Science Technology Society

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Worksheet #01

Name: Marygrace P. Broñola Date:

Section: BSCS -1C Professor:

1. Briefly explain the concepts of Science, Technology and Society

Science is the systematic study that observ and the experiment the things that seen or in the physical
world for the economic . It also create ideas or knowledge for the new development of such things.
Technology is the innovation, it creates convenience for the world. you cannot do such things when you
do not have such knowledge to create something thats why we need science and scientist to create a
technology that will develop convenience for the poeple. And lastly the Society also as the Technology
and Science need each other so the Society is need to be there. Society can be the one who is doing
his/her Job as Scientist and Technologist. Society also a group of people or community, So in order to
use the technology we need society.

Science, Technology and Society is an interdisciplinary study a systematic study of the behaviour of the
physical nature through observation and experiments and applying that knowledge or ideas that create
in this study to the technological system that will create innovation that help for the convenience of the

2. In a tabular format, differentiate the three concepts.

Science Technology Society

Experiments Innovation Group

Observation Development People

Systematic Create Scientist

Study Convenience Technologists

Knowledge Improvement Community

Ideas Communication Person

Economic Modern


Worksheet #01

3. Prepare a brochure to disseminate the various ST fields to the people in your community.

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