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Lesson 10



Good day everyone! Today we’re going to discuss posting to the ledger of external
transactions, journal entries and preparation on trial balance. After the transactions are recorded
in the journal, there are… these are then posted in the book of final entry. It is called the ledger.
The process of transferring the entries from the journal to respective ledger accounts is called
posting to the ledger.

Posting to the ledger is entering information from the journal to the respective ledger
accounts. What was debited in the journal will be debited also in the ledger. And what was
credited in the journal will likewise be credited in the ledger account. This posting process is
carried throughout the year and at the end of the financial year, the ledger accounts are closed
totaled and balanced. This process of getting the end balance of each account is called balancing
the ledger accounts. The balancing of the ledger is carried out to find out the differences between
the debit and credit of each account. Which differences will be used in the preparation of the trial
balance. General ledger and subsidiary ledgers. What are these? General ledger and subsidiary
ledgers, the general ledger is a control account that provides a record of each financial transaction
that takes places during the life of an operating business.

A general ledger is used by businesses that employ the double-entry bookkeeping

method, which means that each financial transaction affects at least two sub ledger accounts and
each entry has at least one debit and one credit. The transaction details contained in the general
ledger are compiled and summarized at various levels to produce initially a trial balance then the
financial statements, income statements, balance sheet, statement of cash flow and other financial
reports. Uh… subsidiary lead… ledger is a group of similar accounts whose combined balances
equal to the balance in a specific general ledger account. It is a record of the details of a general
ledger account. Examples of subsidiary ledger are the ledgers for accounts receivable and
accounts payable. An accounts receivable subsidiary ledger is an accounting ledger that shows the
transactions and payment history of each customer to whom the business extends credit, the
balance in each customer’s is periodically reconciled with the accounts receivable balance in the
general ledger to ensure accuracy. So ,there is uhh… the total of the uhh… subsidiary ledgers
should balance the amount indicated in the account receivable in the general ledger. The
subsidiary ledger is also commonly to as a sub-ledger or sub-account.

Accounts payable ledger or subsidiary ledger maintains the records of all the accounts
payable that the company has. It shows the transaction history and amount owed to each supplier
or creditor. An accounts payable of the business is essentially an extension of credit from a
supplier that gives a business reasonable time to pay the credit... So, these are on purchases on
account so these are accounts payable, if there are so many suppliers then the business has to
maintain subsidiary ledger for each client. So, posting to the ledger, we classify the accounts from
the journal So… the recorded transactions in the journal are classified in the ledger. So double
entry bookkeeping, we only use posting to the ledger when we use double entry bookkeeping…
So here is an example of the general ledger account. This is accounts receivable. You will see
here accounts receivable, so this account receivable and this is the account number of account
Lesson 10



receivable, so this is the date… On the journal source, so this is cross-referencing or cross-
indexing, you have to write here the… the posting reference from where you get the uhmm…
postings here in the ledger. So, it came from Sj1 (sales journal number 1) so it should be a
collection of accounts receivable, so or a sales on accounts…sorry… it’s a sales on account… on
account. So…it’s a debit to account receivable. So, there was an error in entering here, this
should have been here in the debit because it is a SJ sales journal. So, this is debit account
receivable credits sales. So, this should have been in the debit side. So, this is a general ledger for
account receivable, you have the date, you have description this has been empty and then the
cross-reference which is SJ1, it should have been …uhh…here in the debit column. So, then the

Now here is the subsidiary ledger instead of…Uhmm…using the account…Okay… Okay
instead of using an account title here, the name of the debtor or buyer is written in the account
name and then the assigned number of the subsidiary ledger. So, we have the date, description,
posting reference number or posting reference then the debit, credit and balance, so this is a
subsidiary ledger. The posting reference here will be the… the sales journal because it is from the
sales sales journal that you can get the details of the transaction. Okay? What is the purpose of
subsidiary ledger?... So, a subsidiary ledger contains the details to support a general ledger
control account for instance. The subsidiary ledger for accounts receivable contains the
information for each of the company’s credit sales to customer. Each customer’s remittance
returned of merchandise, discount and so on. So, all the history of sale to an account to a
customer are recorded in the subsidiary ledger. With these details in the subsidiary ledger, the
accounts receivable in the general ledger can report summary amounts of the accounts receivable
activity. So, in the general ledger summary nalang wala na yung mga details, yung mga summary
details nandoon na sa subsidiary ledger. Okay we go to the next slide, so this is from the sales
journal… so we take the example of (uhmm) Dr. Guevarra, this is 5,000 hm here debit 5,000 so
this come from… this came from page 1 SJ sales journal page 1… so nandito siya sa posting
reference the invoice number, ito ‘yon and then the date ito… Okay? S.o and source niya ay sales
journal because this is an acoount receivable subsidiary ledger… so naka record ‘yung account
receivable natin sa…sales journal diba kung gumagamit ng special journal pero kung hindi
naman gumagamit ng special journal edi doon sa general journal pero kasi kung sales
merchandising usually meron talagang special journal na sales journal.

So rules for posting of entries in the ledger. A separate account is opened for each
account and entries from the journal are posted in the respective ledger account accordingly so
bawat… kunware may transaction ka debit cash, credit or terima for capital gagawan mo ng… ng
ledger yung cash at terima tig-isa sila hindi katulad sa journal sama-sama basta arranged lang siya
according to date or a happening of events, pero pagdating sa ledger kasi nag c’classify na nga
tayo pagdating sa post sa… posting to the ledger kaya nga tinatawag na classify faced kina-
classify na natin yung accounts or yung journal entry isa-isa based on the account so sa journal
entry… sa journal arranged accordoing to the happening of events. Pagdating sa ledger arranged
according to the account titles … so lahat ng account title na’to, lahat ng date na merong record
diyan ilalagay natin doon sa account title na ’to. Kapag natapos natin ipasok lahat sa bawat
account title… yung mga journal entries na talagang para doon magkakaroon na tayo ng summary
kung magkano ang nagging transaction doon sa acoount na ’yon. The second will be the account
Lesson 10



which is debited in the journal should also be debited in the ledger account so kung ano yung
debit mo sa journal yun din yung debit mo sa ledger, kung a o yung credit mo sa jornal yung din
yugn credit mo sa ledger and then… The third one is there should be be cross-indexing for each
ledger post so dito balikan natin yung example. Palaging may cross-indexing itong page 1
nakalagay dito, tapos itong 001 na ‘to hindi natin na cross reference pa ‘no so lagyan natin ng
cross reference ito… Uhmm… sorry… ito itong account number na ito ilalagay natin dito sa
posting reference dito… 001 yan, dapat itong sales journal page mo nakalagay dun sa ledger mo,
itong number ng ledger mo dapat nakalagay dun sa journal mo so para kapag hinanap mo yung
entrada sa journal… saan mo ba ‘yan nilagay?... makikita mo nandito sa ledger na ‘to, ito namang
ledger kapag binasa mo, tatanungin mo saan galling ‘tong 5,000 na ‘to makikita mo galing ‘to sa
journal na ito so importante ‘yon so ano ‘yung tatlong… Uhhh… rules for posting entries in the
ledger? Kailangan mag create ka ng separate account para sa mga transactions, isa-isang account
para sa similar transaction. So pangalawa, kung ano yung dinebit mo dun sa journal siya ring ide-
debit mo dun sa ledger and then pangatlo kailangan lagi kang nag c’cross-indexing.

Sa simula pag kapag nag journalize ka walang entrada yung posting reference ng journal
mo, pero kapag nag post ka na sa ledger automatic magka-karoon na ng… Uhmm… ano entry
‘yung posting reference mo kasi nag c’cross-referencing ka na… so tingnan natin ‘tong mga
transactions na ‘to ng Terima Drug store… so yung una investment of cash, this is first. then
pangalawa, payment of advertising expense for… pangatlo purchase on account of supplies and
then pang-apat, purchase of merchandise partly for cash and partly on account so… merong
accounts payable at may cash and then the last one is a recording of cash sale this is number 5.

So meron tayong limang transaction sa general journal… so meron ka ditong cash yan
yung general journal account mo, gagawa ka ng ledger para diyan sa cash… meron kang
Terimacor capital gagawa ka ng ledger para d’yan sa Terimacor Capital. Meron kang advertising
expense gagawa ka ng advertising expense ledger para d’yan. Ito cash nagawan mon a yung isa,
hindi mo na gagawa ulit isang beses mo lang gagawa hindi pwedeng... kung ilang cash
transaction yun din so no… kapag nakagawa ka na ng isa hindi ka na gagawa ulit, isa lang ang
kailangan. So supplies expense gagawa ka d’yan ng ledger account, accounts payable gagawa ka,
purchases gagawa ka, cash hindi ulit kasi meron na, accounts payable hindi ulet kasi nagawa mo
na dito, so itong cah hindi na ulit kasi meron ka ng nagawa nung una, itong sales… meron bang
sales? Wala, so gagawa ka. So ano-anong account titles magagawa natin? Cash, Terimacor
Capital, advertising expense, supploies expense, accounts payable, purchases and sales. Oh so
‘yon yung mga ledger accounts na gagawin mo to record these transactions. So ito yung general
journal entry happen for capital… so a separate account is opened for each… for each journal
entry. Ito cash ginawa na natin ‘to, ito na yung cash ginawa natin, ito yung account number itong
account number nasa… Uhm… description na ng management kung paano nila gagawan ng
account number ‘yang mga account mains or account titles. We have the date so ito yung January
05 then description Terimacor Capital… anong… saang galling na journal J1, general journal
page 1.

So, let’s go back to the… ito siya oh cash so nasa page 1… galing siya sa page 1 so ang
general journal and then how much? We have debit and then the balance… you… you write the
Lesson 10



balance it was debit, credit balance. Now here advertising expense another expense so again…
the account name then the account number then the date, description, posting reference, journal
number, debit, credit then balance so that is your general ledger. The account which is debited in
the journal should also be debited in the ledger. So uhmm… balik tayo dun sa 25,000 na cash, ito
sa journal entry nakadebit yung cash diba? Nakadebit tapos naka credit yung capital so kailangan
kapag ni-ledger natin s’ya ito siya, ito mali ito dito siya dapat debit siya diyan eh dapat ‘andito
siya okay? Dapat 25,000 nandito sa debit, nagkamali ng sulat yung ballpen dapat kasi nakatapat
eh… so debit wala ito bura then balance 25,000. Maganda rin yung may mali yung presentation
kasi na c’correct natin kasi sabi nung ano procedure kung naka debit sa journal, nakadebit din sa
ledger eh nakadebit sa journal oh… ito yung data tama naman ‘tong data nasa journal number 1
siya.. eh kaso nga nakalagay dun sa illustration sa credit edi lagay natin sa debit para mapa-tama
yung sinasabi nitong rules on posting to the ledger okay? So ito yung there should be cross-
indexing for each ledger post, na explain ko na ‘yan so ito yung pinaggalingan niya ay sales
journal eh account receivable ‘to diba? Account receivable therefore, sale journal sales on
account oh… kunyare ‘yan ang number ng account receivable yung 02 so ito yung date, yung
posting reference niya ay sales journal number page 1 and then ito account receivable siya naka-
debit…oh tama naka-debit account receivable kasi debit account receivable credit sales so naka-
debit tama naman, so the balance… okay.

Now there should be cross-indexing, ito yung general journal natin diba nung una wala
‘yan ito tingnan niyo wala pa, pero once na mag post na tayo kailangan lagay na natin ‘to. Ito
yung control number ng cash, ito yung control number ng capital pwede ring lagyan niyo na lang
ng check okay din yun, pwede rin yun basta lang malaman mo na na-post na ito kasi ito kapag
nilagyan mo na ‘yan ng P/R ditto ibig sabihin niyan nai-post mo na’yan sa ledger, meron na
‘yang ledger. Uhmm… sorry ito hindi pala pwedeng check lang kailangan talaga isulat mo sa
anong ledger account mo ito nilagay… so ilagay… ibig sabihin niyan kapag may number na ‘yan
diyan lahat naka-record na ‘yan sa ledger so hindi pala pwedeng check lang kailangan ilagay niyo
talaga yung control account… okay yung tinatawag na cross-indexing. Itong… journal meron
kang posting reference, ito yung ledger account number… ito yung ledger account number tapos
yung ledger naman makikita doon yung journal page number J1 general…uhmm…GJ1 ibig
sabihin general journal page 1, SJ1 sales journal page 1 yun yung ibig sabihin ng mga makikita
niyo sa posting reference ng ledger. So itong sales journal hindi mo na iisa-isahin total nalang ng
accounts receivable yun na yung ie-entrada mo sa ledger kasi account receivable naman ‘tong
tinotal mo, papasok mo yung account receivable mo sa ledger pero ang cross-reference mo ay
002… ano ang magiging, ito yung gagamitin mo sa…uhmm… ito yung galling sa, ito yung
control account ng ledger pero sa ledger and makikita mo SJ page 1 kasi ditto galling yun eh.
Itong ibig sabihin nito naka-record ito sa general ledger accounts receivable kasi 002 yung
accounts receivable tapos itong cost of goods 003 naka-record, naka-debit at naka credit sa
merchandise inverntory kung paano nirecord sa journal ganoon din irerecord sa ledger. So ayan
yung 10,000 na sabi ko kanina SJ ito diba?oh page 1… ito siya SJ1, pero mali itong presentation
dapat dito kasi account receivable debit credit sales eh so dito ulit siya… ayan 10,000 sa debit
okay? Naging smiley tuloy oh (*laughing*) so yung 10,000 dito sa credit dapat nasa debit kasi
debit account si receivable, credit sale yun. So tama na yung balance. Okay ayan na yung same…
ano illustration don
Lesson 10



We go to the subsidiary ledger, nako ang hirap na nito ang daming ekis-ekis and arrow-
arrow nito. So ito presentation ng sales journal atsaka subsidiary ledger. So ito yung 16
description. Ito na yung pangalan nung ni Dr. Guevarra, subsidiary ledger na ‘to eh from the
general ledger diba ang total na nilagay natin sa general ledger ay 10,000 ayan yung in-entrada
natin sa 002 eh. Ito yung general ledger account niya eh, ang pinasok natin 10,000. So sa general
ledger hindi mo makikita kung sino-sino yung nangutang pero pagdating sa subsidiary ledger
doon mo makikita kaya kailangang may subsidiary ledger eh. So sina-summarize mo yung mga
totals ng subsidiary ledger dapat mag e-equal yun sa account receivable na nakalagay sa general
ledger. So ito same we have the date ito yung date…invoice tapos yung description yung invoice
number tapos ayan na yung pangalan ni Dr. Guevarra no? and then gagawan mo yan bawat isa
kasi kay Dr. Guevarra lang ‘to, gagawa mo din yung kay Dr. Pelagio, kay Dr. Nuevo, Dr.
Riginding. So meron kang apat na subsidiary ledger bawat isang customer isang subsidiary ledger
so magkakaroon yan ng kung mangungutang pa sila ulit doon ilalagay. Kung magbabayad sila
doon ilalagay kaya nga may debit, may credit. Ang debit niya yung inutang niya. Ang credit niya
yung payment niya. So, she has to balance para itong balance ng account receivable kapag tinotal
mo katumbas yang ng account receivable sa general ledger.

So, we go to this one. Ito na yung summary of posting process. Dalawang klase yung
journal natin General Journal at Special Journal. So kapag general journal diretso lang siya sa
general ledger. Kung ang entrada mo ay galling sa general journal edi doon ka sa general ledger
katulad ng depreciation expense eh wala naman yung ano eh… hindi naman yun cash
disbursement, hindi naman yun cash receipt, hindi naman yun sales on account, hindi naman yun
purchases on account, hindi naman yun returns. Edi ilalagay natin siya sa general journal
magiging general journal entry siya. So ilalagay natin siya sa general ledger. Ngayon, ang special
journal, dalawa gagawin mo. ‘Yung so— total niya, ‘yung total ng... total, ilalagay mo na sa
general ledger. So total nito, lalagay mo sa general ledger. Katulad ‘yung kanina, ‘yung accounts
receivable total, ilalagay mo sa accounts receivable. ‘Yung total ng cost of goods sold, ilalagay
mo sa cost of goods sold. Total ng merchandise inventory, ilalagay mo sa (inaudible). E kung
dalawa, wala naman itong subsidiary, pero ‘tong accounts receivable, meron itong subsidiary.
Kaso- gagawi- kung andito na entrada mo sa sales journal, ilalagay mo rin dito sa subsidiary
ledger mo. So gagawan mo ‘yan. So itong total nito, dapat mag-reconcile dun sa total nito. Okay.
Clear na tayo diyan.

So, balance the ledger accounts and summarize. So, maraming ano, maraming entrada
‘yung ledger mo. At the end of the period, i-tototal mo iyon. Uhm, credit min- debit minus credit
‘yung balance, are brought down and carried forward, okay? Paano ba iyang brought down and
carried forward. At the end of the every accounting period or year, all accounts which ledgers
fulfilled with entries are closed. Totaled balance.

Balancing of ledger means finding the difference between the debit and credit amounts of
a particular account. Showing the heavier total and the lighter total difference in recording the
difference account in the lighter total (inaudible). Ibig sabihin, may mas mataba, may mas
mapayat; may mas marami, mas onti. Ganon. So, ilalagay natin ‘yung difference dun sa mas konti
para bumalanse sila. Paano ba iyan? So let’s take a look at our journal entries. So ito ‘yung
Lesson 10



transactions natin consistently na ginagamit natin sa illustration so makakabisa niyo na yan. So

cash, uhh capital, investment, advertising expense payments. So ito daw ‘yung kunwari, ‘yung
cash ahh ano, cash ledger ng Terimacor. So may entrada na 25,000, at may entrada ng 3,000. Oh,
may debit collection of ahh deposit of capital. And then collection of cash sales. So meron siyang
28,000 na total. And then ito ring credit niya, ito kasi ‘yung debit e, ‘di ba. Dito ‘yung debit side,
dito ‘yung credit side. So dito naman sa credit side, 2,000 atsaka 10,000. So ‘yung purchases
niya. Okay, so anong nangyari? Ay supplies ito. Supplies ba ‘to, ano ba ‘tong 10,000 na to?
Credit cash, tama na 10,000 purchases so meron siyang credit cash na 10,000. Ito ‘yung heavier,
‘yung arrow niya mabigat e. Ibig sabihin mas marami, 28,000. Ito, 12,000 lang. So ang net
difference niya ay 16,000. Hindi natin susulat ito dun sa ledger. Imaginary nga siya e kaya light
lang in color. So ito lang ang makikita natin sa ledger. Wala itong mga ito, hindi kasali ito. Itong
computations, tabulations, hindi kasama. So, o ayan, ganiyan ang itsura niyan, maganda, malinis,
tapos walang computation. Walang lampas-lampas. So ito, ima— 28,000, ito, gagawin din nating
kailangan balance e. Binabalance natin kaya nga balancing of the accounts. Itong debit mo,
kailangan balance dun sa credit mo. So ang difference anong tawag diyan? Lalagyan natin yan ng
word Balance carried down. Oh, ‘yan ‘yung balance carried down. Okay. When, ano ba ‘yung
rule sa una... wait, let’s go back to the rule hindi ko nabasa ‘yung rule or procedure. Find the
difference between the total debit and the total credit of the account. So, ito ‘yung total debit, ito
‘yung total credit of the account. Next, put the difference on the smaller side so that the two sides
become equal. So ito daw, tama ‘yung sinabi ko kanina, oh ilalagay natin sa kokonti ang
difference para mag-equal sila.
Before writing the totals, draw a single line and after the total, draw double lines. The
two totals must be placed in two columns opposite each other. So, lalagyan natin. Eto ‘yun, single
line and double line. Ganon din to. Single line, and double line. Tapos, magkatapat sila. Kasi
dapat balansiyado sila, equal. Tapos nasa column ng payat ‘yung difference. Okay. Number three,
when the difference is put on the smaller side, write “balance carried down” so ayan, sinulat natin
‘tong balance carried down against the net balance katapat ng net balance. For the particular
period so lagay natin ‘to period per month. So ano ‘yang period na ‘yan, per month ba kukuhanin
‘yung balance, or per quarter, or per year. So depende sa period na gagamitin. So, balance carried
down, susulat mo katapat nun yung net difference. Oh, pang-apat. On the next month, year,
quarter, or the next period, the balance is brought down on the opposite side and the account is
continued with this balance. So, kung nandito ‘yang balance carried forward mo, ‘yung opposite
side ang gagamitin mo. Kung nandito ‘yung balance carried forward mo, ‘yung opposite side ang
paglalagyan mo. So, ito balance carried forward nasa credit, ‘pag balance brought down mo,
nandun na siya sa debit.

Oh, okay. Tandaan niyo. Balance carried forward, dun sa mas payat. Balance brought
down, opposite nung mas payat. Para madaling tandaan, ‘yung balance carried down, lalagay mo
sa payat. Tapos, balance brought down, ilalagay mo na sa mataba. So kung ito ‘yung mataba, dito
‘yung balance carried forward. And then kung balance brought forward, dito naman sa huli, sa
mataba. Okay. Ganun lang siguro madali tandaan yung balance carried forward at balance
brought down. Because this balance is brought down will be the beginning balance for the next
period. So ito yung balance at the end of the period ahhh this will be the balance of the new
period. Actually, this is the balance, the remaining balance of the previous period which becomes
the beginning balance of the succeeding period. Oh tandaan, carried forward, sa mas payat.
Brought down, sa mataba. Okay, what is a t-account? Ang t-account, hindi naman ‘yan official
Lesson 10



document or official record. Ano lang ‘yan, parang scratch o parang ano ‘yan, ahh scratch kung
saan nag cocompute yung accountant. A t-account is a graphic representation of a general ledger
account. The name of the account is placed above the t, so eto ‘yung parang letter T. T... tapos ito.
Okay. So above the T ilalagay ninyo ang account name. Like cash. So eto yung debit, eto yung
credit. Eto yung date, eto yung amount. Date ng debit, date ng credit. At amount the debit,
amount ng credit. So mukha siyang skeleton na ledger.

So, T account is a fundamental accounting training tool used for visualizing the more
complex transactions. It is the skeleton form of the ledger. So, ledger, actually yan, without the
details of ah ah without the other details such as a particular posting reference, yun yung wala
diyan, para lang yan magcompute kung magkano ba dapat talaga ang balance, tama ba ang
pagpost Yan yung parang purpose niya is to visualize a more complex transaction. Okay na. Yan
na ang t account. Tandaan ang t account parang worksheet yan, hindi part yan ng ng... official
documents or records for accounting purposes pero sikat na sikat sila kasi they are tools in for
computing ahh for the adjustments and uhh corrections. Ginagamit yan pang correct at pang

Mas magandang tingnan— ah mas madaling maanalyze kapag naka t account ang
transactions. So, these are the journal entries na iti-t account natin. So, try natin i-t account.
Instead na gagamit tayo ng ledger, kasi magpeprepare tayo ng trial balance after the ano e, after
the posting to the ledger, kukuhanin natin yung balances noon, gagawa tayo ng adjusted trial
balance. So yung mga transactions natin irerecord natin sa t account. Hindi na sa ledger kasi mag
— yung details pinakita ko na sa inyo dito paano na lang ililipat sa ledger- sa journal. So simulan
natin sa january 5. So ayan yung unang transaction, ano pa bang pinakaunang transaction.
January 5 parehong nakarecord naman dito illustration lang yun isa. January 5 i-t account natin.
Ito yun, january 5 debit cash credit Terimacor, capital. Okay, let’s go back. Advertising january 6
advertising expense 2,000 credit cash 2,000. So advertising expense, oh 2,000 january 6 and
credit cash, saan ba yung cash, 2,000 so ayan na, korek. We go to the next, supplies expense
credit payable january 10. Supplies expense, asan ba yung supplies expense. Ayun, january 10
1,000 credit cash. Cash ba yun o accounts payable, accounts payable pala sorry. So eto yung
accounts payable. Tignan natin, we have purchases, oh accounts payable nga yun. Purchases,
january 12, 10,000 cash, 30,000 accounts payable, 40,000, debit purchases. Debit purchases...
debit purchases 40,000 korek, accounts payable 30,000 and then cash 10,000 korek. So, we go to
the next, cash, recording of cash sales so 15, january 15. So eto yung cash sales, debit cash credit

Okay, and then we have the last transaction which is the account sales. So 10,000... credit
10,000 sales and debit accounts receivable 10. Lahat na ba may markings? Okay, lahat na may
check, okay, may check na yun. Lahat ibig sabihin, na-post na natin. Ang ibig sabihin non, lahat
ng nandito sa journal, ay napost na natin sa ledger. Kasi itong t account ay representation ng
ledger e kung cinocompute pa lang natin e kung balansiyado ba siya so pwedeng sa t account lang
muna. So ayan na yung mga balances natin makakaprepare na tayo ng unadjusted trial balance.
So what is an unadjusted trial balance? It is the listing of all business accounts that going— that is
— that are going to appear on the financial statements before the year end adjusting journal
Lesson 10



entries (inaudible). So yung unadjusted trial balance is the summary list of all external
transactions. So lahat ng external transactions nakasummarize sa unadjusted trial balance para sa
susunod na stage natin, ang irerecord naman natin ay internal transactions. Pag pinagsama mo
yang external transactions, atsaka ng internal transactions magkakaroon ka ng ano, adjusted trial
balance. Okay. From the adjusted trial balance, pwede ka nang magprepare ng financial
statements. So paano ba gagawin natin diyan. Eto na yung mga transactions natin ‘no, so ito yung
cash ang balance niya 16,000 debit. Ang capital, 25,000 credit. Ang advertising expense, 2,000
debit, Supplies expense, 1,000 debit. Accounts receivable, 10,000 debit, Sales, 30,000, credit.
Purchases, 40,000 debit, Accounts payable, total is 31,000 credit. So lilipat natin isa-isa ‘to.
Itong... ah mga saktong mga totals na ito. Or balances na ito. Lahat ng balances na to, ililipat
natin isa-isa sa trial balance. So eto ‘yung cash 16,000, accounts receivable 10,000, accounts
payable 31,000, capital 25,000, sales 13,000, purchases 40,000, advertising expense 2,000,
supplies expense 1,000. So total niya 69,000. Ito rin pag tinotal mo, 69,000. So ibig sabihin non,
tama ‘yung posting natin, nagbalanse sila e. Okay. So, this is the end of our posting to the ledger.
Pero ano ang— may isa pang tanong na dapat ang sagutin ‘yung chart of accounts. ‘Yung trial
balance ba, atsaka ‘yung chart of accounts, pareho? Kasi itong, pareho lang hitsura nitong chart of
accounts e. Nakalagay yung asset, yung liabilities, equity, revenue, expenses. The chart of
accounts, makikita mo ‘yung ano e, account titles tapos may control number dito. Let’s say this is
01, kumbaga ito na ‘yung standard account titles na gagamitin sa pag-journalize. So ahh chart of
account is the standard account titles used by the business in journalizing transactions. Hindi siya
part ng accounting cycle, ano lang siya, ahh parang— it’s another tool to simplify the journalizing
phase kasi doon mo kukuhanin anong account title ba ang gagamitin natin kesa magiisip isip pa
‘yung business kung anong account title ang gagamitin niya na ano, na ahh nag-establish na sila
ng chart of accounts na binubuo ng mga account titles na puwedeng gamitin ng kanilang negosyo.
So... uh... yan ang ano, yan ang itsura ng chart of accounts, nakalista lahat yung account titles na
gagamitin- na pwedeng gamitin ng business, and then may corresponding account number.

So tapos na ang ating recording of external transactions, the next topic will be the
recording of... tapos na ang external, dito na tayo sa internal kasi tapos na tayong gumawa ng
unadjusted trial balance. So that winds up our discussion for now. And then we’ll be, we’ll be
starting with the next topic which is the analyzing the adjusted… the unadjusted trial balance.

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