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Email List-Building


How To Go From Zero To 50,000 Subscribers

With Email Marketing

B Place Opt-Ins Strategically B Separate Guest Visitor

On Your Site Landing Pages
Test to figure out if the best placement When you write a guest post on
is above the fold, in your site's sidebar, another site, make sure you include
below your single posts, at the site an "about 1' link, or something similar,
footer, using a content bonus/upgrade, that sends the readers to a targeted
on your about page, etc. landing page.

B Split Test Your Forms B Pre-Sell Upcoming Content

Make one small change (such as one Pre-selling is basically educating people
less form field in your opt-in, or a on a particular product, even before
different button color), and give it a pitching or asking them to buy. Educate
test period to see if it boosts them for free; don't worry about
whether they'll buy when you launch the
performance. product.
B Use LeadBoxes In Your Content B Reward First-Time
Gently lead users to opting-in, rather
than pushing it down their throats. Send first-time blog commenters to a
Have a LeadBox pop up after a certain special thank you opt-in page with a
period of time, or use CrazyEgg to find free gift. Download the First Comment
the best place to put it on your site. Redirect plugin for your site. Very few
bloggers are doing this yet!
B Add Content Bonuses/Upgrades
You ask readers to download the same B Influence With Social Proof
content they're reading or (preferably) Use testimonials, "as seen on'� case
an upgraded version. It's more studies, social media comment
effective because it's more specific tickers, etc. to show that you are
than your generic email opt-in offer. socially credible to your readers.

B Ask Current Subscibers to B Use Hello Bar!

Forward to a Friend
It's free! Use it on the top of your site,
People take the advice of their peers or
make it a pop-up, make a it a slider at
friends because they already trust their
the bottom of your site, or have it drop
opinion. Double check with your email
down and take over the whole page.
service provider, to make sure they
allow forwarding. It's also easy to set-up on your own.

(c) eMail MarketingUnlocked. All Rights Reserved.

0 Remind Readers They Can 0 Invite Social Media Followers
U nsu bscribe At Any Time To Opt-In With A Contest
The truth is most people are not willing A social media contest exposes your
to unsubscribe when you give them site and message to many people.
the opportunity to do so. If they decide Then you can easily bring them back to
to stay on your list, they'll expect your your site. Contests can be run
emails and give them more attention. successfully from Facebook, Linkedln,
or your own blog. Offer multiple
prizes, rather than one big prize, for a
higher conversion rate.

(c) eMail MarketingUnlocked. All Rights Reserved.

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