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Group Members

I. ol ofMulugeta UGR/0816/12
II. Eyoel Mesfin UGR/7652/12
III. Com p UGR/7258/12
Rediet Ayalew
IV. Tsion Lidetu UGR/3072/12
V. merc
Aman UGR/4511/12

e Submitted to: Instructor Teklegiorgies

Date: 1/27/20
Derartu OTG cuisine

Executive Summary

In 1940, brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald’s opened their first McDonald’s
in America with a new system of preparing the food and also serving it. “The
Speedee Service System” was introduced. This system focused more on speed,
lower price and volume of burgers as it took more than 10 minutes to prepare one
order. Our business idea is to put this system into use in our country on our
traditional Cuisine. Ethiopian traditional foods take at least 40 minutes to prepare
and also we don’t really have a standardized recipe to make them. With the speedy
network, we can make one delicious chicken ‘curry On The Go’ in less than 5

McDonald’s floor plan model made on a tennis court in 1940 inspired by Henry Ford of Ford

Think of your nearest convenient store where u buy card, coca cola, gum and now
imagine that store partitioned in to two( one window for ordering and paying, the
other for receiving your food and renovated into a fancy restaurant window where
you order and take your kitfo or qey wot in less than 5 minutes. If you look inside
those two windows, all you see is a space that’s about half a tennis court with semi

mechanized semi-automatic kitchen system with each of its 12-person crew
specialized in specific tasks (one on washing the raw materials, one cutting them,
one making Qulit, one adding the right ingredients according to the order, one
working on heat grilling, boiling, warming up, one adds sauce as needed… etc.
This way the amount of work on the employees is minimal and they don’t have to
move around at all as everything is a routine.

Business Description
Our Mission

The mission all Derartu’s stuff members have in their heart is to be our customers’
favorite place and way to eat and drink. The moment you think about Tibs or
Dulet WHEN YOUR CRAVIG for some Gored Gored when your thirsty for a cold
Tela or Tej, we want the people in our city to think about Derartu’s OTG cuisine.

Mission statement: Quality food, Quality Service, Cleanliness and Value.


Derartu Tulu is known around the whole globe for her achievements because she
worked hard for them. Just like her, we want our company to be known around the
whole nation and become a national franchise.


We want to reach on certain amount of acceptance and profit, to first, start a door
to door delivery network and then if that goes well, go ahead and start an exporting
business with supermarkets and restaurants abroad.

Legal structure

The ownership structure we chose is General Partnership, each partner jointly
being liable for all debts we might encounter and each partner gets equal shares of

Inside Derartu
Our services

What do we sell? Here at Derartu we offer every type of Ethiopian traditional

meals in a To-Go box from Qinche to genfo and from shiro kitfo.

We have breakfast menus and lunch-dinner menus. For an Ethiopian resident, the
menu is pretty much useless because they know what they are craving for when
they come to us. For foreigners and people who are new to Ethiopian food, our
employees are more than happy to help them choose the food they are thinking of
in mind.

We Also offer traditional drinks in two types; alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

Hours of Operation are 7am to 10pm seven days a week.

Proposed Location
Convenient location for customers to drive-in and also walk-in.

Proximate to main roads to the residential areas of Addis

Not more than 20m * 10m

Market Analysis

The state of the market in Addis Ababa

There are hundreds of thousands of restaurants that sell traditional food just like
ours in the city. From that number there are less than 5 places where you are 90 to
98% sure that the food there won’t make your stomach go all Syria in the next few
hours. And these places usually cost 3 or even 4 times the total cost they put into
the food. And of course the food takes forever to get served or they’re heating up
left over from last night to save time, minimize wastage and double up the profit.

In general, the main customers in the authentic restaurants are people from foreign
countries and not residents of the city.

How can we be superior to our existing competition?

As we said in the business description above, we want to offer cheap, fast, clean,
authentic food to the middle and high class residents and tourists in Addis. That is
something no other restaurant can offer.

Sales Strategies
Our price strategy

The pricing we are using is going to be Economic pricing as its an approach that
involves minimizing marketing and production cost as much as possible. This
allows us to set a lower sales price and still turn a slight profit. We are a huge fan
of promotional pricing. Seasonal discounts, bundle pricings, vouchers and coupons
will definitely be operational in our business.

Promotion strategy

Content market is king in the food business. With little to no effort, any brand can
share content to the people. Digital marketing is also part of content marketing as
we share our content our brand on the web. Social media marketing, promotional
emails, paid ads on web pages and the word of mouth are the routes we plan on taking.

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