Past Simple O Compiete The Website Extract With The Correct Form Ofthe Verbs in Brackets

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Grammar practice

Past simple O compiete the website extract with the correct form ofthe verbs in brackets.

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博tsite壌博p /′州…okia 〇〇両bγ(〇千/h-Sloγリノedriy剛

N電コKIA捜捜連出RA,訓y。h。,,..s N。ki。 In B,ief


丁he Foundjng of Nokia

Nokials histo「y (1begin) beq∂n in 1865, When enginee「 Fredrik idestam (2es/ab//sh)

aWood-P]ip mi= bya 「iverba[k in southe「n Finland and (3sl細

manufact]而g paper The company, Which he (4name) Nokia, (5become)

SUCCeSSfui as the cons]mPtion of paper and ca「dboa「d (6/ncrease)

duri[g European indust「iaiizat卑A la「ge workfo「ce (7come)

the Nokia factory, and a town o=he same name (8gmw)

No柄a (9no偽印h) the joumey into telecommunicatio[S Un冊he 1960s when the

COmPany (10meIge) With the自白[ish Cable Wo「ks During the 1980s, Nokie’s

OPerations rapidly (11exp∂n(り into even more business sectors and co][tries ln

1988 Nokia (12be) Eu「ope’s [hird-ia「gest televisio[ manufacture「 in May 1992 the

COmPany (13印po/nO Jorma O=ila to head the whole o=he Nokia G「0]P. Nokia

then (14ma焔) the strategic decision to focus on telecommunicatio[S. The move

to be awise o[e and today Nokia is a worid leader両both mobile

Pho[eS and telecommunications netwo「ks.

I i       ・ ﹀   )   ︿     - つ く - 1 - - - - - 費     、

Present O compiete the dia看ogue with the correct form ofthe verbs in brackets.
胱S uS。醒S uS。胱S uS。醒S uS。眺S uSa胱S uS。

He=o, Saies O冊cei

Pete埴s Susani l (1⊂C]Iり∴∴h7 Ca〃/nc7∴∴∴from the exhib面oni

Of cou「se川ow (2it / go)

Very we=. 1t (3get) Very busy right now.

丁hat’s great! (4you / seII) anything?

No, We (5no亡/ selI) much, but lt’s sti= eariy l guess our

Visitors (6lo。k) around the other stands first.

How iong (7you / s亡。y) there today?

A= day l (8not"y) back untii tomorrow.

So, (9you / ottend) the gala dinne「 this evening?

Of course' l (10Iook) forward to it.

「’m sure you a「e!What is it, about seven courses and several diferent wines?

滝s直s something like that' L0Olく, Peter l’ve got to g0.丁here’s a customer here and

he (110Sk) me a questiOn'
Peter OK. Bye Susan.And bon appcStit this evenlng!

e  -3

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