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M Ministry of Federal
Assistant Paper
Held on Date: 01-06-2021
Compiled By: Zahid Hussain Mirani
WhatsApp Number: 0308-2022235
Composed by: Zahid Hussain Mirani: 0308-2022235 1
Compiled by: Zahid Hussain Mirani 0308-2022235
Islamiat & Pak Study Portion
1. How many Surahs are there in Holy Quran? 114
2. Longest Surah of Quran? Surah Al-Baqarah
3. Which is the greatest & unforgivenable sin? Shirk
4. Who is called Umar Sani? Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz
5. Who are Kiramen Katibeen & Munakir Nakir? Names of Angles
6. Mangla Dam Built on? Jhelum River
7. Tarbela dam Built on? Indus River
8. CPEC Stands for? China Pak Economic Corridor
9. Who designed National Flag of Pakistan? Ameer-Ul-Qidwai
10. Last king of Mughal Emperor? Bahadar Shah Zafar
11. When Zakat was completely enforced? 9th Hijri
12. Smallest Planet of Solar System? Mercury

Composed by: Zahid Hussain Mirani: 0308-2022235 2

13. 1st Mysore war was fought b/w?
The Kingdom of Mysore and the British East India Company
14. Which organization is R.C.D abbreviated from? What is its new
Ans: Regional Cooperation for Development, New Name ECO
Economic Cooperation organization
Computer Portion
15. Which command file start MS PowerPoint? Powerpnt
16. We can insert a slide number at? Header & Footer
17. Bold the fonts shortcut key: CTRL+B
18. The Key F12 Opens: Save as
19. Which item if you insert is printed at the bottom of each page:
20. What is a intersection of a column and a row on a worksheet
called? Cell

Composed by: Zahid Hussain Mirani: 0308-2022235 3

21. Which function of excel tells how many numeric entries are
there? Count
22. In excel, which one denoted a range from B1 through E5. B1:E5
23. Which of the following is not a type of page margin? Center
24. To Apply center alignment in ms word: CTRL+E
Compiled by:
Zahid Hussain Mirani
WhatsApp: 0308-2022235

Composed by: Zahid Hussain Mirani: 0308-2022235 4

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