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18.01.2021 Last date for submission of confirmation letter-copy to be

submitted to the class In-charge & Guide – Before Jan
18, Discuss with respective guides regarding project title.

29.01.2021 *First Reporting (Evaluation 1) – to discuss the project title,

Students should be guided to collect review of literature through
EBSCO and other sources

15.02.2021 *Second Reporting (Evaluation 2) – to discuss the Problem &

Need of the study, Objectives of the study. Power point
Presentation (Min 8 Slides) to be done on the literature review

05.03.2021 *Third Reporting (Evaluation 3)

Submission of Review of literature (Minimum 15). Discussion on
Research Methodology and hypothesis framing.

22.03.2021 *Fourth Reporting (Evaluation 4) - Submission of

Questionnaire. Power point Presentation (Min 10 Slides) to be
done on the Project progress till data collection.

05.04.2021 *Fifth Reporting (Evaluation 5)

Submission of Data analysis and Interpretation

06.04.2021 onwards Time to be devoted to prepare project report and for correction
with guide.

12.04.2021 *Rough Draft 1 Submission

19.04.2021 *Rough Draft 2 Submission

23.04.2021 *Final copy submission

26.04.2021 *MOCK VIVA

30.04.2021 *FINAL VIVA

03.05.2021 to 07.05.2021 *SAP CLASS

(*)Attendance compulsory on Discussion days, Evaluation days, Submission days, MOCK,

FINAL viva days and SAP class).
* Note: Students should get the report corrected by guide and incorporate the changes suggested by
him/ her. If the guide is not satisfied that the corrections are not carried out the project will not be

1. The schedule must be adhered strictly

2. Attendance will be calculated on the basis of the reporting schedule.
3. Attendance in-charges
II MBA General – Dr. Shanthaamani
II MBA BA -- Mr. Ravimohan
All students should sign the attendance on the day of each reporting after meeting their
respective guides and mentor.
4. If the students fail to report as per schedule they shall face disciplinary action.
5. Those who have more than two arrears will be allowed to submit the project only with the
approval of the management.
6. Four copies of the project report should be submitted. (University copy, Guide copy,
Company copy and Personal copy).
7. All copies should be hard bound in the prescribed blue colour and in the standard format.
8. Title page, Bonafide certificate, Declaration should be in the standard format which will be
put up on the notice board.
9. The chapterisation of the report has to be uniform irrespective of the specialization.
10. Students must ensure that they comply with the progress required schedule at each
reporting day strictly. Regular attendance alone will not entitle students to submit their
project. Failing/Delay in progress as per specified schedule will result in stopping of
11. Students should pay the tuition fees & Exam fees as per the schedule failing which the
students will not be guided & will not be allowed to submit the project along with the May
2021 batch.

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