Tech Stuff - Frequency Ranges: Musical Notes by Frequency

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be able to output maximum power (ofrequently also referred to as singing)

in the range C4 to C6 - though many will be able to accomplish higher, lower

or both - from the table below we see this range corresponds to 262 Hz to
1047 Hz. So, if we want to pull out a soprano voice from the background
these are frequencies we would concentrate on.

It is not, however, as simple as that due to harmonics and the fact that most
of the instruments in an orchestra or band also operate in that range. But of
that Tech Stuff - Frequency Ranges

, more later...


Musical Notes by Frequency

Frequency Ranges of Things
Contributed Frequency, Harmonics and Under Tones Table
Loudness and Sound Power
Fundamentals and Harmonics and Overtones...

Musical Notes by Frequency

The following table shows the frequency of musical notes for 10+ Octaves
covering a bit more than the range of human hearing (nominally 20Hz to
20kHz). This table is based on what is called the American Standard Pitch
where the note A4 = 440Hz (used as a base or tuning frequency). There is
also a less frequently used (and older) International Standard Pitch where
A4 = 435 Hz.

Since each semi-tone is 12√2 more that the previous one by summing these
differences the pitch (frequency) doubles over an octave. Thus, the same
note in each octave, say C, is always twice the frequency of the previous
octave. For example, C3 is 131 Hz and C4 is 262 Hz (any minor deviation
from this rule in the table below is simply the result of rounding errors).

Note: All figures shown are in Hz with decimal points omitted - numbers are
rounded up - for clarity and thus may differ marginally from the values
shown in tables which show the decimal points in all their natural glory. In
defense of our simplification technique we plead a hatred of unnecessary
detail. Further, if you need those decimal points you are doing something
very special and probably should not be reading these pages. However, if
you are really, really interested in decimal points (and lots of them) use
our Acoustic Calculator (up to 5 decimal places by user selection). Finally,
the table uses equal tempering with a base of A4 = 440Hz. Again, the
calculator will let you change this base frequency.

Not 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
C 1 33 65 131 262 523 1047 2093 4186 8372 16744
C# 1 35 69 139 277 554 1109 2217 4435 8870 17740
D 1 37 73 147 294 587 1175 2349 4699 9397 18795
D# 1 39 78 156 311 622 1245 2489 4978 9956 19912
E 2 41 82 165 330 659 1319 2637 5274 10548 21096
F 2 44 87 175 349 698 1397 2794 5588 11175 22351
F# 2 46 93 185 370 740 1480 2960 5920 11840 23680
G 2 49 98 196 392 784 1568 3136 6272 12544 25088
G# 2 52 104 208 415 831 1661 3322 6645 13290 26579
A 2 55 110 220 440 880 1760 3520 7040 14080 28160
A# 2 58 117 233 466 932 1865 3729 7459 14917 29834
B 3 62 123 247 494 988 1976 3951 7902 15804 31608


1. A standard piano keyboard (88 keys) goes from A0 to C8 (no, don't

ask why). There are other keyboard instruments with a variety of
numbers of keys, for example, 66 keys or 76 keys.
2. Most instruments are tuned to A4=440Hz, however concert pianos are
apparently tuned to A4=442Hz (no idea why). Various other
instruments can be tuned from A4=435Hz (International Standard
Pitch) to A4=448Hz depending on the effect the musician wants.
3. What is ubiquitously referred to as 'Middle C' = C4 = 262 Hz. The
Treble Clef is normally G4 (392Hz). The Bass Clef is normally F3
4. Theoretically, the range of human hearing is 20Hz to 20kHz meaning
that the lowest and highest notes we can hear are E0 to D10#.
However, once out of the first flush of youth we practically have a
hearing range of ~50Hz to around 15/16kHz (G1# to C10/C10#).
Unless many years were spent in noisy clubs or discos in which case
you will be lucky to hear anything at all.
5. C# (C sharp) = Db (D flat), D# (D sharp) = Eb (E flat), F# (F sharp) =
Gb (G flat), G# (G sharp) = Ab (A flat) , A# (A sharp) = Bb (B flat). We
show the # version in all cases in the table above (for brevity and
simplicity) which probably has already sent real musicians into a
paroxysm of teeth-gnashing.

Audio Frequencies

A list of frequencies generated by things that make noises - like humans and
musical instruments - but other stuff as well. As well as the fundamental
frequency, most instruments have harmonics and overtones which are noted
where known. But assembling this stuff is both tedious and incredibly
difficult (it is unknown in some cases, horribly contentious in others or just
buried in some obscure place even the search engines can't find). If you can
add information use the links at the top or bottom of the page to email us.
The world will be grateful. That's it. Grateful.

Note: We are now crediting reader input. Apologies to all previous

contributors for the grievous oversight. Table augmented by contributions
from - Thomas Wildman - many thanks.

Keyboard Instruments
Instrument Fundamental Harmonics dB(SPL) Notes

Piano A0 (28 Hz) to C8 (4,186 Hz or 4.1 60 - 100


Organ C0 (16 Hz) to A9 (7,040 Hz) 35 - 110 some are said to

be capable of C-
1 (8 Hz)
Wind - without a reed
Instrument Fundamental Harmonics dB(SPL) Notes

Concert Flute C4 (262 Hz) to B6 (1,976 Hz) Some start at B3

(247 Hz)
French Horn A2 (110 Hz) to A5 (880 Hz)

Picolo C5 (523 Hz) to B7 (3,951 Hz)


Tenor E2 (82 Hz) to D5 (587 Hz) Exceptionally F5

(698 Hz). Bb
sometimes F.

Contrabass E1 (41 Hz) to E4 (330 Hz) F fundamental,

sometimes Bb.

Bass C1 (33 Hz) to C5 (523 Hz) Can start around

Bb0 (A#0 -
29Hz). Bb

Trumpet E3 (165 Hz) to B5 (988 Hz) 55 - 95

Tuba (Bass) F1 (44 Hz) to F4 (349 Hz) Many play

around Bb0
(A#0 - 29Hz)
String Instruments
Instrument Fundamental Harmonics dB(SPL) Notes

Violin G3 (196 Hz) - G7 (3,136 Hz) (G-D- to 10 kHz 42 - 95

E-A) (or C8 (4,186 Hz?)

Viola C3 (131 Hz) - D6 (1,175 Hz)

Cello C2 (65 Hz) - B5 (988 Hz (C5)) to 8kHz

Double Bass E1 (41 Hz) to B3 (247 Hz) 7kHz

Guitar E2 (82 Hz) to F6 (1,397 Hz) Standard tuning

(Acoustic) of E A D G B E.
(Open #6
82.407Hz, Open
#1 880Hz, #1
25th Fret
(1.39 KHz)

Guitar (Bass) 4 string E1 (41 Hz) to C4 (262 Hz). 15kHz. 5 string Bass
normally starts
at B0 (31 Hz)
but tops out at
the same C4

Guitar E2 (82 Hz) to F6 (1,397 Hz) (Open Unlimited! Same range as

(Electric) #6 82.41 Hz (E2), Open #1 369.63 for acoustic
Hz (E4), #1 25th Fret 1,396.91 Hz guitars but
(1.39 kHz) (F6) electric guitars
have more
harmonics and
effects and these
can go way over
20kHz. But,
since you cannot
hear them
(unless you
claim to be an
audiophile) -
who cares.
Note: When using a slide with a guitar the note frequency at any single fret position does not
change from that produced by a finger but the instrument's timbre does, due to the reduced
dampening effect of the slide over the human finger. In particular, the sustain (of the ADSR
envelope) is much longer and there is more power in the higher harmonics. This latter effect
may give the impression the note has a higher frequency. Slide technique, however, typically
involves moving the slide back and forth on the frets to literally slide from one note to another
thus continually changing frequency to produce its distinctive effect.
Percussion Instruments (things you hit)
Instrument Fundamental Harmonics dB(SPL) Notes

Drums 90Hz - 180Hz


Bass (Kick) 60Hz - 100Hz 35 - 115 Some sources

Drum quote a low of

Snare Drum 120 Hz - 250 Hz

Toms 60 Hz - 210 Hz

Cymbal - Hi- 3 kHz - 5 kHz 4 - 110


Xylophone 700 Hz - 3.5 kHz

Wind (Reed or Woodwind) Instruments
Instrument Fundamental Harmonics dB(SPL) Notes

Bandoneon Descant (right) side G3 (196 Hz) to

A6 (1,750 Hz). Bass (left) side C3
(131 Hz) to A5# (932 Hz)

Clarinet E3 (165 Hz) to G6 (1,568 Hz) C7 sometimes

possible (2,093


Tenor G#2 (104 Hz) to E5 (659 Hz) Bb fundamental.

Barritone C2 (65 Hz) to A4 (440 Hz) Eb fundamental.
Humans (You and me - well, sometimes in our case)
Instrument Fundamental Harmonics dB(SPL) Notes

Hi-Fi 50 Hz - 15 kHz Originally

thought to be
the range of
human hearing,
and still may be
depending on
your age. Now
revised as shown

Human 20Hz - 20kHz. Unless you spent

Hearing a lot of your
adolescence in a
disco or club in
which case it is
now probably
Audiophiles are
supposed to be
able to hear
above 20KHz -
or perhaps they
only think they
can. Over the
age of 50 (some
suggests it may
be even lower
than that) most
people are
limited to a
range of ~50 Hz
to 15/16 kHz.

Hearing 300hz - 5 kHz Humans are not

Sensitivity uniformly
sensitive to
sound across the
spectrum. The
most sensitivity
is from
300 Hz to 5 kHz
with a
sensitive spot
round 2 - 4 kHz
phenomenon is
described by
the Fletcher-
Munson curves).
This means that
for many
instruments we
can be more
sensitive to the
effects of the
2nd, 3rd or
higher harmonics
(and equivalent
overtones) not
the fundamental.
A doubling in
results in a 3
increase, 10
times power
results in 10
dB(SPL) increase
but humans
preceive 10
dB(SPL) as only
double the

Sound Power dB(SPL) rating for some

common sounds.
10 - leaves rustling in a
20 - whisper
30 - quiet conversation
50/55 - ambient office
70 - city street
80 - noisy office
100 - pneumatic drill (at 3m
or 10 feet)
120 - jet take off
120 - pain threshold
(See also Loudness and
Sound Power)

Soprano C4 (262 Hz) to C6 (1,047 Hz).

Mezzo- A3 (110 Hz) to A5(880 Hz)

Soprano (exceptions G3 (196 Hz) to
C6(1,047 Hz))
Contralto F3 (175 Hz) to F5 (698 Hz)

Countertenor Male voice. Normally sings in the

Contralto or Mezzo-Soprano range -
exceptionally the soprano range.

Tenor C3 (130 Hz) to C5 (523 Hz) F5 (698 Hz) as


Baritone F2 (87 Hz) to F4 (349 Hz)

Bass F2 (87 Hz) to E4 (330 Hz) Harmonics Avi Kaplan of

to 12kHz Pentatonix has
been recorded
down to F1

Frequencies, Harmonics and Under Tones

This table was conributed by DJ Adi Abhishek. It is the most comprehensive

we have ever seen and must have taken enormous work to put together. A
truly remarkable (IOHO) piece of work.

The terms Under and Over tone are explained here. Ali quotes a frequency
range for most sounds (different manufacturers, human characteristics) and
then uses a single Fundamental Frequency for calculation of Under and Over

We have made minor editing changes to Ali's originally supplied table and
one significant change. The significant change is that the column
headed Harmonics (2nd - 6th) was originally labelled Harmonic Over
Tones. We made the change since, as harmonics, they all represent integer
multiples of the Fundamental Frequency (a.k.a. 1st Harmonic). Overtones
are not always integer multiples.


Kick 60 250 155 31 465 620 775 930 77.50 51.67 38.75 31.0 25.8
Drum 0 0 3
Toms 60 210 135 27 405 540 675 810 67.50 45 33.75 27.0 22.5
0 0 0
Snare 120 250 185 37 555 740 925 111 92.50 61.67 46.25 37.0 30.8
0 0 0 3
Cymbal/ 300 500 4000 80 1200 160 2000 240 2000 1333. 1000. 800. 666.
Hi-hat 0 0 00 0 00 0 00 33 00 00 67
Electric 82 139 739.50 14 2218. 295 3697. 443 369.7 246.5 184.8 147. 123.
Guitar 7 79 50 8 50 7 5 0 8 90 25
Bass 41 262 151.50 30 454.5 606 757.5 909 75.75 50.50 37.88 30.3 25.2
Guitar 3 0 0 5
Acoustic 82 139 739.50 14 2218. 295 3697. 443 369.7 246.5 184.8 147. 123.
Guitar 7 79 50 8 50 7 5 0 8 90 25
Mandoli 136 132 728 14 2184 291 3640 436 364 242.6 182.0 145. 121.
n 0 56 2 8 7 0 60 33
Tenor 104 659 381.50 76 1144. 152 1907. 228 190.7 127.1 95.38 76.3 63.5
Sax 3 50 6 50 9 5 7 0 8
Alto Sax 150 800 475 95 1425 190 2375 285 237.5 158.3 118.7 95.0 79.1
0 0 0 0 3 5 0 7
Harmoni 180 310 1640 32 4920 656 8200 984 820 546.6 410.0 328. 273.
ca 0 80 0 0 7 0 00 33
Vocal 87 349 218 43 654 872 1090 130 109 72.67 54.50 43.6 36.3
(Bariton 6 8 0 3
Vocal 130 523 326.50 65 979.5 130 1632. 195 163.2 108.8 81.63 65.3 54.4
(Tenor) 3 0 6 50 9 5 3 0 2
Vocal 180 700 440 88 1320 176 2200 264 220 146.6 110.0 88.0 73.3
(Alto) 0 0 0 7 0 0 3
Vocal 250 130 775 15 2325 310 3875 465 387.5 258.3 193.7 155. 129.
(Sopran 0 50 0 0 0 3 5 00 17
Violin 196 418 2191 43 6573 876 1095 131 1095. 730.3 547.7 438. 365.
6 82 4 5 46 50 3 5 20 17
Viola 315 117 745 14 2235 298 3725 447 372.5 248.3 186.2 149. 124.
5 90 0 0 0 3 5 00 17
Cello 65 988 526.50 10 1579. 210 2632. 315 263.2 175.5 131.6 105. 87.7
53 50 6 50 9 5 0 3 30 5
Double 41 247 144 28 432 576 720 864 72 48 36.00 28.8 24.0
Bass 8 0 0
Piccolo 523 395 2237 44 6711 894 1118 134 1118. 745.6 559.2 447. 372.
1 74 8 5 22 50 7 5 40 83
Flute 250 250 1375 27 4125 550 6875 825 687.5 458.3 343.7 275. 229.
0 50 0 0 0 3 5 00 17
Oboe 225 150 862.50 17 2587. 345 4312. 517 431.2 287.5 215.6 172. 143.
0 25 50 0 50 5 5 0 3 50 75
Clarinet 165 156 866.50 17 2599. 346 4332. 519 433.2 288.8 216.6 173. 144.
8 33 50 6 50 9 5 3 3 30 42
Accordio 180 100 590 11 1770 236 2950 354 295 196.6 147.5 118. 98.3
n 0 80 0 0 7 0 00 3
Bassoon 60 620 340 68 1020 136 1700 204 170 113.3 85.00 68.0 56.6
0 0 0 3 0 7
Trumpet 165 988 576.50 11 1729. 230 2882. 345 288.2 192.1 144.1 115. 96.0
53 50 6 50 9 5 7 3 30 8
Trombo 60 500 280 56 840 112 1400 168 140 93.33 70.00 56.0 46.6
ne 0 0 0 0 7
French 110 880 495 99 1485 198 2475 297 247.5 165 123.7 99.0 82.5
Horn 0 0 0 0 5 0 0
Tuba 44 349 196.50 39 589.5 786 982.5 117 98.25 65.50 49.13 39.3 32.7
(Bass) 3 0 9 0 5
Harp 30 700 3515 70 1054 140 1757 210 1757. 1171. 878.7 703. 585.
0 30 5 60 5 90 50 67 5 00 83
Harpsic 40 150 770 15 2310 308 3850 462 385 256.6 192.5 154. 128.
hord 0 40 0 0 7 0 00 33
Piano 28 418 2107 42 6321 842 1053 126 1053. 702.3 526.7 421. 351.
6 14 8 5 42 50 3 5 40 17
Pipe 16 704 3528 70 1058 141 1764 211 1764 1176 882.0 705. 588.
Organ 0 56 4 12 0 68 0 60 00
Keyboar 20 400 2010 40 6030 804 1005 120 1005 670 502.5 402. 335.
d/ 0 20 0 0 60 0 00 00
Female 250 100 625 12 1875 250 3125 375 312.5 208.3 156.2 125. 104.
Voice 0 50 0 0 0 3 5 00 17
Male 100 800 450 90 1350 180 2250 270 225 150 112.5 90.0 75.0
Voice 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sub 16 60 38 76 114 152 190 228 19 12.67 9.50 7.60 6.33
Concert 262 197 1119 22 3357 447 5595 671 559.5 373 279.7 223. 186.
Flute 6 38 6 4 0 5 80 50
Xylopho 700 350 2100 42 6300 840 1050 126 1050 700 525.0 420. 350.
ne 0 00 0 0 00 0 00 00
Timpani 90 180 135 27 405 540 675 810 67.50 45 33.75 27.0 22.5
(Drum) 0 0 0
Contra 41 330 185.50 37 556.5 742 927.5 111 92.75 61.83 46.38 37.1 30.9
Bass 1 0 0 3 0 2
Bass 33 330 181.50 36 544.5 726 907.5 108 90.75 60.50 45.38 36.3 30.2
3 0 0 9 0 5
Baritone 65 440 252.50 50 757.5 101 1262. 151 126.2 84.17 63.13 50.5 42.0
Sax 5 0 0 50 5 5 0 8
Soprano 262 104 654.50 13 1963. 261 3272. 392 327.2 218.1 163.6 130. 109.
7 09 50 8 50 7 5 7 3 90 08
Mezzo 110 880 495 99 1485 198 2475 297 247.5 165 123.7 99.0 82.5
Soprano 0 0 0 0 5 0 0
Contra 175 698 436.50 87 1309. 174 2182. 261 218.2 145.5 109.1 87.3 72.7
Alto 3 50 6 50 9 5 0 3 0 5

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