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Copyright © by
Word of Faith Bible Institute
38, Raji Oba Street, Iyana Ipaja,
P. O. Box 3459, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria
All Rights Reserved.
No portion of this Outline may be used without
the written permission of the Institute.

Determining Divine Direction 1


1. Understanding Vision Dr. David Oyedepo

2. Following God's Plan for your Life Kenneth Hagin

3. Listen to your Heart Kenneth Hagin Jnr.

4. Led by the Spirit Billy Joe


5. You can hear the Voice of God Steve Sampson

Determining Divine Direction 2


To bring students to a realm of:

 Possessing a working knowledge of walking in divine direction
thereby compelling action.

 Understanding the wisdom in divine direction.

 Appreciating the need to live a life continually obedient to the readings

and prompting of the Holy Spirit.

 A life of consecration.

 Walking in complete and continuous dominion.

Determining Divine Direction 3


LESSON ONE: Introduction

LESSON TWO: Essence of Divine Direction to the Believer

LESSON THREE: Divine Guidance in the Scripture

LESSON FOUR: The Triune nature of man

LESSON FIVE: Renewal of the mind

LESSON SIX: Keeping the body in subjection

LESSON SEVEN: Relationship between God and Man which makes for
divine direction.

LESSON EIGHT: *Pre-requisite for successful leading;

*Ingredients that enhance obtaining divine direction.

LESSON NINE: Hindrances to Divine Direction

LESSON TEN: *A Life of consecration and dedication

*Obedience as a life style.

LESSON ELEVEN: Characteristics of divine direction

LESSON TWELVE: Learning Divine Direction

LESSON THIRTEEN: *How to train the human spirit to receive divine

direction. * The law of conquest - building up
LESSON FOURTEEN: *Why Christians fail to follow divine direction;
* Maintaining a spirit filled life.

LESSON FIFTEEN: Taking Responsibility


Determining Divine Direction 4

Lesson One:

1 Acts 2:27 & 28 - Divine Direction is of God

... because thou will not suffer thine only one to see corruption. Thou hast
made known to me the path of life.

Thou while shew me the path of life...fullness of joy…pleasures (Ps.16:11)

2. TEXT: Is. 48:17 & 18.

“…I am the Lord...which leadeth thee by the way that thou

shouldest go.”

3 Definition.

Dictionary definition of Divine: means from or like God.

It is not in man to direct his path rather guidance is of God.

Man's knowledge of things and situations are limited, It is only the

Omnipotent. All knowing God that has the ability to direct accurately,

Direction means course taken by a moving person or thing, way that a

person or things looks or faces.

Every day and at all times one is on a course, The right course or the
wrong course. God's course or one's own course.

Determining Divine Direction can be said to be:

a) Knowing God's leading

b) Understanding when, where and how God directs.

Determining Divine Direction 5

4. Difference between Divine Direction and Man directing.

1) The direction from God ensures you do not suffer the corruption
in the world. Acts 2:27 & 28, when Israel did not move with the cloud
they were slain by wild beasts.

2) It gives peace and fulfilment - Is. 48:18.

3) It is always accurate.

Self direction results in:

- Contention and confusion I Sam. 15:22

- Mistakes Gen. 3:1-5.

Disappointments, frustrations, failure Is. 30:1-21

- Walking in your own way is walking in rebellion Is. 30:1

It can be disastrous to move without or contrary to divine direction - 1

Kings 13.

Determining Divine Direction 6


Essence of divine direction to the believer - why divine direction is


The move of God in these last days require a depth of the flow of the
Holy Spirit and the fullness of the manifestation of God's presence in
our lives, the result which is the enthronement of the Church can only
be achieved by walking in full co-operation with the Holy Spirit.

Following divine direction is a necessity. Your life is not your own .....
glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s (I Cor. 6:20)


1. To succeed in life and ministry - I Sam. 30.

- a race is set before us Heb. 12: 1, the only way to successfully run the
race and live in His abundant provision is by learning how to receive
divine direction according to the word of God.

2. It is evidence of the presence of God in our lives - Deut. 1:33; Ps.


3. Divine direction gives light in decision making - Neh. 9:12b.

4. For cheap victory in all battles of life - I Sam, 23:2 - 5.

5. It is our birth right - Rom. 8: 14.

6. Fosters a closer walk with God thereby bringing about spiritual


7. Following divine direction, perfects our ways, the ways of God is

perfect and as we obey His leading our ways become perfect.

Determining Divine Direction 7

8. Following divine direction is God's will for us, through divine
leading God provides us with Protection. -Ps. 23:1,4 Provision -Ps.
105:41,Is. 48:2 1.

9. Accomplishment of God's plans and purpose in ones life require

walking in divine direction. An understanding of determining
divine direction and walking in it helps the believer co-operate
with God's leading.

10. Walking in divine direction is walking in the strength of God.

Reasons why God desires to lead his people.

For God (does reveal his will; He speaks not only once... - Job 33:14 Amp.

 To make known His will for every covenant child and humanity in
general- Amos 3:7, Num.12:6 - Jer. 29:1 1; God has good thoughts
towards us.

 For co-operation with his plans for us and the human race -Acts

 When God directs he provides and protects, His desire is that we

prosper - John 3:2.

 God seeks our Interests – Ex.33:14

 To keep us from pride - Job 33:15-17

 To keep us from destruction - Job. 33:18.

Determining Divine Direction 8


Divine guidance in the Scripture

1. Divine direction in the old testament.

a) Through the Pillar of Cloud and Fire

- Ex. 13:18-22; Dent. 8:3,4. ... and He took not away the pillar ...
from the people.

b) Through the use of instruments called the Urim and Thummim

- Ex. 28:30; Num. 27:18-24; 1 Sam. 28:6; Lev. 8:8.
Urim means lights and perfection's - symbol for guidance
Thummim means truth and completeness - symbol for integrity of
heart. These instruments were contained in a pouch, which was placed
behind the breastplate, strategically close to the heart of the high
priest. ... so Aaron shall bear the judgement ... over his heart ...

c) By the Prophets.
1 Chr. 15:18. 2 Kings 3:1 1 Amos 3:7&8.

Other ways in the Old testament:

d) Dreams - Gen. 28:10-15; Eccl. 5:3,7.

e) Appearance of Angels - Judges 6: 11 & 12, 13:2-5

f) Fleece - Judges 6:36-40 - Not to be used by present day believer.

2. Other leadings in the Scriptures.

a) The wise men - Mat. 2:2&9 19

b) Ananias - Acts 9: 11 & 12.

Determining Divine Direction 9

3. The New Covenant Children.

God still leads today - Is. 42:16 … I will bring the blind by a way they
knew not ... there are decisions covenant children need to make but
they cannot do so on there own because of the lack of complete
information or they have never treaded such paths before, e.g. making a
choice of a spouse, or career. (Ps. 32:8), …

Jn. 10: 5, 27 ... for they knew not the voice of strangers… I know them (my
sheep) and they follow me...

4. Major ways by which God leads today;

a) Through the Word:

Ps. 119:105 ... Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto, my path
".The Word illuminates things we are dealing with presently and light
directs our future.
 I Tim. 3:16
 Heb. 1: 1 Jesus, the Word. John 6:63. …the word is spirit and life.
 The Logos and the Rhema.

As you obey the logos word, you build an attitude of acting on the word
which will enhance your promptness in recognising the Rhema for

Logos - written word.

Rhema - spoken word.

b) By the leading of the Holy Spirit. - John 14:26

- Rom. 8:14, 16; John 1: 12,
The Holy Spirit uses our spirit to guide and enlighten us as to God’s
will for our lives. He dwells in our spirit and therefore communicates
with us through our spirit.

Determining Divine Direction 10

The Triune nature of man

1. The essence of man is spiritual, or physical.

Man is a spirit, he possesses a soul; and he lives in a body.

2. The difference between spirit and soul. The spirit and the soul are
two separate entities I Cor. 14:14, 15 (Amp.) and can be separated
by the Word of God - Heb. 4:12,

3. Spirit - The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord Prov. 20:27.
The spirit of man needs to be recreated before it can have
fellowship with God. 2 Cor. 5:17, Ez. 36:26.

Worship must be in spirit and truth - Jn. 4:24.

Determining Divine Direction 11



The soul of man requires to be restored to enjoy the full benefits of

divine direction. Ps. 23:3, this is by renewing of the mind. Rom 12:2

Restore and Renew both mean to make extensive changes in or to make

like new. God's thoughts and ways are higher than man's thoughts and
ways. Is. 55:8,9 to flow in his thoughts and ways renewal of the mind is
required to think his thoughts and act His ways.

Renewal of the mind results in transformation more and more to his

image - Rom. 8:29. it also helps keep the body under control of the

God's desire is that every decision in life should be made from your
spirit based on his word. You can only respond that way when your
mind is renewed by the Word.

There are three kinds of minds.

 Reprobate mind i.e. an unregenerated mind - Rom. 1:28.

 Carnal mind or Sense ruled mind - Rom. 8:16
 Word ruled mind or Spirit ruled mind - Rom. 8:6-8

Effects of a sensed ruled mind:

 Cannot pleased God. Rom. 8:8 Heb. 11:6

 Sense ruled mind is always under continual condemnation Rom.
8:1; John 3:18.
 Faith cannot be exercised when senses rule - Rom. 8:29, 1Cor. 2:12-
 A sense ruled mind has uncontrollable thoughts and cannot resist
the devil.

Determining Divine Direction 12

- James 4:7, the word is the only effective weapon that can be used
to resist the devil. Eph. 6: 17. There is no resistance when you are ruled
by the senses.

Effects of a word ruled mind:

 1 Cor. 2:16 - a word ruled mind enables us to possess the mind of

Christ, which is a sound mind capable of making sound decisions. A
mind that has the ability to retain facts correctly and work

2 Tim. 1:7 - we have been given the spirit of a sound mind.

 A word ruled mind helps to possess an excellent spirit which enables

skilfulness in all manner of learning Dan. 1: 19.

 Phil. 4:7 & 8 - a word ruled mind thinks on things that are honest,
just, pure, lovely, good report.

 A word ruled mind will be dominated by God's thoughts Is. 55:8 -

God's thoughts are not our thoughts, but by a process of meditation
His thoughts can become our thoughts.

 The word ruled mind is subject to the dictates of the Spirit - Phil. 2:5.
 A word ruled mind experiences the Peace of God. Phil. 4:6; Rom. 8:6.

Determining Divine Direction 13


Keeping the body in subjection

The body houses the spirit and soul and needs to be kept in subjection -
1 Cor. 9:27.

Control of the body is by:

 Presenting it as a living sacrifice to God.

A sacrifice is a dead animal without a will of its own. It has no desires.
it is totally surrendered.
Christians are to present themselves on an altar of submission without
a will or desire of their own save the masters, and yet ALIVE in our
Continually sowing to the spirit - Gal. 6:8.
How to keep the body in subjection.
 Make the decision to be spirit ruled instead of body ruled.
Believe that according to God's word you are able to control your body
and bring it into subjection of your spirit - Phil. 4:13, 1 Cor. 9:27,

 Act in faith. II Cor. 5:7, Rom. 14:23

 Crucify the flesh - Gal. 5:24.

 Learn to be in control of your tongue - James. 3:8; Prov. 18:2 1.

The inward man must control the outward man - Gal. 5:16 - 18.

For a victorious Christian life the body should not dictate what it
should do, rather it should be brought under the subjection and
sensitivity of the spirit, otherwise sensitivity to the Holy Spirit will be

Determining Divine Direction 14


Relationship between God and Man which makes for divine

Relationship between God and man - Col. 2:9 - 10.
The Godhead comprise Father, Son and the Holy Spirit - I John 5:7.
These three are one.

Man comprise of spirit, soul and body. The body is ruled by five senses
touch, taste, sight, smell, sound.- I Thess 5:23

The Spirit - filled Christian has the God head indwelling them.
There is no barrier in the spirit.

You are complete as a result of the indwelling.- Col 2:9-10

Realisation of this fact will flow in divine direction.

Determining Divine Direction 15


Prerequisites for successful leading

These are conditions that must be met before one can walk in divine

1. Be a covenant child - John 3:3

He who is born of spirit is spirit. A spiritually dead man cannot perceive
the things of God.-I Cor 2:14

2. Meekness.
Ps. 25:9,12. The meek will he lead in judgement and … teach his way.
There can’t be meekness without the fear of the Lord. Mat. 5:5; Ps.

Moses a meek man knew the ways of God.

Meekness is a condition of the heart require to know the ways of God.

3. Faith

2 Cor. 5:7 - we walk by faith not by sight.

Heb. 11:6 - without faith it is impossible to please God, the reward of
those who diligently seek him is divine direction.

Catalysts For Successful Leading

Certain factors enhance successful divine leadings in the life of a


1. Fellowship with the Holy Spirit - 1 Jn. 2:20, 27, 11 Tim. 1:6
Have a consciousness of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit.

2. Quietness of Spirit.

Determining Divine Direction 16

1 Kings 19:11-12, I Peter 3:4. Avoid a rowdy spirit. A calm spirit
encourages hearing from God Eccl. 4:6.

3. Love
John. 13:34 & 35, 1 Cor. 13. God is Love – I Jn.4:8 Walking in love is
fulfilling the law Rom 13:10

4. Liberty of Spirit - 2 Cor. 3:17 & 18,

* Embrace liberty of the spirit.
* No malice - Col. 3:8
* Get rid of anger - Eccl. 7:9,17
* Relax in your relationship with others - Heb. 12:14:15
* Forbearance - Col 3:13

5. Confidence:
This is the conqueror's back bone - Prov. 3:5 & 6, Luke 11: 11 – 13, Heb.

6. Gladness of heart - Is. 30:29

7. Obedience - Is. 1: 19.

8. Quench not the Spirit - I Thes. 5:19.

Persistent disobedience quenches the spirit.

9. Vigilance in the Spirit - Hab. 2:1

10. Openness of heart.

Do not be set as concrete in your ways - Mat. 18:3-4

11. Sensitivity of Heart.

Keep a tender heart. I Chr. 16:9 ... eyes of the Lord run to and fro ... to
shew himself... whose heart is TENDER toward Him.....

Sensitivity is maintained by:

Determining Divine Direction 17

 Immersing spirit in the Word of God - develop consistent pattern of
scripture reading.

 Commune with the Holy Spirit - Praying in the spirit (Jude 20) helps
get alone and accustomed to the Holy Spirit.

 Worship and Praise as a way of life - Ps. 22:3; 149.

Effects of sensitivity of heart.

Opens ears - Is. 50:4b, 5

Sharpening spiritual sensitivity is by.

 Prayer Jude 20.

 Fasting Is. 58:8

Determining Divine Direction 18


Hindrances to Divine Direction.

 Fear
Has torment 1 John 4:18 i.e. makes captive.
Job. 3:25. You break the hedge with fear, fight it with all your might.

 Doubt.
Same as unbelief, an evil heart will not experience divine direction -
Heb. 3:12
A double minded man is unstable in all his ways James 1:8.

 Sin.
Causes hardness. Heb. 3:13; Is. 30:1-2, Prov 13:15

 Lack of confidence - Prov.28:1

 Pride lies in the bosom of fools.

 Dullness of spirit and slothfulness.

 Anxiety. Mat. 6:25 - 32, Phil. 4:6.

 Tradition. Mark 7:13

 Other Voices - 1 Cor. 14: 10; 2:5.

Determining Divine Direction 19


A life of consecration and dedication:

A life that wholly follows God. Believes what God says, says what God
says and does God does. He is in agreement with God in every area of
his life. Complete commitment. Asking God no questions. No
compromise for what God has told him. John 12:23-27. Lost in God.
Mat. 22:36-40, Love the Lord. He kneweth not how. Num.32:11-12,
Deut. 1:36.

2 Chro. 16:9 NIV. Mark 4:26-29

God is looking for believers who will dedicate and consecrate

themselves wholly to him, in order to carry out His plans for their lives
and humanity at large as Jesus did through out His earthly ministry.

Consecration: Is a life long act. It is constantly maintaining an

attitude of total submission to the Lord's will. This is a life that gives
God his place. Job became the greatest, by dying for God. Job 1:3, 29:3-

Reason for lack of consecration.

*Cares of this world - Mark 4:16 - 19.

Lack of appreciation and reverence for the things of God. Num. 32:1 1.
It is not prayer and fasting you need, but total yieldedness to God. Until
you are dead to self, you cannot be alive unto God. Rom.8:8-9. Let God
take his place and your place on earth shall not be lost.

Characteristics of a consecrated life.

 Willingness Is. 1: 19.
 Unconditional love for God and the things of God Luke 9:23-27; Mat.

Determining Divine Direction 20

 Possession of a heart that pants after the business of God Luke2:49.
 A heart-cry for the liberty of people Job 29:3-16.
 Giving all without reservation i.e.
Time Luke 18:29-30
Obedience as a life style - Is. 1: 19, 1 Sam. 15:22.

Definition - (James 1:22-25)

 Obeying God pays - it does not cost ... Kenneth E. Hagin. (Acts. 5:29).

 Be willing to pay the price.

 God rewards faithfulness.

 Disobedience puts the light out.

 Reasons for disobedience.

- Ignorance
Knowledge is the cure.- Heb.8:10

- Unpersuadedness having an persuadable attitude to the

The cure is meditation on the word.

Determining Divine Direction 21


Characteristics of Divine Direction

Characteristics of Divine Direction - How do you know it is God leading

you? i.e. proving divine direction.

1. God's leading or direction is always in line with His Word.

Ps. 119:105. Prov. 6:23.
The word of God is acid test of every divine leading.

2. Peace.
Divine direction will always produce peace.
Col. 3:15 (Amp) . Peace should rule. i.e. act as an umpire.
Eph. 2:13-14.
Rom. 14:17.
Ps. 23:2 - He leads beside peaceful waters.
Peace is a cardinal point.-Ps. 85:8
Is. 48:17-21 - The Holy Spirit leading results in peace like a river
Peace is God's signature of approval.
3. Love - I John 4:8, 18.
Perfect love casteth out fear.
God leads in love, corrects in love, directs in love.
Divine direction is reflective of God's love towards us.
Compassion borne out of a heart of love. Love is the fruit of the

4. Proved with confidence and assurance - I John 3:2 1.

5. Divine direction will not override our will - Gen. 6:3.

6. God's leading will not direct contrary or against established rules

of life. God will not violate his rule. Phil. 4:8 & 9.

7. Never in a haste or hurry. - Is. 28:16b.

* Learn to take a step at a time.

Determining Divine Direction 22

* Learn to combine faith and patience.

Determining Divine Direction 23


Learning Divine Direction

2 Cor. 6:16 ... we are the temple of the living God, He will dwell in us and
walk in us.

There are three major ways.

1. Inward witness - Rom. 8:16.

The Spirit bears witness with our spirit, gives assurance of salvation. It
is a spiritual Perception not a physical feeling. Acts. 27: 10 Paul said ....
I perceive.

Learning to follow inward witness.

 Spend quality time in the word and prayer.
 Be patient

2. Inner voice or Inward voice - this can also be called the still small

The inner man has a voice just like the outward man. This voice is
called the conscience,

 Serve God with a pure conscience.

 If our conscience condemn us not we are at peace with God.
 Maintain a conscience void of offence towards God and man. Act.

3. Leading through the authoritative voice of the Holy Spirit.

This is as the Spirit wills. Do not seek after voices. I Cor. 12: 11
There is a difference between the voice of your spirit and the voice of
the Holy Spirit. The voice of the Holy Spirit is more authoritative.

Determining Divine Direction 24

Other ways of leading.
 Witness of circumstances.
Balaam - Numbers 23:23.
 Godly counsel.
Seek and enjoy godly counsel of persons more spiritually more mature
Heb. 7:7.
Prov. 11:14.

 Prophecy.
1 Cor. 14:3.
This is for edification, exhortation and comfort. Has to be in line with
scripture and the Holy Spirit's prompting Acts. 13:4.

 Visions.
Your inner eye is opened and your inner ears. it can be symbolic Acts.
10: I 0-17.

Types of vision.
1. Trance-
You see into the spirit realm with your physical senses suspended i.e.
not functioning.- Matt. 1:19-24

2. Spiritual Vision -
You see with your physical eyes into the spirit realm with your senses
functioning. -Lk. 1:8, 11-13

3. Open Vision You see with your physical eyes into the spirit realm.
–Rev. 1:10-17

Combining leading and wisdom

Mat. 2:13-15 - Joseph

Wisdom is following intelligently.

Determining Divine Direction 25


How to train the Human Spirit and Experience divine direction

Training the human spirit to listen can be achieved. listen can be

achieved. You can develop your spirit to be in such unity with the Holy
Spirit that the fusion or unity of both shall be such that one is
perpetually in the Spirit. Rev. 1:10. I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day.

The Consequence is that you shall continually hear and voice behind
you saying “here is the path walk ye in it ".

This will require training of the human spirit. Man train the body and
develop the physic, the intellect is developed with knowledge. The
Spirit likewise can be developed.

There are four scriptural principles for development of the spirit.

1. Meditate on the Word. – Josh.1:8
2. Practice the Word. – Ps.119:11
3. Give the Word first place. – Deut 28:11, 18-20
4. Instantly obey the voice of your Spirit. – Matt. 4:20

Agree that the Word of God is true. Whatever the Word says, you can
build your life absolutely upon and around it.

Act of digesting the Word. God's word is the food of the Spirit and has
no value until digested. Meditation enhances a word ruled mentality. It
produces divinity. The word that is spirit and life becomes life in us.

Rubbing your mind with the Holy Spirit sharpens it. Eccl. 10:10

Consequences of Medication:
Eccl. 10: 10 - Rubbing mind with Holy Spirit it is sharpened.

Determining Divine Direction 26

Gen. 24:63 - As you meditate you will see the answer or solution.
Psalm. 63:5-6 - Produces marrow and fatness.

2. Practice of the Word.

James 1:22
Heb. 5:14.

3. Give the word first place, i.e. Be Word ruled.

As you meditate and practice then you will be word ruled.
Jn. 6:63 - You can feed on the word until your heart and mind are
saturated with the life of God, i.e. divinity.

4. Instantly obey the voice of your spirit.

Timing and Leading - Hab.2:2

Delayed obedience is disobedience.

Reasons why you need to train your spirit.

Not to be led by outward circumstances. In order to maintain a tender

Determine to keep a clean conscience. Don't underestimate your

If you persist with violating your conscience it becomes accustomed to
it. (Rom. 1:28)., it will no longer be a safe guide.

If you allow yourself to be led by your feelings and emotion or natural

resources, the development of your spirit will be hindered.

Seek for unity and agreement with those around you who are
spiritually mature. Be careful about making a move when those close
to you and who you respect spiritually are not in agreement, that is not
been led of the Lord. The early Church practised this biblical principles,
e.g. Acts. 13:1-3 –They all agree i.e. employed the force of agreement.

Determining Divine Direction 27

Experiencing divine direction.
There are 6 simple things you can do to experience divine direction.

*Acknowledge that God leads and that he is a God of specifics. Jam. 1:5-
8; Prov. 3:6.
* Decide to be led.
* Ask Specifically. Be specific in prayer.
* Locate relevant scriptures I Jn. 5:14-15.
* Faith must be in place.
* Listen.

The Law of Conquest:

Building up gradually.

Every step of obedience develops your Confidence and assists in taking

the next steps.

David did not just whip Goliath in one day. It all started by whipping
the lion and the bear.

He built his skill until the moment God could guide the missile that was
in his hand into the right place. I Sam. 17.

Determining Divine Direction 28


Why Christians fail to follow divine direction.

1. They have never been taught how to train their human spirit.
Instead they listen to their physical senses and their intellect.
They are trained to lean on their own understanding and reasoning
rather than get quiet on the inside and listen to the Holy Spirit.
They have kept their spirit locked up and under developed therefore
God is hindered from communicating with them.


1. They cannot yield easily to divine direction.

They are blown by every wind of doctrine.
They suffer losses.

2. Many believers get too busy with natural affairs therefore learn to
be quiet on the inside.
Rowdiness of the spirit - I Kings 19:12.
One can be busy outwardly yet quiet on the inside.

3. They follow plans of their own instead of divine leading.

Prov. 19:21 - Many are the plans ( good or bad) of man, but God has his
own plans.

Do what God says to do and when.

Failing to move in God's timing is the same as moving out of his will.

4. Not letting go of the past.

I Sam. 15:35, 16: 1.
Do not grieve over past failures.
Phil. 3:13-14

5. Waiting to understand the whole picture of God's plan for them.

Determining Divine Direction 29

God leads one step at a time. - I Sam. 16:4-12, God sent Samuel to anoint
a King out of the sons of Jesse, but did not tell him who.

Stay sensitive to the Holy Spirit.

He will show you things to come - John 16:13.

Ps. 119:105.
God’s word is like a Lamp unto our feet.
A Lamp is like a flash light on our path. His light is shone on our path so
we can take a few steps at a time.
As we take those steps the flash light of the word and the spirit light up
the next thing to be done.

Maintaining a Spirit Filled Life

The Holy Spirit in us is a continuous miracle and a precious gift from a
loving Father who wants us to be successful in every area of life.
Eph. 5:18,19
Col. 3:16
1 Cor. 14

Walking in the light

Walk in Love - 1 John 2:11

Have a song in your heart

Isa. 30:29
Eph. 5:20
1 Thes. 5:18

Determining Divine Direction 30

Taking Responsibility
When God leads, He provides. Once your purpose is united with that of
the Almighty, He backs you up. Unity of purpose Prov. 16:9.

How does it work:

Is. 46:9-1 1.
I . There is a purpose according to election - Rom. 9:11-16.

2. It must be acknowledged - Prov. 3:6, Is. 46:9-1 1. It must be seen -

Gen. 13:14-17- As far as your eyes can see shall be given to you.

3. Devise your ways. Don’t be indifferent. Desire to be a part of God’s

programs and He would direct your paths – Prov.16:7

5. Clear the thorns out of the way and grant all the provision.


Determining Divine Direction 31

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