Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8

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1. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum anda menjawabnya.

2. Laporkan kepada pengawas Ujian, jika terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau
jumlah soal kurang.
3. Tulislah identitas peserta pada lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan.
4. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir pilihan ganda
5. Dahulukan soal-soal yang anda anggap muda

Text for no. 1

Here is Hera’s Time Table. Read it carefully and answer the question.

Activities Mon Tues Wednes Thurs Fri Satur Sun

day day day day day day day
Swimming √ √
Playing Basket Ball √ √ √
Going to movie with friend √ √
Taking an English Course √ √

1. According to the table, Hera goes to the movie with a friend ... a week.
A. once
B. twice
C. three times
D. four times

Text for no. 2

1. Yes
2. Never mind, then.
3. I don’t think so. I’m using it at the moment.
4. And. uhm……Do you have a calculator, too ?
5. Certainly. But don’t forget to return it to me .
6. Can I borrow the ruler ?
7. Do you have a ruler ?
8. Yes. I have a calculator.
9. Do you mind if I borrow it for a moment ?

2. The best arrangement for the dialogue is…..

A. 7- 1 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 8 - 9 - 3 – 2
B. 8- 1 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 7 - 9 - 3 – 2
C. 5- 1 - 6 - 7 - 4 - 8 - 9 - 3 – 2
D. 4- 1 - 6 - 5 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 3 – 2
Text or no. 3 - 6

The drama club will put on a play called ” the magic carpet”.
All teachers and students are invited to watch the drama.
Parents will also be invited.
Date : December 21st
Time : 10.00 a.m.
Place : School Hall
Students who are interested in taking part in the part in this play may register their name with
Mr.Rudi. An audition will be held on November,9th to choose actors and actresses for the
following part:
1. The princess
2. The prince
3. The cruel stepfather
4. The hunter

5. Eight soldiers
6. The wise man
7. The old lady
8. Five villagers
Students who are chosen must come for practice an the following dates at 2.00 p.m in the school
First practice : November 16th
Second practice : November 23rd
Third practice : November 30th
Fourth practice : December 7th
Last practice : December 14th
T he dr ama will be directed by Mrs. Tia
3. What is the tit le of the drama ?
A. Drama club show
B. The magic show
C. The magic carpet
D. The magic red carpet

4. How many practices are there?

A. 3 practices
B. 4 practices
C. 5 practices
D. 6 practices

5. Who will direct the drama?

A. the students
B. the teachers
C. the parents
D. Mrs. Tia

6. How many actors and actresses are needed in the drama ?

A. ten person
B. eighteen person
C. fifteen person
D. nineteen person
Text for no. 7 - 10

I love dogs very much. I keep some dogs in my house. They are Casper, Midas,
Brwonie and Dottie. Casper is a dachshund. He’s short with long body and four
strong legs. Brwonie is a collie. She has long and thick fur. What color is her fur?
Brown, of course that’s why I call her Brownie. Dottie is a Dalmatian. She has a slim
body and four long legs. She has thin fur and dots all over her body. The last is
Midas. He is a bulldog. He has a large head, a short neck and thick short legs. He’s
very strong.
I always take care of my dogs everyday.

7. How many dogs does the writer have?

A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four

8. What does Casper look like?

A. short with long body and strong legs
B. brown, with long and thick fur
C. slim body, long legs
D. thin fur and dots

9. Why does the writer call the collie, Brownie? The writer calls the collie, Browniebecause ….
A. she likes brownies
B. she has brown fur
C. she has brown ear
D. she like it
10. What kind of dog is Dottie? Dottie is a …
A. Dalmatian
B. Daschun
C. Bulldog
D. Collie

11. Look at the picture!

Make an instruction based on the picture !
A. Cut the grass !
B. Pick the flower !
C. Water the flower !
D. Water the pond !

12. Janet: My country has four seasons. They are spring, summer, winter, and fall.
What about your country Ranny ? How many seasons do you have in Indonesia ?
Ranny : We have only two seasons in Indonesia. They are...
A. dry and rainy
B. fall and spring
C. summer and winter
D. summer and spring

13. Wawan is smart boy in his class.

The underlined word means ….
A. intelligent
B. stupid
C. beautiful
D. careful
Text for no.14-15
Triny: Hello, can I speak to Alex.
Aldo: This is Alex, who is speaking?
Triny: Hi, this is Tracy.
Aldo: Hi Tracy. What are you doing?
Triny: Oh, I'm just watching TV. What are you doing?
Aldo: Well, I'm cooking dinner.
Triny: What are you cooking?
Aldo: I'm baking some potatoes, boiling some carrots and grilling a steak.
Tracy: It sounds delicious.
Alex: What are you doing for dinner tonight?
Triny: Well, I don't have any plans...
Aldo: Would you like to come over for dinner?
Triny: Oh, I'd love to. Thanks.
Aldo: Great. Mary and Bido are also coming. They are arriving at seven.
Triny: OK, I'll be there at seven, too.
Aldo: OK, see you then. Bye.
Triny: Bye.

14. Who is cooking for dinner ?

A. I
B. You
C. Triny
D. Aldo

15. Who is coming at seven ?

A. Triny
B. Aldo
C. Triny and Aldo
D. Mary and Bido

Text for no. 16 - 17

16. What time does the writer go to bed ?

A. 07:45PM
B. 06:00PM
C. 05:00PM
D. 04.00PM
17. The writer usually takes a bath at ….
A. 07:45PM
B. 06:00PM
C. 05:00PM
D. 04.00PM

Text for no. 18 – 20

To: Emmy Suliastiningsih

I will be glad if you want to come to my 15th birthday party. It will be held:
Date : October 28th 2010
Time : 5:00 p.m
Place : Jl. Raya Baruga No. 26, Makassar

Yours truly,
Rahmi Handayani

18. Who will have a birthday party on October,28th 2010?

A. Emmy
B. Emmy’s sister
C. Rahmi
D. Emmy and Rahmi

19. How old will Rahmi be in on October, 28th 2012?

A. Fifteen
B. Sixteen
C. Seventeen
D. Eighteen

20. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

A. Emmy invites Rahmi to her birthday
B. Emmy lives in Jl. Raya Baruga No. 26
C. Rahmi is Emmy’s twin sister
D. Rahmi was born on October, 28th 1995

Text for no. 21

Saprol : What are you doing?
Kipli : I am studying English. What about you? What are you doing?
Saprol : I'm making some food. Do you want some?
Kipli : Sure!

21. Who wants some food ?

A. I
B. You
C. Saprol
D. Kipli

22. What do you think Kipli is ?

A. He is a student.
B. He is a chef.
C. He is a zookeeper.
D. He is a postman.
Text for no. 23

23. The following are true about the picture, EXCEPT….

A. We must appreciate the earth.
B. We must save the earth.
C. We must love the earth.
D. We must burn the earth.

Text for no. 24 - 26

Andika : Next week we will have a one week holiday. What about going to Bali?
Rama : That’s great! Bali is very fantastic. We can enjoy various tourist object to offer, such as: Tanah Lot,
Kintamani, Ulu Watu, Tirta Empul, Tampak Siring Palace, Tanjung Benoa, and some beautiful
Andika : What about the accommodation?
Rama : Oh! Don’t worry! There are many hotels, bungalows, villas, and restaurants, some with international
Andika : Wow! That’s wonderful! Let’s go to Bali!
Rama : Yes, let’s prepare for everything.
Andika : Okay.

24. How many beautiful places mentioned by Rama in the dialogue?

A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five

25. What does Rama think about Bali ?

A. It is fantastic.
B. It is very fantastic.
C. It is not so fantastic.
D. It is not fantastic.
Text for no. 26 - 27
Rara : Look, so many students are drug user now.
Sasa : That’s true. I watched the news about that on TV. It’s so sad, isn’t it?
Rara : I think so. And I think it is very dangerous for the young generation like us.
Sasa : I agree with you. What do you think we can do about that?
Rara : In my opinion, we have to be more careful in choosing our friends because they can influence us to use

26. How does Sasa know that so many students are drug user now ?
A. By watching TV
B. By thinking seriously
C. By choosing good friend
D. By asking opinion

27. According to Rara, friends can influence us to use drugs.

It means that we must be careful ….
A. in watching TV
B. in choosing friends
C. in giving opinion
D. in asking opinion
Text for no 28

28. Based on the picture, what can we do with the trash !

A. We can burn the trash.
B. We can keep the trash.
C. We can water the trash.
D. We can recycle the trash.

Text for no. 29 - 30

29. What is the occation ?

A. It is a graduation day.
B. It is a birthday party.
C. It is a flag ceremony.
D. It is a circumcision.

30. What do they say to one another ?

A. I am sorry.
B. You are beautiful.
C. You are handsome.
D. Congratulations !!!

Text for no. 31 - 32

31. How long will the fair last ?
A. one day
B. two days
C. three days
D. four days
32. Based on the text, this water fun fair is held …..
A. every day B.
every week C.
every month D.
every year

Text for no. 33 - 34

Budi : Hi, Dika. How are you today?
Dika : Hi, Budi. Fine, and a bit excited.
Budi : Are you? Excited about what?
Dika : Well, my pet cat has had kittens. They’re cute, small, and very adorable. Oh you should have seen
Budi : Sure, I’d love to!

33. How are Dika’s kittens ?

A. They are cute.
B. They are small.
C. They are cute and small.
D. They are cute, small, and adorable.

34. They’re cute, small, and very adorable. Oh you should have seen them.
What does the word them here refer to ?
A. Dika
B. Budi
C. Cat
D. Kittens
35. Chaca : Would you like to have dinner at my house this evening ?
Yahya : That’s sound good.
Chaca : Are you sure ?
Yahya : …
How should Yahya answer if he had something to do in the evening that make him unable to come ?
A. Yes, I can’t
B. No, I can’t
C. I’m afraid I can’t
D. I’m positive I can’t
36. Shasa : Can you help me washing the plates, Winda ?
Winda: I’m sorry … I am studying , sister ?
A. I can’t
B. I don’t
C. I did not
D. I will not
Text for no. 37 - 39
Andi and Lala are talking about endangered animal in Indonesia.
Andi : Where can we find Komodo?
Lala : You can find it in Komodo island only.
Andi : Is the Komodo just in Komodo island? Can we find in another place in Indonesia?
Lala : Yes, it is. Of course you can.
You can also find in the zoo, like at Ragunan in Jakarta, Gembira Loka in Jogjakarta or Wonokromo in
Andi : Why?
Lala : Because Komodo is the rarest and protected animals.
Andi : How about one-horned rhinoceros?
Lala : Oh, I think one-horned rhinoceros is only finding in Ujung Kulon.
Andi : Can we find it in the zoo?
Lala : No, you can’t. You will find a rhinoceros with two horns in the zoo. And it is different from one-horned
37. What are Delon and Diva talking about ?
A. They are talking about zoo.
B. They are talking about island.
C. They are talking about domestic animal.
D. They are talking about endangered animal.
38. Where do we can find one-horned rhinoceros?
A. In Surabaya
B. In Jakarta
C. In Jogjakarta
D. Ujung Kulon
39. The followings are true based on the dialogue, EXCEPT…
A. Komodo is the rarest and protected animals.
B. One-horned rhinoceros is only finding in Ujung Kulon.
C. We can find one-horned rhinoceros in the zoo.
D. Two horns rhinoceros is different from one-horned rhinoceros.
Text for no. 40 - 43
Nirina : Cinthya sent me a birthday card yesterday. It’s so pretty.
Silvia : Can I see it?
Nirina : She sent it via e-mail. You can’t see it now. Irwan is using internet.
Silvia : Does Cinthya often send you e-mails?
Nirina : Almost every day. I also try to reply all of her e-mails.
Silvia : That’s good. I can’t reply most of my e-mail. Sometimes I don’t
even have time to open my inbox.
Nirina : You should open it every day. You may get some important news.
Silvia : I don’t think that’s necessary. I get junk e-mail most of the time.

40. How often does Cinthya send Nirina e-mail?

A. Almost everyday
B. Twice a week
C. Once a week
D. Everyday
41.What did Cinthya send to Nirina via e-mail?
A. a birthday card
B. an inbox
C. a junk mail
D. a letter
42.What does Silvia find in her inbox most of the time?
A. a birthday card
B. a junk mail
C. an air mail
D. an e-mail
43.When did Nirina get the birthday card?
A. On Sunday
B. On Monday
C. Yesterday
D. Today
44. Look at the picture! What does it mean?

A. Don’t shoot.
B. Don’t walk on the grass.
C. Don’t cut the grass.
D. Don’t water the plant.
Complete this dialogue !
45. Dino : Hello, Waluyo
Waluyo : Hi Dino. Are you doing anything now?
Dino : No, why?
Waluyo : .............................?
Dino : That’s a good idea.
A. How are you
B. I hope you free
C. I hope you are fine
D. How about going for a swim

46. The best arrangement of the paragraph is…

(1) Actually, his voice is not suitable for his giant body
(2) However, my favorite pet is Temon.
(3) Temon is a male cat.
(4) When I come home, he usually gives me a kiss.
(5) I have many pets in my home.
(6) He has innocent round eyes and a sweet voice.
A. 5-6-3-2-1-4
B. 5-3-6-2-1-4
C. 5-6-2-3-1-4
D. 5-2-3-6-1-4

Text for no. 47 - 48

Randa : Listen ! I got news for you
Tanto : (47) …..
Randa : “ Bedah Rumah” is going to come to my house.
Tanto : (48)…..
Randa : This afternoon.

47. A. What’s up? 48. A. No kidding! Where?

B. Where are you? B. No kidding! When?
C. What are you doing? C. No kidding! What?
D. What do you do? D. No kidding! Why?

Text for no. 49 -50

49. Who will have a birthday party ?

A. I
B. You
C. Dia
D. They

50. This birthday party is probably held …

A. early in the morning
B. in the afternoon
C. late in the afternoon
D. in the evening

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