Prophecy Issue3

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Nick Barrucci, President

Juan Collado, Chief Operating Officer
Joe Rybandt, Editor
Josh Johnson, Creative Director
Visit us online at Rich Young, Director Business Development
Follow us on Twitter @dynamitecomics Jason Ullmeyer, Senior Designer SFI-00507

Josh Green, Traffic Coordinator This label only applies to the text section.
Like us on Facebook /Dynamitecomics Chris Caniano, Production Assistant
PROPHECY™, volume 1, issue #3. First printing. Published by Dynamite Entertainment, 113 Gaither Dr., STE 205, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054. Prophecy is ™ and © 2012 Dynamite Characters, llc. All Rights
Reserved. Red Sonja ® & © 2012 Red Sonja, llc. Vampirella and Pantha are ® and © 2012 DFI. All Rights Reserved. All other characters herein are ™ and ® their respective owners. Dynamite,
Dynamite Entertainment & The Dynamite Entertainment logo ® 2012. All names, characters, events, and locales in this publication are entirely fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons
(living or dead), events or places, without satiric intent, is coincidental. No portion of this book may be reproduced by any means (digital or print) without the written permission of
Dynamite Entertainment except for review purposes. Printed in Canada

For information regarding press, media rights, foreign rights, licensing, promotions, and advertising e-mail:
Real Name: Eva
Occupation: Adventurer
Identity: n/a
Legal Status: n/a
Other Aliases: Daughter of the Dragon
Place of Birth: Transylvania
Marital status: Single
Known relatives: Dracula (Father)
Group Affiliation: n/a
Base of Operations: n/a
First appearance: Army of Darkness Vol. 1 #10 (Dynamite, 2006)

History: Known as the Daughter of the Dragon, Eva claims to be

the Daughter of Dracula. These claims have been refuted by
Dracula himself, though the Elder Vampire has been known to dis-
guise the truth in pursuit of his own goals.

What is known for certain is that an abandoned child was found

and raised by Brother Miran of the Rosebud Monastery. The child
was raised the child in secret as the monks of the Monastery knew
early on that she was different. Raised amongst the most holy,
Eva left the Monastery certain of her purpose: to destroy evil
wherever it took root.

During her early adventures, Eva faces Dracula and sought to end
his very existence, but it was not until the unleashing of the
world-destroying Prophecy that Dracula has made claim to have
no such daughter. It is during this world-changing event, that Eva
finds herself fighting alongside the vampire she believes to be her
father, with the fate of the world hanging in the balance!

Height: 5 feet, 10 inches

Weight: 140 pounds
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Strength Level: Superhuman

Known superhuman powers: As the daughter of the world’s old-

est and most powerful vampire, the full extent of Eva’s powers
are unknown. Also unknown is whether or not Eva has her
father’s need and hunger for human blood.

Other abilities: Eva is a highly skilled hand-to-hand combatant,

has a mastery of edged weapons and has the ability to heal quick-
ly from most wounds

Weapons: Various swords and knives; The Spike of Christ.

Real Name: Sekhmet
Occupation: Adventurer
Identity: n/a
Legal Status: n/a
Other Aliases: n/a
Place of Birth: Egypt
Marital status: Single
Known relatives: Deceased
Group Affiliation: Pantha is an unofficially sanctioned agent of the
Base of Operations: Mobile, currently the Southwestern United
States of America.
First Appearance: Vampirella #30 (Warren series 1974)
First Modern Appearance: Pantha #1 (Dynamite series 2012)

History: Pantha’s name was once Sekhmet, high priestess to

Ra and was worshiped herself as minor deity. Ra had given her
the ability to change into a panther as payment for her service to
him. When famine and drought wrecked the land, she killed indis-
criminately: women, men and children alike. She told herself that
it was in the name of Ra, but bloodlust took hold of her very soul
and she even killed and devoured her own son. Ra condemned
her to walk the world forever with abilities to morph into a
panther or half-panther, never to know home or peace.

Reappearing in more modern times, Pantha has had many

adventures and has long been a friend and ally of Vampirella.
Now serving the powers of good, and with her friend Vampirella,
Pantha finds herself fighting the growing influence of Chaos as
the elder Gods seeks to assert complete control over the Earth. As
an agent of the Vatican, Pantha currently operates in the
Southwestern United States, fighting the influence of chaos and
the darkness spreading across the land.

Height: 5 feet, 10 inch

Weight: 140 pounds
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Strength Level: Superhuman

Known superhuman powers: Pantha posseses the magical ability

to transform herself into the form of a panther, as well as a half-
panther. In her panther form, Pantha possesses heightened sens-
es and agility and ferocity. Whether Pantha becomes the
animal or the animal becomes the human is a mystery that
remains to be solved.

Other abilities: Pantha is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant and

small weapons expert.

Weapons: Pantha possesses a scarab of Atum-Ra that protects

her (and that only women can handle).


THE FAIRY TALE HEROINES progress, toward anything! A collection of
STRIKE BACK IN DAMSELS #1! hazy memories and bewildering tattoos are
all she has to help her figure it all out, and to
FEATURING AN AMAZING COVER BY be honest, she'd just as soon not bother.
J. SCOTT CAMPBELL! Around her, we see the mountain city of
Caumont thrown into overdrive by the arrival
of Queen Talia and King Aurore of Perrault.
The streets are thronged with cheering peo-
ple, does it matter they aren't exactly sure
why they are cheering, or for whom?
"We are thoroughly enchanted to be working
on such a spellbinding series," says writers
Leah Moore and John Reppion. "It's fantastic
fun for us as writers to be able to play with
characters and concepts that are familiar, but
then put our own Moore & Reppion style spin
on things. Yes, there are Damsels and yes,
there will be plenty of distress, but nothing is
how it seems, and there is brutal action and
weird surprises at every turn. We have had so
much fun writing this, and we are so pleased
with the art team Dynamite have set us up PROPHECY #4
with. We can't wait to see it in print." The end is nigh! The end of the world,
that is, now that sorcerer Kulan Gath
"We've been talking about Damsels for a long has summoned powerful Mayan
time internally, and trying to figure out who avatars of destruction to reduce the
the best writers would be. Leah and John planet to ashes. Earth's only hope is a
were at the top of the list, but they had taken motley band of warriors, including
a break from comics. Debating who to Red Sonja, Vampirella, Dracula,
approach, we followed up with Leah and Pantha, Herbert West the Reanimator
John to see if they would script once time and more, who must stand against
freed up. They said yes. It was the best deci- Gath's minions. It's a contest of cham-
sion for the comic." states Dynamite pions, with the very survival of our
Publisher Nick Barrucci. "Get ready for one world depending on the outcome.
hell of a ride. Not every fairy tale has a happy Writer Ron Marz and artist Walter
ending." Geovani continue Dynamite's
crossover to end all crossovers!
Get ready to see classic fairy tale heroines Be sure to pick up Damsels #1 in September!
take action in Damsels #1, hitting stores this
upcoming September. Written by the
acclaimed writing team of Leah Moore and
John Reppion, with beautiful art by Aneke, Become our fan on Facebook at
and dynamic covers by J. Scott Campbell and
Sean Chen!
Join the conversation on Dynamite
In Damsels #1, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Entertainment's twitter page at
The Little Mermaid, and Snow White come
together with other damsels in a new adven-
ture filled with danger and intrigue. In
Damsels, the alluring princesses of classic
fairy tales take up arms to save their king-
doms from war. Rediscover the darkness at
the heart of fairy tales and why they'll be no
happily ever after. Damsels opens with Rapa
wishing she had not got out of bed that morn- Follow us on Twitter
ing, if she had a bed to get out of that is. The
day began badly and has gone rapidly and lit- @dynamitecomics
erally downhill ever since. A series of peculiar Like us on Facebook
and baffling encounters throw obstacle after Facebook/DynamiteComics
obstacle into her path, intent it seems on pre-
venting her progress. The thing is, until today Nick Barrucci, President
Juan Collado, Chief Operating Officer
she had no idea she was trying to make any Joe Rybandt, Editor
Josh Johnson, Creative Director
Rich Young, Director Business Development
To discuss this and more, log onto the Dynamite forums at Jason Ullmeyer, Senior Designer
Josh Green, Traffic Coordinator
WWW.DYNAMITE.NET/BOARDS Chris Caniano, Production Assistant

PROPHECY #1 people are, and setting up a mystery and this book in modern day New York, in fact, I
(NEWSARAMA.COM): adversary for the character. And hewing to think this is where the character belongs. As
“After reading this first issue, I have pulp traditions, The Spider is unusually vio- charming a setting the book in the 1930s
absolutely no idea what is going to happen lent, both the character and the book itself. would have been, The Spider has found a
in Prophecy, and that’s a good thing. With No question, the final couple of pages will new home where he fits in quite nicely. If
almost anything open to Marz save killing off have tongues wagging, as Liss breaks a con- you’re looking for a great read, you’ve found
the characters with their own ongoing books, ventional storytelling rule in grotesque fash- it.”
this series can go almost anywhere. This ion; but it also tells us about the tone of the
might just be my pick of the week, and I book and the fearlessness to expect from it THE BIONIC WOMAN #2
strongly recommend you go back to your as it goes forward. Artist Colton Worley’s art (COMICBOOKNEWBIE.COM):
comic shop or digital reader to give this one is absolutely lovely, full of rich detail and “If you are looking for a comic that feature
a second look if you passed on it initially.” interesting layouts that grab the reader’s strong female lead, you won't be disappoint-
attention. I was genuinely surprised by this ed with this one... Definitely will keep up with
THE SPIDER #1 book and by how much I was impressed by this series.”
“Dynamite expands its pulp library with THE THE SPIDER #1
SPIDER #1, and while the character doesn’t THE SPIDER #2 (CRAVEONLINE.COM):
quite have the name recognition of The (GEEKSOFDOOM.COM): “If you like dark and surly crime noir, villains
Shadow, Tarzan, or Flash Gordon, that does- “This book is one of my favorites being pub- like The Cholera King and The Silver Falcon,
n’t mean that they’ve skimped on putting lished today. Honestly. It’s a great crime and a strange pseudo zombie mystery, not to
together the book. Writer David Liss does a drama/CSI type series, combined with an mention twisted emotional entanglements,
terrific job of dropping us into The Spider’s awesome straight-up superhero story. I no asshole cops and a lot of smoldering ciga-
world, fleshing it out, explaining who the longer question Dynamite’s decision to set rettes, The Spider is your book.”

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