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Course Title Intuitional Supervision and Quality Assurance

Course code: -VPD 502

Assignment Two Quality Assurance


Name ID. No.

1. Tariku Huluka Hofkolcha…………………............MTR/317/12

Submitted To: - BIADGELIGN ADEME, PhD (Associate Professor)

August 2020

Table of Contents
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................3
2.1.The ultimate purpose of supervision for learning and teaching process ...................3

2.2. What is the ultimate purpose of supervision in TVET College ..................................3

2.3. What is the ultimate purpose of in Workplace /Industry Supervision .................... 4

3. SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................6

4. REFERENCE ..................................................................................................................7

2. Introduction
Supervision is a process that involves a manager meeting regularly and interacting with
worker(s) to review their work. It is carried out as required by legislation, regulation, guidance,
standards, inspection requirements and requirements of the provision and the service. The
purpose is to monitor tasks and workload, solve problems, support workers in dealing with
complex situations and moral and ethical dilemmas and to promote staff development (National
Occupational Standards).
Supervision aims to provide accountability for both the supervisor and supervisee exploring
practice and performance. It also enhances and provides additional evidence for annual
performance management and review. Supervision has a particular focus on developing the
supervisee in a way that that is centered on achieving better outcomes for people who use
services and their careers.
Generally explain the ultimate purpose of supervision for the learning-teaching process; an
institute/TVET College and an industry below.
2. What is/are the ultimate purpose/s of supervision for :
2.1. The learning-teaching process? Why?
2.2. An institute/TVET College? Why?
2.3. An industry? Why?
2.1. The ultimate purpose of supervision for learning and teaching process? Why?
The improvement of teaching and learning is the general purpose of supervision.
A basic premise of supervision is that a teacher's instructional behavior affects student
learning .An examination of instructional behaviors can lead to improvement in teaching and
learning .The effective school research identifies schooling practice and characteristics
associated with measurable improvements in student achievement and excellence in student
behavior .These "effective school practices " include elements of schooling associated with a
clearly defined curriculum , focused classroom instruction and management ; firm consistent
discipline ; close monitoring of student performance ; and strong instructional leadership . To
this end identifies the following specific purpose of supervision:
 To acknowledge that teachers are individuals and professionals with different need and
 To define supervision as an art and science.
 To consider that taken together, passion for learning and reflective practice provides
modeling and the basis for individual perception and insight.
 To minimize individual growth through reflective practice and professional dialog.
 To provide time and support for growth and change
 To encourage self-initiated professional development
 To develop an educational environment characterized by collaboration, cooperation,
and communicating yielding a supportive, non-threatening environment to foster
professional growth.
 To assert that all faculties have a professional responsibility to continually learn and
improve .etc...

2.2. What is the ultimate purpose of supervision in TVET College? Why?
Supervision is considered as the main coordinating agency in any school system .It
integrates all educational efforts to create and develop favorable settings for teaching and
learning. That it cannot be left to the mercy of an individual or group of individuals /without
considering its quality and standard.
 The purpose of school/institutional supervision is the promotion and development of
favorable setting for teaching and learning which eventually lead to the improvement
of the society.
 However, the primary responsibility of school supervisors is to see that high standards
are maintained and that schools are run in accordance with laid down rules and
 The ultimate aim is to improve the overall efficiency and raise the academic
standards of the institutions.
 Specifically, the purpose of classroom instruction supervision is to help teachers to
learn what their problems are and to seek the best methods of solving them be they
individual or group problems.
 Hence, teachers should be guided to
 improve teaching methods and techniques,
 utilize newly discovered principles of group dynamics,
 provide for individual differences, locate
 utilize community resources and evaluate their teaching competence
Purposes of supervision can be classified in terms of teacher improvement purposes which are
geared towards:
 ensuring that teachers do their work affectively
 ensuring that new teachers receive training to enable them function effectively on the
 providing professional information to teachers
 guiding teachers to the sources of instructional materials
 providing technical assistance to teacher when required
 ensuring that discipline is maintained
 maintaining high morale among the teachers
 suggesting ways of improving teacher performance
 providing opportunities to discover teachers with special abilities or qualities
 For better school administration and organization
 For approval of opening of new schools

Why supervision is required in an educational institution?
Because of the improvement of teaching and learning is the general purpose of supervision. A
basic premise of supervision is that a teacher's instructional behavior affects student
learning .An examination of instructional behaviors can lead to improvement in teaching and
2.3. What is the ultimate purpose of in Workplace /Industry Supervision? Why?
Supervision for industry is it has many purposes. To identifies the following purposes as
sample (example) of small Business | Managing Employees
Employee Morale
Supervision is a workplace activity in which a manager oversees the activities and
responsibilities of employees he manages. It is an important job function for managers at all
levels throughout your company. Coaching, training and employee development are among the
common responsibilities assumed by a supervisor.
Supervisors play a pivotal role in the development of workers under their supervision.
Leadership, training, employee morale and task direction are among the central responsibilities
of effective supervisors. Setting a good example and motivating others to follow is critical to
keeping a work group in line with the overall strategic direction of your organization. Training
employees on how to perform their jobs and then delegating appropriate tasks ensures work is
performed efficiently.
Relationships between supervisors and their employees provide much of the influence in good
organizational communication. Supervisors often function as a go-between in communicating
directives from top managers and reporting feedback from their employees. They also lead
discussions within their work groups. Employees also appreciate an approachable supervisor
who they can go to when they need additional help on a project or advice in a challenging
Conflict Management
Workplace conflict is common in organizations. Employees that work together in close
proximity everyday can sometimes get into heated disagreements. This conflict is often
productive in the creative process, but supervisors need to manage these conflicts to keep them
professional. This includes encouraging open, healthy dialogue between workers and
addressing potential issues before they get too serious. Approachable supervisors that have
good rapport with employees can more easily engage in conflict management and resolution
with them.
Supervisors do make mistakes. Just as supervision can have positive effects in your
organization, it can also cause damage if managers abuse or misuse their influence. Employee
burnout, emotional exhaustion, poor performance and turnover are among the problems that
result when supervisors are not supportive or abusive in their roles. Often, poor supervision at
front line levels results from an organizational culture where such approaches to leadership and
supervision filter down from upper management .etc...
Generally the ultimate purpose of industry supervision is to developed their skills; knowledge;
Attitude and to increase the productivity and competitive of industries.

 To increased quality products
 To developed curriculum
 Provide an opportunity's to assess the moral tone of the industry etc..

Supervision is considered as the main coordinating agency in any school system. It
integrates all educational efforts to create and develop favorable settings for teaching
and learning .that it cannot be left to the mercy of an individual or a group of
individuals/without considering its quality and standard.
Generally the ultimate purpose of Supervision is to improve the overall efficiency and
raise the academic standards of the institutions.

1. BIADGELIGN ADEME (PhD) Lecture Note 2020. Managing Institutional Supervision
2. Managing Intuitional Supervision and Quality Assurance, Dr. AMAN.
3. Bloom, B. S. (Ed) (1984), Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Handbook I, Cognitive
Domain, New-York: Longman.
4. Internet

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