A Meta-Analysis On The Relation Between Reading and Working Memory

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A Meta-Analysis on the Relation Between Reading and Working Memory

Article  in  Psychological Bulletin · August 2017

DOI: 10.1037/bul0000124

99 7,455

7 authors, including:

Peng Peng Marcia Barnes

University of Texas at Austin University of Texas at Austin


Cuicui Wang H. Lee Swanson

Beijing Normal University University of California, Riverside


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Psychological Bulletin © 2017 American Psychological Association
2018, Vol. 144, No. 1, 48 –76 0033-2909/18/$12.00 http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/bul0000124

A Meta-Analysis on the Relation Between Reading and Working Memory

Peng Peng Marcia Barnes

University of Nebraska, Lincoln University of Texas, Austin

CuiCui Wang Wei Wang

Beijing Normal University University of Central Florida

Shan Li H. Lee Swanson

This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Beijing Normal University University of California, Riverside

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

William Dardick Sha Tao

George Washington University Beijing Normal University

The purpose of this study was to determine the relation between reading and working memory (WM) in the
context of 3 major theories: the domain-specificity theory (debate) of WM, the intrinsic cognitive load theory,
and the dual process theory. A meta-analysis of 197 studies with 2026 effect sizes found a significant moderate
correlation between reading and WM, r ⫽ .29, 95% CI [.27, .31]. Moderation analyses indicated that after
controlling for publication type, bilingual status, domains of WM, and grade level, the relation between WM
and reading was not affected by types of reading. The effects of WM domains were associated with grade
level: before 4th grade, different domains of WM were related to reading to a similar degree, whereas verbal
WM showed the strongest relations with reading at or beyond 4th grade. Further, the effect of WM on reading
comprehension was partialed out when decoding and vocabulary were controlled for. Taken together, the
findings are generally compatible with aspects of the domain-specificity theory of WM and the dual process
theory, but, importantly, add a developmental component that is not currently reflected in models of the
relation between reading and WM. The findings suggest that the domain-general central executive of WM is
implicated in early reading acquisition, and verbal WM is more strongly implicated in later reading perfor-
mance as readers gain more experience with reading. The implications of these findings for reading instruction
and WM training are also discussed.

Public Significance Statement

This study showed that working memory has moderate relations with reading, and these relations are as
strong for more foundational reading skills as they are for comprehension. More importantly, these
relations may vary as a function of development: working memory primarily exerts an impact on reading
early on, with reading also shaping the further development of verbal working memory in particular.

Keywords: reading, working memory, dual process theory, grade level, cognitive load

Supplemental materials: http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/bul0000124.supp

This article was published Online First October 30, 2017. State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning and IDG/
Peng Peng, Department of Special Education and Communication Dis- McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Beijing Normal University.
orders, College of Education and Human Sciences, University of Nebraska, We thank Lee Branum-Martin at Georgia State University and Emily
Lincoln; Marcia Barnes, Department of Special Education, University of Tanner-Smith at University of Oregon for their suggestions on the statistics
Texas, Austin; CuiCui Wang, State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuro- analysis in this paper.
science and Learning and IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Peng Peng,
Beijing Normal University; Wei Wang, Department of Psychology, Uni- Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders, College of
versity of Central Florida; Shan Li, State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Education and Human Sciences, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 301 Barkley
Neuroscience and Learning and IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Re- Memorial Center, P.O. Box 830738, Lincoln, NE 68583-0738, or to Sha Tao,
search, Beijing Normal University; H. Lee Swanson, Graduate School of State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning and IDG/
Education, University of California, Riverside; William Dardick, Depart- McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Beijing Normal University, China.
ment of Educational Leadership, George Washington University; Sha Tao, E-mail: kevpp2004@hotmail.com or taosha@bnu.edu.cn


Working memory (WM) refers to the capacity to store informa- There are two additional important issues that have not been
tion for short periods of time while engaging in cognitively de- sufficiently investigated in the previous review and meta-analysis.
manding activities (Baddeley, 1986). In contrast to short-term These are whether WM makes unique contributions to reading
memory (STM), which is a passive information storage system, comprehension when relevant foundational reading skills are con-
WM is the system responsible for storing and processing informa- trolled for, and whether the relations of WM and various reading
tion simultaneously (e.g., see Miyake & Shah, 1999, for review). components change across development. The present study aims to
Theoretically, WM plays an important role in reading performance replicate previous findings with an updated corpus of studies as
because many reading tasks involve simultaneous information well as address the questions mentioned above that previous stud-
processing and storage. For example, to comprehend a text, indi- ies did not or were unable to answer. Specifically, we use the
viduals first visually process the words; then match the words to meta-analytic method to systematically investigate the relation
the phonological, orthographic, and semantic representations in between reading and WM with a focus on several moderators that
long-term memory; and finally combine these representations with might explain variations in this relation. These moderators include
the context to construct an understanding of the passage. WM is domains of WM (i.e., verbal WM, numerical WM, visuospatial
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

purported to be involved in this process by keeping relevant WM), types of reading (i.e., phonological coding, decoding, vo-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

information in STM, retrieving information from long-term mem- cabulary, comprehension), and grade level (i.e., before 4th grade
ory, and integrating all sources of information to form an accurate vs. at/beyond 4th grade, reflecting the transition from learning-to-
representation of the situation described by the text (van den read to reading-to-learn; Christopher et al., 2012). Moreover, we
Broek, Mouw, & Kraal, 2016). Despite the theoretically strong examine the unique contributions of WM to reading comprehen-
relation between reading and WM, substantial differences have sion after controlling for decoding and vocabulary.
been reported across studies in the size of this relation. Some From a theoretical perspective, the present meta-analysis con-
studies have found that the contribution of WM to reading is siders the relation between reading and WM in the context of
negligible, with R2 around 0 (e.g., Koltum, 2003; O’Shaughnessy several cognitive theories. By examining whether reading is re-
& Swanson, 2000), whereas other studies have found that WM lated to WM in different domains (i.e., verbal WM, numerical
almost fully explained reading performance, with R2 values rang- WM, and visuospatial WM), the findings may contribute to the
ing from .60 to .81 (e.g., Daneman, 1991; Weissinger, 2013; theoretical debate on whether WM’s relation to reading is domain-
McIntyre, 2015). general (Baddeley, 1986; Engle, 2002; Engle & Kane, 2003) or
It is important to gain better insight into the degree to which domain-specific (Daneman & Carpenter, 1980; Ericsson &
WM is related to reading performance and the factors that influ- Kintsch, 1995; Friedman & Miyake, 2004). The investigation of
ence this relation. To our knowledge, only two prior reviews have how WM is involved in different reading skills from a develop-
investigated these issues (i.e., Daneman & Merikle, 1996; Savage, mental perspective addresses two general cognitive theories: In-
Lavers, & Pillay, 2007). Specifically, Savage et al. (2007) con- trinsic cognitive load theory and dual process theory; that is,
ducted a comprehensive literature review on the relation between whether the relation between reading and WM is mostly affected
reading and WM. They concluded that (a) in comparison to foun- by the complexity of reading tasks, as suggested by the intrinsic
dational reading skills such as decoding, WM is more important cognitive load theory (Chandler & Sweller, 1991; Sweller, 1994),
for advanced reading skills such as reading comprehension and (b) or whether reading experience influences the degrees of WM
whether the relation between reading and WM is influenced by involvement in reading, as implied by the dual process theory
domains of WM (i.e., verbal vs. visuospatial) remains unclear. The (Evans & Stanovich, 2013).
Savage et al. (2007) study is a comprehensive literature review. A From a practical perspective, findings from the present meta-
systematic meta-analytic investigation of the studies cited in that analysis may have implications for reading instruction and WM
review as well as studies published afterward would be important intervention. Specifically, many cognitive skills have been related
for replicating the findings as well as for addressing questions that to reading, but all of them may not be equally important. Meta-
review could not answer. analysis is one way to obtain relatively accurate estimates of the
In contrast to Savage et al. (2007); Daneman and Merikle (1996) size of the relation between two variables, which may be useful for
used the meta-analytic method to systematically investigate the thinking about whether and under what conditions WM can be
relation between WM and language comprehension. Based on the considered a “pressure point” for reading (Perfetti & Stafura,
inclusion of 77 studies, Daneman and Merikle (1996) found that 2014). Moreover, a number of studies in recent years have inves-
compared with STM, WM showed stronger correlations (r ⫽ tigated whether training WM has effects on WM outcomes, as well
.30 –.52) with comprehension indexed by vocabulary, listening as transfer effects on academic skills such as reading (e.g., Dahlin,
comprehension, and reading comprehension. Furthermore, verbal 2011; Morrison & Chein, 2011; Peng & Fuchs, 2017). Although
WM showed stronger correlations with comprehension, compared some of these studies found effects of WM training on WM
to verbal/numerical WM or numerical WM. Although Daneman outcomes, most failed to find far-transfer effects to academic skills
and Merikle (1996) adopted the meta-analytic method, they did not (e.g., Jacob & Parkinson, 2015; Melby-Lervåg & Hulme, 2013;
investigate specific relations between WM and different compre- Shipstead, Redick, & Engle, 2012). Several questions have been
hension skills (i.e., vocabulary, listening comprehension, and read- posed regarding the potential of WM training to increase academic
ing comprehension). Nor did they analyze relations between WM skills, including (a) whether training in different domains of WM
and foundational reading skills such as phonological coding and (e.g., verbal, numerical, or visuospatial) is appropriate for the type
decoding. Relations of visuospatial WM and comprehension were of academic skill being targeted (Peng & Fuchs, 2017); (b)
not investigated, likely reflecting the lack of primary data to whether the academic target of WM training (i.e., more complex
analyze at the time. aspects of reading such as reading comprehension or foundational

aspects of reading such as decoding) makes a difference (e.g., Weismer, 2010), whereas other studies have found verbal WM to
Dahlin, 2011; Peng & Fuchs, 2017); (c) whether certain child-level be more strongly related to reading than visuospatial WM (e.g.,
characteristics (e.g., age and/or academic skill-level) or features of Oakhill, Yuill, & Garnham, 2011; Zheng, 2009). In the Daneman
the training itself (e.g., intensity and duration of training) moderate and Merikle (1996) meta-analysis, verbal WM was more strongly
training effects (Shipstead et al., 2012; Wang, Zhou, & Shah, related to reading than was numerical WM.
2014); and (d) whether cognitive training is delivered on its own or Development may contribute to the understanding of the
combined with academic skills interventions might be important domain-specificity theory (debate) of WM. In early grades,
for facilitating transfer to academic skills (e.g., Barnes et al., domain-specific knowledge, specifically verbal knowledge, is not
2016). Meta-analysis provides one type of empirical correlational as well developed and represented in long-term memory as in later
evidence that may help inform some of these current questions in grades. Thus, younger readers may rely less on retrieval of verbal
WM and reading intervention research. In the following sections, knowledge from long-term memory to help accomplish reading
we describe various theories of WM and associated hypotheses tasks, and rely more heavily on WM, especially the domain-
regarding the relation between reading and WM. general component of WM (e.g., the central executive) to perform
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

reading tasks. In contrast, in later grades, individuals have acquired

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Domain-Specificity Theory (Debate) of a strong knowledge base of verbal knowledge in long-term mem-
ory. The retrieval of verbal knowledge in long-term memory and
Working Memory
its integration with language-based information during reading
Although many researchers acknowledge that WM tasks mea- may specifically requires verbal WM. Thus, in the present study,
sure the ability to simultaneously process and store information we further investigated the variability in the relations between
(Miyake & Shah, 1999), there are several ongoing debates about reading and different domains of WM, and whether the moderating
the nature of WM tasks in different domains (i.e., verbal WM, effect of WM domain is affected by grade level.
numerical WM, visuospatial WM). One is whether WM tasks that
use materials from different domains measure a domain-general
Relation Between Reading and Working Memory
WM ability or domain-specific WM abilities. The domain-general
WM model proposed by Baddeley (1986) contends that WM In addition to the domain-specific/domain-general questions
consists of two “slave systems” that are responsible for short-term about the nature of the relation of WM to reading above, the
maintenance of domain-specific (i.e., verbal, numerical, visuospa- relation between reading and WM has often been investigated and
tial) information and a central executive that coordinates the on- interpreted within different WM models. The componential WM
going processing and storage of information in the slave systems. model (Baddeley, 1986), as mentioned earlier, suggests that the
The central executive directs attention to relevant information, phonological loop and the central executive are especially impor-
suppressing irrelevant information and inappropriate actions, and it tant to reading. The phonological loop plays an important role in
coordinates cognitive processes when more than one task must be word learning, helping children establish the grapheme-phoneme
accomplished simultaneously. It also differentiates WM from STM connection (Baddeley, 1979; McDougall, Hulme, Ellis, & Monk,
and, for this reason more than any other, the central executive is 1994). The central executive is more critical for reading compre-
considered by many to be the core component of WM or to hension, coordinating and integrating information read from texts
represent the construct of WM (e.g., Engle, 2002; Engle & Kane, (e.g., comprehension monitoring; making inferences; e.g., Cain,
2003). Based on domain-general views of WM, the relation be- Oakhill, & Bryant, 2004). The resource-sharing WM capacity
tween reading and WM should not be influenced by the domain of model claims that WM is a limited cognitive resource involved in
WM that is being measured. simultaneous information processing and storage (e.g., Daneman
However, other researchers claim that the operation of WM & Carpenter, 1980; Engle, Cantor, & Carullo, 1992; Just & Car-
depends on domain knowledge, and thus is strongly affected by penter, 1992). According to this model, WM should show a strong
domain specificity (Ericsson & Kintsch, 1995). According to Er- relation with reading comprehension because reading comprehen-
icsson and Kintsch (1995), long-term memory can supplement or sion also requires simultaneous information processing and stor-
facilitate WM. When individuals are knowledgeable in a particular age. In attempting to understand what is being read, there is a
domain, they can process (encode and retrieve) information in that trade-off between processing and storage such that information
domain more efficiently than information in domains they are less processing efficiency determines the storage capacity of WM that
knowledgeable about (Ericsson & Kintsch, 1995). In accordance is available for reading comprehension (Perfetti, 2007). For exam-
with this view, WM integrates domain-specific skills, knowledge, ple, inefficient word recognition lessens the amount of additional
and procedures to meet the particular demands of learning tasks information that can be maintained in WM to aid comprehension
within a particular domain. Thus, the relation between reading and during reading (Daneman & Carpenter, 1980). The long-term WM
WM may be influenced by the domain of WM such that compared model, as mentioned earlier, suggests that long-term memory can
to visuospatial WM, verbal WM would be expected to show a supplement or facilitate WM (Ericsson & Kintsch, 1995). The
stronger relation with reading. long-term WM model also emphasizes the important role of WM
There is evidence to support both domain-general and domain- in complex skills such as reading comprehension (Ericsson &
specific hypotheses on the relation between reading and WM. Kintsch, 1995). That is, relevant knowledge from long-term mem-
Some studies have not found that the domain of the WM task ory can enhance the efficiency of WM during reading comprehen-
(numerical, verbal, visuospatial, and tasks involving at least two sion by allowing individuals to effectively retrieve relevant back-
domains) is differentially related to reading (e.g., Swanson & ground knowledge from long-term memory, keeping knowledge
Alexander, 1997; Swanson & Berninger, 1995; Karasinski & Ellis accessible by means of retrieval cues in STM, and readily inte-

grating this knowledge with information extracted from the text Dual Process Theory
during reading to achieve the goal of comprehension. This hypoth-
esis is supported by empirical evidence showing that long-term Another framework for conceptualizing the relation between
memory representations such as background knowledge partially reading and WM is the dual process theory of higher cognition
mediated the relation between WM and reading comprehension (Evans & Stanovich, 2013). This view provides an account of how
(e.g., Hambrick & Engle, 2002; Nation, Adams, Bowyer-Crane, & task performance is accomplished by two different processing
Snowling, 1999). systems: autonomous processes and controlled processes (Evans &
Although there are many commonalities among the WM models Stanovich, 2013). Autonomous processing refers to the processing
presented above, these models emphasize somewhat different of domain-specific familiar information that is efficient, seemingly
mechanisms by which reading and WM are related. Both compo- effortless and takes few cognitive resources, whereas controlled
nential and capacity WM models emphasize that WM is a limited processing refers to the processing of novel information that needs
domain-general construct and limitations in WM create bottle- conscious and sequential thinking, and requires many high-level
necks for reading (Baddeley, 1986; Engle et al., 1992). In contrast, cognitive resources such as reasoning and WM (Bargh, 1994;
Evans & Stanovich, 2013). Based on the dual process theory, the
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

the long-term WM model emphasizes that knowledge in long-term

involvement of WM in a reading task is not just determined by task
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memory determines how WM is recruited during reading, suggest-

ing that long-term memory plays a more important role than WM complexity, but, more importantly, by how efficiently the reading
in reading (Ericsson & Kintsch, 1995). Also, almost all these WM task can be performed, which is closely associated with reading
models focus on the importance of WM for complex reading skills experience. For beginning readers (e.g., readers before 4th grade),
such as reading comprehension (Baddeley, Logie, Nimmo-Smith, limited reading experience and less well developed verbal knowl-
& Brereton, 1985; Cain et al., 2004; Daneman & Carpenter, 1980; edge means that their reading skills are less likely to be automated.
Engle et al., 1992; Ericsson & Kintsch, 1995), with less attention Thus, for beginning readers, tasks such as phonological coding and
to whether and how WM is related to other reading skills such as decoding may require significant WM resources. For more expe-
phonological coding, decoding, and vocabulary (Christopher et al., rienced readers (e.g., readers at/beyond 4th grade), WM may be
2012). Moreover, although these WM models focus on how WM less involved in these more foundational aspects of reading given
influences reading, they are not developmental in nature; that is, that word recognition and the retrieval of relevant verbal informa-
they do not address the possibility that the relation between WM tion from long-term memory is likely to be more efficient. How-
and reading may vary with development. ever, more experienced readers would still be expected to draw
In the present study, we investigated the relation between read- heavily on WM resources on complex reading tasks such as
ing and WM using different theoretical perspectives to guide the reading comprehension, which become more complex at higher
choice of variables and moderators that are included in analyses. In grades with the inclusion of new academic vocabulary and longer
addition to theories of domain-specificity discussed above that texts. Thus, grade level, as well as the interaction between types of
prompted us to examine different domains of WM in relation to reading and grade level, may exert effects on the relation between
reading, we also drew on the intrinsic cognitive load theory and the reading and WM.
dual process theory to derive hypotheses about relations between Typically, individual studies only investigate the relation be-
WM and different types of reading and whether these relations tween WM and one or two reading skills and focus on a single
vary as a function of development. population (e.g., beginning readers or experienced readers). Such
studies are insufficient on their own to test some of the hypotheses
about the relation of reading and WM that can be generated by the
Intrinsic Cognitive Load Theory intrinsic cognitive load or the dual process approaches. In the
Reading is a complex multicomponent construct that is often current meta-analysis, hypotheses that are generated by these two
conceptualized in strands including (but not limited to) phonolog- theoretical approaches can be addressed by synthesizing studies
ical coding, decoding, and vocabulary, and comprehension (Na- across four major reading skills (i.e., phonological coding, decod-
tional Reading Panel, 2000). One framework to understand the ing, vocabulary, and comprehension) and among populations with
relation between reading and WM is the intrinsic cognitive load different levels of reading experience. In the following sections,
theory. According to this theory, there is an inherent level of we discuss empirical findings and hypotheses about the relation of
difficulty associated with a specific task, which may not be easily WM and these different reading skills using the frameworks pro-
altered by external factors such as instruction and learning expe- vided by the intrinsic cognitive load theory or the dual process
rience (Chandler & Sweller, 1991; Sweller, 1994). That is, tasks theory.
with multiple steps and sequential thinking are assumed to be more
Phonological Coding
difficult than tasks involving a single step or where the task can be
accomplished through direct retrieval from long-term memory. Phonological coding refers to a broad set of phonological pro-
Thus, based on the intrinsic cognitive load theory, complex read- cessing skills such as identifying and manipulating units of oral
ing tasks such as reading comprehension that have multiple, se- language parts (e.g., words, syllables, onsets and rimes, phonemes)
quential storage and processing features are hypothesized to draw and retrieval efficiency of phonological codes (e.g., rapid letter,
more WM resources than foundational reading tasks such as pho- number, or object naming; Torgesen, Wagner, & Rashotte, 1999).
nological coding, decoding, or vocabulary, performance on which Many studies of reading in English have shown that phonological
may rely more on retrieval from long-term memory, at least for coding plays a critical role in early reading development such that
more experienced readers for whom most words and their mean- individuals who are better at detecting, manipulating, and retriev-
ings may be recognized or retrieved from lexical memory. ing sounds in words learn to decode words more easily (e.g.,

Bradley & Bryant, 1978; Stanovich, 1992). Theoretically, WM is irregular words (e.g., plumber), GPC rules cannot be consistently
implicated in being able to decompose spoken words into their or completely applied and using GPC rules to decode irregular real
constitute syllables, onset-rimes, or phonemes; putting syllables, words may actually interfere with their pronunciation (e.g., the
onset-rimes, and phonemes together to form words; and effectively letter “b” sounds different in “lumber” and “plumber”). Thus, the
retrieving sounds for sequential displays of symbols and objects. pronunciation of irregular words, particularly low frequency irreg-
This is because WM is required for the simultaneous processing ular words that are not easily retrievable from memory, may
and storage of these phonological representations (e.g., Oakhill & require more effortful cognitive processing. Following this logic
Kyle, 2000). and the dual process theory, reading real words, or at least some
Phonological coding tasks show small to moderate relations types of real words, may require more WM resources than reading
with WM (e.g., Hester & Hodson, 2004; Swanson & Alexander, nonwords.
1997). The size of these relations could be influenced by several Decoding is also indexed by the accuracy/fluency of sen-
factors. One factor is the complexity of different phonological tence/passage reading or word list reading. Compared with
coding tasks, as suggested by the intrinsic cognitive load theory. word list reading or the reading of single words, the semantic
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

For example, some researchers suggest that tasks that require the associations among words in sentence- or passage-level reading
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

manipulation of small sound units—phonemes—are more difficult are likely to facilitate word reading accuracy (Stanovich, 1980).
and thus require more WM resources than tasks with larger sound For example, based on the dual process theory, readers may be
units (e.g., syllables; e.g., Cormier & Dea, 1997; Tunmer & more accurate and faster to read “it is a sunny day and people
Hoover, 1992). Another potential factor affecting the relation are out hiking” than to read a jumbled list of the same words.
between phonological coding and WM is grade level. As suggested Thus, WM may show weaker relations with sentence/passage
by the dual process theory, beginning readers may draw, to a reading accuracy/fluency than with word list reading accuracy/
greater extent than more experienced readers, on WM resources to fluency.
perform phonological coding tasks. Experienced readers are
thought to directly retrieve phonological representations from
long-term memory to perform phonological coding tasks, thereby
relying less on WM. There is also some evidence that WM is related to vocabulary
(e.g., Babayiğit, 2015; Tighe, Wagner, & Schatschneider, 2015).
To perform a vocabulary task (either point to a picture correspond-
ing to a word or explain what a word means), WM may be used to
Decoding is the ability to translate written language into speech simultaneously process verbal/visual information, activate relevant
with accuracy and/or fluency (e.g., Gough & Tunmer, 1986; background knowledge and concepts, and integrate those sources
Melby-Lervåg & Lervåg, 2014). To decode a word or nonword, of information. Because the retrieval of relevant background
one needs to convert the letters into sounds sequentially and then knowledge is especially critical in vocabulary tasks (Echols, West,
blend them sequentially, at least during the initial acquisition of Stanovich, & Zehr, 1996), language development, as indexed by
decoding, which requires the simultaneous processing and stor- grade level, may play a role in the relation between WM and
age of letters/sounds. The relation between decoding and WM vocabulary based on the dual process theory. That is, compared
may be affected by grade level. For example, beginning readers with experienced readers who often automatically retrieve relevant
who are still in the stage of learning the grapheme-phoneme- knowledge from long-term memory, beginning readers may need
correspondence (GPC) rules cannot apply the GPC rules effi- to allocate more of their WM resources to searching in long-term
ciently in the decoding process. For experienced readers, GPC memory and integrating this more slowly retrieved knowledge
rules can be applied more efficiently in the reading of nonwords, with less familiar phonological and orthographic representations to
and familiar words are often directly retrieved from long-term perform vocabulary tasks.
memory based on their orthography (Ehri, 1992). The type of vocabulary measure may also affect the relation
Another factor that may influence the relation between decoding between vocabulary and WM. There are two major types of
and WM is the way in which decoding is measured. Usually, vocabulary tasks: receptive and expressive. Receptive vocabulary
decoding is measured by either real word and/or nonword reading tasks (e.g., Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test) typically involve the
tasks. According to the triangle model of word recognition, to understanding of spoken, written, or a signed word, tapping the
decode a word, the phonology, orthography, and semantics of the breadth of vocabulary knowledge (Ouellette, 2006). In contrast,
word are often activated, which facilitates word recognition (Se- expressive vocabulary tasks (e.g., Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of
idenberg & McClelland, 1989). Because semantics is thought to Intelligence: Vocabulary) typically require individuals to express
facilitate the association between orthography and phonology for or produce words (e.g., explain what police is or name the word
decoding (e.g., Seidenberg & McClelland, 1989; Vellutino, Scan- depicted in an illustration), tapping the depth of vocabulary knowl-
lon, & Spearing, 1995), the lack of a semantic representation for edge (Ouellette, 2006). Because expressive vocabulary appears to
nonwords might make nonword reading more dependent on WM develop after receptive vocabulary over the course of early lan-
than real word reading, which would be consistent with the dual guage development, and some expressive vocabulary tasks may be
process theory. That being said, nonwords used in decoding tasks more semantically demanding and involve more complex language
are almost always orthographically regular, which means individ- output, it is reasonable to assume that, based on the intrinsic
uals can read nonwords solely based on GPC rules (Coltheart & cognitive load theory, performance on expressive vocabulary tasks
Leahy, 1992), whereas real-word decoding tasks often consist of a should show a stronger relation with WM than that of performance
mixture of orthographically regular and irregular words. To read on receptive vocabulary tasks.

Comprehension texts are replaced with math and social studies textbooks; Etman-
skie et al., 2016). Thus, in this stage, language comprehension
Comprehension in the present study is defined as the ability to becomes a more important component of reading comprehension
comprehend a passage in either oral format (listening comprehen- than decoding (Hoover & Gough, 1990).
sion) or written format (reading comprehension). Comprehension Considering this reading development sequence, there may be
is often considered the most complex literacy task that draws on an interaction between types of comprehension and grade level,
the coordination of many different reading and cognitive skills, which can be considered in the frameworks of both the intrinsic
and thus it is hypothesized, based on the intrinsic cognitive load cognitive load theory and the dual process theory. Specifically, for
theory, to show the strongest relation with WM than the other the comparison between reading comprehension and listening
components of reading above. Indeed, some research indicates that comprehension, reading comprehension may show stronger rela-
WM strongly correlates with reading comprehension even when tions to WM before 4th grade. This may be because younger
other foundational reading skills are controlled for (e.g., Cain et children rely on WM for both decoding and comprehension in
al., 2004; Christopher et al., 2012). However, there are also studies reading comprehension tasks. In contrast, after 4th grade, reading
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

reporting that the relation between WM and comprehension is not comprehension and listening comprehension may show compara-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

strong or significant (e.g., Walczyk & Taylor, 1996; Winke, 2005). ble relations with WM. This may be because experienced readers
In the present study, we propose four factors that may explain need only allocate WM for comprehension not decoding on read-
findings regarding the relations of WM and comprehension: com- ing comprehension task. Likewise, it is likely that before 4th grade,
prehension format (listening or reading), whether the reading com- children are still in the stage of accumulating foundational decod-
prehension tasks are timed or not, type of text (expository or ing and vocabulary skills and thus timed reading comprehension
narrative), and grade level. Based on the intrinsic cognitive load may place more cognitive load than untimed reading comprehen-
theory, different types of comprehension task and whether the sion. In contrast, the cognitive load may not be different between
reading comprehension assessment is time-limited may tax WM to timed reading comprehension and untimed reading comprehension
varying degrees. Compared to listening comprehension, reading at/beyond 4th grade when individuals usually allot most their WM
comprehension may draw more on WM because of extra informa- to comprehension, not to decoding or vocabulary processing. Re-
tion processing such as decoding. However, because all informa- garding the type of text (expository text comprehension vs. narra-
tion is orally presented in listening comprehension tasks, storage tive text comprehension), before 4th grade, individuals may find
load requirements in WM during listening may be greater than all comprehension tasks equally challenging due to less well-
those for reading comprehension (i.e., because the pace of pro- developed foundational reading skills such as decoding and vo-
cessing during reading is under the reader’s control and the reader cabulary knowledge. Thus, text type may not influence the relation
can reread). In this view, listening comprehension may actually between reading comprehension and WM. At/beyond 4th grade,
require more WM resources (e.g., Cain & Bignell, 2014). Like- when individuals have mastered decoding and have more vocab-
wise, timed reading comprehension tasks may involve more WM ulary knowledge, text type may play a more important role such
than untimed reading comprehension tasks because the time limit that WM show stronger relation with expository text comprehen-
poses a greater cognitive load. Expository text comprehension may sion versus narrative text comprehension.
require more WM than narrative text comprehension, because, in
comparison with narrative texts, expository texts often use less
The Unique Contribution of Working Memory to
familiar text structures and are informationally dense with less
familiar academic or subject-specific vocabulary (e.g., Best, Floyd,
Reading Comprehension
& McNamara, 2008; McNamara, Graesser, & Louwerse, 2012). Testing direct relations between different reading skills and
Given the nature of reading development, reading experience WM adds to our understanding of the relative importance (i.e.,
must also be considered when posing hypotheses about the relation size) and nature of these relations. It is also important to
of WM and comprehension. Therefore, grade level should be investigate how WM is related to advanced reading skills when
considered when studying the effect of aspects or types of com- we control for relevant foundational reading skills. Addressing
prehension on the relation between WM and comprehension. Spe- this issue is important for understanding whether different
cifically, reading development is a cumulative process in which the reading skills shared common/unique variance in WM (e.g.,
reader shifts, with reading experience, from learning-to-read to Savage et al., 2005). In the current study, we focus on the
reading-to-learn (Chall, 1983; Etmanskie, Partanen, & Siegel, unique contributions of WM to reading comprehension. We
2016). In the learning-to-read stage (i.e., before about 4th grade) chose reading comprehension, because it is the “goal” of read-
reading comprehension tasks tax decoding heavily and involve ing, the aspect of reading that is assessed in high-stakes reading
mostly short to medium length narrative texts (e.g., Keenan, Betje- tests (National Center for Education Statistics, 2010), and the
mann, & Olson, 2008). Thus, decoding explains the majority of most complex reading skill based on the intrinsic cognitive load
variance in reading comprehension at this stage (Hoover & Gough, theory.
1990). In contrast, in the reading-to-learn stage (i.e., 4th grade and According to the Simple View of Reading (SVR, Hoover &
beyond), individuals are more fluent in decoding, and reading Gough, 1990), decoding and oral language are two major compo-
comprehension tasks usually include longer and more difficult nents contributing to reading comprehension. Compared with de-
expository texts (e.g., Keenan et al., 2008). Particularly, reading coding, oral language is a very broad construct including (but not
materials beginning at 4th grade become significantly more com- limited to) vocabulary, background knowledge, verbal reasoning,
plex as textbooks serve as the mechanism to gain access to cur- and language structures (Scarborough, 2001). Because vocabulary
riculum, content, and knowledge (e.g., storybooks and narrative is often used as a general measure of oral language skills in reading

comprehension research (e.g., Cain et al., 2004; Clarke, Snowling, Predictions Based on Domain-Specificity Theory
Truelove, & Hulme, 2010; Ouellette, 2006) and is a major com- (Debate) of Working Memory
ponent of classroom comprehension instruction (e.g., National
Reading Panel, 2000), we use vocabulary as a proxy for oral Based on the domain-general model of WM, the relation be-
language ability in the analysis testing the unique relation of WM tween reading and WM will not be influenced by domains of WM;
however, a domain-specific view of WM would lead us to predict
to comprehension. In these analyses, we examine the unique
that verbal WM will be more strongly related to reading than will
contributions of WM to reading comprehension controlling for
visuospatial WM. Moreover, if we consider development, it could
both decoding and vocabulary.
be that in younger children, reading may relate to different do-
Indeed, empirical studies have shown that a large amount
mains of WM to a similar degree, but may be more related to
(45% ⬃ 85%) of the variance in reading comprehension can be
verbal WM among older individuals.
explained by decoding and vocabulary (e.g., Adlof, Catts, &
Little, 2006; Dreyer & Katz, 1992; Hoover & Gough, 1990;
Perfetti, 2007). However, decoding and vocabulary cannot ex- Predictions Based on the Intrinsic Cognitive
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

plain all variance in reading comprehension. It is suggested Load Theory

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

that, after controlling for decoding and vocabulary, the residual Regardless of grade level, WM will be related to different types
variance in reading comprehension may still be explained by of reading to different degrees, such that WM is more closely
other factors such as WM. The rationale is that in addition to related to comprehension than phonological coding, decoding, and
decoding and vocabulary, reading comprehension also involves vocabulary. Within these broad aspects of reading, WM may show
many other linguistic processes (e.g., comprehension monitor- a stronger relation with phoneme manipulation than that of syllable
ing and inferences) that require WM (Perfetti, 2007). Some manipulation or rapid naming. Expressive vocabulary may show a
studies have shown that after controlling for decoding and stronger relation with WM versus receptive vocabulary. Reading
vocabulary, WM still explains unique variance in reading com- comprehension may show a stronger relation with WM compared
prehension (e.g., Cain et al., 2004), whereas other studies have to listening comprehension. Performance on timed reading com-
found that WM did not make unique contributions to reading prehension tasks may be more strongly related to WM than per-
comprehension beyond decoding and vocabulary (Oakhill & formance on untimed reading comprehension tasks. Expository
Cain, 2012). Thus, whether WM makes unique contributions to text comprehension may be more strongly related to WM than is
reading comprehension beyond decoding and vocabulary is still narrative text comprehension.
Predictions Based on the Dual Process Theory
Research Questions The relations of WM to various components of reading may
interact with grade level (a marker of reading experience). WM
To sum up, this meta-analysis seeks to address four major
may be involved to a similar degree in both foundational and
questions. First, is there a significant correlation between reading higher level reading skills for younger children. For older individ-
and WM, and if so, what is the size or strength of this relation? uals whose foundational reading skills may be more efficient, WM
Second, is the relation between reading and WM affected by may be more strongly related to higher level reading skills (e.g.,
domains of WM, types or components of reading, and grade level? comprehension) than to foundational reading skills (e.g., decod-
Third, is there an interaction between domains of WM and grade ing).
level, or between types or components of reading and grade level? Regarding the unique contributions of WM to reading compre-
Fourth, is there a significant relation between reading and WM hension, if WM is critical for text-level linguistic processes such
comprehension after partialing out the effect of decoding and inference-making, comprehension monitoring, and strategy use
vocabulary? during reading comprehension (Perfetti, 2007), we would expect
Specifically, regarding phonological coding, we investigated that WM would make unique contributions to reading comprehen-
whether WM is differentially related to phoneme manipulations, sion after partialing out decoding and vocabulary.
syllable manipulations, and rapid naming. We also investigated
whether different aspects of decoding are differentially related to Method
WM. We focused on the comparison between word recognition
and nonword reading and between sentence/passage reading and
word list reading. We also investigated whether these comparisons Literature Search
are influenced by grade level. Regarding vocabulary, we investi- Articles for this meta-analysis were identified in two ways.
gated whether expressive vocabulary and receptive vocabulary are First, a computer search of the ProQuest, PsycARTICLES, Psy-
related to WM to varying degrees. With respect to comprehension, cINFO databases for literature was conducted. We used the earliest
we examined whether there is a difference in the relation of WM possible start date (1964) through October 2015. Titles, abstracts,
to listening comprehension versus reading comprehension, to and keywords were searched for the following terms: working
timed versus untimed reading comprehension, and to expository memory AND readⴱ, word, decodⴱ, phonologⴱ, comprehenⴱ, vo-
text comprehension versus narrative text comprehension. Interac- cabulary, OR language. The terms readⴱ, decodⴱ, phonologⴱ, and
tions between grade level and these various aspects of comprehen- comprehenⴱ allowed for inclusion of reading, decode/decoding, pho-
sion were also tested. nology/phonological, comprehend/comprehension, and so forth. Sec-

ond, we hand searched citations in prior relevant reviews (Dane- that tap one of the following skills: phonological coding, decoding
man & Merikle, 1996; Savage et al., 2007). We searched (word recognition and nonword reading), vocabulary, listening
unpublished literature through Dissertation and Masters Abstract comprehension, reading comprehension, and comprehensive read-
indexes in ProQuest, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, ing that tap at least two of the above-mentioned reading skills. To
relevant conference programs (e.g., Society for the Scientific be considered as a measure of phonological coding, the task must
Study of Reading, Conference of Society for Research on Educa- involve deletion, blending, counting, segmentation, generation,
tional Effectiveness, and Annual Conference of American Educa- judgment, position analysis or replacement of phonemes, onset,
tional Research Association), and by e-mailing researchers likely rhymes, and/or syllables in words, or rapid naming of letters/
to have conducted work in this area. We also contacted several pictures/objects/numbers. To be considered as a decoding mea-
researchers to request correlation tables not provided in their sure, the test had to comprise reading accuracy/efficiency of
reported studies. The initial search yielded 69,007 studies. Two words, nonwords, sentences, or passages in either timed or un-
authors of this study then reviewed all studies by titles and ab- timed condition. To be considered a measure of reading compre-
stracts. After excluding the duplicate 86 articles, and 66,557 irrel- hension, studies in which a child completed a cloze test about a
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

evant articles, the remaining 2361 articles were closely reviewed passage/sentence or read a passage/sentence and answered ques-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

using the specific criteria described below (see Figure 1 for the tions in relation to the text were included. To be considered a
flow diagram for the search and inclusion criteria for studies in the measure of listening comprehension, tests that measured under-
present review). standing of heard sentences or passages by means of oral cloze,
First, studies had to include at least one quantitative task mea- answering questions in relation to the orally presented text, or
suring WM and at least one quantitative task measuring reading. retelling the orally presented text were included. To be considered
Based on our definitions of measures on WM and reading (not a measure of vocabulary, tests had to measure expressive or
necessarily consistent what the authors articulated in the primary receptive vocabulary using pictures and measures of synonyms or
studies), we coded all variables of interest for this study. Specif- antonyms were also included. Table 1 demonstrates the examples
ically, WM measures refer to the tasks that tap processing and of WM measures and reading measures considered in this study.
storage simultaneously (e.g., complex span tasks and dual-task Second, studies had to report at least one correlation (r) between
WM). Measures that tap specific executive functions, such as any measure of WM and any measure of reading, or the percentage
inhibition, switching, or updating, were not considered to be WM of variance (R2) in reading accounted for by WM only. The
measures in this meta-analysis. Reading measures refer to the tasks measures of WM and reading used to calculate the direct correla-

Search Records identified through database search (n = 69,007)

Records after duplicates (n = 89) and non-relevant (n = 66,557)

Initial Screening
Records screened (n = 2,361) Records excluded (n = 66,646)

Studies did not provide correlation

tables or statistics that can be
transformed to correlations.
2,041 studies excluded

Studies measured verbal WM or

Reading in other languages.
46 studies excluded
Studies deemed
Eligibility potentially eligible for
Studies only included older adults
(over 50 years old)
10 studies excluded

Studies only included sample with

67 studies excluded

Included 197 studied included in meta-analysis

Figure 1. Flow diagram for the search and inclusion criteria for studies in the present review.

Table 1
Description of Codes and Examples of Response Categories for Domains of WM and Types of Reading

Measure Definition Examples of response categories

Domains of WM
Verbal WM Tasks that tap simultaneous process and storage of verbal Complex Reading Span; Sentence Span; Listening
information Recall; Alphabet Recoding; Backward Word
Recall; Continuous Paired Associates Task;
Story Retelling; Letter Span; Semantics
Association; Rhyming Span; Animal Dual Task
Numerical WM Tasks that tap simultaneous process and storage of numerical Backward Digit Span; Calculation Span; Counting
information Span; Auditory Digit Sequencing; Composite of
Counting Recall; Backward Digit Recall
Visuospatial WM Tasks that tap simultaneous process and storage of visual or Backward Block Span, Visual Matrix; Mapping
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

spatial information and Directions; Odd-One-Out; Mr. X; Spatial

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Recall; Jigsaw Puzzle; Dot Matrix; Visual

Pattern Test
Composite WM Tasks that tap simultaneous process and storage of information Operation Span, Digit Sentence Span; Composite
tapping more than one of the following domains: verbal, of Listening Recall and Backward Digit Recall
numerical, and visuospatial, or composite score of WM and Counting Span; Letter-Number Sequencing;
tasks tapping more than one the following domains: verbal, Stanford-Binet Fifth Edition Working Memory;
numerical, and visuospatial Verbal-Spatial Complex Span; Animal-Color
Types of reading
Phonological coding Tasks that tap the ability to identify and manipulate units of Identify the rhyme of words; Identify initial sounds
oral language parts (words, syllables, onsets and rimes, and or final sounds in words; Identify medial sounds
phonemes) and phonological codes retrieval efficiency in words; Segment words into their component
syllable/sound; delete/add sounds from/to words;
Sound blending; Name
letters/digits/colors/objects rapidly
Decoding Tasks that tap the ability to translate written language into Real word recognition, Non-word reading; reading
speech with accuracy and fluency word list; Accuracy/fluency of passage/sentence
Vocabulary Tasks that require individuals to point to a picture Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test; Wechsler
corresponding to a word or explain what a word means Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence-Vocabulary;
Nelson Reading Skills Test-Vocabulary; Word
production fluency (e.g., say words that start
with letter B); Extended Range Vocabulary Test
Comprehension Tasks that require individuals to comprehend a passage in Nelson Denny Reading Comprehension; Woodcock
either oral format (listening comprehension) or written Reading Mastery Tests-Reading Comprehension;
format (reading comprehension). Gray Oral Reading Comprehension Tests; The
Peabody Individual Achievement Test- Reading

tion (not partial correlation) had to be taken at the same time point, these variables, we also coded the number of participants (N) used
because we were interested in the concurrent direct relation be- to obtain each correlation. The latter was needed to weight each
tween reading and WM and how this relation was affected by the effect size, so that correlations obtained from larger samples were
moderators proposed in this study. given more weight in the analysis than those obtained from smaller
Third, we only included studies that focused on reading in samples. The important features of individual studies are provided
English (e.g., provided measures on verbal WM in English and in the online Appendix.
reading in English) and thus our sample includes both monolingual Variables were discussed until a consensus was reached be-
and bilingual individuals. We did not include clinical populations, tween the first and the third authors. Then, both the first author and
because the heterogeneity of disability groups is often not system- the third author used this coding system to conduct the final coding
atically studied or reported in many primary studies. Also, because of all 197 studies independently. The interrater reliability was 1 for
aging significantly influences memory and verbal knowledge, es- publication type, 1 for bilingual status, .98 for grade level, .97 for
pecially starting around the 50s (Park et al., 2002), we did not sample size, .95 for correlation coefficients, .97 for domains of
include studies or findings from studies that are based on adults WM, and .95 for types of reading. Any disagreements were re-
over 50 years of age. solved by consulting the original article or by discussion.

Coding Procedure and Interrater Reliability

Missing Data
Studies were coded according to the characteristics of partici- Not all studies provided sufficient information on the variables
pants and tasks used to measure WM and reading. In addition to of interest for the present study. In case of insufficient information,

authors were contacted to obtain the missing information. How- reported 2 measures of decoding, 2 measures of reading compre-
ever, if missing data could not be retrieved, especially for data hension, and 2 measures of WM, then the full 2 ⫻ 2 ⫻ 2
missing for moderator variables, the study was excluded from the correlation matrix was recorded, producing 6 partial correlations
moderator analysis for which data were missing but was included between WM and reading comprehension, partialing out decoding.
in all moderator analyses for which data were provided. We then synthesized these partial correlations to indicate the
unique contribution of WM to reading comprehension, partialing
out decoding or vocabulary or both. Because the way we calcu-
Analytic Strategies
lated partial correlations produces many effect sizes nested within
The effect size index used for all outcome measures was Pear- a sample, we accounted for the statistical dependencies using the
son’s r, the correlation between reading and WM. We considered random effects robust standard error estimation technique devel-
all eligible effect sizes in each study. That is, studies could con- oped by Hedges et al. (2010) as mentioned earlier.
tribute multiple effect sizes as long as the sample for each effect Publication bias (the problem of selective publication, in which
size was independent. For studies that reported multiple effect the decision to publish a study is influenced by its results) was
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

sizes from the same sample, we accounted for the statistical examined using the method of Egger, Davey Smith, Schneider, and
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

dependencies using the random effects robust standard error esti- Minder (1997) and funnel plot. We did not find significant publi-
mation technique developed by Hedges, Tipton, and Johnson cation bias based on Egger et al.’s (1997) publication bias statistics
(2010). This analysis allowed for the clustered data (i.e., effect (i.e., the standard errors of correlations did not significantly predict
sizes nested within samples) by correcting the study standard correlations among studies with ROBUMETA in Stata, ps ⬎ .11),
errors to take into account the correlations between effect sizes except for the correlation between phonological coding and WM,
from the same sample. The robust standard error technique re- p ⫽ .01. Further funnel plot analyses showed reasonable symmetry
quires that an estimate of the mean correlation (␳) between all the in all reported correlations (the significant Egger’s test for the
pairs of effect sizes within a cluster be estimated for calculating correlation between phonological coding and WM may be due to
the between-study sampling variance estimate, ␶2. In all analyses, two outliers in the funnel plot). Taken together, Egger’s test and
we estimated ␶2 with ␳ ⫽ .80; sensitivity analyses showed that the funnel plot suggest that there was little influence of publication
findings were robust across different reasonable estimates of ␳. bias in the data and thus the original dataset was used in all
Analyses were based on Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, and Roth- reported analyses.
stein’s (2005) recommendations. Specifically, we converted the
correlation coefficients to Fisher’s Z scale, and all analyses were
performed using the transformed values. The results, such as the
summary effect and its confidence interval, were then converted Based on our inclusion criteria, 197 studies involving 260 in-
back to correlation coefficients for presentation. Also, because we dependent samples, 29,629 participants, and 2026 correlations
hypothesized that this body of research reports a distribution of between WM and reading were included for the final analysis.
correlation coefficients with significant between-studies variance, Overall, the size of the relation between reading and WM was
as opposed to a group of studies that attempts to estimate one true moderate, r ⫽ .29 (Cohen, 1988), and significant, 95% CI [.27,
correlation, a random-effects model was appropriate for the current .31]. Next, we examined the relation between reading and WM for
study (Lipsey & Wilson, 2001). Weighted, random-effects metare- each subcategory of each moderator, and whether domains of WM,
gression models using Hedges et al.’s (2010) corrections were run types of reading, and grade level affected the relation between
with ROBUMETA in Stata (Hedberg, 2014) to summarize corre- reading and WM. (Table 2 shows the number of effect sizes for
lation coefficients and to examine potential moderators. different moderators).
Specifically, we first estimated only the overall weighted mean
correlation between WM and reading. Then, subgroup analyses
Moderation Effects of Working Memory Domains
were used to examine the relation between reading and WM for
each subgroup of each moderator. Metaregression analyses were We coded WM tasks as verbal WM (1237 correlations), numer-
used to examine whether domains of WM, types of reading, and ical WM (388 correlations), visuospatial WM (167 correlations),
grade level moderated the relation between reading and WM. For and composite WM (234 correlations; i.e., WM tasks involving
the moderation analysis, all moderators were entered into the two domains, or WM scores derived from WM tasks tapping at
model simultaneously, with publication type (peer reviewed vs. least two different domains). As Table 3 shows, the average
other types of publications) and bilingual status as the covariates in correlation between reading (including all reading skills) and WM
the model as well. Because the moderators were all categorical, we for each of the four WM domains was significant: verbal WM, r ⫽
created dummy coded variables to examine the comparisons .32, 95% CI [.29, .34]; numerical WM, r ⫽ .26, 95% CI [.23, .29];
among categories (Cohen, Cohen, West, & Aiken, 2013). visuospatial WM, r ⫽ .21, 95% CI [.16, .26]; composite WM, r ⫽
For the analysis on the unique contributions of WM to reading .26, 95% CI [.22, .31]. As Table 4 shows, after controlling for
comprehension, we calculated the partial correlations based on publication type, bilingual status, types of reading, and grade level,
correlation matrices of studies that provided the correlations verbal WM was more strongly related to reading than were nu-
among (a) WM, decoding, and reading comprehension; (b) WM, merical WM and visuospatial WM, ␤ ⫽ .05/.13, t ⫽ 2.45/5.05,
vocabulary, and reading comprehension; or (c) WM, decoding, ps ⬍ .05, ␶2 ⫽ .02. Numerical WM was more strongly related to
vocabulary, and reading comprehension. For each study, the cor- reading than was visuospatial WM, ␤ ⫽ .08, t ⫽ 2.64, p ⫽ .01,
relation matrix was recorded along with the means, standard de- ␶2 ⫽ .02. Taken together, the findings showed that the relation
viations, and number of observations. For example, if a study between reading and WM was affected by domains of WM.

Table 2
The Number of Effects Sizes on the Relation Between WM and Different Types of Reading
Across Moderators

Measure Phonological coding Decoding Vocabulary Comprehension

Domains of WM
Verbal 98 224 222 650
Numerical 48 105 77 143
Visuospatial 20 47 29 57
Composite 27 49 30 103
Grade level
Before 4th grade 103 132 101 208
At/Beyond 4th grade 66 235 245 616
Bilingual status
Native English speakers 158 339 286 875
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Bilingual 35 86 72 78
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Publication type
Peer-reviewed 132 305 222 582
Non–peer-reviewed 61 120 136 371

Moderation Effects of Types of Reading following factors: listening comprehension versus reading com-
prehension, timed reading comprehension versus untimed reading
The relations of types of reading to WM were based on the comprehension, and expository text comprehension versus narra-
following data: phonological coding (193 correlations), decoding tive text comprehension. Results showed that after controlling
(425 correlations), vocabulary (358 correlations), and comprehen- publication type, bilingual status, domains of WM, and grade
sion (953 correlations). As Table 3 shows, the average correlations level, there were no difference in the size of effects for listening
between WM and each of the reading skills were significant: comprehension versus reading comprehension, ␤ ⫽ .01, t ⫽ .25,
phonological coding, r ⫽ .34, 95% CI [.29, .37]; decoding, r ⫽ p ⫽ .80, ␶2 ⫽ .02, for timed reading comprehension versus
.28, 95% CI [.25, .31]; vocabulary, r ⫽ .26, 95% CI [.24, .29]; untimed reading comprehension, ␤ ⫽ ⫺.01, t ⫽ ⫺.45, p ⫽ .66,
comprehension, r ⫽ .31, 95% CI [.28, .34]. As Table 4 shows, ␶2 ⫽ .02, or for expository text comprehension versus narrative
after controlling for publication type, bilingual status, domains of text comprehension, ␤ ⫽ ⫺.12, t ⫽ ⫺1.22, p ⫽ .24, ␶2 ⫽ .03.
WM, and grade level, phonological coding, decoding, vocabulary,
and comprehension were related to WM to a similar degree,
Moderation Effects of Grade Level
␤ ⫽ ⫺.02–.02, t ⫽ ⫺.92–1.01, ps ⬎ .05, ␶2 ⫽ .02. In summary,
the relation between reading and WM did not vary as a function of We coded two groups for the grade level factor: before 4th grade
types of reading. and at/beyond 4th grade. As Table 3 shows, the average relation
Regarding phonological coding, we further investigated whether between reading and WM was r ⫽ .32, 95% CI [.28, .35] before
WM was differentially related to phoneme manipulations, syllable 4th grade and r ⫽ .27, 95% CI [.25, .30] at/beyond 4th grade.
manipulations, and rapid naming. As Table 5 shows, after control- Table 4 shows, after controlling for publication type, bilingual
ling for publication type, bilingual status, grade level, and domains status, domains of WM, and types of reading, the relation between
of WM, WM was related to phoneme manipulation, syllable ma- reading and WM was stronger before 4th grade than it was at/
nipulation, and rapid naming to similar degrees, ␤ ⫽ ⫺.09 –.09, beyond 4th grade, ␤ ⫽ .06, t ⫽ 2.57; p ⫽ .01, ␶2 ⫽ .02.
t ⫽ 0 –.90, ps ⬎ .05, ␶2 ⫽ .02. Next, we investigated whether this effect of grade level varies
With respect to decoding, we examined whether different mea- across types of reading. As Table 5 shows, after controlling for
sures of decoding affected the size of the relation between decod- publication type, bilingual status, domains of WM, and types of
ing and WM. We focused on comparisons between word recog- phonological coding measures, grade level did not influence the
nition and nonword reading and between sentence/passage reading relation of phonological coding and WM, ␤ ⫽ ⫺.02, t ⫽ ⫺.30,
and word list reading. As Table 5 shows, after controlling publi- p ⫽ .77, ␶2 ⫽ .01. After controlling for publication type, bilingual
cation type, bilingual status, domains of WM, and grade level, status, domains of WM, and types of decoding measures, grade
word recognition showed a stronger relation with WM than did level did not influence the relation between decoding and WM,
nonword reading, ␤ ⫽ .09, t ⫽ 3.07, p ⫽ .003, ␶2 ⫽ .01, and word ␤ ⫽ .005, t ⫽ .15; p ⫽ .88, ␶2 ⫽ .01. However, after controlling
list reading showed a stronger relation with WM than did sentence/ for publication type, bilingual status, domains of WM, and types of
passage reading, ␤ ⫽ ⫺.08, t ⫽ ⫺2.26, p ⫽ .03, ␶2 ⫽ .01. vocabulary measures, vocabulary in the early grades showed a
Regarding vocabulary, we further investigated whether expres- stronger relation with WM than it did in the later grades, ␤ ⫽ .10,
sive vocabulary and receptive vocabulary are differentially related t ⫽ 2.84; p ⫽ .01, ␶2 ⫽ .02. After controlling for publication type,
to WM. As Table 5 shows, after controlling publication type, bilingual status, domains of WM, and types of comprehension
bilingual status, grade level, and domains of WM, WM was related measures (i.e., listening comprehension vs. reading comprehen-
to expressive vocabulary and receptive vocabulary to a similar sion), comprehension in the early grades showed a stronger rela-
degree, ␤ ⫽ .003, t ⫽ .11, p ⫽ .91, ␶2 ⫽ .02. tion with WM than it did in the later grades, ␤ ⫽ .06, t ⫽ 2.05; p ⫽
With respect to comprehension, we examined whether the rela- .04, ␶2 ⫽ .02. To sum up, WM showed a stronger relation with
tion between WM and comprehension was moderated by the comprehension and vocabulary before 4th grade than at/beyond

Table 3
Relation Between Reading and WM

Number of Between-study sampling

Measure correlations Correlation Correlation 95% CI variance (␶2)

Main average correlation 2026 .29 [.27, .31] .02

Publication type
1. Peer-reviewed 1318 .31 [.29, .34] .02
2. Non–peer-reviewed 708 .24 [.21, .27] .02
Bilingual status
1. Native English speaker 1749 .29 [.27, .31] .02
2. Bilingual 277 .30 [.24, .36] .03
Grade level
1. Before 4th grade 566 .32 [.28, .35] .02
2. At/Beyond 4th grade 1231 .27 [.25, .30] .02
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Domains of WM
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1. Verbal WM 1237 .32 [.29, .34] .02

2. Numerical WM 388 .26 [.23, .29] .02
3. Visuospatial WM 167 .21 [.16, .26] .04
4. Composite WM 234 .26 [.22, .31] .03
Types of reading
1. Phonological coding 193 .34 [.29, .37] .02
a. Phoneme manipulation 63 .33 [.27, .38] .01
b. Syllable manipulation 27 .35 [.22, .47] .04
c. Rapid naming 86 .27 [.24, .32] .02
2. Decoding 425 .28 [.25, .31] .02
a. Word recognition 324 .29 [.26, .32] .02
b. Non-word reading 84 .25 [.21, .30] .01
c. Word list reading accuracy 306 .29 [.26, .32] .01
d. Sentence/passage reading accuracy 119 .24 [.19, .28] .02
3. Vocabulary 358 .26 [.24, .29] .02
a. Expressive vocabulary 135 .27 [.23, .32] .03
b. Receptive vocabulary 220 .26 [.23, .29] .02
4. Comprehension 953 .31 [.28, .34] .02
a. Reading comprehension 733 .31 [.28, .34] .02
b. Listening comprehension 220 .31 [.27, .35] .02
c. Narrative text 126 .37 [.24, .50] .05
d. Expository text 28 .22 [.12, .31] .01
e. Timed reading comprehension 183 .29 [.25, .34] .02
f. Untimed reading comprehension 550 .31 [.27, .34] .02
Note. Verbal WM ⫽ WM task that involves simultaneous verbal information storage and processing; Numerical WM ⫽ WM task that involves
simultaneous numerical information storage and processing; Visuospatial WM ⫽ WM task that involves simultaneous visual or spatial information storage
and processing; Composite WM ⫽ WM task that involves simultaneous storage and processing of information across at least two domains of verbal,
numerical, and visuospatial domains, or composite scores derived from WM tasks tapping at least two domains of verbal, numerical, and visuospatial
domains; CI ⫽ confidence interval. Between-study sampling variance (␶2) for this model is .02.

4th grade, but the relations of WM and phonological coding and parable relations to WM at/beyond 4th grade, ␤ ⫽ .12, t ⫽ 1.32;
decoding did not differ across grades. p ⫽ .21, ␶2 ⫽ .03 (there is no variance on bilingual status
Next, we investigated whether grade level interacted with types at/beyond 4th grade for this analysis, thus bilingual status was not
of comprehension tasks when considering the relation between controlled in this model). Because we only obtained 8 data points
WM and comprehension. After controlling for publication type, (no data points for expository text comprehension), we did not
bilingual status, and domains of WM, reading comprehension analyze the comparison between narrative text comprehension and
showed a stronger relation with WM than did listening compre- expository text comprehension before 4th grade.
hension before 4th grade, ␤ ⫽ .09, t ⫽ 2.23; p ⫽ .03, ␶2 ⫽ .02. In We also examined whether the effect of domains of WM on
contrast, there was no difference in the relations of WM to reading the relation between reading and WM is affected by grade level.
comprehension and listening comprehension at/beyond 4th grade, As shown in Table 6, before 4th grade, after controlling for
␤ ⫽ .04, t ⫽ 1.39; p ⫽ .17, ␶2 ⫽ .02. After controlling for publication type, bilingual status, and types of reading, reading
publication type, bilingual status, and domains of WM, timed was related to different domains of WM to a similar degree,
reading comprehension was more strongly related to WM than was ␤ ⫽ .02 ⫺.08, t ⫽ .47–1.83; ps ⬎ .05, ␶2 ⫽ .02, except that
untimed reading comprehension before 4th grade, ␤ ⫽ .17, t ⫽ composite WM showed a stronger relation with reading than did
2.24; p ⫽ .03, ␶2 ⫽ .02. In contrast, there was no difference in the numerical WM and visuospatial WM, ␤ ⫽ .13/.15, t ⫽ 2.90/
relation of WM for timed and untimed reading comprehension 3.30; ps ⬍ .01, ␶2 ⫽ .02. At/beyond 4th grade, after controlling
at/beyond 4th grade, ␤ ⫽ .01, t ⫽ .41; p ⫽ .68, ␶2 ⫽ .02. After for publication type, bilingual status, and types of reading,
controlling for publication type and domains of WM, narrative text verbal WM showed a stronger relation with reading than did
comprehension and expository text comprehension showed com- visuospatial WM and composite WM, ␤ ⫽ .14/.11, t ⫽ 4.40/

Table 4
Meta-Regression of the Moderation Analysis on the Relation Between Reading and WM

Measure Beta SE t 95% CI p value

Grade level: Before 4th grade vs. at/beyond 4th grade .06 .02 2.57 [.01, .10] .01
Publication type: Peer-reviewed vs. Non–peer-reviewed .06 .02 2.86 [.02, .11] .005
Bilingual status: Native English speaker vs. Bilingual ⫺.01 .04 ⫺.39 [⫺.08, .06] .70
Domains of WM
Verbal vs. Numerical .05 .02 2.45 [.01, .10] .02
Verbal vs. Visuospatial .13 .03 5.05 [.08, .18] ⬍.001
Verbal vs. Composite .06 .03 1.68 [⫺.01, .12] .10
Numerical vs. Visuospatial .08 .03 2.64 [.02, .14] .01
Numerical vs. Composite .003 .04 .09 [⫺.07, .07] .93
Visuospatial vs. Composite ⫺.07 .04 ⫺2.13 [⫺.14, ⫺.01] .04
Types of reading
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Decoding vs. Phonological coding .01 .03 .29 [⫺.05, .06] .78
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Vocabulary vs. Phonological coding ⫺.02 .03 ⫺.68 [⫺.08, .04] .50
Comprehension vs. Phonological coding ⫺.001 .02 ⫺.05 [⫺.05, .04] .96
Vocabulary vs. Decoding ⫺.02 .03 ⫺.92 [⫺.08, .03] .36
Comprehension vs. Decoding ⫺.01 .02 ⫺.27 [⫺.04, .03] .79
Comprehension vs. Vocabulary .02 .02 1.01 [⫺.02, .06] .43
Note. All moderators were entered in one model. Several models were run for thorough subgroup comparisons among moderators with more than 2
categories. For the convenience of presentation, subgroup comparisons within Domains of WM and Types of Reading are all listed in the table. Verbal
WM ⫽ WM task that involves simultaneous verbal information storage and processing; Numerical WM ⫽ WM task that involves simultaneous numerical
information storage and processing; Visuospatial WM ⫽ WM task that involves simultaneous visual or spatial information storage and processing;
Composite WM ⫽ WM task that involves simultaneous storage and processing of information across at least two domains of verbal, numerical, and
visuospatial domains, or composite scores derived from WM tasks tapping at least two domains of verbal, numerical, and visuospatial domains; CI ⫽
confidence interval. Between-study sampling variance (␶2) for this model is .02. The italicized variable shows a stronger correlation with WM in a set of
dummy variables.

2.61; ps ⬍ .05, ␶2 ⫽ .02, and numerical WM showed a stronger was a significant relation between WM and reading compre-
relation with reading than did visuospatial WM, ␤ ⫽ .10, t ⫽ 2. hension, r ⫽ .23, 95% CI [.16, .29]. When both decoding and
63; p ⬍ .01, ␶2 ⫽ .02. To sum up, verbal WM showed stronger vocabulary were partialed out, WM was no longer related to
relations with reading than did visuospatial WM, but the con- reading comprehension at a significant level, r ⫽ .20, 95% CI
trast between these two WM domains is especially distinct [⫺.01, .40]. Taken together, WM made unique contributions to
at/beyond 4th grade. reading comprehension after controlling for either decoding or
vocabulary, but not when both decoding and vocabulary were
Unique Contributions of Working Memory to controlled for.
Reading Comprehension
We examined whether WM made unique contributions to read- Discussion
ing comprehension. There were 15 studies that provided correla-
tion tables to calculate 134 correlations on reading comprehension This meta-analysis investigated the relation between reading
and WM, partialing out only decoding; 9 studies that provided and WM, and whether domains of WM, types of reading, and
correlation tables to calculate 126 correlations on reading compre- grade level influence this relation. We found that the relation
hension and WM, partialing out only vocabulary; and 5 studies that between reading and WM was moderate (r ⫽ .29) and was
provided correlation tables to calculate 128 correlations on reading significantly influenced by domains of WM and grade level. Spe-
comprehension and WM, partialing out both decoding and vocab- cifically, before 4th grade, different domains of WM were related
ulary. to reading to a similar degree. In contrast, verbal WM showed a
Before we synthesized the partial correlations, we examined stronger relation with reading than did visuospatial WM at/beyond
whether this small pool of studies are representative of the 4th grade. WM showed a stronger relation to reading, especially
overall studies included in the present review. Results showed for comprehension and vocabulary, before 4th grade than that
that based on these studies, the correlation between WM and at/beyond 4th grade. In general, the size of the WM-reading
phonological coding, decoding, vocabulary, and reading com- relation was not influenced by types of reading. Two exceptions to
prehension is, .27 (95% CI [.22, .33]), .28 (95% CI [.23, .35]), this general finding emerged for different types of decoding mea-
.24 (95% CI [.18, .29]), and .34 (95% CI [.27, .37]), respec- sures, where WM and word recognition were more strongly related
tively, which is similar to findings based on all studies included than were WM and nonword reading, and where WM was more
in the present review. strongly related to word list reading accuracy than it was to
Next, we synthesized the partial correlations of interest. sentence/passage reading accuracy. We also found that WM made
When only decoding was partialed out, there was a significant unique contributions to reading comprehension when either decod-
relation between WM and reading comprehension, r ⫽ .17, 95% ing or vocabulary were controlled for, but not when both were
CI [.10, .24]. When only vocabulary was partialed out, there controlled for.
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Table 5
Meta-Regression of the Moderation Analysis on the Relation Between WM and Different Reading Skills

Phonological coding Decoding

Measure Beta SE t 95% CI p value Measure Beta SE t 95% CI p value

Publication type Publication Type

Peer-reviewed vs. non–peer-reviewed .07 .06 1.27 [⫺.05, .20] .22 Peer-reviewed vs. non–peer-reviewed .09 .03 2.97 [.03, .15] .004
Grade level Grade level
Before 4th grade vs at/beyond 4th grade ⫺.02 .06 ⫺.30 [⫺.15, .11] .77 Before 4th grade vs at/beyond 4th grade .005 .03 .15 [⫺.07, .06] .88
Bilingual status Bilingual status
Native English speaker vs. Bilingual ⫺.04 .09 ⫺.45 [⫺.23, .15] .66 Native English speaker vs. Bilingual ⫺.04 .04 ⫺.99 [⫺.12, .04] .32
Domains of WM Domains of WM
Verbal vs. Numerical .11 .07 1.72 [⫺.02, .26] .10 Verbal vs. Numerical ⫺.02 .03 ⫺.83 [⫺.07, .03] .41
Verbal vs. Visuospatial .06 .09 .60 [⫺.14, .25] .55 Verbal vs. Visuospatial .08 .04 1.88 [⫺.01, .17] .06
Verbal vs. Composite ⫺.02 .11 ⫺.21 [⫺.23, .19] .83 Verbal vs. Composite ⫺.04 .05 ⫺.95 [⫺.13, .05] .34
Numerical vs. Visuospatial ⫺.06 .11 ⫺.57 [⫺.28, .16] .57 Numerical vs. Visuospatial .10 .04 2.67 [.02, .18] .01
Numerical vs. Composite ⫺.14 .10 ⫺1.46 [⫺.34, .06] .16 Numerical vs. Composite ⫺.02 .04 ⫺.51 [⫺.11, .06] .61
Visuospatial vs. Composite ⫺.08 .07 ⫺1.18 [⫺.21, .06] .25 Visuospatial vs. Composite ⫺.13 .05 ⫺2.72 [⫺.22, ⫺.03] .01
Measures of phonological coding Measures of decoding
Phoneme vs. Syllable ⫺.09 .10 .90 [⫺.29, .11] .38 Real words vs. Non-words .09 .03 3.07 [.03, .14] .003
Phoneme vs. Rapid naming 0 .05 0 [⫺.11, .11] .99 Sentence/passage vs. word list ⫺.08 .04 ⫺2.26 [⫺.16, .⫺01] .03
Syllable vs. Rapid naming .09 .11 .82 [⫺.13, .31] .42

Vocabulary Comprehension
Measure Beta SE t 95% CI p-value Measure Beta SE t 95% CI p-value

Publication type Publication type

Peer-reviewed ⫺.01 .03 ⫺.18 [⫺.07, .06] .86 Peer-reviewed vs. non– .09/.14/.09 .03/.08/.03 2.78/1.78/2.75 [.02, .15]/[⫺.03, .32]/ .01/.10/.01
vs. non–peer- peer-reviewed [.03, .15]
Grade level Grade level
Before 4th grade .10 .03 2.84 [.03, .17] .01 Before 4th grade vs. .06/.01/.12 .03/.09/.04 2.05/.16/2.89 [.002, .12]/[⫺.17, .20]/ .04/.87/.004
vs at/beyond at/beyond 4th grade [.04, .20]
4th grade
Bilingual status Bilingual statusa
Native English .08 .06 1.41 [⫺.03, .20] .16 Native English speaker ⫺.11/⫺/⫺.07 .05/⫺/.05 ⫺2.39/⫺/⫺1.39 [⫺.20, ⫺.02]/⫺/ .02/⫺/.17

speaker vs. vs. Bilingual [⫺.18, .03]

Domains of WM Domains of WM
Verbal vs. .02 .03 .64 [⫺.09, .05] .52 Verbal vs. Numericalb .10/.12/.09 .03/.06/.03 3.38/1.89/3.19 [.04, .17]/[⫺.02, .06]/ .001/.08/.002
Numerical [.04, .15]
Verbal vs. .09 .05 1.86 [⫺.01, .18] .07 Verbal vs. .16/.03/.13 .03/.10/.04 4.94/.27/3.79 [.09, .22]/[⫺.19, .24]/ ⬍.001/.79/⬍.001
Visuospatial Visuospatialb [.06, .21]
Verbal vs. ⫺.004 .07 ⫺.06 [⫺.14, .14] .95 Verbal vs. Compositec .08/⫺.02/.07 .04/.08/.04 2.04/⫺.22/1.74 [.002, .15]/[⫺.20, .16]/ .04/.83/.08
Composite [⫺.01, .16]
Numerical vs. .07 .05 1.30 [⫺.17, .03] .20 Numerical vs. .05/⫺.09/.04 .04/.09/.04 1.29/⫺.04/1.03 [⫺.03, .13]/[⫺.29, .10]/ .20/.32/.30
Visuospatial Visuospatial [⫺.04, .12]
Numerical vs. ⫺.03 .07 ⫺.35 [⫺.17, .12] .73 Numerical vs. ⫺.03/⫺.14/⫺.02 .04/.05/.05 ⫺.63/⫺2.63/.42 [⫺.11, .06]/[⫺.25, .03]/ .53/.02/.68
Composite Composite [⫺.11, .07]
Visuospatial vs. ⫺.09 .08 ⫺1.21 [⫺.24, .06] .23 Visuospatial vs. ⫺.08/⫺.05/⫺.06 .04/.08/.05 ⫺1.87/⫺.55/⫺.26 [⫺.16, .01]/[⫺.22, .12]/ .06/.59/.21
Composite Composite [⫺.16, .03]
(table continues)
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Table 5 (continued)

Vocabulary Comprehension
Measure Beta SE t 95% CI p-value Measure Beta SE t 95% CI p-value

Measures of Measures of
vocabulary comprehensiond
Expressive vs. .003 .03 .11 [⫺.05, .06] .91 Listening vs. Reading/ .01/⫺.12/⫺.01 .03/.10/.06 .25/⫺1.22/⫺.45 [⫺.05, .06]/[⫺.33, .09]/ .80/.24/.66
Receptive Expository vs. [⫺.07, .05]
Comprehension vs.
Untimed Reading
Note. All moderators were entered in one model. Several models were run for thorough subgroup comparisons among moderators with more than 2 categories. For the convenience of presentation,

subgroup comparisons within Domains of WM are all listed in the table. Verbal WM ⫽ WM task that involves simultaneous verbal information storage and processing; Numerical WM ⫽ WM task
that involves simultaneous numerical information storage and processing; Visuospatial WM ⫽ WM task that involves simultaneous visual or spatial information storage and processing; Composite
WM ⫽ WM task that involves simultaneous storage and processing of information across at least two domains of verbal, numerical, and Visuospatial domains, or composite scores derived from WM
tasks tapping at least two domains of verbal, numerical, and Visuospatial domains. CI ⫽ confidence interval. The first group in each group comparison variable is the reference group (e.g., in Verbal
vs. Numerical, Numerical is the reference group in the dummy coding of Domains of WM). Between-study sampling variance (␶2) is .01⬃ .03 across models. The italicized variable shows a stronger
correlation with WM in a set of dummy variables.
Because there is no variance on ELL, it is not included in the moderation analysis for Expository vs. Narrative. b Verbal WM showed stronger relation with comprehension than numerical WM in
models that contains Listening vs. Reading or Timed Reading Comprehension vs. Untimed Reading Comprehension. c Verbal WM showed stronger relation with comprehension than numerical WM
in the models that contains Listening vs. Reading. d For the model of comprehension, because of collinearity between Listening vs. Reading and Expository vs. Narrative for the moderation analysis
of comprehension, these moderators were run in separate models. Timed Reading Comprehension vs. Untimed Reading Comprehension was separately analyzed as the moderator for reading

Table 6
Meta-Regression of the Moderation Analysis on the Relation Between Reading and WM Before 4th Grade and at/Beyond 4th Grade

Measure Beta SE t 95% CI p value

Before 4th grade

Publication type
Peer-reviewed vs. Non–peer-reviewed .02 .04 .39 [⫺.07, .11] .70
Bilingual status
Native English speaker vs. Bilingual .03 .05 .71 [⫺.06, .13] .48
Domains of WM
Verbal vs. Numerical .06 .04 1.49 [⫺.02, .14] .14
Verbal vs. Visuospatial .08 .05 1.68 [⫺.01, .17] .10
Verbal vs. Composite ⫺.08 .05 ⫺1.70 [⫺.17, .02] .10
Numerical vs. Visuospatial .02 .05 .43 [⫺.07, .11] .67
Numerical vs. Composite ⫺.14 .05 ⫺2.89 [⫺.24, ⫺.04] .005
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Visuospatial vs. Composite ⫺.16 .05 ⫺3.27 [⫺.25, ⫺.06] .002

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Types of reading
Decoding vs. Phonological coding ⫺.02 .04 ⫺.44 [⫺.09, .06] .66
Vocabulary vs. Phonological coding ⫺.01 .05 ⫺.31 [⫺.10, .08] .76
Comprehension vs. Phonological coding .01 .04 .35 [⫺.06, .09] .73
Vocabulary vs. Decoding ⫺.01 .04 ⫺.22 [⫺.09, .07] .82
Comprehension vs. Decoding .02 .03 .57 [⫺.05, .08] .57
Comprehension vs. Vocabulary .02 .03 .48 [⫺.05, .08] .64
At\Beyond 4th grade
Publication type
Peer-reviewed vs. Non–peer-reviewed .08 .03 3.07 [.03, .13] .003
Bilingual status
Native English speaker vs. Bilingual ⫺.04 .05 ⫺.95 [⫺.14, .05] .35
Domains of WM
Verbal vs. Numerical .05 .03 1.84 [⫺.004, .10] .07
Verbal vs. Visuospatial .15 .03 4.76 [.09, .21] ⬍.001
Verbal vs. Composite .09 .04 2.21 [.01, .17] .03
Numerical vs. Visuospatial .10 .04 2.64 [.03, .17] .01
Numerical vs. Composite .04 .04 .94 [⫺.05, .13] .35
Visuospatial vs. Composite ⫺.06 .04 ⫺1.40 [⫺.14, .02] .16
Types of reading
Decoding vs. Phonological coding .01 .04 .33 [⫺.06, .08] .75
Vocabulary vs. Phonological coding ⫺.04 .04 ⫺1.00 [⫺.12, .04] .32
Comprehension vs. Phonological coding ⫺.02 .03 ⫺.52 [⫺.07, .04] .60
Vocabulary vs. Decoding ⫺.04 .03 ⫺1.16 [⫺.11, .03] .25
Comprehension vs. Decoding ⫺.02 .02 ⫺.64 [⫺.06, .03] .53
Comprehension vs. Vocabulary .02 .02 .84 [⫺.02, .07] .40
Note. All moderators were entered in one model. Several models were run for thorough subgroup comparisons among moderators with more than 2
categories. For the convenience of presentation, subgroup comparisons within Domains of WM and Types of Reading are all listed in the table. Verbal
WM ⫽ WM task that involves simultaneous verbal information storage and processing; Numerical WM ⫽ WM task that involves simultaneous numerical
information storage and processing; Visuospatial WM ⫽ WM task that involves simultaneous visual or spatial information storage and processing;
Composite WM ⫽ WM task that involves simultaneous storage and processing of information across at least two domains of verbal, numerical, and
visuospatial domains, or composite scores derived from WM tasks tapping at least two domains of verbal, numerical, and visuospatial domains; CI ⫽
confidence interval. Between-study sampling variance (␶2) for this model is .02. The italicized variable shows a stronger correlation with WM in a set of
dummy variables.

Domains of Working Memory and Grade Level the size of this relation was strongest for verbal WM and
weakest for visuospatial WM (with relations for numerical WM
Whether different domains of WM are differentially related to falling in between). These findings suggest that WM has both
reading is relevant to the debate on the domain-specificity of WM domain-general and domain-specific relations with reading.
in higher cognitive functions. Based on a domain-general view of That is, the domain-general central executive component in
WM (e.g., Baddeley, 1986; Engle, 2002), WM is a domain-general WM, based on Baddeley’s domain-general WM model, may
play a role in reading performance, but the retrieval of verbal
construct, and the relation between WM and reading should not be knowledge in long-term memory and its integration with
influenced by the nature of the materials used to measure WM. In language-based information during reading specifically re-
contrast, domain-specific WM models (e.g., Ericsson & Kintsch, quires verbal WM.
1995), propose that the relation of WM to reading should show That the role of WM in reading is both domain-general and
domain-specificity because of its role in the retrieval and integra- domain-specific may also have implications for understanding the
tion of verbal information from the text and long-term declarative relation between reading and WM from a developmental perspec-
memory. tive. That is, as children are rapidly acquiring verbal knowledge/
Although we found significant relations between reading and skills (e.g., decoding and vocabulary) when they are learning to
WM regardless of domains (verbal, numerical, visuospatial), read (i.e., before 4th grade), domain-general aspects of WM may

be influential and predictive of reading. In contrast, at/beyond 4th no difference in the relations of WM to expository versus narrative
grade when typically developing readers have built up relatively text comprehension.
solid foundational lexical representations and verbal knowledge, The findings were generally consistent with some of the predic-
more domain-specific aspects of WM would be expected to play a tions derived from the dual process theory. For example, WM was
greater role in reading performance. Indeed, our findings are more strongly related to word list reading accuracy than it was to
consistent with this bidirectional hypothesis. sentence/passage reading accuracy. This may be because in sen-
This bidirectional hypothesis is also consistent with data from tence/passage reading tasks, the syntactic and semantic context
studies that suggest learning to read may help shape verbal mem- supports word recognition in a way that is not present in reading
ory. For example, Melby-Lervåg and Hulme (2010) found that lists of unrelated words. We also found that WM was more
training phonological awareness or vocabulary among 7-year-olds strongly related to word reading than to nonword reading, which is
not only improved phonological awareness and vocabulary, but in line with the idea that GPC rules can be applied to decoding
also had significant transfer effects to verbal STM. In another nonwords, but cannot be routinely applied to the decoding of real
training study, Park, Ritter, Lombardino, Wiseheart, and Sherman words especially when those lists include low frequency words and
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(2014) found that explicit phonemic awareness training improved words with irregular spelling-to-sound correspondence or both
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word reading as well as verbal STM and verbal WM. In a recent (e.g., pint). That said, because of limited information from the
review, Demoulin and Kolinsky (2016) suggest that learning to primary studies, we unable to pinpoint the word frequency and
read in English improves phonemic representations that could regularity in the real word reading measurement. Future studies
influence both spoken word recognition and verbal memory per- should further investigate whether the frequency and regularity are
formance. Learning to read might help connect the phonological, the key factors that determine the differences of WM involvement
orthographic, and semantic representations of words. To the extent in real word reading and nonword reading.
that this multiple mapping improves the quality of lexical repre- The findings that grade level influenced the relation between
sentations in long-term memory, the encoding of to-be remem- reading and WM further support some of the predictions derived
bered items should be strengthened in verbal WM and verbal from the dual process theory. Specifically, the relation between
knowledge retrieval in verbal WM should become more efficient. reading and WM was stronger before 4th grade than it was at/
All of these findings together with those from the present meta- beyond 4th grade. Moreover, WM showed stronger relations with
analysis suggest that the effects of domains of WM on reading comprehension and vocabulary before 4th grade than at/beyond
should be interpreted from a developmental perspective. 4th grade. These findings suggest that in the early grades, children
whose foundational reading skills are not yet efficient, may draw
more on WM during reading performance, particularly for com-
Types of Reading and Grade Level
prehension. In contrast, at/beyond 4th grade, individuals are more
The intrinsic cognitive load theory suggests that relatively com- efficient decoders and they have acquired stronger verbal knowl-
plex reading tasks consume more WM resources than reading tasks edge (e.g., vocabulary knowledge). During reading they can effi-
with relatively simpler structures (Chandler & Sweller, 1991). ciently retrieve words and their meanings, requiring less involve-
According to this view, complex reading skills such as compre- ment of WM.
hension are hypothesized to show stronger correlations with WM Because of the reading development sequence, we predicted that
than foundational reading skills such as phonological coding, there might be an interaction between grade level and different
decoding, and vocabulary. In contrast, the dual process theory aspects of comprehension. Specifically, we suggested that WM
suggests that the involvement of WM in a reading task is largely may be more strongly related to reading comprehension than to
determined by the efficiency with which the task can be performed listening comprehension before 4th grade because WM may be
(Evans & Stanovich, 2013). In this view, word reading and access needed for both decoding (which is not yet efficient) and compre-
to word meaning is expected to be more effortful during early hension during reading, whereas listening comprehension requires
learning, but may become more automatized with experience and, comprehension, but not decoding. At 4th grade and beyond, we
therefore, come to rely less on WM. Other reading tasks, particu- suggested that reading comprehension and listening comprehen-
larly those involving new materials, reasoning, and complex inte- sion might show comparable relations with WM because experi-
gration of information ought to require WM and have less potential enced readers would require WM primarily for the comprehension
for more automatic forms of processing. component in both reading and listening. The findings were con-
The overall pattern of findings did not completely support sistent with this hypothesis, which is in line with the dual process
predictions based on the intrinsic cognitive load theory. Specifi- theory.
cally, we found that phonological coding, decoding, vocabulary, Based on the dual process theory, we predicted that WM might
and comprehension were related to WM to a similar degree. Even be more strongly related to timed reading comprehension versus
within each reading skill, we did not find that seeming complexity untimed reading comprehension. Similar to the findings above for
of reading skills affected the relation of those skills with WM. For reading comprehension versus listening comprehension, we found
example, within phonological coding, even though phoneme ma- that WM was more strongly related to timed versus untimed
nipulation seems to have more concurrent storage and processing reading comprehension, but only for children before 4th grade.
features than rapid naming, these two phonological coding skills This may be because before 4th grade, children are still acquiring
were not differentially related to WM. Regarding vocabulary, foundational decoding and vocabulary skills and thus timed read-
although expressive vocabulary is more difficult than receptive ing comprehension places greater cognitive load on the reading
vocabulary, they were related to WM to a similar degree. With system for these younger children than does untimed reading
respect to the relation between comprehension and WM, we found comprehension.

We also hypothesized that before 4th grade, narrative text com- some studies, via comprehension strategies (e.g., Ahmed et al.,
prehension and expository text comprehension would show com- 2016; Cromley & Azevedo, 2007; Cromley, Snyder-Hogan, &
parable relations with WM, because individuals may find both Luciw-Dubas, 2010). Moreover, Fuchs et al. (2015) investigated
types of texts challenging due to limited foundational reading whether WM combined with reading skills (decoding and lan-
skills (i.e., decoding and vocabulary). We predicted that WM guage comprehension) training produce synergistic effects on
would be more strongly related to expository text comprehension reading comprehension compared to reading skills training only
versus narrative comprehension at/beyond 4th grade. This predic- among young children. Their results showed that compared with
tion is based on the idea that although older readers have largely controls, the hybrid training group significantly improved in both
mastered decoding and have acquired vocabulary knowledge that WM and reading comprehension, and the skill-based training
facilitates narrative comprehension, expository texts contain unfa- group significantly improved in reading comprehension, but not
miliar content-specific words (e.g., academic vocabulary) and have WM. However, there was no difference between the hybrid train-
less familiar text structures. Tasks that are novel or less familiar ing group and the skill training only group on reading comprehen-
are thought to require more effortful processing, which requires sion. All these findings, together with ours, may suggest that WM
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

more WM. Although we did not have sufficient data points (8 data is important for reading comprehension, but WM may contribute
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

points) before 4th grade to test all of these predictions derived to reading comprehension indirectly through decoding and lan-
from the dual process theory, we found that narrative text com- guage skills (e.g., vocabulary, inferencing, and comprehension
prehension and expository text showed comparable relations with strategies). Future studies may further test this hypothesis through
WM at/beyond 4th grade, which is inconsistent with the predic- the use of longitudinal designs that investigate developmental
tion. This finding may make sense if one considers studies that associations between WM, decoding and reading comprehension
have investigated the features of narrative and expository texts at (e.g., Kim, 2016) starting in the preschool (i.e., prereading) years.
different grade levels. Narrative texts in the later grades often
increase difficulty by increasing passage length and sentence com-
Limitations and Implications for Future Studies
plexity. Moreover, text complexity is also determined by cohesion
(e.g., explicit referential overlap and causal relationships, operat- The conclusions from this meta-analysis were derived from the
ing between sentences, groups of sentences, paragraphs, and chap- combined results of 197 studies conducted among more than
ters; Graesser, McNamara, & Louwerse, 2003; Kintsch, 1998) and 29,000 individuals. Despite the scale of our literature search and
compared with expository texts, narrative texts often have low the final sample size for our study, we note the following limita-
cohesion (McNamara et al., 2012). Therefore, it may be that tions. First, we focused predominantly on samples that included
specific, but different features of narrative and expository texts at typically developing participants. In our literature review, we
the higher grade levels require that readers to draw on WM to a found and coded 67 studies that included individuals with disabil-
similar extent across the two types of text. ities. However, the disabilities in these studies are rather hetero-
geneous including learning disabilities, reading disabilities, intel-
Working Memory’s Unique Contributions to lectual disabilities, Autism, Schizophrenia, Williams Syndrome,
hearing impairment, Parkinson’s disease, and other disorders. Be-
Reading Comprehension
cause different types of disabilities may affect WM to a different
Another contribution of the present review is that we investi- degree (Alloway, Gathercole, Kirkwood, & Elliott, 2009; Koshino
gated WM’s unique contributions to reading comprehension. Re- et al., 2005; Vicari, Carlesimo, & Caltagirone, 1995), we decided
sults showed that when only decoding or only vocabulary was not to analyze the data by disability group.
controlled for, there was a significant, though small relation be- In particular, we made the decision not to include individuals
tween WM and reading comprehension. However, when both with reading disabilities in the analysis because we were con-
decoding and vocabulary were controlled for, the relation between cerned that their inclusion might lead to less clarity in determining
WM and reading comprehension failed to reach significance. the relation between reading and WM even disaggregating data for
These findings suggest the relation of WM to reading comprehen- this subgroup. Specifically, reading disability groups in primary
sion involves both decoding and vocabulary, which is in line with studies can be quite heterogeneous, sometimes consisting of indi-
the Simple View of Reading (SVR) that claims that the product of viduals with comorbid reading and mathematics disabilities
decoding and oral language (often indexed by vocabulary) ac- (Cirino, Fuchs, Elias, Powell, & Schumacher, 2015; Peng &
counts for reading comprehension (e.g., Adlof et al., 2006). These Fuchs, 2016), individuals with dyslexia (Hulme & Snowling,
findings, however, are not consistent with models of reading 2009; Snowling, 2000), and individuals with specific comprehen-
comprehension that suggest that other comprehension-related lin- sion deficits (e.g., Cain & Oakhill, 2006; Lervåg & Aukrust,
guistic processes (e.g., strategies, comprehension monitoring and 2010). Different subgroups of individuals with reading disabilities
inference-making), in addition to decoding and vocabulary, require may have different cognitive or skill deficit profiles that could
WM (Perfetti, 2007). influence the relation of WM and reading. It is suggested that
Thus, our findings may suggest either other linguistic processes children with comorbid reading and mathematics disabilities tend
in reading comprehension do not involve WM (which is unlikely), to show more comprehensive and severe cognitive and reading
or WM influences other linguistic processes via decoding and deficits (e.g., Cirino et al., 2015; Peng & Fuchs, 2016), dyslexia is
vocabulary. Research using the Direct and Inferential Mediation closely related to phonological coding and decoding deficits (e.g.,
(DIME) Model has shown that vocabulary and world knowledge Snowling, 2000), and specific comprehension deficits are related
have large direct effects on reading comprehension, but also indi- to difficulties in vocabulary and oral language as well as in
rect effects on reading comprehension, via inferencing and, in executive functions (e.g., Cain & Oakhill, 2006; Cutting et al.,

2013; De Beni & Palladino, 2000). In the studies we reviewed that & Willis, 1999). Thus, for studies that want to strictly control
included reading disabilities, few provided detailed information for timing aspects of WM assessment, especially among young
about whether their samples had comorbid reading and mathemat- children, preload WM span tasks may be a good candidate.
ics disabilities, dyslexia, or specific comprehension deficits. Thus, Second, complex span tasks usually use the span (storage) as
we determined that the inclusion of individuals with reading dis- the indicator of WM capacity, which could be inflated by WM
abilities in this meta-analysis would not facilitate fine-grained tasks with fewer time constraints as individuals will allot more
conclusions on the relation between reading and WM. Future time/attention resources to rehearsing the to-be-remembered
studies are needed to specifically investigate the relation between items. The combination of processing efficiency and storage
reading and WM among specific reading disability groups. may better reflect the WM capacity in complex span tasks (e.g.,
A second limitation is that we focused on reading in English. Bayliss, Jarrold, Gunn, & Baddeley, 2003; Winke, 2005).
Whether the findings can be generalized to reading in other lan- Another limitation of the present review is that we were unable
guages warrants further investigations. For example, different al- to address the effect of strategy use during WM tasks on the
phabetic languages have varying orthographic depth, which may relation between WM and reading. There are substantial individual
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

affect the relation between reading and WM. According to the differences in strategy use during WM tasks (Morrison, Rosen-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

orthographic depth hypothesis (Frost & Katz, 1992), in languages baum, Fair, & Chien, 2016; Peng & Fuchs, 2017), and strategy use
with shallow orthographies where every word can be decoded with is often considered a primary driver of the predictive utility of WM
GPC rules, beginning readers can just apply GPC rules to reading performance (e.g., McNamara & Scott, 2001; Turley-Ames &
any word. In contrast, in deep orthographies where there are Whitfield, 2003). The dominant view from previous research is
regular and irregular words, beginning readers need to apply GPC that strategy use in WM tasks introduces “noise” that weakens the
rules as well as other skills such as analogies and morphological relation between WM and performance on other tasks, and so
knowledge to reading words. Therefore, for languages with rela- restricting strategy use in WM tasks would strengthen the relation
tively deep orthographies such as English, beginning readers may between WM and performance on other tasks (e.g., Bailey, Dun-
have more difficulty decoding words, thus requiring more WM in losky, & Kane, 2008; Dunlosky & Kane, 2007; Friedman &
early reading. In contrast, for languages with relatively shallow Miyake, 2004; St Clair-Thompson, 2007; Turley-Ames & Whit-
orthographies such as Finnish, beginning readers may have fewer field, 2003).
problems decoding words, thus relying on WM less in early However, recent research on specific strategy use in WM tasks
reading performance. suggests that strategy use efficiency during WM tasks may actu-
Written systems in different languages may also affect the ally reflect WM capacity and this is what links WM to other
relation between reading and WM. Compared to reading in alpha- cognitive tasks (e.g., Olesen, Westerberg, & Klingberg, 2004;
betic languages, reading in logographic languages may require Robison & Unsworth, 2017; Unsworth & Spillers, 2010). More
WM resources differently. For example, Chinese is one logo- specifically, two hypotheses have been proposed to explain how a
graphic language with characters as the basic reading unit. Com- specific strategy can link WM and other cognitive tasks. The
pared with words in English, characters are more visually com- strategy mediation hypothesis claims that the relation between
plex. Moreover, it is common to see characters with different WM and cognitive tasks is “fully” mediated by effective strategies
meanings that sound the same and look alike (Peng, Tao, & Li, used in the cognitive tasks (Gonthier & Thomassin, 2015). That is,
2013). Thus, reading Chinese characters relies heavily on seman- strategy use in a cognitive task reflects WM capacity and using a
tics and individuals must memorize a large number of characters to specific effective strategy in a cognitive task mediates the relation
build a strong character-semantic route for fluent reading (Shu, between WM and performance on that task. In contrast, the strat-
McBride-Chang, Wu, & Liu, 2006). These characteristics of the egy affordance hypothesis claims that the relation between WM
Chinese written system may make reading in Chinese more WM and performance of other tasks is affected by the similarity of
taxing and draw on different domains of WM (e.g., visuospatial strategy used in both WM tasks and other tasks (Bailey et al.,
WM) at different reading stages (e.g., Peng et al., 2013; Tan et al., 2008). That is, if the strategies used to improve WM performance
2001). To sum up, future research is needed to systematically also can be used to improve performance on other tasks, then using
investigate whether orthographic depth within alphabetic lan- these strategies in WM tasks is likely to improve the relation
guages and different language written systems affect the relation between WM and performance on other tasks (Peng & Fuchs,
between reading and WM. 2017). That said, only a few studies directly tested the two hy-
A third limitation is that we were unable to systematically potheses. More studies are needed to investigate different strate-
study how time constraints in the measurement of WM might gies use in WM and reading tasks as to better understand which
affect the relation between WM and reading. This is because the strategies influence the relation between reading and WM (Mc-
majority of studies did not report time constraints on their WM Cabe, Redick, & Engle, 2016).
tasks and there was large variation in the time constraints on
WM assessment across studies when such timing was reported.
Implications for Theory and Practice
That being said, we suggest two ways to help address the
time-delimited nature of WM tasks in future studies. First, we This study is the first meta-analysis that systematically and
found that preload WM span tasks (e.g., backward digit recall) comprehensively investigated the relation between reading and
have relatively consistent time constraints across studies, are WM and the moderators of that relation. Findings of this study
used across a wide age range (Pickering & Gathercole, 2001), have implications for theories of WM and reading as well as for
and require less task difficulty adjustment for different popu- reading instruction and WM training. Specifically, we applied
lations compared to complex span tasks (e.g., Adams, Bourke, three cognitive theories (i.e., domain-specificity theory/debate of

WM, intrinsic cognitive load theory, dual process theory) to de- effective for younger individuals (e.g., Peng & Miller, 2016; Wass,
termine candidates for variables that might affect the relation Scerif, & Johnson, 2012).
between reading and WM (e.g., domains of WM, types of reading, However, it is important to note that although WM is correlated
and grade level). In contrast to predictions based on the intrinsic with reading, the strength of these correlations is moderate, rang-
cognitive load theory, the seeming complexity of reading tasks was ing from .22 to .37. Translating these correlations into variances,
not the critical factor in determining the size of the relation WM accounts for relatively low amounts of variance in reading
between WM and reading. Several of the findings align with the performance, ranging from 5% to 14% with an average around 9%.
dual process theory, suggesting that development (i.e., reading These numbers indicate that even if WM training can produce
experience) plays an important role in the relation between reading transfer effects on reading performance, the transfer effects would
and WM. The development also affects the domain-specific nature likely be small, suggesting that training WM alone may be insuf-
of the relation of WM to reading. ficient for improving reading performance (Jacob & Parkinson,
By integrating the results of the meta-analysis in the context of 2015). Given our findings that verbal WM and reading may
the dual process theory, debates about domain-specificity of WM, become more important to each other in the process of reading
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

and empirical findings that learning to read may help shape verbal development, we propose that it may be best to choose verbal WM
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

memory (Demoulin & Kolinsky, 2016), we tentatively propose a tasks as the WM training tasks and combine this training with
“Working Memory-Reading Development” model. Based on this reading instruction to maximize the WM training effects on read-
model, WM, especially the domain-general central executive com- ing. That said, the effectiveness of hybrid interventions that com-
ponent (Baddeley, 1986), should be heavily involved in reading in bine WM and skills specific (i.e., reading) instruction has yet to be
the early stages of reading. As reading experience accumulates, determined.
lexical and verbal knowledge is consolidated in long-term mem-
ory, and readers come to rely more on direct retrieval of lexical/ Conclusion
verbal knowledge from long-term memory to perform a variety of
In summary, the current meta-analysis investigated the relation
reading tasks. As children are developing foundational reading
between reading and WM and the main findings provide new
skills and attempting to read for understanding, WM resources
information for the field as follows: (a) WM showed moderate
may be allocated to integrate verbal knowledge and procedures to
relations with reading, and, in contrast to several hypotheses about
meet the demands of reading tasks, strengthening verbal WM and
the relations of WM to reading, these relations were as strong for
the impact of verbal WM on reading in the process. In this model,
more foundational reading skills as they were for comprehension;
the relation between reading and WM varies as a function of
(b) after controlling for both decoding and general language (vo-
development: WM primarily exerts an impact on reading early on,
cabulary), WM was no longer related to reading comprehension,
with reading also shaping the further development of verbal WM
which is generally consistent with the Simple View of Reading; (c)
in particular.
the relation of WM to reading fit a domain-general account early
Our findings also have implications for reading instruction.
in development, but became more domain-specific with greater
Although WM did not contribute to reading comprehension after reading experience; and (d) there were several other grade-related
controlling for both decoding and vocabulary, it should be noted moderation in the relation of reading and WM, including a stronger
that WM still makes made unique contributions to reading com- relation of WM to reading comprehension versus listening com-
prehension after controlling for only decoding or only vocabulary. prehension in younger versus older readers. In general, these
Moreover, as mentioned earlier, vocabulary and world knowledge grade-related findings suggest that the relation between reading
have large direct effects on reading comprehension, but also indi- and WM needs to be considered within a developmental context.
rect effects on reading comprehension, via inferencing and com-
prehension strategies (e.g., Ahmed et al., 2016; Cromley &
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