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Walk Trough of
my Life
Some usually call me “Dianne” but my real name is Goldine F.
Barcelona-Ete, a lovely daughter of Hilario R. Barcelona and Renaria F.
Barcelona. My father is a hardworking farmer and my mother stays at home to take
good care of us. We are 8 siblings but unfortunately one of us (my sister) died
because of liver failure, it was one of our hardest downfalls but life must go on, Aja!
We are not blessed with a comfortable life because our family is not financially
stable but growing up I learn to be contented and push harder that someday I may be
able to provide what I want and be a help to them and nowadays I becoming like one.
Now, I am happily married to my forever partner with our very adorable son, they
are my strength aside from my family of course.
Living in a silver lining, my parent taught me to reach my goal through
EDUCATION. My elementary years was moulded in Irosin Central School,
belonging to the first section from first grader to sixth grader it was indeed a very
challenging years to me not only because I felt the competition with my classmates
but because I don’t have enough to provide my project expenses and I tend to have
absences resulting to be average in the class. Those challenges shaped me as I go on
with my high school level at Gallanosa National High School, I was in the Special
Science Class but I never get any affirmation yet I can say it was my best years of
my life as the saying goes this way, “HIGHSCHOOL, it changes people into the
person they said they’d never become. In four years, I learned to not be ashamed of
who I am, not to be discouraged with my status(financial) and see more the positivity
and beauty of LIFE. As I moved on to my College life, I graduated last 2012 in
Veritas College of Irosin I never realized that I will be a TEACHER , it was not my
first choice but now it became my first LOVE. My love to it was developed when I
teach in private school in Cavite handling Special Education catering the needs of the
pupils with behavioural disorder, that time I learned how to have an infinite
PATIENCE. I started teaching in public since 2016, before I am so ideal in teaching
but now I embrace the REALITY in educating my students. I am a sixth grader
teacher for 5 years and I handled diverse personality yet for they are equal in terms
of getting good education.
In this time of PANDEMIC, I realized that I miss lot of chances to pursue my
goals so I decided to enrol in graduate studies for my career growth and personal
development. This PANDEMIC teaches me a lot, first to value our health, I saw my
father suffering while he undergoes major operation and it is so painful to witness.
Second, I should not waste TIME instead make the best of it because we never knew
what else to come and lastly we should be prepared as like the scriptural verse stated,
“IF YE ARE PREPARED, YE SHALL NOT FEAR”. Summing up my life I want to
end it by this quotation, “ GEM cannot be polished without FRICTION ,nor
MAN perfected without TRIALS”. All things are possible for me with God’s
merciful heart and with the love and support of my family and friends.

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