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= 6 O BUBTissnmer LAB REPORT Course Code:TXE 214 Course Title: Wet Processing Technology-1 Lab report no:01 Lab report Name: Study on the layout plant of wet processing lab SUBMITED BY: | SUBMITED TO: Name:Alif Sheikh "Name:Soumen Saha 1D:18192107032 Department of Textile Intake:26 Department:B.Sc in Textile Engg. Name: Atif sheikh Tb! 1€t92107032. (react) Entroduetion: Lagour Planning is deviding- on the best Physical arertomgernent- of all resources that Consume Space within a focilify. “hese mesourices might include a desk, a work Center, a Cabinet, o Person , avi entire office, on even a deparefment . Devisions about the arrangement of resources mma business ane not ‘made. Onpy when a new fociliy is being dlesigned 3 HEY ane wmode omy ime there is a Ghemge in the areriangement of mesouriees, such a5 a ned worker being added , a smachine being moved, Or a Chor in procedune being ‘implemented . Aise tegout Plorming- is pereforemed omy time +thene ts om expansion I the foeli py ore @ Space rteduction, lagouts Con be Classified into the following Foure Categories: © pnocess layout. @ product lajout, @ Combination logout. © Fixed pasition logout. Objective: “TS know about the best physical amargemenf of all mesures thet Consume Space withm a foeility. Nome: Prif sheikh | 4D:18192107032 Aprorcatus : ; @ Seale © pencil ® Rubber ® sharpener, Diagram: ee ee ’ TEL —— yes and Die} ||P nn 7 Tose Chericols ODD er) a |e oDo os | | » qo o ono 1 ODOT, xe oo On Table. a a)” QO d . " " cau yes] Fig: Wet processivoy lob Logout, . Name: Atif shretich Dp: (82107032, | A. Fnoninge | G. Almeria | 4. Digitet_ wept Machine: Brand | OHAUS Origin: USA |v eteocne gon, Figerc ore othere materials weight. 2: Heat transfer printing: -machines (onde: Ghina, 3. Padding mangle: Model: P-AL | Brod: Mathis Onigin: China. Te use dyeing and Finishing, lq, Curceg- machines Modets R-3 GBrovd : Mathis Ongin: China “To use. dyeing ond Curcing, 5. Somple dyeing ymachine: Model: MAT- 24M Bromd: Mathis Onigin: China. To use desizing, Suorcing. bleachiyy and dyeing. Name: Atif sheikh Dy t@ 192107032. 6. Colore matching- Cobmet: Model: P60(6) Brand! Tilo Orcigins Ghina To check Colore difference. F. Dayerc machine. Model: DS0- 300D Breornd : Digi System Loboreatoy. Oreigin: “Taivoan, Discussion omd Conclusion: Oure teocherr and Lob assistance ane vergp much helpful 40 us. “Their. weil teaching and instruction herp us gnetiy 1? vender Stornd this practical. Propet layout planing Con be Orit col Lin building geod worekeing relationships , mereasing? tre Flee of inferemation and improving Communication. T think, ris Practcat will be very helpfut in rey futune. w BUBTesisear hoa coc LAB REPORT Course Code:TXE 214 Course Title: Wet Processing Technology-1 Lab report no:02 Lab report Name: Study on the Scouring process of cotton fabric. SUBMITED BY: | SUBMITED TO: Name:Alif Sheikh 'Name:Soumen Saha 1D:18192107032 Department of Textile Intake:26 Department:B.Sc in Textile Engg. Noeme: Ali sheikh ID: 16192107032. Introductions | Scouring ig the process which is memaves all the natura! purities like aif wox fat ete, from the surfoce of the fovric. ond produce jhe fobnie more hydrophilic, Seourting dene yy it alkali Such 05 Naot ond Notes. Nataraat impurcities of celtulasie farnie. ane noremalyy removed Wj bailingy off ina stnory alkaline solution. The main Object of Scouting Cotton a listo remove notunal ag wett as added tmpurdities of essentially | ysreephobie Charaater: aS Completely os peesile. and leove the fopnic ina highpy absorptive Condition without underigeirg” Chemicat are pRysicnl ownage Signi fice. Objective: (e remove naturiat ag well a4 added impurities and Make the Cotten materdal hghpr absarchent Without damaging it. i Apparels (© Beaker @ Gclass Rod. |@ Steet Cop | fosnie. Noane: Alif sheikh TD: 18192107032. Petz] Recipe: | Weight oF Cotton somple material] B'S grams Sodium Hydreoxide 3q/L Sodium Carbonate. 4g/t Wettig ogent Lai Levelling agent tHe Seqresterting agent Lgl MIL ratio as alempemlune (oor, atime [20 min Let Sample went = 5-5 gm Liquor. ratio ML = £120 “Total amount of liquere = 5+5x20= 110 mt recipe amount x fotal liquore xL00 Sodium Hy driextide = = ORE ACa 3X 110 x100 ——s = 1000 XS = 66m. Nome: AtiF sheikh ‘Ip: 18192107032 Wetting agent = Levelling- agent = Sodium Carchonate = Mecipe amount x fotal liquors x100 Jooo X stock Solution 1x Noxt0o 000% 5 = 2am. Recipe cmmunt x tote ligyor A100 ooo x stock solution 1x0 x00 4ooo x5 = aeamb, recipe amount xX tot liguore Xt00 Seyrestering- agent = " Jovo x stock solution 4 X10 X100 1000 XS 22 mb. necipe amount x total Liguore X00 ovo x stock Solution 4 xi K100 4ovo x5 Domb, | Name: Alif sheikh ‘TD: 18192107032. + Total Chemicoy = 6t2-2-42-2+2:242-2) mb = 154ml. v's Watere reaquined = (440~1s-4)mt = 24-6 ml. Procedure ; Ort First 55 Oroms Cotten sampe was taken, ® “hen according te the recipe, Sample, sodium Hydreoxide, Sodium Carcbenate, wetting, cogent, Leveling agent, sequestercig agent omd stoek solution should be kept in Gan stare at 30%. Temperatune. © Con store should be Kept in Sample dyeing, Matching. er ineneasing tre tempercatune. 39-400" fore 4 hour, @ At lost memove the Sample from the Con stare ond wosh if hot, rinse Gold wrth watere and dry. Nome: Atif sheikh TD: 18192107032 [Pees © “The sompie dycing Matchin holding the solution wight net have been Sufficienty avd Hhoreught clenned before the stor of the. experiment thus Coracing- impustites ore unuaomted chemicals, congeyrent, the final reesutt ey be affected. @ ~the febric with the Scouring treatment turmed ‘much brighter. amd lightere. Ir chenged from Netunal_gray light briown te Pale getlowd- (oO) “the Gloth Consisted fewere black Spots since most ingpar ted such as fats, gneose, dirt wene removed durciny, Scouting, | . |® “he water atsorbengy Gnertyy improved sahen Companed with the Ortiginal one The aimof experiment wos to memeve ony impurities in out original desized Cotton fosnic by Socorcing. The treated fabnic turns brighter oma tyhterc in ester. Fewere impurd tie ane remained in the Scoured fabric This then ready For pieachig Tn Conclusion, Scouning- of the desized Cotton fabric. wos successful, BUBTItxenismcr Carew Aca LAB REPORT Course Code: TXE 214 Course Title: Wet Processing Technology-1 Lab report no:03 Lab report Name: Study on the bleaching process of cotton fabric. SUBMITED BY: | SUBMITED TO: Name:Alif Sheikh |Name:Soumen Saha 1D:18192107032 Department of Textile Intake:26 Department:B.Sc in Textile Engg. Name: Atif sheikh Id: 1892107032. Taineduction: Bleaching is done 40 nemove te natanal Coloure rom the textile Pmateriot by making Ht white in ontdere to prepane. it forr the Subseyien cyeigy paces. The Colare procuchy agers in yaturel fibers ane often ongemie, Compourds Containing Qonjugeted. double bonds Tt is known in dye chemistyy that Conjugation is necessatyy orean Oryonie -moteeule fo percforrm as a dyestuff. De- coloration Con oecun by breaking up the Chnomophore, mast likey destrpying ane on mone of the double bonds within the Genjugated system, Oxidative bleaches Creidize Color bodies into dolordess Compounds Jamd Reductive Beaches reduce Color bodies into Colorless Compounds. Most textile fipens ane bleached with Qxidiang- bieaches. Objective: To memove the natural Cotouring- matter ond qo obtain white, -materctal. Apparatus t © Beokere ' © Glass Rod @ stea cup @ fatnic. Noone: AUF sheikh ID: 18 92107032, + | Recipe ; en eee vue eeTU Syn STETETEETETIEDS Weight of Gotion Sample matercial 5-5 Groms Vedregen percoxide 7 3a/L |,Sediurn Silicate - 2glL | Sedi tum hydro xtde Lan Welfing agent Laie Levelling: agent Late pSewestering egent | date MIL natio a Temperate Loo'e Time — Qomin. Caleulation: Let, Semple weight = B-5gm Liguore ratio MiL= 1:20 Total omount of liquor 4 5-5 x20 = 140m rreaipe amount x fetal fiquome X00 Spook Steck Solution 3x WO RLIO ~~ 4a00%5 Hypdeeagen peroxide = TGem. Nome: Atif sheikh ID! 18192107032 Sodium Silicate =_Meciee amount xtotat tiguore xt00 Joo x Steck solution 2X10 X(00 - foooxS = 4-4-mlt. : Necipe amount x total liquor x100 Sodium hydroxide = eS Aooa x stock Soluhon 4 x410x100 Joaex d = 2am. Wet: recipe amount xtotal liquore Xt00 eth agent = flooo x stock Solution, Ax ALoxtoo 1o00X5 = 220ml, f (iguare x00 Levelling. agente neeipe amount x total ly Aooo x stock solution, A x4Loxtoo Apooxs = 2am, Nowe: Atif sheikh DD: (812107032, Fea] " recipe amount x fetal ligquore x (00 nt = STE gent 1000 X Steck, Solution AxX440xX 100 ocean 5 xX 1000 = 22m, + Tefel chemicat = Ot 44 22 4224222) ML 19: € me v' Water nequined = (Ato- toe) me = 902ml. Name: Atif sheikh LD: 18192107032. pes | | Procedure: | | . |Oa finst 5.5 Frams Cotton Sample woos taken. t r . . (©The Qceoredling te the. hecipe, socmple, Hydreegen percoxide, | Sodium Silicate, Sodium hydroxide and Steck solution Should be Kept IM @an stare At 30°e —Temperatune. | @ Com store ghoutd be kept in couple yer Mestchigy toy imeneasing the femperatune go-loo'e fore 2 four. @ At lest remove the Sample from the dam Stare and “ash it hot, rinse datd with waterc amd dey. Diseussion and Conclusion: SS ee O-the sompie dycig Matcrin holding the solution “might not hove been Sufficiemby and thoroughly Cleaned before the Stor of the experiment thus Careryying- impurcities orc other unwanted Ghemicots that Could have offectal the final results of the experiment (D Sodium Silicate is the Stabilizer, + stabilizes ond neduce Hee. breakdown GD the breached fabnic is whiter than the unbleached foasnic. \@ ~The handle of the bieoched fabnic became less soft ton l4ne unbleached fabric. | | | Name: Alif sheikh ID: 18192107032. the aimof this experiment waste bleach the alread Seouned Cotton fabric. he tneated farnic fustned mae werin : Color. ond less soft in homdle. En Conclusion, breachnyy 0 the Scounel Cotton fabric wos suecesstul. 0 0 BUBTIs LAB REPORT Course Code:TXE 214 Course Title: Wet Processing Technology-1 Lab report no:04 Lab report Name: Study on the dyeing process of cotton fabric with direct dyes. SUBMITED BY: SUBMITED TO: Name:Alif Sheikh 'Name:Soumen Saha 1D:18192107032 Department of Textile Intake:26 Department:B.Sc in Textile Engg. Nome: Alif sheikh ID: 13192107032. Tatra duction: Dineot dyes arte omionic dyes having Substantivity for all types of Cetlatasic fiers. Direct dye have. strony affinity fosorels the fiverc | which Can be agptied disteety on the Hbere ard which do not need oy assistanee, ? D-s03Na—> Dsoz Nel | Objective: . » ed “To dye the given Cotlon materciod using clirteet dyes Hh the repair Percentage of dye, *Apparcatas: @ Beaker ® Gloss Rod @ steel Cup © foontie Name: Atif sheikh Ib: 19192107032 ee] Reeipe: Weight of the sample. 5S grows Pericentoge of dirtect dye 2% [Solium Garterote | Safe Sequestertinyy ogent Levelling agent Calewlation ; Let, Semple. weight= 559m Liguore ratio MiL = 1:20 “Totel amourt of Liquor = 55x20 = L1o ml. dyes percentage x_ Sample weight GES Perce 2 Stock, solution 2% X5S 7 Dinest: dye = z 1tml. Nome; Atif hein ID: 1819210703 rea 7} ecige. omount x fotal Nguore X100 tooo x stock Solution Sodium Carbonate = PFKHOX1OO _ 4x 440x100 4.000 XS = 22mb Hecipe amountx fotal Liqore XL00 Sodium Chloride = fooo x stock Solution do x 110x100 ~ ~“qooo x 5 = 22m) Hecipe amount x total [iquore X100 Aooo X Stock, Solution Welting agent = Ax 110x400 pisiioatiees 4000 X5 = 2LmML recipe amount x tata liquor» 100 LE 1000 X stock solution Sequesterchny- agent = A Xx440X 100 - 1000 X 5 = Zam. Nome: Atif sheikh ‘ TD: (8lo2107032. Necipe. amount x total liquore x 100 Levelling, agent = * ‘ oe : JoooX Stock Saution AX 440 x400 ~~ dooo xs 2 a2 mb, +. Total Qhemica = (A4-+ 224224 2 24e2+22)mL = 40-8 mL Ps Watere. requined = (40 -41-g)mt = 632 mL | procedures DAt first 55 geoms Gotten Soomple was taken, @ “Then axceortdi ny to the Mevipe, Sommple , dinect dye, Sodium Corbonate, Sodium Chloride amd dyes auxiliaries, stock, solution Should be Kept in Com Stan at 30°C “Temperature. @) Com stare should be kept in Sample. dysigy Matchin by ineneasing the Fempereturte go°- 400° fore 4. hour, @ AF lost remove. the Semple faom the Com Star. and wash Te hot rinse Cold with watert ard diy. Nome : Alt Sheth TDs Pa leges2 Re Dyer Ceucvet x Figure: dyeiny- Cove of dinect dye, Diseussion ond Cenelusion: nN ; ; . Othe sumpie ayciny Malehin. holdinyy the salution mighk nop have been Suficientyy ond theewphly etemed betene the start of the, expaciment thas Caring” tym purities ore othere yowoarited Chemicals that Gould fave adtected the final nesutts of the experiment @) Neel acts ag Exhaustion. G The pl of dinect dyes is alkatine, 50 Sedium Cotorate, is used. Name: Auf shetkh Tos (819 2107032. [pe 6 \ “The aim of this expartiment is to dye the Cotten Fiber. Nowodays, using dineet dyes iS the mast Common dye m the dyeing of Cotton. Comme Salt and Seda ash were used In this expertyment because they com provide o beter dyeing effect, Yaren which 1s dyed in this method provides vey high tastes +0 Wet neal ments dny Cleeminy and rubbing. Using the Gold type to dye the gern ig mone Convenient but if also does not have 08 god of & dye Flteet . “Time. Gonitialling jg also importfant tn this ‘method 26 gO BUBT i=" LAB REPORT Course Code:TXE 214 Course Title: Wet Processing Technology-1 Lab report no:05 Lab report Name: Study on the dyeing process of nylon yarn with Acid dyes. SUBMITED BY: SUBMITED TO: Name:Alif Sheikh 'Name:Soumen Saha 1D:18192107032 Department of Textile Intake:26 Department:B.Sc in Textile Engg. Name: Atif sheikh TDW 2107032. pyer 4 | Intnoduetion: Aeid clyes ane Sodium sotts of Sulphonic. acid but there ane o feo Containing Conborgfl grours. The acid dyes have a dintet” affinity towards protein fibers ond poyyamide fiverts the acid dyes arte $0 Called because they ane. applied ina bath Containcy mineral ort orgamie. acid as they ane Sedium Salts of Orgemic. “acids, the anion Lis the active Colortet Component: Objective: | To dye the given rylon gar using Perieentaye of dye. acid dyestulf with the reyuened eee @ Beokerc @ Geass Rod. @ steet Cup @ farnic. Nose; Atif shetleh Ib: 1192107032 Recipe: Weight of the sample __Daestut Ammonium acetate Wetting agen Pyrsstering, agen Levelling ogen- MEL Ratio Temperature. Time 45-60 min Calculation ; Let, Somnple weight = 5-53m. Liquor reatio Mil = 4:20 “etal amount of Liguort = 595 x20 = 140 mL es pereentage x Sample weight Dyestudf = ae pees Stock, solution, 19K 5S - At = 595 mL Noone: Atif sheikh ID: ISl92107032. Meeipe amount x liguore x 100 Aynmonium acetate = — eee - fooo x stock, Solution 3x 110 x00 “A 00xs = 66 mL Wetting: agent: = ecive cman x fofal Hore 100 Looo X stock solution 4x 110x100 41000x 5 = Bambe Sepesteriigy agent = Mecike omeunt x fofal Unser i0° 1.000 X Stock, solution {1 x 440x400 = Too x5 = 22mL . fecipe amount x total liauore x 100 Levelling agent = Se Oy . doco X stock soluon 4 x4t0x 400 = —Yooo xs Names Atif Sheikh ID: 1892107032. Vs Total Chemical = (5546.6 42024212422) mL = WF ML wy Watere requivted = (10 - 18+Z)mL = 93m Procedurtes OA the chemicals were oddad into visler at the begiveningy- of the. Process at room temperature, A Stick was used to stim the. materials until they were rnixed Well. The bath woS put into the boiling bath. @ After the temperafune rose to 90%, Hime Started Fieking @) After. 45-69 minutes, dyed. uptake frem the eel rpylen Las achieved «Tt wos then rinsed by Gold woter “The goren was then clined by hotain. Nome: Alif sheikh TDi l8192107032. “oF Cureve! QE KAS-GOmIN Temperature. S 8 ~ - _/ avilingy” * At ho Dass Suparc milling D-A..sanele. stock solution a $ 8 2, o Time Fgurte: Ryeing Curve of Reid dye. Discussion ond Conalusion: Afterc otid Supere milling: dyeing. the wylon Yann wos med. Some Parts of the gern were not ced Comrfetely on evn dyed atatt “Those non dyed parts were Covered by a knel, AS o nesult; this experiment wos not ina percfacmamee . Also, we found that the éolore of the rylon orm fiom different groups was diffeuent..Some of the gnoups were darcker in Colore omd Some of the Cthere groups Were lighter in Color. Tt may ve beeause the ratio of different Groups wos not uniform ort it may be affected by otherc impurities of the dyeing bath because perivioussy used Calorcanf us still Steyed. on the bath, Nome: Alif sheikh ID 182167032 Pa We also found after the absorcbeney of the cyestiff, the walerc im tne bath wos Clerc again. All the colort was Completely ond. suceesstealy absorbed ky the yarn. ted atom yor. “The. aim of the experiment is to dye the Sanur a enn A Scourted yorm provides bettet anbsercbeney of “ ee i ili i ot fer Choosy acid Superc milly dye is because a aaa perctoremanee of myten gern was notrgood as CYtY np vn : dlineey dye becouse we fagot 40 toasen Hre knot of the 7 oO BU BT Beoesnn imac, LAB REPORT Course Code:TXE 214 Course Title: Wet Processing Technology-1 Lab report no:06 Lab report Name: Study on the dyeing process of cotton fabric with Vat dyes. SUBMITED BY: SUBMITED TO: Name:Alif Sheikh | Name:Soumen Saha 1D:18192107032 Department of Textile Intake:26 Department:B.Sc in Textile Engg. Name: Atif shih - ID: (802107032. [Pears [a | ) Intttoduetion: Te Woredl at” manms Vessel. The dye takes their gener. name from valting. “The vat cljes one naturally obfained Colercing mattere from the omeient time amd kept into wooden Vat ond make Solubilise in vat fy the pnocess of fercmenfation — 50 it is Called Vat dye. “the Vat dyes arte Insolubie and Cannot be usecl dineetty and requires Varting. Among all the dyes. it has the best fastness properties, Okjective ; irted Te dye the given Cotton ymatercia! using vat dyestulf coith the repairte peceentare of dye Apparatus: OD Beaker. I® Gloss Rod. @ steet Cup, @ foscie Names AtiE sheilty Ab: (wte2 107032 Recipes = = Reight ot Cotton) Sample walerial BB Qos | Percentye of oye as %@ot) | Sedivm Nyeltiereicle | aft ction hyglio Selphite Ag | Secu ahlortide Agta _ Netlog egent | Ss ga | Soyuestercisy) cent 1 fou Levelly agent [tan Mi ttafio | 420 | TTempenexteare core + cr ime — Gonin. Coteutation: Let, Sample weight = 554m, Liquore ratio MiL= {320 “Total amount of Liguore = 5-5 x20 = 410™L aoe dyes Partoertoge ex Seample weight os Steak, Solution OSE ES 4% = 2-75 mL Name: ANE sheileh TD:1819210 7032 [Pee] Heetpe amount x tefal liguere X00 ae Soclivan hydroxide = — SteCK Solutio x fooo 3x 140x foo 5x L000 = 66 mL . recipe amount x fofal liquor x100 Sedium hydro Sulphite = SON A 4000 x stock solution £x 440. x 100 T00Ks = 2am. Necipe amounf x fotal liauore x foo Sodium Ghlorcde = 1000 X Stock Solution. 4 x410x 100 Moco xs = 22m. neetpe amount x total liquor x 400 Wetti ent = , 3 “a 4000 x stock solution 1x f$0xfo0 1000x5 > 22-mL Nome: Atif Sheikh Ip: ist9210 2032 (Paci ] Hecipe amount x fotal liquore x40 Sequesterting azent = g 9 Aooo X stock Solution 4 X410x400 5 x L000 = 22 mb Leveling oyen = _Heeipe omount x {otal (quore x Loo ooo x stock, sotution 4x 410x 100 4000 x5 = Dbmb <'s Total Chemical =(2:76 + 6642242242242 242 amt. = 20:35 mL + Watere requirced = (10-20-38 pm. > 39-65 mL Name: Atif sheikh Deistone7e32 (ee) OAM first Coleulate the Value of Mecipe with Steck, Solution ond measure the weight of the given Somple @ —hen fake the recipe ina fable with Sink of the Surple. @ -then fake Place in the Sample cyery Machine fore 60min ab cote temperature. @® -men bring: out the tube finom the machine ofterc trestment takes ploce ID “then the Sompie is dined at drier bet @) At lost dyeing is dene Dyeing Cureves & " | ct GoeKEoMIN 6 Oo \ / J s ~fempercaturte. Time Fyure: Dyany- Conve of val dye Nome: Alif Sheikh Ip: Igt92107032 ise ion and Conclusions the fabitie was dyed Suecesstully ony un-levelling @ Semi Continuous process fakes morte time @ Dorck shoes arte obtained bp this methed @ Grood fastiess propercties cierte obtained By this experiment we Gane fo know about vat dyeing Process of Cotten fabri. This experment will help us ot dure prackeal life, BaveLanesn Unrveasry OF Bisivem ano TLesoncy LAB REPORT Course Code:TXE 214 Course Title: Wet Processing Technology-1 Lab report no:07 Lab report Name: Study on the dyeing process of jute yarn with basic dyes. SUBMITED BY: | SUBMITED TO: Name:Alif Sheikh 'Name:Soumen Saha 1D:18192107032 Department of Textile Intake:26 Department:B.Sc in Textile Engg. Name: ALE shetty ID: 18192107032 Trttoduetion: Bosic dye is general ionie In nature bub not such ag dinect or mete dyes Basie dyes when lonises produce — OD Colored cations. ® Colorciess anions lena . ne Colored portion of posic dye is prepared from free of Subsnocted. SMM Jroup Such OS, ~NHy,~ NCH), ~ NGtig), ele. “the dye boses Usually have a formule of the ype: — R- Nip V4 _— on Which ig Copatle. of Sott-termation, the pase Confaininy no chromephort | . is Celourrless ond the Coleure only appa on Solt formation, | Objective: To dye the given jute garn using bosie dyestaft with the fenined | Percentage of ye. | Aprarcatuss © Beokere I Geloss Roc steel Gup (@ fasnie. Name: Alif sheikh ID: ts9210 7032 eh ot Bib groms, | 3 Dyestatf in __ Aaetie Aeid =a - __Wettiny, agent on - Susy per fat |_ levelling agen tan a Temperature 0% = [tine como a | 4220 - Calautationt Let, somple weight > 5:°Sgrcomg Liquere ratio MBL = 4220 TTokal amount of liquor = 5-5 x20 = 440 mL Dye pertenioge x Somple weight eer a LM X55 Th - 55 ml, Romer Alt sheleh Apt Iwtono}032 Neeipe ammount x feta liquore x 400 Aeetie. Acid = ow“ — Aooo x stock. solution. 3x Lox 100 4.000 X 5 = 66m Netliny ogent = mnenupe amnouttexitztall MMOcE 2S 1008 Nooo x Steck. Sebution 4x 410 x 100 " {p00xs = 22mL Sequestering agenb = ——_______— at deoo X stecle Solution. Ax 410x Loo ~~ Hx {000 = 22 ML recipe amount X fatal liguare < 160 Levellng cogent = {ooo x SICK Solution 4 x 110x400 Lo0exs = 22 ML os Total Chemical = (55466 42:24-2242-2) ML= 186 7L * Waterc required < (40 18+6.)-mL = O44 mL tecipe amount x total liguorex 106 [Pye 3] Name: Ali shetkh [regerq J Ip: Isin07032 preocedcurte : QAP TSE nequined camoumt of dyestutf, acetic avid agent oe ma Closed vessel. jen additional waterc and Sodium Acelafe ane added fo this mixture, D Frably sompie is faken im this solutien and Clased the cpen end of the vessel. “Then vasel is kept on the Rata. digierc nye ove heated aote tere A houre . “then the vessel ig operr and the Sample is drain aut ond Washed With water, Dyeing Curve: 20 awexcomn co-+4 / “Temperate. i ry cookie Tt DA, rea ect nit comple DA Time x Figures Dyer cuncve of basic dye. Name: Alif sheikh TD: Isto210 7037 Rye5 Discussion ond Conclusion: ei ari Comelusion @ The sample should be Kept eeniforonpy in the mirctune. otherctai se ~on- umifornn dyery will do. @ Amount of chemical and wotere mush be accunale. ® Ghemicat must mix with eoatere Vey ell Dacing iS an tmeportant- experiment” in textile fecha ayy Jute is the mmostpy Used fivere from old Ges fe NOD. Se, this experctmentt Will do a great favor: fo us in fidene clays.

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