Organize Learning Resources

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Learning Resources

the things the student will

use when carrying out the
instructions outlined in the
learning activities.

Learning resources can be

used to present instruction,
and for practice and feedback.
Types of Learning Resources for the
Presenting Instruction
Resources Used to Present
Print Materials
• Textbooks, references, • Facts, concepts, terms, background
etc. information, principles, and actual
steps in performing tasks if written well
and illustrated.
• Technical, shop, and • Step-by-step procedure for performing
manufacturer’s manuals task using specific make or model of a
product, tool or equipment.
• Magazines, journals, • Leaders, current issues, and trends in
trade publications, occupation; new advances in
pamphlets, and technology; career awareness.
• Instructor-developed • Anything for which other resources
“Instruction Sheets” cannot be located.
Types of Learning Resources for
Presenting Instruction
Resources Used to Present
Non-Print Materials
• Still visuals (with & without • Step-by-step procedure in
sound), slides, film strips, flip performing task; interior parts or
charts, photograph construction of devices, close-up
shots; color.

• Motion visuals (with & • Complex tasks where motion and

without sound)- 16mm, sequence are critical; speed up or
8mm, film loops & slow down time.
cartridges, video tape,
video discs

• Cassette tapes, reel-to-reel • Recordings of specialized sounds

tapes, records, and language or noises; pronunciation of words.
Types of Learning Resources for
Presenting Instruction
Resources Used to Present
Human Resources
• Instructor, aide, tutor or • Live demonstration of skills or
advanced student presentation of knowledge for
which no learning resource is yet
Selecting and Referring the Student to
Print Materials
 Refer to the exact page, sections, or paragraph to read.
 Have the students read only what is essential to the LO.

• Read “Pressing Issues in Nursing” on page 101 in Nursing

Magazine (Vol. XXI, No. 2) to identify some of the major
issues facing nurses today.

 If particularly important, tell the students in the

learning activity to pay particular attention to certain
paragraphs, terms, figures, tables,.
• Read pages 72-74 (Begin with section on “Installing
Hinges”) in Carpentry Today, to identify the specific steps in
installing hinges on interior doors. Pay close attention to
Figure 17-2 through 17-9.
Selecting and Referring the Student to
Print Materials
 Tell the student where to find the resource if it is an
out-of-the-way place.

• Read the following describing attitudes important in handling

a. Textbook paragraphs 23.2-23.5.
b. Your Future in Retailing, pp. 89-91, on reserve in the
Presenting More Than One Resources
for the Same Instruction

When more than one resources is available that

present basically the same instruction, give the student
a choice. Use “or” instead of “and” in the learning

• Read Instruction Sheet 2 or view filmstrip B-06, describing how to

pull wire through conduit.
• Read one of the following to find out how to compute missing
values of resistance:
a. Textbook, pp. 183-194, or
b. Workbook, Section E-12

• View film “Completing Log Book” or read FTC Bulletin 1248,

describing how to complete your daily log book.
Resources Used for
Practice and Feedback
Resources for Practice Resources for Feedback

Skill Learning Outcome

• Tools and Instrument • Instructor, advanced students,
• Materials and Supplies or aid to observe performance
or evaluate finished product
• Equipment
• Customers • Self-Check for evaluating
student’s own work
• Patrons
• Projects • Checklist or rating scale in
books or other sources for
• Trainers
checking work
• Simulators
• Mock-ups
• Field assignment
Resources Used for
Practice and Feedback

Resources for Practice Resources for Feedback

Knowledge Learning Outcome

• Self-Checks containing • Answer key or solutions to
questions, problems, case compare answers with
studies, situations, activities, or
• Instructor checking answers or
other assignments
• Review questions and
• Instructor quizzing student or
problems in books
critiquing report
• Oral quizzes
• Role playing
ESSENTIALS: Organized Learning and
Teaching Resources

1. Resources required for training are

checked for availability
2. Appropriate training locations are
identified and arranged
3. Resource requirements are documented
and access is arranged in accordance with
organization’s procedures and appropriate
4. Training sessions are designed to measure
participants progress towards the program
5. Sequence and timing of the training
sessions are documented.

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