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A. Present Continuous Tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu kegiatan yang berlangsung pada saat pembicaraan
berlangsung pada waktu sekarang (now).

Simple Past Tense Present Continuous Simple Future Tense

He slept well last night He is sleeping now He will sleep at hotel tonight

Past Now Future

Pengertian :
a. He slept well last night = kegiatan tidurnya sudah dilaksanakan pada malam yang lalu
b. He is sleeping now = (pada saat bicara) kegiatan tidurnya sedang berlangsung
c. He will sleep tonight = tidurnya belum dilaksanakan, baru rencana ‘dia akan tidur di hotel nanti malam’
Keterangan waktu yang selalu digunakan adalah “now”
Pola Kalimat
(+) Subject + be-1 + Verb-ing + Object + Adverb of Place + Adverb of Time
(-) Subject + be-1+ not + Verb-ing + Object + Adverb of Place + Adverb of Time
(?) Be-1 + Subject + Verb-ing + Object + Adverb of Place + Adverb of Time?

Berikut ini adalah beberapa kata kerja yang tidak biasa dipakai dalam Present Continuous Tense, namun terdapat kekecualian :
Want like belong suppose remember
Know need love*) see see
Realise mean forget prefer hate
Hear believe understand seem have (bila artinya “memiliki”)
Think(bila artinya “percaya”)

1. I am (I’m) living with my friends until I can find a flat
2. That machine is not working
3. She is still loving you
4. Please, don’t make some noise, “I’m studying”
5. Let’s go now. It isn’t raining anymore”
6. Is your father sleeping now?
7. “Where is Margaret?” ‘She is taking a bath’

B. Present Continuous Tense dengan pengertian suatu kegiatan yang akan dilakukan pada saat yang akan datang atau
future activity. Pola kalimatnya adalah sama.

1. Bill : What are you doing tonight?
Jack : I am (I’m) going to the theatre tonight (not ‘I go’)

2. Ted : Are you playing football tomorrow?

John : Yes, but Tom is not playing. He is sick.


A. Choose the right answer by crossing A, B, C, or D, and give your reasons.

1. My sister and I _______________ television now

A. are watching B. watching C. is watching D. watches

2. _______________ she waiting for you ?

A. is B. do C. does D. did

3. They are _______________ with the fishermen now

A. talks B. to talk C. talking D. talk

4. My father _______________ not working in the office now

A. do B. does C. did D. is

5. _______________ the nurses looking after the patients now ?

A. are B. is C. do D. does

6. I _______________ not washing my car now

A. was B. is C. am D. do

7. She is _______________ to the radio

A. listening B. listen C. to listen D. listened

8. Are you _______________ at me?

A. to looking B. look C. looking D. looked

9. The porters are _______________ the goods now

A. loaded B. loading C. load D. to load

10. The children are _______________ ‘Hide and Seek’

A. plays B. playing C. to play D. play

11. My uncle and my aunt _______________ visiting my house

A. are B. were C. do D. does

12. The beggar is always _______________ on the floor of the building now
A. sitting B. sit C. sits D. sat

13. The killer is _______________ his gun to the pickpocket

A. appoint B. appointing C. appointed D. to appoint

14. The manager is _______________ the store now

A. inspecting B. inspect C. to inspect D. inspects

15. The doctor is _______________ the patients in the hospital

A. checked B. check C. checking D. to check

B. Change the sentences below into the right ones.

1. Shinta is shopping in the market with her mother now

Example: (-) Shinta is not shopping in the market with her mother now

2. They are waiting for me in the library

(?) ___________________________________________________________

3. The students are working the test now

(-) ___________________________________________________________

4. Are they watching television now?

(+) ___________________________________________________________

5. She is not writing the letters now

(?) ___________________________________________________________

6. Is your teacher explaining the lesson clearly?

(+) ___________________________________________________________

7. We are not painting the classroom

(?) ___________________________________________________________

8. The students are playing basketball this time

(?) ___________________________________________________________
9. My father is reading the newspaper at the moment

(-) ___________________________________________________________

10. My sister and I are sweeping the floor

(-) ___________________________________________________________

11. The manager is signing the documents

(?) ___________________________________________________________


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