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POWER ELECTRONICS INVERTERS AND CYCLOCONVERTERS ? Ne Scanned with CamScanner z 3 3.0__Introduction Inverter : A device which converts D.C. power into A.C. power at desire out voltage and frequency is called Inverter. Qt Inverters are mainly available from few watts to thousands of Kilo Watts and operate» a frequency from 50 Hz to hundreds of Kilo Hertz. For low and medium rating of power inverters, gate controlled turnoff devices suck 5 BJT, MOSFET, IGBT, GTO, SIT etc., are used where as for higher rating purpose thyristor based inverters are used. Inverters are mainly used in following applications, namely 1. Variable speed a.c. motor drives. High voltage de transmission systems. Uninterruptible power supplies (U.P.S) Emergency power supplies in domestic lighting appliances. 2, 3. 4. 5. Induction heating and melting 6. Timing devices 7. Baking and drying. 8. AC power supplies for LASERS. 9. Dielectric heating. 10. Light weight DC to DC converters ete. Requirements of a Inverter : 1. Able to operate for inductive loads such as motors, fans etc. 2. Provision for over current protection, 3. Ability to work under No-load conditions (or) load is disconnected. 4. It should not operate beyond its rating. 5. Constrollable output. 6. The output wave form must be close to sinusoidal. 10 Cyclo Converters : Fixed voltage and fixed frequency supply can be converted it! variable voltage, variable frequency supply using rectifier inverter syste™ FT Scanned with CamScanner cqdvantages of this system are requirement of two converters and j ; increased | ‘his disadvantage can be overcome by using cyclo converters, Teased lossos cyclo converter is a device which converts input power at 7 it one jutput power at different frequency with one-stage conversi Frequency to on, cyelaconverters were developed initially for electric traction systems operating at 25 and 16% He. In their early stages of use, the cyclo converters used mercury a a . are re With the development of thyristors the applications of cyclo converter have incr Cycloconverters can be classified as single phase to single phase, three phase to si phase, 3 phase to 3 phase devices. They can also be classified as step-down an: up. Main problem with the use of cyclo converters is that its output voltage wave shape is not sinusoidal. q1__Basic Principle of an Inverter The basic principle of an inverter can be explained with the help of the circuit shown in Fig Iiswitch $ is connected alternately to positions 1 and 2 at a rapid speed and if S is not kept closed to any of the two positions (1 and 2) for too long, then an alternating voltage will appear across the primary winding. This can be explained by the direction of the current flow in the primary Winding, D.C. Input ‘Secondary winding FIG 3.4: Although the voltage applied is DC in nature, the direction of current flow in the prim; winding when S is connected to position 1, is from top to bottom whereas when connected at position 2, the current flows from bottom to top. This change in Ee direction of current flow in the primary winding gives rise to an alternating voltage in it The frequency of this alternating voltage will depend on how rapidly the eo S Positions are interchanged, This alternating voltage in the primary winding ‘aus an alternating emt in the secondary winding which will act as the AC ourPut i Block Diagram Representation of an Inverter T in Fig. 3.2. he block diagram representation for an inverter circult is shown in Fis. — Scanned with CamScanner POWER ELECTRONS = — [S| In case a battery is used as a DC source, it should be charged by rectified DC obtained from AC mains. The low voltage AC output from the oscillator is then fed to a stop-up transformer for raising the output AC voltage at the required level. A 2 N 3055 transistor is commonly used for developing low power (50 to 70 W) inverters. For medium and high power requirements, now a days, mostly thyristor inverters are used 3.1.2 Classification of Inverters Inverters are mainly classified into following types, 1. Based on the number of phases (a) Single phase inverters (b) Three phase inverters 2. Based on the Nature of driving D.C. source (a) Voltage source inverter (VSI)__(b) Current source inverters (CSD 3. Based on the type of commutation in thyristor (a) Line (or) Natural Commutation. (b) Forced Commutation. (c) Auxiliary Commutation Inverters. (d) Complementary Commutation Inverter 4. Based on the type of output voltage (a) Sine wave (©) Square wave (c) Quast Square Wave Scanned with CamScanner “aqon the ‘YPE of connection pase Series Inverter A parallel Inverter i) Badge Inverter pes on the ype ofthe circuit i) alse width modulated (PWM) inverter (b) Resonant > Based on circuit configuration 1 (a) Half bridge (b) Full bridge 4y_ Series Inverters Inthis type of converter the commutating elements (L and C) are connected permanently s with the load hence it is called Series Inverter. 1 Firing pulse ° for T; 7 1 tora =| E000 ° - in series c L ' ¥. Load \- ie ‘Current \ (2) Circuit Voltage across C Voltage across L FIG 3.3 : Series Inverter Scanned with CamScanner __POWER ELECTRO. this type, the commutating elements e R. The operation of series invert, Fig.3.3(a) shows the series inverter. In ig.3. connected in series with load resistanc In this the capacitor is initially charged with top negative ELT N by an external fring pulse. Because he thy - i passes », Lang Mode I : aes ins when thyristor T; is turn , AG forward bias, hence it starts conducting. Hence, a current j at a through T;, C and L. nder damped nature of circuit the current is not constant and ig as Because of u ; eee in Fig. 3.3(b). When the current is at its peak value, the voltage across cap, nearly equal to supply voltage V. After reaching current maximum, the current g decreasing but the voltage across the capacitor continues to increase. When the cy, becomes zero the voltage across the capacitor is (V + E,). The left plate of the ca, is positive at point a, hence the thyristor T; - is turned OFF. Mode II : In this mode, the thyristor Tz should not be triggered immediately afte current through T] reduces to zero. A reverse bias should be applied to Ty for succe commutation. If Tz is triggered without time delay, the battery gets shorted thro: A and Tp. None of the devices conduct in this mode. The voltage across inductance zero. The time interval ab must be more than the turn-off time of thyristor. The volts: across the capacitor is maintained constants i.e., V + Ec. Mode Ill : In this mode, the thyristor T2 is turn ON by applying an external tr pulse as shown in Fig. 3.3(b). Since the anode of T2 is positive due to charge on te capacitor. Hence, the T2 will starts conducting. The capacitor discharges and the current-i flows in opposite direction as compared mode I. The current increases in negative direction and after reaching negative value then it will decreases to zero at point C, At point C, the thyristor Tp is turned-off, The above sequence of modes are repeated in the next cycle when T; is tumed o* From output voltage waveform, the time Period for one cycle, Ty = Tr+ Qty. Resonance frequency of the circuit, Scanned with CamScanner a CLO CONVER eg nee o TERS. iB ee hh? On frequency (fo) is always less than the resona nc sre outrs : t. Frequency can be varied by varying the time @ fre galay ovtPY! ‘quency due to time delay, advantages * 1, Simple Circuit 2, Output is nearly sinusoidal Disadvantages * 1, The current rating of commutating elements L and C are high. 2, Battery is utilized only during the positive half cycle. 3, The output voltage has harmonic due to the time delay. 4. The maximum load current depends on load resistance. Therefore, output regulation of the inverter is poor. Applications : These are mainly used in induction heating and fluorescent lighting etc. 4 Parallel Inverter Commutation LOAD [. \ 00200 ———— verter paraltel I” N al canned wit! ~amscanner raver, SETS he commutating capacitor C is connected across hy In this type of inverter, # a ~ transformer and the load is across the secondary. Pacitor C ang loa Fi = effectively in parallel as shown in Fig. 3.4(a)- a ‘The operation of parallel inverter is as follows. Mode I: In this mode, Tj is turned-ON at instant he The battery current positive terminal to C-A-Ty-L and to negative femme a to this, a volt induced at secondary winding as well as a portion of winding between E & the number of turns between C-A, E-C and secondary winding are equal, Hence ys voltage between E-A will be equal to 2V. Hence, the capacitor will be change y, D with polarity as shown in Fig. 3.4(b). Because the load is in inductive nature, the leas current increases from the instant ty. 4 fons Lage a lb ©. Becany, Mode II: In this mode, T2 is turned on at tg causes the capacitor voltage will be Teverse biased to T;. Hence it is turned off. Capacitor will discharge through T2-L~Dj and portion of BA of primary winding, Dy this period potential of point B is fixed by the de battery voltage and load voltage be positive and more than battery voltage. The load current i, will flow through winding CB and diode Dy to the negative bate terminal. This can be possible only if D, is forward biased and capacitor dischas current is more than load current. When potential of B increases sufficiently to revess bias Dj, the discharge of capacitor through Tp will stop. Now, the current throug inductor L will low through Dz, winding DE and To. In this way, the energy trappedis inductor L will be fed to the load due to mutual coupling between winding DE ani secondary winding. The load current will now flow from D to C and Dg and the reactive energy will be fed back to battery. Since point D is now connected to negative teri! of battery, the polarity of V; will be reversed and V;, will be more then V. The capa will be charged in opposite ditection to slightly more than 2V. When the energy st! in inductance L has been dissipated in the load T2 will stop conducting. Immediat#! after the commutation of Ty, energy is transferred from C and L to the load andt* frequency oscillations are superposed on the load voltage. After this transient Pe only Dg will conduct. This teverse biases Ty and turns it off. h Mode Ill: When i, becomes ze10, diode Dp will stop conducting. Then at instant is turned on again to reverse-ip. Now load voltage will become equal to V: cans Period t4 to ts both load voltage Vz and load current i are reversed. At ins thyristor Ty is turned on again. Scanned with CamScanner we gyi TERS AND CYCLO CONVERTERS Fave Fie the above each thi ont wtistor is triggered twice in me on by pulse of train for a minimum period of un cycle. Therefore, each thyristor ris ster can be controlled by tum on frequency oan frequency of the for. singl® Phase Bridge Inverter [Using MOSFET) . eh "od s+} Ek “pk FIG 3.5: Single Phase Bridge Inverter rte ed solelinvel DC supply fig. 35 shows the circuit diagram of full bridge MOS-FET controlled inverter. The de supply voltage can be chopped to get a load voltage by using T; & Tz MOSFETs. The inductive current bridge maintained via. the internal diode of one or both of the other MOSFETs. By appropriate control of the MOSFETs, the load may be motor and its direction can be changed hence it can be operated in four quadrant operation. In this operation, only one MOSFET on each side of the load or motor must be turned ON at any time otherwise they will shortout the input supply voltage, hence it may leads to burnout. Tg is turned — ON and Ty has the PWM _ motor — Qq and returns to supply. rent can continue to flow Case (i) : For Forwad Rotation of Motor : signal applied to it. The current flows through Qi When the PWM signal is OFF and Tq is kept ON, the cu aound the bottom loop through T's, intrinsic diode. n of Motor : 73's Tp motor, T3 and rel ue to med ON and Tz has PWM signal rns to supply. When the flow around the bottom Case (ii): For Reverse Rotatio applied to it, The current flows through PWM signal is OFF and Ts is kept ON, t! loop through T4’s intrinsic diode. ne current contin now acting as 2 ‘otor (which is Lous “5 diode, through Case (iti) : For Regeneration Operation * The ee, through T2 a) is forcing the current right through its armature, supply and back through Ts's diod® a Scanned with Camecanner === SS SLECTR¢ ie 210 ; ay 5 Three - Phase Inverte | 3.5 designed by connecting three single phase scan be | ee Iges for three inverters have a phase difference of 129° 4) "*& parallel and gating pul = ‘of connection requires (i) 3 numbers of Single Phase Transformers.. (ji) 12 number of Thyristors (iii) 12 number of Diodes. Hence from above, the cost as well as size of the inverter is more therefore, le ; rarely used. 3 — Phase Bridge Inverter : nW Kony Rony Ko v= “x I ts De nV Dy FIG 3.6 : 3- Phase Bridge Inverter Fig. 3.6 (a) shows a three phase bridge inverter formed by six thyristors and six diode Two thyristors and two diodes are connected for each phase. The load is conne? across the terminals of A,B and C either in Delta or Star In case of Delta connected load, the line to line voltage. After findin, etc., will be calculated, Phase currents can be calculated directly fo” ig the phase currents, the other solutions like line In case of star connect. ed, tl ted because the neutral may cee ne (0F) phase to neutral voltages are calcul 'Y Not be at zero Potential. Scanned with CamScanner YCLO CONVERTERS: een es ES y 190° con pe conduction @ “ yg0° Conduction : case ind three thyristors cot In this eepenes each thyristor conducts for 180° one time. The Sequence of operation of ae are as follows. Tg Ter Ti f0r first 60° 5, Te Te, Ts Tz _ for first 60°- 120° Ty, T2, T3 for first 120°- 180° TT, Ta for first 180°— 240° Ts, Ta, TS for first 240° - 300° Ty Ts, Te for first 300°- 360° ove sequence is repeated for next cycles. The firing pulses are also given ws inal as Ti, To, T3, Ta, Ts and Tg, If the load is star then it requires neutral point. ; 7 be obtained by splitting the DC battery into halves and using the junction of two tatteies as neutral point. Let us consider the load is star connected with resistance and its operation can be explained in 3 modes as follows A R = = Model: for0 $ wt $ 3 Van + Ven + Ven = 0 Req = R+0.5R = 1.5R. | vv "= Req 15R VR v Van = Von= 75x2xR 3 | | | -2v Van = - sR = —3~ 2n Modell: for =< wt Ss Applications : Cyclo converters are mainly used in the following applications, namely (i) Speed Control of high power AC drive (i) Induction heating (iii) Static VAR Generation liv) Electric traction (v) Air Craft and ship board power supplies. (vi) HVDC transmission system. (vii) Cement mills, ball mills etc. (vii) Mine hoists (ix) Grinding & rolling mills. inciple of Cyclo Converter of a cyclo converter Ir mainly consists nd the other forming the Fig, 3.9(a) shows the principle of operation R. The input to both ositive of two groups of reetifiers one forming P en " 7 on resist Negative group which are feeding @ comm the groups is the same Scanned with CamScanner —SECTRO}E —— NE are marked in Fig. 3.9(b) whic, |S put voltage Vi Ong, fi ive half waves of frequency “po sty jorms OF ive a a positive and negat Mang te of alterna ; marked from 1 t Mi cite (AVIVA A cent WW aT YT Xe “ ive (b) Input post group ° req (OA fSoug—. Negative rou (c) Output f. = f/2 and a=0 | | “ (2) Diagram 0 (Af) (*\(+\ 5 YY UY (d) Output f. = f/2 and delayed fring FIG 3.9: Single Phase Converter Assume that at a = 0. The positive group allows all positive half waves to pass thous and also converts the negative half wave into positive half waves. Firing pulses are givens such a way that hai waves 1 & 2, 5 & 6 pass through it and it as shown in Fig, 9d The negative group allows all ne gative half waves coming to it and also converts posite half waves into negative halves waves. The firing pulses are given in such a way that he! waves 3,4,7 and 8 pass through it. It allows negative half waves 4 and 8, also converts Positive half waves 3 and 7 into negative one and are shown in Fig. 3.9(c). Hence from Fig, 3.9(c), the & Mave. In oder to vary pe ee eened OF this wave is half the frequency of ree e - ‘eosin betwee” the range O sper wo Ni, cos one nig mid-point O and terminal A. borg, ary positive half cycle of supply voltage, terminal a - jg p., thyristors P1 and Np are forward biaseg group @ as positive petween seco” connected From Fig. 3.11(0), during . Ponfore, the ste with eset fo" Ifthe inion Py -is turned on at wl = 0° so that the loag “ wt-O1o wes FT 4 O negative. Therefore, the load voltage now folloy, is positive with term! ge. At instant wty, P; - is forced commutateg : positive envelope oft ¥ imed ON 50 that load voltage is negative - the other orward biased th rristor No is i y and A negative. Hence the output voltage wave fo: \ terminal O positive the negative envelope of the supply voltage- yristor No is forced commut nvelope. ated and P - is turned on, cause At instant wt, the thy load voltage is now traces the positive ‘After wt = , terminal b - is positive with respect to terminal a; both thyristors P, an: Nj are forward biased from wt = ™ to 2n. ‘At wt = 2, the thyristor No - is forced commutated and forward biased thyristor P; is turned on. 1 1 Atwt = 9 Cf, "Oh , P2 - is forced commutated and forward biased thyristor Nj is tum: ON. Hence, from th is d tee cao ne stove es Pi, Nzare switched on alternatively during positive b= 2, Ny are switched on alternatively during negative half cycle From the Fig. 3.13(b) th e output frequency (f,) is higher than the supply frequency ('! A .! pplications of Cyclo-Converters a The cyclo m converters are used in followin, i es 'g applications, namely ta » nigh power AC motor dri : DC transmission systems, i Static VAR generation, 4. Conver tsion of varis lable- meee Speed alternator volta; n ‘dency voltage in Air crafts eer rafts and ship boards. Scanned with CamScanne* oo sé avETERS. AN! $$ & jpguetion nealing systems. 4:18 5 cement mill drives. Grinding mil winders aS well as mine hoists. lls and Rolling mills. g, Mine g, Electric traction. c converter. Inverters are classified as single phase or 3 inverter iS 2 d gitege source OT current source and series or parallel or bridge inverters ; [na series inverter, the load is an RLC series circuit or R and C in paral with the combination R,L,C should be such that the circuit is under series curs when current goes to its natural zero. The maxim The commutation o sequency is the frequency of damped oscillations. ase parallel inverter, the load is connected across the secondary of 2 Thus the load and 3 na single phi 4 the commutating capacitor across the primary. transformer an capacitor are effectively in parallel. 4, Asingle phase half bridge circuit requires a 3 wire de supply. It uses two thyristors and two diodes. The diodes come into operation only for inductive and capacitive loads four thyristors and four diodes. The ti shape of load cur 5, Asingle phase full bridge circuit uses frequency determines the frequency of output voltage. The wave depends on the nature of the circuit. 6. Bridge inverters use forced commutation. 1 tree phase bridge inverter can have 180° conduction and 120° condor modes. In g0° and three thyristors conduct at any instant. In 180° mode each thyristor conduct for 1 sor co 120° mode each thyristor conducts for 120° and two thyristor com juct at any instant 8 cat Applications of inverters are (a) Variable speed ac motor drives (b) High speed de transmission systems () UPS (@) Timing devices €) Dielectric heating Scanned with CamScanner

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