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[Krisha]- Everyone right now definitely knows the disease that has

created total apocalypse. Created a hiatus in the world economy

[Siya]- As much as the negative side There is also has a positive
side to it, we got to spend so much of time to spend with our
family,we discovered our hidden talents.The nature also healed its
self as we all know that the ozone layer is recovering its self isn’t
that a Great thing Thank you all the people working to keep us safe
and you all are our mentors.
[Tanishka]- On this Occasion of Mentors Day, Grade 8 students are
performing a short skit conveying the message – Respect and
Appreciate Teachers. Hold on your seats tight to enjoy this joyful
idea expressed by the students

Scene 1
Jiya c

{During the online classes}

Yashvi - good morning students , let's quickly have a recap of what we

completed in the last lecture…So I will ask you quick question and give me the
answer to it.
Yashvi - what is the structure of DNA
shaurya - miss , miss , miss ,miss
Yashvi – wow I am really impressed , come on gopuder would u like to
Shaurya – miss , you know its raining outside
Yashvi – ugggh , is that your answer to my question
{parthh will wear his shades}
Yashvi – why are you wearing your shades
Parthh – cause its sunny outside
Aarya - miss they always do this
Jiya – they are never serious
Aarya – half of time their cams are off, when on they trouble the teacher or
distract the class.
Yashvi – this is not right at all , we only have half an hour and you have wasted
the time.
Jiya – aaj bhi kuch bhi padayi nhi ki , gopuder aur gajoder ke waje se
Aarya - sach mai , gopuder and gojoder you guys should learn to
appreciate and respect their efforts that our teachers selflessly invest for
our own good.
[Tvisha]-We should be thankful to our teachers for making our online
classes more fun and to help us when we have a doubt. We should also
appreciate them for taking their time and effort to teach us during this
pandemic. We shouldn't disrespect them in online classes when they
work so hard for us to understand like unmuting and cutting them off
when teacher's speak.

Scene 2
Veer goga
Jiya s gobi
Vardhan gogo

Narrator - The online classes have just ended and Goga Grabs his phone and
starts playing games on the phone.
[Jiya.S ] Gobi – What are you doing Goga , go change your clothes or I will tell
[Veer] Goga – ugghh , who cares , let me play
{a 2 hours later} meme template
[Veer] Goga – Gobi , my necks paining a lot ,my eyes are burning what should I
[Jiya.S ] Gobi - play more games , Let's ask Gogo he must know something to
do about it..
[Vardhan] Gogo - When your eyes come in contact with a digital screen , your
eye fluids start drying , resulting in burning in eyes.
[Veer] Goga- Uggh Tell me the information later give me some solution fast I
am so tired of this eye and neck pain please help me..
[Jiya.S] Gobi- We were telling you since the start to reduce your screen time.
[Vardhan] Gogo - It's not the time to play the blame game..We need to help
Goga ..Now you're not going to use your phone for the whole day!
[Veer] Goga-But…
[Jiya.S] Gobi- Don't you want to solve your problem right ? Then listen to Gogo
[Veer] Goga- Okay.
[Vardhan] Gogo - First we need to make a proper schedule for your screen
time...We will go slow like first day you will get your phone for an hour then
the next day 45 minutes then 30 minutes and so on
[Jiya.S] Gobi- Perfect
[Veer] Goga- ok ( in a sad tone) Thank you so much for helping me out with this
[Jiya.S] Gobi- We are always by your side
[Veer] Goga- Thank you my Mentors

[Nihan]-Mentors are the ones who guide us towards the right path and
encourage us to dream big. During these tough times not only great people but
our family members work tirelessly. This day marks their work and it's our
responsibility to listen and be a good citizen
[Pragnil]- Finally To conclude this Mentors can be anyone it could be your
Friend, Your Teacher, Your Parents it could anyone who guides us to a right
[Pratham]- “A life of joy and happiness is possible only on the basis of
knowledge” Once said by Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishan regards to whom we are
celebrating Mentors Day Today.. The knowledge indeed given to us by our
elders be it Teachers or be it Parents.

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