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The Secret of Success: The 22 Inner Powers

Which inner strengths, powers, abilities, and mental

resources lead us to succeed? Which powers are
responsible for physical health or emotional wellness?
Which powers promote happy, long-lasting
relationships? Which inner strengths empower people,
help them through difficult times, promote feelings of
inner power, emotional and spiritual fortitude, and
bring people to experience happiness and
Which inner powers are at the core of the self-realization and success of
famously accomplished people such as Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Oprah
Winfrey, Warren Buffet, Albert Einstein, Napoleon, or Cleopatra? How
can these people inspire us? What are the powers at the roots of our
The “Elevate your Strengths – 22 Inner Powers for Success in Life
and Business” method is based on practice and multi-disciplinary
research into the basic powers responsible for success and wealth, good
interpersonal relationships, emotional balance, satisfaction and
enjoyment in life, health, and inner balance.
The method is based on studies in the fields of psychology, coaching,
organizational consultation, and management, which deal with the topics
of identifying and managing the inner powers directly related to financial,
professional, romantic, and social success, and to emotional balance.
This method and book were born out of comprehensive theoretical
research and rich practical experience with patients and students, as well
as individual and group sessions with clients and trainees in the
commercial and organizational fields.
Throughout our work process, we realized that the methodology we had
developed establishes a different type of discourse that improves and
develops our own inner powers and those of our patients, helping them to
handle personal, spousal, familial, organizational, commercial, and
financial problems and challenges. The method helps us to identify and
manage the inner powers that lie inside every one of us, leading us to
greater success.

We further developed the training method on the basis of our
accumulated experience, therapeutic insights, and the positive feedback
we had received for different tools used to develop the 22 inner powers.
We, the authors, use the tools we have developed in our day-to-day lives;
it gives us a broad perspective and the opportunity to improve our
concept of self and attitude towards life by utilizing the full potential of the
powers within us. Formulating the method and developing its tools have
also been of significant help to us, throughout our personal journey of
development, our self-discovery, and the formation of our own powers.
During our own personal journeys, we have experienced, both together
and apart, a process of renewed thought and emotional reflection. We
used the method's tools of the Power Games, the Guided Power
Imagery, the Strength Exercises, and the Seeking, Relations, Emotional
management and Doing Power Maps. With it, we underwent a process of
self-questioning about these issues and the relationships between them:
How can we activate more of the powers within us? Which beliefs prevent
us from using the powers we want? How can we channel these powers in
a helpful and precise manner? How can we draw new Power Maps with
our environment in a way that will be beneficial to all parties? And how
can we, as the authors, form among us synergetic powers of
empowerment and realization, sharing and creativity in our lives, in
business, and in our personal friendship?
In the process of our research and practical work, we chose 22 powers,
represented by 22 cards, that express a variety of abilities, skills, talents,
strengths, and resources – inner powers that are within each and every
one of us, in a well-balanced, excessive, or insufficient amount. This
stems from our desire to invite you, the readers, to self-knowledge and
psychological, emotional, therapeutic, or spiritual dialogue in order to
elevate your personal awareness of your inner powers and your ability to
use them for your benefit in a variety of areas.
This training method and book provides the reader with practical, easy to
use, innovative exercise tools including Power Questionnaires, Strength
Exercises, 22 Power Cards, Guided Power Imagery, Power Maps, and
Power Games. These tools combine to form a practical and innovative
toolbox, which equips us to learn how to manage our array of inner
powers in a unique way, thus producing a new reality, if so desired.
This book and the methodology it is based upon are suitable for anyone
who is interested in getting to know his or her inner powers, mapping
them and managing them in an emotional and practical way in order to
accomplish their goals and enjoy an empowering experience.

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