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Standard Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete AASHTO Designation: M 154-06 __ASTM Designation: C 260-01 ____ AASHTO M 154-06 is identical to ASTM C 260-01 except for the following provision: 1, All references to the ASTM Standards contained in ASTM C 260-01 listed in the followirg table shall be replaced with the corresponding AASHTO Standard 2. Section 8.1 of ASTM C 260-01 shall be replaced with the following: 8.1 Determine the properties enumerated in Section 6 in accordance with Test Method C 233, It is recommended that, whenever practicable, tests be made in accordance with the section on Materials for Tests for Specific Uses in Test Method C 233, using the cementitious materials, proposed for the specific work. 3. Table 1 Physical Requirements of ASTM C 260-01 shall be revised to include compressive strength and flexural strength at 56 days with the same requirements as listed for 28 days. The 56-days requirements shall be applicable only when specified by the purchaser. S20 M1544 ~~ AASHTO 260-01 Aly Designation: Standard Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete’ ths cand at andr te Aad ston C2 panto medial towing he dso cas he Ser tabla ince ol mse a eo, Auer npn acs Be eat Lt area A vm ‘rand har Bow aye for ws agence of the paren of Defense A. Scope * 1.1 This specification covers materials proposed for use as the Hild 1.2 The values stated in SI units are wo be regarded as the lues given in parentheses are for information ining admixtures to be added to conerete mixtures in footnotes which provide explanatory material. These notes and ootnowes (excluding those in tables and Hgutes) shall not be considered as requirements of the standard 2. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standart: C183 Practice for Sampling and the Amount of Testing of| Hydraulic Comen" C185 Tesi Methos for Air Content of Hydraulic Cement Mortar? (© 233 Tea Method for Air Entaining Admintures for Con- creie® 3. Terminology 3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Stondard BLL aivenrrainine admicture, n—for the purpose of this specification, material that is used as an ingredient of ‘concrete. added to the batch immediately before oF during its mixing, for the purpose of entraining ai 4. General Requirements 4.1 AL the request of the purchaser, the manufacturer shall stale in writing that tne ar-entaining admixture supplied for fuse in the work is essentially identical in concentration. composition, and performance to the air-entraining admixture tested under this specification, 1H i recommeded th, wheter prasticble, tess wit he oo rh arin of ASTM Cane OP on (ANT iene wth siventaning ante fe mae sng a of te ingens of Sout opr for espe wore can the et pe hy the arcane may vay Wh Be popes: oe snr fe conte 42 Requirements for etblishing compositional or chen cal equivalence ofa subequent lot elatve Io a peeveus Bt that was sojctd to quit tens and Fund to comply with he requirements of 51 shall be determined agreed pon fy Be Datchaser and the manufacturer At the request of the Pa haser the mantactrer shall recommenésppreniate te procedures, sich as infrared spectropbotometty (LR), pl Salve and solids content, for etblishing th equivalence of raters fom diferent lots or diferent prtons ofthe same to [Nore 2--Ulraviolt light absorption (UY) of solions sd nk specirscapy of red revdues lave be Fund ur Be vaabl for thse furgoses The specie procedures tp he eapkyod std the entra to salah eguivsionce shld be stipe wth de regard to he campo Stion and proper of the saree 4.3 At the request of the purchaser, the manufacturer shal state in writing the chloride content of the airentaining admixture and whether or not chloride sas added during Is ‘manulacture, [Nore S-Admintores that coma chlondes may acelete corny of embodied meus 5. Optional Uniformity Requirements S.1_A series of two or more samples from & manufactur Jot will be considered. sufficiently uniform to be propey ‘composited into a single sample for quality testing provided they do not dfer more than the amounis indicated io $4 3.2.A subsequent sample or composite sample shall be considered in compliance with these requirements, so fang. they differ from the orginal sample, tested tothe requirermests (of 6.1, by no more than the amounts listed in $4, and provided ‘that any additional optional, appropriate test. such as infrared spectroscopy and ulsaviolet light absorption referred to in 42, also meet pre-agreed requirements ‘5.3 Determinations of uniformity shall be made in accor dance with the procedures given in the sections "Check Tesis for Uniformity” and “Procedure for Residue by Oven Drying of Test Method C233, "1 Summury of Changs Seton appers atthe en of his standard TS-3b M 154-2 ‘AASHTO fh c280 5.4 Allowable liferences in reals of uniformity determi nations shall not exceed the following amounts 5.4.1. The manufacturer shall provide an acceptable range of | pH not exceed a range of 2.0. The pH of samples tested shall fall withio this range. 54.2 The air centemi in pereent of Test Method © 185 mortars prepared ftom successive lots shall not differ by more ‘han 2.0 from that forthe acceptance sample $4.3 The mumuliciumer shall provide acceptable timiis of _N Fesidue content not to exceed =12.% of the midpoint of the limits. The residue content of samples tested shall fall within these limits (Note 4) Nove 4—As an exangle, ap aictre may commanky be prodced wit residue comtont ranging rr $0106, The manalatrer would Provide secepable lms of $08 to 64%. rprxenting 212% of the Fain of the hms high 8.38 6. Performance Requirements 6.1 The aie-entaining admixture shall confor to the re- urements in Table 1 6.1.1 Resistance to Freecing and Thawing—The relative darability factor of conerete containing the admixture under {est shall be not less than 80, The relative durability Factor shall be calculated as follows: DP oe DE) = PNIBOD RDF = (DFIDF,s x 100 TABLE 1 Physical Requirements” AEnicining Adminis To cng siowabe ova om ota Congres sna mn eet Tae » 22 cepn mn vrcome'e * ae % sr 2 beans » Lenn Sage, max ern, conan equreros = se ue ar peta got coin Saas oat ange a ing alr ma ‘pe tan ot he BO congestive arena ragoremer fr af ewan dmvces trate bole peruano campsite renee "Shogkeane ony when ar yt pune atari earn 5505.2 “perl conta ht pp wes length change ote coved 0.080% ears eneeaye rer carta Ie apes wnen hah cng of corals MeN 03D. ee er werane cor cance sar tan 038 ‘Seo malr nthe apreaen For range en eee nae a onan 08g 3 amas ana pode 29 gel eed wate, mods ave nou = OB aeetage pone, where DE Gurabitity factor of the concrete contsining the admixture under test = durability factor of the concrete containing the reference admixture, relative dynamie modulus of elasticity in percent age of the dynamic modulus of elasticity at 210 cycles (values of P will be 60 or greater, if P docs not reach 6% prior to the ens of the lest (00 cycles), and RDP = relative durability factor, 6.1.2 Length Change—After 14 days of drying. the length change of the concrete containing the test admixture shall not bbe more than 120°% of that of the concrete containing the reference admixture. When, after [4 days of drying, the length ‘change of the reference concrete is less than 0.030 4. the length change of the concrete containing the test admincure shall not be more than 0.006 pereentage points preater than thal of the reference concrete 7. Sampling 7.1. Opportunity shall be provided the purchaser for careful sampling and inspection, either atthe point of manufacture oF athe site of the work, as specified by dhe purchaser 7.2 Samples shall be either “grab” or “composite” sumples «4s specified or required by this specification, A grab sample is ‘one obtained in a single operation. A composite sample is one cobiained by combining three or more grab samples. 7.3 For the purpose of this specification. itis recognized ‘hat ‘samples will be taken for the two following reasons 73.1 Quality Tests—A sample taken for the purpose of evaluating the quality of a source or lot of admixture willbe required to meet all the applicable requirements. of this ‘specification, Samples used t determine conformance with the requirements ofthis specification shall be composites of grab samples taken from sufficient locations to ensure that the ‘composite sample will be representative of the lt 732 Uniformity Testo—A sample taken for the purpose of evaluating the uniformity of a single fot or of different los from the same source will generally be subjected to limed foumber of tests as the result of agreement beween the purchaser and manufacturer (see Section 4), Such samples shall be composite samples from individual lots when dflere Jos from the same source are being compared, When the Uniformity of a single fot is being determined, grab sanples shall be used. 74 Liquid Air-Enraining Admivures—Liguid sdiistares shall be agitated thoroughly immediately prior to sampling Grat samples taken for quality of uniformity sexs sal represent not more than 9500 L. (2500 gal) af admixture and shall have @ volume of at least LL (1 qh). A minienum of three rab samples shall be taken Composite samples shall be Prepared by thoroughly mixing the grab samples selocted ana the resultant mixture sampled to provide at least 41 (1 gab toe ‘quality tis. Grab samples shall be taken feom diferent Tocations weil distributed throughout the quanlity to be repre-| sone TS-3b M 154-3 ‘AASHTO umber of cycles at which P teaches 60%. or 300 __ Ai} c 260 TALI Admingures in bulk storage tanks shall be sampled ‘equilly from the upper. intermediate, and lower levels by rican of drain cocks inthe sides of the tanks or 2 weighted sampling bote fied with » Stopper that can be removed after the hottie is lowered 10 the desived depth 74.2 Samples shall be packaged in impermeable, a ‘containers that are resistant to attack by the admixture 7S Nonliguid Air-Entroiming Admiciures—Grab samples takes iy all than 2 metric tons (2 tons) of admixture and shall have a mass of atleast I kg (2 1b).A minimum of four grab samples shal be taken, Composite sumples shull be prepared by thoroughly mixing the grab samples selected and the resultant mixture Sampled 10 provide at feast 2.5 ke (5 fb) for the composite Sample. Grab samples shall be taken from different Iocations ‘well diibuted throughout the quantity to be represented, 7.5.1 Samples of psckaged admixtures shall be obtained by means of a tbe sampler as described in Practice C 183. 7.5.2 Samples shall be packaged in moisture-proof, airtight ‘containers, 7.6 Samples shall be thoroughly mixed before testing 10 assure uniformity. When recommended by the manufacturer, the entire sample of a nonliquid admiature shall be dissolved in ‘water prior to testing, ight 8, Test Methods 8.1 Determine the properties enumerated in Section 6 in secondance with Test Method © 233, It is recommended that, whenever practicable, tests be made in accordance with the sestion on Materials for Test for Specie Uses in Test Method (€233, using the cement proposed for the speci work 9. Rejection 9.1 The sirentraining admixture shall be rejected if the purchaser desires whom it fils to meet any of the applicable requirements of this specification 9.2 After completion of tests. an admixture stored at the point of manufsenure for more than 6 months prior to shipment. -ARTURE WY ToT STOVE WE URE SOT Seer tr fore than 6 months, shall be setested before use when requested by the purehiaver. It sall be rejected. ifthe purchaser sires, when it fails to conform t© any of the applicabe requirements ofthis specification 9.3. Packages oF containers varying more than $ S from the specified weight or volume shall be rejected if the purchaser desires, If the average weight or volume of $0 packages ot jeontaiers taken at randoms is Jess than that specified. the entte shipment shall be rejected ifthe purchaser desires. 10. Packaging and Marking 10.1 The proprictary name of the airentrsining admixture ‘and the net quanti’ in pounds or gallons (kilograms or lites) shall be plainly indicated on the packages or containers in Which the admixtute is doivered, Similar information shall be provided in the shipping advices accompanying packaged ar bulk shipments of admixtures 1. Keywords ULI ir content; air entrsining. admixtures ‘rote: pH residue: specific gravity SUMMARY OF CHANGES “This soeion identifies the location of changes to this specification that have been incorporated since the last (1 Table 1 wis revised. (2) 6.12 was revise. STs npr! aos re paston respi he vty of ay Boon mt assem connection wih any hem enone nina sara User ars ncad we eponsyaoteed hat Semaine way ay suena sa ee [Snape ct gp ano trun pons ‘Th dards 800 at an nb he azar ec chon come, winch you may alone ys te that your sommes Nave nat ecewed a a {Commaecon Sundae mts sce Be ‘hg aa cenpanes ny AST inert 100 Haro Dive, PO ex C70, Hes Consort, Hk 1828-2958 Luniod Sure rcs (ge or muse cape 9) ended maybe bles fy cena ASTI a8 aCe oons on af 0800.00 lomony), GHDELEISGE fan) or eowueaemars (ermal oF MoWpe Me Tmt 0 8-36 M 154-4 ‘AASHTO Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete AASHTO Designation: M 194M/M 194-06 AASHTO M 194M/M 194-06 agrees with ASTM C 494/C 494 M-05 except for the following provisions: 1, Allreferences to ASTM Standards contained in ASTM 494/C 494 M-05 listed in the following table shall be replaced with the corresponding AASHTO Standard, e Referenced Standards ASTM ‘AASHTO 33 Ma cx 12 crs ™ C136 ™ 13s THIMT 12 cus. THOM 119 150 Mas csr T160 cis TR7 cia, R39 cm 1152 260) Mist C403 T1977 1997 666, Tie, 2. Table 1 Physical Requirements of ASTM C 494/C 494M-05 shall be revised to include compressive strength and flexural strength at $6 days with the same requirements as listed fer e 28 days, The 56-day requirements shall be applicable only when specified by the purchaser. 3. The first word in the last sentence of Paragraph 15.1 of ASTM C 494/C 494 M-04 has been modified to “As” in lieu of “I. 75-3 M 494MM 194-1 ‘AASHTO Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete’ ‘hss su under he ied eigen C48 444th rember resize lowing he desiton nda te yar coro ‘sane eon) aes oral charg uae tele eso ape RPE TEES Be FO Ta "ssn as bean approved fr ae by ani ofthe Deparment of Defense 1. Scope 1.1 This specification covers materials for use as chemical admixtures to be aded to hydraulic-cement concrete mixtures in the field forthe furpose or purposes indicated for the seven types as follows: LL Type A—Water-reducing admixtures, 1.1.2 Type B—Retarding admixtures, 1.13 Type C—Accelerating admixtures, L14 Type D—Nater-teducing and retarding admixtures, LLS Type E—Water-reducing and accelerating admixtures, 1.16 Type F—Water-reducing, high range admixtures, and 11.7 Type G—Water-reducing, high range, and retarding admixtures 1.2 ‘This specification stipulates tests of an admixture with suitable concreting materials as described in II.1-11.3 of with cement, pozzolan, azgregaes, and an air-entraning admixture Proposed for specfis work (11.4). Unless specified otherwise by the purchaser, tie tests shall be made using concreting materials as described in 11.1-11,3, Noms Its recommended tha, whenever practicable, tests be made sing the cement. pozzcan,agezepute,ar-entuning aint, a the ‘iu proportions. buching sequence, and other pyscal conditions proposed forthe specie work (11) becuse the spect effects produced by chemical admires may vary withthe properties and operons of the other inpediens of the coneet. For instance, Types F and G admixtures may exhibit much higher water edition in cones mixtures [avin higher cement fos thon ca sted in 12 1 Mixtures having hig) ange wate reduction genealy display a higher rate of slump loss Wien highrange admires re-used to impart ‘nocesed workability (6to in. slump (15949 200-mm)) the effect ey be of imited ratio, reverting to the original slp in 30 t0 60 min spending on factors niemally affecting rte of shmp lst. The ve ef hemical admixtures to produce high-lamp (Rowing) concrete covered by Specification C1017 [None 2—The purchaser should ensure tht the amis septic for sein the wor i quien: ia composition othe admin subjected ‘est under tis spoctiaton Gee Seton & Uniformity and Equivalence), Concrete Agzrogzes andi the dct responsibly of Subcommince C9.23 on ‘Caen edton aproved May 1, 2108. shed May 2008, orga spot in 1983 Lan po eden aprved i 204 mC 08 [Nowe 3-~Admixtures that conan relavely are mounts of elie may accelerate conosion of prestssng sel Complisnce with the requirements of his specification doesnot constitute asurtce of ace ably ofthe aimineure for sein pressed consete 1.3 This specification provides for three levels of testir, 1.3.1 Level 1—During the initial approval stage, proof of compliance with the performance requirements definec. in ‘Table 1 demonstrates that the admixture meets the requite- ‘ments ofthis specification. Admixtures (except for Types B,C. tnd E) shall qualify for provisional compliance when the altemative compressive strength requirements in Table | ate ‘met. If subsequent fest results at 6 months or one year fail to ‘meet the standard requirement of 100 & of reference strensth, the compliance of the admixture to this standard is withdrawn and all users of the admixture shall be notified immediately Uniformity and equivalence tests of Section 6 shall be caried ‘bt to provide results against which later comparisons ean be made (See Note 4), Norz 4—Allowing for provisional compliance while retaining longer ‘erm compressive seength requirements promotes mre rapid quali few materials, but also provides acura that new admire technologies will ot extibit unexpected lange tem performance. The sleratve compressive sirength roqientens in Table Tae bast on Satsical analysis of 103 Specieaton C 494C 494M evaluation test ‘Te allrmatverequiremeni sorespond 0499 % probably! passing subsequent ts age requirements? 1.32 Level 2—Limited retesting is described in 5.2, 52.1 ‘and 5.2.2. Proof of compliance with the requirements of Table 1 demonstrates continued conformity ofthe admixture with the equitements ofthe specification, 1.33 Level 3—For accepiance of a lot or for measuring Uniformity within or between lots, when specified by the purchaser, the uniformity and equivalence tests of Section 6 Shall be used. * Supponing dat have Ben fe ASTM nen Mexdqunes ad ey be ned by requesting Reech Repo RR CO 1090 TS-3b M 194MM 194-2 ‘AASHTO {pc aoarc agen —05 1.4 The values stated in either inch-poun or SI units shall, be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in each system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each system must be used independently of the other, without combining values in any way, 1.5 The text of this standard references notes and footnotes, which provide explanatory material. These notes and footnotes (excluding those i tables and figures) shall not be considered a FeqUTe ERIS OF Theses 1.6 The following precautionary caveat pertains only to the test method sections, Sections 11-18 of this Specification: This ‘standard does not purport address all ofthe safety concerns, ifany, associated withits use. I is the responsibilty ofthe user Of this standard 10 establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limita- tions prior t0 use 2, Referenced Documents 2. ASTM Standards: © €33 Specification for Concrete Aggregates €.30/C 39M Test Method for Compressive Sength of Cy- lindrical Concrete Specimens C78 “Test Method for Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam with Third-Point Loading) C136 Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates C138 Test Methol for Density (Unit Weight), Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete C HAC 143M Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic- ‘Cement Concrete €150 Specification for Portland Cement €157/C 157M ‘Test Method for Length Change of Hard- ened Hydraulic-Cement, Mortar, and Concrete for cferenced ASTM sunday, is the AST wet, wasn | coma ASTM Come Seie at vce Daim ot Aaa Boo of ASTM Stns von formats lsh sland Decumet Siramay pug C185 Practice for Sampling and the Amount of Testing of Hydraulic Cement C192/C 192M Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Laboratory C231 Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method (© 260. Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Con- 40516 403M Test Method for Time of Setting of Conerste Mixtures by Penetration Resistance C666 Test Method for Resistance of Conerete to Rapid Freezing and Thawing C1017 Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Use in Producing Flowing Concrete 1D 75 Practice for Sampling Aggregates 1D 1193 Specification for Reagent Water E 100 Specification for ASTM Hydrometers ‘Manual of Aggregate and Concrete Testing 22. American Concrete Institute Standard: ‘ACI 211.1-91 Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal, Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete* 3. Terminology 3.1 Definitions BA accelerating admixture—an aémixtute that acceler ates the setting and early strength development of concrete 3.1.2 retarding admixture—an admixture that retards the setting of concrete 3.1.3 water-reducing admixaure—an admixture that reduces the quantity of mixing water required to produce concrete of & given consistency 3.14 waterreducing admixture, high range—an admixtare that reduces the quantity of mixing water required to produce concrete of @ given consistency by 12 % or greater. 3.1.5 wuterreducing and accelerating admixture— an 2d- mixture that reduces the quantity of mixing water required to ‘ae om te Ameian CntceIsae, 8809 Coty Chb Dive TS-3b M 194M/M 194-3 ‘AASHTO lp c 494/c 4o4m - 05 TABLE 1 Physic! Requemente® Tyee. Tye, “vate Wes ayes, pees. it ee eseore. War gue ene Rectng ate vee Pescng a oe Monrange ange * ano hang Wawcniet mace OE * ee me Reg wna _ ‘tna oes “V9 mer Soom 0b earer 100 ar rerio Fr at ae +09 eater 109. ‘moe an 00 eater 2010 Sone Sate Compose aang min to % is io es 135 35 He cy 109 Ho wt 0 Ho G20 (20 ane (202 tine nn a fine na tine ome ‘eo. o * ‘eo te sco. ‘oo wae (ge nae nse Lang dye, mae Frage (alematve scent os 18 135 16 28 19 35 sa elas ty * e ® a eo 0 cy Fr vali rb ai rie alowance ral varaion hia rns The pcos 60 conproave Wengh WaunanGA ra Tipe B ionne ‘opie evol ot promence conpuate a tole eee snete he amprerswe aa tus sang Oe carer erg hese andre ny st age sat 0 rats han 90 ot ined a ay ress ‘esa. Te cece oes orate at te corpesve 2 bral sgl ne cones catering bw soc ee ta aha oases Cah tv eaurenen measure ave sees are gree Ban He onset parece, he ene al bosses ora a teat requterai, ne 1714, contol apple when angi change contol is 080% er rat; cease ver cont nt pes hn nh Ths reqraret fs agzeabe cy whan ne admire eo be usd enka conc whch maybe expoted i ezrg an thawing whe we produce concrete of a given consistency and accelerates the Setting and early strength development of concrete 3.1.6 water-reducing and retarding admixture— an admix- ture that reduces the quantity of mixing water required to produce concrete of 2 given consistency and retards the setting ‘of concrete 3.1.7 waterredwing, high range, and retarding ‘admixoure-—an admisture that reduces the quantity of mixing, ‘ater required to produce concrete of a given consistency by 12 oor greater and retards the seting of concrete 4. Ordering Information 4.1. The purchsser shall specify the type of chemical admix- ture desired 5. General Requirements 5.1 For initial compliance with this specification, test con- crete in which each type of admixture shown in 1 is used shall conform to the respective requirements prescribed in Table 1 5.2 The purchasers allowed to roqute a limited retesting to confirm current compliance of the admixture to specification requirements. The limited retesting will cover physical prop- erties and performance of the admixture, 52.1 The physical properties retesting shall consist of ‘uniformity and equivalence tests for infrared analysis, residue by oven drying and spectic gravity TS-3b M 194MM 194-4 ‘AASHTO Aly c a9aic 49am - 05 5.22 The performace property retesting shall consist of ‘water content of fresh concrete, setting time and compressive Strength at 3, 7 and 28 days, Purchasers having special requirements are allowed to require additional tests currently in this standard. 533 At the request cf the purchaser, the manufacturer shall state in writing thatthe admixture supplied for use in the work is identical in all essenial respects, including concentration, to ihe admafatare Texted une this specfcation.———~ ‘54 Atthe request ofthe purchaser, when the admixture isto bbe used in prestressed concrete, the manufacturer shall state in writing the chloride content of the admixture and whether or rot chloride has been added during its manufacture. 5.5 Tests for uniformity and equivalence, as indicated in Seetion 6, shall be mide on the inital sample and the results retained for reference and comparison with the results of tests of samples taken from elsewhere within the lot or subsequent Tots of admixture supplied for use in the work. 6. Uniformity and Equivalence 6.1. When specified by the purchaser, the uniformity of alo, or the equivalence of different lots from the same source shall be established by the use of the following requirements: {6.1.1 Infrared Anaiysis—The absorption spectra of the ini- tial sample and the test sample, obtained as specified in 18.1 shall be essentially similar 6.1.2 Residue by Gven Drying (Liguid Admistures}—When tied as specified in 18.2, the oven-dried residues of the initial sample and of subsequent samples shall be within * 12 % of the mid-point of the manufacturer’s stated range, but not exceeding the manufscturer’s stated limits (See Note 5) Now $-As an exam, for an adminsre produced with residue range fom 27 10 386, the manufacurer would provide maximuy ccepabe limits of 27310247 presenting 12 ofthe mid-point fof te ims, whe the mid-point is 31.0% 6.1.3 Residue by Oven Drying (Nonliquid Admistures)— When dred as specited in 18.3, the oven-dried residues of the initial sample and of the subsequent samples shall be within & range of variation net greater than = 4 percentage points, 6.1.4 Specific Gravity (Liguid Admiures)—When tested 28 specitied in 184, the specific gravity of subsequent test samples shall not dtfer from the specific gravity ofthe initial sample by more thin 10% of the difference between the Specific gravity of the initial sare and that of reagent water atthe same temperature, If 10 & of the difference between the specific gravity ofthe initial sample and water i ess than 0.01, tuse the value 0.01 as the maximum allowable difference Reagent water conforming to Specification D 1193, Types 1 for IV, and prepared by dlsilation ion exchange, reverse osmosis, electrodialysis, or @ combination ofthese procedures is adequate 6.2 When the niture of the admixture or the analytical capability of the purchaser make some oF all of these proce= Gures unsuitable, other requirements for uniformity and fequivalence from Kt to lot or within a lot shall be established bby agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer. 7, Packaging and Marking 7.1 When the admixture is delivered in packages or cor tainers, the proprietary name of the admixture, the type under this specification, and the net weight or volume shall be plainly ‘marked thereon, Similar information shall be provided in the shipping advices accompanying packaged or bulk shipments of admixtures. ‘8. Storage———— 8.1 The admixture shall be stored in such # manner as 10 permit exsy access for proper inspection and identification of teach shipment. and ina suitable weathertight building that will protect the admixture from dampness and freezing. 9. Sampling and Inspection ‘9.1. Every facility shall be provided the purchaser for carefol sampling and inspection, either at the point of manufacture or the site of the work, as specified by the purchaser. 9.2 Samples shall be either “grab or “composite” samples, ‘as specified or required by this specification. A grab sample is one obtained in a single operation, A composite sample is one ‘obtained by combining three or more grab samples. ‘93 For the purposes of this specification, itis recozniz=d that samples will be taken for two reasons ‘93.1 Quality Tests—A sample taken for the purpose of evaluating the quality of a source or lot of admixture will be required to meet all the applicable requirements of this ‘specification. Samples used to determine conformance with the requirements of this specification shall be composites of grab samples taken from sulicient locations to ensure that the composite sample will be representative of the lot ‘9.32 Uniformity and Equivalence Tests— When specitied by the purchaser, a sample taken for the purpose of evaluating the uniformity of a single lot, or equivalence of different lots from one source shall be tested as provided in Section 6. Such samples shall be composite samples from individual lots when diferent lots from the same source are being compared. When the uniformity ofa single ots being determined, rab samples shall be used ‘94 Liguid Admistures—Liguid admixtures shall be agitated thoroughly immediately prior to sampling. Grab samples taken for quality or uniformity tests shall represent a unit shipmen: or 4 single production lot, Each grab sample shall have a volume fof at least | pe [0.5 L]. A minimum of three grab samples shall be taken, Composite samples shall be prepared by thoroughly mixing the grab samples selected and the resultant mixture Sampled to provide atleast I gal (4 L] for quality tests. Grab samples shall be taken from different locations well distributes throughout the quantity to be represented ‘94.1 Admixtures in bulk storage tanks shall be sampled ‘equally from the upper, intermediate, and lower levels by means of drain cocks in the sides of the tanks or 2 weighted sampling bottle fitted witha stopper that can be removed after the bottle is lowered to the desired depth, ‘9.4.2 Samples shall be packaged in impermeable, sight containers which are resistant to attack by the admixture ‘95 Nonliquid Admistures—Grab samples taken for quality for uniformity tess shall represent not more than 2 tons (2 MB} TS-3b M 194MM 194-5 ‘AASHTO Gp c asaic gam - 05 ‘of admixture and shall weigh at least 2 Ib [have a mass of at least 1 kg). A minimum of four grab samples shall be taken, ‘Composite samples shall be prepared by thoroughly mixing the grab samples selected and the resultant mixture sampled to provide atleast 5 Ib [2.5 kg] for the composite sample. Grab samples shall be taken from different locations well distributed throughout the quantity to be represented 9.5.1 Samples of packaged admixtures shall be obtained by ‘means ofa tube sampler as described in Practice C183, 9.5.2 Samples stall be packaged in moistre-proof, aright 9.6 Samples shall be thoroughly mixed before testing 10 ‘ensure uniformity. When recommended by the manufacture, the entire sample ofa nonliguid admixture shall be dissolved in ‘water prior to testirg. 10. Rejection 10.1 For initial compliance testing, the purchaser is allowed. to reject the admixtae if it fails to meet any of the applicable requirements for this specification, 10.2 For limited testing, the purchaser is allowed to reject the admintue if it falls to meet any of the requirements ofthe ‘Uniformity and Equivalence Section and ofthe applicable parts of Table 1 103 An admixture stored at the point of manufacture, for ‘more than 6 months prior to shipment, or an admixture in local storage in the hands of a vendor for more than 6 months, after ‘completion of tests, shall be retested before use when requested by the purchaser and is allowed to be rejected if it fails to conform to any of the applicable requirements of this specific cation. 10.4 Packages or containers varying more than 5 % from the specified weight or volume are allowed to be rejected. Ifthe average weight or volume of 50 packages taken at random is less than that specified, the entie shipment is allowed to be rejected, 10.5 When the admixture is tobe used in non-air-entrained ‘concrete it shall be rejected when the purchaser desires if the test concrete contain ng it has an air content greater than 3.5 When the admixture is to be used in air-entrained concrete, it can be rejected if te test concrete containing it has an air content greater than 7.0% TEST METHODS Nove 6-—Thse tests ae based on abitraryspulitions which make posible highly standarzed testing in the laboratory and are olin to simulate stl jb conitons 11, Materials TESTS NOT FOR A SPECIFIC USE, V1 Coment—The cement used in any series of tests shall be either the cement proposed for a specific use in accordance with I1.4, a Type I or Type It cement conforming to Speci cation C 150, ora blend of two or more cements, in equal pats Each cement of the blend shall conform to the requirements of either Type or Type IL, Specification C 150, H when using cement other than that proposed for specific work. the sit ‘content of the concete made without adminture, tesied as TS-3b M 194MM 194-6 Prescribed in 14.3, is more than 3.5%, select a different ‘cement, or blend, so that the air content of the concrete will be 3.5% oF less, 11.2 Aggregates—Except when tests are made in accor ance with 114 using the agerepates proposed for @ specific use, the fine and course aggregates used in any series of ests, shall come from single lots of wellgraded, sound materials, that conform to the requirements of Specification C 33, except ‘thar ETEEATES shall conToRM to The following requirements: 1121 Fine Ageregate Grading: sere Wg Percent Passo Ne. 41475: "vo te elven estore No. $130 ‘aia Ne! 10,80 gm Bue 11.2.2 Coarse Aggregate Grading— The coarse aggrepate shall meet the requirements for size number 57 of Specticaion (C33. Take care in loading and delivery to avoid segregation 11.23 The coarse aggregate used for each set of reference concrete and comparable test admixture-treated concrete shall bbe essentially the same. Therefore, a set of test concrete consists of one reference concrete and as many test admixture containing concretes as are intended to be compared to that one reference. Thus, course aggregate for one set shall consis: of ‘enough material for one reference concrete, the test admintare Containing concrete to be compared with that reference andthe sample for grading analysis testing. Prepare coarse aggregate for a set, comprising a sample lage enough for concrete trials, as follows: Fill ured containers, one each fora sample, a batch of reference concrete land one of more test concretes to the required mass from the ‘aggrezate stockpile, Accomplish this by starting with a seoap- ful into the fist container and repeat this procedure until al containers have their required mass. Repeat the process for each ofthe three or more sets needed. One or more spare ses may be needed. See the Appendix of Practice D 75, Sampling from Stockpiles, and the Manual of Ageregate and Conciete Testing for guidance for conditions and procedures, 11.24 Test coarse aggregate samples representing each set by Method C 136 requirements for the sieves shown below. Discard any set for which the sample does not comply with size 57. Average test results for samples which comply with size $7 for each sieve size, Discard any set for which the sample eviates from this average by more than the amount shown in column 3. Continue the process of preparation, testing end averaging until suficient sets of aggregate within tolerance ate obtained, ‘owe Section 28,80, 57 Maman vaso em ‘Pocon Fonthg appara, sym Ram) 10 38 ‘eitazent Soo ao Nests cd ie Ne a eae ows 10 [Nore 7—All of the results required for demonstrating complisce ‘under his specication are dependent on th wiformity of he ageexie Samples prepared and used. Careful shld and wellsupervised wor ‘sent ‘AASHTO Apc aparc 494m - 05 113 Air-Entraining Admixture—Except when tests are made in accordance with 11.4 using the air-entraining admix- {ure proposed for specific work, the ai-enwaining admixture used in the concrete mixtures specified in Section 12 shall be ‘8 material such that when used to entrain the specified amount Of air inthe concrete mixture will give concrete of satisfactory resistance to freezing and thawing. The material to be so used will be designated by the person or agency for whom the rformed.-1f-no-materialis_ designated, “neutalized Vinsol resin®” shall be used. Accomplish neutral- ization by treating 100 pars of Vinsol resin with 9 to 15 parts fof NaOH by mass In an aqueous solution, the ratio of water to the resinate shall not exceed 12 to 1 by mass ‘TESTS FOR SPECIFIC USES 114 Materials for Tests—The effects of a chemical admix- ture on the time of setting and water requirement of concrete fare known to vary with the time of its addition during the batching and mixing sequence, To test a chemical admixture for use in specific work, the cement, pozzolan, aggregates, and airentraining admixtare used shall be representative of those ‘proposed for use in the work. Add the chemical admixture in the same manner and atthe same time during the batching and mixing sequence as it will be added on the job. Proportion the conerete mixtures to have the cement content specified for use in the work. Ifthe maximum size of coarse agoregate is greater than I in, (25.0 mm], screen the concrete over & [25.0-mm} sieve prior t fabricating the test specimens. V1.1 Other Use Conditions—Other conditions are known to affect the overall suitability of the concrete mixture for specific intended uss, These include the temperature of the materials or the surrcundings, the humidity, the length of time between mixing and placing, the amount of mixing activity and other factors. These physical conditions may be incorporated into the tests with intention for indicating the potential inte actions. These tests would be only for guidance. After incor- poration of such tes conditions it would not be suitable 10 expect compliance with this specification requirement TLS Preparation and Batching—Propare all material and make all weighings as prescribed in Practice C 192/C 192M. 12, Proportioning of Concrete Mixtures 121 Proportions—Except when tests are being made for specific uses, all concrete shall be proportioned using ‘ACI211.1-91 to conform to the requirements described in 12.1.1-121.4, After evaluation of the tral mixtures, aggregate proportions shall be adjusted as needed to obtain workable, ‘cohesive mintures with the correct yield to obtain the required fontents. Unless otherwise specified, the admixture shall be fadded with the frst inerement of mixing water that is added t0 the mixer 12.1.1 The cement content shall be S17 + 5 tod (307 = 3 kein’) 1s Here ne Wininge, DE HT you ne ana of alee spp, ese frovide ts oman ASTM nero Heuser. Your mens wil 12.1.2 For the firs trial mixture, refer to the table on volume of coarse aggregate per unit volume of concrete in ‘ACI 2111-91 for guidance on the amount of coarse aggregale to use, given the nominal maximum size of the aggregate ard the fineness modulus ofthe fine aggregate being used (see Noe 8 Nove 8 Values inthe reference able of ACI 21.1-91 are intend to emute workable mixtures with the last favorable combinations of eure ‘pproximation of the proportions regied fr this ts, the ales selects fom ts table be increased by about? forthe fist wil mix 12.13 For the non-air-entrained mixtures, the air content used in calculating the proportions shall be 1.5, as shown in TTable number 5.3.3 of ACI211.1-91. For the air-entrained mixtures, the air content used for this purpose shall be 5.5. 12.1.4 Adjust the water content to obtain a stump of 3% * Ysin, [90 + 15 mm) The workability of the concrete mixture shall be suitable for consolidation by hand rodding and the concrete mixture shall have the minimum water content possible, Achieve these conditions by final adjustments in the ‘roportion of fine aggregate to total aggregate or in the amount Of total aggregate, or both, while maintaining the yield and slump in the required ranges. 12.2 Conditions—Prepare concrete mixtures both with and ithovt the admixture under test. Refer herein to the concrete mixture without the chemical admixture as the reference or control conerete mixture. Add the admixture in the manner recommended by the manufacturer and in the amount nec:s- sary to comply with the applicable requirements of the speci- fications for water reduction or time of setting, or both. When Gesited by the person oF agency for whom the tests are beng performed, the admixture is allowed to be added in an amount Buch as to produce a specific time of setting of the concrete ‘mixture within the limits of the applicable provisions of this specification. 12.2.1 Non-Air-Entrained Concrete—When the admixture is to be tested for use only in non-ait-entrained concrete, the ait content ofboth the mixture containing the admixture under est fan the reference concrete mixture shall be 3.5 % of less, and the difference between the air contents of the two mixtures shall not exceed 1.0. If necessary the a-entraining admixture Shall be added to the reference concrete mixture. Tests for resistance to freezing and thawing shall not be made. 12.22 Air-Entrained Concrete—When the admixture ist be tested for use only in aientrained concrete, the ai entraining admixture shall be added to the reference concrete ‘mixture and, if necessary, to the concrete mixture containing the admixture under test in sufficient amounts to produce air contents in the range 3.5 to 7.0%, except that for tests for resistance to freezing and thawing, the range shall be 6.0 = 1.0. In both cases the difference between the air contert of| the reference concrete and that of the concrete containing the admixture under test shall not exceed 0.5. 13, Mixing 13.1 Machine mix the concrete as prescribed in Practice © 1921C 192M, TS-36 M 194MM 194-7 ‘AASHTO ip c a9aic 49am 05 44, Tests and Properties of Freshly Mixed Concrete 14.1 Samples of freshly mixed conerete from atleast three ‘separate batches for each condition of concrete shall be tested in accordance with the methods described in 14,2-14.5. 142 Slump—Tes Method C 143/C 143M, 143 Air Content—Test Method C231 144 Time of Sening—Test Method C 403/C 403M, except thatthe temperature of each ofthe ingredients of the concrete ‘mixtures just prior arming, and he temperature a Which he \ime-of-settng specimens are stored during the test period shall be 73 + 3 °F (230 = 20°C. 14.5 Water Conte 145.1 Report the water-cement ratio ofthe concrete, com- pted to the nearest 0.001. as follows: Determine the net water content of the batch as the weight of water in the batch in excess of that present as absorbed water in the aggregates. Calculate the actual volume of conerete in the batch by determining the density of concrete in the batch as prescribed in Test Method C 138, Determine the water-cement ratio by dividing the net weight of water by the Weight of cement in the batch 14.5.2 Calculate the relative water content of the concrete containing the admixture under test a5 a percentage of the Water content of the reference concrete as follows: Divide the average water contest ofall batches of concrete containing the admixture under test by the average water content of all batches of the refereace concrete and multiply the quotient by 10. 1S. Preparation of Test Specimens 15.1 Make specimens for tests of hardened concrete, repre senting each test and age of test and each condition of concrete ‘being compared, from at least three separate batches, and the ‘minimum number of specimens shall be as prescribed in Table 2. Ona given day make atleast one specimen foreach test and age of test [rom each condition of concrete, except miske at TABLE 2 Types and Winimum Number of Specimens end Tests least two specimens for the freezing and thawing test from each condition of concrete, If desired, the preparation ofall speci- ‘ens can be completed in one, two, or tiree days of mixing, Provided the test concrete and its reference are made on the same day. 15.2 Manifestly Faulty Specimens—Visually examine each _10up of specimens representing a given test ora given age of lest, including tests of freshly mixed concrete, before or during tr r-whichever”is~appropriate, Discard any Specimen found to be manifestly faulty by such examinaion Without testing. Visually examine all specimens representing & given test ata given age after testing, and should any specimen bbe found to be manifestly faulty the test results thereo! shall be disregarded. Should more than one specimen representing a given test at a given age be found manifestly faulty either before or afer testing, the entire test shall be disregarded and repeated. The test result reported shall be the average of the individual test results of the specimens tested or in the event that one specimen or one result has been discarded, it shall be the average of the test results of the remaining specimens. 16, Test Specimens of Hardened Concrete 16.1 Number of Specimens—Six or more test specimens for the freezing and thawing test and three or more test specimens for each other type of tst and age of test specified in Table 2 shall be made for each condition of concrete to be compared 16.2 Types of Specimens—Specimens made from concrete with and without the chemical admixture under test shall be prepared in accordance with the following 16.2.1 Compressive Strength—Make and cure test speci ‘mens in accordance with Practice C 192/C 192M, 16.2.2 Flexural Sirength—Make and cure test specimens in accordance with Practice C 192/C 192M. 16.2.3 Resistance to Freezing and Thaving— Test speci- ‘mens shall consist of prisms made and cured in accordance With the applicable requirements of Practice C 192/C 192M, ‘Test spocimen dimensions shal be as required by Test Method C606, Make one set of specimens from the concrete mixtare containing the chemical admixture under tet and from the reference concrete mixture, the air content of each mixtate Beret Num Naber Mass being as specified in 12.2.2, Soe tee gre 1624 Length Change--Make and cure test specimens in sox, Shy ASey em accordance with Test Method C ISTIC ITAL The wee Se cot Tm curing evil, including the period inthe mak, hale 14 econ ze ays ar conert : i 2 & 17, Tests on Hardened Conerete ee Fe TnI Tet specimens of hatred coc ee Table ia eecme 5g 2 accordance withthe following methods Toto hoe : 8 V7.1 Compressive Sinth-—Test Meth C9/C 30M pelo, | EE aapmancetite Stent Test Metind 97 30M He ea £2 days, 6 months, and 1 year Test specimens a 50 days wean i e af compliance to the alternative requirement for provisioral wn Compliance is desire. Calculate the compressive segth of wag og . % the concrete containing te admixture under test perce eee an arg age of the compressive strength of the reference concrete as ‘ee Sr 1nd WE Taos cee Ee ya ans oan let ne W711 Divide the average compressive stength of the see specimens made fom the concrete Conainiog the admixre TS-3b M 194M/M 194-8 AASHTO waive —— Alp c agaic 44m - 05 under test at @ given age of test by the average compressive ‘strength of the specimens made from the reference concrete at the same age of test and multiply the quotient by 100. When tests are conducted with materials represen: tative of those proposed fora specifi use in accordance with 11.4, and if the resuls of the tests are required in a period of time that will not permit curing of specimens to ages of © months and I year, the tess at those ages are permitted to be 17.1.2 Flesural Spengeh—Test Method C78. Test speci- ‘mens at ages 3, 7, and 28 days. Calculate the flexural strength fof the concrete containing the admixture under test as a percentage ofthe flexatal strength of the reference concrete as follows: 17.1.2 Divide the average flexural strength of the speci- 'mens made from the concrete containing the admixture under {estat a piven age of test by the average flexural strength of the specimens made fromthe reference concrete at the same age of test, and multiply the quotient by 100. 17.13 Resistance w Freezing and Thaving— Comparison tests of the concrete containing the admixture under test with the reference coneree mixture shall be made concurrently using Procedure A of Test Method C 666. Place specimens tunder test at the age of 14 days, Calculate the relative ‘durability factors as showin in Specification C 260, V7.14 Length Change—Test specimens shall consist of molded prisms made and tested in accordance with Test ‘Method C'ISTIC IS7M except that the moist curing. period, including the period in the molds, shall be 14 days. Then store the specimens in air under conditions specified in the section fon Air Storage of Test Method C IST/C 157M for a period of 14 days, at which time determine the length change of the specimen. Consider the drying shrinkage to be the length ‘change during the dying period, based on an initial measure ‘ment atthe time of removal of the specimen from the mold land express it as percent to the nearest 0.001 5 based on the Specimen gage length. Ifthe length change of the reference Concrete after 14 days of drying is 0.030 % or greater, the Tength change on drying of conerete containing the admixture under test, expressed as percent of the length change of the reference concrete, shall not exceed the maximum specified in ‘Table |. If the lengtt change of the reference concrete after 14 days of drying is les than 0.030%, the length change on trying of concrete containing the admixture under test shall be rnot more than 0.01 perceniage units greater than that of the reference concrete ns &Since the weil ets produced by chemical admins may vary withthe prperies of the her ingrsiens ofthe concrete resus of length ehung ests uring agrepaas OF Sacha ase that the Tength change on drying Ho! may not accarately indicate relative performance to be expased with oer agarogates having properties sch {to proce concetof high Ingtn change on dying 18, Uniformity and Equivalence Tests 18.1 Infrared Analysis—This test procedure is intended 10 compare qualitatively the composition of different samples and ‘esults should not be interpreted quantitatively, Sections 18.1.1, 18.1.2, and 18.1.3 give a general procedure for the infrared analysis of admixtures (See Note 10), 18.1.1 Liguid Admiaures-—Determine the dissolved solids cconceniration by 18.2 and dilute an aliquot of the liguid ‘admixture sample with distilled water 10 yield a dissolved solids concentration of about 0.015 g/mL. for example, 2 S-mL. aliquot diluted to 200 ml. Pipet $ mL of above solution ard ‘add it to peti dish with 25 g of potassium bromide of a grade Suitable for use in infrared analysis and S ml of distiled water. Stir and mix to dissolve, Place ina drying oven (18.211) ard ede for} 4 hat 105 + 3 °C Cool and snansfer the dried residue to mortar and grind t0 fine powder. Work quickly r avoid moisture pick-up. Weigh 0.1 g of the powder and 0.4 g of potassium bromide of a grade suitable for use in infrared fanalysis, Mix in an electric amalgamator for 30 s using stainless steel capsule and balls, Proceed in accordance with 18.13. 18.1.2. Non-liguid Admixiures—Grind 10 gto a fine powder ‘with mortar and pestle, Transfer the sample to a pets dish, place in a drying oven ( and dry for 17 = Vat 105 3 °C. Weigh approximately 0.008 g of the dry powder and 0.995 of potassium bromide of a grade suitable for use in infrared analysis, Mix in an electric amalgamator for 30s using stainless stel capsule and balls. Proceed in accordance wth 18.13. 18.1.3 To prepare a disk for infrared analysis, weigh 0.300 of the mixture prepared in 18.1.1 or 18.1.2 and transfer into ‘a suitable die, If an evacuable de is used, apply vacuum for 2 rnin prior to pressing. Continue vacuum and press at a suitable force for 3 min, producing a disk about 1 mm thick. Remeve the disk from the de, inser into the infrared spectrophotometer and oblain infrared absorption spectra, Nore 101s impomant that the same procedures be used on all samples io be compared with each oer and preferably that they Be Comucted by te sme analyst Major changes in infaed spect may ‘vu fom (a) water content diflerences de to dying vanitons, |B) truer picked up by hygroscopic matenals. (c) rection between the potassium frome aod some ether compound preset and (differences In time berween formation of th disk and its Use. Also the threshold or ‘eection of individual cxmponents by inated absorption varies wily, ‘Sepening upon the en ad coneetaion of accompanying stb Stones. For exile, significant amouats of sacchaides may be present ina igooslfonate sdmitue without thei presence Being indicated by this method 18.2 Residue by Oven Drying (Liquid Admixtures) 18.2.1 Place 25 10 30 g of standard Ottawa sand (20 to 30 imesh) in a wide-mouth, low-form (about 60 mm inside diameter and 30 mm in height) glass weighing botle provided ‘with ground-glass stopper. Place the weighing bottle and stopper, with stopper removed ina drying oven (18.211) and dry for 17 = M4 hat 105 = 3°C (Note 9). Inser the stopper in the weighing bottle, transfer to a desiccator, coo! to room temperature, and weigh to the nearest 0.001 g. Remove the ‘Stopper and, using a pipet, evenly distribute 4 ml ofthe liquid admixture over the sand. Immediately insert the stopper 10 tvoid loss by evaporation and weigh to the nearest 0.001 g. Remove the stopper and place bath the bottle and stopper in & drying oven (182.11). Dry for 17 = ¥hat 105 = 3°C. Atthe tend of the drying period, topper the weighing boil, transfer toa desiccator, cool to room temperature, and weigh to the nearest 0.001 g. TS-3b M 194MM 194-9) ‘AASHTO 4} c asarc 404m - 05 1821.1 Drying Oven—The drying oven shall be ether a foreed cirewlation ype or one with provision for fee access of air. There shall be precise control of temperature and time of drying so thatthe degree of volatilization ofthe material other than water from sample to sample will not vary. 18.2.2 Caleularon 1822.1 Record the following masses: “TASS OF SOpPETET BOITE WIN Sand and MBE ‘mass of sioppered bottle with sand, 2m ~ mg =mass of sample, mass of soppered bottle with sand and dried residue, and im =m 2mass of dried residue 2 Calculate the residue by using the following equa Residue by ovendeying (erent by mass) (ms 100¥im (0) Nom: II—For bortories conducting his test routine operation, ‘viously dred sand and weighing botles can be raintained tn desk {ators 50 thal they ate-mmedaely avaiale for we when ample to be tesed 18.2.3 Precision Statement—The maxirnum mulilaboratory coeflicient of variction for residue by oven drying liquid admixtures) has been found to be 1.25 4. Therefore, results of tests by two differen laboratories on identical samples of an admixture are not expected to differ from each other by more than 3.5 % of their average (Note 12). The maximum single operator coeticient of variation has been found t0 be 06 © ‘Therefore, results 0° two properly conducted tess by the same ‘operator on the same material are not expected to differ by ‘more than 1.7 &, Note 12—The presion statements are based onthe maximum varia ‘om of ets made in 18 laboratories on ate of thc duplicate sunpes of ‘wo diferent amistares 183 Residue by Oven Drying (Noaliguid Admixtures) 183.1 Place about 3g of the nonliquid admixture into a tied and tared glas-sioppered weighing botle (similar tothe ‘one described in 18.2.1). Stopper and determine the mass of the bottle and contents the nearest 0.001 g. Remove the stopper and immediately plze both boule and stopper in a drying oven (182.11). Dry for 17 * Vo hat 105 * 3 °C. At the end of the Grying period, stopper the weighing bottle, transfer to the esiceator, cool to room temperature, and weigh to the nearest 0.001 g. 18.3.2 Calculate: 1832.1 Record he following masses 'm, = mass of twed stoppered weighing botle and sample before drying, mz = mass of empty, stoppered weighing botle, my = mass of sample = (mm), m= mass of ted stoppered weighing bottle and sample alter drying, and ‘ms _= mass of ovensdried residue = m 4 ~ my 1832.2 Caleulat the oven-dried residue by using the following equation: Reside by oven dying (muss percent) = (m 100mm C) 183.3 Precision Statement—The maximum mulilaborctory coefficient of variation for residue by oven-deying (non-liguig admixture) has been found 10 be 1.40 %, Therefore, resuls of tests by two different laboratories on identical samples of an admixture are not expected to difer from each other by more than 4.0% of their average. The maximum single-operator coefficient of sariation-for-sesidue by-over- drying (non-liqui admixture) has been found to be 0.48 %. Therefore, resuls of ‘wo properly conducted tests by the same operator oa the sime ‘material are not expected to differ by more than 1.8 % oftheir average. Note 12 also applies to 18.3.3 184 Specific Gravity (Liquid Admixtures) 18.4.1 Determine the specific gravity at 25 = 1 °C of a liquid admixture using hydrometers complying with Specifi- ‘cation E100. Hydrometers No. 112H through 117H will ever the range for most determinations. A2S0-mL graduated eylin- der, and a water bath capable of maintaining 25 + 1 °C will also be required 18.4.2 Place a sample inthe 250-mL graduated cylinder and ppt in the hydrometer in such @ manner that it floats free and ‘does not touch the side ofthe cylinder. Pace the cylinder with sample and hydrometer in the constant-temperature bath anil the temperature of the cylinder, hydrometer, and sample is uniform at 25 = 1 °C. If all are at proper temperature prior to insertion of the hydrometer, approximately 10 min should be allowed for equilibrium. If the sample shows evidence of foaming, hydrometer reading should be continued until con- ngs are obtsined. Read the hydrometer atthe base of us to the nearest 0.005, 184.21 If foaming is encountered during transfer of the admixture to the cylinder, sufficient time shall be allowed for the foam to dissipate or rise to the surface, where it shall be removed before inserting. the hydrometer. Crusting of the admixture on the hydrometer stem due to evaporation ducing temperature adjustment shall be avoided. 18.4.3 Precision Statement—The maximum mulilaboraory coefficient of variation for specific gravity (liquid admixtures) has been found to be 0.316%, Therefore, results of two different laboratories on identical samples of an admixture are not expected to differ from each other by more than 0.9 % of their average (Note 12). The maximum single-operator coefi- cient of variation has been found to be 0.09 %, Theretore, result of two properly conducted tests hy the same operator on the same material are not expected to differ by more than 0275 &, 19, Report 19.1. Report the following: 19.1.1 Results of the tests specified in Sections 6, 14, and 17, and the relevant specification requirements with which they are compared, 19.1.2 Brand name, manvfactures’s name, and lot number, character of the material, and quantity represented by the sample of the admixture under test, 19.1.3 Brand name, manufacturer's name, and other perti= nent data on the material used as the airentraining admixture, TS-3b M 194MM 194-10 ‘AASHTO {Gp c 4oarc aon —05 19.14 Brand name, manufacture’, name, ‘ype, and test 194.7 Inthe event that in aesordance with he provisions data om he poland canon or cements wed, 171112, some of the tess have been waved the cite TOs Description ef and tet data onthe fine and coarse stances under which such action was taken sal be wed. aggregates wed TOS Dewled data on he concrete mintres wed inlud> 20, Keywords mounts and propenons of admixtures used etal cement eae cement non unit water content rote of ne _ 204 aecleating: chemical mixtures; eoneete: physi! to tol aggreate, slump, ad ar cone, and requirements retarding, testing: water seducing "ASTM iriaravonal takes no poston respectng the val of any palet nights assed connection wit any tem manned nina tantra Uses ns sad we presey aoe ta amination oh vl of anys pate Nhs oh ek Voinnet oso go arta om response) ‘Ts sans suit oreo at any tie by he resonable tie comme an must be ame oy 8 yrs a rotons tne; remproedor want Your eanmers ne ote ear orn a fe stand or acto aan ‘espana tesa! carmen, mn ou ray aon yas tate our conan Pave nt ecoN60 8a hea ou wD ‘nate yuna foe ASTM Comino Strada fe aades shown lon ‘his sandr is conga by ASTA nenaona 100 Bar Harber Ce, PO Box C70, We! Conehoocke, PA 188-958, nin Sauer tat eng or map copes) os Sadar may bo stared by coacing ASTM ae are otirens oa B1O8.9505 poe), erase aSEs (a, or sornoeanm arg o-mall: oF Prougn De ASTI wedsio ‘orca TS-3b M 194MM 194-17 ‘AASHTO

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