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K. J.

Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77

(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Batch: B4 Roll No.: 1821015

Experiment No. 02

Grade: AA / AB / BB / BC / CC / CD /DD

Signature of the Staff In-charge with date

Batch: B4 Roll No.: 1821015 Experiment / Assignment / Tutorial No.: 2

Title: Introduction to Virtualization & its application using VMware player, KVM.

(i) Virtualization on Windows using VMWare player/Oracle Virtual Box.

(ii) Virtualization on Ubuntu using KVM.

Objective:Use of VirtualBox / VMware / KVM for understanding the concept of virtualization.

CO1: Understand the fundamentals of Open Source environment

Expected Outcome of Experiment:

1. Understand the fundamentals of virtualization in Open source environment.

Books/ Journals/ Websites referred:


Pre Lab/ Prior Concepts:

Basic concepts of operating system and its setup.

Department of Computer Engineering

Page No. 1 OSL/JAN 20
K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Before discussing the different categories of virtualization in detail, it is useful to define the
term in the abstract sense. In computing, virtualization is a broad term that refers to the
abstraction of computer resources. Virtualization hides the physical characteristics of
computing resources from their users, be they applications, or end users. This includes making
a single physical resource (such as a server, an operating system, an application, or storage
device) appear to function as multiple virtual resources; it can also include making multiple
physical resources (such as storage devices or servers) appear as a single virtual resource...

In layman’s terms virtualization is often:

1. The creation of many virtual resources from one physical resource.

2. The creation of one virtual resource from one or more physical resource.

Types of Virtualization

Today the term virtualization is widely applied to a number of concepts including:

 Server Virtualization
 Client / Desktop / Application Virtualization
 Network Virtualization
 Storage Virtualization
 Service / Application Infrastructure Virtualization

Department of Computer Engineering

Page No. 2 OSL/JAN 20
K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

In most of these cases, either virtualizing one physical resource into many virtual resources or
turning many physical resources into one virtual resource is occurring.

VMware Player:
VMware Player is a free desktop application from a company called VMware that runs
on Windows and Linux. This application enables you to create, configure, and run virtual
machines. A virtual machine allows you to run one operating system emulated within another
operating system. For example, you can run a Linux operating system within your Windows OS.
You can create a virtual machine using VMware Player or you can run preconfigured virtual
machines created with VMware Workstation, GSX Server, and ESX Server. On Windows hosts,
you can even run Microsoft Virtual PC virtual machines and Symantec LiveState Recovery
system images.

VMware Player features

VMware Player offers the following features:

1. Virtual machine isolation – you can isolate a virtual machine from the host PC. This way, you
can safely run programs from untrusted sources, without worrying that a virus will hurt your
host computer.
2. Copy and paste features – you can copy and paste text and files between the virtual
machine and the host PC.
3. DHCP server – VMware Player offers a built-in DHCP server.
4. Adjustable memory – virtual machine memory can be optimized for better performance.
5. Support for USB 3.0.
6. Different types of network connection for the virtual machine: bridged, host-only, or NAT.
7. Drag & drop support – you can drag files between a Windows host and a Windows virtual

Department of Computer Engineering

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)


Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) is a virtualization module in the Linux kernel that
allows the kernel to function as a hypervisor. KVM provides hardware-assisted
virtualization for a wide variety of guest operating systems including Linux, BSD, Additionally,
KVM provides paravirtualization support for Linux, OpenBSD,[12] FreeBSD,[13] NetBSD,[14] Plan
9[15] and Windows guests using the VirtIO[16] API. This includes a paravirtual Ethernet card,
disk I/O controller,[17] balloon device, and a VGA graphics interface
using SPICE or VMware drivers.

KVM provides device abstraction but no processor emulation. It exposes

the /dev/kvm interface, which a user mode host can then use to:

 Set up the guest VM's address space. The host must also supply a firmware image (usually a
custom BIOS when emulating PCs) that the guest can use to bootstrap into its main OS.
 Feed the guest simulated I/O.
 Map the guest's video display back onto the system host.
On Linux, QEMU versions 0.10.1 and later is one such userspace host. QEMU uses KVM when
available to virtualize guests at near-native speeds, but otherwise falls back to software-only

Department of Computer Engineering

Page No. 4 OSL/JAN 20
K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Implementation details:

1. Check whether CPU has hardware virtualization support.

2. Install KVM and supporting packages.

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

3. Create User.

4. Check whether everything is working correctly.

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

5. Open Virtual Machine Manager application and Create Virtual Machine

6. Create and run Virtual Machines

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

7. Locate your install media

8. Choose memory and CPU Setting

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

9. Enable Storage for the virtual machine

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

10. Ready to begin the installation

11. Windows Screen appears

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

12. Click on the install now option

13. Installing Windows

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

14. Choose a username for your account

15. Set a password for your account

Department of Computer Engineering

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

16. Windows desktop appears

Conclusion: Thus we learned about Virtualization & its application using VMware player, KVM.

Department of Computer Engineering

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