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Aim : To study the response curve of a parallel

LCR circuit and determine its (a) Antiresonant

frequency and (b) Quality factor Q.

Name: Ashok Roll no. 41

Course: BSc physics honours 2nd Sem

Group : 1

Submitted to
Dr. Vivek Verma & Manoj Verma
SN Frequen Current Impedance Frequenc Curren Impedanc
SN e(KΩ)
cy(Hz) (mA) y(Hz) t(mA)

1 50 23.419 0.427004 25 2000 3.8212 2.616979

2 100 22.979 0.43518 26 2100 4.4315 2.256572

3 200 21.4 0.46729 27 2200 5.0461 1.981728

4 300 19.26 0.519211 28 2300 5.6584 1.767284

5 400 16.952 0.589901 29 2400 6.2644 1.596322

6 500 14.717 0.679486 30 2500 6.8627 1.457152

7 600 12.662 0.789765 31 2600 7.4535 1.341652

8 700 10.815 0.924642 32 2700 8.0369 1.244261

9 800 9.1695 1.090572 33 2800 8.6124 1.161117

10 900 7.704 1.298027 34 2900 9.1804 1.089277

11 1000 6.398 1.562988 35 3000 9.7419 1.026494

12 1100 5.2353 1.91011 36 3100 10.297 0.971157

13 1200 4.2085 2.376144 37 3200 10.846 0.921999
14 1300 3.3248 3.0077 38 3300 11.389 0.87804
15 1400 2.6174 3.820585 39 3400 11.928 0.838364
16 1450 2.3511 4.253328 40 3500 12.461 0.802504
17 1500 2.1587 4.632418 41 3600 12.99 0.769823
18 1550 2.0524 4.872345 42 3700 13.515 0.739919
19 1600 2.0366 4.910144 43 3800 14.036 0.712454
20 1650 2.1074 4.745184 44 3900 14.554 0.687096
21 1700 2.2497 4.445037 45 4000 15.067 0.663702
22 1750 2.4474 4.085969 46 4100 15.578 0.641931
23 1800 2.6844 3.725227 47 4200 16.087 0.62162
24 1900 3.2289 3.09703 48 4400 17.094 0.585001

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