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Laporan 10 Besar Penyakit periode FEB

No Diagnosa Jumlah Pasien

1 I10 - Hipertensi esensial (primer) 58
2 M79.1 - Mialgia 20
3 Z00.0 - General medical examination 17
4 J00 - Nasofaringitis akut [common cold] 12
5 K29.7 - Gastritis 11
6 z02.10 - KIR Calon Pengantin 10
7 J06.9 - Infeksi pernafasan atas akut 7
Z48.0 - Attention to surgical dressings and
8 sutures 5
9 L30.9 - Dermatitis 5
10 I50.0 - Gagal jantung kongestif 5
Laporan 10 Besar Penyakit periode FEB

No Diagnosa Jumlah Pasien

1 I10 - Hipertensi esensial (primer) 58
Z34.9 - Supervision of normal pregnancy,
2 unspecified 47
3 Z30.4 - KB Suntik 31
4 K04.1 - Nekrosis pulpa 28
5 M79.1 - Mialgia 20
6 Z00.0 - General medical examination 17
7 J00 - Nasofaringitis akut [common cold] 12
8 Z24.13 - IPV 12
9 Z36.9 - Antenatal skreening : K4 12
10 K29.7 - Gastritis 11
11 z02.10 - KIR Calon Pengantin 10
12 Z24.10 - POLIO 4 10
13 Z24.4 - Campak Bayi 9
14 Z27,7 - DPT-HB 3 9
15 z37.1 - Kunjungan Neonatus 8
16 J06.9 - Infeksi pernafasan atas akut 7
17 Z39.2 - Routine postpartum follow-up 7
18 Z24.12 - DPT-HB BOOSTER 7
19 Z24.11 - CAMPAK BOOSTER 7
20 Z27.6 - DPT-HB 2 6
21 Z24.9 - POLIO 3 6
22 K03.6 - Deposit [akresion] pada gigi 6
23 P30 - Perawatan pasca lahir PNC) 6
24 K04.7 - Periapikal abses tanpa sinus 5
Z48.0 - Attention to surgical dressings and
25 sutures 5
26 Z23.2 - BCG 5
27 L30.9 - Dermatitis 5
28 I50.0 - Gagal jantung kongestif 5
29 Z24.7 - POLIO 1 5
30 Z27.5 - DPT-HB 1 4

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