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NCSEA Webinar – Low Seismic by Thomas F.

Heausler, PE, SE

Low Seismic
Simple Building
This chapter demonstrates a complete seismic load analysis of a simple building. It is
deliberately a small building for the purpose of maintaining simplicity and thus the resulting
loads are small compared to capacities provided. The calculation format demonstrates an
approach, especially commonplace in low seismic risk regions, where a member sizes are first
selected for resistance to gravity and wind forces, as well as connection method and potential for
future expansion, and then those members are checked against seismic forces. It is not intended
to demonstrate that a very strong building is a conservative approach, on the contrary, many
experienced earthquake engineers believe that using a highly ductile system (i.e. one with high R
factors and associated ductile detailing) is the safer and more conservative approach. The
primary purpose of this example is to provide, in essence, a flowchart of tasks that the structural
engineer can compare to when designing a larger building. Some sections of ASCE 7 do not
apply to this simple building, but are included in the sequence so that they are not missed when
designing a different building. ASCE 7 section numbers are shown in parenthesis thus: (11.1).

Figure 1 Simple Building Perspective

Given: ASCE 7-10, AISC 341, ACI 318 [Note: ASCE 7-10 maps and Provisions are used,
Accidental Torsion of ASCE 7-16 is described.]
Location: Hardeeville, South Carolina
Use: Storage and office without partitions. See Section 4.3.2 and 12.7.2(2) for partition load
requirements), Risk Category II
Roof dead load = 70 psf
Roof Live Load = 20 psf, Ground and minimum Roof Snow Load = 20 psf
Seismic Force Resisting System: Steel Braced Frame
Soil Allowable Net Bearing Pressure = 2,000 psf
Materials: Concrete f’c = 4,000psi; Steel Shapes and Plates Grade 50; Welding E70 electrode,
Bolts A325N, Snug tight.
Owner and steel erector prefer double clip angle connections at beam ends where possible, so
W10 columns were selected to accommodate. However at braced frame lines, shear tabs were

NCSEA Webinar – Low Seismic by Thomas F. Heausler, PE, SE

used so as to avoid prying action in double clip angles when subjected to beam axial collector
loads. See Figure 1 through 3, 3a.

Figure 2 Simple Building Elevation

Figure 3 Simple Building Foundation Plan

NCSEA Webinar – Low Seismic by Thomas F. Heausler, PE, SE

Figure 3a Simple Building Roof Framing Plan

NCSEA Webinar – Low Seismic by Thomas F. Heausler, PE, SE

Seismic Design :
Determine SS and S1:
Site Class D default as per 11.4.2
From ASCE Hazards Tool or USGS website SS = 0.31, S1 = 0.130, SDS = 0.356, SD1 = 0.198
Verify that exemptions do not apply (11.1.2) and (11.4.1).

Determine Analysis Procedure Allowed:

See (12.6) and (Table 12.6-1).
Check 12.14 Simplified method (OK, but not used in this example).
Period ( Ta = CT hnx ; CT = 0.02, x = 0.75; hn = 14’; Ta = 0.14 seconds
T = Ta (12.8.2 last sentence); T = 0.14 seconds; TS = SDS/SD 1 = 0.198/0.356 = 0.55 seconds
TL = 8 seconds (Figure 22-14)
Check for Irregularities (12.3):
Horizontal (Tables 12.3-1) = None (See accidental Torsion check below).
Vertical (Table 12.3-2) = None
Check T < 3.5TS; 0.14 seconds < (3.5) 0.55 seconds; OK (Table 12.6-1).
Therefore the Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure may be used and it is not necessary to use
Modal Response Spectrum method nor Seismic Response History procedure.

Determine Response Modification Factor, R:

As per Tables 11.6-1 and 11.6-2 Seismic Design Category (SDC) = C
Seismic Force Resisting System: Braced Frame as per Table 12.2-1 H. Steel Systems Not
Specifically Detailed for Seismic Resistance: R = 3, ΩO = 3, Cd = 3, Detailing required as per
(14.1), and ( Exception): Use AISC 360 (need not detail as per AISC 341 Seismic).

Determine Seismic Importance factor, Ie:

See (11.5.1) and Table 1.5-2. Risk Category II, Ie = 1.0

Determine Base Shear:

Effective Seismic Weight (12.7.2)
Roof = 70psf dead load (20’x20’) = 28.0k
Walls = Height tributary to roof = 14’/2 = 7’; Perimeter of building = 80’;
Wall weight = 10psf (7’x80’) = 5.6k
W= Effective Seismic Weight = 28.0k + 5.6k = 33.6k

Seismic Base Shear: V = CsW (Eq. 12.8.1)

CS = SDS/(R/Ie) = 0.356/(3/1.0) = 0.1187 (Eq. 12.8-2)
CS = SD1/(T(R/Ie)) = 0.198/(0.14 (3/1.0)) = 0.471 need not exceed (Eq. 12.8.3)
CS = 0.044 SDS Ie = 0.044(0.356)(1.0) = 0.0157 minimum (Eq. 12.8-5)
CS = 0.01 (Eq. 12.8-5) minimum
CS = 0.1187 governs
V = CSW = 0.1187(33.6k) = 4.0k
V = 4.0 kips

NCSEA Webinar – Low Seismic by Thomas F. Heausler, PE, SE

Vertical Distribution of force (12.8.3) and Diaphragm forces ( yield same results for a
one story structure: 100% of base shear V is distributed to roof; and this applies to diaphragm
calculations as well as vertical bracing calculations.

Accidental Torsion:
ASCE 7-16 has a significant change from ASCE 7-10 for accidental torsion requirements. For
many buildings, accidental torsion forces are now only applied to verify if a horizontal torsional
irregularity exists. If it does not exist, then the earthquake forces may be calculated without
accidental torsion. See Section for specifics.

For this building, earthquake and accidental torsion forces are applied and the displacements at
each corner are calculated.

Mta = Mass displaced 5% as per (

Mta = 4.0 kips (20’)(0.05) = 4.0 ft-k
Distribute Mta to all four braced frames in proportion to their relative rigidities and distance from
center of rigidity/rotation. Reaction to each braced frame = 4.0 ftk/((10’)(4 equal frames)) =
0.10 kips per frame. See Figure 4a.

Figure 4a Seismic Loading, Reactions and Displacements

With Accidental Torsion

As per Table 12.3-1, torsional irregularity check, the following formula may be created.
Torsional irregularity exists if drift at ends of building are as follows:
Δ1 max > 1.2 (Δ1 max + Δ1 min)/2
0.015” < 1.2 (0.015+0.013)/2 = 0.0168” OK – No torsional irregularity exists.

NCSEA Webinar – Low Seismic by Thomas F. Heausler, PE, SE

Note that since this is a relative displacement check, it does not matter if drift is calculated at the
elastic or inelastic level.

Since no torsional irregularity exists, then as per Section, third paragraph, accidental
torsion moments need not be included when determining the seismic forces E in the design of the
structure and in determination of the design story drifts. The applied loads, drift and reactions
may be calculated as shown in Figure 4b.

Figure 4b Seismic Loading, Reactions and Displacements

Without Accidental Torsion

Load Combinations:
See (12.4), (2.3.6); and (12.4.3) when ΩO overstrength factor is specifically required.
Redundancy ( ρ = 1.0 in SDC C.
Horizontal Seismic Load Effect ( Eh = ρQE = 1.0QE = QE
Vertical Seismic Load Effect ( Ev = 0.2SDS = 0.2(0.356) = 0.0712
Orthogonal Effects (12.5.3) 100% - 30% corner columns: SDC C not required.

Check Drift:
From elastic computer analysis, maximum roof displacement measured at the center of rigidity
(excluding accidental torsion) is 0.014 inches. As per (12.8.6):
δxe = 0.014”
δx = Cd(δxe)/Ie = 3.0(0.014”)/1.0 = 0.042”
Drift = Δ1 = δx = 0.042”
P-delta Effects as per (12.8.7) are inconsequential by inspection.
Allowable Drift (12.12) Table 12.12-1 Δa = 0.020hsx = 0.020(14’)(12”/’) = 3.36”

NCSEA Webinar – Low Seismic by Thomas F. Heausler, PE, SE

0.042” < 3.36” therefore OK.

Member and Connection Checks:

Figure 5a and 5b display roof framing plan forces with and without accidental torsion
respectively. Figure 6 displays elevation view forces without accidental torsion. The following
checks will use the forces without accidental torsion for the reasons mentioned above.

Figure 5a Roof Framing Plan with Forces Shown

With Accidental Torsion

Figure 5b Roof Framing Plan with Forces Shown

Without Accidental Torsion

NCSEA Webinar – Low Seismic by Thomas F. Heausler, PE, SE

Figure 6 Frame Elevation with Forces Shown

Without Accidental Torsion

NCSEA Webinar – Low Seismic by Thomas F. Heausler, PE, SE

Diaphragm forces are outlined in Section
wpx = 33.6 k
Fpx = [4.0k/(33.6k)] 33.6k = 4.0 k (Eq. 12.10-1)
Fpx min = 0.2SDSIewpx = 0.2(0.356)(1.0)4.0k = 0.29 k min (Eq. 12.10-2)
Fpx max = 0.4SDSIewpx = 0.4(0.356)(1.0)4.0k = 0.57 k max (Eq. 12.10-3)

The diagram forces from equation Eq. 12.10-1 need not exceed Eq. 12.10-3, however,
Section states that “Floor and roof diaphragms shall be designed to resist design forces
from structural analysis, but shall not be less than Eq. 12.10-1.” This infers that the diaphragm
forces shall not be less than those caused by the Base Shear, V, Fx forces of Section 12.8,
including accidental torsion Mta when applicable.
Thus: v = diaphragm shear = 2.0k/(20’) = 0.10 k/’ See Figure 5b.
Check concrete slab thickness and connection of diaphragm to collector beams for this ultimate
strength level force.

Collector force requirements are outlined in Section In essence this section requires
that collectors be designed for the maximum of the following (paraphrasing):
1. Forces Fx in diaphragm due to Base Shear V, including accidental torsion Mta, and including
ΩO, but excluding redundancy ρ ( i.e. ρ = 1.0.
2. Forces Fpx in diaphragm due to Eq. 12.10-1 excluding accidental torsion Mta, including ΩO,
and excluding redundancy ρ.
3. Forces Fpx max from Eq. 12.10-2 excluding accidental torsion Mta, excluding ΩO, but
including redundancy ρ.

For this example however, accidental torsion Mta need not be included in the above
determination for collectors (Section third paragraph).

W12x26: Item 1 above governs thus:

v = diaphragm shear (including accidental torsion) = 0.10 k/’
T = tension (or compression force) = 0.10k/’(10’) = 1.0 kips axial load in beam.
Dead load = 1.75 k down
Live load = 0.50 k down
Check beam end connection for the following ultimate strength level loads as per
Section 2.3.6 (6)):
1.2D + Ev+ Eh + 1.0L + 0.2S (eqn. 2.3.6 (6))
Which as per eqn. 12.4-4a and eqn. 12.4-3 evolves to:
(1.2 + 0.2SDS)D + ρQE + 1.0L + 0.2S
and as per SDC C use load combinations with overstrength as per 2.3.6(6):
1.2D + Ev+ Emh + 1.0L + 0.2S (eqn. 2.3.6 (6) with overstrength)
Which as per eqn. 12.4-4a and eqn. 12.4-7 evolves to:
(1.2 + 0.2SDS)D + ΩOQE + 1.0L + 0.2S (note that  is not included)
(1.2+0.2(0.356))1.75k + 1.0(0.5k) = 2.72k vertical shear on connection
ΩOQE = 3.0(1.0k) = 3.0 kips axial/horizontal load on connection

NCSEA Webinar – Low Seismic by Thomas F. Heausler, PE, SE

Compare 2.72k vertical and 3.0 k axial to capacity of (3) 3/4” diameter A325 N Bolts as per
AISC ϕrn = 17.9 kips per bolt and verify that all other limit states within connection do not

Note that although this is a Seismic Design Category (SDC) = C, and R = 3 was used, ASCE 7
Section requires use of ΩO for collectors, independent of AISC requirements.

E = 3.4 kips
Capacity of brace L = 17’ (approx./conservative)
From AISC Tables L= 17’, ϕcPn = 56.1 kips
3.4 kips < 56.1 kips therefore OK
See Figure 7.

Brace Connection:
E = 3.4 kips
Capacity of 1/4” fillet weld as per AISC ϕRn = 0.8(0.6)70ksi (0.707)(0.25”) = 5.56 kips/”.
Compare E = 3.4k to weld capacity and check other limit states within the connection (e.g.
gusset plate).

Note that this is a Braced Frame as per Table 12.2-1 H. Steel Systems Not Specifically Detailed
for Seismic Resistance, SDC C, and R = 3. AISC 360 is used and we need not detail as per
AISC 341 Seismic. Therefore, brace connections need not be designed for ΩO, nor full strength
of the brace, as would be required in AISC 341 and SDC D, E, and F for higher R factor systems.

Axial Loads Dead Load = 7.0k; Live Load = 2.0 kips; E = 2.8 k
Orthogonal Effects (12.5.3) does not apply (SDC C – parallel system)
Section 2.3.6 (6)):
1.2D + Ev+ Eh + 1.0L + 0.2S
Which as per eqn. 12.4-4a and eqn. 12.4-3 evolves to:
(1.2 + 0.2SDS)D + ρQE + 1.0L + 0.2S
Pu = (1.2 + 0.2(0.356))D + 1.0E + 1.0L + 0.2S
Pu = 1.27(7.0k) + 1.0(2.8) + 1.0(2.0) + 0.2(0.0)
Pu = 13.7 k
As per AISC Tables L = 14’; W10x33 col; ϕcPn = 248 kips
13.7k < 248k therefore OK.

Column Base Connection:

Uplift case governs by inspection
Horizontal Shear = 2.0 k
Dead Load = 2.4 kips
Seismic = 2.8 kips
Section 2.3.6 (7)):
0.9D – Ev + Eh (eqn. 2.3.6 (7))

NCSEA Webinar – Low Seismic by Thomas F. Heausler, PE, SE

Which as per eqn. 12.4-4a and eqn. 12.4-3 evolves to:

(0.9 – 0.2SDS)D + ρQE

Tu = (0.9-0.2(0.356))D - 1.0E
Tu = (0.829)2.4k - 1.0(2.8k)
Tu = 0.82 kip net uplift
Vu = 2.0 kip horizontal shear
Compare to anchor bolt ultimate capacities for combined tension and shear (See AISC Design
Guide Number 1). See Figure 8.

Note that this is a Braced Frame as per Table 12.2-1 H. Steel Systems Not Specifically Detailed
for Seismic Resistance, SDC C, and R = 3. AISC 360 is used and we need not detail as per
AISC 341 Seismic. Therefore, Anchor rods and related connections need not be designed for
ΩO, nor full strength of the brace, as would be required in AISC 341 and SDC D, E, and F.

Figure 7 Collector Beam and Brace Connection Forces

NCSEA Webinar – Low Seismic by Thomas F. Heausler, PE, SE

Figure 8 Column Base Forces

Footing Loads:
Uplift: Verify weight of footing multiplied by 0.9 exceeds Tu = 0.89 kips.
Tprovided = Footing weight x (0.9) = 0.9(0.150kcf)(3’x3’x2’) = 2.4kips
0.89k < 2.4k therefore no net uplift, OK

Bearing Pressure:
New to ASCE 7-16, there is no need to include Ev in bearing pressure calculations. See Section for specifics.

Allowable Net Bearing Pressure = 2000 psf.

Dead Load = 7.0 kips
Live Load = 2.0 kips
Seismic = 2.8 kips
Convert Seismic load to Allowable strength level by multiplying by 0.7 as permitted by
Allowable Stress Design Load Combinations Section 2.4.5(8) and (9).
1.0D + 0.7Ev+0.7Eh (eqn. 2.4.5(8))
Which as per Exception 2, eqn. 12.4-4a and eqn. 12.4-3 evolves to:

NCSEA Webinar – Low Seismic by Thomas F. Heausler, PE, SE

1.0D + 0.7ρQE
P = (1.0D + 0.7(1.0)E
P = (1.0(7.0k)) + 0.7(1.0)2.8k
P = 9.0 kips
1.0D + 0.525Ev + 0.525Eh + 0.75L + 0.75S (eqn. 2.4.5(9))
Which as per Exception 2, eqn. 12.4-4a and eqn. 12.4-3 evolves to:
1.0D + 0.525ρQe + 0.75L + 0.75S
P = 1.0D + 0.525(1.0)E + 0.75L + 0.75S
P = (1.0(7.0k)) + 0.525(1.0)2.8k + 0.75(2.0) + 0.75(0.0)
P = 9.97 kips

P = 9.97 kips governs maximum downward ASD Force on footing.

fbrg = applied bearing pressure = 9.97k/(3’x3’) = 1.108 psf
1,108 psf < 2,000psf therefore 3’ x 3’ Footing is OK

Note that a reduction of applied bearing pressure could be implemented as per (12.13.4), but was
not used in this example.


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