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Some people think that space exploration is a waste of resources while others think
that it is essential for mankind to continue to explore the universe in which we live.
Discuss both sides and gives your own opinion.
Essay: 4 paragraphs
1. Introduction
Sentence 1: paraphrasing the topic
It is believed by some people that mankind is wasting their resources on exploring
the outer space, whereas some others believe that there is an essential need in
investigating our universe.
Sentence 2: Thesis statement
Although S + V, S +V
While S +V, S +V
Although there are some advantages of studying the universe, I believe that people
should focus more on solving problems of the Earth itself rather than space
2. Body
Body 1:
Sentence 3: topic sentence (view 1st)
There are some understandable reasons why some people believe that it is
necessary to explore the universe.
Sentence 4: supporting idea 1st
For one thing, people can protect our planet by minimizing the risk of it being
destroyed by universe objects.
Sentence 5: explain or example
For example, scientists can predict when and where an asteroid can collide with the
Earth and use missiles to change the orbit of that asteroid and save all terrestrial
living things.
Sentence 6: supporting idea 2nd
Another reason is that by discovering the universe, we may one day find a life-
sustaining planet.
Sentence 7: explain or example
This means that if one day the Earth SHOULD become uninhabitable, that planet
may become a new home for mankind.
Body 2:
Sentence 8: Topic sentence (view 2nd)
However, instead of using resources for studying the universe, I believe that
mankind should pay attention to dealing with the Earth’s problems.
Sentence 9: supporting idea 1st
Firstly, the Earth is becoming hotter and hotter due to the harmful emissions of
greenhouse gases, threatening lives of millions of people.
Sentence 10: explain or example
In order to tackle global warming, more resources should be allocated for reducing
the level of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.
Sentence 11: supporting idea 2nd
Secondly, humans are also facing a number of risks of nuclear wars or pollution
which can wipe human race out shortly.
Sentence 12: explain or example
Therefore, resources should also be used to make the Earth safer and more livable
by bridging the gap between countries and getting rid of pollutants.
3. Conclusion
Sentence 13: Restate the thesis
In conclusion, although there are some justifiable reasons for spending resources
on space programs, I would argue that those resources should be used for other
current problems of the world nowadays.
It is believed by some people that mankind is wasting their resources on exploring
the outer space, whereas some others believe that there is an essential need in
investigating our universe. Although there are some advantages of studying the
universe, I believe that people should focus more on solving problems of the Earth
itself rather than space programs.
There are some understandable reasons why some people believe that it is
necessary to explore the universe. For one thing, people can protect our planet by
minimizing the risk of it being destroyed by universe objects. For example,
scientists can predict when and where an asteroid can collide with the Earth and
use missiles to change the orbit of that asteroid and save all terrestrial living things.
Another reason is that by discovering the universe, we may one day find a life-
sustaining planet. This means that if one day the Earth SHOULD become
uninhabitable, that planet may become a new home for mankind.
However, instead of using resources for studying the universe, I believe that
mankind should pay attention to dealing with the Earth’s problems. Firstly, the
Earth is becoming hotter and hotter due to the harmful emissions of greenhouse
gases, threatening lives of millions of people. In order to tackle global warming,
more resources should be allocated for reducing the level of carbon dioxide and
other greenhouse gases. Secondly, humans are also facing a number of risks of
nuclear wars or pollution which can wipe human race out shortly. Therefore,
resources should also be used to make the Earth safer and more livable by bridging
the gap between countries and getting rid of pollutants.
In conclusion, although there are some justifiable reasons for spending resources
on space programs, I would argue that those resources should be used for other
current problems of the world nowadays.

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