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NAMA: Nurhana Tasya


Kelas/prodi/sems: A/S1.keperawatan/4


Learning Outcome: It is expected by the end of the course that:

1. The students able to share their experiences on the topic given.

2. The students understand the topic of the paragraph given.
3. The students able to decide the true/false statement.

A. Stimulation Question (sharing personal experience)

Answer the following question based on your personal experience.

1). Can you give a definition of pain? Definition Pain is a condition in which a person
feels uncomfortable or unpleasant feelings caused by damage to tissue that has
been damaged or has the potential to be damaged.

2). Why do we feel pain?Normally, when the body is injured, the end of the nerve cells
will send a message to the brain in the form of pain or pain. Next, the brain will give
orders to that part of the body to move away from the cause of the injury and make
movements to protect itself or reduce pain

3). What would happen if you could feel no pain? means we are suffering from a
serious disease. it's very dangerous for us
B. True/False
Read the article below and decide whether the statement is true (T) or false

1). People who are born unable to feel pain is unlucky.

( F )
2). Pain starts in the brain.
( F )
3). Chronic pain lasts longer than acute pain.
( T )
4). All drugs which stop pain work directly on the brain.
( T )
5). ‘Phantom Limb’ pain is felt by people who have lost an arms and legs.
( T )

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