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Make Your Days Memorable With

A Trip to India
India is one of the most pursued and assorted countries in the world. It is one of the major
tourist destinations in the world tourism map with innumerable tour options. It attracts
tourists from all over the world with its amiable tour options. Incredible India is a name given
to this beautiful country and it is the only country where you can find mixed culture and
several religions. India promises the tourists to take them to the diverse lands of the nation
state and a number of awesome attractions such as Monuments, Hill Stations, Temples,
Beaches, Wildlife Sanctuaries Parks and many others.

These historical monuments are built to venerate some event or person. The architectural
splendour of ancient edifices allures the visitors from every corner of the world. The walls of
historical buildings are adorned with intricate work and beautiful carvings. Cultural entourage
shines in celebrations of vibrant fairs and festivals. You can plan a pilgrimage tour to
ancient temples, Mosques and churches, which are associated with the lives of presiding

There are also plenty of beaches available in India which you can enjoy with the assistance of
tour operators in India. Beaches in Goa and Kerala are one of the best tourist attractions.

In adventure Indian vacation package, travellers can explore the outlandish voyage
destinations of India. They can indulge in several breath-taking adventure activities like
trekking, mountaineering, scuba diving and many more. Travel deep inside the wildlife
sanctuaries and national parks of India by undertaking jeep or elephant safari to spot
numerous fauna species.

Visit the land of Buddhist - Ladakh. The mountain town vaunts several beautiful monasteries,
which are worth admiring. Colourful and rich culture of Buddhist is on display during the
celebrations of Ladakh fairs and festivals.

While exploring different parts of India, you will also come to know how rich and diverse
Indian cuisine is. They are classified into different categories: mueslis, pulses, vegetables,
fruits, seasonings, milk products, animal meats, and alcoholic beverages. Location and
religion plays a major role in the food habits of Indians.

Spices are the heart and soul of Indian cooking. The spices used in Indian cooking are dried
seeds, berries, roots, flowers, leaves, and chillies. These may be dried, seeds, roasted, ground
or put into hot oil to expel their flavours. They may be fresh also, as per the requirements and
use. A combination of spices is called masala. All Indian food is served with either rice or
bread, or a combination of two.
Lamb marinated in yogurt, mutton simmered in milk and scented with nutmeg, and rich meat
curries are one of the popular dishes in Kashmir Kashmiri foods has subtle blend of spices,
richness and pungency.

Bhajra Khichadi  is one of the popular millet porridge in Rajasthan, is often eaten with pure
ghee. Rajasthan’s food has yielded dishes that pay homage to their ancestors like
spiced chutneys and curries.

Apart from all India vacation packages have many surprises for the travellers, which offer
them lifetime memories to be cherished. Opting for tour planners is the best idea for the
tourists to enjoy all the incredible beaches, Monuments, Hill Stations, Temples, Wildlife
Sanctuaries Parks and one should not forget “Indian Cuisine”.

India is one of the famous tourist attractions in the world for its mixed culture and different
religion with innumerable tour options. It promises the tourists to take them to the diverse
lands of the countries and a number of awesome attractions such as Monuments, Hill
Stations, Temples, Beaches, Wildlife Sanctuaries Parks and many others. One can also enjoy
the different types of Indian cuisine and also variety of food as it differs from state to state.

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