Solid State Physics / Optical Properties: Phys 446

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Solid State Physics

Lecture 5
Phys 446: Last week:
(Ch. 3)
• Phonons
Solid State Physics / Optical
Properties • Today:
Einstein and Debye models for thermal capacity
Lattice vibrations: Thermal conductivity
Thermal, acoustic, and optical properties HW2 discussion

Fall 2007

Lecture 5 Andrei Sirenko, NJIT 1 2

Material to be included in the test • Factors affecting the diffraction amplitude:

Oct. 12th 2007 Atomic scattering factor (form factor): f a = ∫ n(r )e i∆k ⋅rl d 3 r
reflects distribution of electronic cloud.
• Crystalline structures. In case of spherical distribution
sin (∆k ⋅ r )
7 crystal systems and 14 Bravais lattices f a = ∫ 4πr 2 n(r ) dr
n ∆k ⋅ r
• Crystallographic directions d hkl = 12

⎛h l ⎞ • Structure factor F = ∑ f aj e
and Miller indices
k2 2 2πi ( hu j + kv j + lw j )
⎜⎜ 2 + 2 + 2 ⎟⎟
⎝a b c ⎠ j

• Definition of reciprocal lattice vectors: • Elastic stiffness and compliance. Strain and stress: definitions and
relation between them in a linear regime (Hooke's law):

σ ij = ∑ Cijkl ε kl ε ij = ∑ Sijklσ kl
• What is Brillouin zone kl kl

• Elastic wave equation: ∂ u Ceff ∂ u x

2 2 Ceff
• Bragg formula: 2d·sinθ = mλ ; ∆k = G = sound velocity v =
∂t 2 ρ ∂x 2
3 4
• Lattice vibrations: acoustic and optical branches Summary of the Last Lecture
In three-dimensional lattice with s atoms per unit cell there are ™ Elastic properties – crystal is considered as continuous anisotropic
3s phonon branches: 3 acoustic, 3s - 3 optical medium
• Phonon - the quantum of lattice vibration. ™ Elastic stiffness and compliance tensors relate the strain and the
Energy ħω; momentum ħq stress in a linear region (small displacements, harmonic potential)

• Concept of the phonon density of states Hooke's law: σ ij = ∑ Cijkl ε kl ε ij = ∑ Sijklσ kl

• Einstein and Debye models for lattice heat capacity. kl kl
™ Elastic waves ∂ 2u Ceff ∂ 2u x sound velocity Ceff
Debye temperature = v=
∂t 2 ρ ∂x 2 ρ
Low and high temperatures limits of Debye and Einstein models ™ Model of one-dimensional lattice: linear chain of atoms

• Formula for thermal conductivity 1

K = Cvl
™ More than one atom in a unit cell – acoustic and optical branches
3 ™ All crystal vibrational waves can be described by wave vectors
• Be able to obtain scattering wave vector or frequency from within the first Brillouin zone in reciprocal space
geometry and data for incident beam (x-rays, neutrons or light) What do we need? 3D case consideration
5 6
Phonons. Density of states

Three-dimensional lattice
In simplest 1D case with only nearest-neighbor interactions we had
equation of motion solution
Vibrations in three-dimensional lattice. ∂ 2u
M 2 = Fn = C (un +1 − un ) + C (un −1 − un ) u ( x, t ) = Aei ( qxn −ωt )
Phonons ∂t
In general 3D case the equations of motion are:
Phonon Density of states
∂ 2 u nα
Specific heat Mα = ∑ Fnmαβ
∂t 2 m,β

N unit cells, s atoms in each →

(Ch. 3.3-3.9)
3N’s equations
Fortunately, have 3D periodicity ⇒
Forces depend only on difference m-n
Write displacements as
unαi ( x, t ) = uαi (q)ei (q⋅rn −ωt )
7 Mα 8
substitute into equation of motion, get Phonons
• Quantum mechanics: energy levels of the harmonic oscillator are quantized
− ω 2uαi (q) − ∑∑ Fnmαiβj e iq⋅( rm −rn )u βj (q) = 0 • Similarly the energy levels of lattice vibrations are quantized.
β,j mM M
 α β
• The quantum of vibration is called a phonon
Dαβij ( q ) - dynamical matrix (in analogy with the photon - the quantum of the electromagnetic wave)
Allowed energy levels of the harmonic oscillator:
− ω 2uαi (q) + ∑ Dαβij (q)u βj (q) = 0 where n is the quantum number
β,j phonon dispersion
curves in Ge A normal vibration mode of frequency ω is given by u = Aei ( q⋅r −ωt )
⇒ {
Det Dαβij (q) − ω 2 1 = 0} mode is occupied by n phonons of energy ħω; momentum p = ħq

- dispersion relation Number of phonons is given by : 1

3s solutions – dispersion branches (T – temperature) n(ω , T ) =
e =ω kT − 1
3 acoustic, 3s - 3 optical
The total vibrational energy of the crystal is the sum of the energies of the
direction of u determines polarization
individual phonons:
(longitudinal, transverse or mixed) (p denotes particular
9 10
Can be degenerate because of symmetry phonon branch)

11 12
Density of states
Consider 1D longitudinal waves. Atomic displacements are given by:
u = Aeiqx
Boundary conditions: external constraints applied to the ends
Periodic boundary condition:
Then eiqL = 1 ⇒ condition on the admissible values of q:

q= n where n = 0 , ± 1, ± 2 , ...
regularly spaced points, spacing 2π/L

Number of modes in the L
interval dq in q-space : 2π
Number of modes in the frequency
range (ω, ω + dω): L dq q
D(ω )dω = dq

D(ω) - density of states
13 14
determined by dispersion ω = ω(q)

Density of states in 3D case

Few notes:
Now have
iq y L • Equation we obtained is valid only for an isotropic solid,
Periodic boundary condition: e iq x L = e = e iq z L = 1 (vibrational frequency does not depend on the direction of q)

⇒ l, m, n - integers • We have associated a single mode with each value of q.

This is not quite true for the 3D case: for each q there are 3 different
modes, one longitudinal and two transverse.
Plot these values in a q-space,
obtain a 3D cubic mesh • In the case of lattice with basis the number of modes is 3s,
number of modes in the spherical where s is the number of non-equivalent atoms.
shell between the radii q and q + dq: They have different dispersion relations. This should be taken into
account by index p =1…3s in the density of states.

V = L3 – volume of the sample

⇒ Density of states 15 16
Lattice specific heat (heat capacity) Debye model
dQ • assumes that the acoustic modes give the dominant contribution
Defined as (per mole) C = If constant volume V
dT to the heat capacity
The total energy of the phonons at temperature T in a crystal: • Within the Debye approximation the velocity of sound is taken a
constant independent of polarization (as in a classical elastic
E = ∑ nqp =ω p (q) = 0 (the zero-point energy is chosen as the
q, p
origin of the energy).
The dispersion relation: ω = vq, v is the velocity of sound.
n = - Planck distribution Then
In this approximation the density of states is given by:
e =ω kT − 1
Vq 2 1 Vq 2 1 Vω 2
replace the summation over q by an integral over frequency: D(ω ) = = =
2π 2 dω dq 2π 2 v 2π 2 v 3
Need to know the limits of integration over ω. The lower limit is 0.
Then the lattice heat capacity is: How about the upper limit ? Assume N unit cells is the crystal, only
one atom in per cell ⇒ the total number of phonon modes is 3N ⇒
13 Debye
⎛ 6π 2 v 3 N ⎞
⇒ ω D = ⎜⎜
⎟⎟ = v 6π 2 n)13
Central problem is to find the density of states ⎝ ⎠

The cutoff wave vector which corresponds to this frequency is The total phonon energy is then
modes of wave vector larger than qD are not
allowed - number of modes with q ≤qD where N is the number of atoms in the crystal and xD ≡ θD/T
exhausts the number of degrees of freedom
To find heat capacity, differentiate
Then the thermal energy is

where is "3" from ?


where x ≡ ħω/kBT and xD ≡ ħωD/kBT ≡ θD/T

In the limit T >>θD, x << 1, ⇒ Cv = 3NkB - Dulong-Petit law
Debye temperature:

19 20
Einstein model
Opposite limit, T <<θD : let the upper limit in the integral xD → ∞
The density of states is approximated by a δ-function at some ωE :
D(E) = Nδ(ω – ωE) where N is the total number of atoms –
simple model for optical phonons

⇒ within the Debye model at low Then the thermal energy is

temperatures Cv ∝ T3
The heat capacity is then

The Debye temperature is

normally determined by
The high temperature limit is the same as that for the Debye model:
fitting experimental data.
Cv = 3NkB - the Dulong-Petit law
Curve Cv(T/θ) is universal
– it is the same for At low temperatures Cv ~ e-ħω/kBT - different from Debye T3 law
different substances
Reason: at low T acoustic phonons are much more populated ⇒ the
21 22
Debye model is much better approximation that the Einstein model

Real density of vibrational states is much more complicated than those
described by the Debye and Einstein models. ™ In three-dimensional lattice with s atoms per unit cell there are
3s phonon branches: 3 acoustic, 3s - 3 optical
This density of states must be taken into account in order to obtain
quantitative description of experimental data. ™ Phonon - the quantum of lattice vibration.
Energy ħω; momentum ħq
™ Density of states is important characteristic of lattice vibrations;
The density of states for Cu. It is related to the dispersion ω = ω(q). 2
Vq 1
The dashed line is the Debye Simplest case of isotropic solid, for one branch: D (ω ) =
2π dω dq
™ Heat capacity is related to the density of states.
The Einstein approximation
™ Debye model – good when acoustic phonon contribution dominates.
would give a delta peak at
At low temperatures gives Cv ∝ T3
some frequency.
™ Einstein model - simple model for optical phonons (ω(q) is constant)
™ At high T both models lead to the Dulong-Petit law: Cv = 3NkB
23 ™ Real density of vibrational states is more complicated 24
Thermal Conductivity Elementary kinetic considerations:
Temperature gradient in a material → heat flow from the hotter to the cooler if c is the heat capacity of the single particle, then moving from region
end. with T+∆T to a T, particle will give up energy c∆T
Heat current density j (amount of heat flowing across unit area per unit time)
is proportional to the temperature gradient (dT/dx): ∆T between the ends of the free path length lx : ∆T = dT l = dT v τ
x x
dx dx
dT where τ is the average time between collisions
ju = − K K - thermal conductivity
dx The net energy flux (n – concentration) :
• In metals the heat is carried both by electrons and phonons; electron
contribution is much larger dT 1 dT
cτ = − n v 2 cτ
ju = −n v x
• In insulators, there are no mobile electrons ⇒ heat is transmitted entirely dx 3 dx
by phonons
Heat transfer by phonons for phonons, v is constant. nc = C; l=vτ
•phonon gas: in every region of space there are phonons traveling randomly in
all directions, much like the molecules in an ordinary gas
1 dT 1 - phonon thermal
•phonon concentration is larger at the hotter end →they move to the cooler end ⇒ ju = − Cvl ⇒ K = Cvl
3 dx 3 conductivity
•the advantage of using this gas model: can apply familiar concepts of the
25 26
kinetic theory of gases

Dependence of the thermal conductivity on temperature Suppose that two phonons of vectors q1 and q2 collide, and produce
a third phonon of vector q3.
– Cv dependence on temperature has already been discussed
Momentum conservation: q3 = q1 + q2
– Sound velocity v essentially insensitive to temperature
q3 may lie inside the Brillouin zone, or not. If it's inside →
– The mean free path l depends strongly on temperature momentum of the system before and after collision is the same.

Three important mechanisms are to be considered: This is a normal process. It has no effect at all on thermal resistivity,
since it has no effect on the flow of the phonon system as a whole.
(a) collision of a phonon with other phonons
(b) collision of a phonon with imperfections in the crystal If q3 lies outside the BZ, we reduce it to
(c) collision of a phonon with the external boundaries of the crystal equivalent q4 inside the first BZ: q3 = q4 + G
The phonon-phonon scattering is due to the anharmonic interaction. Momentum conservation: q1 + q2 = q4 + G
If interatomic forces are purely harmonic – no phonon-phonon interaction. The difference in momentum is transferred
At high temperature atomic displacements are large ⇒ stronger to the center of mass of the lattice.
anharmonism ⇒ phonon-phonon collisions become more important This type of process is is known as the umklapp process
At high T the mean free path l ∝ 1/T : number of phonons n ∝ T at high T • highly efficient in changing the momentum of the phonon
collision frequency ∝ n ⇒ l ∝ 1/n
• responsible for phonon scattering at high temperatures 28
The second mechanism - phonon scattering results from defects. Anharmonism
Impurities and defects scatter phonons because they partially
destroy the periodicity of the crystal.
At very low T, both phonon-phonon and phonon-defect collisions become So far, lattice vibrations were considered in harmonic
ineffective: approximation. Some consequences:
– there are only a few phonons present, – Phonons do not interact; no decay
low T:
– the phonons are long-wavelength ones ⇒ K ~ T3 – No thermal expansion
not effectively scattered by defects, due to Cv
which are much smaller in size – Elastic constants are independent of pressure and temperature
In the low-temperature region, the primary – Heat capacity is constant at high T (T>>θD).
scattering mechanism is the external
boundary of the specimen - so-called
size or geometrical effects. high T: Anharmonic terms in potential energy:
Becomes effective because the phonon K ~ 1/T
wavelengths are very long - comparable due to l U(x) = cx2 – gx3 – fx4 x - displacement from equilibrium
to the size of the sample L. separation at T = 0
The mean free path here is l ~ L
Thermal conductivity of NaF
⇒ independent of temperature.
(highly purified) 29 30

Thermal expansion Techniques for probing lattice vibrations

Calculate average displacement using Boltzmann distribution function: • Inelastic X-ray scattering

∫ xe
−U ( x ) k BT
dx • Neutron scattering
x = −∞
∞ • Infrared spectroscopy
−U ( x ) k BT
• Brillouin and Raman scattering
If anharmonic terms are small, can use Taylor expansion for exponent
Inelastic X-ray scattering
∞ ⎛ gx 4 fx 5 ⎞ 3π 1 2 g k assumed Ω(q) << ω0

dxe −cx ⎜⎜ x +
k BT
+ ⎟⎟ (k BT )3 2 3g
⎝ k T k T
B ⎠
52 q k = k0 ± q =ω = =ω0 ± =Ω(q) - true for x-rays:
x = B
= 4 c1 2 = 2 k BT θ ω0 ħΩ < 100 meV; ħω0 ~104 eV

π 4c k0 q = 2k 0 sin θ = 2n sin θ
∫−∞ ⎛ ⎞
− cx2 k BT
⎜ ⎟ (k BT ) n – index of refraction
measuring ω - ω0 and θ sin one can determine dispersion Ω(q)
thermal expansion main disadvantage – difficult to measure ω - ω0 accurately
Origin of thermal expansion – asymmetric potential This difficulty can be overcome by use of neutron scattering
31 λ≈1Å)
Energy of "thermal" neutrons is comparable with ħΩ (80 meV for 32
Brillouin and Raman spectroscopy Raman scattering in crystalline solids
Inelastic light scattering mediated by the electronic polarizability of the medium
Not every crystal lattice vibration can be probed by Raman
• a material or a molecule scatters irradiant light from a source scattering. There are certain Selection rules:
• Most of the scattered light is at the same wavelength as the laser source 1. Energy conservation:
(elastic, or Raileigh scattering)
• but a small amount of light is scattered at different wavelengths (inelastic,
=ωi = =ω s ± =Ω;
or Raman scattering)
2. Momentum conservation:
I Elastic 4πn ks ks
ћΩ ki = k s ± q ⇒ 0 ≤ q ≤ 2 k ⇒ 0 ≤ q ≤ q≈0 q
ћΩ β (Raileigh) λi ki ki
α α Scattering
q ≈ 2k
β ћωs ks ki
λi ~ 5000 Å, a0 ~ 4-5 Å ⇒ λphonon >> a0
ћωi ћωs Anti-
ћωi Stokes ω
ωi Anti-Stokes
0 0
Stokes ⇒ only small wavevector (cloze to BZ center) phonons are seen in
Raman Raman
Scattering Scattering the 1st order (single phonon) Raman spectra of bulk crystals
Raileigh ωi- Ω(q) ωi+ Ω(q)

Analysis of scattered light energy, polarization, relative intensity 3. Selection rules determined by crystal symmetry
33 34
provides information on lattice vibrations or other excitations

™ Phonon thermal conductivity K = Cvl
™ Mechanisms of phonon scattering affecting thermal resistivity:
• umklapp processes of phonon-phonons collision – important at
high T
• collision of a phonon with defects and impurities in the crystal
• collision of a phonon with the external boundaries of the crystal –
important at low T SOME USEFUL SLIDES
™ Anharmonism of potential energy is responsible for such effects as: FROM Physics-I
• phonon-phonon interaction
• thermal expansion
™ Techniques for probing lattice vibrations:
Inelastic X-ray scattering, Neutron scattering,
Infrared spectroscopy, Brillouin and Raman scattering
Electron energy loss spectroscopy
35 36
Avogadro’s number and Ideal Gases The Kinetic Theory of Gases;

Ideal Gases Avogadro's Number

Ideal Gas at Constant Temperature

R is a gas constant” M is molar mass; m is molecular mass

37 38

Pressure, Temperature, and The Distribution of Molecular Speeds

Speed of molecules

mNA is the molar mass M

Root-mean-square speed

39 40
View at the molecular theory of an ideal Gas Heat Capacity

Specific Heat

41 42

Heat Transfer Mechanisms

• Convection
• Radiation
• Conduction

Where k is
the thermal conductivity


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