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Business Requirements Document

In collaboration with

Majid Al Futtaim Fashion LLC

Kaleem Ullah Saleh

Rafia Umair

Version 1.0

May 6th , 2012

Establishment of Secure and Redundant Network Connection Between Remote Offices


Establishment of Secure and Redundant Network
Project Name:
Connection Between Remote Offices through IPSec VPN

Project Identifier: Kaleem Ullah Saleh & Rafia Umair

Supply Chain & Logistics Majid Al Futtaim Fashion

Executive Sponsor:
(LOB) Project Manager: Dr. Mohammad Shoaib Hai

IT Project Manager: -

IT Relationship Manager: -
Business Requirements QC
Dr. Mohammad Shoaib Hai

Date Submitted: May, 2012

Date Approved by Executive Sponsor:

Date Approved by Governance Committee:

Change History

Date Revised By Requested By Change Description

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Establishment of Secure and Redundant Network Connection Between Remote Offices


1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................4
1.1 Background............................................................................................................................. 4
1.1.1 Current Situation / Business Need...............................................................................4
1.1.2 Project Objectives........................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Scope....................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2.1 Out Of Scope............................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Desired Outcomes.................................................................................................................. 6
1.4 Stakeholders and End Users................................................................................................. 6
1.5 Dependencies......................................................................................................................... 6
1.6 Risks / Issues.......................................................................................................................... 6
1.7 Assumptions........................................................................................................................... 7

2 CURRENT STATE....................................................................................................8
2.1 Description.............................................................................................................................. 8
2.1.1 ISDN connection.......................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Challenges and Opportunities............................................................................................... 9
2.2.1 Challenges................................................................................................................... 9
2.2.2 Opportunities............................................................................................................. 10

3 PROPOSED STATE...............................................................................................11
3.1 Benefits................................................................................................................................. 11

4 BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS................................................................................12

5 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION................................................................................13
5.1 Glossary of Terms................................................................................................................ 13

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Establishment of Secure and Redundant Network Connection Between Remote Offices

1.1 Background

Today the world has change a lot, now organization wants to have global connections and
wanted to remain connected with each other. Many organization has many offices and at
different locations around the world and in different cities. Now they all want to remain
connected with each other through fastest, reliable, available and most important via secure
connection. This proposal addresses the problem to establish a secure connection between
remote offices over the internet.

Same is the case with Organization Supply Chain & Logistics Majid Al Futtaim Fashion LLC.
Currently they want to provide the secure connectivity between their three offices at three
different locations. In other words, through the use of dedicated equipment and encryption,
enterprise wants to connect multiple fixed sites over a public network, the Internet.

This project has been carried out for accomplishment of “A7004N Business Case Project” in our
Master Programme of Information Security.

1.1.1 Current Situation / Business Need

Supply Chain & Logistics Majid Al Futtaim Fashion LLC, is a daughter enterprise of Majid Al
Futtaim Holding. Established in 1992, Majid Al Futtaim Holding has successfully brought the
concept of regional shopping malls and hypermarkets to the region. As a multi dynamic
entrepreneur they are passionate to expand their business. Pursuing their future endeavours and
missions they must have a reliable redundant connection between their offices.

At this stage of time they require the cheapest solution meeting their need and road map for
project leaders to shift the employees, departments and organization from a current situation to a
desired future state. Shift in working procedures and technology usage should not have to face
employee resistance but taken as conveniences making their jobs easier.

Until recently, those offices are connected with each other through the use leased lines to
maintain a wide area ranging from ISDN (integrated services digital network, 128 Kbps). Among
the three offices, one is the main office which centralized the all data from other two remote
offices. Every night, all data transaction takes place. Currently the organization are facing the
problems of unsecure connection with very low bandwidth of 128kb/sec. while each night,
remote offices has enough amount of data to transfer to main office which takes hours for data
transfer completion.

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Establishment of Secure and Redundant Network Connection Between Remote Offices

1.1.2 Project Objectives

To establish a secure, reliable and redundant, IPSec virtual private network connection among
the offices along with achieving the bandwidth requirement of the organization

1.2 Scope

Following are the scope of the project.

 Write a guideline document which fully describe how to establish a successfully

establish Secure and Redundant IPSec Virtual private Network Connection Between
Remote Offices
 Design IP Plan
 Design Network Diagram
 Testing of the Configuration on network simulator
 Successful running of the IPSec VPN connection on network simulator
 Configuration of the Network equipment

IPSec VPN Connection should meet the following requirement

 Redundant connection
 Reliability
 Availability
 Less MTTF
 Meet the Bandwidth requirement
 Authentication

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Establishment of Secure and Redundant Network Connection Between Remote Offices

1.2.1 Out Of Scope

Following are out of scope of the project

 Deployment of the IPSec VPN connection in the real field is out of the scope because of
distance issue (Stakeholder and project participants are not in same geographical
 Business details of the organization
 What kind of business traffic will be traversed through VPN (except the bandwidth of the
data traffic)
 What and where remote business offices will be connected through VPN. For us, its just
remote offices at three different location

1.3 Desired Outcomes

A guideline document which fully describe successful establishment of; a secure and redundant
IPSec virtual private network connection between remote offices.

1.4 Stakeholders and End Users

The following Stakeholders and End Users have been identified:

Stakeholder Job Function / Impact

Dr. Mohammad Shoaib Hai Director Supply Chain & Logistics

1.5 Dependencies

So far we have not found any dependencies for this project

1.6 Risks / Issues

The following project risks have been identified and will need to be managed to ensure the
project is successfully launched on schedule:

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Establishment of Secure and Redundant Network Connection Between Remote Offices

This section will be followed along with as project proceeds.

Risk / Issue Likelihood / Impact Mitigation Approach

Sharing Keys Can cause vulnerabilities Use secure mechanism to share the
keys (TBD)

1.7 Assumptions

The following Assumptions have been identified at this time:

 IP Planning: The IP addressing has been used for this project can be change on the
customer demand and service provider during or on field implementation. In this
project we design the IP address planning from our own.

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Establishment of Secure and Redundant Network Connection Between Remote Offices


The current state of the remote office connection is through ISDN (Integrated Services Digital

2.1 Description
2.1.1 ISDN connection

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) is digital communication technology that enables
the business organizations to connect directly to both internet and other sites and users. ISDN
connection of “Majid Al Futtaim Fashion LLC” is also enabling to connect it remote offices with
each other. Currently it is delivering the 128kps performance.

For the ISDN speed connection, each remote office has a connection to local telephone company
need ISDN modems and special ISDN lines installed by their local telephone company.





ISDN Network

128Kbs 128Kbs



Site Site



Among the three offices, one is the main office which centralized the all data from other two
remote offices. Every night, all data transaction takes place. Currently the organization are facing
the problems of unsecure connection with very low bandwidth of 128kb/sec while each night,
remote offices has enough amount of data to transfer to main office which takes hours for data
transfer completion.

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Establishment of Secure and Redundant Network Connection Between Remote Offices

2.2 Challenges and Opportunities

The proposed IPsec VPN connection is to resolve and improve the current state of the business
and address the following business challenges

2.2.1 Challenges

Challenge # 1 Slow Connection

Description Every night both remote offices send all data updates to the main office
over the ISDN connection
Business Impacts Takes time to send the data updates from remote offices to main offices.
business data access process become dependent on slower connection
Cause ISDN Connection with 128kbps

Challenge # 2 Telephone company

Description For ISDN, the office should be near to local telephone company
Business Impacts A mobile user can not connect to the remote offices from different
locations during official tours.
Cause ISDN

Challenge # 3 Non Redundancy

Description The current remote connection is not redundant
Business Impacts If any office link goes down it losses the connectivity to other offices,
which impact the business dealing.

Challenge # 4 Telephone company

Description For ISDN, the office should be near to local telephone company
Business Impacts A mobile user can not to the remote offices during tours from different
Cause ISDN connection

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Establishment of Secure and Redundant Network Connection Between Remote Offices

2.2.2 Opportunities

Following are the list of opportunities in proposed solution

Opportunity # 1 Security
Description IPSec VPN provides strong encryption mechanism
Business Benefits Satisfaction from information security point of view

Opportunity # 2 Redundancy
Description This project work on the redundant VPN link to main office
Business Benefits In case of primary link failure all traffic shifts to secondary link and
business traffic can continue to transfer

Opportunity # 3 Mobile user connectivity

Description VPN allows the mobile user to connect to office from any location
Business Benefits Mobile user connectivity can increase the business growth by using this

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Establishment of Secure and Redundant Network Connection Between Remote Offices

This section of the BRD provides a description of the proposed business state.

A VPN connection is established between the remote offices. IPSec VPN software for all
Windows versions that allows establishing secure connections over the Internet between all three
remote offices and a remote worker.

IPSec is the most secure way to connect to the enterprise as it provides strong user
authentication, strong tunnel encryption with ability to cope with existing network and firewall

3.1 Benefits

Following are the list the intended benefits of the Proposed State, and which specific Challenges
and Opportunities from Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 that they resolve.

 Redundant connection
 Reliability
 Availability
 Less MTTF
 Meet the Bandwidth requirement
 Authentication
 Secure connection

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Establishment of Secure and Redundant Network Connection Between Remote Offices

This section of the BRD should provide the detail on the features of the Proposed State.

Requirement No. 1
Requirement Title VPN Connection
Description Required Secure VPN connection between the offices

Requirement No. 2
Requirement Title Configuration files
Description Required the configuration files of Network Devices

Requirement No. 3
Requirement Title Bandwidth
Description Meet the needs of customer bandwidth requirement

Requirement No. 4
Requirement Title Redundancy
Description Provide the redundant connection to main office

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Establishment of Secure and Redundant Network Connection Between Remote Offices

5 Additional Information

5.1 Glossary of Terms

The following phrases, acronyms and abbreviations are used throughout this document:

Term Definition
VPN Virtual Private Network: Virtual Private Network (VPN), formed
between a private network and a remote machine connected
anywhere on the Internet.

ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network, is a digital communication

technology enables to connect the multiple site with each other
provided by telephone companies

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