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S.Y. 2020 – 2021

Name: Marcus John M. Francisco Physics Teacher: Sir AJ

Grade and Section: 10D Date of Submission: 4/22/21

My target location that I aim to redesign is the garage in our house. It was just repaired a few years ago,
yet I still find some faults that may lead to minor complications and injuries. Our garage is used for many things,
not only do we park our cars inside, we also put items in front as extra storage. This caused a bit of crowding in the
garage. We also use it to hang clothes outside, when the cars are being used.

I noticed a few problems over the years that pass, especially when I always go there to help out or ride the
car. One time, due to the weight of our car, the tiles in our garage cracked. Because of that, we just got a new set
and glued it with cement under. Because of that, my parents spent a lot of money. Another one was the
overcrowding of boxes in the garage, especially when new packages or items arrive. Or if we are donating items,
we leave it in the garage until we go out to donate or distribute it. Last one is, there is a ladder that leads to the
“bodega” or like a stockroom on top of the garage. However, with the overcrowding of items, even on the ladder,
people may lose balance, as the ladder doesn’t have big enough steps, and the handle may be slippery sometimes.
This can cause people to lose balance while climbing the stairs.

If I were given an opportunity to change it, I will use it to make the setup better. The first change is that the
floor will become cement and concrete. This is to prevent cracks in the garage and this is also one of the key
materials in roads. The next thing is that we will have a guideline set in the middle of the garage. This is to make
sure that when the cars park, they have a guideline. Next up is the ladder leading to the bodega. There have been
some injuries over the years, because of falls from the ladder. And to address the overcrowding of items, I put mini
cabinets under the stairs.



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