. The reactionary policies of Lord Lytton
C. Aryavritta
B. The failure of the moderates to achieve
D. Bharat anything significant through their methods
56. King Piyadassi referred to in some ancient
C. Serious problem of unemployment
Indian inscriptions is identified with
among the educated Indians
A. Samudragupta D. None of the above
B. Bimbisara 61. Which of the following metal (S) was/were
C. Chandragupta Maurya not used by the Harrappans?
A. Silver& Bronze
D. Ashoka

B. Gold& Copper
57. Which of the following is not one of the
broad categories into which the edicts is- C. Iron& Tin
sued by Ashoka can be divided? D. Copper
A. Public pronouncements meant for his 62. The world is God and God is my soul is the
subjects philosophy contained in the
B. Edicts issued for the propagation of
eR A. Puranas
B. Vedas
C. Upanishads
D. Brahamanas
C. Pronouncement explaining the philoso-
phy of Buddhism and its relevance in day-to 63. Gold coins attributed to Harsha depict on
day life the reverse
D. Personal epistles directed to the Sangha A. Surya
B. Avalokitesvara
58. Consider the following statement (s) related C. Tara

to the Bhakti Saint Chaitanya

D. Shiva-Parvati
I. He popularised the Krishna Cult in 64. Which of the following was not one of the
Bengal. objectives and methods of the Extremists in
II. He believes that through love and de- the Congress?
votion, song and dance, a devotee can
A. Terrorist and revolutionary methods to

feel the presence of God?

turn out the British from India by force or

Which is/are correct statement (s)? fraud were sought to be justified

A. Only I B. The new leadership sought to create
B. Only II in the people a sense of sacrifice and a
readiness- to suffer for the cause of the
C. Both I& II country
D. Neither I nor II C. The Extremists advocated boycott of for-
59. Which one among the following Indian em- eign goods and use of Swadeshi
perors founded the Jaunpur city? D. A National Scheme of Education was
A. Humayun launched to provide an alternative to
Government-controlled universities and col-
B. Akbar
C. Firoz Shah Tughlaq 65. Ramayana was translated into Persian at
D. Jehangir Akbar’s court by whom?
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488 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Haji Ibrahim Sirhindi 71. In which of the following edicts did Ashoka
B. Badayuni order that “whosoever monk or nun breaks
up the Sangha, after being clothed in white
C. Faizi garments, shall take up abode in a place
D. Abul Fazl other than a monastery”?
66. Who was the supreme body in the Britain A. Kausambi Edict
at the time of commencement of the Gov-
ernment of India Act- 1858? B. Sarnath Edict

A. Queen Victoria C. The Queen’s Edict

B. The British Parliament D. Sanchi Edict
C. Government of Britan 72. The Sikhs were defeated by the English at

in 1856.
D. None of these
67. Consider the following statements:
A. Sobraon C. Lahore
1. Amir Khusrau was a contemporary of
B. Amritsar D. Kashmir
Ala-ud-din Khilj

2. Amir Khusrau invented the musical
instrument Sitar. 73. Which of the following books serves as a
3. Dara, Shikoh translated the Upan- source for the Mauryan period?
ishads and Bhagavad Gita into Per-
sian. A. Jain Purvas C. Historica
Which of these statements are correct? B. Suttapitaka D. Indica
A. 1 and 3 only
B. 2 and 3 only 74. Which of the following was the contribution
of the Mauryas to the Tamil culture?
C. 1 and 2 only

A. Art of engraving stone inscriptions

D. 1, 2 and 3
68. Tulsi Das composed his Ramacharitamanas B. Prakrit language

during the reign of C. Brahmi script


A. Krishnadeva Raya D. The art of stone-cutting and sculpture

B. Harsha 75. The Vishnu Purana, gives an account of
C. Akbar

D. Alauddin Khalji A. Mauryan Dynasty

69. The Mausoleum of Rabia-ul Dauran was B. The Andhras
built at
C. The Vardhanas

A. Gulbarga C. Delhi
D. Life in Indus Valley
B. Lahore D. Aurangabad
76. Consider the following : At which of the fol-
70. Which Lodhi ruler was originally named as lowing places has the largest belt of painted
Nizam Khan? rock - shelters of pre - historic period been
A. Sikandar Lodhi
1. Bhaja
B. Bahlul Lodi 2. Bhimbetka
C. Ibrahim Lodhi 3. Jaora
4. Ajanta
D. Dilawar Khan Lodhi
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Select the correct answer using the code 4. Harisena

given below :
A. 1, 2, 3, 4 C. 4, 2, 1, 3
A. 2, 3 and 4 C. 2 and 3
B. 3, 2, 1, 4 D. 2, 1, 3, 4
B. 3 and 4 D. 1, 2 and 3
82. Kaviraja Malavachakravartin was the title
77. In course of time, the dadni merchants in of
India were found to be too independent and
Disinclined to comply with their contracts. A. Chandradeva C. Vishaladeva
Who replaced the dadni merchants in 1753? B. Bhoja D. Jayachandra
A. Baniary C. Paikars
83. Gandhiji started Satyagraha in 1919 to
B. Gomashtas D. Dubashes protest against the

A. Rowlatt Act
78. Arrange the following rulers in Chronologi-
cal order: B. Salt Law
1. Satavahanas C. Act of 1909
2. Rashtrakutas eR D. Jallianwala Bagh Messacre
3. Chalukyas
4. Vakatakas 84. The Moplah Rebellion broke out in?

Select the correct answer using the codes A. Telengana

given below B. Chauri Chaura
C. Uttrakhand
A. 1-4-3-2 C. 1-3-4-2
B. 4-3-2-1 D. 1-2-3-4 D. Malabar
85. Muhammad Ghazni plundered Somnath
temple in Kathiawar in

79. The guerilla warfare was pioneered by?

A. Shivaji C. Akbar A. 1030 A.D. C. 1020 A.D.

B. Balaji Rao D. Aurangzeb B. 1025 A.D. D. 1029 A.D.

80. Who among the following is the great dis- 86. Who captured Pune in 1818?

ciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and


helped in spreading the message that there A. French C. Dutch

are many roads to god and salvation and ser- B. English D. Spanish
vice of God for man was the embodiment
of god? 87. Which of the following Acts was described
A. Swami Vivekananda by Jawaharlal Nehru as ‘Charter of Slav-
B. Swami Dayananda Saraswati
A. Regulation Act
C. Raja Rammohan Roy
B. Vernacular Press Act.
D. Annie Besant
81. Give the chronological order C. Government of India Act, 1935

1. Kautilya D. Government of India Act, 1919

2. Jayadeva 88. Hemu was captured and brought before Ak-
3. Banabhatta bar by
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490 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Farid 93. The oldest Brahmanic literature is.

B. Salim A. Aranyak C. Upanishad
C. Shah Qulihan Mehran B. Veda D. Smriti
D. Bairam Khan
94. The expounder of Yoga philosophy was:
89. How many students were studying in the
Nalanda University as mentioned by Hiuen A. Jaimini
Tsang? B. Shankaracharya

C. Patanjali
A. 12,000 C. 15,000
D. Gautam
B. 10,000 D. 8,000
95. About whose kingdom is it said “the do-

minion of the lord of the universe extended
90. Which is the correct chronological se- from Delhi to Palam.”?
quence of the following Sayyid rulers of
Delhi? A. Alam Shah

B. Mohammad Gazni
1. Muhammad Shah
2. Alauddin Alam Shah C. Qutbuddin Aibak
3. Mubarak Shah D. Nasiruddmin Mahmud Tughlaq
4. Khizr Khan
96. Amir Khusrau’s Khazain-ul-futuh gives an
Select the correct answer using the codes account of the military campaign of
given below:
A. Feroze Tughlaq in Orissa
A. 4, 1, 2, 3 C. 1,2,3,4 B. Muhammad Tughlaq in Gujarat
B. 4, 2, 3, 1 D. 4,3, 1,2 C. Sultan Balban in the Mewat region

D. Malik Kafur in South India

91. Which of the following towns were seen by 97. When were Morley-Minto reforms took

Hiuen Tsang as almost deserted? place?

1. Kapilvastu

A. 1857 C. 1919
2. Kusinagar
3. Sravasti B. 1905 D. 1909
4. Tamralipti
98. The Navaratnas of Sanskrit literature flour-
Indicate the correct answer from the code

ished in the Court of

given below
A. Samudragupta
A. 2, 3 C. 1, 2, 3 B. Krishnadeva Raya

B. 3, 4 D. 1, 4 C. Chandragupta Maurya
D. Chandragupta Vikramaditya
92. What was the unit of measurement of land 99. Which one of the following sites is not as-
in Maratha dominion? sociated with Painted Grey Ware?
A. Tanab A. Satwali
B. Daftari bigha B. Gilaulikhera
C. Kathi C. Noh
D. Jarib D. Tripuri
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100. Who among the following was the mother C. Dhruvadevi

of Prabhavati Gupta?
D. None of these
A. Kumardevi
B. Kuberanaga


1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. B 11. A 12. C 13. D 14. D

15. D 16. D 17. C 18. D 19. C 20. A 21. C 22. A 23. A 24. A 25. C 26. A
27. C 28. B 29. D 30. B 31. B 32. C 33. D 34. A 35. A 36. A 37. C 38. D
39. A 40. B 41. B 42. A 43. A 44. C 45. B 46. C 47. C 48. B 49. B 50. D
51. C 52. D 53. B 54. A 55. B 56. D 57. C 58. C 59. C 60. A 61. C 62. C
63. D 64. A 65. B 66. B 67. D 68. C 69. D 70. A 71. C 72. A 73. D 74. C

75. A 76. A 77. B 78. A 79. A 80. A 81. A 82. B 83. A 84. D 85. B 86. B
87. C 88. C 89. B 90. D 91. C 92. C 93. B 94. C 95. D 96. D 97. D 98. D
99. A 100. B

Unit 7

1. How long did the entire Mauryan dynasty

last according to the Puranas?
eR A. Mmto announced Bengal the new re-
form proposals in 1905-1906
B. Curzon Partitioned Bengal in 1905
A. 218 years C. 85 years
C. Montagu-Chamsford reforms were im-
B. 182 years D. 137 years
plemented in 1919
D. Partition of Bengal was annulled in 1911
2. What is the original name of Shershah

A. Salim 6. Who discovered a direct sea route to India?

B. Hameed A. Portuguese C. Germans
C. Farid B. The French D. The Dutch
D. None of these
7. Guptas period was a high water mark for

3. Megasthanes was succeeded by as

A. Agriculture

B. Religion
A. Darius C. Philip
C. Sclupture
B. Demetrios D. Deimachos D. Administration
8. Who was Qazi Fazilat during the reign of
4. Which one of the following items was col- Sher Shah?
lected only in a case under the Mauryas?
A. The Qazi of Bengal
A. Kara C. Pranaya B. The Chief Qazi of the Afghan Empire
B. Hiranya D. Bhaga C. The Governor of Bengal
D. None of the above
5. Assam was created a separate province 9. Who founded the Sri Narayana Dharma
when Paripalana Yogam?
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492 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Narayan Guru 15. After the Kalinga war, Ashoka:

B. Gopal Hari Deshmukh A. restored all the kingdoms he had con-
C. Daya Nand Saraswati
B. abandoned the policy of physical con-
D. Periyar Swami
quests in favor of cultural conquests.
10. With reference to the Revolt of 1857, who
of the following laid siege to Jhansi in C. renounced his kingdom and became a
March 1858? sadhu
D. followed the policy of physical occupa-

A. Major General Wyndham
tion more rigorously
B. Major-General Havelock
16. Berbers originally were:
C. Sir Hugh Rose
A. Iranians

D. Sir Colin Campbell
B. Arabs
11. Consider the following statement (s) related
to the Zeb-un-nisa C. Africans

I. Zeb-un-nisa chose to live voluntar- D. None of these

ily with Shah Jahan and later was 17. Which of the following were ruling powers
awarded great honour by Aurangzeb in whose records the worship of Skanda is
II. Zeb-un-nisa was the sister of Shah Ja- found mentioned?
han 1. Satavahanas
A. Both I and II are correct 2. Yaudheyas
3. Ikshavakus
B. Both I and II are incorrect 4. Chedis
C. Only I is correct Choose the correct answer from the codes
D. Only II is correct given below:

12. Who was instrumental in bringing the Ex-

A. 2and3 C. 1 and 2
tremists and the Moderates together at Luc-
B. 1 and3 D. 3and4

A. Gokhale
18. Which of the following was great centre of

B. Tilak cotton trade?

C. Annie Besant A. Tondi
D. None of these B. Musiri or Muziris

13. Who among the following is credited with C. Uraiyur

the authorship Maju-al-Bahrain?
D. Korkai

A. Dara Shikoh C. Humayun 19. Indicate the correct chronological order in

which the following reformers undertook
B. Jahangir D. Akbar
their missions.
14. Who among the following initiated reforms 1. Visveswara
among Muslims? 2. Ramanuja
3. Chaitanya
A. Naoriji Furdonji 4. Kabir
B. Altaf Husain Hali
A. 1, 2, 3, 4 C. 4 2 3 1
C. Muhammad Iqbal
B. 2, 1, 4, 3 D. 1, 2, 4, 3
D. Sayyid Ahmad Khan
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20. During the reign of which Pallava ruler Choose the correct option from the codes
Ratha temples at Mahabalipuram were given below:
A. Only 1, 2& 4
A. Narasimhavarman I
B. Only 2, 3& 4
B. Adivarman C. Only 1& 2
C. Nadivarman D. 1, 2, 3& 4
D. None of the above 26. Select the correct statement about the
21. The Hindustan Socialist Republican Asso- Nanaghat Inscription of the Satavahanas
ciation was founded in A. It speaks about the navy of the Satava-
A. 1924 C. 1928
B. It refers to one of the mother-queens of

B. 1926 D. 1922 the Satavahanas
C. It speaks about Shaka-Satavahana con-
22. The Maratha who helped the Sayyad broth-
ers in overthrowing Farukh Siyar in 1719
was D. It refers to the place of origin of Satava-
A. Sahuji
B. Baji Rao I
eR hanas
27. According to the Mahasanghikas, a being
is composed of
C. Shivaji U A. . Five Dharmas
D. Balaji Vishwanath B. Seven Dharmas
23. Which of the following was a common fea- C. Nine Dharmas
ture to all Bhakti Saints?
D. Eighteen Dharmas
A. They attacked caste system

28. Which of the following dynasties ruled over

B. They encouraged participation of Magadha in the 6th century B.C.?
C. They composed their verses in lan- A. Nandas C. Haryanka
guages of the local people B. Mauryas D. Sisunaga

D. They rejected priestly classes

29. In the Nineteenth century, there was a phe-

24. Which changes did take place in early me-

nomenal increase in the pressure of popula-
dieval period?
tion on land because the
A. Extension of agriculture
A. Introduction of commercial crop at-
B. Migration of forest dwellers tracted the peasantry to agriculture
C. Emergence of peasants B. Rum of handicrafts and village indus-
tries drove the population to agriculture
D. All of the above
25. Which among the following is / are works C. Fall of native governments had reduced
of Kalidasa? the avenues of employment

1. Ritusamhara D. Urban population began to migrate to

2. Meghaduta the rural areas for reason of security
3. Dasakumarcharita 30. “Service was his portion in life”. This was
4. Kumarashambhava applicable to
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494 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Chandala 36. The Second International came to an end in

B. Sudra Varna
A. 1916 C. 1912
C. Buddhist Bhikshu
B. 1914 D. 1910
D. Vaisya Varna
31. ‘August Offer’ was issued on 1940. 37. Who among the following defined a
sovereign or sovereignty as farr-i izdi in
A. 8 August C. 30 August contrast to the concept of zil al-Allah?

B. 15 August D. 20 August A. Shaikh Abdul Haq Muhaddis
B. Abul Fazl
32. Who introduced the Subsidiary Alliance
C. Badauni

System in India?
A. Lord Dalhousie D. Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi
38. The Sashgani coin was introduced during
B. Lord Ripon
the reign of

C. Lord Wellesley
A. Alauddin Khalji
D. None of these
B. Balban
33. Which one of the following is a commen-
tary on the Digha Nikaya? C. Feroze Shah Tughlaq
A. Dipavamsa D. Sikandar Lodi
39. Which one was the Port of Cheras?
B. Sumangala vilisini
A. Tandai
C. Nitiprakaranam
B. Korkai
D. Lalitvistara

34. A highly advanced water management sys- C. Kaveripattanam

tem of Harrapan times has been unearthed D. Muzisir

40. What was the worst part of the permanent
settlement of Bengal?

A. Lothal C. Dholavira
A. Creation of absentee landlords
B. Alamgirpur D. Kalibanga
B. Subjection of the cultivator to untold
35. Which of the following was not one of the misery

reasons why the conquest of Kalinga was C. Disintegration of the village communi-
of strategic and economic importance to the ties
Mauryan empire?
D. Sub-infatuation of estates and holdings

A. It stood in the way of the southern routes

41. Which of the following schools of philos-
from the Ganges valley
ophy is NOT considered as belonging to
B. It was also a powerful maritime state Astika tradition?
and, therefore a convenient source of in-
come A. Samkhya C. Carvaka
C. Its rich and fertile land could contribute B. Mima.sa D. Nyaya
to the economic prosperity of the empire
D. It provided continuity to the Mauryan 42. Raj Ballabh, Ghasiti Begam, Shaukat Jung
territories of Andhra and Bengal were the arch foes of
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A. Siraj-ud-daulah A. Forged signatures

B. Mir Qasim B. False accounting
C. Alivardi .Khan C. High rate of interest on loans

D. Nanda Kumar D. Making the debtor sign for larger

amounts than he had borrowed
43. The word Mesopotamia means the land
49. Modernisation of Muslims in India was ini-
A. Between two mountains tiated by
B. Between two islands A. Syaid Amir Ali
C. Between two oceans B. Abdul Latif
D. Between two rivers C. Sir Syaid Ahmad Khan
44. The people of the Santhal rebellion armed D. Badruddin Taiyabji

themselves with their traditional weapons 50. Ali Bhutto was deposed as president of Pak-
of istan and put to death by
A. Bows& arrows A. Ali Jinnah.
B. Axes B. Yahya Khan.

C. Swords
D. All of the above
eR C. Zia-ul-Huq.
D. Sheik Mujbur Rahman.
51. In which year was the National Develop-
45. The hajj
ment Council set up?
A. Brought Muslims from disparate parts
of the world together. A. 1950 A.D. C. 1949 A.D.
B. Contributed to the spread of Islamic be- B. 1951 A.D. D. 1952 A.D.
liefs and values.
52. Which of the following revolts during Au-

C. Ends at the Ka’ba in Mecca. rangzeb’s period had a peasant agrarian

D. Is one of the Five Pillars of Islam background? The revolt of the

46. The mono-li thic temples of the pallavas are A. Jats and Satnamis
called? B. Rajputs
C. Marathas

A. Gopuras C. Rathas
D. Sikhs

B. Shilpas D. None
53. Which of the following were important
characteristics of early Bhagavatism?
47. What was the subject of Rock Edict I issued
1. Devotion
by Ashoka?
2. Action
A. Prohibition of animal sacrifice and fes- 3. Knowledge
tive meetings (samaja) 4. Social rigidity
B. Measures of social welfare undertaken 5. Self-sacrifice (Tyaga)
for the benefit of the people A. 2, 3and5
C. Liberality to Brahmins and Sramanas B. 1, 2, 4 and 5
D. Visit to Bodh-Gaya C. 1, 2, 3and5
48. What was the main reason for the perma- D. 1 and3
nent indebtedness of the Peasantry? 54. Who was called ‘dvija’?
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496 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Brahman, Kshatriya,Vaishya 60. Permanent settlement was made in Bengal

B. Shudra, Kshatriya, Brahman in the sphere of revenue administration.
A. William Pitt,
C. Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra
B. Hastings,
D. Brahman, Vaishya, Shudra
55. One of the following Mauryan provinces, C. William Bentic
which had a foreign (Yavana-Greek) Gover- D. Lord Cornwallis
nor, was: 61. Who was Dhanavantri?

A. Eastern province- Tosali A. A Physician
B. Western province- Ujjain B. A Surgeon
C. Saurashtra- Junagarh C. A Philosopher

D. Southern province- Suvarngiri D. A Chemist
56. Which was the main seaport of Pandyas 62. The most important source of information
A. Vanchi for the municipal administrative system of
the city of Pataliputra in the Mauryan em-

B. Muzaris pire is
C. Korkai A. Mudrarakshasa
D. None of these B. Ashokan inscriptions
57. Which of the following statements about C. Arthasastra
the manaram, the Sabha of this period, is
not correct? D. Indika
63. Who founded the Varkari sect in Maharash-
A. It was the common meeting place in the
A. Visoba Khechar
B. It was the highest court of justice

B. Eknath
C. It also served the purpose of a political
gathering C. Tukaram

D. It was a general assembly dealing with D. Namdev

64. Which of the following reasons is not cor-

all affairs
58. In Indian history, who was Abdul Hamid rect with regard to the decline of economy
Lahori? of India during English rule?
A. Failure to get overseas market due to
A. An important noble and confidant of Au-

lack sea power

B. Lack of qualification and technical skill
B. An official historian of the reign of Shah
in the Indians

C. Lack of the class of industrial enter-

C. An important military commander dur-
prises in India
ing Akbar’s reign
D. Unprotected indigenous industry due to
D. A chronicler and poet during the reign
weak guild organizations
of Muhammad Shah
65. The Kushans issued coins of
59. The Sepoy Mutiny broke out on May 10,
1857 at A. Gold and Silver
B. Gold only
A. Meerut C. Agra
C. Gold, Silver and Copper
B. Gwalior D. Jhansi
D. Gold and Copper
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66. Which of the following is not one of the 72. Kunwar Singh was a ruined& discontented
common points of significance of both Ra- Zamindar of
jagriha and Vaishali?
A. Both places are associated with the mir- A. Jagdishpur C. Patna
acles performed by the Buddha B. Mirzapur D. Muzaffarpur
B. At both places one of the Buddhist coun-
cils was held 73. The main reason for criticizing the Gandhi-
C. At both places a stupa was built with the Irwin pact was
mortal remains of the Buddha enshrined in
A. Communal electorate
D. Both places were important centres of B. Banning of peaceful processions
Buddhist art C. Lacked the provision of saving the hang-

67. The term Aryan, Indo-Aryan or Indo- ings of freedom fighters
European denotes a concept?
D. Amnesty to the political prisoners
A. Religious C. Cultural 74. The basic defect of the Lucknow Pact was
B. Linguistic D. Racial A. It was an agreement purely based on the
68. Swami Dayananda had translated the
into Hindi.
eR bond of common hatred of the foreign rule
B. It was a marriage of convenience with-
out a pontiff
A. Rig Veda ad Yajur Veda
B. Sama Veda and Atharva Veda C. It was based on the wrong notion that
Hindus and Muslims formed separate com-
C. Sama Veda and Yajur Veda munities
D. Four Vedas
D. It was a pact between powerless poten-
69. Which one of the following is the correct tates

chronological order of the given rulers of

ancient India? 75. Which of the following was not one of the
demands of the Moderators about which
A. Ashoka-Kanishka-Milinda
they organized agitations on constitutional
B. Ashoka-Milinda-Kanishka lines during 1885 to 1905?
C. Milinda-Ashoka-Kanishka

A. Larger employment of Indians in higher

D. Milinda-Kanishka-Ashoka services, and holding of India Civil Service

70. The Rajputs were: Examinations in England and India simul-

A. Akbar’s most serious enemies.
B. More educational facilities and employ-
B. Hindu warriors from Gujarat.
ment opportunities for women
C. first enemies and then Akbar’s trusted
allies. C. Expansion of Legislative Councils, rep-
resentation of Indians on the Secretary of
D. Islamic fundamentalists. 77 State’s Council. Viceroy’s Executive Coun-
71. Maiiabalipuram was built by? cil and Government Executive Councils.
A. Mahendra Varma D. Reduction in military expenditure
B. Rajasimha 76. Harihara Raya I who ruled the Vijayanagara
C. Narasimha Varma-II Empire for the period 1336-1356 belonged
to which dynasty?
D. Narasimha Varma-I
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498 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Tuluva Dynasty 83. Shinto emphasizes all but which of the fol-
B. Saluva Dynasty lowing?

C. Sangama Dynasty A. ritual purity

D. Aravidu Dynasty B. manifestations of natural force, like

mountains, rocks, and waterfalls
77. Ptolemy built the best museum in
C. cleanliness
A. Phoenicia C. Palestine
D. obedience to a high priest
B. Alexandria D. Egypt

84. Which one of the following is the language
of Baluchistan but linguistically Dravidian?
78. Who among the following was called as
‘Father of Indian Renaissance’?
A. Brahui C. Kui

A. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
B. Pengo D. Parji
B. Raja Ram Mohan Roy
C. Lala Lajpat Rai 85. Find out the wrongly stated after effects of
the Swadeshi movement.

D. B. G. Tilak
79. The Adi Granth was compiled by A. Indian industries were given a fillip.
A. Guru Gobind Singh B. A market for Indian goods in abroad
was built up.
B. Guru Tegh Bahadur
C. Nationalist poetry, prose and journalism
C. Guru Harkishan
D. Guru Arjan Dev
D. Indian educational institutions were set-
80. Who of the following was responsible for up to impart literary, technical or physical
the collection of taxes at the intermediate education.
level of administration between the district

and the village? 86. Tuluva Narasa who ruled the Vijayanagara
Empire for the period 1491-1503 belonged
to which dynasty?

A. Gopa C. Sthanika
B. Prativedaka D. Pulisa A. Sangama Dynasty

B. Aravidu Dynasty
81. Aurangzeb reimposed ‘jizya’ in the twenty-
second year of his reign in order to: C. Saluva Dynasty
A. put economic pressure for forcing the D. Tuluva Dynasty

majority community to convert their reli- 87. Constantinople fell into the hands of the
gion Muslims in
B. meet a diffcult financial situation A. 1453

C. re-assert the fundamentally Islamic char- B. 1543

acter of the State
C. 1354
D. Show anger against the Marathas and
Rajputs D. None of these
82. Who among the following did not become 88. Who among the following was appointed by
a prey of Dalhousie’s policy of absorption? Ashoka to administer justice in his empire?

A. Mysore C. Scindia A. Uparika C. Shramana

B. Nagpur D. Satara B. Kumaramatya D. Rajuka
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89. Which was NOT a reform that Akbar intro- He was pleased to accept their presents, tak-
duced to India? ing them into his hands and holding them
to his breast.” Consider the question given
A. He made Sanskrit the official language
above and indicate who it is attributed to
of the empire.
and who was the king referred to in it
B. He welcomed Hindus at court and in the
government. A. Hawkings - Aurangzeb

C. He lowered taxes. B. Monserrate - Akbar

D. He abolished forcible conversions. C. Tavernier - Jahangir

90. The trade which was virtually monopolised D. Fitch - Shahjahan
by the European merchants in india, was :
95. Which one of the following was not in-
A. Import trade cluded in the Navratnas of Akbar?

B. Textile export
A. Todarmal C. Birbal
C. Export trade in Agriculture produce
B. Mansingh D. Badaoni
D. None of the above
91. Consider the following pairs eR
96. Which of the following statement is/ are
1. Settlement site: Chirand correct?
2. Grave site: Porkalam
I. In the 326 BC Alexander invaded In-
3. Settlement and Grave site: Piklihal
Which of these pairs are correctly matched? II. Ambhi (king of Taxila
III. welcomed Alexander and his men
A. 2 and 3 C. 1 and 3 IV. Alexander died in 332 BC
B. 1, 2 and 3 D. 1 and 2 A. All are correct

B. Only I, III
92. What was another name of ’Quit India
movement’? C. Only I, II
A. Swadeshi Movement D. II, III
B. Home Rule Movement 97. The Garland of Madurai is an account of:

C. Khilafat Movement A. life in ancient south India.


D. August Kranti B. the creation of the world.

93. Who called Muazzam as Shahi-i-
C. the defeat of the Mauryans.
A. Nur Jahan D. an Indian love poem.

B. Zulfikar khan 98. In Early Medieval India “Dosi Hatt” was

C. Kafi Khan A. Kapaas (Cotton) Market

D. Kam Baksh B. Animal Market

94. “Amongst his great nobles he (the king) was C. Meena Bazar
so predominant that none dare lift his head
D. Slave Bazar
too high but with the humble classes he was
benevolent and debonair, willingly giving 99. What is the significance of ‘Kayavarohan’
them audience and hearing their petitions. in the history of Shaivism?
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500 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. It is the same as pasupasa simokshana committees was appointed by the British

one of the principal characteristics of the Government to investigate into the massacre
Pasupata sect in Jallianwala Bagh?
B. It was the birth place of Lakulisa A. Butler Committee
C. It was a ritual prescribed for those ad- B. Hunter Committee
hering to the Kalamukha sect
C. Welby Commission
D. It was one of the vratas of the Kapalikas
D. Simon Commission

100. Which one of the following commissions/


1. D 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. C 11. C 12. C 13. A 14. C
15. B 16. C 17. B 18. C 19. B 20. A 21. C 22. D 23. A 24. D 25. A 26. D
27. A 28. C 29. B 30. B 31. A 32. C 33. A 34. A 35. C 36. B 37. B 38. C
39. D 40. B 41. C 42. A 43. D 44. D 45. B 46. C 47. A 48. C 49. C 50. C

51. D 52. A 53. D 54. A 55. C 56. C 57. C 58. B 59. A 60. D 61. A 62. D
63. A 64. B 65. C 66. D 67. B 68. A 69. B 70. C 71. D 72. A 73. C 74. C
75. B 76. C 77. A 78. B 79. D 80. A 81. C 82. A 83. D 84. A 85. B 86. D
87. A 88. D 89. A 90. B 91. C 92. D 93. C 94. B 95. D 96. C 97. A 98. A
99. C 100. B

Unit 8

1. Which one among the following thinkers ar- 4. The Ghadar party, formed in the USA, was
gued that Maratha rule in general and Shiv- determined to start a revolt in India. Which

aji in particular represented early nationalist among the following provinces did the party
consciousness in India? choose to begin its armed revolt?

A. MG Ranade A. United Provinces

B. Gopal Krishna Gokhale B. Punjab

C. Bipin Chandra Pal C. Bengal

D. Pandita Ramabai D. Bihar
2. Mamelukes were: 5. The Aryans invaded India from:

A. Islamic missionaries sent into south In-

A. Europe.
B. China.
B. Turkish nobles.

C. the Deccan.
C. court administrators and diplomats.
D. slaves raised to be professional soldiers. D. South Central Asia.
6. Which of the following is the correct
3. Abdul Hamid Lahori is the author of chronological order?

A. Padshah Nama A. Sungas - Mauryas - Guptas - Kushans

B. Muntakhab-ul-Lubab B. Guptas - Kushans - Mauryas - Sungas
C. Muntakhab-ul-Tawarikh C. Mauryas - Sungas - Kushans - Guptas
D. Alamgir Nama D. Kushans - Guptas - Sungas - Mauryas
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7. Which of the following is regarded as the 12. were the teachers of Sambhaji.
Magna Carta of western education system
A. Umaji Pandit
in India?
B. Raghunath Pandit
A. The Charter Act of 1833.
C. Keshav Bhatt
B. Despatch of Sir Charles Wood, Secre-
tary of State, 1854 D. A and B

C. The report of the Committee of Public 13. Which of the following American Journal-
Instruction, 1823 ists had criticized the state of women in
British India and advanced the logic that so
D. Report of the Hunter Commission, 1862 long as cruelties on women continue, the In-
dian males have no right to take and manage
8. During the Neolithic age in India, the only the governance of India in their hands?
metal known to the people was

A. Louis Fischer
A. silver C. copper B. Webb Miller
B. iron D. gold C. Catherine Mayo
D. None of the above
9. Arrange the following Sikh Gurus in eR
14. A concrete outcome of the Wavell Plan was
chronological order. the
1. Guru Ram Das
A. Summoning of the Simla Conference
2. Guru Arjun Dev
3. Guru Hargobind B. Holding of a referendum in the North-
4. Guru Teg Bahadur west Frontier Province
Select the correct answer from the codes C. The Constitution of the Constituent As-
given below: sembly
D. Absorption of the State of Hyderabad
A. 1, 2, 3, 4 C. 2, 1, 4, 3

with the Indian Union

B. 3, 2, 4, 1 D. 2, 1, 3, 4 15. After the death of which one of the follow-
ing Roman kings was the trade conducted
10. A Janapadin was the of a janapada. more by barter than by coins on account
A. Army General of the financial difficulties of the Roman

B. Ruler

C. Minister A. Claudius C. Nero

D. Servant B. Pius D. Augustus

11. Why was Bombay handed over to the
16. Who said the following “the British empire
British by the Portuguese?
is rotten to the core, corrupt in every direc-
A. The defeat of the Spanish Armada by tion and tyrannical and mean”?
the British in 1588
A. Mrs. Annie Besant
B. The marriage of Charles II with The Por-
B. W. Digby
tuguese princes Catherine of Braganza
C. Sister Nivedita
C. Due to Portuguese independence from
Spain D. William Wedderburn
D. The Portuguese handed it over to the 17. Which of the following statements is cor-
British after a peace-treaty in Europe rect about Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru?
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502 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Nehru did not believe in the doctrine of A. Ramanuj

B. Adi Shankaracharya
B. Nehru was not in favour of socialism.
C. Surdas
C. Nehru had his higher education in India
D. Kapil
24. According to which of the following
D. Nehru stressed the importance of na- sources is Ashoka said to have built the city
tional planning. of Srinagar?

18. The ultimate ownership of land during the A. Tibetan tradition
post-Gupta period lay with
B. Buddhist tradition
A. The cultivation
C. Kalhana’s Rajatarangini

B. The king
D. Jain tradition
C. The joint family
25. By which Act, Rule of East India Company
D. The village community ended in India?

19. Who was the tutor of Shivaji A. Morley-Minto Act, 1909
A. Dadaji kondadev B. Regulating Act, 1773
B. Shershah C. Government of India Act,1858
C. Birbal D. Pitt’s India Act, 1784
D. None of these 26. Consider the following statement (s) is/are
20. Dadmani system refers to related to the Bhakti Movement:
I. Originated as a reaction against caste
A. Military system
division, untouchability and ritualism

B. Agreement on loans& repayment in India.

C. Agreements on lands II. Devotion was the pivotal point in the
Bhakti cult in uniting human soul with

D. Repayment of irrigation loans God.


21. Name the great Indian revolutionary who Which of the statement(s) given above is/are
was a professor of Sanskrit and Philosophy correct?
and died as a Sanyasi in Philadelphia?
A. I only
A. Lala Hardayal

B. II only
B. Madan Lal Dhingra
C. Both I and II
C. Shyamji Krishna Varma
D. Neither I nor II

D. Bhai Parmanand
27. Chalukya ruler, Pulakesin II defeated
22. Pagal Panthis sect was founded by
A. Samudragupta
A. Shah Waliullah
B. Dharmpala
B. Haji Shariatullah
C. Harshavardhana
C. Syaid Ahamed of Raebareli
D. Chandragupta II
D. Karam Shah 28. Which one among the following correctly
23. Who was the founder of Advaita vada or describes Gandhiji’s attitude towards the
the doctrine of non-dualism? Swarajist leaders?
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A. He had full trust in their bona fides and A. Commodities became cheap
considered them most valued and respected
B. Gold Mining was stalled
C. Money economy was gradually replaced
B. He was neutral to government’s offen-
by Barter Economy
sive against the Swarajists and did not de-
fend them D. There was a decline in trade
C. He was not opposed to their entry into 34. Which of the following is not correct in de-
council scribing cultural influences on Islam?

D. He was not in favour of maintaining A. Persian literature deeply influenced Is-

warm personal relations with them lamic literary works.

29. The earliest Iron age occupation in India B. The caliphs adopted Persian ideas of
has been associated with kingship.

A. Painted grey ware C. Greek rational reasoning had a long-
lasting influence on the theological devel-
B. Black and red ware opment of Islam.
C. Ochre coloured pottery D. Indian numerals had a profound influ-
D. Northern black polished ware eR ence on the development of mathematical
thinking among Muslims.
30. A Byzantine-made version of the ancient
Roman legal code became known as the 35. Which of the following regions did not form
the part of Ashoka’s empire?
A. Twelve Tables A. Taxila C. Madras
B. Byzantine Constitution B. Kashmir D. Kanauj
C. Justinian Code
D. Ten Commandments 36. The Buland Darwaza was built to mark Ak-

bar’s conquest of
31. Who among the following preached the doc-
trine of “One religion, one caste and one A. Malwa C. Chittor
God for mankind“?
B. Gujarat D. Awadh
A. Jyotiba Phule
B. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar 37. The earliest example of a ‘Panchayatana’

composition in temple is

C. Sri Narayan Guru

A. Dashavatara temple-Deogarh
D. Vivekananda
32. The Iron Pillar at Mehrauli in Delhi is be- B. Shatrughneshwara temple at Bhubanesh-
lieved to record the achievements of war

A. Ashoka C. Lakshmana temple at Sirpur

B. Chandragupta II D. Temple at Pathari

38. The French King Louis XVI ruled accord-
C. Samudragupta
ing to
D. Chandragupta Maurya
A. orthodox method
33. Which among conclusions has been derived
B. divine right theory
from the debasement of the coins and grad-
ual disappearance of gold coins during the C. oligarchy rules
post-Gupta period?
D. socialistic ideas
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504 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

39. Which of the statements about the trade reg- C. They were at a great distance from
ulation in the Mauryan period is not cor- Kolkata (Calcutta), the seat of British ad-
rect? ministration
A. The state kept strict vigil on the sale of D. They failed to find necessary leadership
merchandise due to ryotwari settlement
B. The state exercised control over the 44. Aurbindo Ghosh was defended in the Alipur
trade process and profits conspiracy case by
C. A levy of 1/10th was fixed on merchan- A. Tej Bahadur Sapru

dise B. Jawahar Lal Nehru
D. The state employed a few of the artisans
C. Chitranjan Das

D. Motilal Nehru
40. One of the strongest arguments in support
of the view that Ashoka’s dhamma was not 45. Who invented the technique of extracting
a religious policy but a secular concept is scent from Rose?
the: A. Roshan Ara

A. Appointment of dhamma-mahamattas B. Maham Anga
B. Emphasis laid by him on respect for the C. Mumtaz Mahal
D. Nurjahan
C. Stress laid on the importance of the fam-
ily 46. Yadu& Turvasu referred to the Rigveda
D. Stress on the maintenance of concord
with all sects A. Two Brothers
41. Dyer was by the Government of B. Two kings

C. Two tribes
A. sentenced to death D. Two Generals

B. relieved of his service 47. Which of the following areas was not con-
C. rewarded with honour quered by Akbar?

D. sentenced for life A. Qandahar C. Orissa

42. Who is known as the father of Indian pre-
B. Bidar D. Kashmir

A. Robert Bruce Foote 48. Who founded the organization “servants of

B. Le Mesurier Indian society”?

C. Subba Rao A. Mahatma Gandhi

D. Miles Burkitt B. Gopal Krishna Gokhle
43. Why did Mumbai (Bombay) and Chennai C. Dr B. R. Ambedkar
(Madras) not join the revolt of 1857 along
with northern provinces? D. DAYANAND SARASWATI
49. Dalhousie has been regarded as the maker
A. They had more tolerant and enlightened
of modern India because he brought about
reforms and made a beginning in many
B. They had remained comparatively free fields. Which one among the following was
from annexations and confiscations not one of his schemes of reforms?
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A. Establishment of a public works depart- 55. The most informative source about Mau-
ment ryan administration is?
B. Construction of railways and the intro- A. Ashokan Inscriptions
duction of telegraph and postal services
B. Arthashastra
C. Factories Act to improve the condition
C. Buddhist Chronicles
of Indian labor
D. Indica
D. Educational reforms
50. Which one among the following is correct 56. Which one of the following place has
about the Doctrine of Lapse? yielded archaeological evidence regarding
pit dwellings?
A. It did not allow the Indian rulers to adopt
any heir A. Balakot C. Mehargarh

B. It did not allow an adopted heir to rule a B. Gufkral D. Rakhigarhi
state after the death of the ruler
C. It made the annexation of Indian State 57. Marathi Chronicles were known as
compulsory after the death of a ruler
A. Khyat C. Bakhar
D. It made the annexation of Indian State eR
compulsory if the adoption of heir had not B. Burunji D. Babi
been approved by the British authorities
51. Who preaches Visishtadvaita? 58. Identify the correct sequence of the follow-
ing events of Indian history (starting with
A. Sankara
the earliest)
B. Saivaite Nayanmars
1. The Doctrine of Lapse
C. Tulsidas 2. The Subsidiary Alliance
D. Ramanuja 3. The Treaty of Lahore

4. The Pitt’s India Act

52. Who said Ram and Rahim are the two dif-
ferent name of the same God? Select the correct answer using the codes
given below
A. Ramdas C. Kabir
A. 4, 2, 3, 1 C. 2, 1, 4, 3
B. Nanak D. Akbar

B. 1, 2, 3, 4 D. 3, 2, 1, 4

53. The manuscript of Dastan-e-Amir Hamza

was illustrated by 59. Which of the following supposed causes of
decline and disintegration of the Mauryan
A. Mir Sayyad Ali of Tabrez
Empire is the least likely?
B. Faruq Qalmaq
A. Military inactivity on account of
C. Miskin Ashoka’s pacifist policies
D. Abdus-Samad of Shiraz B. Succession of weak kings after Ashoka
54. Bead-making workshops are found in. and the partition of the empire after Ashoka

A. Chanhudaro and Harappa

C. Brahmanical revolt against the pro-
B. Lothal and Chanhudaro
Buddhist policy of Ashoka
C. Harappa and Kalibangan
D. Absence of national consciousness and
D. Lothal and Rangpur representative institutions
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506 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

60. Which among the following cities is consid- 65. Consider the following statements
ered as one of the oldest surviving cities in 1. Dayanand Saraswati founded the
the world? Arya Samaj in 1875.
2. The Arya Samaj repudiated the author-
A. Ayodhya C. Varanasi
ity of the caste system.
B. Mathura D. Hardwar 3. Dayanand Saraswati was born in the
Brahman family.
61. Consider the following statement and iden- Which of the statements given above are
tify with the help of the codes given be- correct?

low, the person who made the statement ‘It
would be quite impossible for a few hun- A. 2 and 3 C. 1, 2 and 3
dred British to administer against the active
B. 1 and 2 D. 1 and 3

opposition of the whole of the politically
minded fo the population.
66. What was the ‘privy purse’ in the context
A. Jawaharlal Nehru in April, 1947 in an of the history of modern India?
address to Congressmen at Lucknow
A. A gift given by an erstwhile Prince of

B. Lord Mountbatten in December, 1946 India to the Government of India
in a note given to British Parliament
B. A purse given privately by one organisa-
C. Clement Attlee January, 1947 in a pri- tion to another
vate letter addressed to Ernest Bevin
C. A grant given by the Government of In-
D. Viceroy Wavell in January, 1946 in a dia to the erstwhile Prince of India
letter to Secretary of State
D. A purse given by the Government of
62. Which fort built by Shivaji at Murbad
India to dignitaries for services rendered
67. What was the function of Samaharta in
Mauryan Administration?

A. Purandar C. Raygad
B. Rajgad D. Rohida A. Delivering Justice

B. To Work as a Judge
63. Why did some religious people want to re-

form the Church during medieval times? C. To Collect Revenue

A. It had grown too big. D. Leadership of Army

68. Vidisha was on the bank of river
B. It had grown weak.

C. It had grown too powerful. A. Ganga C. Godavari

D. It had grown corrupt. B. Yumuna D. Chambal
64. The correct chronological order in which

the given monuments were built is 69. Which one of the following does not hap-
pen during the reign of Vijayanagar king
A. Gol Gumbaz, Buland Darwaza, Red
Fort, Qutab Minar
A. Intervention in the Muslim states of Dec-
B. Gol Gumbaz, Red Fort, Buland Dar-
waza, Qutab Minar
B. Sustained friendly relations with the Por-
C. Qutab Minar, Buland Darwaza, Gol
Gumbaz, Red Fort
C. Invasion into far South
D. Qutab Minar, Gol Gumbaz, Buland Dar-
waza, Red Fort D. Admission of Muslim in the army
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70. Under the supervision of which one of the A. 5, 3, 2, 4, 1

following European trading companies the B. 4, 3, 2, 1, 5
town of Qasimbazar produced the largest
amount of silk yarn during the seventeenth C. 1, 3, 2, 5, 4
century? D. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
76. Which of the following characterised by the
A. Danes C. English Rajputs?
B. Dutch D. French A. They formed the intellectual elite of the
71. Akbar’s successor was: B. Their institutions resembled the feudal
system of medieval Europe and had all its
A. Nur Jahan. C. Shah Jahan. defects.

B. Aurangzeb. D. Jahangir. C. They were divided into several classes,
each under a hereditary chief, but had no
72. Who of the following was the last of the hostility among themselves.
Mauryas, assassinated by his commander-
D. All the above
in-chief, Pushyamitra, the founder of the
77. Consider the following statements Cornwal-
Shunga dynasty?
A. Brihadratha
B. Shatadhanvan
eR lis permanent settlement of Bengal:
1. Deprived the zamindars of ownership
of their land.
2. Put the ryots at the mercy of the za-
C. Samprati
D. Devavarman 3. Secured a stable income for the com-
73. Under whose patronage was the Kailash pany.
temple of Ellora constructed? 4. Made zamindars allies of the East In-
dia Company.

A. The Chalukyas
Which of these are correct?
B. The Rashtrakutas
A. l, 2 and 3 C. l and 4
C. The Pallavas
B. 2, 3 and 4 D. l and 2
D. The Cholas

74. Who said that there was no Slavery in In- 78. Identify the wrong statement with regard to

dia? Dutch interest and activities in India?

A. Strabo A. Several attempts were made by the
Dutch to monopolies the channels of trade
B. Heiun Tsang
between India and the West
C. Fahien
B. They treated the people of India ruth-
D. Megasthenese lessly and also exploited them
75. In which order did the following dynasties C. They became the carriers of trade be-
rule Delhi? tween India and the islands of the Far East
1. Lodi dynasty
2. Tughlaq dynasty D. They took no part in politics or cultural
3. Khilji dynasty contacts
4. Syed dynasty 79. Who is considered as the greatest ruler of
5. Slave dynasty the Pratiharas?
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508 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Nagbhatta II 85. Railways were introduced in India when the

Governor- General of India was
B. Mahipala
C. Mahendrapala A. Curzon C. Dalhousie
D. Mihirabhoja B. Hardinge D. Ripon
80. Which of the following texts lays down
86. concerning Mahajanapad as consider the
rules for reconversion into Hindu fold of
the Hindus forcibly converted to Islam?

1. Anga and Magadha were located
A. Visnu Smriti in the wheat growing area of the
B. Yajnavalkya Smriti Gangetic Valley
2. In the agricultural output, rice ex-

C. Devala Smriti ceeded wheat leading to a greater den-
D. Narada Smriti sity of population in the rice growing
81. Which of the following officers held the
office of minister under the Mughals? Which of the above is/are not correct?

A. 1 only
A. Kotwal C. Sipahsalar
B. 2 only
B. Vakil D. Siqdar
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2?
82. The economic policy of the British in India
was to 87. During whose reign did Khan-Jahan Lodi
A. Promote the material prosperity of the
Indians A. Akbar C. Shahjahan

B. Convent India into an agrarian satellite B. Jahangir D. Aurangzeb

of metropolitan capitalism

C. Bring India to the level of Western coun- 88. Who among the following rulers of the Tra-
tries vancore kingdom extended his dominion,

organised a standing army and a rational ad-

D. Industrialise India ministration and encouraged foreign trade
83. Which of the following is/are the composi- in the middle of 18th century?
tions of Kabir? A. Zamorin of Calicut

A. Bijak& Sakhi Granth B. Nanjaraj

B. Kabir Granthawali& Anurag Sagar C. Rama Varma

C. Only B D. Martanda Varma

D. All of the above 89. Which of the following statements about
the new landlords is not correct?
84. From which of the following months did
the Mauryan fiscal year use to begin? A. They were mere rent collecting absentee
A. Asadha (July)
B. They were free to harass the cultivators
B. Phalgun (March)
C. They were town dwelling merchants and
C. Jyestha (June) moneyed classes with no roots in the village
D. Pausa-Magha (January-February)
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D. They had converted the peasants to mere C. Goddess Lakshmi on the obverse and
cultivators by taking away their traditional his name in Nagari characters on the reverse
rights over their land
90. The Britishers did export inainly from India D. Kalima on one side and his name on the
to Britain other in Arabic characters
A. Cotton and Iron 96. Why was the Simon Commission boy-
B. Cotton and wool cotted?

C. Cotton, Spin and wool A. Simon was not known to be a great sup-
porter of the Indian cause.
D. Cotton and food grains
B. All the members of the commission
91. Pitt’s India Bill was introduced by
were Englishmen.
in 1784.

A. Prime Minister Pitt C. It was appointed before the expiry of the
statutory period.
B. East India Company
D. Peaceful demonstrators were severely
C. Governor-General of India beaten by the police.
D. Senior Merchants 97. Iranian learnt the game of chess from
92. Taoism was a religion introduced by

A. Lao Tse C. Han rulers

eR A. Egypt
B. China
C. Iraq
D. India
B. Confucius D. Huien Tsang
98. Doojali Hudizg is an important Neolithic
93. Bibi ka Makbara is built by? site in
A. Jahangir C. Akbar A. Manipur C. Nagaland
B. Shahjahan D. Aurangzeb B. Assam D. Tripura

94. The Persian ruler who besieged Qandhar in 99. Who was Nur Jahan’s son-in-law?
Jahangir’s reign was:
A. Shah Parvez A. Khurram C. Nazim
B. Shah Muhammad B. Shahryar D. Abdul

C. Shah Raza

100. Who of the following had said that Victory

D. Shah Abbas of Plassey was a victory of betrayal?
95. The gold coins of Muhammad Ghori usu-
A. P. E. Roberts
ally bear
A. Zodiac signs on the obverse and his B. H. H. Dodwell
name in Persian characters on the reverse C. Lord Clive
B. His name on the obverse and name of D. Orme
mint and year of minting on the reverse


1. B 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. B 11. B 12. D 13. C 14. A

15. C 16. C 17. D 18. B 19. A 20. B 21. A 22. D 23. B 24. C 25. C 26. C
27. C 28. A 29. A 30. A 31. C 32. B 33. D 34. C 35. C 36. B 37. A 38. B
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510 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

39. C 40. A 41. B 42. A 43. C 44. C 45. C 46. C 47. B 48. B 49. C 50. D
51. D 52. C 53. D 54. C 55. B 56. B 57. C 58. A 59. D 60. B 61. C 62. B
63. A 64. C 65. C 66. C 67. C 68. D 69. C 70. B 71. D 72. A 73. B 74. D
75. A 76. B 77. C 78. A 79. D 80. C 81. B 82. B 83. D 84. A 85. C 86. A
87. B 88. D 89. A 90. B 91. A 92. A 93. D 94. D 95. C 96. B 97. D 98. B
99. B 100. B

Unit 9

1. Who was the founder of the Indian Associ- A. Krishnaraja
B. Vakpati-Munja
A. Bal Gangadhar Tilak

C. Bhoja
B. AO Hume D. Siddharaja
C. Dadabhai Naoroji 7. Which of the following statement is not cor-
D. Surendranath Banerjee rect about Poona pact?

2. About 3000 BC human civilization defi- A. It was signed in yarvada jail in Puna
nitely existed in B. This act increased the number of seats
reserved for the depressed class from 71 to
A. America C. India 147.
B. Australia D. No where C. It was signed on January 23, 1932
D. It was signed between Madan Mohan
3. Salaka-Purusha is a concept associated with Malaviya and Dr Ambedkar
8. Who is the author of the book “Satyarth

A. Jainas C. Pasupatas
B. Buddha’s D. Bhagavatas A. Rajaram Mohan Ray

B. Ramakrishna Bhandarkar

4. Which Philosophical system was founded C. Mahadev Govind Ranade

by Vallabhacharya?
D. Dayanand Saraswati
A. Maharashtra Dharma 9. The member of Shivaji’s Ashtapradhan who
looked after foreign affairs was:

B. Shuddhadvaita
C. Visistadvaita A. Pandit Rao C. Sachiv
D. Anekantavada B. Sumant D. Peshwa

5. Which colour was commonly used in Ha-

rappan pottery? 10. Evidence of ploughing the land is found
A. Red C. Blue
B. Buff D. Blue-green A. Kalibangan C. Rangpur
B. Harappa D. Ropar
6. What was the name of the Paramar king,
who wielded the pen with no less dexterity 11. Which one of the following had drafted the
than the sword? ‘Quit India Resolution’?
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A. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel 17. Which of the means adopted under Self Re-
B. Jawahar Lal Nehru spect Movement?

C. Mahatma Gandhi I. Violent protests against upper classes

II. Undermine position of Brahmin
D. Acharya Narendra Deo priests by formalizing weddings with-
12. After 1880, Railways were built during out them
British rule in India through III. Boycott of temples and places of Brah-
A. Indian merchants or money-lenders min residence
B. Private enterprise A. I and III
C. State Agency B. Only II
D. A and B both C. Only III
13. Who among the following teachers were

D. All the above
visited by Siddhartha Gautama in the quest
of knowledge before his enlightenment? 18. The most important effect of the French
Revolution was the birth of the
1. Alara Kalama
2. Udraka Ramaputra A. socialism
3. Makkhali Gosala eR B. democracy
4. Nigantha Nataputta
C. capitalism
Indicate your answer from the codes given
below: D. republic in France

A. 2 and 3 C. 1 and 4 19. Who among the following constituted

B. 1 and 2 D. 4 and 2
A. Qutubuddin Aibak
14. The Nehru-Liaquat Pact between India and B. Iltutmish
Pakistan was signed in 1950 to resolve the

issue of C. Balban

A. the problem of refugees D. None of these

B. the border disputes 20. Name the person/persons who invited
Babur to invade India.
C. the protection of minorities
1. Daulat Khan Lodi

D. the accession of princely states

2. Mahmud Lodi

15. Who was the author of Amarkosha? 3. Bhara Mal of Amber

A. Amar Kanta 4. Rana Sanga of Mewar
5. Alam Khan Lodi
B. Amarsingh
C. Chandragomina A. 2, 3, 4 C. 1, 2, 3
D. Kalidasa B. 3, 4, 5 D. 1, 4, 5
16. Who out of the following had told “ De-
struction is the best method of dealing with
21. The Bodhisatva Doctrine is associated with
the foreign clothes”?
A. Theravada Buddhism View
A. Ravindranath Tagore
B. Subhas Chandra Bose B. Mahayana Buddhism

C. Chittaranjan Das C. Vajrayana Buddhism

D. Mahatma Gandhi D. Hinayana Buddhism

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512 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

22. Uplift of the backward classes was the main A. Renunciation, meditation and devotion
programme of the- B. Vedas and Upanishads are the only way
A. Satya Shodhak Samaj to salvation
B. Ramakrishna Mission C. Gyana marg
C. Prarthana Samaj D. Belief in one single god monotheism
D. Arya Samaj 27. During the later part of Ashoka’s life, he
devoted himself largely to:
23. Which of the following best describes the

Church during the late Middle Ages? A. spreading Buddhism.

A. It grew weak and divided. B. conquest.

B. It offered great comfort to people during C. putting down rebellions.

hard times. D. practicing the arts.
C. It wielded great political power. 28. What were the main cause of the defeat of
the Rajputs by the Turks?
D. It provided strong moral leadership.
1. Isolation and insularity of their soci-

24. Consider the following statement and iden-
tify the author of the statement using the
2. The iniquitsous caste system.
codes given below I shall work for an India
3. Backward science and technology
in which the poorest shall feel that it is their
4. Non violent and liberal policy of Indi-
country, in whose making they have an ef-
fective voice, an India in which there shall
be no high class and low class of people, an A. 2 and 3 C. 1 and 2
India in which all communities shall live in
perfect harmony. B. 1, 3, and 4 D. 1, 2 and 3

A. Pandit Nehru 29. Who was the monarch of Britain at the time

B. Baba Saheb Ambedkar of commencement of the Government of

India Act, 1858?
C. Gurudev Tagore

D. Mahatma Gandhi A. George V C. Edward VII


25. Which of the following statement is not cor- B. William IV D. Victoria

rect about the provisions of the Government
of India Act,1858? 30. The Mesolithic age is marked by the wide
use of small tools known as
A. The Queen’s Principal Secretary of

State received the powers and duties of the A. Microliths C. Neoliths

Company’s Court of Directors.
B. Chalcoliths D. Megalithic
B. A council of fifteen members was ap-

pointed to assist the Secretary of State for 31. Indian culture was made known to England
India. largely through:
C. For all the communications between A. The London Times.
Britain and India, the Secretary of State be-
came the real channel. B. the work of the Orientalists.

D. All the above statements are incorrect. C. the writings of Dickens.

26. Which of the following are the paths cho- D. Robert Clive’s journals.
sen by Ramakrishna Paramahamsa towards 32. Which one of the following was not among
salvation the 12 Ordinances of Jahangir?
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A. Prohibition of Wine A. British C. Gupta

B. Abolition Shahof Tamgha and Mir Bahri B. Mongol D. Byzantine

38. The Whitely Commission was concerned

C. Amnesty to Prisoners
D. Confiscation of Madad-i-Mash lands
A. Public health
33. Consider the following statements regard-
B. Labour
ing the proposals of cripp’s mission -
C. Education
1. A constitution making body consist-
ing of the elected representatives from D. Reorganization of civil service
British India and members from the 39. Which of the following is the earliest works
princely states. in Tamil?
2. India was promised to have dominion

A. Mahabharta
3. It suggested partition of India. B. Rama Sundaram
4. Setting up an executive council com- C. Pali
posed of Indian alone.
D. Sangam Literature
Which of the statements is/are correct? eR 40. Who among the following was impeached
A. 2, 3 and 4 in the UK for his actions in India?
B. 1, 2 and 3 A. Lord Wavell
C. 1, 2 and 4 B. Lord Ripon

D. All of these C. Lord Hastings

34. Who built the Ibadatkhana at Fatehpur D. Lord Cornwallis
Sikri? 41. The statement. “India is not Arabia, it is not
practically feasible to convert it into Qarul

A. Shahjahan C. Jahangir Islam.” is associated with

B. Akbar D. Auranangzeb A. Iltutmish
B. Alauddin Khilji
35. The Huns (barbarians) attacked India in
C. Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
A. 5th century AD

D. Balban
B. 6th century AD 42. Who had given the title of ‘Mahatma’ to

C. 4th century AD Gandhi?

D. 3rd century AD A. Rabindra Nath Tagore
36. Who is considered to be the founder of B. Moti Lal Nehru
Bhakti movement? C. B. G. Tilak
A. Nimbakacharya D. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
B. Madhwacharya 43. Which one of the following is a commen-
tary on the ‘Arthashastra’?
C. Shankaracharya
A. Aparajitaprachchha of Bhuvanadeva
D. Ramanujacharya
B. Prabandhachintamani of Merutunga
37. Which empire introduced the Eastern Or-
thodox Church and the Cyrillic alphabet to C. Samaranganasutradhara of Bhojadeva
Russia? D. Pratipada Panchasika of Bhattasvamin
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514 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

44. Which one of the following chronological 50. Hindu colonieswere founded in the south-
orders of the given dynasties of India is cor- east Asian countries mostly during the pe-
rect? riod of
A. Maurya-Nanda-Sunga-Kanva A. The Mauryas C. The Guptas
B. Nanda-Maurya-Kanva-Sunga B. The Cholas D. The Rajputs
C. Nanda-Maurya-Sunga-Kanva
51. Italy was unified with the occupation of the
D. Maurya-Nanda-Kanva-Sunga city of Rome in

45. Dharmamahamatras were during the A. 1868 C. 1869
B. 1870 D. 1872
A. Buddhist Monks

52. Ajivika sect was founded by
B. Officials
A. Raghulabhadra
C. Soldiers
B. Upali

D. Jain Monks
C. Makkhli Gosala
46. What was the language of Allahabad D. Anand
53. Nagarjuna Stupa was constructed during the
age of?
A. Hindi C. Aramaic
B. Sanskrit D. Parkrit A. Post Gupta C. Maurya
B. Gupta D. Buddha
47. What is meant by "The Forty"? 54. The provincial govt. of india were given
A. The Ulema or the Muslim divines more powers under the system of Dyarchy

in the year?
B. The select body of the Turkish aristoc-

racy A. 1919 C. 1935

C. The cream of Afghan nobles B. 1892 D. 1909

D. The pick of the intellectuals among the 55. Which of the following introduced Perso-
Khaljis Arabic melodies (ragas) into Indian Music?
48. In which year English was made the A. Firdausi

medium of instruction in India?

B. Sadi
A. 1813 A.D. C. 1835 A.D. C. Amir Khusrau

B. 1844 A.D. D. 1833 A.D. D. None of the above

56. With which of the following periods do we
associate the ‘microlith’ implements?
49. An upper Palaeolithic Mother Goddess
made of bone has been obtained from A. Neolithic
B. Mesolithic
A. Godavari valley
C. Paleolithic
B. Narmada valley
D. Chalcolithic
C. Son valley 57. Which of the following newspaper was
D. Belan valley started by Annie Besant?
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A. Indian Express 63. Which one among the following has dif-
ferent. kind of connotation from the other
B. New India
C. The Hindu
A. Bhakti C. Sabha
D. The Times of India
B. Nagaram D. Ur
58. “A bard am I, my father is a leech& my
mother grinds corn.” this passage occurs in
the 64. The Greeks were also known as

A. Dhammapada A. Hellenes C. Ionians

B. Mrichchhakatilcam B. Koreans D. Corianths
C. Yajurveda

65. During Abbasid times, the Arabs learned
D. Rigveda from China the technique of making
59. The founder of modern Pakistan was: A. Fine silk.

A. Ali Jinnah. C. Yahya Khan. B. Gunpowder and cannons.

B. Ayub Khan. D. Ali Bhutto. eR C. Paper.

D. All these answers are correct.
60. Which of the following is not the provision 66. Lala lajpat rai was assaulted by Police in a
of the government of India Act, 1858? demonstration which caused his death. That
demonstration was against?
A. Provision for the creation of an Indian
A. Rolatt Act
Civil Service under the control of the Sec-
retary of State. B. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
B. The Queen’s Principal Secretary of C. Arrival od Simon commission

State received the powers and duties of the

Company’s Court of Directors. D. Public safety ordinance
67. Which of the following reasons can be at-
C. India was to be governed in the Queen’s
tributed to the success of Ramakrishna mis-
D. The British Parliament was empowered
A. Focused mainly on teachings of Upan-

to appoint a Governor-General and the Gov-

ishads and Vedas

ernors of the Presidencies.

B. Popularized the saying” for our own
61. Sati was declared illegal and punishable
motherland a junction of both Hinduism
and Islam is necessary”
A. Lord Ripon C. Though a religious body never consid-
B. Lord Dalhousie ered itself as a sect of Hinduism
C. Lord Canning D. Worked for the upliftment of depressed
D. Lord William Bentinck
68. In early ancient India, the largest urban cen-
62. Mohanjedaro was excavated in year tre was

A. 1924 C. 1923 A. Kanauj C. Taxila

B. 1922 D. 1925 B. Pataliputra D. Kausambi
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516 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

69. Fakir-Sannyasi Resistance against the East A. Ramanuja

India Company dominance in . B. Ramananda
A. Kerala, C. Gujarat, C. Vallabhacharya
B. Karnataka D. Bengal D. Narasi
75. The immediate cause of Siraj-uddaula’s
70. In many traditional Asian families: campaign against the English in 1757 was
A. girls, but not boys, were given a good A. Additional fortification of Kolkata (Cal-
cutta) without the permission or even the

knowledge of the nawab
B. boys were spoiled and raised to be de-
pendent on others. B. The levying of heavy duties by the En-
glish on Indian goods entering Kolkata (Cal-

C. children were neglected until about the cutta)
age of seven.
C. The English taking up the cause of
D. all children were treated equally. Shaukat Jang, a rival of Siraj-ud-daula
71. The Ryotwari settlement was introduced by

D. The refusal of the English to pay taxes
the British in the on their goods
A. Bombay Presidency 76. Which one of the following species of fauna
B. Bengal Presidency has been widely appreciated as pre-historic
India’s gift to the world?
C. Madras Presidency
A. Domestic fowl
D. Madras and Bombay Presidencies
B. Water buffalo
72. Which of the following new techniques in
cotton textile industry was/were introduced C. Peacock
in India by the Turks in the Medieval pe- D. Humped bull

riod? 77. Akbar defeated Hemu in?

1. Spindle A. 3rd Battle of panipat

2. Spinning wheel
3. Water frame B. Battle of Khanawa

Select the correct answer using the codes C. 2nd battle of panipat
given below: D. Battle of haldighati
78. ‘Kumarsambhavam’ describes the story of
A. 2 only C. 1, 2 and 3 birth of

B. 1 and 3 D. 2 and 3
A. Sanatkumara C. Abhimanyu
73. In the sixth and fifth centuries B.C., the B. Kartikeya D. Pradyumna

most remarkable king of the Haryanka line

was 79. Who among the following was/were not dis-
ciples of Ramananda?
A. Ajatashatru C. Sisunaga A. Tulsidas& Mirabai
B. Bimbisara D. Udayi B. Kabir& Raidas
C. Dhanna& Naraharai
74. Which Bhakti Saint propounded Suddhad-
vaita Vedanta (Pure non-dualism) and phi- D. Sena&& Sadhana
losophy called Pustimarga (the path of 80. Consider the following statements: Al-
grace)? Beruni’s Kitab-ul-Hind is
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1. A sympathetic study of Indian civi- 86. Ryotwari Settlement was started in?
2. Mainly a political history of India. A. Assam C. Bengal
3. Critical of Mahmud Ghaznavi’ s plun-
B. Bombay D. Madras
dering raids of India.
4. Mainly a study of India’s cultural, so-
cial and intellectual history. 87. The king Pulakesin II belonged to which
Which of the above statement(s) is/are cor-
A. Cholas C. Chedis
A. Alone C. 1 and 4 B. Chalukyas D. Cheras
B. 2 and 4 D. 1, 3 and 4
88. Who among the following was Akbar’s

81. ‘Kalilah wa Dimna’ is an Arabic version of teacher?
A. Brahma Siddhanta A. Abul Fazl C. Abdul Latif
B. Sursuta Samhita B. Kabir D. Bairam Khan
C. Panchtantra
D. Mahabharata
82. Who among the following had the title
89. Which Sikh guru was executed by Au-

‘Amoghavarsha’? A. Hargobind
A. Munja Paramara B. Arjun Dev
B. Rajendra Chola C. Gobind Singh
C. Govinda Chandra Gahadavala D. Tegh Bahadur
D. None of these

90. The Morley-Minto Reforms which were

83. Belief in reincarnation probably began with passed in 1909.
A. Enlarged the central and the provincial
A. Harappan C. Aryan legislative councils

B. Kushan D. Mauryan B. Established a constitution-making body


84. Vellore Mutiny took place in the year of? C. Decreased the number of the provincial
and central legislative members
A. 1935 C. 1764
D. Made the Executive Council of the
B. 1857 D. 1806
Governor- General purely English in com-
85. Which one of the following statements is
not correct about Bahadur Shah Zafar? 91. Kalanaur is known as a place of
A. He was an emperor without empire A. Akbar’s birthplace
B. Hassan Askari was his spiritual guide B. Proclamation of Akbar as the emperor
C. He was a warrior without any war expe- C. Marriage ceremony of Humayun
D. None of the above
D. He succeeded to the throne in 1845 A.D.
92. The Arthashastra is not concerned with
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518 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Appointment of superintending officers D. Harappa

for industries. 96. William Bentinck’s far-reaching social re-
B. Appointment of superintending officers forms were meant to remove evils of society,
for agriculture which of the following was not included in
these reforms
C. Assignment of lands to officers for their
services. A. Sati System
D. Administration of tests of loyalty to min- B. Widow remarriage
C. Human Sacrifice

93. Consider the following statements:
D. Thagi
I. Karaikkal Ammaiyar, a devotee of
Shiva, adopted the path of extreme 97. Buland Darwaza is situated in

asceticism in order to attain her goal. A. Fatehpur Sikri
II. Andal and Karaikkal Ammaiyar re-
B. Delhi
nounced their social obligations but
did not join an alternative order or be- C. Lucknow

come nuns.
D. Meerut
Which of the following statement(s) is/are
98. Who among the following poets was given
correct about the women devotees of the
the title of ‘Malik-ush-Shoara’ by Akbar?
A. Only I A. Faizi C. Farebi
B. Only II B. Ashki D. Qudsi
C. Both I& II
99. Which of the following was not a method
D. All of the above
adopted by the Extremists?
94. Who was the commander of Alauddin

Khilji’s forces during his Deccan Cam- A. Launching national education schemes
paigns? and building the national spirit

A. Malik Kafur B. Promoting the use of Swadeshi


B. Ainul Mulk Multani C. Burning down shops and godowns stor-

ing foreign clothes
C. Nusrat Khan
D. Boycott of schools, courts and govern-
D. Ulugh Khan
ment service

95. Which among the following is a place in

100. Dewan Velu Thampi of Travancore organ-
Larkana district of Sind province in Pak-
ised the Revolt in

A. Mohenjo-Daro A. 1805 C. 1800

B. Rangapur B. 1809 D. 1811
C. Alamgirpur


1. D 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. A 11. B 12. D 13. B 14. C

15. B 16. D 17. B 18. D 19. B 20. D 21. A 22. A 23. C 24. C 25. D 26. A
27. A 28. D 29. D 30. A 31. B 32. C 33. C 34. B 35. D 36. D 37. A 38. B
39. D 40. C 41. A 42. A 43. D 44. C 45. B 46. B 47. B 48. C 49. D 50. A
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51. B 52. C 53. D 54. A 55. C 56. D 57. B 58. D 59. A 60. D 61. D 62. B
63. A 64. C 65. D 66. C 67. C 68. B 69. D 70. B 71. D 72. A 73. B 74. C
75. D 76. A 77. C 78. B 79. A 80. D 81. C 82. D 83. A 84. D 85. D 86. D
87. B 88. C 89. D 90. A 91. C 92. C 93. D 94. A 95. A 96. B 97. A 98. D
99. C 100. B

Unit 10

1. Champaran and Kheda Satyagrahas were 6. Who made remarkable contribution to the
led by development of Local government?
A. Sardar Patel A. Hastings C. Lord Ripon,
B. Jawaharlal Nehru B. W.W Hunter, D. Gladstone,

C. M. K. Gandhi
7. Consider the following Bhakti Saints:
D. G. K. Pant 1. Dadu Dayal
2. Which of the following British official as- 2. Guru Nanak
sociated with the local self-government? 3. Tyagaraja

A. Lord Northbrook
B. Lord Dufferin
eR Who among the above was/were preaching
when the Lodi dynasty fell and Babur took
C. Lord Ripon A. 2 and 3 C. 1 and 3
D. Lord Mayo B. 2 only D. 1 and 2
3. Which of the following Bhakti Saint popu- 8. Sculptures of the Gandhara School reflect
larised Vaishnava cult in Gujarat? the influence of the

A. Narasi C. Sankar Dev A. Persians C. Greeks

B. Tulsidas D. Chaitanya B. Romans D. Chinese

9. Vakatakas belong to the period of

4. The crops cultivated by the Harrapans in-
cluded A. Kushans C. Harsha

A. Wheat, Cotton, Sugarcane B. Mauryas D. Guptas

B. Wheat, Rice, Sugarcane 10. Which of these books is not a composition

C. Barley, Groundnut, Rice of Amir Khusrau?
A. Tahqiq-i-Hind
D. Wheat, Barley, Mustard
B. Nur-i-Sipihar
5. Rabindra Nath Tagore gave up his knight-
hood because of C. Qiran-u-Sadain

A. Jalianwalla Bagh tragedy D. Miftah-ul-Futuh

11. The king of Kalinga in the Maurya period
B. Brutal Suppression of Civil Disobedi- was
ence Movement
A. Kharavela C. Kuvishka
C. Execution of Bhagat Singh
B. Kanishka D. Simuka
D. Chauri-Chaura incident
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520 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

12. Which one of the following was not con- 18. Kanishkafollowed
structed by Qutubuddin Aibak?
A. Hinduism C. Sikhism
A. Kubbat-ul-Islam mosque
B. Buddhism D. Jainism
B. Alai Darwaja
19. Who was the manager of Pune Jahangiri of
C. Qutub Minar Shahaji?
D. Adhai din Ka Jhopada A. Prahlad Niraji
13. Name the English man who tried to obtain B. Anna Datto

from Akbar a Firman for trade in Gujarat?
C. Dattaji Bhosle
A. Ralph Fitch D. Dadoji Kond Deo

B. John Mildenhall 20. Which is not a characteristic of the Taj Ma-
hal’s architecture?
C. Sir Thomas Roe
A. Double Dome
D. Thomas Stephens
B. White Marble

14. Who among the following said, “One reli-
gion, one caste and one God for mankind”? C. Charbagh Plan
D. Pietra Dura
A. Vivekananda
21. At which place the All India Khilafat Con-
B. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
ference was held in 1919?
C. Jyotiba Phule A. Delhi C. Aligarh
D. Sri Narayan Guru B. Deoband D. Lucknow
15. Who among the following Urdu poets was
22. The most important kingdom in Deccan and
invited to the Second and Third Round Ta-
Central India after the Mauryas was the
ble Conference?

A. Firaq Gorakhpuri A. Pallavas C. Cholas


B. Muhammad Iqbal B. Satavahanas D. Vakatakas


C. Josh Malihabadi 23. The Founding Charter of the English East

India Company was granted by
D. Faiz Ahmad
16. The concept of Sagunabrahmana was the A. Charles I C. Elizabeth I
outcome of which concept of Bhakti Move-

B. James I D. Henry VIII

24. The partition of Bengal made in 1905
A. Nirgunabraman
A. Was annulled as a result of the Morley-

B. Vaishanavism Minto Reforms in 1919

C. Shaivism B. Continued till India got independence
D. None of the above C. Was annulled by the king’s proclama-
17. Who had completed the annexation of tion at the Delhi Durbar in 1911
Ahmednagar? D. Was withdrawn in 1908 because of the
immense protests it evoked
A. Aurangzeb C. Akbar 25. Which of these features of Indian art was
B. Jahangir D. Shahjahan adopted in the construction of Mosques in
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A. Turned Lotus A. Ghokhale

B. Kalash on the domes B. Nauroji
C. Ornamentation C. Tilak
D. All of these D. Balshastri Jambhekar
26. The huge wealth of the Mughals Cell into 33. After the end of the Revolt of 1857 the
the hands of after the capture of general formula followed for Bombay&
Delhi in 1739. Madras Presidencies was that the propor-
tion between the European& Indian troops
A. Nadir Shah should be
B. The English
A. 1: 2 C. 1: 3
C. The French
B. 3 2 D. 2 3

D. The Portuguese
27. The term ‘Rupadarshaka’ denotes what? 34. Arrange the following dynasties in chrono-
logical order in terms of their arrival in In-
A. The supervisor of the folkdancers dia
B. The supervisor of royal harem 1. Sakas
C. The supervisor of prostitutes eR 2. Indo-Greeks
3. Parthians
D. The supervisor of the quality of coins 4. Kushanas
28. Who was the last Peshuea Choose the correct answer from the codes
A. Balaji Wishwanath given below :
B. Baji Roa I A. 1, 3, 4 and 2
C. Baji Roa II B. 1, 2, 3 and 4
D. None of these C. 2, 3, 1 and 4

29. The author of Kadambari who was also con- D. 2, 1, 3 and 4

temporary of Flarsha was 35. The chief product that China received from
the West was:
A. Banabhatta C. Jayasena
A. jewels. C. silver.
B. Mayur D. Divakar
B. sugar. D. guns.

30. Who among the following built the Go-

36. Who is credited with the following state-

mateshwara statue at Sravanabelagola?

ment regarding the outbreak of the Revolt
A. Amoghavarsha of 1857 “The Meerut outbreak was sudden
B. Chamundaraya and short-lived like a summer gale”?
A. S. B. Chaudhari
C. Chandragupta Maurya
B. S. N. Sen
D. Kharvela
C. V. D. Savarkar
31. Alexander the Great died at
D. R. C. Majumdar
A. Babylon C. Kabul 37. The name India was derived from the river
B. Macedonia D. Susa name

A. Kaveri C. Sindhu
32. Who was the father of Newspaper in Maha-
rashtra? B. Krishna D. Ganga
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522 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

38. Which of the following counterpart of 45. Which of the following statements about
British in the Treaty of Salbai? the Mauryan kings is not correct?
A. the Nizam of Hyderabad A. Appointments to the most important of-
B. the French fices were made by the ruler himself

C. Tipu Sultan B. They laid claim to divinity

D. the Marathas C. They had extensive powers encompass-

ing administrative, judicial, and legislative
39. ‘Ramayan am’ the Tamil version of the

great epic Ramayana was made by
D. The kings often laid down codes of reg-
A. Kamban
ulation for the guidance of their officers and
B. Avvaiyar the people

C. Ilango Vadigal 46. The Bharukuccha port lies near
D. None of these A. Ganga
40. Aryan civilization was centered in: B. Saraswati

A. Northern India.
C. Narmada river
B. Southern India.
D. Indus
C. Sri Lanka. 47. Upanishads are books on:
D. the Deccan.
41. Which of the following Brahmana texts be- A. Philosophy C. Social life
longs to Atharvaveda? B. Politics D. Medicine

A. Shatpatha C. Aitareya
48. During the reign of Jahangir, the title of
B. Gopatha D. Panchavinsh Nair-ul-Asr was given to:

A. Ustad Mansur
42. Who among the following Bhakti Saints

was part of the egalitarian, personalized B. Abul Hasan

Varkari devotionalism tradition? C. Abdus Samad

A. Ramananda C. Tukaram D. Mir Sayyid Ali

B. Mirabai D. Kabir 49. Pick out the wrong statement with respect
to the Neolithic sites of Burzahom and

43. After the Mauryas the most important king- Gufkral.

dom in the Deccan and Central India was A. The excavations yield lots of bone tools
that of the:

A. Vakatakas C. Satavahanas B. Bones of animals such as goat, sheep,

cattle are seen
B. Cholas D. Pallavas
C. Pit dwellings were seen in both the sites
44. Identify the Englishman, who gave all
the information about the “Black-Hole D. The sites were predominantly pastoral
Episode”, though in a single-sided way. economics
A. Minchin C. John Surman 50. In what way did the early nationalists under-
mine the moral foundations of the British
B. Stephenson D. Holwell
rule with great success?
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A. By seeking the support of the Indians A. Paramaras, Chandelas, Chahamanas,

living abroad Chalukyas
B. By their agitation for Constitutional re- B. Pratiharas, Chahamanas, Gahadavalas,
forms Kalachuris
C. By seeking foreign help against the C. Pratiharas, Chahamanas, Chalukyas,
British Parmaras
D. By advocating open revolt D. Chahamanas, Kalachuris, Chandelas,
51. Gandhi gave the call to reject all foreign Pratiharas
goods during the Movement. 55. Who led the revolt of 1857 in Lucknow?
A. Civil Disobedience A. Birjis Qadir
B. Khilafat

B. Begum Hazrat Mahal
C. Non-cooperation C. Maulvi Ahmadullah Shah
D. Swadeshi D. Tatya Tope
52. Which of the following Bhakti sect founded 56. The foundation of modern education system
by Birbhan and their religious granth is eR in India was laid by-
revered like the Granth of the Sikhs?
A. The Charter Act of 1813
A. Satnamis
B. Macaulay’s Minutes of 1835
B. Vaishanavism
C. The Hunter Commission of 1882
C. Shaivism
D. Wood’s Despatch of 1854
D. Pothi
57. Who founded “MATHAS’ in the four cor-
53. Consider the following statements relating
ners of India?
to Indigo Revolt

1. The Indigo Revolt is particularly A. Bhaskaracharya

memorable for the role played by the B. Ramanujacharya
intelligentsia to uphold the cause of
the movement. C. Madhavacharya
2. After the revolt, the colonial authori- D. Shankaracharya

ties set-up the Indigo Commission to

58. Which one of the following is not a feature

enquire into the grievances of the In-

digo cultivators. of North Indian temple Architecture?

Which of the statements given above is/are A. Sikhara

correct? B. Garbha Griba
A. Only 1
C. Gopura
B. Only 2
D. Pradakshina
C. Both 1 and 2
59. Given below are four industries that devel-
D. Neither 1 nor 2 oped during the British rule in India:
54. Who are the four Rajput clans described in 1. Jute Industry
Prithviraja-Raso of Chanda Bardai, who are 2. Iron and Steel Industry
said to have emerged from fire-pit of Mount 3. Textile Industry
Abu? 4. Sugar Industry
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524 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

Which one of the following shows the cor- 65. Who among the following Bhakti Saint em-
rect chronological order in which the indus- phasised the essential oneness of all religion
tries developed? by describing Hindus and Muslims ‘as pots
of the same clay’?
A. 4, l, 2and3 C. 1, 2, 3and4
A. Kabir C. Ramananda
B. 1, 3, 2and4 D. 3, 1, 2and4
B. Tulsidas D. Raidasa

60. The Community. Development Project and

‘National Extension Service’ were initiated 66. Mughal-Maratha treaty of 1719 was con-
for the welfare of the villagers in the year cluded in the times of?
A. Farukh Siyyar

A. 1956A.D. C. 1954A.D.
B. Mohammed Shah
B. 1951A.D. D. 1952A.D.
C. Bahadur Shah II

61. Who said “If it were proved to me that it D. Jahandar Shah

(untouchability) is an essential part of Hin- 67. King Harshavardhana lived in
duism I for one would declare myself an
open rebel against Hinduism itself”? A. 7th century B.C.

A. B.G. Tilak B. 2nd century B .C.

B. B.R. Ambedkar C. 7th century A.D.

C. Jyotiba Phule D. 2nd century A.D.

68. Who among the following constituted the
D. M.K. Gandhi
local town administration council during
62. We have evidence of Roman trade with: the Guptas?

A. the Kushan Dynasty. A. Purupala, Sarthavaha, Pratham Kulika,


Pratham Kayastha
B. the Vedic Empire.
B. Sarthavaha, Pratham Kulika, Pratham

C. the Mauryan Dynasty.

D. the Harrapan cities.
C. Purupala, Sarthavaha, Dvarapala,
63. The Iron Age Chinese explained the astro- Karnika
nomical phenomenon called

D. Purupala, Pratham Kulika, Pratham

A. 12 division of the sky Kayastha
B. The solar system 69. The last opportunity to avoid the partition

of India was lost with the rejection of :

C. Eclipses
A. Rajagopalachari Formula
D. Constellations
B. Wavell
64. Brihadaranyaka is
C. Cabinet Mission
A. ASaxnriti
D. Cripps Mission
B. A treatise on Political Science
70. Which one among the following principles
C. A Mahakavya was not propagated by the Theosophical So-
D. An Upnishada ciety?
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A. Belief in Vedantic Philosophy 76. The most revolutionary secret organization

B. Belief in Universal Brotherhood and Hu- of Bengal was
manity A. Anushilan Samiti
C. Belief in the Eradication of Untoucha-
B. Ghadar Party
D. Belief in Karma and Rebirth C. Mitra Mela
71. Mahzar of 1579 was drafted by D. Abhinava Bharat
A. Abdun Nabi 77. Who was the founder of Chandela dynasty?
B. Sheikh Mubarak
C. Faizi A. Narasimha C. Nagabhatta

D. Abul Fazal B. Jayasakti D. Chandradeva

72. What among the following factors was
not applicable to the conditions of abject 78. The historical site wherein and early inscrip-
poverty in India during the British rule? tion referring to the five heroes of the Vrish-
A. High taxation nis is found is
B. Insufficient growth of modern industries

C. Decay of Agricultural production and

eR A. Mathura
B. Besnagar
C. Ghoshundi
D. Dwarka
indigenous industries
D. Investment of foreign capital in India 79. Which of the following was the main article
73. The earliest language of the Aryans. was of import?
A. Persian C. Pali A. Gold and silver
B. Sanskrit D. Prakrit B. Wine and slave girls

74. Which among the following pair accused C. Horses

of killing English officers in England was D. Pottery and glassware
80. Archaeological evidence from which Chal-
A. Kartar Singh Sarabhai and Ashfaqullah
colithic site shows evidence of corporation,

harvesting and irrigation?


B. Raj Guru and Sukhdev

C. Khudi Ram Bose and Suryasen A. Inamgaon C. Daimabad
D. Madan Lal Dhingra and Udham Singh B. Rangpur D. Navdatoli
75. Consider the following events:
1. August Offer 81. Who among the following painters commit-
2. Poona Pact ted suicide?
3. Third Round Table Conference
4. Communal Award
A. Mahesh C. Daswant
The correct chronological sequence of these
events is B. Basawan D. Lal

A. 4, 3, 2, 1 C. 3, 2, 1, 4
82. Which of the following statement is not cor-
B. 4, 2, 3, 1 D. 1, 2, 3, 4 rect about Simon Commission?
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526 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. The activities of Swaraj party had in- A. Lord William Bentinck

duced the British Government to review the B. Lord Dalhousie
working of the diarchy system introduced
by the Montague- Chelmsford reforms. C. Lord Wellesley

B. The British Government appointed the D. Lord Cornwallis

Simon Commission in Nov. 1927. 88. Bibi Ka Maqbara was erected by at
Aurangabad and is a replica of the Taj Ma-
C. Simon commission was opposed be- hal.
cause its all members were the English.

A. Jahangir
D. Lala Lajpat Rai died during the protest
of Simon commission. B. Bahadur Shah Zafar

83. Who started the English weekly ‘New In- C. Aurangzeb

dia’? D. None of the above
A. Bipin Chandra Pal 89. Why were Tilak and others imprisoned in
B. Lala Lajpat Rai
A. They broke the salt tax law.

C. Madan Mohan Malviya
B. They refused to attend the court trail
D. Dada Bhai Naoroji presided by a British judge.
84. Which of the following is Kalidasa’s work C. They violated the terms of the Arms Act.
(poetical works)
A. Meghasandesam D. Their speeches and writings were di-
B. Kumara Sambhavam rected towards creating hostile feelings to-
wards the British government.
C. Raghuvamsam
90. The Ellora caves were built by
D. All the above

A. Chalukyas
85. Which of the following was the wonderful
B. Rashtrakutas
discovery made by Hippalus in A.D. 45,

leading to increasing of trade with Rome? C. Palas

D. Pratiharas

A. The existence of the monsoon winds,

blowing across the Indian Ocean 91. Which one is the correct chronological or-
der in which the given rulers ruled over Ma-
B. Fitting of sails to the ships
C. A shorter route for Rome to the eastern

1. Brihadratha - Bimbisara - Sisunaga -

coast of India Bindusara
D. Propelling of ship with mechanical aid 2. Sisunaga - Bindusara - Brihadratha -

86. The portion of the actual produce fixed

3. Brihadratha - Bindusara - Sisunaga -
as state’s share under the Zabti System of
Mughals was ?
4. Sisunaga - Bimbisara - Brihadratha -
A. One-half C. One-fifth
B. One-fourth D. One-third A. 3 only C. 1, 2 and 3
B. 4 only D. 2, 3 and 4
87. Who among the following has started the
Public Works Department in India in AD 92. Who formed the INDIAN LEAGUE in lon-
1848? don?
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A. VK Krishna Menon 97. Who was the Sikh Guru who helped Dara?
B. Shyamji krishna verma A. Guru Hargobind
C. Bhikaji cama B. Guru Hari Rai
D. Annie besant C. Guru Tegh Bahadur
93. Bimbisara was the founder of which one of
D. None of these
the following dynasties?
98. The drain theory of Dadabhai Naoroji was
A. Maurya C. Nanda formally accepted in which among the ses-
B. Haryanka D. Shunga sions of the Indian National Congress?
A. Benaras session, 1905
94. Who introduced the Ryotwari System in
India? B. Calcutta session, 1906

A. Munro and Charles Reed C. Surat session, 1907
B. Lord Cornwallis D. None of the above
C. John shore 99. Thus far, the emergence of civilization in
China is best documented:
D. None of these
95. Samudragupta ascended the throne in

A. 400 C. 380
eR A. on the coast.
B. along the Yellow River.
C. in Manchuria.
B. 330 D. 390
D. in Yunnan.
96. In the late 17th and early 18th centuries, the 100. Which State is called the ’ Cradle of Bud-
export of Indian opium to the Indonesian dhism ’?
archipelago was dominated by the
A. Uttar Pradesh
A. Dutch East India Company

B. Bihar
B. English East India Company
C. Madhya Pradesh
C. Portuguese
D. Gujarati and Marwari mercantile groups D. Sikkim


1. C 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. A 11. A 12. B 13. B 14. D

15. B 16. A 17. D 18. B 19. D 20. C 21. A 22. B 23. C 24. C 25. D 26. A
27. D 28. C 29. A 30. B 31. A 32. D 33. C 34. D 35. C 36. B 37. C 38. C
39. A 40. A 41. B 42. C 43. C 44. D 45. B 46. C 47. A 48. D 49. D 50. B
51. D 52. A 53. C 54. C 55. B 56. B 57. D 58. C 59. B 60. D 61. D 62. A
63. C 64. D 65. A 66. A 67. C 68. B 69. C 70. C 71. B 72. D 73. B 74. D
75. D 76. D 77. B 78. A 79. A 80. A 81. D 82. D 83. C 84. D 85. A 86. D
87. B 88. C 89. D 90. B 91. A 92. B 93. B 94. A 95. B 96. A 97. B 98. D
99. B 100. B

Unit 11
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528 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

1. Which of the following C. books doesornot

Samaharta Collector General
match with its author?
D. Adhyaksha or Superintendent of Depart-
A. R. C. Dutt-‘Economicments
History of India’
6. Where
B. D. R. Gadgil-‘Indian did Moplah
Industry, Todayrevolt taken place?
and Tomorrow’ A. Kerala
C. Dadabhai Naoroji-‘Poverty and Un-
B. Uttar Pradesh
British Rule in India’
C. Bihar

D. Mahatma Gandhi-‘Hind Swaraj’
D. Bengal
2. Which of the following is not correct about
7. Several socio-political organisations were
formed in the 19th and 20th centuries in In-

A. Performed rigorousdia,
Anjuman-e-Khawatin-e- Islam founded
in the
B. Left house at 40 and becameyear 1914 was
ened 20 years later A. All India Muslim Ladies Conference
C. Believed in non-violence
B. A radical wing of the All India Muslim

D. None of these League

3. Consider the followingC.statements

All India regard-
Muslim Student’s Conference
ing Rigvedic period: D. All India Islamic Conference
1. Rigvedic economy marked
8. The a continu-
Kalyana-mandapa was a notable fea-
ation of its preceding
ture civilizations
of temple architecture in the kingdom
2. Rigvedic period wasof characterized by
the extensive use of iron tools.
3. Establishment of A.vastPahallavas
trade networks C. Kadambas
with far-off countries was a feature of D. Vijaynagar
B. Cholas

the Rigvedic era.

Which of the above 9.
Which ofis/are
the NOT
following known as ‘Jnani

true? Manav’
A. 2 only

A. Homeorachy
B. 3 only B. Africany
C. 1, 2 and 3 C. Primates

D. 1 and 3 only D. Homeosapians

4. Megasthenes was at
court of? with the figure of Laksmi were
A. Chandragupta Mauryaissued by

B. Ashoka A. Mohammad Ghori

B. Iltutmish
C. Kanishka
C. Mohammad Tughlaq
D. Harsha
D. None
5. The officer of the Central of the above
who was in-charge 11. “We haveofnow
of collection an open Conspiracy to free
was: the country from foreign rule and you, Com-
rades, and all our countrymen and country-
A. Sannidhata or High Treasurer
women are imated to join it.” Who among
B. Karmika or Clerk the following made this declaration?
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A. Jayaprakash Narayan 18. Which among the following was sentenced

to death in the Hardinge Bomb Case?
B. M.N.Roy
A. Sohan Singh Bhakna
C. Jawahar Lal Nehru
B. Bhai Bal Mukund
D. Subhash Chandra Bose
12. The treaty of Srirangpattnam was signed C. Asutosh Choudhary
between the British and D. Ras Behari Bose
19. Which of the following reformer was asso-
A. Haider Ali C. Dupllix ciated with Prarthana Samaj?
B. Nanjaraj D. Tipu Sultan A. Chandavarkar
B. M. G. Ranade
13. Which king is called ‘Kaviraj’ in one of his
inscriptions? C. Atmaram Pandurang

A. Pala king Dharmapala D. Bhandarkar
B. Chalukya king Kumarapala 20. The Crusades were undertaken to
A. Keep the Holy Land out of Muslim con-
C. Paramara king Bhoja
D. Pratihara king Mihirbhoja
14. Who among the following was not a mem-
ber of the Cabinet Mission?
eR B. Reform the Medieval church.
C. End the Great Schism.

A. AV Alexander D. Free Rome from the Byzantines.

21. The official religion during the rule of the
B. Sir Stafford Cripps
Sunga dynasty was
C. Radcliffe A. Buddhism
D. Pathick Lawrence B. Jainism
15. The French Revolution took place in the

C. Brahmanism
D. The Ajivika religion
A. 1775 C. 1729 22. Industrial Revolution was started in which
B. 1647 D. 1789 country did

A. Germany C. U.S.A.

16. The Indian reaction to British academic

B. France D. England

study of India was:

A. concern. 23. The Kojiki and the Nihongi are:
B. the Hindu Renaissance. A. Jomon pottery styles.
C. disinterest. B. histories of Korea.
D. jealous hostility. C. ancient texts of Japan.
17. Which of the following Bhakti saint of Ma- D. early Chinese histories.
harashtra responsible for creating a back-
24. Pataliputra was:
ground for Maratha nationalism and also
opposed all social distinctions? A. the capital of the Mauryan Empire.
B. the second Mauryan ruler.
A. Tukaram C. Namadev
C. a Greek kingdom in Northern India.
B. Gnandeva D. Ekanath
D. the great rival of the Mauryan Empire.
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530 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

25. The Rigvedic concept of Rita denotes the C. Peasant agitation against the indigo
planters in Bengal
A. Cosmic order or law prevailing in nature
D. Santhal Insurrection
B. Ethical and moral order 30. Consider the following statements regard-
ing the revolt of the Royal Indian Navy in
C. Both A and B above 1946:
D. Amalgamation of “All Gods” into “one” 1. The revolt was launched to protest
against racial discrimination and un-

26. Fatehpur Sikri symbolises? palatable food.
2. Lord Wavell the concurrent viceroy of
A. Muslim, Christian architecture India condemned the response of the
B. Moghul architecture Indian Army towards the revolt.

C. Hindu,Mulslim architecture Which of the statements given above is/are
D. Hindu,Muslim and Christian architec-
ture A. 1 only

27. Which of the following statement about the B. 2 only
institution of kingship during this period is C. Both 1 and 2
not correct?
D. Neither 1 nor 2
A. The form of government was hereditary 31. The worship of images in India began dur-
monarchy ing the period.
B. The king, whose conquering expedition
A. Gupta C. Sunga
(march of Digvijaya) was led by a myste-
rious wheel of gold and gem, was called B. Mauryan D. Kusana
32. Which Bhakti saint opposed cast distinc-

C. The crown prince was called Komahan tions and sympathetic towards lower caste
D. In the Sangam literature we come across in the 6th century AD?

numerous instances of women rulers

A. Namadeva C. Gnanadev
28. Who among the following were associates

of Bal Gangadhar Tilak? B. Chaitanya D. Ekanatha

1. Vishnu Krishna Chiplunkar 33. “Thafa-tul-Thafat” is a book on:
2. Gopal Ganesh Agarkar
3. Madhavrao Namjoshi A. Science

4. Rao Bahadur Madhavrao Vasudeva B. History

Barve C. Philosophy

A. 1, 2 and 3 C. 2, 3 and 4 D. None of these

34. Who set up the dual system of administra-
B. 1, 2 and 4 D. 1, 3and4
tion in Bengal?

29. Which one of the following events immedi- A. Dupleix,

ately followed the Revolt of the Sepoys in B. Robert Clive,
C. Lord Macaulay
A. Agitation against reduction of age-limits D. Lord Wellesley,
for entry into Civil Service
35. Which of the following incident ended the
B. Kuki Rebellion historic fast of Gandhi?
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A. Gandhi-Irwin Pact 43. Which of the following was a result of the

B. Issue of White Paper plague in Europe

C. Poona Pact A. the Hundred Years’ War

D. Arrival of Simon Commission B. economic decline

36. The city of Dhillika (Delhi) was founded by C. political reform
the: D. the rebirth of Christianity
A. Pawars C. Chauhans 44. Who said over the radio on 30th January
1948 “The Father of Nation is no more”?
B. Tomars D. Pariharas
A. Rajendra Prasad
37. Grand Mosque at Damascus was built by B. Sardar Patel
A. Abdul Malik C. Rajgopalachari

B. Waleed D. Jawaharlal Nehru
C. Umar bin Abdul Aziz 45. Which of the contributions of Ishwar Chan-
dra Vidya Sagar made him true follower of
D. None of these
Raja Rammohan Roy and in a way most
38. Who trained to Sambhaji? eR common aspects in both of them
A. Kashibai C. Saibai I. Protest against child marriage
II. Advocacy of widow remarriage
B. Jijabai D. Tarabai III. Campaign against polygamy

39. Which one of the following dynasties was A. I and III

ruling at the time of Alexanders invasion? B. I and II
A. Nanda Dynasty C. I, II and III
B. Kanva Dynasty D. II and III

C. Sunga Dynasty 46. Who among the following directed to throw

a bomb on Viceroy Lord Hardinge?
D. Maurya Dynasty
40. Where was the meeting held within Samb- A. Chandrashekhar Azad
haji and Dilerkhan? B. Rasbthari Bose

A. Satara C. Vita C. Ramprasad Bismil


B. Bahadurgad D. Miraj D. Khudiram Bose

47. Bismarck was called the man who gave Ger-
41. Ashoka Pillar at Allahabad provides infor- many the policy of
mation about the reign of A. blood& iron
A. Chandragupta I B. holy wars
B. Chandragupta I C. holy alliance
C. Chandragupta Maurya D. triple alliance
D. Samudragupta 48. The number of members in the Simon Com-
42. A statue of bearded man was found at mission/was

A. Chanhudaro C. Dholavira A. 10 C. 12
B. Mohenjodaro D. Harappa B. 7 D. 20
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532 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

49. How did monks and nuns improve life dur- A. Mythology
ing the Middle Ages?
B. Hymns in favor of the Gods
A. They cared for the sick and poor.
C. Thoughts on the mystery of life and uni-
B. They opposed the feudal system. verse
C. They gave land to the peasants. D. Laws of Manu and the history of various
D. They excommunicated criminals. dynasties
50. On what basis is it held that on the east the 55. Who was the founder of Sunga dynasty?

province of Vanga (part of modern Bengal)
formed part of the Mauryan empire? A. Pushyamitra C. Ajatashatru

A. Buddhist traditions associate Ashoka B. Agnimitra D. Bimbisara

with propagation of Buddhism in Bengal
56. Which one of the following statements
B. Discovery of Ashokan edicts in this part about ancient Indian Mahajanapadas is cor-
of Bengal rect?

C. Megasthenes’ Indica mentions Chan- A. All Mahajanapadas were oligarchies
dragupta’s conquest of the region where power was exercised by a group of
D. Tamralipti, the principal port of the area,
was one of the most important maritime cen- B. All Mahajanapadas were located in East-
tres during the Mauryan period ern India
51. Consider the follwing pairs: C. No army was maintained by the Maha-
1. Forty Turkish slaves: Successors of
Iltutmish D. Buddhist and Jaina texts list sixteen Ma-
2. Khot: Village headman hajanapadas
3. Amiran-i-sada: Muhammad Tughlaq

57. Which is considered as oldest civilization

Which of the above pairs are correctly of the world?

A. Chinese Civilization
A. 1, 2 and 3 C. 1 and 3 B. Mesopotamian Civilization

B. 2 and 3 D. 1 and 2 C. Egyptain Civilization

D. Harappan Civilization
52. ‘Navniketanam’ is a treatise on
58. Kabir was a disciple of

A. Polity C. Economics A. Ramananda

B. Medicine D. Philosophy B. Ramanujana

53. Who among the following was the patron C. Shakracharya

of the Kota school of painting? D. None of the above
A. Balwant Singh 59. Who was the last greatest ruler of Chalukya
B. Umed Singh dynasty

C. Savant Singh A. Pullikeshin I I

D. Govardhan Singh B. Pullikeshin I

54. Which of the following does the Puranas C. Kirthivarman
D. None of these
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60. For what reason the ganasamgha areas have 66. Raushan Akhtar ascended the throne with
been indicated as ‘mlechchhadesha’ in the the title
post-Vedic period? A. Jahandar Shah
A. Absence of ranking based on varna B. Shah Jahan II
B. Killing of cows C. Alamgir II
C. Rejection of Vedic rituals D. Mohammad Shah
D. Speaking alien languages 67. When was Brahmo Samaj split?
61. Who founded the Vikramashila University?
A. 1826 C. 1843
A. Dhruva C. Devapala B. 1857 D. 1866
B. Gopala D. Dharmapala

68. In the early decades of Maratha rule the
62. The treaty of Allahabad was concluded by most popular unit of Land revenue measure-
ment was
A. ‘Shah Alam, Mir Jafar and Shuja-ud-
Daula A. Jarib C. Gaj
B. Robert Clive, Mir Jafar and Raja Bal- eR B. Kathi D. Janjir
want Singh
C. Robert Clive, Nijam-ud-Daula and 69. By 1206, Islamic power in north India was
Shuja-ud-Daula secure and moved its base of power to:

D. Robert Clive, Siraj-ud-Daula and Mir A. Bengal. C. Surat.

B. Delhi. D. Agra.
63. Which of the following reason was influ-
enced by the preaching of Bhakti Saints 70. The Kailasa temple is one of the largest
Nimbarka and Vallabahachrya? rock-cut ancient Hindu temple located at

A. Kannada Region Ellora was built by?

B. Maratha Region A. Krishndev Rai
C. Telugana Region B. Krishna I
D. Tamilian Region C. Nadivarman

64. Which empire lasted the longest among the D. Rajendra Chola

following? 71. The Kharosthi script was derived from

A. The Senas A. Cuniform script
B. The Palas B. Pictograph
C. The Rashtrakutas C. Aramaic
D. The Pratiharas D. Brahmi
65. Where can the finest examples of medieval 72. Which of the following were terms used
architecture are seen? in early India for denoting measurement of
A. Cathedrals
1. Pala
B. Castles
2. Nala
C. Universities 3. Kulyavapa
4. Nivartana
D. All of the above
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534 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. l, 3 and 4 C. l, 2 and 4 79. Which European power was the last who
reached India?
B. 2, 3 and 4 D. l, 2 and 3
A. Germans C. The French
73. Dahala in the early medieval period was the
territory of the B. Portuguese D. The Dutch

A. Bhanjas C. Chandelas 80. Which of the following are the main reasons
B. Paramaras D. Kalachuris for the failure of Young Bengal Movement?

I. Suppression by British new law
74. Which one of the following is a monument II. Did not involve peasant cause
constructed by Sher Shah? III. Radicalism was bookish in character
and did not develop links with masses

A. Quiwwat-al-Islam mosque at Delhi
B. Barasona Masjid at Gaur A. Only I

C. Kila-i-Kuhna mosque at Delhi B. Only II

D. Atala Masjid at Jaunpur C. Both II and III

75. Arabs conquered Iran by D. All the above
81. Which of the following was not one of
A. AD 657 C. AD 650
the checks on the powers of the Mauryan
B. AD 652 D. AD 658 kings?
A. Mantri-Parishad
76. Which of the following was not a state
monopoly during the Mauryan period? B. Brahmins
A. Ferries and bridges C. Customs of the land
B. Slaughterhouses and gambling houses D. Guilds

C. Pearl and fisheries 82. Which one of the following monuments has
a dome which is said to be one of the larg-

D. Mines and forests

est in the world?
77. Which one of the following rulers laid the

foundation of a new town where the modern A. Gol Gumbaz, Bijapur

city of Agra stands? B. Tomb of Sher Shah, Sasaram
A. Sikandar Lodi C. Jama Masjid, Delhi

B. Akbar D. None of these

C. Muhammad bin Tughlaq 83. Sixteen Mahajanapadas are referred to in.
D. Shahjahan A. Anguttat Nikay

78. Which of the following is not one of the B. Sanyukta Nikay

sources for determining the geographical
extent of the Mauryan Empire during the C. Deegh Nikay
reign of Ashoka? D. Khuddak Nikay
A. Numismatic evidence 84. Under the Mughals was adminis-
B. The distribution of his rock and pillar tered as a department of the household.
A. navy C. artillery
C. The literary and religious traditions
B. infantry D. cavalry
D. The contents of his inscriptions
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85. When was Charlemagne crowned as Roman A. Nasik, Ellora and Ajanta
B. Junnar, Kalyan and Pitalkhora

A. 860 C. 899 C. Ajanta, Bhaja and Kondane

B. 871 D. 800 D. Bhaja, Pitalkhora and Kondane

92. The Tughluqs were:
86. Which one of the following pairs of persons A. Turkish revolutionaries.
was hanged on the charges of assassinating B. an Islamic religious order.
English officers in England?
C. a Hindu resistance movement.
A. Rajguru and Sukhdev
D. the successors to the Ala-ud-din order.
B. Khudiram Bose and Surya Sen
93. Which is known as “Tamil Bible”

C. Madanlal Dhingra and Udham Singh A. Tholkapiyam
D. Kartar Singh Sarabha and Ashfaqullah B. Pathittupath
C. Silapatigaram
87. The Cabinet Mission Plan for India envis-
aged a D. Thirukuaral

A. Unitary form of Government

B. Confederation
94. Which one of the following places is known
as its monumental temple architecture?
A. Amaravati
C. Union of States B. Uttiramerur
D. Federation C. Gangaikondacholapuram
88. Sufi Saints and the saints of Hindu Bhakti D. Arikkamedu
movements differed on
95. What was the most important cause of the

A. Devotion to God invasion of Mahmud of Ghazni?

B. Need of a Guru or Pir to attain God A. To gain possession of the wealth of In-
C. Family saint
B. To destroy idolatry
D. Unity of God
C. To spread Islam into India

89. Where did Gandhiji form the Satyagarh

D. To establish a Muslim State in India

96. Which of the following statement is
A. Poona C. Calcutta wrong?
B. Nagpur D. Bombay A. Chandragupta I started the Gupta Era in
319- 20 AD
90. The son of Dhanga who gave resistence to B. During the reign of Skandagupta, Gupta
Muhammad Ghazni Empire was invaded by Huns.
C. Samudragupta was the greatest king of
A. Ganda C. Jayapala Gupta dynasty.
B. Rajyapala D. Anandapala D. Chandragupta II was succeeded by his
son Skandagupta.
91. The earliest rock cut caves in western India 97. Amongst the following, who contributed
are those at- most to the Bhagvata cult?
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536 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Guptas A. India and Burma.

B. Kushanas B. Vietnam and Java.

C. Indo- Greeks C. Java and China.

D. Parthians D. India and China.

100. The doctrine of the ‘manyness of reality’
98. Who was the in-charge of a pargana?
is a characteristic feature of

A. Shiqdar C. Amin A. Buddhism

B. Oanungo D. Pattidar B. Jainism
C. Both Buddhism and Jainism

99. The oldest ancestor of modern man to be D. Pasupata
found in Asia has been located in both:


1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. A 11. A 12. D 13. C 14. C
15. D 16. B 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. B 21. C 22. D 23. C 24. A 25. A 26. C
27. D 28. A 29. C 30. A 31. D 32. D 33. B 34. B 35. C 36. B 37. A 38. B
39. A 40. B 41. D 42. B 43. D 44. D 45. C 46. B 47. A 48. B 49. A 50. D
51. A 52. B 53. B 54. A 55. A 56. D 57. B 58. A 59. C 60. C 61. D 62. C
63. C 64. C 65. D 66. D 67. D 68. B 69. B 70. B 71. C 72. A 73. D 74. C
75. A 76. B 77. A 78. A 79. C 80. C 81. B 82. A 83. A 84. C 85. C 86. A
87. C 88. B 89. D 90. A 91. A 92. D 93. D 94. C 95. A 96. D 97. A 98. A
99. C 100. B

Unit 12

1. Hindu-Muslim unity had been particularly A. Lord Ripon C. Lord Lytton

reflected in the Movement.
B. Lord Irwin D. Lord Curzon

A. Quit India
4. Consider the following statements:
B. Swadeshi
1. Historians use the word source to re-
C. Khilafat fer to the information found from

D. Civil Disobedience manuscripts, inscriptions, and archae-

2. Who among the following had given the 2. Ramayana and Mahabharata are also

doctrine of Advaita or Monism? an important source of ancient Indian

A. Saivaite Nayanmars history.
Which of the above is/are correct?
B. Tukaram
A. 1 only
C. Vashnavaite Alwars
B. 2 only
D. Sankara
C. Both 1 and 2
3. Who among the British Governor-General
showed great interest in the preservation of D. Neither 1 nor 2
ancient monuments? 5. The well known king of slave dynasty was
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A. Alaudhin A. Only 1
B. MahmudLodi B. Only 2
C. Balban C. Both 1 and 2
D. Muhamad-bin-Tughlaq D. Neither 1 nor 2
6. 1932-33 was perhaps the last year of British 11. Which one of the following Muslim leaders
rule in India which the flames of orthodox joined the Home Rule League founded by
terrorism leapt high and were then prac- Annie Besant?
tically extinguished by repression particu-
A. Syed Ahmad Khan
larly in
B. Mohammed Iqbal
A. Punjab C. Bihar C. Mohammed Ali Jinnah

B. Maharashtra D. Bengal
D. Abul Kalam Azad
12. ‘Malfuz’ is a class literature dealing with
7. The Diwani right of Bengal, Bihar and
Orissa was obtained by the English East A. King’s life
India Company under the treaty of B. Economic life

A. Alinagar
B. Faizabad
C. Allahabad
D. Benaras
eR C. Political life
D. Social life
13. Which one among the following was part
8. Mohammed Ghori was assassinated by? of Gandhilrwin Agreement of 1931?
A. Nehru to represent Congress at the
A. Hazras C. Yurtwals Round Table Conference of 1931
B. Baluchis D. Khokkars
B. Release of political prisoners excepting

those guilty of arson and violence

9. Who among the following reformer associ-
C. Deletion of communal question from
ated with the passing of the Widow Remar-
the agenda of the conference
riage Act?
D. Stern action against policemen guilty of
A. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
brutal assault on Satyagrahis

B. Swami Vivekananda
14. Who was the Subhedar of Surat Port?

C. Raja Rammohan Roy

A. Mubarak Khan
D. Ramakrishna Paramahansa
B. Inayat Khan
10. Consider the following statements relating
C. Daulatkhan
to Raja Rammohan Roy
1. He knew that the spread of Western D. Bairam Khan
education was necessary to develop a 15. In 1717, the British East India Co. was
national and scientific attitude in the given:
Indian society.
A. control of south India.
2. He played a pioneering role in the re-
ligious and social reform movements B. control of Bengal.
of 19th century, Bengal. C. the right to collect taxes.
Which of the above statements is/are cor- D. the Portuguese trading post in India.
rect? 109
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538 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

16. Where did Vivekananda attend the World’s 22. During the Rigvedic period, ‘Niska’ was an
Parliament of Religion in 1893? ornament of

A. Chicago C. Alaska A. Arm C. Wrist

B. New York D. Washington B. Ear D. Neck

17. Consider the following statements:

23. The Chinese pilgrim Fa - Hien visited India
I. Jahangir promulgated twelve edicts during the reign of
for the general welfare and better gov-

ernment to mark his coronation A. Chandragupta I
II. Jahangir composed verses in Persian B. Chandragupta II
and sang Hindi lyrics
C. Kanishka

Choose the correct answer:
D. Harshavardhana
A. Only I
24. Ashoka the Great, died in
B. Only II

C. Both I and II A. 232 B.C C. 226 B.C
D. Neither I nor II B. 206 B.C D. 216 B.C
18. Why was the Second Round Table Confer-
ence failed? 25. Which one of the following is considered
the Magna Carta of the Indian people?
A. Date of transfer of power
B. Suspension of Civil Disobedience A. The Ilbert Bill
Movement B. The Government of India Act, 1858
C. Grant of Dominion Status C. Queen Victoria’s Proclamation

D. Priority to be given to communal ques- D. Indian Councils Act of 1892

26. Consider the following statements:
19. Indian people had faced high rate of infla-

tion during 1918-1939 due to I. Some of the earliest bhakti move-

ments ( sixth century) were led by the

A. Lack of industries Alvars (literally, those who are “im-

B. Exported food grains a lot mersed” in devotion to Vishnu) and
C. Exported the cotton and wool Nayanars (literally, leaders who were
devotees of Shiva).

D. First world war II. They travelled from place to place

20. Rudradaman was one of the greatest singing hymns in Tamil in praise of
A. Kushan rulers their gods.

III. During their travels the Alvars and

B. Pallava rulers Nayanars identified certain shrines as
C. Maurya rulers abodes of their chosen deities.
D. Saka rulers Which of the following statement(s) is/are
21. Ramanuja Acharya gave stress on correct about Alvars and Nayanars?

A. Bhakti A. Only I
B. Dharma B. I and II
C. Moksha C. I and III
D. None of these D. All of the above
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27. In which year Hitler became the Chancellor 32. Marriage between man& woman of same
of Germany? caste in Ancient India was known as

A. 1933 C. 1932 A. Ghandharva C. Niyoga

B. 1945 D. 1944 B. Pratiloma D. Anuloma

28. The dynasties which ruled Magadha were

33. Which dynasty initiated the dravidian style
A. Haryanka of architecture?
B. Saisunagas A. Pallavas
C. Nandas B. Cholas
D. All of above C. Vijayanagar
29. Which two of the following foreign trav-

D. Chalukyas of Kalyani
ellers came during the reign of Krishna
Deva Raya and were portugueses? 34. Which of the, following Harrapan sites are
located in the Kutch region?
1. Nicolo Conti
2. Abdur Razzaq A. Desalpur& Surkotda
3. Domingo Paes eR B. Rangpur& Rojadi
4. Fernao Nuniz
Find the correct answer from the codes C. Allabadino& Balakot
given below: D. Lothal& Surkotda

A. 1 and 3 C. 2 and 3 35. Which of the following is called “Magna

Carta of English Education in India”?
B. 1 and 4 D. 3 and 4
A. Wood’s Dispatch
30. Which of the following legislative measures B. Macaulay Commission
taken till 1861 regarding women rights and

C. Vernacular Act
marriage are true?
I. Permitted inter-caste marriage D. Both A& B
II. Daughter to be treated equally with 36. ‘Tol Kappiyam’ is a book on
son regarding inheritance
III. Equal remuneration to both men and A. Religion C. Logic

B. Grammar D. Politics

IV. Immoral traffic of women to be illegal

A. I and II 37. Fa-Hien’s mission to India was to
B. II and III A. visit the Buddhist institutions and to col-
C. III, II and I lect copies of Buddhist manuscripts
D. All the above B. get full knowledge about the condition
31. Sher Shah is considered to be the fore- of peasants during the period of Gupta kings
runner of Akbar in administration because
A. he supervised Akbar’s administration C. learn about the administrative system of
the Gupta kings
B. he trained Akbar in administration
C. his administrative policies were adopted D. understand the social position of women
by Akbar during the Gupta period
38. Who is called as “beacon of light of Asia”
D. he ruled before Akbar
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540 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Subhash Chandra Bose 45. Peshwaship was abolished in the year

B. Mahatma Gandhi
A. 1815 C. 1816
C. Gautam Buddha
B. 1818 D. 1812
D. Abdul Gaffer khan
39. The Mahabharata and the Ramayana are: 46. The greatest work of the Tamil literature of
A. Aryan epic poems. the Sanfam age
B. Aryan histories. A. Thirukural

C. Aryan ritual books. B. Tholkappiyam
D. Aryan hymns of creation. C. Pathittupath
40. Name the Arab astronomer who studied

D. All of the above
Sanskrit and astronomy for a decade at
47. The Greeks gave the world the idea of
A. Amir Khusrau A. communism C. Oligarchy

B. Al’bidari B. Democracy D. Socialism
C. Al’Masher
48. Which of the following Bhakti Saints Kr-
D. Alberuni
ishna is a yogi and lover?
41. Which of the following cult was popu-
larised by Chaitanya? A. Tukaram C. Kabir
A. Shiva Cult B. Mirabai D. Ramananda
B. Krishna Cult
C. Eknathwad 49. Who, among the early nationalists, carried
on active propaganda in England to per-
D. All of the above

suade the British to yield to their demands?

42. Which of the following was not one of the
conventional checks on a king’s power? A. Dinshaw E. Wacha

A. Occasional intercessions of the minis- B. M.G. Ranade


ters C. Gopal Krishan Gokhale

B. Dictates of the priests D. Dadabhai Naoroji
C. Maxims of the wise 50. Delhi was seized by the rebels of the revolt
of 1857 on

D. Customs
43. The Turkish brought with them musical in-
A. 13th May C. 10th May
B. 12th May D. 11th May

A. Rabab and Sarangi

B. Sitar and Flute
51. The author of “Indian Mussalmans” is?
C. Tanpura and Mridang
A. W. W. Hunter
D. Veena and Tabla
B. Rizaul Karim
44. Which of the following ancient Indian states
was an autonomous republic? C. Sir Aga Khan
D. Atulanand Chakravarti
A. Sakya C. Kosala
52. Consider the following statements about
B. Anga D. Magadh Kabir and Nanak-
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1. Their ideas were drawn both from C. The marriage of Charles II with the Por-
Bhakti and Sufi traditions. tuguese princes Catherine of Braganza.
2. They expressed the sentiments of rural
D. Growth of peaceful relations between
the English and the Portuguese as a result of
3. They made a strong plea for Hindu-
Portugal’s independence from the control
Muslim unity.
of Spain.
4. Their followers founded religious
communities. 57. The number of the Zamindar’ retainers in
Akbar’s reign according to Abul Fazi was
Select your answer from the codes given
below-Codes A. About 44 lakhs

A. 1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct B. About 48 lakhs

B. 1, 3 and 4 are correct C. About 55 lakhs

C. 1 and 2 are correct D. About 52 lakhs

D. 1, 2 and 3 are correct 58. Which country has always remained free
from foreign rule?
53. Whose achievements are recorded in the
Allahabad Pillar inscription? A. Nepal C. Phillipines
A. Samudra Gupta
B. Chandragupta Maurya
eR B. Laos D. USA

59. Ashoka’s Dhamma represented?

C. Vikramaditya
A. Principles of Buddhism
D. Skand Gupta
B. Principles of Brahmanism
54. Who was the representative from Afzalkhan
towards Shivaji? C. Principle of all Religion
A. Daulatkhan D. A New religions

B. Sayyad Brenda 60. The world Heritage fund was created on

C. Anand Pant
A. 1970 C. 1974
D. Krishna Bhaskar Pant B. 1973 D. 1972
55. Which one of the following sons of Alaud-
din Khalji was born of his wife Jhatyapali,

61. Which of the following ancient port towns

the daughter of Raja Ramchandra Dev of

is wrongly matched with its location?

1. Lothal A.Gujarat
A. Sadi Khan 2. Tamralipta B.Karnataka
B. Khizr Khan 3. Bharuch C.Maharashtra

C. Shihabuddin Umar Select the correct answer using the code

given below:
D. Qutbuddin Mubarak
A. 1 and 2 only
56. What was the occasion for the Portuguese
to hand over Bombay to the British? B. 2 and 3 only

A. The Treaty of Madrid concluded in C. 1 and 3 only

1630. D. None of the above is wrongly matched
B. The defeat of Spanish Armada by the 62. Islam spread from India to all of the follow-
British in 1588. ing states EXCEPT:
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542 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Malaya. A. The extinction of karma leading to the

achievement of nirvana
B. the Philippines.
B. The first sermon preached by the Bud-
C. Burma.
dha at the Deer Park at Sarnath
D. Indonesia.
C. The practice of setting the wheels in mo-
63. Kshatriyas were the people entrusted with tion everyday in the morning in the sanghas
A. Fighting C. Agriculture
D. The continuous existence of human be-

B. Ruling D. Learning ings like the wheel of causes and effects

64. Arab merchant, Suleiman, came to India in 70. Which of the following are correct regard-
9th century in the kingdom of:

ing Shahjahan?
A. Mihira Bhoja of Prathihara dynasty I. Ousted the Portuguese from Hugli
B. Dantidurga of Rashtrakuta dynasty II. Created the office of Amin for assess-
ment of revenue
C. Gopala of the Pala dynasty
III. Kahabat Khan was appointed gover-

D. Vijaysena of Sena dynasty nor of Lahore
65. Meter Scale has been discovered from IV. Ali Mardan Khan surrendered Kanda-
har to Mughals
A. Chandudaro C. Harappa
A. I, II and III
B. Banawali D. Kalibagan B. I, II and IV
C. II, III and IV
66. Who introduced the system of Local boards
or Local Bodies in India? D. All the above
71. What was the real objective of the partition
A. Lord Mayo C. Lord Curzon

of Bengal?
B. Lord Ripon D. Lord Lytton A. Build up separate administrative units

for better efficiency of administration.

67. Which one of the following had supported B. Create division among the ranks of In-

Mahatma Gandhi on the Noncooperation dian nationalists.

resolution at the Special Calcutta Session,
1920? C. Appease the large majority of Muslims.

A. B. C. Pal

D. Stop the tide of nationalism in Bengal.

B. Motilal Nehru 72. Which one of the following works of Amir
C. C.R. Das Khusror deals with the military expeditions
of Alauddin Khilji?

D. Annie Besant
68. Which Maratha State was the last to accept A. Khajain-ul-Futuh
the Subsidiary Alliance of the British? B. Miftah-ul-Futuh
C. Nuh Siphar
A. Holkar C. Sindhia
D. Quairanus Sadain
B. Gaikwad D. Bhonsle
73. The author of Natyashastra was
69. Which of the following is known as the A. Vasumitra C. Asvagbosa
Turning of the Wheel of Law (Dharma-
Chakrapravartana)? B. Bhasa D. Nagarjuna
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74. Which Queen of Jahangir

C. Swaraj
had committed
Party, Indian National Congress,
suicide by consuming poison?
Muslim League, Justice Party
A. Harkhabai D. Swaraj Party, Indian National Congress,
Justice Party, Muslim League
B. Jodhpuri Begam
79. What is Chivalry?
C. Manmati
A. The code Charlemagne implemented
D. Zeb-un-nisa
B. The code by which a Christian family
75. Arrange the following lived
Chisti Saints in cor-
rect chronological order-
C. The code by which young men lived
1. Sheikh Nizamuddin Aulia
2. Syed MuhammadD. The code by which knights lived
3. Baba Farid Ganjshakar
80. Abul Fazal refers in his writings to the

4. Sheikh Nasiruddin Chirage-Delhi
A. Technique of Metal Casting
Select the correct answer from the code
B. Principal of Gravitation
given below
C. Working of telescope
A. 4, 3, 2, 1 C. 1,
D. 2, 3, 4 of distillation
B. 1, 3, 4, 2

76. Which were the earliest Guptasgrown by
D. 3, 1, 4, 2was the main occupation of the
81. Agriculture

C. Aryans
human? B. Kushans D. Kushanas
1. Wheat
2. Barley 82. Which of the following was/were rea-
3. Maize son/reasons for the success of European
4. Millets trading companies in South India, during
the 17th century?

A. 1 and 2
1. The presence of the Mughals in the
B. Neither of them South was not as much as in the North.
C. 1 only 2. The Vijayanagara kingdom had been
overthrown in the late 16th century.
D. 3 and 4
3. The South had many small and weak
77. Gandhi’s Dandi March is associated
states. with

which among the following movements?


Select the correct answer using the codes

A. Non-cooperation Movement
given below
B. Khilafat Movement
A. 1, 2 and 3 C. 2 and 3
C. Civil Disobedience Movement
B. Only 1 D. 1 and 2
D. Partition of Bengal
83. According
78. Which of the following is thetocorrect the Mutiny was a pop-
ular rebellion.
chronological order of the establishment of
parties during Indian Struggle Movement?
A. V D Sarkar C. L Mukherjee
A. Indian National Congress, Muslim
B. V AParty
League, Swaraj Party, Justice Smith D. Chabbra

B. Indian National84.
Congress, Swaraj
When did party,
Shivaji raid on Shahista Khan in
Justice Party, Muslim League
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544 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. 5 Apr. 1663 89. Which one of the following statements is

B. 13 Oct. 1663
A. The Permanent Settlement of Bengal,
C. 10 Jan. 1663
concluded in 1793 by Cornwallis, provided
D. 10 June 1663 proprietary rights in the soil to class of aris-
85. Towards which of the following sects did tocratic Zamindars
Dasaratha had a leaning? B. The Zamindars emerged from the Per-
manent Settlement operations in a weaker
A. Jainism C. Ajivakas

B. Buddhism D. Lokayata C. Thomas Munro developed a system of
settlement under which the government did

86. Who among the following were associated not deal directly with the individual peasant
with eradication of untouchability? cultivator ‘
1. K.RangaRao D. The land policy and settlements did not
2. Vitthal Ramji Shinde lead to structural changes in control over

3. Gopal Krishna Gokhale land aid in the relations among classes as-
4. Gangu Ram sociated with land-cultivation
Choose the correct answer from the codes 90. What portion of actual produce was fixed
given below as the demand of the state under the ‘Zabit’
A. 1, 2and4 C. 1, 3and4
A. One-half C. One-fourth
B. 2and3 D. 1, 2and3
B. One-fifth D. One-third
87. The Gayatri Mantra is dedicated to:
91. Which one of the following statements can-

not be attributed to Firoz Tughlaq?

A. Gayatri C. Savitri
A. He restored the rent free lands (inam,
B. Indra D. Aditi

Idrar) granted to theologians

B. He abolished all taxes not sanctioned by

88. Which of the following was not one of

the causes for the rise of Extremism in the Shara
Congress? C. He raised the grants of teachers and
A. The Indian Council Act, 1892 did not stipends for students

satisfy the aspirations of Congressmen and D. He forced Khuts, Muqaddams and

it was felt that the policy of appeals and Chaudharis to pay grazing tax and house
prayers had brought no results. tax

B. There was widespread resentment 92. What was the normal form of government
against the passing of the Seditious Meet- during the Rigvedic age?
ings Act and the Indian Press Act. A. Direct Democracy
C. The exclusion of the Indian intelli- B. Aristocratic republic
gentsia from all the big jobs in the country
C. Hereditary monarchy
created bitterness.
D. Military dictatorship
D. Dissatisfaction with the progress of the
past two decades made some leaders lose 93. The Ramaka Sidhanta and Paulisa Sid-
faith in the British sense of justice and fair dhanta, freely alluded to by the great Indian
play. astronomer Varahmihira, indicate:
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A. Knowledge of Roman geography 2. The plan proposed that state interven-

B. Adoption of western astronomical terms tion in market is significant to post
by the Indian astronomers independent Indian economy.

C. Close interaction between Roman and Which of the above statements is/are true?
Indian astronomers A. 1 only
D. Roman influence on Indian astronomy B. 2 only
94. The Poona Sarvajanik Sabha was used by
Tilak to popularise C. Both 1 and 2

A. The demand for social reforms D. Neither 1 nor 2

B. The legal rights of ryots in a famine sit- 98. During the reign of Ashoka Kumaras were
uation stationed at

C. Civil Disobedience Movement A. Takshashila, Tosali and Sopara
D. The Swadeshi Movement in the Bom- B. Takshashila, Ujjayani and Junagarh
bay Province
C. Takshashila, Tosali and Ujjayani
95. Ibn Batuta was a traveller from-
D. Ujjayani, Mathura, and Yerragudi
A. China
B. Africa
C. Arab
D. Europe
eR 99. ‘August Offer’ was issued by
A. Secretary of State
96. “Bharatham” was a Tamil Version of Ma- B. Parliament
habharata Sung by
C. Viceroy
A. Tholkapiyam
D. Crown
B. Perundevanar
100. The Aryans came to India as
C. Ilango Adikal

D. None of these A. Invaders

97. Consider the following statements regard- B. Merchants and nomads
ing Bombay plan of 1944:
C. Refugees
1. The plan was formulated by INC to
map an economic programme for post- D. Immigrants

independent India.


1. C 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. C 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. B

15. C 16. A 17. C 18. D 19. D 20. D 21. A 22. D 23. B 24. A 25. C 26. D
27. A 28. D 29. D 30. A 31. C 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. A 36. B 37. A 38. A
39. A 40. D 41. B 42. B 43. A 44. A 45. B 46. B 47. B 48. B 49. D 50. B
51. A 52. B 53. A 54. D 55. C 56. C 57. D 58. A 59. A 60. D 61. B 62. C
63. A 64. A 65. C 66. B 67. B 68. C 69. B 70. B 71. D 72. A 73. C 74. C
75. D 76. A 77. C 78. A 79. D 80. A 81. C 82. A 83. B 84. A 85. C 86. A
87. C 88. B 89. A 90. D 91. D 92. C 93. D 94. B 95. B 96. B 97. B 98. C
99. C 100. C

Unit 13
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546 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

1. Indian Mutiny began in . 8. Which of the following was a measure

adopted by the later Mauryas to meet the
A. 1857, C. 1957 needs of a depleted treasury?
B. 1557, D. 1657, A. Increase of exports
B. Imposition of new taxes
2. Probably the earliest crop to be farmed in
C. Increase in taxes
north China was:
D. debasement of currency
A. wheat. C. barley. 9. Cordova is a city of:

B. rice. D. millet. A. Libya
B. Al-Andalus
3. Mesopotamians divide the sky into

C. Lebanon
A. 10 parts C. 16 parts D. None of these
B. 12 parts D. 9parts 10. During the 13th and 14th centuries the In-
dian peasant did not cultivate

4. Middle Eastern Sufism won followers: A. Barley C. Maize
A. in Java. B. Gram D. Wheat
B. within the Nguyen partition of Vietnam.
11. Eran is a Chalcolithic site belonging to
which culture?
C. among Khmer Hindus at Angkor Wat.
A. Ahar culture
D. in the kingdom of the Sultan at Aceh.
B. Jorwe culture
5. Tashkent Agreement was signed between
C. Ganeshwar culture
India and

D. Mahwa culture
A. China C. Afghanistan 12. The communist manifesto appeared in the

B. Pakistan D. Tibet year


A. 1852 C. 1850
6. Which of the following reform is the legisla-
B. 1848 D. 1849
tive contribution of Raja Rammohan Roy?
A. Indianisation of superior services 13. The English exported from Bengal

B. Abolition of east India company’s trad- A. Sugar

ing rights B. Saltpetre
C. Abolition of sati C. Silks

D. Reduction of export duties on Indian D. All of these

goods 14. Pandyas were centred in?
7. The play ‘Neeldarpan’ is associated with A. Tanjore
B. Kaveripattan
A. Santhal Revolt
C. Andhra Pradesh
B. Pabna Riots
D. Madurai
C. Champaran Satyagraha 15. The family member of Ashoka mentioned
D. Indigo Revolts in his edicts, is:
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A. His son Tivara A. Because of the opposition of Muslim

B. His second wife Karuvaki
B. To expand his territories
C. His wife Asandhamitra
C. To increase the source of income
D. His daughter Sanghamitra
16. Lord Mountbatten as aD.Viceroy
To consolidate
had con- his political influence
versed with following
22.Indian leaders
The term regard- used in some historical
ing the transfer of power
sources denotes
1. Jawahar Lal Nehru
A. Painted pots
2. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
3. B. Textiles from Kamarupa
Mohammad Ali Jinnah
4. Mahatma GandhiC. Canvas for Paintings

Indicate the correct sequence
D. WallofPaintings
their con-
versation from the code given below-Codes
23. The unusually excessive proliferation of
castes in the early medieval period was
mostly due to
A. 2, 3, 4, 1 C. 4, 3, 2, 1
A. Increasing Varnasamkara
B. 3, 2, 1, 4 D. 1, 4, 2, 3 eR
B. Religious sects being converted into
17. Where is Kalibangan situated?
A. Himachal Pradesh C. Increasing greater absorption of tribes
as castes
B. Rajasthan
D. Occupational groups turning into castes
C. West Bengal
D. Uttar Pradesh 24. The church was very corrupt and supported
18. The Arab conquest of Sindh took place in

A. revolutionaries
A. 1009 A.D. B.
C. the
B. 712 A.D. C.
D. socialism
1001 A.D.
D. kingship
19. The pyramid of Gizeh was built by

25. Which of the following were donated by

the term Kutumbin occurring in epigraphi-

A. Rameses II C. Cheops
cal source?
B. Tutankhamen D. Thebes
1. Landowners
2. Artisans
20. October 16, 1905, the date
3. of partition
Kinsmen of of
rural officials
Bengal, was celebrated on the suggestion
4. Category of persons sometimes trans-
of Rabindra Nath Tagore, as ferred with land
A. Rakhi Bandhan Day
A. 1& 3 C. l& 4
B. Brotherhood Day
B. 2, 3& 4 D. l, 2& 3
C. Black Day
D. Solidarity Day 26. What was the valid reason for the decline
21. Why did Shivaji decideintotrade
commerce during the period of
and ‘Sardeshmukhi’? later Mughals?
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548 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Poverty of the Mughal nobility 32. The Kushana kings assured title of De-
vaputra Kushana Kanishka’s predecessors
B. Closure of old routes of trade
also were assuming titles like Sarvaloka Is-
C. Abuse of trade licence by European vara Mahisvara. This shows that Kushana
companies Kings-
D. Deterioration in law and order situation 1. assumed high sounding titles imply-
27. Which one of the following was a new cash ing power and fame.
crop introduced in India during the 17th 2. assumed divine Kingship
century? Which of the above statements are correct?

A. 1 only
A. Tobacco C. Groundnut
B. 2 only
B. Red chilly D. Indigo

C. Both 1 and 2
28. Megasthenese States ”There was no slavery D. Neither 1 nor 2
in India.” This statement must have been 33. Debasement of the coins and gradual dis-
made because appearance of goldcoins during the post-

Gupta period indicates
A. He moved only with the king and elites
in the capital A. Decline of money economy
B. He work this on hearsay B. Cheapness of commodities, no need of
C. Slavery was not prevalent in India in the
extreme from as he be had seen in Greece C. Decline of Trade

D. There was absence of slavery in India D. Non-availability of gold

34. The largest of the Pallava Rathas is
29. The pursuit of one’s self-interest in tradi-
tional Asian societies is: A. Draupadi C. Dharmaraja

A. regarded with suspicion. B. Bhima D. Arjuna

B. held to be of great importance.

35. Manusmrithi was translated into English by

C. placed above all else.
A. Max Muller

D. considered to be a sign of wisdom.

B. William Jones
30. The most striking example of the architec-
C. J.S Mill
tural closeness between Achaemenid Iran
and Mauryan India was: D. Macauely

36. Who was the assistant of Sambhaji?

A. The royal palace at Pataliputra
A. Ranoji Rane
B. Terracotta objects found at various Mau-

ryan sites B. Kavi Kalash

C. The lion-capital at Sarnath C. Anand Shirke

D. The stone elephant at Dhauli D. Mahadji Yamaji

37. Charles wood’s dispatch deals with which
31. The earliest Indian coins are not earlier than
of the following issues?
A. 5th century B.C.
A. Abolition of sati
B. 3rd century B.C. B. Child marriages
C. 2nd century A.D. C. Female education
D. 7th century B.C. D. Female infanticide
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38. Which one among the following was not a 44. Consider the following statements regard-
demand of the Prarthana Samaj? ing the history of Kashmir in the tenth
A. Widow remarriage century-
1. There were two rival groups in the
B. Women education
C. Abolition of untouchability 2. Queen Sugandha was deposed in 914
D. Raising the age of marriage for boys A.D.
and girls 3. Queen Didda did not curb the powers
of the feudal landowners.
39. What was the original name of Afzal
Khan? Indicate the correct statements from the
code given below
A. Abdullah Bhatari
B. Sabar A. 2, 3 C. 1, 2, 3

C. Samsuddin B. 1, 3 D. 1, 2

D. Muhammad Khan 45. The seven pagodas of Mahabalipuram are a

40. The Jaunpuri or the Sharqi style of architec- witness to the art patronised by the?
ture developed during the reign of
A. Shamsuddin Ibrahim Shah Sharqi
B. Mahmud Shah Sharqi
eR A. Chola
B. Pallavas
C. Pandyas
D. Kaktiya

C. Hussain Shah Sharqi 46. Identify the prominent members of the “Ser-
vants of India Society”. (1) N.M. Joshi (2)
D. Mubarak Shah Sharqi
N.H. Kunzru (3) Shri Ram Bajpai (4) Jy-
41. Who among the following had moved the
otiba Phule (5) Gopal Ganesh Agarkar
objectives resolution which formed the ba-
sis of the Preamble of the Constitution of A. 1, 4, 5 C. 2, 3, 4
India in the Constituent Assembly on De-

B. 1, 2, 3 D. 3, 4, 5
cember 13, 1946?
A. Dr. B R Ambedkar 47. Who built Imambara and Rumi Darwaza?
B. Dr. Rajendra Prasad A. Wajid Ali Shah
C. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel B. Asaf-ud-daula

D. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru C. Adbdul Mansur


42. With whom was the Ryotwari settlement a D. Shuja-ud-daula

made? 48. Who is commonly known as the ‘Naviga-
A. Village Panchayats tor’?
B. Zamindars A. King John II
C. Muqqadams B. Pope Alexander VI
D. Cultivators C. Price Henry
43. Rulers of which of the following dynasties D. King Emmanuel
maintained diplomatic relations with distant 49. In the revenue settlement of Todarmal,the
countries like Syria in the West? land never left fallow was known as?

A. Maurya C. Pallava A. Banjar C. Chachar

B. Gupta D. Chola B. Parauti D. Polaj
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550 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

50. The most important reason for collection of 55. What is the full name of Aurangzeb?
“Chauth” and “Sardeshmukhi” by Marathas
A. Nuruddin Mohammed Aurangzeb
was .?
B. Muin-ud-din Mohammed Aurangzeb
A. Because of the opposition of Muslim
rulers C. Jalal-ud-din Mohammed Aurangzeb
B. To consolidate his political influence D. Nasiruddin Mohammed Aurangzeb
C. To expand his territories 56. Identify the most important of the early se-
D. To increase the source of income cret societies of terrorist youth set-up

51. The do aspa, sih aspa rank in the mansab- A. Brati Samiti
dari system was introduced by:
B. Suhrid Samiti

A. Jahangir C. Shah Jahan C. Swadesh - Bhandhava Samiti
B. Akbar D. Aurangzeb D. Anushilan Samiti

52. Which is/are correct about Nayanar female 57. The Paris Commune took place in the year

bhakts in Bhakti tradition? A. 28 March 1874
1. They renounced their social obliga- B. 28 March 1871
2. They formed an alternative order and C. 28 March 1872
became nuns D. 28 March 1873
3. Their existence posed a challenge to
patriarchal norms 58. Identify the positive effects of the beginning
of European Commerce in India.
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below 1. Money economy grew up.
2. International market relations were
A. 1, 2 and 3

B. 2 and 3 only 3. Increased quantity of India’s export.

4. Indian agriculture was further com-

C. 1 and 2 only
D. 1 and 3 only

53. Archaeological evidence from Nagal, Kat- A. 1, 4, 5 C. 1, 2, 3, 5

palon, Dhradheri& Bhagwanpura indicate
B. 2, 3, 4 D. 1, 2, 3
that the late Harrappans& the Painted Grey-
ware using people

59. Who was the last ruler of Prathihara dy-

A. Came into contact& lived in the same

B. Came into contact, but never lived to- A. Nagabhatta C. Rajyapala

B. Vijayalaya D. Simhavishnu
C. Never lived together
D. Came into contact, but lived in different 60. The Rigvedic Bharatas are associated with
settlements in the same area
A. The Indus Valley
54. Japan’s earliest neolithic culture was the:
B. The Saraswati Valley
A. Yin. C. Han.
C. The Sutlej Valley
B. Jomon. D. Hoabinhian.
D. The Parushni Valley
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61. An area which was relatively neglected 68. During the period of Sungas there was a
by the Hindus, but where Muslim writers revival of
showed their skill, was
A. Zoroastrianism
A. Musicology C. Logic B. Buddhism
B. History D. Astronomy C. Jainism
D. Brahminism
62. Who is the author of Prithviraj Raso?
69. The following Sufi Silsilas (orders)
A. Chandabardai
1. Naqshbandi
B. Gunadhya 2. Chisti
C. Samdeva 3. Qadiri and
4. Suhrawardi appeared in India at dif-

D. Amir Khusro ferent times.
63. Where is Banwali situated Their chronological order is

A. Harappa C. Gujarath A. 4, 2, 1, 3 C. 2, 4, 3, 1
B. Panjab D. Hariyana B. 4, 2, 3, 1 D. 2, 4, 1, 3

64. Which one among the following

Tirthankaras was according to the Sve-
70. Which of the following organizations did
Raja Ram Mohan Roy conceive of ahead of
tambar tradition, a lady?
his times?
A. Sumatinatha C. Mallinatha A. Common Market
B. Shantinatha D. Arishtanemi B. League of Nations
C. World Court of Justice
65. Who lamented upon the drain of gold from

Rome to India? D. Economic Community

71. Which of the following is associated with
A. Strabo C. Ptolemy Lord Wellesley, the Governor General of
B. Pliny D. Nero India from 1798 to 1805?
A. Doctrine of Lapse

66. In reference to ancient India, what was

B. Subsidiary Alliance

C. First Mysore War
A. God
D. Conquest of Rajputana
B. Goddess
72. Which one of the following inscriptions
C. A division of vrihattar Bharat refers to the invasion of the Hunas during
D. None of these the reign of Skandagupta?
67. Mewar accepted the Suzerainty of the
Mughals during the reign of A. Sanchi C. Mathura
B. Junagarh D. Bhitari
A. Akbar
B. Jahangir
73. Everyone knows ‘The Taj Mahal’. It was
C. Shah Jahan built by the Emperor Shah Jahan, but for
D. None of these
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552 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Farida Mahal A. Mlecchas C. Yadus

B. Toba Begum B. Dasyus D. Dasas
C. Mumtaz Mahal
79. The celebrated author Kshemendra lived in
D. Jahani Mahal
74. Surat Port developed at the mouths of river A. Gujarat C. Bengal
B. Kashmir D. Maharashtra
A. Narmada C. Kaveri

B. Tapi D. Godavari 80. The great bath was excavated in the great
city of
75. Which of the following statements is/are A. Kalibangan

correct about the people of stone age?
B. Bhrigukaccha
A. They had to depend entirely on tools C. Mohanjodaro
and weapons made of stone
D. Harappa
B. They settled down only on the slopes of

81. Which of the following works taken up even
the hills, in rock shelters and the hilly river
after the decline of the movement?
A. Fight for women’s rights and education
C. They could not produce more than what
they needed for this bare subsistence B. Carry forward Raja Ram Mohan Roy’s
tradition of public education on social, eco-
D. All of the above
nomic and political questions.
76. Statement I: The Permanent Zamindari Set-
C. Took up farmers issues and fought for
tlement of land created a new class of land-
their better treatment and against oppressive
lords. Statement II: The new class of land-
lords became strong political allies of the

British and were interested in the continu- D. All the above

ance of British dominion. 82. Which Pratihara King patronized the well

A. Both the statements are true and State- known poet Rajasekhara?
ment II is the correct explanation of State- A. Mahipala

ment I
B. Mihirabhoja
B. Both the statements are true, but State-
C. Vatsaraja
ment II is not the correct explanation of
Statement I D. Nagabhatta II

C. Statement I is true, but Statement II is 83. When did Kasturba Gandhi die in prison?
A. 1905 C. 1934

D. Statement I is false, but Statement II is

B. 1944 D. 1919
77. Who is the most important God in Rigveda? 84. The extreme form of Ahimsa or non vio-
lence is practiced in
A. Indra C. Agni
B. Varun D. Vishnu A. Buddhism C. Hinduism
B. Jainism D. Sikhism
78. The expression anyavrata (following other
practices) is used in the Rigveda with refer- 85. Which of the following events inspired for
ence to the the formation of the Home Rule Leagues?
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A. First World War 92. Who was the disciple of Vallabhacharya?

B. Just before the First World War
A. Tukaram C. Ramanuja
C. After the First World War
B. Surdas D. Tulsidas
D. After the passing of the Act of 1909
86. Which one of the following was not an item 93. The two Home Leagues were founded in
of export from India to the west during the 1916. Their founders were
early centuries of the Christian era? I. Annie Besant
A. Precious stones II. B. G. Tilak
III. Motilal Nehru
B. Five textiles IV. Sardar Patel
C. Pearls
A. III and IV C. II and III

D. Silver
B. I and II D. IV and I
87. The Mutiny was brought to an end with the
fall of into the hands of the British
in India. 94. The chief weapon of the nomads of Central
Asia was the:
A. Meerut C. Gwalior eR A. sword.
B. Awadh D. Rohilkhand B. composite bow.
C. lance.
88. ‘Manusmriti’ regards the reign lying be-
tween -the rivers Sarasvati and Drishadwati D. axe.
as 95. During whose regime, did Deimachos, the
Greek ambassador, visited India?
A. Madhya Desa
A. Ashok
B. Aryavarta
B. Bindusar

C. Brahmashri Desa
C. Chandragupta Maurya
D. Brahanwarta
89. The ancient name of North Bihar was? D. Brthadrath
96. ’Chahalghani’ under IItutmish represented
A. Vajji C. Surasena

B. Avanti D. Vatsa A. the elite cadre of slave officers under


90. Where is the prehistoric grain producing B. his Turkish slave’s
site of Mehrgarh located?
C. general cadre of slaves
A. In Western Baluchistan
D. slaves inherited by him from his prede-
B. On the bak of Ghaggar cessors
C. On the edge of bolan river 97. TheAryans came from Central Asia to India
D. In eastern Rann of kutch around
91. Who of the following dedicated the caves A. 2500 B.C. C. 3500 B.C.
in Nagarjuna Hills to the Ajivikas?
B. 6500B.C D. 8000
A. Kunala C. Dasharatha
98. Which of the Republican states in the Post-
B. Indrapalit D. Samprati
Mauryan period patronised Shaivism?
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554 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Audumburas D. Boat
B. Kunindas 100. Who was the president of Legal Commis-
C. Yaudehyas sion?

D. All the above A. Lord Dalhousie

99. Mesopotamians had the best system of B. Lord Morsey
A. Canal irrigation C. Lord Wood
B. Ships D. Lord Mecolay

C. Transport


1. A 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. C 11. D 12. B 13. C 14. D
15. B 16. D 17. B 18. B 19. C 20. A 21. C 22. B 23. A 24. B 25. B 26. D
27. B 28. C 29. A 30. A 31. A 32. B 33. C 34. C 35. B 36. D 37. C 38. C
39. A 40. A 41. D 42. D 43. A 44. D 45. B 46. B 47. B 48. C 49. D 50. D

51. D 52. D 53. D 54. B 55. B 56. D 57. B 58. C 59. C 60. D 61. B 62. A
63. D 64. C 65. B 66. C 67. B 68. D 69. C 70. B 71. B 72. B 73. C 74. B
75. D 76. A 77. A 78. B 79. B 80. C 81. D 82. A 83. B 84. A 85. A 86. D
87. C 88. A 89. A 90. A 91. C 92. B 93. B 94. B 95. B 96. B 97. A 98. D
99. D 100. D

Unit 14

1. Who among the following was known as A. II and IV C. II and III

‘Frontier Gandhi’?
B. I and II D. I and IV

A. Syed Amir Ali


B. Sir Syed Ali khan 4. Which of the following were the main aims
C. Abul Kalam Azad of Satyashodhak Samaj?

D. Abdul Gaffar Khan I. Social service

II. Spread of education among women
2. The fortress of Asirgarh was under the rule
and lower caste
of when Akbar besieged it
III. Complete abolition of caste system

A. Bahadur Shah and inequalities

B. Mansingh A. Only II
C. Raja Bhagavan Das B. I and II

D. Hemu C. II and III

3. Who among the following leaders of the Re-
volt of 1857 managed to escape to Nepal? D. All the above

I. Kunwar Singh 5. Prehistoric axes are found at

II. Nana Sahab A. Attirampakkarn
III. Begum of Awadh
IV. Bakht Khan B. Adichanallur
Select the correct answer from the codes C. Arikamedu
given below:
D. Sanur
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6. Which among the following remained im- 2. Nalayira Divyaprabandham, fre-

mune from the impact of the invasion of the quently described as Tamil Veda is
Greeks on the North-west of India? an anthology of compositions by the
A. Polity
3. Karaikkal Ammaiyar, women Alvar
B. Economy saints, supported patriarchal norms.
C. Sociality Select the correct answer using the codes
given below
D. None of these
7. Al-Firdousi was the poet of: A. 1 and 2
B. Only 3
A. Africa C. Asia
C. Only 2
B. America D. Persia
D. All of these

11. Kharavela ruled over
8. Rulers of which of the following dynasties
bore the title Devaputra? A. Malwa C. Magadha
A. Kushana B. Gandhara D. Kalinga
B. Sunga
C. Maurya
D. Saka-Kshatrapa
12. The Swaraj Party decided to take part in the
Reforms Scheme under the Government of
India Act, 1919 because
9. Consider the following statements: Under A. It wanted to gain political experience by
Todar Mal’s bandobast in Akbar’s adminis- forming government
tration B. It wanted to expose the hallow ness of
1. the state was to advance loans to the the reforms provided in the Act
cultivators which could be paid in easy C. It wanted to co-operate with the govern-

annual installments. ment

2. Remissions of revenue were granted
in a bad season. D. It wanted to curtail the influence of ‘No
3. The revenue collectors were required changers’
to write officially annual reports about 13. Chanakya was known as-
the word, character, and integrity of A. Visakhadatta

their subordinates.
B. Vishnugupta

4. the accounts were to be kept in Hindi

Which of the statements given above are C. Bhattasvamin
correct? D. Rajasekhara
A. 3 and 4 14. Which statement is not the advocacy of Nir-
guna Saints?
B. 1, 2, 3 and 4
A. It advocated the worshipped the anthro-
C. 1 and 2 pomorphic manifestations of the divine be-
D. 1, 2 and 3 ing, particularly Rama and Krishna.
10. Which of the following statements is/are B. It is the concept of a formless God,
not correct about Bhakti tradition in South which has no attributes or quality.
India? C. It conceived as Ishvara, the personal and
1. Earliest Bhakti Movements in India purely spiritual aspect of the Godhead, be-
were led by Alvar and Nayanar saints. yond all names and forms (nama-rupa), and
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556 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

is to be apprehended only by inner (mysti- A. Gaudiya Sampradaya

cal) experience. B. Krishna cult of Vallabhacharya
D. None of the above C. Shiva cult of Vallabhacharya
15. Consider the following statement (s) related
D. None of the above
to the Dara Shikoh
20. To which among the following the residuary
I. Dara Shikoh was the youngest son of powers were conferred by the federation
Shahjahan 1935?
II. Dara Shikoh was the devotee of Qadiri
A. Provincial Governors

B. Governor-General
A. Both I and II are correct
C. Federal legislature
B. Both I and II are incorrect

D. Provincial legislatures
C. Only I is correct
21. Official stamping of weights and measures
D. Only II is correct and their periodical inspection are pre-
16. A hoard of copper images generally as- scribed by

signed to the Harrappan culture phase, has
been found at A. Narada C. Manu
B. Brihaspati D. Parasara
A. Brahamgiri C. Daimabad
B. Nasik D. Inamgaon 22. “Every Indian is corrupt.” Who said?
A. Lord Conwallis
17. Consider the following statements B. Lord Wellesley
1. Rajputas came into existence before C. Lord Hastings
the downfall of pratihara empire.
2. The Rajput rulers divided the king- D. Lord Dalhousie

doms among landed units calledJars. 23. A council of Eight Ministers known as the
3. Rajput women enjoyed the same posi- Ashta Paradhan assisted?

tion as men. A. Shivaji

Which of the above is/are not correct? B. Sher Shah

A. Only 1 C. Ahmad Shah Abdali

B. Only 2 and 3 D. Balaji BajiRao
C. Only 2 24. As per Indian Independence Act, the

Suzerainty of His Majesty over the Indian

D. Only 1 and 3 State would come to an end on
18. The revolt of the Khasis against the British
A. 15 August, 1947

was led by
B. 26 January, 1950
A. Utirat Singh
C. 14 August, 1947
B. Birsa Munda
D. 15 August, 1950
C. Titu Mir
25. Dalhousie’s worst political blunder was ..?
D. Surendra Sai
A. Annexation of Punjab
19. Which of the following is an intensely emo-
B. Abolition of the ‘Doctrine of Lapse’
tional form of Hinduism that flourished
from the sixteenth century, mainly in Ben- C. Annexation of Oudh
gal and eastern Orissa? D. Occupation of lower Burma
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26. The Mongol invasion of Southeast Asia 33. Consider the following statements: Al-
lasted from beruni’s Kitab-ul-Hind is
A. the start of the Tran Dynasty to the build- 1. a sympathetic study of Indian Civili-
ing of Anghor Thom. sation.
2. mainly a political history of India.
B. 1257 to 1301.
3. critical of Mahmud Ghaznavi’s plun-
C. 1350 to 1450. dering raids of India.
D. 1150 to 1250. 4. mainly a study of Indian’s cultural, so-
cial and intellectual history
27. How many inscriptions are available for
Guptas period? Which of the above statements(s) is/are cor-
A. 42 C. 38
A. 2 and 3 C. 4 alone

B. 40 D. 48
B. 1 and 4 D. 1, 3 and 4
28. Who among the following was the reformer
and philosopher from Ramanandi Sampra- 34. English was made the medium of instruc-
daya in the lineage of Jagadguru Ramanan- tion in India in the year of:
dacharya renowned for his devotion to the
Lord Shri Rama?

A. Ramananda C. Tulsidas
eR A. 1813
B. 1844
C. 1833
D. 1835

B. Tukaram D. Valmiki
35. Which of the following statement is false?
29. Most of the inhabitants of modern South- A. Rashtrakuta king who defeated the Prati-
east Asia originally came from: hara ruler Nagabhatta - Govinda III
B. Kavirajamarga was written by Indra III
A. China. C. Java.

is Kannada.
B. India. D. Japan.
C. Rashtrakuta king who constructed the
Kailasha temple - Krishan I
30. Which one of the following dynasties was
associated with Gandhara School of Art? D. Rashtrakuta king who never invaded In-
dia Amoghavarsha.

A. Mauryas C. Kushanas 36. Which of the following were exported from


B. Chalukyas D. Guptas meluhha sometimes identified as an Har-

rappa area?
31. Who was the father of Tarabai? 1. Black wood
2. Ivory
A. Dhanaji
3. Gold
B. Santaji 4. Lead
C. Prataprao Gujar
A. 1, 2& 3 C. 1, 3& 4
D. Hambhirrao Mohite
B. 1, 2& 4 D. 2, 3& 4
32. Wahabis were fanatics.

A. Muslim C. Sikh 37. Which one of the following statement about

Brihadeswara temple at Tanjavur, is not cor-
B. Christian D. Hindu
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558 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. The temple is constructed of granite A. Landlords

B. The temple is a splendid example of B. Government servants
Chola architecture C. Business men
C. It was built by emperor Rajaraja D. Money-landers
D. The temple is a monument dedicated to 44. The Palas, Pratiharas and the Rashtrakutas
Lord Vishnu fought for control over which citizenship?
38. Where was Mohanjedaro situated
A. Kaushambi C. Ujjain

A. Hariyana C. Lothal B. Pataliputra D. Kannauj
B. Larkhana D. Panjab
45. When was Gandhi-Irvin Pact took place?

39. In which district is Dandi associated with A. September 23, 1932
the March of Gandhi, is located?
B. February 10, 1930
A. Bhuj C. Mehsana C. March 15, 1933

B. Dwarka D. Nausari D. March 5, 1931
46. Paramahamsa Mandali primarily aimed at
40. Arrange the following rulers of Kashmir in breaking caste rules was founded in which
a chronological order- of the following places
1. Avantivarman
2. Didda A. Tamil Nadu C. Kerala
3. Harsha B. Maharashtra D. Gujarat
4. Jaya Singh
Indicate your answer from the codes below- 47. Which of the following is called ‘Yavan-

A. 3, 4, 1, 2 C. 2, 3, 4, 1
A. Cotton C. Gold

B. 1, 2, 3, 4 D. 4, 1, 2, 3
B. Silk D. Pepper

41. Who among the following was a commen-

tator of the Manusmriti? 48. The head of a guild in ancient and early
medieval India was called
A. Visvarupa C. Bhattasvami
A. Gahapati C. Adhikari

B. Asahaya D. Medhatithi
B. Adhipati D. Jethaka
42. According to Sarojini Naidu who was “the
49. What were the impacts of Kautilya’s

ambassador of Hindu-Muslim Unity”?

Arthashastra in Mauryan empire?
A. Syed Ahmad Khan
1. The Arthashastra provided the state
B. Hasrat Mohani management of large-scale trade and
C. Mohammad Ali Jinnah industry and exercise of effective con-
trol over every occupation.
D. Maulana Azad 2. It emphasized education and moral
43. Which of the following were the social training to the future king.
classes which emerged as a result of the 3. The Arthashastra maintained the state
economic and administrative changes be- council to formulate the policy of the
tween 1765 to 1856? state
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Which of the above statements is/are cor- C. the story of the power struggle between
rect. two Aryan
D. a conflict between Gods and Demons of
A. 1 only C. 3 only
ancient Hindu lore
B. 2 only D. All of them
54. Which of the following are the four Ag-
nikula classes of Rajputs?
50. Chinese made very fine china called
A. Pariharas, Chauhans, Pawars, Solankis
A. Porcelain
B. Chandellas, Tornars, Solankis,
B. china-bone-glazed Chauhans
C. Lily china C. Tomars, Pariharas, Chauhans, Pawars
D. Pottery D. Chandellas, Pariharas, Chauhans,

51. Which of the following are the basis tenants Pawars
of Bhakti Movement?
55. Who said the following “the only lesson re-
A. Ideas was the Bhakti movement– quired in India at present is to learn how to
devotion to God. Bhakti to God was ac- die and the only way to teach is by dying
cepted as salvation. ourselves. Therefore, I die and glory in my
B. Spiritual sessions in meeting places
known as zawiyas, khanqahs, or tekke
C. Ideas was the Bhakti movement–
eR martyrdom”?
A. Khudiram Bose
B. Chandra Shekhar Azad
devotion to God with the help of a priest.
C. Madan Lal Dhingra
Bhakti to God was accepted as damnation.
D. Aurbindo Ghosh
D. Described as the interiorization, and in-
tensification of human faith and practice. 56. What the term ‘Bhakti’ refers to?
A. Bhakti is derived from the root bhaj,

52. Who among the following were the which means "divide.
Kushana rulers whose coins bear either B. Bhakti is derived from the root bhaj,
Shiva, Shiva and bull or one of the emblems which means collaboration.
of Shiva?
C. Both A& B
1. Huvishka
2. Kanishka I D. Only B

3. Kujula Kadphises 57. What was the maximum permissible rate of


4. Wima Kadphises land revenue collection according to Shariat

Choose the correct answer from the codes in early medieval India?
given below: A. 25% of the produce

A. 1, 2and4 C. 1, 2and3 B. 20% of the produce

B. 2, 3and4 D. 1, 3and4 C. 50% of the produce

D. 33% of the produce
53. The ancient Indian play Mudrarakshasa of 58. Shivaji did the second loot of Surat at
Visakhadutt has its subject on
A. 1-5 December1670
A. the court intrigues at the time of Chan-
dragupta B. 3-5 Oct. 1670
B. a romantic story of an Aryan prince and C. 1-2 January 1670
a tribal woman D. 15 May 1670
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560 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

63. The Office-in-charge

59. Which one of the following was not a rea- of collection of rev-
son for Balban abandoning
enue inthe
thepolicy of administration was
conquest and adopting the policy of consol-
idation? A. Yukta C. Pradeshta
B. Samahatri D. Sannidhatri
A. Indian Kings willing to throw off the
Turkish rule 64. Gopis (cowherd girls) became an important
part of the Krishna legend in art and litera-
B. Threat of external invasion
ture in
C. Internal revolts

A. The early medieval period
D. His weak nature
B. The Gupta period
60. Consider the following statements regard-
C. The Kushana period

ing Bhagat Singh:
D. The Sutiga period
1. Bhagat Singh along with Rajguru and
65. India is in favour of in the economic
Sukhdev were sentenced to death for
throwing bomb on inside the Central

A. Private
Legislative Assembly in DelhiSector
2. He was a foundingB.member of Hindus-
Capitalistic Economy
tan Republican Association (HRA) .
C. Public Sector
Which of the above statements
D. Mixed is/are true?
A. 1 only 66. Which one of the following Acts of British
India strengthened the Viceroy’s authority
B. 2 only
over his executive council by substituting
C. Both 1 and 2 “portfolio” or departmental system for cor-
porate functioning?
D. Neither 1 nor 2

A. Indian Council Act, 1861

61. The Mongols defeated
B. Government of India Act, 1858

A. Salahuddin Ayyubi
C. Indian Councils Act, 1909
B. The Abbasids D. Indian Councils Act, 1892

C. The Ghaznawids 67. Vishvambhara Mishra was the original

name of
D. None of these
A. Shankaracharya
62. Who among the following performed As-

vamedha sacrifice? B. Guru Nanak

1. Pushyamitra sungaC. Chaitanya Maha Prabhu

2. Samudragupta D. Kabir

3. Pravarsena I 68. The French Revolution gave a new meaning

4. Pulakesin I to
Select the correct answer from the codes C. capitalism
A. nation
given below:
B. sovereignty D. republic
A. 1, 2, 3 and 4
69. Consider the following statements about
B. 1 only
Swami Vivekananda
C. 1 and 2 1. He said that Vedanta was the religion
D. 1, 2 and 3 of all.
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2. He believed in reviving all the best 75. The Digambaras and Shvetambaras differ
traditions of Hinduism. primarily about their
3. He was impressed by the status of A. Choice of god
women in the West.
B. Philosophical doctrines
Which of the statements given above are
correct? C. Dress
D. Rituals
A. 2 and 3 C. 1 and 3 76. Who founded the Pala Empire?
B. 1 and 2 D. 1, 2 and 3
A. Dhruva C. Devapala

70. Who was Lord Morley? B. Dharmapala D. Gopala

A. Secretary of the state 77. Which of the following was the prime ob-

B. Viceroy of India jective of M.K Gandhi’s Salt Satyagraha?

C. Governor General of India A. Repeal of salt laws

B. Complete Independence for India
D. None of the above
C. Curtailment of the Government’s pow-
71. Which one of the following regions is
known for painting that is manuscript il-
lustrations in miniature executed palm-leaf
during the period A.D. 1100-1300?
eR ers
D. Economic relief to the common people
78. Expansion of agricultural land took place
A. The Chola kingdom on the largest scale in which period?
A. Mauryan age
B. Western India
B. Pre-Mauryan age
C. Kerala
C. Gupta age
D. Deccan
D. Post-Mauryan age

72. Which one of the following is not correct

79. Consider the following statement (s) is/are
about the Cabinet Mission Plan?
related to the Dadu Dayal or Dadu:
A. Provincial grouping I. He was a worshipper of Lord Krishna.
B. Interim Cabinet of Indians II. He was not for caste or class distinc-
tions and his objective was establish-
C. Acceptance of Pakistan

ing harmony among all faiths.

D. Constitution framing right

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are

73. Rudra Sampradaya School was founded by correct?
A. Ramananda A. I only
B. Vallabhacharya B. II only
C. Narasi C. Both I and II

D. Chaitanya D. Neither I nor II

80. Which is not a correct pair?
74. Who gave the motto ‘Back to the Vedas’?
A. Madad-i-mash- grant of land or pension
A. Ramakrishna Paramhansa
to scholars and saints by the Sultans
B. Swami Vivekananda B. Majlis- meeting place or council
C. Raja Ram Mohan Roy C. Khanqah- a house of mysties
D. Swami Dayanand Saraswati D. Khutba- sermon
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562 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

81. Which of the following women has NOT A. Buckingham Palace

been a ruler of a South Asian country? B. Kingsley Palace
A. Indira Gandhi C. St. James Palace
B. Suu Kyi D. 10, Downing Street
C. Sirimavo Bandaranaike 87. Who was the father of wife of Sambhaji
D. Benazir Bhutto Rajasbai?
82. Which of the following is considered as A. Ganoji Shirke

the main reason for the division of Brahmo B. Bhanaji Shirke
C. Udaji Shirke
A. Resolutely opposing Christian mission-
D. Pilaji Shirke

aries and their work against Hinduism
88. The Mehrauli pillar inscription belongs to
B. Internal conflicts among Debendranath the period of the?
Tagore and Keshub Chandra Sen for includ-
ing teachings of all religions A. Kushanas C. Mauryas

C. Lack of strong propagator of views B. Guptas D. Sungas
D. Opposition by people for disturbing tra-
ditional caste practices like the abolition of 89. Who among the following is credited to
Sati, widow remarriage and women educa- have performed four Asvamedha sacri-
tion. fices?
83. On whom Emperor Akbar conferred the ti- A. Pushyamitra Sunga
tle of ‘Jagat Guru’? B. Pravarasena I
A. Devi C. Samudragupta
B. Hira Vijay Suri D. Nandivarman Pallavamalla

C. Dastur Meherji Rana 90. Which one of the following had bestowed
the title of ‘Jagat Seth’ to Fatehchand?
D. Purushottam

84. Who among the following was thrice A. Sirajuddaula


elected President of the Indian National B. Muhammad Shah

C. Alivardi Khan
A. Dadabhai Naoroji D. Mir Zafar
B. Surendranath Banerjee 91. Consider the following statements with ref-

C. Gopal Krishna Gokhl erence to ‘Sanyasi Rebellion’:

D. Shankaran Nair 1. It took place around Murshidabad and

Baikunthupur forests of Jalpaiguri

85. The large Shiva Temple at Thanjavur was

2. Sanyasis oppressed by the British poli-
built by
cies retaliated by organizing raids on
A. Rajendra Chola the companies factories and state trea-
B. Rashtrakutas suries under the leadership of ‘Kena
Sarkar’ and ‘Dirji Narayan’ in West
C. Raja raja Chola Bengal and Bihar.
D. Chandeltas 3. The book ‘Neel Darpan’ gives details
86. Which among the following was the venue about ‘Sanyasi Rebellion’.
of the Second Round Table Conference at Which of the statements given above is/are
Lon-don? correct?
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A. 1 and 2 only 96. The Church had great power over people
during the middle Ages because
B. 1 and 3 only
A. It provided them with education.
C. 1, 2 and 3
B. It decided who could achieve salvation.
D. 2 only
C. It controlled food production.
92. Which was not one of the cardinal prin-
ciples of Mahatma Gandhi’s doctrine of D. It protected them in times of warfare.
Satyagraha? 97. What was the specific motive of Mahmud
A. Fearlessness Ghaznavi’s attack on India?

B. Non-violence A. Religious C. Economic

C. Abstinence B. Political D. Social
D. Truthfulness
98. When did the Mahmud of Ghazni attack
93. Which one of the following is the earliest

last on India?
school of Indian philosophy?
A. 1027 A.D.
A. Karma mimamsa
B. 1021-22 A.D.
B. Yoga
C. 1024 A.D.
C. Vaisesika
D. 1025 A.D.
D. Samkhya
99. Harrappan people had known to use of
94. The name of the poet Kalidas is mentioned
A. 8& its multiples
in the
B. 16& its multiples
A. Allahabad pillar inscription
C. 4& its multiples
B. Aihole inscription
D. 12& its multiples
C. Alapadu grant

100. Who were the beneficiaries of Asoka’s do-

D. Hanumakonda inscription nations in the region of Barabar Hill?
95. Ibn Zaidun was: A. Ajivikas
A. Historian B. Digambar Jains
B. Philosopher C. Svetambar Jains

C. Poet D. Buddhists

D. None of these


1. D 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. A 9. D 10. B 11. B 12. B 13. B 14. A

15. D 16. C 17. D 18. A 19. A 20. B 21. C 22. C 23. A 24. C 25. C 26. B
27. A 28. C 29. A 30. C 31. D 32. A 33. D 34. D 35. B 36. A 37. D 38. B
39. D 40. B 41. D 42. D 43. A 44. D 45. D 46. B 47. D 48. D 49. D 50. B
51. A 52. A 53. A 54. A 55. C 56. A 57. C 58. B 59. D 60. D 61. C 62. A
63. B 64. A 65. D 66. A 67. C 68. D 69. D 70. A 71. B 72. C 73. B 74. D
75. C 76. D 77. A 78. C 79. B 80. A 81. B 82. B 83. B 84. A 85. C 86. C
87. D 88. B 89. B 90. B 91. A 92. C 93. C 94. B 95. B 96. B 97. A 98. A
99. B 100. A
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564 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

Unit 15

1. Which of the following is NOT a central 7. Who was the founder of the Ramanandi
doctrine in Hinduism? Sampradaya, the largest monastic Hindu re-
nunciant community in modern times?
A. priesthood authority
B. dharma A. Ramananda C. Mirabai

C. karma B. Kabir D. Tukaram

D. reincarnation 8. Who among the following is known as ‘the
2. The Gandhara school of art depicted liberator of the press’?

A. Indo-Roman art A. Lord Minto

B. William Jones
B. Indo-Greek art
C. Wellesley
C. Indo-African art
D. Sir Charles Metcalfe
D. Indo-European art

9. When did Aurangzeb took the title of
3. Buland Darwaza at Fatehpur Sikri was built ‘Alamgir’?
by Akbar to commemorate his victory over
which province? A. 1661 C. 1659
B. 1660 D. 1658
A. Punjab C. Mewar
B. Gujarat D. Sind 10. In 1913 - founded the Advaita Ashram at

4. The Philosophy of the Gita is A. Narayana Guru,

A. That of combining of Bhakti, man B. K.Madhavan


(Gyan) and Karma C. Mahatma Gandhi,


B. That of Bhakti with Karma D. Chattambi Swamikal,

11. Find out the features of Bhakti Movement:
C. Primarily that Bhakti God

I. Condemnation of rituals, ceremonies and

D. That of combining Bhakti with Jnan blind faith II. Rejection of idol worship
(Gyan) by many saints Which of the statement(s)
5. Kalibanga is situated in? given above is/are correct?

A. I only
A. Haryana
B. II only
B. Gujarat
C. Both I and II

C. Rajasthan
D. Neither I nor II
D. Punjab (Pakistan)
12. The other name of Brihadeshwara Temple
6. An influence that spread from the Byzantine
A. Rajarajeswara temple
Empire to Early Russia was the
B. Madhurai Temple
A. use of the Latin alphabet
C. Cholapuram Temple
B. Orthodox Christian religion
D. None of these
C. factory system 13. Curzon Wyllie, who was murdered by
D. beginning of democracy Modan Lal Dhingra in London, was
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A. Governor of Bengal A. British Indian Army

B. Secretary of State for India B. British Indian Administration
C. Adviser to the Secretary of State for In- C. British Indian Navy
dia D. All of the above
D. Law Member 19. Who propagated the Vaishnava Theology
14. Which of the following was the basic of Dvaitadvaita?
premise of Bhakti Movement? A. Adi Shankaracharya
A. Bhakti or Single-minded, uninterrupted B. Ramanujacharya
and extreme devotion to God with the help C. Nimbarkacharya
of Brahmins was the only means of Salva-
tion. D. Vallabhacharya

20. Which one among the following statements
B. Bhakti or Single-minded, uninterrupted
is not correct about the agrarian policy of
and extreme devotion to God was the only
Sher Shah?
means of Salvation.
A. Sher Shah insisted upon measurement
C. Both A& B
of the sown land
D. None of the above
15. The educated middle class in India:
A. supported the revolt of 1857
eR B. Sher Shah drew up schedule of rates for
state’s share of the different types of crops
C. The amount each peasant had to pay was
to be written down on a paper called ‘patta’
B. fought against native rulers
C. opposed the revolt of 1857
D. The measuring part was allowed to fix
D. remained neutral to the revolt of 1857 fee at their will
16. Which one of the following is not a work 21. One major source of conflict between India

on architecture? and Pakistan is

A. Samarangana Sutradhara A. control of Kashmir.

B. Mayamata B. the border of Punjab and India.

C. Mahavastu C. Indian treatment of Muslims.

D. control of the waters of the Indus.

D. Manasare
22. Which one among the following statements

17. It is said that Ishwar Chandra Vidya Sagar’s

about the land-system of post-Mauryan pe-
contribution to the making of modern In-
riod is not true?
dia is many-sided. Which of the following
aspects contribute to it? A. The person who brought the land under
cultivation was the owner
A. Farmers and depressed class upliftment
B. The private individuals had limited right
B. New methodology of teaching Sanskrit to alienation of land
C. Uplifting downtrodden women, abolish- C. The private individuals had absolute
ing child marriage, widow remarriage right over their land
D. Both B and C D. There is no record to transfer of land
18. In July 1921, the All India Khilafat Com- non-religious purposes
mittee passed a resolutions declaring that 23. Consider the following statement (s) related
no Muslim should serve in the to the cardinal principle of Bhakti Cult:
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566 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

I. It was influencing devotion to a per- 28. Consider the following passage and iden-
sonal God, whose grace was the only tify the three tribal principalities referred
means of attaining salvation or Mukti to there, in using the codes given below In
II. Stressed the idea of a personal God the early history of the far South in India,
and pointed out the absurdity of the three tribal principalities are mentioned in
caste system in the presence of God Ashokan inscriptions of the 3rd century BC
and the futility of external rites and and in Kharavela inscription of the 1st cen-
ceremonies. Which is/are a correct tury BC.
statement (s)?
A. Vakatakas, Cholas and Satvahanas

A. Only I
B. Cholas, Pandyas and Cheras
B. Only II
C. Ikshvakus, Vakatakas and Pandyas

C. Both I& II
D. Neither I nor II D. Pallavas, Cholas and Pandyas
24. Why did Britain so easily gain wide control 29. The drain of Wealth from Bengal began in
over India in the nineteenth century?

A. Internal divisions existed within the In- A. 1757 C. 1813
dian states. B. 1765 D. 1760
B. English rule was milder than native rule.
30. Which of the following statements are cor-
C. The British brought order to the lands rect about Jehangir?
they governed.
I. His reign saw beginning of a new in-
D. all of the above tercourse between Europe of India
25. Which of the following inscription was II. Attempted to prohibit traffic in eu-
found on an iron pillar? nuchs

III. Started practices of inter-caste mar-

A. Babru C. Sanchi riages between the families of govern-

ment officers
B. Mehrauli D. Saranath
IV. Ordered the abolition of inhuman cor-

poral punishments
26. Which one of the following pairs of persons
and events is correctly matched? A. I, II, and III
A. Bukka I: Conquest of Madurai B. I, II, and IV

B. Rama Ray: Battle of Raichur

C. II, III, and IV
C. Krishnadeva Battle of Rakkas Ray Tan-
D. All the above

D. Tirumala Ray: Transfer of capital to 31. The chief organiser of the Revolt of 1857 in
Vellore Bihar was
27. Which one of the following had drafted the A. Khan Bahadur Khan
fundamental rights resolution at the Karachi
B. Kunwar Singh
Session, 1931?
A. Jawaharlal Nehru C. Rao Sahib

B. Acharya Narendra Deo D. Maulavi Ahmadullah

C. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad 32. Which of the following is not correct about
Prarthana Samaj?
D. Subhash Chandra Bose
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A. This society was against the widow re- 38. Lichchavi princess Kumara Devi was mar-
marriage. ried to
B. The Prarthana Samaj was founded by A. Chandragupta I
Athmaram panduranga (with the help of Ke- B. Chandragupta II
shav Chandra Sen).
C. Pravarasena
C. The main aim behind the establishment
of the Prarthana Samaj was to make people D. Harshavardhana
believe in one God and worship only one 39. Which of the following statements regard-
God. ing Gyana Prasarak Mandalis or student lit-
erary and scientific societies is/are correct?
D. The Prarthana Samaj was founded in
Bombay in1867. I. Formed by common people to educate
33. Which veda has 10 mandal 1028 Sakta and

II. Had two branches Marathi and Gu-
10,580 Richas?
A. Athervana Veda III. Aimed to start schools for girls.
B. Yajur Veda IV. Organized lectures to propagate their
C. Rig Veda
D. Sam Veda
34. The author of “Indian Epigraphy” is?
eR A. II and III only
B. I and II only
C. II, III and IV
A. F.F. Pargitar
D. I, III and IV only
B. D. C. Sircar 40. Which among the following ruling dynas-
C. H. D. Sankalia ties, successfully obstructed the efforts of
the Pratihars in establishing a strong empire
D. Oldenburg
in North India?
35. Asvamedha Yajna from among Chalukya

A. The Senas
rulers was performed by
B. The Chalukyas of Badami
A. Pulkesin II
C. The Palas
B. Vikramaditya I
D. The Rashtrakutas
C. Pulkesin I

41. For the leadership in which one of the fol-

D. Kirtivarman I lowing movements was Vallabhbhai Patel

36. Which of the following sources provides a bestowed the Title "SARDAR"?
vivid description of Sindh? A. Quit India Movement
A. Khazainul Futuh B. Khilafat Movement
B. Insha-i-mehru C. Bardoli satyagraha
C. Tarikh-i-Firoz-Shahi D. Champaran Satyagraha
D. Chachnamah 42. Which of the following contains the pro-
37. When did the Marathas capture Salsette and nouncement: “All men are my children”?
Bassein from the Portuguese? A. Separate Rock Edict II
B. Pillar Edict VI
A. 1739 A.D. C. 1713 A.D.
C. Separate Rock Edict I
B. 1695 A.D. D. 1720 A.D.
D. Rock Edict V
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568 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

43. The birthplace of Swami Vivekananda is in 50. Who among the following were the
which of the following cities? Kushana rulers whose coins bear either
Shiva, Shiva& bull or one of the emblems
A. Cuttack C. Balasore of Shiva?
B. Calcutta D. Kushinagar 1. Huvishka
2. Kanishka I
44. Mahakshapatalika was an official in charge 3. Kujula Kadphisas
of 4. Wim Kadphises

A. Accounts C. Infantry A. 2, 3& 4 C. 1, 3& 4
B. Chariots D. Navy B. 1, 2& 3 D. 1, 2& 4

45. Sawai Raja Jai Singh was the ruler of 51. Under Akbar, Hindus were:
A. heavily taxed.
A. Kannauj C. Satara
B. forced to convert to Islam.
B. Ajmer D. Amber
C. barred from the army.

46. What was the policy of “doctrine of lapse”? D. given major roles in government.
52. Which of the following were epics in early
A. States were allowed to adopt a son as an
Tamil Literature?
A. Padirruppattu and Maduraikkanchi
B. States were not allowed to adopt a son
as an heir. B. Silappadikaram and Manimekhalai
C. According to this system, every ruler in C. Ahananuru and Purananuru
India had to accept to pay a subsidy to the D. Tolkappiyam and Tirukkural
British for the maintenance of British army. 53. Coconut cultivation in India was known

from the period of the

D. None of these A. Mauryas

47. Rana Sanga is related with?

B. Satavahanas and Kshatrapas

A. Malwa C. Mewar C. Guptas

B. Khajuraho D. Mandu D. Pahallava and Western ranges
54. Among the officers of Muhammad of Ghor,
48. The Vikramshila Mahavihara, the renowed Bihar, and part of Bengal was conquered

educational centre of Pala period at by

A. Tughrill Khan
A. Basarh C. Aphasad
B. Muhammad Bakhtiyar Khilji

B. Chandimau D. Antichak
C. Tajuddin Yajdij
49. Which one of following objects of ro- D. Qutubuddin Aibak
man manufacture has been most abundantly 55. Which ascetics of the Yoga school of Hindu
found in India? philosophy influenced the Ramananda?
A. Coins A. Kabirpanthi
B. Bronze-Icons B. Krishna Cult
C. Pot-sherds C. Nathpanthi
D. Lamps D. None of the above
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56. Which of the following Indian politicians C. Tackling zamindars issue

was NOT assassinated?
D. Work for depressed classes
A. Rajiv Gandhi
63. Indicate the correct chronological order of
B. Indira Gandhi dynasties in North -west India.
C. Mahatma Gandhi A. Sakas, Parthians, Kushanas
D. Jawarlahal Nehru B. Sakas, Kushanas, Parthians
57. Who was the Killedar of Fort Jinji?
C. Kushanas, Sakas, Parthians
A. Muhammad Shah
D. Parthians, Sakas, Kushanas
B. Nasir Shah
64. In 1751 Alivardi virtually ceded Orissa to
C. Daulatakhan
A. Mahajadi Sindhia

D. Nusratshah
58. Among the four sites mentioned below, the B. Raghuji Bhonsle
earliest cultural phase comes from C. BajiRao

A. Surkotda C. Kotdiji D. Nanaji Holkar

B. Mehargarh D. Banwali

59. “Patriotism is religion and religion is love

65. Saka era was founded by
A. Ashoka
B. Vikramaditya
for India”- whose utterance is this?
A. Swami Vivekananda C. Harsha
B. Bal Gangadhar Tilak D. Kanishka
C. Raj Narain Bose 66. Which of the following event was the rea-
son for the withdrawn of non-cooperation
D. Bankim Chandra Chatterjee

60. What group conquered Constantinople in
1453? A. Chauri Chaura incident

A. Kievan Rus B. Jallianwala massacre

B. Greco-Romans C. Gandhi Imprisonment

C. Ottomans D. None

D. Bulgarians 67. In which of the following sessions of Indian

61. Mesopotamian civilization ended in National Congress, Mahatma Gandhi had
said, “Gandhi may die but Gandhism will
A. 750 BC C. 850 BC remain forever”?
B. 950 BC D. 650 BC A. Ramgarh Session 1940
B. Calcutta Session 1928
62. What was the main inspiration for establish-
ing Theosophical Society? C. Karachi Session 1931
A. Propagate Indian thought and culture D. Lahore Session 1929
thereby revival of ancient religions of Hin-
68. Who of the following Governor-Generals
duism, Zoroastrianism and Buddhism
realised the importance of Rajput alliance
B. Women’s education and their upliftment and entered into treaties with a number of
Rajput states?
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570 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Warren Hastings A. religious devotion.

B. Lord Cornwallis B. marriage.
C. Lord Wellesley C. education.
D. Lord Hastings D. economic advancement.
69. Which one of the following was the most 74. The system of Itlaq a sort of draft enabling
common occupation for slaves? a royal soldier to collect his salary from the
state revenue officials was introduced by
A. Working in guilds

A. Balban
B. Domestic service in Households
B. Alauddin Khalji
C. Agricultural labor
C. Iltutmish
D. Settlement in newly cleared areas

70. Place in correct sequence D. Feroze Shah Tughlaq
75. Irani System of ‘Sajda’ was started by?
1. Yajnavalkya
2. Manusmriti A. Razia

3. Mitakshara B. Balban
A. 3, 2, 1 C. 2, 3, 1 C. Mohammed Tughlaq
B. 1, 2, 3 D. 2, 1, 3 D. Iltutmish
76. After 1835, Parliament decided to:
71. In the context of cultural history of India, A. suppress the Hindu Renaissance.
a pose in dance and dramatics called ‘Trib-
hanga’ has been a favourite of Indian artists B. encourage Indian interest in Western
from ancient times till today. Which one of learning.
the following statements best describes this C. stop educating Indians.

D. openly encourage India’s interest in its
A. A little smile, slightly curved waist and own culture.

certain hand gestures are emphasized to ex- 77. Alexander sent back home a portion of his
press the feelings of love or eroticism. army under an admiral called

B. Facial expressions, hand gestures and

make-up are combined to symbolize certain A. Porus C. Menander
epic or historic characters B. Nearchos D. Ptolemy
C. Movements of body, face and hands are

used to express oneself or to tell a story 78. Which one of the following were included
in the ‘antyaja’ category of people men-
D. One leg is bent and the body is slightly
tioned in the ‘Dharamshastras’?
but oppositely curved at waist and neck

72. The prime advocates of widow remarriage A. Chandals C. Sudras

in modern India was
B. Yavanas D. Shabaras
A. Raja Rammohun Roy
B. Vinoba Bhave 79. Which of the following terms mentioned in
early sources denoted land measure?
C. Rabindranath Tagore
1. Nivartana
D. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar 2. Kulyavapa
73. One way in which to escape the limitations 3. Dronavapa
of caste membership was through: 4. Rathya
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Choose the correct answer from the codes A. Shahji, Shivaji, Sambhaji, Rajaram
given below
B. Shahji, Shivaji, Rajaram, Sambhaji
A. 3, 4 C. 1, 2, 3 C. Sambhaji, Shivaji, Shahji, Rajaram
B. 1, 2 D. 2, 3 D. Shahji, Sambhaji, Shivaji, Rajaram
85. When and by whom were the Portuguese
80. Rulers of Pre- Islamic Iran were called: driven out of Hughli in Bengal?

A. qaiser A. 1666-Prince Shuja

B. 1625-Shaista Khan
B. kisra
C. 1631-Qasim Khan
C. shahan- shah
D. 1650-Prince Murad
D. none

86. The ancient name of Assam is?
81. Who among the following was a lady Alvar
Saint? A. Ramgram C. Kammp
A. Perumal B. Pawa D. Pippalivan
B. Madhura Kavi
C. Tirupan
D. Andal
eR 87. The Egyptian calendar was a
A. Lunar
B. Solar lunar
82. Consider the following statements -
C. Solar
1. Balwantrai Mehta was one of the per-
sons chiefly responsible for the initia- D. Religious calendar
tive to convene the All India. States 88. Which of the following statement (s) is cor-
People’s conference in 1927. rect about Alvar Saints?
2. C. Rajagopalachari was chiefly re-

A. The twelve Alvars were Tamil poet-

sponsible for persuading Mahatma
saints, who lived between 6th and 9th cen-
Gandhi to decide to initiate the ‘In-
turies AD and espoused ‘emotional devo-
dividual Satyagraha.’
tion’ or bhakti to VisnuKrishna in their
Which of the above is/are correct? songs.
A. 1 only

B. The 63 Alvars saints were the Shiva de-

votional poets, who lived between 5th and

B. 2 only
10th centuries.
C. Both 1 and 2
C. Only B
D. Neither 1 nor 2
D. Both A& B
83. Who among the following was an expert 89. Who of the following officers were charged
musician? with superintendence of women?
A. SamudraGupta A. Antahpur-adhyakshas
B. Chandragupta I B. Dhamma-mahamattas
C. VishnuGupta C. Anta-mahamattas
D. SriGupta D. Ithijhakha-mahamattas
84. Which one of the following sequences rep- 90. Maurya empire declined after Ashoka
resents the correct chronological order? mainly because of
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572 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. The policy of ahimsa leading to military A. Mohenjodaro site

B. Baluchistan
B. Ashoka’s excessive patronage to Bud-
C. Egypt
D. Harappan site
C. Weak successors of Asoka
96. Who among the following was a great ruler
D. Decentralisation of powers of Kalinga in ancient times?
91. Who had expressed the view that the cotton
A. Mayurasarman
cloth worn by Indians had a brighter white

colour than any cotton found elsewhere? B. Bindusara
A. Alexander C. Ajatashatru

B. Nearchus D. Kharavela
C. Pliny 97. The foundation for the Vijayanagar city and
kingdom was laid by
D. Megasthenese
A. Krishnadevaraya

92. Which one of the following is not correct
about Mahatma Gandhi’s Dandi March? B. Rama Raya
A. It began with 8 Satyagrahis comprising C. Sadasiva Raya
Hindus, Muslims and Christians D. Harihara andBukka
B. Its motive was to violate salt law 98. The System of philosophy with which the
C. Reaching the sea-shore Mahatma name of, Kapila is prominently associated
Gandhi did not manufacture the salt is

D. It was a pedestrian March A. Nyaya

93. Consider the following representatives of B. Samkhya

different cultures: C. Uttara Mimamsa

1. Arretine ware

D. Purva Mimamsa
2. Northern black polished ware
3. Painted grey ware 99. Which of the following works of Kalidas

4. Ochre coloured pottery gives information about history of Sunga

Their correct chronological sequence is
A. Maghdoot

A. 3, 4, 1, 2 C. 4, 3, 1, 2 B. Kumarsambhav
B. 4, 3, 2, 1 D. 3, 4, 2, 1 C. Malvikagnimitram
D. Abhigyanshakuntalam

94. A Tamil king who is said to have sent the

earliest embassy to Augustus at Athens 100. Consider the following statements about
about 20 BC was a king: Shivaji’s military acumen
1. He was a master in guerrilla tactics
A. Pandyan C. Chera and swift cavalry warfare.
B. Chola D. Pallava 2. He had built a series of fortified
strongholds on the table mountains of
95. There is evidence of the proto-Australoid, the Western Deccan.
the mediterranean, alpine and Mongoloid Which of the statement(s) given above is/are
in the skeletal remains at correct?
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A. Only 1 C. Both 1 and 2

D. Neither 1 nor 2
B. Only 2


1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. A 11. C 12. A 13. C 14. B

15. D 16. C 17. D 18. A 19. C 20. D 21. A 22. B 23. C 24. D 25. B 26. A
27. A 28. B 29. A 30. B 31. B 32. A 33. C 34. B 35. C 36. D 37. A 38. A
39. C 40. D 41. C 42. C 43. B 44. A 45. D 46. B 47. C 48. D 49. A 50. D
51. D 52. B 53. D 54. B 55. C 56. D 57. B 58. B 59. A 60. A 61. D 62. A
63. A 64. B 65. D 66. C 67. C 68. D 69. B 70. D 71. D 72. D 73. A 74. D
75. B 76. B 77. B 78. A 79. C 80. B 81. D 82. C 83. A 84. A 85. C 86. C

87. A 88. A 89. D 90. C 91. D 92. C 93. B 94. A 95. D 96. B 97. D 98. B
99. C 100. C

Unit 16

1. Who among the following was elected as

the President of All India Khilafat Confer-
ence met in Delhi in 1919?
eR C. Motilal Nehru
D. Vitthal Bhai Patel
5. Who was the founder of the autonomous
A. Mahatma Gandhi
kingdom of Awadh or Oudh?
B. Motilal Nehru
A. Asaf-ud-daula
C. Shaukat Ali
B. Safdar Jang
D. M A Jinnah
2. Which is the most accepted date of the com- C. Shuja-ud-daula

position of the Rigveda? D. Saadat Khan

A. About 4500 BC 6. Who hailed Gandhi’s call for ‘Quit India’
B. 1500 BC as an ‘Epic Movement’?

C. 1500 BC to 1000 BC A. Ram Manohar Lohia


D. 1000 BC B. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel


3. Which type of work was looked after by the C. Subhash Chandra Bose
department of Diwan-i-Kohi under Muham-
mad Tughlaq? D. Jai Prakash Narayan

A. Royal correspondence 7. Which of the following was not one of Hel-

lenic kings to whom diplomatic missions
B. Army were sent by Ashoka?
C. Justice
A. Ptolemy II Philadelphos of Egypt
D. Agriculture
B. Antigonus Gonatas of Macedonia
4. In March 1925, who among the following
became the President of the Central Legisla- C. Antiochus II Theos of Syria
tive Assembly? D. Xerxes of Macedonia
A. Jayakar
8. Who called Samudragupta ‘Napolean of In-
B. Madan Mohan Malviya dia’?
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574 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. V. A. Smith 2. Jizya - On non-Muslims

B. R.C.Dutt 3. Khams - On property
Which of the pairs given above are correct?
C. R.K.Mukheijee
D. R. S. Sharma A. 1 and 3 only
9. Dholavira is situated at the bank of River: B. 2 and 3 only
C. 1, 2 and 3
A. Luni C. Ravi
D. 1 and 2 only

B. Ghaggar D. Indus
16. In which year was the decree called
10. Napoleon introduced a new set of laws ‘Mahzar’ issued during Akbar’s reign?

A. 1579 A.D. C. 1576 A.D.
A. Prussian laws
B. 1572 A.D. D. 1560 A.D.
B. Napoleonic code
C. French laws
17. Who among the following was known as

D. European laws the Grand Old Man of Indian politics?
11. The goddess of vegetative fertility, wor- A. Dadabhai Nauroji
shipped during the Chalcolithic period of
Jorwe culture, was B. Rasbehari Bose
C. Bipin Chandra Pal
A. Satakarani C. Sakapurni
D. Surendra Nath Bannerjee
B. Sambhuti D. Sakambhari
18. Which among the following did not emerge
12. Who founded SERVENT OF INDIA SOCI- as a new social class during the British rule
ETY? in agrarian areas?

A. Bourgeoise farm holders

A. SN Banerjee C. GK Gokhale

B. Absentee landlords
B. BG Tilak D. MK Gandhi
C. Zamindars

13. The caste system is an outgrowth of: D. Tenants under zamindars and absentee
A. pre-Aryan society. landlords
B. Hinduism. 19. Which of the following statements regard-

ing the hymns of the Rig veda are correct?

C. Buddhism.
1. They refer to the Himavant and the
D. Islam.

14. Which Bhakti saint believes that through 2. They mention geographical terms like
love and devotion, song and dance, a devo- Aryavarta and Dakshinatya.
tee can feel the presence of God? 3. Most rivers mentioned in them flow
in areas west of the Yamuna and the
A. Chaitanya C. Gnanadev
B. Namadeva D. Ekanatha 4. They mention the ruling families on
the Kurus, Panchalas and the Iksh-
15. Consider the following pairs, regarding the vakus.
tax imposed on medieval India: Select the correct answer from the codes
1. Kharaj - Land given below:
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A. 1 and 2 A. Dhanananda
B. 1 and 3 B. Chandragupta Maurya
C. 1, 2, 3 and 4 C. Mahapadmananda
D. 2, 3 and 4 D. Sukalp
20. The chief vehicle for Dutch trade in Asia 26. After the death of Raja Rammohan Roy, the
was the: Brahmo Samaj split into two sections; the
Brahmo Samaj of India and the Adi Brahmo
A. Southeast Asian Trading Company. Samaj. Who were the leaders of the two sec-
B. Dutch Spice Company. tions, respectively?

C. Batavia Company. A. Keshab Chandra Sen and Radhakanta

D. Dutch East India Company.

B. Keshab Chandra Sen and Debendranath
21. Which of the following event compel M.K Tagore
Gandhi to withdraw the Nation’s coopera-
tion from the British Government? C. Debendranath Tagore and Radhakanta
A. Jallianwala massacre
D. Radhakanta Deb and Debendranath
B. Bhagat Singh Hanging
C. Lathi charge
eR Tagore
27. The core of the middle class, which
emerged in Bengal, was of
D. All of the above
22. Who of the following was the earliest A. Zamindars
known greek follower of Bhagavatism? B. Bankers
A. Megasthenes C. Merchants
B. Antialkidas D. None of these

C. Heliodorus 28. Consider the following statements regard-

ing Simons commission:
D. None of the above
1. The premises for the constitution of
23. Who was the last king of Sunga dynasty the commission can be traced back to
A. Pushyamithra the times of Montagu-Chelmsford Re-

B. Agnimithra 2. Clement Attlee who later became


C. Devabutti British PM was a member of the com-

D. None of these 3. All the major Indian parties unilater-
24. The name of the king to whom all the early ally boycotted the commission.
Aryan dynasties traced their origin was Select the correct answer using the code
A. Krishna-Vasudeva given below.
B. Mandhata A. 1 and 3 only

C. Manu-Vaivasvat B. 3 only

D. Yudisthira C. 2 only

25. Which one of the following rulers of Mag- D. 1 and 2 only

adha was the contemporary of Alexander, 29. Who among the following was the founder
the great? of the Muslim League?
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576 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Muhammad Ali Jinnah 34. When was the All India Women’s Confer-
ence founded?
B. Aga Khan
C. Nawab Salimullah A. 1925 C. 1926

D. Shaukat Ali B. 1927 D. 1924

30. Melaka was Southeast Asia’s foremost trad- 35. Egyptian empire came to an end in the
ing centre until
A. 2000 BC C. 3000 BC
A. the Portuguese conquered it in 1504.

B. 1000 BC D. 900 BC
B. 1504.
36. Which of the following did not constitute
C. 1511. part of the army reforms of Sher Shah?

D. the Spanish conquered it in 1511. A. Cash payment to soldiers
31. Under pressure from authorities in Mecca, B. Keeping a large army at the center
Muhammad and his followers fled to Med-
C. Introduction of the practice of branding
ina in 622. Muslims call this move

A. The umra. C. Yathrib. D. Introduction of a swiftly moving ar-
B. The hijra. D. The hajj.
37. Where did the 16 Janapadas were men-
32. Which one of the following statements
A. Jaina Scriptures
about the teaching of Kabir is not correct?
B. Aryanakas
A. He believed in universal love
C. Brahmanas
B. He was not against pilgrimage and idol
D. Buddhist Scripts

38. The system of competitive examination for
C. He emphasized on one God and the Civil Service was accepted in principle in

spread of devotionalism the year

D. He did not consider it necessary to aban-

A. 1853 C. 1858
don the normal life of a householder
B. 1882 D. 1833
33. Consider the following statements about
Sher Shah’s administration 39. Joseph Francois Dupleix was the comman-

1. He divided his empire into Sarkars, der of the forces in India.

which were further subdivided into A. American, C. British,
2. The Sarkars and the Parganas were B. Dutch D. French,

directly administered by Sher Shah

40. The creator of the Dutch trading empire in
without the help of any other officials.
Southeast Asia was:
Which of the statements given above is/are
A. Jan Pieterzoon Coen.
B. Felix Cabal.
A. Only 1
C. Jan Huyghen van Linschoten.
B. Only 2
D. Pieter Gynt.
C. Both 1 and 2 41. Who among the following was a Satavahana
D. Neither 1 nor 2
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A. Rudradaman 46. What was the Normal rate of interest on

loans during the Guptas period
B. Nahapana
C. Vasisthiputra Pulumayi A. 10% C. 25%
D. Maltendravartnan B. 20% D. 15%
42. By 600 BC important towns developed in
47. The notion of saptanga that was introduced
in Arthashastra includes
A. Magadha
A. aristocrats, acharyas, traders, and
B. Vaishali monks.
C. Patliputra B. kings, territory, administration and trea-
D. Taxila-Vaishali sury

43. A story of Sunahsesha, in which his father C. ministers, civil servants, subalterns and
Ajigarta is stated to have sold him to Har- those involved in espionage
ishchandra, occurs in: D. music, dance, ragas and wrestling
A. Svetasvatara Upanishad 48. Separate electorates for Muslims in India
were introduced by which one of the follow-
B. Brihadaranyaka Upanishad eR ing Acts?
C. Gopatha Brahmana
A. Indian Councils Act of 1892
D. Aitareya Brahmana B. Rowlatt Act of 1919
44. Which of the following statements about
C. Government of India Act of 1935
Permanent Settlement are correct?
D. Government of India Act of 1909
1. It conferred proprietary rights to peas-
ants. 49. Which one of the following rulers built the
2. The Zamindars were recognised as the Bibi ka Maqbara?
proprietors of land.

A. Jahangir C. Shahjahan
3. The government permanently fixed
the land revenue demand. B. Akbar D. Aurangzeb
4. The Zamindars acted as the middle-
men between the peasants and the gov- 50. Who separated centre state finance?
ernment. A. Lord Cornwallis

Select the correct answer using the codes B. Lord Mayo


given below
C. Lord Hardinge
A. 1 and 4 C. 2, 3 and 4 D. Lord Irwin
B. 1 and 3 D. 3 and 4 51. The chief form of property in the Rigveda
45. Which of the following is/are the main A. Gold
aim/s of Young Bengal Movement? B. House
A. Inspire pupil to think freely and ratio- C. Land
D. Cattle wealth
B. Question all authority and oppose deca-
52. Who among the following Governor Gen-
dent customs and traditions
eral created the Covenanted Civil Service
C. Love liberty, equality and freedom of India which later came to be known as
the Indian Civil Service?
D. All the above
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578 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Warren Hastings 57. Which of the following was not the likely
B. Wellesley purpose of the Great Bath in the citadel at
C. Cornwallis
A. Community bathing
D. William Bentinck
B. Swimming exercises and water sports
53. The poet who is called as Indian Shake-
speare C. Some elaborate ritual of vital impor-
tance, including a corporate social life
A. Bana C. Kalidas D. Storage of water to be used during

B. Dhandi D. Rajasekhara drought or emergency
58. The author of Tabqat-i-Nasiri is?
54. Which of the following was not one of

A. Aniir Khusro
the social reform measures introduced by
William Bentinck? B. Mehadi Hussain
A. Suppression of the organized bands of C. Minhai-us Siraj
thugs D. Ziyauddin Barni

B. Abolition of slavery 59. Malatimadhava of Bhavabhuti is an impor-
C. Removal of disabilities due to change of tant source for the study of the
religion A. Buddhist Tantriks
D. Abolition of Sati B. Digambara Jainas
55. Lord Mountbatten as a Viceroy had con- C. Bhagavata
versed with following Indian leaders regard-
ing the transfer of power- D. Kapalikas
60. In ancient times ‘Sectora’ was situated in
1. Jawahar Lal Nehru
2. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel A. The Mouth of Mediterranean Sea

3. Mohammad Ali Jinnah B. The Mouth of Indus valley

4. Mahatma Gandhi

C. The Mouth of Narmada River

Indicate the correct sequence of their con-
versation from the code given below D. The Mouth of Red sea

61. The Mauryan state had the monopoly over

A. 2, 3, 4, 1 C. 4, 3, 2, 1 which of the following sectors?
B. 3, 2, 1, 4 D. 1, 4, 2, 3 A. Mining and Metallurgy

B. Coins and currency

56. During the later half of the nineteenth cen-
tury, the Indian intelligentsia started protest- C. Armaments and shipbuilding
ing against the policies of the colonial rule D. All the above

by various means. Which one of the follow-

62. Who was the author of Shatpatre?
ing was not a part of that protest?
A. Writing books and articles on the sub- A. Agarkar C. Ghokhale
ject B. Lokhitwadi D. Tilak
B. Resorting to armed resistance
63. The Han dynasty arose in the year
C. Publishing newspapers for articulating
their views A. 204 BC C. 202 BC
D. Forming societies, associations and or- B. 203 BC D. 205 BC
ganisations to voice their grievances
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64. When did Saladin capture Jerusalem? 70. The Ramayana narrates events believed to
have taken place in the Yuga or age.
A. 1193 C. 1187
B. 1203 D. 1118 A. Kal C. Sat
B. Dwapar D. Treta
65. The treaty of Allahabad took place
71. Consider the following statements :
A. Shuja-ud-daulah. Robert Clive and
1. Lime mortar was never used at Mo-
Shah Alam II
henjodaro in the construction of
B. Shuja-ud-daulah, Mir Jafar and Shah dwellings.
Alam II 2. At Dholavira, stone was never used in
C. Shuja-ud-daulah, Wajid Ali Shah and the construction of dwellings.

Shah Alam II Which of the statements given above is / are
D. None of the Above correct?
66. Which Kushana king adopted the epithet A. 1 only
B. 2 only
A. Kanishka the Great
B. Kuzul Kadaphises
C. Huvishka
eR C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
72. Why did British resort to the ‘Downward
D. Vim Kadaphises Filtration Theory’ till 1854
67. Ashoka himself considered his policy of
dhamma as: A. To justify their commercial policy in In-
A. The essence of original Buddhism as
preached by the Buddha B. To justify their industrial policy in India

B. A way of life which was both practical

and convenient as well as highly moral C. To justify their social policy in India
C. The ideal of virtuous life based on moral D. To justify their education policy in India
teachings of various thinkers
D. The essence of all religions or the com- 73. Which place is known as the gate of ancient

mon religion of mankind

68. Which of the following helped unite Charle-

A. Kozhikode
magne’s empire?
B. Mahodayapuram
A. Viking attacks
C. Quilon
B. A strong, efficient government.
D. Muziris
C. Magyar attacks.
74. Mathematics was treated as a distinct sub-
D. The Treaty of Verdun. ject by
69. Which of the following was NOT an inno-
A. Aryabhatta
vation of the Neolithic Revolution?
A. pottery B. Vijayanandin

B. printing C. Varahmihira

C. improved toolmaking D. Braham Gupta

D. farming 75. Indian Napoleon was
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580 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Skanda Gupta A. Vallabhacharya

B. Samudra Gupta B. Madhava
C. Chandra Gupta C. Mirabai
D. Chandra Gupta I D. Nimbarka
76. "Middle Ages" in Western Europe includes 82. Which is called the ‘Magna Carta’ of west-
the period ern education system in India?
A. Beginning of Byzantine through the end A. Report of the Hunter Commission, 1862

of the Roman Empire
B. End of the Roman Empire through the B. Despatch of Sir Charles Wood, Secre-
Byzantine period tary of State, 1854

C. AD 300 - AD 1600 C. The report of the Committee of Public
D. Beginning of Early Christian through Instruction, 1823
the 13th or 14th centuries D. The Charter Act of 1833
77. The guild organization described in the 83. Who of the following Prime Ministers sent

Mandsore inscription of Kumaragupta was Cripps Mission to India?
known as
A. Winston Churchill
A. Tailika C. Dantakara B. James Ramsay MacDonald
B. Kulika D. Tantuvaya C. Stanley Baldwin

78. Traditionally, Asians tended to regard na- D. Neville Chamberlain

ture as: 84. Which of the following is the chronological
A. an entity of little importance.
1. Vallabhacharya
B. an enemy.

2. Ramananda
C. a force with which man must establish 3. Madhvacharya

harmony. 4. Ramanuja
D. something to be conquered.
A. 2, 4, 1, 3 C. 3, 2, 1, 4

79. In March 1784 the treaty of Mangalore was

concluded mainly at the insistence of B. 4, 1, 3, 2 D. 4, 3, 2, 1

A. Warren Hastings 85. Who was the Turkish commander who con-

B. Lord McCartney quered Bihar and Bengal?

C. Tipu Sultan A. Mohammad of Ghur
D. Colonel Fullarton B. Ikhtiyar ud-Din-Muhammad

80. In which of the following respects did the C. Kutub ud-Din Aibak
Romans not profoundly influenced Indian
life and culture? D. Bakhtiyar Khalji
86. The Name of Ram Prasad Bismil is associ-
A. Coinage C. Art ated with
B. Astronomy D. Fashions A. Kakori Conspiracy Case
B. Alipore Conspiracy Case
81. Who among the following propagated
Dvaita or dualism of Jivatma and Para- C. Kanpur Conspiracy Case
matma? D. Meerut Conspiracy Case
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87. Kumardevi, the Queen of Govindachandra 93. When did Gandhiji launch the Quit India
Gahadavala, constructed Dharmachakra- movement?
jina-vihar at A. 8th August 1940
A. Kanauj C. Bodhgaya B. 8th August 1944
B. Sarnath D. Kusinagar C. 8th August 1938
D. 8th August 1942
88. The Mazhabi Sikhs were originally
94. The single biggest item of import to the
A. Artisans Vijayanagar empire was
B. Peasants A. Luxury goods
C. Landed magnates B. Horses
D. Menials C. Raw Silk

89. The significance of the Bengal Regulation D. Precious stones
of 1793 lies in the fact that?
95. Of the four events mentioned below, which
A. It accommodated the personal laws of one was chronologically the last to take
Hin-du and Muslims place?
B. It provided for the appointment of the
Indian Law Commission
C. It provided for the establishment of the
eR A. Election of July 1946
B. Simla conference
C. The offer of the Cabinet Mission Plan
Su-preme Court
D. Muslim League joining the Interim Gov-
D. It restricted the application of English
law to English men only
96. The so-called universities of Nalanda,
90. Who was the founder of Ajeevika sect?
Vikramshila, etc. were actually:
A. Mahavira
A. Buddhist monasteries

B. Suddhodana
B. Apex bodies of Buddhist monasteries
C. Vasudeva Krishna
C. Learning centres of Buddhist monks
D. Makkali Gosala
D. Secular centres of education and learn-
91. The silver coins issued by the Guptas were ing

97. The author of Kalpasutra was


A. Pana C. Dinara
A. Subandhu C. Bhadrabahu
B. Karshapana D. Rupaka
B. Panini D. Patanjali
92. Which one among the following prompted
98. Which among the following British men
Rabindranath Tagore to surrender his title
tried to obtain a Firman for trade in Gujarat
of ‘Sir’?
from Emperor Akbar?
A. The passing of the Rowlatt Act
A. Ralph Fitch
B. The passing of the Act of 1919
B. John Mildenhall
C. To support Mahatma Gandhi’s Satya-
C. Sir Thomas Roe
graha Movement
D. Thomas Stephens
D. To protest against the massacre at Jal-
lianwala Bagh and the imposition of martial 99. University of Vikramsila enjoyed the pa-
law in Punjab tronage of
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582 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. King Yasovarman of Kannauj labour and to make recommendations

B. Palas B. To review the fitness of India for further
C. Pratiharas political reforms

D. Senas C. To draw up a plan for financial reforms

100. During the colonial period in India, what for India
was the purpose of the Whitley Commis- D. To develop a comprehensive scheme for
sion? Civil Services in India

A. To report on the existing conditions of


1. A 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. D 8. A 9. A 10. B 11. D 12. C 13. A 14. A
15. D 16. A 17. A 18. B 19. D 20. D 21. A 22. C 23. C 24. C 25. A 26. B
27. A 28. D 29. C 30. C 31. C 32. B 33. A 34. B 35. A 36. D 37. A 38. A
39. D 40. A 41. C 42. D 43. D 44. C 45. D 46. D 47. B 48. D 49. D 50. A

51. D 52. D 53. C 54. B 55. D 56. B 57. D 58. C 59. D 60. D 61. D 62. B
63. C 64. D 65. A 66. B 67. B 68. D 69. B 70. D 71. D 72. D 73. D 74. A
75. B 76. C 77. D 78. C 79. B 80. D 81. B 82. B 83. A 84. D 85. D 86. A
87. B 88. D 89. A 90. D 91. D 92. D 93. D 94. B 95. D 96. A 97. C 98. B
99. B 100. A
Unit 17

1. Nagarjuna is known as the Einstein of India 4. The Ahoms were of origin.

A. Afghan C. Mongol

A. Like Einstein he had a rare insight into

the nature of the universe B. Nepal D. Assam

B. He was one of the greatest physicists of

5. How many modes of devotion (Bhakti) are
all time

mentioned in Bhagawatism?
C. He propounded the theory of shun-
yavada similar to Einstein’s theory of rela- A. Ten C. Eight
tivity B. Nine D. Eleven

D. He was a great dialectician

6. The Company lost all its administrative
2. Sardinia was the strongest state of
powers .

A. Holland C. Italy A. By the Government of India Act of 1958

B. France D. Germany
B. By the Government of India Act of 1758,
3. The center of French power in India was:
C. By the Government of India Act of 1858,
A. Madras.
B. Surat.
D. By the Government of India Act of
C. Goa. 1658,
D. Pondicherry. 7. Satavahanas belonged to
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A. Andhra region A. Lord Canning

B. Maharashtra B. Lord Northbrook
C. Kalinga C. Lord Mayc
D. Konkan region D. Sir John Lawrence
8. Between 1765 and 1800 the Sikhs brought 13. Samudra-Pasai:
the whole of Punjab and Jammu under their A. was a popular place for religious pil-
control. At that time they were organised grimages.
B. was the founder of the Hindu-Bhakti Al-
A. Twelve misls liance.
B. Sixteen misls C. failed to re-conquer Vietnam for the
C. Ten misls Ming.

D. Six misls D. was the first Islamic state in Southeast
9. Which of the following are correct re- Asia.
garding constitutional reforms in pre- 14. Which of the following are features of Sub-
independent India? sidiary Alliance?
1. Provision of an All India Federation - 1. British stationed their forces perma-
Government of India Act, 1935
2. Introduction of separate electorates -
Government of India Act, 1919
eR nently in their allies and the Indian
ruler has to pay for them and also ac-
cept British paramountcy.
3. Dyarchy in provinces - Council Acts, 2. Indian ruler could keep his force along
1892 with British force but was also de-
barred from making any transactions
Select the correct answer using the code
from other foreign power without
given below. British approval.
A. 1, 2 and 3 3. British promised non-interference in
internal affairs of allies.

B. 1 and 3 only
Select the correct answer using the codes
C. 2 and 3 only
are given below
D. 1 only
A. 1, 2 and 3
10. Erotic sculpture in the temples are found at
B. 1 and 2 only

A. (A)& (B) C. Konark C. 2 and 3 only


B. Khajuraho D. Kanchi D. 1 and 3 only

15. Whose said the given statement - "I came
11. Which one of the following contemporary
alone and I am going alone. I have not done
sources depicts Humayun’s passion for as-
well to the country and the people and of
tronomy and astrology?
the future, there is no hope":
A. Humayun Namah
A. Aurangzeb C. Mir Jumla
B. Qanun-i-Humayuni
B. Dara Shikoh D. Jahangir
C. Tarikh-i-Rashidi
D. Tuzuk-i-Babri 16. The great French socialist Babeuf was exe-
12. After 1857, which of the following an- cuted in the year
nounced, at a Darbar at Allahabad, the as- A. 1799 C. 1798
sumption of the Government of India by the
Sovereign of Great Britain? B. 1797 D. 1796
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584 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

17. The resolution of Swadeshi was adopted in A. Qutb-ud-din Aibak

which session of Congress? B. Muhammad Ghazni
A. Bombay session of 1904 C. Iltutmish
B. Benaras session of 1905 D. Muhammad Bin Quasim
C. Calcutta session of 1906 23. Indian civilization is thought to have begun
D. Madras session of 1903
A. the Ganges Valley.
18. Consider the following pairs Vaishnava

saints: Region of strong following B. the Deccan.

1. Ramanuja - South India C. Kashmir.

2. Chaitanya- Central India D. the Indus Valley.

3. Vallabhacharya - Gujarat and Braj 24. Who destroyed the Nalanda University in
4. Ramanand - North India 1202 AD?
Of these pairs, the correctly matched ones A. Bakhtiyar Khilji

B. Qutbuddin Aibak
A. l, 3 and 4 C. 2, 3 and 4 C. Moizuddin Muhammad Ghori
B. 1 and 4 D. l, 2 and 3 D. Mahmud of Ghazni
25. The founder of Daoism was:
19. Lord Cornwallis had introduced the
A. Laozi. C. Zhuangzi.
land tenure system.
B. Xunzi. D. Mencius.
A. Zamindari C. Ryotwari
26. Which of the following dynasties had a role
B. Mahalwari D. Inamdari in the construction and maintenance of the

Sanchi Stupa?
20. Consider the following archaeological sites
A. Kanvas C. Sungas

1. Damdama
2. Kumool caves B. Mauryas D. Satavahanas

3. Tekkala Kota
4. Naikunda 27. Svetambaras and Digambaras were two
sects of
Their correct sequence in order of their an-
tiquity is A. Jainism C. Vaishnavism

B. Buddhism D. Saivism
A. 2,1,3,4 C. 3,1,2,4
B. 2,3,3,1 D. 3,4,2,1 28. Which one of the following pairs of kings

of ancient and medieval periods of Indian

history and the works authored by them is
21. How many tirthas (Officials) are referred in
correctly matched?
A. Somesvara : Amuktamalyada
A. 17 C. 16 B. Mehendravarman : Mattavilasapra-
B. 18 D. 19 hasana
C. Krishnadevaraya : Samaranganasu-
22. The Muslim ruler who conquered the king- tradhra
dom of Bundelkhand in 1203 A.D? D. Bhojadeva : Manasollasa
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29. The writers of the East India Company had A. The sectarian and communal conflict of
their training in the college at in Eng- the period
land. B. Administrative reforms introduced by
A. Liverpool C. Haileybury
C. The social, religious and economic life
B. Manchester D. London of the people of his time
D. Working of the inner mind of Ashoka
30. Who among the following was the author
36. Baba Ram Chandra organised peasants in
of Tahqiq-i-Hind?
A. Minhaj-us-Siraj A. Andhra C. Bengal

B. Badauni B. Bihar D. Oudh

C. Alberuni 37. Seleucus, the general of Alexander, was de-
feated by
D. Amir Khusro
A. Ashoka the great
31. The ‘Sepoy Mutiny’ was in the year .
B. Chandra Gupta Maurya
A. 1757, C. 1765 C. Chandra Gupta
B. 1657, D. 1857
eR D. Samudra Gupta
38. Which new department was started by
32. Who is known as the Father of Indian Un- Muhammad-bin- Tughlaq for the develop-
rest? ment of agriculture?
A. Dadabhai Nauroji A. Diwan-i-Risalat
B. Bal Gangadhar Tilak B. Diwan-i-Ashraf
C. Diwan-i-Mustkharaz
C. Mahatma Gandhi

D. Diwan-i-Kohi
D. G. K. Gokhale
39. Consider the following statements regard-
33. Who among the following was the Minister ing Gandhi’s initial phase.
and Chief Advisor of Nana Saheb Peshwa?
1. He understood the limitations of the
A. Azimullah Khan moderate phase.
2. He was not in favour of Home rule

B. Maulvi Ahmad Shah


C. Wajid Ali Shah Which of the above statements is/are true?

D. Amirullah Khan A. 1 only
34. Akbar’s policy toward India’s Hindus was B. 2 only
one of:
C. Both 1 and 2
A. forced conversion.
D. Neither 1 and 2
B. repression. 40. Brihadesvara temple in Tanjore was built
C. toleration. by?
A. Rajendra-II
D. indifference.
B. Rajendra-I
35. Information in respect of which of the fol-
lowing cannot be obtained from the edicts C. Narasimha Varma
and inscriptions of Ashoka? D. Rajasimha
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586 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

41. How many World Heritage Sites are there 47. The ruler of provinces in Guptas period are
today called as

A. 930 C. 935 A. Bhuktis C. Bhandagars

B. 936 D. 934 B. Kotwals D. Uparikas

48. Prussia was the strongest state of Germany

42. Why Simon commission was established?
before the unification was dominated by the
A. To enquire into the working of the Gov-

A. monarchs
ernment of India Act, 1919 and to suggest
further reforms in the system of administra- B. landlords (Junkers)
tion. C. lords

B. To enquire into the working of the D. industrialists
Marley-Minto reforms. 49. In 1946 there was a muting of Indian naval
C. To declare India as republic state ratings in

D. None of these A. Visakhapatanam

43. Who said Hanooz Dilli Door Ast? B. Bombay

A. Todarmal C. Calcutta
D. Madras
B. Firdausi
50. Toramana belonged to the ethnic horde of
C. Farid the-
D. Nizamuddin Aulia
A. Yue-chis C. Hunas
44. The Prathihara ruler who occupied Kan-
B. Scythians D. Sakas


A. Prithviraj C. Nagabhatta 51. Dutch trade in Asia centered upon:


B. Rajyapala D. Jayachandra A. Java and other Indonesian islands.


B. China.
45. Which Chalukyan ruler is said to have re- C. India.
ceived an embassy from the Persian king
D. the Philippines.
Khusrau II?

52. The French East India Company was

A. Vijayaditya founded in
B. Vinayaditya
A. 1663 C. 1665

C. Vikramaditya I
B. 1664 D. 1666
D. Pulkesin II
46. One of the most important facts in the 53. The policy of Doctrine of lapse was intro-
history of India during the 1st century of duced by .
British rule is the decay of her flourishing A. Lord Macaulay
B. Lord William Bentinck,
A. A and B C. Trade
C. Lord Dalhousie
B. Industry D. Agriculture
D. Lord Wellesley,
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54. Consider the following statements related A. Khan Bahadur Khan

to the Mansabdari system of the Mughals: B. Kunwar Singh
1. Akbar introduced the Mansabdari sys- C. Tantya Tope
2. Mansabdars were ranked according to D. Nana Sahib
the number of zats and sawars they 59. Who among the following was born into
had. a Rathore royal family of Kudki district
3. Mansabdars were military officers of Pali, Rajasthan and was a 16th-century
only. Hindu mystic poet and devotee of Krishna?
Which of the above statements are correct? A. Kabir C. Ramananda

A. 1 and 3 C. 2 and 3 B. Mirabai D. Tukaram

B. 1 and 2 D. 1, 2 and 3 60. The founder of Gadar Party was?
A. Basudev Balwant Phadke
55. Who among the following is said to be the
B. Bhagat Singh
founder of the pasupata cult?
C. Lala Hardayal
A. Kusika
B. Basava
C. Gorakhnatha
D. Lakulisa
eR D. Vinay Damodar Savarkar
61. Alexander the great defeated Porus in the
56. According to Brihaspati the grades of arti- A. 324 BC C. 326 BC
sans were
B. 327 BC D. 325 BC
A. Four C. Eight
62. Muhammad Ghazni invaded India 17 times
B. Two D. Six between

A. 1025-1046 A.D.
57. Arrange the following Tughlaqs in the
chronological sequence: B. 950-1000 A.D.

1. Firuz Tughlaq C. 1000-1026 A.D.

2. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq D. 900-950 A.D.

3. Abu Bakr 63. Which of the following are true about Sikan-

4. Nasiruddin Mahmud dar Lodi?

5. Muhammad bin Tughlaq
1. He tightened the espionage system.
Select the correct answer from the codes 2. He took a keen interest in the devel-
given below: opment of agriculture and regularly
examined the price schedules for the
A. 1, 2, 5, 4 and 3
B. 2, 5, 1, 3 and 4 3. He made his younger brother Jalal the
independent ruler of the Jaunpur re-
C. 4, 2, 1, 5 and 3
gion, formerly ruled by the Sharqis.
D. 2, 5, 1, 4 and 3 4. His descendants preferred to call
58. With reference to the ‘revolt of the year’ themselves the chaghatayids originat-
who of the following was betrayed by ing from Chengiz khan’s second son,
‘friend’ captured and put to death by the Chaghatay, who ruled Transoxiana.
British? Which of the above is/are correct?
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588 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. 1, 2, 3 and 4 69. Who among the following was the lowest

in rank in the Maratha infantry?
B. 1 and 2
C. 1 and 3 A. Zumladar C. Hawaldar
D. 2, 3 and 4 B. Nayak D. Hazari
64. The following are the lessons taught to
70. Ibadat Khana at Fatehpur Sikri was
masses i.e. Muslim women in particular
A. the mosque for the use of Royal Family
A. Urged the Muslims to give up medieval

customs and ways of thought and behaviour B. Akbar’s private prayer chamber
C. the hall in which Akbar held discussions
B. Removal of purdah and spread of educa- with scholars of various religions

tion D. the room in which the nobles belong-
C. Both A and B ing to different religions gathered to discuss
religious affairs
D. None of the above.
71. The Vijayanagara Empire:

65. Pushti marg is a Vaishnav sect of the Hin-
A. defended the Deccan against Islamic in-
duism was founded by?
A. Shankaracharya
B. was conquered by Sikander Lodi.
B. Ramanujacharya C. was a Buddhist state.
C. Vallabhacharya D. was a great naval power.
D. Nimbarkacharya 72. The distinguishing feature of Upnishadic
66. For which period did Harihara Raya II of thought is
Sangma dynasty ruled the Vijayanagara Em- A. faith in idol worship

B. belief in karma and rebirth
A. 1485-1491 C. 1491-1505 C. belief in practising Veda for attaining

B. 1377-1404 D. 1446-1465

D. All the above

67. What is the name of the collection of hymns 73. Bhakti Saint who was contemporary of
of Alvar Saints? Sivaji?

A. Divya Prabandha

A. Tukaram C. Namadev
B. Kabir Wani B. Ekanatha D. Gnanadeva
C. Tamil Veda

74. Who was the author of Ishara book?

D. Granthawali
A. Tilak
68. The greatest royal patron of the University
of Nalanda was/ were: B. Mahatma Phule
C. Phadke
A. King Harsha of Kannauj
D. Ghokhale
B. Pala kings Dharmapala and Devapala
75. The people of the Chalcolithic phase used
C. King Balaputradeva of Sumatra different type of pottery, one of which is
D. The Gupta king Chandragupta II, Vikra- called black and red seems to have been
maditya widely prevalent from nearly
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A. 2000 BC onwards A. give effect to the Independence Bill

B. 3000 BC onwards B. delimit the boundaries between India
and Pakistan
C. 500 BC onwards
C. solve the problem of minorities in India
D. 1000 BC onwards
D. enquire into the riots in East Bengal
76. Writing about the volume of Indo-Roman
82. Which Sikh Guru began ‘Sachcha Pad-
trade, who bitterly remarked “not a year
passed without the (Roman) Empire paying
out 100 million sesterces (nearly one and A. Guru Tegh Bahadur
a half-crore rupees) to India, to the Chera B. Guru Arjan Dev
land and Arabia”?
C. Guru Hargovind
A. Caldwell
D. Guru Gobind Singh

B. Ptolemy 83. Who was the last Hindu emperor of north-
C. Pliny ern India?
D. Author of Periplus A. Skandagupta
77. There are similarities between the seals B. Harsha
found at Mohenjo-Daro and

A. China C. Egypt
eR C. Rajyavardhana
D. Pulakesin II
84. Who said Ask not, Say not Think not caste.
B. Sumeria D. Afghanistan Think only Gods.
A. William Logan,
78. By 500 B.C.E., the center of Indian civiliza-
tion had shifted to: B. S.N. Banerjee

A. the Indus Valley. C. Sree Narayana Guru,


B. the Deccan. D. Connolly,

85. Who amongst the following is known as the
C. the Ganges Valley. Light of Asia?
D. Kashmir. A. Zarathustra
79. When Alexander attacked India in the B. Prophet Mohammad
Northwest India there existed?

C. Lord Buddha

A. Only republican states

D. Jesus Christ
B. Only monarchical states 86. Ali brothers are related to which of the fol-
C. Both monarchical& republican states lowing?

D. None of these A. Khilafat Movement

80. Who among the following was the ’Political B. Quit India Movement
Guru’ of Mahatma Gandhi? C. Indian National Congress
A. SN Banerjee D. Fascism
B. Dadabhai Naoroji 87. Who among the following levied Turushka-
C. BG Tilak
A. Chandellas C. Chahamanas
D. GK Gokhale
81. The Radcliffe Committee was appointed to B. Shahis D. Gahadavalas
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590 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

88. The Gita was complied by 95. Which of the following are true about Ja-
A. Vedvyas hangir?
I. The full name of Jahangir was Nurud-
B. Vatsyayan
din Md. Jahangir
C. Valmiki II. Jahangir had ended a long drawn out
D. Krishna Vasudev struggle with Mewar
III. Mahabat Khan revolted against Ja-
89. Which of the following states of India did
hangir and captured Jahangir and his
not form part of the Mauryan empire?
wife Nurjahan at Lahore

A. Kerala
A. Only I
B. Tamil Nadu
B. I and II
C. Both A and B above

C. II and III
D. Kashmir
D. All the above
90. The main focus of the Rigvedic culture was
96. From which country of the Asian Continent
A. The Indo-Gangetic region was Bogazkui inscription discovered?

B. The Punjab and Delhi region
A. Iran C. Turkey
C. The Indus valley region
B. Syria D. India
D. The region between Swat and Indus
91. Dandi March started on 1930.
97. Which one of the following statements
A. 12th March about the rule of Saadat Khan in Awadh
B. 12th April is not correct?

C. 12th February A. He suppressed the lawless and rebel-

lious zamindars and thus increased the fi-
D. 12th May

nancial resources of his government

92. Who was elected as President of the All
India Khilafat Conference in 1919? B. He took several steps to improve trade

and commerce
A. Shaukat Ali
C. He carried out a fresh revenue settle-

B. Mahatma Gandhi ment

C. M.A. Jinnah D. He improved the lot of the peasants by
D. None of these levying equitable land revenue and by pro-

93. The great Indian philospher Sankara advo- tecting them from oppressive zamindars
cated 98. Satapatha Brahmana is related to
A. Advaita
A. Samaveda C. Yajurveda

B. Dvaita
B. Atharvaveda D. Rigveda
C. Vishistadvaita
D. None of these 99. Which Iirdu poet was invited to the Second
94. Ibn Tufail lived in: and Third Round Table Conference?

A. Egypt A. FaizAhmadFaiz

B. Spain B. Firaq Gorakhpuri

C. Syria C. Josh Malihabadi

D. None of these D. Mohammad Iqbal
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100. Cotton weaving probably began in: C. Sumer.

A. China. D. the Indus Valley civilization.
B. Southeast Asia.


1. C 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. A 11. D 12. A 13. D 14. D

15. A 16. B 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. A 21. B 22. A 23. D 24. A 25. A 26. A
27. A 28. B 29. C 30. C 31. D 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. A 36. D 37. C 38. D
39. C 40. B 41. B 42. A 43. D 44. C 45. D 46. A 47. D 48. B 49. B 50. C
51. A 52. B 53. C 54. B 55. D 56. D 57. B 58. C 59. B 60. C 61. A 62. C
63. B 64. C 65. C 66. B 67. A 68. C 69. C 70. C 71. A 72. B 73. A 74. B
75. A 76. C 77. B 78. C 79. C 80. D 81. B 82. C 83. B 84. C 85. C 86. A

87. D 88. D 89. C 90. A 91. A 92. B 93. C 94. B 95. D 96. C 97. B 98. C
99. D 100. D

Unit 18

1. Which was the only5.session

tional Congress, presided
by Mahatma
Due toofcommercial
Indian Na- rivalry the Dutch in-
in the massacre

A. Amboyna
Gan- of Englishmen at

C. Surat
A. Allahabad C. Cassimbazar
B. Belgaum D. Malacca
B. Guwahati D. Kakinada
6. Gandhi had given out the stirring call of
2. What was the Rigvedic‘Do or of
name Die’ during
river Ravi?the Movement.
A. Quit India
A. Kubha C. Vitasta

B. Civil Disobedience
B. Vipas D. Parushni
C. Khilafat
3. Which one of the following travellers is not
D. Non-cooperation
associated with the 7.
The Capeof of the
Hope was discovered by
ries of Vijayanagar kingdom?
A. Albuquerque Diaz

A. Paes
B. Vasco-da-Gama

B. Nuniz
C. Bartholomew
C. Ibn Batuta
D. Dc Almeida
D. Abdur Razzaq 8. The animal picturized on most seals is.
4. Sheikh Moin-ud-din, Bakhtiyar Kaki and
A. Unicorn
Farid-ud-din Ganj-i-Shakar were C. Humped bull

A. prominent paintersB. Buffalo

from the Sultanate D. Jebu
9. The rulers of which of the following
B. prominent chisti saints
dynasties were characterized by their
C. prominent militarymetronymics?
leaders of the Sul-
tanate period
A. Kanva C. Sunga
D. prominent poets from the courts of the
B. Maurya D. Satavahana
Sultanate period
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592 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

10. Who among the following was the ruler of A. Only I, II

Kanchi during the time of Samudragupta? B. Only I, III
A. Vishnugopa C. Mantaraja C. Only II
B. Hastivarman D. Nilaraja D. All of the above
14. Ashtapradhan was a Council of Ministers-
11. Statement I: The annexation of Awadh by A. In the Chola administration
Lord Dalhousie in 1856 adversely affected
B. In the Gupta administration
the financial conditions of the sepoys. State-

ment II: The sepoys had to pay higher taxes C. In the Vijaynagar administration
on the land where their family members D. In the Maratha administration
stayed in Awadh. 15. The chief opponents of the Aryans were

A. Both the statements are true and State- the indigenous people of non-Aryan origin
ment II is the correct explanation of State- known as Panis and Dasas or Dasyus. The
ment I factor which enabled the Aryans to emerge
victorious in the struggle against the indige-
B. Both the statements are true, but State-

nous tribes was
ment II is not the correct explanation of
Statement I A. Superior military equipment of the
C. Statement I is true, but Statement II is
B. Cultural superiority
D. Statement I is false, but Statement II is C. Better organization among the Aryans
true D. Lack of unity among the indigenous
12. Statement I : Gandhiji failed to realise that tribes
the Khilafat was an extra-territorial issue. 16. Arrange the following events of Akbar’s
Statement II : The cause of Khilafat was dis- reign in the Chronological order:

credited by 1923, as Mustafa Kamal Pasha 1. Uzbeq Rebellion

set-up a secular republican Government in 2. Introduction of Dagh System

Turkey. 3. Conquest of Kashmir

A. Both the statements are true and State- Select the correct answer from the codes

ment II is the correct explanation of State- given below:

ment I
A. 2, 1 and 3 C. 3, 2 and 1
B. Both the statements are true, but State-
ment II is not the correct explanation of B. 1, 2 and 3 D. 2, 3 and 1

Statment I
17. After the commencement of the govern-
C. Statement I is true, but Statement II is ment of India Act-1858, what name was

to British Governor-General of India?

D. Statement II is false, but Statement II is A. Governor-General of India.
B. Governor of the state
13. Choose the correct option
C. Viceroy of the state
I. Dharmapala was the founder of the
D. None of these
Pala Empire.
II. Mihir Bhoja belongs to Pratihar dy- 18. With reference to the philosophy of Kabir,
nasty. Consider the following statements :
III. Mihir bhoja was the devotee of Lord 1. Kabir believed that the Quran was in-
KRISHNA fallible.
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2. Kabir rejected the conception of 24. Who edited ‘Basumati’, the oldest Bengali
avataras. Daily paper?
Which of the above is/are correct? A. Anand Mohan Bose
A. 1 only B. Barinder Ghosh
B. 2 only C. V. D. Savarkar
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Surya Sen
D. Neither 1 nor 2
25. Which one of the following statements is
19. Which company was authorized by Jahangir not correct about the social and cultural con-
to set up a factory in Surat? ditions in the post-Gupta period?
A. The French East India Company A. The number of land-grants increased

B. The United East India Company B. The number of castes increased
C. The English East India Company C. The tantric activities increased
D. The Portuguese East India Company
D. The Central control increased
20. Consider the following statement (s) related
26. Aruna Asaf Ali was connected with which
to the Akbar reign
I. Akbar’s Gold Mohur bore the figures
of Sita and Ram
eR one of the following movements as a
woman organiser of underground activity?
A. Non-cooperation Movement
II. Akbar’s Gold Mohur bore the image
of Prophet Mohammad B. Civil Disobedience Movement
Choose the correct answer
C. Swadeshi Movement
A. Only I
D. Quit India Movement
B. Only II
27. Which of the following British official initi-

C. Both I and II ated the Doctrine of Lapse?

D. Neither I nor II A. Lord Dalhousie
21. After his coronation Shivaji assumed the
B. Lord Wellesley
title of
C. Warren Hastings

A. Chhatrapati C. Samrat
D. Lord Auckland

B. Maharaja D. Peshwa
28. ‘Niralamba Saraswati (Saraswati is now
without support)’ thus lamented a poet at
22. Who were the most popular Sufis? the demise of
A. Rabin
A. Mihira Bhoja
B. Hallaj
B. Chandela Kirtivarma
C. Ghazali
C. Bhoja Paramara
D. None of these
D. Chahmana Visaladeva
23. Alexander died at
29. Which one among the following statements
A. Gedrosia C. Babylon regarding the social and religious reform
ideas of Raja Rammohan Roy is not cor-
B. Patala D. Taxila
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594 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. His efforts led to the formation of 34. Which of the following statements is/are
Brahmo Samaj in 1828 correct about the Chalcolithic settlement?
B. He considered different religions as em- A. They domesticated cattle most probably
bodiments of universal theism for food and not milked for drink and dairy
C. He paid attention exclusively to the products
problems/issues of the emerging middle B. They did practice cultivation but not on
class of India large scale
D. His Vedantic monism was strengthened C. The pre-Harappan phase at Kalibangan

after 1815 since an exposure to Christian in Rajasthan and Banawali in Haryana is
unitarianism distinctly chalcolithic
30. The is NOT a native of Southeast
D. All of the above

35. Identify the institution which was turned
A. taro C. mango into Benaras Hindu University by Madan
Mohan Malaviya.
B. banana D. breadfruit

A. Bethane College for women started in
31. With reference to the travellers, consider 1849 by Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar.
the following statements - B. Central Hindu school established by
1. Ibn Battuta gave valuable information Mrs. Annie Besant.
regarding Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq’s
C. Hindu college founded in 1817 by
David Hare.
2. Marco Polo and Athanasius Nikitin
visited India during the regin of Ra- D. Vedanta college founded in 1825 by
jputs. Rammohan Roy.
Which of the above is/are correct? 36. Export-trade in pre-Gupta age was most ex-

tensive with
A. 1 only

B. 2 only A. South East-Asia

C. Both 1 and 2 B. Central Asia


D. Neither 1 nor 2 C. Roman Empire

32. Under the rule of Indira Gandhi, India did D. China
all of the following EXCEPT
37. Which of the following statements is/are

A. fight a war with China. correct about the Neolithic culture?

B. modernize India’s agriculture. A. The Neolithic age marks the concluding
phase of the stone tools culture

C. declare martial law and suppress the

press. B. The evidence of productive economy or
D. complete a nuclear test. food producing culture is an essential pre-
requisite for the attestation of this age
33. All the hymns related to one of the follow-
ing Gods are in one separate mandala or C. The presence of pottery is taken to be
book of the Rigveda. Who is the God? more conclusive diagnostic speciality of
this age
A. Soma C. Varuna
D. All of the above
B. Agni D. Indra
38. The sphinx was carved out of
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A. Rocks 45. Temples at all the following places are well

B. Piece of stone known for their erotic sculpture except

C. Gold A. Madurai

D. Minerals B. Konark
39. When was paper introduced in India? C. Halebid and Belur
A. 14th century D. Khajurah
B. 18th century
46. What was the economic activity of Western
C. 12th century Europe in the early middle ages?
D. 16th century A. Commercial and urban
40. To which of the following governor general
B. Long-distance trade
goes the credit of taking steps to stop the hu-

man sacrifices practiced by the Khonds in C. Agriculture
Orissa under the erroneous belief that there
D. All the above
by the fertility of the land was increased?
47. Consider the following persons
A. Lord Canning
B. Lord Ellenborough eR 1. Sir Attar Singh
2. Bhai Teja Singh
C. Lord Dalhousie 3. Sohan Singh Bhakna
D. First Lord Hardinge 4. Kartar Singh Jhabbar
41. The Ivory scale is found from. Who among these were not the organizers
of the Singh-Sabha Movement?
A. Harappa C. Mohenjodaro
B. Kalibangan D. Lothal A. 1 and 2 C. 2 and 3
B. 1and4 D. 3and4
42. In Krishnadevaraya’s court, Ashtadiggajas

were the
A. Eight great poets of his court. 48. The earliest literate in India was in Sanskrit.
It was learnt by
B. eight great scholars of his kingdom
C. eight elephants placed at eight corners A. Writing C. Memorizing

of his capital.
B. Orally D. Singing

D. eight great ministers in his court

43. Alwars who were Vaishnavaite saints were 49. The tank of Great Bath complex at Mohen-
popular in which part of India? jodaro had stairs on
A. South India C. Gujarat 1. Northern side
B. Bengal D. Kashmir 2. Southern side
3. Eastern side
44. Which of the following cultures practiced 4. Western side
the use of urns and phallus worship? Select the correct answer from the codes
A. Mesolithic age given below:

B. Chalcolithic age
A. 3 only C. 1 and 2
C. Neolithic age
B. 1 only D. 3 and 4
D. Palaeolithic age
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596 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

50. Kandariya Mahadeva Temple of the Me- A. Vasco-da-Gama

dieval India is dedicated to which Lord? B. Da Almeida

A. Ram C. Shiva C. Albuquerque

B. Vishnu D. Brahma D. Duarte Pacheo

57. Kharaj was meant by?

51. The Paris Commune fought for A. Land Tax C. House Tax
A. workers rights B. Law D. Loan

B. landlords rights
58. Which of the following statements about
C. people rights the agrahara land grant is not correct?

D. industrialists rights A. The king could offer it to any one
52. The French royal prison the (Bastille) was B. It was a village granted taxfree to Brah-
attacked in manas
C. It underlined the privileges of the Brah-

A. 12 July 1789
B. 13 July 1789
D. The king could confiscate it on being
C. 16 July 1790 displeased by the grantee
D. 14 July 1789 59. A new addition to social customs during
Rajput age was
53. The Permanent Settlement was enforced on
. A. Child marriage
B. Prostitution
A. 1893, C. 1793, C. Jauhar

B. 1933 D. 1693, D. Sati system

60. Consider the following passage- In the

54. Moti Masjid in Red Ford, Delhi was con- course of a career on the road spanning al-
structed by? most thirty years, he crossed the breadth

of the Eastern hemisphere, visited territo-

A. Shahjahan
ries equivalent to about 44 modern coun-
B. Aurangzeb tries and put behind him a total distance of
approximately 73000 miles. The world’s
C. Bahadurshah Zafar

greatest traveller of pre-modern times to

D. Shershah whom the above passage refers is
55. When was Bombay transferred to the East A. Megasthenes C. Marco Polo

India Company by Charles II?

B. Fa Hien D. Ibn Battuta
A. 1666 A.D. C. 1668 A.D.
61. The fortification of Calcutta by the British
B. 1664 A.D. D. 1662 A.D. in 1756 was regarded by the Nawab of Ben-
gal, Siraj-ud-Daulah, as
56. “The greater the number of the forts you A. an attack upon his sovereignty
hold the weaker will be your power. Let our
B. insecurity of the British in India
forces be on the sea, because if we should
not be powerful at sea, everything will be at C. British control over Bengal
once against it” whose words are these? D. growth of large-scale British trade
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62. In medieval India, the designations ‘Mahat- 67. Which of the following is an advantage that
tara’ and ‘Pattakila’ were used for [CSAT comes from having caste status in India?
2014 - I]
A. Aid was available from other caste mem-
A. military officers bers.
B. specialists in Vedic rituals B. Caste can give voice to individual needs
C. chiefs of craft guilds of its members.

D. village headmen C. Caste provides individuals with a secure

social organization in which to live.
63. Akbar defeated Hemu in which of the fol-
lowing battle? D. all of the above
A. Second Battle of Panipat 68. The copper boards are associated with the

B. Battle of Haldighati A. Lustrous red ware

C. Battle of Talikota B. Painted grey ware
D. Third Battle of Panipat C. Ochre-coloured ware
64. In 1888, Sir Syed Ahmed founded the D. Black and red ware
A. Upper Indian Mohammadan Associa- 69. The largest number of seals of the Harrap-
B. Muslim League
eR pan culture are made of

A. Steatite C. Terracotta
C. National Conference
B. Agate D. Faience
D. Patriotic Association
65. Which of the following was not one of the 70. Who addressed whom as the spiritual father
measures suggested by Raja Rammohan of Indian Nationalism?
Roy for the betterment of the peasant’s lot?
A. Bipinchandra Pal - Swami Dayanand

A. Reduction of the rent to be paid by the Saraswati

tenants and the revenue paid by the zamin-
dars B. Lala Hardayal - Tilak

B. Loss is revenue to be made up by tax C. Balgangadhar Tilak - Madan Mohan

upon luxuries or by employing low-salaried Malviya
Indians as collectors D. Subhashchandra Bose - Swami

C. Fixity of rents for the cultivators on the Vivekanand


lines of the Permanent Settlement with the 71. As per Wavell’s Plan the external affairs
zamindars would be under the charge of
D. Substitution of ryotwari system for za- A. Viceroy
mindari system
B. Parliament
66. What was Ziyarat in the language of the
Sufis? C. Secretary of State

A. Offering free kitchens run on futuh D. An Indian Member of the Executive

(unasked for charity) Council
72. In 1904 the then Maharajah of Travancore
B. Reciting divine name
exempted Narayana Guru from personal ap-
C. Pilgrimage to the tombs of Sufi saints pearances in court, an honour recognizing
for seeking barkat (spiritual grace) the Guru as a distinguished living personal-
D. Setting up of auqaf (charitable trusts) ity.
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598 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Kannur, C. Cochi A. He started home rule league in 1916

B. Travancore, D. Thalassery B. He launched a newspaper ‘Kesri’ in En-
73. According to Shankaracharya the Primary C. He wrote ‘Gita Rahasya’
means of Salvation was
D. He started Ganpati Festival in 1893
A. Knowledge 79. Jahandar ascended the throne after the death
B. Worship of

C. Visiting Tirthas A. Muhammad Shah

D. None of these B. Bahadur Shah I

74. Which of the following statements on Gand- C. Azam Shah

hian movements is not correct? D. Farrukh Siyar
A. Mahatma Gandhi was in favour of mass 80. Which of the following statement is true
movement with regard to the Golden Farman

B. In Gandhian movements, leadership had A. It granted the privilege of trading in Ben-
no role gal in return for a fixed annual payment of
duties worth Rs. 3000
C. Mahatma Gandhi was in favour of pas-
sive resistance B. It allowed free trade in the ports belong-
ing to the kingdom of Golkunda on payment
D. Gandhian movements were non-violent
of duties with 500 pagodas
in nature
C. The English factories were not both-
75. As per government of India Act-1858, how
ered with demands of customs for goods
many members were appointed to assist the
imported or exported by land or by water
Secretary of State for India?

D. The English were allowed to fortify

A. 14 C. 15 their positions on Indian soil

B. 10 D. 13 81. Anekantavada is a core theory and philoso-

phy of which one of the following?

76. Why is Joan of Arc remembered

A. Vaishnavism C. Buddhism
A. She drove the English from Calais. B. Sikhism D. Jainism
B. She led a peasant uprising that ended

feudalism. 82. regarding the Second Round Table Confer-

ence, consider the following statements.
C. She led the French to victories against
the English in the Hundred Years War. 1. Viceroy Irwin agreed to release all

prisoners who were imprisoned with-

D. She led the English troops in the Hun-
out any guilty.
dred Years War.
2. The provision was given for provin-
77. Purana Ouila at Delhi was built by cial autonomy.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
A. Humayun C. Akbar
A. 1 only
B. Shah Jahan D. Sher Shah
B. 2 only
78. Which of the following is not true about Bal C. Both 1 and 2
Gangadhar Tilak?
D. Neither 1 nor 2
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83. Evidence of more than one dead being A. Sambhaji

buried together is found from. B. Murar Baji Prabhu

A. Lothal C. Ropar C. Tnanji

B. Mohenjodaro D. Harappa D. Babajij

90. The British East India Company became Za-
mindar in Bengal after renting the village
84. is the earliest of four Vedas. of
A. Athervana Veda A. Chandranagar, Sutanati and Kolkata
B. Yajur Veda B. Chandranagar, Sutanati and Govindpur
C. Sam Veda C. Kolkata, Govindpur and Plassey
D. Rig Veda D. Govindpur, Sutanati and Kolkata

85. Which of the following was the contempo- 91. Who among the following were the pio-
rary Bengal King during the time of Harsha neers in opening oceanic trade with India?
of Kanauj? A. Portuguese C. English
A. Devagupta B. Dutch D. French
B. Divakaramitra
C. Rhaslcaravarman
92. Literal meaning of Jihad is ;

A. struggle C. fight
D. Sasanka
B. exemption D. sacrifice
86. In order to penetrate China, the Jesuits:
A. created rebellions throughout China. 93. Who propounded the theory of ‘Drain of
B. formed alliance with disaffected Chi-
nese merchants. A. Gandhiji

B. Dadabhai Nauroji
C. adopted Chinese language and culture.
C. Tilak
D. used military force to compel Chinese
acceptance. D. Nehru
94. It is stated that the incidents of Barrack pore
87. Which one of the following was well known
were repeated at other places. The place
for the production of indigo during the sev-

which remained unperturbed was

enteenth century?

A. Ambala C. Lahore
A. Lahore C. Kalpi
B. Lucknow D. Meerut
B. Sarkhej D. Balasore
95. Which one of the following was known as
88. Who is considered to be the greatest Pallava Manigramam?
ruler? A. Villages granted tax-free to Brahmanas
A. Nandivarmana II in the Chola kingdom
B. An association of traders
B. Paramesvarvarman I
C. The principal seat of the worship of
C. Narasimhavarman I Yaska manibhadra
D. Simhavishnu D. The quarters for jewelers
89. Who was the Killedar of Purandar Fort? 96. Who is called the “Lokhitwadi”?
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600 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Mahadev Govind Ranade 98. Which Rashtrakuta king composed the

B. Dayanand Saraswati works ‘Kavirajamarga’, ‘Ratnamalika’ and
C. Mul Sankara
A. Indra III
D. Gopal Hari Deshmukh
B. Amoghavarsa I
97. Consider the following statements aboul Vi-
jayanagara empire C. Krishna III
1. Vijayanagara was noted for its mar- D. Krishna I
kets dealing in spices, textiles and pre-

99. When did the British pass a law making it
cious stones. an offence to preach nationalism?
2. Krishnadeva Raya’s rule was charac-
terised by the strain within the impe- A. 1904 C. 1900

rial structure,
B. 1892 D. 1898
3. The Amara-Nayakas were military
commanders who were given territo-
ries to govern by the Royas. 100. The word Mohanjedaro in Sindi Language

Which ofthe statements given above is/are
correct? A. Excavation
A. Only 3 B. Culture
B. 1 and 2 C. Mount of dead
C. 1 and 3 D. Knowledge
D. All of these

1. C 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. A 11. A 12. A 13. C 14. D


15. A 16. B 17. C 18. B 19. C 20. A 21. A 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. D 26. D
27. A 28. C 29. C 30. C 31. A 32. A 33. A 34. D 35. B 36. C 37. D 38. A

39. A 40. D 41. C 42. A 43. A 44. C 45. C 46. D 47. D 48. B 49. C 50. C
51. A 52. D 53. C 54. B 55. C 56. B 57. A 58. A 59. C 60. C 61. A 62. D

63. A 64. D 65. D 66. C 67. D 68. C 69. A 70. D 71. D 72. B 73. A 74. B
75. C 76. D 77. D 78. B 79. A 80. B 81. D 82. A 83. A 84. D 85. D 86. C
87. B 88. C 89. B 90. D 91. A 92. D 93. B 94. C 95. B 96. D 97. B 98. B
99. D 100. C

Unit 19

1. Who started the Indian Reforms Associa- A. Those resources of the country were be-
tion? ing utilized in the interest of Britain.
A. Krishna swami Aiyar B. That the British goods were being im-
B. Swami Vivekananda ported into the country making it poorer day
by day.
C. Narayan Guru
D. Keshav Chandra Sen C. That the British industrialists were be-
ing given an opportunity to invest in India
2. Which of the following statement relates
under the protection of the imperial power.
the Dadabhai Naoroji’s definition of ‘Drain
of Wealth’? D. That a part of India’s national wealth
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or total annual product was being exported 9. Who was the most important ruler of Para-
to Britain for which India got no material mara dynasty?
3. The difference in years betweek Vikram Era A. Krishna C. Dhanga
and Christian era is? B. Dhruva D. Bhoja

A. 57 C. 135
10. Which of the following was NOT a feature
B. 78 D. 58 in the life of Robert Clive?

4. Which of the following is related to the con- A. retiring and becoming a respected mem-
cept of Nirgunabrahman? ber of Parliament

A. Advaita B. driving the French from India

B. Visisthadvaita C. returning to India in an attempt to re-
form company practices
C. Both A& B
D. defeating the Bengalis
D. Neither A nor B
11. The Crusades contributed to all of the fol-
5. Which of the following statements about
lowing except
Bukka I of the Vijayanagar empire is not eR
correct? A. An increase in the power of feudal lords.
A. He renovated temples
B. He instilled new vigour into Hindu So- B. Improvement in the level of European
ciety technology.
C. Greater contact between Europe and the
C. Under his fostering care Sayana wrote
commentaries on Vedas Byzantine and Muslim civilizations.

D. He adopted measures to uplift the Shu- D. The growth of Mediterranean trading


6. Which one of the following was not in- 12. Paramaras were residents of?
cluded in the ‘Asta Pradhan’ of Shivaji?
A. Gujarat C. Maiwa
A. Vakiyanavis C. Vakeel
B. Orissa D. Rajasthan
B. Majmudar D. Sumant

13. Tripitakas were written.


7. What were Calicoes?

A. Before Gautam Buddha
A. Precious stories exported from India
B. During Buddha’s lifetime
B. Indigo exported from India
C. After Buddha’s death
C. Textile exported from India
D. Both B and C
D. Cotton exported from India
8. Mr. Philip Sprat, an English man was tried 14. Paramara dynasty ruled
under which conspiracy case?
A. Bengal C. Kannauj
A. Meerut conspiracy case
B. Malwa D. Bundelkhand
B. Chittagong conspiracy case
C. Kanpur conspiracy case 15. Which of the following was not one of the
D. Lahore conspiracy case reasons for the failure of dhamma?
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602 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. It was too vague a solution, because the A. Al-mansur

problems lay at the very roots of the system
B. Al mahdi
C. Al-must’asim
B. It failed to provide a solution to the prob-
lems which it set out to solve D. none
C. It was too idealistic a concept, which 21. In 1908 an attempt was made on the life of
could not break the social and sectarian bar- Kingsford, the unpopular judge at Muzza-
riers farpur by-

D. Ashoka’s excessive enthusiasm pro- 1. Satyen Bose
duced a reaction against it 2. Barindra Ghosh
3. Prafulla Chaki
16. Consider the following events:

4. Khudiram Bose
1. Hunter Commission
2. Charles Wood’s Despatch A. 3 and 4 C. 1 and 2
3. Sadler Commission
4. Raleigh Commission B. 2 and 3 D. 1 and 4

Their correct chronological sequence is
22. Direct Action was the brain child of?
A. 3, 2,1,4 C. 1,4,3,2 A. Subhs chandra bose
B. 4,3,2,1 D. 2,1,4,3 B. Mahatma gandhi
C. Mohd. Ali Jauhar
17. Who among the following was not associ-
ated with the foundation of the All India D. Mohd. Ali Jinnah
Trade Union Congress?
23. What was the provocation behind the
A. VV Giri damand of separate electorate etc. under

fourteen points of Jinnah?

B. NM Joshi

A. Fear of the majority rule

C. Lajpat Rai
B. Communal politics of Hindu Ma-

D. Joseph Baptista
hasabha and Sikh League
18. The chief center of Portuguese trade with
India was: C. Disagreement with the proposals con-
tained in the Nehru report

A. Surat. C. Goa. D. The challenge of the British government

B. Calicut. D. Agra. for drawing up an agreed Constitution of In-

19. Which of the following dynasties under the 24. Kautilya was the Prime Mjnister of which
Saivaite Nayanmars and Vashnavaite Al- of the following Indian rulers?
wars preached the Bhakti cult? A. Ashoka
A. Pallavas, Pandyas and Cholas B. Chandragupta Maurya
B. Pallavas, Kaktyas and Cholas C. Harshavardhana
C. Pallavas, Pandyas and Cheras
D. Chandragupta I
D. Rashtrakutas, Pandyas and Cholas 25. The musical instruments used by the
20. Samarra was built by Aryans was
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A. The Drum 30. In which state, the Kondo Dora revolt broke
B. The Lute
A. Andhra Pradesh
C. The cymbal
B. Gujrat
D. All the above
C. Bihar
26. When Narayana Guru attained the age of
sixty, his birth day was observed throughout D. Rajasthan
the west-coast from Mangalore to . 31. In the year 1914 the membership of the Ger-
man socialist party was
A. Calicut C. Sri Lanka,
A. 2 million C. 4 million
B. Kottayam, D. Varkala
B. 3 million D. 1 million

27. Which of the following is/are correctly 32. Oracles foretold the
1. Portugal Estado da India A. Future C. Death
2. France Vereenigde Ost-Indische B. Present D. past
3. Holland Compagnie des Indes Orien-
tales Compagnic
Choose the correct answer from the codes
given below:
33. What was the old name of Raigad Fort?

A. Vijaygad C. Rajgad
B. Rayari D. Torana
A. 2 and 3 C. l only
34. Winston Churchill:
B. 1 and2 D. 1 and 3
A. supported Indian independence.
B. was indifferent to India.
28. Consider the following statement(s) related
Jahangir C. opposed Indian independence.

I. Jahangir had set up his court at Alla- D. thought India was no longer of value to
habad, assumed royal titles and struck England.
coins in his name 35. Gondophernes belonged to
II. He banned the slaughter of animals
A. The Saka dynasty
for two days in every week viz Sun-

day& Thursday. Choose the correct B. The Kushana dynasty


answer: C. The Satavahana dynasty

A. Only I D. The Parthian dynasty
B. Only II 36. Which of the following inscriptions record
the annihilation of Hunas?
C. Both II and II
A. Mandasor Inscription
D. Neither I nor II
B. Bhitari Inscription
29. Who of the following was not one of the
later Mauryas who succeeded Ashoka? C. Prayag-Prashasti
D. Junagarh Inscription
A. Shalishuka
37. Treaty of Lahore taken place on
B. Dasharatha
A. 1725 AD C. 1816 AD
C. Shubhagasena
B. 1846 AD D. 1836 AD
D. Samprati
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604 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

38. Gol Gumbad is located at? 44. Which among the following is the most
important source of information about the
A. Lucknow C. Bijapur agrarian conditions during Mughals?
B. Delhi D. Hyderabad A. Ain-i-Akbari
B. Akbarnama
39. The Rajput king who was defeated and
C. Tarikh-i-Ferishta
killed in second Tarain war?
D. Muntakhab-ul-Lubab
A. Jaya Chandra

45. The term ‘Yavan priya’ refers to
B. Nagabhatta
C. Prithviraj Chauhan A. Peppar C. Silk

D. Rana Pratap B. Muslin D. Clove

40. Which of the following are true?

46. Which agricultural product did not attract
A. Balban did not go for fresh conquests, the British people?
rather he concentrated on consolidation of

the infant state at Delhi. A. Coffee C. Indigo
B. He set about a policy of liquidation of B. Cotton D. Tea
the challis or
47. Tripitakas are sacred books of?
41. nobles.
A. Buddhists
C. Balban did not show any difference in
matters of administration of justice between B. Hindus
high and low. C. Jains
D. All of the above D. None of the above

42. Nizamuddin Aulia and Nasir ud-din Chirag 48. Consider the following statement (s) related
were to the Bhakti Saint Ramanuja

A. Nakshbandi Saint I. He preached Visishtadvaita.


II. He said that the ‘God is Sagunabrah-

B. Silsilah
C. Sohrawardi Saint
Which is/are correct statement (s)?
D. Chishti Saint A. Only I

43. Prior to 1813, which among the following

B. Only II
measures, was not adopted by the British to
exploit the Indians economically? C. Both I& II

A. Monopolising the trade of raw goods D. Neither I nor II

wherever possible and selling them at high 49. Who is the author of "Shah nama"?
A. Firdausi
B. Free Trade Policy
B. AI-Beruni
C. Elimination of Indian traders from com-
C. Hasan Nizami
petition by every means
D. Utbi
D. Forcing Indian craftsman to produce
quality products in fixed quantity and at 50. The driving force behind Portuguese expan-
fixed price sion and exploration was:
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A. Henry the Navigator. A. Gregory.

B. Alphonso the Wise. B. Charlemagne.
C. Philip the Fair. C. Pepin the Short.
D. Sebastian the Bold. D. Alcuin.
51. Among the pre-dynastic cultures of China 58. The city of Pataliputra was founded at the
was the culture. junction of the Ganges and the

A. Jomon C. Yayoi A. Yamuna C. Sone

B. Hoabinhian D. Lungshan B. Brahmaputra D. Gomati

59. The Mauryandynasty was overthrown by

52. Ziggurat was a temple in the city of
A. Kanishka

A. Eridu C. Lagash B. Pushyamitra Sunga
B. Akkad D. Ur C. Samudragupta

53. From whom did the English secure the D. Harsha

rights of duty-free trade after Bengal? 60. Which of the following are introduced by

A. The Jats of Bharatpur

B. Nawab of Awadh
eR Lord Dalhousie?
Public Works Department
C. The Nizam of Hyderabad 3. Modern postal system
4. Census
D. Raja of Banaras
Select the correct answer using the codes
54. Who was the founder of Saka Era?
given below
A. Kanishka
A. 1, 2 and 4 only
B. Chandragupta Maurya

B. 1, 2 and 3 only
C. Samudragupta C. 1, 2, 3 and 4
D. Chandragupta Vikramaditya D. 2, 3 and 4 only
55. The role of women in Southeast Asian soci- 61. In 1856, Awadh would not have been an-
ety: nexed to the British empire if the Nawab of

A. is highly restricted. Awadh had


B. is slightly more restricted than in Japan. A. allied with the British

B. not refused to introduce reforms as sug-
C. is confined to the home. gested by the British
D. offers more opportunity than in any C. fought against the British
other part of Asia. D. a natural heir
56. “White Mutiny” by the European soldiers, 62. The origin of which of the following ruling
was staged during the period of: families has been described in the bardic
literature from Vasisthas sacrificial pit at
A. Ripon C. Canning mountain Abu?
B. Mayo D. Dalhousie 1. Chahamana
2. Chaulukya
57. By 800, the strongest kingdom in Europe 3. Paramara
was ruled by 4. Pratihara
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606 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

Indicate the correct answer from the code A. Khizr Khan belonged to the Sayyid tribe
given below of eastern Turkistan
B. He and his successors adopted the title
A. 1, 2 C. 1, 2, 3, 4
B. 3, 4 D. 2, 3, 4
C. Khizr Khan was the descendant of the
prophet Muhammad
63. The Second International fought against
D. He was a scholar of Islamic theology
A. imperialism 69. The Indian Association played an impor-

B. exploitation tant role in arousing national consciousness
through the formation of the
C. wars
A. British India Association

D. colonialism
B. Indian National Congress
64. Haider Ali was originally
C. Bengal British Indian Society
A. an invader
D. Indian National Conference
B. an adventurer

70. Which one of following pairs is not
C. a Hindu chief correctly matched? Person Institutions
D. a member of the royal family founded

65. Which of the following were considered A. C. R Reddi: Praja Mitra Mandali
untouchable in early India? B. Jyotiba Phule: Satya Shodak Samaj
1. Charamakara C. B.R. Ambedkar: All India Depressed
2. Svarnakara classes Association
3. Paraiyar
D. Dr. Atmaram: Prarthana Samaj
4. Rathakara
71. The eulogies or “prashasti” among the fol-

Select the correct answer given below lowing inscriptions: I. Aihole Inscription of
Pulakesin II. II. Allahabad Pillar Inscription
A. 3, 4 C. 1, 4

of Samudra Gupta. III. Junagarh Inscription

B. 1, 2 D. 1, 3 of Rudradaman. IV. Hathigumpha Inscrip-

tion of Kharavela.
66. The Brehadeshvara temple was built by A. II and III are only correct.
A. Rajaraja B. I and II are only correct.

B. Kulottunga C. I, III and IV are correct.

C. Rajendra Chola D. I, II and III are correct.
D. Vira Rajendra 72. Who among the following Mauryan rulers

was killed by his Commander-in-Chief?

67. Who of the following leaders is not associ-
ated with the Brahma Samaj? A. Kun-ala C. Dasaratha
A. Debendranath Tagore B. Brihadratha D. Samprati
B. Raja ram Mohan Rai
73. The earliest evidence of Silk in India comes
C. Atma Ram Pandurang from the archaeological site of
D. Keshab Chandra Sen
A. Nevasa C. Rangpur
68. The dynasty founded by Khizr Khan is
known as Sayyid dynasty because B. Bhagwanpura D. Ropar
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74. Which one among the following is not a 80. Consider the following statements about
characteristic of Rig-Vedic Aryans? Bhimbetka rock shelters.
A. They were acquainted with the cow, 1. They were declared a World Heritage
which formed the most important form of Site by UNESCO.
wealth 2. It is a Mesolithic site.
B. They were acquainted with horses, char- 3. It is in Maharashtra.
iots and the use of bronze 4. The paintings of Bhimbetka depicts
hunting by Men only
C. They were acquainted with the use of
copper and the modern ploughshare Which of the statements given above are
D. They were acquainted with the use of
iron A. 1, 2, 3 and 4
75. Where was the ‘Jatiya Sarkar’ formed dur- B. 1only

ing the Quit India Movement?
C. 1 and 4 only
A. Ballia C. Satara D. 1, 3 and 4 only
B. Nagpur D. Tamluk 81. When did M.K Gandhi participate in the
Second Round Table Conference?
76. Indo-Pak border is known as
A. Line of Control
B. Redcliffe Line
eR A. Signing the Gandhi-Irwin Pact of March
B. Fruitful talks with Sapru
C. Mc Mohan Line C. Receiving assurances that independence
D. Durand Line was fast coming
77. Who among the following British Officials D. Getting assurance from the Muslim
suppressed the Revolt of Jhansi? League that it would not oppose his claim
A. Henry Lawrence to represent the whole of India

B. Hugh Rose 82. Hieroglyphic script meant

C. Henry Havelock A. Sumerian script
D. Colin Campbell, B. Sacred script
78. In which century did Ashoka reign? C. Religious script

A. Third century AD. D. Iraqi script


B. Second century AD 83. Consider the following statements in re-

C. Second century B.C. gards to the Gandhi-Irwin Pact:
D. Third century B.C. 1. According to the Pact, British Govern-
79. Which of the following works, included in ment accepted to release all the politi-
Vaipulyasutras (nine canonical books of M cal prisoners.
ahayanists), is a typical Mahayana work 2. Irwin agreed on giving the right to
containing all the characteristic features of peaceful and non-aggressive picketing
that school? of liquor and foreign cloth shops.
3. British government allowed making
A. Saddharmapundarika of salt for personal consumption in
B. Lankavatara coastal regions.
C. Suvarnaprabhasa Which of the statements given above are
D. Lalitavistara
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608 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. 1, 2 and 3 A. The thirteenth century

B. 1 and 3 only B. The tenth century
C. 2 and 3 only C. The eleventh century

D. 1 and 2 only D. The twelfth century

90. Springing Tiger: A Study of a Revolution-
84. Who estimated the Indian National Income
ary” is a biographical work on .?
and criticized the constant drain of wealth
from India to England? A. Chandrashekhar Azad

A. Tilak B. Subhas Chandra Bose

B. Dada bhai Naoroji C. Shyamji Krishna Verma

D. Bhagat Singh

C. Gokhale
91. The list of sixteen Mahajanapadas is avail-
D. Ghandi able in
85. Which one was not a pioneer industry in A. Chhandogya Upanishad
India during British rule?

B. Samyukta Nikaya
A. Jute C. Iron C. Mahabharata
B. Cotton D. Coal D. Anguttara Nikaya
92. Under the Permanent settlement, the Za-
86. “An address to the working class” was mindar’s share in the collected land revenue
drafted by was

A. 1/4 C. 1/3
A. Babeuf C. Stalin
B. 1/6 D. 1/11
B. Karl Peters D. Karl Marx

93. Who among the following has not quoted

87. In 1833, Parliament: from the Indica of Megasthenese?

A. disbanded the British East India Co.

A. Strabo C. Arrian

B. abolished the British East India Co. B. Pliny D. Diodorus

monopoly in India.
C. opened India to Christian missionaries. 94. Which of the following was a great customs
port with an artificial harbour?
D. took control of India.

A. Puhar (Kaveripumpattinam)
88. The resolution for non-cooperation was
passed by B. Musiri or Muziris
C. Tondi

A. By the Congress at the special session

held in Calcutta in 1920 D. Uraiyur
B. By the Khilafat Committee 95. Sir dia Sar na dia is associated with
A. Guru Arjun dev
C. By Gandhi immediately after the Jallian-
walla Bagh Tragedy B. Guru Harkishan
D. Simultaneously by the Congress and C. Guru Govind Singh
Khilafat Committee D. Guru Teg Bahadur
89. The Rajatarangini of Kalhana was com- 96. Which of the following temples was a well
posed in known centre of higher education?
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A. Dasavatar Temple at Deogarh A. Lord Pethic Lawrence, Sir Stafford

B. Sasbahu Temple at Gwalior Cripps and Mr. Alexander

C. Shore Temple at Mamallapuram B. Lord Wavell, Sir Stafford Cripps and Mr.
D. Trayipurusha Temple at Salotgi
97. Which of the following pair is matching C. Sir Stafford Cripps, Lord Wavell and
one? Lord Pethic Lawrence

A. Alberuni - Kitab-ul-hind D. Lord Wavell, Lord Pethic Lawrence and

Mr. Alexander
B. Bihan - Rajatarangini
100. The finest specimen of Pallavas architec-
C. Taranath - Mahavamsh ture are
D. Fa-hein - Rehla A. Temples at Madura

98. Which one of the following led to the fail-
ure of the Cripps Mission? B. Kailashnath temple of Ellora

A. Indian demand for the full control of C. Rock-cut Nath temples at Mahabalipu-
national defense ram

B. Indian demand for complete control D. Temples of Tanjore

over national finance
C. Demand for the Indianisation of the
Civil Services
101. Who among the following stated that there
was no slavery in India?

A. Megasthenes C. Hiuen-Tsang
D. Demand for the release of all political
prisoners B. Strabo D. Fa-Hien
99. The Cabinet Delegation consisted of


1. D 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. A 11. A 12. C 13. C 14. B

15. C 16. D 17. A 18. C 19. A 20. D 21. A 22. D 23. C 24. B 25. D 26. C
27. C 28. C 29. C 30. A 31. D 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. D 36. D 37. B 38. C
39. A 40. B 42. D 43. B 44. B 45. A 46. B 47. A 48. C 49. A 50. A 51. D
52. D 53. B 54. A 55. D 56. C 57. C 58. C 59. B 60. C 61. D 62. C 63. C
64. B 65. C 66. A 67. C 68. C 69. D 70. A 71. B 72. B 73. A 74. D 75. D

76. B 77. A 78. A 79. A 80. B 81. A 82. A 83. C 84. B 85. C 86. D 87. B

88. A 89. D 90. B 91. D 92. C 93. D 94. A 95. D 96. D 97. A 98. A 99. A
100. C 101. A

Unit 20

1. By which Governor General and when was gramme of action called Sri Narayana Guru
the Carnatic state annexed? Dharma Paripalana yogam which took up
issues regarding depressed classes, contains
A. Lord Minto-1808
which of the issues?
B. Lord Wellesley-1801
I. Encouraging inter-caste marriages
C. Sir John Shore-1797 II. Right of admission to public schools
D. Lord Cornwallis-1792 III. Recruitment to government schools
2. Sri Narayana Guru Swamy initiated a pro- IV. Access to temples and roads
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610 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. II, III and IV 8. Who drafted the Constitution of Muslim

B. I, III and IV League, ‘The Green Book’?

C. I, II and III A. Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar

B. Muhammad Iqbal
D. II, III and IV
3. Purvasailas were a branch of C. Muhammad Ali Jinnah

A. Purva-Mimamsakas D. Rahamat Ali

9. The chief interest of Aurangzeb was:
B. The Shwetamber sect of Jainism

A. literature.
C. The Mahasangbika sect of Buddhism
B. the building of cities.
D. The Sthaviravada sect of Buddhism
4. The earliest evidence of settled agriculture C. Hindu theology.

from the subcontinent comes from D. conquest and forced conversion.
10. On which occasion the slogan ‘Nagpur
A. Kalibangan C. Inamgarh Chalo’ was raised?
B. Amri D. Mehrgarh A. Dandi March

5. Which of the following statements is not B. Jhanda Satyagrah
applicable to the Mahalwari settlement? C. Quit India Movement
A. It was a permanent measure introduced D. Non-cooperation Movement
as an improvement on the other two mea- 11. Consider the following paragraph He was
sures seriously injured in police lathi charge in
B. It was applied to each village and the Lahore during demonstrations against Si-
estate separately mon Commission, for which he subse-
quently died in November, 1928. Later on,
C. The government instead of coming in the British officer who was responsible for

contract with the cultivator made settlement the lathi charge on him, was shot dead by
with the village community as a whole Bhagat Singh and Rajguru. The revolution-

D. It was introduced in the Gangetic valley, ary referred to in the above paragraph is
the Punjab and the parts of Central India A. Pandit Govind Ballabh Pant

6. Who of the following Rajput rulers gave do-

B. Lala Lajpat Rai
nation for the reconstruction of a mosque?
C. Mangal Singh
A. Jai Singh Siddharaj
D. Motilal Nehru

B. Prithviraj III
12. Who has complimented Samudragupta as
C. Mihir Bhoja the ‘Indian Napoleon’?
D. Bhoja Parmar A. R.N. Dandekar

7. How did medieval cathedrals help to edu-

B. V.A. Smith
cate an illiterate public?
C. Radhakumud Mukherji
A. They held religious education classes.
D. R.C. Majumdar
B. They required Church members to learn
13. The term ‘dastak’ implies?
and to read the Bible.
A. Market
C. They supported tax-based public educa-
tion. B. Post
D. They featured sculptures and stained C. Duty free trade
glass that portrayed biblical stories. D. Riot
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14. Who is known as the “Napoleon of India”? 2. Deliberate attempt to combine the
principles of the arch and the lintel
A. Akbar
and beam in the buildings.
B. Samudragupta 3. Placing the buildings especially the
C. Chandragupta tombs on a high platform.

D. Ashoka A. 1 only C. 1 and 2

15. During which period, the great epics of Ra- B. 1 and3 D. 2 and 3
mayan and Mahabharat were given the final
form? 20. What was the motive of Lord Wellesley
to introduced the system of Subsidiary Al-
A. Gupta period
B. Post Maurya period
A. Prevent the French influence in the In-

C. Maurya period dian States
D. Nanda period B. Improve the administration of the Indian
16. Who among the following Bhakti Saints
blended that the philosophical monist of the C. Tone up the British Indian administra-
past with stress on Bhakti, the poetry and eR tion
dignity of Valmiki’s Ramayana with the de- D. Prevent disloyalty towards the British
votional fervour and humanism of Bhaga-
21. When Alexander invaded India, who were
the rulers of Magadha?
A. Tulsidas C. Kalidasa A. Haryankas C. Nandas
B. Sur Das D. Kabirdas B. Shishunagas D. Mauryas

17. Which one of the following inscriptions 22. Clive introduced dual Govemm1t in Bengal

mentions Pulakesin II’s military success because

against Harshavardhana? A. He was afraid of hostile reaction from
A. Allahabad Pillar inscription the people of Bengal
B. Aihole inscription B. The authorities of the East India Com-
pany in England did not allow him to es-
C. Damodarpur Copperplate inscription

tablishment of de jure authority of the East

D. Bilsad inscription India Company in Bengal

18. An intelligent appreciation of the relative C. The Mughal emperor was opposed to
values of different trade-routes in India is the establishment of de jure authority of the
contained in East India Company in Bengal
A. Arthashastra of Kautilya D. He wanted to avoid the responsibility
arising out of the establishment of de jure
B. Pliny’s Natural History authority of the East India Company in Ben-
C. Ptolemy’s Geography gal.
D. Indica of Megasthenese 23. The original name of Banda Bahadur was

19. Which of the following features are asso- A. Mahesh Das

ciated with the architecture of Tughlaq pe- B. Lachhman Das
C. Harnam Singh
1. Sloping walls
D. Dwarka Das
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612 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

24. Socrates, the greatest Greek philosopher, 31. How did Europeans use the term ’middle
was put to death by ages’?
A. Hanging A. The crisis of Western Europe
B. Drinking poison B. The medieval era of European history
C. Shot dead C. The fact that Europe became mature
D. None of the above from 500 to 1500
25. At which place was Akbar born? D. The time between the fall of Rome and

the emergence of Christianity
A. Amarkot C. Delhi
32. During the reign of Alauddin Khilji, who
B. Kannauj D. Agra were amils?

A. Government agents to collect land rev-
26. Who among the following dharmasastra enue
writers was a minister of the Gahadvala
King Govindachandra? B. Local landlords at village level

A. Vijnanesvara C. Khurasani and Multani traders of food-
B. Apararka
D. Banjaras who carried the food-grains
C. Lakshmidhara
from villages to towns.
D. Chandesvara
33. Which year of Akbar’s reign has been re-
27. Kalidas in his works shows a leaning to- garded by the historian, Vincent A. Smith
wards worship of as ‘the most critical time’?

A. Durga C. Brahma A. 1561 A.D. C. 1571 A.D.


B. Shiva D. Vishnu B. 1581 A.D. D. 1556 A.D.


28. Most of the Upanishads seem to have been

composed by whom? 34. Subsidiary Alliance was introduced by .

A. Sir John Shore,

A. Non-Aryans C. Brahmins
B. Lord Dalhousie
B. Kshatriyas D. Buddhists
C. Robert Clive,

29. Rice farming began in: D. Lord Wellesley,

A. Southeast Asia. 35. Which one of the following is known as
Mother of Indian Revolutionaries?
B. Japan.

C. India. A. Usha Mehta

D. China. B. Sarojini Naidu

30. That ginger and Cinnamon were produced C. Annie Besant
in large quantities in the Pandya country is
D. Madame Cama
mentioned by
36. Gandhiji started the renowned ‘Dandi
A. Ptolemy C. Ibn Said March’ from Sabarmati Ashram on the 12th.
March, 1930, for breaking the salt laws
B. Marco Polo D. Megasthenes
along with
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A. Seventy-five hundred
dissuading the British policy of aggres-
B. Seventy-five thousands against India’s neighbours
42. The chief product of the Portuguese Indian
C. Seven hundred followers
trade was:
D. Seventy-five followers
37. Which of the followingA. Asian
spices.countries C. silver.
eventually succumbedB.tofineMongol
gems. inva- D. silk.
43. Which of the following languages was used
A. Indonesia C. India
in Ashoka’s Edicts?
B. China D. Japan
A. Brahmi C. Pali
38. Nishat Garden was built by

B. Sanskrit D. Vasudeva
A. Jehangir C. Sher Shah
44. Which of the following Vedas is a collection
B. Shabjehan D. spells
of Babarand incantations?

39. The Presidents of early A. Atharva

English Veda
(Madras, Bombay andB.Calcutta)
sponsible to
Yajur Veda
C. Rig Veda
A. The Home Government of the Company
were re-

D. Sama Veda
45. Which of the following is not true about the
B. The Council of Senior Merchants
Muslim League?
C. The House of Lords
A. The league supported the partition of
D. The House of CommonBengal.
40. To promote communalB.harmony Ashoka

The league opposed the Swadeshi move-

asked the people: ment.
A. To attend to the essential elements of
C. It was established by the Nawab Sal-
their religions rather than the non-essential
D. It was established in Calcutta in 1906.
B. Not to glorify their own sect and be little

another’s sect 46. Kaivalya means


C. To maintain concordA.(samvaya)
with all
creeds B. Followers of Buddhism
D. All the above C. Followers of Jainism
41. An important administrative reform for
D. Omnipresent
which the early nationalists agitated con-
cerned 47. The chief achievement of Balban was
A. administrative
A. the separation of judiciary reforms
from execu-
tive B. suppression of ambitious nobles
B. Indianisation of higher grades of therapport
C. establishing ad- with the people
ministrative service
D. the consolidation of Turkish power and
C. the discontinuation putting
of the policy of dis-
down rebellions by reorganising his
arming the Indians army
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614 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

48. Who among the following preached the 54. Which city was called Queen of the cities?
gospel of love?
A. Baghdad
A. Namadev C. Gnandeva B. Cordova
B. Kabir D. Ekanath C. Damascus
D. None of these
49. When was Constantinople captured by Ot-
55. Which one of the following assemblies was
also called Narishta meaning a resolution

A. 1414 C. 1305 that cannot be broken?

B. 1378 D. 1453 A. Sabha C. Gana

B. Vidhata D. Samiti
50. The book entitled ‘Springing tiger’ is a bi-
ography of-
56. The treaty of Seringapatnam was be-tween
A. Bhagat Singh Cornwallis and
B. Subhas Chandra Bose

A. Nizam of Hyderabad
C. Shyamji Krishna Verma B. Haider Ali
D. Chandrashekhar Azad C. Tipu Sultan
51. The foreign traveller who visited India dur-
D. Chand Bibi
ing Vijayanagara period was
57. The Forward Bloc was formed by
A. Yuan Chawng
A. Acharya Narendra Dev
B. Fa-Hien
B. P. C. Joshi
C. Megasthenes
C. Subhas Chandra Bose
D. Nicolo Conti

52. With reference to Neolithic culture, con- D. B. R. Ambedkar

sider the statement : 58. The feature of Dravidian architecture added

in the Vijayanagar period was,

1. The earliest Neolithic settlement is at

Baluchistan around 7000 BC. A. Ammana Shrine

2. V Gordon Childe defined the Ne- B. Kalyana mandapa
olithic chalcolithic culture as a self
sufficient food economy. C. Extensive decoration of gopurams

Which of the above is / are correct? D. Paintings on the walls of temples

A. 1 only 59. Who among the following propagated
Dvaita or dualism of Jivatma and Para-
B. 2 only

matma in Kannada region?

C. Both 1 and 2 A. Mirabai
D. Neither 1 nor 2 B. Nimbarka
53. What was the Major Industry in Chandu-
C. Vallabhacharya
D. Madhav
A. Tread Making
60. ‘The Musalman’, the handwritten daily
B. Craft Work newspaper in circulation since 1927, is pub-
C. Bead making lished from which one of the following
D. Textiles
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A. Lucknow C. Mysore Select the correct answer using the given

B. Hyderabad D. Chennai
A. 2, 3 and 4 C. 1, 2 and 4
61. The Rajput dynasty that ruled Kannauj was
B. 1, 3 and 4 D. 1, 2 and 3
A. Gurjara Pratiharas
B. Gahadvalas 67. Which of the following statements is/are
correct about Akbar and his administration?
C. A and C
1. He was tolerant towards other reli-
D. Chandelas gions.
62. Who founded the four Mathas in the four 2. Akbar’s nobles commanded large
corners of India? armies.
3. Subedar carried out political functions

A. Madhvacharya only.
B. Ramanujacharya Select the correct answer using the codes
C. Shankaracharya given below:

D. Bhaskaracharya A. 1 and 2 only

63. Who said that “ Man is a political animal"?

A. Karl Marx C. Plato

eR B. 1 and 3 only
C. 2 and 3 only
D. 1, 2 and 3
B. Aristotle D. Lenin
68. Who was the Governor-General when Pin-
daris had created havoc in Central India by
64. Who was the founder of Ramkrishna Mis- indulging in large-scale looting?
A. Lord William Bentinck
A. Swami Vivekanand
B. Lord Hastings

B. Ram Krishna Paramhansa C. Lord Cornwallis

C. Keshav Chandra Sen D. Lord Wellesley
D. Swami Dayanand Saraswati 69. Who founded Pataliputra?
65. Which of the following metals were mostly A. Udayin

used for minting coins during the Mauryan

B. Ashoka

C. Mahapadmananda
A. Silver and copper
D. Bimbisar
B. Lead and silver
70. Which of the following statement is the cor-
C. Gold and lead rect definition of Nirguna?
D. Bronze and gold A. It is the concept of a formless God.
66. Which of the artifacts given below could be B. It is the concept of a formless Guru.
used as source material for the prehistoric
period in India? C. It is the concept of spirituality.

1. Fossils D. None of the above

2. Hand axes 71. Arrange the following in the chronological
3. Pottery order and the select the correct answer from
4. Remains of bones the codes given below:
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616 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

1. The August offer Select the correct chronological order of the

2. The Cabinet Mission Plan events from the codes given below
3. The Cripps Mission Plan
4. The Wavell Plan A. 2, 3, 4, 1 C. 4, 3, 2, 1
B. 1, 3, 2, 4 D. 3, 4, 2, 1
A. 3, 4, 1, 2 C. 1, 3, 4, 2
B. 1, 2, 4, 3 D. 4, 3, 2, 1
77. Which was the earliest text that tried to ex-
plain caste system according to ones abili-
72. The author of Historica is?

ties& inclinations?
A. Deodorus C. Justin A. Yajnavalyakay Smriti
B. Herodotus D. Megasthenes

B. Manusmriti
C. Ramayana
73. The author of “Natural History is.
D. Bhagavad-Gita
A. Herodotus

78. The widespread using of Black and Red
B. Aristrobulus
ware (BRW) and Painted Grey Ware (PGW)
C. Arrion mark the
D. None of the above A. coming of Iron Technology in India
74. Pulakesin II was a contemporary of
B. coming of Copper Technology in India
A. Chandragupta Maurya
C. end of using bronze
B. Harsha
D. none of the above
C. Ashoka
79. Which of the following groups did NOT

D. Samudragupta stage a major revolt against the regime of

75. Which of the following public health mea- Aurangzeb?

sures was not punishable under the Mau-

A. the Rajputs
ryan public health laws?

B. the Mamelukes
A. Throwing dirt, mud or dead bodies on
public thoroughfares C. the Marathas
B. Taking the dead bodies for cremation or D. the Sikhs
burial along paths not meant for the purpose

80. Who was the Shahi ruler of Punjab defeated

by Muhammad Ghazni?
C. Polluting the water tanks or sources of

A. Jayapala C. Prithviraj
D. Treating patients and selling herbs and B. Nagabhatta D. Mahipala
drugs without securing registration
76. Consider the following events of Indian Na-
81. The Straits of Tsushima separate:
tional Movement-
1. Gandhi Irwin Pact A. Japan from Russia.
2. Poona Pact B. India from Sri Lanka.
3. Karachi Session of Indian National
Congress. C. China from Japan.
4. Individual Satyagraha D. Japan from Korea.
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82. Which Bhakti Saints venerated in Sikhism, 88. Which was the revenue system introduced
as well as Hindu warrior-ascetic traditions in Punjab by British?
such as the Dadupanthis and the Niranjani
Sampradaya that emerged in north India A. Mirasdari C. Jagirdari
during the Islamic rule?
B. Mahaiwari D. Ryotwari
A. Ramananda C. Eknath
B. Mirabai D. Namdeva 89. Which of the following statements is not
true regarding the production of commer-
83. - the pre- Islamic era is known as: cial goods in the post-Mauryan period?
A. Modern age 1. Considerable technological advance-
ment was reached in the production of
B. Age of ignorance
commercial goods.

C. Golden age 2. Production and distribution of com-
D. none mercial goods were organized effec-
tively through guilds.
84. Between which of the following was the
3. The producers worked under rigid
ancient town of Takshasila located?
state control.
A. Ravi and Beas eR 4. The guilds used hired labor for pro-
B. Chenab and Ravi duction
C. Indus and Jhelum
A. 1 only C. 3 and 4
D. Jhelum and Chenab
B. 2 only D. 2 and 3
85. What was considered as Varna Samkara?
A. Illegitimate birth 90. Where were the hymns of Rigveda com-
B. Championing the Varnasrama dharma posed?
C. Revolt against the Varna system A. Gujarat

D. Transgression of Varna boundaries for B. Punjab

C. Rajasthan
86. What is the correct chronological sequence
of the following? D. Uttar Pradesh
1. The founding of the Ghadar Party 91. ‘Hijrat’ the Muslim era began in

2. The Chauri-Chaura incident


3. The education of Khudiram Bose A. 622 A.D. C. 630 A.D.

4. Moplah Rebellion in Malabar
B. 600 A.D. D. 612 A.D.
A. 2, 1, 4, 3 C. 1, 3, 2, 4
B. 3, 4, 1, 2 D. 3, 1, 4, 2 92. After his return to Britain, Robert Clive died
in 1774 due to
87. In which one of the following regions the A. A dreadful disease
earliest evidence of rice cultivation has
come? B. Was assassinated
A. Central Ganga Valley C. Committed suicide
B. Belan Valley D. Died under mysterious circumstances
C. Gomal Valley 93. The paintings of Palaeolithic age have not
D. Bolan Valley been found in
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618 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Kaimur range 97. Fourteen rock edicts of Ashoka have been

B. Maski unearthed at

C. Mirzapur District A. Sasaram

D. Sangapur B. Kandhar
94. St Thomas died a martyr at
C. Girnar
A. Bombay C. Surat D. None of these
B. Goa D. Madras

98. Whose teachings inspired the French Revo-
95. The great Royal Road mentioned by Megas-
thenes ran from
A. Hegel C. Rousseau

A. Indus to Pataliputra
B. Locke D. Plato
B. Pataliputra to Prayag
C. Pataliputra to Taxila
99. The Ramosi& Gadkari revolts took place in

D. Prayag to Ujjaini
96. The Sard Act, 1930 provided -
A. Rajasthan C. Maharashtra
1. Civil marriages
B. Bengal D. Saurashtra
2. Penalisation for bigamy
3. Penalisation of parties to a marriage
in which the girl was below 14 years, 100. Who among the following called them-
and the boy was below 18 years of selves ‘Brahma-Kshatriay’?
4. Legalisation of inter-caste marriage.
A. Palas C. Senas
A. 3 only C. 1 and 2 B. Chahamanas D. Pratiharas

B. 2 and 3 D. 1, 3 and 4


1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. B 11. D 12. B 13. C 14. B

15. A 16. A 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. A 21. C 22. D 23. B 24. A 25. A 26. C
27. A 28. B 29. A 30. B 31. C 32. A 33. B 34. D 35. D 36. D 37. B 38. A
39. A 40. C 41. B 42. A 43. B 44. A 45. D 46. A 47. D 48. A 49. C 50. D

51. D 52. C 53. C 54. C 55. A 56. C 57. C 58. B 59. D 60. A 61. C 62. C
63. B 64. A 65. A 66. C 67. A 68. B 69. A 70. A 71. C 72. B 73. D 74. B
75. D 76. B 77. B 78. A 79. B 80. A 81. D 82. D 83. B 84. C 85. A 86. D

87. B 88. B 89. A 90. B 91. A 92. C 93. B 94. D 95. A 96. A 97. C 98. C
99. C 100. C

Unit 21

1. The remittance problems from India was its export to Europe

initially tackled by the East India Company
government through the B. Exports of more cotton and silk goods
to Europe

A. Development of jute and promotion of C. Development of indigo and export of

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opium to China 8. Which ruler of India issued Mahzarnama to

D. Development of more exports of grains take all the religious matters into his own
from India hands?
2. Who introduced the principle of Doctrine A. Shahjahan C. Nadir Shah
of Lapse?
B. Akbar D. Iltutmish
A. Clive C. Hastings
9. Who among the following was not a Saka
B. Cornwallis D. Dalhousie
3. By which of the following treaties did the
A. Menander C. Sodassa
Peshwa accept the Subsidiary Alliance with
the British? B. Nahapana D. Rudradaman

A. Treaty of Purandhar
10. Who is the author of the book entitled ‘A
B. Treaty of Salbai Nation in the Making’?
C. Treaty of Surji Arjungaon A. Surendranath Banerjee
D. Treaty of Bassein B. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
4. Mahabandula was killed at

A. Prome
B. Rangoon
C. Tenesserin
D. Danubyu
eR C. Subhas Chandra Bose
D. Raja Ram Mohan Roy
11. The statement of Mahatma Gandhi that it
was ‘a post-dated cheaue’ was related to?
5. The Aitchison Commission was set up in A. The Cripps Mission
1886 under the chairmanship of Sir Charles
Aitchison for: B. The Simon Commission

A. To suggest feasibility of constitutional C. The Young-Husband’s Mission


reforms D. The Cabmet Mission

B. To suggest reforms in public services 12. The Allahabad Pillar inscription is associ-
under British Raj. ated with which one of the following?
C. To improve the standard of elementary A. Samudragupta
education in India.
B. Mahapadma Nanda

D. To recommend revocation of press act.

C. Chandragupta Maurya

6. Head of the military department under the

recognised central machinery of administra- D. Ashoka
tion during Akbar’s reign was: 13. The Rajput Clan that ruled Bundelkhand
A. Bakshi C. Mir Bakshi
A. Chandelas C. Prathiharas
B. Mir Saman D. Diwan
B. Gahadvalas D. Paramaras
7. Which one of the following is oldest Sm-
riti? 14. Who led the Bardoli Satyagraha in 1928?
A. Manu Smriti A. Morarji Desai
B. Narada Smriti B. M. K. Gandhi
C. Vishnu Dharmashastra C. Mahadev Desai
D. Yajnavalkya Smriti D. Vallabhbhai Patel
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620 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

15. Why did Rabindranath Tagore renounce his A. Pictographic

knighthood? B. Phonetic
A. He wanted to join the Congress Party C. Wedged shaped
and become its President.
D. Calligraphic
B. He was not satisfied with the constitu- 21. Which one of the following pairs of ancient
tional reforms introduced by the Govt. of ports& places of their location is correctly
India Act, 1919. matched?
C. His heart lay torn with anguish over the

A. Masalia - Konkan
atrocities of the British government in Pun-
jab especially the massacre of innocent peo- B. Colchi (Korkai) - Pandya country
ple by Dyer at Jallianwala Bagh massacre. C. Arikamedu - Coromandel

D. Nelcynda - Malabar
D. He wished to participate in the Satya- 22. What is the correct chronological sequence
graha movement started by Mahatma of the following rulers?
1. Muizuddin Bahram Shah

16. What is the nick name of Asoka 2. iIitutmish
3. Raziya
A. Sidhartha
4. Rukhnuddin Firuz
B. Darmapriyan
Select the correct answer using the codes
C. Devanampriya Priyadassin which are given below:
D. All of the above A. 1,2,3,4 C. 2,4 3, 1
17. In ancient and early medieval India the un- B. 4,3, 1, 2 D. 3,2, 4, 1
cultivated and untaxed land was called
A. Kharvataka 23. Sea route to India was discoveredby

B. Khilakshetra A. Columbus

C. Sita B. Amundsen
C. Vasco-da-gama

D. Sitadhyakshya
D. None of these
18. Which of the following Socioreligious
Movements raised the slogan : ‘India for 24. Under the forceful thrust of British rule, a
Indians’? rapid transformation of the Indian economy

took place. In this context, which of the

A. Arya Samaj following statements is/ are correct?
B. Prarthana Samaj 1. Indian economy was transformed into
a colonial economy in the 19th cen-

C. Brahmo Samaj
tury whose structure was determined
D. Satya Shodhak Samaj by Britain’s fast developing industrial
19. The earliest evidence of agriculture in In- economy.
dian Subcontinent has been obtained from 2. The influx of cheap Indian products
into England gave a great blow to En-
A. Burzahom C. Chirand glish textile industries.
3. The 19th century saw the collapse of
B. Mehrgarh D. Brahmagiri the traditional Indian village economy
and fresh economic alignment along
20. Cuneiform script was shaped commercial lines.
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Select the correct answer using the code 30. Who among the following Hindu Painters
given below : was sent by Jehangir to make a portrait of
Shah Abbas I of Persia?
A. 1 and 3 C. l and 2
A. Dasrath C. Basawan
B. 1 only D. 2 only
B. Bishan Das D. Manohar
25. The Jesuits tended to:
31. Consider the following on the chronology
A. openly preach Christianity throughout of appointment of Viceroys
China. I. Reading
B. advocate the Westernization of China. II. Irwin
III. Wellingdon
C. work with the Chinese elites.
IV. Linlithgow

D. preach to the Chinese masses. Select the correct answer using the codes
26. Which one of the following is the correct given below.
chronological order of the Afghan rulers to A. IV, III, II, I
the throne of Delhi?
A. Bahlol Khan Lodi-Sikandar Shah-
Ibrahim Lodi
B. Sikandar Shah-Bahlol Khan Lodi-
Ibrahim Lodi
32. Who among the following Sufis advocated
the theory of ‘Wahdat-ul-Suahud’?
C. Sikandar Shah-Ibrahim Lodi-Bahlol
Khan Lodi A. Shaikh Ahmad Sarhindi
B. Shaikh Salim Chishti
D. Bahlol Khan Lodi-Ibrahim Lodi-
Sikandar Shah C. Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya
27. Egypt is called the gift of the Nile because D. Maulana Abdul Hai

A. It would not develop 33. Which one of the following native states
were annexed by the British on the basis of
B. Without Nile it would be a desert the Doctrine of Lapse?
C. It would not be fertile
A. Punjab C. Jhansi
D. No transport was possible

B. Avadh D. Mysore
28. Who abolished the dual system of Govern-

ment Bengal? 34. In which place February 21, 1915 was

A. Clive fixed as the date for an armed revolt by the
B. Spencer
A. Bengal C. Madras
C. Warren Hastings
B. Punjab D. Bombay
D. Comwallis
29. Ghasiti Begam, Shaukat Jang, Rajballabh 35. Madras was:
and Yar Latif Khan were sore enemies of
A. an English trading station in Western
A. Shuja-ud-daulah India.
B. Siraj-ud-daulah B. England’s major base in south India.
C. Nanda Kumar C. the center of French power in India.
D. Nawab Alivardi Khan D. the Mughal capital.
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622 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

36. Who was the last Hidu king ruled North Which of the above are correct?
A. 2, 3 and 4 C. 1, 3 and 4
A. Pulakesi C. Kanishka B. 1, 2 and 3 D. 1, 2 and 4
B. Harsha D. Chandradeva
42. The Neolithic Age dates bark to
37. Who among the following modern writers A. 6000-3000 B.C.
of Malayalam Literature, has received the
Jnanpeeth (Gyan peeth) Award? B. 4000-3000 B.C.

A. Pallathu Raman C. 5000-300CIB.C.

B. Kuttippurath Kesavan D. 3000-1000 B.C.

43. Who amongst the following is credited by
C. G. Sankar Kurupa
a Chinese pilgrim with having built the an-
D. Krishna Pillai cient city of Rajagriha, the modern Rajgir
38. Consider the following rulers who had an in Patna district?
alliance with the French during the course

of the Carnatic wars A. Ajatashatru C. Bimbisara

I. Nasir Jang B. Udayi D. Prasenajit

II. Muzaffar Jang
III. Anwaruddin 44. Chinese contributed to the field of science
IV. Chanda Sahib by giving the world
Which of the above ruler (s) is/are associ- A. Seismography
ated? B. Oceanography

A. III& IV C. I& II C. Calligraphy


B. II& III D. II& IV D. Astronomy

45. Who was the founder of Pallava dynasty

39. Taj Mahal is on the banksof A. Raja Raja I

B. Karikala

A. Ganges C. Tapti
B. Cauvery D. Jamuna C. Simhavishnu
D. None of these
40. Ma’rib dam was located in: 46. Which of the following were not the new

industries introduced by the Britishers?

A. iraq C. Egypt
B. yaman D. none A. Jute C. Iron, steel

B. Ordinance D. Cotton
41. Consider the following statements on the
reform of Ala-ud-din Khilji - 47. The main difficulties of Iltutmish when he
1. Confiscation of all grants of tax-free ascended the throne were
land. 1. The Punjab was hostile to him
2. Introduction of daag and chehra and 2. Bengal and Bihar severed their con-
in his military. nections
3. Abolition of iqtas of big nobles and 3. Ali Mardan of Lakhnauti set himself
military commanders. up as independent ruler
4. Banning the sale of liquor and drugs. 4. The revolt of Aram Shah
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A. 1 and 2 A. Expansion of international trade

B. 2, 3 and 4 B. Inter-state rivalry
C. 4 and 5 C. Establishment of international organiza-
D. All of these
D. Means of communication
48. The Mekong Delta is located
54. Stone andincopper
were used in
A. Paleolithic age
A. China. C. Neolithic
B. Cambodia.age
B. Vietnam. D. Mesolithic
C. Laos. age
D. Chalcolithic age
49. Which is not related55.
to prehistoric
Which of theculture?
following crops in Vijayana-

A. Chopper and Chop1ng gar empire
tools was widely exported?
A. Black Pepper
B. Razor
B. Tea
C. Borer
C. Tobacco
D. Point
50. Which one among 56.the following
Which one
rect about the cave paintings at
is of
D. None of the above
Gayatri Mantra?
cor-following contains the

A. Scenes have no dividing frame and

blend into each other A. Yajurveda C. Upanishad
B. Rigveda D. Samaveda
B. Scenes are both religious and secular
C. The influence 57. Which
of the one among
Gandhara art isthe following statements
seen about Ashokan edicts is correct?

D. Scenes mostly depict Thefrom
edicts were located in all parts
of the empire
B. The
51. Who translated Arthasastra intoedicts give details of his personal
concerns but are silent on events of the em-
A. Manu pire

B. Symasastri C. The subject of inscribed matter on Rock


C. Max Muller edicts differs completely with that of the

Pillar edicts
D. None of these
D. The Greek or Aramaic edicts are ver-
52. The Bengal Nawab who collected
sions revenue of the texts used in
or translations
directly from the ryotsother
thought his agents
called ijaradars was58. Which of the following Bhakti Saints poem
A. Sarfaraz Khan is compiled in Sur Sagar, Sahitya Ratna and
Sur Sarawali?
B. Murshid Quli Khan
C. Aliwardi Khan A. Kalidasa C. Tulsidas
B. Sur Das D. Kabirdas
D. Shujauddin
53. Which one does not59.contribute
Which Bhakti
to the forma-
Saint is known as the bridge
tion of International Government?
between north and south?
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624 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Chaitanya A. Annie Besant

B. Kabir B. Surendra Nath Beneraji
C. Nanak C. Balagangadhar Tilak
D. None of these D. Dadabhai Nauroji
60. The chief item that China received in its 66. Panipat is modern
trade with Russia was:
A. Sonepat C. Delhi
A. silver. C. timber.

B. Kurukshetra D. Faridabad
B. furs. D. guns.
67. Who among the following has been criti-
cized by Kalhana for confiscating the tem-

61. Which one of the following inscriptions pro-
vides the earliest epigraphical evidence re- ple treasure?
garding sati? A. Harsha
A. Mathura inscription of Huvishka B. Lalitaditya

B. Allahabad pillar inscription of Samu- C. Avantivarman
D. Didda
C. Junagarh inscription of Skanda Gupta 68. was the Tutor of Haroon-ur-Rashid:
D. Eran Pillar inscription of Bhanu Gupta A. Khalid Rarmaki
62. What was the original name Vishalgad? B. Yahya Barmaki
A. Rajgad C. Khelana C. Ghazali
B. Pratapgad D. Rayari D. None of these
69. Which of these is not correctly matched re-

63. Which one among the following was the garding the reign of Shahjahan?
immediate cause of attack by Nawab Siraj-

A. Chintamani - Hindi poet

ud-Daula on Calcutta in 1756?
B. Sunder Das - Singer

A. Refusal of the English Company to pay

the overdue trade tax C. Jagannath Pandit - Poet laureate

B. Siraj-ud-Daula wanted to drive out the D. Asaf Khan - Wazir

English from Bengal 70. Which of the following statement is not cor-

rect about Raja Ram Mohan Roy?

C. The English conspired against the
Nawab with a view to depose him from the A. He started the newspaper named “Sam-
Throne bad Kaumudi”

D. Refusal of the English to demolish the B. He was given the title of Raja by the
fortification of Calcutta Mughal Emperor.
64. Egyptians were highly skilled in the art of C. Raja Ram Mohan Roy was born in a
well-to-do family in Bengal, probably in
A. Astronomy C. Medicine 1772.
B. Surgery D. Science D. He died in Indian in 1833.
71. What was the name of the Gurjara-Pratihara
65. Indian Economic drain was described in the king who was defeated by the Pala king De-
British Period by vapala?
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A. Nagabhatta II class because of the stratified society of the

B. Mihirbhoja
D. It was inspired by Sufism which had
C. Mahipala
something in common with the traditonal
D. Mahendrapala asceticism of India
72. The Rajarajeshvar temple was constructed 77. What is pietra dura?
by A. A form of music
A. Parantaka Chola B. Pictorial mosaic work using semi-
B. Mahendra Vermana Pahallava precious stones
C. Armour
C. Rajaraja Chola
D. None of the above
D. Aditya Cholas
78. Rock Edict XIII (also known as Separate

73. Which was the original name of the Fort Rock Edict, because it is not found else-
Rohida? where) is regarded as one of the most im-
portant documents of Ashokan history, be-
A. Rayari C. Vishalgad cause:
B. Purandar D. Rohida A. It expresses his regret and remorse at

74. Badruddin Taiyabji was an active member

eR the suffering caused by the Kalinga War
B. It expresses a new idea of conquest that
of dhammavijaya instead of victory by war
A. Indian National Congress and violence
B. Communist Party of India C. It is the longest of the fourteen major
Rock Edicts and is recorded in a tone of
C. Jansangh recapitulation
D. Muslim League D. All the above

75. Rigvedic people invoked Indra for 79. Who was the author of the book Taj-ul-
A. Acquisition of knowledge Maasir?
A. Abul Fazl
B. A life after death
B. Jahangir
C. Release from the cycle, of births and
deaths C. Hasan Nizami

D. None of the above


D. Material comforts and victory

80. Which of the following is true regarding the
76. What is the most satisfactory explanation
Aryan Economy?
for the popularity of Bhakti movement?
I. Aryans, crossed the nomadic stage.
A. It was the response of Hinduism to the II. Lion, elephants,& Boar were not
challenge posed by Islam which looked su- known to them.
perior because of its concept of one God, III. Coins were known to them.
simplicity of worship, and universal broth-
erhood A. Only I

B. It was a new edition of the old theistic B. II, III

view of God C. I, III
C. It was an answer to the loneliness of D. All of the above
Hindus and Muslims in general, and more 81. From among the following, which pair is
so that of the artisans and the cultivating not matched?
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626 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Hala - Gatha Saptshati A. Strongman of India: Sardar Patel

B. Bhadrabahu - Brihat Katha Manjari B. Parrot of India: Amir Khusro
C. Patanjali - Mahabhashya C. Scourge of God: Chengiz khan
D. Ashvaghosa - Harsh Charit D. Father of Indian Unrest: Abdul Gaffar
82. Which of the following Acts had the provi- Khan
sion of Indian Civil Services recruitment on 87. The achievements of Samudragupta are de-
the basis of competitive examination? scribed in the:

A. Government of India Act, 1858 A. Hathigumpha inscription
B. Charter Act of 1813 B. Allahabad pillar inscription
C. Charter Act of 1853

C. Girnar inscription
D. Charter Act of 1833 D. Sarnath inscription
83. Who was among the following Bhakti saints 88. Which of the following Governor-General
gave a new orientation of Hinduism through introduced the services of Railway and tele-

his doctrine of Advaita or Monism? graph systems?

A. Sankara C. Chaitanya A. Lord Cornwallis

B. Ramanuja D. Guru Nanak B. Lord Dalhousie

C. Lord Wellesley
84. During the reign of Bind Sara there was D. Lord Bentinck
unrest at
89. Anational religion called Din-i-Illahi was
A. Pushkalavati promulgated by
B. Takshasila

A. Aurangazeb C. Akbar
C. Ujjayani
B. Humayun D. Babur

D. Rajagriha
85. Consider the following with reference to the 90. Where was the stay of Shahista Khan at

disintegration and decline of the Mauryan Poona?

A. Saras Bagh
1. Brahmanical revolt
2. King Ashoka’s pacifist policies B. Vishram Bagh

3. Invasions from outside

C. Lal bagh
4. Weakness of Ashoka’s successors
D. Natucha Bada
Which of the above reasons led to the dis-

integration and decline of the Mauryan Em- 91. The Marath Script was known as
pire? A. Peshurascript
A. 1, 2, 3 and 4 B. Modiscript
B. 1, 2 and 4
C. Shivaji scipt
C. 2 and 4
D. None of these
D. 1 and 3 92. Which among the following was the reason
86. Which of the following is Not matched cor- of the resignations of the Indian Ministers
rectly? in all the provinces in the year 1939?
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A. India was declared a party to the World 97. Haider Ali’s administration is remembered
War II without the consent of the provincial for its:
A. Severity
B. The Governors refused to act as consti-
B. Nobel innovations
tutional heads
C. Leniency
C. The Governor-General converted Indian
administration from federal to unitary one D. Welfare measures
because of the beginning of the World War 98. Which of the following statements are cor-
II rect regarding Aurangzeb?
D. The Centre did not provide the required I. He forbade the cultivation of Bhang
financial help to provinces II. Forbade singing at court
93. During Aurangzeb’s reign, whose duty was III. A proficient player of Veena

it to see that people lived their lives by the IV. His tomb is at Tughlaqabad
A. I, II and III
A. Ahadis C. Muhtasibs B. I, II and IV
B. Mansabhdars D. Walashuhis C. II, III and IV

94. The local name of Mohenjodaro is:

A. Mould of the dead
eR D. All the above
99. Who among the following were among
those who caused major uprisings against
B. Mould of the survivor Murshid Quli Khan?
C. Mould of the tree 1. Sitaram Ray
D. Mould of the living 2. Udai Narayan
95. Pushyamitra Sunga was a staunch 3. Ghulam Muhammad
4. Saadat Khan

A. Hindu C. Buddhist Choose the correct answer from the codes

B. Jain D. Atheist given below

96. Which one among the following is not true A. 1 and 2 C. 1, 2 and 3
with regard to Rig Veda Samhita? B. 2 and 4 D. 1 and 4

A. Purus sided with Bharata in the battle of


ten kings 100. Vijayanagar empire was founded during

the reign period of
B. It is mentioned in the Rig Veda that the
Bharata chief Sudas fought against a con- A. Firoz Tughlaq
federacy of ten tribes
B. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
C. There are about 300 non-Indo- Euro-
C. Sikandar Lodi
pean words in Rig Veda
D. There is a reference to dasarajna (battle D. Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq
of ten kings) in the Rig Veda


1. D 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. A 11. A 12. A 13. A 14. D

15. C 16. C 17. B 18. A 19. B 20. B 21. C 22. C 23. C 24. A 25. C 26. A
27. B 28. C 29. B 30. B 31. B 32. A 33. C 34. B 35. B 36. B 37. C 38. D
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628 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

39. D 40. C 41. D 42. A 43. C 44. A 45. C 46. B 47. D 48. B 49. B 50. A
51. B 52. B 53. C 54. D 55. A 56. B 57. B 58. B 59. A 60. B 61. D 62. C
63. D 64. C 65. D 66. B 67. A 68. C 69. B 70. D 71. B 72. C 73. D 74. A
75. D 76. A 77. B 78. D 79. C 80. A 81. B 82. C 83. A 84. B 85. A 86. D
87. B 88. B 89. C 90. C 91. B 92. A 93. C 94. A 95. A 96. C 97. A 98. A
99. A 100. D

Unit 22

1. Atharvana veda has as its Brahman Book. A. flourished.
B. was confined to the trading ports.
A. Satpath C. Panchvimsh
C. became the state religion.

B. Gopath D. Aiterya
D. was suppressed.
7. Who among the following believed in the
2. When did Akbar abolish Jaziya? theory of Bhedabhed?

A. Vallabhacharya
A. 1566 C. 1564
B. Nimbarakacharya
B. 1565 D. 1563
C. Madhvacharya
3. Which Bhakti Saints known as Sri Gau- D. Ramanujacharya
ranga, was a popular Vaishnava saint and 8. Who had said on the death of Tilak ‘my
reformer from Bengal? strongest bulkwar is gone’?

A. Sankaracharya A. Mahatma Gandhi

B. Lala Lajpat Rai
B. Chaitanya

C. Muhammad Ali
C. Kabir
D. Shaukat Ali

D. Mirabai 9. The principle of Panchsheel was declared

4. Which of the following figures was NOT by India and China in the year

Prime Minister of India?

A. 1955A.D. C. 1953A.D.
A. Jawarlahal Nehru
B. 1954A.D. D. 1952A.D.
B. Lal Shastri

10. Mughal-Mewar peace treaty was concluded

C. Rajiv Gandhi during the times of?
D. Mahatma Gandhi
A. Akbar C. Jahangir

5. Name the militant nationalist who had a

B. Humayun D. Shah Jahan
leading role in propagating the Swadeshi
sentiments to the rest of the country.
11. In which type of marriage, payment of
A. Lala Lajpat Rai bride-price was a condition?
B. Aurobindo Ghosh A. Asura C. Brahma
C. Bal Gangadhar Tilak B. Daiva D. Gandharva
D. Bipin Chandra Pal
12. "Kheda Satyagraha" was basically initiated
6. After 1640, Christianity in Japan: by?
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A. Mahatma Gandhi 1. It was related to a dispute between the

B. Mohanlal Pandya workers and the European mill owners
regarding hours of work.
C. Vallabhbhai Patel 2. Gandhiji advised the workers to go on
D. Vinoba Bhave strike.
13. What was the greatest contribution of Ish- Which of the statements given above is/are
war Chand Vidyasagar in the social reforms correct?
in India? A. Only 1
A. He ensured the widow’s marriage and B. Only 2
girl’s education.
C. Both 1 and 2
B. Help in the abolition of Sati Pratha.
D. Neither 1 nor 2
C. He adopted 100 villages to relocate 18. Among the Panchviras who belonged to the

them from Andhra Pradesh to Bengal for a Vrisbni clan, samba was the son of
better life.
D. Established the Brahma Samaj A. Devaki C. Jambavati
14. Which of the following statements correctly B. Rohini D. Rukmani
describe the difference between a Chaitya eR
and a Stupa? 19. The most important feature of the Dravida
style of temple architecture is
A. Chaitya is a place of prayers/worship
while Stupa is a funeral monument A. Shikhara C. Gopuram
B. Chaitya is a r eligious ter m, while S B. Mandapa D. Vimana
tupa is an architectural term for a mound
containing a relic of the Buddha and later 20. The Indian Independence League was set
on of leading Buddhist Saints up by:
C. Chaityas represent Mahayanism and A. S.M. Joshi

Stupas Hinayanism
B. Aruna Asaf Ali
D. Chaitya were constructed by the monas-
C. Jayaprakash Narayan
teries while Stupas were constructed by the
kings and the rich merchants D. Rash Behari Bose
15. Who has the title of ‘Kaviraja’? 21. The Post-Gupta social structure in North

India was marked by the

A. Kumar Gupta

A. Lessening of untouchability
B. Chandragupta I
B. Growing importance of women
C. Chandragupta II
C. Revival of slavery
D. SamudraGupta
D. Proliferation of castes
16. Kathak, Kapisthak, maitrayani, Taittriya
and Vajsaneyi are the branches of . 22. The word Yava mentioned in Rigveda is
used for which agricultural product?
A. Yajur Veda
B. Rig Veda A. Gram C. Rice

C. Sama Veda B. Barley D. Wheat

D. Atharvana Veda 23. Who said, “Like summer gale revolt

17. Consider the following statements about the of Meerut was unprecedented and short-
Ahmedabad Mill Strike of 1918 lived”?
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630 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. S. N. Sen A. Khwaza Abdus Samad

B. R. C. Majumdar B. Mir Sayyid Ali
C. V. D. Savarkar C. Jehangir

D. S. B. Chaudhuri D. Mansur
29. The English governor in India who was ex-
24. Dhavanyaloka is
pelled by Aurangzeb was :
A. A work on poetics
A. Aungier

B. A work on Buddhist epistemology B. Sir Jhon Child
C. A play C. Sir John Gayer
D. An epic poem D. None of the above

25. Who among the following had read the 30. Who was the governor-general during the
English version of Presidential address Revolt of 1857?
in the Tripuri Session of Indian National
A. Lord Lytton
Congress, 1939?

B. Lord Willington
A. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
C. Lord Irwin
B. Acharya Narendra Deo
D. Lord Canning
C. Sarat Chandra Bose
31. Which of the following is not correct about
D. Subhash Chandra Bose Montegu- Chelmsford’s Reform& Govern-
ment of India Act, 1919?
26. Which of the following statement (s) is/are
not correct about Bhagavatism and Krishna A. It changed the administrative system in
I. Bhagavatism is a branch of Vaishnav-
ism, where the devotees worship the B. In this Act, the central legislative coun-

various avatars of Lord Vishnu. cil was replaced by two houses-the imperial
II. The origin of Bhagavatism or Vaish- legislative assembly and the council of state.

navism has been sought in the Upan-

ishadic period because in the ‘Chando-

C. Education and public health were placed

gya Upanishad’ Krishna is described under the charge of ministers responsible to
as a disciple of the sage Ghora. the legislature.
A. Only I D. All of the above are incorrect

B. Only II 32. Who among the following Bhati Saints

was responsible for founding many pun-
C. Both I& II
yakshetras along the length and breadth of

D. Neither I nor II India, by taming avatars of Parvati and im-

prisoning her essence in Sri Chakras?
27. ‘Uttaramerur’ inscription refers to
A. Valmiki
A. Draw by lots
B. Tulsidas
B. Sangam
C. Shankaracharya
C. Devdasi system
D. Ramananda Saraswati
D. Village revenue
33. The Shrimad Bhagavata Gita contains
28. Who was the master of imperial mint at chapters and Sanskrit slokas
Delhi during the reign of Akbar? or couplets.
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A. 16,600 C. 14,500 A. Alauddin Khalji

B. 18,700 D. 20,800 B. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
C. Muhammad bin Tughluq
34. In which age Brahmanas were inferior than
Kshatriyas? D. None of the above
A. Maurya age 41. Fort William was situated in?

B. Post-Mauryan age A. Calcutta

C. Buddha age B. Machalipattnam
D. Vedic age C. Orissa
35. To which Sakha does the published Rigveda D. Madras
Samhita belong?

42. Lingayats are,
A. Sakala C. Asvalayan A. Worshippers of Shiva
B. Sankhayana D. Sawnaka B. Opposed to caste system
C. Opposed to social evils as child mar-
36. The party which observed the ‘Black Day’
on July 3, 1947 against Partition of India
A. Communist Party of India
eR riage
D. All the above
43. Which one of the following is not correct?
B. Forward Bloc A. Indian National Congress,Tripuri Ses-
sion (1939)
C. Hindu Mahasabha
D. Indian National Congress B. Indian National Congress,Calcutta Ses-
sion (1887)
37. Historian Abdul Hamid Lahori was in the
court of C. Indian National Congress,Gaya Session

A. Aurangzeb C. Jahangir
D. Indian National Congress,Lucknow Ses-
B. Akbar D. Shahjahan sion (1916)
44. In which year Kalibagab was excavated
38. The large hoard of copper comes from Gun-

geria in A. 1924 C. 1953


A. Utter Pradesh B. 1923 D. 1930

B. Madhya Pradesh
C. Arunachal Pradesh 45. Which of the following statements regard-
ing Permanent Settlement is/are correct?
D. Andhra Pradesh
1. The Permanent Settlement was intro-
39. Which of the following musical instruments
duced in parts of the Madras and Bom-
is not composite or Indo-Islamic in origin?
bay Presidencies.
2. The Permanent Settlement created a
A. Shehnai C. Sarangi
new class of landlords with hereditary
B. Tabla D. Sitar rights on land.
3. The landlords created by the Perma-
40. Adilabad fort and the city of Jahanpanah nent Settlement could never be re-
was built by? moved under any circumstance.
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632 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

Select the correct answer using the codes 50. The North Indian Dynasties that confronted
given below the Rashtrakutas were
A. The Pratiharas and the Palas
A. 1, 2 and 3 C. Only 2
B. The Pratiharas and the Paramaras
B. 2 and 3 D. Only 1
C. The Chalukyas and the Chahamanas
46. Which one of the following was the main D. The Palas and the Chandelas
reason for the split between the Moderates 51. Who was the ruler of Javli?
and the Extremist at the Surat session of the

INC in 1905 known as ‘Surat Split’? A. Mane C. Jedhe
A. Bipin Pal’s efforts for a broad-based res- B. Ghorpade D. More
olution on boycott to cover boycott of hon-

orary offices as well as foreign goods 52. Which of the following statement is not
correct about The French East India Com-
B. Attempts of the Extremists to get B.G.
Tilak elected as the Congress President
A. The French East India Company was

C. The shift of the Congress venue from
formed in 1764 AD
Nagpur to Surat
B. They established their first company in
D. Unleashing of violence in the open ses-
sion of the Congress by the Extremists
47. Which one of the following agrarian mea- C. The French East India Company took
sures was NOT adopted by Ghiyasudding hold of Yanam in 1723 AD, Mahe on Mal-
Tughlaq? abar Coast in 1725 AD and Karaikal in 1739
A. The basis of the demand by the Govern-
D. The French East India Company was
ment was to be Hukm-i-hasil (in accordance
formed during the reign of King Louis XIV
with yield) with enough provision for crop

53. According to Manu, a Brahamana was to
B. He discarded measurement in favour of

be awarded higher punishment than the per-

sharing. sons of other varnas for the offence of

C. The chiefs and headmen of villages A. Theft

were given back their perquisites.
B. The use of abusive language for the per-
D. He made a large reduction in the scale sons of other varnas
of revenue fixed by Alauddin and brought

it down to one-sixth of the gross produce. C. Treason

48. Ardashir ruled over the Sassanid Empire in D. Murder
54. Which of the following was not one of the

A. AD 225 C. AD 224 reasons why India had a favourable balance

B. AD 228 D. AD 226 of trade with the West?
A. Better business sense of Indian traders
49. Intercaste marriages, during the Rajput age B. Great demand for Indian luxury goods
was possible among
C. Import of gold by India in return for her
A. Brahmanas and Kshatriyas exports
B. Kshatriyas and Vaisyas D. Imports of coins by India
C. Vaisyas and Sudras 55. Which of the following statements is cor-
D. None of these
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1. Upanishad provides information 61. Which of the following best characterizes

about classical dance forms. Aurangzeb’s personal religious beliefs?
2. Puranas are silent about dances. A. Islamic fundamentalism
3. Natya Shastra is the 5th Veda.
B. disinterest
Select the correct answer using the codes
are given below C. tolerance of many religions

A. 1 and 2 only D. Hinduism

62. Which of t he following places can be
B. 1 and 3 only
r egarded as the largest m onastic estab-
C. 3 only lishment in Western India (containing 130
D. All are correct caves)?
56. The people who migrated from the region A. Ajanta C. Kanheri

of the Caspian sea were called
B. Karle D. Junnair
A. Aryans C. Africans
63. The greatest Sanskrit grammarian was
B. Dravidians D. Euro Asians
A. Brahma Gupta
57. Vidhushaka, a common character in San- eR B. Aryabhatta
skrit drama is invariably a C. Panini

A. Kshatriya C. Shudra D. Vishnu Gupta

64. There is only one edict, in which Ashoka
B. Brahmana D. Vaishya refers himself as King of Magadha (Laja
Magadha.) Identify the edict from the fol-
58. Who is the author of the autobiography, lowing:
"The Indian Struggle"?
A. Minor Rock Edict of Maski
A. Annie Besant
B. The Queens Edict

B. Subhash Chandra Bose

C. Dhauli Pillar Inscription
C. Chittaranjan Das
D. Bhabhru Edict
D. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel 65. The Egyptian Kings were all called the
59. Before which of his important battles in
A. Czars C. Kings

India did Babur declare the abolition of

Tamgha tax? B. Monarchs D. Pharaohs

A. Panipat
66. Which Bhakti saint preached the concept of
B. Khanwa Visitadvaita?
C. Chanderi
A. Nimbarka C. Sankara
D. None of these
B. Ramanuja D. Madhava
60. The objects like pottery, tools, and orna-
ments that humans made in the past are 67. Which of the following leaders were associ-
called ated with the Revolt of Khasis in 1820-32?
A. Inscriptions A. Sambu Singh
B. Artefacts B. Vir Manik
C. Coins C. Tirut Singh and Bar Manik
D. Monuments D. Sidhu and Kanu
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634 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

68. Megasthenese was succeeded as ambas- 74. Which one of the following divinity of
sador to the Mauryan court by Rigveda?

A. Deimachos C. Hegesander A. Shakti C. Varuna

B. Nearchus D. Athenaeus B. Marut D. Agni

69. The Anglo-Afghan relations in the 19th cen- 75. Who among these is credited with the con-
tury were determined because of fear of ex- struction of ‘Pagodas’ at Mahabalipuram?
pansion towards India of

A. Cholas
A. Russia C. Afghanistan
B. Chalukyas of Kalyani
B. France D. Persia
C. Pallavas

70. Which of the following rulers was adorned D. Pandyas
with the title of Maharajadhiraja (king of 76. Who were called barids?
A. Craftsmen working in state workshops

A. Chandragupta I
B. The spy reporters
B. Ashoka
C. Bodyguards of the sultan
C. Chandragupta Maurya
D. Officer-in-charge of state exchequer
D. Kanishka
77. Al-Khwarzmi was a
71. 29. Pottery having six fabrics from kot-diji
are A. Soldier
A. Wheel Made B. Astronomer
B. Bronze Metal C. Mathematician

C. Hand Made D. None of these

D. Copper Metal 78. The sung rulers were followers of

72. Which of the following event compel

the Rabindranath Tagore to renounce his A. Jainism C. Buddhism

knighthood? B. Saivism D. Bhagvatism

A. To protest against the Jallianwalla Bagh
incident 79. The architect of Taj Mahal belonged to?

B. To protest against lathi charge on Lala

A. Italy C. France
Lajpat Rai that caused his death
B. Egypt D. Turkey
C. To express solidarity with the leaders of

Non-Cooperation Movement
80. During the time of Alauddin’s invasion
D. To express solidarity with the protestors Warangal was ruled by
against the arrival of Simon Commission
A. Yadava Dynasty
73. Al-Beruni was the contemporary of which
one of the following emperors? B. Chalukya Dynasty
A. Shershah C. Kakatiya Dynasty
B. Humayun D. Chola Dynasty
C. Akbar 81. Madras was restored to the English by the
French by
D. Mahmud Ghaznavi
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A. The Treaty of Salbai (1782) 88. In addition to Macaulay’s Minutes on Ed-

B. The Treaty of Pondicherry (1754) ucation, another landmark draft is also at-
tributed to him. Identify the draft from the
C. The treaty of Aix-Ia-Chapelle (1749) following.
D. The Treaty of Mangalore (1784) A. Draft of Indian Forest Policy
82. The excavation at Chanhu Daro was di-
B. Draft of the Maritime Trade Policy
rected by
C. Draft of Indian Penal Code
A. John Marshall
D. Draft of the Zamindari Abolition Act
B. J. H. Mackay
89. The greatest painter of birds at Jahangir’s
C. R. E. M. Wheeler Court was
D. Aurel Stein A. Syed Au Tabrizi

83. The theory of Agnikula is related to the ori-
B. Mansur
gin of?
C. Basawan
A. Rajput C. Brahmins
D. Khwaja Abdus Samad
B. Vaishyas D. Shudras 90. The traces of Janapadas and Mahajanpadas

84. How many times the word ‘Jana’ occur in

the Rigveda?
eR are found in
A. Vedic text
B. Buddha text

A. 275 times C. 375 times

C. Jaina text
B. 175 times D. 75 times
D. All the above
85. Monks and nuns served the community by 91. Who was son of Samudra Gupta?

A. Providing social services. A. Kumar Gupta


B. Remaining secluded and rarely seeing B. Chandragupta II Vikramaditya

outsiders. C. VishnuGupta
C. Pressuring feudal lords to provide social D. Skanda Gupta
services. 92. I.N.A. (Indian National Army) trial took
D. Performing little manual labor. place in the

86. ‘Live well, as long as you live. Live well A. Red Fort

even by borrowings, for once cremated,

B. Calcutta High Court
there is no return’. The rejection of after
life is an aphorism of the- C. Supreme Court
A. Sunyavada of Nagarjuna D. Federal Court
B. Ajivikas 93. Who among the following is known as the
‘father of renaissance’ of Western India?
C. Charvakas
A. M.G. Ranade
D. Kapalika sect
87. Which one of the following Janapadas was B. B.M. Malabari
the republican state in sixth century BC? C. R. G. Bhandarkar

A. Anga C. Mayadha D. K.T. Telang

94. Which of the following statements is cor-
B. Vajji D. Kosala rect about Shivaji?
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636 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. His movement was supported by all the D. Sharat Chandra Chatterjee

Maratha Watandars 98. Rohelas were of origin.
B. The smaller Watandars formed the back
bone of his movement A. Turkish C. Chinese
C. He abolished the Watandari system B. British D. Afghan
D. He did not fight with bigger Maratha
Watandars 99. Name the great Hindu King who combined
95. The Indian port(s) utilized by Dutch for in himself the qualities of Samudragupta

their trade in India was/were and Ashoka?
A. Pulicat A. Chandragupta II

B. Masulipattam B. Kanishka
C. Nagapattam C. Harshavardhana
D. All of these D. Chandragupta I
96. The subject matter of Tol Kappiyam is 100. Who among the following arrived in the

court of Jahangir as an official ambassador
A. Epic story C. Battle
of King of England?
B. Grammar D. Drama
A. Bernier
97. The author of Anandmath was? B. William Hawkins
A. Ravindra Nath Tagore C. Thomas roe
B. S. C. Bose D. Edward Terry
C. Bankim Chandra Chatterjee


1. B 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. C 11. A 12. B 13. A 14. B

15. D 16. A 17. B 18. C 19. D 20. D 21. D 22. B 23. A 24. A 25. D 26. D

27. A 28. A 29. B 30. D 31. D 32. C 33. B 34. B 35. A 36. C 37. D 38. B
39. A 40. C 41. A 42. D 43. B 44. C 45. C 46. A 47. D 48. D 49. A 50. A
51. D 52. A 53. A 54. A 55. C 56. A 57. B 58. B 59. B 60. B 61. A 62. D
63. C 64. A 65. D 66. B 67. D 68. A 69. A 70. D 71. A 72. A 73. D 74. C
75. C 76. B 77. A 78. D 79. A 80. C 81. C 82. B 83. A 84. A 85. D 86. C

87. B 88. C 89. B 90. D 91. B 92. A 93. A 94. B 95. D 96. B 97. C 98. D
99. C 100. C

Unit 23

1. Which of the following is a correct chrono- D. Qutub Minar, Taj Mahal, Fatehpur Sikri
logical sequence?
A. Fatehpur Sikri, Taj Mahal, Qutub Minar 2. What was the state language of the Eastern
Roman Empire after the 7th century?
B. Qutub Minar, Fatehpur Sikri, Taj Mahal A. Greek C. Latin
B. Russian D. Arabic
C. Ta Mahal, Fatehpur Sikri, Qutub Miner
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3. Who was the father of vardhamana Ma- 8. The emperor who had the Taj Mahal built
havira was:
A. Sidhartha
A. Nur Jahan. C. Shah Jahan.
B. Varthmana varagunan
B. Jahangir. D. Akbar.
C. Kirthivarman
D. None of these 9. Which one of the following Sikh Guru en-
4. Select the correct statement (s) with refer- joyed the rank of 5000 zat and 5000 sawar
ence to the Bhakti Movement: under the Mughals?
A. Collection of Alvar Saints hymns is A. Guru Gobind Singh
known as Divya Prabandha.
B. Guru Har Kishan
B. Compilation of Alvar Saints po-

etry/literature Tirumurai is called “Tamil C. Guru Hargovind
Veda”. D. Guru Tegh Bahadur
C. Both A& B 10. Consider the following statements
D. None of the above 1. The last Mauryan ruler, Brihadratha
5. Find out the correct statement (s) related to
the features of Bhakti Movement?
I. Its proponents preached the ‘unity of
eR was assassinated by his commander-
in-chief, Pushyamitra Sunga.
2. The last Sunga king, Devabhuti was
assassinated by his Brahman minis-
the god-head’ and emphasized that
ter Vasudeva Kanva who usurped the
‘devotion to God’ and faith in him led
to salvation.
II. It laid stress on equality of all human A. 1 only
beings and universal brotherhood.
B. 2 only
A. Only I

C. Both 1 and 2
B. Only II
D. Neither 1 nor 2
C. Both I& II
11. In India Wahabi Movement’s important cen-
D. Neither I nor II tre was at
6. The ryotwari settlement was primarily in-

troduced by the British government in A. Calcutta C. Patna


A. Bengal and Madras B. Hyderabad D. Madras

B. The Gangetic valley
C. United provinces 12. Where didi Lala hardayal and Sohan singh
Bhakna form the Gadar Party in 1913?
D. Madras and Bombay
A. Paris
7. The words “Satyameva Jayate” in the state
emblem of India have been adopted from B. San francisco
which one of the following?
C. London
A. Katha Upanishad
D. Tokyo
B. Chhandogya Upanishad
13. In which of the following respect do the
C. Mundaka Upanishad Ashokan epigraphs not help us to draw his-
D. Mandukya Upanishad torical inferences?
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638 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. In inferring the impact of Kalinga War 19. The Great Wall of China built by the Chi-
on the noncombatants nese rulers has the length
B. In deriving conclusions regarding his A. 2400 km and 6 meters
relations with the members of his family
B. 2700 km
C. In inferring Ashoka’s relations with his
C. 2600 km
border countries
D. 2500 km
D. In delineating the boundary of the Mau-
ryan empire 20. All native States who afterwards became

part of the Indian Union had agreed to ac-
14. The city of Mohenjodaro covered an area
cede to it by the end of the year
of .
A. 1947 A.D. C. 1948 A.D.

A. 5 sq. km C. 7 sq. km
B. 1950 A.D. D. 1949 A.D.
B. 12 sq. km D. 14 sq. km

15. Which of the following administrative mea- 21. Consider the following: The arrival of
Babur into India led to the

sures was not undertaken by Ashoka?
A. He tried to save people from miscarriage 1. introduction of gunpowder in the sub-
of justice continent
2. introduction of the arch and dome in
B. He issued a code of conduct to his offi-
the region’s architecture
cials 3. establishment of Timurid dynasty in
C. Release of the convicts on the mercy the region
petition moved by his ministers Select the correct answer using the code
D. The monarch started the practice of given below.
royal tours and instituted quinquennial cir- A. 1 and 2 only

cuits of officers
B. 3 only
16. In 1498, vasco da gama landed at

C. 1, 2 and 3
A. Calicut C. Delhi D. 1 and 3 only

B. Nalanda D. Calcutta 22. Which of the following statements are true

with regard to Alauddin Khilji?
17. Ashoka’s invasion of Kalinga resulted in
1. He restructured the agrarian system to

A. peaceful relations with Kalinga. maintain his army and to stabilise his
B. the development of peace and non- political power.
violence as policy. 2. He forbade his nobles from taking

C. wealth and prosperity Of Mauryan em- 3. All pensions and endowments were
pire. appropriated to the state.
D. victory to the policy of war and territo- 4. He declared that he would be the king
rial conquests. of the Hindus in the same way as he
was of the Muslims.
18. The Nagara Style of temple architecture is
associated with Which of the above is/are true?

A. North India C. East India A. 1 and 2 C. 1, 2 and 4

B. West India D. South India B. 1, 2 and 3 D. 2 and 4
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23. What was the purpose with which Sir A. Nahapana

William Wedderburn and W.S.Caine had
B. None of these
set up the Indian Parliamentary Committee
in 1893? C. Menander
A. To agitate for the entry of eminent In- D. Rudradaman
dians into the British Parliament. in the 28. Indian flag is designed by?
House of Commons.
A. Madam cama
B. To facilitate a discussion on India’s In-
dependence in the British Parliament. B. Aurobindo Ghosh
C. To campaign for the entry of Indians C. Indulal yagnik
into the Imperial Judiciary. D. BG Tilak
D. To agitate for Indian political reforms 29. The temple at Konark has a number of

in the House of Commons. columns
24. Who is author of play NIL DARPAN?
A. RN Tagore A. 130 C. 110

B. DB Mitra B. 140 D. 150

C. BC Hattopadhyay
D. Aurobindo Ghosh
25. Mahatma Gandhi undertook fast unto death
30. Zero was invented by-
A. Varahamihira
in September 1932 because B. Aryabhatta
A. There was dissidence in the Congress C. Bhaskara I
B. He disapproved of the provision of sep- D. An unknown Indian
arate electorates for the depressed classes 31. ‘Svayamvara’ was a special from of
in the British Prime Minister’s Communal
A. Brahma marriage

C. He wanted to expedite the declaration B. Paisacha marriage
of complete independence for India C. Gandharva marriage
D. There was a communal riot D. Rakshasa marriage
26. Which of the following statements regard-
32. Who formed the Home rule league?

ing the collections of revenue is not cor-


rect? A. MK Gandhi C. BG Tilak

A. Ayakkarar was the revenue accountant
B. MG Ranade D. GR Gokhale
who collected trade and transit duties
B. The royal seal was fixed on the packet of 33. Where did Kutub ud-Din Aibak lay the
imported and exported goods after realizing foundation of ‘seven cities’ in medieval
the custom duties Delhi?
C. The leading members of the cowherds
community paid revenue in the form of milk A. Mehrauli C. Hauz Khas
and milk products B. Siri D. Tughlaqabad
D. Orrar was in charge of the Revenue De-
partment 34. At which place among these the rows of dis-
27. Which Saka ruler was responsible for im- tinctive fire altars with provision of ritual
portant irrigation works in Saurashtra? bathing have been found?
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640 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Harappa 41. Barabar caves are associated with

B. Kalibangan
A. A Buddhist C. Digambaras
C. Mohen-jo-daro B. Svetambaras D. Ajivikas
D. Lothal
35. The military state of Greece was 42. Which one of the following rebellions be-
gan in 1816 and lasted till 1832?
A. Macedonia C. Sparta A. Kutch rebellion

B. Thebes D. Athens B. Kol uprising
C. Naikada rising
36. Shayista Khan was succeeded by as

D. Khasi uprising
Governor of Deccan.
43. In the medieval period, Indian painting
A. Prince Akbar reached a high degree of perfection during
B. Mir Jumla the reign of

C. Prince Muazzam A. Firoz Tughlaq

D. Asaf Khan B. Aurangzeb

37. Which of the following countries does NOT C. Jehangir

have a significant Islamic population? D. Sher Shah
44. Nagarjuna’s Shunyavada is expounded in
A. India C. Malaysia
A. Yogachara
B. Indonesia D. Japan
B. Vaibhashika
38. The Thai kingdom was founded: C. Madhyamika

A. in the upper valley of Anghor Thom. D. Sautrantilca


B. just outside Yunnan. 45. India derives its name from

A. Lord Indra

C. in the lower valley of the Chao Praya

River. B. The Hindus
D. in the lower Indus valley. C. The River Indus
39. Mahakachchayana, traditionally the

D. The Aryans
founder of the Theravada sect, hailed from 46. Akbar’s mausoleum is situated at

A. Magadha C. Gandhara A. Delhi C. Sikandra


B. Simhala D. Avanti B. Sasaram D. Agra

40. What was another name of ’Pledge of In- 47. The mausoleum of Jahangir had been built
dian Independence’? by at
A. Declaration of Independence A. NooIjahan: Agra
B. Declaration of Constitution B. Noorjahan: Lahore
C. Declaration of Constituent Assembly C. Shah Jahan: Delhi
D. None of the above D. Shah Jahan: Fatehpur Sikri
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48. Which of the following parts were situated 53. Who founded the Lingayat Movement?
on the west coast of South India?
A. Basava
1. Kaveripattanam
2. Korkai B. Lakulisha
3. Musiri C. Kulshekhar
4. Tondi
D. Matsyendranath
Indicate the correct answer from the codes
54. Of the following Chinese travelers who did
given below-
not visit india in the 7th Century A.D.?
A. 3, 4 C. 1, 2 A. Fa-hien
B. 2, 3 D. 2, 3, 4 B. Yuan-Chwang
49. Give one reason why the description of the C. Itsing

Qutb-ud-din Aibak’s dynasty as a “slave D. None of the above
dynasty” is regarded as inaccurate.
55. Which of the following are two works of
A. Because except for Qutb-ud-din Aibak. Kalidasa?
Others rulers of the dynasty were not slaves
A. Raghuvamsha and Kiratarjuniya
B. Because only three kings of this dynasty
were slaves and even these three were man-
umitted by their masters
eR B. Kumara Sambhav and Raghuvamsha
C. Malti Madhava and Kumara Sambhava
D. Malti Madhav and Kumara Sambhava
C. Because technically only Qutb-ud-din
Aibak started his career as a slave and he 56. Who setup Home rule league in Poona?
too was manumitted upon obtaining a letter A. GK Gokhale
of investiture from the Abbasid Caliph.
B. Vinoba Bhave
D. Because all the rulers of this dynasty
C. MG Ranade

did not belong to one family

50. The cavalry of Shivaji was known as D. BG Tilak
A. Paga 57. The followers of which of the following
B. Sir-i-Naubat sects worshipped the Ashoka Tree as God
and carried in their hands a bunch of pea-
C. Bergir cock feathers?

D. Risala

A. Digambar Jain
51. The French Queen, Marie Antonitte, was
termed as B. Pashupata

A. hot headed C. Shakta

B. high headed D. Ajivika
C. empty headed 58. Weapon never used by the Induspeople
D. dumb headed A. Sword
52. A seal depicting Mother Goddess with plant B. Knife
growing from the womb, has been found
from: C. Spade
D. None ofthese
A. Mohenjodaro C. Dholavira
59. The Nagara, the Dravida, and the Vesara
B. Harappa D. Kalibangan are the
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642 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. three main musical Gharanas prevalent A. Mir Zafar

in India B. Sirajuddaula
B. three main styles of Indian temple archi- C. Alivardi Khan
D. Mir Qasim
C. three main racial groups of the Indian
66. The original name of the Kushanas was in
A. Chinese Turkistan
D. three main linguistic divisions into
which the languages of India can be classi- B. Arabia

fied C. Persia
60. The moon god, Narnnar was the patron god
D. Macedonia
of the city of
67. Who defeated the Spanish Armada?

A. Agashe C. Akkad A. Henry VIII,
B. Ur D. Lagash B. Elizebeth I,
C. Elizebeth II,

61. Herodotus has been called the father of
D. James I
A. Arts C. Geography 68. Who put an end to the system of Dual Gov-
B. History D. Metallurgy ernment in Bengal?
A. British Parliament
62. Prior to this century, Asian brides tended to B. Regulating Act
C. Clive
A. in their parents’ homes.
D. Warren Hastings
B. in the homes of their in-laws.
69. Which one of the following books is the

C. in their own homes. official History of Revolt of 1857?

D. wherever they and their husbands chose. A. Eighteen Fifty Seven

B. Theories of Indian Mutiny

63. Whom did Sher Shah appoint to provide

C. The Sepoy Mutiny and the Revolt of

bed and food to Hindu travellers staying at
‘Sarais’ (rest houses)?
D. None of the above
A. Low caste Hindus
70. Bring out the correct statement about

B. Brahmanas British expansion in Madras (1) In 1658,

C. Muslims all the English settlement on the Coroman-
del and in Eastern India were placed under
D. Afghan Muslims

the control of Fort St. George. (2) In 1801,

64. The president of the All India Kishan Sabha Lord Wellesley created the Madras presi-
in 1936 was dency as it existed till Indian Independence.
A. Baba Ramchandra (3) In 1640, the British obtained the site of
Madras from the Raja of Valikondapuram.
B. N. G.Ranga
(4) The British built a fortified factory, viz.
C. Swami Sahajananda Saraswati Fort St George, at Madras.
D. Vidya Nanda
A. 1, 2, 3 C. 1, 2, 4
65. During whose tenure did the incident of
‘Black Hole’ take place? B. 2, 3, 4 D. 1& 3
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71. Who among the following took a greater A. Devarya II

interest in laying out gardens than others?
B. Vaktaka I
A. Jahangir C. Humayun C. Sambasivarya
B. Akbar D. Babur D. Krishnadevraya
77. Which Mauryan ruler was called ‘Ami-
72. Which of the following ports were situated traghat’ by Greek writers?
on the eastern coast of South India?
A. Dasharatha
1. Kaveripatnam
B. Chandragupta Maurya
2. Korkai
3. Musiri C. Bindusara
4. Tondi D. Ashoka

Indicate the correct answer from the code 78. Who was the Hindu king at the time of inva-
given below sion of Muhammad-Bin Quasim on Sind?
A. 2, 3, 4 C. 1, 2 A. Ananda Pala C. Krishna
B. 3, 4 D. 1, 2, 3 B. Hala D. Dahir

73. India’s earliest contact with Islam came

79. The Council of the ‘Nine Gems’ is associ-
ated with
A. Arab invasion of Sind in 7th century A. Ballala Sena
B. Sufi saints B. Harshavardhana
C. Arab merchants on Malabar coast C. Chandragupta II
D. Turkish invasions in 11th-century D. Devapala
74. Before ascending the Mauraya throne, 80. Who is known as the ‘Grand Old Man of

Ashoka served as a Viceroy of India’?

A. Kaushambi C. Taxila A. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

B. Patliputra D. Tosali B. Lala Lajpat Rai

C. C. Rajgopalachari

75. Consider the following pairs:

D. Dadabhai Naoroj

1. William Jones: Asiatic Society. 81. The Gandhi Mandapam where Gandhiji’s
2. Charles Wilkins: Translation of the ashes were placed before immersion is in
Bhagavad Gita
3. Alexander Cunningham: Decipher- A. Ahmedabad C. Ganga
ment of Mauryan Brahmi script
B. Kanyakumari D. Gandhinagar
Which of the pairs given above are correct?
A. 2 and 3 only 82. Ashoka’s claim of greatness chiefly lay in
B. 1, 2 and 3 the

C. 1 and 3 only A. promotion of welfare of his people

D. 1 and 2 only B. extensive conquests

76. Ashtaelic Gajangals were present in the C. exclusive patronage to Buddhism
courts of D. strengthening of army
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644 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

83. The Mesopotamian calendar was A. 1, 2, 3

B. 2, 3, 4
A. Gregorian C. Solar
C. 2 and 3
B. Lunar D. Solar lunar
D. None of these
84. Who is known as ‘Mother of Indian Revo- 90. Who strongly opposed sectarianism and
lution’? rites and insisted on the adoption of Hindi
in place of Sanskrit?
A. Sarojini Naidu

A. Ramananda
B. Rama Bai
B. Ramanuja
C. Annie Besant
C. Sankaracharya

D. Bhikaji Rustam Kama
D. Chaitanya
85. Iron was brought to many civilization by
91. Which of the following regions was were
well-known during the seventeenth century
for simultaneous production of saltpetre, in-

A. Huns C. Greeks
digo and opium?
B. Hittites D. Turks
A. Burhanpur and Sindh

86. Which one of the following officers was the B. Bihar

superintendent of port under the Mughals? C. Gujarat
D. Bengal and Orissa
A. Mir-i-Bahar C. Mutsaddi
92. The British Government decided and de-
B. Tahvildar D. Mushrif clared to leave India by June 1948 in
A. April 1947A.D.

87. Spain was conquered by:

B. June 1947 A.D.
A. Mohmud Ghaznawi

C. 1946A.D.
B. Musa bin Nusair
D. February 1947A.D.

C. Tariq bin Ziyad

93. The greatest Muslim Art in which they have
D. None of these achieved incomparable success is
88. Where did Lord Budha breathe his last (Ma- A. Paintings

B. Architecture
A. Rajgir C. Kushinagar C. Calligraphy

B. Bodh Gaya D. Sarnath D. None of these

94. Consider the following statement (s) the
89. Which of the following were involved in causes for the failure of the Great Revolt of
throwing a bomb at the procession of Lord 1857
Hardinge through Chandni Chowk (Delhi) I. The rebels lacked effective leadership.
in 1912? II. They did not get the support of the
1. Pulin Das civilian people anywhere in the coun-
2. Bal Mukund try.
3. Avadh Behari III. There was no central organisation to
4. Amir Chand guide them.
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IV. Their military equipment was inferior 98. Which Turkish general destroyed the uni-
to that of the English. versities of Nalanda and Vikramsila?
Which of these statements is/are correct? A. Qutubuddin Aibek
A. II, III& IV B. Baktiyar Khalji
B. I, II& III C. Tajuddin Yalduz
C. I, III& IV D. Ali Mardan Khalji
D. III& IV 99. Consider the following statements related
95. Which of the following was a precursor of to the cause of 1857 revolt.
the 1857 revolt?
I. It was a great disparity in salaries be-
A. Indigo revolt tween the Indian and European sol-
B. Ulgulan diers.

II. The Indian sepoys were treated with
C. Pabna rising contempt by their European officers.
D. Sanyasi revolt III. The sepoys were sent to distant parts
96. Which of the following events was the last of the empire, but were not paid any
in chronological order? extra allowance.

A. Home Rule Movement

B. Khilafat Movement
eR Which is/are correct statements?
A. Only I

C. Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre B. Only II

D. Mopala Revolt C. Both I and II

97. The name of Ekanta Ramayya is associated D. I, II and III
100. The feudal system was based on control of
A. Kalamukha sect

B. Jainism A. Land. C. Cattle.

C. Virashaivism B. Crops. D. The Church.

D. Srivaishanavism

1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. C 11. C 12. B 13. B 14. B


15. C 16. A 17. A 18. A 19. A 20. C 21. B 22. B 23. D 24. B 25. B 26. D
27. D 28. A 29. A 30. D 31. C 32. C 33. D 34. B 35. D 36. A 37. D 38. C
39. D 40. A 41. D 42. A 43. C 44. C 45. C 46. C 47. B 48. A 49. B 50. A
51. C 52. B 53. A 54. A 55. B 56. D 57. D 58. A 59. B 60. C 61. B 62. B
63. A 64. C 65. B 66. A 67. B 68. D 69. A 70. B 71. D 72. D 73. C 74. C
75. D 76. D 77. C 78. D 79. C 80. D 81. B 82. B 83. C 84. D 85. B 86. A
87. B 88. C 89. B 90. A 91. B 92. D 93. C 94. C 95. D 96. D 97. D 98. B
99. D 100. D

Unit 24
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646 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

1. According to the terms of the treaty of Sri- 7. When did Europe capture Jerusalem?
rangapattanam, was ceded to the British.
A. 1096 C. 1095
A. Travancore, C. Malabar, B. 1081 D. 1099
B. Mysore D. Cochi,
8. Which of the following did not contribute
in a major way to the growth of a nationalist
2. Vasco-da-Gama came to India in and consciousness in India?
landed at
A. Impact of western education

A. 1498, Calicut B. World public opinion
B. 1496, Goa C. Consistent economic exploitation of In-
dia by the British

C. 1492, Goa
D. 1498, Cochin D. Revivalist Movements of the 19th cen-
3. The Iron Pillar near Qutub Minar draws at- 9. Who of the following adopted ‘Garuda’ as
tention of scientists due to its

dynastic emblem after the imperial Gup-
A. antiquity tas?
B. hardness A. Shilaharas

C. rustlessness B. Western Chalukyas

C. Chedis
D. glitter
D. Rashtrakutas
4. The Source of Swastika symbol
10. The earliest surviving extant, i.e. still stand-
A. Indus Valley ing, temples date from the period?
B. Silent valley A. Maurya C. Vedic

C. Dravidians B. Gupta D. Sunga


D. None of these
11. The theory of Sulh-i-Kul was propounded
5. Muhammad bin Tughlaq’s experiment of in- by

troducing token currency could not succeed

on account of A. Akbar
B. Zainu Abidin
A. poor quality of token currency
C. Nizamuddin Aulia

B. shortage of copper for minting token

coins D. Shaikh Nasiruddin chiragh
12. The founder of the Mauryan Dynasty was:
C. large-scale minting of spurious coins

A. Arjuna.
D. rejection of token coins by foreign mer-
chants B. Chandragupta.
C. Hannan.
6. Which one among these is not a work of
Kalidasa? D. Porus.
A. Meghaduta 13. The land was owned by temples Known as
B. Dashakumarcharita
A. Dewaswam, C. Kanam
C. Ritusamhara
B. Brahmaswam, D. Cherikkal,
D. Kumarashambhava
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14. Who was the founder of Bambay Native 20. With which of the following is the term Lib-
Society? erty, Equality and Fraternity associated?
A. Feroj Shah A. Russian Revolution
B. Tilak B. Olympic Games
C. Jagannath Shankar Sheth C. Industrial Revolution
D. Ayyar D. French Revolution
15. Rath Temples at Mahabalipuram were built 21. Consider the following British officers
during the reign of which Pallava ruler? 1. James Grant
A. Narasinghvarman I 2. John Shore
3. Warren Hastings
B. Nandivarman I 4. Macnaughten

C. Parameshwarvarman Those well-known in connection with the
D. Mahendravarman revenue settlement include
16. Who was the founder of Mourya dynasty A. 1 and 2 C. 1, 2 and 3
A. Karikala B. 3 and 4 D. 2 and 3
B. Raja Raja
C. Chandragupta Mourya
eR 22. Consider the following statements regard-
ing orientalist and anglicist debates regard-
D. None of these ing education system in India:
17. Prior to the Renaissance, the major impedi- 1. The Orientalists were sure that a so-
ments to European trade with Asia were: cial change was required in India and
A. the Arabs and Turks. that change would come when Indian
rediscovered the roots of their civiliza-
B. long and hazardous distances. tion whereas Anglicists argued that

C. mountain ranges and deserts. the aim of the British should be to

teach useful learning and that Hindu
D. all of the above.
and Muslim literature contained only
18. The Rigvedic hymns can be treated as being a small portion of any utility.
historically fairly authentic because 2. Macaulay’s minutes of 1835 settled
A. Their composition was contemporary the debate and was skewed in the

with the period described favour of orientalists.


B. They are the earliest of the Vedic litera- Which of the above statements is/are true?
ture A. 1 only
C. The events described in them are corrob- B. 2 only
orated by Avesthan Gathas.
C. Both 1 and 2
D. They give a chronological account of
D. Neither 1 nor 2
the historical events
23. Ka’bah is situated in the valley of:
19. Under which one of the following system
of assessment, the British Government col- A. Faran C. Medina
lected revenue directly from the farmers?
B. Makkah D. Taif
A. Desaiwari C. Zamindari
24. Under the dual government in Bengal, the
B. Annawari D. Ryotwari
administration was carried on by -
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648 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. The East India Company and the British 29. The kingdom which was most powerful
government. among the Shodasa Mahajanapadas?
B. The British government and the Indian A. Anga C. Magadha
B. Vajji D. Kosala
C. The East India Company and the Nawab
of Bengal. 30. Who was the founder of ‘Drain Theory’
D. The English Company and the Mughal which among others, exposed the constant
emperor of India. drain of wealth from India to England:

25. With reference to the tenure of Lord Ripon, A. S.N. Bannerjea
the purpose of the Ilbert Bill was to
B. Dadabhai Naoroji
A. Enable the Europeans to keep arms

C. M.K. Gandhi
freely while the Indians could not do so
without licence D. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
31. What was the unique system developed by
B. Enable the British to annex the territo-
the Mughals?
ries of native princes without heirs

A. Centralised autocracy
C. Introduce the western education in India
B. Ryotwari settlement
D. Give the Indian magistrates the power C. Mansabdari system
to try the Europeans D. Local responsibilities for crime detec-
26. Which of the following principle propa- tion
gated by Aligarh school which helped in 32. Swami Dayanand (1) Attacked the spread
bringing reforms in Muslims? of western sciences. (2) Organised so-
I. Intolerance to other religions and reli- cial services during natural calamities, like
gious texts floods, droughts, epidemics, etc. (3) En-

II. Quran was the only authoritative work couraged inter-caste marriages and widow
for Islam and all others are secondary. remarriage. (4) Opposed child marriages

Therefore said belief in only Islam and polygamy.

III. Incorporate modern western thought A. 2& 3

A. Only I B. all of the above

B. Both I and II C. 1, 2, 4
C. Both II and III D. 2, 3, 4

D. All the above 33. Mohanjedaro was excavted by

27. At Jallianwaia Bagh meeting or- A. R. D Banarjee
dered the troops to open fire.
B. D. R Sahni

A. Dyer C. Montagu C. Dr. Sukarno

B. Benn D. Irwin D. None of these
34. During whose tenure, the resolution of total
28. The Dandi March is associated with Independence was passed?
A. Khilafat Movement A. Lord Wavell
B. Non-cooperation Movement B. Lord Willington
C. Partition of Bengal C. Lord Irwin
D. Civil Disobedience Movement D. Lord Chelmsford
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35. Which among the following names is not 39. Male Spartans lived in military barracks
associated with the theosophical society? from the age of
A. Madame Blavatsky.
A. 8 to 70 C. 10 to 80
B. Col. Occolt. B. 9 to 50 D. 7 to 60
C. Annie Besant.
40. Gandhiji was arrested before he could offer
D. Bal Gangadhar Tilak.
Satyagraha and Make salt at the Govern-
36. Which of the following is correctly ment Depot at
A. Khera C. Bardoli
1. Kshetra : Cultivated land
2. Khila : Waste land B. Dharasana D. Dandi
3. Aprahta : Forest land

4. Vashti : Pasture land 41. Which among the following are the five
Select the correct answer from the codes principles of peaceful co-existence of
given below: Panchsheel as outlined by Jawaharlal
A. 1, 2 and 4
B. 1, 2, 3 and 4
C. 2, 3 and 4
eR A. Mutual respect for each other territorial
integrity and sovereignty, non-aggression,
non-interference, equality and mutual bene-
fit and peaceful co-existence
D. 1, 2 and 3
B. Mutual respect, military collaboration,
37. Where was Narayana Guru born? economic collaboration, de-colonisation
and territorial integrity
A. Kerala C. Bengal
C. Peaceful co-existence, economic collab-
B. Maharashtra D. Punjab oration cultural interaction, territorial in-

tegrity and decolonisation

38. Which of the following statements in regard D. Disarmament, peaceful co-existence,
to the 3rd June Plan are correct? economic collaboration, cultural interaction
and territorial integrity
1. The successor governments would be
given dominion status. 42. Consider the following Princely States of

2. There was a provision for the Bound- the British rule in India:

ary Commission to determine bound- 1. Jhansi

aries of the successor states of India 2. Sambalpur
and Pakistan. 3. Satara
3. It was mandatory for India and Pak-
The correct chronological order in which,
istan to remain within the British
they were annexed by the British is:
Select the correct answer using the codes A. 3-2-1 C. 1-2-3
given below:
B. 1-3-2 D. 3-1-2
A. 2 and 3 only
B. 1 and 3 only 43. When Ala-ud-din Khilji forbade his nobles
the use of wine, intimate relations and abun-
C. 1 and 2 only dance of wealth, and confiscated their en-
D. 1, 2 and 3 dowments and inams, he aimed at
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650 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. gathering more wealth for himself to accomplish the task.” Which Empire is
referred to in this quotation?
B. enhancing king’s dignity
C. preventing the treachery of nobles A. Hellenistic C. Byzantine
D. setting an example for his Hindu sub- B. Ottoman D. Mongol
50. The term Pietra dura’ refers to
44. What was the grievest cause of discontent
among soldiers before the revolt of 1857? A. Wall painting

A. Absence of a proper and equitable pro- B. Inlay work
cedure for discipline and control C. Sculptures in Italian style
B. Question of promotion and pay D. A special type of turrets

C. Non-observance of caste distinctions 51. William Digbey, a British Writer had calcu-
lated that the number of who died during
D. Frequent campaigns in distant lands
famines from 1854 to 1901 was almost over
45. Muhammad Bin Qasim conquered
A. 32853000 C. 305500

A. Spain
B. Iran B. 28825000 D. 30575000

C. Sindh 52. Confucianism provided the moral and so-

cial foundation of:
D. None of these
46. The second international was the 100 years A. Tibet. C. Burma.
celebration of the
B. China. D. India.
A. German Unification
B. Italian Unification 53. Which one the following kingdoms was
founded by Raja Odeyar?

C. French Revolution
A. Tanjore C. Madura
D. American War of Independence

47. Who of the following had called Subhash B. Mysore D. Jinji

Chandra Bose as ‘Desh Nayak’?

54. Which of the following was one of the in-

A. Mahatma Gandhi gredients of ‘Middle Path’ advocated by
B. Ram Manohar Lohia Bud-dha?

C. Ravindranath Tagore A. Abandonment of killing


D. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel B. Right effort

48. Megasthanese was a Greek Ambassador C. Speak no falsehood

sent to the court of D. Giving up hankering for wealth

A. Porus 55. Which of the following statements above
Ryotwari settlement is/are correct?
B. Ashoka
1. It recognised the cultivators as the
C. Chandragupta Maurya owner of land.
D. Kanishka 2. It was a temporary settlement.
49. “Western Europe owed a debt of gratitude 3. It was introduced later than the perma-
to the Empire that for almost a thousand nent settlement.
years ensured the survival of Christianity Select the correct answer using the codes
during a time when Europe was too weak given below
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A. 1 and 2 A. Vrijian state

B. 2 and 3 B. None of these
C. Only 1 C. Magadha
D. All of these D. Avanti
56. Who is regarded as the ‘Father of Modern 63. From which of the following hoards
India’? were four massive copper replicas - of a
rhinoceros, an elephant, a chariot, and a
A. M. G. Ranade buffalo - typical or a Chalcolithic culture
B. Keshav Chandra Sen obtained?
C. Mahatma Gandhi A. Prakash C. Inamgaon
D. Ram Mohan Roy B. Daimabad D. Navdatoli

57. The Mauryan king who issued the Nagar-
juna Hill Cave Inscriptions and assumed the 64. Which of the following is concerned with
royal title of Devanampriya was: origin of Indian medicine?

A. Yajurveda C. Atharveda
A. Ashoka C. Bindusara
B. Rigveda D. Samveda
B. Dasharatha D. Brihadratha

58. Akbar’s attitude toward religion was:

eR65. Which of the following was not one of the
reasons for gradual weakening of the Mau-
A. devoutly Islamic. ryan finances?
B. atheistic. A. The strain on the exchequer of Ashoka’s
charitable public works
C. tolerant of all religions.
B. Unfavourable balance of trade with for-
D. Hindu by preference. eign countries
59. What is meant by Mughalai?
C. Need for vast revenues to maintain a

A. Mughal territories from which Chauth huge but inactive army

was claimed
D. Need for finances to maintain a very
B. Very rich food large bureaucracy
C. Infantry of the Mughals 66. Consider the following ‘India would be
far more reliable as a base for operations.

D. Royal household Moreover, the prospect of a settlement will


60. Hyder Ali consolidated his position after be greatly enhanced by the disappearance
being, appointed the Faujdar of of Gandhi, who had for years torpedoed
every attempt at a settlement.’ The above
A. Budikota C. Devanhali statement was made by the British in the
B. Arcot D. Dindigul context of
A. Non-Cooperation Movement
61. The Gurka troops of the British army come
B. Civil Disobedience Movement
C. Kheda Satyagraha
A. India. C. Sri Lanka. D. Quit India Movement
B. Bangladesh. D. Nepal. 67. The six district school of Indian philoso-
phy Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaishasika, Mi-
62. Which of the following was a republic in mansa, Vedanta became fully articulated
sixth century B.C.? during the
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652 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Maurya period A. McMohan

B. Gupta period B. Lord Durand
C. Vedic period C. Redcliffe
D. Buddha period D. None of these
68. Chandra Shekhar Azad was of the 74. In ancient Indian social structure the term
Hindustan Socialist Republican Army. aniravasita related to
A. Secretary A. People outside the Varna classification

B. Field Marshal B. Sudras only
C. Commander-in-Chief
C. BraInnanas and Kshatriyas

D. President
D. Vaisyas and Sudras
69. What was the rate of land revenue in the
75. Which of the following modern countries
administration of Shivaji?
was not part of the Byzantine Empire?
A. 1/3 portion of the yield

B. 1/2 portion of the yield A. Germany C. Egypt

C. 2/5 portion of the yield B. France D. Bulgaria

D. 1/4 portion of the yield

76. Which of the following was not one of the
70. Which one of the following is not true re-
factors responsible for the wide acceptance
garding the Rigvedic God Indra?
of the cult of extremism?
A. He was the destroyer of puras
A. The terrible famines of 1896-97 and
B. The largest number of hymns are ad- 1899-1901 followed by bubonic plague took
dressed to Kim a very heavy toll of life and the people at-

tributed the ‘phenomenon of ever-recurring

C. He was fond of feasting& drinking soma
famines to the anti-national economic pol-

icy of the Government.’

D. He was the upholder of the cosmic order

B. The anti-Indian and imperialist policies

of Lord Curzon such as the Calcutta Cor-
71. Who among the following Maratha chiefs poration Act, the Official Secrets Act, the
was the last to enter into a subsidiary al- Indian Universities Act and above all the
liance with the English? Partition of Bengal in 1905, created resent-

ment and provoked violence.

A. Holkar C. The Peshwas
C. The constant economic drain on the re-
B. Bhonsle D. Scindia
sources of the country on account of the

global expansion of the British Empire.

72. Maratha power reached its peak under:
D. Indian nationalists gained more
A. Shah Abbas. confidence and drew inspiration from
B. Shivaji. Abyssinia’s repulsion of the Italian army
(1896) and Japan’s thumping victory over
C. Tara Bai. Russia (1905) which exploded the myth of
D. Govind Singh. European superiority
73. Who had demarcated the border-line be- 77. Which of the Pallava rulers founded the city
tween India and Pakistan? of Mahabalipuram?
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A. Mahendavarman I A. Lack of proper governance

B. Nandivarman II B. Death of its ruler without any heir
C. Narasimhavarman I C. Subsidiary Alliance

D. Nripatunga D. Its involvement in a conspiracy against

British Rule
78. Quwwat-ul-Islam mosque was built by 83. Shahu defeated Tara Bai at in 1707.
which ruler?
A. Malvan C. Agra
A. Qutubuddin Aibak
B. Khed D. Kolhapur
B. Muhammad bin Tughluq
C. Iltutmish 84. Consider the following statements about Su-
darshan Lake. Which of them is correct’?
D. Aurangzeb

A. It was constructed by Pushyagupta, the
79. How was the control of the company in Ben- Governor of Saurashtra region during Chan-
gal legitimized? dragupta Maurya
A. The treaty with Mir Zafar after the battle B. Tushaap constructed a darn on the lake
of Buxar in 1764 during Ashoka Maurya
B. The imperial grant of the ‘Diwani’ of
Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa by Shah Alam II
C. The treaty with Mir Zafar after the battle
eR C. the First reconstruction was undertaken
by Governor Suvishakh during Saka satrap
Rudradaman and 2nd by Chakrapalit during
the reign of Skandgupta
of Plassey in 1757
D. All of the above
D. The treaty of February 1765 with
85. Gopal Krishna Gokhale founded
A. Servants of India Society
80. Why did Ranjit Singh avoided military en-
counter with the English? It was because B. Poona Sarvajanik Sabha

A. Initially he enjoyed cordial relations C. Landholder’s Society

with the British D. Bombay Presidency Association
B. Ranjit Singh was busy in conquering 86. Baghdad was conquered and sacked by Ha-
Multan, ‘Kashmir, Peshawar, etc laku Khan in:
A. 1258 A.D.
C. He was assured by Metcalfe of the

British alliance B. 1260 A.D.


D. He understood that he’d be no match to C. 1265 A.D.

the military power of the British D. None of these
81. Where was Brihadeshwara Temple situ- 87. The earliest ‘man like creature’ which
vated racially differed from ‘Homo sapiens’ is
generally known as
A. Kaveripattanam
A. Eoanthropus
B. Tanjavore
B. Pithecanthropus
C. Jaipur C. Sinanthropus
D. Madhura D. Hominid
82. What was the reason or ground for the 88. The only ruler of India who ruled over ter-
British Empire to annex Sambalpur in ritories in Central Asia beyond the Pamirs
1850? was
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654 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Samudragupta 95. Which one of the following was NOT intro-

duced by Shivaji?
B. Ashoka
C. Harsha A. Chauth

D. Kanishka B. Land-tax
89. The Egyptians were religious believing in C. Pilgrim tax
A. Migration of soul D. Sardeshmukhi
B. Rebirth 96. Which of the following cannot be said to

be a cardinal principle of the theosophical
C. Life after death society?
D. Soul living after death
A. It questioned the ancient philosophies

90. Evidence of Fractional burial has been ex- that dominated the Indian thinking.
cavated from
B. It believed in the existence of unique
A. Harappa C. Banaueali connections between god and every being.
C. It believed in the possibility of reincar-

B. Kot Siji D. Lothal
nation and karma.
91. Who among the following Bhakti Saint said D. Aimed Hindu spiritual wisdom through
that “Abide pure amidst the impurities of western enlightenment.
the world”?
97. The word ‘Jina’
A. Vallabhacharya
A. Wisdom C. Power
B. Madhav
B. Conqueror D. Jictory
C. Guru Nanak
D. Chaitanya
98. Which statement (s) is/are related to the Ra-

92. On Chhatrapati Shahaji of Satara mananda?


I. He worshipped Ram and Sita but

A. 1848 C. 1856 preached the oneness of God and the

doctrine of Bhakti for everyone

B. 1850 D. 1890 II. Dismissed the caste system and un-
touchability, simplified rules of wor-
93. What was the Ilbert Bill intended for? ship and made rigidity of the Var-
nashrama tradition milder.

A. To change the method of recruitment in

the Indian Civil Service A. I only
B. To enable India District Magistrates and B. II only

Session Judges to try Europeans

C. Both I and II
C. To remove racial discrimination in em-
ployment D. Neither I nor II

D. To save Indians from racial humiliation 99. What was the Period of the rule of Samudra
94. Maount Stuart Elphinston come to
Pune as Resident. A. 375-396A. D.
B. 330-375 A. D.
A. 1805 C. 1811
C. 370-380 A. D.
B. 1820 D. 1818
D. 380-398 A. D.
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100. In which of the following ancient texts has B. Yajnavalkya-Smriti

it been said that the king was the ruler of all
C. Gautama-dharmasutra
except Br-a hamanas?
D. Manu-Smriti
A. Vishnu Smriti


1. C 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. B 11. A 12. B 13. A 14. C

15. A 16. C 17. D 18. B 19. D 20. D 21. C 22. A 23. C 24. C 25. D 26. C
27. A 28. D 29. C 30. B 31. C 32. D 33. A 34. A 35. D 36. D 37. A 38. C
39. B 40. B 41. A 42. A 43. C 44. B 45. B 46. C 47. C 48. C 49. A 50. B
51. B 52. B 53. B 54. B 55. D 56. D 57. A 58. C 59. A 60. D 61. D 62. A
63. B 64. C 65. B 66. D 67. B 68. C 69. C 70. D 71. A 72. B 73. C 74. B

75. C 76. C 77. C 78. A 79. D 80. D 81. B 82. B 83. B 84. D 85. A 86. A
87. D 88. D 89. A 90. A 91. C 92. A 93. B 94. C 95. C 96. A 97. B 98. C
99. B 100. C

Unit 25

1. The transformation of the Sikhs into a mili-

tary, fighting community was began by
eR C. Copper and Bronze
D. Gold and Copper
A. Guru Gobind Singh 4. The original home of the Aryan, according
B. Guru Arjan Dev to Lokmanya Balgangadhar Tilak, was
C. Guru Hargovind A. Kashmir
D. Guru Tegh Bahadur B. Tibet
2. What was/were the object/objects of Queen C. Central Asia

Victoria’s Proclamation (1858)?

D. Arctic region
1. To disclaim any intention to annex In-
5. During the reign of which ruler use of Halo
dian States
or Divine Lights were started in paintings?
2. To place the Indian administration un-
der the British Crown A. Jahangir C. Iltutmish

3. To regulate East India Company’s

trade with India B. Aurangazeb D. Akbar

Select the correct answer using the code

6. Which of the following was the inscription
given below.
of Guptas about sati
A. 1 and 3 only
A. Junagarh Inscription
B. 2 only
B. Allahabad Inscription
C. 1, 2 and 3
C. Bhitari Inscription
D. 1 and 2 only
D. Eran Inscription
3. Which among the following materials were
used for minting coins during the rule of the 7. The Indian Independence Act, 1947 came
Mauryas? into force on

A. Gold and Silver A. June 3, 1947

B. Silver and Copper B. August 15, 1947

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656 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

C. February 20, 1947 13. The travel account of Fa-Hien is known as

D. July 18, 1947
A. Yen-tu C. Fa-Chien
8. Who composed the Gayatri Mantra
B. Si-yu-ki D. Fo-kwo-ki
A. Vishvamitra C. Vasishtha
14. umar khayyam is known for his work
B. Indra D. Parikshit
A. shah nama
9. What was Bargir in Maratha army?
B. siyasat nama

A. Front liner
C. ruba’iyyat
B. Water carrier
D. none of these
C. Infantry 15. Which of the following is the oldest mon-

D. Cavalry ument?
10. Which among the fol1owing constituted A. Khajuraho
the novelty of the Art of Painting of Ravi
B. Ajanta Caves

C. Taj Mahal
A. Portraits
D. Qutub Minar
B. Frescoes
16. What was the contribution of Sayyid Ah-
C. Use of all colours in painting Indian
mad Khan towards the education of Mus-
D. Water Colour Drawings I. Brought translation of books to Urdu
11. Why is the term ‘Slave Dynasty’ regarded II. Founded Aligarh Muhammedan
as misnomer? Consider the following state- Anglo-Oriental College for spread-
ments : ing western sciences

1. Except for Qutub-ud-din Aibak no III. Encouraged people to send their chil-
other ruler was a slave. dren to schools.
2. Only three rulers of this dynasty were

A. Only II
slaves and even they were manumitted
by their masters. B. Only I and II

3. Technically only Qutub-ud-din Aibak C. Only I and III

and his immediate descendants were
D. All the above
4. All the rulers of this dynasty did not 17. The Kaulinya system was introduced in

belong to one family. Bengal by

Which of the above is/are correct? A. Lakshmana Sena
B. Vijaya Sena

A. 1 and 3 C. 2 and 3
C. Hemanta Sena
B. 4 only D. 2 only
D. Ballala Sena
12. Which of the following is not a feature of 18. In which year All India Trade Union Con-
Neolithic cultures? gress(AITUC) was formed?
A. Cultivation of Plants A. 01 February 1917
B. Use of Iron for agriculture B. 31 December 1920
C. Domestication of animals C. 28 August 1921
D. Sedentary farming D. 14 November 1922
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19. Which of the following was not one of the III. Spread of education.
Rajas of South India to re the banner of IV. Abolition of caste and Untouchability.
revolt against the British? V. Accommodation of conversion in reli-
gious faith.
A. Wynaad King Kerla Varma
B. King of Vijianagaram A. I and III C. only V
C. King Vira Raja of Koorga B. II, V D. II and IV
D. King of Travucore 26. Who was the mastermind of bomb attack on
20. The Sikh gurus who compiled the Guru Lord Hardinge at Chandani Chowk, Delhi
Granth Sahib was in 1912?
A. Sachindranath Sanyal
A. Arjun C. Bahadur
B. Bhai Paramanand

B. Nanak D. Har Rai
C. Sohan Lal Pathak
21. Loess is: D. Rasbehari Bose
A. silt from rivers. 27. One problem that Indira Gandhi was unable
to overcome was:
B. clay deposits. eR A. Sikh unrest.
C. rich layers of dust blown by glacial
winds. B. maintaining good relations with the
D. coastal sand.
C. agricultural production.
22. Sayana is associated with
D. Tamil insurgency.
A. The Chola Kingdom
28. On 3 Feb. 1928, the Simon Commission
B. Hoyasala Kingdom landed in
C. Bahmani Kingdom
A. Bombay C. Calcutta

D. Vijayanagar Kingdom
B. Madras D. Delhi
23. The language patronised by Guptas was
29. The Government invention of man in Palae-
A. Prakrit C. Hindi olithic Age was
B. Arabic D. Sanskrit A. potter’s Wheel

B. metal implements

24. Which is the oldest known civilization in

India? C. spinning of cloth

A. Vedic D. Fire
30. Which one of the following statements
B. Eipc about Mohenjo-Daro is correct?
C. Puranic A. The houses were made of cut and pol-
D. Indus Valley ished stone
25. Social reforms were a major task of the theo- B. Axes, chisels, knives and fish-hook were
sophical society. With respect to Indian tra- all made of iron
ditions and culture, which one does not find C. The floor of the Great was made of burnt
its occurrence in the societal activities? brick
I. Resistance to child marriage.
D. Gold ornaments were unknown to the
II. Resistance to widow remarriage.
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658 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

31. The Alahabad pillar inscription was com- A. Decisive victory of Richard I in Pales-
posed by tine.
A. Samudragupta B. Defeat of Seljuk Turks by French-led
B. Vishnugupta
C. Continued control of Jerusalem by Sal-
C. Harisena
D. Vikramaditya
D. The defeat of the French at Agincourt.
32. Which of the following was true of Sufis?
38. Which one of the following adumbrated

A. They sought an emotional and mystical principles and constitutional provisions
union with Allah. which were later incorporated in the
B. They used emotional sermons and song Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms?

and dance to encourage devotion. A. Poona Pact
C. They tolerated observances of some non- B. Wavel Plan
Islamic customs.
C. Lucknow Pact

D. All these answers are correct. D. Nehru Report
33. The author of ‘Poverty and Un- British Rule 39. Which of the following statements regard-
in India’ is? ing Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy of Satya-
A. Dadabhai Naoroji graha is/are correct?
B. Lala Lajpat Rai 1. Truth and non-violence are its two vi-
tal ingredients.
C. R. C. Dutt 2. The follower of Satyagraha would re-
D. Surendra Nath Banerjee sist evil but not hate the evil-doer.
34. Who among the following has his disciples 3. The Satyagrahi would, if necessary,
inflict suffering on himself, and also

as Ashtchap?
the evil-doer.
A. Namdev
Select the correct answer using the codes

B. Mauluk Das given below


C. Vallabhacharya
A. 1 and 2 C. Only 1
D. Chaitanya
B. 1, 2 and 3 D. 2 and 3
35. The prominent ruler of Prathihara dynasty
Bhoja I ruled from

40. Vivian Derozio had been associated with

the movement.
A. 860-870 A.D C. 870-880 A.D
A. Swadeshi
B. 840-890 A.D D. 850-860 A.D

B. Back to the Vedas

36. Who of the following was a contemporary C. Young India
of Alexander, the Great?
D. Young Bengal
A. Ashoka 41. The presiding deity of Bhojsala Temple is
B. Chandragupta Maurya A. Goddess Durga
C. Bimbisara B. Goddess Laxmi
D. Pushyamitra Sunga C. Goddess Saraswati
37. The Third Crusade ended with the
D. Goddess Parvati
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42. Who founded Ferguson College at Pune in 49. Who was Alara Kalama?
1885 A. Teacher of Buddha
A. Samaj Sewa Sangh B. Prominent Buddhist monk
B. Bharatiya Sewak Samaj C. Ruler who criticized Buddhism
C. Theosophical Society D. Disciple of Buddha
D. Decan Educational Society 50. Who was Bhadrabahu?
43. Ibrahim Khan Gardi was an important mili- A. He was the first tirthankar of the Jainas
tary officer of
B. He was a Buddhist monk
A. Peshwa Balaji Baji Rao
C. He was the sixth guru of the Jainas
B. Ahamadshah Durrani
D. He was a Vedic Rishi
C. Raja Suraj Mal

51. The caves and rock-cut temples at Ellora
D. Haider Ali are-
44. Which one of the following is a toll, tax A. Buddhist
mentioned in early Tamil literature?
B. Hindu, Buddhist and Jain
A. Iduporul C. Paduporul eR C. Hindu and Jain
B. Ulgu D. Uruporal D. Buddhist and Jain
52. The Bhakti literature by the Nayanmars and
45. Which one of the following was not a result
of British colonial rule in India?
A. stressed the rigidities of traditional ritu-
A. Ruin of Indian feudalism
B. Ruin of Indian agriculture
B. opposed the practice of image worship.
C. Ruin of Indian trade
C. advocated the austerities preached by

D. Ruin of Indian industries the Buddhists and Jams.

46. In which year did Alexander invade India? D. preached personal devotion of God as a
means of salvation.
A. 236 BC C. 326 BC
53. Which of the following event was the rea-
B. 362 BC D. 623 BC son for suspension of the Non-Cooperation

47. The following are the legislative contribu-

tions of Raja Rammohan Roy A. The leaders like Subhas Chandra Bose
were against it
A. Abolition of Sati
B. Chauri Chaura incident
B. Indianisation of superior services
C. The non Co-operators were not enthusi-
C. Reduction of export duties on Indian astic
D. Gandhiji bowed to the pressure of the
D. Abolition of East India company’s trad- British government
ing rights
54. Consider the following statement (s) related
48. “Community Development Project” was ini- to the administrative causes of 1857 revolt.
tiated in the year
I. Deprivation of the traditional ruling
A. 1956A.D. C. 1952A.D. classes of their luxury due to the estab-
lishment of the company’s suzerainty
B. 1951 A.D. D. 1954AD. over the Indian states;
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660 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

II. Introduction of new and revenue sys- 58. Gandhara art all but one of the following
tem which snatched the land from cul- was different from the West. Which was
tivator and gave it to the moneylender it?
or traitor.
A. Foldings of the robe
III. Lord Canning’s announcement to that
Mughals would lose the title of King B. Depicting the physiognomy
and be mere Princess. C. Style
Which is/are correct statement(s)? D. Iconography

A. Only I 59. Arrange the following astronomers in their
B. Only II correct chronological order:
1. Aryabhatta
C. Both I and II

2. Brahmagupta
D. Both I and III 3. Lagadh
55. Who began the Achintayabhedabhedavada 4. Varahamihira
School of theology? Choose your answer from the codes given

A. Tulsidas C. Surdas
B. Chaitanya D. Mirabai A. 4 3 2 1 C. 2 1 4 3
B. 3 1 4 2 D. 1 2 3 4
56. Consider the following statements on the
Chalukyas 60. The Megaliths of South India are mainly
associated with
1. Pulakesin II defeated the Vish-
nukundins of Andhra delta and later A. Neolithic age
allowed Vishnuvardhana to form a B. Chalcolithic age
kingdom there.

2. Pulakesin II performed a horse sacri- C. Mesolithic age

fice. D. Iron age

3. The Chalukyas became a sovereign

61. Which of the following statement is not true
power under Pulakesin I.
about “Doctrine of Lapse”?

4. From Vishnuvardhana’s reign began

the line of western Chalukyas. A. It was in operations between 1848 and
Which of these statements are not correct?
B. Nagpur was the first state annexed under

A. 1 and 3 C. 1, 2 and 3 this rule.

B. 2 and 3 D. 2 and 4 C. Satara, Jaipur, Jhansi and Nagpur states
were annexed under this rule.

57. Which of the following was in the Vijita of D. It was started by Lord Dalhousie.
Ashoka? 62. Which one of the following chronological
1. Yona orders of the given events is correct?
2. Satiyaputa A. The Cripps Mission - The Cabinet Mis-
3. Gandhara sion’s Plan -The Civil Disobedience Move-
4. Bhoja ment
A. 1, 2 and 3 C. 1, 3 and 4 B. The Civil Disobedience Movement -
The Cabinet Mission’s Plan - The Cripps
B. 1, 2and 4 D. 2, 3 and 4
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C. The Cripps Mission - The Civil Disobe- 68. What was the occasion of handing over of
dience Movement - The Cabinet Mission’s Mumbai (Bombay) to Britishers by the Por-
Plan tuguese?
D. The Civil Disobedience Movement - A. Crushing of Spanish Armada by British
The Cripps Mission - The Cabinet Mis- in 1588
sion’s Plan
B. Marriage of Charles II with the Por-
63. Which of the following is not the part of tuguese princess Catherine of Braganza
Government of India Act, 1935
C. Freedom of Portuguese from the control
A. The post of Indian council of the sec- of Spain
retary of state for India made permanent.
D. The Treaty of Madrid in 1630
69. Who among the following was not associ-
B. The diarchy was introduced at the cen-

ated with the activities of the Theosophical
C. Diarchy in the provinces was replaced
A. Mr. A O Hume
by provincial autonomy.
B. Mrs. Annie Besant
D. This act provided for setting up of the
Federation of India comprising British In-
dian provinces.
64. Mesopotamian math’s was called sexagesi-
eR C. Madame H P Blavatsky
D. Col H S Olcott
70. Which sikh guru completed the compilatio
mal because they counted
of Adi Granth?
A. Counting by 60s
A. Guru Tegh Bahadur
B. Counting by 20s
B. Guru Arjun Das
C. Counting by l0s
C. Guru Gobind Singh
D. Counting by 30s

D. Guru Ramdas
65. Ajanta Cave paintings belongs to the period
of 71. The Treaty of Amritsar was concluded be-
tween Maharaja Ranjit Singh and who of
A. Nandas the following?
B. Haryanks A. Lord Cornwallis

C. Guptas-Vakatakas B. Lord Dalhousie


D. Mauryas C. Lord Hastings

66. Who was the member of Ulema, who issued
D. Lord Minto
the ‘Fatwa’ against Akbar from Jaunpur?
72. In the systems of philosophy created by In-
A. Abdullah Sultanpuri dians, we find elements of materialistic phi-
B. Mirza Hakim losophy in which of the following systems?
C. Mullayazdi A. Vaisesika
D. Abdun Nabi B. Yoga
67. Amir Khusro was a .. C. Karm Mimamsa
D. Samkhya
A. Poet C. Musician
73. The Ilbert Bill controversy was related to
B. Emperor D. Soldier
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662 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. imposition of certain restrictions to 79. Who was the founder of independent king-
carry arms by the Indians dom of Gujarat?
B. imposition of restrictions on newspa-
A. Ahmad Shah C. Tatar Khan
pers and magazines published in Indian lan-
guages B. Shama Khan D. Zafar Khan

C. removal of disqualifications imposed on

80. Where was the Devdasi System prevailed
the Indian magistrates with regard to the
in India?
trial of the Europeans

A. Southern India
D. removal of a duty on imported cotton
cloth B. East India
74. Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were exe- C. West India

cuted along with their children in
D. Northern India

A. 1794 C. 1795 81. The aim of education as stated by the

Wood’s despatch of 1854 was
B. l793 D. 1799

A. the creation of employment opportunity
for native Indians
75. What was Khanqah?
B. the introduction of scientific research
A. Works of Poet Amir Khusro and rationalism in the traditional Indian ed-
B. The place where Sufi Mystics lived ucation

C. Court of Sikandar Lodi C. the spread of western culture in India

D. the promotion of literacy among the peo-
D. Birth place of Khwaja Muinud-din
ple using English medium of language
82. Name the rulers of India states who allied

76. “India for the Indians.” Who said?

with the British in suppressing the revolt of
A. Dayanand 1857.

B. Swami Vivekanand 1. Gulab Singh of Kashmir

2. Raja of Jodhpur

C. Madan Mohan Malaviya 3. Nizam of Hyderabad

D. Bal Gangadhar Tilak 4. Scindhia of Gwalior,
5. Holkar of Indore.
77. Bahmani Kingdom in South India extin-

guished in the A. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

A. later half of 17th century. B. 2, 4

B. beginning of 17th-century C. 1, 3, 5, 4

C. beginning of 16th-century D. 1, 2
83. Consider the following statements:
D. end of 16th-century
1. Lime mortar was never used at Mo-
78. Sakas were finally overthrown by henjodaro in the construction of
A. Kanishka dwellings.
2. At Dholavira, the stone was never
B. Gautamiputra Satakarni used in the Construction of dwellings.
C. Chandragupta Vikramaditya Which of the statement(s) given above is/are
D. Devapala correct?
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A. 1 only A. age of rationalism

B. 2 only B. age of positive thinking
C. Both 1 and 2 C. age of experimentation

D. Neither 1 nor 2 D. age of reason

84. Which of the statements given below about 88. Who among the fol1owg rulers of the 18th
the Champaran Satyagraha is/are correct? century introduced new systems of calendar,
coinage and weights and measures, orga-
1. It was related to Indigo plantations. nized a disciplined standing army, removed
2. It started because the European illegally ceases, built up modem arsenal and
planters oppressed the Zamindars. promoted sericulture and trade?
Select the correct answer using the codes A. Ranjit Singh
given below

B. Tipu Sultan
A. Only 1
C. Mir Qasim
B. Only 2
D. Saadat Khan
C. Both 1 and 2 89. The Moplah Rebellion (1912) took place in
D. Neither 1 nor 2
85. Consider the statements :
eR A. Malabar
B. Vidarbha
C. Marathawada
D. Telengana
1. Vinaya texts deal with the monastic
2. The Visuddhimagga is a part of colo- 90. Mamun-ur-Rashid following doc-
nial text.
3. Mahayana texts deal with prajna or A. Ismaili
B. Ashari
4. Sutras in transmigration advocate the

doctrine of twelve links of pratiya - C. Mutazilla

D. None of these
Which of the above is / are correct? 91. Who was the founder of Paramara dynasty?

A. 1 and 2 C. 1, 3 and 4 A. Nagabhatta


B. 1 and 3 D. 1, 2 and 4 B. Siyaka


C. Krishna Raja
86. Which of the following was NOT a factor D. Mahadeva
leading to the partition of India in 1947? 92. The Black Death was caused by
A. the ambitions of Muslim merchants in A. Wounds suffered during the Hundred
Karachi Years War.
B. strong Indian National Congress support B. Malnutrition.
for partition
C. A disease spread by rats.
C. British delays in granting freedom to
India D. Lack of vaccines.
93. Who organized the Satyagraha Sabha
D. the ambitions of Muslim politicians
whose members took a pledge to disobey
87. 18th century has been correctly called the the Rowlatt Acts?
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664 Chapter 30. Miscellenous questions

A. Mahatma Gandhi D. Shershah’s tomb at Sasaram

B. Saifuddin Kitchlew 97. Vikrama era started from:
C. Maulana Shaukat Ali
A. 57 B.C. C. 57 A.D.
D. Motilal Nehru
B. 78 A.D. D. 78 B.C.
94. Which of the following rulers checked Har-
shavardhana’s expedition in South India?
98. Consider the following events in the history
A. Pulakesin I of British India

B. Vikramaditya II 1. Santhal Rebellion
C. Vikramaditya I 2. Indigo Revolt
3. Sanyasi and Fakir Rebellion
D. Pulakesin II

4. Birsa Munda Rebellion
95. Which of the following is/are correct about Which one of the following is a correct
Shivaji’s rule? chronological sequence of the above events
1. Families of soldiers got pension after starting with the earliest?
their death

2. Women also participated in military A. 1, 4, 2, 3 C. 3, 2, 1, 4
B. 3, 1, 2, 4 D. 2, 1, 4, 3
3. Shivaji abolished Zamindari system
Select the correct answer using the codes 99. The Author of Hamir Mahakavya was
are given below
A. Nyayacband Sur
A. 1 and 2 only
B. Jaisiugh Suri
B. 2 and 3 only
C. Chandvardai
C. 1 and 3 only
D. Hemachandra

D. 1, 2 and 3
100. By the enactment of British Parliament
96. Which of the following tombs is placed in
when did the East India Company cease to

the centre of a large garden and resembles

be a trading Company?
as a prototype of the Taj Mahal?

A. Akbar’s tomb at Sikandara A. 1773 A.D. C. 1833 A.D.

B. Humayun’s tomb at Delhi B. 1813 A.D. D. 1784 A.D.
C. Itmaduddaula’s tomb at Agra

1. C 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. C 11. D 12. B 13. D 14. B

15. B 16. D 17. C 18. B 19. D 20. A 21. C 22. D 23. D 24. D 25. B 26. D
27. A 28. A 29. D 30. C 31. C 32. A 33. A 34. C 35. B 36. B 37. C 38. C
39. A 40. D 41. C 42. D 43. A 44. B 45. A 46. C 47. A 48. D 49. A 50. B
51. B 52. D 53. B 54. C 55. B 56. D 57. C 58. D 59. B 60. D 61. B 62. D
63. A 64. A 65. C 66. D 67. A 68. B 69. A 70. B 71. D 72. D 73. C 74. B
75. B 76. A 77. C 78. B 79. D 80. A 81. C 82. A 83. D 84. C 85. C 86. B
87. D 88. B 89. A 90. C 91. C 92. D 93. A 94. D 95. C 96. B 97. A 98. C
99. A 100. C

Unit 26
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1. Which line of rulers succeeded the Mau- B. Mohammed-bin-Tughlaq

rayas in Magadh?
C. Alauddin Khalji
A. Kushan C. Sungas D. Firoz Shah Tughlaq
B. Vardhanas D. Guptas 5. Despite the fact that Christians viewed Mus-
lims with hostility,
2. The Pala ruler who was defeated by the A. They learned from Muslim advances in
Prathihara ruler Nagabhatta? science and mathematics.

A. Govindapala C. Dharmapala B. They refused to select a Muslim ruler.

B. Gopala D. Mahipala C. They treated them with charity and kind-


3. In the Tran family founded the Le D. They lost the battle of Tours in France.
Dynasty: 6. Find out the non-precursor of the 1857 re-
A. 1225 C. 1700
A. Sanyasi Revolt
B. 1155 D. 1075
eR B. Faraizi Revolt
4. Who among the following was fond of C. Santhal Rising
D. Ulgulan
A. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq

1. C 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. D
i Sh

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