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1. The La Liga Filipina means Philippine League

2. Founded on July 3, 1892 in the house of Doroteo Onjuangco in Tondo, Manila
3. It was a union of the archipelago into a compact, vigorous and homogeneous body,
uniting Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao and Palawan
4. Its goals are
i. Mutual protection in all cases of pressing necessity
ii. Defense all violence and injustice
iii. Encouragement of education, agriculture and commerce
iv. Study of application of reforms

5. To achieve its goals, the propaganda has its own newspaper called the “La
6. Rizal thought of organizing the league when he was at HongKong with the help of
Jose Ma. Basa
7. Some of the members of the league were Andres Bonifacio, Deodato Arellano,
Apolinario Mabini
8. The motto of the league was “Unus Instar Omnium” meaning “One like all”
9. The Spanish authorities realize that the league was a threat to their occupation, so
they arrested Rizal on July 6, 1892.
10. Since the arresting of Rizal, Bonifacio took over and exerted great effort to
organize the chapters in various districts which was later dissolved.
11. The Liga membership was then split into two (2) groups: the conservatives formed
the Cuerpo de Compromisarios which supports the La Solidaridad and the other secret
society, The Katipunan

Why the Liga failed:

1. The colonial government did not agree to any of its demand

2. Many of the reformists showed a deep love for their county, although they
still failed maintain a united front
3. Most of the members belonged to the upper middle class, they had to
exercise caution to safeguard their wealth
4. There is no other strong and charismatic leader aside form Rizal

Additional Facts about the League

1. It had no intention of rising up in arms against the government

2. The league was to be sort mutual aid and self help society dispensing
scholarship funds and legal aid, loaning capital and setting cooperatives
3. It was organized as a solution to stop the oppression of the Filipinos against
the Spaniards
i. To protect the Filipino people to avoid
the abuse of the Spaniard and most
specially to unite the Filipinos
ii. Rizal hopes that in creating the La Liga
Filipina, it would put a stop to the
abusive Spanish Rule

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