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NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times


Name of Learner: Grade Level: 9

Section: Date:


Draft Elevations and Sections

Background Information for Learners

An architectural elevation is a view of a building showing its height dimension. When

elevations show the exterior of a residential unit, they are simply called elevations. Interior

elevations show the inside of a building. They are necessary in as much as they show the

height of the building and its appearance on each side. Normally, the four elevations are

sufficient to describe the appearance of the residential building.

Elevation drawings are orthographic drawings. They show the exterior of a building.

It is a view of a building seen from one side, a flat representation of one façade.

Normally, the design of the floor plan precedes the designs of the elevation, because

both have a continual relationship in the entire design process. Provision is possible in the

design of elevations, even those designed from the same floor plan.

As a designer, you should keep in mind that only horizontal distances can be

established on the floor plan, while that of the vertical distances such as height of doors,

windows and roofs must be shown on the elevation.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Standard height for vertical clearances of roof, ceiling, windows, and doors must be

observed. The appearance of the outside and functioning of heights as well as the internal

functioning of the building must be considered.



NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times



Section drawings are prepared to show the interior details of a structure. They are

needed to guide the construction. Interior elevation drawings give the builders an idea on

how to construct and install special features of a home. These features include closets,

cabinets, bathtubs and other special details.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Techniques for preparing interior elevation drawings are the same as for exterior

elevations. Use a floor plan to locate key vertical lines after horizontal dimensions have been




NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Learning Competency with code

LO7. Draft elevations and sections (TLE_ICTTD9AL-IIg-i-7)

7.1. Draw vertical heights from grade line according to architectural drafting


7.2. Project offsets from right, left, and rear sides of floor plan according architectural

drafting standards.

7.3. Draw roof eaves and pitch on all elevations and sections according to

architectural drafting standards.

7.4. Project doors and windows in all elevations and sections

7.5. Project cross and longitudinal section views from the floor plan plans and


7.6. Indicate various material symbols and specifications in all elevations and



Activities are properly arranged in this learning activity sheet to help you work at your own

pace. This also covers the knowledge, skills and proper attitude you need in Technical

Drafting. The learning activity page gives the sequence of learning task. This page serves as

the road map in achieving the desired learning competency. You can ask for the assistance of

your parents, siblings and other persons who are knowledgeable with the given activities at

home. There are included references which can help you in accomplishing this activity sheet.

If there are some clarifications with regards to this activity you may send a message or call

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

your teacher. After accomplishing all the activities, refer to the answer key to evaluate your

progress. Enjoy the activity. Please bring this activity sheet when coming to school.

Activity 1:

Directions: Filling the Blank. Fill in the blanks with the correct term that will complete

each sentence. Write your answers in a separate sheet.

1. The are the external views of the building.

2. The front view of the building is always referred to as the .

3. The other elevations are named according to their in relation to the


4. The lower portion of a roof which extends beyond the wall is called .

5. The is the term applied to the amount of roof slope.

6. Sections are type of drawings which shows the of a building or


7. A is a heavy line which shows the exact location where the object

is cut.

8. A is a type of section where the cutting plane is drawn


9. A is a type of section where the cutting plane is drawn vertically.

10. The is the plan where the cutting plane line is drawn.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Activity 2:

Directions: Using the given floor plan, draft Elevations (Front, Rear, Left side, and Right

side). Follow the standard operating procedure properly. Use oslo or drawing paper.

1. Given: A Scaled floor plan.

2. Lay-out the elevation very lightly using a sharp, hard pencil. Using a divider or a scale,

transfer horizontal dimensions from the floor plan. A scale of 1: 100 or 1:50 meter is used

and indicated in the title block or near the drawing. If the plan and section are drawn to the

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

same scale as the required elevation, the floor plan may be taped in position and dimension

projected directly using triangle and T-square.

Windows and door are located horizontally by projecting from the plan. They are located

vertically by projecting from the window and door details or simply by aligning the top of

the window with the top of the door.

3. Locate the vertical distance of ceiling from floor line, ridge to ceiling line and natural

ground to finished ground line. Indicate also the height of doors and windows.

4. Indicate the thickness of walls, fascia board and other materials seen on elevation and

darken the lines to highlight them.

5. Draw the elevation details and other architectural materials.

The elevation details to be included will vary depending on the style of the house. In

the case of a residence, the following details are added:

5.1 roof fascia

5.2 window representation

5.3 grade lines

5.4 material representation

5.5 finishing materials, door and windows, moldings, rain gutter

6. Indicate the dimension of the vertical distance from the natural ground line to the floor

line and the floor line ceiling, and ceiling line to ridge line.

Added elevation dimensions and notes are:

6.1 height of roof

6.2 height of other features such as masonry wall

6.3 height of wall

6.4 roof slope indication

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

6.5 window schedule

6.6 title and notes indicating materials

Note: Your output will be evaluated according to the following criteria below. Your teacher

will determine the appropriate percentages across criteria.

Activity 3:

Directions: To enhance your skills in drawing sectional views, use the given floor plan

below. You are required to draw the following sections: the cross or traverse section and the

longitudinal section. Do it in a separate sheet of oslo or drawing paper. Ask the assistance of

your teacher if you meet some difficulty. Trust yourself… you can do it!

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

1. From the given plan, indicate the path of the imaginary cutting plane along the floor plan.

Indicate the position of the line of sight or viewing by means of arrow heads (Section "A-A").

2. Transfer horizontal dimension from the floor plan to the section using a metric scale with

appropriate scale ratio.

3. Indicate the vertical dimensions from the ground line to the floor line, the ceiling line and

the ridge line using the standard vertical dimension as provided in the low cost housing

regulations. The standard dimensions are 2.80 m. from the floor line to ceiling line and 1.20

m. to 1.80 m. from ceiling line to the top of the ridge.

4. Draw the outline of the building using the measurements as marked on the paper.

5. Darken the outline and draw section lines on portions of the building that come in

contact with the cutting plane.

6. Finalize the drawing by labeling it.

7. Repeat the same procedure for the cross section drawing. Change the position of the

cutting-plane line (use Section "B-B"). Use the same floor plan below.

Note: Your output will be evaluated according to the following criteria below. Your teacher

will determine the appropriate percentages across criteria.

Rubrics for Scoring:

Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point

Line Technique Application of (all) At least 3-5 lines More than 5 lines
various lines was were used not were used not
used according to according to according to
standards standards standards
Accuracy All measurements At least 3-5 More than 5
and notations measurements and measurements and
needed were notations needed notations needed
accurately done were inaccurately were inaccurately
done done

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Layout/Proportion All drawings were Layout was good but More than 2
drawn 1-2 drawing were drawings were
proportionately out of proportion drawn out of
and was layout proportion and
properly improperly layout
Neatness Finished output Erasures/smudges Finished output has
was neatly done, are observable on so many erasures/
no erasures nor any the finished output smudges present
Time Management Finish the task Finish the task on Unable to finish the
ahead of the given the given time/date task on the given
time/date time/date


Points earned Numerical Rating Descriptive Rating

21 - 25 91 - 100 Outstanding
16 - 20 86 - 90 Very Good
11- 15 81 - 85 Good
6 - 10 76 - 80 Fair
1 - 5 71 - 75 Needs Improvement
Teacher’s Comments:

Teacher’s Signature: _____________________ Date: _____________


Direction: Write your reflection and/or insights about the activities you’ve accomplished.


Books and Articles and Printed Materials:

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

1. Most Essential Learning Competencies Matrix (K to 12 Curriculum) and K to 12

Basic Education Curriculum Guide in Technical Drafting

2. Drafting Architectural Layout and Details Learning Module and Competency-Based

Learning Material

Prepared by:



NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Answer Keys:

Activity 1:

1. Elevations 6. Interior or inside

2. Front Elevation 7. Cutting plane line

3. Position 8. Cross section

4. Eave 9. Longitudinal section

5. Pitch 10. Floor plan

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

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