Expanded Program On Immunization

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What to include in the poster/ IEC material regarding Expanded Program on Immunization:

It should answer the following specific goals of the program:

1. To immunize all infants/children against the most common vaccine-preventable diseases.

-To reduce the morbidity and mortality among children against the most common vaccine-
preventable diseases

-Children can develop immunity through vaccination without contracting the diseases that
vaccines prevent.

2. To sustain the polio-free status of the Philippines.

-Complete vaccination is the best preventive measure against polio. All children under one year
old should complete their three doses of OPV and one dose of the Inactivated Polio Vaccine.

3. To eliminate measles infection.

-Getting vaccinated is the best way to prevent measles. Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR)
vaccination can help to avoid contracting the disease. If you're at immediate risk of catching
measles and the MMR vaccine isn't right for you, a treatment called human normal
immunoglobulin can be used.

4. To eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus.

-Ensure that all deliveries are assisted by skilled health attendants whether at health facilities or
during home delivery who can ensure clean delivery practices.

-Immunizing women during pregnancy, and following review of their vaccination history and
current protection, is recommended to provide protection against tetanus.

-Immunization of women of reproductive age with TT or Td vaccine

5. To control diphtheria, pertussis, hepatitis B, and German measles.

-Combined vaccinations enable maximum protection to begin as soon as possible after birth.

6. To prevent extrapulmonary TB among children.

-The BCG vaccine is the most effective way to prevent tuberculosis in children.

-Children can be protected from tuberculosis by diagnosing and treating cases of active
tuberculosis in adults. Adults, particularly adults in the same household, are the most common
carriers of tuberculosis in children.

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